calbeloved · 1 month
cineraria.... ohhh that looks so fucking coool such a beautiful description
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bellatheinkdemon · 4 months
Took me a while to draw them, since I was busy with other stuff, but here's our evil team! (I have zero ideas for the team name yet 😅)
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Say hello to the newest member Mykola (She/Her), the team's main admin Laiser (He/It), and the enigmatic leader, Evangaline (They/It) !
I'll probably post some lore about them in the future
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mx24 · 23 days
everyone ignores that ralsei can be rearranged into laiser. this is foreshadowing that darkners can shoot lasers from their eyes
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chic-a-gigot · 7 months
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La Mode illustrée, no. 8, 21 février 1897, Paris.
Toilette de promenade. Modèle de chez Mme Gradoz, rue de Provence, 67.
Tablier suédois pour jeune fille. Modèle de chez Mlle Rimbot, rue de Richelieu, 73.
Robe d'intérieur en cachemire uni et cachemire brodé. Modèle de chez Mmes Coussinet-Piret, rue Richer, 43.
Toilette de jeune fille en mohair gris. Mod. de chez Mmes Brun-Cailleux, r. de la Victoire, 48.
Robe en serge d'Irlande vert. Modèle de chez Mmes Coussinet-Piret, rue Richer, 43.
Robe en mohair bleu marine. Modèle de chez Mme Gradoz, rue de Provence, 67.
Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Toilette de promenade.
Robe en drap mastic. Un galon de passementerie simule sur la jupe une robe de dessus aux deux coins de laquelle se trouvent des ornements en passementerie. Le corsage plat fait à pointe s'ouvre avec de larges revers sur un plastron plissé en soie de nuance claire, terminé au bord supérieur par un col droit plissé en soie. Les revers encadrés de galons en passementerie se rattachent derrière à un col carré; on rattache aux devants une ceinture Médicis en velours, ornée de grands boutons de nacre. Les manches garnies de galons en passementerie, ont des bouillonnés courts.
Mastic cloth dress. A trimming braid on the skirt simulates an outer dress on both corners of which are trimmings ornaments. The flat pointed bodice opens with wide lapels onto a pleated light silk bib, finished at the upper edge with a straight pleated silk collar. The lapels framed with braids are attached behind to a square collar; A Medici velvet belt is attached to the front, decorated with large mother-of-pearl buttons. The sleeves, trimmed with trimmings, have short ruffles.
Tablier suédois pour jeune fille.
Ce tablier suédois est fait en drap léger jaune soufre foncé; il se compose d'un seul morceau droit ayant 65 centimètres de largeur, 1 mètre 12 de longueur; ce morceau est froncé deux fois au bord supérieur, de façon à lui laiser 26 centimètres de largeur; on l'orne avec un morceau replié en dessus, triangulaire coupé en drap brun clair, ayant 16 centimètres de largeur au milieu, 4 centimètres sur les côtés, orné d'une bordure brodée étroite. On fixe sur le bord inférieur une bordure en drap brun clair ayant 26 centimètres de largeur, et l'on coud en même temps au bord inférieur du tablier une double bande de drap soufre, ayant 4 centimètres de hauteur, brodée de légères courbes au point de cordonnet. Les motifs ronds et ovales des deux bordures, dont les fig. 36 et 37 représentent le dessin, sont appliqués partie en soie vert olive, partie en soie blanche; on les brode en soie de cordonnet blanche, jaune, bleue au passé et points de fantaisie; les autres motifs sont faits avec les mêmes couleurs au passé et au point de cordonnet. Le tablier est retenu à la taille par une ceinture en drap jaune; le plastron du tablier est fixé au corsage par des épingles de fantaisie.
Le tablier peut être également exécuté en toile de couleur, et orné de bordures au point de cordonnet ou bien au point de croix.
This Swedish apron is made of light dark sulfur yellow cloth; it consists of a single straight piece 65 centimeters wide, 1 meter 12 long; this piece is gathered twice at the upper edge, so as to leave it 26 centimeters wide; it is decorated with a piece folded on top, triangular cut from light brown cloth, 16 centimeters wide in the middle, 4 centimeters on the sides, decorated with a narrow embroidered border. We attach to the lower edge a border of light brown cloth 26 centimeters wide, and at the same time we sew to the lower edge of the apron a double strip of sulfur cloth, 4 centimeters high, embroidered with slight curves in stitch. cord. The round and oval patterns of the two borders, including figs. 36 and 37 represent the design, are applied partly in olive green silk, partly in white silk; they are embroidered in white, yellow, blue cord silk with paste and fancy stitches; the other patterns are made with the same colors in past and cord stitch. The apron is held at the waist by a yellow cloth belt; the bib of the apron is attached to the bodice with fancy pins.
The apron can also be made in colored canvas, and decorated with cord stitch or cross stitch borders.
Robe d'intérieur en cachemire uni et cachemire brodé.
Cette robe est faite en cachemire bleu pâle uni, et cachemire brodé de même couleur. La robe-princesse est faite en cachemire uni; le plastron, les manches et la garniture sont faits en cachemire brodé. Les devants sont croisés et terminés à gauche sous une draperie formant écharpe. Le col et les manches sont entourés d'une fraise en cachemire.
This dress is made in plain pale blue cashmere, and embroidered cashmere of the same color. The princess dress is made of plain cashmere; the bib, sleeves and trim are made of embroidered cashmere. The fronts are crossed and finished on the left under a drapery forming a scarf. The collar and sleeves are surrounded by a cashmere ruff.
Toilette de jeune fille en mohair gris.
La jupe en mohair gris est entourée de six rangs de galons-mohair gris foncé; le corsage-blouse est orné devant et derrière de quatre rangs de galons. La fermeture du corsage sur le côté est couverte par un double volant de velours. Ceinture et col droit en velours; la ceinture est ornée d'un nœud sur le côté, on fait retomber une fraise en dentelle sur le col droit. Les manches terminées par un volant de dentelle sont garnies de bouillonnés courts au bord supérieur.
Le chapeau rond en paille noire, est garnie de soie mauve et de gloxinias.
​The gray mohair skirt is surrounded by six rows of dark gray mohair braid; the bodice-blouse is decorated front and back with four rows of braid. The bodice closure on the side is covered by a double velvet ruffle. Belt and straight collar in velvet; the belt is decorated with a bow on the side, a lace ruff falls on the right collar. The sleeves ending with a lace ruffle are trimmed with short bubbles at the upper edge.
The round black straw hat is trimmed with mauve silk and gloxinias.
Robe en serge d'Irlande vert.
Cette robe faite en serge d'Irlande verte, est garnie de rubans de velours noir, qui ornent le côtés gauche et le bord inférieur de la jupe. On fixe sur les côtés trois beaux boutons et des boutonnières simulées. le corsage plat fermé devant en biais, est garni sur le devant de gauche, avec des rubans de velours posés horizontalement; on pose sur le devant un morceau plissé, formant revers, orné de ruban de velours. Une ceinture de velours entoure la taille et se termine sur le côté par un nœud. Le haut col droit est garni en ruban de velours. Les manches sont garnies de ruban de velours, et ornées au bord supérieur avec deux volants.
This dress, made in green Irish twill, is trimmed with black velvet ribbons, which adorn the left sides and the lower edge of the skirt. Three beautiful buttons and simulated buttonholes are attached to the sides. the flat bodice closed at the front at an angle, is trimmed on the left front, with velvet ribbons placed horizontally; we place on the front a pleated piece, forming a lapel, decorated with velvet ribbon. A velvet belt surrounds the waist and ends on the side with a bow. The high, straight collar is trimmed with velvet ribbon. The sleeves are trimmed with velvet ribbon, and decorated at the upper edge with two ruffles.
Robe en mohair bleu marine.
Cette robe en mohair bleu marine est garnie au bord inférieur de la jupe avec plusieurs rangées de galons et de soutaches. Cette garniture se reproduit sur la veste courte à revers carrés, ornée de beaux boutons. La veste à manches est posée sur une blouse sans manches en soie rouge plissée, terminée par une ceinture et un col droit en velours bleu marine.
This navy blue mohair dress is trimmed at the bottom edge of the skirt with several rows of braid and soutache. This trim is reproduced on the short jacket with square lapels, decorated with beautiful buttons. The sleeved jacket is placed over a sleeveless blouse in pleated red silk, finished with a navy blue velvet belt and stand-up collar.
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lynxgriffin · 10 months
hi sorry me again one more question-
what was the meaning of Irales's chant puzzle? i checked and the letters rearranged in order spell Laiser
The letters rearranged should spell "Asriel." He's listing the numbers as they would be in order for Asriel, and then shuffling them for his own name.
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sleepytoby · 2 years
ONE PIECE x READER x POKÉMON AU — Summary of Reader's Pokémon team
Pt. 1 - Summary of life (childhood, teenage, current)
Pt. 2 The pokemon team, progression through-out the timeline & Meeting the team + For Kid Pirates | You are here!
Some World Building
Some asks and questions, and then the release of the actual story!
TW! Bullying Kid a bit (affectionately), injuries, semi-impalement, mention of parental death, mentions of bullying
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Childhood — All Pokémons listed are the Pokémons they caught before they turned 13.
Shiny Ralts, Athena — Female
Was originally a Pokémon their mother owned until her passing. Athena stuck with them due to being the only other person in the household and also because they looked like their mother. [Name] takes great care of Athena as it was the only reminder they have of her and because she is their first Pokémon.
Held item: N/A
Ability: Synchronize
Personality: Modest (+Sp. Attack, -Attack)
Estimated level: Lv. 8-10
Pineco, Bastion — Male
During their adventures with Kid and Killer, the trio discovered a Pineco being bullied by other Pinecos and some other poison types and [Name] was quick to distract them and take away the Pineco. Pineco followed [Name] around everywhere afterwards until they received their second Pokeball and caught him with it. Upon being named Bastion, he was ecstatic.
Held item: N/A
Ability: Sturdy
Personality: Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Attack)
Estimated level: Lv. 10-13
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Teenager — All Pokémons listed are the Pokémons they caught before piracy.
Pokémon Egg
Gifted by their father before passing. [Name] takes great care of the egg and is often softer and much more expressive around it, acting like a mother hen. Oddly enough, sometimes they feel like someone was speaking out of the egg…
Egg Activity: It moves around sometimes and often glows.
Shiny Kirlia, Athena — Female
Athena evolved after the Kid and Killer began training their Pokémon to set out at sea. Usually, [Name] was more of a watcher but after the two found out that they were a massive planner and great with strategic play, they began to train them as well. Despite having a lot of matches with equal amounts of losing (mostly because both of the boys’ typing is very effective against Athena) and winning, Athena never evolved until the Pokémon egg they had was nearly taken away by a pack of Arboks. Yes, Kid was jealous and copes by challenging them into a fight a lot and Killer wasn’t always there to calm him down but he tries.
Held item: Twisted Spoon — It's a spoon imbued with telekinetic power that boosts Psychic - type moves.
After finding it, they immediately knew the item and gave it to Athena in a small necklace. Anyone who laughs at it will be sent into 3 walls.
Ability: Synchronize
Personality: Modest (+Sp. Attack, -Attack)
Estimated level: Lv. 21-24
Pineco, Bastion — Male
After Athena evolved, Bastion was jealous and turned insecure so he often ran off into the forest to train and level up so he could evolve. Kid was the first to find out about this and followed him one day only to find out what he was doing only to find him fighting a pack of Onix, Steelix, and various other stronger rock and ground type Pokémon. After being saved by Kid, he offered to train Bastion so he could evolve faster which Bastion was quick to agree with. Killer was the next to find out and told [Name] about it causing them to scold Kid and Bastion before going over to comfort their Pokémon. Yes, Kid was jealous of a Pokémon.
Held item: N/A
Ability: Sturdy
Personality: Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Attack)
Estimated level: Lv. 16-21
Beldum, Laiser — Genderless
Laiser was a gift from Kid. Originally, he caught it after defeating it in a Pokémon battle but never really liked him, mainly because it lost out of pettiness, but when it met [Name], he immediately grew attached and often tried getting their attention. Laiser also accidentally gave [Name] a scar on their cheek that nearly reached their nose. It avoided them for a whole day before coming back to them crying. Laiser is more timid and reserved around other people and Pokémon and grows more comfortable around them when gaining its trust.
Held item: N/A
Ability: Clear Body
Personality: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)
Estimated Level: Lv. 14-16
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Current — All Pokémons listed are the Pokémons they got during piracy. More will soon be caught during their journey.
[HATCHED] Lucario, Anubis — Male
[Flashback, Riolu] The egg hatched after the first month of the trio set sail into sea during a party celebration with the few members they all had. The egg was still on their lap when it hatched and it turned out to be Riolu. Riolu’s first reaction was to immediately attack [Name] with a Meteor Mash (an egg move/a move that can be learnt by a Pokémon via hatching) and immediately started a brawl between the two. The only time the newborn stopped was when they pinned him down and gained his respect. 
Anubis was named as he was because they noticed his features looking like an actual Anubis and the fact that he nearly sent them to their grave just a second he was born. And no, the OG Kid Pirates still have not stopped teasing them about it.
[Current, Lucario] Anubis is one of their most loyal and very loving Pokémon just right next to Athena. Speaking of Athena, Anubis has had a tiny crush on her ever since he had first laid eyes on her since his birth. He is very tsundere about it as well. <3
Held item: Quick Claw — A Quick Claw is an item that raises the speed of a Pokémon and gives it a 20% chance to attack first if its speed is lower than that of its opponent. It is not affected by Trick Room.
Back when Anubis was still a Riolu, he dragged his tired trainer into a snow island and forced them to train him. After fighting off many Sneasel and other various ice-type Pokémons, a certain Sneasel dropped it. Anubis was so proud that his trainer praised him that he evolved.
Also the spike on his chest nearly killed them if it wasn’t for Killer who rushed to the scene and took [Name] to the medical bay. He, sadly, only receives back hugs from them now.
Ability: Inner Focus
Personality: Brave (+Attack, - Speed)
Estimated Level (before Wano): 40-42
Shiny Gardevoir, Athena — Female
Athena has basically become [Name]’s mother figure after evolving. After a certain incident, she has grown more protective of her trainer and is there for them—Always. With her levitation and psychokinetic powers, she is the trump card of [Name]’s team. Athena doesn’t fight or battle often but will not hesitate to do so in order to protect the crew with her life. After gaining a Gardevoirite, she can easily go to her mega evolution with her long-time trainer.
Held item: Gardevorite —  It is the Mega Stone that allows Gardevoir to Mega Evolve into Mega Gardevoir.
A gift from their father before his passing. It was said to be from their mother when she still had her own Gardevoir that passed away due to protecting her from a wild Gyrados.
Ability: Synchronize
Personality: Modest (+Sp. Attack, -Attack)
Estimated Level (before Wano): 51-54
Foresstress, Bastion — Male
After evolving, he was so happy that he cried tears and rammed himself into [Name] after defeating his opponent, resulting in them having back pain for almost an entire month. Foresstress always happily lets [Name] ride on his shell as he floats and is often seen with Athena playing with the apprentices of the ship as they all happily play around.
Held item: Focus Sash — Prevents the holder from fainting in one hit.
A lot of trainers and opponents, mainly fire type trainers, were always pissed and annoyed at Foresstress’ ability to not die in one hit so after they had defeated a professional Martial Arts trainer with his Hitmonlee, they gained the item and immediately looked at each other with knowing smirks.
Ability: Sturdy
Personality: Jolly (+Speed, -Sp. Attack)
Estimated level (before Wano): Lv. 45-47
Metgaross, Laiser — Genderless
Out of all Pokemons listed, no one is as protective as Laiser was. After the incident of hurting [Name], it guards and is often seen around them, never leaving their side. The only times it leaves their side is when it’s ordered to do something else (but he finishes it quickly to go back to them) and is never seen away from them. It is simply just that over-protective. He is very careful around them, avoiding hurting them in any way possible.
Held item: Metal Coat — It allows Onix and Scyther to evolve into Steelix and Scizor, respectively, and also increases the power of the holder's Steel-type moves.
After winning a tournament with just Laiser when it was still a Metang, they were rewarded with the item. It wears the item around with one of its arms
Ability: Clear Body
Personality: Timid (+Speed, -Attack)
Estimated Level: Lv. 49-50
Abomasnow, Yukon — Male
Yukon was caught as an Abomasnow and was already high-leveled. Yukon was smaller than any other usual Abomasnows and was usually bullied and ganged up on them. [Name] and Heat were the ones who took down the other Abomasnows when they docked into the winter island. He would often stalk the humans who saved them and before departing, Yukon snuck into the ship and bonded with the crew and accepted [Name] as his trainer and master a week after, trusting them fully.
Held item: Icy Rock — It extends the duration of hail.
When was still a newly evolved Abomasnow, he accidentally ate the rock and went on about his day like nothing happened. The crew only found out about him swallowing the item during his first monthly check-up with [Name]. Yes, they passed out.
Ability: Snow Warning
Personality: Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Attack)
Estimated Level (before Wano): Lv. 41-43
Comfey, Gladiolus — Female
Gladiolus saw [Name] healing a random wild Kangaskhan and calming her easily to patch up her injured baby. The Kangaskhan was very wary of them at first and even attacked them but they easily brushed it off and managed to get the mother Pokémon to have permission to heal their baby. Gladiolus immediately came to them and let herself get caught.
Held item: Rose Incense — The Rose Incense will boost the power of Grass-type moves by 20%.
After having Gladiolus for more than 2 months, the crew docked into a random village. Gladiolus caught a whiff of the Rose Incense and was immediately attracted to it. [Name] bought and bargained for it for 3,000 Beli, it originally costed 5,000.
Ability: Triage
Personality: Gentle (+Sp. Def, -Def)
Estimated Level (before Wano): Lv. 39-40
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Please do not repost or copy any of my works, I work hard on these.
© justtoby - writing © Eiichiro Oda - one piece / characters © Satoshi Tajiri - pokémon
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tsurilol · 1 year
For the sake of it,
If anybody votes for Gashu, I may just commit war crimes…/j
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jidblogger · 2 years
New Project preview
Finally, things were going right, Skeletor’s latest and greatest weapon of conquest was finally coming to fruition. Granted it was going to take a bit of real estate given it was a giant laiser of evil, so a lot of the land surrounding snake mountain was under construction. His Evil Warriors were working day and night to get this machine done before there was any suspicion from the Masters of the Universe or even the Princesses of Power back on Etheria.
Soon though it would be ready, and with the knowledge, he had gathered by unlocking the secrets of Horde Prime’s Hive Mind Technology he would soon use it to begin the ultimate conquest of not just Eternia but also the universe itself.
“Ah boss, are you sure no one is going to notice this….” Skeletor scoffs, “They won’t have time to do anything about it”
“Yes because a giant laser is subtle” Evil-Lyn scoffed.
“It won’t need to be once we begin firing it” Skeletor snickered as he observed his device, “Soon, I shall be the ruler of ALL the universe and more” “What more?” Tri-Klops asked “What can there be outside the universe”
Skeletor shrugged “Eh I don’t know, reality, life itself, the high power that stuff”
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blogarteeducacao · 25 days
Tem sido dias bem confusos, você pode perceber pelas últimas escritas aqui: estou muito apaixonada. Ele terminou comigo, nunca mais vou voltar. Eu amo ele, voltei. Meu studio do sonhos vai acontecer. Não consigo manter esse studio, vou fechar. Fechei, estou perdida e sem esperanças. Quase não tenho trabalho mas me sinto esgotada emocionalmente. Vou desistir do teatro. Vou desistir da faculdade, atrapalha meu trabalho. Esse trabalho não é meu sonho, vou voltar pro teatro. NOSSA! Sao tantas idas e vindas de ideia, me diz? Como não enlouquecer? Isso é impossível! Pois bem, estou CANSADA de descansar! Eu amo meu relacionamento; mas ele não é o suficiente, amo a minha casa, mas ela não é o suficiente, amo meu tempo, mas ele não é o suficiente. Eu preciso do meu trabalho, me dedicar e prosperar nele. Preciso crescer, preciso estudar, preciso captar clientes. Eu tenho me feito tantas perguntas sobre como será o futuro, mas esqueci que eu sempre planejei ele, mesmo sem saber como seria. E independentemente de estar magoada, frustrada em como tudo aconteceu, eu sei como quero viver esse futuro. Já tenho todas as respostas. E quero falar sobre elas agora. Eis aqui como eu realmente gostaria de estar em 2 anos, ou seja: em AGOSTO de 2026.
Bom eu gostaria muito de estar quase completando 4 meses de casada. Gostaria que meu casamento tivesse sido simples, na igreja e no cartório com pouquíssimas pessoas e com uma festa simples mas com muito amor.
Eu não quero me iludir nesse ponto pra dizer que estarei assim, mas gostaria muito que a minha casa tivesse dado certo, que eu e o Eduardo estivéssemos morando na nossa casa como sonhamos, aqui no triângulo Papilon Veiga e mansões (eu queria mt papillon) e que eu estivesse planejando a construção do studio na frente. Do meu jeito com todos os detalhes.
Gostaria que a loja Malilash já tivesse seus clientes e fosse estável ao ponto do Eduardo não precisar mais ser clt e ficar responsável pelo atendimento dela. E gostaria muito que desfrutássemos disso com moderação e inteligência, guardando, poupando, investindo e aproveitando.
Gostaria também que eu ainda estivesse na Su, e que fosse incrivelmente lotada de clientes, com muitos atendimentos, 4/5 todos os dias pelo menos, e em dias cheios 7/8. Que ainda tivesse dando cursos, 1 no mês já seria o suficiente. E que meu faturamento médio fosse de 10.000 a 12.000. Atualmente ele é mt flexível mês passado foi 6k e no anterior 9k, nesse foi 3k.
Gostaria de ter renovado todo o meu guarda roupa, de ter depilação a laiser em dia, de ter plano de saúde, de ir à academia pelo menos 4x na semana, de ter acompanhamento com nutricionista e de ter uma rotina boa, de acordar cedo. Gostaria mt também de fazer violão e inglês 1x na semana, de estar viajando pra praia 1x ao ano e de sempre tirar momentos de lazer com meu esposo, saindo pra jantar 1x ao mês num lugar especial, indo em algum lugar lanchar 1x ao mês, ir ao cinema 1x ao mês tbm e fazer algum outro programa diurno, 1x ao mês. Pesque pague/ parque aquático/ clube. Coisas assim.
Gostaria acima de tudo de estar feliz, conquistando minhas coisas, com minha casa mobiliada já e meu carro quase quitado. Gostaria de ter recuperado os 40k que eu perdi, aliás, entreguei a Deus. E gostaria de estar com a minha fé inabalada, sem dúvidas, sem medos, sem nada que me afastasse de Cristo.
Gostaria de já estar planejando minhas 2 maiores metas depois do carro e da casa: minha cirurgia e o intercâmbio. Como eu gostaria no auge dos meus 27 anos estar com essa vida.
Não quero me pressionar muito, mas quero sonhar de novo. E lutar pra conquistar.
Eu espero que a essa altura você dona Marina já tenha aqueles sonhos tolos: MacBook, boombox e o Apple Watch.
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lintasbatasindonesia · 9 months
MALINAU Kalimantan Utara,- Serma Ebeng Laiser P. Babinsa Koramil 0910-03/Malinau Kota bersama Bhabinkamtibmas melaksanakan pengamanan dalam rangka acara silaturahmi tahun baru, bertempat di Desa Batu Lidung, Kecamatan Malinau Kota Kabupaten Malinau. Rabu (03/01/2024). “Melaksanakan kegiatan pengamanan acara silaturahmi tahun baru ini sudah menjadi bagian dari tugas rutin pembinaan teritorial…
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darilto-blog · 1 year
Top 5 Melhores Impressoras HP em 2023
Possuir uma boa impressora é essencial tanto para uso doméstico, bem como para empresas e lojas.
Além de aumentar a praticidade, garante que você possa ter os materiais que precisa sempre em mãos, de forma rápida e com qualidade.
Também, no caso das impressoras multifuncionais, possibilita que você faça cópias e digitalizações com muita facilidade.
E a HP é uma marca especialista no assunto e oferece uma grande variedade de modelos de impressora, dos mais simples aos mais profissionais.
Dessa forma, é possível encontrar nessa marca impressoras de qualidade e capazes de atender todas as necessidades.
Ainda, as impressoras HP, mesmo nos modelos mais elaborados, são fáceis de manusear, o que as tornam modelos ótimos, resistentes e que não apresentam problemas.
Então vamos lá à nossa lista com as top 5 Melhores Impressoras HP do mercado.
Em quinto lugar temos a Impressora Multifuncional Tanque de Toner Neverstop HP.
Para quem imprime altos volumes em preto e precisa de uma impressora multifuncional de alta qualidade, não irá se decepcionar com a Neverstop Laser 1200 watts da HP.
Além de sua ótima velocidade de impressão, fazendo 20 páginas por minuto, conta com manuseio simples e boa resolução inclusive nas cópias e digitalizações.
Funciona através do toner, que rende cerca de 20 mil páginas mensais.
Outro ponto positivo está na sua compatibilidade com a grande maioria dos sistemas operacionais disponíveis, permitindo que funcione através da conexão com diversos tipos de computadores.
Em quarto lugar temos a Impressora multifuncional HP DeskJet Ink Advantage 2774 com Wi-Fi.
A DeskJet Ink Advantage 2774 da HP é uma impressora HP feita para pessoas que não fazem impressões com frequência e procuram, então, um modelo mais acessível e com bom custo-benefício.
Assim, é uma aliada em pequenas impressões, cópias e digitalizações do dia-a-dia, apresentando bastante qualidade e facilidade no uso, pois conta com conexão WiFi, USB e Bluetooth.
Portanto, pode ser utilizada tanto no computador, como em celulares ou tablets através do aplicativo HP Smart ou apenas enviando os arquivos pelo Bluetooth.
Em terceiro lugar temos a Multifuncional HP Ink Tank 416, Tanque de Tinta Preto.
Para quem deseja imprimir imagens com alta qualidade, vai encontrar na impressora multifuncional Ink Tank 416 da HP as melhores funcionalidades.
Suas vantagens começam no fato de utilizar tanque de tinta recarregável como método de impressão, pois possuem alta durabilidade e são fáceis de manter.
Além disso, para quem trabalha com imagens, vai notar que as tintas HP possuem grande qualidade, garantindo neste modelo alta durabilidade das impressões, além de ótimo brilho e nitidez, especialmente em papel fotográfico.
Em segundo lugar temos a Impressora Multifuncional HP OfficeJet Pro 9020.
A impressora multifuncional OfficeJet Pro 9020 da HP é a melhor opção para empresas que imprimem muito.
Fazendo impressões tanto em preto e branco como em colorido, e sendo alimentada por cartuchos de jato de tinta individual, esta  impressora HP faz impressões de qualidade com excelente rapidez, tendo ainda um preço justo.
Além disso, conta com a multifuncionalidade, fazendo cópia, digitalização e fax. Também, possui conectividade WiFi, o que facilita para que o usuário possa enviar com facilidade os documentos para impressão.
E em primeiro lugar temos a Impressora Laiser Mono HP 43PPM A4.
A impressora Laiser Mono da HP é uma excelente opção para empresas que precisam de um equipamento com alta capacidade de impressão e procuram a melhor impressora HP do mercado.
Com uma velocidade de 43 páginas por minuto, esta impressora HP pode fazer um ciclo de trabalho de até 150 mil páginas por mês.
Não possui WiFi, mas pode ser conectada à rede por fio para acessar a Nuvem e ficar diretamente conectada a um computador para utilização fácil.
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i-hls · 5 years
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This Laser Outperforms Any Existing Laser Source
Researchers from Harvard and the US Army have developed a new laser source that could revolutionize detection, security and medical technologies.  The terahertz frequency range — which sits in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and infrared light — offers the pote
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r6shippingdelivery · 3 years
I know the reworking the lore for old ops is touch and go but I'm shocked that no one has been adding the fact that Thatcher is a record breaking rock climber??? Like yeah fookin laiser sights is funny but . . .
Controversial opinion, but I'd rather they don't rework any more lore, cause in my personal opinion, it's a trainwreck and they keep fucking up and changing things that were previously stated to be another way before (like how Thermite scarred his hands). Or do non-sensical cringey stuff like in some of the comics (the Osa and Thunderbird-Nokk ones were awful). So yeah, my confidence in the current writing team is negative, sorry.
That being said, the idea of "Mr. Obsessed with the Sea" being a really good rock climber at his age is amazing, especially the potential to make other ops go open mouthed in shock once they discover it. Iirc it's IQ who does rock climbing in canon? Imagine her inviting Thatcher since he expressed interest in her hobby, deciding to go easy on him and he complains he brought him to the beginner's course, or redirecting them to the hardest challenge available (and doing it faster than her) 😂
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sspictt · 4 years
32, vamos vê se atualizo minha playlist. 🥴
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lynxgriffin · 4 years
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- Definitely go for that boyband haircut! Can’t really go wrong with it. XD
- Aaaand with the Yellow Ralsei, will find out soon enough!
(And while Laiser is cool...unfortunately a pun is probably not appropriate for him!)
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art-now-israel · 3 years
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Homes Wall - Sold, Hila Laiser Beja
An iron homes Wall Sculpture --------------
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