vairiance · 7 months
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loafbud · 10 months
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GifKyuubimon, the result of Giffany collecting the data of a Kyuubimon to temporarily digivolve to its data
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studiompup · 2 months
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Tamersona - Full Digievolution Line - Tian ✨ commission to @ Christian (repost)
Commissions are open, click here! or send a message.
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holly-natnicole · 2 months
If Team 7 were DigiDestineds (Part 1):
(Legally adopted as a teen by Umino Iruka) Uzumaki Naruto's Crests would be Hope (Virtue) and Greed (Sin). Her digivice is a medium orange D-Ark/D-Power (which lacks the card slot and) which has a crimson rim (around the screen) & matching buttons & a likewise strap with the clip for attaching the digivice to things being medium orange. The digivice's dark grey square screen has 1 of Naruto's Crests appear on it in medium orange whenever he connects with her Digimon partner emotionally in ways that link to the either of the 2 Crests. He has
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Kyūbimon, &
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Taomon as her Digimon partner.
Her nickname is Kurama and she's female, but fine with using male or gender-neutral pronouns. The duo initially don't get along beyond the moment that formed their spiritual connection & caused the digivice to appear, neither understanding the other at all; but they eventually manage to bit by bit re-connect which is why Kurama can digivolve with Naruto's help. The culmination of their platonic bond lets them (with Kurama in her Renamon form) matrix digivolve into
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Other digivolutions Kurama has over the course of her & Naruto's adventures:
she digivolves from her Relemon form into
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Sunmon, from which she digivolves into
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Coronamon, from which she digivolves into
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SilverKyūbimon, from which she digivolves into
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(To be continued in Part 2!!)
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awthredestim · 1 year
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Here’s a collection of WiPs for DigiLord.
I don’t draw that many Digimon, but they can be fun, in a challenging way.
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pipchirisu · 2 years
It's so nice to finally be able to play Digimon Survive! However having finished up to part 3 I gotta say maybe they should have made this an October release because the spooky mystery vibes are really good!
Random spoiler thoughts below! You've been warned ~
So far I've have the most affinity with Minoru and I would definitely call him my favorite so far (which I was not expecting at all) His dynamic with Falcomon is interesting considering what they are trying to do with the digimon this time around. The relationship (in terms of what they're doing for his character) isn't as obvious I think as some of the others... at least to me >>
Shuuji I didn't like before the game came out because he looked to plain and he got my fave Lopmon but I sort of liked him at the intro and then immediately disliked him again when he was reintroduced with Lopmon. That is my fave and he's one of those that is obvious what they're doing with the "whole digimon are an extension of the character and how they treat them is representative of how they treat themselves thing" like I'm sure they'll be a reveal that will make me like him but at the moment it's hard to not want to throw hands.
The rest of the cast is kind of there so far. I liked Aoi already based on design and digimon and same for Saki but they haven't done much to make me like them past that. (Saki has the misfortune of Veggiemon tho I really hope her next mons are better). They also both got really awkward "my digimon is evolving" moments and idk If that's due to my affinity with them or if that's the writing but those were clunky. Better than Kaito who didn't get one his Dracmon can just digivolve? Which was great for the level but kind of weird outside of that.
Getting the extra digimon isn't to enticing so far since the slots are limited and it doesn't make much sense to not use the story relevant characters but I'm glad I did because their was one fight so far that took away most of the cast and I imagine it might happen more often. So I'll make sure to train those guys up I guess.
Lastly I completely forgot it was mentioned that one of the characters was a guaranteed death for the first playthrough and is it always the same character??? I feel like it must always be that character because how much can you do with them? It was definitely a shocking experience because I was expecting his "let's digivolve" moment only to be met with ~The Fog~
I cannot wait to continue tomorrow!
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digitalgate02 · 5 months
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Herlockmon / エルロックモン [erurokkumon]
Adult/Perfect • Unknown • Hybrid • Data/Variable • Virus Busters 
An astute but reserved digimon who dislikes big crowds and any interaction with it. It has a superior intellect and an accurate flair, being considered the greatest detective in the world. It has Arsenemon as its nemesis and only its rival is able to make it excited, or the cases that are beyond the understanding of the digimon and humanity. Some digimon think it is an emotionless and crazy, but it has a soft heart and does its best to save everyone’s lives even if it doesn’t show its kindness. Its Signature Move is using its intellect and detective skills to discover the opponents weaknesses/flaws (Sharp Eye)
Sharp Eye - Uses its intellect and detective skills to discover the opponents weaknesses/flaws
Sweet Melody - Uses its violin to play a harmonious melody which can put the opponent asleep for a while
Evolves from:
Kyuubimon [natural evolution]
Kyuubimon (Silver)
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orangelemonart · 2 years
ok lets go
Naruto’s: This was very hard to decide. I thought about a funny little frog it none were intimidating enough; i was surprised by the dearth of fox-themed digimon that capture the trickster vibe; so yeah, with no other appropriate options its gotta be Kyuubimon for Naruto’s partner.
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Sasuke’s: This was also very difficult, but between Hawkmon/Halsemon and any snake digimon, this was the greatest compromise. Quetzalmon.
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Sakura’s: Cherrymon is a little on the nose name-wise, and I’m saving Numemon for Tsunade lmao. Kabukimon it is!
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Oh wait shit, Sasuke and Sakura are both armor-digivolutions, Naruto’s left out. ok maybe Naruto has to be Frogmon to fit the theme. If only Gabumon’s fantasy of KitaKitsunemon from the drama CD had official art.......
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BTW Jiraiya has ShogunGekomon, Tsunade has PlatinumNumemon, and Orochimaru has Orochimon (natch). Kakashi has one of every dog digimon. He collects them like this is fucking Xros Wars or somethin.
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neorukixart · 2 years
Can you share more about your adult Rika? please 🥺 I love her already and I want more 🙏
Oh mai gah ;w;
Well, to be honest... I made her considering the "canon" we were given with the 2018 CD drama and with time, I've been slightly changing her clothes and hairstyle :3c
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I don't have an specific tag for her 28 years old version, but you can find more in my Makino Ruki tag uwu
In the CD drama, it was confirmed that she was into freestyle motocross while in the Digifes skit (which I just partially enjoyed, mostly for Oririn being there and talking uwu) she started to practice bouldering and eventually she began to teach kids about it.
This is the "canon" so far, now be ready for my headcanons and why I draw her like this (because we were never given how the tamers look as adults).
Short hair to match my obsession with Oririn (Ruki's seiyuu) having some roles in other animes where after a timeskip, they got short hair so it seemed like an obvious choice for me (ง ื▿ ื)ว
Even after all these years, I have yet to properly know how motocross works but I thought that having long hair would get in the way when putting the helmet so, another point for short hair XD and I'm sure that you need at least some amount of endurance and strength for motocross and bouldering so I bet with all my soul that SHE HAS MUSCLES, RUKI MUST HAVE MUSCLES. Maybe not Super Saiyajin muscles but enough to make all those acrobatics ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I have yet to draw her showing more muscles, someday I promise m(_ _)m
I've also been trying to draw her with some kind of "biker" vibes which speaking of bikes and motocross, I think she realized she liked that because deep down, she misses the times when she could ride Kyuubimon and feel the breeze so, that's my bet plus maybe she thought Beelzebumon's looked cool with that bike :3c
Thanks to the 2021 skit, we know she teaches bouldering to kids as I said before which makes me think that she's actually very good with kids like how she tried to confort Shaochung when they were fighting Beelzebumon so, I don't find it odd for her to have patience with children and bet she gets real proud of them, overall if little girls approach her saying something like "I wanna be like Makino-sensei when I grow up!"
I can even picture Ruki getting troubled at first when kids wanted to learn from her so, maybe she would go to get some advice with Juri (and since apparently Takato is no where to be found, bet Ruki takes Juri on her bike for rides and dates  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) huhehe)
Even without Renamon, Ruki makes her best in life everyday just as she promised so I can tell she takes a lot of challenges from time to time plus as the nerd that she is, she collects the new Digica and no one can tell me otherwise~ even just consider for a moment that if the Adventure-verse is "fiction" within the Tamers-verse, then what if they got the chance to watch tri. and Lastevo? I bet you Ruki watched every single one of them and buys a lot of merch but won't never admit she has quite the amount of Digi plushies (ง ื▿ ื)ว only Juri would know but Ruki, having watched the movies before hand, won't let her watch tri. for two easy reasons: Leomon fuckin dying and Hime-chan losing Bakumon.
Speaking of the Digica, I don't think she would keep playing "professionally" in tournaments and alike, but if it's with friends she would GLADLY crush them with all her might uwu but she would find the Digi videogames a waste of time (and games in general tbh) but she enjoys watching Jian and Hirokazu play Cyber Sleuth. Juri would totally enjoy Survive if I'm honest :3c and once Ruki sees the battle system, she might get interested but only if Juri is there to enjoy the rest of the Visual Novel while Ruki fights xD
Also, if the Vital Bracelet were to be a thing in Tamers, she won't hesitate to get one with Renamon and she would only put effort on evolving into Sakuyamon for the sake of good times but she won't let anyone know she got one as she stays firm in her "games are a waste of time" motto ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I think that's all I have for now... to resume: buff biker Ruki because I want (ง ื▿ ื)ว
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jthedrake · 2 years
Total drama file island
Basically a digimon total drama au I made starting with island.
Chris mclean: Monmon—> Targetmon—>Etemon—> Kingetemon
Chef: Goblimon—>Orgemon—>Digitamamon—>Titamon
Ezekiel: Keramon—>Chysallimon—>Infermon—>diaboromon
Eva: Candlemon—>Meramon—>Skullmeramon—>Gankoomon
Noah: Wormmon—>Stingmon—> Jewelbeemon—>banchostingmon
Justin: kotemon—>Gladimon—>
Katie: Pawnchessmon (black)—> Knightchessmon (black)—> Rookchessmon—>Queenchessmon
Tyler: Elecmon—>Thundermon—> mamemon—>Banchomamemon
Izzy: Commandramon—>Sealsdramon—>Tankdramon—>Darkdramon
Cody: Veemon—>Veedramon—> Aeroveedramon—>Ulforceveedramon
Beth: Bokomon—>Opossumon—>
Sadie: Pawnchessmon (white)—>Knightchessmon (white)—> Bishopchessmon—>Kingchessmon
Courtney: Renamon—>kyuubimon—> taomon—>sakuyamon
Harold: Kudamon—>Reppamon—>Chirinmon —>Kentaurosmon
Trent: Monodramon—> Strikedramon—> Cyberdramon—>Justimon
Bridgette: Swimmon—>Dolphemon—> Whalemon—>Surfmon
Lindsay: Lalamon—>Sunflowmon—> Lilamon—>Rosemon
Geoff:Gomamon—>Ikakkumon—> Zudomon—>Vikemon
Leshawna: Dorumon—>Dorugamon—> Dorugreymon—>Dorugoramon
Duncan: Impmon—>Flawizardmon—>
Heather: Fanbeemon—>Waspmon—> Cannonbeemon—>Tigervespamon
Gwen: Gabumon—>Garurumon—>
Owen: Agumon—>Greymon—> Metalgreymon—>Wargreymon
Sierra: Biyomon—>Saberdramon—> Karatenmon—>Ornismon
Alejandro: Demidevimon—>Devimon—> Myotismon—>Venommyotismon
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studiompup · 1 year
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Tamersona - Full Digievolution Line - Tian ✨ commission to @Christian
Commissions are open, click here! or send a message.
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phthalology · 2 years
KYUUBIMON is in ghost game
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awthredestim · 2 years
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Commission for Digi Lord.
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Never drawn a fanmade Digimon before, and I have to say I had a fair amount of fun with this one. Shiny everything here, all those highlights and metal shines. It got to the point where I wasn't sure about the direction where I was taking this one.
I think it turned out alright. Shiny paws.
Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate every single one I receive.
You can check the Making Of post right here.
Thank you!
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mydigimonworld · 2 years
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Original is by pixiv user 12253266 老夫子大番薯 [nsfw] https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/74298918
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pipchirisu · 2 years
Day 4 of digimon survive and I'm almost done but it's late so final chapter and start of second playthrough tomorrow 😅
Garurumon and Renamon saved the Haru and Miyuki plot. I still think they got more attention than the actual main cast which is a bummer but the drama really came in once we got more direct confrontations with the digimon. I'm a sucker for that "I waited for you for so long and you never came" and the angst that comes with that. The Renamon reveal in particular was amazing! I knew Haru was the Professor but having Renamon be in disguise I didn't even think of that! I was expecting a Kyuubimon to show up to contrast Garurumon or something it wasn't until it took forever and they hinted a little more that I got the twist.
Meeting up with the kids and having a 10 day skip (at least on their side) was really neat! I almost wish we had gotten to play their side and received exposition about the human world after. Aoi stepping up as leader was nice and her scene evolving Labramon to Cerbermon was interesting because of that juxtaposition between their design. The game itself also brings it up and the focus on power has me interested in what's going on with Aoi (in the other routes I guess?). Saki's was funny addressing Veggiemon being ugly (surprised it didn't happen initially after they said it's what's inside her heart. He fights with poop like???I would have been so offended lol). Still no details or her illness but she openly mentioned how time being different between the worlds could benefit her. She seemed to almost want to stay but I doubt that's gonna be a thing.
Miu's Mermaimon scene was ok. The scene where she gets into a fight with Kaito and calls him out for not moving in was spicy tho. I feel like we needed more of that from them. Especially because I think I fucked up Kaito? He is the only character that didn't go past champion. Being in the last part I doubt he will so idk what I did wrong cuz I swear I prioritized him way more than Miu but oh well. That said I also didn't get anyone to Mega idk if that'll happen in the final battle since the mega is route dependent but if it's not that's a bummer :/
I think I'm in the moral route? The prompts are still adding to the alignments which I don't see the point in since after 8 you're suppose to be locked to the route. I guess the points and maybe affinity will transfer to the new game+?
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uzunotegaki · 4 years
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