danishwithemi · 6 years
Lesson 4 - Nouns As Singular (navneord i ental)
Singular Indefinite - ‘A/an’ in Danish
In Danish there are two versions for ‘a/an’. Namely, ‘en’ and ‘et’. Nouns using ‘en’ are said to have the gender ‘fælleskøn’ (literal translation: common gender) and nouns using ‘et’ to have the gender ‘intetkøn’ (literal translation: non gender). I will refer to nouns using ‘en’ as ‘en-nouns’ and nouns using ‘et’ as et-nouns.
Here are some examples for nouns using ‘en’ (fælleskøn):
En abe = a monkey
En hund = a dog
En bil = a car
En bog = a book
Examples for nouns using ‘et’ (intetkøn):
Et skib = a ship
Et æble = an apple
Et tæppe = a blanket
Et fjernsyn = a television
Unfortunately, there are no rules for when to use ‘en’ or ‘et’. This is something that you will have to memorize. However, about 75% of the nouns are en-nouns. If you mess this up it will sound unnatural but Danes will understand what you are talking about. When you are learning a new noun try your best to memorize whether it uses ‘en’ or ‘et’.
Fun fact: Sometimes even Danes can mess up when to use ‘en’ and ‘et’. Especially with the word ‘hamster’ (meaning hamster). You will hear some Danes say “en hamster” and some say “et hamster”. The correct version is: en hamster.
Singular Definite - ‘The’ in Danish (definite)
In English you put ‘the’ in front of a noun when talking about a specific “something” (e.g. the cat). In Danish it’s a little different. In Danish you add an ending to the noun. The ending is dependent on whether the noun is an en-noun (fælleskøn) or an et-noun (intetkøn).
If it is an en-noun (fælleskøn) you add -en as an ending. Example:
En hund (a dog) becomes hunden (the dog)
En bil (a car) becomes bilen (the car)
If it is an ‘et’-noun (intetkøn) you add -et as an ending.
Et skib (a ship) becomes skibet (the ship)
Et fjernsyn (a television) becomes fjernsynet (the television)
In other words: you just move ‘en’ or ‘et’ behind the noun!
Some exceptions:
If a noun is ending on -e such as in the nouns ‘abe’ (translation: monkey) and ‘tæppe’ (translation: blanket or rug) you just omit the ‘e’ from ‘en’ and ‘et’ and add -n or -t instead (depending on whether it’s an en-noun or et-noun). In other words, you omit the double ‘e’. Example:
En abe   becomes aben (not abeen!)
Et tæppe becomes tæppet (not tæppeet!)
Some nouns gets an extra consonant when conjugated. Let’s look at the noun ‘kat’, which means ‘cat’ in English:
En kat becomes katten
Here is an example of an et-noun ‘glas’ which means ‘glass’ in English:
Et glas becomes glasset
In the next lesson we will look at nouns in plural conjugation!
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almostbilingual · 7 years
Dansk prøve: Mit liv i Danmark
Below is a paragraph I wrote for my danish oral test later this month. If you see something wrong, please feel free to correct it! c:
Jeg kom til Danmark for 3 måneder siden, i august. Da jeg ankom var jeg bande og bekymrede fordi alt var nyt. Men i løbet af min første uge mødte jeg mange dejlige og interessante mennesker. Mine bofæller var meget venlige og hjalp mig med bosætte sig i. Nu føler jeg mig hjemme i Aarhus, og jeg vil aldrig forlade. Jeg studerer psykologi på universitetet, og har klasser om tirsdagen og onsdagen. Mine klasser kan være interessante men 3 timer er en land tid til at koncentrere. Når jeg er ikke på universitet sommetider laver jeg min hjemmearbejde hjemme. Jeg bor i et kollegium som ligger syd for byen. Området er smukt men lidt langt væk fra universitetet og centrum. Men det er nær havnen og dyrehavet, så jeg kan gå på ture når jeg vil. Jeg kan også gå til fitness fordi fitnesscentret er meget tæt ved. Generelt er jeg meget sundere her i Danmark. Jeg spiser en masse frugt og grøntsager, og jeg elsker til at lave rigtige måltider til aftensmad. Jeg har også en cykel, men det er for stor og har ikke en kurv. Derfor rejser jeg normalt med bus. Jeg er ekspert med busser i Aarhus. Byen er fantastisk, og jeg ønsker til at komme tilbage igen snart. 
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3 dages udfordring:  5 nye ord/dag i en sætning.
2. dag:
- at vandre
- dødstresset
- at overvære
- retssage
- at droppe tobakken
Jeg var helt dødstresset, da jeg prøvede at droppe tobakken, så jeg besluttede at jeg ville vandre til Himmelbjerg, men i min vejen, har jeg set en berømt bjergbestiger med oxygen mask at gå op til bjergen, så nu håber jeg ikke, skal gå overvære i en retsage efter hans Kilimanjaro tur, som plænlegger han uden mask...
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Jeg er sikker på, at der skal være nogle fejl.🤓 Men hvor?? Inversion? 🤔
Hvad er din sætning? Brug den 5 ord! ;)
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wariofrantsen · 8 years
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This danish alphabetical album, is now out on Fox1991ism's Youtubechannel, also for You, who wants to learn danish😊😉❤🇩🇰#halfdansabc #halfdanrasmussen #danish #dansk #lærdansk #learndanish #languages #language #danishlesson #denmark #danmark #tanska #fox1991ism
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hakaessite · 5 years
Stayhome. Lærdansk
Zewsząd słyszymy zachęty do pozostania w domach, więc zostawajmy. Wróciłam do Najpiękniejszego Języka Świata.
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charissejoycelejao · 8 years
🐣🐣🐣 #earlybird #lærdansk (at Lærdansk Aarhus)
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danishwithemi · 6 years
Lesson 1 - The alphabet (alfabetet)
The Danish alphabet is almost exactly the same as the English alphabet - except the sounds are a little different and there is an additional 3 letters at the end. The Danish alphabet is as follows:
Upper case Lower case Pronunciation Alternative A a Like a in man B b Like be in because C c Like c in cemented D d Like d in den E e Like i in omit F f Like eff in Jeff G g Like g in give H h Like h in hope I i Like ea in meat J j Like y in yodle K k Like c in coleslaw L l Like el in seller M m Like em in empty N n Like en in end O o Like o in omit P p Like p in pick Q q Like co in cool R r Like r in air S s Like es in lesson T t Like t in tipsy U u Like oo in boots V v Like v in vote W w Dobbelt-v (translated: double v) Note: in speech, the sound is similar to v X x Like ex in ex Y y Like e in few Z z Like zedd in Zedd Æ æ Like the first e in elder AE/ae Ø ø Like ea in search OE/oe Å å Like o in omen AA/aa
If you cannot see the table above click here
The additional 3 letters æ, ø and å are all vowels (just like a, e, i, o, u and y). These letters are found in various Danish words and names and can be written using a Danish keyboard or by adding the language to your keyboard on your computer or phone.
You might have noticed that there are alternative ways for how to write the letters æ, ø and å. Danish people will understand the alternative ways of writing these letters, but æ, ø and å are the default ways. Some cities uses the alternatives instead of the default way of writing the letters. Examples of such cities are:
Aalborg (Ålborg)
Aarhus (Århus)
Grenaa (Grenå)
However, writing these cities names with å instead of aa is still correct and danes will know exactly what you mean.
Note that the above pronunciations are the pronunciations of the alphabet. The sounds may vary in different Danish words.
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almostbilingual · 7 years
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A list of some words, places and things in and around Aarhus, Denmark’s second biggest city. After my semester on exchange here, I’ve absolutely fallen in love with this place, so enjoy my vocab list/recommendations of places to see.
by [en]: town (midt)jylland: (mid-) Jutland latinkvarter [et]: the Latin Quarter centrum: centre of town/downtown hav [et]: sea, ocean havn [en]: port, harbour, marina å [en]: river (specifically one in Denmark) park [en]: park skov [en]: forest dyrehave [en]: deer park tog [et]: train bus [en]: bus letbane [en]: tram, light rail pass på: watch out, take care (this is written everywhere with the new tram) rutebilstation [en]: bus station banegårdsplads [en]: area/road by the train station midttrafik: the public transport authority billet [en]: ticket lufthavn [en]: airport cykel [en]: bicycle torv [et]: (town) square vej [en]: road, way allé [en]: road, avenue gade [en]: road, street ringgade [en]: ringroad kollegium [et]: dorm tour de chambre: a dorm event where each room has a theme and a game (usually involves a lot of drinking) lejlighed [en]: flat, apartment kultur [en]: culture biograf [en]: cinema øst for paradis: lit. east of eden, a very chic and nice cinema in town teater [et]: theatre kirke [en]: church domkirke [en]: cathedral rådhus [et]: town hall dokk 1: lit. dock 1, the main library and citizen service point ARoS: art museum with a huge rainbow on top, you can’t miss it Moesgaard museum [et]: great museum just out of town galleri [et]: gallery Marselisborg slot [et]: Marselisborg castle butik [en]: shop julemarked [et]: christmas market Salling: a department store with a really nice rooftop storcenter nord: shopping centre in the north of town tøj [et]: clothes apotek [et]: pharmacy boghandel [en]: bookshop supermarked [et]: supermarket letmælk [en]: lit. light milk, semi-skimmed milk minimælk [en]: skimmed milk Wienerbrød [et]: danish pastry danskvand [et]: sparkling water universitet [et]: university fredagsbar [en]: friday bar, each subject usually holds one each week studenterhus [et]: student house, student union unipark [en]: university park, campus statsbibliotek [et]: the university library lærdansk: the danish language school bachelorgrad [en]: bachelor’s/undergraduate degree kandidatgrad [en]: master’s/graduate degree
inspired by this post. Look there for links to similar lists c:
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3 dages udfordring:  5 nye ord/dag i en sætning.
1. dag:
Opskrift til en sædvanlig nordisk krimi novelle: 1 knivspisd forbrydelse, 1 tsk sammentræf, 1 velvoksen, fordrukne menneske, og endeløs gys.
Kender du, hvilken historie er det på billeden?
Hvad er din seatning fra denne 5 ord? :) 
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