beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Couples In the Group
Usagi and Mamoru: We love each other to the moon and back.
Ami and Zoisite: Our love for each other is so great in numbers, it exceeds the digits of pi.
Rei and Jadeite: We love each other so much we'd throw ourselves into wildfires for the other.
Makoto and Nephrite: We would cause the stars to explode and thunderstorms just to see the other smile.
Minako and Kunzite: We would stab ourselves with our swords to protect the other.
Haruka and Michiru: We would drown people and cause earthquakes for the other.
Naru and Umino: We would rob jewelry stores to see each other happy.
Chibiusa and Hotaru: We would walk across seas of Legos to see the other.
Setsuna: Chibiusa and Hotaru are the best couple.
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Minako: I spy with my little eye something that starts with 'S'.
Kunzite: Sunshine?
Minako: No.
Kunzite: *looks over and sees Zoisite and Ami arguing*
Kunzite: Sexual tension?
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How the Inner Senshi Met Their Boyfriends
Usagi, about Mamoru: We met at a coffee shop. He accidentally took my order, then bought me a new one AND a box of cupcakes. We talked for hours until the cafe closed and went on a date the next day.
Minako, about Kunzite: We met in kindergarten. He shared his animal cookies with me and I gave him some of my pretzels. He also pegged a sand ball at another kid for stepping on my sandcastle. I should put animal cookies and pretzels on our shopping list.
Makoto, about Nephrite: We met at summer camp. We had to go zip-lining together and got caught midair for three hours. Then, we both went out on a rowboat in the middle of the lake and somehow got sick. We were stuck in the cabin watching Beauty and the Beast, Mulan and Bambi for a week. I still cry every time I see a deer. Bambi’s mom didn’t deserve that! *breaks out sobbing*
Ami, about Zoisite: We met in art class when we were eight. Some guy was making fun of his manga-esque artwork assignment so I decided to rebel for once and dump a bucket of paint on him. The five weeks of Saturday detentions was so worth it. Zoi made me a card to say thank you, and it’s been taped to the inside of all of my school lockers ever since. I’ll fight anyone who makes fun of me for it.
Rei, about Jadeite: I pushed my grandfather down the stairs. Jadeite was at the bottom and caught Grandpa’s face with his fist. It was very romantic, if you’re asking me.
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Kunzite: You're blocking the view.
Minako: I am the view.
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Them in college
Ami: I can't believe you guys broke the bed!
Zoisite: You two must have gone /wild/ last night.
Minako: Um, yeah...
-Flashback to the night before-
Kunzite: Hey Mina, bet you can't jump high enough to touch the ceiling.
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Senshi x Shitennou as sides of the Miraculous Ladybug Love Square
Ami and Zoisite/ZoiAmi: LadyNoir - Intelligent, brave, kindhearted and determined girls with playful and flirty guys who come off as cocky
Jadeite and Rei/JadeRei: Ladrien - Blushing dork and protective boys with their fiery, passionate and lovable girlfriends
Makoto and Nephrite/MakoNeph: Adrienette - Kids who begin their canon roles in the series without parents or a good role model (Makoto and Adrien) with those who love them unconditionally (Marinette and Nephrite); and both include badass girls who are sweethearts deep down, and protective but affectionate boys, along with both couples being the lovey-dovey ones of the group and overly saccharine with one another
Kunzite and Minako/KunzMina: MariChat - Confused kids who need guidance from friends (Chat and Mina) in the love department to guide them through, and the friends they end up going to is the one that loved them all along (Marinette and Kunzite)
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Me about Sailor Moon
“E-everyone is bi...”
I ship a lot in this show: MamoUsa, Guardians/Generals, HaruMichi, MakoAmi, UsaRei, Reikoto, MinAmi/Amiko, Reinako, RyoAmi, YuiRei and Makoto with Renji from SMR (almost done with that episode)
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Minako: I don't sing in the shower- I perform.
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Oh my god the Sailor Guardians as mothers with the Generals and Mamo as fathers can you imagine it
MamoUsa would have Chibiusa, ZoiAmi would have two daughters named Mari and Hime, and a son named Kaede (unisex I think), JadeRei would have a son and a daughter named Akane and Kaito, MakoNeph having four kids (two of each) named Kimiko, Naomi, Daiki and Naoki, and Kunzmina has twin daughters named Megumi and Kagami (lmao I have Miraculous Ladybug in my veins)
Oh my goodness I am so soft for everyone as friends uwu, and their kids all having playdates
@desi-pluto​ *dies*
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I can’t with these cuties someone help me
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*crashes down door* KUNZMINA FAKE DATING AU
@mygeekycorner I have to make this. Naru would be his twin lol
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Oh! Here's a fun one! Like we discussed in our DMs. Which of the Senshi X Shittenou would go with the Love Square (for your other followers) and why?
Ooh, good one!
MakoNeph would be Adrienette. Why? Because, like Marinette, Makoto dreams of having a boy who’ll love and respect her for who she is and is the type who will fall completely head-over-heels for someone, as Marinette is more awkward around the people she likes romantically and wants someone who’ll like her, besides that. And for Makoto, she’s insecure about how she’s taller/bigger than other girls and how many times she’s been rejected. And since they want someone who’ll like them for who they are unconditionally; and Adrien and Nephrite are those people that would do that for them. Not to mention, they’re both just plain adorable together and would be the cheesy in a good way types of couples.
ZoiAmi, in my opinion, is LadyNoir. I’ve only seen the 90′s series so far (Zoisite dies in there), but I feel if Zoisite lived and redeemed himself (only part I really dislike about the 90′s series), he could really have the behavior of or like Chat Noir. And Ami is focused and responsible, like Ladybug, so their potential dynamic just gives me strong LadyNoir energy.
Kunzmina would be MariChat, as they’re kind of the guilty-feeling people; Minako about her past history of chasing after other boys and Kunzite about how he used to be evil and wanting to change for the better. I feel they could really be the other’s source of comfort and show the other how to move on, like how MariChat are when they’re venting about their love lives with Ladybug and Adrien.
And finally, JadeRei would be Adrien. Rei is bold and unafraid, like Ladybug is, while... I guess Jadeite has the blushing dork energy like Adrien does? Lol. Not to mention, this one is my second favorite after MakoNeph, and my favorite LS sides are Adrienette and Ladrien respectively.
Thanks for the ask!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
🏁 Sailor Moon
MamoUsa - Her being a fricking showoff and screwing up as Mamo and Rei laugh to death
ZoiAmi - They’re mutual competitiveness. Like that meme from Phineas and Ferb where Perry the Platypus and Dr. Doofenschmirtz (sorry if I spelled it wrong) are on the see-saw, looking each other in the eye with a death glare. But after one of them wins OR they both fail together, they’re giggling, smiling, and just being a cute couple that we all love. (I haven’t even seen P&F lol, I wanna see it soon though)
JadeRei - Rei would be the type to say she’s better at it, but when Jadeite proves to be as good as her, she uses the ‘it’s just good luck’ excuse.
MakoNeph - Mutual competitiveness, like their best friends ZoiAmi, except they blatantly cheer each other on. (My OTP of the four Guardian/General ships deserves softness)
Kunzmina - This is THE most competitive ship out of them all. Him being all ‘I’m the best’ and Mina being all like ‘I’ve got this in the bag, prepare to lose’ and plot twist: She loses.
HaruMichi: Before whatever they’re competing in even starts, Michi goes ‘I quiet’ and lets Ruka win, as she’d be butthurt if Michiru won and the game continued. Haha.
Thanks for the ask!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Rate Sen/Shi
ZoiAmi - vomit | don’t ship | ok | cute | adorable | sexy | perfect | beyond flawless | hot damn | screaming and crying | i will ship them in hell
Opinion: They’re adorable! I feel they have their own kind of couple-y sweetness/fluffiness/sappy energy, yet with her being shy, kind, and smart while he’s more tricky and playful. Also they give me LadyNoir vibes, and I’m a sucker for that ship haha. (I was actually born in LadyNoir July!)
JadeRei - vomit | don’t ship | ok | cute | adorable | sexy | perfect | beyond flawless | hot damn | screaming and crying | i will ship them in hell
Opinion: Okay, so... based off of what I’ve read, they’re definitely the funniest with their interactions. Rei yelling at him while he’s an @$$ and is all ‘you don’t mean it’ and jokes around (and is occasionally a dirty-minded bastard because he’s Jadeite) makes me adore them. Also, my January project with them is coming later tonight, stay tuned! I know I’m two weeks late, but I will catch up with my list, promise.
MakoNeph - vomit | don’t ship | ok | cute | adorable | sexy | perfect | beyond flawless | hot damn | screaming and crying | i will ship them in hell
Opinion: THE best one. I love all of the Guardian/General ships a lot, but this one is my favorite of them all, and actually likely my favorite ship of the franchise considering I’ve been really loving them lately. Sorry, MamoUsa, but your reign is over now.
Also, they’re the really ‘athletic’ types of people and seem like they’d have super sweet interactions. Also they’re the Adrienette of Sailor Moon, and since Adrienette is my all-time OTP, I love that about them lol. Plus, the brown hair thing’s cute as well.
KunzMina - vomit | don’t ship | ok | cute | adorable | sexy | perfect | beyond flawless | hot damn | screaming and crying | i will ship them in hell
Opinion: They’re my least fave out of the four, but still cute nonetheless! They remind me a bit of DJWifi, now that I think of it. (That’s a good thing, considering I ship DJWifi like FedEx.) Also some MariChat vibes going on too minus not knowing the other is their crush, and they actually know they love each other lol.
Thanks for the ask!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Ship & Character Weeks/Months: 2020 Plan
Since there hasn’t been any organized prompts/weeks for 2020 (at least for characters), I’m just going off of the old posts by the amazing @wearemiraculous, who did these all a while ago (long before I joined the fandom), so I’m just organizing to do the weeks that they organized this year, not on the scheduled days, but when I can begin and end it. Here’s what I’m hoping to do for 2020! Fandoms included: Sailor Moon, Naruto, and Miraculous Ladybug.
January - JadeRei January (almost two weeks late, but it is coming, I promise that), Multimouse Appreciation Week, Alya Appreciation Week (she is my QUEEN)
February - Love Square Valentines Countdown (14 days of Love Square one-shots until V-Day!), HaruMichi February (for Femslash Feb lol), Marinette Appreciation Week (SHE!), Love Square Fluff Week
March - Miraculous March, Sabrina Appreciation Week, Max Appreciation Week, MakoNeph March, SasuSaku Week (organizing my own prompts), Marinette March
April - Adrienette April, Tikki Appreciation Week
May - MariChat May, Myvan May, NejiTen Week (never seen one, organizing my own), Adrien Appreciation Week, Chloe Appreciation Week (it continues into June, but I’m marking it under May because that’s when it starts), KunzMina May
June - Ladrien June, JuleRose June, NaruHina Week (I’m late, but I’m still participating!), Alix Appreciation Week
July - LadyNoir July, MamoUsa July, Kim Appreciation Week (like Chloe’s, it continues into August, but still, I’m doing it!)
August - AU Yeah AUgust (tons of ML stuff coming in), Adrien Augreste, Ivan Appreciation Week, ZoiAmi August, MamoUsa Week
September - Lukagami September, Juleka Appreciation Week, Rose Appreciation Week (begins on the 30th tho)
October - Plagg Appreciation Week (I’m doing my own because he doesn’t have one), ChloKim October, ML Inktober (50-words-or-less challenge!)
November - SasuSaku month (making my own), NathMarc November, Mylene Appreciation Week, Kagami Appreciation Week, Plagg Appreciation Week, Nino Appreciation Week
December - DJWifi December, Nathaniel Appreciation Week
I can’t wait to do all of these! It’s gonna be so much fun! Hopefully I can get some audiences over time! Stay peachy!
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beautymercurydragon · 5 years
Sailor Moon Inuyasha Fruits Basket !!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven’t seen Inuyasha and FB yet, so I’ll likely come back to this once I do haha. (What I’ve seen as most popular ships, at least)
MamoUsa - A+/OTP
ZoiAmi - A/I love it
JadeRei - A+/OTP
MakoNeph - A+/OTP (fave General/Guardian ship)
Kunzmina - B/It’s really cute
HaruMichi - B/It’s really cute (I used to watch the show in 90′s dub when I was younger, I do Viz now and am on season two. Obviously haven’t gotten to three yet, but I’ve read fanfiction and find them adorable in their own way haha)
UsaRei - A/I love it
MakoAmi - A/I love it (the fanon at least, canon I’d prefer another one)
Reinako - D/I’m neutral on it
MinaUsa - D/I’m neutral on it
RyoAmi - A+/OTP
YuiRei - B/I love it
MakoMoto - E/I don’t really like it.
MakoMina - D/I’m neutral on it
Minami - D/I’m neutral on it
Reikoto - D/I’m neutral on it
Kunzoi - E/I don’t really like it
Harusagi - F/NOTP
MichiMamo - F/NOTP
I know this became a bit too long, but thanks for asking!
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