#kuroshitsuji speculation
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Out of curiosity, I googled if I could find a certain Sarah Kemble. So I found two entries all right. Of course, this is only my conjecture. God knows the only one who knows Yana Toboso’s true inspiration is Yana.
A certain Sarah Kemble Knight was an American scrivener and a teacher. There was also a Fanny Kemble, who was a British actress during the Victorian era. Strange though that both of these women were later plantation owners, who were racist toward the slaves they owned, based on the journals they left. Sarah, specifically, had the lowest regard to Native Americans.
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Fanny Kemble.
Now Snake being born in 1871, March 15th, was the year the German Empire was proclaimed. Southern German states like Baden, Württemberg, Bavaria, etc. joined the Northern Confederation to found the empire after the Franco-German war with Germany annexing Alsace-Lorraine to boot. No wonder the existence of half-timber houses is very promising in these areas.
Anyway, historical aside, Yana chose a momentous year for Snake.
Yet there are still many questions from whence he came from concerning his physical appearance and the way he was abandoned.
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azuresins · 8 months
The first thing I noticed in the chapter 204 cover art was both Finny's thorns and, the way his hairclips are arranged like Roman Numeral Eleven. (XI)... This is also a reference to Jesus Christ, which. Seemed like Yana wanted us all to know for absolute certain, that this thorn crown is specifically a Christian reference and wants us to really notice, and for us to compare Finny to Jesus. Which is interesting to me, because in the picture Finny is dressed like a vampire... I can't help but wonder, if Christ's resurrection, is meant to enter our mind, too. ...? The dead can't come back to life that we know of in the context of the manga so far, but there are Bizarre Dolls (I forgot no one calls them Weird Barbies except me and I almost typed that and left it in), and there are Death Gods, both of these are beings that were human, once and have died (more or less). We don't know anything about vampires, but now I have to wonder what Yana has in mind for Finny's fate...
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Is he... fated to be die, and come back...?... is that too good (or terrible??) to be true...? Finnian is my favorite, and I know I'm actively trying to talk myself out of the hope that he's not just going to die, and thats it. But, still. That seemed a highly specific choice. There's nothing to suggest any human character will be a Grim Reaper definitively and I certainly can't make that claim off of one thing she's drawn, but Finnian in particular, always kind of gave me pause simply because. He's the gardener. He uses garden tools every day. What if that was some kind of foreshadowing, since all the grim reapers in Kuroshitsuji use a variety of garden tools and not just typical scythes ... is it possible? The only others we've seen garden to that degree, are Grelle (...lol) and Sebastian. For a human character we've known for a long time, to undergo that human to death god transformation, in real time? Before our eyes? We haven't seen that, yet. That could be interesting... but would she do that, and would she choose someone like Finnian (or any of the other servants) for that part? I don't know, but. I am looking directly at this art and I am suspicious of it. If nothing else, it's scratched my brain. Is it possible fanfic fodder, if nothing else? Yes. I feel like I'm repeating myself a lot, but I stand by that I think Finnian is extremely important and paramount to this story, there's more to him than most think... It's also worth mentioning by contrast, Snake, is dressed as a Hogwarts Wizard, right. Except... Snake, really DOES actually TALK to snakes. In that context, this frames that reference a bit interestingly... because to talk to snakes, would mark someone as a respected, feared, and powerful wizard in the context of the series he's making reference to. Our snake isn't a powerful wizard (I mean, that we know of, we really don't know much about snake yet), but that's not the point I'm trying to make. In that series talking to snakes isn't a good thing, but, it still makes his outfit interesting-- because he can actually do that. Talk to snakes. What does Finny, then, have in common with a vampire with a Jesus complex? "Super human" quality? Abused by humans? Guilt? Unwavering loyalty, to the point of martyrdom? ... is that all? Is there anything else? ???
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grelleswife · 2 months
Saw also a twitter post about how the anime will be split into two cours??? Like, two parts or something?? Maybe the Easter Bonus will pop up at some point after all!
Hi, anon! Although I couldn’t find official confirmation on the Season 4 Twitter account, it’s entirely possible that I missed it amid this weekend’s flurry of promotional posts.
However, Sugoi Lite (@SugoiLITE) made a tweet on March 17th claiming that the new season will be split into two cours. Is this the one you saw? I’m not familiar enough with the source to attest to their reliability; the account seems to be devoted to anime news and leaks, but how often does that focus shift into mere rumor-mongering? But, if true, that would mean we’d get ~12 episodes (give or take a few) in the spring, followed by another 12 or so later this year after a short break.
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We’d theoretically have ample time for the Easter chapter (i.e. as a flashback episode) if the Weston arc was spread out over two cours, even with a play-by-play recreation of the infamous cricket match. 😜 Heck, maybe the Kuro anime could go back to its roots with an Easter OVA! 🐣 The likelihood of this coming to fruition is close to nil, but I won’t relinquish my shred of hope.
Considering an alternate schedule in which CloverWorks manages to fit all the Weston material into 12 episodes…but we still have a second cour…then perhaps…just perhaps…especially if that second cour’s run at least partially coincided with spooky season…could an Emerald Witch adaptation be waiting in the wings? 👀
I’ll admit that, for the sake of fidelity to the manga, I’d prefer the studio to thoroughly cover the Weston College investigation if they have the luxury of two cours, but it’s an intriguing possibility!
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
It’s probably fake, but imagine if that skeleton on Undertaker’s death scythe is his own.
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bezierballad · 22 days
IMPORTANT: If you either own or are in a Black Butler themed Discord server, PLEASE READ THIS
Please stay away from this user that goes by Winthlock (or Tsuki. They mostly go by Winthlock, but I'm assuming Tsuki is either one of their alts or a different username they go by)
They're not only a proshipper who raids Kuroshitsuji servers and posts disgusting images (specifically Sebaciel images) but also a hacker.
If they post a link, DO NOT CLICK IT otherwise they will receive your information.
I'm in a Black Butler roleplaying discord server and we just had one of our members hacked by this person
Said member also provided screenshots. (There's a LOOOOT of screenshots btw. Also TW for proshipping and some other gross stuff.)
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Classic Sebaciel defender. Lovely. -_-
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If you're wondering what Pink no Koneko is, a quick google search shows that it's one of those Sebaciel doujinshis. So now you have a good idea of what's probably behind that censor. 🤢🤮
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And here is them posting the links that lead to accounts getting hacked. (In case you don't know, Grabify is what many hackers use to gain access to information such as a user's IP address)
One of the unfortunate victims is a friend of mine and in a mutual Black Butler server.
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For those confused; the person who got hacked by Winthlock (I censored said person's name in blue) calling out Winthlock (who is both using the hacked account and trying to play innocent about the whole thing)
The "MA" user you're seeing in the above screenshot is the hacked account.
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Please note the same profile picture.
Winthlock also goes by winthlock03 as you can see. (Either it's their alt username or one of their alt accs)
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There's also been lots of speculation about Winthlock in general; another user (censored in pink) says that they also have some experience
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Another user also states their experience (censored in green)
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So if the information in the above screenshots is true, then there's a good chance that Winthlock is not only a proshipper, a hacker, but also a lowkey creep lusting for an underaged character and supporting their kid sister indulging in proshipping. (Again, this part is merely speculation, no screenshots of the comments, were provided unfortunately.)
But yeah, that's the basic gist of it.
I seriously cannot believe people are this petty. Proshipping is one thing: if you ship something disgusting like Sebaciel, fine. Whatever. No point in wasting time trying to change your mind. I'll just block you and move on with my day, simple.
But raiding servers and hacking people's accounts? That's honestly inexcusable. It's honestly abhorrent. And possibly convincing young individuals that proshipping is cool and something they should do and that there's nothing wrong with it? Absolutely degenerate behavior.
And I know there's gonna be someone saying shit among the lines of "Why are you aNTIS so worked up about a fictional ship"
This proshipper is raiding discord servers and hacking people, over a fictional ship. Just think about that for at least five seconds, please.
TL;DR if this person joins your server, please block them and ban them ASAP. Do NOT click the links they post.
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funtomfactory · 3 months
In memoriam
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Now that most of you have read chapter 209 of the manga and have hopefully let it settle in a bit, I would like to give some attention to this.
RIP Snake 3/15/1871 - 12/9/1889
A beloved member of the Phantomhive household and Kuroshitsuji family has passed away. Snake, as we learned, was 18 years old and had no other name. His eccentric looks an dabilities made him a very special character to many who have feelings akin to Snake's: the fact that they desperately want to belong somewhere, despite being an oddity. Snake therefore was a very popular character, even becoming the seventh most popular character of the series according to an official poll, just missing out on the Akuma Six.
Much about Snake remains a mystery. We still don't know what caused his appearance, or how he wound up at the freakshow. I have little hope that we'll find that out yet now that he's gone.
But we will not let his passing go by unnoticed. That's why we announce the following:
Snake's memorial service (#Snake Memorial) Starting this friday, and lasting throughout the weekend, we will honor Snake in the ways fandoms tend to do:
Friday: Memories day. Share your favourite manga/anime moment(s) of Snake and his Snakes.
Saturday: Fan content. Share your fanfictions, fanart, etc. featuring Snake.
Sunday: Speculation day. What headcanons do you have for Snake? Which questions left unanswered do you think you have the solution to? Share your thoughts on Snake on the third and final day.
How to participate? Of course we leave that entirely up to you! If you want us to reblog your posts, use the tag #Snake Memorial or send in something using the askbox or submission page.
Remember: Snake will only truly die if we forget about him as a fandom.
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I got a request for a audio, a situation where listener and Doll are watching a documentary about kidnapped children of London, and then Doll be like " That's fake, We haven't even got that many children" An listener be like "excuse me, What?!?!" XD something like that hehehe
I'm assuming this is for the Terms of Service AU, DELICIOUSLY DEVIOUS!!
do you dare open the app after your companion crashed it while watching this documentary...?
sound effects from https://freesfx.co.uk/
(in addition to Freckles' voice, I also improv'd and voiced the fake documentary narration!)
transcript below the cut!
[KUROSHITSUJI app start: ascending bubble tone, chimes, and a cute female voice saying “Kuroshitsuji!”]
“’Ey! Whatcha watchin’? Oh… documen’ary? Oh, that’s like… that’s like a show… like, based on… real stuff, innit? Wot’s it ‘bout? Oh, okay, watch with y’. Sure.”
(female documentary narrator on TV) “The Victorian era in England was a time of great culture and innovation.”
(female documentary narrator on TV) “However, this period was also not without its own unique problems.”
“So it’s about the Victorian era. Hm…”
(female documentary narrator on TV) “Many of the Victorian era’s flaws stemmed from social issues. Although the statistics are a bit murky… it’s estimated that in the later years of the Victorian era, at least 500 children had gone missing.”
“Wh… ‘uh? ‘Undreds?? C’mon! Oh, ain’t no way. We didn’t take that many.”
(female documentary narrator on TV) “Many of them were the victims of kidnapping, human trafficking, and murder.”
“Uh… ah… I mea… ah…”
(chuckles nervously)
“Sorry, I… I don’t know why I said that. I dunno wot I’m talkin’ ‘bout… uh…”
(female documentary narrator on TV) “An unfortunate black mark on London’s history…”
“Wot the… ah…”
(female documentary narrator on TV) “… The sad truth is that many of these disappearances were never resolved.”
“Uh! Sorry, um… y-y’ mind if we watch somethin’ else? I dunno… this one’s… kinda disturbin’, don’t y’ think? Ah…”
(female documentary narrator on TV) “There are speculations that, in the later years, some of the kidnappings may have had something to do with a local circus.”
[KUROSHITSUJI app voice: “KUROSHITSUJI app crashed. Fatal error.”]
(female documentary narrator on TV) “While these claims are mostly unfounded, there is some evidence to suggest…”
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♞Kuroshitsuji Joker Theory♞
(Beware, for this will contain Kuroshitsuji manga spoilers.)
Okay, so a thought literally just occurred to me. I will do my utmost very best to explain it the best way I possibly can, so please bear with me.
So, I've discovered here on tumblr that there is this theory speculating that Polaris is probably Joker:
Which to be honest, is a very good theory that I personally enjoy, for it honestly makes a lot of sense. And in my opinion, it kind of makes a lot more sense since Doll was recently revealed within the manga as well. However, when I decided to re-read a page from the manga —Specifically chapter 137, I had discovered something that I'm hoping everyone else that read the manga saw as well.
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Now, if this guy is Joker like the theory said, then...
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WHO THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS GUY, THEN?! Could it be that Joker isn't Polaris afterall? Because who else could this person shown here be? BUT yet again, what if this cloaked man actually is Joker? Allow for me to explain.
Now, I recently thought of a bit of a theory that could perhaps make sense. Do you guys remember when Barron Kelvin remade the basement into the place where R!Ciel was sacrificed in, especially the locked in cages that contained those poor children?
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How on earth could this absolute madman possibly had known how it looked down to every detail when he wasn't even there? The fact that he created it so that it would look exactly like how O!Ciel, and R!Ciel had experienced it is quite bizarre say the least...But I think that there may be an answer to that.
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What if this guy actually is Joker? Perhaps Joker was a witness to this whole thing, and as soon as things started to escalate, he quickly left. Perhaps that would also explain why we didn't see this guy get killed by Sebastian within the manga when O!Ciel gave him his first order to kill the ones who did those horrid things to both O!Ciel and R!Ciel. (And how this guy hadn't been shown anymore after that one panel in chapter 137. This dude literally made one single appearance, then dipped. Coincidence? I think NOT!)
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And not to mention that when the news was broken to Baron Kelvin that a buyer had gotten ahold of the Phantomhive twins, and that they were to later on be used as sacrificial lambs, Kelvin had begged to be taken to that same place that they were in:
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And since Kelvin himself couldn't just go with the man who had just broken the news to him (due to not being able to walk due to his recent operation, and because the man had hurried up and left the room when Kelvin began to behave hysterical), what if Kelvin himself had ordered Joker to go follow the man to the location where the twins were being held, and perhaps save the twins, thus is why this cloaked individual here is randomly shown in Chapter 137 of Black Butler? I like to imagine that Joker had made it to the location, he disguised himself as a member of the cult to blend in with the crowd, and was pretty much silently watching everything unfold before his very eyes.
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This would also explain how Kelvin knew of how the place where R!Ciel had been sacrificed, and how it all went down.—Because Joker told him everything about it. (i.e the appearance, the cages, the children within the cages, the table used for the sacrifice, the pentagram engraved under the sacrificing table, etc.) He probably didn't tell Kelvin about Sebastian being summoned, for Kelvin probably would've thought Joker was spouting nonsense.
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And by the look on Jokers' face within this panel of the manga, I'm quite certain that fear isn't the only thing you can see on his face, but also guilt and anxiousness. I have a theory speculating that whilst Kelvin was boasting about re-creating the basement to look exactly as that satanic alter where R!Ciel was sacrificed, Joker was probably afraid that Kelvin was gonna reveal to Ciel that he had sent Joker to the place where those horrid things had happened to he and his brother that very day which probably would've caused Ciel to go mad, and probably shoot Joker, or just order Sebastian to murder him right away. But Kelvin wasn't able to finish his sentence due to Ciel immediately shooting him:
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(Serves this nigga right, for I'd shoot his ass, too 🤷🏽‍♀️)
What do you guys think about this? I mean, don't get me wrong, I feel like I could be incorrect about all this, or that it could just be a coincidence, but yet again, you also gotta think to yourself—Not everything is a coincidence in Kuroshitsuji, for there are quite a lot of observations to make when it's a supernatural series full of all of numerous different mysteries.
But yeah, that's really all I've got to say about that, but let me know what you guys think about this theory.~
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foreverheadinclouds · 11 months
There has been a couple of new anime project announcements that are for titles close to my heart. I’m a bit slow to the news but I’m so so excited!!!
Black butler and Natsume’s Book of Friends are getting new seasons! Both are manga series I have been following since they first began, so the excitement is slightly uncontainable 😂
Some sight speculations on what might be adapted below, but no specifics.
Season 7 for Natsume’s book of friends (夏目友人帳; Natsume Yuujinchou): wonder which chapters they’ll adapt for this season. They are all good so no preference there. We are slowly learning more about the history and exorcists so very excited in general.
A new season for Black Butler (黒執事; Kuroshitsuji): I’m guessing they’ll continue directly after the last arc they adapted, the Book of Atlantic, so probably the public school arc? Since the public school arc is 19 chapters, more chapters than the circus arc already, that might be all we get? But I’m not sure how the actual page counts compare. I would be very happy if they somehow get to the green witch arc, but more than excited if they only adapt the next arc. (That said, I am hoping they are actually going to adapt the manga arcs… 🫣)
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aoi-kanna · 2 years
Where do you take refs from to draw amazing clothing designs??? I'm especially curious for the lolita dress and Bunn killer
Wow, Thank you ^w^) I'm very flattered ♥♥♥
As I explained here, I use many sources of inspiration to work, but always under the challenge of trying to do it from memory. Of course, the ideal is always to work with references, so I can only speculate that I have (and try to exploit) a small ability to memorize certain things that I like and that they remain archived in my memory for later use. -In the case of the Celest and Luna lolita style, the closest source of inspiration would be between the Edwardian and Victorian styles, that are widely used in Japanese anime, the minerva is to adapt to the character and the decorate hats are a reference to Ciel Phantomhive, from the manga and anime Kuroshitsuji. In the case of Killer's bunny suit I kept the traditional Sans hoodie and drew a style close to military, that's why the boots, because I like how rough it looks hehe... The bow tie is something typical in stuffed animals and I wanted to give that atypical touch to a character like Killer. On the other hand, the back pose is an easter egg in itself, it is a subtle tribute to King Kazma, one of my favorite anthropomorphic rabbits of all time, from the movie Summer Wars.
\o/ and that's it-
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bluebeirry · 6 years
Y’know, I noticed something. Everyone’s going “That was Sebastian who got killed!” In Chapter 134, ‘cause of:
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But I seem to remember that Sebastian wasn’t originally hit like that:
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He clearly “died” on his front, not his back. But then…
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…when it was time to resume the dying pose…
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…Sebastian CHOSE to lie on his back.
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He even chose a specific look for his “death.” And before you think this was solely for Earl Grey:
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Sebastian says he “meant for it (the changed pose) to be a little revenge, BUT”- implying that the “revenge” he intends isn’t on Earl Grey.
So who was he getting revenge on? My bet is our other main character, Not-Ciel. I think the reason why Sebatian’s death pose looks similar to Vincent’s death pose is because Sebastian copied the look Vincent had upon his death. This would’ve been partially to tease Not-Ciel, and partially to ensure not-Ciel’s acting was 100% convincing; if the fake trauma mimics the real-life trauma from Not-Ciel’s past, then there’s a chance of it invoking some of that old trauma and provoking a genuine distraught emotional reaction.
Which would justify Ciel’s “unexpected” revenge:
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While there’s still the mystery of why and how Sebastian knew what dead Vincent looked like, I don’t think this means Vincent is alive, or Vincent is Sebastian.
But then again, I could be wrong.
Images from @midnight-in-town
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aroturier · 2 years
So Now That's Sorted...
Maybe I'll be able to post my thoughts on the latest chpter (187.)
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Poor Bard.
Well, we all knew it was coming, right? But did anyone else feel like the penny might've dropped too? Like, perhaps there's a reason why this got released on the same date as Agni died five years ago?
Well, maybe that was just a coincidence. But cast your mind back. Remember what we could tell about the person who killed Agni? Well, obviously they liked knives. Like, REALLY liked knives. We couldn't decide if there was one or two assailants, but we knew at least one of them wore a hooded coat-robe, a garment we've since identified as the one the goons on Undertaker's side seem to favour. In fact they're all wearing them in the scenes today. But Yana has taken care to show us their chins, that none of them are anything like the dainty, childlike chin on the robed assassin who did for Agni.
I think that was what first started me thinking. We've just been presented with a less than adult sized character wielding a knife who has a very childlike face.
Now I just read someone speculating that maybe she's more than she appears to be, since a child wouldn't be expected to have the arm strength to stab into a grown man's body deep enough to puncture his lung the way this bint's just done. Bard's spitting up blood, ergo he's been stabbed deeply, his lung is punctured. So yeah, maybe she is more than she appears. Doesn't make much sense having a little girl as a nurse in a sanitorium anyway, so she's about as odd and out of place as she can be. But earlier Yana drew a couple of dwarfs who were acrobats in the circus arc without doing much research on the conditions that cause dwarfism, so for the longest time the younger readers were largely unaware Peter and Wendy weren't children and us adults were a little puzzled as well. So this, too, might be a person born with dwarfism. Or the reanimated body of someone with that condition, or unusual strength might be a by-product of that process we just haven't been made aware of yet or she could be some sort of supernatural. But that is neither here nor there to me right now. What I want to talk about is who she might be.
The question I want to pose is, could this girl or woman the murderer of Agni? And a lot more upsettingly, might this girl have been involved in the entire story of what happened to Ciel and his brother right from the get-go? Have any of you noticed yet the placement of that knife wound? Did anyone see that the first stab wound Agni got was a low one as well? He didn't get the ones up in his shoulders until after he was on his knees, already dying, hanging onto that doorknob, protecting his prince. Did anyone happen to notice where Tanaka was stabbed the night of the twins' birthday party? Exactly the same spot as Bard. In the back, so low several people thought R!Ciel might've done it. Right at the point of the scapula, right where somebody who knew their anatomy would stab and then twist to try and reach the heart from the back.
Could be a big coincidence. Or not. Yana's a great one for fooling us with what's just out of our eyeline and hidden by speech bubbles and such. If the pint-sized nurse isn't smiling though, she looks quite a lot like the person with the knives who did for Agni. But to be fair, so would R!Ciel. What most of us who enjoy this speculation game do feel fairly certain of is there were two assailants that day at the townhouse: one with a gun, the one whom Soma was sure was the earl, (and jeez, I'm just sure he's going to come back and kill our Ciel or give it his best shot,) and one wearing a hood who was wielding knives.
I'll say it again. I think we are rounding the last turn and heading into the final stretch of this story. Of course, at the rate of only this many pages a month, it might take us another fifteen years to finish it.
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eemoo1o-animoo · 1 year
*whispers into your ear seductively* Do you think Kuro is ending?
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bezierballad · 3 months
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I know pretty much every Kuroshitsuji person has already talked about this moment already, but I might as well throw in my two cents.
It really interests me when we have this all-powerful threatening, unwavering edgelord of a character seem vulnerable (physically or emotionally, but especially emotionally) even for a second.
We can't tell for sure what exactly Sebastian is thinking here, but it does bring a lot of speculation; does he really care that much about what humans think about him? How does he view himself as a demon? Who knows.
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sasubaeuchithot · 3 years
Reasons why I think o!ciel’s real name is Sirius:
Sirius is the name of the brightest star in the night sky, which also goes by the title “Dog Star”. It’s often tied to dogs in general. It’s a beautiful way to parallel the job of being the Queen’s Watchdog
r!ciel went by the name of “Lord Sirius” during the boy band arc. it would be just the right type of petty for r!ciel to parade around with o!ciel’s real name after his brother went years stealing his identity.
lmao adding to that is this fuckin line from chapter 169:
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Sirius was thought of to be one star before astrologists developed strong enough telescopes and it was discovered in 1862 to actually be two stars. the parallel of this to the story is uncanny
a stretch, but Yana may have placed hints of his name as early as the Campania arc; the ship was sailing on the “Blue Star Line”; the larger star, Sirius A, is a blue-white star.
I'll add more to this if I come up on anything else this reread
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Like everyone else in the Black Butler manga fandom, ch 169 is making me think about the identity of Lord Polaris. And like many, I'm speculating that perhaps Polaris is Joker. @midnight-in-town makes a very clear argument for Joker as Polaris in this post. I agree with a lot of the evidence I've seen posted but wanted to add few little bits that I haven't really seen discussed much...
Real Ciel makes a point of reminding Polaris that he is no longer Lord Sirius and that that title now belongs to his brother.
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This is obviously because they've been framing our Ciel as the ring leader of the Sphere/Blue Sect crimes so they must keep their story inline. But, could it also be a reminder because Lord Polaris once knew our Ciel by a different name, Smile and hom using that name might give away too much?
I also noticed how frequently Polaris's hands/arms were a focal point (see above images and below for some examples) and how awkward his left arm looks in this panel below:
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The hand and wrist here just doesn't look natural. In fact the wrist looks a lot like a prosthetic. Plus, he is wearing gloves that disguise his hands. We know that Joker lost both his hands/arms after the circus arc and that he is very skilled at using a prosthetic hand. So the idea that Undertaker either attached new arms onto Joker (eww awkward) or created new prosthetics for him is not a big leap and might explain why when Polaris was able over power Angi's strength.
Finally, I recalled the scene from ch 116 where Nina is discussing making four outfits for the Star Lords. This is one of the first references to the Star Lords in the manga.
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The one on top has always looked like a silhouette of real Ciel to me and him being on top implies he is Lord Sirius. I've often speculated that this image has more clues about who the Star Lords are beyond this. Things like there are only four figures, leading me to believe Vega might be only one person. And when I look at it with the thought of Joker possibly being Polaris I noticed the figure on the right has both hands obscured. They are also standing to real Ciel's right side in a position with very ridged posture like that of a trusted butler.
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