lafillefrancaise2 · 1 year
B**ged and p**ged in school lol, thr*w *p in my break. Does anyone else feel way cleaner after p*king?
Any tips on control?
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Also the thought of being in a relationship and being skinny xx
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curiosity-killed · 7 years
Space dust
SPACE DUST: are you happy?
You know, for the first time in three years, I can actually truthfully say ‘yes.’ There are definitely things I’m stressed about and things that aren’t going perfectly, but yes, I am happy.
space asks :D
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natsvos · 7 years
You’re wanting for me To bad it’s your loss
A Belle to Remember - Hayley Kiyoko
Send me a music note, I’ll put my music on shuffle, give you a song, and my favorite line from it :)
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uncultureddoubloon · 4 years
lafillefrancaise replied to your post “The more discussions about marriage happen around me (either irl about...”
As someone who IDed as Ace for a long time only to realize I'm probably demi and it's just easier for me to feel that stuff for girls: Romantic/Sexual attraction hit me like a fucking bus. At least in my experience, if you're not sure you're feeling romantic/sexual attraction, you're probably not. It was really hard for me because I wanted a romantic relationship so badly that I kept pushing myself into relationships when the attraction wasn't there.
Thank you, that’s actually kinda reassuring to hear. I have no idea if I personally am feeling romantic attraction, but I can point it out when looking at other relationships (usually in stories bc it’s just so much easier to see there & i can take my time processing what’s on the page), so that’s nice to hear
I have no idea if I’m feeling romantic attraction, and it’s honestly kinda terrifying? Partially bc media pushes being in a relationship as The Thing(tm) to achieve and aim for, which I recognize isn’t the be all end all it’s made out to be. But also partially bc I’ve been dating someone for a long time and while I do care for this person, I have no good words to explain my feelings towards them and a romantic framing is the closest thing I can think of that would make sense but also I don’t think it’s entirely right from my side of things
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somethingfunnyagain · 6 years
My sister Alexia is my favorite.
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lafillefrancaise2 · 1 year
Breakfast for a rainy day
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