#ladies watch out
vantabrooke · 1 month
Remember when Grian building a shrine to Mumbo to bring him back sent everyone into a frenzy? We now have Hermits building statues of each other and ACKNOWLEDGING IT. Joel has turned Hermitcraft from an SMP into a rom-com. This MARRIED MAN has rolled a critical success to seduce basically every server member, all while having a monument to his wife in his base!!!! insane
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samipekoe · 7 months
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I NEED them
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muffinlance · 4 months
I'm barely to the massacre and I can already tell I'm going to be screaming at every this-makes-no-sense decision made by the writers (your temple is under violent attack, and you evacuate the kids... to a barely enclosed corner in a prominent temple room? Instead of to the hundreds of sky bison that were highlighted as flying in earlier? Why?) (And Aang left to clear his head and think instead of to run from his duties? That's such a less compelling plot arc?) (And the show had him briefly monologue about being a goofy kid who loves pies and his friends instead of using the extended temple scene to show any of that? Didn't want to pay more child actors, did you, Netflix?)
Yeah I'm just. Going to be screaming at the screen instead of enjoying this. Different decisions aren't necessarily bad, but when those decisions seem to be in the direction of "show a man burning alive before we even get to the on-screen massacre" this is just... not the show for me.
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flockoff · 4 months
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In a another world, Peak of Combat has a plot that involves Time Travel Shenanigans which puts V in one of the Funniest Situations.
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jameszmaguire · 15 days
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We're sisters who pray together, play together, speakin' our truth to whoever can be arsed to listen.
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cheerioskid · 11 months
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more hermits i enjoy watching but don't draw that often
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undeniablespice · 2 months
thought too much about sansa stark from meorge reorge rartin gartin’s seminal fantasy series a song of ice and fire and now i want to fall into an endless abyss. i am so serious when i say that teenage girls should be able to kill people with impunity. especially grown men. holy shit. she is TWELVE
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mochasucculent · 8 months
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Yet another Owl House drawing I never finished (of which there are many lol)
It was a dual redraw of/homage to my first ever fanart from the day the pilot episode aired (below the cut), but this time done right after the show ended and with Eda's updated look! Though I lost steam fast I kinda like it this way lol, one of those things that probably would have lost its energy if I tried to line it yknow
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andichoseyou · 4 months
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"Perhaps we deserve each other."
Knives Out (2019) dir. Rian Johnson
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mercysong-tardis · 6 months
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Deleted TCW scene. You KNOW Satine would visit Corosaunt during the summer for the view.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 7 months
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So, I started watching Link Click...
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reesescuffs · 3 months
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I bearly remember anything from empires
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I just finished watching the new Owl House episode, and afoiej so much to process, but like can I say how much I love this look?? The build up to it was so nice but it's all the little connections to Luz's family that is shown here that get me!
Like you can still so of course that Luz is human and she looks like Camila. That wouldn't change of course cause those are such a big part of who Luz is.
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But you can see so much similar to King too! Fitting since it's a gift from the Titan. She has the bone claws and horns like King, plus the general skeleton look and similar color schemes. Plus her hat looks like his tail!
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Then she has the same eye set up as Harpy Eda! With yellow eye iris and dark sclera. She also gets her own fang that hangs out the whole time, on the opposite side of Eda's, and hair probably big enough to store things in.
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All of these people were a big influence on Luz and her journey to become the Good Witch Luz. It's only fitting that they all be represented some how in the strongest form Luz gets.
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navree · 4 months
"that you could be so cruel" ok correct me if i'm wrong but does penelope featherington not run a gossip rag that exist solely to publish unsubstantiated rumors about women she doesn't like for various reasons that have profoundly negative repercussions on those women (didn't the publication of marina's pregnancy lead to marina almost dying in her quest to terminate said pregnancy??????) and has in fact used that same rag to put not just colin's entire family but also specifically colin's sister, her best friend, through a significant amount of grief and strife that came as a direct result of that rag?
but colin's the cruel one? because she happened to eavesdrop on a conversation where he said he doesn't wanna date her? that's cruelty but all the other stuff isn't?
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krazycat6167 · 9 months
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So @somerandomdudelmao made a version of their sona in a dystopia (inspired by @tapakah0 doing the same to theirs) and the person in this ask named the robot C.A.S.5 and I thought, ‘well then there’s at least four other C.A.S. units out and about in the world’ leading to this being the end result! It was a lot of fun to come up with the different customizations each C.A.S. unit has.
also, the design for C.A.S.4 (Cash) was partially inspired by @mobiitez post.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
vaggie, miss "im not used to fighting with long hair" who's out of practice actually battling someone or really stabbing ppl...
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...still had the arm and hand strength, the REFLEXES, to do a bare handed blade catch on a SWORD, who's user had been doing an aerial dive with it aimed at vaggie's FACE
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then sling around and THROW her opponent with it
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i know she wants a peaceful-ish life with charlie, but i really wouldn't mind seeing her getting into just a FEW more fights >:D
also also side note: carmilla was able to eff her up earlier so easily bc vaggie fought like an exorcist, no thought to getting hurt or personal defense, the headspace of 'i can't get killed! wheee! DIE DIE DIE' that got that other exorcist killed
and the main advice vaggie got from carmilla was take advantage of that sure, but first and more importantly, defend yourself better
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which kinda plays into the whole "be out for love thing" too
aka the fight isn't important, it's what you're fighting to still have Afterwards that matters- the people you love, having a life with them
(the hotel, the hazbins, charlie)
carmilla doesn't send vaggie off with a 'you're ready to go kill angels'. she's only satisfied and ends their little lesson / sparring match when she can say "you might just survive this"
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feels like she wasn't teaching vaggie to take out angels. she was reminding her and showing her how NOT to get KILLED
so it's just so nice seeing vaggie blocking, dodging, and grappling lute later. how good she is at focusing on avoiding or neutralizing those attacks aimed at her. how Seriously she takes them
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binding lute's both lute's arms and wedging them into her own body so lute's sword CAN'T be angled towards her
the way this shot emphasis's the THREAT of the sword hanging over vaggie
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and how her flash-fast recovery and block shows she's READY for it
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dodging, not attacking
she's not in this for blood or vengeance, this lady is trying to stay the fuck alive. she's got things and people to live for
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things like the idea of mercy. that thing both her and charlie show their enemies, people who came down to hell for murder and spent this fight trying to kill them and got damn close to doing it.
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and sure there's a pretty big tone difference between charlie's "Whoa whoa dad. He's had enough" and vaggie's "No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you" but both end at the same place, with someone who hates them still getting a second chance
and vaggie wants that second chance too. she wants a life with charlie, and fights hard so she can stick around for it
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epic fail, lute... have you considered getting a hobby...?
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