#kuroo testuro x male reader
I’ve been caving for a minute and I just have to share
CW —this pertains towards male reader and everything I write after this will, female reader can interact but I will never be writing anything for fem.
Imagine you’re at a college party and you’re hanging out with your best buddy Kuroo, always helping you when you need it, introducing you to fun stuff blah blah blah..
You’re not as sociable as him so going out to big parties like that is in your opinion very awkward because you never know what to do..
so you sit down somewhere, maybe have a few drinks to cohere with everyone. but you drink a little too much though and you have no sense of direction whatsoever.
and pervert-y kuroo who's js watching you become more and more frisky and empty minded is getting off to you. The way you move, look, act— you’re just the perfect candidate of being taken advantage of.
He takes advantage of the moment.. taking you to a room so he can “you settle down and get your thoughts in place" n' that he’s just looking out for you because you're just so drunk and “he's never seen you like this before”. he's just tryna take care of you, right?
But instead of helping you sober up n' calm down, he pulls out his camera and starts undressing you, camera shining in your face because he wants to use it as fap material afterwards 🤞🏾..
N E WAYSS.. yeah, he’s just doing foreplay w u atp, telling you to open your mouth like a “good boy” so he can shove his fingers inside and watch you look down n' embarrassment as you slobber all over his fingers like a lil puppy.
(I don’t wanna overuse the himbo prompt but it’s just soo good YUMYUNYYUM!!)
him teaching himbo reader how to “turn girls on” n' “kiss them correctly" but instead just using it to use the poor dummy like a flesh light..
one more thing but imagine him (or bokuto ESPECIALLY)) doin’ back shots after a retwist bcuz they just think you're such a pretty n' beautiful n' cute boy ( ´ ▽ ` )
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toomanygoldfish · 5 months
Kuroo cat person!
You were writing a College language paper and it was kicking your butt. You had missed class scheduling period, so you were stuck with some of the most difficult professors on campus.  
Specifically this one professor had decided that you must be plagiarizing, but couldn’t find any evidence. All and all, the work he was having you do dragged late into the night. 
And on one particular night, you had a buddy. He was a small calico who had no thoughts in his head. You and Kuroo had picked him up off the streets. For some reason the cat had decided that you were the favorite person. 
“Kuroo! Come get your cat! Hese being an asshole!” You lightly try to tap the cat away from your laptop. When that doesn’t work, you blow in his face.
You hear footsteps coming down the stairs as the cat goes back to asking for attention. You turn around to face your boyfriend. “Take him, I need to get a paper done.” 
You were tired and really wanted to get this paper finished so you could sleep. Kuroo’s arms snake past you as he reaches for the cat. 
He picks the cat up gently and turns towards you. His face is twisted into a sarcastic pout. “i'm insulted that you think my cat could be anything less than perfect!” 
You roll your eyes with a smile on your face; “He is a perfect little bean, he is just sitting on my laptop and I need to get work done”
Kuroo smiles and looks at his cat. “Its his favorite napping place!”
You huff out a laugh “Your impossible”
You open your laptop and begin to write out your essay. Your boyfriend says in the room going to sit on a nearby chair. 
After about an half an hour of quiet, you hear his voice from your left. “…Do you want to hear a potassium joke?”
You swivel you chair to face him, he got this goofy little heron on his face. “Sure?”
He looks up at you and stares you straight in the eyes and says “K.”
You sit in silence for a second, then your eyes widen finally getting the joke. A cough escapes you throat as you try not to laugh.  “W-what?”
“You got it, i know you did” he looks smug.
You pause for a second to regain your composure before looking into his eyes and replying “I dont remember that element, but its on the tip of my tungsten.”
His eyes brighten with joy, “[Name], i love you so much” you smile back at him about to respond before-
You glance down at the cat, who is now pawing at your boyfriend chest, trying to get attention. “It seems that your cat loves you too.”
Kuroo’s eyes narrow as he realizes that you have not once referred to the cat by his name, “Say the cat's name babe, you know it.”
He places the cat in your lap. You look at the cat and heave a sigh. “…hello… Erwin” the cat looks up at you curiously before reaching up…
… and batting you right in the face. 
You jump up, startling the Erwin as Kuroo laughs. “OW” Kuroo keeps laughing for a solid minute before a single sentence makes its way out of his mouth; “I guess he really is just an … Arsole”
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sunshowerwriting · 1 year
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Captain’s Favorite Nerd
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(Haikyuu) Kuroo Tetsuro x Male Reader
325 words
You keep to yourself, but somehow you’ve managed to win Kuroo over with your quiet tendencies and nerdy personality, what would he be like as your boyfriend.
sorry this is short :(
requested by @certifiedloverboy4evr
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Kuroo likes dragging you out of your comfort zone. He will force you to do things with him or just make you come to the thing he’s doing to get you to do things with him. He normally doesn’t care if you keep to yourself when you are at the things he’s dragged you too, he's just happy to see you out of your own little habitat and socializing, kinda. 
You’re both nerds. Kuroo is just a nerd in a different way than you are. That doesn’t mean you can't convince him to play a few rounds of your favorite game with you. He's never any good though. You’d think being Kenma’s friend for so long that he’d get at least decent at a few games but he's really hopeless. 
Kuroo did introduce you to Kenma. And you hit it off quite well, but no one but the two of you could tell. You and Kenma are the type of friends that just sit silently together and do your own thing, and there is nothing wrong with that, but to the outside eye it can seem like you two don’t like each other that much. 
You had always felt comfortable around Kuroo. More so than you do with most people, and he is thankful to see you so comfortable around him. He likes that you trust him enough to open up around him. He also does realize that being quiet and keeping to yourself is just how you are though, so he doesn’t ever try to push you TOO hard to open up or do something too far out of your comfort zone. 
He will call you a nerd as a term of endearment. Any chance he gets he's calling you a nerd, it's his favorite pet name for you and you simply have to accept your fate. He will talk to his friends about how you're HIS nerd, so that's gotta count for something.
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kuroo x muscular m! reader. (hcs)
trigger warning. — none really, kuroo is a bit of a pervert though.
note. — my first post, give me commentary please lol. also, everyone can interact. I will not take any request or make any post other than male reader.
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kuroo's eyes have been stuck on you the moment he saw you.
you were the person that was stuck in his head for DAYS.
he literally couldn’t stop thinking about you. You were the most handsome guy he’s seen in a while.
that specific day you chose to wear a tight shirt and your muscles literally popped out.
the first thing he saw was your arms, your chest, and then that beautiful face of yours that he’d never forget.
since you guys were roommates, and he was kind of curious he asked you what’s your workout routine or if you play any sports.
to his surprise, you do play professional ( sport of your choice )
it all added up at that point.
you told him you like to workout every once in a while to stay in shape for your sport.
after that, he really didn’t ask much about you. he didn’t want you to think he's a creep or anything but his eyes would continue to lurk.
* when you wear leggings or a tight shirt *
you guys are workout buddies now tho. c:
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Kuroo x male reader that's always dressed heavily .. but one day he wears something like those tight sleeveless turtlenecks and kuroo had to double take because he's like “is that rlly my boyfriend?”
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i had fun writing this. it is short, so im sorry- i had fun, but it was hard coming up with ideas and trying to incorporate them.
tws: no warnings. just fluff.
Kuroo loved you very much. He adored your sense of humor and the times you shared together. He particularly enjoyed your comfy style- though sometimes he wondered if you were burning up with all of those layers you typically wore. The heat in Tokyo wasn't something to gloss over and he admired your determination to pair long sleeves with baggy pants.
He was so used to you wearing so many layers that when he invited you out on a date together after his Uni classes, he wasn't expecting you to be wearing something as revealing as you were... rather it was revealing for you.
You had decided that today would be the day to wear a black, sleeveless turtleneck and a tighter pair of ripped, black jeans. You looked good. You waltzed into the café, Kuroo's eyes glossing right over you until you sat down in front of him.
"Hey, dude. My boyfriend is gonna be sitting here." Kuroo lazily glances over at you, then back to the door, and finally settling back onto you with wide eyes.
"[N-Name]?! Oh my god, I didn't even recognize you!" Kuroo shoots out of his seat, the chair squeaking against the tiled floor. "Oh-Oh my god."
His eyes trail over your frame, drinking in every inch of skin he could.
"What is it Tetsu?" You blink innocently. "Can I not wear clothing that shows my skin?"
"N-No! That's not it! I just-" He sucks in a breath. "You look fuckin' amazing, baby. I wasn't expecting you to wear this."
You chuckle at this, eyes twinkling as your lovely boyfriend continues to stutter out why he hadn't recognized you and that yes, he does love you! he just-
"Tetsu, my love. It's okay."
The man in question huffs in response, a smile tugging at his lips as he places his hand over yours.
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kira-dofc · 1 day
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Chapter 4 You Worried?
"Y/n," Yunah began, her voice trembling slightly. "This is a lot to take in. I always wondered if I had any family out there, but I never expected this. I know for a fact that I don't know much of my past, but this is still confusing me."
"I know," you replied, your own voice heavy with emotion. "It's a lot to process, but please, I just wanted to see if you're okay. You're the only family I have after that incident."
Yunah raised an eyebrow in question, "Incident?"
You took a deep breath and began to recount the traumatic event. "Our parents died, and our house burnt down. I was still inside there, but luckily I got out. Unfortunately, I lost some of my memories. I can only recall the fire blazing around me and the times when we used to play ball together. You also got out, but you were lying on the floor when I last saw you."
Yunah glanced at Kuroo, who stood beside her with a dark expression. His eyes narrowed as he looked at you, clearly unimpressed. "Yunah," he said, his voice low and hard, "maybe we should take things slowly. Sure, you forgot your past, but that doesn't give you a reason to trust this guy right away. We hardly know him, and who knows what's lurking in that damned mind of his."
"That's enough, Kuroo," Yunah said, a small frown forming on her lips. "He's just trying to reconnect."
But Kuroo wasn't having it. He stepped forward, his posture aggressive. "You don't understand, Yunah. This isn't just some reunion. This guy shows up out of nowhere, claiming to be your brother, and you just believe him? What if he's lying? What if he's here to hurt you?"
You raised your hands defensively. "I understand your concern, Kuroo. But I swear, I just want to reconnect with my sister. I don't mean any harm."
"Don't mean any harm?" Kuroo spat. "You think just saying that makes everything okay? How do we know you're not some kind of threat? How do we know you're even telling the truth?"
"Kuroo, please," Yunah pleaded. "I need to figure this out on my own. You don't have to be so hostile."
"Hostile?" Kuroo's voice rose. "You don't know what hostile is. I care about you, Yunah. I'm not going to let some stranger waltz in and turn your life upside down."
"I get it," you said, trying to stay calm despite Kuroo's anger. "I understand why you're protective of Yunah. But I'm not a stranger. I'm her brother, and I just want to be a part of her life again."
Kuroo glared at you, his eyes filled with suspicion. "Fine. But one step out of line, and you know what's going to happen to you."
"I understand," you replied, meeting his gaze. "I just want to take things slowly and get to know Yunah again."
Kuroo snorted, clearly unconvinced. "We'll see about that. I'm watching you, and if I see even the slightest hint of trouble, you're out of here."
"I'm sorry about him," Yunah said, her tone apologetic as she looked at you. "He can be cranky at times, but he's a nice person underneath it all."
"'Nice' isn't in his vocabulary, I guess," you whispered to yourself, barely audible.
The tension in the air was palpable, and the silence that followed was heavy with unspoken words and emotions. You both stood there, awkwardly shifting from foot to foot, each lost in your thoughts. You couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and anxiety. Finding Yunah had been a monumental task, and now that she was here in front of you, it felt almost surreal. You were desperate to connect with her, to fill the void that had been left by the loss of your parents and the fragmentary nature of your memories.
Yunah, on the other hand, seemed overwhelmed by the sudden revelation of having a brother she never knew existed. The look in her eyes betrayed a deep-seated confusion and a yearning for clarity. She glanced at Kuroo again, seeking his silent approval and support. Kuroo, ever the protective figure, stood with his arms crossed, his gaze never leaving you. There was a fierceness in his eyes that spoke volumes about his determination to shield Yunah from any potential harm.
"I understand if you need some space," you said, breaking the silence. "It's a lot to take in all at once. I don't want to pressure you into anything. I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you, whenever you're ready."
"Thank you," Yunah replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate your patience. This is just... a lot."
"Take all the time you need," you reiterated. "There's no rush."
Yunah nodded, looking down at her feet as she processed everything. The room seemed to close in on you, the weight of the past pressing down heavily. You took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. This wasn't how you had imagined your reunion with Yunah, but you had to remind yourself that these things took time. Building a relationship, especially one based on a fractured past, was a delicate process.
Kuroo cleared his throat, drawing your attention. "Look, Y/n," he began, his tone slightly softer but still firm. "I get that you're trying to do the right thing here, but you need to understand that Yunah's been through a lot. She's got a life here, friends, people who care about her. You can't just waltz in and expect everything to fall into place."
"I understand," you replied, meeting his gaze. "I'm not here to disrupt her life. I just want to be a part of it, in whatever capacity she feels comfortable with."
Kuroo nodded, though his expression remained guarded. "Good. Just remember that we're watching out for her."
"I wouldn't expect anything less," you said, offering a small, tentative smile. "She deserves to be protected."
The conversation began to wind down, and you could feel the exhaustion setting in. It had been an emotionally draining encounter, but you were grateful for the opportunity to reconnect with Yunah. You just hoped that, in time, she would come to see you as the brother you wanted to be for her.
"We should get going," Yunah said finally, glancing at Kuroo for confirmation. "I need some time to think about all of this."
"Of course," you replied. "Take care, Yunah. And thank you for listening."
"Goodbye, Y/n," she said softly. "I'll be in touch."
You watched as Yunah and Kuroo walked away, their figures disappearing into the distance. The air felt heavy with unspoken words and unresolved emotions. You took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. This was just the beginning of a long journey, and you were determined to see it through, no matter how challenging it might be.
As you made your way back home, you couldn't help but replay the encounter in your mind. There was so much more you wanted to say, so many questions left unanswered. But for now, you had to be patient. Rebuilding a relationship, especially one fractured by time and trauma, required time and understanding. You were willing to give Yunah all the space she needed, even if it meant waiting in uncertainty.
When you finally reached your home, you sank into a chair, feeling the weight of the day's events. You were filled with a mixture of hope and apprehension. Finding Yunah had been a step in the right direction, but there was still a long road ahead. You were ready to take that journey, one step at a time, and hopefully, one day, you would find the family you had lost.
For now, all you could do was wait and hope that Yunah would find it in her heart to let you in. The future was uncertain, but you were determined to face it with courage and resilience. After all, family was worth fighting for, no matter how difficult the path might be.
You planned to see your sister on weekends, to get to know more of each other. You invited her to go to a restaurant near their place, and she luckily agreed.
You picked Yunah up from her house, then drove to a rather classy and glamorous restaurant. It was much fancier than the usual places you frequented, but sometimes that's what people with money did—waste it on small portions of extravagant food.
"This place looks expensive," Yunah mumbled as you both stepped inside, taking in the opulent decor and soft lighting.
"It's on me, don't worry about it," you replied with a reassuring smile.
"So, how's life with your new family?" Yunah questioned as you settled into your seats.
"It's fine, I guess. I don't really miss our family since I never got to spend much time with them, but I still do in a way. Part of me thinks that you're still special to me," you said, your voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and hope.
"Well, I'm glad you feel that way because it's the same for me. I love my adoptive family, but I want to get to know you again," she said, her eyes earnest. "Mind if I ask, how old are you?"
"I'm 18, turning 19 next month," you replied.
"What? I'm way older than you then. I'm 21!" she said with a tone of excitement.
"It was obvious, you look old," you remarked with a playful smirk.
Yunah's eyes widened in mock outrage, and she started screaming at you for the words you had spoken. "How dare you! I do not look old! Take that back!"
Before you could respond, a sudden female figure walked up to your table. "Hey Y/n, fancy seeing you here!" she exclaimed.
A surprising look came upon your face as you recognized Sana, a friend of yours, who seemed genuinely excited to see you.
"Not the time, Sana. Get lost," you said bluntly, trying to focus on your time with Yunah.
"No need to be feisty! Fine, I will. See you tomorrow, honey!" she teased with a playful wink before walking away.
"Your girlfriend?" Yunah asked with a smirk on her face.
"Ugh, no. I'd rather die," you replied, rolling your eyes.
Yunah laughed at your reaction, and the mood lightened considerably. As the evening progressed, the two of you continued to talk and laugh, sharing stories and memories. Despite the initial awkwardness, you found that you enjoyed her company and the opportunity to reconnect.
After finishing your meals, you both started to leave the restaurant. The conversation continued as you walked to the car, filled with the excitement and nervousness of rebuilding a sibling relationship.
As you and Yunah headed to your car, you were suddenly startled by a man standing in front of you, brandishing a knife. His eyes glinted maliciously as he sneered at you. "Hey, give me your money, and I might as well touch your girl while I'm at it," the man smirked, his voice dripping with menace.
Your heart pounded, but you didn't let fear show. "Yunah, move," you ordered, your voice steady and firm. "I'll handle this."
Yunah hesitated for a moment, her eyes wide with fear, but she obeyed, stepping back to give you space.
The man lunged at you with the knife, aiming for your midsection. You managed to sidestep just in time, his blade slicing through the air where you had been standing. You grabbed his wrist with one hand and twisted it sharply, forcing him to drop the weapon with a grunt of pain.
He retaliated quickly, swinging his other fist toward your face. You ducked, feeling the rush of air as his fist narrowly missed your head. You countered with a punch to his gut, making him double over in pain. The man was tough, though, and he quickly recovered, charging at you with renewed aggression.
You blocked his wild punches, your arms absorbing the impact. Each hit sent a jolt of pain through your body, but you stood your ground. With a surge of adrenaline, you delivered a swift kick to his knee, causing him to stumble. Taking advantage of his momentary imbalance, you landed a solid punch to his jaw, followed by another to his ribs.
The man let out a pained grunt, but he wasn't finished yet. He grabbed a handful of gravel from the ground and threw it in your face. You flinched, momentarily blinded, and he seized the opportunity to tackle you to the ground. You felt the sharp sting of the pavement against your back as he pinned you down, his fists raining down on you.
Gritting your teeth, you used all your strength to roll over, reversing your positions. Now on top, you delivered a barrage of punches to his face and torso, each one fueled by the need to protect Yunah and yourself. The man struggled beneath you, but your determination and anger gave you the upper hand.
After what felt like an eternity, the man finally stopped fighting. He lay on the ground, bruised and unconscious from the beating you had given him. You stood up, breathing heavily, and wiped the blood from your face with the back of your hand. Pain radiated from your wounds, but you didn't let it show.
"God, Y/n, you're bleeding!" Yunah exclaimed, rushing to your side. Her eyes were wide with worry as she looked at the stab wound on your side and the bruises forming on your face.
"It's just a scratch," you said with a grunt, trying to downplay the severity of your injuries. "Come on, I'll get you home."
"But what are we doing with the guy? Leave him here?" Yunah questioned, glancing nervously at the unconscious man.
"Yes, I called the police. They can handle the rest," you replied, trying to sound reassuring despite the pain coursing through your body.
You got into your car, wincing as you moved. Every movement sent sharp stabs of pain through your body, but you ignored it. Yunah climbed into the passenger seat, still looking worried.
The drive to Yunah's home was quiet, the tension from the fight lingering in the air. You focused on the road, trying to keep your mind off the pain and the blood slowly seeping through your clothes. Yunah kept glancing at you, her concern evident.
As you pulled up to her house, you turned to Yunah and managed a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine," you said, though the strain in your voice betrayed your words.
"Thank you, Y/n," Yunah said softly, her eyes glistening with unwashed tears. "I don't know what would have happened if you weren't here."
"Don't mention it," you replied, your voice gentle despite the pain. "I'm just glad you're safe."
"Do you need help?" Yunah exclaimed, her voice filled with worry as she looked at you.
"No, I'll just come inside for a moment," you groaned, feeling the sharp pain where you had been stabbed. She opened the door to her house, and as you stepped inside, you were met with the sight of a familiar tall figure, clearly very worried about Yunah.
Kuroo's eyes widened in shock at the sight of your state, but his concern was directed at Yunah. "What the hell happened? Yunah, are you okay? What did this bastard do?" he demanded, his voice tense with worry.
"Relax, Kuroo. He just fought some creep while we were going back to his car," Yunah replied, trying to calm him down. "It's Y/n you should be worried about right now. He's all bruised up, and he even got stabbed!"
Kuroo scoffed but softened slightly. "Come on, I'll go treat your wounds. I guess. Don't get any other ideas," he said bluntly, turning and walking towards a room. You followed him, your steps heavy with exhaustion and pain.
Once inside, you noticed the room looked like an office of some sort, with a desk, medical supplies, and various items neatly arranged. "Sit here," Kuroo instructed, pointing to a seat next to him.
You sat down with a groan, feeling the pain intensify as you moved. "Stay still," Kuroo said firmly as he began to assess your wounds. "How did you even get stabbed? Damn, that's deep. Do you want to go to a hospital? I think you need some professionals."
"I'll be fine," you said, a small smile forming on your face despite the pain. "You worried about me, Kuroo?"
Kuroo blushed at your words and looked away, clearly flustered. "What!? I— SHUT UP!" he snapped, throwing the cotton ball he was holding in irritation. He turned away, trying to hide his embarrassment.
You couldn't help but laugh at his reaction, but the movement caused another wave of pain to wash over you, making you groan again. "You’re pretty funny when you’re flustered, Kuroo," you managed to say through the pain.
"Who the hell told you to move? I'm not done," Kuroo yelled, his tone exasperated but tinged with concern. He continued to clean and bandage your wounds with surprising care, despite his brusque demeanor.
As he worked, you noticed Yunah hovering nearby, her eyes filled with concern. "Thank you, Kuroo," she said softly. "I really appreciate this."
Kuroo grumbled something under his breath but didn't respond directly. Instead, he focused on finishing the task at hand. "This should hold for now, but you need to take it easy," he said, finally stepping back. "And you should definitely see a doctor to make sure there's no serious damage."
"Thanks, Kuroo," you said sincerely, feeling a bit more at ease now that your wounds were tended to.
"Yeah, yeah," he muttered, clearly uncomfortable with the gratitude. "Just don’t go getting yourself stabbed again."
Yunah smiled at the exchange, feeling a sense of relief now that you were taken care of. "I'm glad you're okay, Y/n. You were really brave out there."
"It was nothing," you replied modestly. "I just did what I had to do."
Kuroo rolled his eyes but didn't say anything, his way of acknowledging your bravery without making a big deal out of it. "You should get some rest," he said instead. "Both of you."
"Agreed," Yunah said, looking at you with a mixture of gratitude and concern. "Come on, Y/n. I'll make sure you get home safely—wait, what if you stay here for the night?"
"It's okay, I don't want to be a burden to you guys, taking care of me and all of that," you mumbled, feeling guilty about imposing.
"No, really it's okay! I can contact your dad," Yunah said, while Kuroo shot her a glance, clearly against the idea. But her determination won out as she went ahead and made the call anyway.
"Good news! Your dad said yes, but he said you should go back by afternoon tomorrow," she announced with a tone of excitement.
"Sure, but where do I sleep?" you questioned, eager to find an answer and not wanting to make things difficult.
Kuroo then replied, "Where else? On the cou—"
"In Kuroo's room! You can share!" Yunah cut him off, her voice filled with cheerful authority. Kuroo's face turned a shade of red as he tried to protest, but her decision was final.
Of course, by all means, Kuroo was in shock, trying to cancel what his sister suggested. "Yunah, seriously—"
But in the end, you still ended up in his room. "I can sleep on the floor if that's what you want," you offered, trying to be considerate despite your condition.
"No, sleep in the bed. You're hurt," he said in a small voice, blushing slightly.
"Are you sur—?"
"Just get in before I change my mind!" he blushed while looking away, his voice carrying a mix of annoyance and concern. "I sleep on this side, and you on the other."
You nodded in response and carefully laid on the bed, trying to avoid aggravating your injuries. As the lights were turned off, you smiled to yourself, feeling a strange warmth from Kuroo's concern. Despite his rough exterior, he clearly cared.
You could hear Kuroo's breathing next to you, and the proximity was oddly comforting. "Thanks, Kuroo," you whispered into the darkness, unsure if he could hear you.
"Just shut up and sleep," he mumbled back, his voice softer than usual.
You closed your eyes, letting the exhaustion from the day's events wash over you. The pain was still there, but it was manageable now, especially with the knowledge that you were safe and being cared for.
The night passed peacefully, with you drifting in and out of sleep, comforted by the presence of your newfound family. You dreamed of the earlier fight, the adrenaline, and the fear, but now it was interspersed with the warmth of Yunah and Kuroo's concern. A/n: The brain juice is done I think have none anymore :(( I still will be posting and probably be posting updates so dw! Word count: 3300
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kissagii · 2 years
Hi hi hi!
Congrats on 100 followers!! \(ϋ)/♩ Your stuff is so comforting to read istg- You totally deserve it.
So, for your event, I'd like to ask you for summer + cherry tree and I really liked how you wrote Kuroo, so I'll go with him.
ahhh tysm!! i was a little worried about this prompt combo but honestly it's really cute haha
kuroo + summer (strangers to lovers) + cherry (place you first met)
warnings: none it's just pure fluff <3
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There was a back corner of the local library that you had informally claimed as your own. You were there almost every day, occasionally accompanied by friends or classmates, and every time the table was blissfully unoccupied.
Until, of course, it wasn't. A quick snack run meant you were fifteen minutes later than usual, and when you went to find your favorite little table, you found a somewhat familiar person sitting in the chair you always used. Though you couldn't remember his name, you knew roughly who he was - the guy from physics who sat in the very front seat and answered the teacher's questions without fail. Someone who, you realized, might be a valuable study partner.
"Can I sit here?" You asked quietly, pulling out the chair opposite his.
"Oh, sure," He says, looking up to see who decided to join him. At the sight of you he was awestruck, staring in silence as you sat down and began to arrange your things on the table.
"You alright?" You whisper, looking at him with concern.
"Yeah, just... you look familiar but I guess I've forgotten where I saw you," The young man grinned awkwardly, silently cursing himself for staring, especially at someone he had just met.
"I'm Y/n, from your physics class. I know you sit in the front table, but I can't remember your name for the life of me."
"Kuroo. And speaking of physics, can I see what your lab data looks like? I think we botched ours," The black-haired boy, Kuroo, turned his laptop to show you the various graphs from the experiment you did that morning. And, from what you could tell, it was very botched.
You spent the next hour and a half working through the lab report together. Mostly you had to selectively choose data points to make the graphs look less insane, the product of cheap motion sensors that couldn't make nice data if they tried. You quickly learned that he wasn't only smart, but friendly, and completely willing to poke fun at his own mistakes.
"And that's the last of it," You say with a sigh, typing out the last few words on your conclusion.
"Thanks for the help, you probably just saved my ass," Kuroo said with a quiet laugh.
"Say, would you want to study together again? I'm here about every day if you ever want to work through a few problems together," You placed the offer out casually, though secretly you were a bit desperate to spend more time with your classmate.
"I can do you one better - let's go get coffee on Friday. No botched physics labs, no math problems, just you and me," He shot you a cocky smirk, passing you a folded-up piece of paper as he stood up and slung his messenger bag over his shoulder.
"Yeah, that sounds... amazing," You felt a flush in your cheeks. Did he seriously just ask you out? A quick peek inside the yellow note confirmed your suspicion, the handwriting beautifully messy.
Are you C12H22O11? Because you seem pretty sweet to me.
Call me somtime : (xxx)-xxx-xxxx
Friday couldn't come soon enough.
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kuroo 100% uses dumb chemistry pickup lines and you can't convince me otherwise
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duxearlier · 2 years
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Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
After moving back to their parent's house, Y/N started their school life at Nekoma High school as a first year. Instantly, one of the boys, Lev Haiba, took interest in them and asked to join their volleyball team as he noticed how good Y/N plays it during their p.e classes. Though, Y/N rejected it but not budging, he made a deal with them. Y/N will join their practice for a day and if they like it, they will join and if not, then the boys will leave them alone. Along the way, Y/N  manages to catch some feeling towards the captain of Nekoma.
<chapter five || materlist || chapter seven>
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<If you like to be added to the tag list for Why did i say, yes? Feel free to let me know and I'll gladly add you to it!>
[TAGLIST] @legolashaught @kleeixe @hoperenae @kaleidoscopekai
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maycat-19-142 · 2 years
Kuroo headcannon
⚠️: kuroo x manager reader. Kissing
A/n: I picked this because of my roommate. She loves kuroo
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You became the manager for Nekoma in your 3rd year and you meet kuroo. The rooster haired man. He found your very weird because you we able to make friends with kenma. Plus you were about to stop yaku and lev stop fighting. He slowly fell in love. He asked you out after 4 months. The first date was at the Park after practice. You got ice-cream and talked about everything you could think of. Over the next 5 months you started dating. The teams reaction was priceless to see you being dip kissed by kuroo before practice.
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I am very bored right now. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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doingitforbokuto · 1 year
Hard work
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Summary: Kuroo hates working late, but when push comes to shove, he'll do it from the comfort of his own home. Knowing how hard he works, you try not to disturb him - even though you've been missing him all day. So, you do what any good girlfriend would do: Sit by his feet and try and take care of your needs by yourself.
This post is also a good summary 👀
Words: 2,150
Warnings: nude female/clothed male, use of nickname "daddy", humping, degradation kink if you squint, soft dom/sub play, use of nickname "slut" but like, in a nice way ♡
Kuroo tried not to come home too late. When he first started his job, he would often work until he almost fell asleep in his office. Actually, he did fall asleep a couple of times. His neck hurt, his back hurt, it just wasn't a good time, no matter how much he loved his job. And he knew that it wasn't just hard on him. It's not nice to have a boyfriend you only see when he walks from the front door to the bed. Its not nice to have a boyfriend you only talk to when he presses a kiss to your forehead and tells you good night. But you stuck with him. You waited for him to come home and have at least those small interactions. Most days, you would be just as tired as he was from staying up all day and night just to get one kiss from him. 
Kuroo was more than happy that his life had become less stressful these past few months. Dates, movie nights, late night talks and love making, it all came back with time. He had almost forgotten how good it felt to love you. Whether that meant holding your hand, cooking with you, talking to you or fucking you. Never again would he neglect you like this. You didn't deserve it and heaven knows he needed it too - needed you. You felt like a second home to him. He came home when he walked into your shared apartment and he came home again when your arms wrapped around him. 
Still, as hard as he tried not to work too late, sometimes it could not be avoided. Like today. It wasn't a lot he still had to do, but it had to be done. At least these days, he could just take his laptop and finish his work from home. It wasn't the same as actually spending time with you, but it was better than being stuck in his office miles away from you.
"I just have to catch up on a few emails and answer some of them, sweetheart. I'll be done soon, I promise." 
You knew how important his job was to him and while it was not more important than you, sometimes working late just had to be done, no matter how much he tried to avoid it. You knew all of that but God, you had waited all day for him. While you were working, while you were eating, while you were at the grocery store, the whole time you just could not stop thinking about his strong arms holding you in place while he pounded you like there was no tomorrow. 
"I just missed you so much.." You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his chin, his neck.
"I know, love. I missed you too." His voice was already a tad rougher and deeper. 
Of course he had missed you. How could he not? He never got to spend enough time with you in the morning. The way you had pressed against him in bed and the way you had kissed him and held him this morning had only left him wanting more. But if he didn't get this done now, he would not get it done at all. At least not on time. 
"Can I just sit by your feet then? I'll be real quiet and wait for you.. daddy" 
Kuroo recognized that voice. He recognized that nickname. God, he loved you.
"Yeah?" A hand settled onto the back of your neck. "You're gonna wait all nice and pretty for daddy to finish his work?" 
It never took much for you to slip into this role with Kuroo. You liked it when he was in charge and all you had to do was lay back and enjoy. You knew he would take care of you and he would do it now, too. It felt comfortable, warm and nice. All you wanted to do was listen to him and feel good. 
"Good girl." He let his thumb swipe over your bottom lip where you chased it with your tongue, only able to give it a little lick before he was out if reach. "Why don't you get nice and comfortable then, hm?" 
And with that, he pressed a small, soft kiss to your forehead and leaned back to watch you do just that. 
You started taking your clothes off, dropping one item after another until you were wearing nothing but your undies. Then, you slowly sank down to your knees underneath the table he was working on and leaned onto his leg. Inhaling his scent, leaning into his warmth, you just sat there and basked in his presence. No matter how much time you spend with him, how long you had been together, you always wanted more. Every time you got to spend quiet, peaceful moments with him like this, you enjoyed every second of it. 
For a few minutes you just sat there. He turned back to his work after a few seconds of admiring you and you listened to him typing away on his work emails. You listened to his breaths, to his clothes rustling and his hands moving. Your eyes started to wander up his leg to his thick thighs. In his suit pants they looked even thicker with the material stretching around them to accommodate the muscles underneath. They stretched even more over his crotch and you just couldn't keep your eyes from looking at the faint outline of his cock, right in front of your face. Your mind was probably playing tricks on you, bur you could have sworn that you could smell his precum from here.
The desire in your abdomen was building quickly, without anyone doing anything. All you wanted was him and you didn't want to wait anymore. But you had promised not to bother him. So, as much as you wanted to just reach up and unbuckle his belt, open his pants, take out his cock and feel him in your hand and in your mouth, it wasn't what you had promised. Still, you just could not stop yourself from nuzzling your head into his thighs, leaving open mouthed kisses along the inner side of them. 
"Sweetheart.." Your boyfriend trailed his fingers over your cheek without looking away from the screen. "You're distracting me." 
"Just.. want you s'much.." 
You pressed your face into his palm and let him caress your face as you spoke. He hummed in response, considering how much longer it would take him to finish his work and how to keep you occupied in the meantime. 
"Come here," he finally said and slid his hand down to your torso. He pulled you closer and pushed his leg against you. Your chest was pressed completely against him now, his leg nestled right in between your boobs. Your arms instinctively wrapped around his leg and you pushed your lower body closer to him. Without even meaning for it to happen, your crotch slipped over his shoe. You hadn't even realized that he didn't take his shoes off when he came in like he usually did. Maybe he had been in too much of a rush today or he had just forgotten. Either way, the smooth leather of his dress shoes rubbing against your underwear created just the right amount of friction to have you whimpering and trying to hide your face in his crotch again. 
"It feels good, hm?" Softly, he stroked the back of your neck. As if to underline his question, he lifted the tip of his shoe just the tiniest bit, effectively pressing it right against cunt. "Go ahead, sweetheart. I'll be done soon." 
And with that, he patted your head and went back to work, leaving you all to yourself. In the few seconds that had passed you didn't even have any time to actually register what had just happened. Not to mention, you had no idea what you were supposed to do now. Did Kuroo want you to rub your wet, needy cunt against his perfectly polished shoe? He always took great care to look good and professional when he went to work, did he really want you to abuse his clothes in such an indecent way? You tried searching for an answer in his expression but he had turned away from you and started working on his emails again. That left you with pretty much just one option: Try it again and see what happens. 
It was easy enough to repeat the movement of rubbing your crotch over his shoe. It felt just as good as it did the first time around. Kuroo didn't seem to mind or even notice how you started whimpering into his leg with each pass of your cunt over the smooth material. He just kept on working on his emails. 
Maybe the way he didn't even look at you or the fact that humping a fucking shoe should have turned you off. Maybe it should have made you feel embarrassed of your own desperation. Maybe for someone else it would have been a reason to stop what they were doing. But not for you. Yes, it was desperate. Yes, you felt embarrassed and yes, you felt a little dirty. But that's what made it so, so good for you. Your horniness mixed with the pleasure mixed with the knowledge that this shouldn't feel this good was what makes it even better than it already was. 
You had to hide your face in his thigh to muffle your whines. It was already hard enough to not move around too much so you wouldn't disturb your hard working boyfriend. Focusing on not being too loud was almost impossible. Hopefully his pants and leg would be enough to quiet your desperate noises a little bit.
And with that thought in mind, you just kept going and going. Every drag of your clit against his shoe brought you closer to your orgasm and you were sure that when you would pull back it would be shining with the amount of your juices that surely had leaked through your panties. Your whole crotch was soaked by now. 
Your teeth started pressing into your lower lip as you kept on whimpering. A small part of you was hoping that Kuroo would stop working and help you out but an even bigger part was hoping for him to not do anything and just let you use him to get off. But then, he did something you did not even think of. He started moving his foot to match the rolls of your hips. Whenever you moved forward he would lift his heel and press the top of his foot into you, when you moved back he pressed his heel into the ground and tipped the front of his shoe up. You knew you were a goner now, and so did he. 
"Does that feel good, hm?" Gently, he reached down to pet your head, a soft look on his face but still, you could see a glimmer in his eyes. He was getting off on your desperation just as much as you were. 
"Uh-huh," was all you could say. 
There were tears welling up in your eyes, your hips were moving on their own now. You couldn't stop, you couldn’t do anything but chase your orgasm. 
"Come on then. You're daddy's sweet little slut, aren't you?" 
You couldn't even answer that. Kuroo knew what that nickname did to you, he knew it all too well and he got the exact reaction he wanted. Your mouth fell open, your eyes widened as they stared onto his. Every muscle in your body tightened as you came and came and came, all over his shoe. 
"O-oh!" Everything was too hot, too much. You could feel everything more intensely than you had just a second ago. Kuroo's eyes were darker, the air was thicker, your skin sweatier. But you didn't care about any of that. The only thing on your mind was the tiny spot in between your legs. All of the heat that was washing over your body came from there, all the pleasure that ran up and down your spine and exploded in your abdomen. The high came crashing down on you faster than expected and it buried you under itself until you were all spent, clinging to Kuroo's leg to keep you up.
"Good girl." He was still petting your head when you tried to catch your breath. "That's it. Good girl." 
You smiled up at him, face resting against his thigh. You were sure you were drooling by now. 
"You're not just gonna leave me here, though - are you?" 
You felt his legs shift and his hips move forward on his chair, effectively bringing you face to face with his hard, throbbing bulge. Your smile widened. "Of course not." 
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
I write: AFAB Characters & AMAB Characters (genderfluid, cis male, ftm, non-binary, and any masc-aligned gender)
Anybody 18+ is allowed to read and interact with my work as long as you're respectful and don't ask me to write female reader
DNI: Basic DNI criteria, if you support or write fics about real people
The more specific the request, the better. Don't be afraid to go into alarming detail.
Please don't copy and paste your request (in another ask or in my comment sections) if I don't respond to it. I won't answer a request until I've finished it so please be patient
If you want a part two, you're more likely to get one if you specify what you want in it. Most of the time I don't have any ideas if I planned on it being a oneshot
What I will NOT write:
Female Reader, Female Character, Scat, Incest (Pseudo-Incest is Fine), Age Play, Misgendering, Transphobia
Things You Can Request:
- Fics, Thirsts, Shorts, Headcanons, Drafts
- For shorts you can just give me a character (up to 4 per post) and a prompt or trope or whatever and I'll write a small little piece about it
Bottom Reader
tell me if you're okay with afab language or not if asking for ftm reader. i wont use it by default
Characters I'll write for bottom reader: Zhongli, Ajax, Itto, Ayato, Diluc, Diavolo, William Afton, Enji Todoroki, Scott Howl, Hopper, Joel Miller, Michael Myers, Ghostface (Danny, Billy),
I will not write bottom reader for anybody not listed above
Fandoms I write for
feel free to ask if I would write for any fandom not listed here
The fandoms I've been asked about but don't write for: AOT, COD, Twilight, Sk8, JJK, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss,
Genshin Impact
All Male Characters (Not including Fontaine)
My Hero Academia
Class 1-A, Aizawa, LOV, Monoma, Tamaki, Mirio, Shinso, Enji Todoroki
All male characters in Trigger Happy Havoc and Goodbye Despair
Stranger Things
Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Jonathan Byers, Argyle, Jim Hopper, Billy Hargrove
Kenma Kozume, Testuro Kuroo, Karasuno Volleyball Team, Keishin Ukai, Oikawa
The Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo
Saiki, Kaido, Kuboyasu, Saiko
Twisted Wonderland
Idia, Lilia, Leona, Malleus, Jack, Vil, Rook
Detroit Become Human
Markus, Connor
Obey Me
The Demon Brothers, Diavolo, Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos
Michael Afton & Michael Schmidt, William Afton
Monster Prom
Scott Howl, Damien LaVey, Liam De Lioncourt, Oz, Brian Yu
Stardew Valley
Shane, Sebastian, Alex, Demetrius, Kent, Harvey, Elliott, Sam
Horror & Slasher
Michael Myers, Ghostface (Danny Johnson, Stu, Billy), Dwight Riley, Losers Club (1990, 2019), Patrick Bateman, Kurt Kunkle, John Doe, Chad Meeks-Martin, Wes Hicks, Ethan Landry
Bungou Stray Dogs
Atsushi Nakajima, Osamu Dazai, Doppo Kunikida, Ranpo Edogawa, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Chuuya Nakahara
One Punch Man
Genos, Speed o Sound Sonic
Hunter x Hunter
Kurapika, Leorio, Feitan
Harry Potter
Harry Potter, Ron Weasly, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Tom Riddle, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black
Honkai Star Rail
Caelus, Dan Heng, Sampo, Welt, Jing Yuan, Gepard, Luocha, Blade, Luka, Argenti, Veritas Ratio, Gallagher, Sunday, Aventurine, Boothill
Spider-Man (Raimi, TASM, MCU, Insomniac, Miguel, Peter B. Parker, Hobie Brown), Spider-Noir, Tony Stark, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Harry Osborn, Eddie Brock, Loki, Thor, Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Deadpool,
Scott Pilgrim
Scott Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Gideon Graves, Matthew Patel, Wallace Wells, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Todd Ingram
Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester
The Amazing Digital Circus
Jax, Caine, Kinger
Dungeon Meshi
Laios, Chilchuck, Senshi
Bruce Wayne, Edward Nygma (The Batman), Clark Kent (MAWS), Jimmy Olsen (MAWS), James (Pokémon), Arven (Pokémon), Joel Miller (TLOU), Leon Kennedy, Luis Sera, Stein (Soul Eater), Spirit (Soul Eater), Reigen Arataka, Link, Omni Man
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shoverse · 2 years
give me your fucking phone!!
haikyuu!various x gn!reader
tw:; cussing
when you ask for their phone really angrily, and then take pictures really angrily.
this entire thing was a mess, i'm sorry.
KOSHĪ SUGAWARA gets into the car you drove over, only to be greeted by an unsmiling face. 'y/n? what's wrong?' 'give me your phone.' he looks confused but hands it to you anyway. you almost give the game away when you turn it on and see a picture of your own face smiling back. almost. 'why'd you want it?' 'shut up.' you feel bad, but you have to go through with it. his cheery demeanor drops a little, eyes flickering. you get the camera open and, true to your word, you snap away. 'hmm?' he's even more confused now. 'you look so fucking good right now and my phone just died.' he giggles, and you do too. 'well, you look good too!' and he snatches his phone back and takes pictures of an overly happy y/n.
SHOYO HINATA, this ball of energy droops when he hears your tone of voice say 'give me your phone.' 'do you not trust me?' 'give me your fucking phone.' 'a-alright then.' he looks like he's about to cry so you quickly snap some photos, somehow still angrily. he really does look funny right now, shock into confusion into realization. 'you're mean, y/n.' he huffs. 'i know. but you still love me, don't you.' 'not anymore, i don't.' '>:('
TETSURŌ KUROO moves closer to you, thinking not much of it, but when you shrink away, he's sad. 'i'll say it again. phone, please.' he smirks annoying. 'what d'you think you'd find on there?' you say nothing, only aggressively motioning for the phone in question. he laughs. and you don't laugh back, steely gaze burning through his own retinas. 'fine, what the hell. take it.' and you do. click is the sound of the camera on his phone, perfectly capturing his look of shock. you take a few more, and they slowly morph back into his signature smirk. 'you look good.' 'don't i always, though.'
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bytez4life · 2 years
fall in love with you.
suna, ushijima, kuroo, + kenma x male reader
tw; mention of terminal illness, cursing
a/n; this was an ask that i accidently deleted, thank you for the person who requested it! i hope you are comfortable and that you enjoy the writing!
summary; how the boys would be with an s/o that has a terminal illness (specifically cancer)
wc; 466
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- would absolutely take you on skateboarding dates
- he tries his hardest to impress you with his tricks
- shares those jelly sticks (that are so easy to choke on ngl)
- give you all the hoodies you want
- 100% would give you the most comforting bear hugs
- makes sure he's there every time for your chemotherapy sessions
- tons of food and kisses after them
- out of all of them, most likely to take you on midnight dates if you're feeling well
- if not, a comfortable movie night it is
- this man might be dense but he really is in tune with your needs
- studies everything there is when it comes to taking care of you
- extremely gentle
- he definitely knows his strength + is super careful around you
- bby doesn't want to cause you any pain :(
- would teach you how to play some volleyball in his dorm room
- (with tendou watching with a small smile)
- type to take you bowling because tendou says its a good date idea
- mans tried to spike the ball
- surprisingly, his fingers didn't break but definitely gave you a scare
- after dates runs you a bath
- cuddle session every night, no exceptions
- loves you with all his heart, alright?
- still a cocky little shit
- just less so around you
- gets a black cat and says its the two of your guy's son
- unironically names it bingus
- fights the cat for your cuddles
- drives you to your favorite fast food place when you want it
- or makes you some good homecooked meals
- takes bingus with him to your chemo treatments
- the doctors can stop him
- no one can prevent him from bringing your son >:(
- would sleepover at the hospital to make sure you're ok
- oh ho ho
- boyfriend that would have those game nights with you while streaming
- you guys could be bickering about which villager to kick off the island
- or competitively playing mario kart
- whatever it is, he doesn't want to hear any complaints from chat
- because he cares about you far more than his viewers
- does those cute face masks while playing games with you
- will 100% end streams early just to sleep with you if you are feeling unwell
- cuddles you just like a cat
- sometimes can't express his feelings through words
- but he'll make sure you know through his physical affection
- it's the little things really
- the way his thumbs brush over your knuckles when you're talking passionately about something you love
- brings you your favorite bakery treat and drink before you wake up
- refuses to start streaming until you say good morning to him
- won't stream when you are at the hospital
- he's too worried to be doing anything else other than making sure you're ok
- precious dude cares about you way more than his games
- don't forget that
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@BYTEZ4LIFE - do not plagerize/copy
a/n - requests are open!
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mizunetzu · 2 years
I'm gonna cry- Im so glad you're somewhat back! You're one of my fave authors so it's good to see you again! Can i have kuroo x small reader? Kuroo teases him and the reader was in a bad mood so he couldn't take it anymore and cried and then kuroo comforted him and stuff yah know those fluffy stuff ehe, tysm!
sure thing ! ! this is shorter than what id usually do, i used to always push for a minimum of 1000 words, but i think 766 words isnt too shabby for my first fic back ! ——————
Kuroo x reader - A Little Too Far
⚠️ Warnings - none!!
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Kuroo was so unbelievably bored. 
He had accepted (Y/n’s) offer to hangout with the intent of, you know, “hanging out,” but (Y/n) obviously seemed to have different plans in mind, with the way he had left Kuroo stranded bored on his bed while he studied. Kuroo groaned dramatically and slid down the bed like a deflating balloon. 
“Pay attention to meeee…” Kuroo pouted, hanging upside down with his limbs sprawled out atop the bed. (Y/n) gave a hum of acknowledgement from his place on the ground, not taking his eyes off of his notebook. “(Y/nnnnnnnnnn).”
“I’m studying, Tetsurou. I invited you over to study with me- so why don’t we study?” “Bullshit! You said ‘hang out!’ We can study another time (Y/n), lets watch a movie or something!” Kuroo made grabby hands towards (Y/n), just for him to stick his tongue out and go back to his work. Kuroo pouted. 
“What are you even studying for? Midterms aren’t till like.. next month.” 
“..Well,” (Y/n) flipped to a new page on his notebook. “You can never be too prepared, right?” 
Kuroo let himself slide onto the floor ever-so-gracefully. He sat himself upright and looked blankly at (Y/n). (Y/n) didn’t look back, nor seem to notice Kuroo staring at him. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in his head. A smirk found his lips.
“What, are you worried you might fail or something? Is it about that last chem test you bombed, (N/n)?” 
(Y/n’s) pencil halted abruptly, followed by a rather-red (Y/n) whipping his head back to a rather-sly looking Kuroo. “No it is not! Shut up!”
“Oh, oh I think I get why you invited Mr. Chemistry God over to ‘hangout’ now~” Kuroo rested his chin on the palm of his hand, soaking up the red, blushy mess that was his boyfriend. His lips were pursed, and his shoulders were tensed up. What a wonderfully cute expression. Now this was entertaining. 
“There’s no shame in admitting that you needed help, (N/n), or is it just because you wanted me to teach you?” Kuroo stalked closer to (Y/n), placing his hands around his shoulders. He leaned down, next to (Y/n’s) ear and said: “No need to disguise this as a ‘hangout’ (N/n)-”
Kuroo’s voice caught in his throat once he caught sight of the stray, damp droplets of water seeping into (Y/n’s) notebook. Kuroo’s eyes widened. 
“I’m trying my best, so shut up…” (Y/n) violently scrubbed at his face. His voice sounded raw. Kuroo felt a lump of guilt grow in his throat. “I shouldn’t have invited you here after all-” “(Y/n)-” Kuroo’s voice caught in his throat once again. (Y/n) shrugged off Kuroo’s grip harshly, scooting away from him. God, he felt like the scum of the earth. 
They sat there in silence, (Y/n) desperately trying to scrub away tears that kept growing, and Kuroo, dumbfounded sitting there watching. His body wouldn’t move. He sat there, staring shamelessly ashamed of his handiwork. 
Eventually, Kuroo snapped to his senses, his legs finally decided to respond, and he made his way towards the shriveled little ball of soft sniffles that was (Y/n). 
“Hey- hey now..” Kuroo sat next to (Y/n), just to have him scoot away again. Kuroo pursed his lips. “I was just teasing, I swear..”
Kuroo’s voice was barely above a whisper, like anything more than that would somehow break glass. “You know I was just joking, I don’t mean a thing I say…”
(Y/n) hadn't said anything for a good moment. “I’m trying my best..” he rasped out. 
Kuroo had known (Y/n) missed two weeks of school, and was desperately trying to catch up. He knew that he was having a hard time catching up the most in chemistry, yet something still compelled him to say such stupid things. He should’ve known! Stupid!
He shook off his thoughts. “I know you are..” Kuroo wrapped his arms around (Y/n). He let his head loll onto Kuroos shoulder, while he rubbed soothing circles on his back. “I’m sorry for teasing, I know how hard you’re trying. I shouldn’t have said anything, (N/n).” “Though,” Kuroo inhaled. “I’ve seen your notes. You’re adjusting fine. You deserve a little break.. There’s really no reason studying if you’re too burnt out to remember anything.”
(Y/n) said nothing. Kuroo continued, wiping off the last of (Y/n’s) stray tears. “Lets take a little break and I’ll help you catch up, yeah?”
“Yeah,” (Y/n) sniffled. Kuroo smiled a gentle smile. “Yeah.. that sounds nice.”
first fic back lets GO
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cermeru · 2 years
to my darling @kiiraes, happy birthday <3 i hope you have a wonderful day
(special thanks to @kodzukoi for being a wonderful beta-reader!
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"stay with us. please don't die. not yet, baby, it's not your time," kuroo looked at you, fear in his eyes
"i'm not going anywhere" you whisper, eyes focused in front of you, trying to keep your word
you winced. you knew it was inevitable; you were going to die.
you sat in silence, watching kuroo's face intently.
"i mean, it was good for my first time?" it was more of a question than a statement, and if you were honest you found it funny how kuroo was getting agitated because of a game
"yeah. sure. it's whatever" he grumbled, leaning back and vigorously rubbing his eyes
"hey, that's not fair! it's my first time playing and i lasted longer than you did, give me some credit" you whined, pushing his arm playfully
"yeah yeah okay fine but it's only 'cause i got distracted by how cute you look when you play"
"no excuses" you giggled, snuggling up to his side, sighing contently when he pulled you closer to fill the little space that was left between you
"i love you, my little munchkin wunchkin pumpkin pie" he said, nuzzling your head
"tetsu, i love you with all of my heart but if you say that one more time no one will ever find your body"
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kuroo x trans ( male ) pillow prince reader??
with a lot of praise please, if that’s alright
tws:  possible dysphoria (i tried to make it like, not insensitive and like the last one I made??? but use neutral terms bc i had explicit permission to use those terms last time, multiple creampie, marking, kinda rough sex, teasing, overstim if you squint, manhandling
cw: soft kuroo, soft dom kuroo, pillow prince reader, praise, slight begging, lots and lots of love, honestly its just kinda kinky lovemaking
Kuroo Tetsuro was ecstatic. After two years of long-distance and not being able to give you the love you deserved, you were finally moving to Japan. He had planned the evening out, made sure that the apartment you two were going to live in was clean, made sure to put the presents he purchased for you on your shared bed, and wore nice clothes to greet you at the airport.
And, here he was, holding a bouquet of flowers and a gift basket waiting just across from the baggage claim area. Kuroo was rocking on his heels and humming anxiously. What if his [native language] wasn't as good as he thought it was? What if you decided to cancel your flight and were going to break up with him?
These thoughts halted at the sight of you. You looked like you were glowing. With your [hair color], [hair length] tresses and your [eye color] optics shining with the tears that were forming; the outfit you chose and the way your lips quirked into the smile he loved so much. Kuroo could feel the butterflies swarming in his stomach and the way his heart rate sped up- how his palms began to sweat and tears of his own threatening to spill over his lashline. 
“Testu-chan!!” Your voice rings, a sudden warmth enveloping him as you pulled him closer to you and burying your face in the crook of his neck.Your scent was the icing on the cake, forcing the tears in his eyes to carve a trail down his cheeks. Kuroo wraps his arms around your waist, murmuring an, “I’m so glad you’re here, baby.”
---Slight time-skip---
Kuroo absolutely loved the way your eyes lit up when you entered the apartment. He chose most of theses decorations thinking of you. Kuroo was sure to help you unpack and even cooked dinner, making [favorite dish]. The two of you enjoyed a candle-lit dinner together, laughing at each other’s stories, and gazing at each other with eyes filled with unadulterated love. 
One thing led to another, and it ended with Kuroo hovering over your frame, trailing sloppy kisses down the soft flesh of your neck. Soft, sultry exhales left your pretty pink lips, causing Kuroo’s length to strain against the fabric of his jeans. Slowly grinding down onto you, a quiet groan erupts from his throat, the need for you nearly too much for him to contain. Of course, he wouldnt allow himself any pleasure until you had cum several times. And thats exactly what he did. 
Kuroo made you cum until you were unable to speak proper words- incoherent babbles, whines, and whimpers the only sounds that you were capable of making. Only then would Kuroo unzip his jeans, removing his clothes and stroking his length a few times, hissing at the sensitivity of his tip; It was flushed an angry red, precum dribbling down the veins of his shaft. 
“On your knees, pretty boy.” Kuroo pats your hip twice, allowing you to take position. With shaking legs, you assume doggy, arching your back with your legs spread just enough. “Good boy.”
Kuroo rubs the head of his cock against your entrance once, twice, three times, before allowing himself to slowly sink into your gummy walls. 
The bedheaded man groans loudly, gently rocking his hips into you. Running his hand along the dips and curves of your back, his fingers finally rest on your hip. Carefully gripping your flesh, he begins to slowly, teasingly thrust into you. 
“Kuroo, please!” 
Said man’s length twitches inside of you as Kuroo wraps an arm around your waist and presses your back against his chest. Pressing gentle, loving kisses against your shoulder, Kuroo pulls out until the tip of his cock is just barely inside of you, listening to you whine and plead for him to ‘just fuck you already’. 
He snaps his hips into you, bottoming out, then begins to fuck you at an alarming speed. Kuroo growls at the feeling of your walls clenching down on his length.
“Kur- haah! - Kuroo, you feel so fucking good. Im gonna fucking cum. ‘M gonna cum. ‘M gonna cum! Can I cum? Please let me cum!”
“Cum for me, baby.” 
That was all you needed for the feeling in your tummy to snap; gummy walls fluttering around your lover, thighs shaking, and eyes rolling to the back of your head as you scream Kuroo’s name. As a result, Kuroo reached his own climax- hot, sticky seed spilling into you. 
Kuroo Tetsuro didn’t stop, though. He kept thrusting into you, biting into the curve of your neck, and leaving pretty marks for you to wake up to tomorrow. He presses a chaste kiss to your jaw, then flips you onto your back, pressing one of your thighs to his hip and fucks back into you. 
Loud, gutteral groans leave his lips, his fingers digging deeply into your waist. 
“Oh fuck, baby- haaah~,” Kuroo rests his head into the crook of your neck, pressing gentle kisses between words, “You’re doing so fucking good for me. So fucking good. My precious boy. I love you so much.”
Your fingers find refuge in your lover’s hair, a hand gripping one of his shoulders. 
“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love y-”
Kuroo’s babbling comes to a close as you cum together, gripping onto each other and lips meeting in a loving embrace. As the two of you come down from your high, Kuroo gently pulls out and picks you up, preparing a bath.
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