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alicefletcher7 · 5 months
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Dental Solutions at Alleman Family Dental
At Alleman Family Dental we offer dental solutions such as leading technology, family care, cosmetic and restorative solutions and laser dentistry. Visit us for more info!
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Scientists have uncovered the Amazon’s earliest and largest example of farm-based city-like settlements high in the foothills of the Ecuadorian Andes. The thousands of mounds, plazas, terraces, roads and agricultural fields — revealed for the first time in their fullest extent by airborne laser scans — necessitate a rethinking of just how complex ancient civilizations of the Amazon may have been, researchers report in the Jan. 12 Science. Over the last decade or so, the use of light detection and ranging, or lidar, in archaeology has led to significant discoveries in tropical climates, where ancient settlements often lay obscured beneath dense jungle (SN: 12/4/23). In 2018, researchers released scans of remnants of Mayan settlements in Guatemala, followed by Olmec ruins in Mexico in 2021 and Casarabe sites in the Bolivian Amazon in 2022, all which have been revealed to be metropolitan-like settlements filled with complex infrastructure (SN: 9/27/18; SN: 1/6/23; SN: 5/25/22). “It’s a gold rush scenario, especially for the Americas and the Amazon,” says Christopher Fisher, an archaeologist at Colorado State University in Fort Collins who has scanned sites throughout the Americas but was not involved in the new research. “Scientists are demonstrating conclusively that there were a lot more people in these areas, and that they significantly modified the landscape,” he says. “This is a paradigm shift in our thinking about how extensively people occupied these areas.”
Beneath the tree canopy was a massive network of roughly 6,000 mounds — once homes and community spaces — clustered into 15 settlements and connected by an intricate road system. The lidar data also revealed that the open spaces between settlements were in fact agricultural fields that had been drained to grow crops such as maize, beans, sweet potatoes and yucca. Within the settlements, the researchers found tiered gardens that would have kept some food closer at hand. Put together, the results show that the valley wasn’t simply a series of small villages linked by roads, but “an entirely human-engineered landscape” built by skilled urban planners, Rostain says. Dating from several sites suggests the area was inhabited for roughly 2,000 years beginning around 500 B.C. by at least five different cultural groups. A next step will be to calculate how many people might have lived there.
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aoicourier · 2 months
December 5th, 2281
It's over.
Somehow, I survived. But not everybody did. And everything is going to change from now on.
Boone and I arrived at Hoover Dam yesterday afternoon, alongside a Mk II Securitron that had accompanied us from the Strip. The war had already been raging for hours. Fires burned in dozens of places along the Dam, and the twisted bodies of NCR and Legion alike were strewn about like discarded ragdolls. We'd barely taken a step forward when a massive explosion rocked the ground we were standing on, and the Dam's only Anti-Aircraft gun detonated like a bomb. I unscrewed the cap from a bottle of whiskey, chugged from the neck until my nerves stopped screaming, smashed it on the ground, and got to work. I needed to get to the power plant's control room and implant another override chip, so that Yes Man could reroute the electricity generated by the Dam to Fortification Hill and finally awaken the hundreds of Securitrons waiting on the other side of the Colorado River.
The NCR still held the visitor's centre, but the access tunnels beneath it were a battleground. Legion soldiers hacked their way through the narrow corridors with swords and chainsaws, cutting down NCR troops before their bulky rifles could line up a shot. Thankfully, the control room remained in NCR hands: a pair of heavies in salvaged Brotherhood of Steel power armour used their flamers to incinerate anyone who dared come close. They barked at me to leave, and I quickly lied that Colonel Moore - a name I'd heard during the President's disastrous visit the day before - was under siege. Swearing, the heavies rushed to their superior's aid, and I swept inside the room.
When I had installed the override chip, the chirpy face of Yes Man appeared on the monitors. He told me he'd unlock the route to the eastern power plant, and said I needed to manually power it on. Boone and I fought our way there, our Securitron escort using its lasers to take out any Legion soldier we missed. Soon, the staggeringly large power plant lay at our feet. It took all my strength to flip the switch that activated it. With a hum that made my bones vibrate, the generators came to life, and finally, electricity was being supplied to Mr. House's secret bunker.
By the time we returned to the surface, the Securitrons were already starting to roll in. Just one or two at first, then a dozen. Their rockets soared through the evening sky, blasting the bodies of Legion soldiers apart. But the Legion did not relent. They focused their fire, cutting through even the self-repairing armour of Mr. House's machines and reducing them to so much scrap metal. No matter how many Legionaries we shot down, it seemed like ten more took their place. Caesar's army was just as formidable as I'd feared. But then, a dark shadow fell upon them.
A massive shape roared across the sky. The Boomers. They'd kept their promise. Their B-29 bomber, the Lady in the Lake, was now the Lady in the Sky. Loyal and Jack had somehow restored her to working order in less than a week. The Legion soldiers paused their assault, unsure of what to do. And then, the Lady opened her arms, and death began to rain down. Bomb after bomb after bomb detonated, and when the smoke cleared, the Legion forces had been decimated. Caesar had liked to use that word, but I bet he wouldn't like it in this context.
The Boomers' assistance gave us a clear path to the Legate's camp. This was where the Legate Lanius, the commander of Caesar's army, was directing the battle. The sun was low in the sky and the camp was filled with a thick yellow haze. I switched to my shotgun, blasting Legion men off their feet as they lunged at me from the mist. I took a blow to the head from a power fist, and my skull rang like a bell. My ears whined, and my vision blurred. I remained standing. I refused to die here, just like I'd refused to die in Goodsprings six weeks ago.
The Legate Lanius, the Monster of the East, waited for us deep inside the camp. He seemed to tower over the rest of his men. In a thunderous voice, he asked who dared come before him. His mask was carved into a hollow-eyed face with a white beard. His sword was a massive hunk of razor-sharp metal. I considered trying to reason with him, but this man was an animal who killed his own allies and did even worse to his enemies. If I showed him a second of weakness, he would see me raped and placed on a cross to die in the sun. So I simply told him I had come to kill him.
He said our strength would decide the outcome, and charged at me with a speed I thought would be impossible for a man of his size, in such heavy armour and wielding such a heavy weapon. I almost lost my head in a single swing of his sword. But somehow, I was able to evade his attacks, and I emptied what felt like dozens of shotgun shells into his hulking frame. His men did not stand by and idly watch; they came at us from all sides. Boone shot them down in their dozens, but his luck didn't hold out forever.
Lanius. With a single swing of his sword, he almost cut my companion in half. Boone's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, erupting crimson, and I never saw him move again.
But he'd given me the opening I needed. I emptied both barrels of my shotgun into the back of Lanius' skull, and he never moved again either.
More Legion men came at me. I remember that one of them was on fire, but continued to fight as if he didn't feel the flames. I ran out of ammo, so I used all of my strength to lift Lanius' enormous sword. Acid burned in my muscles as I swang it. I no longer felt any pain, or fear, or mercy. Blood filled my eyes, bathed my face and body. The next thing I knew, everybody was dead. The sun was starting to rise. How long had I been fighting? A single Legionary remained. He threw down his weapons and fled, screaming. I cut him down from behind, and finally, my fingers uncurled and let the sword fall to the blood-soaked dirt floor.
There was a letter in Boone's pocket. It was addressed to Carla. He apologised for his death, said his NCR pension would help her and the baby get by. He wanted her to remarry when she met the right person. He hoped she would forgive him for Bitter Springs, if she ever found out about it. He didn't say that he loved her, but it was as clear to see on the page as any of the words he'd written. Finally, he asked that if the baby were a girl, that she be named after her mother. He signed the letter "Craig". He'd never told me his first name before. If Carla had still been alive, I'd have delivered this to her like the courier I used to be.
Drenched in drying blood, I limped back towards the Dam. And that's when the gate to the camp exploded in my face.
A squad of NCR rangers took up positions on either side of me, and a man I'd never met marched towards me. General Oliver. General Wait-And-See. Only now did he make his appearance, when I'd already won the war on his behalf. He congratulated me on my victory, said he wanted a hundred of me to scatter throughout Legion territory. As if I was their tool. As if my victory here meant victory for the NCR. Something inside me quietly snapped. I asked him if he'd seen a massive army of robots. And, right on queue, they came rolling in, hundreds of them, rockets at the ready. They outnumbered the rangers ten to one. Oliver faltered. He'd been so confident when he thought he had the upper hand. Like all weak men.
He ordered me to stand down. I told him to leave before I ordered my army to fire. He flared with anger, said he'd rather spit on his mother's grave than obey a lowly courier. I said that I didn't want any more violence today, and I meant it. He said I wasn't just fucking with him, I was fucking with the entire NCR. With the Bear. He'd come for a fight today, not to retreat. I almost laughed. Just like always, he'd waited on the sidelines like a coward until the last possible moment. Now he was trying to claim my victory as his own.
Calmly, I reminded him that I had other allies besides the Securitrons. All it had taken was a suggestion and the Boomers had bombed the Legion here today. It wouldn't take much convincing for them to start flying West. And the Brotherhood of Steel at Hidden Valley owed me a favour, too. And they had every reason to hate the NCR. Oliver ranted that I couldn't build a nation like the NCR could. But what kind of nation was that? The men and women of the NCR weren't monsters like the Legion, but they'd massacred women and children at Bitter Springs on their superiors' orders. They'd occupied Hoover Dam and Helios One in their endless need for resources, most of which were sent back home to California. Their President had been assassinated. Like Cass had so crudely said, their dick just wasn't long enough.
I told him, in no uncertain terms, that I wanted the New California Republic out of the Mojave Wasteland. His shoulders finally slumped in defeat. He said he'd relay it to his superiors, but that I shouldn't get too comfortable. If our positions were reversed, he'd see me hang. I considered telling the Securitrons to throw him off the Dam, but instead I told him that NCR words meant nothing here now, and that I had work to do. He ordered a full retreat, his troops carefully weaving through the hundreds of killer robots that now lined the entirety of the Dam. And then it was over.
Caesar's second attempt to take the Dam had failed just as the first had, and now the NCR would be pulling out of Nevada too. Yes Man found me after the battle, told me he'd discovered code snippets in Mr. House's databank that would allow him to reprogramme himself to be more assertive. He was going offline for a while to make those changes. And then, we'd get to work on establishing New Vegas as an independent power, not reliant on - or subservient to - any external influence. Or to the internal tyranny of Mr. House. It will be a New Vegas of my own making.
There is a lot of work to be done. It may be a while before I can update you again, Pip. But I promise you'll hear from me again soon.
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jcmarchi · 10 months
New Frequency Comb Can Identify Molecules in 20-Nanosecond Snapshots - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/new-frequency-comb-can-identify-molecules-in-20-nanosecond-snapshots-technology-org/
New Frequency Comb Can Identify Molecules in 20-Nanosecond Snapshots - Technology Org
The laser-based frequency comb system now has the ability to capture moment-to-moment details of high-speed processes such as hypersonic propulsion and protein folding.
A new frequency comb setup can capture the moment-by-moment details of carbon dioxide gas escaping from a nozzle at supersonic speeds in an air-filled chamber, followed by rapid oscillations of gas due to complex aerodynamics within the chamber. The data plot shows the absorbance of light (vertical) over time (horizontal left to right) across a range of frequencies (horizontal forward to back). Credit: G. Mathews/University of Colorado Boulder
From monitoring concentrations of greenhouse gases to detecting COVID in the breath, laser systems known as frequency combs can identify specific molecules as simple as carbon dioxide and as complex as monoclonal antibodies with unprecedented accuracy and sensitivity.
Amazing as they are, however, frequency combs have been limited in how fast they can capture a high-speed process such as hypersonic propulsion or the folding of proteins into their final three-dimensional shapes.
Now, researchers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Toptica Photonics AG and the University of Colorado Boulder have developed a frequency comb system that can detect the presence of specific molecules in a sample every 20 nanoseconds, or billionths of a second.
With this new capability, researchers can potentially use frequency combs to better understand the split-second intermediate steps in fast-moving processes ranging from the workings of hypersonic jet engines to the chemical reactions between enzymes that regulate cell growth. The research team announced its results in a paper published in Nature Photonics.
In their experiment, the researchers used the now-common dual-frequency comb setup, which contains two laser beams that work together to detect the spectrum of colors that a molecule absorbs. Most dual-frequency comb setups involve two femtosecond lasers, which send out a pair of ultrafast pulses in lockstep.
In this new experiment, the researchers used a simpler and cheaper setup known as “electro-optic combs,” in which a single continuous beam of light first gets split into two beams. Then, an electronic modulator produces electric fields that alter each light beam, shaping them into the individual “teeth” of a frequency comb. Each tooth is a specific color or frequency of light that can then be absorbed by a molecule of interest.
Whereas conventional frequency combs can have thousands or even millions of teeth, the researchers’ electro-optic comb only had 14 in a typical experimental run. However, as a result, each tooth had much higher optical power, and was far apart from others in frequency, resulting in a clear, strong signal that enabled the researchers to detect changes in the absorption of light at the 20-nanosecond time scale.
In their demonstration, the researchers used the instrument to measure supersonic pulses of CO2 emerging from a small nozzle in an air-filled chamber. They measured the CO2 mixing ratio, the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air.
The changing concentration of CO2 told researchers about the motion of the pulse. The researchers saw how the CO2 interacted with the air and created oscillations of air pressure in its wake. Such details are often hard to accurately obtain even with the most sophisticated computer simulations.
“In a more complicated system like an aircraft engine we could use this approach to look at a particular species of interest, such as water or fuel or CO2, to observe the chemistry. We can also use this approach to measure things such as pressure, temperature or velocity by looking at changes in the signal,” said NIST research chemist David Long.
The information from these experiments could provide insights that could lead to design improvements in combustion engines, or a better understanding of how greenhouse gases interact with the atmosphere.
A special component in the setup, known as an optical parametric oscillator, was used to shift the comb teeth from the near-infrared to the mid-infrared colors absorbed by CO2. But the optical parametric oscillator can also be tuned to other regions of the mid-infrared so that the combs can detect other molecules that absorb light in those regions.
The paper includes information that other researchers can use to build a similar system in the lab, making this new technique widely available across many research fields and industries.
“What is truly special about this work is that it substantially lowers the barrier to entry for researchers who would like to use frequency combs to study fast processes,” said co-author Greg Rieker, a professor at the University of Colorado Boulder and former NIST research associate.
“With this setup, you can generate any comb you want. The tunability, flexibility and speed of this method open the door to lots of different types of measurements,” Long said.
This work was supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
Paper: David A. Long, Matthew J. Cich, Carl Mathurin, Adam T. Heiniger, Garrett C. Mathews, Augustine Frymire and Gregory B. Rieker. Nanosecond time-resolved dual-comb absorption spectroscopy. Nature Photonics. Published online Oct. 30, 2023. DOI: 10.1038/s41566-023-01316-8
Source: NIST
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spacenutspod · 11 months
The 29th SpaceX commercial resupply services (CRS) mission for NASA carries scientific experiments and technology demonstrations, including studies of enhanced optical communications and measurement of atmospheric waves. The uncrewed SpaceX Dragon spacecraft is scheduled to launch to the International Space Station from the agency’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida no earlier than Nov. 5. Download high-resolution photos and videos of the research mentioned in this article. Here are details on some of the research launching to the orbiting lab: Laser Communication from Space NASA’s ILLUMA-T investigation tests technology to provide enhanced data communication capabilities on the space station. A terminal mounted on the station’s exterior uses laser or optical communications to send high-resolution information to the agency’s Laser Communications Relay Demonstration (LCRD) system, which is in geosynchronous orbit around Earth. LCRD then beams the data to optical ground stations in Haleakala, Hawaii, and Table Mountain, California. The system uses invisible infrared light and can send and receive information at higher data rates than traditional radio frequency systems, making it possible to send more images and videos to and from the space station in a single transmission. The ILLUMA-T demonstration also paves the way for placing laser communications terminals on spacecraft orbiting the Moon or Mars. ILLUMA-T and LCRD create NASA’s first two-way laser communications relay system. Laser communications can supplement the radio frequency systems that most space-based missions currently use to send data to and from Earth. According to acting ILLUMA-T project manager Glenn Jackson at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, laser systems are smaller, more lightweight, and use less power than radio systems. The smaller size frees up more room for science instruments, the lighter weight reduces launch costs, and lower power use results in less drain on spacecraft batteries. Managed by NASA Goddard in partnership with NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory, ILLUMA-T is funded by the Space Communications and Navigation (SCaN) program at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The ILLUMA-T laser communications system being prepared for launch at Goddard Space Flight Center.NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Watching Waves in the Atmosphere NASA’s Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE) uses an infrared imaging instrument to measure the characteristics, distribution, and movement of atmospheric gravity waves (AGWs). These waves roll through Earth’s atmosphere when air is disturbed much like waves created by dropping a stone into water. “Atmospheric gravity waves are one mechanism for transporting energy and momentum within the climate system and they play a role in defining the climate and its evolution,” says co-investigator Jeff Forbes of the University of Colorado Boulder. He explains that these waves are relatively small at the source but amplified at altitudes, and potentially indicate climate changes not readily observable at lower altitudes. This investigation’s long-term observations of physical processes in atmospheric circulation could increase insight into AGWs and improve understanding of Earth’s atmosphere, weather, and climate. Researchers also are looking at how AGWs contribute to space weather, which refers to the varying conditions within the Solar System, including solar wind. Space weather affects space- and ground-based communications, navigation, and tracking systems. Scientists know little about exactly how AGWs influence space weather and this investigation could help fill in these knowledge gaps. Results could support development of ways to mitigate the effects of space weather. The space station provides an ideal platform for the investigation given its altitude and geographic and time coverage. “AWE is pioneering research, making the first global measurements of gravity waves at the edge of space,” Forbes says. “This is an important step forward in understanding waves in the atmosphere and their contributions to near-Earth space weather.” The Atmospheric Waves Experiment is managed by Goddard for NASA’s Science Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. Scientists prepare the optical assembly for AWE for launch in a clean room at Space Dynamics Laboratory facilities.Space Dynamics Laboratory/Allison Bills More science going to the space station Space Flight Induced Ovarian and Estrogen Signaling Dysfunction, Adaptation, and Recovery is a fundamental science investigation sponsored by NASA’s Biological and Physical Sciences Division. It advances previous microgravity studies that seek to better understand the combined effects of spaceflight, nutritional, and environmental stresses on control of ovulation and resulting effects on the skeleton. Results of this study could help identify and treat the effects of stress on ovulation and improve bone health on Earth. A section of ovarian tissue prepared for an investigation of ovarian function and bone health in space.University of Kansas Medical Center Aquamembrane-3, an investigation from ESA (European Space Agency), continues evaluation of replacing the multi-filtration beds used for water recovery on the space station with a type of membrane known as an Aquaporin Inside Membrane (AIM). These are membranes that incorporate proteins found in biological cells, known as aquaporins, to filter water faster while using less energy. Initial testing of AIM technology in 2015 showed that water filtration by membranes is possible in microgravity, and this follow-up testing could demonstrate how effectively the membranes eliminate contaminants in space station wastewater. Results could advance development of a complete and full-scale membrane-based water recovery system, improving water reclamation and reducing the amount of material that needs to be launched to the space station. This water filtration technology also could have applications in extreme environments on Earth, such as military and emergency settings, and for decentralized water systems in remote locations. A pre-launch view of equipment for the Aquamembrane-3 investigation.ESA Gaucho Lung, sponsored by the ISS National Lab, studies how mucus lining the respiratory system affects delivery of drugs carried in a small amount of injected liquid, known as a liquid plug. Conducting this research in microgravity makes it possible to isolate the factors involved, including capillary or wicking forces, mucus characteristics, and gravity. Understanding the role of these factors could inform the development and optimization of targeted respiratory treatments. In addition, the work could contribute to new strategies to control contamination in tubing for liquids used in the health care and food industries. An investigator at University of California Santa Barbara prepares the camera and work light for recording images from the Gaucho Lung investigation prior to launch.BioServe Space Technologies Search this database of scientific experiments to learn more about those mentioned above. Facebook logo @ISS @ISS_Research@ISS Instagram logo @ISS Linkedin logo @company_NASA Keep Exploring Discover More Topics Latest News from Space Station Research ISS National Laboratory Station Benefits for Humanity Commercial Space
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follicleclinic · 2 years
Searching for Acne Dermatologists?
Acne is nothing short of frustrating in many cases. Dealing with pimple after pimple can be an overwhelming experience, and the simple truth is that those over the counter creams can only do so much good. Your best bet is to search for someone who can help like qualified dermatologists. Colorado Springs has many to offer.
How Can A Dermatologist Help Treat Acne?
There are lots of ways a dermatologist can be useful if you have acne, and in some cases, they're an absolute must. For example, if you have never been treated for acne in the past, but you're experiencing a sudden breakout now, the chances are good that you need to visit a dermatologist for a bit of help. Your problem could be related to another condition that resembles acne but has serious consequences. Additionally, if you have the type of acne that produces nodules or cysts, almost the only way to get reliable treatment is a visit to the dermatologist. This kind of acne can cause extensive scarring, so it's best to get professional help before it becomes a bigger problem. Best Dermatologist in kota
Once you make your appointment, the dermatologist will first evaluate the skin condition. He or she will want quite a bit of information about your history with acne as well as your symptoms. Once the dermatologist gets a complete picture of what's going on, the two of you can discuss treatment options. Here are a few of the most common:
• Medication - These days, there are many different medications on the market that can help treat acne from the inside out. While you may also be prescribed a medicated soap or facial scrub, you're most likely to take a pill each day to help control breakouts. These medications can be very useful, but there are some fairly serious side effects, so ensure you discuss everything with your doctor before you have your prescription filled. Dermatologist in Kota
• Laser Treatments - Using a variety of different laser procedures, your dermatologist can help you get clear skin in a very short amount of time. In most cases, more than one treatment is required, and while there often is no ongoing pain, your skin may seem warm to the touch for a few days afterward.
• Microdermabrasion - While many consider this a procedure you can only get in a med spa, you can also get one at the offices of dermatologists. Colorado Springs has many professionals who simply make this part of their service offerings, and during the procedure, tiny crystals are, essentially, hurled at your skin to help remove the top layer. It's great for acne that isn't current inflamed.
If you suffer from acne, your best bet may be to research a few dermatologists. Colorado Springs has many, and finding the right one could be a great way to have your condition treated.
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youthmedispa · 2 years
Best Place for Affordable Fat Freezing in Colorado Springs
Having a fat area on the body, we understand that it is a major concern in some people’s lives, but there are many remedies available; it sounds not good that all remedies are ineffective, such as products and medicines. Fat Freezing is a therapy that works from its root and removes the fat from the body. People step back by looking at expensive treatments to remove fat, but many other clinics provide the best treatment at an inexpensive cost. In this blog, we will hit all about Fat Freezing and where you should get Fat Freezing in Colorado Springs. So keep in touch with us and go ahead for reasonable fat freezing.
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In 2021, the global fat freezing market was valued at USD 1.1 billion, and it is predicted to rise at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.1% between 2022 and 2030. This is regularly growing because of the rising desire among people to reduce weight and change their bodies.
How does fat freezing work?
Fat Freezing Colorado Springs employs noninvasive cryolipolysis technology to "freeze" and kill fat cells without the need for needles, incisions, or anesthesia. It is a non-invasive therapy that uses cryolipolysis, radiofrequency, and laser lipolysis to decrease or eliminate stubborn fat pockets in specific body areas. The FDA has approved the use of non-invasive devices to remove fat cells in these therapies permanently. Cryolipolysis, also known as fat freezing, is a nonsurgical fat-reduction technique that uses low temperatures to eliminate fat deposits in particular body areas. 
The procedure aims to remove localized fat deposits or bulges that are resistant to diet and exercise. Since this cold sculpting ring kills fat cells, the effects of this therapy are permanent. In that way, the fat freezing removes the fat and works in an effective way.
A Place To Get Affordable Fat Freezing In Colorado Springs
Fountain of Youth Medi Spa has a fantastic reputation in the industry for offering genuine services for their client's health. We work with highly qualified professionals that are well-versed in Fat Freezing Colorado Springs. Because of our considerable experience in the skincare industry, we provide excellent quality therapy for a wide range of health concerns, including fat freezing, botox, lip filling, waxing, and many more. 
We have teamed up with highly experienced individuals who have undergone rigorous training in the delivery of Fat Freezing Colorado Springs. Along with fat freezing, we provide various procedures to help you keep a flawless body and an attractive outward appearance. Here are some of the qualities that distinguish us as the top fat freezing treatment provider in Colorado Springs.
We have cutting-edge medical equipment, such as fat freezing devices.
Working with a well-trained crew that always guarantees our clients' health is protected.
We begin with the therapy when the team of professionals has thoroughly assessed the client's health.
All of our treatments are on the list and are reasonably priced since we know that many different sorts of people reside in our city but that their budgets do not always allow them to receive the therapy. As a result, we've set modest prices so that everyone may enjoy the fat frigid Colorado Springs. By the way, the cost of fat freezing therapy is determined by the region that requires treatment or has excess fat.
If you are looking to get this fat freezing therapy, then do not hesitate to contact us; we ensure you provide quality treatment with complete safety measurements.
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noveltyclinic · 2 years
Searching for Acne Dermatologists?
Acne is nothing short of frustrating in many cases. Dealing with pimple after pimple can be an overwhelming experience, and the simple truth is that those over the counter creams can only do so much good. Your best bet is to search for someone who can help like qualified dermatologists. Colorado Springs has many to offer.
How Can A Dermatologist Help Treat Acne?
There are lots of ways a dermatologist can be useful if you have acne, and in some cases, they're an absolute must. For example, if you have never been treated for acne in the past, but you're experiencing a sudden breakout now, the chances are good that you need to visit a dermatologist for a bit of help. Your problem could be related to another condition that resembles acne but has serious consequences. Additionally, if you have the type of acne that produces nodules or cysts, almost the only way to get reliable treatment is a visit to the dermatologist. This kind of acne can cause extensive scarring, so it's best to get professional help before it becomes a bigger problem.
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Once you make your appointment, the dermatologist will first evaluate the skin condition. He or she will want quite a bit of information about your history with acne as well as your symptoms. Once the dermatologist gets a complete picture of what's going on, the two of you can discuss treatment options. Here are a few of the most common:
• Medication - These days, there are many different medications on the market that can help treat acne from the inside out. While you may also be prescribed a medicated soap or facial scrub, you're most likely to take a pill each day to help control breakouts. These medications can be very useful, but there are some fairly serious side effects, so ensure you discuss everything with your doctor before you have your prescription filled.
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• Laser Treatments - Using a variety of different laser procedures, your dermatologist can help you get clear skin in a very short amount of time. In most cases, more than one treatment is required, and while there often is no ongoing pain, your skin may seem warm to the touch for a few days afterward.
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• Microdermabrasion - While many consider this a procedure you can only get in a med spa, you can also get one at the offices of dermatologists. Colorado Springs has many professionals who simply make this part of their service offerings, and during the procedure, tiny crystals are, essentially, hurled at your skin to help remove the top layer. It's great for acne that isn't current inflamed.
If you suffer from acne, your best bet may be to research a few dermatologists. Colorado Springs has many, and finding the right one could be a great way to have your condition treated.
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titularkilljoy · 4 years
nameless, faceless.
Summary: These days, he starts to think he might not be Tobias, but he’s not much of a Spencer either. Gen-fic following a newly exonerated Spencer Reid. 
Content Warnings: Drug use, angst, slight references to gun violence and physical abuse.
Thanks to @imagining-in-the-margins who listened to me rant about this messy fic for weeks on end, and for being the first to read it. 
Spencer Reid is an excellent shot. A perfect shot. He can take apart and put together his service weapon with his eyes closed. He’s tried, and succeeded. Thrice, because once might be a fluke, twice might be a freak coincidence, but the third success counts as scientific proof.
Years ago, Aaron Hotchner tried, unsuccessfully, to help him pass his firearms qualification. Adrenaline was his friend that day. He could have succumbed to the agony of the cobweb-covered boxes in his head creaking open, bit by bit, every time Hotch’s foot knocked the air out of his lungs; or, he could have used his brain and his training and finally done something that would prove people wrong about him. He chose the latter.
One shot, right through Philip Dowd’s skull. In the solemn aftermath of his first kill, Hotch was proud of him. He was proud of himself. That night he went home and allowed the pain in his ribs take control. It felt good. It felt like a victory.
Of course, he knew he didn’t really deserve to wield the weapon. Once was a fluke. Which is why he kept going back to the shooting range every chance he got, until he finally felt a little less like a child, however prodigious, playing dress-up in an FBI vest.
Hotch would be proud of him if he saw the perfect score. But he hasn’t spoken to Hotch in years. The number in his phone has long since gone inactive, and no matter how bad he is at reading social cues, he can hear Hotch’s unspoken request for a clean break loud and clear. He deletes the number.
JJ is careful around him, these days. She’s always been protective of him, but these days she knows he can take care of himself. It’s more like she’s circling him slowly, trying to put her finger on what exactly has made him so different, so maybe she can zoom in on that and fix it and then everything will be back to normal again. He’ll be her nerdy best friend Spencer who once had a desperate crush on her and is still half in love with her but never a real prospect. Spencer. Predictable, quirky Spencer.
He doesn’t quite know how to tell her she’s not going to get her wish, though, so he just ignores her heavy stares pricking his neck when he isn’t looking her way. He ignores the urge to tell her to stop looking so tormented when he’s the one who’s been to hell and back. He knows it isn’t fair, and no matter how off-kilter he feels, he knows he doesn’t want to hurt her.
At the moment he is ignoring her hushed conversation with Will in the kitchen while he sits cross-legged on the floor and helps Henry with his science project. It’s very clear she’s talking about him because he can hear her whisper his name every now and then, and her husband seems to be trying to comfort her. Will has been pleasant to be around since he got out; he will usually just engage him in mundane conversation that surprises him with how calming it is. At the very most, he will offer him a word of support that never feels condescending, and he’s immensely grateful in a way he suspects will always remain unspoken between them.
“Uncle Spencer, look!”
The little primitive robot is moving around successfully, and Henry looks jubilant. He also looks at Spencer with unbridled adoration, and absolutely no one but his godson has ever looked at him like that. It makes something swell inside him and he has to clear his throat.
“Whoa! You did it, Henry. You’re a genius!” he praises with a grin that stretches from ear to ear, picking him and resting him on his shoulders. JJ and Will are watching fondly, and as he meets their eyes, he is relieved that JJ, for once, doesn’t seem to be worried. Why would she be? Right now, he doesn’t feel broken. He just feels happy and loved, and he wishes he can make this moment last forever.
He’s in a cement box and the walls are slate grey and his mind is trapped. There is silence all around him and he feels like he can choke on it.  He’s on his back and trying to sleep but his eyes won’t close. His hairs stand permanently on end and there’s a rapid thumping that he decides must be his racing heart. The thumping grows louder and louder; there’s a clang and suddenly he isn’t alone in the grey box anymore. Suddenly there is a flash of too-bright light and several nondescript faces in there with him and the only thing he knows for sure is that they want to hurt him.
There are hands around his chest and hands around his legs and hands twisting his arms behind him and they’re all tightening like a vice and the air is running out but then his eyes adjust to the light and it’s Calvin Shaw in front of him and he looks powerful, and he knows he has to get away, or he’s going to die in here, he’s going to die a murderer, and he fights with all his might and his lungs are spilling out hoarse helpless screams, but then there’s cool metal in his hands and something splashes onto his face.
He cannot afford to stop for a second or he will be done for, so he keeps going, he swings wildly without knowing what he’s doing, over and over and over until the only noises in the box are his own. Shaw is on the ground and so is everyone else and he’s sweating but when he wipes it away and licks it lips it tastes like copper. He jolts, there’s another clang, and he looks down to see a bloody knife has seemingly fallen from his hand. No, no, no, he thinks, he was only fighting to be able to breathe, he didn’t mean to-
But you did, the walls seem to chant and then the walls aren’t walls at all, they’re glimpses of Emily’s deep brown eyes and JJ’s sunshine smile and Rossi’s paternal gaze and Morgan’s brotherly smack on his back, except now they’re all betrayed and afraid and their guns are trained on him, on him, on Spencer, and he keeps telling them he didn’t do it, he swears he didn’t but Nadie Ramos is on the ground and she’s so dead and cold and bloody and the guns are taking aim and-
And then he’s sitting ramrod straight in his bed, sweating profusely, panting and throwing the blankets to the floor. The clock on his nightstand innocuously tells him it is two forty-three a.m. He’s in his apartment. The walls are moss green, there are books everywhere; he tries to calm the pounding in his chest.
He waits for the relief to fill him and lull him back to a restless sleep. It never comes. Instead, all that fills him is shame.
Shame makes him feel small—young, younger than he is, and strips him of the precious shreds of confidence he’s managed to drape over a scared little boy tied to a flag post. There’s bile crawling up his throat and he needs to escape.
What happens next is an out-of-body experience. One moment, he’s sitting on the bed and feeling fourteen. The next, he’s watching himself walk over to the nightstand with purpose and open the locked drawer. Then, there’s a needle sticking out of his arm and he’s on the floor and there’s sunlight filtering in through the curtains.
The reality of what he’s just done hits him all at once. The shame follows immediately after. Then comes the one he can never quite seem to shake.
Self-loathing has been his dogged pursuer all these years, always carefully kept at the peripheries by Gideon’s watchful eye or Hotch’s uncharacteristic words of affection or Morgan’s warm arm slung over his shoulders; this time, he’s all alone. And right now, it is consuming him.
Garcia is more astute than people give her credit for. This much, he’s always known. But he isn’t particularly fond of having her turn that perceptive gaze onto him with laser focus.
Emily and Rossi have decided to give him space, and his further retreat into himself after the night where he slipped doesn’t seem to clue them in to anything he’d rather they never knew. Matt, as a rule, doesn’t pry and doesn’t meddle, and if Spencer is being honest, he really wishes the rest of his team would follow his example. Tara is quiet and observant and besides all that, she has seen him drug-addled and half-confessing to murder before—she might sense that he’s hiding something but he doubts she will go as far as confronting him, since they don’t really talk about things. Luke, on the other hand, is definitely the type to meddle, but he also seems to look up to Spencer a bit, seeming impressed not just with his intellect but also with his track record at the FBI; it’s a nice change.
What he doesn’t expect is for Garcia to keep her keen eye trained on him behind all the emotional speeches and hugs. He definitely doesn’t expect her to show up at his door the day after they’ve returned from a case in Colorado, looking like she means business. He can feel a headache coming on just at the sight of the defiant tilt of her chin.
“Garcia, what are you doing here?” He lets a bit of his annoyance seep into his tone. It’s eleven at night and they’ve been swamped with cases and he could really use this time alone. There’s a small voice in his head taunting for what, but he ruthlessly squashes it down.
“Oh, don’t start that with me, boy wonder,” she warns, ignoring his protests as she pushes past him into the apartment. Sighing internally, he shuts the door and rests his forehead against it for a second. Please let this be over quickly.
Garcia whirls on her heel to face him again, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
“You have been hiding something, mister,” she begins dramatically, and his heart stops.
“You’re not sleeping, Reid! And you’ve avoided coming out with us every single time we’ve asked. You know how many times we’ve asked since you’ve been back, Reid? Twenty-three!”
She’s pacing now, seeming troubled, and yet he’s the one who feels like a cornered animal.
“You won’t talk to JJ, you won’t talk to Emily, and you won’t talk to me!” Now her eyes are wide and pleading and he startles himself with how little he cares about what she’s feeling right now. He just wants her to leave so he can be alone again.
“You’re not even seeing your therapist!”
“I saw my therapist and I got cleared for duty,” he retorts, narrowing his eyes.
“Well, duh. I know that. I meant the therapist JJ suggested for you after that? The one outside the bureau so you wouldn’t get all concerned about the FBI stealing your emotional secrets?” Her accompanying eyeroll says aren’t you supposed to be a genius? His hackles raise.
“How do you know I’m not seeing that therapist?” His tone is clipped, and of course he knows how she knows. He just wants to see if she’ll admit it.
She falters, but only for a second. “How do I know everything? Do you want me to explain the internet to you?”
“I’m asking why you know.”
“Because we’re all worried about you!”
“So you decided to pry into my personal life?”
“Well what else are we supposed to do if you won’t tell us anything?!”
He wants to lash out at her. He wants to yell about boundaries and that this is his business, not hers or JJ’s or Emily’s, and they should just mind their own. He wants to demand to know why he has to constantly keep proving himself, after all these years. But he sees how that will play out.
Garcia will try to protest for a while, but as his words pierce through her defences, her eyes will shine with hurt and betrayal, and he’ll be too proud to try to fix it. He won’t hear from her for a few days, and then he will hear from them all at once. They’ll confront him and they’ll be so painfully earnest about it, and Emily will likely “suggest” that he take some time off, and he’ll be forced to remember that she’s not just his friend, but also his boss, and her hands will be tied. He foresees spinning off the rails in the absence of something to occupy him. He imagines falling even further from grace; from the FBI’s golden boy to a barely exonerated murder accused, to an unreliable drug addict who’s more of a liability than an asset.
So he tames the impulse and forces himself to look contrite. His head is throbbing now, and he needs to get her out of here as soon as possible.
“You’re right. I’m just going through a lot. I’m not used to feeling so…adrift,” he whispers, running a hand through his hair and gazing at the floor to the left of where Garcia’s bright green shoes are planted. It works; he can feel her resolve crumble. The tension between them eases, and she approaches him like he’s a wounded animal.
“Oh, honey,” she whispers, pulling him into a tight hug, “we’re all here for you. We know how hard you must be struggling, and we want to help you, but you have to let us, okay?” She pulls back, looking him straight in the eyes. “No more trying to handle all of this crap on your own, mister.”
He nods like he knows he’s supposed to.
“Oh, and, and! You have to go to the therapist. No arguments,” she tells him, “You know I’ll know if you don’t end up going.”
He does know. Garcia stays a little while longer, fussing over the mess that is his apartment and his nearly empty refrigerator. She makes him promise to replenish his supplies, before finally leaving with one last hug.
He shuts the door behind her and leans against it. He supposes he should feel bad about so coldly manipulating one of his closest friends, but these days he’s so full of shame anyway that he thinks he’s maxed himself out. Fulfilled his self-hatred quota for a lifetime. Or maybe he just can’t really tell what it is he feels bad for anymore.
He used to wonder if he wasn’t really himself anymore. If Tobias had killed him and brought him back except now there was more Tobias in him than there was Spencer. Then the marks on his arms weren’t visible and he could walk without much of a limp again and the white-hot brand in his mind screaming ‘sinner’ dulled to an orange glow, and he realised he couldn’t possibly be Tobias. Tobias only cared about dilaudid and a twisted sense of morality and judgement and avenging. Spencer wasn’t like that.
These days, though, he starts to think maybe that’s changed. Sure, maybe he isn’t Tobias. But he doubts he’s much of a Spencer either.
He thinks he’s doing pretty well. Handling the drug addiction, he means. He isn’t just getting high every chance he can get and walking into work with telltale sunglasses and trembling hands. He plans it out. He rations out his supply. He also fully intends for it to be a temporary thing.
In retrospect, that was remarkably stupid of him.
It all comes to a head during a case in Denver. It involves, as it usually does, dead women, a frustratingly broad profile, and largely unhelpful local law enforcement.
Spencer is standing in front of a corkboard, peering at a map of the town and meticulously tying a strand of red yarn between the crime scenes and the locations frequented by each of the victims, indicated by slightly rusty dull-green thumbtacks. JJ and Rossi are off in one of the interrogation rooms, speaking to the latest victim’s boyfriend. Luke and Tara are in the field, interviewing a bereaved mother. Across the table, Emily is on the phone with Garcia, poring over a case file.
The door slams open and an officer walks in, carrying two Starbucks cups and wearing a wide, hopeful grin. Emily smiles kindly at him even though there’s a furrow between her eyebrows; this man hardly deserves to have their irritation directed at him.
He quickly realises Officer Cole is either flirting with Emily or flirting with the BAU, and Emily is patiently indulging him. Spencer ignores him for the most part, his mind drawn to a solitary green pin on the periphery that remains hitherto untethered to any other. He glares at it balefully, willing it to fit perfectly into the intricate pattern he’s identified. He pinches the bridge of his nose, mentally scanning the details of the crime scenes and case files. Still staring directly at the pin, he reaches blindly towards the table to grab the red yarn, and then promptly yelps in shock. His eyes jerk over to his dripping left forearm and then up at Officer Cole’s mouth hanging open in horror, trying to stutter out an apology but nothing comes out; he looks like he’s about to cry.
Spencer mumbles something along the lines of “it’s alright” while inspecting his arm. He unbuttons the cuff of his long-sleeved shirt, and after a cursory inspection, concludes that it’s nothing a little running water won’t fix. He gingerly pries the fabric away from his skin, confirming his theory that the skin is unblemished, if a little pink, and makes his way to the restroom. He’s distracted with reassuring Cole to think anything of the way Emily takes one look at his arm and then inspects his face with a strange intensity.
It isn’t until he’s in the room again, ten minutes later, with both his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, that it hits him. The air is distinctly chillier now, or maybe it’s Emily’s stare that sends a shiver down his spine. She looks disappointed and furious all at once, and this time he doesn’t have to fake the urge to avoid her eyes. Of course she’d be the one to find out, he thinks. But he supposes, if he’s sloppy enough to slip up so badly, he deserves whatever is coming.
When she makes him book the first flight home and decides he needs to take another two weeks off, he scarcely puts up a fight. When she tells him about her conditions, he nods in resignation. If she listens to what she has to say, she will see how pathetic he really is, and maybe that will be worse. As of now, she only knows the bare bones of what happened to him over a decade ago: she knows of a kidnapping and a resurrection and PTSD, but she doesn’t know of the vials and the meetings and Gideon’s guilt; hopefully, she never will. As he walks out of her makeshift office, he feels the rift between them grow impossibly wider.
The woman smiling cheerfully up at him and offering her assistance from behind the reception desk is unfamiliar. He’s been called a robot so many times he’s stopped counting, but right now he feels exactly like a machine that has come screeching to a halt when confronted with data beyond its knowledge. He stares at her, unable to move, as his mind torments him with all the things that could possibly have gone wrong. He’s faced one too many formidable adversaries to be able to shut off his profiler’s eye, and he scans her head to toe, looking for the slightest hint of deception. She doesn’t seem to be hiding anything but he could be wrong, he’s been wrong, and it nearly cost him everything; what if she can’t be trusted and this time his luck has well and truly run out, what if-
“Doctor Reid?”
The greeting jolts him away from his spiralling thoughts. It still takes him a second to come back to himself, and when he does, he notices his hands are clenched into fists. He’s standing stock still in the lobby of Bennington Sanitarium. The receptionist is staring back at him with a look somewhere between fear and concern, her hand twitching towards the landline on the desk. He realises he must look somewhat threatening; he isn’t used to having that effect on people. But, he supposes, that is the least of the changes the last fifteen years have wrought on him.
“Doctor Reid, are you alright?”
He forces his body to relax, joint by joint, giving the woman as genuine of a smile as he can muster, hoping it will set her at ease. It doesn’t seem to; he can’t quite bring himself to care. The concerned voice is a familiar one, and he turns around to greet his mother’s new caretaker.
“Hi, Ruth. Sorry, I, uh—I had a rough flight,” he manages to say, running a hand through his hair, “how is she?”
Ruth always has a maternal air about her, and right now, she looks like she can see right through his flimsy excuse. She’s about to pry, he knows, and he suddenly feels claustrophobic. He needs to get away.
“Actually, I’m going to get some coffee, I’m a little tired. I’ll come back in a little while.”
Ruth frowns. “Doctor Reid, have you been sleeping?”
“Just fine, thanks. We just had a big case.” The longer this conversation stretches on, the less air there is in his lungs. His own voice sounds far away, like he’s shouting to be heard over the sounds of waves crashing against unmoving rocks.
“I see.”
“I’ll see you later,” he says, sidestepping her to get to the exit.
“Diana is having a bad day.”
The words make him stop short, if only for a moment.
“Ah.” A bad day means his mother doesn’t even know who he is. Trying to job her memory would only confuse and agitate her. He would know. He’s tried.
Ruth isn’t a woman who likes silence. “I’m sure she would still be happy to-“
He forces the muscles of his face to conjure up something resembling a smile in her direction. “No, that’s alright. I’ll just come back another time.”
With that, he pushes past her, taking long strides forward and not stopping until he’s hunched over and sucking in desperate lungsful of the warm night air. He can taste the saturation somewhere in the back of his throat and it almost feels like a home he’s long since left behind. It was stupid to have thought that seeing his mom would give him answers to questions he doesn’t even know how to voice. It’s stupid to think there’s any comfort to be had anywhere, in this new life.
Eventually, he catches his breath and straightens up, beginning to walk aimlessly. There are no stars to be seen above him, but this city could never be quite pitch dark. Vegas is all flashing lights and seductive mystery, and perhaps that’s why so many lost souls end up here. For him, it’s simply familiar; and so little of his life is recognisable these days that he clings to it like a drowning man. That’s probably why this is where he’s chosen to come the day before his mandatory leave is over.
He doesn’t put much thought into where his feet are taking him, until he hears the familiar sounds of whirring machinery and celebratory shouts and sultry jazz music being crooned into a microphone. The air reeks of artifice, but he couldn’t care less. In a few minutes he’ll be raking in victory after victory until someone grows suspicious and he ends up getting kicked out of the casino. He’ll never admit it, but even the inevitable outcome gives him a thrill. This, at least, is a sure gamble. Here, he may be nameless and faceless, but here, he’s also a winner.
Spencer hesitates at the door. He knows he has no choice but to enter, but the thought of being back there is overwhelming. It fills him with a shame he knows he ought not to feel. He reaches into his jacket pocket and his fingers grip the bronze token he almost never leaves at home. The cool metal grounds him somewhat.
Three times this fortnight, he has gotten as far as ten minutes into a meeting before being called away for work. Like the coward he is, he took the easy out and rushed to play Superman, when he’s really not even a half-decent Clark Kent. He is fraying at the edges. He knows himself well enough to be sure that wherever his current path is leading him, it isn’t anywhere good. So he takes a deep breath, and crosses the threshold.
As he takes a seat among the quietly welcoming group of fractured souls, he turns off his phone. Whatever horrors the world outside might need his help to rectify, he knows that leaving this safe haven for them is not an option; not when it would mean allowing the tendril of ice in his chest to spread and consume him and render him permanently useless.
A shadow falls over his hunched form, and he looks up to catch the eye of an old friend.
“John,” he remembers to say.
“Spencer,” the man greets back warmly. He takes the seat next to him. “It’s been a while.”
He hears the real questions: Why did you stop coming to meetings? What happened that led you back here now?
“I- I just figured I needed a reminder.”
The wan smile he directs at the older agent supplies the real answers: I was too proud to believe I needed to be here anymore. Now I’m here because I have no pride left.
That seems to be enough, and John offers a nod and an encouraging smile before he settles back into his seat, turning his attention to the front of the room. There’s a man talking about a messy relapse after a divorce. A woman follows with a pleased announcement that she is two years sober, to which the room responds with enthusiastic applause.  As more and more people offer up their stories, Spencer feels his nerves grow increasingly calmer, until he finally musters up the confidence to stand up and walk the short distance himself.
“Hi,” he begins with a small wave, “My name is Spencer, and I’m an addict.”
When he says the word, his entire being sighs in realisation. His mind stretches to accommodate this new piece of previously unacknowledged information, hugging the jagged edges of sharp defensiveness and tired denial that adorn it. There’s an odd sense of calm that comes along with it. He knows now, really knows, and if Spencer Reid knows something, half the battle has been won.
Last time, he never even really slipped. He just held on to the vials like some kind of a sick lifeline. When the nightmares became too intense, he would grip them so hard he actually feared they would break. That was back when he still had a lot of things left to live for, though; a mother, a team, a life that he loved. Now, his mother doesn’t remember him. His team is fractured and each of them is scarred in myriad ways. And his life is more a tragic comedy than the heroic sagas his mother adores. Still, he tries.  
Time passes and things are more or less normal.
Emily no longer looks at him with suspicion. He wouldn’t go as far as to say she trusts him again, but she doesn’t distrust him. That’s more than he expected to get, at least.
Garcia is still much nicer to him than he deserves; when she greets him in the morning with a batch of homemade cookies, he wonders, not for the first time, whether she truly doesn’t know what he’s been up to in his spare time. Garcia isn’t the best at keeping secrets, and he’s sure she would have let something slip by now. Rossi still invites him to extravagant dinner parties and he still goes to a few of them and the whole team is there, and it’s still fun and lighthearted and easy. It shouldn’t be this easy.  
The more he thinks about it, the more likely it seems that Emily has done him the enormous favour of keeping his secret. No one treats him differently—except JJ, the lengths of whose understanding and patience are tested a little more every time he says no to babysitting Henry; he can’t tell her he needs to be as far away from Henry as possible for the time being, so he makes up flimsy excuses that make the smile on her face look forced and painful. But otherwise, no one asks any pointed questions, and none of the higher-ups are watching him any more closely than usual.
The thought chokes him up. The worst part is that there isn’t much he can do to show his gratitude besides say the words. Which he does, in the quiet of her office after everyone has gone home for the weekend, and tentatively reaches for a hug. She lets him embrace her, and the familiar scent of her shampoo makes some chunk of a wall inside him crumble.
Apart from that, though, all he can do is just—live. There’s no way to make amends as soon as he wants to. The only way to thank Emily is to try not to be such a colossal disaster in the future. Some days, it seems like that’s a feat that is beyond him. Those days, he stays hunched over his desk in the bullpen into the wee hours of the morning, trying to hit that sweet-spot of mindless exhaustion that will have him dead asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow.
It’s on one such night, a little past midnight, that he’s startled by the sounds of approaching footsteps behind him. He swivels around in his chair and comes face to face with an impassive JJ. He didn’t know she was here. She’s carrying a pile of paperwork and her hair is just slightly disheveled, so he assumes she has been in the records section.
In the dim yellow light, she still looks angelic, and it feels like she holds the weight of his existence in her hands. He just stays perfectly still while she studies him. Neither of them says anything, until she finally seems to make a decision, pulling up a chair, sitting next to him, and silently getting to work.
He stares at her for a few more seconds before returning to the file, and soon the only sounds are the scratching of pens on paper. It’s peaceful, this silence, and he takes it to mean he’s been given a little more time to figure things out.
She still ends up leaving before he does. As she packs up her things, she shoots a few concerned glances his way. She spins on her heel and takes a step before pausing. Then there’s a small pressure on his shoulder as she whispers, “You’re allowed to be happy, Spencer. You know that, right?”
He keeps his eyes trained on the paperwork, but he raises his hand to squeeze hers.
“I’m getting there, I think.”
The cement box is closing in on him. There’s cement in his mouth and Calvin Show is smirking at him and his hand is bleeding, dripping red rivulets of blood onto Nadie’s prone body. Someone is laughing in the distance, and Shaw and his goons join in until the sounds are drowned out by a scream, a desperate, long, agonising scream.
He sits erect with the scream still in his mouth. The immediate sight of his lamplit room makes it fizzle out into shallow, shaky breaths.
Despite himself, his gaze is drawn to his nightstand. He knows he threw the vials away. He knows there’s no temporary solace to be found. But he stares at it anyway.
In a concerted effort to distract himself, he grabs his phone. There’s an overwhelming urge to talk to someone, and he tries to squash it down. The leaky faucet in his bathroom is especially loud.
Plop. Plop. The familiar tension in his temples starts building, and he releases a frustrated groan. The phone in his hand is taunting him.
Plop. Plop. Plop. He gives in and dials a number on reflex, pressing the phone up to his ear as he stands and paces wildly.
“Reid?” The voice is rough with sleep but it’s also alert and so achingly familiar that all he can give in response is a slightly incredulous laugh.
“You picked up,” he says.
“Of course I picked up.” Silence. “Are you alright?”
Another laugh, though this one borders on hysterical. “Yeah. Yeah, Morgan. I’m alright.”
He knows it won’t work, even as he’s saying the words. The man on the other end is still sharp, and still knows him too well.
“I might be wrong, kid, but I don’t call up my best friend at two a.m. when I’m alright,” Morgan tells him gently, with a teasing smile in his voice. It sets him at ease.
He chuckles. “I guess you’re right.”
The silence that follows is expectant, but patient. It makes him want to talk about everything and he knows this is why he has been avoiding Morgan so much; he knows how to get his guard down. Spencer hasn’t really talked to Morgan since he showed up at his front door his first night home after getting out of prison, with an overnight bag slung over his shoulder and a face that said no nonsense would be tolerated. Spencer isn’t ashamed to admit he broke down that night, but he is a bit reluctant to repeat the exercise. He knows it’s about to happen.
“I don’t think I’ve really been alright since—since prison,” he finally offers, with an audible swallow.
“That’s to be expected, Reid.”
“I know.” He picks up the three-month token from his nightstand, and squeezes as tightly as he can. “I know, but lately…lately I’ve just been letting everyone down. I’m not…useful anymore.”
“Now that’s just not true, kid,” Morgan chides, uncharacteristically serious, “Listen to me. You went to prison, kid. Let that sink in. That’s not something that just goes away. It takes time, and patience, and no one is going to fault you for that.”
“Morgan, it’s-”
“I’m not done yet, genius,” he retorts, “and you need to understand that your worth isn’t determined by how useful you are in any given situation.”
Spencer snorts. “I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what ‘worth’ means, Morgan.”
“No, it isn’t.” There isn’t an ounce of levity in the response, and it makes Spencer hold his breath in anticipation. “In this job, it’s easy to think that way. I get it. I’ve felt it too. More times than I can count. But you need to know and believe that you’re not just the job. You’re more than the job. You’re a person. And I think you forget that way too much, kid.”
The breath leaves him in one loud whoosh. He fumbles for words, but he doesn’t have any.
“You mean something, Reid. And a lot of people love you for more than what you have to offer in a case. Get it?”
“Okay,” he whispers, because he knows Morgan will not let him get away with a non-answer or an evasion. The words have thrown him slightly off-balance, in a good way, so he files them away in his mind to retrieve and study and turn over later. He fiddles with the token as he clears his throat.
“I’m sorry I called so late.”
“You know you can call at any time. I’ve been getting too much sleep these days now that Hank isn’t a baby anymore.” His voice is always warm when he talks about his son, and he feels a sudden pang. He misses his best friend.
“It’s hard not having you around.”
“You know you can come over any time. Hank and Savannah miss you too. And I need someone to annoy Savannah more than I do so she’ll cut me some slack.”
The banter is familiar and fond, and after so many years, he knows there’s never any malice in it. He’s always loved the straightforwardness and simplicity that Morgan wears like a badge of honour.
“Yeah. I’d like that,” he replies, smiling.
“Okay, good. Now go to sleep, Einstein.”
“Alright,” he laughs. “And hey, Morgan?”
“Yeah, kid?”
“Any time.”
The call ends with a beep, and this final silence is tranquil. Armed with the knowledge that he truly is not alone, that he might actually survive this and be okay, it’s easier to sleep now. He may never be the same again. He most probably won’t. He may be more Tobias than Spencer some days and some days he may be neither, but it’s still not the terrible fate it once seemed. Maybe, he thinks just before he loses his train of thought, maybe he doesn’t have to be the most useful person in the room. Just for a while, that should be okay.
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bathtubrefinishs · 3 years
Qualified Bathtub Reglazing Specialists Near Clearwater, Florida
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Specialists in bathtub reglazing repair, install and refinish tubs to make them look brand new. They use a variety of tools, including but not limited to: hydrographic pumping, laser resurfacing, and cement surfacing. Tile lapping is another option. These are followed up with various methods including staining and filling in cracks. The objective is to completely repair the existing tub to fit in with the modern feel of the bathroom. For a quote on refinishing your tub instead of replacing it, contact Bathtub Reglazing Specialists today.
This is a straightforward task that can be accomplished by a local bathtub refinishing specialist. Most people don’t even realize it’s necessary. Many people think that changing the faucet, showerhead, and handles on the bathroom fixtures will bring back the beauty and brightness of the bathroom. However, what you see in a mirror may not reflect the bathroom when it is finished. To find out more about this topic, please continue reading on.
Many homeowners don't realize that a professional is needed to remodel their bathroom. While some may be able and willing to hire professionals, it is not a good idea. First, tile replacement requires expertise from professionals. Additionally, you may injure yourself during the process. There are instances where the damage was severe enough that it required a visit to the emergency room.
You can get the repairs you need by hiring a Florida tub repair company. It is possible to be certain that the job will go smoothly and professionally if you hire a professional. Colorado tub repair experts know exactly how to clean up the bathroom. They can also guarantee that the work they do will last for years. When you have a beautiful looking bathroom, you tend to feel happier than when you have a drab looking bathroom.
If you are considering bathtub refinishing, it is a good idea to contact a professional who specializes in this type of work. While you might not wish to replace the flooring in the bathroom, you might like to change the color of your tub. Simple refinishing can make a room look more modern than buying new items. It is not necessary to purchase new sinks or tubs if a specialist in reglazing can do the job. The specialist should have the ability to repair your bathroom without replacing everything.
There are some things that make it possible for you to save money on your bathtub. You should be able to look at your tub and see if you can repair the bathtub instead of replacing it. Sometimes you can just refinish your tub. If your tub is made out of ceramic or natural stone, you may need to discuss all options with the bathroom reglazing company. You may be able to modify the color of your bathtub when you reglaze it.
The tub and the bathtub reglazing specialists are going to be able to share what they have to offer when you hire them to do a job for you. Many of them will be happy to come to you to show what they have to share with you. Most likely, a bathtub reglazing expert will be able to show you all of the options available. You can view the finished product in person and decide whether to buy it or hire them for refinishing.
It is important that you remember when hiring a bathtub reglazing expert that the job will be difficult. They will need to spend a lot of time cleaning and refinish your tub. You don't have to do it all yourself. There are many people who are willing to pay someone to do the job for them so that they can enjoy the tub without worrying about how it looks. Take a look at your tub and make sure that it is looking good and then contact a bathtub reglazing expert to refinish it for you. It will cost you a few hundred, but the results it will provide are well worth it.
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spaceexp · 4 years
NASA CubeSat Will Shine a Laser Light on the Moon's Darkest Craters
Artemis Program logo. April 27, 2020 As astronauts explore the Moon during the Artemis program, they may need to make use of the resources that already exist on the lunar surface. Take water, for instance: Because it's a heavy and therefore expensive resource to launch from Earth, our future explorers might have to seek out ice to mine. Once excavated, it can be melted and purified for drinking and used for rocket fuel. But how much water is there on the Moon, and where might we find it? This is where NASA's Lunar Flashlight comes in. About the size of a briefcase, the small satellite — also known as a CubeSat — aims to detect naturally occurring surface ice believed to be at the bottom of craters on the Moon that have never seen sunlight.
Image above: This artist's concept shows the Lunar Flashlight spacecraft, a six-unit CubeSat designed to search for ice on the Moon's surface using special lasers. The spacecraft will use its near-infrared lasers to shine light into shaded polar regions on the Moon, while an onboard reflectometer will measure surface reflection and composition. Image Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech. "Although we have a pretty good idea there's ice inside the coldest and darkest craters on the Moon, previous measurements have been a little bit ambiguous," said Barbara Cohen, principal investigator of the mission at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. "Scientifically, that's fine, but if we're planning on sending astronauts there to dig up the ice and drink it, we have to be sure it exists." Managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, the spacecraft is a technology demonstration: It will seek to achieve several technological firsts, including being the first mission to look for water ice using lasers. It will also be the first planetary spacecraft to use a "green" propellant, a new kind of fuel that is safer to transport and store than the commonly used spacecraft propellant hydrazine. "A technology demonstration mission like Lunar Flashlight, which is lower cost and fills a specific gap in our knowledge, can help us better prepare for an extended NASA presence on the Moon as well as test key technologies that may be used in future missions," said John Baker, Lunar Flashlight project manager at JPL. Peering Into the Shadows Over the course of two months, Lunar Flashlight will swoop low over the Moon's South Pole to shine its lasers into permanently shadowed regions and probe for surface ice. Found near the North and South Poles, these dark craters are thought to be "cold traps" that accumulate molecules of different ices, including water ice. The molecules may have come from comet and asteroid material impacting the lunar surface and from solar wind interactions with the lunar soil. "The Sun moves around the crater horizon but never actually shines into the crater," said Cohen, whose team includes scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles, John Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory and the University of Colorado. "Because these craters are so cold, these molecules never receive enough energy to escape, so they become trapped and accumulate over billions of years." Lunar Flashlight's four-laser reflectometer will use near-infrared wavelengths that are readily absorbed by water to identify any accumulations of ice on the surface. Should the lasers hit bare rock as they shine into the South Pole's permanently shadowed regions, their light will reflect back to the spacecraft, signaling a lack of ice. But if the light is absorbed, it would mean these dark pockets do indeed contain ice. The greater the absorption, the more widespread ice may be at the surface. While the CubeSat can provide information only about the presence of ice on the surface, and not below it, Lunar Flashlight seeks to fill a critical gap in our understanding of how much water ice these regions possess. "We will also be able to compare the Lunar Flashlight data with the great data that we already have from other Moon-orbiting missions to see if there are correlations in signatures of water ice, thereby giving us a global view of surface ice distribution," added Cohen. The mission is detailed in a new paper published in the April 2020 issue of IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine: https://doi.org/10.1109/MAES.2019.2950746 Lunar Flashlight is funded by the Small Spacecraft Technology program within NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate. The program is based at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley. It will be one of 13 secondary payloads aboard the Artemis I mission, the first integrated flight test of NASA's Deep Space Exploration Systems, including the Orion spacecraft and Space Launch System (SLS) rocket launching from the newly upgraded Exploration Ground Systems at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Under the Artemis program, astronauts and robots will explore more of the Moon than ever before. Robotic missions begin with commercial lunar deliveries in 2021, humans return in 2024, and the agency will establish sustainable lunar exploration by the end of the decade. We will use what we learn on the Moon to prepare to send astronauts to Mars. To learn more about Lunar Flashlight, visit: https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/missions/lunar-flashlight/ To learn more about NASA's Artemis lunar exploration program, visit: https://www.nasa.gov/artemis Space Technology Mission Directorate: https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/home/index.html Image (mentioned), Text, Credits: NASA/Tony Greicius/Clare Skelly/JPL/Ian J. O'Neill. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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Agents of Shield- The Asset
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Pairing: Leo Fitz x Violet Ward (OC)
Summary: An old man is kidnapped, Skye struggles with her training, Grant, Skye, and Coulson go in head-first, Violet is worried about everything
Warnings: cursing, fighting, an explosion, uh maybe some blood?
Word Count:  8786
“Is she coming?” I held the punching bag steady for Grant, trying to put equal weight on both my legs.
“She’s supposed to be. Hey, ease up on your leg if you need to.” He pointed, stopping his punches, noticing how I shifted from one leg to the other.
“It’s fine.” I shook my head.
“No, it is not. Listen to him.” Fitz scolded from the lab.
“Shut up, Leo.”
“I’m sorry, love, but the boys are right. Don’t put too much stress on it, or you’ll be back to square one with fingers through your stitches.” Jemma gave me a kind smile, hinting to a few nights ago when our bus had been attacked.
“Haha.” Grant taunted, sticking his tongue out.
I took a jab at him, only for him to step to the side and catch me in a headlock. He laughed as I shook loose, eyes squinted.
“That was uncalled for.” I stuck my nose up in the air, turning my head to the side and ignoring him.
He cleared his throat and I looked to see Skye coming down the steps. Grant put his serious face on and went back to punching the bag.
“You know you’re late.” He eyed her.
“I’m tired from this morning’s workout. I thought I was joining S.H.I.E.L.D., not 24 hour fitness.” She sighed, giving him her hands so he could check over her wrappings.
“It’s called relative strength training. Starting with the basics. And next time, you do fifteen push-ups for every minute you’re late.” He readjusted one.
“Fine, Mr. Fun Machine. Better than pull ups. I don’t ever wanna do another pull up again.” She stated.
“You find yourself hanging off the edge of a building twenty stories up, you’re gonna wanna do at least one.” He gave her a face before turning to instruct her.
I turned to watch Fitz-Simmons in the lab, working on some sort of laser or whatever it was. Fitz caught me staring and winked at me with a goofy smile before going back to his work.
“I’m sure Fitz-Simmon’s supervising officer didn’t make them do this muscle stuff.” She hit the bag with both hands.
“You said you wanted to be a field agent, like Coulson.” Grant shrugged. “But, if you’d like to switch disciplines…” He nodded toward Fitz-Simmons, still hard at work in the lab, then looked at me.
Is she being serious?
I gave her a once-over and smiled at Grant.
Let me take care of it.
“Vi, what did your SO make you do when you were in training for psych?” Grant looked at me with eyebrows raised and a smile on his face.
“Psychoanalytics, fill-ins for the DSM-5, brain parts, ethics… I can keep going. Hey Simmons. What did your SO give you guys for morning drills?” I called out to her from my spot against the wall.
“Oh! Atomistic attribute drills. Yeah, we’d name the mechanical, chemical, thermal-” She spouted.
Skye rolled her eyes at me and threw a lazy punch.
“The electrical properties of materials.” Fitz finished.
“Okay, okay, they made your point.”
“There will come a moment where you have to commit to this or bail.” Grant moved around the bag to hold it for her. “Every field agent has a defining moment. Ask Coulson. When you have to make the hard call to either dedicate yourself to this or to curl up in a ball and run.”
“How can you run if you’re curled up in a ball?” Skye gestured before going back to throwing punches.
“It’s my job as your SO to make sure you don’t die before then. Come on.” He fixed her hands and patted the bag again.
“So what was yours, Agent Ward?” She asked him.
“Ten minutes.” He dodged the question.
“Your defining moment?”
He ignored her.
“Come on, tell me. I wanna know. I could get Coulson to give you some of that truth serum. You could spill your little heart to me all over again.” She smiled.
“You mean my level one overshare that miraculously got you to cooperate? I hate to tell you this, rookie, but we don’t have a truth serum.”
“Changing course, briefing in three. Shield 6-1-6 with new orders, set for Colorado air field north.” May came over the comms.
“Ah, looks like we’re on the move.” Fitz pulled his lab coat off and hung it in the corner before coming to my side and taking my hand, leading the way up the stairs.
We settled on the couches in the main room, sprawled out as Coulson came through the hallway. Fitz pulled me into his side and I swung my leg over his, comfortable in his grip.
“A few minutes ago, a S.H.I.E.L.D. transport was attacked while carrying a priority red protected asset off route 76 near Sterling.”
“Priority red?” Jemma asked, and Grant let out a low whistle as he sat on the armchair next to Fitz and I.
“The asset was Canadian physicist Dr. Franklin Hall, known for his work-”
“Oh no! Not Frank!” Jemma gasped.
Fitz leaned forward, a sad expression on his face, “Dr. Hall? He was our chemical kinetics advisor our second year.”
“Yeah, he’s so enthusiastic about science, we just adored him!” Jemma sighed. “We can rescue him, can’t we?”
“He’s one of ours. We’re gonna try.” Coulson nodded.
“And the attackers?” Grant asked.
“Invisible.” Coulson walked off.
“Wait. Invisible? Cool!” Skye laughed, and Grant shot her a look. “But terrible.” She cleared her throat.
“Dr. Hall was an asset?” Skye questioned as we walked down the road, squinting in the dark.
“One of a few select scientists S.H.I.E.L.D. has been protecting, people our enemies would love to get their hands on. We keep them hidden, we keep them on the move.” Coulson explained.
“Which is why Fitz and I were so lucky to have him.” Jemma spoke from the other end of the line, next to Fitz.
May, in the middle, stayed silent as usual. Grant and I exchanged a few looks, but he was soon focused on observing the street we were walking along for any potential threats.
“We don’t have him anymore.” Coulson grunted out.
“And what does priority red mean?” Skye asked again.
“It means security should have been…” he trailed off as we saw an SUV flipped over onto the side of the road. “Heavy.”
A fox scurried out from the bushes and to the road. Fitz jumped and Grant’s hand flew to his gun. I looked over to see the fox with blood stains on its white snout. I looked up to Grant again. His grimace matched mine.
Well, that’s just wonderful.
“It was pretty damn scary, and I don’t spook easily, boss.” Agent Mack was the only one left alive, and even he was pretty banged up.
May had gone with him to ask questions while Fitz-Simmons did their usual rounds of inspection with Skye tagging along. Grant was surveying lord knows what and I stood off to May’s side, picking up cues from Agent Mack that he didn’t even realize he was giving off.
“Nothing in the air from above?” May asked.
“Nothing over our shoulder.” He shook his head, “But what’s scary is they knew our route. They were waiting for us.”
“Are you saying they were working with somebody inside S.H.I.E.L.D.?” I took a step closer to the van he was sitting in.
“Sorry to say.” He shrugged. “It had to be.”
“Fitz, what am I seeing here?” Jemma shouted, causing the turning of heads.
“Well, I’m not wearing the full-spectrum goggles I designed, so no clue.” He chuckled, walking over to her with his tablet in his hands.
Coulson gave me a nod of his head and I followed them, rolling my eyes with a smile at Fitz’s nerd speak.
“Let me have a look. Come on.” He held his hand out for the goggles.
“Whoa, whoa, wait! Wait, no! Don’t move.” She ordered, holding her hands out to stop him.
Skye stopped immediately, but Fitz, as always, was clumsy and almost took another step forward. I grabbed him by the back of the shirt and pulled him backward.
“Wait a second.” Jemma whispered, kneeling to throw a fistful of dirt and gravel into the air.
It swirled, like a mini tornado.
“What the hell?” Skye took a step back.
“I think the electro-static field scanner activated some… thing.” She smiled.
A rock flew loose from the air pattern, flinging itself at us. I felt a hand on my head and I was forced to go down faster than I could duck myself. Fitz let out a yelp and Grant shoved me half behind him, staring at the thing with squinted eyes.
“Okay, can we deactivate it?” Coulson asked. “Now?”
She hit a few buttons on her tablet, and the swirl only seemed to gain an angry conscious, throwing more things at us. I ducked behind my brother, pulling Skye down with me. Fitz let out a second yelp before barking something about density at Jemma.
“I tried, Fitz!” She shouted, handing him the control.
I pushed out from behind my brother and tugged Fitz away from the swirl as he fumbled with the remote. I felt a thunk against my head and winced.
“Fitz!” May raised her voice.
He hit another two buttons before the remote shorted out and the swirling pieces dropped to the floor. Jemma bent down to pick up a twisted looking piece of metal and glass with a pair of tweezers, dropping it in Coulson’s outstretched hand.
“That did all this.”
“What is that?” Skye asked.
Coulson stared at it, rolling it in his hand. “Something big.”
We stood in a ring around the lab table, with the exception of Grant, who had told me what he was off to do, but I hadn’t listened. Fitz had the object in some sort of a microscope, with lit up goggles on his head.
“Either someone cracked our comm system, or Dr. Hall’s movements leaked from inside S.H.I.E.L.D..” Coulson was quiet.
“You really think we have a mole?” May asked him.
Jemma and I stood at the side of the table, watching as Fitz worked.
“I think you should go through the communication logs, rule it out.” He said with his hands crossed neatly. “We’ll work the tractor tread that we found on the scene.”
“I can do that.” Skye popped up. “Instead of pull-ups. I can upload an image of the tread pattern, check to see if there’s any sort of-”
“Already done.” Grant popped back in.
Right, he had gone to do that.
“Matched it to a 2010 model. Found a list of purchases within a 500-mile radius, narrowed it down to those with priors, financial troubles, or propensity for risk-taking.” He set it up to show on the computer.
“Three suspects.” He pointed as the pictures appeared.
“Who may have sold their construction equipment to the kidnappers.” Coulson’s arms were now crossed. “We’ll ask.”
Grant nodded and pulled the images off the screen. He turned to look at me over his shoulder, and I followed him out of the lab.
“You feeling any better? How’s your leg?” He looked down, slowing his step.
“It’s fine. You don’t have to slow down for me.” I scoffed, secretly grateful that he hadn’t forced me to trot up the stairs.
“I know. There’s a lot of things I don’t have to do.” He sat down at the bar. “So. Give me a runthrough. Why would someone kidnap a physicist?”
I hoisted myself to sit on the counter and grinned. “Maybe their kid needed tutoring?”
Grant rolled his eyes and pushed at my knee with his foot, essentially kicking me. “I don’t remember you being this joke-y before.”
I laughed. “I use humor to mask my emotions now. Ya know, like an adult.”
“Okay, okay. But for real. Why would someone kidnap a S.H.I.E.L.D. protected physicist? What good does a physicist even do?”
I rolled my eyes at him. “Physics is actually pretty cool, you people just don’t think it is. Physics covers a lot. My best guess within reason? Some evil rich person has a half-hacked plan to take over the world but needs a professional to help him seal the deal.” I shrugged.
Grant sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I hate the fact that that sounds like a valid, logical, reason.”
I laughed. “Well, we do work for S.H.I.E.L.D..”
“Yeah, okay. But I’ll bet you fifty dollars it’s some weird organization and not someone rich.” Grant snorted.
“You sure you wanna bet on that?” I grinned again.
“I just wanna know who paid you.” Coulson asked calmly as Grant and I crept around Lola, crouched.
The man paused, then yanked a gun out. “Paid me enough not to answer questions like that.” He aimed at Coulson.
Grant gave me a glance over my shoulder before moving, pulling the gun from the man’s hand and him along with it. I ran to grab the horse by the reigns, trying to calm it. The man landed on his back with a grunt, hands up as Grant pointed the gun at his head.
“Feels like the old west.” He turned to me with a faint smile as Coulson stepped closer to speak to the man again.
“They gave me money for my equipment, that’s all. I never saw a face. I never heard a name.” He had his hands up, eyes darting between Coulson and Grant.
“And how did you receive this money? They write you a check?”
The man sighed and pointed to the side pouch on the horse’s saddle. Grant looked at me and jerked his head in that direction. I patted the horse’s neck before moving over to open the bag, which was filled with gold bars.
“Paid you in gold?” Coulson picked a bar up.
I looked at Grant. “Now it really feels like the old west.”
“It looks like this because it’s a doré bar. It means it was made in a mine rather than a refinery. It’s only about 92% pure, the cowboy got cheated a bit.” Jemma explained.
“Can you determine a mine based off the impurities?” Coulson asked.
“Oh, yeah, we’ve done that already.” Fitz went to the computer. “It’s from the dacey mine in Tanzania, which is owned by-”
“Quinn Worldwide.” I came to his side as I cut him off, glancing at Coulson.
“I’m sure you’ve studied the CEO in your chemical engineering classes or saw him on the cover of Forbes. Ian Quinn.” Coulson sighed and walked out of the lab, up to the steps.
“He’s a sociopath.” I scoffed.
“I mean…” Jemma tried to put her positive twist on it, but to no avail.
“Who is?” Grant came into the lab, looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.
“Ian Quinn.” I said as Fitz pulled up a picture and turned his monitor so Grant could see. “Spoiled, bratty, millionaire evil genius.” I quirked an eyebrow.
Grant sighed deeply and pulled out his wallet, handing me two twenties and a ten. I pocketed them with a smile, giving him a half-hug as a thanks before going upstairs with Coulson.
“Darlin’, come downstairs. I’ve got a feeling you might wanna hear this.” Fitz came over the comms in our room and I rolled over in the bed, dropping my book onto my nightstand as I hit the button to answer.
“Are you sure I’m gonna wanna hear about it? I’m reading.”
“Well…” He paused and I could hear him clear his throat. “It’s a scientific breakthrough, darlin’.”
He knew he had me then. Any breakthrough was amazing, whether it was scientific or psychological or whatever else. I pulled one a pair of fuzzy socks and all but bolted down the stairs to the lab.
“Jeez, what’s the rush?” Skye asked, coming down the steps after me.
“Scientific breakthrough, come on.” I grabbed her hand and tugged.
“What is it, you guys?” I popped up to sit on the counter in front of the holotable, resting my chin on Fitz’s shoulder.
“Gravitonium.” He put his hands on his hips.
“What?” Skye asked, unimpressed.
“Holy shit.” I mumbled, wrapping my arms around one of his and leaning forward.
“It’s an extremely rare high-atomic numbered element.” He explained.
“It powers the device.” Jemma continued. “It’s so extremely rare that most people didn’t believe it existed, much less the theory that an isolated positive charge-”
“Yeah, would turn the flow from isotropic-” Fitz continued.
“Guys.” Skye interrupted them. “High school dropout here.”
Fitz looked at me, his hand frozen and his face confused. He didn’t know how to put many things into simple terms. I patted his back and tried to give him a guideline.
“How does the device work again?”
“Well, gravitonium distorts gravity fields within itself, causing an undulating, amorphous shape.” Jemma tried to explain, as Fitz was still stuck.
“Which causes these, um…” He pointed, trying to find an easy word. “Wiggly bits here! But when an electric current is applied,” he motioned with his fingers and I felt a goofy smile grow on my face. “The gravitonium solidifies. And those gravity fields erupt,” he continued to mime it and I held back my laughs. “Randomly changing the rules of gravity around it.”
Skye looked at me and I felt myself turn pink, trying again not to burst out laughing. Fitz gave my leg a squeeze before running over to the other side of the lab, now completely invested in his explanation.
“Well, so now you can imagine what would happen to a big rig at 100 kilometers per hour.” He rushed to sit at his computer, and then froze up a bit. “Or, well, you could just remember, ‘cause we saw it already, didn’t we?”
I walked over as he picked at his lips and then bit his nails as Jemma began to speak. I gently pulled his hand away from his mouth, linking his fingers through mine. He smiled at me softly and pulled our hands back to his mouth to kiss my knuckles.
“Come here.” He tugged me up to sit on his thighs with my side to his chest as he brought his arms around my middle and started to type.
I looked over to Skye, who winked at me.
“Guess which genius published every theory about gravitonium and possible applications years ago?” Jemma asked.
“Dr. Franklin Hall.” Skye answered.
“Correct.” Fitz-Simmons nodded.
“And Dr. Hall attended the University of Cambridge at the same time as Ian Quinn.” I looked at the files Fitz had pulled up on the computer.
“Violet, I think you might be off on this. Quinn’s a notoriously good guy.” Skye shook her head. “His charity endowment’s something like eight billion dollars.”
“Yeah, with money made from leeching the Earth of its resources. Looks like he’s dug up another.” Jemma scoffed.
“He’s textbook, Skye. Tries to give himself a good public image when in reality, dude’s only watching his own back.” I called without turning back to her.
“That’s my girl.” Fitz mumbled under his breath, still focused on the screen as one hand pulled mine up and he kissed it again.
“The man’s a prisoner, and it’s up to us to get him out!” Coulson was growing more frustrated by the minute.
“We’ve checked the specs. There’s no way into Quinn’s compound without a large S.H.I.E.L.D. strike force, or a man inside. He’s got neodymium laser fencing surrounding the property.” Grant scoffed.
“They’ll never allow a strike force into Malta.” I shook my head. “Plus, this weekend, Quinn Worldwide’s got its annual shareholders gathering. We’d risk global outrage. But…” I trailed off, looking to Grant.
Not if we go it by ourselves.
He sighed, but nobody else seemed to understand the nonverbality. Coulson picked up the slack for them.
“If we go in alone, S.H.I.E.L.D. can disavow us, claim ignorance.”
“Without a man inside, it’s impossible, unless you’re immune to pulse laser emissions.” May leaned against the table.
Fitz sighed from next to me and Jemma held her hands against her neck, her nervous tic. Fitz stood straight, and I already knew what was coming, but the amusement it would provide outweighed my desire to stop him in his tracks.
“If we had a monkey, we could get in.”
“Ah, Fitz!” Jemma seemed annoyed.
“If we had a small monkey, he could slip through the sensors and disable the fence’s power source with his adorable little hands.” Fitz put his hands up.
I bit back a smile as Grant looked at me with a face. I grabbed Fitz’s arm and pulled him tight against my side, smiling up at him.
“Now’s not the time, angel face.” I whispered.
“I could go in.” Skye had walked in at some point, and was now leaning nonchalantly against the wall, phone in hand.
“Drop me in the hills outside of Valletta. I’ll spend a few weeks establishing a cover, gathering intel-”
“We don’t have the time, Grant.” I cut him off, shaking my head.
“And to restate, any agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. caught on Maltese soil can be shot to death with bullets- legally.” Jemma gestured.
“Not me.” Skye spoke again. “I could go in.” She now took a step forward.
“Skye, this is serious.” Grant brushed her off.
“No.” I stopped him. “She’s right. She’s not an agent.” I looked to Coulson, who seemed to agree.
“This isn’t something the Rising Tide can hack, Skye.” Grant said with a layer of disgust in his tone.
“Did you hear the deadly lasers part?” Fitz looked from her to me, hands on his head. “Without a brave monkey-” I clapped a hand over his mouth and looked to Skye, a signal for her to explain.
“You said you could go in with a man inside.” She shrugged.
“And you wanna be that man?” May’s eyebrows were raised.
“Fitz-Simmons loved the guy, and he needs help. They could be torturing him. Or worse, making him do strength-training.” She glared at Grant.
“She’s a hacker, she can easily apply that to playing a role.” I rolled my eyes at him, sensing his upcoming protests.
“But she doesn’t have the background or clearance or experience with any of this.” He turned away from me and walked toward her, growing increasingly agitated.
“I know.” She put her phone up. “But I’ve got an invitation. Well, technically, it’s an evite.” She looked to me with a smile.
I didn’t bother to hold back my grin. She was something, that was for sure. I trusted she could do it, and if anything went wrong, Grant and I would figure out a way to pull her out if necessary. Grant looked at me with a sigh.
This is a bad idea.
I shrugged.
It’s the only one we have.
And although I wouldn’t admit it, I much preferred this to him going undercover.
“Grant!” I caught him coming out of Coulson’s office, fuming.
He turned to me. “It’s a bad idea. Actually, no” he began to gesture wildly, “it’s not just a bad idea, it’s the worst idea! She’s gonna get herself killed! She doesn’t know what she’s doing! And then what? We’re back at square one with one of our people down?”
“Hey.” I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled his arm down. “First of all, breathe. It’s gonna be fine. And secondly, we have a few days. You’re her SO.”
“Again. First on paper, but you’re on there too.”
I ignored him. “Keep training her. Get her ready physically, I’ll worry about getting her mind in the right state. We’ve tag-teamed before, let’s just do it again.” I looked up, eyebrows raised in the way Jemma always said was my ‘mom face’.
“Yeah, we’ve tag-teamed against a group of rebels shooting at us. Are you sure we can tag-team her?” He crossed his arms across his chest.
I threw my head back with an exaggerated groan and rolled my eyes. “Grant. We’ve tag-teamed Christian before. I think we can handle a hacker.”
I knew mentioning our older brother would be a risk, and I watched as his face changed and he became a few shades lighter. But it worked, because he was soon nodding and meeting my eyes.
“Let’s do it. I’ll head downstairs to do muscle memories. Come with, sit and watch. Let your little psych brain work some stuff out.” He held his hand out for mine and I stared for a second.
I couldn’t remember the last time Grant had held my hand. I knew that we always did when we were younger, because our family spent all our time out of the house and on trips, and Grant was the only one who had seemed to care that I didn’t get split up.
“Hey.” He whispered, leaning down to meet my eyes. “You’re okay.” He nodded, flexing his fingers.
I snapped out of it with a nod, slipping my hand into his and letting him lead the way down to the garage.
“Now, again, slowly, what’s first?” Grant held the unloaded gun level with Skye’s chest as they went over the maneuver once more.
She gripped his wrist and pushed it up, twirling under his arm and pressing herself into his chest, the gun still in his hand but under her control.
“And then?” Grant followed up.
She paused and I shifted on the metal steps, trying to find some sense of comfort. This had been going on for an hour, and I was surprised that Grant hadn’t snapped by now. My neck ached, my hips were burning, and my leg was throbbing. This was the last day we had to train her. Mentally, she was ready. But that was worth nothing if she couldn’t evade getting shot.
“Then things are moving too quickly. I’m a proper Southern girl-”
I watched Grant throw his head back with an eye roll that looked like it hurt as she pulled on an accent.
“You’ll make me untidy.”
“Twist the thumb, palm the barrel.” He moved his hands over hers to repeat the motions, a bit harshly.
“Ow.” She winced, taking her hand back and shaking it.
“You’re gonna die and leave us hanging out to dry, you know that?” He tucked the gun into the waistband of his jeans. “You’re going in with no self-defense skills-”
“I have a few tricks up my sleeve.” She cut him off, crossing her arms.
“That isn’t enough. You need muscle memory, fundamentals, the tools to turn yourself-”
“Into a whole bag of tools?” She cut him off.
“Okay Skye, how did you learn computer science if you didn’t fully commit to it?” I asked, trying to find a better approach on teaching her.
“C.S. comes naturally to me. I’m sorry I’m not naturally whatever he is.” She pointed at Grant with a grunt.
He looked at me, neck snapping like it was broken.
What the fucking hell?
I returned the look, trying to ease his tension.
It’s okay. Calm down, and explain it. Don’t lose your head.
The air tensed, and I watched Grant’s fist curl. One mention of our childhood was enough to last a few months. Twice in one week was a major overload.
“You think this came naturally?” He stood straighter, shoulders squared as he took a predatory step toward her. “I had a brother who beat the crap out of me- and Violet. For nothing, for eating a piece of his birthday cake. I had to learn to protect us. The way I am trying to protect you. That was my moment. You asked.” He was towering over her now, and I could feel what he was feeling.
Anger, contempt, sadness, fear, every other negative emotion that you could possibly name. I watched as Skye slouched a little, looking from him to me and then at the floor.
“Sorry.” She looked up again. “Didn’t mean to push. But… I did manage to take this.” She pulled the gun up with a smile.
Grant took it back, his emotions gone and the heartless soldier back at play. “Getting the gun is one thing. Pulling the trigger- that is another.” He put the gun back to her chest. “Now, again, slowly, what’s first?”
“Skye will walk in the front door.” Coulson paced, trying to keep awake.
It was six in the morning, and none of us had gotten nearly enough sleep. I was leaning back against Fitz, who had his arm around me as he breathed deeply. May and Jemma seemed wide-awake, and Grant was taking a mental nap in the corner, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.
“The only external access point to Quinn’s underground facility is from a beach cove. A two-man extraction team could slip in there, but it’s not easy. Fitz-Simmons.” He handed it over to them and Fitz begrudgingly kissed my cheek before leaving my side and joining Jemma at the screen.
“The perimeter is surrounded by a twenty foot high neodymium laser grid. Touch it, and you’re toast.” He looked at me as he spoke, as if he were also struggling to stay awake.
“Dead toast. The only way to disable the grid is to crack the system and trigger a reboot. This would give the team three seconds to cross. Of course, Quinn’s too smart to allow any wireless access on his property.” Coulson walked through it.
“That’s where I come in.” Skye nodded.
“Yes.” Jemma opened the black case on the table.
I couldn’t see with everyone standing around it, but Fitz grabbed my hand and pulled me in front of him, squeezing my shoulders after I padded over.
“Working compact- holds up under X-ray.”
“Desert rose. To match your complexion.” Fitz pointed at the small mirror. “But oh, what’s this?” He picked it up, slinging his arms over my shoulders so I wouldn’t have to switch spots again. “A readout, okay? Turns green if you’re in close enough proximity to a computer to gain wireless access.”
“When it does, you just drop this nearby and walk out. We’ll do the rest. Easy as pie.” Jemma smiled as Fitz closed the mirror.
“Or it will be. If you stick to the plan.” Grant spoke for the first time since we had gathered in the conference room to review the plan.
“Got it. Plan, green, drop, walk… pie.” Skye smiled.
Fitz handed her the mirror and she took it with a small thank you, flipping it around in her hands as Jemma explained something to her. Fitz turned me around and pulled me to lean against him, arms over my shoulders as I let my head fall into its spot against his neck.
“Alright team. Suit up.”
“Wife’s name is Nadrah.” May filled in the gap for Skye, swiping around on the holotable.
“Sir, are you sure you don’t want me to go in? Grant and I work really well together, and that way you don’t have to go out into the field.” I tried to reason with Coulson, who was gathering his gear.
“I’m sure, Violet. You stay here, keep Fitz-Simmons calm. You know they panic in intense situations. And don’t worry. I’ll keep your brother safe.” He patted my shoulder with a smile before brushing past me.
I sighed and looked up to the ceiling. Fitz walked in, handing me a bowl of popcorn and a water bottle. He gave me puppy eyes and I followed him to the holotable, where May was still directing Skye.
“How’s she doing?” Fitz whispered before shoving popcorn into his mouth.
“She’s good.” Both Jemma and May whispered back.
“I could get used to this, people. It’s like Siri if it worked.” Skye spoke. “Skipper to Bravo. I’ve got eyes on Top Dog. The Eagle is landing on it.”
We all looked at each other, and May let a small smile twitch past her lips despite her eye roll. I giggled and hopped up to sit on the table.
“What are you doing?” Jemma asked.
“Uh, sorry, I-I dunno. I see Quinn, I’m gonna go talk to him.”
Jemma smiled hopefully and May remained stoic. Fitz offered me popcorn. I only opened my mouth, letting him throw the pieces in and laughing when he missed horribly.
We heard Skye laugh over her comm. “Yeah, right? Ian Quinn. I’m your last-minute party crasher. Skye.”
“Oh. Wow.” We could hear Quinn too, albeit faintly. “Great to meet you. Um, this is Skye, a member of the Rising Tide. They’re a group of hackers. They’ve gotten some pretty big secrets out to the public.”
“I prefer hacktivist. I’m glad you’ve heard of our site.”
“I read it. We think very much alike. More freedom of information, less government infringing on everyone’s rights. I’m a fan.”
I rolled my eyes and grabbed at Fitz’s tie, pulling him to stand between my legs so I could lean against him.
“That explains the invite. This is a tough party to get into.”
“Not as hard to get into as the encrypted back channel you contacted us through to request the invite.” His tone was annoying, and he was trying to flirt with her.
“That’s sort of where I live.” I heard Skye force a laugh.
“You’ve got to show me how you did that- I mean, if you sign on.”
She paused. “Sign what, now?”
“I’ve been known to turn a few black hats into white hats, not just for vulnerability analysis, but for very creative thinking.”
Skye hesitated and I rolled my eyes again, thumping my head against Fitz’s shoulder. He only rubbed my back.
“A-are you offering me a job?”
“Well I didn’t invite you here for your pretty face. I didn’t know you had a pretty face.”
I looked over my shoulder at May, who only shook her head and mirrored my eye roll. Fitz caught my look and tutted at me, pulling me back against him and kissing the top of my head.
“Yes, I wanna hire you, before someone else snatches you up.”
“That seemed to go well.” May noted.
“Yeah. It did.” She breathed out, and her tone seemed different, but I was tired beyond belief.
Grant and I had spent the entire night awake, sparring to try and blow off steam. The mention of our older brother twice in three nights had shaken us both to our cores, and then we were awake and angry. We had gone until three in the morning, at which point I realized the time and sent him to bed because he had to be alert to be the extraction tomorrow. I had spent another two hours on the punching bag. At that point, Fitz came downstairs with pajamas and sleepy eyes, looking for me. We hopped in the shower together because he was scared I’d pass out and drown if I were by myself, and I fell asleep afterward, with only half an hour left until we had to be up to start our day all over again.
The comm stuck in my ear crackled to life, and I was relieved to hear Grant on the other end.
“Hey Vi. We’re here. Keep you updated.”
“Sounds good, bubs.” I mumbled back.
I could hear Coulson over the comms, saying something about Grant’s personality setting Dr. Hall on edge. I scoffed a laugh and turned my head into Fitz’s shoulder.
“It’s locked, but there’s no lock.” I heard Skye.
Fitz grabbed another handful of popcorn. “Eh, check for a keypad.”
“Nothing. What, you can hack a keypad?”
“No, not over the phone.” He mumbled, bringing the bowl of popcorn over my shoulder and placing it in my lap.
“Is there a reception desk?” May asked.
“Okay, yeah. Well now what do I do?”
“What are you trying to do?” Quinn’s voice came over her comm and we froze.
“Just… looking for a pen,” she laughed nervously. “Here we go. Gotta write down all those good ideas, you know what I mean? Of course you know what I mean, you probably have like ten pens for all your ideas…”
“What are you really doing?” His tone escalated.
Skye took a long pause. We stared at each other and I pressed the comm in my ear.
“Grant? She might’ve just been made.”
“Noted.” He grunted back and then was gone as quickly as he had come.
“Alright. I’m busted. I was trying to get a glimpse behind your office doors, see how things really operate.”
“I invite you here as a guest, you treat me like another corrupt institution, looking for trade secrets to leak online. Security-”
“No, no, no, wait. It’s just… with all these la-di-da people, you have to be so guarded, so … careful. What you say. What secrets you reveal. And … I was hoping that you and I… could be honest with one another. If you know what I mean.”
There was another long pause, and then there was a creaking of doors and Skye was back to normal. Fitz had climbed onto the table to sit behind me, forcing me to swing my legs to the other edge of the table. The popcorn was still in my lap, and I was grateful, because that way the warmth of his arms never left my sides.
“My office had less space, more wheels. Wow. A view of the ocean and the pool.”
“Not a bad place to do business.” Quinn flirted back.
“Got the dispatch leaking Hall’s location. User’s an alias.”
“Oh, can you trace the DHCP server-”
May cut Fitz off. “Trace is running, but it’ll take time. How’s our girl?” She asked, referring to Skye.
“I thought she was done for, but she just sweet-talked her way into Quinn’s office.” Jemma exclaimed.
“Grant. She’s good. She’s in.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure, idiot.” I scoffed.
The line clicked off without a response.
“How’d she manage that?” May asked.
I sputtered, shaking my head. Fitz squirmed behind me, using his hands as he spoke.
“She probably just used her, um, uhh…” He stumbled as Jemma and May shot him glares.
I turned to see his hands cupping his chest.
“Uh, her uh… boobs.” He spat out.
I rolled my eyes and got off the table, leaving the bowl in his lap and standing at his side.
“Ugh! That’s the only explana-” Jemma was cut off by static.
I looked down to see Skye’s comm gone. “Shit, the signal’s dead.”
“Fitz, what did you do?” Jemma hit his arm.
“What- I didn’t do anything! She must’ve- oh lord.” He sighed.
May looked at me. “She’s double crossing us.”
I shook my head. “No, no, no, no, no. Stop. We’re not gonna jump to conclusions here, alright? She’s probably just got an idea.” I defended her.
“She’s supposed to stick to the plan!” I forgot my comm was on.
“She’s just offline. We lost audio and vitals.”
“Abort is not an option. But if she’s compromising-”
“She’s still your only way in to get to Dr. Hall. And you’re the only way out. Sit tight.” I rolled my eyes and clicked the comm off.
“Violet. Just think about it. Why else would she turn off her comm?” Fitz asked me, eyes kind.
“She’s got a plan. Just trust me. She’s gotta have a plan.” I clicked my comm back on. “Grant, just keep moving. This doesn’t change anything. I’ll keep you updated.”
He scoffed on the other end. “Since when are you so soft?”
“Can you put aside the bitch-fit for when you come back? Right now you have to focus on getting in and out, okay?” I rolled my eyes.
“Fine. Keep me updated.”
“I told you I would.” I rolled my eyes again, clicking my line off.
I looked around to see Fitz-Simmons and May blinking at me, eyes wide.
“I just, uh…” Fitz trailed off, scratching the back of his neck.
“We haven’t ever really seen you like that is all, love.” Jemma offered a sweet smile.
“Your brother’s back and you’re acting different. It’s sort of amusing.” May shrugged, the most truthful.
“Hey, Vi?” Grant’s voice was calm and quiet.
“What’s wrong?” I perked up.
“We’re gonna have to take on this next patrol. Skye better hurry it the hell up or we’re dead. Just thought you should know.” He whispered.
I sighed. “Be careful.”
“Always.” It was followed by a grunt, and then the sounds of an unfair fight.
I sighed and watched as May eyed the holotable nervously. Skye was still offline. A few grunts later, Grant sighed.
“Guys, clocks ticking. Where’s Skye?” Coulson came on.
The holotable clicked, and her compact connected.
“We’re in!” May shouted.
“She’s done it!” Jemma squealed.
“Leo, you’re up.” I took the bowl from him.
“Oh, Mother of all things. Move, move! Move!” He all but shoved May aside, tie flying as he ran.
His fingers danced over the holotable, and his eyes darted around as he licked his lips. He was scared to screw it up.
“Vi, tell Fitz to hurry. They’re onto us.” Grant growled.
“Fitz is going as fast as he can!” I shouted back.
“Fitz!” Coulson called.
“Saying his name repeatedly does not increase productivity!” Jemma yelled, getting them to back off.
“Okay, go!” Fitz jumped.
“Or maybe it does.” Jemma tilted her head.
“Grant! Move, now!” I watched the three second timer on the screen.
“System rebooting in two, one, now!” Fitz counted it off.
There was a grunt and then silence.
“Grant?” The rise and fall of my chest became frantic.
I really hoped my brother hadn’t gotten cut in half by a twenty foot laser fence.
“We’re in.”
I sighed, letting out a breath. May had gone back to her computer, following the trace of the dispatch that had leaked Hall’s location. Fitz pulled me into a hug. I hooked my arms around his middle and buried my face into his shoulder, ignoring the itching of his cardigan against my nose.
“Oh no.” May was louder than usual. “Coulson. The leak came from-”
“Dr. Hall. Yeah, I’m getting that.”
There was a yelp and a grunt, and then Coulson’s comm cut out.
“I’m here.”
“Coulson’s out. We don’t know what happened. Keep moving, get Skye. We’ll keep you updated. Be careful.”
“Guys, we need to talk.” Coulson’s voice came over the comms.
“Lost you for a minute.” May sighed. “We’re aware of the problem, sir. Hall wanted Quinn to kidnap him?” She asked as we walked into the lab, where Fitz-Simmons were scrambling about.
“Yeah, why would he do that?” Fitz was disgruntled.
“What is wrong with him?” Jemma was distraught.
“Quinn built a gravity generator. Like the one we found but bigger. Hall knew Quinn would need him to control its raw power, but Hall just wanted to unleash it.”
“The one we found was only two point five centimeters in diameter. It stopped a semi.” Jemma shrugged.
“How big are we talking?” I asked.
“Twelve feet. It’ll definitely take down the entire compound.”
My heart clenched in my chest once more. Skye and Coulson were on there. And more importantly to me, Grant was on there. I had just gotten him back after eleven years. I couldn’t lose him to an element on the periodic table.
“It’ll sink the place!” Jemma was agitated.
“No, it’ll do more than that.” Fitz shook his head, working at something, tucking a screwdriver behind his ear.
“Work a solution. I’ll disconnect the power before things get … crazy.”
He was gone again.
“What is it?” I asked, relief at hearing my brother’s voice.
“I don’t know where I’m going. I need you to pull up a map and talk me through this. Please.”
I only nodded. “Just a second.” I hit a few buttons on the holotable, bringing up the blueprint of Quinn’s mansion.
I took my comm out and tossed it to Fitz, who set the connection to the same as Coulson’s. Now we could all hear him, and he could hear all of us.
“Alright. This place is massive. Where am I heading?”
“Southwest corner.” May guided him. “Ward. Tell me you’ve got things covered on the ground. I can’t do a damn thing from out here.”
I caught a small gasp and perked up. It had come from Grant. I pulled up his vitals on the tablet next to me and saw that his heart rate went up. Something had happened that made him nervous.
“I’m working on it.” He replied.
We sat in silence, watching as the dot on the map that was Grant moved faster. Coulson’s comm clicked back on, and we could hear a loud whirring and a rumbling.
“... future generations ruined in his wake!” Hall’s voice was agitated.
“Like agents Fitz and Simmons, your former students? I’ve got them in my ear right now, telling me you’re not a bad guy. We could’ve worked with you on this.”
There was a crashing noise, and Fitz tensed in his seat.
“S.H.I.E.L.D.? S.H.I.E.L.D. is just as guilty of the same thing! Experimentation without a thought of consequence! Your search for an unlimited power source brought an alien invasion!”
“Fair point.” Coulson only sighed.
There was another crashing noise, and Coulson’s comm finally gave out. May cursed loudly, and Jemma put her hands back to her neck.
“She’s not here!” Grant screamed.
We paused.
“Grant, the pool.”
“There’s a pool by the window. She must’ve jumped. She’s probably out in the front!”
“Are you sure?”
“Grant! We tag-teamed! Stop doubting me and listen!” I groaned, balling my hands in frustration.
He muttered a reply that I ignored. His dot was beelining down the steps and out into the main lot. He must’ve been sprinting. He reached the spot and took a deep breath. I braced myself, knowing what was coming. There were grunts and shouts, and the cracking of bones. Grant winced, but was quick to regain another breath and keep fighting.
When he finished, I could hear his breathing, along with Skye’s, which was even more frantic.
“You hurt? Follow my orders. I’ll get us out of here.” He was gone again.
Coulson’s line came back on, staticky. “Nothing. Fitz-Simmons? I tried to cut the power. It’s still going.”
Fitz-Simmons blurted out too many words at the same time, and the only thing I understood was ‘catalyst’.
“Something to create a chemical reaction in the core.” Jemma explained.
“It’s not too late to do the right thing! Help me find a catalyst-”
“I am doing the right thing. A completely selfless act. I know that history never celebrates what didn’t happen. They’ll call this a-a tragedy. They won’t understand the good I did here.”
“Vi?” Grant came on. “We’ve almost got Coulson.”
“Can you get him out?”
“Not yet. We need another minute or two.”
“You don’t have that long.” Fitz jumped in, looking at me with concern.
“Killing innocent people?”
“Saving millions. We have to live with the choices we make, but sometimes we have to die with them too.”
“I understand. You made a hard call… and now I have to make mine.” Coulson clicked his comm off, but we still heard the gunshots through Grant’s.
“Alright, we’re in.”
Fitz-Simmons hadn’t taken the news well. Coulson had been the one to explain what happened. He shot the glass, and Dr. Hall got sucked into the gravitonium. He was gone. They were devastated, frustrated, and overall upset. Jemma had made a tea and fallen asleep on the couch, where Grant wordlessly draped a blanket over her and shot me a look when I smiled at him.
Fitz was in the bathroom, showering. He had left the door cracked open, and I got the feeling it was to reassure me that he was okay. The water shut off, and he got dressed rather quickly, coming out of the bathroom in boxers and nothing else. His hair had obviously been towel-dried, and he hadn’t bothered to fix it. He gave me a soft smile as he sat next to me.
“Hi angel face.” I whispered, leaning up to press a kiss to his cheek.
“I love you.” He mumbled, wrapping me in his arms and dropping his head against my shoulder.
He was exhausted, and I couldn’t blame him. I ran my fingers through his damp hair and wrapped my arm around his shoulders, tracing shapes onto his bare skin.
“I love you too. Why don’t you try to sleep, Leo?” I asked once he pulled back, wiping at his eyes.
“Stay with me?” He gave me puppy eyes and jutted out his bottom lip. I couldn’t tell whether it was intentional or not.
I smiled and leaned forward, grabbing him by the cheeks and pulling him to me so I could kiss his pouty lips. “Always.”
He slid down under the covers and let me get settled against the headboard. I sat with my legs crossed. He rolled over and dropped his head into my lap, laying on his side and pulling the blankets up to his chin. I threaded my hand in his hair, tugging gently at the curls to untangle them. He sighed, content. My hand started to work by itself, long after his hair was close to dry and he was breathing steadily, asleep.
Skye had gone downstairs to work on her punches, and Grant had gone straight for the shower. I sat in the bed, fingers still mindlessly combing through Fitz’s hair. I hadn’t been the one to lose a mentor, and I hadn’t been the one with a gun up to my face, but I was still tired, and now emotionally drained. There was a knock on my door.
“Come in.” I mumbled, eyes focused on a spot on the wall.
“Hey, ducky. How ya doing?”
I shrugged, watching as he sat on the edge of the bed.
“I’ve had better days.”
He nodded. “I’m gonna go check on Skye. Wanna come?”
I nodded, working Fitz’s head off my lap and onto a pillow. I took Grant’s hand the moment he outstretched it. We walked in silence, and it was peaceful. We didn’t have to verbalize what we wanted to say to each other, we just knew what the other was thinking. It was all I’m sorry’s and I love you to death, please don’t forget that’s and I’m glad you’re alive’s. He went down the stairs first, sitting down and letting me lean onto him.
“Where’d you guys grow up?” Skye asked through a grunt.
“Massachusetts, mostly.” I answered.
“A house?” She asked again.
“You didn’t?” Grant cocked his head.
She stopped the bag, holding it steady as she panted. “One house.” She grabbed a water bottle and walked to our side. “The Brody’s. I was nine. Sent me back to St. Agnes after a month. Said I wasn’t a good fit.”
“Foster parents.” Grant deduced. “Your first?”
She scoffed. “My third. I had heard it before, but… this one was different.”
“‘Cause you wanted them to like you.” I spoke in a hushed tone.
She looked up and nodded. “Bad.”
Grant sighed and she looked back down, sniffling. I looked down to my brother. He gave my knee a squeeze.
“I called her mom once… tried it out.” She shrugged and sighed. “Guess it wasn’t a good fit.”
She shook herself off and returned to the bag. “Hoping for something and losing it? Hurts more than never hoping for anything.”
Grant and I exchanged looks.
She needs reassurance that we won’t leave her. She’s got trust issues.
Grant nodded and we got up wordlessly, each putting weight against the bag so she could have a more solid stance.
“We won’t turn our backs.” He spoke first.
“Doesn’t matter.” She took another punch. “I made my choice. I want this.” Another three punches. “Bad.”
“Well, good. Because you fit in. We like you. You’re a buffer, and a smart one.” I smiled, letting Grant put his full weight against the bag so I could take the pressure off my leg.
She looked at me with a grin. “And I know there’s a truth serum.”
Grant and I only looked at each other once again, each laughing.
“Whatever you say, rookie.”
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ppaction · 5 years
The Trump-Pence Administration’s Latest Attempt to “Defund” Planned Parenthood, Explained
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Political appointees are shifting federal grants away from evidence-based health care providers — and toward ideology-driven opponents of our rights.
Political appointees in the Trump-Pence administration have undertaken another sneaky attempt to limit your access to reproductive health care. Using an arcane grantmaking process under Title X — the nation’s only program dedicated to providing affordable birth control and other reproductive health care — the administration is diverting federal funds away from proven, trusted health care providers like Planned Parenthood.
What’s their goal? To steer federal dollars toward ideological opponents of abortion and reproductive rights — and to take a new step toward eliminating people’s access to the full range of reproductive health-care options.
Here’s what you need to know.
How they’re doing it
Late in March 2019, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) listed recipients of federal grants to provide care under Title X. Grantees deliver access to affordable birth control and reproductive health care to people with low incomes — including many who couldn’t otherwise afford health care services on their own.
Usually a nonevent, the list release made news because the Trump-Pence administration’s grant announcement left out four Planned Parenthood affiliates that have provided care to patients under Title X for years.
Planned Parenthood has a proven record of serving millions of patients through Title X. Recent analysis shows that 41% of people who get care through Title X do so at Planned Parenthood health centers. To exclude proven providers such as Planned Parenthood rewards ideology at the expense of public health — and puts access to Pap tests, cancer screenings, and other potentially lifesaving health care for hundreds of thousands of people at risk.
The administration has attacked reproductive health care under Title X before. In fact, just 3 weeks earlier in 2019, HHS issued a Title X gag ruledesigned to stop patients in the program from getting birth control at places like Planned Parenthood — and prohibit doctors from giving women full information about their sexual and reproductive health care options. The gag rule is scheduled to take effect in early May.
Reproductive health care is health care. By freezing out longtime providers of Title X health care under Title X, the administration has sent a clear signal: it intends to pursue the ultimate goal of its gag rule, which is to take away access to reproductive health care, through every means available.
Why now?
That the announcement of the gag rule and the ouster of proven providers from Title X happened in quick succession is no coincidence. The Trump-Pence administration has been laser-focused in its pursuit of a clear ideological agenda: blocking access to reproductive health care, including safe, legal abortion and birth control at providers such as Planned Parenthood health centers.
From the early days of his campaign, President Trump promised to appoint judges who would “automatically” rule to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 1973 case which affirmed that access to safe and legal abortion is a constitutional right.
With Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch, Trump worked to keep that promise. Beyond the spotlight, however, the White House also worked to fill the ranks of the administration with ideologues who oppose access to safe and legal abortion, birth control — and even comprehensive sex education.
Among those appointees:
Valerie Huber
Huber arrived as the Trump-Pence team’s first administrator of Title X after a career of advocating abstinence-only sex education — an ineffective approach that puts teens at heightened risk of teen pregnancy and STDs.
Diane Foley
Foley is the Title X program’s current administrator — who before joining the Trump-Pence team had operated two fake women’s health centers in Colorado.
Katie Talento
Talento, a White House domestic policy council member who in the past has made the false claim that birth control causes infertility — and who has worked from the White House to undermine access to birth control in the U.S. and beyond.
Matthew Bowman
Bowman, despite a history of arrests connected to his anti-abortion extremism, has the task of keeping HHS compliant with the law. Bowman previously worked as an attorney for anti-abortion fake women’s health centers.
With those hires and others, the Trump-Pence administration has built a team committed to undermining access to the full range of reproductive health options — and one equipped to direct funds meant for the expansion of access to reproductive health care to ideologues who oppose that care.
A senior attorney at the National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) warned of such intentions for Title X funds in 2017:
In an interview, [Mara] Gandal-Powers [senior counsel for reproductive rights and health at NWLC] underscored advocates’ “huge concern” that the announcement could unlock federal money for grantees that previously wouldn’t have been eligible to apply or otherwise lack women’s health experience…
“Like a crisis pregnancy center, or something that even has an innocuous name that doesn’t actually know what it’s doing on women’s health, or a state that then would try to administer it in a way that would be preferable to this administration but not helpful for women,” Gandal-Powers said.
The impact: More dollars for fake health centers …
After the exclusion of proven providers from Title X grants, concerns about the Trump-Pence administration’s redistribution of reproductive health funds for ideological purposes are no longer hypothetical. Even as they squeeze longtime providers from the Title X program, Trump-Pence political appointees have hung a welcome sign for ideological groups — including operators of ‘health centers’ that push birth control options such as the calendar method, the temperature method, and other fertility awareness methods over common forms of birth control that are up to 99% effective.
One beneficiary of the administration’s ideological largesse: Obria, a California-based network. Obria received a three-year grant worth $1.7 million per year to provide reproductive health care, even though its health centers, by the organization’s own admission, do not provide “contraceptives” — meaning forms of birth control other than fertility awareness methods.
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The administration’s apparent decision to favor ideology over evidence-based medicine speaks to the depth of the Trump-Pence team’s bias against evidence-based health care. The current administrator of the Title X program, Diane Foley, was president and CEO of an organization financed by Focus on the Family — an anti-LGBTQ hate group — that operated two Colorado fake women’s health centers. While leading those clinics, Foley propagated unfounded myths about reproductive health care, and even claimed that demonstrating proper condom usage in a sex-education setting was too complicated and could be “sexually harassing.”
Foley and her predecessor in overseeing Title X, Valerie Huber, have long had the goal of curtailing not only people’s access to evidence-based reproductive health care, but also access to evidence-based information about reproductive and sexual health. With the Trump-Pence administration, Foley and Huber have both found their best opportunity to attempt to achieve those ideological goals.
… and Reduced Access to Essential Health Care
The damage Foley, Huber, and other Trump-Pence political appointees are poised to do to people’s access to reproductive health care is enormous.
The Title X program serves 4 million patients per year, and 41% of patients who receive care under Title X do so at Planned Parenthood health centers — including centers operated by affiliates excluded by Trump-Pence appointees from Title X grants.
In California alone, Planned Parenthood affiliates deliver Title X reproductive health services to 705,000 patients.
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In Wisconsin, Planned Parenthood health centers serve four out of five patients — 79 percent — who receive care made possible by Title X.
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This health care gives people more control over if and when they have children, and allows people to exercise more control over their lives.
Moreover, we know what happens when politicians succeed at blocking patients from care at Planned Parenthood:
In Texas, data shows that tens of thousands fewer people receive care due to the deliberate reduction of access to proven, trusted health care providers.
In Iowa, a law led to the closure of four Planned Parenthood health centers, displacing nearly 15,000 patients — many of whom have no place else to go for STD tests, Pap tests, and other services provided through Title X. Rates of gonorrhea in one part of Iowa affected by the closures have since almost quadrupled.
Attacks on Title X also harm communities that need more access to health care—not less.
The majority of patients in the Title X program identify as people of color, Hispanic, or Latino; 21% identify as Black or African American, while 33% identify as Hispanic or Latino. Many women of color face delayed health diagnoses and increased mortality rates for breast and cervical cancer — forms of cancer that can be detected early in screenings provided through Title X at Planned Parenthood health centers. And more than half of Planned Parenthood health centers are in rural or underserved communities, where access to health care is often already scant.
But the Trump-Pence administration has subordinated evidence-based health care to its anti-reproductive health ideology time and time again, subjecting the birth control that nine in 10 women will rely on at some point in their lives to attack after attack. The Trump-Pence administration’s quiet attempt to undermine Title X by using reproductive health-care grants for ideological purposes is its latest attack — but there will be more.
And together, we’ll fight to stop every single one of them.
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 39: Tea Fight
Hey I just wandered into a random forum on the internet about the deaths that impacted you the most in a series, and I was in there faster than you can say “How many GRR Martin fans does it take to kill off a pregnant lightbulb in a random wedding episode″ (the answer is no one in this entire forum watched anything but anime) and then this one guy stood up in the back of this little internet forum and was just going off about how this one dude died in Yugioh GX and he turned off the TV and like didn’t want to even go back to the season until his students were like “no really, professor, please keep watching Yugioh GX” and he was like “WHAT’S EVEN THE POINT NOW” and it was like...really??? The series where nearly 200 people have died in just the first 3 seasons??? (which I didn’t comment, don’t worry, I just kinda lurked in stunned silence)
So like, lets talk more about Yugioh, which apparently has one of the roughest death scenes in any series that this random adult guy on the internet has ever watched. Course that was GX. I’m pretty sure I take so long on this show that I’ll probably still be recapping Season 3 of Yugioh when I’m dead and reincarnated into some cursed locket that a poor internet blogger wears around their neck.
Which would be shaped like a DVD set of Seaquest, S2. Like sometimes we talk about -sonas and we draw people and characters but what would your puzzle necklace -sona be? (remembering that is has to be cursed, heavy, awkward, and as inconveniently shaped as possible--you can’t just say Gucci or wtv) Because mine is the DVD collectors set of Seaquest, but only S2. Bro says that his is a Comic Sans version of Tolstoy’s War and Peace.
But I digress, so we start this episode knowing that Joey and Kaiba are dueling or whatever--but honestly none of this matters to me. Not at all. This doesn’t matter to anyone because for the first time ever, I finally get to see Tea try and punch out a God. Or a Ghost. Really hard to tell the difference between God and Ghost in this show.
And like, no one else will even witness this event because they’re too obsessed with Joey. So much so, that Yugi makes a staggering observation.
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In the actual dialogue of the show, Pharaoh’s response to Yugi’s comment here was “HMMMMMMMmmmmMMHhmmmmmmmm”
and it’s like yeah, hard agree, Pharaoh, hard agree.
(read more under the cut)
Anyways, our very punchable God/Ghost character never came down from atop of Card Mess Mountain, and he’s just been sitting here on his perch trying really hard to just parse what exactly went down over the past few episodes.
Marik right now is me before I write every recap.
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So he decides, well if the Rod did something for Kaiba, I guess it should do something for me, thus kind of proving that no one on Earth understands how to use this item anymore. I was kinda banking on the the fact that Marik’s Slightly-More-Evil-Possessed-Ghost-God-Entity-Person was kind of like the only guy who knows what’s going on with these gadgets outside of Bakura, but nah. Not even this guy knows. Now that Bakura’s temporarily vaporized, basically all that these millennium items are now are heavy paperweights that sometimes make your life just super inconvenient.
And I guess it can possess minds but wtv. Had Marik remembered that this rod can possess minds he would have had a much, much easier time in this episode. Of course, we haven’t really seen him possess anyone since Slightly-Better-Marik peaced out, so maybe that’s just something only Slightly-Better-Marik can do?
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Ah. There it is.
What sweet catharsis.
She doesn’t actually punch him, which is kind of a shame, but because they can’t show Marik explode like a slo mo frozen giant gummy bear shot with a deer slug directly on screen, this episode is Tea-punch free.
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Anyway, during this episode, the Millennium Puzzle develops a neat new trick--which is to set an alarm to remind Pharaoh to check up on his sort-of-not-really-girlfriend for once in his damn lifetime because this asshole will not do it otherwise because he is just waaaaay too busy thinking about cards.
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And then it just finally dawns on Yugi that he boarded Murderzone island like 3 hours ago.
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And, because this is Yugi, do you think he’ll tell everyone else what’s going on? Do you think he’ll step in and be like “woah woah stop the game for five seconds I just realized Tea might be in huge danger and we all should go and stop the murder.”
Do you think Yugi, for once in his entire life, will finally tell the entire truth to his friends who have constantly given him love and support and who just want Yugi to tell them the entire truth even once? Just ONCE?
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That’s right, in an effort to be polite, he apologizes to Joey for ditching him and then books it without bothering anyone else.
The lengths Yugi will go to be as awkward as possible in order to not make anything awkward.
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And then he just books it as fast as he can go and I guarantee that offscreen, everyone just kind of stopped what they were doing, looked at eachother, and Seto was like “Well, now why am I even playing?”
Anyway, atop the tall tall tower that takes like 15 minutes to get to the top of, Marik as Tea is very easily holding their own. And listen, Marik didn’t say any of the next lines in these caps but I can’t stop thinking about how freakin weird this would be for him. I’ve been kinda holding this in for a little while and youknow what? I have to talk about it for just a little bit. Just a little.
Like I usaully just erase any shipping stuff but just...give me a little second to just...touch on this subject. Just a little bit.
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And while Marik thinking about dating is absolutely not canon, I’m just saying, going from tombkeeper to living within the body of not-Pharaoh’s-GF must have been a really crazy ride for Marik. Like, he starts out life learning literally everything about Pharaoh lore that is left over from the wastes of time. But, none of it--and I mean none of it--could have prepared him for the High School dating scene of “but should I text him more than twice a day or is that too much texting?” They don’t tell you how to do that in the Pharaoh brand card scriptures that they tattoo on your back with a hot knife in underground Pharaoh school.
Marik went from mole-person who has no human contact to just watching this whole weird thing unfold with Tea and Pharaoh giving eachother hoverhands-of-a-hoverhands hugs, and it must have been just completely wild for him. I’m not suggesting he remotely enjoyed it or didn’t enjoy it, but I’m just suggesting that the thought must have crossed his mind that this would be the last place he ever expected to end up when he picked up the Millennium Rod.
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And it’s like, congrats, Marik, your soul went to hell and then you accidentally dated your own god.
I’m sure there’s plenty of fanfics about this already to fill in the gaps, so I won’t go too deep into this but man, Marik could have possessed anyone, and he possessed this girl.
Which again was probably because she’s strangely super strong because then Tea reveals that she could have done this the entire time.
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And then I guess Marik got sleepy after that much effort and just passed out.
And no one got to see it, Ishizu didn’t see it, Pharaoh didn’t see it.
Who’s here now, PS, Pharaoh finally showed up. That long as hell elevator must’ve stopped like 4 times on the way up for Roland who’s on his break, probably heating up the grill to talk to the other Kaiba Dad Stand-ins and have a Kaiba Dad Stand-In brunch where all they do is talk about sports, dark sunglasses, and if they should send Mokuba to UC Davis or Colorado State.
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And so, seeing that Tea is passed out on the ground, Pharaoh jumps to conclusions and it very much looks like we’re gonna get a Millennium Item fight, which we haven’t yet seen Pharaoh even do.
Like, when you think about it, do either of these people even know what they are doing? Like Marik can at least fight a bunch of robots and one stationary computer monitor, but does Pharaoh have any idea that thing can shoot lasers?
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Much like a bobcat making itself look really big to fight other bobcats, Pharaoh managed to poof up his hair big enough to spook Marik into actually stepping down. I guess Marik figured he’d have a better time with cards than lasers that neither of them know how to shoot in any general direction.
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I gotta say, Pharaoh’s reaction to Marik secretly being in the body of his girlfriend was like “oh. Well we better go save him then before he dies.” and I do appreciate that. He seems secure enough in his own identity to not be bothered by this gender reversal he was not even aware of at the time. How I wish more boys on TV were more secure about that type of thing.
Like obviously this show that has no romance in it will never actually talk about sexuality but just enjoy this moment of zen where this possible lowhanging punchline could have happened and the writers room went “do we have to do the Family Guy/Friends thing?” and they were like “nah.” because Pharaoh canonically would not at all be bothered by this. At all.
Anyway, I’m kinda bummed that they didn’t extend Tea fight out for 3 episodes, but at least I got one Tea fight in before the end of the series.
I can’t believe she did a weird backflip thing off of a rail that was on a tower 300 ft in the air. I can’t believe that was the B plot of this episode.
And here’s a link to read these recaps in Chronological Order.
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sciencespies · 3 years
SLS cubesats arrive for Artemis 1 launch
SLS cubesats arrive for Artemis 1 launch
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COLORADO SPRINGS — While most of the cubesats manifested to launch as secondary payloads on the first Space Launch System mission have arrived, at least one of them will miss its flight.
NASA selected 13 cubesats several years ago to fly as secondary payloads on the Artemis 1 mission, launching no earlier than November. The cubesats, each six units in size, come from a mix of NASA, international and academic developers.
NASA released an image Aug. 11 showing the Orion stage adapter, the component that links the Orion spacecraft to the SLS second stage and which hosts the cubesats that will be deployed during the mission. The image shows nine cubesats installed on the adapter and the other four slots still unoccupied.
One of those four slots will be filled by BioSentinel, a NASA cubesat that will study the long-term effects of radiation in deep space on organisms, in this case yeast. That spacecraft has arrived at the Kennedy Space Center, NASA spokesperson Shannon Segovia said Aug. 19, but will be installed on the adapter last to preserve the biological samples onboard.
Two of the other three cubesats are part of NASA’s Cube Quest Challenge, a competition held by the agency’s Centennial Challenges prize program. NASA spokesperson Molly Porter said that one of them, CU-3E from the University of Colorado Boulder, is still expected to arrive in time for the Artemis 1 launch, but that the other, Cislunar Explorers from Cornell University, will not be ready for the flight. A third Cube Quest cubesat, Team Miles, has been installed on the stage adapter.
The other cubesat is Lunar Flashlight, being developed at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory to look for water ice deposits on the moon using lasers. That spacecraft is in danger of missing the Artemis 1 because of delays in the development of its propulsion system, JPL spokesperson Ian O’Neill said Aug. 20.
“Due to significant issues during testing of the originally procured Lunar Flashlight propulsion system, the mission switched to development of an alternative. This change occurred late in the project and delayed mission readiness,” NASA said in a statement about the cubesat. The pandemic then slowed development of the new propulsion system, which uses a “green” nontoxic propellant, by a group led by the Georgia Institute of Technology.
JPL has received the propulsion system, but O’Neill said it wasn’t clear that the system would be fully integrated and tested in time to launch on Artemis 1. “NASA is also exploring several near-term commercial launch opportunities for Lunar Flashlight in case it does not make Artemis 1,” the agency stated.
Exactly how much time CU-3E and Lunar Flashlight have to make Artemis 1 isn’t clear. Segovia said the cubesats must arrive in time to be installed on the Orion stage adapter before that adapter is installed on the SLS. NASA KSC spokesperson Tiffany Fairley said that installation is currently scheduled for early fall.
During a panel discussion at the AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum Aug. 10, David Reynolds of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center said that the pandemic had caused some of the secondary payloads to fall behind schedule. “We’re trying to give them some opportunity to get caught up,” he said.
NASA is doing so by delaying the installation of the Orion stage adapter for as long as possible, using a mass simulator in its place for tests inside the Vehicle Assembly Building at KSC. “That will allow them to load in some of those secondary payloads for another month and a half,” he said.
Reynolds noted that the current planning date for the Artemis 1 launch is Nov. 26. “I wouldn’t book nonrefundable flights just yet,” he added.
0 notes
nuadox · 3 years
NASA space lasers map meltwater lakes in Antarctica with precision
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- By Roberto Molar Candanosa , NASA Goddard Space Flight Center -
From above, the Antarctic Ice Sheet might look like a calm, perpetual ice blanket that has covered Antarctica for millions of years. But the ice sheet can be thousands of meters deep at its thickest, and it hides hundreds of meltwater lakes where its base meets the continent’s bedrock. 
Deep below the surface, some of these lakes fill and drain continuously through a system of waterways that eventually drain into the ocean.
Now, with the most advanced Earth-observing laser instrument NASA has ever flown in space, scientists have improved their maps of these hidden lake systems under the West Antarctic ice sheet—and discovered two more of these active subglacial lakes.
The new study provides critical insight for spotting new subglacial lakes from space, as well as for assessing how this hidden plumbing system influences the speed at which ice slips into the Southern Ocean, adding freshwater that may alter its circulation and ecosystems.
NASA’s Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite 2, or ICESat-2, allowed scientists to precisely map the subglacial lakes. The satellite measures the height of the ice surface, which, despite its enormous thickness, rises or falls as lakes fill or empty under the ice sheet.
Video: “New Lakes Discovered Under Antarctic Ice with NASA's ICESat-2″ by NASA Goddard, YouTube.
The study, published July 7 in Geophysical Research Letters, integrates height data from ICESat-2’s predecessor, the original ICESat mission, as well as the European Space Agency’s satellite dedicated to monitoring polar ice thickness, CryoSat-2.
Hydrology systems under the Antarctic ice sheet have been a mystery for decades. That began to change in 2007, when Helen Amanda Fricker, a glaciologist at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, made a breakthrough that helped update classical understanding of subglacial lakes in Antarctica.
Using data from the original ICESat in 2007, Fricker found for the first time that under Antarctica’s fast flowing ice streams, an entire network of lakes connect with one another, filling and draining actively over time. Before, these lakes were thought to hold meltwater statically, without filling and draining.
“The discovery of these interconnected systems of lakes at the ice-bed interface that are moving water around, with all these impacts on glaciology, microbiology, and oceanography—that was a big discovery from the ICESat mission,” said Matthew Siegfried, assistant professor of geophysics at Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo. and lead investigator in the new study. “ICESat-2 is like putting on your glasses after using ICESat, the data are such high precision that we can really start to map out the lake boundaries on the surface.”
Scientists have hypothesized subglacial water exchange in Antarctica results from a combination of factors, including fluctuations in the pressure exerted by the massive weight of the ice above, the friction between the bed of the ice sheet and the rocks beneath, and heat coming up from the Earth below that is insulated by the thickness of the ice. That’s a stark contrast from the Greenland ice sheet, where lakes at the bed of the ice fill with meltwater that has drained through cracks and holes on the surface.
To study the regions where subglacial lakes fill and drain more frequently with satellite data, Siegfried worked with Fricker, who played a key role in designing the way the ICESat-2 mission observes polar ice from space.
Siegfried and Fricker’s new research shows that a group of lakes including the Conway and Mercer lakes under the Mercer and Whillans ice streams in West Antarctica are experiencing a draining period for the third time since the original ICESat mission began measuring elevation changes on the ice sheet’s surface in 2003. The two newly found lakes also sit in this region.
In addition to providing vital data, the study also revealed that the outlines or boundaries of the lakes can change gradually as water enters and leaves the reservoirs.
“We're really mapping out any height anomalies that exist at this point,” Siegfried said. “If there are lakes filling and draining, we will detect them with ICESat-2.”
'Helping Us Observe' Under the Ice Sheet
Precise measurements of basal meltwater are crucial if scientists want to gain a better understanding of Antarctica’s subglacial plumbing system, and how all that freshwater might alter the speed of the ice sheet above or the circulation of the ocean into which it ultimately flows.
An enormous dome-shaped layer of ice covering most of the continent, the Antarctic ice sheet flows slowly outwards from the central region of the continent like super thick honey. But as the ice approaches the coast, its speed changes drastically, turning into river-like ice streams that funnel ice rapidly toward the ocean with speeds up to several meters per day. How fast or slow the ice moves depends partly on the way meltwater lubricates the ice sheet as it slides on the underlying bedrock.
As the ice sheet moves, it suffers cracks, crevasses, and other imperfections. When lakes under the ice gain or lose water, they also deform the frozen surface above. Big or small, ICESat-2 maps these elevation changes with a precision down to just a few inches using a laser altimeter system that can measure Earth’s surface with unprecedented detail.
Video: “ICESat-2 Elevates Our View of Earth” by NASA Goddard, YouTube.
Tracking those complex processes with long-term satellite missions will provide crucial insights into the fate of the ice sheet. An important part of what glaciologists have discovered about ice sheets in the last 20 years comes from observations of how polar ice is changing in response to warming in the atmosphere and ocean, but hidden processes such as the way lake systems transport water under the ice will also be key in future studies of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, Fricker said.
“These are processes that are going on under Antarctica that we wouldn't have a clue about if we didn't have satellite data,” Fricker said, emphasizing how her 2007 discovery enabled glaciologists to confirm Antarctica’s hidden plumbing system transports water much more rapidly than previously thought. “We've been struggling with getting good predictions about the future of Antarctica, and instruments like ICESat-2 are helping us observe at the process scale.”
'A Water System That Is Connected to the Whole Earth System'
How freshwater from the ice sheet might impact the circulation of the Southern Ocean and its marine ecosystems is one of Antarctica’s best kept secrets. Because the continent’s subglacial hydrology plays a key role in moving that water, Siegfried also emphasized the ice sheet’s connection to the rest of the planet.
“It's not just the ice sheet we're talking about,” Siegfried said. “We're really talking about a water system that is connected to the whole Earth system.”
Recently, Fricker and another team of scientists explored this connection between freshwater and the Southern Ocean—but this time by looking at lakes near the surface of an ice shelf, a large slab of ice that floats on the ocean as an extension of the ice sheet. Their study reported that a large, ice-covered lake collapsed abruptly in 2019 after a crack or fracture opened from the lake floor to the base of Amery Ice Shelf in East Antarctica.
With data from ICESat-2, the team analyzed the rugged change on the landscape of the ice shelf. The event left a doline, or sinkhole, a dramatic depression of about four square miles (about 10 square kilometers), or more than three times the size of New York City's Central Park. The crack funneled nearly 200 billion gallons of freshwater from the surface of the ice shelf into the ocean below within three days.
During the summer, thousands of turquoise meltwater lakes adorn the bright white surface of Antarctica’s ice shelves. But this abrupt event occurred in the middle of the winter, when scientists expect water on the surface of the ice shelf to be completely frozen. Because ICESat-2 orbits Earth with exactly repeating ground tracks, its laser beams can show the dramatic change in the terrain before and after the lake drained, even during the darkness of polar winter.
Roland Warner, a glaciologist with the Australian Antarctic Program Partnership at the University of Tasmania, and lead author of the study, first spotted the scarred ice shelf in images from Landsat 8, a joint mission of NASA and the U.S. Geological Survey. The drainage event was most likely caused by a hydrofracturing process in which the mass of the lake’s water led to a surface crack being driven right through the ice shelf to the ocean below, Warner said.
“Because of the loss of this weight of water on the surface of the floating ice shelf, the whole thing bends upwards centered on the lake,” Warner said. “That's something that would have been difficult to figure out just staring at satellite imagery.”
Meltwater lakes and streams on Antarctica’s ice shelves are common during the warmer months. And because scientists expect these meltwater lakes to be more common as air temperatures warm, the risk of hydrofracturing could also increase in coming decades. Still, the team concluded it’s too early to determine whether warming in Antarctica’s climate caused the demise of the observed lake on Amery Ice Shelf.
Witnessing the formation of a doline with altimetry data was a rare opportunity, but it is also the type of event glaciologists need to analyze in order to study all of the ice dynamics that are relevant in models of Antarctica.
“We have learned so much about ice sheet dynamic processes from satellite altimetry, it is vital that we plan for the next generation of altimeter satellites to continue this record,” Fricker said.
Header image: NASA researchers on the surface of the Antarctic Ice Sheet as part of the 88-South Traverse in 2019. The 470-mile expedition in one of the most barren landscapes on Earth provides the best means of assessment of the accuracy of data collected from space by the Ice Cloud and land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2). Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center/Dr. Kelly Brunt.
Source: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Full study: “Illuminating active subglacial lake processes with ICESat-2 laser altimetry”, Geophysical Research Letters.
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