carrefxur · 5 years
LFRP: Kyranyx Lionsguard (Balmung/Crystal)
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The Basics ––– –
NAME: Kyranyx Aesa Lionsguard
AGE: 30 (Nameday: 9th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon)
RACE: Hyur (Highlander)
GENDER: Female
Physical Appearance ––– –
HAIR: Black with golden highlights, usually in a ponytail but occasionally she changes styles.
EYES: Amber
HEIGHT: 6′ 1″
BUILD: Somewhat tall and muscular, although not very wide. Also somewhat athletic, but mostly just powerful.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Blind in the left eye, with a scar over the brow (usually covered by a bandana). Scar just above her right shoulderblade.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: The bandana covering her blind eye.
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Personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Gunbreaker for hire, former Samurai.
HOBBIES: Playing piano, hunting, reading, wandering.
RESIDENCE: She has an apartment in Shirogane, but Kyranyx doesn’t really like staying in any place for too long.
FEARS: Failure, inability to act, a lack of purpose, disappointing others.
Relationships ––– -
PARENTS: Eyvind Lionsguard (dead), Freya Lionsguard (??)
OTHER RELATIVES: None she speaks to.
PETS: None.
Traits ––– -
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Additional Information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: (almost) never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes /frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
RP Hooks & Contact Info––– –
To Begin Anew - Kyranyx is searching for new experiences in life. Perhaps it’s an advertisement for some work, or maybe she hears from word of mouth while travelling through a town. Whatever it is that is offered, Kyranyx would likely look into any opportunities given to her (as long as they’re legal).
One of my Own - Whether you are Ala Mhigan, a Samurai/Gunbreaker, or a free spirit yourself (or something else entirely that is related to her or her interests!), Kyranyx will no doubt be interested in your own experiences and may wish to learn from you in some way or another.
A Friendly Face in an Unfamiliar Place - Due to Kyranyx’s wanderlust, she often finds herself in places she hasn’t either been to at all or has not yet fully explored. A helping hand to learn all the ins and outs of the land will always be welcomed by the Highlander.
I also have a wiki page with more info. If interested, send me an inbox message or message me on Discord if you have me there.
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thanidiel · 6 years
“How did you get this?” Avie to Thanidiel!
The question comes with a rap of knuckles against the taut of her arm, right below the twisting root of scar tissue curving along her back and hewn across her collarbone.
And, of course, it had to come sooner than later: in spite of the ex-Knight’s lengthy service, she appeared devoid of almost all scarring to her companions of the Sunguard. With, the exception of what looked like a great cleaving across her right shoulder, and brandished with the same arrogance as the burning flame of their Order on the opposing limb.
The Duskward pauses in the undoing of the padded gambeson that had been donned just moments earlier in spar. With a beastlike flick to her ear, Thanidiel’s gaze draws down and behind towards the swelling Sunspear behind the fencing.
Her motions resume, peeling off the thick fabric and slinging over the wood between them. She speaks only when she is free to wave the wool hanging off of her torso, gusting wind against the white binding underneath.
“I beat the piss out of Renlyn a second time, she took a chunk of me in recompense.” She tilts her head towards its side. “It was great. Good fight. Almost as good as the Wildfire. You could say I’m proud of Renlyn.”
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joyffree · 2 years
Title: Marco: The Bravo Cartel Series: The Dark Side Authors: Sammi Starlight & Kyra Nyx Genre: Cartel Romance
Love is a complicated game…
…but when your family is the cartel, well, it can get messy!
Kyra Nyx proves that Happily Ever Afters aren’t reserved for knights in shining armor. Her heroes swagger in, drag you into the gray area, and make you rethink your fairy tale. Follow these interconnected stories and get swept away by heroes who put romance on the edge.
@sammistarlightauthor · Author Organized by ➱ Be My Book Boyfriend
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pydoodles · 6 years
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Work doodles @jessipalooza @carrefxur
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hexagonal-bipyramid · 6 years
@kyranyx replied to your photoset “Well, here comes the “cow mascot”. Yep, you paid thousands of...”
so much feeling getting to me while seeing sims2 here omg ❤
Hehe come to the beautiful world of TS2 (no pressure at all)! xD
@kairisu replied to your photoset “Bryan: No thanks, I’m not hungry. Bryan: … Bryan: Girls… Please…”
i thought he was on fire in the second picture xD
Hahaha! He looks so done with life. Even if he really was on fire, I’m sure he wouldn’t care at all!
@retromaisie replied to your photo “The plague has returned!”
Yes... It’s an epidemic I guess. :(
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pyorzea · 6 years
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The real power dynamic 
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ryther-writes · 5 years
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You always said that you wanted to see home again someday. You thought maybe once you did, everything would go back to normal, and we’d be happy and prosperous once again. Yet here I stand now at the door, and I find myself unable to walk into the other side.
I don’t think I can find myself going home ever again now that you’re gone. I wish I could, for your sake if not for mine, but I...I’m simply not strong enough for this. It was your dream primarily, true, but it was mine too. I had that dream that we’d see it through together, papa.
With you gone, though, that dream is dead. Perhaps it was meant to be in the end, a way to finally move on from home and find somewhere else to settle. Or maybe I was never meant to settle somewhere to begin with. That sounds much more likely to me.
I’m sorry for failing you again, as I’m sure you’d be disappointed that I couldn’t finish what we started. I still may one day yet find the courage to finally open that door and enter Ala Mhigo’s welcoming embrace. But until that day arrives - if it ever does - I will continue to walk my own path, going wherever the winds may take me next.
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pywriting · 6 years
A folded letter [II]
Yet another letter was sent by the Sunguards hawk delivering with the man a message. It was set specifically to reach to wherever the first had been given, even if it had never been responded to.
Again, it read in common...
To you,
Again, I find myself wanting to reach out to you. Even if it’s just a ghost of the person I knew. I just wish to speak to someone that fully understands. That fully knows me and the way that I am, without insults or judgement.
I keep thinking to the last letter I sent, and a part of me is almost embarrassed. I was like a child that sent out some message in a bottle to the sea, and believing that maybe someday it would find a distant friend.
Those things do not happen, Alana. Yet i’m here again sending out another bottle.
I feel like I miss more and more the presence of a friend like you. I didn’t feel so much that way before, when I was surrounded by others. Surrounded by distractions. But here? Here I feel so alone sometimes. Even though I talk to those that remind me somewhat of you, it’s never the same.
It will never be the same.
Even now, they talk like you. I feel like it almost was a case of deja vu, considering. That same woman I wrote of before, you recall, right? The one that has that same bold attitude you had. The talks I have with her end up on the subject of my work- the work I take from others to focus on while i’m left here by myself.
She tells me I shouldn’t do that, or more specifically, that I need to grow a spine. Again and again. I believe she sees me as weak, but what am I honestly supposed to say about that? What use would it be to argue senselessly where actions would show so much more. It does not change how frustrating it can become. How much i’d like to explain the reasoning for my determination to sink into work.
Still, despite all, it seems like something you would say. While it’s understandable and, at the time, perhaps playfully frustrating i just hate how much it reminds me of you.-
I don’t know anymore what to say on it, or what to feel. In part, I appreciate the company, and in a way I do believe that they mean well to it. They have strange ways of showing it, but it is there.
I miss the company I kept before, and familiar faces that I felt more relaxed around. It’s almost a year now, I think, and it still just feels unfamiliar. All of it. I just don’t know how to make it anything but that, and the more I stay here, the more I wonder if I will come to feel more at home. 
No matter, I found some relief in the past few weeks. While I am keenly aware that many of the faces I meet here are elves, orcs, goblins and even sometimes trolls, I have found that there was another more common presence that I ran into.
There was a woman- another human that I had ran into at the edges of one of the forested lands not far from the Dawnspire where I work. A days trek out, if anything. She was strange. Held me at gunpoint, even, then proceeded to treat me as if I were some honored guest. I admit, despite her rather aggressive approach, it was such a nice breath of air.
Her coffee did not taste good.
Maybe you’d yell at me for being foolish. I mean, she did try to rob me- or rather, she appeared to try to. Light, I know I was being a fool, but it’s moments like that I just wish to cling to.
I haven’t seen or talked to Kyranyx in something of a few months? I don’t know where she’s gone, and even then, considering the pressured conversations, I don’t think I should continue hoping that maybe i’ll see her again.
Maybe I shouldn’t hope to see that other woman again either.
I know I can leave at any time. Perhaps go somewhere no one knows my name and find a place there. It is not as if I am bound by any oath, but I still feel as if this is the right place I need to be. That the light urged me to be in this place, at this time, for a reason, Alana.
Then again, what use is it to waste my time on thinking of it. I have work that I can set myself to, things that I can help with. Distractions, really, until real work is offered to me to help with where I can. Things a priest like me could handle. I should not be so fickle in my thoughts.
Then again, maybe this is my way of dealing with it. Sending my thoughts away to some emptiness in my life as if it will become what it was before. Maybe someday i’ll find someone else to step into the same role again in my life. Maybe I won’t.
Is there any point to think of that, Alana? I know you’d probably tell me there wasn’t. That I should instead look to what matters more. Not such burdensome thoughts that detract me from my goals.
At least no one will know that I still feel this way. I take comfort in that.
I miss you still.
@postmoderndaughter / @thegildedlady - @thanidiel - @jessipalooza
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carrefxur · 5 years
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i am horrendous with photoshop and this is definitely ugly looking but i gave it my best shot and had a lot of fun with it anyway!
was tagged by @scowlet for this (thanks a lot!)
tagging: @scowlet @that-green-nut @iamreinhardt @growl-bear @captainswingbeard @kinari and whoever else wishes to do this!!
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thanidiel · 6 years
When the Smoke Settles
While the rest of the Guard dedicated their energies in the aftermath of the Battle of the Dawnspire to recovery and repair, Thanidiel Highdawn had supplied only two days’ worth of efforts before she had taken her horses and mourning clothes to make for Quel’thalas’ Capitol. It seemed almost as though the Blood Knight had wiped her hands entirely of the Guard and their affairs in favour of preparing for her coming duties with the Blood Watch - if it were not for the presence of a Blood Knight cadre later in the week, leaping over debris and navigating broken city streets to make delivery on the Lightward’s behalf from the backs of their rounceys.
First, they make to locate Knight-Lord Ethalarian Dawnstalker. Presented to him, is a sturdy, simple claymore at face-value. Deeper study proves the weapon to be a masterful reforging of the blade he had shattered in Thanidiel’s hands on the morning of their first spar. Blood-red mineral has been worked into the grey steel; staining it with the Order’s favoured colour. Unsheathed, a note spills from the oiled lynx-leather scabbard.
“Everything of Elven-make proves stronger when it is reborn.”
Second, they make for the main triaging center to locate Elleynah Stormsummer. To her, the Blood Knights supply a good set of iron horseshoes meant for long journeys and a square saddle-blanket of a well-padded wool quilt. For Brightdawn, of course. She earns lengthier words from Thanidiel,
“The Feast of Winter’s Veil was one of the most favoured holidays amongst us who lived in Quel’thalas’ most severe backcountry. In all of my years, I’ve yet to experience anything quite as endearing as soldiers warding away the bone-chill of the air, our stomaches half-full, and still managing to find camaraderie in the dark nights with what we could scavenge for one another - or hoard earlier in the year - in our winter migrations.
I find it only fit to maintain such military traditions when blackness seems to be a trend of Dawnspire winters.”
In the same vein, they make to locate Prisa Violette amongst the medical staff. In broken Common the transfer of an old book of Thalassian-Common translation predating the Second War to the Human is made. She manages to earn a note from Thanidiel, too.
“Stop listening to Bricini.”
To Zalin, his gift of sharpening-stone for a favoured blade is countered with a tin of a dozen cigars of a unique blend - tobacco and bloodthistle rolled in silverleaf. No words are left for the Sentinel as their dedication to their work speaks enough on its own.
After that, the Knights seek out Ithanar. For the closer from whom the Lightward would call comrades, he is given… a shirt. It’s a good shirt. Comfortable in its fit and fabric for the large man. But, uh, the design has managed to -exactly- mimick Islesun’s favourite red-shirt. What kind of sick joke.
“Your last one is started to grow ragged like you.”
From Ithanar, they spring to Esheyn and provide to her a potted plant. Shimmering arcana guarantees the bonsai-specimen to last an eternity. The unique twisting form hints at a Suramarian origin although manipulation has turned its leaves crimson and its bark pale in a Thalassian twist.
“You have a better heart for these pretty things than I do. Take what would be wasted on me.”
Kyranyx, too, is found by Thanidiel’s Knights. To her, the soldiers endow a simple mantle of an orange lynx’s coat. The ruggedness hints that it was not bought - but a creature hunted down by the Lightward’s spear itself. Running one’s fingers through it, the undercoat shimmers in a paler shade of gold. 
Lastly, they make for the outskirts of the Dawnspire, hunting down Kaltaia through the bold signals of her presence. To her… she is presented with a long length of Legion-forged chain; one of the dozens used to enwrap and take down the Ultimate Weapon early into the assault by Baal’s vanguard. The Construct’s red paint intermixed with Mo’arg blood still marrs the metal. No words, nor announcement, come from the Knights. They make their delivery swiftly and ride equally swift back to the Main Road. Another ‘gift’ reminiscent of the bloodied spear from Tyr’s Hand. 
The services of Thanidiel’s Blood Knights are dismissed for the time-being after that. However, one last gift is imparted by the woman. Awaiting in the mail of Bricini’s residence when she, too, eventually concludes her services to the Dawnspire for the time being, is a letter enclosed by the waxen seal of the Thalassian Magisterium.
To Doctor Bricini Lightwing,
Your research in the field of regenerative medicine has not gone unseen by the State. The potential in your work, as observed with your treatment of a Lazarus Redmorn and Thanidiel Highdawn, has been noted.
In light of the State’s Will and Desire to encourage the powerful innovations of its citizenry for the good of our Kingdom, you have been granted credit in the worth of three-thousand gold coins by the Magisterium.
This credit will be used solely in the pursuit of your research as relating to the medical-field. Should you continue to display excellence and potential of great service to our People, you may see more substantial reward. It is to be stressed that any fraudulent misuse is highly unadvised.
The same Hand that feeds you has the same potential to gouge out your cheeks in an instance.
Hand of Belore Renalays Bloodhallow of the Inquisition; Magistrix of Quel’thalas
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pydoodles · 6 years
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Another doodle of the rp i had with @commander-ryther
Prisa’s a little gay for Kyranyx. Pass it on.
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iiloridansunshard · 6 years
Mission Report: Curse of Withering
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While the original copy of his report is sent out to the Archon, a solid half-dozen more magically copied...copies find their way out to other, relevant parties via Hawks.
Title/Mission Title: Curse of Withering Date: 4/26/18 Author: Dawnward Iiloridan Sunshard Involved Enemy Parties: Cult of the Bleeding Eye Involved Friendly Parties:The Sunguard; The Dying Suns; Mistybrook Village civilians and Magister Swiftbreeze Content body of the report:
Upon our arrival ot Mistybrook, Magister Swiftbreeze informed us of the true dire nature of the illness, as well as the fact that we were apparently not the first to arrive. The plague that had taken the town was most virulent in nature, leaving hawkstriders literally crumbling where they stood, with hatchlings and foals and even sin’dorei children dying in the womb. The towns situation was beyond dire, and I find that this cannot be overstated.
Lightward Thinariel Farmight, along with Duskward Razail Dusksinger and Emberward Sanarissa Firewing lead the attempts at examining the blood of the affected hawkstriders, while a second group ventured into the woods for the blood of wildlife for comparison. This seemed to go well, as the analysis was able to give us a direction to go on for a possible source of the plague.
The previous arrival, who was mistaken for a member of the Guard by the townsfolk, was a cooperative but markedly suspicious woman named Sythise Coldspell. She rendered us enough aid to stay our hand, but her very speech and mannerisms raised hackles all around - for good reason, as we quickly discovered, when she brought us to her mentor, a ‘Blood Seeker’ Vannon. The suspicious individuals turned out to be openly confessed former members of the Bleeding Eye.  As you might imagine, despite their offered aid, this revelation did not go over well with the majority of our party, myself included.
They expressed interests in striking a deal, as Coldspell and Vannon implied they were somehow bound and wished to be free of their former master, but their trustworthiness was obviously difficult to decisively uncover. Dawnward Dawnsworn attempted to make a deal with the pair, to force them to atone for their past sins, but Dawnward Islesun and myself felt that we lacked the authority to authorize any such deal in the Sunguard’s name, and the very idea of doing so with members of such a damned order stirred our ranks visibly - and thus we reached a tense impasse, until it all went to hell.
From what I understand, the Illidari Kebha Bloodsorrow attempted to either examine or secure the tome the cultists were utilizing, but violently fell under its sway instead, launching an assault on the cultists and bystanding guard members alike.
As chaos broke out, Emberward Sanarissa Firewing launched an attack upon Vannon, as did Kyranyx Ryther against Coldspell, both against direct orders. Bloodsorrow, Firewing, and Ryther were all subdued, but only after a great deal of struggle.
I myself was preoccupied with quelling my own impulse to strike down the members of the Bleeding Eye, so I commend Dawnwards Dawnsworn and Islesun for their far more vocal attempts at maintaining order when tensions finally snapped and chaos broke out. Unfortunately, their attempts were for not.
While neither cultist was killed in the initial, defiant attack, Dawnsworn accidentally finished off Coldspell with an attempted healing spell, and Vannon later expired from either his wounds or the magic of the High Necromancer- who sprung a trap that we all stumbled into. The High Necromancer Akhlain’s spirit/shadow/memory somehow lived on in tangible form, much to our collective horror, and was seeping into the very roots of Mistybrook. The Cultist’s plans were apparently to absorb this fragment of their ‘former’ master, somehow gaining freedom for themselves in the process, as well as purging the town from his influence. Without those two willing hosts, however, we had no way to remove the shade of the necromancer. The foul magics there were beyond our ken to grasp or dispell. Dawnward Dawnsworn attempted to offer up herself as host - but thankfully, a Sunguard Revenant by the name of Gronnash stepped forward to take up the task. I am not at all familiar with the ways of Revenants. but from what I understand, wrangling spirits is their very purpose, and in this case his attempt at containing the shade was successful.
Special details/concerns:
All in all, it was not our finest hour - but the objective at least was secured and all of our party returned intact. Mistybrook was freed from the grasp of High Necromancer Akhlain, but the Revenant Orc Gronnash now hosts the necromancer’s spirit-remains. He should be of course be closely observed, and is wisely already aware of the fact that he may need to be struck down should the spirit wrest control of his form. While the situation was a highly emotional confrontation with no clear ‘correct’ answer, and I myself was hard pressed to stay my hand from such foul beings, the previously mentioned members of our ranks went against direct orders, escalating the situation beyond what could have been resolved with further intelligence gained. As such, I am forwarding copies of my report to the relevant officers, and leave any further orders on the matter in your hands. Should you have any further questions on the matter, I am at your disposal. Dawnward Sunshard
@thesunguardmg | @felthier | @azriah | @cynfuldax | @forever-afk | @jessipalooza | @sakialyn | @curiouslich | @stormandozone | for mentions: @thenaaru | @pyrosophist | @theislesunfamily | @dorksworn | @commander-ryther | @razxion | @voidcallxr | @rambleverse
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simnovels-blog · 6 years
So many replies!
You guys are overwhelming me!! <3
First a general reply to everyone reading about the colony because I feel like I should explain my choice for Hunter considering all your comments. In the end there were two very simple reasons I chose Hunter instead of Davey:
1. Violet rolled no wishes regarding Davey but she did roll a wish to go on a date with Hunter.
2. The morning I wanted to make a decision Story Progression prompted me a message that Davey was now in a relationship with Yasmine Aozora. I could’ve broken them up of course without including that into the story, but since I already had such a bad time choosing and because of the date wish, I decided to let the game lead me!
One more thing: the poll did not influence the choice since the chapters published today were written earlier this week before the poll was online. I’ll let you guys know right now that I have 15(!) chapters on queue all the way to december 30. So for example if you comment something right now, don’t expect to see it influence the story the day after or something like that. In all honesty you guys have very diverse opinions so I just go my own way and write what I think will make you guys go FJSDGFSJKFGSDJK in both good and bad ways lol. I hope that those who are suffering right now will forgive me <3.
Now, to the individual replies! --->
@goatkibble replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 6 - Violet’s Journal So about the answer to the...”
Stupid woman.
I added this reply last but further down the road of this batch of replies I kind of agree with you on this lol.
@ktarsims​ replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 5 - Violet’s Journal Oh journal, where do I start?...”
Katie sounds like a good match for Davey, possibly.
I think they would be a good match indeed. Though Davey seems to have found Yasmine instead as I just explained above...
@stepawayfromthecarrot replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 6 - Violet’s Journal So about the answer to the...”
Noooooo ��
I’m sorry! Blame the game! Don’t blame me! :P e.e *hides*
@ktarsims​ replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 6 - Violet’s Journal So about the answer to the...”
Ouch. Although, I can't disagree with her. Lopsided relationships are not good. And this relationship would definitely have been lopsided. It'll probably be better for Davey if he ends up in a relationship where he won't be absolutely dependent on the other person.
I completely agree with this statement.
@dandylion240​ replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 6 - Violet’s Journal So about the answer to the...”
I thought the vote didn't have anything to do with the results. Doesn't matter thought I voted for Hunter. Just because he seemed the most interesting. I am sad that Davey got his heart broke though.
Yep, that’s right. The vote didn’t influence the outcome as I explained above. I feel very sad for Davey too. He really is the kind of guy you’d almost date just because you want him to not be sad lol.
@rosiesimming​ replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 6 - Violet’s Journal So about the answer to the...”
*throws hands in the air* You are dead to me, Violet. >.> HOW DARE YOU HURT THAT SWEET MAN. A pox on everyone that voted for Hunter. A pox I say!! XD
You can direct this anger towards the game haha not towards the voters they had nothing to do with this e.e.
@rosiesimming​ replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 5 - Violet’s Journal Oh journal, where do I start?...”
Violet and Dimitri = bestest friends till the end! XD
I think they could have a really nice friendship, though I’m going to give you something to wonder about: do you think Dimitri is the right person to ask love advice from? e.e
@goatkibble replied to your post “I just wanted to say all your comments on my colony have given me...”
*tantrum brewing*
I’m scared! Forgive me plz. *blames the game and runs*
@kyranyx​ replied to your post “I just wanted to say all your comments on my colony have given me...”
Kkk you reminds me how I used to act as a dungeon master
Having your readers get all worked up over the events in your story is the best feeling for a writer, don’t you agree? :P
@stepawayfromthecarrot replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 3 - Hunter’s Journal Today was a holiday for all of...”
Dislike! I can see him getting mean and bitter if she goes with someone else though
Mean and bitter Hunter... we’ll have to see if he has a side like that!
@rosiesimming replied to your post “I just wanted to say all your comments on my colony have given me...”
I hope you keep reading even though I made you suffer D:
@stepawayfromthecarrot replied to your post “Man I just went through a total nightmare! I’m going home for...”
That sucks! Hope everything is okay!
I hope so too. My dad will check it out after the christmas days are over.
@goatkibble replied to your post “Man I just went through a total nightmare! I’m going home for...”
It might not be as bad as you think...
yeah, my dad said the tower can take a hit, but you should’ve seen it fall from my bike onto the hard stone street... people turned around to see what happened. And of course my stepdad put some fear in me saying that IF something broke, it’d probably be the harddrive -_-.
@goatkibble replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 3 - Hunter’s Journal Today was a holiday for all of...”
And he seems to think substituting 'passion' for true romance and respect is the way to a woman's heart. I know Violet needs to explore her options but this isn't a good choice.
Violet still has some growing up to do. She’s young, naive and childish and not the kind of girl that has gained such wisdom in love yet unfortunately. I used to be like her and I used to fall for guys like Hunter too. I got my own Davey now though! But who knows maybe Hunter is nicer than you imagine him to be.
@rosiesimming replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 3 - Hunter’s Journal Today was a holiday for all of...”
What are you doing!? No, I refuse. If Violet picks him, she is dead to me. XD
Well... oops D:
@goatkibble replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 3 - Hunter’s Journal Today was a holiday for all of...”
"Oh yeah, I wouldn't mind this bird since the others aren't up to my standard." So romantic *eyeroll*. And I was right. He IS as boring as he is pasty.
You’ll get to see a lot more of him in the following chapters and I’m really curious to see your thoughts on him! heheheh....
@goatkibble replied to your photoset
“The Year 2239, Day 2 - Davey’s Journal Oh my… I know I don’t have any...”
You COULD invite her to hang out with you on your free day you know.... but let's face it, you are going to get your heart broken in favour of Captain Boring :(
I guess you were right about that one...
@ktarsims replied to your post “Some more replies”
It's possible that people like Hunter better because he's a blonde white dude. However, he's also the only other dude who seems to be possibly rather decent, a bit less calculating, and to be a bit more genuine than some of the others. Additionally, he has kind of a 'bad boy' vibe 'but not too bad' going on that tends to appeal to a lot of people. Even his name lends to that sort of thing.
Very true indeed! Hunter is like a more confident Davey though this also makes him a bit more superficial. With Davey, you’re instantly in a very deep and serious relationship. Hunter is a bit less overwhelming and for some (including Violet) this can be a good thing.
@ktarsims replied to your post “Replies!”
Wait, was there an actual poll? LMAO I thought there was just the post and we posted our picks. xD *goes to look for actual poll*
Lol :D did you get tricked into replying that way? :P
@ktarsims replied to your post “Man I just went through a total nightmare! I’m going home for...”
Oye oye. *sends hugs* I hope everything turns out alright!
Thanks <3 <3.
@rosiesimming replied to your photoset “The Year 2239, Day 2 - Davey’s Journal Oh my… I know I don’t have any...”
Aww look, at this reply you were still happy! *laughs evilish and then runs away scared*
@dandylion240 replied to your post “Man I just went through a total nightmare! I’m going home for...”
I have my fingers crossed that it's fixable or at least you can retrieve your files.
Me too! D: We’ll see after Christmas.
@stepawayfromthecarrot​ replied to your photoset “Poll time! Who would you like to see as Violet’s spouse in the colony?...”
John screams fuckboy, dimitri also a fuckboy (plus don't get on scarlet's bad side haha), jerry would make a great best (platonic) friend but not exactly chemistry there. Hunter is okayyy but I'm not super feeling it yet. Although we haven't seen much of him yet so who knows! Davey does feel like the obvious choice (although I'm sure you'll always make it interesting no matter what!) but i chose him, i think he's the only one at this stage who genuinely cares about her
@stepawayfromthecarrot replied to your photoset “Poll time! Who would you like to see as Violet’s spouse in the colony?...”
More importantly, i can see her and davey totally getting together in a "normal sim world" instead of feeling forced to shack up with someone for procreation. They can be their genuine selves and so they can like each other for their real selves. Also can we TALK about davey's bod?!?!? Yeeees violet get it gurl
Haha Davey is very handsome indeed, but Hunter has quite a body as well, did you check it out? ;)
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thespangleway · 6 years
Know You Better Meme
Thanks for the tag @quiddity-jones
Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better.
Name: Jana
Gender: Female
Star sign: Sagittarius
Height: 5′2″ and a half (let’s just round it up to 5′3″)
Have u ever had a crush on a teacher: Yes. On my martial arts teacher some years ago, and I’m not ashamed to admit it!  He was very crush worthy!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: Living near the ocean in either Australia or Hawaii, in the US. 
If you could be anywhere right now where would it be?: In the Pacific Northwest.  There’s this little island, Cortez - you have to take a ferry to another island and then a ferry from there to Cortez.  It’s wild and dense with trees and inhabited by a bunch of hippies (my people).  It’s the most beautiful place in the world!
Your coolest halloween costume?: I don’t know how to answer this one.  I don’t think I’ve ever had a ‘cool’ Halloween costume.  I grew up really poor so we made our own costumes, if we dressed up at all.  I remember my brother made this robot thing out of boxes and silver spray paint.  It wasn’t my costume but it was pretty cool.
Favorite 90s show?: I honestly can’t think of one 90′s television show.  I did discover the 80′s show “Remington Steele” in the 90′s and fell in love with Laura Holt.  She always did everything herself, and she was smart, strong and fearless.
Last kiss: With my sweetie this morning:)
Have u ever been stood up: No.... well, not stood up but I did have this one deadbeat boyfriend who stole my car from me and left me stranded on the side of the road...asshole.
Favourite pair of shoes: my asics running shoes - it HAS TO BE ASICS!
Favorite fruits: passionfruit, passionfruit, passionfruit - oh, and pomegranate!
Favorite book: Favorite? I love E.M. Forster’s ‘A Room With A View’.  I feel like it’s one of those books you can open and start reading from anywhere.  I had this copy of Tennyson’s ‘The Lady of Shalott’ when I was younger with these tragic, monochrome, watercolor illustrations.  I used to cry when I read it.
Stupid thing: Train commuters who push into the train as soon as the door opens and don’t let the exiting passengers off first!
tagging @redhotchilisimblr, @danjaley, @kyranyx, @trembling-hands, @simmingswimmingly,  @maramaja06 ,  @mdianasanders and you know who I’d really like to hear from? @jenba!! Jen, do you do these kind of things?  (NO PRESSURE ;D)                       
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ryther-writes · 5 years
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I don’t know where to start, to be honest. We’ve been through hell and back again, and the world around us has changed several times in recent years, yet we never really changed all that much. Sure, I moved to the Far East and learned a new discipline, but I never really accomplished anything new. It ended the same way it always does - a loss that damages any chance of accomplishing anything that matters. I’m sure I could have kept going with my path of being a Samurai, but it wouldn’t have been the same. I needed that validation that I had done something right for once. To be able to finally see a journey successfully to its end would have finally meant something had changed. But it hadn’t.
And now I sit here, futilely writing a letter to you despite knowing you’re now gone too. Why did you go? I was going to come back soon to you and try to make things right again. I had received rudimentary training to be a Gunbreaker, like you said mother had begun to learn the art of when we had left home. I know they said you had gotten sick and were too poor to be able to provide assistance for yourself, but you never reached out to me. Was it the shame of my misdeeds so many years ago that made you not reach out? Was your own pride too great to ask something of me that would have quite literally saved your life because you couldn’t stand being aided by someone you considered to be a failure?
I suppose you’ll take the answers to those questions to your grave. I don’t know whether to be angry, sad, or perhaps even relieved. I think not knowing the answers to those questions just makes it hurt so much more, because all I can manage to feel is an empty void in my heart, my stomach, my whole body. Something that I can’t ever fill back up, no matter how hard I try or how many words I write on this paper. Truth be told, I’m still unsure what I’m going to do, but I was told by the Hrothgar teaching me that being a Gunbreaker is more than just an artform. He said it was a way of life, that we live and die by this blade we carry, and that we must stand firm against any that threaten us or the lives of the innocent. Maybe I won’t be any good at it, but...
I have to try.
I love you Papa. Maybe this time, I can finally make you proud.
See you someday,
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carrefxur · 5 years
Trust NPC | Kyranyx Lionsguard
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Selection: “I won’t let you down.”
Job: Wandering Swordsman (Gunbreaker/Samurai Hybrid)
Weapons: Weathered Lion Heart
AI Behavior: Acts as a frontline tank for your party, possessing some abilities of a Gunbreaker. However, she is not as durable as a typical tank, trading defensive capabilities for more damage and access to several skills a Samurai would carry, including one of three strikes from Iaijutsu, as well as Fuga, Mangetsu, and Oka. Her limit break is also that of a melee damage character would possess, with her limit break 3 being a mixture of slashes and thrusts, followed finally by a full unloading of the cartridge in her Gunblade.
She may act cocky at first in a fight, using her more offensive spells and forsaking any sort of defensives to try and take an enemy down faster. Once she reaches 60% health, she will begin to play more defensive, employing tactics that allow her to better deflect her enemies attacks, while also attempting to give the rest of her party ample room to continue their attacks and magic.
Her expressions can change throughout battle, appearing more cocky or concentrated at higher healths, wheras if a member of the party falls, or if she is in danger of falling herself, she will looked a bit panicked. If the last one left alive during an encounter, she will appear resolved, accepting the fate she may face, and will go all out in such an encounter.
Battle Lines:
“Another journey down the beaten path.” - Starting Line upon entry
“Is this the beginning, or the end...?” - Alternate starting line upon entry
“Stay with the vanguard!” - Attack line
“Nothing can stop us now!” - Upon defeating an enemy
“Whew...I might need a moment.” - Upon finishing an encounter.
Limit Break:
“This ends here!” - Using LB1
“Know the might of Ala Mhigo!” - Using LB2
“For those who have fallen, know that this is the only gesture I can offer to you in return.” - Using LB3
“You’ve worked hard enough, friends...let me finish this.” - Using LB3 as last member standing
“I’ve come so far, I can’t...lose...now...” - KO1
“See this fight...to the end...” - KO2
“I’m coming home, papa...” -KO3
“I’ll do better next time.” - Revive 1
“I’ve still got a lot left in the tank!” - Revive 2
“My journey is not finished yet.” - Revive 3
Dungeon Complete:
”Only say the word, and I will be by your side again.” - Finish 1
“You’ve done well this day. May we share another victory like this someday.” - Finish 2
“Maybe he was wrong about me...” - Finish 3
Tagged by @captainswingbeard / @otolin-ffxiv
tagging @scowlet @jessiphile @entropytea and whomstever else wishes to do this
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