#lance bishop imagine
kayfeefgtrghh · 6 months
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Cuddling up to Lance Bishop after a long hard day. Talking into your hair about all his discoveries while you doze in and out. Leaning over him, basically laying on him, and kissing all over his face. Softly giggling while cooing at how handsome and smart he is.
He would just smile up at you and brush your hair behind your ear. Saying he's, "just an android and doesn't deserve a love like yours." So you reassure him and show him affection until he does. 💕
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tvimagines221b · 1 year
Imagine: Sara Lance helping you escape Bishop, and taking you in, and her telling you that you can start a new life with The Legends.
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Being stuck on that god-awful alien planet, with that psychopath, Bishop, was hell enough. But what made things so much worse for you were the experiments. The experiments and tests he would run on you. He always would tell you that you were meant for the greater good. That you would be aiding him in saving the human race. But with him, it was always one lie after another. You spent months locked in his lab. Day after day, in misery. Until one day you finally escaped. Thanks to a group of time travelers known as The Legends. Their Captain, Sara Lance had taken you in. And, you had been with them ever since escaping that planet.
Letting out a shaky breath, you were sitting on the stairs in the console room. But you weren't alone. Sara joined you.
Sara looked over at you. "Hey... Everything is going to be okay. You're safe now. Bishop can't hurt you anymore."
You looked at her. "Yeah..."
Sara Lance placed a hand on your shoulder. "Y/N, listen to me. I know you went through a lot back there. A lot more than I did. But you don't have to be scared anymore. Bishop is gone. You're safe... And, this team, we're going to look after you, okay?" Her expression softened.
You let out a shaky breath. " I just don't want to be alone anymore."
"You're not alone anymore," Sara said, gently squeezing your shoulder. "This team is a family. And you are a part of this family now. You have a second chance. A chance to start a new life. With us, if you so choose. You are a Legend now." She smiled.
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laurensxdeath · 8 months
1 4 5 6 13 19 20 27 34 44 47 50
1. Comfort characters - Root, Alice, Sameen Shaw, Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan, Laura De Mille, Rita Farr, Eleanor Levetan, Sara Lance, Kate Whistler, Lucy Tara, Regina Mills, Maura Isles, Jane Rizzoli, Skye/Daisy Johnson, Emily Prentiss, Miranda Croft, Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp, Lena Luthor, Tamsin, Maddie Buckley, Judy Hale, Villanelle, Maya Bishop, Yelena Belova, Arlecchino, Jean, Raiden/Ei
4. which cryptyd being do you believe in? - Aliens!! I think they count. So much of the universe is unexplored, it's pretty impossible that there's nothing else out there. Also - Ghosts and giant bats.
5. What colour are your eyes - blue!! But like a grey blue.
6. Why did you do that? - I have made countless impulsive decisions the last few days. Please be more specific :[[[ yeah that dude deserved to be stabbed. (I'm kidding..) maybe
13. When was the last time you ate? - About 5 hours ago
19. imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails? - I definitely would!!!! I would try very hard to be neat but still manage to get nail paint everywhere..
20. do you say soda or pop? - neither, we call it fizzi here :P dunno if it's a country thing or just something my family does!
27. about how many hours of sleep did you get? - last night, about 6
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart? - a few Taylor Swift ones!!
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? - do they have to be a real person. There are many fictional characters I hate. UHh, if it was a real person, I won't go into details and just say. A. Guy.
47. what was the last message you sent? - I sent a meme to my best friend
50. can i tag you in random stuff? - PLEASEEEE fucking do <3
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heyfarfallina · 2 years
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I posted 1,696 times in 2022
That's 1,655 more posts than 2021!
317 posts created (19%)
1,379 posts reblogged (81%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,597 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#station 19 - 413 posts
#maya bishop - 326 posts
#carina deluca - 304 posts
#danielle savre - 226 posts
#stefania spampinato - 184 posts
#maya x carina - 108 posts
#legends of tomorrow - 58 posts
#danielle et stefania à paris - 54 posts
#marina fanfiction - 42 posts
#the l word generation q - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#still looking for this jacket of maya and b pointed out there’s logo on its sleeve but we couldn’t figure out what
My Top Posts in 2022:
sunshine ☀️
129 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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Maya Bishop & Carina DeLuca - Station 19
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Sara Lance & Ava Sharpe - Legends of Tomorrow
See the full post
129 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
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imagine them getting called at school bc their kid/s got into trouble. 🤧
136 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
See the full post
148 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
See the full post
239 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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just-my-fandom · 2 years
Tag List ‘22-‘23 !!
Below are the tag lists for every fandom I write. You can request to be added (and/or removed) if desired
Some profiles do not show up!! (If you are highlighted white) please let me know if you have changed your name or switched profiles :).
EDIT: Writing NEW fics has been postponed until late January 2023!! Any current drafts I will try to finish and post to make up. Coming up list posted soon.
• Thor Odinson- None yet
• Yelena Belova- @snooy245 @castortheghost @yelenabelova-wife
• Natasha Romanoff- None yet
• Wanda Maximoff- None yet
• Sam Wilson- None yet
• Bucky Barnes- None yet
• Steve Rogers- None yet
• Tony Stark- None yet
• Kate Bishop- None yet
• Peter Parker- None yet
• Michelle Jones- None yet
• Ned Leeds- None yet
• Cisco Ramon- (One After Another story) @intoomanyfandom-s @thebloodrobin @thecatemacbeth7 @badasspolygenderfriend @writeroutoftime
• Barry Allen- None yet
• Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost- None yet
• Harry Wells- None yet
• Harrison Wells- None yet
• Any Wells’ not included- None yet
Stranger Things
• Billy Hargrove- @writer-of-camelot @intheendyouwillalwayskneel @hanoil15 @meaganjm @isistersuck @sweetdayme4427 @noodlenerd101
• Steve Harrington- @irreplaceable-ecstasy @rexorangecouny @fraeppuccino @spider-boyparker @itsfangirlmendez @tellmyselfies @xkotkuu @scarletmeii @krazykatkay456 @idumpyourgrass @strangerpotternatural
• Joyce Byers- @witching-imagines @teenwolflover28 @irreplaceable-ecstasy @icgaf
• Max Mayfield- @folly-olly @chincillagirl18
• Gareth Emerson- @emersongareth @krys-orion
• Dustin Henderson- None yet
• Mike Wheeler- None yet
• Eddie Munson- None yet
• Lucas Sinclair- None yet
• El- None yet
• Jim Hopper- None yet
Criminal Minds
• Jj Jureau- None yet
• Spencer Reid- None yet
• Aaron Hotchner- None yet
• Emily Prentiss- None yet
• David Rossi- None yet
• Luke Alvez- None yet
• Penelope Garcia- None yet
• Derek Morgan- None yet
• Cole Brookstone- None yet
• Kai Smith- None yet
• Lloyd Garmadon- None yet
• Jay Walker- None yet
• Zane Julien- None yet
• Nya Smith- None yet
• Wu Garmadon- None yet
• Garmadon- None yet
• Keith Kogane- @boiled-onionrings
• Hunk Garrett- None yet
• Pidge Holt- None yet
• Shiro- None yet
• Lance McClain- None yet
Outer Banks
• JJ Maybank- @sinisterspidey @parkerhale13 @thoughts-elsewhere @b-lueberryy @deamus-liv @bubs-world @bibliophilewednesday @sexualparkour @jjpouggues @poguestyle17
• John B Routledge- None yet
• Kiara- None yet
• Pope Hayward- None yet
• Topper Thornton- None yet
• Rafe Cameron- None yet
• Sarah Cameron- None yet
• Camillo Madrigal- @afluffyboi @bandshirts-andbooks @cloudysskies @erinisrightthere @alexloveskii
• Luisa Madrigal- None yet
• Maribel Madrigal- None yet
• Isabella Mardrigal- None yet
• Bruno Madrigal- None yet
The Black Phone
• Vance Hopper- None yet
• Robin Arellano- None yet
• Finney Blake- None yet
• Billy- None yet
• Griffen- None yet
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Meeting and Dating Bishop
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
- You met Bishop when he was stationed on the same ship as you. He was your teams resident artificial person and was tasked with keeping the ship up and running, as well as dissecting, examining and inspecting the alien life that your team was supposed to be finding. 
- You were a new recruit so you felt a bit out of place when you awakened from your hypersleep. Being surrounded by strangers in the middle of space is a bit jarring. 
- It was meal time when the two of you actually met. You were the last one inside the room and felt a bit awkward finding a place amongst the nearly full table, especially since the rest of your crewmates already seemed so friendly with each other. 
- But you couldn't just stand around and starve so you took your time grabbing your food and looking around the table to try and find a spot you could take up. That was when a voice came from beside you.
“You must be Y/n. I’m Bishop, I’ll be working with you in the lab.” Glancing up, you were met with a slightly cold yet inviting face. You quickly dropped your utensils onto your tray and took his outstretched hand, giving him a smile.
- The two of you made conversation as he led you over to the table, purposefully taking a seat with enough space beside it for you to sit in. To say that you were grateful for the simple act of kindness was an understatement. You could have kissed him ...and maybe, deep down, you actually wanted to.
- Over the next few months, you and the android grew close, working side by side and leaning more about each other. He was sweet and made you feel welcome on the ship that seemed slightly terrifying just a few weeks prior.
- To be honest, you’d felt a bit silly when you first realized that you had feelings for him. He was synthetic after all; you weren’t sure if he could even feel love the way humans could. But it seemed as though fate was on your side since it wasn’t long before he confessed his feelings to you.
- The two of you were in the lab; as per usual, when he asked if he could talk to you about “something ...personal”. You agreed and soon enough he was telling you that he was fairly sure that he was in love with you. To his delight, you confessed that you loved him back and the two of you went back to your work with smiles on your faces.
- You had your first date late one night when everyone else had already gone to bed. He’d approached you after dinner and asked you to follow him, taking you down a few deserted hallways and leading you to a big window that was sat in one of the secluded corners of the ship. When you looked outside, you were met with one of the most beautiful views of space you had ever seen.
- The two of you sat there for a long time, saying nothing yet perfectly content in the silence. It was there that he kissed you for the first time, bathed in the blue hues from the window and with no one around to disturb you. It was perfect, everything you could have ever hoped for and more.
- After that, there was no way you could ever part from him and him from you.
- He likes Pda but he prefers to keep it to a minimum just to remain professional. He usually just wraps an arm around your waist or kisses your cheek, little things like that.
- Something tells me that Androids are cold; like whenever you kiss him or touch his skin, it’s like you’re touching something that isn’t alive. It’s something you’ll certainly have to get used to.
- He holds your hand in both of his whenever the two of you talk or are just sitting together. It’s sort of just a habit of his.
- On that note, he loves feeling your touch. The warmth and softness of your hands is incredibly comforting to him. He’s never felt anything like it.
- Bishops extremely curious about human life so he’s happy to have someone who’s willing to divulge some information. He’s going to ask you a lot of questions, some generic and some personal. He finds you incredibly fascinating and has no problem telling you that.
- He could sit and listen to you talk about nothing for hours; and sometimes he actually does. Your voice is alluring to him.
- He doesn’t quite understand nicknames or pet names. Don’t you like your name? He likes your name, why would you want to hear anything else?
- Bishop is somewhat eager for acceptance. Not a ton of people treat him as a full fledged member of the team or completely human so he finds your relationship to be both refreshing and touching.
- Getting to see all of his little knife tricks.
- Androids have enhanced speed and strength so he tries his best to be careful and gentle with you; which he pretty much is just by nature. He never wants to accidentally hurt you.
- He isn’t quite sure how to react to affection when you first start your relationship. He feels the urge to thank you whenever you kiss his cheek.
- Your beds aren’t the biggest so cuddling is a bit of a challenge at times. He’s pretty skinny so you could be able to spoon; or he’s perfectly fine with you laying on top of him.
- Long hugs. He likes to press his cheek against the top of your head whenever you wrap your arms around each other.
- Stealing kisses whenever you can. He leans down and presses a kiss to your lips whenever he goes to look over your shoulder at something.
- For someone whose never been kissed, he’s a surprisingly good kisser. Firm yet soft and surprisingly passionate when the two of you have no way of being interrupted.
- Wearing his dog tags around the ship. He likes to tell you that they look better on you.
- Name a “person” more selfless than Bishop. This man would quite literally die for you. You constantly have to remind him to look out for himself and that he deserves to have a life outside of helping others.
- He’s fairly reserved, mainly keeping to himself during the day though he does enjoy having your company. He likes when you sit with him in the lab while he does his work, your presence makes things more fun.
- Spending long nights together, you’re either working in the lab or trying to make up for the lack of time the two of you get with each other during the day without having to work.
- He loves compliments, mainly because he rarely ever gets them. Doing a good job is sort of just expected of him so whenever you treat it like it’s more than nothing, he’s in utter bliss.
- Sharing food. He’s always happy to give you some of his.
- Getting shown the most beautiful parts of the universe around you. He likes showing you them, watching the expression on your face and taking in the sight of your amazement as the colors of the scene are painted across your face.
- He’ll explain his programming to you without a second thought if you seem the least bit put off or frightened by him, or if you just ask.
- He is a technician so if you ever have a problem with anything aboard the ship or at home, just let him know and the problem will be resolved in minutes.
- He gets offended when people aren’t polite to him and will take particular offense when they aren’t polite to you. He doesn’t like people who don’t treat you with respect and behaves coldly towards them whenever he sees them.
- Manners mean something to him so you best believe he uses his. Chivalry is not dead, it’s just not human.
- He always remembers your anniversary and birthday. He’s insists on getting you something, even if you tell him you don’t want anything.
- Well, you’re sort of stuck on a spaceship so the two of you can’t have too many “real” dates. You have to get creative if you want to something special. Otherwise, he’s perfectly content with having a relaxing night in.
- Board games. They’re a fun way to pass the time and he likes keeping somewhat busy.
- He always stays by your side whenever he can. At meal time, he’ll always take a seat next to yours or keep you close as he grabs your plates. You’re tasked with holding said plates when Hudson asks him to do something.
- Hudson; and some of the others, definitely tease the two of you. The moment they find out about your relationship, they are on your ass about it and won’t leave you alone for like a week.
- I get this feeling that he’s a good cook and that he finds cooking to be entertaining. It’s sort of like the work he does but without as much potential danger.
- He loves when the two of you get back from missions and can live somewhat normal lives. Being able to go on dates, and act like a real boyfriend is heaven.
- While he is very human-like, he doesn’t quite feel emotions the same way humans do. He does feel them, but not to the extent of organic beings. They’re sort of calmed down a bit, like they’ve been watered down.
- With that being said, some of his reactions to things are a bit lackluster though he does try to exaggerate his responses a bit. He wants you to know that he cares and is feeling the same thing you are, just in his own synthetic way.
- He doesn’t really get jealous but whenever he does, he’s too confused by his feelings to really register what he’s actually upset over. If you ask him if he ever gets jealous, he’ll reply with a no, if you ask him again, he’ll jokingly ask you if he should be.
- He’s always looking out for you. It could be because he’s protective of you or just because he cares, but the main point is that he has your back and isn’t going to let anything happen to you.
- Is he your boyfriend or is he your father, sometimes it’s hard to tell. He warns you about things like you’re a little girl and makes sure you’ve eaten and slept enough or are wearing enough clothes to stay warm. It’s both touching and slightly hilarious.
- He’s the perfect partner to have if you’re shy or the runt of the litter; so to speak. He doesn’t let people push you around or leave you out of things.
- The two of you rarely ever fight. He isn’t programmed to hurt people so you have to understand that whatever he may have done to upset you was purely accidental or against his own control. Whenever he does manage to hurt you, he always calmy apologizes and tells you that it wasn’t his intention.
- He doesn’t say he loves you very often but he does say it. He’ll usually say the words when he’s going somewhere or doing something risky, or when it’s just really warranted.
- Now, I’m not sure on the rules of Android and human marriage but I do know that you have a long and loving relationship ahead of you.
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babbling-idiot · 3 years
Bishop Headcanons (Aliens)
Requested: "Hmmm can I request a bishop x nb reader where the reader’s favourite movie is the rocky horror picture show, so they and bishop watch it together, and bishop scans the lyrics for the whole movie and they end up singing and quoting the whole thing to each other? Sorry it’s it’s a weird request. Basically my main thing is bishop X reader SOMEHOW involving rhps so however you want to do that is cool with me :)" -By Anon
Warning: non
(Hello! Sorry for the wait, life is crazy up! I hope you enjoy!)
Well first off bishop is always up to date on your favorite movies, songs, foods, etc
He is loves it when you include him on your movie binges
He had never seen, but had heard of Rocky horror and always wondered what it was like
Now he did know it was a musical of sorts and when you had asked him to watch it
He already knew the songs and some of the more famous quotes from Dr Frank n Furter themselves
When the second song came on and you started to hum to it he started doing it as well
Then not so suddenly began to sing the songs to you
You had a smile from ear to ear just watching him sing
Not only was this completely new and exciting from bishop
This was part of the reason you had fallen on love with him in the first place
Now by the time that song had ended both you and bishop were lip syncing the songs to each other
He was smiling as genuine as he could and he was actually enjoying himself
This would be something he would save in his memory for the rest of his "robotic" life
This was something you wouldn't forget either
(Hello! I am very sorry this is short, but I couldn’t really think of much.)
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bookofmormonmemes · 7 years
Just saying, if the Voltron team WAS Mormon…
Lance is a) the home teacher that keeps asking out the girls he home teaches
b) keeps telling girls that he’s received a spiritual prompting to marry them
Hunk always wins the ward chili bake offs 
Keith and Lance were the ones you had to worry about on scout trips bc they would keep pranking each other/daring each other to do dumb things
Allura has to wear a fake engagement ring to stop guys from proposing to her 
Shiro is the golden Mormon boy and was the Super Missionary (zone leader, more baptisms than Alma, etc) 
(submitted by @ravengrangergirl)
i support this and am also now imagining lance & hunk and allura & shay as the best cutest awesomest missionary companions ever
#submission#ravengrangergirl#voltron#gUYS IMAGINING MY FAVE CHARACTERS AS MORMON IS THE DUMBEST MOST SELF-INDULGENT STUFF I EVER DO BUT IT'S SO MUCH FUN HHH#i do it more than i should#BUT HONESTLY LIKE#allura would be the most dedicated missionary ever and sometimes she gets too excited and shay has to calm her down a little#lance and hunk are The Dynamic Duo and then hunk gets transferred and they both cry#lance cries even harder when it turns out his new companion is keith (but they end up doing a great job together anyway)#shiro always has the best most engaging spiritual personal talks#and always has deep emotional stories to support em#everyone's convinced he should/could just be the youngest bishop ever but instead he's a young men's leader#and coran's his first counselor#oh gosh coran over the young men that's the funnest disaster ever waiting to happen#those boys' poor parents#also the galra generals are the young women's presidency acxa is president zethrid is first counselor ezor is 2nd counselor#this is way too much fun im upset#(actually though based on purely his big family and creative interjections i bet one could safely headcanon lance as mormon w/o an au)#heck end my life im gonna quit while im ahead#dont even ask me about my su mormon heacanons cus like i said i do this way more than i should#OK BYE#ACTUALLY EDIT WE COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT PIDGE#PIDGE IS THE MOST ANNOYING KID IN SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS CUS SHES GOT LIKE ALL OF CHURCH HISTORY MEMORIZED AND TRIES TO LEAD THE TEACHER ON#TANGENTS ABOUT LIKE DEEP OBSCURE STUFF#MATT JOKES ABOUT GOING TO SPACE AND FINDING THE EXACT LOCATION OF KOLOB AND PIDGE TAKES IT SERIOUSLY
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hoopskirtsociety · 2 years
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The Black Saint Maurice: Knight of the Holy Lance.
" chose to die rather than persecute Christians,"
( excerpt from article piece below. Originally found on atlantastar.com)
Of all the many Black men in the history of Europe, few have excited the imagination more than Saint Maurice. He was a Black saint in an area then and now that has very few Black inhabitants. He was also a Black knight. Indeed, we could call him a knight in shining armor. He is no less than remarkable.
The name Maurice is derived from Latin and means “like a Moor.” The Black Saint Maurice (the Knight of the Holy Lance) is regarded as the great patron saint of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire. He is also known, especially in Germany, as Saint Mauritius. The earliest version of the Maurice story and the account upon which all later versions are based, is found in the writings of Bishop Euchenus of Lyons, who lived more than 1500 years ago. According to Eucherius, Saint Maurice was a high official in the Thebaid region of Southern Egypt — a very early center of Christianity.
Specifically, Maurice was the commander of a Roman legion of Christian soldiers stationed in Africa. By the decree of Roman emperor Maximian, his contingent of 6,600 men was dispatched to Gaul and ordered to suppress a Christian uprising there. Maurice disobeyed the order. Subsequently, he and almost all of his troops were martyred when they chose to die rather than persecute Christians, renounce their faith and sacrifice to the gods of the Romans. The execution of the Theban Legion occurred in Switzerland near 
Aganaum (which later became Saint Maurice-en-Valais) on Sept. 22, either in the year 280 or 300.
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babblydrabbly · 3 years
what I write;
Mostly fandom x reader. My inbox is always open for requests, but I will only write if inspiration hits me personally. Drabbles will probably get out quicker. I accept requests for headcanons and imagines too.
Smut, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, platonic, and the occasional darkfic. I love it all.
Most of my fics are female!reader x character(s), or gender neutral!reader x character(s). Please state what you'd like in a request.
This blog is poly and multi-ship friendly <3 Please don't come into my askbox to share how you don't like a certain ship/character/actor or whatever.
If you have a request from a prompt list, please link it so I can link it too.
My ao3 is babblydrabbly. Leave a comment— I read them all and I love them!
**Unfortunately this is a sideblog, so I don't answer replies, only reblogs or asks. But believe me, I love seeing them, reader. I really do <3**
fandoms/characters I write for;
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The Suicide Squad || Rick My #1 Flag, Harley Quinn, Robert DuBois, Digger Harkness, Cleo Cazo, Abner Krill, Christopher Smith, Richard Hertz.
Peacemaker || Adrian Chase, Emilia Harcourt
Birds of Prey || Harley Quinn, Dinah Lance, Helena Bertinelli.
Justice League || Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Arthur Curry, Diana Prince, Victor Stone, Barry Allen.
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Avengers || Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Thor Odinson, Loki Laufeyson, Nebula, Kate Bishop, Peter Parker, Yelena Belova.
Deadpool || Wade Wilson, Cable, Domino.
Venom || Eddie Brock, Venom
Others || Tasm!Peter Parker
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What We Do In the Shadows
Nandor, Nadja, Lazslo, Guillermo.
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Lord of the Rings + The Hobbit
Lindir, Galadriel, Eoywn, Eomer, Haldir.
Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Thrandruil, Kili, Fili.
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Takeshi Kovacs - Altered Carbon
Stephen Holder - The Killing
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what I do not write;
Real Person Fiction (rpf)
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cassianus · 3 years
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Diverting a bit from my approach to the writings of the Philokalia, I wish to put forward a few thoughts about how we often think about illness in our lives and how the Holy Fathers offer us fresh insight into the mystery of evil, sin, illness and their place in our struggle for holiness.
Often, when we are young, we do not think much about physical illness and the spiritual life. Life passes quickly as we are fully engaged in our work, studies and ministry and many of us rarely struggle with ill health except for the occasional flu or cold. But when illness does strike, in one form or another, suddenly our busy and “productive” lives can be disrupted and we are forced, as it were, to reconsider a great deal of things; not merely the meaning of health, that we have perhaps taken for granted, but the nature of our relationship with God, the depth of our faith or lack thereof, the meaning of suffering and how to engage it and not to become discourage even when we have been completely humbled by the burden of our physical and emotional vulnerabilities. When such circumstances arise, we are often unprepared for the trial - never imagining or wanting to think about the possibility of such a cross - a cross the comes to most all of us at some point. When illness plunges us into unfamiliar territory, even to the point of death, what place does it have within our struggle toward holiness? How do we pray when prayer seems impossible and when it feels as though our heart has been turned to stone? Where do we find our hope and with what faith must we enter the mystery of illness and suffering in order to know the healing touch of Christ, the Physician of our souls and bodies?
I offer for your consideration today brief excerpts from “The Holy Fathers on Illness” compiled by Bishop Alexander Mileant; in particular those thoughts from the Fathers on “Illness and Work of Perfection”. Their words offer some perspective on sickness and redemptive suffering as a means of glorifying God. There is much to say certainly about the meaning and origins of illness well beyond the purview of a simple post, but the Fathers show us in word and deed that it can be and often is a privileged way of holiness. Through thankfulness, endurance, and patience one can realize the highest form of ascetic practice and follow a spiritual path to intimacy with God. At such moments, one may exhibit no extraordinary virtue other than to suffer illness and its poverty with patience and so have this as one’s path to salvation. Thus, the Fathers’ words are full of hope and challenge:
“The desert ascetic Father, St. Abba Dorotheus, exhorts his disciples to "take the trouble to find out where you are: whether you have left your own town but remain just outside the gates, by the garbage dump, or whether you have gone ahead little or much, or whether you are half way on your journey, or whether you have gone two miles, then come back two miles, or perhaps even five miles, or whether you have journeyed as far as the Holy City and entered into Jerusalem itself, or whether you have remained outside and are unable to enter" (On Vigilance and Sobriety).
Illness helps us to see "where we are" on life's road: "sickness is a lesson from God and serves to help us in our progress if we give thanks to Him" (Sts. Barsanuphius and John, Philokalia).
No one may use illness as an excuse for resting from the labor of spiritual living. "Perhaps some might think that illness and bodily weakness hinder the work of perfection since the works and accomplishments of one's hands cannot continue. But it is not a hindrance" (St. Ambrose, Jacob and the Happy Life).
In the life of Riassophore-monk John, latter-day disciple of St. Nilus of Sora, we see how bodily infirmity is not allowed to interrupt the struggle for salvation. Riassophore-monk John was a cripple; because of this he had been compelled to leave the Monastery of St. Cyril of New Lake. Feeling sorry for himself, he shortly afterwards was standing for an all-night vigil in the deep of winter. "Suddenly he saw an unknown Elder in schema come out of the altar to him and say: 'Well, apparently you do not wish to serve me. If so, return to St. Cyril.
"At these words, the Elder struck him with his right hand quite strongly on the shoulder. Noting that the Elder exactly resembled St. Nilus as he is depicted on the icon over his relics, John was filled with great joy, all his grief disappeared, and he firmly resolved to spend the rest of his life in the Saint's skete" (The Northern Thebaid).
Even if we are bedridden, we are to continue the struggle against the passions, producing fruits worthy of repentance. This work of perfection demands that we acquire patience and longsuffering. What better way to do this than when we lie on a bed of infirmity? St. Tikhon of Zadonsk says that in suffering we can find out whether our faith is living or just "theoretical." The test of true faith is patience in the midst of sufferings, for "patience is the Christian's coat of arms." "What is it to follow Christ?" he asks. It is "to endure all things, looking upon Christ Who suffered. Many wish to be glorified with Christ, but few seek to remain with the suffering Christ. Yet not merely by tribulation, but even in much tribulation does one enter the Kingdom of God."
To those who suppose that they can only progress in the spiritual life when all else is "well," St. John Cassian replies, "You should not think that you can find virtue when you are not irritated — for it is not in your power to prevent troubles from happening. Rather, you should look for patience as the result of your own humility and longsuffering, for patience does depend upon your own will" {Institutes). Towards the end of his life, St. Seraphim of Sarov suffered from open ulcers on his legs. "Yet," as his Life tells us, "in appearance he was always bright and cheerful, for in spirit he felt that heavenly peace and joy which are the riches of the glorious inheritance of the saints."
"You are stricken by this sickness," the Holy Fathers say, "so that you will not depart barren to God. If you can endure, and give thanks to God, this sickness will be accounted to you as a spiritual work" (Sts. Barsanouphius and John, Philokalia).
Bishop Theophan the Recluse explains: "Enduring unpleasant things cheerfully, you approach a little to the martyrs. But if you complain, you will not only lose your share with the martyrs, but will be responsible for complaining besides. Therefore, be cheerful!"
In order not to lose heart when we fall sick we are to think about and mentally "kiss the sufferings of our Savior just as though we were with Him while He suffers abuses, wounds, humiliations...shame, the pain of the nails, the piercing with the lance, the flow of water and blood. From this we will receive consolation in our sickness. Our Lord will not let these efforts go unrewarded " (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk).
The patience we can learn on a sickbed cannot be overemphasized. Elder Macarius of Optina wrote about this to one who was ill:
"I was much pleased to hear from your relation how bravely you are bearing the cruel scourge of your heavy sickness. Verily, as the man of the flesh perishes, so is the spiritual man renewed."
And to another he wrote: "Praised be the Lord that you accept your illness so meekly! The bearing of sickness with patience and gratitude is reckoned highly by Him Who often rewards sufferers with His imperishable gifts.
"Ponder these words: Though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed."
St. Ambrose of Milan compared an infirm body to a broken musical instrument. He explained how the "musician" can still produce God-pleasing "music" without his instrument:
"If a man used to singing to the accompaniment of a harp finds the harp broken, and its strings undone...he puts it aside and instead of calling for its notes he delights himself with his own voice.
"In the same way, a sick man allows the harp of his body to lie unused. He finds delight within his heart and comfort in the knowledge that his conscience is clear. He sustains himself with God's words and the prophetic writings and, holding these sweet and pleasant in his soul, he embraces them with his mind. Nothing can happen to him because God's graceful presence breathes favor upon him....He is filled with spiritual tranquility" (Jacob and the Happy Life).
Quite often the most God-pleasing spiritual "music" of all is produced in anonymity, by unknown or nearly-unknown saints. But such holy "melodies" are all the more sweet because they are heard by God alone. One such modern sufferer who lived an angel-like life in spite of advanced and terrible sickness was the holy New Russian Martyr, Mother Maria of Gatchina. Her story is known to us only because it pleased God to providentially arrange for one of her visitors, Professor I. M. Andreyev, to record his memories of her.
Mother Maria suffered from encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) and Parkinson's disease. "Her whole body became as it were chained and immovable, her face anemic and like a mask; she could speak, but she began to talk with half-closed mouth, through her teeth, pronouncing slowly and in a monotone. She was a total invalid and was in constant need of help and careful looking after. Usually this disease proceeds with sharp psychological changes, as a result of which such patients often ended up in psychiatric hospitals. But Mother Maria, being a total physical invalid, not only did not degenerate psychically, but revealed completely extraordinary features of personality and character not characteristic of such patients: she became extremely meek, humble, submissive, undemanding, concentrated in herself; she became engrossed in constant prayer, bearing her difficult condition without the least murmuring.
"As if as a reward for this humility and patience, the Lord sent her a gift: consolation of the sorrowing. Completely strange and unknown people, finding themselves in sorrows, grief, depression, and despondency, began to visit her and converse with her. And everyone who came to her left consoled, feeling an illumination of their grief, a pacifying of sorrow, a calming of fears, a taking away of depression and despondency" (The Orthodox Word, vol. 13, no. 3).
"Thus God has acted. Like a provident Father and not like a kidnapper has He first involved us in grievous things, giving us over to tribulation as it were to schoolmasters and teachers, so that being chastened and sobered by these things we may, after showing forth all patience and learning, all right discipline, inherit the Kingdom of Heaven" (St. John Chrysostom, Homily 18, On the Statues).”
Excerpts taken from:
Missionary Leaflet # EA30
466 Foothill Blvd, Box 397, La Canada, Ca 91011
Editor: Bishop Alexander (Mileant)
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shesquaredpodcast · 3 years
Ok - hear me out.
Sara’s clone is going to be the big bad. Not the one we see on the table, the one in the medical tube that we’ve already seen in the preview for the season:
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THIS Sara Lance will be the one Bishop uses as his Lieutenant (Lt.) to train his people and to ultimately go after the Legends. This Lt. Sara Lance is ruthless, determined, and willing to use her full deadly fighting prowess on anyone. She’ll be the Big Bad.
Imagine a shot - a fight with aliens/human hybrids trained by Lt. Sara Lance happening with the Legends and our Capt. Sara Lance, tired and bleeding a little, steps into the path of Lt. Sara Lance.
She will stop her no matter what and who else could stop herself but her? But still knowing she will probably hopefully only get a standstill because THIS version knows all of her moves.
And THIS Sara Lance taunting her with that same knowledge. With the fact that she doesn’t tire - that she is willing to do things Capt. Sara Lance isn’t and that there is no way she’ll beat her alone.
A pause and then from over Lt.’s shoulder we see Ava step into frame behind her. And Lt. Sara Lance turns her head slightly to take it in.
Sara in front of her and Ava behind her - both determined that she won’t be getting away.
And then the fighting starts.
I’ve just made myself ridiculously excited by this thought. Anyone wanna write a fic about this cause we’re too excited by the prospect over here? (Think about not just the amazing fight scene but the torture going through both of their heads. If Sara has to kill herself? If Ava - a clone herself - has to kill a clone of the woman she loves?!)
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theminecraftbee · 3 years
More Fire Emblem Empires au thoughts. I'm not super familiar with the Manakete class so if Lizzie wasn't one i think she'd be whatever class uses both lances and lightning magic. Let her have lightning powers and a trident! Also Pearl has War Monk vibes. Both Brawling and Axes. I think she should get Brawling, as a treat. Pix should have one of those reason/faith classes like bishop or gremory. He strikes me as the type to both study and also have faith. Joey gives me swordster vibes as well as dark mage, like you said, so maybe trickster, that dlc class? Idk i am just spitballing here
OHHHHH LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT MANAKETES. they're a CLASSIC fire emblem class. they're dragon people! the descendants of divine dragons (or other dragons), they have a human form and a dragon form. typically, the manaketes you meet are young, have brightly colored (often green) hair, pointed ears, and a Mysterious Destiny. they're often connected to the plot, given that dragons are Important in fire emblem. depending on which games you play what's up with the race of manaketes changes, but they're often either feared or extremely rare to the point of near-extinction. they live for thousands of years and have dragon-related powers.
"wait" you may say. "that sounds just like flayn, rhea, and seteth. wait their art never showed their ears" I AM SO MAD THEY WEREN'T PLAYABLE MANAKETES GULFIE. I AM SO MAD. THEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN DRAGONS. I WANT FLAYN TO TURN INTO A FUCK-OFF DRAGON. PLEASE. PLEA
in-game, manaketes do 1-2 range damage with a breath weapon of some kind by transforming into a dragon. they typically start with somewhat low stats, but their weapon, the dragonstone, gives them MASSIVE stat buffs in combat as they transform into dragon form, and they also typically have really good growths. unlike other classes they don't promote, but they do get 30 levels instead of the typical 20. (once again that last bit's probably Confusing if you've only ever played three houses and that's fair.)
my point is twofold. the first is that lizzie DESERVES to be a dragon. the second is that have you seen the awakening manakete dragon form design? it's PERFECT.
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LIKE. LOOK AT THAT. NOW IMAGINE IT AS BLUE AND PINK. IS THAT NOT THE IDEAL LIZZIE? ... i have gone on a rant about cool dragons. i agree that pearl should get brawling though that fits her. i still like her as a warrior slightly more than a war monk, but you know that's like. semantics and costume differences mostly if we give her both brawling and axes either way, i forgot war monks get both. i also think trickster joey is a FANTASTIC idea, i forgot about tricksters! typically they're staves and swords but i really like the idea of him being dark magic and swords during his corruption arc and then going back to staves and swords later. i think he deserves it as a treat. and then yeah pix getting both faith and reason works i just think he should start as a healer because. healer pix...
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steamberrystudio · 3 years
So super curious about everything in this world! \o/ love it! I have a question; I'm assuming Morgan learning to teleport might mean she could maybe learn to take someone with her? Would a Knight like Ari know where she was going because of like clairvoyance or something? Does clairvoyance work like that? I was just imagining Morgan taking her SO for a surprise picnic somewhere or something <3 Do they even like surprises though? I'm just so soft for these characters x
Morgan does, in some routes, learn to take passengers with her (to varying degrees. In some routes she doesn't focus on this skill as much.)
To answer your question I need to explain a few lore concepts (That I don't really consider spoilers since they're just covered in random exposition:
1. Clairvoyance in Gilded Shadows is a real time awareness of places that you can't actually *see* - for instance, awareness of what's going on in a room three doors down while you're still in your own room. Clairvoyance is *real time* which means you're only looking at the present.
2. If you want to know something that is going to happen - whether it's three seconds from now, three hours from now, three months from now...that's precognition.
3. The ability to "see" psi energy is also something that only queen ranks can do well. Bishops can perceive psi energy vaguely but queen ranks are the only ones that can visualise it in a clear way.
4. Bishops and Queens possess precognition. Knights only possess clairvoyance (which is a ubiquitous Esper skill in GS. All Espers are clairvoyant to some degree).
So having explained all that. A knight would *not* be able to know that Morgan was about to teleport or where. Morgan could absolutely surprise a knight, a rook, or a king 100% of the time. Because none of them can see or really sense her psi either, they wouldn't have any sort of warning at all.
Precognition isn't a consistent ability. Which means a bishop *might* be able to see that she's about to teleport or where but they could also miss it because they don't see *everything about to happen.* That said, a bishop might be able to sense the sudden surge of psi-energy before the teleport so that might lead to a precognitive event where they see the destination ahead of time. (BUT...none of the LIs are bishops. LoL!)
As far as whether they like surprises or would like THAT surprise?
Ari - doesn't like surprises but wouldn't mind that surprise too much since it's pretty innocuous.
Caissa - doesn't like surprise generally but would definitely like that one a whole lot.
Caleb - I mean, he'd like that surprise but he might also feel inclined to get revenge somehow.
Jack - likes surprises in general and would definitely like that surprise.
Lance - he loves surprises and would love that surprise *so much*
Magnus - same as Lance, really. He loves surprises and anything unexpected and he'd especially love being kidnapped for a picnic.
Quill - doesn't mind surprises and would be fine with a picnic but would probably complain just to be a brat.
Reuben - isn't fond of surprises but he'd like that one. It would be an acceptable surprise.
Yuu - Whether or not he likes surprises depends on the surprise. He'd enjoy that one. He might request more surprises. And more gentle kidnappings.
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judgeverse · 3 years
Only Lance Bishop could cause someone to ponder the question "if you must follow Asimov's first law of robotics can you be the dom in a sadomasochistic relationship with a human sub"
my first instinct is that yes, he's still compelled by those laws (and probably wouldn't want to do it even if he was allowed). my second instinct is being SO glad the actual lance does not have tumblr.
however I respect your anonymous bishop thirst. if you're so down bad that you had to confess this to me, you have my true sympathy for that
I actually think Bishop is ace/grey-aro (I am ace myself, and he has such strong vibes that way) but I also think he's the kind of ace that would be totally fine with being in a relationship, if asked. so make of that what you will. however, there's really nothing about that personality that's dominant. I can't see that conversation with him being anything but excruciatingly awkward 😭 like... imagine explaining the concept to him in the first place. he'd just be like "humans do WHAT to each other?"
on the other hand, aren't there some androids in this series that DO seem like they would be totally down for that? (david) so you're not entirely out of luck in the s&m android department.
(additional note - I do have opinions on how bishop would feel and act in relationship contexts, but I don't have anyone I ship him with. there's a fantastic article about the LGBT-ness of Aliens that suggests he's gay coded and I agree with it, but your mileage may vary)
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imaginesdotjaypeg · 2 years
Tag Guide
(Stuff in italics is not a tag, the rest is a tag exactly as it is written. Universe names are bold for easier reading.)
neurodivergent reader
disabled reader
poly (so far just 2 characters + reader, characters are tagged by their names in alphabetical order (ie “bucky and loki” OR by ship name (ie “stucky”, “sambucky”)
multiple parts
not an imagine
to read (imagines that I have not yet read but want to read)
Pronouns & etc:
she/her pronouns
he/him pronouns
neutral pronouns
trans guy reader
By Universe:
moon knight
Character / Alias:
peter parker / spiderman
bucky barnes
steve rogers
tony stark / iron man
sam wilson
wade wilson / deadpool
kate bishop
bruce banner
scott lang / antman
pietro maximoff
wanda maximoff
natasha romanoff
clint barton
stephen strange
peter quill
steven grant
marc spector
jake lockley
layla el faouly
Related-to-character reader: (if character has no last name then the tag will be “character’s child/son/daughter reader” ie “loki’s son reader”)
stark reader
rogers reader
banner reader
wilson reader
lang reader
parker reader
maximoff reader
loki’s son reader
thor’s son reader
stranger things
steve harrington
billy hargrove
Related-to-character reader;
hargrove reader
henderson reader
wheeler reader
sam winchester
dean winchester
donna hanscum
Related-to-character reader;
crowley’s child reader
hanscum reader
bobby singer’s child reader
knives out
ransom drysdale
simon basset
colin bridgerton
benedict bridgerton
Related-to-character reader:
basset reader
wonder woman
elite netflix
ander muñoz
sherlock bbc
sherlock holmes
lucifer netflix
lucifer morningstar
bones tv show
lance sweets
james aubrey
star wars
poe dameron
din darjin
star trek
bones mccoy
umbrella academy
diego hargreeves
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