#lacey x crispin
blazingstar400 · 4 months
Juliana: I’m so happy, I could kiss you!
Kieran, flustered: Uhm… neat.
Kieran, in his dorm room lying face down on his bed: I said ‘neat’, Crispin. Who the heck says neat these days? It’s not neat to say neat but I said it anyways because I’m so freaking stupid.
Crispin, reading a cooking book: Don’t beat yourself up over this, Kieran. Everyone gets nervous sometimes. Remember what I did when Lacey confessed she liked me?
Kieran: Didn’t you thank her?
Crispin, closing the book and looking up at the ceiling: I thanked her…
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p-chux · 5 months
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love is love 👍
(aka i wanted to post something and i love this meme so…)
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dipplinduo · 4 months
S&S D:
I can imagine at one point Kieran, Drayton, Crispin, and maybe Arven as a special guest are going to hold a "Blueberry Bros Meeting" to discuss and help Crispin in trying to get together with Lacey
And the plan goes along the lines of:
"~Operation Chef's Kiss~"
Step 1: Shower Lacey with things she likes and impress her to the best of Crispin's abilities
Step 2: ???????
Step 3: Profit 😎👍
- ☕️
Ooh. OOH, don't do that. Don't give me ideas for a what-if spinoff...
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Could you do some headcanons of a Mc reader dating the BB League Elite 4 + Kieran but miraidon gets super jealous.
It gets to the point where they get out of their Pokeball to growl á them.
While she isn't too good at expressing emotions herself, she can read the emotions of others quite well.
Apparently this extends to Pokémon, especially after she notices your Miraidon acting rather irate around her. It even got to the point where they kept bursting from their pokeball to growl at her whenever you're together.
"It seems your Agias has suddenly grown a dislike for me, [y/n]." She remarked one day. "But I cannot figure out why..have I done something to upset them recently?"
"Nothing that I know of. Although I think it's worth mentioning that they're actually called Miraidon, not Agias."
"..is that so? Then I will correct this error right away."
Both of you think that after she apologizes, the problem would be resolved...yet it continues, with Miraidon always budging into your conversations, trying to get you on their back and fly/drive off without warning, etc.
All of this happens despite there being no danger present.
Eventually, you chalk up their protective nature to one probable cause: Jealousy.
You were spending more time with Amarys, and perhaps that made your futuristic companion worried you'll spend less with them.
When you brought this up to your gf, she's surprised and isn't too sure how to resolve this..
Considering she's new to relationships, she didn't expect a Pokémon of all things to become so jealous of her.
You end up suggesting that the two bonded (outside of timed flying trials of course) so that they could learn to trust her more.
Despite lacking emotional depth, she still tries her best, knowing this would greatly benefit all three of you in the long run if you were going to continue dating.
"Hey uh..your Pokémon is giving me a funny look again.....w-was the sandwich too spicy for them? I can always turn down the heat."
He's straight-up convinced that Miraidon is mad at him because he's making their sandwich the wrong way.
So he keeps changing up the ingredients, hoping to satisfy them (yet it doesn't help when they keep popping out of the pokeball and scaring him).
You've figured out ages ago that they were simply jealous of how much time you were spending with your new bf.
Alas, you're dating a chef who's not only a hothead, but an airhead as well.
"Do you think your Miraidon and Magmortar got into an argument? Because they keep staring at him like they wanna rip him apart..haha.."
"No, honey..it's you, not your Pokémon."
"....ohhh so you're saying I got into an argument with Miraidon! Yeah that makes sense..I did sorta lose my cool with them the other day..."
Sometimes you wonder if a bonk from that frying pan of his would help knock some sense into him....
Instead, though, you just have him sit down in the club room while you explain Miraidon's jealousy in detail.
Crispin finally understands and immediately feels bad (and a little dumb knowing it took him this long to realize it). He's rushing to apologize to your companion, promising to make them the best sandwich possible--hot or not.
He still gets nervous about kissing you/holding your hand when they're nearby, often feeling the need to hide behind the pan.
But you reassure him it's okay.
Tbh he kinda relishes in the huffy demeanor your Miraidon has been displaying in recent days.
The way they gnash their teeth, circle around him, make sparks fly, hover over you, and light up their eyes as though preparing to use Electro Drift...
Yep, despite how flashy and futuristic they are...all Drayton sees is another dragon type Pokémon who's throwing temper tantrums.
And being such chill guy around dragons, he has no fear and instead teases them behind your back, getting them riled up.
"Oh c'mon. You don't scare me. I know you've been looking out for [y/n]...and watching them hang out with Kingdra and Archaludon-"
"...there it is." He laughs. "Look, I'm not "stealing" them from ya. So let's just try to get along for their sake, alright?"
"Right. I knew we'd come to an understandin'."
Somehow, the two are VERY good at hiding this little grudge from you, although you have noticed Miraidon being more protective than usual over you whenever Drayton's around.
But it boils over when they saw you shining his Archaludon's armor while on a picnic date, throwing a fit and almost having a fullblown battle with each other without either of you at the helm.
Luckily, all the other dragons on your team diffused the situation...
You're a little bit outraged (pun not intended) that Drayton never told you of Miraidon's jealousy issues--and that he was taunting them for it.
"C'mon, they know I'm only kidding around."
"...our Pokémon almost broke the damn table."
"I'll pay for the damages."
"I think you're missing the point here, babe.."
From the moment she started showing you around the school...she wondered why Miraidon was acting weird.
Her first thought was that they could sense her being a fairy type trainer, but she isn't sure what to do about that, so she keeps quiet.
But after you two started dating, they grew more protective of you and jealous of her..and it's something she notices waaaay before you do.
After it gets to the point of them jumping out of their pokeball to scare her (and quickly go back in without you seeing them), her nerves were shot.
Even so, she doesn't want you to worry. So she keeps trying to be friendly towards them, but it's hard.
Doesn't help that Granbull is being quite sassy towards the electric/dragon type, too, growing just as protective over Lacey as they are over you.
And ofc she has to quell their argument before things turn ugly...and one day, it almost did.
"I'm sorry, but this is NOT right!" She crosses her arms, standing between the two Pokémon. "Granbull, I know you're better than this. And Miraidon, I know you don't trust me, but you need to-"
"What's going on, Lace?"
You were gone for all but two minutes, and you come back to your poor gf trying to stop a Pokémon battle from taking place.
Finally, she admits that Miraidon has been acting extremely jealous and it's made her nervous.
You feel terrible for not realizing this sooner, and promise to speak to your companion about it.
Least to say..you wind up coddling them and giving them treats, reassuring them you'll still pay attention to them--but they had to be nice to Lacey and not antagonize her fairies.
Reluctantly, they agree on the condition of getting a sandwich everyday.
Considering Miraidon saved his life, it was definitely strange when that same Pokémon now seemingly hated his guts..
This all happened the moment you and him starting dating, with them popping out of the pokeball (and not because he mentioned sandwiches) and growling before you could share your first kiss.
It was embarrassing for Kieran, and he doesn't know how to earn their trust back.
He just muddles over the fact that he was...definitely less-than-kind to you, their trainer, back before the trip to Area Zero.
He said things to you that he didn't mean, things he regretted saying..and suddenly he wonders if Miraidon could have possibly heard all of that.
If they could hear you both discussing sandwiches, then surely....
It genuinely starts to stress him out, as he's trying so hard to make amends with everyone and not be hated anymore.
And yet he seemed to be forgiven by all...except for Miraidon.
Maybe they even regret saving him
You notice that your bf is starting to cower behind you at their presence, being scared to look them in the eye, etc.
Eventually, you get him to confess that he thinks your companion despises him, and the guilt resurfaces enough to make him cry, kneeling and pleading for their forgiveness.
But you comfort and reassure him that Miraidon's only jealous of you two spending so much time together.
"R-Really? That's all it was...?"
"Yep. I already gave them a stern talking to." You help him stand up. "I'm sorry they keep coming off as aggressive. They just gotta warm up to you a little more, that's all."
"So they don't..hate me?"
After that, Kieran tries his best to earn the dragon type's respect, becoming a bit braver with each interaction.
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aliceramblez · 8 months
Dating The BB League Elite Four + Kieran 💕
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Tags: GN! Reader, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Teal Mask & Indigo Disk Spoilers!
A/N: After finally getting dragged into the Pokémon rabbit hole, I honestly couldn't resist in doing one of these for my babies! Scarlet/Violet is my very first Pokémon experience, so hopefully I did these characters justice ^^
Feel free to follow my main @taruchinator & leave a request for future HCs!
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Crispin 🔥
He's such a dork and incredibly quirky but don't you worry, he'll definitely be the one to ask you out first, no matter how many attempts it takes. Not like you'd say no to begin with.
As a partner, he's the kind of guy who would always try to cheer you up and have you in a happy mood, because when you're happy, he's happy! Anything from compliments, to jokes, to just giving you lots of affection.
Which brings us to the fact that he's huge on PDA. And the funny thing is he doesn't even realize he's doing it—he'll lean on you when you're showing him something in your Rotom Phone, rubbing circles on your palm when you're talking about your day, placing his chin on your shoulder while talking to the other club members—this man is all over you.
During your stay at Blueberry Academy, don't you dare spend your precious money on the cafeteria, he's got you covered. He'll ask you and learn about your tastes, creating new recipes and concoctions just for you, hoping to surprise you with something better and nutritious every day!
If you had a long day of training and doing BBQs, Crispin always comes by and makes sure you had a meal. And you better not be lying to him.
“Man, you've been out all day! Did you even have lunch?”
“.... I had a granola bar.”
It's safe to say that Koraidon/Miraidon adores him, and even makes you question whether it's you or your Pokémon who's dating him.
After you started going out, Crispin now makes sure to carry sandwiches with him at all times. Mostly for your oversized lizard boy, but also for you in case you need a quick snack to recharge. The legendary Pokémon is quick to thank him with licks and constant slobbering which always leaves the red-head a mess, but he tries to not let it bother him for your sake.
Whenever you guys aren't training, you'll be in your dorm rooms cooking and having laughs with your Pokémon over how clumsy they can be in the kitchen.
Overall, a sweet and supportive goofball who'll make sure you're always smiling and never have an empty stomach!
Amarys 👓
Obviously Amarys isn't the best at conveying her emotions. It doesn't mean she doesn't care, she just has a hard time figuring them out sometimes! Which is why it's incredibly strange to her when she starts having these weird sensations whenever she's around you.
She feels happier, her stomach gets all jumbled when you compliment her, and her minds always finds a way to drift back to you no matter what she's doing.
She ends up asking Carmine about it, who immediately gets all giddy and explains to her that she might have a crush. Amarys is surprised, but not against the idea. It makes sense in retrospect—cue bestie Carmine giving her pointers and ideas to try and confess to you.
Unfortunately it's all a bit too convoluted or cheesy for the Steel-Type user's liking, so she ends up doing it her own way.
One day after club activities are over, she asks if you can stay a bit longer to talk. “After much deliberation, it would seem that I have caught romantic feelings for you. I propose a casual outing so we can discuss these in further detail. Do you agree?”
It doesn't take long for you two to start going out.
Amarys shows affection through small gestures that may not seem like a lot to others, but you know they're huge steps for her. Sharing her food when you're hungry, giving you advice on how to raise your Pokémon properly, helping you study subjects you aren't that good at—the list goes on.
PDA isn't her strong suit at all. Physical affection in general isn't something she's used to, and she's forever grateful that you don't push her to do things out of her comfort zone. She tries though, and will do things like brush her hand against yours or even give you a hug whenever she's feeling bold.
To an outsider you're both an unconventional couple, but manage to make it work with trust and constant communication. Give her some time and she'll warm up to you.
Lacey 🧚‍♀️
A sweet cutie who doesn't really change her attitude towards you even after you start dating, since she's always loved having you around. The two of you also confess at the same time, which leaves you as a pair of giggling messes at the irony of it.
Is your number one cheerleader when it comes to school academics. You may not be an official Blueberry student, but that doesn't mean you should be slacking in your classes! If you don't understand the material, don't you worry, she's already prepared a slideshow presentation going over it point by point. Will also reward you with kisses if you pay attention!
Lacey isn't huge on PDA either since she thinks it's unnecessary, but when it's just the two of you, she will never let go. You have successfully replaced Granbull as her favorite pillow of choice, since whenever you two have time off and she's tired, you'll probably take a snooze under a tree in the Coastal Biome.
When you get to meet her father, she's actually a bit nervous since she's never thought of dating before finishing school, but you try and be brave and reassure her that you'll try your best to give a good impression. He thinks you're alright, but gives you the good old father talk to make sure you won't hurt his little girl.
Will find ways to dot your Legendary lizard ride with gifts and affection since she thinks he's just too darn stinking cute, but don't worry, she still thinks you're the cutest!
Since Lacey's constantly worrying about things getting done around the League Club, it's your duty as her partner to get her to relax from time to time. You'll do your best by offering to share responsibilities and reminding her that breaks are very much needed.
“Sweetie it's nighttime, you can finish in the morning. I'm tired and need cuddleeeess.”
“Just one more page and I'll be done—”
“Please Ms. Lacey! I need your cuteness to have a good night's sleep!”
“F-Fine, I'm coming! Flattering me to get what you want is just not right, ya know?”
Truly an iconic duo.
Drayton 🐉
Let's get one thing straight: this man doesn't confess—heck, he doesn't even ask you out! One day he just has his arms around you and plants a kiss on your cheek claiming that he'll follow your every command, all with a cheeky grin on his face. You're more than welcome to punch him for it and he'll still come crawling back.
Like most things in his life, Drayton takes your relationship slow and steady, not really wanting to push your boundaries (unless he wants to tease you) and having no rush to progress things. He's just a chill guy who wants to claim you before anyone else does.
Don't be mistaken though, this doesn't mean he doesn't care. You'd be surprised how much he looks out for you, almost borderline overprotective in some cases. After everything that happened with Terapagos in Area Zero, he's constantly making sure you have strong Pokémon, supplies, and good company to survive the crazy adventures you get mixed up in.
You guys' ideal date is spending time together in the dorms after school hours, kicking back and relaxing with a movie or just talking about stuff that happened during the day. He's surprisingly a very good listener.
It's from these laid back conversations that he gets ideas for random gifts to get you. Did you need a new pair of gloves cause the old ones ripped? Some are waiting in the club room. You're running low on potions? A box full of them appears on your doorstep. Want to visit your friends in Paldea but can't find the time? Turns out Drayton took over your assignments for the day so you're free to go!
You're also the only person he'll allow himself to be tutored by. Will literally not listen to anyone unless it's you. Which is why you try to make sure the material is easy for him to digest + it's not boring typical schoolwork, but something he'll actually enjoy.
“Okay! Today we're going over math! Let's have a battle in the Polar Biome so you can see how probability applies in critical hits and such.”
“Aww, my honey is catering to my needs? Aren't you the sweetest thing?”
“No kisses until we're done, Drayton.”
“Alright, aye aye boss!”
He's an idiot, but he's your idiot.
Kieran 🍎
This boy has had a crush on you ever since you first met in Kitakami, but never had the courage to say anything since he was so shy. Now however, he doesn't say anything because he feels like he doesn't have the right to.
After everything he's put you through—from accusing you of stealing Ogerpon, to fighting you in an all out battle, to straight up putting you and everyone else in danger just because he wanted a chance at getting a Legendary Pokémon—Kieran doesn't think he deserves to be your friend, let alone your partner.
Carmine is there as his wingwoman though, cheering him on and telling him how much you appreciate him and clearly return his feelings.
And so, mustering as much courage as he can, he asks if you'll trade Pokémon with him. When you agree, he brings out an Applin, which immediately leaves you blushing but also spreads a huge smile on your face. The two of you officially start dating.
Kieran does is absolute best to try and be the boyfriend you deserve, even though it's his first relationship and he has no idea what he's doing half the time. The members of the League Club are surprised at first, but ultimately support you guys all the way!
You spend time together sharing battle strategies and having your Pokémon playing to try and get along. Turns out Ogerpon and Hydrapple become fast friends by the end of a particular play date, much to your delight.
He's not good at PDA, like, at all. He's still that shy and timid kid from Kitakami underneath it all, so he struggles with initiating affection even when it's just the two of you. You're the one who has to start the hugs and kisses, leaving him like a puddle of goo under your grasp.
Nightmares still plague him occasionally, mostly revolving the journey to Area Zero and how it all could've turned out for the worst if by some chance Terapagos decided to attack someone else. Maybe even you. If you're with him when they happen, you'll hold him tight and whisper sweet nothings into his ear until he calms down, or if he calls you to make sure you're okay, you'll stay on the phone with him until he falls asleep again.
“I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...”
“It's okay Kieran. We're both okay, and that's all that matters.”
You two are the power couple that Blueberry Academy never expected, but deep down, you're just a pair of dorks who fawn over each other on a daily basis.
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cosmic-seer · 8 months
kieran post teal mask missing juliana and he's just like "i miss my wife tails" at random
Kieran, staring off to the wall as he’s heavily disassociating:
Crispin: Kieran! Hey, I have this new recipe I was workshopping what spices would you-
Kieran, suddenly and without missing a beat: I miss my wife Crispin.
Crispin: WH- H u h-
Kieran, exits the League PC and makes for the door: I’ll be back.
Crispin: ????????
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kurooo-is-here · 9 months
Oh, I got an idea! Drayton x Reader and Lacey x Crispin, the reader and Crispin want to get their crushes to finally confess to them but they're taking too damn long! They team up and pretend to be dating to get both of them jealous >:) (And Drayton in the end loses his cool! Le gasp!) (Could u also get Crispin and Reader to almost kiss? THX U)
LMAO this one was so fun to write! Drayton is definitely more jealous while Lacey is calmer and mature.
Drayton x Reader and Crispin x Lacey
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You and Crispin have been besties for years now, so of course you two talked about your crushes!
Crispin sighed and said he couldn't get himself to confess, so he was hoping Lacey could do it first to save him the trouble-- but she hasn't, even after all this time, despite showing interest in him! And he's never had to courage to go up and talk to her properly about his feelings. Poor guy...
Meanwhile, Drayton was always conveniently avoiding the subject, making jokes to change the subject. One time, he even just dozed off for no reason in the middle of you talking! Goddamnit toothpaste boy!!
You and Crispin devised a plan: pretend you're dating each other to get the two of them jealous! What could go wrong?? :D
It started with you leaning on Crispin's shoulder and holding his hand in the halls. No one was really surprised by this sudden display of "affection", since you two were already long-time friends. It was the perfect excuse.
Drayton and Lacey didn't say anything at first, but they definitely raised an eyebrow at you two-- so you decided to turn it up a notch.
One day in the clubroom, you loudly proclaimed that you loved Crispin sooo much, you just wanted to smooch him right now! As you leaned in for the "kiss", Drayton quite literally put his hand between your mouths to stop you.
"Uh, guys. No kissing in the clubroom." Drayton said, crossing his arms. His tone was surprisingly calm, but you knew better than to be fooled by that. He was about to lose his cool.
Crispin grinned at you knowingly and pushed further. "Whaaat, is someone jealous?"
Drayton's smile dropped. The entire room went silent as everyone noticed his demeanor. "Haha, what if I am?" He asked, tilting his head. "..What if I think you're trying to play me for a fool?" His icy tone sent shivers down your spine, despite not being directed at you.
"GAH! You saw through our plan?!" Crispin blurted, putting his head in his hands. "Ugh, Y/N! I thought we had him!"
The tension seemed to lift slightly. Drayton smiled again, though his smile looked... strained. "Ah, so you did plan this?"
Lacey walked over too, much to Crispin's dismay. "Crispin! You shouldn't play with people's hearts like that, it's just not right!"
Lacey looked at Drayton, and they both nodded. "Crispin, we'll decide a suitable punishment for you later." Drayton said.
Crispin nearly fell out of his seat. "W-Wait, WHAT?! But this wasn't all my idea, Y/N was in on it too--"
Drayton put a hand on your shoulder as he glared at Crispin. "Believe me, I know." Somehow, Drayton's touch felt oddly warm. Lacey had to drag Crispin out of the room to have a talk with him, leaving you and Drayton alone at the table.
"Drayton, I really am sorry about all of that... I don't actually like Crispin that way." You said quietly. "I understand if you're upset."
Drayton just sighed. "Apology accepted, as long as you don't do it again." He said, sitting next to you.
Suddenly, a realization dawned on you. "Wait... you agreed with Crispin earlier when he asked if you got jealous.. does that mean-?"
"Bingo!" Drayton replied. "Though I never imagined the confession would happen like THIS."
He laughed and leaned closer to you. "But... from now on, you're my treasure. No one's gonna get in the way of that."
His tone seemed sincere this time. It flustered you, seeing him so serious.
Seems like Crispin got his happy ending too, because he came back to the clubroom with a kiss mark on his cheek and a big smile on his face. You both celebrated by yelling "LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!" before Lacey ran in to tell you two to lower your voices.
Turns out, Lacey had given Crispin a pretty stern talking to, but she got a bit frustrated and had to sit down for a moment to collect her thoughts. Crispin sat beside her and they had a talk for awhile about their families and futures, at which point Lacey finally admitted she had feelings for Crispin.
Drayton may or may not have challenged Crispin to a battle later, and Crispin may or may not have lost horribly after Drayton unleashed the fury of his Pokemon. Oops.
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stormy-blossom · 8 months
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Not PLA centered but I have some of them on here so- Happy 2nd anniversary to one of my favorite games Pokémon Legends Arceus! So many of the characters in that game quickly became favorites (Especially Volo-)
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marshmallowchaos · 8 months
How I can imagine dipplinshipping’s wedding going based on my own opinions
Carmine- mad because she has a minor role, decorator
Penny- maid of honor
Nemona-Ring bear
Arven-gives Juliana to Kieran
Drayton-not invited =)
Lacey-in charge of the cake and the food
Crispin- best man(idk why)
Mela-bridesmaid #1
Atticus- caught the bouquet but gave it to another couple
Ortega- plays the piano for the reception
Giacomo-in charge of music
Amarys- there for Carmine’s sanity
Miraidon/Koraidon-stands with Juliana
Kieran and Juliana are both super nervous. Juliana’s dress has Applin inspired elements to it so does Kieran’s suit.
Idk this just popped into my head
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chloeji · 6 months
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I happened to find this template at twitter, so I decided to give a try. My favorite shipping are: Attiana (Atticus x Juliana), Florenny (Florian and Penny), and Arvemona (Arven and Nemona).
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blazingstar400 · 4 months
Kieran: You know, Crispin gives Lacey flowers everyday, I wish you’d do that too.
Juliana: Okay.
Juliana: *gives Lacey flowers*
Lacey: ???
Juliana: I don’t know, I’m confused as well.
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cinnamary · 6 months
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Crispin character sheet (again, translation courtesy of PokeSuutamie on Twitter/X)
I think the most interesting thing here is the detail that he tries to show off when he gets an order from Lacey and always ends up burning it (implying that this has happened more than once)
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dipplinduo · 5 days
Hello Dipplin~! I am back with more music! I apologize I would have sent this sooner but I was away at a wedding this weekend~! Anyways I know he's not talked about too much here (From what I've noticed) But I was listening to this song and for some reason I kept thinking of Crispin.
Not entirely sure but I just felt like I wanted to share this thought, cause now I can't stop thinking of this song as the image of Crispin "Attempting" to get Lacey's affection.
Omg chefkissshipping content coming in hot LOL
You are the ultimate ship song recommender, please do not apologize for having a life. It's def a funny fit for his POV!
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octofaewrites · 3 months
New Fic!
Pairings: Drayton/Carmine, Kieran/Lacey (both established relationships)
Rating: G
Summary: Idiots in an elevator discussing Smash Bros while Crispin is the awkward third wheel to both couples.
This is 100% a Crackfic.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 6 months
Could I maybe get a Hisuian!Reader who came to Paldea through a space time rift? They remember everything, they still have all their old Pokemon, they like to share stories of their adventures (anything from taking on Volo to "Oh yeah, I caught this alpha garchomp after a half-hour standoff, here's her gigaton ball lol."), they've got little scars here and there from accidentally standing too close to Pokemon attacks or taking fall damage, and they give descendants of their Hisuian Pokemon to their blueberry friends (BBE4, Carmine, and Kieran) during their trades. To make things even more interesting, I wonder what that reader would think about bloodmoon ursaluna, Perrin, and modern Sinnoh - seeing their dear friend Adaman in someone alive today and seeing just how much things have changed over the years
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The PLA fixation is real so YESSSIR I finally got around to this one. I separated the headcanons by region and their respective characters
Paldea (Arven, Penny, Nemona)
After finishing your mission in Hisui, you decided to confront Arceus, being satisfied with everything you've done for the Survey Corps and the good people of Jubilife Village.
You fully finished the pokedex, fulfilling Professor Laventon's dreams, and were ready to return home.
After some reluctance, Arceus agreed and ensured you wouldn't lose any of your memories, as you didn't want all your feats in Hisui become lost to history.
It warned you that you'll never get to see Rei/Akari, Professor Laventon, the Wardens...or anyone else ever again.
But you've said your goodbyes and were ready to go back.
One warp through a space-time rift later, you were dropped off in Paldea-
Right where Arven, Penny, and Nemona were discussing whether to call off the search for you or not.
As it turns out, you've been missing for months, not long after the Area Zero adventure, and so it's a rather tearful reunion when they realize the person in the old fashioned clothing was you.
You looked tired, scarred, battle-hardened...and yet you smiled as you joked about being "back from the past".
Since then, easing back into modern life was..trickier than you expected.
You still had the habit of crafting pokeballs and potions as you were taught, rather than spend money buying them in bulk (even though you had boatloads because of your champion status).
You tried getting the trio to follow your directions, but they kept fumbling with the tumblestones and didn't know where to attach the iron chunks that made up the clasps.
When you start talking about feather, wing, leaden, and gigaton pokeballs they stare at you in confusion until you realize "oh shit those are outdated".
Nemona is VERY curious about the gigaton ball, however, and so you show it to her--revealing your Alpha Garchomp branded with the "Former Alpha" mark. She got to keep her height.
"Oh yeah, she was a real feisty one. We had a half-hour standoff on a slippery ice mountain slope but I showed her who's boss haha." You laugh as you share the story of how you encountered and tamed her.
Your fellow champion now thinks you're 10x cooler for actually facing a Pokémon head-on....while poor Arven and Penny are shook(TM) and wondered how you made it back alive.
Especially when they discover your scars are from falling and vicious Pokemon attacks
Introducing your Hisuian starter to your Paldean starter was...a little awkward. One recently became a champion's Pokémon and the other faced Giratina itself.
But they eventually shake hands and become besties, becoming members of your party whenever you wanna battle Arven, Penny, or Nemona again.
You keep accidentally calling out agile/strong style in your commands (ie "Avalugg, make an Agile Avalanche!"), but your Pokémon like to pretend they still know them.
Kitakami (Perrin & Bloodmoon Ursaluna)
Returning to Kitakami felt most familiar..and quite comforting considering how traditional everything is.
Festival of the Masks came back around, and while you didn't get to spend it with Kieran nor Carmine this time...you did wind up spending it with somebody else...
Perrin, who you were drawn to after seeing her Hisuian Growlithe getting into trouble with an Arbok and trying to stand up for itself.
Reminds you of a certain late lord's son..
She expresses her thanks for rescuing her buddy, and mentions how you got there "right on time".
You just look into her eyes and see Adaman: the Diamond Clan leader, the kind man who gave you the celestica flute and came to your aid when you got exiled from the village.
He may be gone now, but time didn't allow him to be forgotten.
Because he lives on in somebody else.
Perrin gets concerned when she sees how emotional you're getting, but you just wipe your eyes and say she just reminds you of an "old friend".
When you show her your other Hisuian Pokémon, she's THRILLED and wants to take all of their pictures, delighted to have proof that these creatures existed.
That leads her to ask how you acquired them, and you start talking about your adventures in the very region she's been studying...including the fact you met her ancestor who used to worship Dialga and had an easygoing attitude like her.
Girl is taking notes fr.
Together you seek out the "Bloodmoon Beast", only to discover that it was an Ursaluna who travelled alllll the way to Kitakami from Hisui, the environment causing it to change appearances and abilities.
You were fascinated, wondering what Lord Ursaluna or Calaba would think of him, and made him a member of your team after quelling his rage.
While going on more casual photoshoots with Perrin, you ask her about what Sinnoh is like now or if anyone there knew about Hisui.
She mentions how the elderly folk talk of it, and how the subway battle system was being run by one conductor due to the other going missing...
You find yourself holding your breath---until she says "oh but apparently he came back like yesterday" and you were SO relieved.
'Ingo made it back home, too. Thank you Arceus.'
She plans to invite you to Sinnoh someday, seeing as you're so curious about what it all looks like now.
BB Academy (BBE4, Carmine, & Kieran)
When you got to study abroad at BB Academy, you...sorta forgot all the beef you had with Kieran until you saw him berating a student out in the terarium.
A year later, you're Paldea's champion AND the one who saved Hisui, but you couldn't exactly tell him the latter.
But now you understood why everyone back then calling you a "hero" made you a little uncomfortable.
Ogerpon (who was worried sick about where you've gone all this time), was SO happy to see you were back and got to meet your Hisuian Lilligant. Two plant gals just vibing together.
You find a Kleavor in the canyon biome and become a bit sentimental, happy to see a descendant of the Lord of the Woods had survived to this very day.
He must've known you were the one who helped his ancestor (albeit not without receiving some scars from flying wood chips), as he bowed and began walking alongside you, loyal to a tee.
Least to say, he became a valuable ally when you finally battled Kieran in the championship.
He sees that you've definitely changed a lot, too. You look tougher and he was concerned about where that scar across your eye came from....
But he's still obsessed with winning, and his attitude when talking about Terapagos afterwards reminds you of...well...Volo.
It's such an extreme comparison, and you hate how your brain immediately jumped to that considering that was a legitimate monster of a man who betrayed you.
Yet it feels like such a similar situation when Kieran pits the turtle against you in the Underdepths, obsessed with power and wanting nothing more than to be recognized as "worthy".
At least he wasn't planning on ending the world, just yours.
After you both reconcile, you spill the beans about where you've gone for the past year, expecting him to laugh or shun you again for keeping such a big secret from him.
Instead..he has this star-eyed look and wanted to know MORE.
So during your next visit to Kitakami, you tell him and Carmine some stories of your Hisuian adventures, showing off Kleavor and your Alpha Garchomp.
Seeing that you still liked to make authentic pokeballs and potions made Kieran appreciate you a lot more. Kitakami used to have a lot of those apricorns, tumblestones, and leeks before everything became mass-produced.
Like him, you really became out-of-touch with today's technology, so while he's learning it, you're re-learning it along with him.
Eventually you tell those same stories to the BB E4, who are all just as shocked, amazed, and bewildered as the twins were.
And when they all came to offer up a trade, you knew what to do:
For Drayton, you gave him a Goomy, insisting that he trains it fully, not wanting to spoil the "surprise".
As lazy as he is, he does so and is stunned when Sliggoo is revealed to be chilling in its own shell, and Goodra had its whole shell on its tail, capable of withdrawing into it anytime
Ngl it makes him wish he had his own shell to withdraw into just to escape situations.
For someone like Kieran who likes old-fashioned stuff, you figured a Hisuian Voltorb would suit him best.
Its appearance reminds you of the olden ways pokeballs were made, and he got the hang of crafting a few himself after a little trial and error!
He gets nervous about it exploding like Kantonian Voltorbs at the slightest touch, but is happy to find out it's super friendly and discharges just to spook humans.
As for Carmine, the sharpness in her golden eyes reminds you of a certain ghost type's...and thus you believed giving her a Hisuian Zorua was ideal. You had a feeling she'd love its evolved form.
When she does evolve it, she's stunned that it has reddish highlights like she does, jokingly asking if this is her in "another life".
Least to say, she loves it indeed.
While you were adamant about giving Amarys your Kleavor, you ended up trading her a Scyther and give her a black augurite afterwards, explaining how it's the secret to its other evolution.
She mentioned deposits of that mineral existing within the canyon biome, but it couldn't actually evolve the surrounding Scyther population due to being simulated.
But thanks to you, she gets to witness that in-action because you held onto an authentic piece of it, and she gives you her thanks.
As for Crispin, well, you believed a Hisuian Growlithe was perfect for him. It was energetic, loyal, and full of fire..just like him.
He got teary-eyed at the story you told of the late Lord Arcanine, his son, how you quelled his frenzy, etc..and feels inspired to train the pup you've given him into something incredible.
One thing Kantonian and Hisuian Arcanines have in common? They love spicy foods.
For Lacey, you trade her a Hisuian-born Petili, encouraging her to use the sun stone right away.
She does and is delighted to see Lilligant as such a graceful dancer..who really packs a punch when it counts!
She'll definitely doll her up and ensure she knew Charm (the only fairy move Hisuian Lilligant could know, alas).
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shiny-kaibernyte · 9 months
Avahjdiaksvvxhsx this blog is so silly in a good way
As much as I love toothpaste, edgy onion deserves some love as well
Can I get hcs of Kieran x reader set after the end of Indigo Disk where Kieran and the reader's rekindled friendship slowly grows into romance over time? I just think the idea is cute
Your wish is my command!💜💜
Pokémon Headcannons | Kieran (Post-game Romance)
Pokémon Scarlett and Violet DLC Spoilers ahead!
Warnings: mild obsessive behaviour. Kieran being a sweet bean
SPOILER WARNING For The ending of The indigo disk
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After the whole Ogerpon, Terapagos, situation was finally over, the guild Kieran felt was unfathomable. The people he had hurt, the things he had said to everyone he cared about were weighing on him more than they ever did before.
So when he had practically yelled at you to forgive him on the bridge to the academy. To see your smile once more, to know after everything he had done you’d forgiven him! His only friend had forgiven him after all of this. Not a chance was he letting this go, not a second time. You are his best friend and he’s making sure he doesn’t lose your trust or you again.
Getting your forgiveness was pretty easy, as for the others… that was more of a challenge. Carmine never really held a grudge, Kieran’s her brother she cares for him! Drayton forgave him quite quickly, though he still holds a grudge against him for what he’s done, and will remind him of this if he slips out of it again. 
It took weeks for Crispin and Lacey to forgive him, so much persuasion, apologies, gifts, everything under the sun so they would even remotely forgive him. So many times he wanted to give up, thinking he had failed them as he had himself. But with your constant motivation and joy, he continued trying to gain they’re trust again, for you.
His grades began shooting up as well. He began actually focusing more on the Pokémon world and the people around him instead of his obsession with getting stronger. Which caused Amarys to admit to him how proud she was of him. Be it stoically.
After some time he was even able to earn Ogerpon' s love and trust, becoming good friends with the adorable Pokémon. 
Kieran had even begun spending a lot more time with you, going on shiny hunts with you, catching Pokémon with you and just genuinely wanting to be around you! It reminded him of how he felt back on Kitagami, the joy he felt running around doing all those challenges with you. 
But it also brought back some feelings he had bottled away. Feelings he never thought would resurface, and yet, running around the Terrarium with you, running through the stories of your adventures in Paldea with him. He wanted nothing more than to just hold you.
Little did he know you felt the same.
It wasn’t until a few months after that he finally mustered up the courage. And by that I mean Carmine practically dragged him to you and demanded he tell you how he felt. Much to your confusion.
But he does confess telling you straight up how he felt, how much you make his heart ache when you're not around, how seeing you so focused on catching a Pokémon makes his face go all red and warm. How your focused battle face was so refreshing to him, your smile being the cutest thing in the world to him.
Granted he stumbled over every word, the old shy Kieran you knew before, showing his face one last time.
When you plant a kiss on his cheek, followed by a hug, he knew your feelings were mutual and he couldn’t help but smile a beaming smile, hugging you for the first time in so long. And he was never letting this moment go. And never again was he letting you slip from his grasp again.
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