#clear aligners boulder
alicefletcher7 · 5 months
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makethiscanon · 5 months
SnowFall: Krel x Fem!Reader [Part 3]
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Word Count: 2100
Rating: G
Tags: First Meetings, Winter, Skiing, Adventure, Third-Person.
Read Part 1: [HERE]
Read Part 2: [HERE]
The ski-lift took Krel to a different mountain this time: one that was much, much higher than before. Unlike the blue course he had just done, when he reached the summit, he did not find a jumbled congregation of people elbowing each other for space. Nor did he find small children. Or much chatter at all.
“This is more like it!” he exclaimed.
The skiers were setting off in ones or twos, their pace fast from the start. They were much more streamlined, and Krel had to admit, it was entertaining to watch.
Krel noted this one was a much longer course than before. He could only see so much of the track before a sheer drop took it out of sight.
When there was a lull in skiers, Krel eased himself up to the starting point. He planned a route for as far as he could see, then quickly set off.
He couldn't bypass the other skiers as easily now. They seemed more aware of their aerodynamics and flew down the slopes at a pace. So instead, he enjoyed the rush of his own movements, zipping this way and that and he descended the mountain.
When the course suddenly dropped off, taking him to unplanned territory, he grinned and shrunk himself down towards his skis, picking up speed.
The course, again, was lined by trees, though their birth around the perimeter was much wider. It still felt secluded, but left Krel feeling like he had a lot of room to explore.
After a few minutes of descent, the course took a sudden steep drop, with a short ramp some few metres after. Avoidable, if necessary, but not something Krel worried about hitting.
Aligning himself with the ramp, he picked up speed then zipped into the air with some pretty impressive hang time, if he said so himself.
He landed the jump with relative ease, but had to swerve as soon as he landed to avoid colliding with a snow-covered boulder.
“Too close,” he said once he’d cleared it, letting out a small sigh of relief. When he looked back, wondering why on earth there was a course with that kind of monstrosity lying in wait, he noticed the snow surrounding the boulder seemed to be covered in large splinters of something.
He quickly felt the rush of accomplishment and threw his hands up victoriously, knowing he had bested an obstacle that might have claimed many. He raised his arms to shout in delight, but stopped himself when something up ahead caught his eye.
Someone was limping through the snow. Each time they lifted their left foot, Krel noticed the ski on that side was much shorter. He wondered if those splinters surrounding the boulder had anything to do with it.
Painfully aware of how fragile humans were, Krel felt compelled to check on this particular one in need. He slowed to a stop beside them then pulled down his mask to talk.
“Are you alright?” he asked, then caught the way they seemed to freeze up at his intervention. Perhaps they did not want helping.
He started to turn, readying himself to set off, but the person lifted their goggles and lowered their mask.
“I crashed. Think I twisted my knee.”
The airy, embarrassed laugh caught him off-guard, but no more so than the fact he recognised the face it came from.
“Tiësto Girl…? Great Gaylen, this planet really is small.”
She looked confused for a second, then realisation dawned on her.
“The guy from the lobby.”
“You remember me.” Krel said in delight. Then he pondered her earlier statement. “Will your knee untwist?”
A short pause followed. Unbeknownst to Krel, it was while the girl debated whether he was trying to make a joke or not.
“Well. Yes. Sort of? Um. You couldn’t do me a favour?”
He cocked an eyebrow curiously.
“I assure you I probably could.”
Another pause.
“Um… okay. Anyway. Can you go on ahead and radio for assistance?”
Krel blinked. He wondered if that sentence was supposed to make sense to him. He was, of course, willing to help, but where was he heading to and who was he calling?
“There’s an emergency shack every quarter mile. Didn’t you read the safety pack at the lodge?”
Krel had not planned to leave the comfort of his room today. Reading a human safety manual had not been up there on his priority list.
That being said, he didn’t want to look like a fool.
“Got it.” He lied. He turned to go, but paused a moment to double-check on her. “Will you be alright?”
She nodded.
“I’ll manage. Hopefully the rescue team’ll show up before I get there. Thanks, by the way. Four people passed by me before you stopped to help. Either they didn’t see me, or ignored me.”
This girl was in a neon pink-and-yellow puffer-jacket. Krel couldn’t imagine anyone was blind enough to miss her.
Feeling compelled to be of use, Krel set off down the mountain in search of this so-called shack. He wasn’t entirely sure what a shack was, but was sure he would know once he saw it.
Sure enough, as he zipped down the snowy mountain, it wasn’t long before he came across a small, log house just off to the side of the ski course. Judging by the antenna poking up from its roof, this was the place because there was a radio inside.
Krel slid to a halt at the edge of the track, then pulled himself from the groomed snow and onto rougher, uneven terrain, with his sticks. After a few wobbly manoeuvres, he discovered it was easier – although by no means easy—to walk his way to the cabin, lifting his skis in large, unbalanced steps.
Once he was at the front door, he unclasped his ski boots then went inside, propping his skis and sticks up just inside the door. The room inside was small, but seemed fit for purpose. There was a desk, a chair, a worn-out bed, some cupboards, and a hearth that looked like it hadn’t seen the flicker of a fire in a long time. Most importantly, though, was the radio sitting atop the desk.
“Excellent.” Krel said triumphantly, then studied the device for a moment, chuckling at such a primitive piece of technology. Still, he supposed it could do the job in a pinch.
Removing his goggles, his mask, and his hat, Krel sat himself in the chair then put the radio headphones over his ears and reached for the mic. Thankfully when it came to technology, he was very good at figuring out how to use new equipment on the first try. He pressed a button on the mic’s base then leaned in to speak.
He released the button and waited. He was about to try again when a crackly, static voice replied through the radio’s speaker.
“Reading you Cabin Twelve. This is Base Camp. How can we help? Over.”
“Ah- right. Yes. This is, presumably, Cabin Twelve. A girl is on her way and requires you to untwist her knee.”
The pause before the reply was unhelpful.
“…Do you need a rescue team? Over.”
“Yes. She wants to meet you at the cabin. She…”
Krel’s words tapered off as the cabin became bathed in a murky, grey light. He looked up from the radio, only to see that heavy snow had started to fall outside. His finger remained pressed on the communication button as surprise hit him. When he remembered to remove it, the reply through the speaker was mostly scatchy static with a few disjointed words.
“… wait… she… don’t…”
Krel frowned. Human technology at its finest, again. A little bit of bad weather and everything came to a standstill. Although, he had to admit as he listen to the sudden wind whipping against the side of the shack, this change in weather was particularly unexpected.
He spoke into the microphone as his view of outside became increasingly blurred by snowflakes.
“I recommend you hurry.”
As Krel continued watching the snow growing heavier, he suddenly saw a neon pink blob appear in the hazy distance beyond the window. Rushing to his feet, he only thought to throw on his skiing goggles before heading out to help the girl towards the cabin. He was very aware that unlike him, her body was susceptible to the cold and that the ever strengthening wind would only make things worse, especially when she could only walk as fast as her bad leg and broken ski.
As his feet came into contact with the snow, he sank down a little with each step he took. It stalled him slightly, but he managed to greet the girl just as she came off the course, onto the bumpier, ungroomed terrain.
“Base camp should be on their way.” He said in greeting, though found he had to shout to hear his own voice over the wind.
“What?” She shouted back.
Realising that talking was futile, Krel chose instead to take her arm and hook it over his shoulder to support her as she pushed her skis towards the shack. Thankfully, though he was in his human form, his strength was still that of an Akiridion. Even at her slow pace, it wouldn’t be long before they were both out of the bad weather.
As the wind and snow whipped up around them, the girl leaned herself towards him, her voice coming through as a dampened shout,
“Where did this blizzard come from?”
Truthfully, he did not know either. Earth weather was unpredictable at the best of times, but this seemed excessive.
As they made their way closer to the cabin, Krel suddenly heard a crackling sound that drew his attention. It was a fizzle in the air, like static. The hairs rose up along his exposed neck. He instinctively looked back towards the mountain, only to witness a bright flash of lighting, followed by a thunderous boom that rattled the trees and caused both of them to stumble. Krel’s eyes grew wide.
“What was that?” Asked the girl, regaining her footing after cursing like a sailor from the pain of putting pressure on her bad leg. But Krel did not hear her. Not because of the wind. But because every fiber of his being was now focused on watching the powdered snow picking up speed as it raced towards them down the mountainside.
Krel didn’t need to know what an avalanche was to know that anything hurtling towards him at that speed and ferocity was not something he wanted to be caught by.
He turned and began dragging the girl by her shoulders, forcing her past any speed that could be comfortable in an effort to get her to safety.
“Go, go, go, go!”
He shouted over the storm, unable to keep his gaze in one direction when he needed to look at both the distance to the shack, and the ever-gaining maelstrom behind them. It was so much harder to walk as the earth trembled, as the avalanche gained footing. He felt the pressure shifting. They were only meters from the shack but he knew they wouldn’t make it. Everything around them quaked as the rumbling turned thunderous, then the path ahead turned dark as the avalanche’s shadow overtook them.
Knowing he had no other option, Krel used all his Akiridion strength to push the girl the last distance towards the cabin with a forceful jolt, then turned and brandished his serrator.
He unleashed a shield, giving her just long enough to get to her feet and wrench the cabin door open, before the overwhelming pressure of the snowy landslide knocked his serrator from his grip, leaving him defenceless. The girl turned just in time to see him disappear beneath the avalanche’s onslaught before she had to force the door closed to save herself.
What followed was a few agonising minutes of pain, stress and screaming as she backed up and pressed her whole body against the door, begging it to hold as the entire cabin groaned and creaked under the pressure.  She begged it to hold. She begged it. Snow sputtered down the chimney, telling her that the shack was being submerged. She held still, hissing and cursing with even her bad leg jammed tight against the door.
Then, finally, the creaking subsided for the most part. Everything turned still. She listened. She couldn’t hear the avalanche, or even the wind. With her heart hammering in her ears, she pulled away from the door slowly, then when it did not cave in, she turned and wrenched it wide. Only a wall of powder-white snow greeted her.
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nono-uwu · 4 months
Hello hi here is what alignments ons characters would have in path to nowhere :3 (and i give zero context for my reasoning!) Also feel free to add on/make suggestions for other characters!
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(Tierlist maker fried the images holy shit)
Characters not included bc i have no fugin clue where to put them: Mitsuba, Chess, Horn
Characters not included bc I was too lazy to grab their images: everyone else lmao
Explanations for each alignment utc! (aka the flavor text in game)
Violence: Boiling blood torments the body of the violent one. Neither love not hatred matters anymore. - No matter how you try, you will be forever mired in blood
Love: The lover's upturned gaze fixes on the sky above the cliff, as if longing for an unattainable aim of desire. - Fulfill my most frantic loneliness
Greed: Greed will ever expand and snowball into a massive, bone-crushing boulder. - You wish to dominate all, but you will perish a servant
Treachery: Paths of the earth become as fatal as a frozen lake with cracks. Icy demise is at the slightest misstep. - The faithless, the insincere, the dishonest - their soul do not return
Limbo: The limbo one tries to see through Fate's plan, yet has learbed how arduous it is to seek the meaning of life. - Blind idiot, all is vanity
Anger: The angry trudges through mud, searching for a clear path. The answer's not out there; it reflects from within. - The fire of rage may burn out, but I am their fuel
Heresy: Wrath of authority trails closely behind, vowing to chase heretics into the eternal hellfire of the sarcophagus. - Outside of the light, I dwell in shadow
Sloth: The heart of the sloth stays where it is. Even if there are countless roads in front, they shall balk at moving forward. - Cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn, stubbornly fetering oneself
Fraud: The fraud believes in what they think is true, and therefore feels they can manipulate everything. - The deluded take refuge in the dark, and those who fool others have no place to return to
Immortal: The one who sleeps here is not deceased. Under the light of the red moon, there is an end to death. - Retrograde without return, withered and sunken
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rionas-path · 11 months
Chapter 7
To Traverse the Frozen Plains
LV. “For one final time young lass; by the curse, what dost thou plan to find?” Reeled off the old goddess, nonetheless, the girl listened not, Merely cursing under her breath as the bitter cold she fought Chilled her down to the very bones, and whilst her plans had all aligned, She could not have imagined the prospect of a snowstorm’s surprise. Yet, slow down she could not, for fear of her tribe’s pursuit unwise. Her travels northward need-be continued with pace and clear mind, Even when the snowfall of knee height, demanded all her strength combined.
LVI. Her slender yet strong build struggled to make solid progress Through the difficult, icy terrain; all while the grating voice Of the divine made efforts to undermine the headstrong choice To persist in the blizzard. Lo! Up ahead she saw something egress And appear at the edges of her sight. A natural, rocky ceiling Of a stone-faced, steeply-angled gorge. Winter now revealing A vast riverbed, humbled to a brook during the white dressed Moons, awaiting the water’s release of Young Verdure’s excess   LVII. Thereupon, she could claim a few resting breaths of reprieve From this raging storm. As she reached the rocky overhang, A cave’s entrance awaited her further inward as the breeze sang Along the large grey boulder behind which it hid. Relieved For long, she was not. With every step, an ominous tension grew In the flow surrounding her. This entrance made her feel askew. As anything could be waiting inside, she did her spear-staff retrieve, Gripping it hard and inched closer, counting on her vigorous heave.
LVIII. Aurianne uttered with a reserved voice, her demeanour contrasting Her usual self: “Ríona, please! I know we might not see Eye to eye on a vast array of matters…” She made a plea. “However, trust me for once and do so without delay or waiting On fate! Keep thy wits about thee and do not enter that cave!” The blizzard’s winds began crashing into the entrance wave After wave, forcing the duo to rush inwards and hiding Away behind a stone, as the wind kept over their heads blasting.
LIX. Then Ríona extended her digits and charmed the flow about her, Producing a radiant light in the palm of her hand. Before them shaped a receding wall made from rocklike sand Slowly sloping downward, further away from the lit up blur That was the flowlight. Though the howling outside persisted And a few snowflakes still rushed in behind as if assisted By a force Innerwordly, they were safe from the cold stir Of the blizzard. At last, the demigoddess did her thoughts confer.
LX. “Alas, we have no choice now but go onwards.” She exclaimed But was promptly interrupted, “Hark thee! Halt still this moment!” The goddess cut in, having read every nook, cranny, and component Of the youth’s mind in these past few hours after having been drained Of her wakefulness. “Thou hast no plan. Thou wishest to blunder Thy way into finding this icon thy mind hast built up with wonder From my tales? The Tsar is a lost man, forsaken and duly shamed For his madness! I have told thee; he cannot answer thy question pained!”
LXI. This stopped Ríona in her track as she began her reply With ferocity: “This is convenient for you, is it not? You with Your little game of lies, schemes, delving deeper into myth. Always with remarks, always with scrutiny? I cannot lie, I know my chances slim, but I’m taking destiny into my grasp, Forging my own path, damned be all!” she scoffed with a loud gasp And stood up from her crouched stance before adding a baulking sigh: “Whatever waits inside; they’ll be more helpful than your false cry”
LXII. Aurianne now in shock, exclaimed: “Me, unhelpful? All I’ve Ever done has been me giving my all to thee, dear lass!” This annoyed Ríona more than ever: “Your tales caused this impasse At which we stand! Your handiwork, your lies through which I strive To find the truth! Why did you have the Legend’s Quarry removed? What lays inside the poor Tsar’s mind?” her mental toll disapproved With her anger. The goddess knew little would satisfy the girl’s drive In search of clarity, thus she looked for a ways to contrive.
LXIII. One plan spurred to her mind’s forefront. If only she could get Close enough, she’d be able to bury the truth hiding Inside the elder demigod’s body. With resigning Inflection she spoke: “All right! I’ll help thee find this Tsar, don’t fret!” This brought Ríona to a halt. Though often after nagging At the goddess, she’d give in and amuse such curious thinking, Yet this was too easy, farfetched after the trickery she set In motion this past night. In doubt, she took caution as if ‘ere a threat
LXIV. Alas, before she could even pursue the spirit’s intention, A reverberating noise came from deeper inside the grotto, Bringing interruption to Ríona’s mistrustful mind’s flow Through which she couldn’t untangle the plans of Aurianne’s invention. The sounding quickly became her priority as it seemed to advance Ever closer. By mistake, she let go of the light which would dance And flicker about the cavern, casting light in vast dimensions Along all the aciculate dripstones, the ground’s fangs now in attention
LXV. Slowly, the reverberations became three distinct sets of paces; Accompanied by sporadic earthfall, though one step lagged. Soon followed peculiar low cackles, grunts and other jagged Bellows that certainly did not come from any gentle places Which Ríona would know. Without a doubt not Outerwordly. Then one of them spoke up to a shout, yet still sound unclearly Echoed about due to the cave’s natural reverbing spaces, And continued to leave aural sensations with haunting graces.
LXVI. The voice was raspy yet feminine with a spine-chilling Animalistic peculiarity looming about it, And heartbeat after heartbeat, step after step, bit by bit The figures approached as the duo waited silently, revealing Two, not three outlines as Ríona had previously believed. Indeed, one appeared crouched and missed a front limb, the other removed And stoic. Ríona now forthwith recognized these thrilling Beings: The Fox; rabid, and the Maven were now appearing.
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Goddess Eldath
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Violence serves no end but to create more violence. There is a better way - let me show you.
Eldath is the guardian of groves, and her presence is felt wherever there is calm. She is also regard ed as a goddess of serenity, comfort, and healing. Any waters blessed by her are known to cure sickness and madness. They can also calm the dying, giving them peace and a natural passing.
Eldath is a pacifist who avoids hostile action, even if threatened. Although she, quiet, and enigmatic, Eldath is possessed of unknown depths of character and unexpressed resolve that cannot be broken. She meets challenges by strategically withdrawing, a course of action that in time always leads opponents to overextend into an untenable position in which their reinforcements have been converted to her side. Recently she has been suffering many attacks from Malar and his followers, with the People of the Black Blood despoiling several of her sacred pools.
In a world brimming with evil deities and their servants, ogres, goblins, warring nations, and other hostile forces, it is not surprising that Eldath's philosophy of peace and calm has failed to catch on. Still, legends speak of heroes who embraced the cause of Eldath and abandoned warfare forever. One race of beings who travel against the tide of war with Eldath are the ondonti, a pacifistic orcish race.
Eldathyns were organized into a simplistic hierarchy, where priests reported to a local high priest responsible for a realm or larger region. Most followers dwelt in quiet forest communities with open-air sacred places of worship or in woodside cottages, far from the baseness of city life; both often containing pools of placid water in unspoiled areas. They rarely ever engaged in open confrontation and always acted subtly and peacefully.
Her clergy often followed migratory patterns traveling from holy site to holy site in a local area. They took care of the holy sites and allied with the local druids who followed the First Circle, of which Eldath was considered a member. Violence of any kind against an Eldathan priest was considered taboo, and murdering one was said to bring extremely bad luck. Even so, most servants of Eldath preferred to avoid conflict rather than trying to pacify it because they understood that peace cannot be forced. They would happily preside over peaceful meetings and witness political treaties.
Many people came to Eldath for help in overcoming memories of a violent past. Sometimes this was a single event, and in other cases it was the accumulation of conflicts they had fought.
Eldathyn usually spend their lives tending unspoiled places to ensure that they survive and even flourish in the face of human and other depredations. Priests of Eldath replant burned areas, purge areas of plant diseases, construct boulder firebreaks, irrigate wooded areas, and clear streambeds to make rivulets flow more swiftly or create dams to slow runoff and encourage the life created by small pools. They even make bargains with nearby foresters to cut only in certain areas and leave other woodlands alone.
Clergy of Eldath are all taught to swim, and often teach this skill to nonbelievers in return for small offerings of food and coins.
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Tenets of Faith
Eldath's dogma was pacifistic, and her followers only resorted to violence in defence of themselves, of their friends and loved ones, and of pools and groves. Worshipers of Eldath could be of any alignment, but priests were always non-evil. Druids that followed the Mother of the Waters remained neutral, while her specialty priests sometimes leaned toward good.
Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for.
Purity. Violence would stain my soul. I will not engage in it.
Protection. I will use my gifts to shield and heal those who cannot defend themselves.
Tutelage. No-one is beyond redemption. All can be shown the true way.
Mystery. There are secrets to be found in the deep silence of the Goddess. I crave them, and fear them.
Kinship. Truly, all living creatures are one. We should treat one another with respect and dignity.
Priests tend to worship and make pilgrimages to one of Eldath's nine sacred temple groves (also called fastnesses). However, small temples exist in or near great forests, and clerics tend to the surrounding community and woodlands.
Clerics and druids of Eldath pray for their spells once per day at a time selected after great personal reflection. Prayers are usually made when bathing or floating in ponds or streams, when standing under waterfalls, and in small chambers, caves, or forest bowers given over to regular meditation.
Prayers must he performed upon awakening, at sunset, and at least once during the dark hours, and may be performed at any other rime as personally desired. In woodlands and remote wilderness areas, worship of the Green Goddess should be done unclad or as close to it as is possible in a given circumstance.
The only calendar-related ritual of Eldath, the Greening (Greengrass) is also the only regular gathering and festival of the priesthood. It is preceded by Firstflow, a festival held at different times in different locales as the ice-breaks up and the waters begin to flow.
The church of Eldath has a circle of a few peacewomen and peacemen who have formed a group known as the Arbitrators of the Quiet One. They freely go to areas of conflict and attempt to serve as mediators in longstanding disagreements that have led lo violent acts. They listen to both sides and try to find a middle ground without polarizing the issues through overt statements of moral judgment. They prefer to find resolutions that get at the heart of a problem so that once dealt with it does not flare up again in months or years.
The monastic order of Eldath is the Disciples of the Yielding Way, sometimes known as the Brothers and Sisters of the Open Palm. These monks guard sacred sites where many peacemen and peacewomen dwell and travel the countryside gathering information for isolated groves and fastnesses. They do not ever seek to provoke violence, hut arc quite deceptively deadly when defending themselves, their charges, and their holy sites.
The paladin knights order of the Forest Heart are rare and widespread and are generally found traveling as intermediaries between faithful within civilizations and those in deep forests. Despite following compassionate deities of protection, these members are not opposed to violence in the face of aggression and will actively seek out peaceful wilderness locations which have been spoiled, diseased, blighted, or otherwise damaged. Slaying anyone or anything would be avoided except in the direst of situations - though aberrations, Malarites, Talonites, and other great evils may find themselves facing the point of a sword more swiftly. When not protecting the forest’s peace, members preach of the benefits of nature and the peaceful relaxation of finding the perfect place to unwind and reflect. Paladins of this order may freely multiclass as rangers and scouts.
Eldaths's Favor
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Eldath’s favour falls on those who have made exceptional provision for peace and mercy. Her gaze alights on mortals who hold life itself in the greatest esteem, and who consider violence to be the tool of a lost soul.
Eldath’s scions are often those who have the privilege of living away from situations in which violence is a hard necessity. Hermits in the deep wood and monks secluded in monasteries are common examples.
Why did Eldath choose you as their champion?
You displayed pacifist principles at great cost to yourself.
You spend a great deal of time in the deep of the woods and the goddess came to you in a dream.
You were gravely injured by the cruelty of another, and healed in a sacred spring.
You were once a violent and evil person, but you were changed by the kindness of another and Eldath took pity on you.
You have pondered all your life on the silent mysteries of creation.
You don’t know why the goddess chose you, and you don’t even WANT her judgmental brand of help.
Solving a crisis through nonviolence
Healing or caring for the sick
Taking time alone to observe silence and meditation
Violence except as a last resort (and even that requires absolution)
Causing chaos or a loud disturbance in the calm
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untowonder-gone · 2 years
you know, i will forever appreciate how ptn describes the Sinner alignments. like they didn't have to be so visual and visceral with some of these descriptions.
Violence - boiling blood torments the body of the violent one. neither love nor hatred matters anymore. / no matter how you try, you will be forever mired in blood. Love - the lover's upturned gaze fixes on the sky above the cliff, as if longing for an unattainable aim of desire. / fulfill my most frantic loneliness. Greed - greed will ever expand and snowball into a massive, bone-crushing boulder. / you wish to dominate all, but will perish a servant Treachery - paths of the earth becomes as fatal as a frozen lake with crack. icy demise is at the slightest misstep. / faithless, dishonest, unbeliever - do not return Limbo - the limbo one tries to see through Fate's plan, yet has learned how arduous it is to seek the meaning of life. / blind idiot, all is vanity. Anger - the angry trudges through mud, searching a clear path. the answer's not out there; it reflects from within. / the fires of rage may burn out, but I am their fuel Heresy - wrath of authority trails closely behind, vowing to chase the heretics into eternal hellfire of the sarcophagus. / outside of the light, I dwell in shadow
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valdezhqs · 2 years
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during the halloween party following the annual halloween event. a space ship from iyama, crashes into the desert, crashing in the same spot the crash in 1922 happened. the space ship was carrying a scouting party from Iyama, some members of the race having stayed behind on the planet, either having been aligned with the usurper or with the government. they followed the same path that the iyamans in the past had taken to see if wherever they had was survivable for their race as iyama is inhabitable thanks to the war between the usurper and the government and those who survived were living on a post nuclear dystopia.
everyone outside on this night see the lights from the ship, see a fire as it crashes down, and anyone inside hears the sound of a crash, everyone’s theories on what it was varies but there are few who know exactly what it was. the iyamans living in boulder city feel the presence of the ship from their home planet, as well as others from their planet. they become overwhelmed by this due to having been away from their home planet for over a hundred years, their connection had weakened compared to those who stayed behind.
due to their link to the aliens, the hybrids all get pieces of a shared vision. pieces of a vision that don’t make sense to each hybrid due to only seeing pieces.
The next morning there was an article in the local paper talking about a meteor landing in the same spot, covering up the air force who had found the ship, there were no aliens left behind as they had cleared out prior to the Air Force arrival. leaving a bigger question , where have they gone?
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theemperorsfeather · 2 years
It was a very nice hike, though the last few miles of road had several patches that were quite not-nice - but I reminded myself I had driven on worse (had repeat panic attacks on worse) and survived so, you, it would be Fine, and it was.
There are many miles of trails up there in the wilderness but I took a shorter one up to the big lake, ate some jerky and my apple (and some other food), and had some mild conversation with, uh, you know, Whoever it is up there. (In there? *shrug* IDK) I believe our first conversation was when I was out here to take a look at the house, so I did think at some point I should actually make it up to the mountain properly.
I took a little side trip on the way back down, because it looked intriguing: there were some absolutely MASSIVE boulders there, and I had to go take a closer look, I mean who could resist, honestly?
It was one of those places. The big boulder/pile closest to the trail was roughly pyramidal and the topmost part had either broken the right way, or smaller stones had piled on top, or both, but at any rate, near the top, among the fractures, there was hole in the stone. Into the stone and through at some angle, I could see light in there.
Yeah. Big triangular stone. Hole. Through. The. Stone. Mmm. Good times, good times.
I may joke about stepping into fairy circles with little care for the outcome but that would be either a) under invitation or b) if there was absolutely no sense that I should not do it.
The hole was probably big enough to stick my hand inside but I can't verify because I didn't get anywhere close to that part of the stone. That was a big old NOPE! There was a very clear sense of stand there, no move a bit to the left so you're aligned right, yes, ok, now walk around, through there, step exactly there and there, place hands there, step through (narrow passage between the stone and another and oh there was another even more massive one but no, not going there), spit, ok, now go back the way you came, good girl.
That was a very different sort of Presence than Whomstever I've been talking to when it's just the mountain (or its . . . whatever you want to call it. Representative?)
Anyway, after that bit of fun I wandered down the trail a bit more because there was something else interesting up there, then turned back, spied an interesting stone on the path and while I was crouched down admiring it, I heard some interesting bird cries. Eagles. Bald eagle, two adults - and two other very large, very dark birds. I think they were young bald eagles. They were SO big, and relatively close to the others, and the pair of them were flying very, very close to each other, matching movements, so, perhaps siblings, still getting used to the whole flying thing, and screeching occasionally. It was quite wonderful.
I spent the rest of the afternoon in my backyard, soaking up the sun and not moving, very "no thoughts head empty" because I'm pretty tired from the hike. I doubt I'll be back up there until the spring, which is kind of maddening, because it was wonderful to be up in the forest, up in the mountains, but while I'm sure the car is capable of making it when the last bit of road is wetter (or snowy), I don't know that my nerves are up for that.
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yunnathearcher · 3 days
Waking up to Ra’s meows and scratches at the door
4 books and a planner in my bed
Wanting to come & wanting to go, consciously choosing to go
That hasn’t changed and there’s a reason for that
My scent on my nightgown, sweet. Shea butter, vanilla. Comforting.
Love pulling up a transit chart and watching the Moon catch up to the Sun
Pink shoreline mixed with eucalyptus and sea salt wax cubes burning in the tealight holder, tropical, effervescent.
Noticing a leaf fall in table top pose
Hearing wind chimes in malasana pose
Nothing out, a little in. 2
Noticing desire in the strangest places
Noticing so much during the yoga session that I begin to feel excited and pause for a moment
Ass smacks. Short shorts. Uhauls.
These are softer, thinner.
Warm air and late summer heat on my skin
Feels like an outside autumn
A preference for solemn serious instructors
Tenderness in right heel, hope it eases up soon
Not the devil, that’s not what I am. There have been times where I have had the devil in me but that is not my I AM.
When the shadow is well integrated, there is no devil. There is only God.
Paradoxical, I know.
To do: Explore mediums
Meanwhile, pour.
Others attempts at shaming you are attempts to crush your soul and deflect their shortcomings.
Push your boulder.
Mindfulness alarm going off while I’m cleaning the crib, Saturn hour begins.
Gentler, slower.
Love art that enlivens.
Subconscious realizations coming up for air.
He’s barefoot. Walking on pavement.
Keep going.
I knew I felt it.
Today I feel like salting the earth behind me, yesterday I felt like turning back, will see how I feel tomorrow
Reminded of the black walnuts and how that went
He said, “You are so pretty, it makes no sense.” Made me blush.
Feel myself fighting avoidant tendencies today.
He was handsome too. Different.
Music aligned x2
Yeah, yes, yep.
Found what I’ve been looking for!!!
And then there’s a totem.
Extending the shred a bit.
Steering clear of distractions and stumbling blocks.
Tenderness eased.
That deer feeling never fully leaves but it eases. With time, patience, awareness, reflection.
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Water for the ancestors.
The scales, the goat, the ram and the crab.
Reminded of my first kiss, back of the school bus, on a field trip. Remembering how his friend asked for a kiss after seeing us.
Late night cookie run. Grey sweats. Beautiful moon.
Nights like this make me miss being a courier.
Thinking of how good books feel like nurturance to me. Passing by a billboard for Georgia Reads Day 9/30.
Big dog lineage, big dog pathways (spiritually)
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topwebdesigndubai · 1 month
Best Landscaping Services in Dubai, UAE
Landscaping in Dubai
Landscaping in Dubai
Are you weary of managing hoses and envisioning a secluded garden or a new lawn? Whether your project involves new construction, renovation, planting, or irrigation, Green Creation Landscaping Dubai provides a proven record of superior landscape installation. We collaborate closely with clients from the initial design phase through to project completion, ensuring every aspect of your landscape is executed with precision. Specializing in both residential and commercial landscapes throughout Dubai and the UAE, we are committed to delivering outstanding outdoor spaces by understanding your vision, utilizing high-quality materials, and managing the entire process from site visit to final installation. For a reliable and seasoned landscape contractor or consultant in Dubai, Green Creation Landscaping is your ideal choice.
Our approach to landscaping integrates creativity with practicality to create outdoor environments that are both visually striking and sustainable. Our services encompass bespoke garden design, eco-friendly planting strategies, advanced irrigation solutions, and customized maintenance plans. Allow Green Creation to transform your property into a lush oasis that reflects your distinct style and enhances its natural allure.
Landscape Design Dubai
At Green Creation, our landscape designers possess extensive knowledge of both landscape construction techniques and plant growth characteristics. We consider your family’s use of the garden, budget constraints, stylistic preferences, and material choices to create a design that aligns with your brief and financial plan. The final design will be rendered to scale, enabling us to provide an accurate quotation for implementation. By the conclusion of the design process, you will have a clear vision of your garden’s appearance, and we will have a precise brief to avoid costly misunderstandings during the construction phase. Utilizing cutting-edge design tools and premium materials, our team ensures that every project becomes a masterpiece. With a strong reputation for excellence and client satisfaction, Green Creation Landscaping is the premier choice for transforming landscapes into extraordinary settings. Trust us to create the ideal outdoor environment for your home or business.
Soft Landscaping Dubai
With over twenty years of experience, Green Creation Landscaping has provided exceptional soft landscaping services to both commercial and residential clients across the UAE. Our projects range from dynamic landscape planting schemes for corporate headquarters, educational institutions, retail parks, and industrial estates, to residential gardens. We deliver innovative soft landscaping solutions tailored to our clients’ specifications. Our process includes site evaluations and drawings, and we collaborate closely with architects to ensure cost-effective, high-quality results. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our impressive client base and the high rate of referrals we receive. We pride ourselves on delivering unique planting schemes and maintaining a reputation for integrity, reliability, and affordability.
Hard Landscaping Dubai
Enhance your outdoor space by integrating hard elements that establish symmetry between your home and garden. Hardscaping elements such as pavers, stonescapes, and outdoor structures not only define your landscape but also enhance its aesthetic appeal and functionality.
Green Creation Landscaping Dubai transforms hardscaping into an art form. Each custom design incorporates color, texture, and dimension to deliver a distinctive elegance to your outdoor environment. Our skilled team has hands-on experience in installing a variety of hardscaping features, including stamped and colored concrete, stone walls, patios, paved pathways, flagstone, and boulders.
Hardscaping Services Include:
- Stonescapes - Paver and Stone Work - Patios - Walkways - Retaining Walls - Stacked Stone Walls - Terraces - Pool Decks - Driveways - Concrete - Wood Decks - Arbors
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guerilla-marketing · 2 months
Activation agencies in Colorado
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Exploring the Impact of Activation Agencies in Colorado: Crafting Memorable Brand Experiences
In the evolving landscape of marketing, activation agencies have emerged as pivotal players in creating engaging and memorable brand experiences. Colorado, with its unique blend of urban sophistication and outdoor adventure, provides a fertile ground for innovative activation campaigns. This article delves into the role of activation agencies in Colorado, highlighting their importance and the advantages they offer to brands seeking to make a lasting impression.
What Are Activation Agencies?
Activation agencies specialize in experiential marketing, focusing on creating direct and impactful interactions between brands and consumers. Unlike traditional advertising, which often involves passive engagement, activation campaigns are immersive and interactive, designed to forge strong emotional connections and enduring impressions.
Why Colorado is Ideal for Activation Agencies
Colorado's diverse environment, combining bustling cities like Denver and Boulder with picturesque natural landscapes, offers a unique setting for creative and varied brand activations. Here’s why Colorado is an ideal location for activation agencies:
Diverse Demographics: Colorado's population is a mix of urban professionals, outdoor enthusiasts, and diverse cultural communities, providing a broad audience for tailored activation campaigns.
Thriving Event Scene: From music festivals to tech conferences, Colorado hosts numerous events that offer opportunities for brand activations.
Outdoor Appeal: The state’s stunning natural scenery is perfect for outdoor experiential marketing, appealing to both locals and tourists.
Benefits of Working with Activation Agencies in Colorado
Enhanced Engagement: Activation agencies create opportunities for consumers to interact directly with a brand, fostering deeper emotional connections and increased loyalty.
Unique Brand Differentiation: These agencies design unique and memorable experiences that help brands stand out from their competitors.
Measurable Outcomes: Activation campaigns often yield measurable results, such as increased foot traffic, social media engagement, and sales conversions, providing clear ROI.
Leading Activation Agencies in Colorado
Colorado is home to some of the most innovative and effective activation agencies. Here’s a look at a few that are making a significant impact:
1. Altitude Experiential
Altitude Experiential leverages Colorado’s unique blend of urban and outdoor settings to create immersive brand activations. Their expertise in combining physical experiences with digital engagement ensures that their campaigns are both memorable and far-reaching. With a portfolio that spans various industries, they excel in creating tailored experiences that resonate with diverse audiences.
2. Eventure
Specializing in event-driven activations, Eventure has a reputation for producing high-impact events that bring brands to life. Their strategic approach to planning and executing events ensures that every detail aligns with the brand’s objectives, resulting in memorable consumer experiences. From product launches to promotional tours, Eventure’s campaigns are designed to engage and captivate.
3. Rocky Mountain Activation
Rocky Mountain Activation stands out for its data-driven approach to experiential marketing. By utilizing consumer insights and analytics, they craft activation strategies that are highly targeted and effective. Their campaigns often feature a blend of digital and physical elements, maximizing engagement and reach.
Key Elements of Successful Activation Campaigns
Successful activation campaigns often share several key elements, which top agencies in Colorado consistently leverage:
Creativity and Innovation: The best campaigns push boundaries and surprise consumers with unique, memorable experiences.
Strategic Planning: Every detail, from location to timing, is meticulously planned to maximize impact and engagement.
Digital Integration: Leveraging social media and digital platforms extends the reach of activations and enhances consumer interaction.
Measurable Impact: Agencies track metrics to evaluate the success of the campaign, providing valuable insights for future initiatives.
Trends Shaping the Future of Activation Agencies in Colorado
As consumer preferences evolve, activation agencies in Colorado are adapting to new trends to stay ahead. Here are some key trends shaping the future of experiential marketing in the state:
Tech-Driven Experiences: The use of AI, VR, and AR in activations is on the rise, offering immersive and personalized consumer experiences.
Sustainability: Environmentally friendly activations are gaining popularity as consumers become more conscious of sustainability.
Personalization: Tailoring experiences to individual consumer preferences enhances engagement and creates deeper connections.
Activation agencies in Colorado are transforming the way brands connect with consumers. By creating immersive, engaging, and memorable experiences, these agencies help brands stand out in a crowded market. Whether through innovative technology, strategic event planning, or data-driven insights, partnering with a top activation agency can significantly elevate your brand’s presence and impact.
In conclusion, the dynamic and diverse landscape of Colorado offers an ideal backdrop for activation agencies to thrive. Their ability to blend creativity, strategy, and technology ensures that brands can create meaningful connections with consumers, driving loyalty and growth. If you’re looking to take your brand to the next level, consider the power of activation agencies in Colorado.
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rkrdozerservice · 5 months
The Mark Of Excellence In Land Clearing- What To Look For?
Maximizing Efficiency And Cost-Effectiveness
In land clearing, the marriage of efficiency with cost-effectiveness stands paramount. The process is streamlined to avoid unnecessary tasks, focusing sharply on achieving the desired outcome with minimal fuss. This approach not only slashes the time required to clear the land but also translates into tangible savings. By prioritizing direct, action-oriented strategies, clients can expect a service that respects both their time and their wallet, ensuring a smooth transition from cluttered to clear without breaking the bank.
A structured approach to land clearing ensures swift and effective completion of the task. The process kicks off with deploying an array of heavy-duty equipment, including excavators, skid steers, and front-end loaders. These powerful machines tackle the removal of large obstacles such as trees, dense underbrush, and structures. Following this, attention shifts to eradicating smaller hindrances, including stumps, rocks, and boulders, guaranteeing a thoroughly cleared site from the outset. The subsequent phase involves land grading, a critical step where the terrain is leveled either by redistributing soil or by adding fill to even-out depressions, setting the stage for future development or landscaping projects.
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Mastery In Heavy Machinery Operation
The difference between average and exceptional land clearing services often boils down to the skillful operation of heavy machinery. With a seasoned team at the helm, these machines become precision tools, adeptly navigating the land to remove unwanted vegetation and debris while preserving the integrity of the desired landscape. This level of expertise is crucial, ensuring that even the most challenging terrains are cleared efficiently, safely, and thoroughly.
Tailored Clearing Strategies
The distinct approach of certain land clearing services lies in their commitment to align closely with client objectives, crafting a bespoke strategy for each project. For owners of expansive lands in need of clearing, the initial step often recommended is conducting a comprehensive survey. This crucial phase aids in identifying valuable elements—like significant trees or unique rock formations—to be preserved while also highlighting potential challenges, such as uneven terrain or water bodies that might impede the clearing process.
Following the survey, a collaborative effort between the service provider and the client takes shape, formulating a targeted plan to efficiently clear the land. This strategy ensures the safeguarding of designated features while seamlessly navigating any identified obstacles. Engaging clients directly in the planning phase of land-clearing services not only tailor the approach to their specific needs but also prevents unnecessary setbacks, optimizing both time and resources.
Comprehensive Land Clearing Services Across Oklahoma
Land clearing services offer invaluable benefits for both commercial entities and private landowners, ensuring each project aligns with specific goals and visions. For businesses, engaging professional land-clearing services revitalizes property appearance, efficiently eliminates debris and waste, paves the way for new construction opportunities, and enhances safety for both employees and patrons.
On the other hand, residential property owners benefit from an immaculate, eye-catching landscape, the potential to increase their property's marketability, additional room for personal projects or amenities, and the crucial elimination of potential health and safety threats. This comprehensive approach to land management underscores the versatility and necessity of land clearing services in facilitating property improvement and utilization projects across diverse settings.
Revitalizing Your Property After Disruption
Events such as natural disasters, building demolitions, or the commencement of new construction projects can significantly disturb the harmony of a property. The remnants of these occurrences not only pose safety risks but also detract from the land's aesthetic appeal, potentially diminishing its value. The process of restoring a property's condition is intricate, necessitating a deep understanding of the correct procedures for material handling and disposal. Lacking expertise in these areas might lead to injuries or environmental violations, incurring substantial costs.
This underscores the necessity of enlisting professional land clearing services for property cleanup endeavors. Specialists in this field are equipped with the knowledge and skills to manage cleanup operations of any scale, ensuring a swift and effective return to the land's pristine state. Their commitment to excellence is evident in the meticulous care and attention to detail applied during each project, enhancing the property's appearance and value.
Accurate And Comprehensive Project Estimations
Securing a quote for land clearing services involves more than just receiving a number; it requires a detailed breakdown of all associated costs. Esteemed service providers adopt a thorough approach to project assessment, enabling them to forecast expenses accurately and prevent unforeseen charges. This transparency in the initial stages fosters trust, allowing for precise financial planning and eliminating the worry of hidden fees.
The estimation process delivers a clear, itemized account of every cost involved, providing clients with a complete understanding of where their investment goes. This level of detail ensures that clients can allocate funds confidently, with the assurance of investing in a service that values honesty and integrity in its pricing model.
Revitalize Your Land with RK&R Dozer Service
Are you ready to transform your property? RK&R Dozer Service offers top-tier land clearing services designed to meet your every need. Whether you're preparing for a construction project, recovering from a natural disaster, or simply seeking to enhance the aesthetic and value of your land, our team of experts is here to help. Contact us today to receive a detailed, transparent quote and take the first step toward the property transformation you've been dreaming of. Let's make your vision a reality together.
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Common Misconceptions About Invisalign Debunked
Common Misconceptions About Invisalign Debunked:At Boulder Smile Design, we're passionate about helping you achieve a confident, radiant smile through Invisalign. However, we often come across some misconceptions about this incredible clear aligner treatment. Today, we're here to set the record straight and debunk some of the most common myths surrounding Invisalign. Let's dive in and explore the truth about this revolutionary transparent orthodontic solution.
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Myth #1: Invisalign Is Only for Teens
It's a common belief that Invisalign is primarily designed for teenagers, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Invisalign is suitable for people of all ages, including adults. Whether you're in your twenties or well into your golden years, Invisalign can help you achieve a straighter smile with invisible teeth correction. It's never too late to invest in your oral health and boost your confidence.
Myth #2: Invisalign Is Less Effective Than Traditional Braces
Some people believe that traditional braces are more effective at straightening teeth than Invisalign. In reality, Invisalign is highly effective for a wide range of orthodontic issues, including overcrowding, spacing, and misalignment. With advancements in technology, Invisalign can achieve the same results as traditional braces without the discomfort and visibility of metal wires and brackets.
Myth #3: Invisalign Is Uncomfortable
We understand that the idea of wearing plastic aligners for an extended period may raise concerns about comfort. However, Invisalign aligners are custom-made to fit your teeth snugly. While you may experience mild discomfort or pressure during the initial days of each new aligner set, this is a sign that Invisalign is working to gently move your teeth into the desired position. Most patients find the discomfort to be minimal and temporary.
Myth #4: Invisalign Treatment Takes Forever
Another misconception is that Invisalign treatment takes much longer than traditional braces. In reality, the duration of Invisalign treatment varies from person to person, depending on the complexity of the case. In many cases, Invisalign treatment can be completed in as little as 6 to 18 months, which is often comparable to or even faster than traditional braces.
Myth #5: Invisalign Is Expensive
While it's true that Invisalign treatment comes with a cost, it's essential to consider the long-term benefits and the value it brings. Many dental insurance plans now cover Invisalign to some extent, making it a more affordable option for patients. Additionally, the convenience, comfort, and discreet nature of Invisalign make it a worthwhile investment in your smile and overall confidence.
Myth #6: Invisalign Requires a Strict Diet
Some individuals worry that Invisalign means giving up their favorite foods due to the need to remove aligners before eating. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Invisalign allows you to enjoy all your favorite foods because you can simply remove the aligners before meals. Just remember to brush your teeth and rinse your aligners before putting them back in.
Myth #7: Invisalign Is Too High Maintenance
Invisalign is designed for ease of use and minimal maintenance. Unlike traditional braces, there are no wires or brackets to clean around, making oral hygiene simpler. Regular check-ups with your Invisalign providers, like us at Boulder Smile Design, will ensure your treatment is progressing smoothly.
Myth #8: Invisalign Can't Correct Severe Cases
Invisalign has evolved significantly over the years and can now handle a wide range of orthodontic issues, including severe cases. However, the suitability of Invisalign depends on your specific case, so consult with a qualified Invisalign provider to determine if it's the right solution for you.
Invisalign is a remarkable and versatile clear aligner treatment that can benefit individuals of all ages. Don't let misconceptions hold you back from achieving the smile you've always dreamed of. At Boulder Smile Design, we're here to guide you through your Invisalign journey and provide you with the most effective, comfortable, and discreet orthodontic treatment available.
If you have any questions or concerns about Invisalign or would like to schedule a consultation, please reach out to us at Boulder Smile Design,Colorado . We're here to help you take the first step towards a straighter, more confident smile with Invisalign. Say goodbye to myths and hello to the truth about transparent orthodontics!
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Achieve Your Dream Smile: Expert Orthodontics in Boulder
A captivating smile is more than just an aesthetic feature; it can boost self-confidence and contribute to overall well-being. Orthodontics, a specialized field of dentistry, offers solutions to align teeth and correct bite issues, leading to not only an improved appearance but also enhanced oral health. In Boulder, expert orthodontics services are available to help individuals achieve their dream smiles. This article delves into the significance of orthodontic treatment, the range of solutions offered, and how expert orthodontics in Boulder can play a pivotal role in transforming smiles and lives.
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The Importance of Orthodontic Treatment
Orthodontic treatment involves the use of devices, such as braces and aligners, to correct misaligned teeth and jaw irregularities. Beyond cosmetic benefits, orthodontics offers a range of advantages for oral health:
Enhanced Oral Hygiene: Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of plaque buildup, cavities, and gum disease. With improved access during brushing and flossing, maintaining oral hygiene becomes more effective.
Reduced Wear and Tear: Teeth that are improperly aligned can experience uneven wear, leading to issues like chipping, cracks, and even fractures. Orthodontic treatment helps distribute biting forces evenly across the teeth, minimizing such wear.
Improved Speech: Orthodontic correction of jaw irregularities can positively impact speech patterns, particularly in cases where misalignment affects proper tongue placement and airflow during speech.
Enhanced Chewing Efficiency: Properly aligned teeth contribute to better chewing efficiency, aiding in proper digestion and overall nutritional health.
Reduced Risk of Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorders: Orthodontic treatment can help alleviate jaw misalignment issues that may contribute to TMJ disorders and associated discomfort.
Boosted Self-Confidence: A well-aligned smile can significantly improve self-esteem and confidence, leading to enhanced social interactions and emotional well-being.
Orthodontic Solutions for All Ages
Orthodontic treatment is not limited to a specific age group; individuals of all ages can benefit from expert orthodontics in Boulder:
Children: Early orthodontic intervention, known as interceptive orthodontics, focuses on addressing developing issues in children, such as crowded or misaligned teeth. Early treatment can prevent more extensive orthodontic problems later in life.
Adolescents: Adolescence is a common time for orthodontic treatment. Traditional braces, clear braces, and lingual braces are effective options for correcting misalignment and bite issues.
Adults: Many adults seek orthodontic treatment to improve their smile's appearance or address bite problems that were not corrected during adolescence. Clear aligner systems like Invisalign offer discreet treatment options.
Seniors: Age is not a barrier to orthodontic treatment. For seniors, orthodontics can address age-related shifting of teeth, enhancing both oral health and overall comfort.
Expert Orthodontics in Boulder
Choosing the right orthodontist is a crucial step in achieving the desired results. Expert orthodontics in Boulder provide specialized care through a range of services:
Comprehensive Evaluations: Expert orthodontists conduct thorough assessments of each patient's oral health, facial structure, and bite alignment. This evaluation helps determine the most suitable treatment plan.
Customized Treatment Plans: No two smiles are the same. Expert orthodontists tailor treatment plans to address individual needs, using techniques and appliances that align with the patient's goals and preferences.
Cutting-Edge Technology: Boulder's expert orthodontists utilize advanced technology to enhance treatment efficiency and patient experience. From digital impressions to 3D imaging, technology plays a vital role in treatment planning.
Range of Treatment Options: Expert orthodontics in Boulder offer a diverse array of treatment options, including traditional braces, clear aligners, lingual braces, and more. This ensures that patients can choose the solution that aligns with their lifestyle and preferences.
Patient Education: Expert orthodontists believe in empowering patients with knowledge about their treatment journey. Through transparent communication, patients can make informed decisions and actively participate in their orthodontic care.
Orthodontics is more than just straightening teeth; it's about enhancing oral health, boosting confidence, and contributing to overall well-being. Achieving a dream smile through expert orthodontics in Boulder can lead to a cascade of positive effects, from improved oral hygiene to enhanced self-esteem. Regardless of age, orthodontic solutions are available to address a variety of concerns, ensuring that individuals can reap the benefits of properly aligned teeth and a harmonious bite. When considering orthodontic treatment, choosing a skilled and experienced orthodontist in boulder is paramount. With customized treatment plans, state-of-the-art technology, and a commitment to patient education, expert orthodontics in Boulder stand as a reliable pathway to achieving your dream smile. Remember, a confident smile is a reflection of inner happiness, and expert orthodontics can help you unlock that potential.
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safethaw · 1 year
Unraveling The Cost Factors: How Much Does A Driveway Cost?
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Homeownership is a complex journey fraught with many decisions that will significantly impact your overall lifestyle and financial situation. One such decision is the installation of a driveway, a seemingly innocuous feature that, surprisingly, comes laden with many considerations. A question that often niggles at homeowners is - "how much does a driveway cost?" This article aims to elucidate the various factors influencing driveway costs, offering a comprehensive guide to navigate through the maze of options and budgets. Concrete Versus Other Driveway Materials Embarking on this journey, we first encounter a junction of choices - driveway materials. Your options range from concrete to asphalt, gravel, brick, and even cobblestone. However, concrete stands as a popular choice amongst many homeowners. Now, you might wonder, "How much does a concrete driveway cost?" Concrete driveways are renowned for their durability, aesthetic appeal, and relatively low maintenance. However, the cost of a concrete driveway is a complex variable influenced by numerous factors. It isn't merely the concrete; costs associated with labor, installation, the geographical location, and the size of your driveway significantly impact the final figure. Hidden Factors: More Than Meets The Eye Digging deeper into the economic layers of driveway costs, we uncover other influential elements. These include excavation costs, the complexity of the terrain, and the intricacies of the driveway's design. For instance, if your property's landscape requires extensive leveling or clearing of trees and boulders, the excavation costs will scale up. Likewise, if you desire an artistic flair with a winding driveway or intricate patterns, the design costs will reflect this complexity. Maintenance: The Silent Guardian Of Your Driveway's Lifespan Once your driveway is installed, cost considerations do not cease. Like all infrastructure, your driveway requires maintenance to ensure its longevity and preserve its appeal. This is particularly true in regions that experience harsh winters. Frozen driveways are not just a safety hazard but also a potential threat to the driveway's durability. Herein lies the value of a product like Safe Thaw, an environmentally-friendly ice melt product that works without harming your concrete. The Value Of Prevention Safe Thaw's superior technology de-ices your concrete driveway, preventing the freeze-thaw cycle that often causes cracks and damages. Additionally, its eco-friendly formulation ensures that your surrounding vegetation and pet's paws remain unharmed. Incorporating a maintenance routine with Safe Thaw can greatly extend your driveway's lifespan, translating into significant cost savings in the long run. In fact, preventive measures such as these should be factored in while considering the overall cost of a driveway. Considerations For Future Resale Value Your driveway is more than just a functional feature of your property; it contributes significantly to your home's curb appeal. A well-installed and maintained concrete driveway can increase your property value, making it an investment that can yield returns when you plan to resell. Conclusion: Paving The Way Forward The journey into understanding "how much does a driveway cost" is riddled with complexity and variation. Numerous factors tug at the purse strings, shaping the final expenditure. Concrete driveways, while possibly a significant initial investment, can offer long-term value both functionally and aesthetically. By considering both upfront costs and maintenance routines using effective products like Safe Thaw, homeowners can make informed decisions that align with their preferences and financial capacities. Navigating through this complex process requires an understanding of these nuances to make the best decisions for one's home and financial peace of mind. Read the full article
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (43/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: mace windu lol
Summary: Trapped beneath the rubble, you try your best to help yourself as well as Master Windu escape this terrible tunnel.
A/n: ouch y'all i'm trying to keep the updates coming but it's getting hard i've been swamped with orders and i have no one to help me oof-
also y'all if you like the story, maybe consider buying me a coffee :)
Words: 3k
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Obi-Wan watched on with wide eyes as you slid beneath the oncoming ruble, running towards the rocks with impeccable speed. He was still too late unfortunately and pounded his fists against the cluttered surface with a fit of anger.
This wasn't his fault, it was your decision, and yet, he always blamed himself for anything that happened to you. He was your master, and swore an oath to protect you, but more importantly, he loved you, and if he failed to stay in alignment with that oath, he would never forgive himself.
"What was she thinking?" Anakin rushed up to stand beside his Master, and though it was a question thought out loud, not meant to receive answers, Obi-Wan had a perfect idea why.
"She's proving them wrong," he said, a bit of sarcasm floating in his tone. He was snippy when he was in a bad mood, and given that you were separated from him by a wall made of stone, he was in the worst mood he'd been in for a long while.
"What?" Anakin was more confused by his statement than by your actions themselves.
"I don't have time to explain, we need to find a way to get them out before those droids get over the mountain."
His fear of leaving anyone behind was crippling, but leaving you behind? And worse, leaving you behind when you risked your life to save the one person who may have despised you the most? He couldn't bear it.
He positioned all the men he could on clearing an opening, and hoped that on the inside, you weren't badly injured. You were a very strong Jedi, capable of immense strategy, but navigating the inside of a dark tunnel with Mace Windu constantly harping over your shoulder might be something to diminish your abilities.
You couldn't see a thing. You could only hear the sound of rocks falling into piles outside of where you'd been trapped. You reached for your lightsaber, igniting it and qaving around the hilt to get a better vision of where you were standing. There were some piles of clutter, mostly dirt and mud that came down with the rocks, the earthy materials blocking you from reaching the very person you rushed in to save.
"Master Windu?" You called out, afraid of how far in he'd been buried beneath it all.
"Here," he gasped out, clearly biting the inside of his mouth to try and stunt the pain. "I'm over here."
You rushed over, waving your saber blade where he was, almost making an incision in his face for how close you got. You backed it away immediately, looking at the situation before you. Both his legs were crushed under a giant boulder, and there was no chance you could lift it with your bare hands... luckily for you, you'd been blesses with a strong and rare connection with the force, meaning you were also strongly tied to every living thing in this galaxy, even Mace Windu. You placed a hand on his shoulder and focused on keeping him calm, forcing your signature to comb through his with the soothing waves of your mind. As soon as he seemed settled, you focused again, raising the boulder off of him long enough thay he could pull both legs out from underneath. You dropped it a moment later, and sank to your knees for the strength it took out of you.
"Are you alright?" He asked, watching your heavy breathing under the glow of the green and white light. He'd never actually seen the streak in your saber before today, but figured the battlefiled was not the place to discuss it. Now didn't seem like a great time, either.
"Yes, I'm fine," you tried to even your bresth intake, following a pattern that your Master had taught you when you were very young. "I just need a moment."
He didn't want to address it, the bantha in the room, or should he say cavern. He wanted to move on as if this was just a regular occurrence, but it was not. You ran in after him, you were the only one who'd come to save his life.... surely you'd bring it up eventually, maybe even right now, you would ask for a thank you, or brag about your decision to follow him. Maybe you would tell him this broke even, and that he was to stop treating you like he-
"Are you alright?" You asked, and his face went blank. You couldn't help your puzzled stare at him, he must have been thinking of something. "If you're not sure you can stand, I can help you. I'm mych stronger than I look."
Well, he thought, I'll be damned. Of all the years you'd been in the temple, he never really took the time to know you, after forming an opinion of you in your early stages of life, (no doubt even then he still didn't look into your situation) he decided you weren't worth the time spent, to understand your mind, the way it worked, or the complexity of your thoughts. He simply thought you were a trouble maker, harnessed only by the guidance of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had an opinion on your bond to him, but never voiced it aloud to anyone, not even himself. If you both were what he feared, you might be dangerous... or, you'd be their greatest strength. Either way, if the bond was strong enough, you'd be unstoppable.
"I'm fine."
He didn't want to bring it up, so he didn't, because you seemed perfectly fine not to as well.
"Good," you nodded, beginning to stand up and offered him a hand to his feet as well. He didn't seem so steady on his heels as normal, but he pretended he was, and perhaps that was enough. "We need to find a way out, but the main entrance is sealed tightly, I don't think it will be a viable option."
"The other side won't be either, even if it's still open. As soon as we step out, we'll be swarmed with droids."
You nodded, holding your saber out in different directions and hoping another path was available. It didn't seem like there were many options, but there was a small crawl space by the wall that was still intact. Worse case scenario, you had to crawl backwards through it to come back out if there was a dead end.
"Over there, it seems to be some type of ventalation system. If the vents weren't too badly damaged in the explosion, it will take us to the surface," you explained, although the Master Jedi didn't necessarily need your help in understanding.
"After you," he gestured. He knew that if you didn't fit, he sure as hell wouldn't, but as you crouched down beside it, the evidence stood that it would be big enough for both of you.
It was a tighter space for him, but he followed along, knowing that he had no other options at the moment. He only hoped the outside forces were working just as hard to secure their escape from this horrible mes they were in.
Obi-Wan was sweating violently, and his anxiety was getting on everyone's nerves. Yes, they were trying their hardest, and yes, they were scared that it kay not be enough, but Obi-Wan's consistent badgering about the severity of the situation wasn't helping.
He tried to reach out in the force, to connect to your signature and to speak to you but you were distracted, and he could only hope that was a good thing.
As the troopers moved, quickly removing rocks and such from the area, he realized that maybe there was another way out. He approached Anakin, ready to confront him about his suspicion, but it seemed the boy had beat him to it.
"I've sent some men to look for the ventilation port. If it's still intact, that might be our best course of action," he knew this was hard on Obi-Wan, and he knew that though everyone was stressing out over his behavior, it was only because he was trying to get to you, and the obstacles seemed impossible right now. If it weren't for his exhaustion ridden mind, he would try and force away those barriers with only the power of what was in him. He, however, was using the last bit of his concentration and effort on trying to pinpoint you, to make sure you were safe until he could get you out.
"Thank you, Anakin. You've been an impeccable leader today, and you've done us proud."
The praise he received from his former master was always appreciated, but knowing the emotional toll it took for him to stsnd here without you beside him, Anakin wanted only to comfort his friend. They were brothers, always would be, and when one was in distress, it was up to the other to see out the issue, and help it dissolve.
"Maybe you should sit down for a minute," Anakin tried to usher him over to a ledge, whete he could still oversee all the happenings of the working soldiers, but he coukd maybe clear his mind for a few seconds. He knew it was a stretch, because when it came to you, all bets were off for Obi-Wan. He was devoted to you, mind and soul, and whatever he needed to do to have you by his side, it wasn't even a question of if he could accomplish it, rather instead, how quickly?
"I cannot rest until she is found," and though he meant it, his tired expression that followed gave him away. He hadn't slept the night before the mission, too afraid of what could go wrong. He had a sense about these things, often as did you. He only hoped he was wrong, but today he would not be so lucky. Now, most of all, he was worried about how you were being treated for your reckless move. Hopefully Mace wouldn't be too stern, given that it was him you went in to save. "I can't imagine what's happened between them in there."
It was utterly quiet between the two of you as on opposite sides of the new cavern, you tried carving into the access doors with your lightsabers. The ventilation system onky went so far before the access ways had been smashed by debris, so you took another oath and ended uo in what looked to be some sort of storage room. The lighting was working, which is why you both held hope that perhaps the doors would work too, but they had been sealed shut, and you were giving up on even thinking that there would be a clear exit if you could carve them out.
Master Windu seemed to be utterly annoyed by every attempt to escape this place, as were you, though you hid those emotions to stay on his good side.
"You can stop that, there's nothing on the other side," he let out, shaking his head and sitting against his side of the wall. You kept on, though your arms were thoroughly tired, trying your best to make a hole that was big enough to fit through.
"Jedi don't give up."
"They do when there's nothing else to be done. A wise Jedi understands when they have not the capabilities to accomplish something," he spoke, and you couldn't help but feel like he was trying to teach you something.
You looked back at him and furrowed your brows, he looked very comfortable on the ground, ans you figured perhaps it would be okay to take a rest from your endeavor, if only for a few minutes.
"Alright," you conceded, sinking down the opposite wall from him, and heaving a sigh of frustration. This conundrum was definitely not ideal, and you hoped you wouldn't have to converse with the Grand Council member any more than you already had. You figured being in a small space with someone who despised you would end up poorly if you interacted too much.
Mace had to wonder for a moment... why did he treat you the way he did? You clearly were not the person he'd thought you to be, the person he'd made you out to be to so many other people. He'd shared his opinion of you to nearly everyone he encountered that he knew would also encounter you. It wasn't fair... and now that you'd saved his life, and had asked for nothing in return, he could see that.
"I wanted to thank you," he started, watching as your confused face snapped up to meet his eyeline. "For saving my life. No one else ran in but you..."
He took another pause, unsure of how to phrase his next question without sounding ungrateful.
"Why is that?"
You calculated your response carefully, for all you knew, this could be a test.
"It seemed like the right thing to do," was a good answer, but your elaboration was even better. "My Master always taught me to seek the needs of others above my own."
Mace nodded, raising a brow and thinking about the ever so complicated words that were his next question.
"That wasn't what I meant. Why, when in the past I have shown indifference to you, woukd you run in here to save me?"
Oh boy... this wasn't a test, but simply his curiosity, and though you could answer in another profound way, you chose to stay silent for a moment while contemplating the truth of the matter.
"Your trouble with the council may have died with me, but you chose to ignore that fact."
Yes, you did, because it was your mission to prove them wrong, just as Obi-Wan had suggested.
"If I let you die, I'm no better of person, and I'm certainly not a good Jedi," your explanation dumbfounded him, he had a lack for words, blinking rapidly to try and process your meaning. "Master Kenobi taught me better than that."
This he could agree with, Obi-Wan was a good teacher, and the way he so gently guided you along your path was perhaps his greatest method as a Jedi Master. To be so kind and careful with one's Padawan, it was a skill of patience that he knew long ago he did not posess, and nearly envied.
"He has taught you well."
You weren't sure if you heard that right, but it sounded like Mace Windue was trying to make an effort to compliment you, which would be a first, and probably once in a lifetime experience. Maybe you were imagining it, maybe the lack of oxygen was feeding your brain wild fantasies that didn't exist.
"His mentorship has meant a lot to me, I believe it is because of him I have accomplished what I have in my life," you were letting your thoughts into the air, now. It was your hope that he did not grow tired of your weary conversation and turn back to his ways of loathing you again.
"You both share a bond that is greater than any between Master and Padawan in existence. It is my belief that you may be a dyad in the force."
That can't be possible.
Dyads were of legend, hidden in the ancient Jedi texts and never proven to exist outside of old lore from times of the Jedi's originations. How did that even cross his mind, surely he was too sensible to think that such a thing could be true.
"A force dyad? That's impossible," you weren't even really responding to his statement, but rather reacting through thoughts said outloud.
"I once thought so, too. I promised Master Kenobi never to share this information with another person, but given that it's about you, I think he'd let it slide," he leaned forward a little, preparing to explain this to you in depth and detail. "He came to me in confidence, telling me that he felt stronger in your presence. He also said that you are able to communicate by use of the force when you're not even near each other. Your ability to locate him across star systems, just by reaching out with your signature is a gift that I have never seen the likes of."
You knew it was unwise to tell him anything else, because it would only give away the fact that you were also romantically involved with the one he spoke of. You could not let that happen. Truce or not, Master Windu wouldn't hesitate to expell you for such reasoning.
"He knows about this?"
"More or less, we've discussed it," it was his intention now to explain to you one last thing, he would tell you why he treated you- the council treated you in such a manner as they did. "I, in the past, had not been wise enough to see then what I see now. In the past, I thought you were a distraction to your master, an attachment that is forbidden from him, and that should anything happen to you, he would leave the order. I thought that your behavior in earlier circumstances made you a bad risk for him. I see now that you are his greatest strength, and any battle you fight together shall be won."
You couldn't help but smile. The greatest trial of your lives had yet to come, and you knew that it would be harder than anything you've even faced... but hey, if Mace Windu somehow approved of your attachment to him, then what could be so bad?
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