#but many times I do little tributes here and there to characters from anime or literature
aoi-kanna · 2 years
Where do you take refs from to draw amazing clothing designs??? I'm especially curious for the lolita dress and Bunn killer
Wow, Thank you ^w^) I'm very flattered ♥♥♥
As I explained here, I use many sources of inspiration to work, but always under the challenge of trying to do it from memory. Of course, the ideal is always to work with references, so I can only speculate that I have (and try to exploit) a small ability to memorize certain things that I like and that they remain archived in my memory for later use. -In the case of the Celest and Luna lolita style, the closest source of inspiration would be between the Edwardian and Victorian styles, that are widely used in Japanese anime, the minerva is to adapt to the character and the decorate hats are a reference to Ciel Phantomhive, from the manga and anime Kuroshitsuji. In the case of Killer's bunny suit I kept the traditional Sans hoodie and drew a style close to military, that's why the boots, because I like how rough it looks hehe... The bow tie is something typical in stuffed animals and I wanted to give that atypical touch to a character like Killer. On the other hand, the back pose is an easter egg in itself, it is a subtle tribute to King Kazma, one of my favorite anthropomorphic rabbits of all time, from the movie Summer Wars.
\o/ and that's it-
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tsukii0002 · 20 days
My demons' periods cycles. By Mc
Note: these are purely my headcanons at the moment, they are based on animal ethology and behaviours that I think would suit each character depending on their personality and Lore. I would love to read your headcanon in case you have them.
Warning: Long text. Possible grammatical errors. It's written as if Mc was writing for themself.
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Hey, it me Mc, the best human. Here is a compilation of the behaviours of my demons during their periods, cycles, for practical day to day use. It wasn't easy but I sat them down and got to talk to them, with a little effort I now know what they need. So now I am ready to assist them during these complicated times and be prepared in case I find a dead goat on the porch as a tribute.
Lucifer, Mammon & Levi || Satan, Asmo, & Beel || Belphie, Barbatos & Diavolo || Simeon & Raphael
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Light does not bother him, but he rarely sleeps during its periods.
During his cycle his wings are filled with new feathers, to make them more noticeable and showy, many are small and iridescent.
His horns are also covered with iridescent scales.
He's constantly preening his wings, and they are always stretched to their fullest extent (Be prepared to be plucking feathers off your head for months)
The more feathers the better health (The stress of everyday life affects his plumage at this time so if at any time you see it scarce don't tell him :()
Unlike what you might think his nest is not in his bedroom but in secret rooms in the HOL.
Peacocks build their nests by making holes in the floor, Lucifer simulates that feeling by making a nest with high walls (good luck trying to get in and out) .
During his cycle he becomes very territorial and protective over his chicks (his siblings) and his mate (Interestingly Satan has woken up in the nest the most times over time, followed by Belphie)
He doesn't go outside his territory (the house), he feels a strong need to protect the fort (so all RAD paperwork falls on this sheep) .
Lucifer has a pre-heat period which is when he starts to grow new feathers, he eats a lot more and stores some food.
During the cycle he hardly eats, for that he has been accumulating energy ( you have to insist and feed him yourself so that he doesn't end up weakened after the cycle) .
He can talk normally, although when someone outside his family approaches a guttural sound comes out of his throat as a warning.
He produces very strong pheromones, but does not mark with them because there is no need (No one will dare steal what belongs to him)
Although physical contact soothes him, don't rub him if you don't see him relax, especially his wings. Let him initiate the contact.
He's always on guard since he does not sleep. But don't want that his brothers see him in his period.
His main way of courtship is to show off, so to get him to let you live, flatter him, tell him how beautiful his wings are or how majestic he is.
It's funny because sometimes he'll expect you to court him back (I don't have wings Luci, I can't do it) .
His senses are uniformly heightened. Nothing gets out of his control. (Good luck going to the toilet)
His body temperature rises (prepare light clothing, more than for him for you, you're going to need it)
Does he purr? Yes, although it's more like the sounds certain birds make before they sing. It is difficult to hear >:(.
During the cycle his anxiety is accentuated.
Normally demons end up exhausted after their cycle, but because he is so proud he doesn't let you take care of him, and he ends up much worse off.
Mc: So the nest is important?
Lucifer: Very important, yes.
Mc: Essential?
Lucifer: Yes
Mc: … *thoughtful* Are you going to let me leave the house?
Lucifer: No.
Mc: And from your nest?
Lucifer: No.
Mc: …. Let's buy cervical pillows then
Lucifer: *grinning*
Mc: So if I forced you, will you eat?
Lucifer: I think it's possible.
Mc: *grinning * And how do I do it with a spoon or mouth to mouth like the chicks?
Lucifer: *blushing * You… don't make me regret having told you all this
Mc: *half asleep* Everyone is sleeping.
Lucifer: *watching them in the dark with his eyes shining*
Mc: Everything is in order *trying to climb the nest*
Lucifer: *picking them up and lifting them to the nest* … *purring*
Mc: Now, now, let's try to sleep…*still half asleep* you are warm.
Lucifer: *covering them with his wings* Rests Mc.
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He can stand the light but doesn't like it, during these periods he has a reduced sleep schedule.
During his period he feathers, these feathers help him to be more aerodynamic.
He needs to groom them but as he normally doesn't have that many he is terrible at it (So be prepared to give him a hand) .
He nests, but like crows he does it high up, (make sure you prepare a hanging platform on the second floor of his room or he will end up nesting on the roof) .
Unlike Lucifer, he goes out almost every day, looking for small prey or presents. And don't care if his brothers see him in his period.
During his cycle his obsession for shiny things is accentuated, they don't have to be valuable, just shiny: stones, crystals, metals, floors or polished surfaces (thanks for the idea)…
He is a collector and will bring these objects to the nest.
Mammon is not overly territorial, he doesn't expect his parnert to be in the nest for 24 hours either, but when he comes back from his outings please be there or he will panic. Last time the house almost burned down.
He produces pheromones, and he will only use it on his mate.
He does not have a pre-heat, but you can identify that he's approaching his period by her lack of attention (more than usual).
Mammon eats throughout his cycle, more than usual, mostly meat, but also certain grains and seeds that his relatives collect for him.
He will want to feed you and you will want to feed him. You can't get away from that, you just can't.
His pupils dilate and constrict in an exaggerated manners. And his eyes shine in dark.
Although he talks, he prefers to communicate by squawking and growling.
However, when he is affectionate mood mainly with taps and caresses.
During the cycle he becomes very needy of physical touch, at sleeping, eating and grooming times he must always be skin to skin. Stroke him between the wings or plumage and he will start to purr.
He is happy for you to initiate contact, he doesn't mind if you do it whenever you want.
He sleeps curled up on his companion.
Does he purr? Yes, like his brother it's a similar sound to certain birds, but it's easy to make him purr (pretty much whenever you pay attention to him)
And you always have to pay attention to him.
His form of courtship is to bring you gifts, where did you get coins, pretty stones, luminescent flowers … you can not refuse these gifts or he'll cry (however give a stone or a coin and will not leave the nest in hours, he will think that you have reciprocated the courtship and will be happy)
His senses are sharpened especially his hearing and sight, he can see for miles, there is no threat that escapes him, that is why he is able to leave the territory so much.
He is more honest than usual, if he wants you to hug him he will tell you straight out.
Mammon: *trying that mc eat a leg of an unidentified animal*
Mc: No- NO!, youuuu stay baaaack
Mammon: *grunt*
Mc: *giving him part of their bread * take it
Mammon: *with pupils dilate* Oh *happy bird noises*
Mc: *holding back laughter*
Mammon: Farther to the left
Mc: Here?
Mammon: *stretching his wings higher*
Mc: Here?
Mammon: *purrs*
Mc: How the hell did you preen your feathers before?
Mammon: *curled next to Mc holding tightly a monopoly coin*
Mc: *smiling while stroking his feathers*
Mammon: Love you...
Mc: So your period makes you soft…I wish you were always as honest.
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Nocturnal, light bothers him and can hurt his eyes.
During his period he sleeps more than usual (although he should sleep more often).
His scales cover his whole body and become more colorful. And his horns grow new branches.
He does not need as much grooming as other types of demons, but he needs constant humidity.
During his period the bathtub in his bedroom is full, but sometimes a humidifier is enough.
However during the final part of his period he needs to be totally submerged (so be prepared to go diving)
During this phase Lucifer puts a spell on him to track him. Because his envy can lead him to hide in the deepest pit of the ocean.
Some snakes nest, but most do not, so Levi's safe place during his period is under a pile of blankets, thin cloths and other things (like a burrow).
Since Levi is Levi, you have to make sure to give him wet towels every so often to moisten his body.
Levi is very territorial but he is more elusive and prefers to hide, his insecurity increases and there is no way to get him out of his burrow ( make sure he hydrates because it wouldn't be the first time he gets sick)
He doesn't eat much during his cycle, and if he does it has to be raw, but he has poor hunting skills, guess whose turn it is to take care of this?
Although the final phase of the period (Underwater) Lotan often takes care of finding nutritious prey for him.
When sleeping he wraps his tail around your body, first because you are a source of warmth and second because you are you.
Levi becomes partially non-verbal, he uses a lot of hisses and grunts. After two days they can be easily identified.
He likes physical contact, but he is the one who has to initiate it. (Touch him without his permission and be prepared to search for him in the depths of the Devildom water bodies).
Levi's courtship occurs underwater.
First he shows off, where all his scales glow many colors, this is indicative of health (as Levi does not have a very healthy diet or routine, his color could be better, but we won't tell him that)
And in the second instance it gives a single stone of sea crystals.
The sense that develops the most is the sense of touch and hearing. His skin becomes super sensitive so he can only wear certain types of clothing. And excessive friction hurts him.
His body temperature decreases a lot, more and more as the period progresses because he can not thermoregulate ( that's why he needs to be submerged and that's why you will wake up underwater)
Does Levi purr? Of course, when you talk to him or when he is embarrassed.
After his cycle he will need several days to look you in the eye again.
Levi: *sad hiss*
Mc: I'm telling you that your scales are very pretty.
Levi: *self-deprecating hiss*
Mc: No, I'm not just saying this... but if it really makes you feel bad, starting tomorrow you're going to eat more protein.
Levi: *hiss of indignation* >:0
Mc: Levi, I bring you the food!! Levi?
Mc: *looking for him in the burrow* Levi?
Levi: *poking his head over the bath water*
Mc: There you are… Ah! The humidifier has turned off!!
Levi: *grabbing their sleeve*
Mc: *sighing* we have to be more attentive…. *getting into the bathtub* but now you have to eat.
Mc: Who had said that automating a spell would save my life.
Levi: *snuggled next to them with his tail wrapped around their body*
Mc: Are you confortable Levi?
Levi: *nodding*
Mc: Good, love u.
If you have made it this far, thank you very much 🩷
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undergroundkdrama · 1 year
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#KDRAMAWOMENSWEEK 2023 | March 8th – 15th  2023
[alternatively: a week and one day to talk about and make things for women you appreciate in celebration of International Women’s Day] Inspired by @evansbrewster that’s no longer on Tumblr.com.
@kdramaladies will be hosting the event as well. I’ll reblog where I can and try to be present. Prompts courtesy of @dramaheroine who has dont 99.9999% of getting this week to happen, prompts and more, thanks so much. Gifs courtesy of @cuddlybitch, @haeyeongs and @orangesyellow. Thank you all so so much. Thank you to everyone that checks in about this when I am sure I’ll be sitting it out. KWW has been happening for eight years, this being the ninth which is nuts.
Please tag your posts #kdramawomensweek and/or @undergroundkdrama so they are easier to find, admire, and reblog.
Day 1: In Her Head
Women with rich inner worlds, full of hidden thoughts, desires and fantasies. Are her thoughts being revealed to the viewers in visually exciting ways? Think dream sequences, a touch of magical realism, voiceovers, a cut to a talking head or perhaps weird little animated cells…
Day 2: “It” Girl
2021 was all about Haves and Haves Not x2000. 2022 was the year of women in the legal profession. Tell us which of the characters fitting this year’s trend you have enjoyed the most and why. What made them better than the rest? Or what else do you think has been a popular theme/genre/topic for 2022 dramas? How did women fit into the equation? Here are a few examples: gangsters, “behind the scenes”, school violence, countryside living etc.
Day 3: The Help
Women holding everything together in the background, women who have to do all the dirty work, who do thankless labour regardless of the setting or time period. Servants, secretaries, domestic staff, cleaners, nurses, nannies, care workers, housewives…Let’s put some time aside to ‘celebrate those who don’t celebrate’ because they are too busy keeping things running.
Day 4: Bad Girls Club
Everyone loves an angst filled, angry revenge drama so lets talk about the women who seek revenge? Women who hold grudges and whose hearts are filled with rage. Women who hurt others (knowingly and unknowingly). Women who seek power over others and/or themselves in cruel ways. A day for celebrating women’s wrongs.
Day 5: Recommend Her!
Choose your fave – give us a Top 10 that you think she’d make e.g. Spotify Wrapped, her 2023 reading list, her watchlist. Personally, I think that Lee Yeo Reum from Summer Strike listens to a playlist like this (https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3yrqVOEnwQG4z8czX8qD4k?si=36e45bbaeaad4892) as she walks around the village trying to make sense of who she is and what she wants. Today’s a day for projecting and recommending. Sneak your recs in here.
Day 6: Funny Girl Woman
We know women are funny, here’s your time to show love to the actresses who predominately act in comedies, female characters who you find hilarious and actresses who provide the perfect comedic relief every time they pop up onscreen.
Day 7: Lee Yoon Jung/Noh Hee Kyung OR Surprise!
Two pioneering women behind many of our classic favourite dramas. Think of this as a space for tributes to them, what you love about their dramas, Lee Yoon Jung’s direction, Noh Hee Kyung’s writing, your favourite female characters from their dramas… OR  Your favourite cameos by actresses! Who used their tiny bit of screen time in the best way possible?!
Day 8: Timeslip
What if time travel really existed? What if two female characters from different dramas, from different tv eras could meet? How are they connected? Why should they meet? Think of this as an opportunity for you to travel back in time.
Please also feel free to be inspired by the prompts from previous years (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2020 Part Deux, 2021, 2022).
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twistedtummies2 · 10 months
Top 10 Looney Tunes Characters
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This year is truly an auspicious one indeed. It marks the centenary of not one, but TWO of the greatest film and animation studios that have ever been. One of them, as many are doubtless aware by now, is Disney, and I do have some things planned for later this year to celebrate that. However, another studio that’s been getting less attention than I think it deserves for its own 100th Anniversary is Warner Bros.! WB started the same year as the Disney studio, and they’re still going strong. When one thinks of WB Animation, chances are good the first characters and cartoons that come to mind are the Looney Tunes. These cartoon classics were a staple of theatrical animation from the 1930s all the way into the early 1960s…and since those days, the characters have continued to pop up in all sorts of places. Movies, TV shows, video games, comics…you name it, the Looney Tunes have been there. These toons are some of the most recognizable characters in the history of animation, more than on par with Mickey Mouse and his allies, and I’ve always loved them. So, I decided it was time to pay them proper tribute! With that said, what better way than to talk about some of my personal favorites? That’s what we’re here to do today. So let’s waste no more time! Mind you don’t slip on any banana peels or similar slapstick cliches: here are My Top 10 Looney Tunes Characters!
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10. Speedy Gonzales.
Speedy is one of a few Looney Tunes characters who has sort of faced some controversy over his career (I refer you to Pepe Le Pew, for example). Some people have complained he’s a negative stereotype, but thankfully, the majority of people seem to really love the character. I think the reason why so many love him is because Speedy is one of the most positive and genuinely good characters in the Looney Tunes canon: he’s a character whose able to be heroic while also genuinely being really funny and interesting to watch. The self-proclaimed Fastest Mouse in All Mexico loves to race, loves to play, and isn’t afraid to shoot down the absurdity of some of his more bonkers co-stars, just as he isn’t afraid to outrun and outsmart any cat that tries to harm him or his friends. He’s a lot of fun himself, and he loves to have fun, and that’s probably the best type of cartoon hero there can be.
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9. Sylvester the Cat.
Sylvester is one of several characters on this list notable for his sheer versatility. Most of his cartoons do focus on the same basic setup, mind you: Sylvester is hungry, and trying to catch something to eat…but inevitably gets foiled at every turn. Sometimes his prey is the aforementioned Speedy, who - in Coyote-and-Road-Runner-esque fashion - Sylvester is just never quick enough to slow down. He’s also occasionally gone after a kangaroo named Hippety Hopper, whom Sylvester somehow keeps mistaking for an oversized rat. (My comments on him “not being quick” stand here, too.) Most famously, of course, he’s the “Bad Ol’ Puddy Tat” constantly trying to gobble up Tweety Bird…who you will NOT be seeing on this countdown. (I’ve never actually liked Tweety, save for a few appearances. I WANT that super-cutesy little PSYCHOPATH to be cat food someday, and I don’t care how heartless that makes me sound.) While all of these did follow some similar patterns and formulas, each of these opponents offered a different kind of conflict for Sylvester to overcome, and therefore a different set of gags that could be utilized, and a lot of different scenarios to allow for comedy to happen. He also popped up in a few cartoons with Porky Pig, which brought a new dimension to the character: in these appearances, a mute Sylvester is depicted as Porky’s pet cat, who constantly has to save his oblivious master from all sorts of dangerous situations. Whether he’s a well-meaning scaredy cat or a greedy predator, he’s always fun to watch.
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8. Yosemite Sam.
One of the most renowned villains in the Looney Tunes catalogue. I like to think of this loudmouthed little cowpuncher as the WB equivalent to Disney’s Pete. Both are characters who are versatile in how they have been fitted into just about every sort of time period and setting imaginable, with just about every antagonistic role you can think of. He’s most famous as being a Wild West outlaw, naturally, but Sam has also played a Black Knight, a Hessian Soldier, a Space Invader, a Crooked Politician, a Pirate, a Prison Guard, and many, MANY other things. Each time, his personality is the same: wild, hysterical, ornery, scheming yet somehow gullible, and eternally frustrated, usually due to the efforts of “that lowdown, long-eared, carrot-eatin’ varmint,” Bugs Bunny. Sam’s personality is just such an easy one to handle, and so fun to play with, you can put him into just about any type of situation, and without needing to change him much, he can work just as easily. I actually feel really bad placing him so low on the list, but hopefully those above him won’t disappoint.
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7. Elmer Fudd.
Elmer is another character, sort of like Sylvester, who can play either protagonist or antagonist just as easily as the other. In fact, he’s been both more often than Sylvester has! We know him best, of course, for his many attempts to hunt down Bugs Bunny (and Daffy Duck), and these stories already have plenty of fun reinventions, twists, and overall moments. Everything from putting Elmer in different time periods (like the Stone Age), throwing him into different settings (like chasing Bugs into an opera house), or just changing up his role in some crazy way (like making him a viking with a magic helmet). No matter what you do, these always end the same for Elmer: either he never gets Bugs, or he THINKS he does, and then immediately regrets it because he’s just too softhearted and slow-witted for his own good. However, Elmer’s played other parts as well: sometimes he’s not even hunting Bugs, he’s just the victim of that “Wascawwy Wabbit’s” cruel pranks. Sometimes he’s just trying to get by, and Daffy Duck starts causing chaos for him. Poor Elmer just can’t catch a break, and that’s kind of why we like him: even when he IS the bad guy, he’s far from the WORST guy. Add to that his iconic voice and mannerisms, and it’s no wonder he remains one of the most recognizable characters in this group.
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6. Porky Pig.
Believe it or not, Porky was the first real superstar character in the Looney Tunes library. That’s one of the reasons the classic ending line we all know and love was given to him (it’s also why Bugs would later take it over a couple of times, when HE became a star). Much like Yosemite Sam, Porky is one of the most versatile characters on the team, but in a different way: while Sam is a versatile antagonist, Porky is a versatile protagonist. Porky is essentially the straight man to all the other totally bonkers toons around him. He’s sort of the Kermit the Frog of this universe: a guy constantly trying to keep his cool and be civil, but forever aggravated and tormented by the world around him. With that said, the way he bounces off different characters already has a lot of different ways of working: his most famous co-star is probably Daffy Duck, and even just with that one character, they’ve had a relationship that has gone in just about every direction it can go. Sometimes Porky is Daffy’s sidekick, who always proves to be more competent and level-headed than the vain and over-the-top Daffy could ever hope to be. Other times, Daffy is actually HIS sidekick, forever frustrating Porky with his goofy antics. And still other times, there’s no “sidekicking” involved, Daffy just…kind of shows up to totally ANNOY the pig until Porky inevitably snaps and goes berserk. Even Porky cartoons that don’t involve Daffy (and there are plenty of those) usually follow one of these three patterns: Porky is eternally an Alice in the Wonderland of the Looney Tunes…you know, if Alice had a stutter. And was a pig. And was no longer female-okay, that analogy didn’t work, but you get the idea.
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5. Taz.
Taz, a.k.a. The Tasmanian Devil, is a rare example of a character whose star has risen over time since his initial appearances in the Golden Age of the Looney Tunes. Back then, Taz only showed up in five cartoons, between 1954 and 1964; the twilight decade, many would say, of these great cartoon stars. No one would have likely guessed that Taz would take off to become one of the most iconic and popular characters in the Looney library, with tons of merchandise, a TV show with him as the main protagonist, several major video game and film appearances, and so on. For some reason, however, this wild, ravenous, spinning-and-slobbering devil just kept being used, and the public kept eating him up just as fast as he ate…well…EVERYTHING up. He went from a pure villain who would devour anyone in sight, to suddenly becoming a slightly more heroic, albeit not always terribly bright, character. He can, could, would, and WILL just as easily play the role of an ally to characters like Bugs and Daffy, as much as their adversary. It’s hard to say exactly why Taz caught on, but I’m certainly not complaining about it, since he’s a ton of fun to watch every time. And again, that’s really all a great cartoon star needs to be. (Also, for anybody who may be curious...I do have a mild crush on this guy. I’m weird, shush.)
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4. Wile E. Coyote.
It was actually really hard for me to choose between Taz and the Coyote, and I’m not honestly entirely sure if I made the right choice. It was essentially a tie between the two characters; on any given day, my mind could change. But, in the moment of making this list, I felt Wile E. deserved slightly higher placement, and thus here we are. (Also, yes, much like Taz, I do have a mild crush on the Coyote. Again, I’m weird, shush.) Having said all that, I imagine this self-proclaimed Super-Genius hardly needs an introduction. Much like Sylvester, Wile E. mostly spends his time trying to get something to eat. Usually, he’s found chasing the Road Runner and trying to trap him, but on a couple of occasions he’s bedeviled Bugs Bunny, and once in a blue moon he’ll have encounters with other characters. In most of Wile E.’s appearances, he’s a silent character, communicating solely through body language, facial expressions, and the occasional random sign he pulls out of nowhere. Whenever he DOES speak, he speaks in a smooth, slick, uppercrust English or Mid-Atlantic dialect. Whether silent or speaking, this Coyote’s basic trouble is always the same: despite his own confidence in his supposed superior intellect, a combination of clumsiness, shortsightedness, and his bizarre obsession with relying almost entirely on the ACME Corporation’s clearly faulty products always leads to him getting bamboozled. Over time, animators, writers, and directors have found new ways to spin off of Coyote’s usual formula, with stories like him taking the Road Runner to court, or turning into a fat slob due to an over-reliance on his own inventions. It’s the bizarre blend of brilliance and determination against poor planning and overconfidence that makes him such a fun character to see in action. He may never win…but I think a lot of us wish he could.
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3. Daffy Duck.
While Porky was the first superstar character among the Looney Tunes (and Merrie Melodies), Daffy was really the first breakthrough character that was TRULY befitting of the title “looney.” In the early days, Daffy was a wisecracking, wild character, zipping about and causing trouble; a constant trickster who was a bundle of energy, causing mayhem for various hapless boobs. Most of the characters who followed suit on this idea - including his future rival, Bugs Bunny - essentially took their cues from Daffy’s book. Over time, the character crystalized into the mad mallard we know today. Daffy is still zany, but what he’s most known for today is his ego. Daffy is practically a narcissist, selfish in just about every way, as well as frequently quite greedy. Everything he does is for either the spotlight, cash, or both. He’s yet another character who has been the villain just as often as he’s been the hero…but even when in a more protagonistic role, he’s ALWAYS a flawed character, whose self-serving attitude leads to disaster for himself, and usually for many others. Just like Yosemite Sam, he’s also a character who has played many roles: any time the Looney Tunes want to parody a particular genre, it seems like Daffy is always the character who gets chosen. Whether he’s imitating Robin Hood or Sherlock Holmes, or going on high-flying escapades as the incompetent space hero called Duck Dodgers, you can go on a lot of different adventures with him. He’s been partnered up and pitted against nearly every character on the crew, and each and every alliance, rivalry, and so on is fun to see in action.
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2. Bugs Bunny.
Just as it was hard to choose between Taz and Wile E. Coyote, it was also hard to choose between Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck. In the end though…maybe it’s too predictable, but I ultimately did feel I preferred Bugs SLIGHTLY over Daffy. What’s interesting is that, in the early days, Bugs was pretty similar to Daffy: in a lot of his earliest appearances, they’re almost the same character. Both were madcap tricksters who seemed to exist just to drive other characters completely insane for the sheer sake of it, and both had big egos that needed to be satisfied. (In Bugs’ case, this was most evident in encounters he had with the character Cecil Tortoise, who might be the only character in all of Looney Tunes to truly outmatch Bugs on the cartoon battlefield, over and over again.) Over time, however - mostly thanks to Friz Freleng and Chuck Jones - Bugs began to evolve. While still a trickster with a wild sense of humor, the character became more laid back, casual, collected. He was someone who went into situations with the confidence that he could come out okay, if he just thought fast and didn’t let it all faze him. And while he could be downright cruel in the ways he would trick and toy with people, the attacks became unprovoked less often: it was usually a case of others doing something wrong to Bugs, and he would finally lose patience and declare, “Of course you realize THIS means war.” That’s essentially the Bugs Bunny we know today: he still faces conflict and such, but it’s his approach and the way he reacts to situations that makes him such fun to watch. Once again, it also makes him quite versatile, as he can be anywhere and play just about any role, from the star of the show to more of a narrator or similarly peripheral character. He can be the everyman, the superman, and as long as it always sticks to the traits he started out with, it will always work. In fact, the only real question about his placement on this list is…why isn’t he number one?
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1. Marvin the Martian.
I don’t know WHY Marvin is my favorite Looney Tunes character, but he is, and really always has been. He’s not by any means the funniest of the Looney Tunes, but there’s something about this little world-destroying gremlin I find endlessly endearing. Much like Taz, Marvin started out as a small fish in a big cartoon pond; in fact, just like the Tasmanian Devil, Marvin the Martian (originally called “Commander X2,” and later “Antwerp”) only showed up in five cartoons during the Golden Age of the Looney Tunes. He fought Bugs Bunny in four of them, and Daffy Duck and Porky Pig in another. And while he hasn’t become the merchandising mammoth that Taz has, he’s still got a very loyal fanbase and following, and has remained a mainstay among the Looney Tunes ever since. Just like Taz, creators just kept using him, and fans kept asking for more; somehow, this little martian never faded away. What I love about Marvin is that he’s essentially another straight man, much in the way Porky is…but now, he’s a straight man on the opposite side of the fence. He’s usually the bad guy, while Porky is almost always the protagonist: whether Marvin’s trying to abduct people, conquer worlds, or blow up the Earth (because it obstructs his view of Venus), he’s always an obstacle the other characters have to overcome. Yet he’s depicted as so loveable and so mild-mannered, it’s hard to be scared of him or dislike him. It also means the moments where his inner rage gets the better of him, and his temper flares, become all the more hilarious: seeing that pomposity and stiff-upper-lip nature get blown apart at the seams is always a ton of fun. It’s difficult to describe my reasoning, but regardless, Marvin the Martian will always be My Favorite Looney Tunes Character.
Foghorn Leghorn.
Michigan J. Frog.
Rocky & Mugsy.
Road Runner.
Lola Bunny.
Gossamer. “Th-The-The E-THAT’S ALL FOLKS!”
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moveslikeanape · 5 months
i actually don't play disney magic kingdoms myself, it's just not really my type of game, but i've seen some gameplay of it and read a lot of the little dialogue from it online and it's always seemed really charming and cute! so it really is too bad we might never get to see tarzan characters added to it. i do play disney dreamlight valley on the switch, which is sort of a life sim game like animal crossing but with disney/pixar characters all living together, and a lot more of a story to it with quests you get to do for everyone. it's a lot newer and doesn't have nearly as many characters in it, but a recent update added a jungle biome that would've been perfect for tarzan and jane. i know they'll probably never be added, but if they were then they could live together in the treehouse and we could see how tarzan would feel about living in the valley among so many other humans! there would be so many new things that jane could teach him about.
i recently started collecting lorcana cards after seeing one of rapunzel wearing a green dress, which i found really cool because that was what she had in so much of her concept art! i was also pretty excited to be able to get cards from the emperor's new groove, the great mouse detective, treasure planet, and hercules. i bet they could make some beautiful cards for tarzan... but yeah, that copyright issue is incredibly frustrating. some of my favorite movies may be a bit overlooked or underrepresented by disney, but at least they don't have the legal problem that tarzan has. i guess with once upon a studio they must've wanted to really go all out to make sure every single walt disney animation studios feature could be included! i'm grateful they did, because it would've been a huge shame to see tarzan not even allowed into the special 100th anniversary short. the new movie "wish" also has a tribute to past WDAS films during the credits, where gold-colored drawings of characters from each movie appeared across the screen in chronological order. strangely they actually left out a handful of movies including the black cauldron, but they did include tarzan!
also, i'm sure you already knew about this haha, but just the other day i came across an article from a few years ago where several of the people who worked on tarzan were interviewed and talked about the production. and i learned for the first time that it was originally planned as a direct-to-video movie which would stick closer to the source material with tarzan going to england. i'm obviously very glad that that didn't happen and we got the movie we have now instead. -🌟
Sorry, was out of town for the weekend visiting family.
That's fair about Magic Kingdoms not being your type of game. I think the only real reason I play it is because it's something I can play casually and more of less keep up with, with out it taking too much time.
What I've seen of Dreamlight Valley looks like so much fun! And that would be amazing to see Tarzan and Jane in that game. Probably will never happen, but we can dream!
Ooo, I haven't seen that Rapunzel one, will have to look it up. I've always loved the concept art. So insane to think there's actually even Treasure Planet art in them!!!
Sadly we may never get Tarzan in Lorcana, but I found this artist during the Disemeber challenge on instagram, and he's actually done art for Lorcana. Looks like it was just the one card, Chief Bogo (which he's posted if you go though his stuff). May not be official, but at least here's a Christmas themed idea of what could be if they included Tarzan
OMG, I never expected any reference to Tarzan in Wish!! I haven't seen it yet (live in a small town, starting to think we may not even get it in our theatre), but now I'm even more excited to see it!
Oh wow, I actually didn't know that! That's so interesting (definitely so grateful they didn't go that route though). Would have been interesting to see how close Disney would get to the source material… don't know if you've ever read the books, but there's a lot of not so family friendly stuff. Also would have been such a waste, given the quality of D2V animation, would have been such a shame to only get Tarzan & Jane quality animation.
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apri-apri-no-mi · 9 months
OPLA Review: I love it but it’s different!
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Some context: I started watching One Piece when I was 19 years. So the straw hats have been part of my life for over 9 years. Nevertheless, I’m anime only. I have never read the manga. But I know about the story differences between the manga and anime.
I love the live action adaption! The characters feel in line most of the time. The pacing is quite fast, which is actually good for the story. It definitely broke the curse of bad live action adaptions. I can feel the love that is put into this series at each and every moment. Yet, it still feels different to the One Piece in my heart.
I was super excited for the series to be released. After my initial hype, I still tried to keep my expectations low. Yet while watching the first episode, I felt really conflicted. I loved it for what it is. But I wished I could love it even more. Does this even makes sense? Even after finishing the first 4 episodes, I felt every loving post and meme about it. But something was missing. And this feeling didn’t change after finishing the series.
After exploring my thoughts I noticed to main reasons for this:
First and foremost, I love One Piece for its emotions. I have goosebumps, I cry, I feel excited and motivated. With OPLA the emotions where conveyed on the conversational level a lot. A lot more than in the anime. But I was missing the emotions on the emotional level. Characters where saying what they feel. But I couldn’t sense them feeling it.
The second thing which is crucial about One Piece for me is the music! Especially reoccurring background music that also conveys a lot of the emotions. Yes, we had a little bit Bink's sake here and there. And the main theme song We are was incorporated twice if I’m not wrong. But besides that I cannot recall any music except the fishmen's background music. Most of the time I didn’t even notice the background music at all. Epic moments had no epic music.
Nevertheless, I am still very much in love with it. I see so many people engaging in my most favorite fictional world. And they get lost in it! Maybe some even start to read the manga or watch the anime. Some might won’t. But knowing the straw hats - somehow as they are - will be part of other peoples lives as well, makes me unbelievably happy!
And for everyone interested, here are some other random impressions and thoughts:
Almost all story changes where made with love and payed tribute to the original. Like having Chouchou in Orange Town or a girl offering Zoro onigiri. But making the Grand Line map the main story plot device leading to Arlong being kind of the end boss of season 1 felt off to me. It fits somehow into the story. But since Arlong is from the Grand Line, I feel like he wouldn’t be that much in need of the map anyway?!
Koby had sooo much screen time! It was an interesting choice. But I’ve admit, I liked it a lot! Yet I’m not sure if I like how Garp is portrayed. He seems a bit out of character to me personally.
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I loooved how they integrated the wanted posters for each character! That was a really unique and cool idea!
We had a panda in the show!!! At this point I knew it’s just a big success haha!
There had been a lot of queer moments! So many more than in the anime at that time of the story. There will be so many fanfics lol
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I loved Namis and Luffys first interaction. Even though it was different from the original , it was so cute and gave them some funny moments together. In contrast, Sanjis and Luffys first interaction felt really lame. I love how in the anime the first thing Luffy sees Sanji doing is offering someone starving food for free. This way he knows immediately Sanji is a good one. He asks him to join his crew without having tried his meals. In OPLA Luffy first sees Sanji as waiter resolving some fight. Luffy goes from "he's a good fighter" over "he's a good cook" to "he’s a good guy". And to me Sanji is a good guy first and everything else comes after!
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The only time I felt emotions like in the anime, was the scene were Luffy gave his hat to Nami. I think it was almost a 1:1 adaption of the original scene and the dialogue. But somehow this scene felt also off in the live action, because it was so much heavier in emotions than the rest of the series. I’m sorry I’m really picky about the emotional stuff lol
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Thanks for reading my rumbling about my favorite fictional universe! I’m really excited what OPLA can do in the future! For anyone starting to watch the anime, I have some last words for you: I’ll wait in Wano Kuni for you!!!
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ohwhatagloomyshow · 1 year
Scarlet Hollow ask game
tagged by @morgloom. I am tagging: whoever wants to do this! It’s a free for all! I am also mostly a lurker in the fandom so I was delighted to be tagged in the first place :)
Your "canon" trait combination? booksmart/keen eye! i play as my idealized self, which is just an introverted nancy drew
What third trait would you add for hardcore mode? i love talk to animals a lot, i love the additional characterization you get from it! i also love friend dustin.
What trait are you least drawn to? this is an unpopular opinion but street smarts? i don't think i've given it enough individual time and attention because whenever i think about it i'm just like, that's just keen eye and i already have keen eye. i know it's not keen eye but my brain is broken in that mode of thinking!
Coolest trait? i like keen eye a lot! i like the idea of just being a really observant stranger in this new-to-you town. you just show up and have an instant read on everybody and their problems.
Who are you romancing? canon run is nobody! i am here for tabitha!!! but i think i like avery the most, generally. or dr. kelly >:)
What romance are you least interested in? another unpopular opinion, stella! i appreciate that she's Best Girl but it's really a tribute to the writing and her character work that i find her kinda annoying!
Who would you romance if every single character was eligible? it's tabitha and i'm only a little bit sorry about it.
What character would hurt you the most if something bad happened to them? TABITHA. as booksmart i get to avoid her making the sacrifice (i've only gotten that ending ONCE and i've done so, so many playthroughs lol) but i'm certain more terrible things are coming for my girlfailure. i just want to take her to the beach!!!
Would you stay in Scarlet Hollow when the week is over? i think so, yeah! someone mentioned in a post a while ago how much it works that our character has no contacts in the town we've just left, and i like to think about my oc's life improving by being in her mother's hometown surrounded by brand new and really strong friendships. (assuming there's a Nobody Dies ending.) i think there would be something beautiful about really honoring the victims of your ancestors - and tbh your cousin - by committing yourself to righting those wrongs in town. but maybe that means the estate collapses and the mine goes out of business! i don't know! i am rambling! but the answer is yes i'd stay in scarlet hollow, more importantly i'd say with my new friends and cousin.
Who would you vote for dog mayor? i really need to revisit ep 4 with talks to animals because i nearly missed the dog mayor convos and definitely didn't take proper advantage of the info learned there! i have to default to gretchen because i can't remember the other dogs :(
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ratchelsatchel · 1 year
So I’ve been pretty sick the last week or so, I had a fever and ended up having hunger games renaissance. I’m talking watched the movies, read the books, and also read Peeta’s Games on A03 for the first time. I don’t half ass a renaissance, even when I’m sick. 
Anyways, after I reread the books and movies, I decided to leave a very long, at points chaotic review on Letterboxd for the hunger games to complain about all the important details they left out. Not only that, but explained how I thought a hunger games series would be so much better and basically rough drafted a season one. Here it is, please remember I had a fever of 101 and was on lots of cold medicine.
Listen, I get that this series was the start of the dystopian era for movies and such and when they were coming out I was 14 and obsessed. Probably would have loved almost any adaption they made. But as an adult rereading the books and watching the movie I’m so incredibly disappointed with them.
Katniss should have been played by someone younger, tinier, and honestly not been a white woman. I know the books never really address race and only describe her as olive skinned, but she is so clearly not coded to be white person. No offense to Jennifer Lawrence, she’s obviously a talented actress. The books also make it point multiple times to talk about how much smaller she was then the other tributes, even Peeta, who is supposed to be similar in size to Cato. And I think it takes away a LOT from the story to have her played by an actress that is so clearly not a child anymore. The whole point of the hunger games is it’s about actually children being forced into killing each other gladiator style! Katniss may be the “head of her house” even in the books but she is still a kid and taking that away changes the story drastically. I’ve read that the actress who played clove originally auditioned for Katniss and definitely think that would have been a way better fit despite being white as well. Also I hate how sterile they made Katniss in the movies, I know she is supposed to always be trying to be stoic, but they took away moments where she is overly emotional or laughing, or being angry with the capital. Another way of taking away an essential part of her character and humanity.
Aside from the main character problems, it’s frustrating to see how many little but significant changes were made.
Conversations between Katniss and Peeta were changed or omitted.
Hammitch and their stylists encouraging them to present themselves as a unit.
Peeta and katniss bonding because of their forced proximity and hammitch telling them to look like they like each other more.
Removing the avoxes storyline.
Madge not existing.
Not portraying the class differences within district 12 basically at all.
Katniss not loosing it, thinking she killed her family after firing the arrow at the pig.
So many little moments between katniss and peeta before the games to build up their story arc, it made it so hard to actually root for them and see romance between them. No fault to Josh hutcherson, honestly think he was very well cast as peeta. Maybe a little to old. (But that’s like the entire younger cast in my opinion, except Rue. Perfectly cast).
District 11 sending katniss the bread after she buries rue with the flowers. A support important detail in my opinion, and one that definitely upset snow and helped set up the catching fire and the upset in all the districts.
Even the tribute mutts at the end, I wanted them to be TERRIFYING like they were on the book. And yeah they were big and “scary”. But I wanted them to look like the tributes and do that creepy hind leg walking and have human like animation. Another way to drive home just how fucked the games are!!!!
The Cato rant and how quick his death was. In the books he fights off those mutts for what katniss describes as over the course of hours and is torture to her and peeta, until she is able to kill him.
Peeta not loosing his leg!! Another example of how even the winners of the games are left crippled physically and emotionally!!
Ughhh I know I’m missing a ton of other changes or omissions that upset me, but these are the biggest ones in my mind. I understand they were working within a pg13 rating and also a time limit. In my dream reality this book would have gotten a series adjacent in level to game of thrones or how books or even video games often get now. Would have given more time to explore the details and younger better casting. And definitely not a pg13 rating. These books are violent for a reason. Katniss would be quicker to anger and judgment. Hammitch would be less likable.
Shit here’s even an episode layout. The series itself would be three seasons. First season just the hunger games book. Let’s say 10 episodes for the whole book, each episode 30mins to an hour long. First episode ends with the reaping and katniss volunteering. Second episode goes up until the point of the night of their first training for the arena. Third episode ends after Peeta’s love declaration and katniss shoving peeta. Forth episode is all the start of the games up until when the careers find the other tribute by katniss and she realizes peeta is with them. Fifth episode ends with katniss being stung and barely escaping the tracker jackers. Sixth episode is all about katniss and rue together, ends with katniss honoring rue after she passes. Seventh episode is the rule change and katniss finding and nursing peeta back to health. Eighth episode is katniss going to get peeta medicine and ends with fox face dying. Ninth episode is the whole final battle between katniss, peeta, Cato and mutts; Ends when they announce rule change was not valid and that there can only be one winner, right as they pull out the berries. Tenth episode is the end of the games, aftermath and peeta & katniss finally making it home.
I’m def not a professional, just someone who loves this book series and wants to see it done authentically compared to the novels so it could be actually as impactful as the book series. Especially after seeing shows like the last of us succeed and be really well done compared to the story.
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sunnydaleherald · 5 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, January 27th
WESLEY: Fascinating. A hart. CORDELIA: It's not a heart, it's a bambi. And we expect him to read this teeny tiny print? WESLEY: No not h-e-a-r-t, h-a-r-t. A male red deer or staggard. Often associated with rural mysticism. GUNN: Yeah, they all got animals on them. Probably just a bunch of demon bedtime stories.
~~Through the Looking Glass~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Long Winter's Nap by Rabid_X (Xander/Oz, E)
Comfort + Cuddles = 2 Happy Vampires by Kandiii (Spike/Drusilla, G)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 102 by Tuxedo_Mark (Buffy/Tara, E)
Forever My Willow Tree, Chapter 7 by Eagleblaze (Willow/Tara, E)
Tomes of the Apocalypse: Conquest, Chapter 24 by v_o_x (Xander/Spike, M)
Xander the Teenage Witch: Something Wicked, Chapter 8 by v_o_x (Xander/Larry, T)
Buffy The Princess Consort, Chapter 3 by MattanzaMFedora (Buffy/She-Ra, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power crossover, M)
For The Dark, Chapter 5 by CharcoalTeeth (Buffy/Faith, E)
They Know Exactly What We're Here For, Chapter 5 by MadeInGold (Angel/Riley/Spike, E)
Back undead and little again, Chapter 3 by AnkiKind (Angel & Spike, M)
Straight to the Heart, Chapter 3 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
Blasphemy, Chapter 2 by wickedrum (Robin Wood, Buffy/Spike, T)
The End of Destiny, Chapter 3 by ConstantCommentTea (Angel/Cordelia, T)
angels of small death, Chapter 1 by ohdearsansa (Buffy/Spike/Drusilla, E)
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The Undine and The Landman, Chapter 4 (complete!) by holetoledo (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Afterburn, Chapter 8 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
In Any Life, Chapter 3 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Lie to Me, Chapter 1 by In Mortal (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
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Rules of Engagement, Chapter 8 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
It's Easy Time, Until It's Not, Chapter 18 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, G)
Love Lives Here, Chaper 14 by Passion4Spike (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Coming Through, Chapter 7 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Angel and Wolfram & Hart doodles by bethabw (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Giles and Buffy || Are You Bored Yet? by Lucy Whiskers
Fanvid: Buffy + Spike - Rodeo (lyrics not worksafe) by All Choseny
Fanvid: Angel&Wesley | Crawling Through The Window by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Fanvid: Btvs Season Two Tribute by Faith Victoria
Artwork process video: BUFFY x LEIA - Buffy the Vampire Leia by Splintered Studios - The Art Of Stephen Quick (worksafe)
Video: Characters Who Kill God by Tale Foundry (Buffy part starts from around 11:05)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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ReWatch: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - S7, the end by kimannebb
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Video: Afterlife-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 5 OVERTIME | TWASM by T Watches A Scary Movie
Podcast: Grave S6 E22 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) by Lisa M. Lilly
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Fic recs: Best Part by spuffyduds and Girls’ Night Out by magista recced by February Fangfest
[Fandom Discussions]
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the reason faith didn’t come into btvs s7 earlier is because it would’ve made buffy summers way too gay by antlerslayer
Comics aside, what job do you guys genuinely think Buffy would go into? by corvidyus
Should Buffy have stayed in heaven? answered by medievalfantasist
“Pangs”: I’m always so conflicted about this episode by kat--writes
I think that Morticia and Gomez should adopt every Buffy character into the Addams family by musingsfromthelagoon
i HATE the part in Buffy when Buffy sees Giles in his wizard costume by musingsfromthelagoon
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The Scoobies and lying to themselves by garfan
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Restless by txtrigg
Willow question by Tsole96
Riley's Dorm by daydrunk_
Was the Buffy episode "Smashed" magic inspired by the recent hit comedy (at the time) Sabrina? by Tsole96
In seven seasons we had many hangouts and yet for me they never topped the library by Sink_Rude419
The computer class makes no sense by Tuxedo_Mark
Xander & Dawn (spoilers for comics) by Both-Artichoke5117
First time watch along with The Normies by __ButWhy__
Rewatching for the nth time... I have thoughts by Illustrious-Double33
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kalu-luwa · 2 years
ever in your favor pt. 2
a.k.a a continuation of this series, inspiration from @tunabesimpin‘s hunger games event,  featuring sasha (@simpingseafood's oc) and kyuu (@moomoomooing's oc)
i'm very sorry if i got their characters wrong! please tell me so i can fix it ;;
also, please tell me if you don't want to get tagged!
tw/cw: implied death, bullying rip, OOC for OCs and canon (sorry ;;), light gore (mentions of blood and wounds), violence, swearing, mentions of alcohol, unreleased OCs, i'll add more as i go along
(under the cut for dash length)
“What if they make us fight each other? What then?”
“Ever heard of Katniss and Peeta?”
Their last meal before the bloodshed begins. Their last meal, and it’s the best thing they’ve ever had in their life. Rich soups and broths, roasted animals, seafood, the sweetest breads, cheeses, fruits and nuts, and barrels upon barrels of alcohol and spirits littered the hall as the tributes helped themselves to whatever they could get their hands on. Now was the perfect time to stock up on carbs, but Neph didn’t feel like eating much.
“What’s got you so blue, Neph?” Sasha called out to them, his shoes clacking noisily on the polished floor, “We’re not gonna have this until next week. Eat up, you look like a twig!”
Despite his attempts to cheer them up, their stomach churned at his words. He was implying that this was the last time they’d eat like this, not unless they survived. If they survived. “Sorry Mr. Sasha, I don’t feel too good tonight.”
“Don’t be so formal with me, Neph!” Sasha only chuckled, a hand on their shoulder nudging them towards the buffet tables, "Live a little. We'll be fine, trust me."
It… it wouldn’t hurt to trust him, would it?
“Then could you help me get some soup, please?” The fisher laughed nervously, “I can’t distinguish between… well, anything.”
“Aw, shrimpy can’t see?” Another voice piped up, slurred and elongated as if the speaker was drunk. (That… may be a possibility.) “Haha, how will you win the game if you can’t see?”
“Fufu, how interesting,” Yet another voice entered the conversation. “I would have thought District 4 sent out one of their career tributes instead. I wonder what game they’re trying to play.”
“Hah, they look so fragile, like a doll. Their chances of winning are so slim, it’s even worse than getting a UR in a 10-pull.” A whisper caught their attention from the far back, the crackling of fire accompanying the voice.
God, there were too many people here.
“Hey, hey, knock it off,” Sasha leered, handing Neph a warm bowl, “You don’t know what they’re capable of. Besides,” a taunting undertone coated his next words, “The people love a good underdog story, don’t they?”
“As if they could possibly win,” the lion man from earlier spoke up, his sentences punctuated by the occasional gulp. He was eating something, probably one of the roasted animals. “All skin and bones, no magic of their own, blind as hell… they’re practically useless. Such easy prey, too.”
“What do you know, Leona?” Oh, so that was the sandman’s name. “Come on, Neph. Let’s get away from here.”
“Be careful, little shrimpies! You’re playing with the big boys now, ahahaha!~”
“You didn’t have to do that, y’know,” Nephtali sighed, sipping the last of the soup as they enjoyed the tranquility of the night. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful you did, but it was unnecessary."
“What do you mean?”
“We’ve gotten a lot of eyes on us now, and having bad relations with the rest of the tributes is a death sentence.”
"It doesn't matter. I won't let anyone disrespect my friend." At this, the bowl slipped from Neph's hands, shattering on the concrete.
"Friend? You've only met me 3 days ago!" Wasn't that too fast for a friendship to progress?
Sasha let out a non-committal hum. "I've made friends with people who I've known for… like, 2 hours."
"And besides," he turned to the fisher, "Why is it so bad to call you my friend?"
Because, if your plan doesn't work, we'll have to kill each other. Because, if your plan fails, only one of us will make it out of here alive- if we're even alive for that long. Because, when push comes to shove, friendship won't matter and we'll be wrong about each other.
Because I'm scared you'll leave me, is what Neph wanted to say.
Instead, they sighed, a wobbly smile painting their lips, "Okay, you win."
How did it come to this?
Not even a day in, and they've already lost 'sight' of Sasha. Amidst the mad scramble, they had let go of his sleeve. There were people coming straight at them, shouting and laughing, projectiles thrown at them and weapons aimed at their heads and hearts. Adrenaline rushed through their veins as they ran from the Cornucopia.
You can scavenge for other stuff later, they mumbled to themself, right now, your main priority is shaking these bastards off your trail.
Oh, and finding Sasha.
The whooping and hollering grew quieter the further they ran, legs buckling under the pressure. The adrenaline rush was wearing off, the aftermath leaving them weak and trembling. Where the hell were they? Their hands floundered around in front of them, searching for anything to latch on. A tree, about an arm's length away. A few ferns and bushes, right next to them. A fallen log near their right foot, probably too heavy to use as a weapon. So far, so good.
Click. Click. The echo came back a few seconds later. They were near somewhere spacious, probably in front of a clearing. Backtrack a bit, just so they're not too close. Click. Click. The treetops stretched far above them, but there wasn't much coverage. Stay close to the trees, crouch down a little.
Click. Click… Click. Someone was coming this way.
Wiping blood from the corner of their mouth, Nephtali sighed. The other person, who they came to know as 'Cater', was busy searching for supplies. But the way he carried himself, the way he spoke so fearlessly and light-heartedly… it left a bad taste in Neph's mouth. Like he was hiding something, or knew something they didn't. It didn't matter now, he left after 5 death threats, a considerable beating with a stick, and a small chase to the other side of the clearing.
Goddamnit, where was Sasha?
Their breaths came out staggered and grating, scraping their lungs every time they inhaled. Fuck, they really weren’t cut out for this. The problem is gone now, so at least there’s that. Sitting down on the cold forest floor, they took this time to rest and recuperate. There’s no point in looking for someone when you’re on your last legs.
“I swear, I’m not gonna make it through the night,” they laughed, a lone tear rolling down their cheek. “Semyon, please, take care of Marnya and the others for me.”
It turns out that looking for someone was quite easy. Never mind about searching for hours until the night comes, or listening for their voice amongst the rustle of leaves or the coronachs of the birds, or walking basically all the time until your feet are bleeding and your hands are cut. No, that wasn’t necessary.
When their name is called out and the cannon is fired in their honor, it turns out that finding someone is really not that hard.
“Fuck you and your stupid ‘friendship’,” Their grip on their hair tightened, curling further into themself as their throat closed up. “You’re such a liar. You promised we’d stay together until the end.”
“I hate you, I hate you so much.” No, they didn’t mean that. They didn’t, they didn’t. “I wish I never met you.”
“Hey,” a voice startled them out of nowhere, “Are you ok?”
Oh god, not another person.
“I-I’m not gonna do anything, I promise.” Yeah, right. As if. The last time someone said that, someone died.
Neph huffed, leaning further into the tree. “Go away. Leave me alone.”
“Look, I mean you no harm. I got separated from my friend, and I just want to stay somewhere relatively safe. Just for the night.” The voice came closer, practically kneeling in front of them.
“I said go away!” Neph kicked frantically at the space in front of them, scrambling away from whoever dared to intrude their space.
“Okay, fine, fine! I’ll just stay on the other side of the tree. Happy?” The mystery person grumbled, a sharp edge to their tone.
The undergrowth crackled as the person left their side. The air was cold, but without the biting frost that usually accompanied it. The occasional call of an owl resonated into the night. It would’ve been a pleasant evening if it weren’t for the circumstances surrounding it.
Neph just wanted to go home.
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autumnslance · 2 years
Character opinion bingo: Hermes/Amon/Fandanial
I did this in 2, cuz frankly, Hermes is a different person from Amon, even if they shared a soul that influenced one with the burdens of the other.
Though I will say the EN VA knocked it out of the park; you can tell if it's Hermes or Amon speaking, as he imbues each with differences and similarities enough that it's fascinating and a little chilling.
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Hermes is a character that deserved a bit more time and examination as his own character, not as a part of the modern Fandaniel, or the rose-reminiscing of his former comrades--though the affectionate way the original is referred to by Elidibus, even with his fractured memories, speaks a lot.
We see Hermes at his worst, and never get the chance to know what he could be otherwise. He had potential to be better, but his own mental health spiral and too long a time as Elpis administrator took a toll. I also get the feeling he was quite isolated from many of his colleagues, as talking to them and doing their sidequests, there's so much love and respect for the creations, and he's perhaps not so alone as he feared.
Hermes also exemplifies the Ancients' overwhelming hubris and lack of thoughtfulness in their projects and creations. I make the joke that everything could have been avoided by a simple peer review of Meteion and her mission--but that lack of forethought, that arrogant self-centeredness, an ability to take critique, basic patience even in immortal beings, holds true for every Ancient and how they tend to make unilateral decisions.
In light of that, the Convocation's eventual decision makes a lot more sense.
But man would I get annoyed at Hermes as either my boss or as someone just to hang out with. As a character he really does need others, like the cheerful Meteion, to counterbalance his darker tendencies and keep him from moping too hard.
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Gosh I love this jerk of a character. He's flamboyant and exaggerated and I love they gave him unique mocap animation and that he stole Asahi's corpse for the lulz and I would never ever want to be left alone with him cuz God only knows what'd happen but it wouldn't be good for the person left with this literal mad scientist.
There's so much going on here, between what he inherited from Hermes, to what we know of him in the Allagan Empire and how he so bought into Xande 2.0's fatalist thoughts, to becoming an Ascian and the knowledge that brought to his already teetering mind. His response to the Unsundereds' defeat is to piece together what he knows and end the world in tribute to his beloved, long dead emperor.
He was around just long enough to be entertaining but not overstaying or becoming too grating. He did what he set out to accomplish, playing both Zenos and the WoL like fiddles to achieve his goal one way or another. He definitely needed someone like Zenos to play off of; as unhinged as Zenos can be, his usually subdued state countered Fandaniel's clowning mania well.
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tsukii0002 · 15 days
My demons' periods cycles. By Mc
Note: these are purely my headcanons at the moment, they are based on animal ethology and behaviours that I think would suit each character depending on their personality and Lore. I would love to read your headcanon in case you have them.
Warning: Long text. Possible grammatical errors. It's written as if Mc was writing for themself.
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Hey, it me Mc, the best human. Here is a compilation of the behaviours of my demons during their periods, cycles, for practical day to day use. It wasn't easy but I sat them down and got to talk to them, with a little effort I now know what they need. So now I am ready to assist them during these complicated times and be prepared in case I find a dead goat on the porch as a tribute.
Lucifer, Mammon & Levi || Satan, Asmo, & Beel || Belphie, Barbatos & Diavolo || Simeon & Raphael
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Light damages his eyes, and during his period he does not sleep at all.
During his cycle, the plaques that extend from his tail to his entire body become more pronounced and acquire a bioluminescent coating. As do its horns. Beware, they prick.
Some parts of his body grow feathers (I think this is a "side" effect of his birth). He aggressively plucks them out, help him not to hurt himself.
His teeth grow continuously, he has to be sanding them (biting things or his own tail). Other than that he doesn't groom much.
Satan doesn't have a fixed place to spend his heat, and although he likes to "nest" he doesn't know how to do it well, which frustrates him a lot. Help him, you already have experience (I think that's why he has chosen my room as his favourite place)
Depending on the weather he may make something more like a nest or a burrow.
Satan is terribly territorial, even with his siblings. He has had a run in with Cerberus from time to time. Please don't let that happen, the house won't hold.
Satan does not have a pre-heat period as such, but you can tell it is coming because he becomes more taciturn and solitary.
Raw meat is his main food, which is what he goes out to hunt very often because he needs a lot of it, but make sure he doesn't eat more than his capacity or it will make him sick. One way to do this is to feed him yourself (I think he thinks you have hunted for him if you do this).
Satan is the only one who haunts other demons and even souls of the condemned.
It is the only one that has fought other demons. Any living thing within 100 metres of him is encroaching on his territory, which is a problem because he moves so much for hunt.
Satan becomes non-verbal. But he does not use noises to communicate, only physical contact.
Growls and roars are reserved for threats and warnings (in other words, to communicate with everyone but you).
He likes physical contact, but is afraid to get close in case he hurts you (his tags and tail), you won't deny him comfort so be careful and that's it.
Satan produces pheromones, but does not usually mark.
His way of courting is to offer you resources, especially prey (he wants to prove he can feed you), it's not the first time he's brought you a live demon. Once he brought you a Little D, the poor thing kept shaking.
Satan's senses are heightened to the extreme. Many stimuli upset him and he has fits of rage. talk to him, so that he focuses his attention on your voice, that will calm him down. Lucifer's voice calms him down a lot too (but it's a secret)
All these changes (hormonal, behavioural…) are not good for his anger, the poor thing gets very angry without knowing why.
Satan's temperature is a reflection of his activity, when he is on the move it increases and when he stops it decreases.
During periods of low activity he curls up next to you, holding your hand (for fear of hurting you) with his pupils fully dilated, don't be fooled, he is fully alert and ready to attack.
Satan purrs? YES! It's the purr that most resembles a cat (that will make him happy, but don't tell him, the avatar of wrath has his pride).
Mc: *in their bedroom helping Satan* Here is ok?
Satan: *looking at them and nodding*
Mc: Making a nest is complicated… are you sure this is okay?
Satan: *standing next to them and rubbing his cheek with their cheek *
Mc: *smiling* Okay, let's go to the next part.
Satan: *grunting at a demon that's approached the house*
Mc: Satan!!! Satan stop!!!
Demon: *paralyzed with fear*
Mc: *hugging* Satan now, let him go, he's going, he's goi- agh!
Satan: !!!
Mc: *cut themself with his tail* It's okay, it's nothing.
Satan: *guilty look*
Mc: *taking him by the hand* Don't worry, this heals fast.
Satan: *nodding still guilty, squeezing their hand*
Demon: …. I thought I was dying!!!!
Satan: *purring as he presses his chin on Mc*
Mc: *talking to him to calm him down* And remember you don't have to go out every day, there's plenty of food here….
Satan: *purring more loudly*
Mc: But if you see my great uncle's soul, the one from the village, it's all yours.
Satan: *nodding with a smile*
Mc: *laughing* How trustworthy, you're awesome Satan.
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Although he spends most of his time awake, he needs to sleep.
He can be just as active during the day as he is at night (like arachnids).
For him to sleep, you have to be right next to him or he won't sleep.
Asmo needs to nest completely under cover, underground, but prefers the safety of his home to going outside. So he improvises a burrow in his room.
During his period the scales of his exoskeleton become shiny and velvety coated, as do his wings and horns.
Them take on a more striking fuchsia colour than usual. It will be one of the few times you will be able to see Asmo's tail with its sting.
He preens himself a lot, moistening its wings, polishing its scales... At first he is a little reluctant to be helped, but later he will be constantly asking for your help.
More than territorial, Asmo is possessive. He doesn't want you to leave his side, sometimes with his siblings too. If he smells a scent of someone else in his tribe, good luck to that individual.
Asmo doesn't have pre-heat, you'll just wake up one day with all your clothes gone and you'll know it's started.
Asmo's diet during its cycle is varied, although its consumption increases, ranging from fresh meat, fluids of all kinds, to poisonous substances such as flowers, mushrooms or other live animals. Be sure to allow some time to pass before he kisses or bites you.
If you get him a rare poisonous plant, he will be happy and content.
He can talk normally, but he will also make clicking sounds to indicate his mood.
Lots of pheromones, Asmo produces lots and lots of pheromones during his period, pheromones that he will use to mark his territory. Often his siblings can't be near him. You don't have that problem
Asmo is very needy to contact, hug him, give him kisses, caress his wings, his hair. He will be happy to let you.
And he will return the gesture, he will bite you too (always have your first aid kit handy). He will always try to be on top of you or for you to be on top of him.
Asmo's courtship consists of exsivating while performing a dance (like scorpions), this dance is complex and elaborate, and during it he releases a large amount of pheromones.
He gets very confused when you don't react to it, Asmo I'm sorry but I can't smell your pheromones, sometimes he even gets sad.
His senses are very developed, especially his sense of smell, which is more developed than any of his siblings. Make sure the flowers in his room are enchanted so that they don't emit odour and with perfumes and other fragranced products the same or he can get hurt.
Asmo's temperature will generally drop, but he will go through periods of very high fever (due to his sin) which will leave him tired.
During fever peaks he will become very active, and will devote most of his time to courting. To balance this out you will have to COURT him yourself, you'd better improve that dance.
Because of his temperature, he will spend most of his time hiding in the burrow, demanding your cuddles.
He purrs? , yes, in an adorable and soft way. It is easy to make him purr, with a simple praise.
Asmo: Kiss? *with Mc sitting on his lap*
Mc: Not yet Asmo.
Asmo: *with teary eyes* Don't you love me anymore?
Mc: *sighing* Asmo, my life, my heart, you just ate three nightshade roots.
Asmo: *almost crying* And?
Mc: I love you very much but I also want to live.
Asmo: My nose itches.
Mc: Wait a bit longer, I'm finishing enchanting the flowers.
Asmo: *sad * It would be less trouble to remove them…
Mc: But you like them, don't you?
Asmo: Mc..
Mc: *hugging him* I'm here to help you and to make you comfortable, if you like the flowers, the flowers stay.
Asmo: Love you so much!
Asmo: *dancing with a very high fever*
Mc: Asmo, you are so beautiful… you can rest now.
Asmo: *staring at them non-stop*
Mc: *blushing while standing up * You leave me no choice *starts dancing and grabs Asmo by the waist*
Asmo: ?! Are you courting me?! * excited*
Mc: *Grabbing him in their arms to take him to rest* Yup, it worked?.
Asmo: I'm all yours, Mc, from the beginning…
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Light is not a problem for him, although he prefers darkness.
During his period, the exoskeleton hardens and plates of it appear all over his body, and his horns become iridescent.
In addition, its wings become ribbed in a pattern, which at first glance is very beautiful. The more complex the pattern, the more attractive it is. You always see his wings as beautiful, but you agree with him, Beel deserves it.
He does a lot of grooming, which is lovely to see, because Beel is a bit clumsy and needs constant help, he has been injured a few times and you don't want that to happen again.
There are some flies and other insects that lay their nests underground. In Beel's case he has a small gallery dug in the garden, which he uses for storage too.
Beel at the beginning of the cycle may be in the house, but as he progresses he will be in his gallery.
More than territorial, he becomes protective of you and his siblings (he once kidnapped Luke), so when he is in his gallery he feels bad, because his desire to protect them is crushed by his need to be hidden.
Beel has a very marked pre-heat, in which he accumulates large quantities of food in his small cave and his appetite doubles. All the inhabitants of the house join in at this time to cook.
In contrast, during his period of heat his activity is reduced and his appetite decreases, this does not mean that he does not eat, he eats more often but in much smaller quantities and from storage (food that does not spoil).
He will insist on feeding you constantly, prepare indigestion medicine, you will need it.
Beel becomes totally non-verbal, be prepared to become an interpreter, he communicates with grunts, clicks and buzzes his wings.
Lots of buzzing, it's not the first time you've been hit by his wings, with the different buzzes he makes all sorts of claims and they have a high communicative range, you'll just need some time to figure it out.
His pheromones are strong, and he will mark, although he does it unconsciously.
As I said, he likes to have his family around him, but when he can't, anxiety takes over, vibration and physical contact calms him down. The easiest thing to do is to lay him on your chest and talk to him while stroking his hair or wings.
Beel's courtship is complex, first he feels the need to prove he can be a good provider, so he will constantly enlarge and improve his gallery.
And then there is the display of his wings, patterning and rhythmic, synchronised movements and buzzes to impress you.
He sleeps more than usual, will want you to sleep in his arms, and usually does so perched on one of his walls, hopefully you won't develop vertigo….
His senses are not as sharp as those of his siblings, but he becomes much more agile and has much better reflexes.
Beel's temperature increases, due to the continuous movement of his wings (insects produce a lot of heat when flying), but when he is at rest he tends to cool down.
Beel's purr is a mixture of a buzz and a vibration, he will purr when he is calm and content.
Beel was a little worried about how you might react because many humans detest insects. Be sure to praise his wings and other attributes, because this demon is adorable.
Mc: So this is your lair?
Beel: Yes… I decided to keep it from period to period to not destroy the garden…
Mc: I think it's very practical!!! It must be very cool in summer.
Beel: Do you really think so?
Mc: Yes, and cosy too, you're an artist Beel.
Beel: *smiling as he blushes*
Beel: *grunts*
Mc: Beel I can't take anymore…
Beel: *holding out a piece of fruit to them* *buzz*
Mc: Really Beel, I'm going to explode…
Beel: !! *hugging them*
Mc: It's a figure of speech… but can you eat my share… please.
Mc: *sleeping hugging Beel in one of the corners of his gallery*
Beel: *caressing them with his cheek*
Beel: *crackling with worry*
Mc: It's all right Beel?
Mc: Don't worry... Lucifer is with them… and the others will take care of Lucifer for you.
Beel: …*cradling them adoringly*
Mc: And I'll take care of you, so rest…
If you have made it this far thanks you 🩷
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prismatranslates-cue · 5 months
Rie [Sabbath of Castor] Part 2
Previously: Part 1
Rie: A lot’s changed since we were kids. Like the stores, for one thing. So many of these places weren’t around back then.
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Mei: Yes…oh.
Mei: Wait here for a moment.
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Mei: Here you go.
Rie: Hm? What’s this? Oh, it’s warm…
Mei: A corned beef taiyaki.
Rie: A…corned beef taiyaki? They really make those?
Mei: And this one’s chili cheese flavour.
Rie: Is that even still taiyaki?
Mei: This kind of food–and the store that sells it–wasn’t around when we were younger.
Rie: Yeah. This is definitely my first time having something like this. It’s not bad, though.
Mei: You’re a different person now than you were before. You’re a Team Leader and all that.
Mei: New food for a new Rie. It’s only fitting.
Rie: What an oddly threatening way of saying that. You sound like you’re describing “eye for an eye”. …Oh, but don’t get me wrong. I appreciate you going out of your way to find these.
Mei: Rie. I want you to let go and not be so concerned about all the people around you.
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Rie: Huh?
Mei: It’s just you and me. Be as “Ellis” as you want today.
Rie: Oh? Very well. If you so desire…
Rie: Hmph. This foodstuff is queer but I cannot deny it is also quite delectable. Did you track this down for my sake? You have my gratitude.
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Mei: …
Rie: Was that okay…?
Mei: There were no issues.
Rie: I don’t know if anyone’s ever actively encouraged me to lean into my Ellis persona. I’m kind of at a loss, honestly.
Mei: Rie, you have undergone quite a few changes since becoming leader, but you’ve clearly been spending less time as Ellis as a result.
Mei: So at least this much is okay.
Rie: I detect some faint hints of reluctance in those words…or is my mind playing tricks on me…?
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Rie: For those who consider themselves seiyuu, reading manga is not only a hobby but a duty. One could call it training, if not outright part of our mission.
Mei: I’ve never thought of it with any such gravitas.
Rie: You’ve always had lots of manga and books and games and stuff in your room ever since we were little, after all.
Mei: Yes.
Rie: And ever since we were little…I would always ask to borrow them from you.
Mei: You were content with that.
Rie: …Oh? This is that anime that Team Flower were cast in…oho. So they already have merch.
Rie: A matter of course for such a popular work. But we can hardly sit by and let them leave us in the dust.
Mei: …Indeed.
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Rie: Ah!
Rie: This is that book that everyone’s been talking about lately! I’ve been considering reading it myself…
Mei: I own a copy of that already.
Rie: Oh, do you? Can I read it when we get back home?
Mei: Sure.
Rie: I’ve had my eye on it for a while! It sounds super interesting from what I’ve heard about it. Gosh, sorry that I’m always imposing on you like this.
Mei: Rie? Ellis.
Rie: You may always ask me to return the favour, if you wish me to lend you something you desire.
Mei: Sure. I’d likely already have anything you could lend, though.
Rie: Yeah, I think so too…
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Rie: Oh! Do you mind if I try that claw machine for a bit?
Mei: Is there something in there you want?
Rie: That figure. It’s one of my most admired characters in all demonkind, a great leader among us fell creatures…
Mei: I’ve never seen you succeed at one of these.
Rie: Tch…well, allow me to show you now. I will make short work of this feeble machine.
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Rie: Hah, a worthy foe…How did I burn through 3000 yen so fast…?
Mei: …Here, let me try.
Rie: R-right.
Mei: It’s important to analyze the target’s weight and centre of gravity, in order to understand where you want to apply the force. You should be able to picture the action in your mind.
Mei: First, you shift the target’s position, like…so.
Rie: So then with a second one…
Mei: See?
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Rie: Gosh, you’re always so amazing, Mei. You make things I could never pull off look easy.
Mei: It’s no big deal. …Behold, I present to you my tribute for your nativity.
Rie: Yay! Thanks, Mei. I’ll treasure it forever!
Mei: Rie? Ellis.
Rie: My boundless gratitude defies expression with mere words!
Mei: …There you go. That’s good.
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Rie: Lo, the night already approaches, for the sun returns to the horizon so early during the winter moons. Truly the perfect season for denizens of the dark.
Mei: …It’s almost time.
To be continued...in Part 3
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Flower Girl
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Name: Pero Ophiin (She/Her)
Race: Wood Half-Elf
Class: Druid (Circle of the Land)
Background: Outlander
Moving away from Admaer for a moment, let's look at my pretty lil Druid girl, Pero Ophiin. To recap on what her whole deal is, she is a sheltered and shy wood Half-Elf who left home at an early age to see new horizons. She was near Baldur's Gate when the Mindflayers attacked and could've avoided this whole journey, but she chose to try and help people escape. After escaping the nautiloid ship, recruiting Shadowheart, Gale, Wyll, Astarion, and Lae'zel into her camp & party; and finding Emerald Grove, she's determined to help the Tieflings to Baldur's Gate and find Master Halsin.
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Pero was able to save the Tiefling child by reciting the teachings of Silvanus, the God of Wild Nature. Pero was getting sneaking suspicions about Kagha as she immediately noticed the Elfs' constant twisting of the tenets and words of the Oakfather. The moment Pero heard that she's conducting the Rite of Thorns, this made her exceptionally concerned.
The Rite of Thorns covers a designated Druidic Grove in vines, branches, and sharp thorns. It keeps those within the designated space trapped inside, while those outside are kept out. However, what makes this ritual dangerous is that those within can potentially break out into violence due to the isolation and very few Druidic spaces survive such an extreme act. Pero safely assumes that there could be more to Kagha's reasons to kick the Tieflings out. When she tried to confront her about the risky magic, Kagha stood her ground with her reasoning.
While here, Pero talked with Nettie & Rath. Due to Pero's honestly, unlike Torment & Admaer who got poisoned because the Dwarf couldn't trust them; Pero was let off the hook. Though Pero did swore oath to drink the Wyvern poison, should she actually turn. Pero also offered, with absolute certainty, that she will look for Halsin and bring him home. However, I first want to send little miss ma'am to the swamps so that she may discover Kagha's secret.
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Before we left, we learned a few things about our companions! Starting with Gale, Pero discovered rather quickly that Gale has a condition where he needs to consume magic from exceptionally powerful artifacts. He didn't explain the whole story, relating it to having to pay a tribute to a powerful neighbor to keep them happy. Pero agrees to look out for such items and bring them to him.
Of course, we do learn of Shadowhearts glowing wound, but one thing that surprised me is that she's apparently scared of wolves! As I was speaking with Silver (as a Druid or if you have the Speak with Animals potion, you can talk with many critters in the game. Very Larian Studios :D) Shadowheart failed her save and became frightened of Silver. Pero promised to limit their encounters with wolves, and RP-wise, Pero will most likely not wildshape into a wolf if Shadowheart is in the active party.
I, of course, snuck into the servants quarters and discovered the secret letter about the swamp, so that's on Pero's to-do list.
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While at the Grove, we saved the Tiefling kid from the harpies and this time around, we heard Alfira sing the Weeping Dwan song! Even more exciting, Raphael appeared IN THE DRUID GROVE. So at any point in time, he could just show up earlier than expected or later!
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I still smile look a goofball during this interaction with Astarion because he's just so soft. Unfortunately, I won't be aiming for Astarion with this character as far better options are available (Halsin, Gale, Halsin, Wyll, Halsin, Shadowheart maybe, and did I say Halsin?), but it was still a sweet moment. Roleplay wise, I see this as Pero being clueless to his possible advances and just happy that he's softening up to her as she feared that she was doing something to upset Astarion. As for Lae'zel, Pero is still very much scared of her.
When they confronted Zorru about the Githyanki Creche, Pero tried to stand up for him, but when Lae'zel barked back, Pero got timid and let Lae'zel do her thing. She was able to see a "softer" side to Lae'zel when she explained what the Tears were, but it's probably gonna take some time for Pero to get use to Lae'zel.
Also, I'm going to aim to recruite Karlach a bit sooner with this character than usual. Typically, at least with Admaer & Torment, Karlach is at the back of their mind. Not that Pero is too eager to see this supposed "devil" but I just think Karlach would be a better fit in this party sooner than going through the motions of doing the Blighted Village before meeting Karlach.
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channeleven · 1 year
LTA: Todd McFarlane’s Spawn
I'll be blunt, I don't have the best relationship with comic book cartoons. I'm able to appreciate some of them these days like the Incredible Hulk cartoons, but I feel a lot of them fall into the same series of tropes and cliches that basically make them as run of the mill as an animated sitcom, I feel like I'm the only one who noticed this. Now, comic book adaptations, familiarities aside, are enjoyable if you're into that scene, though it's hard to deny most of them have some serious issues. They could be forgivable if they came out at a time long before a gold standard is set like the old Marvel cartoons, but for stuff like She-Hulk Attorney at Law and DC Superhero Girls...
At your own risk.
But when it comes to shows like those, either I avoid it knowing I'd have little good to say about it, or I give it a shot after seeing some clips and I'll see how I feel about it from there, and here we are now.
Spawn is a comic book character created by Image Comics co-founder Todd McFarlane, and one of many Image properties that received a hell of a lot of interest. In the mid-90s, Spawn received a massive marketing push, from video games, to toys, to movies and a television series, and for better or worse they saw the light of day. Though I imagine it was through marketing people became familiar with Spawn, I know I was.
My first exposure to Spawn was through a trailer for the 1997 film that turned up on an old VHS tape I had. I was unfamiliar with the character and assumed this was some B movie tribute, Spawn was a mutant and Clown was an evil wacky political figure or something. If you want my opinion on the film, I can understand why some things about it were changed compared to the comics, like changing Terry Fitzgerald's race and removing Chapel, but whether it was Todd's influence or not, it feels like people actually cared during its production, as nearly everything else is done to properly replicate elements of the comics, Michael Jai White did a good job as Spawn and John Leguizamo absolutely nailed Clown. You can certainly do a lot worse when it comes to superhero films, especially New Line Cinema titles released during that period. After all, 97 was the year of Annihilation.
As for the series it's another interesting coincidence. I left a comment praising the animation in the music video for Korn's Freak on a Leash, and I said yeah, I want to see a cartoon animated like this. Someone recommended Todd MacFarlane's Spawn to me, and after a few years I got around to checking it out... just to find context for a scene I saw on YouTube. Although going through it, it seemed more familiar than I expected, like I watched this long ago in reruns, or my folks actually let me watch it, I know they let me watch The Sopranos with them.
Let's just get into the series proper.
Plot and Characters
This won't be a plot summary, but just to get you into the loop, Spawn centers on Al Simmons, a government assassin who is betrayed by his partner and killed. He bargains with Satan stand-in Malebolgia in order to return to earth and reunite with his wife Wanda, but as his death was arson-based he is rendered disfigured, and now sent to recruit souls to join Malebolgia's army, in this case, souls of those who have done wrong and would be destined for hell.
This is made clear early on, so even if you haven't read the comics you can at least jump right in without needing that much knowledge of the character. An adaptation works best when you don't need to be immediately familiar with the initial source material. With so many adaptations taking on radically different directions with little connection to the sources that originated them, it's a huge mess. However, that doesn't mean you'd be losing some context if you're new to the series, and it shows for a lot of the characters. I'm not aware of their allegiances, motivations or overall relevance to the plot, so admittedly I had to look them up so I have some idea to what to expect, especially when each are well written characters in their own right. Firstly, Angela. She had only made one appearance in the animated series proper. I had assumed she would be a bounty hunter sent to kill Spawn, and I was kinda right. At least somewhere in the comics she was initially sent by heaven to destroy Spawn, it fails but not on black and white terms. The role was kinda switched by the end of the series, where Jade was given the role. I heard this was due to legal issues between Todd and Neil Gaiman and if the latter had no role in the series that could've spelt trouble, although Angela would've appeared in the show's fourth season had the series kept going.
But when it comes to Spawn characters outside of those immediately connected to Spawn, I've gotta talk about Sam and Twitch. Now, on the surface they appear to either be corrupt cops or those who would become a thorn in Spawn's side, but basic research and getting through the series revealed that wasn't so. In truth, Sam and Twitch are poised as being good cops in a precinct riddled with corruption, that point being made especially clear in the show's last season, when beforehand they were just investigating incidents Spawn either had a hand in or happened to be at the right place at the right time for. People like to immediately depict cops as outright corrupt, whether it comments on police brutality or just pokes fun at them, so it's nice to see something not only serve as antithesis to that, but maintain its commentary on corruption in the police force. Even when said commentary is on the nose, it's at least relevant to the plot and key characters and carried out in a way that makes either character shine, from reflecting Sam's genuine care for justice beyond his more loutish nature, to Twitch's bravery, determination and analytical nature.
I certainly thought they were great, and so did everyone else. They not only got a cameo in the 1997 film, but they even got a spin-off comic series.
Clown, aka the Violator, marks the perfect balance between entertaining and sadistic, or just one who delights in fucking with people's minds. He was summoned to ensure Spawn kills those with souls to be damned to be recruited into Malebolgia's army. The film portrays him as more comedic but otherwise in line with his comic depiction, while the animated series is the latter in full force, either works for the material they are given. On the opposite extreme, Cogliostro, once the Black Knight who had managed to escape Malebolgia's grasp, seeks to help Spawn avoid a similar fate. Regretfully in the comics he becomes a villain, but hey as long as it wasn't so he could get into the pants of a deviantArt OC so be it. This seems to be a later occurrence in the comics so the animated series was spared from one of the most desperate attempts at drama since ever.
Of course there're people who're relevant to Spawn's former life as Al Simmons, and this series does not take those details for granted. He wants desperately to see his Wanda one last time and he takes the opportunities, only for her to be appropriately disturbed by what is now at his disposal. His best friend Terry married her and had a child, and though Spawn was appropriately angry that he got further than he did, he realized it wasn't out of malice and at least found closure on that. Spawn was even able to confront his physical killer, Chapel, and of course he wouldn't show any mercy, having him live with the guilt, but having the strength to not have his soul claimed by Malebolgia. Finally, Jason Wynn, basically the whole reason things fell into place. Spawn indirectly served as a key to unlocking Wynn's corrupt practices, including black market trading. Whenever he strikes, he sends others to do so and is determined to keep his conquests in check. However, after becoming severely burned from a mythical mask, apparently the unmade fourth season would've had him seek redemption... either apologizing to Spawn or trying to have his soul be made pure so he can go to heaven, though the latter seems to be the case as he feared his actions against Al Simmons would catch up to him.
The seasons can be summed up like this.
The first season exists to establish Spawn and his motivations, as well as him settling into Rat City, an alleyway serving as a sanctuary for the homeless, and one where a number of shady dealings take place no doubt thanks to Wynn and for the first season, Tony Twist, who is promptly dealt with after Spawn makes quick work of Overt-kill, whom Twist sends to deal with a stake in their affairs.
The second season sees Spawn confronting Chapel and Terry finding himself scrutinized by Wynn after learning of his black market dealings, while Spawn is seen as a protector of Rat City. This also sees the introduction of Washington Post reporter Lisa Wu, who is soon revealed to be Jade, which the third season would confirm. As for the third season, Spawn realizes he can no longer get back to his old life as Wanda outright rejects him out of pure fear, a series of events would help clear Terry and expose Wynn, Twitch would survive an attempted assassination by his and Sam's superior officer and confirm his connection to Wynn, Jade willingly gives up after discovering Spawn's humanity is stronger than prior hellspawns she was sent to kill, and by dying a warrior's death she can maintain a place in heaven, and the series ends with Spawn wanting his humanity back. To some, this seems like a bad end, but this can be seen a number of ways, like how he is willing to be dead, knowing he's now a burden to those he cares about and can never live the life that was yanked from him, while realizing those who have wronged him were dealt with
Keith David as Spawn is complicated, because it isn’t Keith David playing Spawn, just Keith David. All that changes role to role is the script and the direction. Play his Spawn with his Goliath (Gargoyles) and I’m sure you’d find some similarities. Of course that isn’t to say it’s a bad performance by any stretch, but I can’t say the voice is necessarily unique. About the only time it seemed sorta different was when he played Atlas in Teen Titans.
But to be fair, let's bring up another example of an actor who is well recognized for one role, even though it's a similar performance across the board. Mike Pollock is the current voice of Doctor Eggman. While he has owned the role, his voice ins't particularly unique, a keen ear can easily pick that up when watching other 4Kids shows. However, the voice became synonymous with Eggman, as it fit the character. Mike Pollock is Eggman as much as Keith David is Spawn, having voices that suit the characters well and serve to truly define them.
Then there's one of the more interesting actors for Tony Twist, interesting in that he's played by the same guy, James Keane, who played Mr. Green on Hey Arnold!, and I say it that way because Hey Arnold! came before Spawn's animated adaptation. Keane also played Sam in this show, so it turns out he has more range than I'd expect of him.
And there’s not a single piece of Tara Strong or Grey DeLisle to be heard, it’s a breath of fresh air. We do however get Kath Soucie, sure, I'm okay with that, I know little of her personal life and her voice isn't as obnoxiously stale and repetitive as Grey DeLisle's, and she isn't a raging bitch like Tara Strong. Bite me.
But that's not all. We got the voice of Mulan playing Jade, James Hong; guy from the Seinfeld episode The Chinese Restaurant doing a role, Jennifer Jason Leigh got to play a character one time too, and there's a rule that says if it exists, Eric Roberts has to lend his voice one time. Inherently, it's a mixture of actors either not entirely in the loop of traditional voice acting or already are, and it can work, I know it did here.
There is some hidden complexity within even the smallest of things. Take for instance Spawn's encounter with that bad cop in the fifth episode. He threatens Gareb, but his anger was due to the stress of seeing one of his right hand cops and others literally blown up by a deranged priest who turns out to be Clown. Of course you wouldn't root for the cop but you kinda understand what led him to go bad, even get some irony of Spawn making him a message board, and after getting killed by Clown he gets the message about Spawn's presence to Sam and Twitch. This actually helps to give more weight and motivation to later scenes, for instance, Twitch's encounter with Spawn. Spawn has already determined cops to be outright crooked, but Twitch manages to demonstrate a stronger moral compass, and bravery in the name of learning the truth, and Spawn returns the favor with a warning, which really is him being nice.
You can even see such strong motivations with the other characters. Wynn is a uniformly corrupt individual, but he fears for his life upon realizing what he had created in Spawn, and he becomes determined to destroy him to save his own ass. Clown can seem like a hardass, but it's kind of his job, he wants to make sure Spawn fulfills his obligations. Terry married Wanda, but he never meant to infringe on foreign territory, and Chapel seemed to express repressed guilt over killing Al, before it drove him insane. Then Sam and Twitch, throughout the entire series leading up to a hell of a finish, and of course Jade which not only put her through an arc but helped better establish Spawn's humanity.
A great show is more than the sum of its parts, and I feel Spawn went above and beyond in that regard. It's really something you have to see for yourself.
The Animation
I was directed to this series because I loved the animation in the Freak on a Leash video, and I was not disappointed here. The animation was produced in house at HBO, and they also worked on Hot City which came out around the same time. MadHouse are credited to producing the show's title sequence. MadHouse is a prevalent anime production company, but they've had a hand in some American productions. For instance, they produced the animation for the second season of Street Fighter: The Animated Series.
However, MadHouse merely served as a contractor for other companies. In the first season, animation was split between KoKo Enterprises, Sheen Production and Sung Production. Koko were involved in quite a bit, producing the animation for the first season of Static Shock, Superman The Animated Series and took on animation services for Men in Black: The Series after the first season. For the second season it looks like MadHouse took on a more direct role in animation production alongside DR Movie. DR Movie also happened to produce the animation for Men in Black: The Series, but also produced the third season for Avatar: The Last Airbender, episodes of The Batman including The Batman Vs. Dracula, one episode of Teen Titans, they helped produce the Death Tome segment in The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XXXIII, DC Superhero Girls, Justice League/Unlimited, they did one episode of Street Fighter, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, oh, they even did Loonatics Unleashed and High Guardian Spice.
It's important I highlight the more anime type shows and lesser stuff to demonstrate how subtle their work is on a visual basis in Spawn, but soon.
Okay, back on track, the last season was handled through Mook Co., who produced the first season of Men in Black: The Series, Swat Katz: Radical Squadron and the Scooby-Doo direct-to-video films from Zombie Island to Cyber Chase. At first I thought they were the ones behind the entire series, but I was wrong.
With Todd McFarlane playing a major role in the series' development, either he'd have plenty of freedom to take advantage of, or he's just there to make people happy. Okay this isn't going anywhere, what I'm trying to say is that things are drawn and animated to act like a direct translation of the comics. It's a huge contrast to the overt anime aesthetics and overtones present in other comic book adaptations. Now, it seems like most comic book adaptations outsource their work to Japan or equivalent studios in Korea in order to better replicate the action, but somewhere along the line people cut the middleman and decided to bank on the growing popularity of anime in the states.
Or maybe I'm overthinking it.
Spawn's animation is great, but far from perfect. They tend to take shortcuts and reuse animations, but most shows do and they're not as blatant as say... The Real Ghostbusters in its twilight seasons. Of course it's of no hinderance to the constant action going on, it isn't too complex, but it isn't too simple either. The art design provides a gritty appearance that compliments Spawn quite nicely, if it was overtly anime-esque, it would lose its punch, its grit, and just be a faceless series.
Senseless Comparisons
In a way, I feel that Spawn set a good standard for comic book shows that seek to be dark, well Batman: TAS aside. There're a lot of shows I can compare Spawn with, so let's begin with another series adapted from an Image Comics series, Invincible.
The differences are night and day. Spawn employs a more grounded comic translated appearance, while Invincible embraces the anime schtick wholeheartedly. It feels like a Cartoon Network action show from the mid-late 2000s but with blood and cursing, and of course their brand of humor. It can be enjoyed on a surface level, but when someone comes along and does it better, it's hard to really deny that.
Take the introductions of Monster Girl there and Angela here. With the introduction of Angela, you get a quick hint to her hero appearance, and when she goes into the alley you expect her to show her powers, but she just uses melee and anything subtle. You’d expect her to go full hero, but they don’t play into it, all you’d expect is for those creeps to get their asses handed to them, just no way of knowing how.
With Monster Girl, it's like this. There's a character who looks like she doesn't belong there. She is provoked into showing her power, this has been done. Now, it can be done right, don't get me wrong. Take Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes' introduction to She-Hulk in the sure. Yes, she is shown at the start of the episode, but you know who we don't see right away? Jennifer Walters. Hence, it's possible to be surprised by its reveal for those who haven't read the comics, and yeah, the series features somewhat different takes on existing Marvel characters so there is a chance to be surprised. Not to mention, they didn't mention her name, like Invincible did with Monster Girl, thus eliminating any sense of surprise and dragging it out to make it look like a huge reveal. I'm just saying.
Next up, let's resurrect an old punching bag of mine for some extra blows, Teen Titans. Spawn did an episode that tackled racism, but handled it in the best possible way, show, don't tell. You would think they would make it where Terry or Spawn are maligned for being African American, but no, they have a psychopath who kills African Americans for dark intent, and the racist motivation behind it isn't stated outright. This episode has enough faith in its viewers to let them connect the dots, whereas Teen Titans spoonfeeds the message, pussyfoots around directly focusing on those who would face prejudice, because Tamaranians don't exist, and above all, rather than take the opportunity to incorporate lore from the comics, they make up a character that exists solely to push the message.
And yes, Static Shock tackled racism direct, but they handled it better by committing to the kind of racism people are the most aware of, and I'm happy that episode is getting more and more recognition for it, while Troq isn't as much. Consider this a segway into the next section.
Getting Away With It
Spawn was able to get away with a lot of stuff, though some would argue it was because it aired on a premium cable network and at a time when kids would likely be asleep, midnight to be exact. That's a good argument, but I feel that any show, anywhere could get away with stuff, well, beyond overt gruesomeness and gratuity, whether it's premium or basic cable, network television or syndication. To better explain my point, let's refer to Stripperella, Static Shock and Swat Katz.
Stripperella aired on a basic cable channel, and if you didn't get the idea from the title, it's a show about a superhero who happens to be a stripper, and yes, that profession is shown full stop. In spite of that, there's more to the show than it. Stripperella feels like it's trying to pay tribute to silver age comic stories, or just parody the genre, or maybe Stan Lee was clearing his desk drawers, I dunno. What I'm trying to say is that they got away with showing T&A on basic cable, lest the copy I saw was sourced from a DVD, but hey, they were wiling. For syndication, let's turn to Swat Katz. This show got a way with quite a bit, especially for stuff I bashed Teen Titans for skimping on, like characters going insane for whatever reason, even death, with some gruesome killings shown, shadow or not. Now yes, syndication lacks the standards network television does, hence producers were able to get away with a hell of a lot more, but what about that network example? Networks are ones that crack down on no-no stuff the most often.
Well... Static Shock.
Racism focused episode aside, Static Shock went dark a decent amount of times, and they never held back for anything. They made it clear Virgil's mom died under harsh circumstances, they highlight her death and the impact on the family, they put one character in critical condition as a wake-up call for Virgil to take his heroic obligations seriously, the first episode featured a gang war, hell, need I remind you of Jimmy, where a gun is blatantly shown, well, again, in a straight up depiction of a potential school shooting, oh, need I forget how the weapon is fired and someone gets hurt, on network television.
But wait, isn't The WB technically a cable network, same with Cartoon Network, beyond Kids WB shows airing on WB affiliates in syndication? I mean Teen Titans was also in the same boat as Static Shock, but you could argue Static Shock did a hell of a lot more than Teen Titans did in highlighting serious issues, and above all committing to genuinely dark stories. I'd argue that Static Shock serves as a kids equivalent to Spawn for going above and beyond, showing writers genuinely cared about making engaging content, and Spawn just helped inspire me to see just how it could be done, or how it has been.
Now, if you really want to see the differences in impact an episode could have, compare Teen Titans' Haunted to Spawn's Home, Bitter Home.
As far as how I feel about the show, I have the same relationship with it that I do with Koala Man. Both of them are great shows and vouching for their quality is a hill I'd be happy to die on. The issue is that I don't like to participate in discussions of either, because I know where they'd lead. Spawn got cancelled too soon, Koala Man was created by the same guy behind Smiling Friends, do the math. I still like the shows, but I know it can go south if I encounter the wrong people.
Not only did I bring up Koala Man for that, but because both represent the best of two sides of a superhero show. Koala Man is a well written comedy with glimpses of character complexity and motivations made clear, all in series about a man coping with his past and a midlife crisis, I guess. Meanwhile, Spawn is a well written horror drama with clever dialog helping to provide some relief every once in a while. Bringing back Teen Titans just to get this out, Koala Man is set in an absurdist world so you can take the weird things happening as a given and they let the jokes flow without resorting to tropisms to get a laugh out, and Spawn has every right to commit to more gruesome acts, both because of its midnight slot on a premium network and already being based on a gruesome comic book series.I don't know how else to end this, so let's go on.
Do I Want to see More?
So, seeing what I've said, do I want Spawn to get another season? Well the answer to that, is no. I don't. You're probably confused, lest you've seen my philosophy before. The thing about continuing, what if the ending turns out to be a letdown? A journey is only as good as the destination, if the end sucks it will drag down the experience of the rest of the series because you know that’s how it will end and there is nothing you can do about it, Camp Lazlo and Star Vs. beckon. There's also the matter if one more season is gonna be enough, will people be fine with that, or will they just keep asking for more? Ask for an inch, but take a mile. And of course people can indirectly kill the good will in seeing things continue. I never want to see Infinity Train or Glitch Techs with how clingy people are to those.
Then there's the matter of unintentional cockiness, had with shows like Sonic SatAM and Teen Titans, where they immediately end with either a cliffhanger, or a downer, something to gaslight people into thinking they want more. My philosophy on television shows go like this, treat every season finale like it's your series finale, leave off on a note that you can pick up the pieces on or satisfying enough to accept, which is something Spawn did, by having Spawn reaffirm his want to be human. You may say he hardly evolved, I'd say you're confused. Spawn wanting his humanity suggests he knows he can't get his old life back, but also won't be the leader of Malebolja's army, he is willing to die, but we don't see it. It could've been worse.
Okay yes, there's the matter of Spawn impregnating Wanda with a child that would serve as a decider for the fate of the world, but it would take a long time before the baby would be able to make a conscious decision and act on it. There's another element to the fourth season, but I'm not gonna bring it up, knowing how people on Twitter would lose their minds and that's another series thoroughly ruined by total goons.
Final Thoughts
Spawn is an underrated gem, for sure, but given the climate of cartoon culture, maybe it's for the best not that many people know about it, let this be like a secluded spot a select few people know about, a well kept secret not tainted by idiots, like Mission Odyssey.
I would say HBO turning away from animation after Spawn and Hot City concluded ironically predicted the state of HBO Max, but then you realize stuff like The Life and Times of Tim and The Ricky Gervais Show existed.
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artsyjesseblue · 2 years
So, here’s a little detective work I did on some (suspected) altered scenes in the last episode of Voltron Legendary Defender. I’m very new to this show (yep, years later… I know… facepalms, better later than never) - I watched it for the first time a couple of months ago and since then I’m obsessed with finding out more about the true finale of the show.
Before I start doing a little slideshow proof of altered animation in S8 last episode, I’d like to give a little intro into my journey here.
- I come from being a fan of an 80’s anime called Saber Rider and the Star Sheriffs (my avatar name here pays tribute to one of its characters), to being an even bigger fan of VLD. Not by pure coincidence. SRatSS is owned by WEP, and going down the Netflix “suggested” shows, DotU sent me to VLD. It grew on me really fast. Like binge-watch fast. Unfortunately, the ending completely clipped my wings.
- The first reason why I started feeling (first it was a feeling) that something was wrong was the complete mismatch between the tragic finale of Allura, a goddess leaving the show with the saddest drawn face (and a missing in action Lotor, for that matter) and the super-cheesy optimistic, last minute slapped ending slides showing the ‘successful’ future lives of the Paladins, completely at odds with their previous careers (Keith, a rebellious half-Galra now running a humanitarian relief organization? Lance the sharpshooter with a rake in his hand?? What the heck, man? Shiro, the larger than life figure in the show, marrying some random guy we never learned about before? Seriously, I kept saying at the end: “Is this a joke??” It felt insulting on so many levels, rushed, like “let’s end this and get over with it” )
- Another big reason why I felt this was not supposed to be the real finale was my absolute gut feeling that a kids’ show needs a different kind of moral closure, based on classic arcs that would fit stories I’ve been used to reading in my childhood. After all, it’s rated 7+ . In my opinion, from the perspective of a 7 year old kid, S8 is a horror story, glossed over with a ‘happy’ ending. Thus, it should not be rated 7+. But hey, maybe I’m just too old-fashioned.
- In my frantic googling about VLD, I stumbled upon TeamPurpleLion’s website, which completely opened a new level of information and confirmation for me. The first article I read was the one about the The Dark Youth and Heroine’s Arc, which went straight to my pain point, confirming my intuitions about how a well-written story for children and teens should look like. Then, the ‘Seek Truth’ article about all the animation edits totally solidified my beliefs. Then followed the analysis about the Feud episode, the Clear Day episode and the ‘meta within a meta’ stuff going on there… All the foreshadowing, the purple lion toys, the parallels between different heroes’ arcs… The VLD staff tweets and instagram posts in total contradiction with the release of the season… The last nails that hit the coffin were the interviews with LM and JDS and their own “feud” with the inter-dimensional beings at the top of the ladder, which were absolutely eye-opening. It made total sense now, and I immensely appreciate the work that TPL has done unearthing all these facts. I feel like the EP’s need so much more recognition for the work and love they poured into this show. Not to mention the animation, which is a work. of. art. Studio Mir forever.
- Anyways, here’s me, 4 years later, rocking a boat that has long sailed away… Being so late (I usually am late to a lot of new things haha) I feel like I’m sort of lonely in my quest.
But recently, I found out that the FreeVLDS8 party is still alive and kicking, so I’m emboldened to throw in some of my own discoveries as well. If this stuff has already been unearthed, disregard my little detective work that I did here. But if it’s useful new stuff, I hope it will benefit somehow in the grand puzzle you guys have set about to solve.
In the past couple of months, I’ve read tons of articles and metas, interviews, videos. Pros and cons about the EP’s, about the animation, interviews with actors, tweets, etc etc. All the good stuff piled up in the past 4 years that I completely missed. My head is spinning right now.
So rewatching the last episode and being aware of all the edits discovered so far, I stumbled upon some animation flaws that I believe Studio Mir would not let out their door. Disclaimer: I am a professional artist myself. I do not work in animation, but I did illustrate kids books for a while, and being a graduate of an Art School, I believe I have a bit of knowledge about the laws of perspective, proportions and character design. Keep a pin in each of these three, because there are flaws about every one of them in the next two screencaps. Plus more flaws on top of these three. Whew!
Let’s look at a couple of screen shots I did from S8 final episode, when Allura and the Palladins talk to Honerva. Go to the scene where Allura starts saying “there is beauty in their flaws” (first screenshot below - I will call it Screenshot A)
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And now take a look, a minute later, when she is doing her mind meld with Honerva (Screenshot B). It’s supposed to be the same scene, but the image is terribly zoomed in, with Lance almost completely cropped out. There is a slight camera tilt effect, but the image remains zoomed with a piece of Lance on the left. Who would do that in cinematography?
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So I tried to see what will happen if I “un-zoom” and add Lance back into the picture. I approximated where the original shot was relative to the whole image by keeping Honerva in the center line of the image, to make sense compositionally. And voila (Screenshot B zoomed out below)
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Here’s Screenshot A, also zoomed out, below:
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Now, in both recreations, Honerva is right in the center. Before, the center of the image was somewhere between Allura and Honerva. Doesn’t it make more sense now, with Honerva in the middle? It makes sense compositionally, but also from a storytelling point of view. We, the watchers are positioned right behind Honerva, at her eye level, seeing the Paladins “through her perspective”. A very empathetic way of making the viewer feel closer to her character.
And now, of course, you’ve all noticed the big red ‘elephant’ in the room, in the newly created space to the right. I am not making any speculations who it might be, because things are actually more complicated than they seem. Wait, Hunk wants to say something:
“Uh, guys, did you notice Pidge next to me looks shorter in B than in A? And what’s up with her not standing up straight in A? Draw a line from her nose to her belt clip. Since she’s facing you full front, it should be vertical, right? Um, well, it’s not.”
Hunk is right. Pidge tilts towards right, she looks like a crooked sticker, plastered on a wall.
OK, let’s move on to the next issue. The “Alluras”. Here’s where proportions, character design and perspective come into play. I will call them Allura A and Allura B, from their corresponding screencaptures.
Let’s start with proportions. First, scroll back up to the first two image captures, take a look at them, and then come back and look at this:
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I juxtaposed the two Alluras, rescaled so that both of them have the same shoulder width, so X is equal to Y. The desaturated Allura is B, and the colorful one is A.
I placed both of them with their belts at the same horizontal line. Behold, what do we have here? Z is not equal to T, so Allura B has a longer upper body than Allura A. Also, look at the hips, and where the crotch starts.
Now, some of you might argue that this is a perspective distortion, because Allura B is the one that just walked forward a few steps, toward the viewer, so she should grow taller and the proportions might get warped a bit. Well, if it were a forced perspective, from a very close angle, I’d partially agree. But this is not the case. There are tons of forced perspective shots in VLD (especially fight scenes), but this is not one of them. So in this case, if Allura comes forward, she does indeed grow taller, but she should keep her proportions, so X/Z =Y/T (Pidge just confirmed, my math is solid). (and no, please don’t tell me that Allura shapeshifted, just because she’s Altean and decided to do that, without reason).
Moving on to the next issue within the same image above: character design. Compare the two Allura faces… One is round, one is more elongated. Why this sudden transformation, when this is supposed to be one continuous scene? I doubt the studio animators would do something like this. Which one looks more like Allura? I’d argue that the Allura A (the colored one) does. She has a more round, feminine face, with a sweetness in her features. Then who’s that guy in B? Oops, I said guy. Because the whole physical appearance is that of a man. Tall and slim. Wondering who he might be? I’d humbly guess Lotor, but if you find me a more important tall and slim Galra or Altean character that would get access to the Connected Consciousness, then go ahead and write a fanfic story about it.
A little thing I just noticed: Allura B’s neck is crooked, not going up straight from the shoulders into the head. Drawn in a rush? Drawn over Lotor in a rush?
The third issue with the Alluras, and with the other Paladins as well, is perspective. Here’s a little sketch I did over Screenshot B, to understand what I’m talking about:
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The horizontal red line is the horizon line. That is the line where our (the viewer’s) eyes are . At the same level with Honerva’s. The vanishing point should be right in the middle of the line. On the right side, in red, I sketched the paladin suits, with their collars as they should look if properly following the laws of perspective. Anything below the horizon line should look like the collar below, anything above should look like the one above, in perspective. Check out which ones match… And then check below if Allura A fairs better:
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Indeed she does! And doesn’t she look so natural? Coincidentally, she is Allura A, the real one, not the redrawn Lotor. But oh, wait, Lance, Shiro, and Hunk don’t have correctly drawn collars. What a mess! (this reminds me of Slav saying: did you wear the right socks today?) Let’s play a game: how many of them are wearing the right ‘socks’ in these images?
Again, some of you might say, “c’mon, such a tiny detail, the illustrators and animators probably didn’t even think about this kind of stuff.” Oh no, no, no. This is basic skill. Like, the ABC of drawing. You don’t mess up basic perspective drawing, if this is your daily job. Again, I am convinced that Studio Mir did not release this version. It was altered post production. If I’d have to guess, because this is one of the last animated scenes of the show, they were getting very close to the deadline. They were tired, overworked, most likely dissatisfied that they had to butcher a wonderfully crafted show that everyone worked so hard on. I can even imagine some red-eyed employee with a big cup of coffee, at midnight, in an empty office, tracing over Lotor’s drawing.
Whew, are you ready for another weird flaw?
Look at their eyes. Where is each of them looking, both in A and in B? Well, some of them are looking up, some of them at Honerva. What is up there, that Shiro and Keith seem to watch intently in shot A? Another mishap during animation? Or, they’re just stock images plastered like Pidge? Not sure. Although, at a closer look, Keith in image A is wearing the right socks - his collar is drawn in the right perspective. I’m just speculating, but it seems they’re looking at a tall structure. At that point in the plot, it’s probably Honerva’s mech or Voltron. Who knows.
Honestly, this puzzle is missing so many pieces. Are all these Paladin drawings basically reshuffles of a scene that evolved from us looking down at the Paladins from a higher vantage point (probably Honerva in her mech) and then gradually descending until she is on her knees and we’re looking up at the Paladins? Because judging from the perspective of their collars and the fact that their eyes are either looking up or down, it might seem so. And, as per previous analysis articles, someone said the transition from their fight for realities to them all being in the Connected Consciousness plane looks very abrupt, so there must have been some other action going on there. This seems like the most reshuffled muppet show of the S8, down to the last character on the screen.
Also, a few more things and I promise I’ll wrap up.
If we assume that Allura B was actually Lotor, then it makes sense that Lotor goes and does the little “mind meld” with Honerva (forgive my nerdy Star-Trekky reference). He did say, somewhere in S6, that when the time will come, he might have pity on her. This would beautifully close the circle of that arc, but would also mirror Allura’s mind-meld with Zarkon, when she did her little trip into Honerva’s mind, I can’t remember which episode. This would also not look cheap at all, because right before the mind meld, after each Paladin does their own plea, Honerva says: “You think your words mean anything to me?” No, their words don’t, but Lotor’s words and touch DO. And knowing how vitriolic she can be, I bet she won’t accept Allura touching her so easily, but coming from her son… I bet she would. She looks surprised and not irritated at all. Would she be like that with Allura, after she just fought them almost to death and told them that their words mean nothing to her? But Lotor touching his mother, it makes more sense, doesn’t it? The wayward daughter of Altea heals the father, and the lost son of Daibazaal heals the mother. How beautiful. Psychology at its best. Oh, but these are just my speculations…
I’m not sure if Allura’s VA was called to record more lines back in 2018. If she was, then the lines she said about Lotor who may have been misguided but ultimately wanted to preserve life might be just a way through which the creators left the door a little open to interpretation about Lotor. But if that was the actual original, unaltered line, then Allura is talking about him in the past tense. So then… was the Lotor behind Allura B just a ghost, like Zarkon and the old Paladins in the other episodes? So, just a supposition, completely unsupported by any palpable facts, but it’s fun to explore: Lotor lost his body, but Allura rescued and redeemed his consciousness, not from the Sincline, but actually from Honerva’s mind (I’ll explain in just a sec); and then together they fight through all realities and defeat Honerva. And then Allura rejoins him in the afterlife. And this is the end of a coherent story. If I remember correctly from a previous episode, when we saw Honerva standing in front of Lotor’s melted corpse (which makes no sense to throw in there from a narrative standpoint unless something else happens further along), didn’t she say something like “soon, we’ll be together, my son”. What was that all about? Did she actually trap his consciousness into her own mind like she did with the old paladins? Was that her possessive way of being “together” with someone? And then Allura goes on and frees him from the trap and THAT’S when Honerva goes ballistic looking for another Lotor in another reality, because she lost the object of her obsession. And that would explain why they ended up in the Connected Consciousness in the last episode, to heal her of her vicious possessiveness. Just a weird thought, I might be completely wrong.
If anyone has the patience to untangle who is who and who goes where in these two images, go on, give it a shot. I know I’m too tired. But nevertheless, have fun!
I noticed these glitches but wasn’t convinced that anyone is still out there to read my ramblings, after so many years. Now I believe there are still people that care, so I decided to go forward with my little analysis.
Thank you @leakinghate for relighting the flame of the FreeVLDS8 in 2022. Wishing TeamPurpleLion all the best in their new effort! It means so much to me, especially coming in as a fresh fan of VLD.
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