#lacking control [Terra]
Discussed garbage child meetup starter for @talesofourworlds!
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"I've got people to see. Amuse yourself here, Apprentice."
Those had been the words Slade had left her with as he departed for his meeting... leaving Terra to honestly wonder why he'd bothered to insist she come along with him in the first place. So this was some sort of dimension-spanning villain convention, attended by major conquerors, destroyers, and otherwise bad guys of any number of worlds... she got that that made it pretty important; and in fact, she'd already passed a number of familiar faces. Some she recognised from a glimpse of a news report about Gotham City's most wanted, while she'd been passing through the area some months back... and others she'd seen in movies, of all places.
But this being somewhere that Slade would attend, and being somewhere that she needed to attend with him were two very different matters.
Maybe he saw her as an up-and-coming villain in her own right, in the future? Something more than just his apprentice. And if that was the case, maybe he expected her to look around at what sort of thing others were doing here, pick up some tips for the future?
It... seemed as good a way as anything else to kill the time while Slade was busy. Drifting through the crowd, she glanced across at a few booths, but nothing in particular caught her eye. Turning away from yet another stall of random supervillain tech (who used half of this stuff...?), she happened to glance across the crowd--
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A flash of green hair kicked her heart into her throat. It was gone before Terra could see its owner, and surely there was no way at all that Beast Boy would have come here of all places... even if he really was dead serious about taking her out (one way or another), after all she'd done, he couldn't exactly waltz up in the middle of bad guy central, could he...?
Still, she had to be sure. Her expression setting, Terra pushed her way through the crowd, in pursuit of that flash of green-- with every intention of disposing of it once and for all if it really was who she thought.
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why is picturing katerina and aglaya out in the steppe and the gorkhon making me cry like ?? thank you that is indeed a pretty image with loads of symbolism but also its literally 6 in the morning my brain hasnt even processed emotions yet
#ughbtofuhrosothfhshgg4hdha#i love them i want them to feel comfortable within the outside#sem a necessidade de confinamento pra conseguirem respirar de maneira audível e dizerem pra si mesmas quem realmente está no controle#to be open and raw and bare in the middle of nowhere and yet in the center of everything#to scream with authority and dignity yet acknowledging that their role is still to be part of something greater#to be pieces of a whole and not be afraid to proclaim such as important#depositar tudo que há de sua história no centro da terra. reconhecer e aceitar sem o sofrimento contínuo suas realidades fragmentadas#que tudo mesmo sendo só um simples papel em meio a uma grande peça ainda digno de ser apreciado como um todo#individualmente mas também junto de tudo que se denomina o resto#poder proclamar em meio à existência e ao simples conceito do 'ser' sem necessidade da dor que traz incapacidade ao desenvolvimento#just rambling#im having way too many thoughts#also theyre both figures that hold extreme power on the surface concept yet are rendered utterly useless throughout the game#they need a secluded space to call theirs. of their reigning. in order to call out to their specialties as leaders#to find themselves in the steppe at a stage where the gnawing feeling of control is still needed feels like a sentence to madness#but its just equivocal development#a much too early presentation of a state where they would be able to speak and demand and plead for with no restrain#to be embarrassing and unpleasant and shameless to their past selves in a liberating manner#to scream out orders and soulless demands in the steppe to only receive brittle silence from earth#because the earth does listen to even the most lacking in spirit#only that she may choose to answer solely when the right time arrives#Anyway#i just saw a post showing aglayas model out in different parts of the town/steppe and started crying#so thats why im writing this rn
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mdhwrites · 4 months
My Frustration With Belos
As a presence, Belos is fantastic. He actually has probably some of the best animation in the series and arguably the best voice actor in the entire cast. He sells every line Belos has with a gravity and menace that the emperor might otherwise not have. He sells his anger but also his control and even after I stopped liking the show, I found my attention demanded when he desired it.
Unfortunately, as a character he absolutely fucking sucks and is almost impossible to take seriously.
He only functions as Belos. Not even Emperor Belos because once you bring in that title, you have to tilt your head and ask "Well, what is he as an emperor? How does he use his minions to enact his will? What is his will?" In that order:
He is a kind, stately emperor who only asks for one rule to be obeyed. Even if you stayed out of the fold, if you come to him willingly seeking forgiveness, you will be granted it and absolved of your crimes, like with the wild witch friend in Hollow Mind. He revolutionized the Isles, turning them from seeming small towns to a now interconnected nation (his rise to power is literally impossible with news being able to spread so people can fact check him) and brought safety and regulation to a land that has none (Terra acts like the Safety codes in Them's the Breaks are new or something so beneath a proper witch as to be able to be entirely ignored and no one cares.) No one faces persecution except those who flaunt breaking his one rule but you may be of any race, skin color, belief, etc. and he doesn't care. You are all equal in his eyes.
He uses his minions weakly. They are bumbling fools who are honestly better at party planning than they are at combat (look at... Literally any fight with the EC scouts frankly. The literal only wins they get is raiding an empty, unguarded house and attacking two exhausted, distracted witches who are out of power.) They are seemingly not punished for this though except supposedly at the higher ranks. Even then, they are merely demoted. Those who wish to leave also show no fear in doing so, as proven by the EC scout who says fuck this and goes off to join the cute cat coven. This displays a lack of interest in power or enforcement.
His will appears to be to bring order to a land of chaos. To bring structure and unity to a land that didn't have it. He will go to any length, including manipulation, lying and threats in order to obtain this. He keeps mystique about him, seeming to believe that being feared is stronger than being loved, fitting with his claims that the Titan speaks to him and wishes for a rather extreme societal change. One he will see to no matter what.
These are... Actually interesting. You know, until you remember his actual goal is the genocide of literally every living being on the Isles. Then they come across as incredibly stupid, inept and backwards for what ANY of his goals should be and that's without getting into how his plan explicitly left out the entire child population of the Isles. This means he didn't even actually want to get the job done properly before he fucked off.
That is befitting Philip and Belos though as actual manipulators. They both are on easy street as far as it goes. The one manipulation we see from Philip is by using two people who clearly want something from him and are interested in helping him so so long as he doesn't literally start throwing fists, he's fine. Belos meanwhile leverages Eda's curse against Lilith, an entire fake backstory against Hunter, and just being Kikimora's boss to get what he wants. Anyone not in the EC though he never manages once to actually convince of anything and he is pretty bad at actually keeping up his deceptions.
This is of course made worse by knowing that 400 years ago, that commanding presence that is Belos... Was actually just a whiny British bloke who couldn't even wait until after his victims were dead to gloat about it. I tooooootally still fear him, especially as S3 commits narrative contrivance after narrative contrivance to A: let him be ALIVE and B: to let him win, CONSTANTLY, without also murdering the main characters. Like he literally tells a group of witches and a monster "I'm saving your souls," while he has them all at his mercy, having already shown he was more than capable of beating them all... And leaves. Because he is REALLY bad at his goal.
And honestly, him being so bluntly tied to a movement, time period and ethnicity that all bluntly say he's Christian without saying he's Christian... Actually just kind of makes him worse. Knowing his beliefs makes his behavior BAFFLING. He has none of the actual zeal and fury of a crusader, who were so bloodthirsty as to have peasants march on their own as they screamed Deus Vult, nor does he have the actual politics and methodologies of colonizers. The closest he is is a missionary and that's not even the case because he's not interested in conversion, only genocide. He is just an asshole who has the label "Christian.
It says nothing. Most of his character says nothing. They slam you over the head saying he should be saying something, that his backstory should be deep and that he had grand plans but if you interrogate these claims, no he doesn't. He says nothing except "Christianity bad" and essentially condemns the ENTIRE RELIGION because of how little nuance there is to him, his backstory makes him look pathetic, whiny and potentially sympathetic which makes no sense with the rest of his character, and his grand plan was literally DESIGNED to fail because he never gave it any real thought or else he would have baptized witches into being in covens so they had the sigils from birth and he'd get ALL OF THEM.
He is perhaps the personification of what is wrong with TOH in this way. If you look at any one scene, it seems to promise so much. The animation is correct. The voice acting is correct. You can see what themes he's supposed to be talking about and can make a Twitter post very easily about it. But... These are all surface level and only function as moments.
As a whole story, as a whole character, it falls to tatters as you see there was nothing there except conflicting promises and basic fantasy tropes.
I'm trying to not blog about TOH as much anymore because I'm just kind of tired of it but Belos has always been a thorn in my side because there are so many scenes that are so effective with him but when I think of him as a whole, I have nothing but boredom and annoyance. So I wanted to properly explore that and highlight how little sense his character makes and why just consuming him like popcorn is functional, even good, but if you try to have him for dinner, you'll find only bones.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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minijenn · 11 months
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Story Summary: Eight years ago, the Destiny Islands fell to darkness. The royal family was viciously slain when Lord Xehanort and the sinister Organization XIII used dark magic to take the throne. Except...
There are rumors on the islands. Rumors that young Prince Sora may have survived.
When the prince's betrothed, Princess Kairi of Radiant Garden, offers a reward for his safe return, Riku decides to seize the opportunity to leave the doomed islands once and for all. At the same time, an orphan named Skye sets out to discover his forgotten past in the hopes of finding his family-and his future.
Kingdom Hearts Anastasia AU. Updates every Saturday!
Ships: Sora/Riku/Kairi, Aqua/Terra, Roxas/Namine, Axel/Saix
Rating: G
Warnings: Angst, Trauma, Memory Loss, Violence, Harm to Children, Psycological Trauma
Chapter Summary: As the royal family celebrates their successful reign, a sinister group plots their downfall in the shadows. Few saw the shadows moving in. And even if they had, there wouldn’t have been much they could have done to stop them.  They would meet in the catacombs hidden deep beneath the castle, clad in coats as black as the darkness they dealt in. There weren’t many of them, at least not yet, but there didn’t need to be. The power they possessed would far in a way make up for anything else they may have lacked.  For centuries, that power had been hidden away from the world out of fear, until their leader had unearthed it. His extensive studies had revealed its existence, and how to harness and control the products of it. And, once he’d perfected the use of that power, he knew.  He had everything he needed to make the Destiny Islands his own. Everything to make all of the worlds his own.  Click the link to read more; all comments are appreciated!
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raccoonfallsharder · 4 months
yo. wsp. sooooo i been writing some thoughts lately and i need help with something
HOW THE FUCK DO I WRITE GOOD SMUT? like i tried once and it was fucking BAD lollll. i seriously need help and you're the only person i can actually ask because you. are literally. the best at that. so pleassse send help
bb i love you and you are a sweet little raspberry pastry. i am so flattered to be asked something like this. i don’t know if i am the best but i do think any success i have is from learning from the best! im not great with advice but here are some things i believe have helped me.
the most important thing i can tell you is this: WRITE “BAD” SMUT! who cares? no-one has to see it?? write bad smut, and then write more bad smut, then go back and reread your og bad smut and decide what you would change so you enjoy reading it just a little bit more. then write some more bad smut. the first time you ever wrote a sentence, was it an ivory tower example of academically flawless grammar, punctuation, and spelling? was it an evocative and award-winning piece of revelatory poetry inspiring massive social change on a global scale? no way. you probably didn’t even have all your letters facing the right direction. WRITE BAD SMUT OR YOU’LL NEVER WRITE GOOD SMUT.
also write bad smut because it’s fun honestly and who cares how good it is?
next most important piece of advice: i think you gotta start by asking yourself what you like best when you’re reading smut. nono wait back up. first you gotta read A LOT of smut. no, more. however much you’re thinking, probably more. then you gotta figure out what your favorite parts are and why.
now. on a more individual note. every author’s smut is different and personal because everything author’s writing is different and personal and smut is in some ways even more personal, right? (don’t stop making plums) so what you’re writing will always look different. but here are some things that have worked for me and maybe they can provide a good space for you to start exploring how you want your smut to look. (warning for late-night first-draft rambling ahead)
for me, there are two parts to what makes smut satisfying (again, this is personal preference).
the first is when the smut is very rooted in an emotional core — specifically, the characters and their motivations. what does each character want? if it’s only an orgasm, why is it only an orgasm? if it’s more than an orgasm, what is it and why? and what does that look like?
sunshine-reader in sunshine wants a playful one-night stand but is incapable of not offering warmth. rocket in the same narrative wants connection because he’s rocket and never feels connected enough. their connection is warm and open because (they think) it’s low-risk and short-lived.
pearl-reader in wyndham/cicatrix wants to exercise autonomy for once in her damn life. rocket/“the monster” in wyndham/cicatrix wants revenge-sex. both of these two are grappling with their own versions of grief and that shows through in their motivations too (at least id like to think so).
in window, sex between jo and rocket looks different when it’s their first time versus when rocket’s trying to coerce her into taking up more space versus when jo is spiraling as they head back to terra, because the goals and motivations are always different.
knowing your characters’ motivations for sex, the way they’re trying to communicate with each other, and their outside-the-bedroom neuroses can also help make sense of kinks, too. in my imagination, rocket always has control issues (especially mcu rocket tbh) because of his historical lack of control and what it means for him to be under someone else’s power. (but i also see him with a complicated/conflicted praise kink a la adorations because he wants to believe nice things about himself while also not believing them, or not believing compliments are genuine).
all of the above is the philosophical part of smut — the emotional core that makes smut more satisfying for me personally as a reader. after that, we get into the technical writing-shit. i think, much like actual sex, the pay-off is better if you savor the journey. so at least for me, that means writing beyond just pinched nips, grinding, penetration. it means taking time to explore the way it feels to be touched in even the mundane parts of our bodies: different textures, pressures, etc.
for example, a claw prickling over the inner flesh of the forearm is not explicitly sexual but. i mean. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ or is it. you know?
another thing for me is to focus on detail. when our senses are overwhelmed we tend to focus on very specific details: the light coming through the window, the stroke of the back of the knuckles on your shoulder, the scent of the pillow. you could say “then she reached orgasm” or you could say “she squeezed her eyes tight. the crackle of electricity in her abdomen snapped taut, and then broke apart in a shower of sparks.” you could say someone was spanked, or you could say there was a crack in the air, and a stinging heat bloomed on their asscheek. don’t just say what happened — say what it felt like, what it looked like, what it smelled and sounded and tasted like. (i mean sometimes you gotta just say what happened or the scene can get too dense…but overall, i opt for relying on sensory description over exposition).
the rest imo is window dressing. are there certain phrases or words you particularly like to read or hear? are you someone who loves or hates the word “pussy” or “dick”? would you rather avoid explicit terms all together, or use them often? or sporadically, for impact?
anyway. like i said these are just my initial late-night first-draft thoughts so they might be rough and they ARE just things that have helped ME (everyone has different thoughts/ideas on this!) but i hope maybe this is a helpful place to start??? also if any of this did not make sense i apologize i am sleepy just lmk and i am happy to expand/clarify
also you are a precious little cherry tart, a springtime crocus, and i love you. please write more smut and allow yourself the freedom of enjoying it. ♡♡♡
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sunder-the-gold · 9 months
I don't understand Laterano's exile policy for the Infected
While there are some issues on which I'll defend Laterano, or at least argue that people should consider their perspective, I can't defend them on this one.
Laterano has no apparent reason to be ignorant to how hard it is for the Infected to infect others.
The only knowledge their government seems to suppress is anything related to the nature of The Law as a machine (which no one but the pope seems to know anyway), and anything related to their origins as Sarkaz (which I can't remember if even the pope suspected), and possibly the full details of what a Fallen Sankta is.
With freedom of information exceeded only by the Durin, with internal security and societal trust matched only by the Durin, with a lack of monetary corruption, with all the wealth they have, and with a survival-based incentive to stay ahead of the academic curve on Terra, Laterano MUST have one of the best primary and secondary education systems on Terra.
And Terra's medical science has already determined there is little to no risk for the Infected spreading Oripathy until their corpses disintegrate.
Additionally, building and maintaining public facilities and services to accommodate for the death and impending explosions of the Infected should be extremely easy for the well-oiled bureaucratic machine of the Lateran state.
[Guiding Ahead] actually showed us how efficient they are at handling the untimely death of a total social recluse. Handling the corpse of a monitored Infected should be simple in comparison, especially given the level of cooperation Lateran citizens show with their civil servants.
The moral absurdity of the exile is only slightly mitigated by the fact that the exiles remain full legal citizens, with the government checking in on them to make sure they're not being oppressed wherever they've made their home away from home. But paying to monitor and protect citizens in exile should be just as expensive as accommodating them at home; probably more so.
There are three kinds of laws in Laterano:
"The Law" itself. The secret machine that enforces its own unspoken, unwritten dictates.
The law chosen by the state, which the majority of the people accept without revolt.
And the law that the people demand the government enforce.
The Sarkaz ban could easily be either the second or the third. The highest levels of the original state wanted to keep any Sarkaz from accidentally revealing the true origins of the Sankta, but the modern people also hate and fear the Sarkaz.
But I don't see why the Infected ban would be either.
The People
The Sankta do not fear feeling the emotions of other Sankta suffering from injury and disease; they maintain public hospitals. They have funeral homes and mourning practices.
Also, Laterans show no discomfort at all with authorized, scheduled explosions. They regularly blow up public property with Originium for fun. Controlling for the explosions of the dead Infected would be far less fun, but no less safe.
The continued existence of their civilization depends on the mining, refining, and consumption of Originium. Everything from maintaining Laterano's mobility as a nomadic city, to fueling their factories, to serving as the accelerant for their explosives and the ammunition of their precious Guardian Guns.
Even with the world's best safety practices and protections for miners and gunsmiths, accidents happen. That's how Arene became Infected and exiled -- his parents either made a lapse in their safety practices or something completely unexpected happened in the course of an experiment.
The Secret
We have at least two Infected Sankta at Rhodes Island -- Adnachiel and Arene.
Neither one of them show any sign of Sarkaz heritage because of their Oripathy. They haven't Fallen, they retain full halo-empathy, they could use Guardian Guns if they asked Executor to conduct the test for them, they haven't grown horns or tails...
And on top of that, Ambriel shows absolutely no signs of discomfort in their presence. But then, she joined Rhodes Island in the first place, and no Sankta would do that if they were afraid of Oripathy.
The Law
The Pope suggests that if the Law has a goal or agenda, it is to ensure the survival of the Sankta.
Could the Law be the reason that the government exiles the Infected? Perhaps it sees their proximity as too much of a threat?
But the Law apparently does nothing to punish or discourage the Sankta from accepting Liberi as fellow citizens.
(I doubt the Law is actively refusing to transform Liberi into Sankta. Because if the Law truly wanted to ensure the survival of the Sankta, there would be few better ways to do that than to transform as many willing converts as possible into Sankta, or at least to allow non-Sankta to have Sankta children.)
We know that Sankta can become Infected in Laterano without an immediate response from the Law. Arene did not Fall. Though it is possible that the earliest generations of Sankta noticed that Infected Sankta who remained too close to the Law would eventually Fall.
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positivelybeastly · 6 months
Assuming nobody in the marvel universe knows the extent of Hank's actions outside x-force and the quiet council, what do you think will happen if word got of what he did?
This is kind of a funny one, really.
So, as things stand, and to clarify your point, the only people who realistically know the extent of X-Force Beast's actions are the Quiet Council (Cypher, Xavier, Magneto, Apocalypse, Sebastian Shaw, Storm, Nightcrawler, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, Mystique, Kate Pryde, Exodus and Mr. Sinister, with later additions being Hope Summers, Colossus, Destiny, and Selene) and those on X-Force (Wolverine, Omega Red, Laura Wolverine, Sage, Domino, Deadpool, Kid Omega).
We also have to imagine that they probably told other people, i.e. Jean probably told Cyclops, but that's basically up to the writers deciding if they want to ever make this whole mess part of a joined up story rather than one long Percyverse tale.
So, what happens if words gets out? Uhh, honestly, it's up to the writer, but logically speaking, not a lot.
Beast can basically just bounce and leave the X-Men behind forever, and no-one's really gonna say anything, mostly because to incriminate him is to incriminate themselves. Rule one of black ops is that you don't leave evidence, so even if they know, they have to either be a witness - and admit that they let it happen - or present evidence which we have no real reason to believe exists. I imagine the space prison probably got vaporised because Krakoa did not want that to ever get out. Terra Verde had nothing linking him to it. I imagine telepathic knowledge isn't admissible in court.
Like, imagine if Jean wants to try and get Hank prosecuted. How does she know? Well, when she found out he'd killed a small country, she held him up in the air and said mean things to him for a bit, then walked away from the situation in a cloud of moral superiority. She later then proceeded to hold civil conversations with him, touch his arm in a quasi-affectionate manner, and plead with him to see good again.
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The panel cuts it off, but the art shows her touching Hank's arm.
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Fairly certain that man has a kill count in the hundreds of thousands, Jeannie, you sure you want to go with this tack?
Especially in the wake of a shit ton of in-universe Orchis propaganda that's been demonising mutants non-stop, if it were to come out to the public now, people would probably just dismiss it as a complete fabrication, tbh. Hank is one of the few mutants with a legitimately good reputation, so he'd survive it.
He would probably have to deal with some questions from the Avengers, though, especially if he wanted to work with them again or the allegations came from a reputable source, like an X-Man of good name like Storm or Wolverine.
But again. They were both perfectly fine with the Terra Verde genocide. They were both completely fine with the space prison, and a ton of other fucked up shit that Beast did. The point at which it became a problem that needed to be solved is when it affected one of them (the Wolverine mind control saga). That does not reflect well on them, so frankly, I don't think any of them are likely to be selfless enough to point the finger at Hank.
If a writer really wanted to push this to the extreme end of the scale, Hank would probably end up at the Hague International Court of Justice for genocide and a litany of other crimes, and be looking at life imprisonment or the death penalty, depending on what the Marvel universe's version of the Hague doles out. But again, it'd be a shaky court case with a severe lack of witnesses or evidence. It'd basically just be a lot of X-Men pointing at Hank and saying, hey, that guy did fucked up shit that I was fine with him doing until it affected me.
The funny thing is, that X-Force Beast kind of won. Like, I imagine he's going to get gutted by Wolverine at the end of X-Force, that's not really something I doubt, but if the prevailing theory that a younger, more heroic Hank is going to take his place comes true, then he basically just got to do it all with fairly minor repercussions in the grand scheme of things.
Oh no, he's 20 years younger, in the prime of his life, and no longer shackled to the X-Men! Oh no! How awful! How much of a punishment can you logically mete out to a war criminal who doesn't even remember doing what he did, for whom there's no evidence of his actions? You can't really punish young clone Hank for what X-Force Beast did, that's not really justice.
There's been some speculation that X-Force Beast left behind his Avengers era back-up out of romance or love, out of guilt and nostalgia, out of a subtle feeling that he is in the wrong and the only way to fix himself is to go all the way back. And I tend to agree! That's not a bad character beat! It makes sense!
But a part of me is waiting for the reveal that he chose to leave that back-up because there's no way that baby Hank, whose memories end with the Avengers, can be brought to justice for his older self's crimes. We already did this with Cyclops back during the All-New X-Men days. X-Force outplayed them all, and got to do essentially what he wanted.
I don't know if Ben Percy has realised this, because frankly I don't believe he thinks that deeply on what he writes on X-Force, but if things shake out the way his foreshadowing indicates, his villain won.
Maybe that's his final bit of commentary on the CIA? Iunno. I couldn't give less of a fuck about the half-baked crap he's shovelling while he writes a tired Wolverine vs. Sabretooth retread. In-universe, it just means every other writer has a baked in excuse to ignore the bumblefuck bullshit he's been peddling for 5 years.
The only real consequence of all of this is that Beast basically can't interact with the X-Men again unless they retcon that it was all a mind control slug or some bullshit, and . . . like, I like a lot of his relationships with the other X-Men, but they have not been conducting themselves well or been particularly good friends to Hank for close to 20 years now, so I'm fine with that, honestly. Hank's lucky in that he's a versatile character with enough relationships and friendships outside of the X-Men that he could exist for another 60 years, not talk to another X-Man, and still be swimming in stories.
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clowngames · 6 months
Had a worldbuilding dream.
Each category of magic fell under the domain of its respective god, eg time magic fell under the domain of the god of time, etc. That doesn't mean that each god controls the magic directly, but more like... when you cast magic, you're stepping into the home of its respective god, and it is up to that god to determine if you're invited or if you're trespassing.
Each god had a different personality of course, and that meant different criteria for what magic was okay to cast and what wasn't. The god of the mind, for example, would allow any spell to be cast as long as it was either temporary or had the subject's consent, while the god of death explicitly banned certain spells in all contexts. Gods had a heightened awareness but were not omniscient; they'd have to catch you casting a forbidden spell to punish you. You had no way of knowing if they were observing you as you cast it, so it was understood that forbidden spells carried a risk of punishment each time they were cast.
Notably, gods didn't announce their rules; they were determined through trial and error across human history, made more difficult by the lack of consistency.
Punishments themselves depended on the god delivering it, and how harsh they determined the crime was. The god of death, of course, would extract your soul from your body, and either send you to the afterlife or add you to his personal collection depending on how badly you fucked up. You did not want to be added to his collection.
Of particular note was the goddess Terra, aka Mother Earth. You can guess her domain. She considered pretty much all earth magic to be a transgression as it disrespected her gift to all life by changing it. It was like telling her what what she gave us was not good enough. However her punishments were mild, and she was very forgiving, often giving people lesser punishments if she takes pity on them (such as someone casting magic in self-defense or desperation). Most of her punishments were centered around community service; people would sometimes be metaphysically chained to a land and charged with protecting it for ten years, or a thousand for a repeat offender. Others would be tasked with caring for a land until it thrives once more, and could freely live their life as long as they maintained this duty. Her most forgiving punishment was to have a person maintain a garden.
Of course if people shirked the duties she gave them the god's wrath would come in earnest. From the soil you came and to the soil you shall return.
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storm-eye-the-umbreon · 2 months
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: You're the one called Storm Eye yes? Teron asked me to stay by your side and in return I shall share all he has kept secret from thee. Storm Eye: If he has secrets to keep I don't think it's fair for you to share them. Who are you? Kho: I am Khoshekh. Brother by bond not blood to Teron. Someone he has never told you of I am certain. Storm Eye: And why would he not mention you? Kho: For it was my wish. I am leader of a cult that shall not be known to you just yet. Storm Eye: That... that sounds like something related to Teron. And if it's not I don't think there's any harm in you being around. Kho: If I may ask, can you tell me your story? That which began upon your creation by Arceus Sarii.
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... The angry god, with a twisted sense of justice. You know him already. "Yes but others might not. Surely you know there's a nearby crowd who listens. Other-worlders like to lean on the broken veil you know." I thought the world became less stable with your approach. "No need to worry over the fading. I think they are only here to listen, not to trespass. Not like you have a say in the matter, your child and partner are both from another world that has made a permanent change to Arceal." Do you want the story or not? "Apologies. Proceed."
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The flame of wrath, blind brutal justice. I had no clue how horrible he was when he created me. Only that I knew the intense hatred and betrayal that Teron held for the god.
I came into this world confused, hurt, without memory, and lacking control over my body. A monsoon kept us both wet and miserable for the long slow walk to the edges of Arceal. Even without memory though I felt what Teron's body refused to forget. Immense sorrow, a broken heart, and extreme fear. He took my existence as a curse at first because that was the intent when Sarii forced him to share his body with me. He yelled internally for me to shut up and leave... But something happened when he heard my own voice with a trembling fear answering him.
He softened his tone. I didn't know why his attitude changed so quick. And I was scared when he gave me full control of our body and told me to keep walking. It hurt. My paws ached, I was extremely thirsty despite the heavy rains, I felt for the first time the hunger and weariness he was protecting me from. He knew if he kept control with his own thoughts we would both die.
And he did not keep his thoughts to himself. On the journey to... well, to a place I didn't know at the time. Well it was the outskirts near Damonia, I don't know why we didn't go there first, he never said. But on our journey there, he helped pass time by talking of his family. Of his espeon partner Vivi and their twin kids who both were loved enough to be sylveons.
The more he talked of Vivi and the kids Terra and Vyrin, the more our body ached and felt weary. The more I wished he would tell me who I was and where we were going. The more I wished for him to cry and beg for control of our body. Instead he talked of sneaking out of royal chambers in his youth to have fun with Vivi. Of the stars and weather that were present when his kids came into the world. Of how close the two were and that he was glad they never fought. Those stories in particular his voice did waver.
We got to the outskirts and traveled until we were at the mouth of the disappearing river. And we collapsed until another espeon found me. She told us the weather that day was unique and we were only in the eye of the storm. She was the first to notice I was not Teron. The first to notice we were two unique individuals who were forced to share a body. And she introduced herself as Solaura and asked me to name myself. I had no ideas at the time but eye of the storm felt apt enough. And so I became Storm Eye that day.
She was patient and understanding. I felt anger but not towards me even though her eyes stared directly in mine. I felt shame that was not mine but Teron's and he finally cracked and asked for control. I think without Solaura I would have never known how horrible Sarii was to Teron. He would not have said anything to anyone but her, not even me.
Teron was crowned king of Arceal and he was held in high regard by everyone except Sarii. Sarii only saw him as a puppet to play with until he got bored. All it would take is to be angered and Sarii would ruin his life. Teron doesn't know what he did to anger Sarii, maybe he did nothing at all. Arceus Sarii had always been the embodiment of wrath and ruler of Arceal. Uxie Ayro, a much older god, was the one who chose, fathered, crowned, and made a ruler of Teron. Sarii had no say in the matter and that may have been the only thing that made him constantly angry. Whose to say.
In Sarii's wrath, Vivi was murdered for being an 'unfit queen who distracts the king' despite also having the favor of all of Arceal. Sarii made sure Teron see her turn into nothing but ash from his power alone. And his daughter Terra was sentenced to execution as well. Those who feared Sarii dared not go against what was asked and only wore hoods to avoid the gaze of Teron as they held him prisoner and marched him to the front of the execution. He noticed something that would shatter the rest of the kingdom once they noticed it too and allow his escape.
His son Vyrin had always been kind and boisterous wherever he went. Some may speak against Teron and question his decisions, some were jealous of Vivi, many did not know Terra and her softspoken words, but none had anything ever negative to say of Vyrin. Many called him a cure for any sorrow. Not to mention his own unique fur color for a sylveon. A striking blue reminiscent of the sky. But that day his fur was painted over in pink. Terra was nowhere to be found.
In the span of two days Teron lost his home, his wife, his son, and feared he had also lost his daughter. To a god he joked with, held meetings with, and thought he could mildly trust despite his blatant anger. He still refuses to tell me how he escaped, only that Vyrin made everything that follow become a blur in his memory.
In his escape Sarii was enraged and cast a curse on him. I think it was meant to be much worse than what I am to him because Giratina Chocolate took the brunt of the attack and bought him time. She was too late for her original intent to save Vyrin at Terra's request. She could only help Teron escape. The attack took it's toll on Chocolate as I think she is still unable to leave the Reverse to this day and Teron is forever grateful to her.
All of this as it was told to Solaura began to make me hate Sarii far more than it seemed Teron could. I was the one that urged us to find a way to kill the mad god. I was the one that forced Teron to take his life. But he was the one that found the resources and methods to make such a thing possible.
This country has been under several pantheons and there are two points in history that seem concerned with godkillers. The first is what we sought, ancient magic from before there was a distinction between god and mortal. The other seems forgotten wholly outside the moving cities whose names I forget. But this ancient magic was imbued into artifacts long buried under endless sand.
These exporations to find ruins and artifacts did lead into some good luck for me. Mostly because Teron refused to take contol of our body and let me explore individuality. During those adventures I was accompanied by my now daughter Etsuko as she was searching for her mother Magdalene. It was nice to finally meet her and well, I suppose I started to understand what it felt like to love someone. That only drove my hate for Sarii and what he did to Teron even more.
I was stupid. We found a candle of golden ichor said to burn the blood of gods. I shouldn't have brought Etsuko with me to fight Sarii and I don't know why Magdalene wasn't more angry at my lapse of judgment with that. I'm lucky it worked out that we were all safe in the end and did manage to kill Sarii. But still all I did was too risky and I do regret that aspect of it. I am glad Teron was a constant presence through the whole journey but I do wish his reaction to Sarii's death was less somber.
Then again I think my hate did outgrow his own and with Sarii dead it has petered out until recently. I think my curse to Teron is that I feel and voice his emotions more strongly than he can. I think that's why we split. Terra is headed back to the executioner and he did not want my anger. I hope he knows what he's doing.
"He does. He is on his own quest to save her and I trust you he is not alone. Thank you for sharing the story though I think you more rambled it than told it. I'm sure you can bring up details if prompted but I won't pry any further."
I forgot you were listening. It was just nice to talk about.
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outoftheirdifferences · 2 months
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Part 2 of THIS!
I mean, I'd been needing one for Terra for a while, since she was my only canon muse not to have a presence on my muse page (she's back now!). But I figured as well as her, it made sense to not only draw Lauren in the same series, but also the muses I'm considering to add again ^^
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galaxyhanart · 2 years
Jay, :3 : I spent months perfecting a speedrun strat that shaved six frames off my Terra Domina Any% run, git gud loser
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Jay is the kind of petty to shatter the glass cabinet he’s stuck in on Chen’s island and also knock over Chen’s throne and rip down a tapestry or two on his way out. Nadakhan’s gonna make him mop the floors of the deck? Fine. Whoops, looks like he spilled the bucket of water and caused half the pirates to slip and fall into some important junk. Also he won’t. Shut. Up. The entire time.
Don’t get me wrong I am a Great Enjoyer of angst and pain and the psychological torment that Jay’s gonna go through on that damn ship but it’s also really really funny to imagine him just causing problems on purpose. Is he going to be irreversibly traumatized and broken? Yeah. Is he going to call Nadakhan a douche canoe and knock over a lamp in his office like a cat in the meantime? Yeah.
Also it’s just in character, Jay’s a multi-faceted character and while his stress and lack of volume control is played up for laughs you can see the various sides to him if you really pay attention, but so many people hone in on the anxiety aspect of it for the angst. Which is very fun to play with, but it ends up infantilizing him a lot and erasing a lot of important aspects of his personality which is annoying to me
This turned into a ramble anyways by the end of this whole thing Nadakhan’s going to know way more than he ever needed to about the plots of Fritz Donnigan movies and various video games. He’s two seconds away from ripping Jay’s tail off
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ocil91 · 5 months
Last round of Head Witches! Those present for the Incident at Hexside!
Adrian Graye Vernworth - The charming Head of the Illusions Coven! Adrian fancies himself a superstar and definitely feels entitled to everything that entails. He loves to talk about his (completely untrue) rags-to-riches story and generally talk about himself. He's the one with the starring role, after all.
He demonstrates a remarkable mastery of illusion magic to dazzle and confuse the senses. He's able to control an absolutely astonishing number of illusions at one time, a feat that he's quick to utilize.
His completely self-absorbed nature causes him to butt heads with pretty much all of the other Head Witches. He views himself as their superior in pretty much every way. He has a bitter rivalry with Vitimir and the two are always looking to one-up each other. Also, he'd never admit it but he is absolutely terrified of Hettie.
Darius Deamonne - The haughty Head of the Abominations Coven. He's an incredibly fastidious witch who is known far and wide for his trendsetting looks and awe-inspiring power. For Darius, everything has its place and he very much prefers to keep things neat an orderly. Many have attempted to comment on how little since it makes for someone obsessed with tidiness to be an Abomination Witch but, like, they just don't get it.
He has an unparalleled degree of control over Abomination magic, even able to steal control from someone else's Abomination. Most impressive however is his ability to transform his body into an Abomination. He's not merely hiding inside the goop, he actually becomes it. In this form he's incredibly strong, fast and durable. Being made of the squishy material means that most attacks pass harmlessly through him. However the form does have a few weaknesses...
Among his peers Darius doesn't seem to get along with anyone, aside from an utterly inexplicable bond he has with Eberwolf. And he rather prefers for things to appear that way. As a member of the Rebellion, he is fast friends with Raine Whispers. He has nothing but unwavering faith in the Bard and fully believes that they are the key to moving things forwards.
Outside of his peers, Darius comes across as incredibly unapproachable and, as a result, he has very few connections. Having trained under a previous Golden Guard, he definitely has his eyes on the new one. Though he's totally unsure of how to proceed on that front. Also he's recently found some respect for the Blight kids and their friends.
Hettie Cutburn - The implacable Head of the Healing Coven. I already made a post talking about Hettie's origin in more detail. She was born blind and with high expectations on her. She's always loved gore and viscera and anything that she can get her hands on which led her to a fervent passion for Healing Magic! (Particularly odd or gruesome surgeries are what truly make her happy.)
In spite of her interests she's become a very powerful and respected Healer who many view as saintly for the many life-saving procedures she's performed, even hailed as a miracle worker by some.
Her peers all know her better than that though. Those who don't fear her outright are wary of her and that's exactly how she likes it. The only exception is Terra who doesn't fear her, she simply looks down on the Healer for her disability. That makes her the only one Hettie truly hates instead of merely dislikes.
Her mastery of Healing Magic and the precision with which she wields it are absolutely unmatched. She can speed up her own healing processes to the point that her wounds close nearly instantly and her knowledge of anatomy enables her to very swiftly and efficiently remove threats.
She's trained herself to sense magic to compensate for her lack of sight and it makes it quite difficult to escape her. However, her dependence on it means that those with very weak or no magic are able to sneak up on her.
Sitting at the top of her craft for so long has left her bored. She's looking for a new thrill and in the halls of Hexside she found some very interesting witches...
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sepublic · 2 years
Post-Hoot for Them’s the Breaks, Kid!
-They wrote TTBK at least a year ago (this Post-Hoot was recorded before Hollow Mind’s release), having started production pre-pandemic, and finishing it during that time. The episode was intended as a breather episode before some spicy plot developments and uh, boy was it. 
-The Raeda dynamic as kids was initially more antagonistic, Raine was more of this badass. There would’ve been a fight to get the badge and have Eda stay in school (like Lumity), but Zach Marcus felt the conflict was unnatural to how Raine and Eda ended up together, so he opted for an immediate friendship instead.
-Sarah remembers making a lot of notes while working on the show that no longer make sense, like “Moon Villain”...
-Boscha’s parent, the one with glasses, is named Larry in the art tracking system. 
-Eric Bauza recalls playing either Harvey or Gilbert, though he was credited only as Mr. Park, unhelpfully. He voiced Faust during the pandemic (which could mean anything lbr), and didn’t even know what Faust looked like, having to ask Dana what she thought he’d sound like. Eric’s delivery actually influenced Faust’s final design lacking any lips!
-The neck crack was devised as a means for Faust to maneuver and turn his head around (I guessed it).
-In Zach Marcus’ mind, Terra and Faust had a history together.
-There was going to be an episode that gave Bump a love interest, written by Molly Ostertag; “A very elven man”, but Dana shot it down.
-At one point Tibbles was the principal of Hexside, and Zach jokingly suggested to say he was the vice-principal now.
-JBO wrote a lot for Mattholomule, and Zach Marcus said he’d love to have him as the main character in a show like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, where he’s always being beaten at his game and you love to see it. 
-According to Avi, Raine is more chaotic than Eda, and Sarah agrees. 
-Zach Marcus suggested that Faust used to have big, juicy, candy Bratz lips. He thinks Faust lives in the school (this might be contradicted later on or not), and before that he and Terra used to live together as a couple. However, there was a BAD breakup, and Faust lost both his voluptuous lips and the place in the fight. This is why he lives at Hexside now, it’s the only place he has any sense of control and so he exerts it so wildly because it’s all he has.
-Zach joked that Kikimora is a high school dropout, like him!
-Dana pushed to have Luz’s artistic journey progress, with the viewer seeing how her style develops over time.
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regaliasonata · 10 days
What if the "hexagon" thing happened instead of Ninja Storm?
Ooh boy this was a long one, kinda went crazy with this but enjoy ✨✨✨✨
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-Takes places soon after Forever Red due to Tommy getting a little weary from the machine empire's short-lived return. The other Reds get a little involved but Tommy himself eventually takes control.
-Getting old mentors and some government officials they make a team of sorts. Well the reason why Hexagon is made was to have a specific team up to call when big threats in space and on earth occur, they needed a specific team so contacting Billy and Ninjor they get together to make new morphers based on both their ninja powers and the elements.
-Ninjor has them also connected to animal motifs, well that of ancient zords locked away(Liveman was actually what inspired the motif in the Hurricanger so lets say their team adapted here were the original owners). Of course Tommy seeks out a team, he settles with the following, Scott as the red ranger, Flynn as the blue ranger and Summer as the yellow ranger.
-All three of them have their own upbringing, Scott was already brought in via the military due to his dad but wanted something bigger to show that he wasn't a disappointment. Flynn is eager to be a hero and didn't want to pass up this opportunity of possibly going through space as well, Summer felt as if she needed the experience but also her lofty connections were used since she really wanted to try out being a ranger.
-the season shows the team working well while also having to abide by the rules of Hexagon. Getting some cameos of old teams, but also learning about their ninja like power and growing a little skeptical about Hexagon as a whole. Things hit the fan when two sealed powers of thunder and lightning are stolen, Ninjor was killed trying to keep them concealed and the culprits have yet to be found.
-its revealed that it was Ziggy the Crimson Ranger and Dillon the Navy Ranger both taken in by the new UAE as dark rangers. They both have their own reasons for aiding the villains of this season.
-Ziggy's family or lack there of with the orphanage he grew up with were killed during Tommy's green ranger rampage a few years ago prompting a hatred for both him and rangers as they just took him in without consequence so seeing the man on such a high position makes his blood boil. Dillon and Tenaya were also a part of the orphanage but Tenaya was only placed in a coma due to her injuries.
-taking their chances they went on Terra Venture in hopes to find some planet or known group that would be able to take in some humans that were looking to get a big of revenge and luckily they joined a small faction of ninjas working with the new united alliance of evil. Within one of their tasks they were sent to fight Ninjor which proved to be a tough fight but they caught him off guard and stole the morphers thus becoming rangers. This new leader of the UAE also tasked the two with fighting minor threats on earth before other ranger teams could handle it.
-this was done in order to shift perception to make it seem as if these mysterious rangers were actually their allies, in return it caused a few teams to have a few arguments and after all the conflicts Hexagon was thrown into chaos. For the next arc of the season the main team with Scott, Flynn and Summer also began questioning few things about where their help was getting them, the argument about "which side are you on" continued to grow only uglier and they were placed in the crossfire as the past ranger teams started fighting.
-Tommy himself developed a new power disc during the little war, he used an old swallow animal zord that Ninjor didn't prioritize and also took in some of the latent energy from Zordon's energy wave to tap into pure energy from the grid thus making the green samurai ranger morpher. This in return drew in a certain old ally of Ninjor to the planet, Dulcea. With Tommy as the new green ranger she decided that since earth nearly got taken apart during the ranger war that she'd become the new mentor.
-As things start to regain some normality Tommy is eventually bombarded with targeted attacks by Ziggy and Dillon until they reveal what happened. He nearly gets taken out if it wasn't for the three main rangers stopping the two and bringing them into custody. While on a ranger trial with Hexagon they are pestered with questions and how could they cause such distress yet they shoot back with any guilt rangers feel from their damage done to cities, the lives they ruin and also the idea of idolizing false justice in the world. Zordon erased a bunch of lives but were they all inherently evil? Did he brainwash a bunch of people into a set idea of good he had, it makes everyone especially Tommy question the idea behind themselves being rangers.
-They escape but instead kind of become anti hero like forces for the Hexagon team. Still having a rivalry feeling for Tommy(specifically Ziggy giving off a sort of green on green standoff for this what if scenario), Dillon gets to visit Tenaya who with Hexagon's aid were able to stabilize her condition. Due to the hatred of Tommy simmering for Dillon Ziggy ends up feeling betrayed and goes back to the UAE.
-The UAE itself is actually ran by a leader known as "The Enchantress". The Enchantress's true identity is that of Kimberly Hart, well a variant from a different universe who had to experience a more destructive and sinister version of Tommy. She ended up falling into The Void and getting corrupted by the dark energy there from dead dimensions and such, slowly gazing into other universes with various Tommy Oliver's, one was home to that of Lord Drakkon and even the Ranger Slayer. It was settled that in her mind the multiverse along with the Grid itself had cracks in it, issues that needed to be settled and in her eyes she could be the one to fix it.
-the biggest issue being Tommy, finding a portal a after many years she ended up in the main universe and with her new powers took under a pseudonym being The Enchantress. She'd eat away at Tommy's guilt and and with all the infighting from the rangers occurring she'd be able to utilize the grid's influx of energy to pretty much delete his existence overall. The final arc deals with each of the ranger teams getting captured except for Hexagon, their powers were being siphoned off to The Void so Kim could connect it to the grid and do her plan, on the planet where the final showdown takes place we see the six rangers have some internal struggles against Kim as she closes in on Tommy.
-they were all brought here due to the impact of power rangers and with Tommy's influence he managed to get them all weaved in on his own issues. She felt some pity for Ziggy and Dillon due to their situation hence why she wanted to help them enact their revenge but even then they feel a little betrayed on both ends, Scott, Flynn and Summer were all in it to do some good with the world but were exposed to some of the harsher sides in being a ranger and even then they didn't really feel directed off the main idea of trying to help people. Tommy on the other hand thought about the other versions of himself out there...he couldn't really be held liable for their actions but again just seeing how much of an impact he has amongst other worlds, it all makes him feel conflicted.
-Eventually both this version of Kim and Tommy would go into The Void to deactivate the effects of her plan but in the aftermath they were both caught in the explosion, they took in the energy from this and a sort of pseudo z wave goes off throughout the grid. This caused any of the world that his evil counterparts destroyed to be rebuilt and any of those dark counterparts(like drakkon) would be purged from existence.
-Tommy himself would die from this but he'd be turned into a sort of ranger emissary swearing to go from universe to universe keeping keeping eye on the other versions of himself promising Kimberly that he'd do what he does best, being a hero when it duty calls.
-Kimberly on the other hand was purified of the dark energy and decided to go out to explore other universes. Live the life that was robbed of her years ago, maybe even rebuild her own world.
-With that the remaining Hexagon rangers freed the teams and there was a memorial placed in for any lives lost along with Tommy's own sacrifice. Hexagon itself would be ran by Scott as the organization eventually evolved into new factions such as SPD, Flynn went on to continue being a ranger as he had fun helping everyone, Summer kinda settled down retiring from the ranger business so that she she embark on a few new adventures awaiting her. Tenaya eventually woke up to Dillon's surprise and with that they went with Ziggy to see what they missed on earth.
This season kind of acts as both a little semi finale to the Zordon and Fox Era overall but also opening up a new path for the Disney era. Kimberly’s design and stuff here also kinda takes some inspo from Salem in RWBY👌🏾
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years
Demand for a Duel Part Two:
The Contact over the Contract
Penny: Salutations Winter!
Winter: Hail and well met Madame Polendina! I request your assistance in transcribing my words onto parchment for a missive to my Mother, if you would be so inclined?
Penny: Of course Winter! Although why write a letter instead of Calling her on your scroll?
Winter: Aesthetic Dear. Are you prepared to write?
Penny: *holding genuine parchment and a Quill* Absolutely Winter!
"Dearest Mother,
Whilst visiting Weiss a most intriguing event occurred. Saphron of Arcs, Knight of Rouge and Gold, Addressed my beloved sister in an aggressive manner, demanding reparations for a lack of feeling being returned to her brother in matters of romance. The given Deviation 'tween Lady Saphron and Sister Weiss' skills, I interceded, taking the place of whom was challenged. Yet My Sister is known to me, and she hath gazed at the only son sired by Prismeya and Blane Cherryl Arc, with not bile and ferocity, but with a gentleness I have seen reserved to only those she trusts most, and loves dearly. The look that, in my absence has left me forlorn and wanting for the affection we shared as Fledglings, but may only partake in during these scant moments we share. We had planned for a duel on the eve of this day, yet the Mistress of these festivities hath forasken that plan of Action. It will be held in one week. I pray for your schedules clarity so that you may bear witness to our battle.
Your Beloved Eldest, Winter Schnee"
Penny: Is that all Winter?
Winter: Indeed it is Penny. If you would be so kind as to deliver that letter and shut the door behind you, I would be appreciative. Gods Be with Ye.
Penny: Verily Knight Winter! *Steps outside* Salutations and well met Fair Weiss, Heiress of the Schnee Company, First to her Name!
Weiss: Huh! Oh! Hi Penny, I'd love to talk, But I'm looking for Winter Right now, Do you know where she is?
Penny: Your eldest sibling is right in here! I'm off to find my beloved Girlfriend Ruby. Gods be with Ye!
Weiss: Gods be with .. Ye? B-Bye?
Winter: Hello sister. What ills you on this day?
Weiss: Stop this. What even IS THIS!? WHat are you doing? HOw do you know Lady Saph- Saphron. Just Saphron.
Winter: Why do you wish me to cease my plans to duel Knight Saph-
Weiss: It's JUST Saphron.
Winter: -ron? To turn my belly skyward would bring tidings of shame and dishonor upon our name! And for how I know the eldest of the Arc children, Mother wished me to have Acquaintances beyond the suitors that father wished, and as such contacted an old ally of hers - Prismeya, Matriarch of the Arc lineage. We were 'Penpals' as our mothers put it.
Weiss: Okay. Whats with the archaic valean?
Winter: I know not of which you speak.
Weiss: ... You know what? I'm gonna go see if Jaune has had any success in talking sense into Saphron of Arcs.
Winter: Very well. Gods be with ye.
Weiss: Adieu, Fair sister.
Jaune: Terra, Terra, Please, as your favorite Brother in law, the uncle to your child, PLEASE GET YOUR WIFE UNDER CONTROL.
Terra: Why would I do that? Do you know how long it's been seen I've watched her fight someone? Let alone go all out? I want to watch this.
Jaune: how was she even going to fight? I doubt she got her weapons back from mom.
Terra: She was gonna use Crocea Mors.
Jaune: Oh. Well she would've needed a bit to get used to the difference in weight and length.
Terra: Yeah, but because she has time now, shes writing a 'missive' to your mom telling her to bring your family, along with Reel and Woe
Terra: Jaune, I'm a foot away from you, please don't yell. What's wrong, Don't you miss them?
Jaune: I'm sorry, and of course I miss them. It's just ... I haven't seen most of them since I left, with a few letters and scroll calls sent back and forth. Plus all my family all at once is a lot. Especially since I have three teammates, and RWBY, and seven sisters ...
Terra: Your worried their all gonna pair off and leave you behind like all those kids did in grade school?
Jaune: I was gonna say They'll overwhelm me and cause wanton violence and destruction, Especially Nora and either Anna or Olive, but now I've got two things to be anxious about.
Weiss: Jaune! Hath thou wrought sense upon the mind of your eldest?
Jaune: Say that again in modern please.
Weiss: Whatever do you mean? I've been talking norm- Have I been talking like them?!
Jaune: Yes you were. Please gather your team. I need to show you all a presentation tomorrow.
Weiss: Brothers It's like a virus. I will get right on that! What's it about?
Jaune: Well I was hoping to introduce all of you slowly, It seems fate like throwing curve-balls at my head. Hope your ready to meet the family Weiss, because their sure as hell gonna be ready to meet you.
To my beloved family,
I have found the wench that enraptured our dearest Jaune in beauty, only to dash his hopes upon rocks. In the process of demanding her to a duel, the sister of the Queen of Ice, Winter of the Schnees, Knight of the Frigid hearth, First of her name, and my old friend, took the younger Schnees place. I had planned upon using Fathers Blade, now wielded by Jaune, whom, if I may add, has developed fair skill in both Tactics on and off the field, as well as in swordplay, yet seeing as how I am facing a far more experienced opponent, I request you bring Reel and Woe for me. This will be a fight you wouldn't want to miss, so I also invite all of you to come as well.
In good health and Great anticipation,
Saphron Arc, knight of Rouge and Gold
Will Jaune survive seeing his family again?
What kinds of weapons are Reel and Woe?
If Saphron is here, and Terra is there, Who's watching Adrien?
It's Terra's sister who definitely exists. trust me.
If you would like to know the names I picked out for Jaune's family and their origins, please ask away! I'd love to talk about them!
Join in next time for: Demand for a Duel Part three: Family Business
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csvent-2 · 9 months
To the last terralien vent. Im sorry but if you think this is a lot of work then you haven't been in many CS. Griffia do a lot of work, Jolleraptors and NN do. Genetic based species do. Terraliens most of the time are doing things that people don't ask for. They added subspecies that wasn't needed at all, there was a trend for microbe characters everywhere. The rushed ref is no longer avaible which made reference image on the site broke. It's not even in the subspecies and guides channel. The traits system is confusing, even more for people that don't speak English or have difficulties. They doing prompts but it's literally a standard in species. Added this currency stuff on the side which is a plugin for lorekeeper. But the site itself is really lacking other really important things. This daily "free currency" is in a lot of other species. Pacapillars do it, ranebopets do it, this work bot is used in almost every new species now, People were doing it before Terras. The only thing that Terras actually do different is that they separated this "free currency" that you can't really use much, and added better currency you can get from prompts which you can actually use and is more valuable. This is a thing you see in mobile games. And also you have to work so much longer than in other species, to get enough this better currency and get a common myo. You can mostly get enough currency in most of other species, for basic myo, in a month of giftart and prompts. Here if you don't have luck in a raffle sale, you have to do an illustration for 4 months for 20 currency each to get just common myo, 6 months for uncommon and 8 months for rare. additional 3 months to that if you want microbe subtype. Also don't see many hostile people on the suggestion channel, people just ask for the species to be less exploitative and more transparent. The AB thing is shady, forcing people to spend extra money just to be sure they win the design they were bidding for, because there were people on auctions before that just appear from nowhere and auto buy auction after AB was added before the auction ended. People don't need this luck based free stuff or fake free currency. People want a fair system and they are asking for it from the beginning. Instead of raffles, do something for the site. It's only their fault that the species was rushed. Instead of adding more stuff, they should work around stuff they already have or lack like the use of the basic currency. And if you ban curled tails because your species looks like chimereons, it say a lot about the species itself. They ban this and won't add cooldown on myos because "they can't control what will people do with their slots". As a person that was there from the start and were saying about the species to my friends i just regret getting invested in it and bringing them into it. Saying Terras do more than other CS is just an insult for people that actually work around their stuff, not only around money making things but around lore and world building too.
I can kind of understand separating currency you need to actually do work for (art or whatnot) from currency you just type a command in to get, but since I'm not in the species I can't really comment beyond that on how well they specifically are doing.
I'd definitely agree with the AB thing, though. I've never been fond of ABs being added after the auction is already started, unless it's to curb a ridiculous bidding thread, or something.
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