#teeth whitening boulder
alicefletcher7 · 5 months
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Dental Solutions at Alleman Family Dental
At Alleman Family Dental we offer dental solutions such as leading technology, family care, cosmetic and restorative solutions and laser dentistry. Visit us for more info!
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umbralsound-xiv · 15 days
Prompt #8 - First (Extra Credit)
Character: Vairg
Age: 15
Location: The Golmore Jungle, 4, Seventh Umbral Era
Warnings: Mild Violence
"Wood Warder? Hah!" The words are barked in the language of their people, as a blond and black haired Viera pins down what could have been his reflection, had they shared colours in eyes and hair. "You're not fit to defend the twigs!"
The scuffles were commonplace between the men; encouraged. Competition was a healthy addition to any training regime, and a small group of initiates gathered to watch from boulder and bough alike.
Vairg's cheek finds the dirt, sopped with a muddy puddle from the morning rain, cheek stinging from the swell of bruises and the grit that had grazed him. He would give his brother no satisfaction of pain, much less those who watched him. Both twins were just as large as eachother, and despite this, never quite saw eye to eye.
He wouldn't ask him to get off, no. Vairg knew if he wanted anything, he'd need to take it by force. With gritted teeth, he attempts to shove his twin away, only to find the grasp redoubled and at his neck.
"Weakling! They always say there's a runt when you're born with an extra mouth to feed!" His jeering brings the laughter from the trees; Vairg's teeth were beared, but he offered no witty retort - Better to save his breath. His mismatched gaze narrows as his brother leans in, those green eyes full of a malicious sort of mocking. A breath taken, and a yell of offense, of anger, as Vairg collides his forehead with his sibling's nose.
He knew better than to leave it there. Lijon would not back away so readily. Vairg raises a fist to his brother's jaw, slamming his fist into it so hard he swears he felt something give, though whether it was himself of his sibling, or both, remained to be seen.
Both of them remained in the dirt. Both of them raised to stand, though Vairg had the thought to grab a nearby branch, holding it outstretched to the side.
Blood spilled in messy rivulets down Lijon's chin, lips pulled into a frown beneath. It was the first time Vairg had drawn blood; Even at the cost of wounding himself, a reminder as Vairg's features were spattered with blood not his own.
He doesn't back down. Not for a moment. The grasp of the broken branch in his hand tightens enough to whiten his knuckles.
"That was a cheap hit, Vairg." Lijon snarls. Vairg doesn't retort, though watches carefully. His brother begins to back away, and the small tug of a smile curls at his lips. As though Lijon had always fought fair; They were taught to take every advantage they could get, Vairg was just smart enough to arm himself.
That green and gold gaze watches until his brother slips back between the trees, every onlooker having fled as fast as they arrived.
This may have been the first time he'd drawn his brother's blood, Vairg thought. But he'd ensure it most certainly wouldn't be the last.
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incrediblesmiles01 · 3 months
The Importance of Regular Dental Checkups: How Often Should You Visit the Dentist?
In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining optimal oral health often takes a backseat amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, regular dental checkups play a crucial role in preserving not only your smile but also your overall well-being. As leading dentists in Boulder, we emphasize the significance of routine dental visits to ensure your oral health remains in top condition. At Incredible Smiles, we offer comprehensive dental care, including top-rated cosmetic dentistry near Boulder, to help you achieve a radiant smile that exudes confidence.
Why are regular dental checkups essential? It’s not just about keeping your teeth clean; it's about preventive care and early detection of potential issues. During your dental visit, our skilled professionals thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and mouth, searching for any signs of decay, gum disease, or other oral health concerns. By addressing these issues early on, we can prevent them from escalating into more significant problems that may require extensive treatment.
For residents of Boulder seeking the best cosmetic dentistry services, our practice is dedicated to enhancing the beauty of your smile. Whether you desire teeth whitening, veneers, or other cosmetic procedures, our experienced team is committed to delivering exceptional results tailored to your unique needs. Our top-rated cosmetic dentist near Boulder utilizes advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to achieve natural-looking, stunning outcomes that exceed your expectations.
But how often should you visit the dentist? While the frequency may vary depending on individual circumstances, the general recommendation is to schedule a dental checkup every six months. These biannual visits allow us to monitor your oral health closely, address any emerging issues promptly, and provide professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup. By adhering to this regular schedule, you can maintain a healthy smile and prevent the development of dental problems down the road.
However, certain factors may necessitate more frequent dental visits. For instance, individuals with a history of gum disease, tooth decay, or other oral health issues may require additional monitoring and preventive care. Likewise, those undergoing orthodontic treatment or with compromised immune systems may benefit from more frequent checkups to ensure their oral health remains optimal.
At Incredible Smiles, we prioritize patient education and empowerment, equipping you with the knowledge and tools necessary to maintain good oral hygiene between visits. Our team of dentists in Boulder is committed to providing personalized care and guidance to help you achieve and sustain a healthy, beautiful smile for years to come.
In conclusion, regular dental checkups are vital for preserving your oral health and overall well-being. As the premier provider of cosmetic dentistry in Boulder, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional care and ensuring your smile radiates confidence and vitality. Whether you need preventive services, cosmetic enhancements, or specialized treatments, our experienced team is here to meet your dental needs with excellence and compassion. Schedule your appointment with us today and take the first step towards a lifetime of healthy smiles!
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Boulder Dental Center: Your Partner in Oral Health
Boulder dental center radiant smile is not only an expression of confidence but also a reflection of one's overall health. The importance of maintaining optimal oral health cannot be overstated, as it not only contributes to an attractive smile but also plays a crucial role in overall well-being. Boulder Dental Center has emerged as a dedicated advocate for comprehensive oral care, serving as a dependable partner in promoting oral health and wellness. With a commitment to excellence, a holistic approach to dentistry, and a patient-centered philosophy, Boulder Dental Center has established itself as a reliable destination for individuals seeking top-tier dental care. This essay explores the significance of oral health, the diverse services provided by Boulder Dental Center, the essence of patient-dentist collaboration, and the profound impact of oral health on one's overall quality of life.
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Oral Health: A Vital Component of Well-being:
Oral health is often underestimated in its impact on overall health and quality of life. Beyond the aesthetic aspect of a beautiful smile, oral health is essential for fundamental functions like speaking, eating, and expressing oneself. Furthermore, research has demonstrated links between oral health and systemic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and respiratory infections. This underscores the integral role oral health plays in maintaining overall wellness and highlights the need for comprehensive dental care.
Boulder Dental Center's Array of Services:
Boulder Dental Center stands as an embodiment of comprehensive oral care, offering a comprehensive range of services designed to cater to both preventive and corrective dental needs. From routine check-ups and cleanings to advanced treatments like dental implants, orthodontics, and cosmetic procedures, the center is equipped to address diverse oral health concerns effectively.
The center's dedication to remaining at the forefront of dental innovation is evident through its adoption of advanced technologies. Utilizing techniques such as digital imaging, laser dentistry, and minimally invasive procedures, Boulder Dental Center not only enhances the precision and efficacy of treatments but also minimizes discomfort for patients. This amalgamation of modern methods with time-tested expertise reflects the center's commitment to providing the highest quality of care.
Patient-Dentist Collaboration: The Core of Quality Care:
At the heart of Boulder Dental Center's approach lies the recognition that dentistry is not solely a technical practice but a collaboration between patient and dentist. The center emphasizes fostering strong patient-dentist relationships built on trust, communication, and mutual understanding. By involving patients in their treatment plans and educating them about their oral health, the center empowers individuals to take an active role in their well-being.
This patient-centered philosophy extends beyond the chair, as the center aims to create a comfortable and welcoming environment that alleviates dental anxiety. The center's team of professionals focuses on cultivating an atmosphere where patients feel heard, valued, and supported, ensuring that visits to the dentist are met with ease rather than apprehension.
The Holistic Impact of Oral Health:
Boulder Dental Center recognizes that the impact of oral health extends beyond the mouth. A healthy smile can have transformative effects on an individual's self-esteem and confidence. Cosmetic treatments offered by the center, such as teeth whitening and veneers, can significantly enhance a person's self-image, resulting in improved mental well-being and a more positive outlook on life.
Furthermore, oral health is closely linked to physical health. Dental issues like gum disease and infections can potentially lead to systemic health complications, underscoring the importance of early detection and treatment. By prioritizing regular dental check-ups and addressing oral health concerns promptly, individuals can reduce the risk of developing broader health issues.
Boulder Dental Center's dedication to comprehensive oral care is a testament to its commitment to enhancing both the health and quality of life of its patients. The center's array of services, patient-centric approach, and emphasis on collaboration between patients and dentists exemplify its role as a true partner in oral health. In a world where self-care and holistic well-being are gaining prominence, Boulder Dental Center serves as a shining example of how optimal oral health contributes to overall wellness. As individuals seek reliable partners in their pursuit of vibrant health and confidence, Boulder Dental Center stands ready to uphold its promise of being a steadfast advocate for oral health and a beacon of excellence in dental care.
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kimtanathegeek · 4 years
Two Brothers, Many Paths - Ch 9
Oh, this chapter! Oh, my heart!
Have I mentioned how much I love these two darling skeletons?
Undertale copyright Toby Fox
Story and original characters by me, Kimtana
Please do not use without both permission and credit.  
Read below, or read it on AO3 here.
The winds blustered through the valley, carrying waves of snowflakes through their currents. In the midst of the unnatural storm trudged the lone skeleton.
Sans had been searching the valley for Papyrus for hours. He was exhausted, but refused to stop and rest. He couldn’t, not with his little brother out there, somewhere, helpless and alone. He held his hood over his skull as the harsh winds tried to whip it off his head. He shivered, frozen to the very core, and couldn’t bear the thought of what the bitter cold was doing to his brother.
He had called out to Papyrus so loudly and so often that he no longer had his voice. All he could do was listen for his brother while searching the whitened valley for any trace of footprints or silhouettes.
His eyes were so blurred from eyestrain that he thought he spotted Papyrus several times in the distance. As soon as he got closer, he realized it was just a boulder or a stone formation.
Sans stumbled again. He landed on his stomach in the snow, grunting painfully. He struggled to rise, his body fighting to stay down. But the resoluteness burning deep inside his soul overpowered his body’s desires to rest. He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth as he painfully rose to his feet. He pulled his hood back over his head and kept going.
As he slogged on, eyes darting back and forth shakily, he berated himself.
This is all my fault. I never, ever should have left him alone like that. I should have held it together for him. I never should have gone off to be by myself. He’s too young to be left alone. Now he’s somewhere in this nothingness, and I can’t find him anywhere. I was supposed to protect him....
Sans’ thoughts jolted. He shut his eyes tight and sighed sadly.
I thought I was protecting him, though.... I didn’t want him to see me that upset.... I left him behind so he wouldn’t see his big brother break down.... Who am I kidding? I’m a worthless older brother.... I failed to take care of him, I failed to protect him, and now, I can’t even find him....
A gust blew a bevy of snowflakes into Sans’ face. He shut his eyes to shield them, then his eyes shot wide open and a chill not caused by the weather ran up his spine.
Wh-what if...I can’t find him...because he’s already dusted...?
Hot tears fell down his frozen face. He shook his head fiercely.
No! No, I will find him! He’s here somewhere, I just need to keep looking! I won’t let anything like that happen to him! Ever!
A dark thought popped into his mind. Even though you let him wander off alone.
He yelled back at the thought in his mind. I didn’t mean to! I thought he’d stay! I didn’t want him to see me like that! I didn’t want him to see his brother being weak! I’m supposed be his big, strong brother, not the useless, weak skeleton that I really am! He looks up to me all the time, and all I ever do is let him down....
Sans shut his eyes tight and gnashed his teeth in frustration at himself. Then he opened his eyes, narrowing them, and pushed himself forward, determined that he wouldn’t fail Papyrus this time.
 Sans’ eyes were burning from eyestrain, exhaustion, and the wind. His body ached immensely from pushing himself so hard. Still, he refused to give up.
He passed yet another snow-encrusted stone formation and panned the area, as he’d done a million times. Something caught his eye, and he froze.
Off in the distance, Sans saw a figure. It was his mother. She was far away, but he was positive it was her. She was still in her Royal Guard armor.
“M-Mommy...?” he whispered hoarsely.
Even at that distance, Sans could see her smiling at him. Then she turned, her red cape blowing in the wind, and she disappeared.
Sans rubbed his sore eyes, then blinked back the tears that started to fall. He shut his eyes tight, livid at the exhaustion for playing such a cruel trick on his eyes. Of course that wasn’t her, Sans had watched her die. Sans had watched her dust off....
The mirage had angered and saddened him. He rubbed his eyes again in an effort to get them to focus back on reality. He opened them, looked out at where he had seen her, and groaned. He rubbed his eyes harder because he was still seeing the hallucination. He was clearly losing his sanity at this point.
He opened his eyes once more, blinking away the blurriness. He could still see her red cape in the distance. He stared, watching it flap in the wind.
Then it hit him. That wasn’t his mother’s red cape.
“Papyrus...!” he gasped.
With newfound energy, he rushed as fast as he could through the thick snow and his physical exhaustion. He kept the red cloth squarely in his sights.
As he neared his brother, he saw that Papyrus was lying on his side, unconscious and almost entirely covered by snow. The only movement came from the end of his scarf, caught in the wind.
Sans reached him, skidding in the snow on his knees. “Papyrus...!”
He rolled his little brother over, brushing the snow off him urgently. His cheekbones were blue.
Sans held his brother’s tiny head up as he wiped snow off his face and tried to rouse him, his voice still hoarse. “Papyrus.... Papyrus, wake up....”
He was unresponsive.
“Please, Pap...,” his brother begged, tears falling. “Please wake up....”
His little brother remained motionless.
Sans tearfully lowered his ear to Papyrus’ mouth. His breathing was weak and shallow.
Sans put his hand on his brother’s chest and watched the glow of his soul under his hand, whimpering when he saw that the glow was faint.
31 HP/100 HP.
Sans stifled a sob at the sight of how much HP his brother had lost. He still had his hand on his brother’s tiny chest and was about to remove it when he sensed it.
30 HP/100 HP.
Sans’ eyes grew wide in fear. Papyrus was still losing HP. If he didn’t get him back to the shelter soon, he would die.
Fighting down his panic, he lay Papyrus’ head down gently on the snow and practically tore his own jacket off. He laid it down and picked up Papyrus’ pitiful, frozen body and put him on the jacket and wrapped him in it. He picked his brother up, cradling him in his arms, and turned around to make his way back to the shelter.
Sans looked around frantically. The panic he had been fighting started to seep in quickly. He had no idea what direction the shelter was in. There was no sign of the cavern with its purple and violet walls to guide him. He had been searching aimlessly for so long, he wasn’t even sure which direction he was facing.
He looked at the unconscious form of his brother in his arms and was gripped with anxiety. Papyrus was going to die soon. Sans wasn’t going to make it to the shelter in time.
Sans shut his eyes tight, then opened and narrowed them, fighting off the fear. He decided to walk back the way he had just come and hoped the cavern would come into view to guide him back. He had no idea if he was headed in the right direction or not, but he needed to move.
With each aching step, he felt more and more worried that he was too far away and Papyrus was too badly injured. He shut his eyes tight, trying to motivate himself to keep going, knowing that he had to try to get his brother back to the shelter as soon as possible.
He tried to remember the way back, wishing desperately that they were there now and not so far away. He pictured where the shelter was located, trying to recall any other landmarks he could look for, when he heard a sudden, strange fwoosh-ing sound accompanied by a sharp blast of wind. His eyes snapped open and he gasped, afraid that something bad was happening.
He froze, paralyzed. His eyes grew wide and his mouth fell open.
The shelter was right in front of them. He blinked, then looked around. Off in the distance was the cavern, the grouping of boulders was around them, and the shelter was where it had stood since the day he and his brother made it.
Had he travelled in circles so many times that he ended up back here? But there was no way the shelter had been in front of him when he turned around after picking up Papyrus. He remembered looking out into nothingness. He had even searched for the cavern that was so clearly in view now.
He looked down at Papyrus, still motionless, wrapped up pitifully in his jacket. How they had gotten there didn’t matter right now. Papyrus needed help immediately.
Sans ran to the opening, realizing that he hadn’t even sealed it in his panic to find his brother. He awkwardly crawled in the opening, holding his limp brother with one arm as he pulled himself through on his knees and free elbow.
The moment he got into the shelter, he rushed to the bed. He tossed the foraged items onto the floor and pushed the scraps of fabric away. He gently laid his unconscious brother on the bed, unwrapped him from his jacket, and took off his frozen clothes, putting them on the floor by the bedside. He wrapped his brother tightly in scraps of fabric until only his face was exposed.
Sans leaned over Papyrus, putting his ear to his brother’s mouth again. His breathing was feeble and barely audible. He checked his brother’s HP again, the glow from his soul dimmer than before.
27 HP/100 HP.
Sans grabbed his frozen jacket, his brother’s frigid clothes, and pieces of fabric he hadn’t wrapped his brother in, and rushed to the fire room. He created a few bones out of the boulders and quickly hung the clothes and fabric to warm them by the fire.
He then went to the pile of wood he had sorted earlier that morning. He hadn’t moved them from the middle of the floor yet since he abandoned the task suddenly to search for their father. He grabbed several pieces of the wood that were only good for burning and returned to the fire room. He shoved the wood in the fire basin to fuel the dwindling magical flame.
When he saw the fire perk up, he went back to the main room and quickly crawled through the opening to the entrance, sealing it up to keep the cold out and the heat in. He crawled back in and picked up the haversack he had tossed on the floor earlier. He quickly stuffed it with the foraged items to fill it, and once everything from the floor was placed in the bag, he gently lifted Papyrus’ head and slid the haversack under.
Sans knelt down on the snow at the side of the bed. He stroked Papyrus’ head gently as he rested his head on his other arm. He needed to wait a few minutes for the fabric to warm, so he spent the time just being near his brother. His tiny skull was still so cold to the touch. Tears of concern trickled down Sans’ face.
After a while, Sans went back into the fire room. The flame was burning strongly now, spreading to the bits of wood around it. He checked the clothes, but they hadn’t warmed up enough, although the scraps of fabric were warm enough to remove.
He brought them in the other room and knelt against the bed. Carefully, he removed the fabric from his brother and wrapped him in the warmed scraps. He folded up one of the smaller pieces and put it to the side. He gently laid Papyrus back on the haversack, tucking in a warm bit of fabric behind his head. Then Sans took the folded-up fabric and put it on his brother’s forehead.
Sans got up, his bones still aching horribly, and went to the fire room to put the fabric he had removed from Papyrus on the bones to warm. He needed to keep applying warmth to Papyrus, so he had to create a rotation of warming fabric. He double checked the clothes, wanting to get him dressed back into his shirt and pants desperately, but they were still too cold and wet.
Sans entered the main room and nearly stumbled when his knees buckled. He caught himself before he fell and checked his own HP briefly.
34 HP/1 HP.
The elements and exhaustion had cost him some health, but he stifled a sob when he realized that he now had more HP than his brother did, despite his new, lower HP max.
Sans couldn’t do anything to increase his HP until he slept, but he had no intentions of sleeping anytime soon. He needed to stop the pain in his body, however, so he could take care of Papyrus. Sans went over to the pantry shelf, tore off a piece from a stale half-loaf of bread, and shoved it in his mouth. He didn’t even taste the food before swallowing it, but he felt the pain subsiding.
He returned to Papyrus’ side, kneeling beside the bed, and took the warm cloth from his brother’s forehead and pressed it gently on each frozen, blue cheek.
Soon the fabric had cooled down, so Sans got up and went to the warming racks. The clothes were now sufficiently warm, so he grabbed them and the fabric. He carefully unwrapped Papyrus, then dressed his limp form into his clothes. He wrapped him again in warm fabric and gently laid him back down. He folded up the red cloth to make an extra warm pillow, then lifted his brother’s head to place the cloth under it. Sans then put his warmed jacket over him like a blanket.
When he went to put fabric in the fire room, he looked through the broken pottery pieces on the shelf. He chose the most rounded, bowl-like piece and took it with him. After hanging the fabric, he took a handful of snow and placed it in the broken pottery. It was extremely shallow, but at least it would hold some liquid. He sat it on the edge of the fire basin to melt and heat up, then returned to Papyrus’ side to continue watching and waiting.
 Sans caught himself nodding off several times. He slapped himself in the face to wake himself up. He refused to sleep, but his body was severely protesting.
He looked at his brother sadly. He still hadn’t moved, but his HP was dropping at a slower rate. Sans checked it once again.
22 HP/100 HP.
Papyrus had lost nearly a fifth of his health, and it was all Sans’ fault. His brother was dying because he hadn’t been watching him.
Sans wiped his eyes on his sleeves and sat on the floor by his brother’s side, his back against the bone bed, feeling completely defeated. His brother might not survive the night.
Sans shut his eyes and sighed heavily, tears falling onto his lap.
I should take him to the monsters in the cavern. They can heal him, take better care of him than I can.
He gripped the sides of his legs and gnashed his teeth.
I know they will take him from me, and I will never see him again.... but at least he will live....
Sans buried his face in his hands and wept bitterly, unable to hold back anymore. The idea of being separated from his brother crushed his soul worse than the barrier had done, but he was willing to do anything to save Papyrus. His loud cries filled the shelter.
Sans jerked his head up immediately, silencing himself with a gasp. He rose to his knees and quickly turned around, leaning towards Papyrus urgently.
It was subtle, but the tiny skeleton was stirring. He moved his head weakly, side to side, as if caught in a nightmare.
His voice was extremely weak and barely audible.
Sans stroked his brother’s head gently, putting his other arm around him in a half-embrace. He leaned his face close to his brother’s ear, his forehead resting against the side of Papyrus’ skull.
“I’m here, Pap,” Sans whispered back softly, his voice cracking with emotion. “I’m here....”
Hearing his brother’s soothing voice, Papyrus settled down, a soft sigh emitting from his tiny lungs. Then he was motionless again.
Sans nuzzled against the side of his brother’s face as tears fell from his eyes. He continued whispering in his brother’s ear softly.
“I’m here, Papyrus.... I’m right here with you.... I’m not going anywhere....”
 Sans wrapped Papyrus in warmed fabrics several more times, checking the progress of the melting snow in the broken pottery each time. At last it had fully melted and was warmed up enough to give to Papyrus.
He switched the cooled fabrics with the warm ones, hung them on the racks, then carefully picked up the semi-hot water and—making sure to walk slowly enough to not spill a drop—brought it to his brother. He set it on the bed, then knelt down.
Sans tipped Papyrus’ head back, gently opened his mouth, and poured a few drops of water in. Papyrus instinctually swallowed in his unconscious state, then Sans gave him more. The water was only slightly hot, safe enough for the little skeleton.
“There you go,” he whispered. “That will warm your insides.”
Sans helped him drink the remainder of the water slowly, a few drops at a time. Then he took the empty pottery, filled it with more snow, and set it on the fire basin again.
He returned to his brother’s side and checked his HP again. The white glow sputtered slightly, making Sans wince with concern.
20 HP/100 HP.
If there was any good news, it was that the rate his HP was dropping had slowed even more. But it was still too low, still falling, and without being able to feed him any food, there was no way to raise Papyrus’ HP. Sans hoped with all his soul that his little brother would wake up soon, before it was too late.
 Sans returned with more warmed up fabrics and knelt down to change Papyrus’ coverings. He leaned in to start unwrapping and froze.
Papyrus was shivering terribly. His tiny little body tremored, his teeth chattered, and soft whimpers emitted from his throat. Sans checked his forehead for a fever, but his skull was still cold. His cheekbones were no longer blue, however.
Sans quickly started unwrapping the cooled-off fabrics and wrapped him in the warm ones. He rushed to put the fabrics on the warming rack, then returned to Papyrus. He checked his HP fearfully.
17 HP/100 HP.
The warmed fabrics seemed to have no effect on his shivering. Sans could only kneel by his side, stroking his brother’s skull gently.
“Pap...,” he whispered pleadingly. “Pap, please wake up.... Don’t leave me, Pap, please don’t leave me.... Fight it, Pap, I know you can fight this....”
For a moment, Sans thought he felt his brother stirring again, but it must have been the shivering throughout his tiny body. He heard his brother whimper louder.
“It’s ok, Papyrus.... I’m here.... Shh, shh, shh.... I’m here, with you....”
As Sans continued stroking his brother’s forehead, he definitely felt him move. Then Papyrus’ eyes opened slightly.
His little voice came out in a weakened whisper.
“Papyrus...?” Sans gasped, holding Papyrus’ face in his hands.
Papyrus blinked slowly, opening his mouth feebly. “...Sas....”
Sans embraced his brother, tears of joy spilling down his eyes. He leaned back to face him.
“I’m going to get you something to eat,” he whispered, his voice quavering. “You need to get your health back.”
Sans nearly jumped across the room to get to the pantry. He scanned the food for something soft, and grabbed one of the bananas. He went into the fire room and grabbed the heated water, desperately trying not to spill it with his trembling hand.
He returned to the bedside, Papyrus laying there, shivering, but still conscious. His tiny eyes were barely open.
Sans lifted the water to Papyrus’ mouth and tilted it slightly. The little skeleton’s teeth chattered against the broken pottery as he gratefully sipped the warm water. After a few small gulps, Sans put the water down and started peeling the banana.
“This will help your pain, Pap,” Sans explained, breaking a tiny bit off urgently. “You’ll feel so much better after you eat.”
And so will I, he thought to himself.
He held the bit of banana to his brother’s mouth. Papyrus opened his mouth feebly, and Sans put the piece in. He chewed slowly while Sans broke off another piece. As Papyrus ate through half the banana, his shivering decreased. He was still extremely weak, but at least he was finally awake. His eyes opened a bit more and he looked up pitifully at Sans, who helped him wash down the banana with more warm water.
Sans then checked his HP. He grinned when he saw that the glow from Papyrus’ soul was brighter.
32 HP/100 HP.
Sans sighed deeply with relief. He would give Papyrus the rest of the banana soon, but he was no longer in danger. He still had a ways to go before he was fully healed, but Papyrus was going to be ok.
Sans put more snow on the fire basin to heat up, then brought the warmed fabrics to switch out his wrappings. After he changed the fabrics over, Papyrus snuggled into the warmth weakly.
Sans hung the fabrics up to warm, then knelt at Papyrus’ side. He stroked his head gently, as he had done throughout the night, and stifled a grateful sob when he felt Papyrus lean into the strokes after being unresponsive for so long.
“Papyrus,” Sans whispered pleadingly. “Please don’t ever leave me like that again. I was so, so worried about you. Why did you go off without me?”
Papyrus’s eyes were sad as he answered weakly, his breathing still feeble. “...Pa...fin...Dada....”
Sans froze, stunned. “Y-you went to find Daddy? By yourself? Wh-why?!”
A chill ran up Sans’ spine and he felt sick to his stomach. Papyrus had seen him upset all day after all. He was there when his mood worsened after breakfast. He was next to him in the tunnel when he hit the walls in anger and frustration. Sans had tried to distance himself from his brother so he didn’t see his suffering, but Papyrus had seen it anyway. And he almost lost his life trying to help ease his older brother’s pain.
His brother suffered horrifically and nearly died because of him.
Tears of guilt and sorrow fell from Sans’ eyes. “Pap...I-I’m so sorry....”
He got up, sat on the bed, and picked up his brother, the fabric pieces falling off. He embraced Papyrus, rocking back and forth as he wept, repeating that he was sorry over and over.
Papyrus clutched his older brother weakly, his own tears from having failed his mission to help Sans feel better tumbling down his face.
Sans sat Papyrus in his lap and looked him in the eyes, tearfully.
“Papyrus, I’m sorry you saw me sad, angry, and hurt today.... I didn’t mean to make you upset or feel like you had to fix it.... I never meant for you to see me like that....”
The little skeleton’s lip quivered as his tears continued to fall.
“But nothing hurt me worse than when I couldn’t find you....”
Papyrus’ eyes grew wide. He wanted to help his brother, not hurt him.
“I thought I’d never find you out there. And when I did find you, I th—” he stifled a sob. “I th-thought you were going to die. I thought I was going to lose you forever.”
Papyrus’ face fell, tears spilling. He felt terrible about worrying his brother.
“But do you know what made me happy tonight?”
Papyrus looked up suddenly, shaking his head slowly in answer.
Sans smiled at his little brother through his tears. “When you wouldn’t wake up, and when your HP was falling fast, you kept hanging on. You kept fighting it. And you woke up and came back to me. You came back to me, Papyrus. And I was so very happy.”
Sans leaned his head down, resting his forehead against Papyrus’ as he looked him in the eyes.
“You don’t need to find Daddy to make me happy. You, Papyrus...you always make me happy. As long as you’re with me, I will always be happy. I might not always show it like I did today...but, Papyrus, please believe me. I am so much happier because you are with me.”
Papyrus smiled sadly, then hugged his brother with what little strength he had.
Sans picked him up and embraced him tightly again, nuzzling the side of his face.
“I love you so, so much, Papyrus.”
The little skeleton whispered weakly into his brother’s ear. “...Pa love Sas, too....”
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5280laseraesthetics · 4 years
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Innocence is Gone (1/?)
Chapter (1/?): Twilight Visions Rating: Teen+ (For: Language, Graphics Depictions of Violence) Pairings: Nick Stokes/Greg Sanders (also gen friendship with rest of the team) Summary: When Greg is abducted at a club by a group of vengeful youth who were part of the group that beat him up in Fannysmackin', it's a race against the clock to find Greg before the final blow is struck on him, and Nick admits some feelings he had tried to keep a secret, but some things can't stay underneath the surface. Nick/Greg, set in late season 7. Chapter Notes: oh boy...here we go, lads. My first whump fic in which Nick isn't the victim (but don't worry, he's not without his own suffering in this fic) (tw for a slur thrown at the end of ch. 1, by some ignorant youth.)
Read it on A03
Dusk was always Greg’s favorite time of day. While the bright, yellow sun against the clear blue sky brought a certain warmth and joy, there was a certain comfort, in the twilight hues that filled the sky as the stars began to appear on the multi-colored canvas. There was an awe-inspiring beauty, one that can only be found in this small time window, during a time of day in which he’s normally getting ready for work.
He’s grateful, for a night like tonight, in which he doesn’t have to go into work. A night all to himself, to do whatever he pleased, to fully experience this short window of time that he normally doesn’t get to look at.
“Something on your mind, G? You’re never this quiet.”
And what pleased him the most, was spending time with Nick Stokes.
“Nana Olaf called me this morning,” Greg said, staring at the vast desert landscape as they drove down the never-ending road. A crumpled paper was on his lap, the only direction they had on their excursion on this day.
“Oh yeah? How’s she doing?”
“Told me she had a terrible dream--well, not just a dream, a vision. Said it was about me.”
“Really? What’d she see?”
The corners of Greg’s mouth twisted up, he lowered his head. He knew Nick wouldn’t believe it--didn’t believe in that sort of stuff, or at least, he didn’t think so. But Nick seemed to have become a bit more open-minded since Greg’s met him, all those years ago. He knew it was stupid, to think telling Nick about something like this would be so...embarrassing, or maybe to think that Nick was just humoring him, instead of actually caring. He knew Nick cared about him, and the things he had to say, even when he was rambling about nothing in particular.
Greg let out a short, nervous chuckle.
“She didn’t say, actually...but she did tell me, not to go out tonight.”
Nick’s eyes widened, and then his eyebrows narrowed downwards, before a smile spread across his face.
“Maybe she foresaw us gettin’ lost on our way to this new club,” Nick snickered. “You sure you know where we’re going?”
Greg’s heart fell, just slightly. He had almost expected Nick to grow concerned, to take this bad omen for what it was, to suggest that they just go back to Nick’s house, or Greg’s apartment, and spend the rest of the night in each other’s arms.
Because he did know what Nana Olaf saw--or at least, a vague description of it. According to her, she couldn’t distinctly see Greg, but saw bloodied hands, a metal chair, blood drooling from his lips. He hoped it was just a nightmare, that perhaps she was seeing a crime scene that he would be investigating--it did happen before, after all. A week before Nick’s abduction, she had called him, to tell him that she saw Greg, surrounded by dirt, and glass, and white foam, frozen in fear.
“Yeah, ‘course I know where we’re going,” Greg muttered. He squinted down at the paper, wishing his friend had better handwriting. “You’re gonna be taking a left after we get past the city limits sign.”
“Where’d you hear about this place, again?”
“My friend, Trixie. She’s never steered me wrong before.”
“Trixie, huh? Isn’t that the same chick who told you to put bleach in your hair in your senior year of college?”
“Aw, shucks, you remembered!”
Nick shot him one of his looks that he gave Greg when he was semi-annoyed, but the smile still remained on his face.
“Besides, you saw those pictures, I was H-O-T hot with that blonde hair.”
“Can’t argue with that,” Nick murmured under his breath, fiddling with the zipper on his leather jacket. He moved the zipper up and down. An anxious tick. He knew Nick was still a little uneasy about going out, in public, with him.
“You should keep it halfway down. Looks hotter that way,” Greg suggested. He knew Nick wasn’t asking for fashion tips, he had to admit that his friend typically had a good sense of style--when it came to his clothing, at least.
Nick cleared his throat as he did what Greg suggested. Greg noticed that Nick wasn’t wearing a shirt under his jacket. He contemplated telling Nick to pull over, make some excuse to get them out of the car…
“Greg! Which way am I going?”
Greg snapped out of his mind, his voice squeaked as read the instructions to Nick. The sun had finally set, and they were left driving in near darkness. Although they were far from the neon playground in the middle of the desert, the stars in the cloudless sky shined bright enough to give them more light than the beams coming from Nick’s SUV.
“And then...the instructions end. Guess it means we should be seeing it soon.”
“I don’t know, man, it looks like there’s nothing but desert out here. We’re not even on the road anymore.”
“Wait--you see that? Up there?”
Among the vast landscape littered with bushes and boulders, Greg spotted a crowd of cars, all parked haphazardly together, surrounding a small, square building.
“That’s gotta be it.”
They parked off to the side, Greg ran his fingers through the curls of his hair, patted his shirt straight, popped up the collar on his jacket. The slight chill of the night air send a shiver down Greg’s spine as he took a deep breath. The thrill of the night was spreading through his veins. He bounced a little, with a big smile on his face, excited for whatever lay beyond the large steel door, guarded by a large man in a suit. Nick stood opposite him, staring at the door with a frown.
Greg ran a hand through Nick’s hair, in an effort to get his hair to stick up with a slightly messy style. He was grateful that Nick’s hair had grown back, his fingers lingered as he lifted the individual strands upward.  Nick didn’t quite realize it, but with that look, he had become one of the most attractive men Greg had ever seen, and was sure to be the envy of the club that night.
“What’s wrong?” Greg asked, fiddling with the zipper on his partner’s leather jacket. He immediately realized why Nick hesitated before he even finished the question. He knew this wasn’t just nerves over going out in public with another man, this was nerves over the fact that this building, on the outside, was way too small to hold all the occupants of the dozens of parked cars.
“Nothing, G. Let’s go,” Nick gulped. His throat was dry, he was biting his lower lip. He cleared his throat again and started towards the door.
“We don’t have to--”
“It’s fine--”
“Nick, I didn’t know--”
“It’s fine, Greg,” Nick growled, and stopped walking. He sighed and turned towards Greg, his expression was a half smile, but Greg didn’t buy it until his hands were sandwiched between Nick’s.
“As long as I’m with you...everything’s fine.”
He planted a small kiss on Greg’s cheek, Greg’s mouth spread into a smile. Nick gave him a satisfied smirk and guided them towards the door. The bouncer nodded at them as he opened the door for them, the soft buzz of music vibrated through their bodies.
The stairway was steep, narrow, only allowed for one occupant at a time. Greg’s hand was held out in front of him as Nick’s arm bent backwards to keep hold of Greg. He grimaced at the tightness of Nick’s grip on his hand, which hand caused Greg’s fingers to stretch out between Nick’s whitened knuckles.
The previously muffled music grew louder and clearer as they made their descent. Once they made it down the stairs and Nick let out a slow, deep exhale. Greg cupped his face in his hand, looked him in the eyes. He asked a nonverbal question, to which Nick nodded in an answer.
“C’mon, let’s get a drink,” Nick shouted over the loud music.
They waded through the crowd of people huddled in the large room, the bar was on the opposite side of the entrance. The room felt smaller than it was, due to the amount of people inhabiting it. Tables and chairs were strewn around the edges of the room, most of the chairs were empty, the tables littered with empty glasses and bottles. In a high-energy environment such as this, there wasn't time for sitting, only dancing. Flashes of white light came from flashing strobe lights in the ceiling, which were the bulls-eyes to black light spirals surrounding the bulbs. A thin layer of smoke hung in the air at waist length, it gave the room an almost dreamy look. Though it was difficult to distinguish facial features from one another in the dim light, a sea of smiles was rising, falling, twirling, colliding. It was the ultimate party.
Greg beamed as he felt a sense of comfort, among people who took this time to forget all their troubles, to expend that last bit of energy pent up inside of them from their long workdays. Night owls, living their life to the fullest.
They made it to the bar, Nick ordered a pair of drinks, he had nearly finished his by the time he handed Greg his own. A flutter of concern floated up Greg’s chest, but was quickly dispelled as he caught up to Nick. The flutter settled down, and Nick’s teeth became the brightest thing in the room.
“Wanna dance?” Nick shouted to him as he finished a second drink--When did he even order a second drink? Greg thought to himself.
“Thought you’d never ask!”
Nick led them towards the crowd, the loud bass from the tall, large speakers aligned with Greg’s heartbeat. They settled into a small gap, Greg bopped his head up and down until he felt his body begin to sway to the beat of the music. He watched Nick similarly warm himself up, settling into a groove that was both ridiculously goofy, and ridiculously hot. He moved his body closer to Nick’s, felt something lift up in his crotch area--he noticed a bulge in Nick’s, too. They grinded their clothed bodies against each other, Greg felt his fingers grab hold of the zipper on Nick’s jacket, thrusting it down to the floor with such speed and force that Nick clenched his jaw as he grabbed the back of Greg’s head, his fingers twisting the curls of Greg’s hair.
Nick leaned his head in, Greg could feel the warmth of Nick’s breath on his neck, his nostrils tingled from the smell of Nick’s alcohol tainted breath. He felt wet lips do their own dance all over his neck, his cheeks, his ears, his nose, until they finally found Greg’s lips. Both pairs of lips merged into one, the world fell beneath them, and Greg floated in the air...before crashing back down as Nick quickly pulled away.
The music had changed, intensified, into a louder and faster song. The strobe lights became more intense. Multiple flashes, in short succession, before it froze for half of a minute. Greg saw Nick’s eyes widen as he stared up at the blinding light, his tongue licked his quivering lips before they were plunged into darkness altogether.
The darkness lingered, for at least a minute, the music stopped. The crowd screamed, playing along with the pseudo horror before the music and lights resumed.
Greg pulled Nick close, wrapping his arms around the man--he was shaking.
“Are you o--” Greg whispered into Nick’s ear, but Nick pushed himself away.
“I’m gonna go get another drink!” He shouted at Greg, before becoming part of the crowd, who were completely unaware at the minor bout of drama between the two men.
Greg’s heart sank as Nick walked away, but a stunning brunette woman walked up to him, and Greg let himself fall into a trance, as he became acquainted with this new angel.
The lights went off, the masks went on. Their contacts were already in, their eyes still glowed in the absence of light. Now the party could really begin.
They shook with laughter as the crowd screamed, some of the screams having started from the discovery of these masked maniacs--who, they had not realized, were there the whole time, lurking, waiting for a moment like this.
The lights came back on, and the crowd forgot its hysteria, and resumed their own laughter and cheers.
“Get a load of those fags!”
One of them gestured to two men, wrapped in an embrace. One of the men looked like he had just pissed his pants, the other was trying to console him. Were they that afraid of the dark? Of the big bad wolves, disguised as human beings? They hoped that the men were afraid, because if they weren’t, they would be--very, very soon.
“Hey...isn’t that the Sanders guy? The one that hit Demetrius?”
The group nodded to each other, snapped a picture, sent it to their leader, who was offsite at the time. They watched as the man Sanders was with broke apart from him, left him alone.
Easy prey.
Their phones buzzed, a message, from the ultimate Big Bad himself.
“Let’s fuck with him.”
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drfeatherstone-blog · 6 years
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pavotaulait · 7 years
He waits for mamma at daycare.
 Sometimes, like now she’s late. But the daycare is open until 11 tonight so he’s not worried. His mamma is an Exy star.
 No, she’s more like a goddess in the mythology books she gave him for Christmas. She made the world of Exy and she makes the stars.
 Kayleigh Day is beyond human in Kevin’s eyes.
 So it's ok if she takes longer to get him. She’s very busy and she doesn’t need to worry about him while she makes mortal men into demigods.
 It's just him and Sarah now. They both sit at an empty rectangle table coloring while Miss. Ann makes tater tots and corn dogs and broccoli.
 Kevin insisted because momma said athletes have to take care of their bodies by eating right and training. Kevin is gonna be like momma.
 He’s going to be the best in Exy.
 He draws himself with a gold medal standing next to his momma. Scrunches the paper up because it doesn’t look right and Sarah watches him watching the clock when he can’t draw anymore.
 Miss. Ann picks up the phone.
Kevin does not want to go to uncle Tetsuji’s.
 Kevin doesn’t wanna make his momma sad either.
 He doesn’t want to sit in the car for ten hours but he does to be good. Kayleigh is in the stars looking down on him so he doesn’t tell the social worker no when she packs up his things but he picks at his lip until it bleeds.
 They met once before. Uncle Tetsuji came to visit the hotel Kevin and mamma stayed in. They had coffee and Kevin had cocoa while mamma talked about the future. They had been in America for five months at the time. Kevin had been good then too.
He hadn’t told mamma he wanted to go back to Ireland.
 Or that Uncle Tetsuji looked at him in a way that knotted up his stomach. He drank his cocoa.
 Uncle Tetsuji had said he had a nephew around Kevin’s age.
 Kevin can’t imagine the stern man taking Kevin outside and tossing a ball with him in the cool summer evenings. He can’t imagine him singing songs with Kevin because he’s afraid of storms or taking Kevin to his favorite restaurant when it’s the first day of school because he knows Kevin has a hard time making friends.
 Uncle Tetsuji doesn’t look like a parent; he looks a coach.
 But Riko.
 Riko looks like a promise.
 And then he opens his mouth once the social worker has left.
 “He’s your responsibility Riko. See that he does not get in the way and understands the rules.”
 “Yes, Master.” and Kevin thinks he will see uncle Tesuji’s retreating image most often than not living here. That may not be the worst thing.
 The dorms though are not suited for a child his mother would say. They are blacks and reds that intimidate. Kevin had liked black before coming here, he liked the soothing black of night and fantastical black of the beaches his mother visited.  
 The black here feels like a dream he can’t remember upon waking but haunts him through the day.
 Riko walks ahead without saying anything until they get to a room Kevin won’t ever be able to find again without help. Kevin puts his things where Riko indicates. The room is too much for two small boys let alone one, he doesn’t know how Riko could get to sleep.
 “The master is training me to be the best in Exy. You're here now and you're my responsibility so you're going to be the best too.”
 Kevin does want to be the best. The word responsibility though troubles him. He is the same age as Riko but they make him sound like a baby.
 “You're going to be my brother and I'm going to be your best friend.” Kevin thinks he could really use that, those words make it easier to relax his tense shoulders.
 Riko’s going to help him achieve his dreams and make mamma proud. It sounds tough but mamma didn’t raise him to be afraid of work so he gives Riko a small smile and says ok.
And at first, there is so much new that he doesn’t have time to consider anything.
 It feels like he is a prince in this castle. His castle.
 Tetsuji orders him a personalized racquet.
 He and Riko go to the court to for training with Tetsuji and the other coaches and the Ravens.
 He and Riko stand before a man named Gerald who teaches them about the press before turning them to flashing cameras that gleam off his newly whitened teeth like it was fate.
 He and Riko eat together, meals prepared by the housekeeper who used to be Riko’s nanny.
 He and Riko draw on their faces the numbers ‘1’ and ‘2’ every morning like a prayer to the gods of Exy, to Mamma and Kevin is included in someone's life, interwoven in someone's future so he smiles thinking of it as a gift.
 He and Riko are together so much that he can’t feel lonely or miss Kaleigh but he wants to sometimes.
 Kevin tries not to cry because he doesn’t think it would do him any good but sometimes when he’s lying in bed thinking about his day he thinks, “I’m gonna tell momma about this.” and remembers he can’t.
 There is no momma to talk to now that will talk back to him.
 There is only Tetsuji who does not give praise or kindness. There is only Riko who looks like he is always starving for something no one will give him.
 Riko pretends not to hear him he thinks, but one night he gets mad at Kevin.
 “Stop crying like a baby.” He throws a pillow at Kevin. “You have no reason to cry.” Riko being mad at him makes him want to cry more.
 “I’m sorry.” Riko includes him in everything. He’s always by his side so Kevin thinks Riko’s upset because Kevin’s being ungrateful. He doesn’t know how to say he appreciates what Riko has done for him so far but his momma hasn’t been dead even a month and he still feels like he’s not a whole person.
 He needs a band-aid or a doctor to fix up his heart. It’s hard doing it on his own.
Riko tries to stick his finger in the cracked dam, plugging up the hole with his small finger but he doesn’t notice Kevin’s still bleeding.
 “Stop crying or I will give you something to cry about.” Now Riko sounds mean. He sounds like the master and it makes Kevin mad. He would go if he could but he doesn’t have anywhere to go. The book he throws hits Riko’s cheek.
 “Why are you so mean?! I wish momma had never sent me here!”
 “Neither of us had a choice,” Riko says instead of yelling, his voice is very low and quiet ending the conversation there.
 Riko is like a book the Master is writing and he stops and starts in the older man's presence. He barely has enough words outside of the court to be a real thing.
 Kevin stares at the thin window near the ceiling covered with black curtains feeling like a tornado's stuck in his throat.
He had thought maybe it was like Hercules and his trials. Difficult but at the end, he would emerge a hero.
 Kevin thought he knew what the difficult parts of living in the Nest were.
 “What happened to your face.” Tetsuji is like the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. He leans over pinching Riko’s chin between his thumb and forefinger to survey the damage of Kevin’s fit.
 The master only notices, Kevin thinks, because for once he did not put that bruise on Riko’s face himself. Kevin knows Tetsuji is a scary monster in people clothes but he hopes like all monsters he’s read about Tetsuji has a weakness or a hero meant to fight him.
 “Kevin threw a book at me. He was upset.” Apparently, Riko is still as well telling on Kevin like that. He doesn’t know what punishment here is like for misbehaving but he’s more than a little afraid.
 Tetsuji’s cane makes no sound striking Kevin's thigh or his back or his shoulder but Kevin does make sound.
 He apologizes because he realizes he is not Hercules. No.
 Kevin is somewhere between perpetually rolling a boulder up an unforgiving hill and having his liver eaten.
 Not a hero or a god. Just a child out of his depth.
 “You are property. A dog that bites his master is of no use and you, your only use to me is your ability to play. If you cannot understand your place there will be worse lessons to learn. Do you understand me.”
 “Yes, master.”
 It’s what Riko says and Riko knows this game so he repeats safe words.
 Riko cradles Kevin's head when the master leaves them in the locker room. Kevin can’t move, doesn’t want to think about moving.
 “You're my brother, my friend. You're mine. If you listen to me I will protect you from him but you have to be good Kevin. Please. We are destined for the stars and I want you by my side.”
 The titles he is given come with a steep price. Kevin doesn’t think he can pay them. Promises were already made though, to momma and himself.
 Riko gets a paper towel damp to wipe the tears and blood from the youthful curves of Kevin's face. He opens their lockers nudging the taller boy to get dressed.
 Kevin can’t think past the pain but he knows that he loves Exy and that just has to be enough.
 There is no time to think of anything else.
 This castle might be a cage but at least he has Riko.
Puberty is a faint glimmer behind him and he is a star.  
 Riko and Kevin travel to photo shoots in places like Tokyo, New York, and Chicago.
 Riko and Kevin appear on talk shows with grins to highlight the marks on their cheeks.
 Riko and Kevin train hard and study hard and play hard.
 Everything is hard but it’s worth the work.
 He’s thirteen and he is second best in all of the youth training camps the Nest hosts.
 The news calls him one of the best youth players in the nation, Riko is the best but Kevin doesn’t mind because as Tetsuji says they are miles above anyone else their age.
 Once he lets himself settle into the Kevin shaped hole the Ravens have made for him he excelled.
 Every time he is not given food it's just a chance to earn back his worth.
 When he is forced to run laps until he’s heaving it’s because he cannot be stronger unless he breaks the weakness in his body to heal back stronger.
 Tetsuji believes in the training and Riko believes in Tetsuji and they are his gods and executioners now, not momma.
 Tetsuji makes the stars now.
 Kevin is acclimated to the bruising from strict discipline. He says thank you for every strike, every reprimand.
 They gave him a purpose to live for. They are helping him be good so he can keep his promises.
At fifteen with Testuji’s blessing, Riko has himself and Kevin inked for Kevin’s fifteenth birthday.
 Kevin had forgotten it was his birthday. Sometimes he forgets things about himself or who he was before Kayleigh Day’s car crash.
 Riko remembers for him.
 Riko does a lot for him. Kevin’s started having panic attacks this year, Riko is always there or sends Jean to be with him during these times.
 Riko punishes Kevin but only when he needs it and only to make him better.
 Riko’s giving him a gift tattooing him like this.
 “We will always be brothers now.” He kisses Kevin that night leaning over the small divide between their beds pushed together since they were ten years old.
 “You are the only one I need Kevin. The only one I trust by my side.” Riko’s lips are cold but Kevin does feel blessed in the same way as when he is allowed to treat Riko’s wounds from the Master.
With his eyes set on Riko in the horizon, he doesn't feel like a follower, he feels chosen.
 He knows the tattoo on his face is a collar but he kisses back like he is thankful because he has no choice but to be.
 Kevin doesn’t trust himself to know much or anything anymore.
When you take away Exy from Kevin, what he has can be counted on one hand.
 A love of history from his mother, a love of classical music from his anxiety, alove of boys and girls from his numerous crushes on the older Ravens and a fearful love of Riko from a need to not only survive but shine.
 He knows he can love Exy but it will never love him back. Not the way he needs it.
 A nosy but quiet investigation into the youngest Ravens mental health says that Kevin has an anxiety disorder with dependency issues. The psychiatrist says Riko has borderline personality disorder. In his professional opinion, they both should be medicated and encouraged to foster hobbies outside of Exy. While Tetsuji does respectfully close the door on the man's face he does not prohibit Kevin or Riko from exploring other interests. He has beat into them that Exy comes first so he does not worry about infidelity.
 But Riko does at a constant rate.
 Kevin thinks this is why Riko has them both sleep with Lydia. He says it is because she will do what he says and they are old enough but Kevin wonders if it's because of the way he’s been looking at Riko and Jean instead.
 Like he wants to kiss Riko again, to hush all the mean words his mouth is capable of.
 Like he wants to lean into Jean to take comfort as well as security from someone needing equally as bad.
 It’s the only explanation he can think of when Riko has Jean assaulted.
 That Kevin was selfish and wanted too much so Riko has to remind him that Kevin only wants what Riko wants.
 It feels like a warning, using Jean's body like that. Riko says nothing but he looks at Kevin like, see what you’ve done? He’s crying for someone to save him because of you? His pain is on you.
 And Kevin does feel like the guilty party with all his lingering glances, gentle touches, and stolen kisses.
 He had forgotten himself. His place as both toy and pet.
 He had started to want freely. Riko has helped him again to find his place because now Jean will never want for Kevin. No, now Jean will be afraid of love and starving himself of it. Kevin cannot imagine he is temptation enough for another try, not with what he costs.
 They are brothers so he knows Jean is better saving for someone else.
 There is no room to be grateful or anything but far from his body at the moment. Jean’s screams pierce the veil drawing him back time and time again but Kevin is good at being detached. Imagining that he was not the one to tape Jean’s hands together or open the door for the seniors bent on destroying his dear friend.
 He can barely feel his fingers so he doesn’t feel to blame yet but he will. He knows Riko will leave Jean for him to clean up afterward.
 And Jean with his not all the way dead yet eyes will try to be ok. Like there won’t be a next time he is in the wrong place at the right time for Riko.
 The shadow in Riko has been building like a Tsunami. Waves cresting in chaos with height. For years Riko has grown harder. [K1] He has taken more discipline into his hands like he would rather cause pain than fall to it at his uncle’s cane.
 Riko has been transforming into a Raven while Kevin, still a bird but not a Raven has to learn to toughen his skin.
 He sees the breaking in Riko, the unhinging shuttering mess as the years go by. This proves that he’s been right to be afraid of Riko.
 Riko the boy king who no one will stop or stand against.
 Riko who loves Kevin with the ferocity of a favorite toy but just as easily may break him in the future when threatened.
 “It will be easier to be a star if you’re heterosexual Kevin.” Riko is not wrong, he never is. He stands over Jean who flinches in the bed no longer smothered by bigger bodies. The tallest boy’s  body shuddering like the magnitude of what has been done him with open chasms in the earth . Muscle dimpling with goosebumps in the cool room. There is blood in the corner of his mouth and Kevin thinks Jean may have bitten his cheek in the rape. He’s glad it’s a minor wound.
 “Do not touch what is mine,” he says in warning to Jean, Jean will not look at Riko so Kevin knows that he understands. It doesn’t matter that Kevin had kissed Jean first or that Riko had never said he couldn’t, arbitrarily changing the rules in a fit of childish anger.
 For the first time, really, Kevin understands exactly what the cost of fame for him will be.
 Ever hopeful he had thought that once they made court, once they went pro, Kevin would have his brother at his side. Opportunities falling at his feet. If he just endured a little longer. held his tongue a little more.
 Now he knows there is no guarantee for his future, only as long as he pleases Riko.
 To do that he cannot love anyone more than Riko, He cannot let anyone besides Riko work harder than him or ever think that he is something beyond Exy.
 The cost is steep.
 And he should be worried about Jean. He should soothe his hurt teammate. Bust he cant and he’s selfish in the fear he hold onto facing the looming prospect of living and dying by the Nest. Preserved perhaps even after death in this gilded cage, he was bought to be displayed in threatens the function of his lungs.  His knees go weak.
 “Kevin. Kevin.” Jean is holding out his hand in front of Kevin's eyes, tone begging Kevin to help him. Like a child who has been abandoned. Like he has been. Kevin vomits on the floor with Jean’s shaking fingers resting on his head.
 He can never leave because of Riko but he will never leave because of Jean.
Once he is the best, that’s his downfall.
 You fly too close to the sun you burn. Kevin is a blistered thing.
 He had been caught between two swords.
 Do his best to beat Riko and Do well enough but not better than Riko.
 With Tetsuji’s watchful gaze there was no more holding himself back.
 The truth once again harming him the most in those hours after the ERC told Tetsuji they felt Riko was holding Kevin back.
   “You’ve taken everything from me! You say you love me but you try to take my position, my purpose-“ Rapid breathing shakes Kevins “You,” is emphasized with the heel of Riko’s shoes digging into his hand, “Are not better than me. A pet is not nor ever will be better than their vision master.” Kevin isn’t sure he’s heard a snap but the pain intensifies. It's hard to be coherent with the concussion he’s sure he has.
 “But now that they have put that idea in your head, in Uncle’s I must put you down.  Look what you’ve made me done brother.” He does look at his mangled hand while Riko brings his racquet down on it with a tone of finality.
 The finality of Exy career ending.
 The last thirteen years of his life expiring with the climactic grace of a nuclear bomb.
 He had been right to think he would live and die by Riko’s hand.
 “Don’t cry Kevin, You're going to become our assistant coach. You’re family, I will always make a place for you at my side.” Riko looks calmer than he has for years and Kevin realizes it's finally because his crown is secure. “I will send Jean for you.”
 Jean does come. He looks how Kevin assumes he would feel if his brain and emotions would come back online but all he can think of is surviving at the moment.
 His tired body is telling him to fly away from this nest of snakes.
 “You should go,” Jean says choking on the words in French as he bandages Kevin’s hand that is still bleeding onto the court. “You should leave and never come back.”
 “He’ll kill you.” Jean has been broken enough.
 “No, but he will kill you if he continues to see you as a threat. He will tear you to pieces because I know you, Kevin, and you are a star. It is in your nature to shine. He has already spent most of his life trying to snuff you out. Riko will never kill me though, he would be out of toys that have no consequences to harming them.”
 “I can’t.” The face Jean puts on is brave as he helps Kevin out of the gym, through the common area to the outside parking lot. Despite the consequences that will no doubt be severe he doesn’t hesitate in giving Kevin the keys to his car.
 “I will say you took them. The last I saw of you I left you outside your door, you must have taken my keys while I was helping you. "
 Riko has made convincing liars of them, he had learned from the best.
 “Don’t-Don’t let any of the others know.” That it was Riko who had maimed him, ”“If they ask tell them I do not want to speak with them.”
 Of the two , Jean’s survival instinct had always been better than Kevin’s.  “Go to your father, no one will deny you his room number. Keep your hood up.”
 Years before when they had stolen the note from Tetsuji’s office, Kevin would never have thought one day the information would become his solace.
 That he would have a parent to once more turn to in his time of need.
 The French backliner knows that only a Martyr such a David Wymack could save him now. Despite everything being ruined, that is enough to keep him moving.
 “Promise me you will call if things get worse, Jean. You cannot let him take any more from you, please."
 The older man agrees though they both know he won’t call Kevin. Kevin can’t even promise he won’t come crawling back to Riko as soon as he calls Kevin to come.
 Kevin Day knows abuse. He knows that he has been abused. That Riko and Tetsuji are abusive. He knows most of all that abuse victims hardly ever can break the cycle by themselves. Leaning on Jean for stability is foolish, he will back inside the month with the lack of resolve they both have. [K3] 
 But there is the hope that David Wymack is enough.
 There is the hope that Kevin will die someday far in the future with his pride intact knowing he went to seek better for himself.
For so long he had been fighting. Standing outside of the Foxes coach’s door feels like the first good thing he’s done since his mother died. He doesn’t know what he will do or the future. The world now is pain and consequence.
 Everything else starts with a knock.
 “Hello?” Wymack opens the door, he has had enough injured foxes he knows before he see’s the blood something is wrong.
 “I need your help.” He needs Wymack’s protection. He needs his dad to tell him things will be alright.
 “Kevin D-” he knows who Kevin is.
 He wants to say, I'm your son. But settles for another truth “Riko. He broke my hand.” For once the truth does set him free.
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j-eliasepp · 7 years
Tentative Link
By: J. Elias Epp
A writing exercise
 Three figures trudged through an expanse of rubble from crumbled buildings and roads. The sun set to their back, coloring the landscape orange where it touched, and black in the shadows.
The tallest of the three stopped and took his gaze off the ground. His tired old eyes searched the shadows of the sun.
The other two stopped as well. One was a young boy, the other a girl in her upper teens. Strands of her brown hair waved lazily in the breeze. She didn’t raise her eyes to look about.
There was a deep quiet that could be felt all the way to the horizon. The tarps of empty makeshift shelters flapped in the breeze. A building softly groaned as it settled. A pebble clattered as it fell, then echoed into silence as it disappeared into the jagged maze of rubble.
The sun sank, its last rays disappearing from the top of the hill of fallen buildings they faced towards. The sky continued to darken and the shadows deepened to an inky blackness.
Suddenly, a blue flickering light, like the light from a welding torch, lit up a hill next to the one they faced. It cast the shadow of a ruined building in sharp relief against the hill’s side.
They couldn’t see the source. The hill they faced was in the way. It flickered weakly, then stuttered brightly, casting the whole hill in front of it in a sharp silhouette. Then there was darkness.
“Eohin’s Gate.” The tone of the old man’s voice was matter-of-fact. He looked back down, he couldn’t walk in the rubble with the shadows so deep.
So, he didn’t walk. He sat down.
The other two did the same, looking at their feet.
The concrete they sat on had rebar sticking out of it. The slabs were angled in every direction like boulders.
The boy absently scraped his foot against them.
“Tomorrow,” the old man said. He rose and looked carefully in the faded light for the deepest shadow among the ruins.
The two young ones rose and followed the man, who slowly felt his way down the slope.
He reached the shadow and peered into it. Then carefully, very carefully and slowly while bracing himself, he lowered one leg into the darkness. His shoe scraped against concrete.
“Come.” He lowered himself more into the hole in the ruins, reaching out to find where the walls were.
The girl followed next, then the boy. In the darkness they found spots where they could set their backs against to sleep the night.
The sound of their rustling soon quieted to the occasional scuff.
The breeze whispered quietly outside. It gusted weakly, sighing softly.
Their eyes blinked slowly.
The faint blue of the moon glowed softly against the white concrete.
The old man went to sleep first. His quiet snoring became a soothing and reassuring lullaby.
The eyes of the girl and boy grew heavy. Their breathing slowed. Within moments their weariness pulled them into sleep.
Hours passed, the wind died down, all was quiet. A cloud passed over the moon, casting the land in its shadow.
The wind picked up and moaned softly.
The man’s snoring stopped and his sleeping face creased in a frown.
The wind moaned louder, closer.
His eyes slowly opened.
The wind softly moaned its low note and died away. Nothing could be seen in the darkness.
The man felt his pulse beat faster.
The wind picked up again, hissing against the bones of buildings. Its low moan started again, held, then the wind died and the moan separated itself from a far-off howl.
A shoe scuffed against rubble in the dark. The young ones were awake.
For a moment they all sat quietly. The howling came again, it didn’t sound closer or further away.
In the shadow, the girl stirred and pulled something from her small pack. A blue light suddenly lit her face in the dark.
“Elthia, is there anyone?” The old man asked. He hoped the howling would go by them like it had so many times before.
Elthia tapped buttons on the device and the light against her face changed color and brightness a few times. She shook her head.
Another howl from far off was carried on the wind.
They all stilled, waiting.
The howl died and there was silence again. For long moments they waited.
The moon came out from behind the cloud. A shaft of light shone into their little cave.
Elthia broke the silence. “You said it connects to someone in the past. Weren’t there more people then? Where are they?”
“There were more, not many were dying in those days.”
“It’ll save me if I die.”
“Yes,” The old man nodded reassuringly, “yes.” She had asked him this many times, as if it would suddenly change one day.
“Only if there is another connected to me.”
“Yes, yes.”
She shook the device.
She stared at the device. Her information was displayed on its screen. Name, birth date, height, weight, blood pressure, blood type, ethnicity, medical history, onset of lethal illness date…
“If no one from the past can help you, Eohin’s Gate will bring you to them.”
The howl came, closer, more distinct. Deep it started, with the faint reverberations of rapid clicking, then it rose slightly in pitch and the clicking changed into a high-pitched creaking.
They sat there in shock.
The wind whispered. There was no sound. No sound by which to know a location. Something was in the darkness.
Elthia slowly put the device away. Then sat stock-still.
The whites of the boy’s wide eyes reflected the glow of the moon.
The old man’s eyes gazed at the floor with an almost disinterested look. Within his chest his heart beat hard against his ribs.
Again, the howl filled the silence, closer.
Elthia tried to keep her breathing normal.
The boy’s jaw clenched and his fist grasped the end of a piece of rebar with white knuckles.
The howl came again. It sounded like it was atop the very hill of rubble they were in. The clicking and the creaking beneath the howl echoed within the rubble. It sounded like the very animal itself was scurrying about within the crevices of the concrete and all around their little cave.
Something clattered down the slope. A piece of rubble.
Elthia clutched her bag tightly to her chest. Her eyes were fixed on the opening of the cave.
More rubble clattered. Something could be heard shuffling up above them. It clambered over the ruins. Something sharp scraped against stone.
Tears dripped down the boy’s face.
The thing was joined by others and together they meandered down the slope.
Closer they came, bodies brushing on concrete. They panted, the sound growing louder towards the way they faced.
A howl. So loud it sounded like one of them had jumped right into the cave with them.
Scraping claws and thumps right outside the cave as the beast jumped from one slab to the next. The panting sound turned away, becoming quiet, then suddenly louder and closer.
A shadow moved over the mouth of the cave.
The man’s wide eyes bored into the floor of the cave.
Elthia’s heart beat so fast it hurt. She clenched her teeth like a cage for the scream in her throat.
The boy’s face whitened, his body rigid, then he slumped, unconscious from the fright.
The beast’s shadow blocked out the light of the moon. Seconds passed. Suddenly, there was moonlight again.
Claws scraped and grew more distant. The thumping of beasts running down the slope came and passed.
All was silent again.
Elthia didn’t remember how many minutes, or hours passed before the last howl could be heard. She fell into sleep.
Tomorrow, she thought, tomorrow I’ll be healed at Eohin’s Gate and leave this world.
Aeson sat in the waiting room bouncing his foot. He crossed his arms over his chest, left over right. His mother was on his left reading a magazine, his father was on his right with a stare that looked past the wall across from him.
Aeson switched his arms, right over left. The room was quiet, save for the occasional telephone ring or the receptionist and her talking. Old men and women sat in chairs waiting for their own appointments.
Unlike many of the waiting rooms that Aeson was accustomed to, this one didn’t have any toys for children.
Not that he needed them. He was seventeen. It’s just, there were no children playing. Even sick children playing with toys made a lighthearted atmosphere. This place…well, it had a feeling of somber resignation.
He shifted in his seat and winced at the pain in his side. Despite it being mid-afternoon he felt like he needed to sleep.
Aeson looked at his mother out of the corner of his eye.
“Let’s get something to eat after this, okay? Whatever you want.”
He gave a nod and followed his father’s gaze into the wall. She didn’t have to act like she already knew the results. Eating out was usually reserved for celebrations. Times like birthdays or graduations or even having friends over. He wasn’t likely to have many more of those celebrations. Eating out after doctor appointments were always meant to soften pain.
The door to the doctor’s office opened and Aeson held his breath.
A male nurse walked out and stopped just outside the door.
“Aeson Nash?”
Aeson let out a breath and stood.
His parents stood with him and his father squeezed his shoulder.
The nurse led them through the offices which always seemed like a maze to Aeson. Instead of going into one of the examination rooms, they were led to Doctor Winter’s office. Aeson had already spent enough time in those rooms and being scanned by machines.
As they walked down the hall, they passed by a man and woman about in their fifties. Aeson noticed they had red eyes and crestfallen faces.
The nurse opened the door and ushered them inside.
There was a desk and three chairs in front of it. The room was larger than their living room. A spry man stood from behind the desk and motioned them to the chairs.
“Please, sit.”
Doctor Winter had a light voice and just as light a frame. He was skinny beneath his white lab coat, though not unhealthy.
To Aeson, the man looked like a tree without leaves draped in snow. The man’s appearance seemed appropriate for his name.
Despite his light appearance, the man’s voice held a tremor of gravity that made Aeson’s heart sink. His mother had started tearing up. He knew she was holding out hope.
Together, they sat down in front of Winter’s desk.
Winter opened a thick file folder and started flipping through it. He glanced up. “Mr. and Mrs. Nash, how have you two been holding up this past week?”
Aeson’s father cleared his throat. “Um good, we’ve been holding up just fine.”
Dr. Winter nodded and glanced up at Aeson’s mother.
She forced a smile with watery eyes. “Felton, please, just tell us the results.”
Dr. Winter nodded solemnly. “I understand ma’am, I just need to refresh myself on the particulars.”
He found a few printouts and pictures and looked them over. He glanced up at Aeson. “And how about you? How are you doing?”
Aeson swallowed. “I, uh, I bumped my shoulder against the doorframe two days ago. It didn’t hurt but I have a large bruise now.”
Winter nodded with serious eyes focused on Aeson. “So, you’re bruising easily then.” His eyes glanced at Aeson’s parents. He flipped through a couple more papers. “Yes, I believe the scans have shown us what is going on definitively.” He finished reading a piece of paper and set it down. He looked up and cusped his left hand in his right.
“Aeson, I don’t mean to cause you any alarm by saying this, but you have cancer.”
His mother sucked in a breath and clasped a hand over her mouth as tears ran down her face.
His father put an arm around Aeson and squeezed Aeson’s shoulder.
Aeson just said, “oh.”
Winter let out a breath. “There are options, of course. There is radiation therapy, surgery…”
Cancer. Aeson thought. What can I do about this? How long do I have? What about college? Could I do treatments and college at the same time? Will I have time to become a car engineer? “How much time do I have?”
Winter stopped in the middle of answering a question about treatments his mom had asked. He cleared his throat. “At this time, the best guess is…two years.” He bowed his head as if a weight had been added to it.
“Of course, this can be lengthened with treatments.”
His father opened his mouth to ask a question.
Winter held up his hand. “I should also tell you that this cancer isn’t a slow progression like many others. It has only started occurring in younger individuals over the past decade, but it has a tendency to rapidly accelerate in the second stage. Sometimes, a person’s estimation is shortened from five years to a week.”
“Then, how…” his father stammered.
“There is something we can give him for that. It’s a medical device that will give him a second chance. It uses Syndmell technology, so we may have to try out a few before we get one to work on him.”
Aeson’s father seemed to gain energy from this. “That tech is unreliable anymore. How can we trust it? The quantum entanglement across the space-time geography –”
“I know you’ve programmed for the technology, Mr. Nash, but the way the quantum mechanics work with this device means it either works or it doesn’t. If it successfully activates, then it will continue to operate until it is destroyed. It doesn’t use Syndmell tech in the way the spaceplanes used to. There won’t be a repeat of Wandon. Regardless, it’ll give your son more time.” His severity quieted Aeson’s father. He turned to Aeson. “Now, let’s get you fitted with a S.Q.E.D. shall we?”
Dr. Winter walked over to a side door in his office. The door looked heavy and had a flat black panel to one side of it. The door itself had no handle.
Dr. Winter placed his hand on the black panel and there was a click. He pushed against the door with his shoulder and the door swung inward to a narrow and long closet space. Along one side were shelves, along the other were what looked like safe-deposit boxes.
He swiped his finger on one and it popped open. He took out a roundish device about the size of Aeson’s hand with outstretched fingers.
He waved Aeson over and Aeson obediently stood and walked over. He found his legs were a little weak, but he was able to walk.
Aeson stepped into the closet.
“Hold this one.”
Aeson held the device. A progress bar lit up the screen with a “connecting” message displayed on it. They waited for a couple more moments, then the screen displayed an error message.
Deftly, Dr. Winter took the device from Aeson and put it away, taking out another just as quickly.
Aeson held this one too.
Aeson took his eyes off the S.Q.E.D.’s progress bar and looked at Dr. Winter.
The doctor’s eyes were soft as they looked into Aeson’s eyes. “What are you planning to do with your life?”
Aeson felt his eyes grow hot, but he couldn’t stop a tear from escaping. He looked down at the device. “I was going to go to college.”
“What were you going to go for?” The doctor gently prodded.
“I was,” Aeson breathed in, “I was going to become a car engineer.”
“Aeson, look up.”
Aeson looked up. Dr. Winter took the device from his hand and handed him another.
“You can live your life in many ways from here on. Some despair, others party until they can’t anymore, others continue like they always have as if nothing has happened. Some want to live in a way that will create a positive memory in those they leave behind.”
Aeson held the device awkwardly and thought. He do I want to live the rest of my life? He thought. He mused over the weighty question. He sniffled. The device wasn’t connecting. He would die one day, with this device or not. He looked up.
“I want to design a car.”
The device in his hand chimed and the screen flashed green.
  Author’s Note:
This writing exercise is an exploration of an idea I had. Actually, it was primarily a dream I had. God blesses me with such vivid and interesting dreams! This one I was able to remember. In the morning after I had it, I tried to capture it in the same vivid way it was in my dream. Obviously, in dreams there are more abstract “feelings” of how things are than actual concrete details.
 The main premise is two worlds. One is a functional world before the time of a ruined world. A character in each is linked by a device. If one dies, they are kept alive by the other. This only happens once for each though. The second time they die cannot be prevented. (I really haven’t worked out how this works, but hey, it just needs to do its job right?)
In any case, that is the premise, the challenge then is to create a functional story out of a dream that “made sense” at the time. To those of you lucky enough to remember a dream once in a while, write down what you remember and make a story out of it! Have fun!
 #time #character #connection #link #decay #ruin #horror #beast #sickness #corruption #tech #journey #end #story #writing #reading #original #author # #oppeneppic #jeliasepp
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Porcelain Veneers
The purpose of porcelain veneers is to improve the health and appearance of teeth. Porcelain veneers can look completely natural and can whiten dark yellow stained teeth or tetracycline stained teeth. Teeth can be whiter and straighter looking (often called "instant braces"). The shape of the teeth can be improved, lengthened, shortened, fuller or less full, more round, more square or boulder looking.
A porcelain veneer has a thin shell of heat-based porcelain, which is made to fit your teeth. They are individual veneers of porcelain that are tied to the teeth. The patient brushes, sleeps and eats normally. Whatever the patient's needs or desires, veneers can be an effective cosmetic solution that will last for many years. Restored teeth will be permanently whiter than natural teeth.
Non-invasive cosmetic dentistry
With the development of thin non-invasive, there is no tooth grinding cosmetic treatment, the patient's natural tooth structure can be saved. Any piece on the patient's teeth is also known as non-invasive dentistry or non-invasive porcelain Veneers. Sometimes if a tooth spreads, it is necessary to grind some surface to make the teeth line evenly. Non-invasive porcelain veneers can create whiter teeth permanently. Patients may have white teeth without bleaching or ongoing dental discomfort to maintain a white color. The use of persistent bleaching agents such as Zoom, or Bright Smile, or crest whitening strips or any other whitening or bleaching teeth compromises the tooth structure. Bleaching of teeth can make teeth sensitive to temperature, sweet and fruit juices. Ceramic dental bonding that is non-invasive or does not require grinding to protect teeth.
Low tooth sensitivity
The non-invasive porcelain veneer adds another layer of porcelain to the existing tooth. Teeth may feel much less sensitive, much puffed and very natural. If dentists are highly skilled in dental bonding, then tooth sensitivity is low. The extra layer of porcelain above the existing tooth covers all sensitive areas. The patient may have an extraordinary smile that exposes their eye color, complexion, and lips. Dr. David Eyles BDS (Syd), BA (Comm) has been doing them for years. A word of caution: Thin porcelain veneers require an artistic and talented hand skill or the results may look unnatural (see Bad veneer below).
Traditional Porcelain Veneer
Traditional porcelain veneers require teeth to be lowered (ground with a dental drill) to make room for porcelain about 1 mm. Porcelain veneer will fit inside the area of ​​the tooth that has been taken off the ground. The advantage of traditional veneer porcelain is thicker and can hide darker teeth than thin porcelain veneer. The disadvantage is that healthy natural tooth structure has to be overcome. The dentist has to be very precise with the work otherwise the teeth may become sensitive after treatment due to loss of tooth structure. This type of veneer is better if the patient has "buck teeth" and needs less dilation. Teeth will not be sensitive if the relationship is not completed for completeness.
Heavy Porcelain Veneer - "My teeth look so fat!" Such corroded porcelain veneer is very thick and square. They lack the natural contour of a tooth. They look heavy and have a tendency to collect food near the gum line because they think too much and vice versa. Over contouring refers to the sudden heavy volume of teeth that suddenly comes out of the gingival line that collects and snaps food. A natural tooth has a streamlined contour from which food stops easily and does not collect food. Listen to what this person had to say about his poor porcelain veneer experience.
Fake Porcelain Veneer - "My teeth look like dentures!" Some veneers are white anyway. White teeth can still look very natural, but not too much opacity. Opacity refers to white color density. If there is too much white color, light transit through the tooth is interrupted. The tooth looks fake or "chiclets".
Cosmetic dentistry goes beyond the skills of a traditional dentist. The average dentist needs to know this.
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tsgdenvercolorado · 5 years
Out & About with Scout | November 2019
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Mark your calendars!
From a grand opening party to inspiring talks and the beginning of holiday sales…find out what we’re looking forward to this month.
NOVEMBER 1st | Free Fridays at RISE Collaborative Workspace
Come get work done or have a meeting at RISE Collaborative Workspace any Friday in November for free!  Click here to register.
730 Colorado Boulevard
NOVEMBER 1st 4-8pm | Laurie Smith Pop-Up at CLP Jewelry
CLP Jewelry is hosting Laurie Smith and her collection of photographs from the border.
1464 S Broadway
NOVEMBER 1-2nd | W. Klienberg Trunk Show at Andrisen Morton
Get an exclusive look at the latest collection from W. Klienberg at Andrisen Morton Friday, November 1st and Saturday, November 2nd.
270 St Paul Street
NOVEMBER 2nd 5-8pm | Grand Opening at Kitto Katto Skincare
Celebrate the grand opening of the brand new Kitto Katto Skincare flagship location.  Hors d’oeuvres and drinks by Table 6.
601 Corona Street
NOVEMBER 5th- December 23rd | Gift Wrapping Services by THRIVE Lifestyle Solutions
THRIVE Lifestyle Solutions is offering Mobile and On-Site Gift Wrapping Services this Holiday Season. THRIVE comes to YOU with mobile, on-site and gift-wrapping party options including fully stocked gift wrapping pop up stations. Take 15% off if you book before November 30th.
NOVEMBER 5th 5:30-7:30pm | Parent Leadership & the Family Healing Process Workshop at Equinox Counseling & Wellness Center
Equinox parenting and mental health experts, Dr. Nancy Buck, Eileen Scheibe, LMFT, and Mary Marcantonio, will help parents identify and understand the complexities of mental, emotional and behavioral health issues of their child. In addition, these seminars will explore how these issues relate to neuro-developmental disorders, neuro-diversity, executive functioning, school refusal, anxiety, depression, and suicidality. Click here to register - limited space available.
600 S Cherry Street, Suite 325
NOVEMBER 6th & 7th 7-8:30pm | An Evening with the “Accidental Talmudist” bloggers, Nina and Sal Litvak at HW Home
HW Home has partnered with Clean Speech Colorado, a new state-wide initiative challenging the community to a month of mindful speech this November. They are hosting bloggers Nina and Sal Litvak, a Jewish duo whose insights offer an informative and entertaining take on building a better, more compassionate community for all.
Wednesday, November 6th: 1941 Pearl Street, Boulder
Thursday, November 7th: 199 Clayton Lane
NOVEMBER 7th 5-8pm | Style & Sip with Style TM & Scout & Cellar Wines at Anatomie
Come and sip wine and get styled by Tina Friedman of Style TM at Anatomie.
2500 E 2nd Ave
NOVEMBER 7th-11th | Holiday Open House, Vietri Signing Event, and Jewelry Trunk Show at Homefest
Join Homefest for their annual Holiday Open House. They will be celebrating with great savings on everything you need to get your home and gift closet in shape for the upcoming holiday season. Save 15% on dinnerware, flatware, table linens, rugs, bedding, florals, and jewelry.  During the event, we are excited to host three special events:
Vietri Founder Event: We are thrilled to welcome Vietri founder and creative director, Susan Gravely for our annual Vietri Signing Event on Saturday, November 9th, from 12 – 4PM. Susan will be inscribing your purchases and sharing stories of the inspiration behind the beautiful collections.
Jewelry Trunk Shows: We’ll be showcasing two of our favorite jewelry collections and we can’t think of a better excuse to treat yourself or make that holiday wish-list.
Hsiao Chang of Julie Vos jewelry will be bringing their collection of elegant gold bangles and baubles November 7th
Jeanette Simon of Gypsy jewelry will be joining us on November 8th – 9th to share her bold and distinctive designs.
5912 S Holly Street
NOVEMBER 8th | Free Fridays at RISE Collaborative Workspace
Come get work done or have a meeting at RISE Collaborative Workspace any Friday in November for free!  Click here to register.
730 Colorado Boulevard
NOVEMBER 8th 10-1pm | The Vintage Label and Cora Wheeler at the Found(H)er Holiday Market at The Riveter
Get started early on your holiday shopping!  Shop over 20 indie designers including The Vintage Label and prints from Cora Wheeler and get your holiday shopping out of the way so you can actually enjoy the holidays properly! Click here to RSVP.
2734 Walnut Street
NOVEMBER 8th 6-9pm  | Studio Party at Among the Colors
Laura Moretz of Among the Colors is hosting a Gin, Jazz, & Pizza night to celebrate Denver Arts Week at her studio located at at the Ironton Distillery in RiNo. Click here for tickets - limited number available.
3636 Chestnut Place
NOVEMBER 8th-9th | Zanella Trunk Show at Andrisen Morton
Get an exclusive look at the latest collection from Zanella at Andrisen Morton Friday, November 8th and Saturday, November 9th.
270 St Paul Street
NOVEMBER 12th 5:30-7:30pm | Understanding Mental Health Treatment Options for Adolescents & Young Adults with Complex Psychiatric, Neuro-Developmental, and Behavioral Health Issues Workshop at Equinox Counseling & Wellness Center
Equinox parenting and mental health experts, Dr. Nancy Buck, Eileen Scheibe, LMFT, and Mary Marcantonio, will help parents identify and understand the complexities of mental, emotional and behavior health issues of their child. In addition, these seminar will explore how these issues relate to neuro-developmental disorders, neuro-diversity, executive functioning, school refusal, anxiety, depression, and suicidality. Click here to register - limited space available.
600 S Cherry Street, Suite 325
NOVEMBER 13th 11-5pm | Teeth Whitening with Denver Mobile Teeth Whitening
Stop by the Denver Design District on November 13th to get your teeth whitened with Denver Mobile Teeth Whitening!  Click here to register.
595 S Broadway St, #200
NOVEMBER 13th 4-7pm | 4th Annual Bubble Bash at Sarah O Jewelry
Join Sarah O Jewelry for their annual sale of the year! Enjoy treats, bubbly, and a DIY smudge station as you shop just in time for the holidays. Click here to RSVP.
4301 Tennyson Street
NOVEMBER 14th 5-6pm | Apres Hour: Everyday Elegance with Perch Denver at Halcyon, a hotel in Cherry Creek
Freshen up your holiday wardrobe with stylish pieces from the fashion gurus at Perch Denver. Whether you’re going from work to a party or anything in between, Perch has gorgeous outfits from Veronica Beard, L’Agence, Tanya Taylor, and more, that will make you shine this holiday season. With something for everyBODY, Perch will highlight looks that range in style and price so you can feel your absolute best! Click here to register.
245 Columbine Street
NOVEMBER 14th-17th | Grey Salt Trunk Show at Perch Denver
Shop the latest from Grey Salt at Perch Denver Thursday, November 14th - Sunday, November 17th.
2606 E. 3rd Street
NOVEMBER 15th | Free Fridays at RISE Collaborative Workspace
Come get work done or have a meeting at RISE Collaborative Workspace any Friday in November for free!  Click here to register.
730 Colorado Boulevard
NOVEMBER 18th 5:30-7pm | Turn Up the Heat: Wellness Series at Halcyon, a hotel in Cherry Creek
Turn up the heat, get your burn on, and transform your week when you attend the TruFusion Fitness Series at Halcyon. Discover your mental and physical edge with dynamic exercises led by your favorite fitness experts, all in a supportive wellness community. Bring your friends and après with on our Rooftop Pool Deck for an hour class, followed by complimentary wine and beer. NOTE: Classes are rain or shine! Click here to register.
245 Columbine Street
NOVEMBER 21st 5-7pm | Fertility and Fashion with CCRM
Join CCRM for a private event at SOL Lingerie.  Meet Dr. Sara Barton, CCRM board certified reproductive endocrinologist and ash your fertility-related question in an informal, relaxed atmosphere.  All attendees will receive a FREE new patient consultation at CCRM, as well as 20% off their SOL purchase.  Hors d’oeuvres and wine will be provided.  Click here to register.
3010 E 6th Avenue
NOVEMBER 21st 5-10pm | The Vintage Label Pret-a-Porter Pop-up with Nue Denver Magazine at Sterling Event Space
Featuring designer vintage and current fashions & accessories with holiday gifts.
2161 Delaware Street
NOVEMBER 21st 5:30-7:30pm | Cocktail Club: Imbibe & Master with Albion Bundey at Halcyon, a hotel in Cherry Creek
Make great cocktails at home when you learn the tricks of the trade from the bartender, Albion Bundey. Expand your cocktail repertoire for the upcoming holiday season, and learn the “How To’s” behind two of our favorite seasonal drinks, a B&GC Hot Toddy and Milk Punch. Both cocktails are equal parts festive and hearty, aimed to enhance your holiday soirees and impress your friends. Limited space is available - click here to register.
245 Columbine Street
NOVEMBER 21st-22nd | 360 Cashmere Trunk Show at Perch Denver
Shop the latest from 360 Cashmere at Perch Denver Thursday, November 21st and Friday, November 22nd.
2606 E. 3rd Street
NOVEMBER 22nd | Free Fridays at RISE Collaborative Workspace
Come get work done or have a meeting at RISE Collaborative Workspace any Friday in November for free!  Click here to register.
730 Colorado Boulevard
NOVEMBER 22nd & 23rd 11-5pm | Adorned at CLP Jewelry
CLP Jewelry’s Adorned bracelets and rings are the perfect compliment to your jewelry collection.  These delicate threads are cut and welded directly onto your wrist.  They are a perfect daily reminder of the intentions that you set while having them added to your wrist. CLP offers 18 karat yellow gold, 18 karat rose gold and sterling silver.
Friday, November 22nd: CLP Jewelry 1464 S Broadway
Saturday, November 23rd: Chelsea 1646 Pearl Street, Boulder
NOVEMBER 29th 11-2pm | Champagne & Donuts at Visions West Contemporary
Join Visions West Contemporary for champagne and donuts to celebrate the unusual and quirky exhibition Black Friday: BaZaar which will feature over 40 artists along with hundreds of their amazing art pieces. BaZaar is in response to the holiday madness and Visions West Contemporary wants to encourage people to utilize art to give as a gift that will last a lifetime.
2605 Walnut Street
NOVEMBER 30th | Shop Small Saturday at Pitter Patter Children’s Boutique
Support our small business and shop local.  Pitter Patter Children’s Boutique will be well staff and ready to handle all your buying needs for your little ones.
931 Main Street, Louisville
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balogtas · 5 years
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SPLASH!! The raging waves then again hit the rocks blocking its way towards the shore. The nearer it comes, the bigger it becomes. Storms and winds whatever calamity arrives the bigger and stronger it'll be. The raging waves and its unstoppable traits can only be compared to our chosen hottest celebrity.
Who is she? The lady who stands firm and is well-poised with her perfect porcelain teeth on display. A lady whose temperament screams bravery and boldness. A lady who is oozing with pride and confidence, a role model for someone who wants to be bold. Bold enough to stand before the face of criticisms and judgements. Putting on the bathing suit, she slays. Her body with the V-Shape form and her flawlessness shines with her bubbly personality. Some people look up to her as they shout “queen”. A role model that says, “I can do everything”, standing still and kissing away all the negative comments people throw at her.
Through all her accomplishments and failures, her braveness and boldness were built. The walls and boulders she came across with was the death of her younger brother because of suicide and her mother’s survival of breast cancer. With all these happening, she never showed how pitiful she is back then, instead she remained strong and composed walking barefoot on a field of broken glass, trying to overcome the challenges she knows she can take. Her blood-stained armor somehow strengthens her swords and shields for the challenges that await.
“She’s not a good role model”, says people who judge her for posting daring and provocative pictures on Instagram, but she is a force to be reckoned with. She is proud of her body and of who she really is. All the hate that she receive makes her braver, and you know what they say, what doesn’t kill her makes her stronger. She does not change herself to fit into what the society wants her to be. She is true to herself in the world where everything seems to be scripted, the world of showbiz.
A celebrity that possess the true Filipina Beauty (Dalagang Pilipina yeah) with her tan skin, dark black hair, and not-so-sharp nose that looks similar to all Filipinas, she’s serves as an idol for young Filipina girls who have insecurities that stem from their appearance. Here in the Philippines, we have this norm that says the whiter you are, the prettier you are, notice the love of Filipina women on whitening products. Carrying the Filipinos natural skin color, kayumanggi with her head held high, she is stunningly beautiful, ruining Asia’s current standard of beauty.
Here is the major clue; she is famous for her lead role in the movie “Diary ng Panget”. The very first Filipina to become an H&M ambassador, won an award in FAMAS for one of her movies "Never Not Love You", and ranked #1 on FHM’s 100 Sexiest Women in the World in 2017.
The lady who is like the raging waves, a warrior in her own challenging life.
NADINE LUSTRE. Our chosen hottest celebrity in the Philippines.
By: Boteres, Chagsan, Calbone, Emocling, Mawine, Polon
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Quality Boulder dentistry with a personalized approach is what sets us apart
Is it true that you are prepared for that ideal grin? The staff in the Boulder dental office is here to enable you to acquire (and keep!) your spirited grin. We think about your teeth as an extraordinary gem: straight, white, brilliant-the correct mix for a solid, wonderful picture. Here are a portion of the administrations we offer to help you on your way to an ideal grin:
Teeth Whitening
Custom brightening plate are an extraordinary method to assume responsibility for your grin. With your very own plate, you can refresh your brightening when you need for that extraordinary wedding, gathering or significant introduction.
Oral Health Exams
Our dental office is committed to creating constructive individual associations with every one of our patients. Each new patient gets an exhaustive assessment and exact evaluation of current oral wellbeing.
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puresudsco · 6 years
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Have you seen THE GOODS in this months Subscription Box 📦 We’re featuring a few faves to help you get prepped for SUMMER! . . 1. Natural Teeth Whitener 2. Natural Loofah Gourd 3. African Violet-Sweet Pea Loofah Embedded Soap 4. Organic Plain Jane Shea Butter Whip 5. Beautiful You Bath Bomb 6. Vivid Violet Bath Bomb 7. South Pacific Breeze Bath Bomb . . VOILA! Get it mailed to your door for just $55! Sign up for this awesome, monthly mailer on our website: www.puresudsco.com . . #puresudsco #bathbomb #teethwhitening #loofahsoap #sheabutter #subscriptionbox #dream #subscriptionboxes #monthlybox #organicskincare #herbalskincare #handmade #scranton #clarkssummit #wilkesbarre #binghamton #philadelphia #brooklyn #boulder #denver #sanfrancisco #santamonica #losangeles #dallas #boston #seattle (at Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania)
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
Why You Should Be Adding Turmeric To More Than Just Your Morning Latte
If you haven’t been hiding under a mossy boulder, you’ve probably heard of turmeric and its amazing health benefits. If you did just come out from said boulder, that’s OK. You look great. We should totally grab a coffee sometime. Shall I catch you up on turmeric?
You’ve probably seen turmeric powder sold in stores. But what is turmeric exactly? Turmeric is a plant from the ginger family. It has an earthy, warm, bitter taste and is bright orange in color. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine has long been using turmeric for its healing benefits.
Curcumin, one of the main active ingredients in turmeric, has been shown to help reduce inflammation. Earlylab studies indicate that curcumin might inhibit growth of certain tumors, protect from skin disease, help with stomach ulcers, high cholesterol, upset stomach, viral infections, diabetes and even Alzheimer’s disease and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
A study done by researchers from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s (CAMH) Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute in Toronto, Canada, suggests that depression may be the brain’s reaction to inflammation. Now more than ever health advisors are recommending practicing low inflammation diets. This is where turmeric and its large array of healing properties takethe spotlight.
Turmeric can be found as a spice in most grocery stores. I recommend spending a few extra dollars on the organic kind. Recently health stores like Whole Foods started caring raw turmeric, which contains even more beneficial properties because it contains natural oils. There are many turmeric supplements, from capsules to powders, that are meant to be added to smoothies.
The possibilities of incorporating turmeric into your diet are endless, and with that I could see how you might be a little overwhelmed.
Have no worries, I have compiled five easy ways in which you can add turmeric to your life without breaking the bank or your kitchen. I mean I know curries are great, but this girl doesn’t have time to whip one up every day.
1. Coffee and Turmeric
Don’t be surprised! Sprinkling a pinch of turmeric into your morning coffee tastes great. Its warm, orange-ginger aroma goes perfectly with a hot cup of joe. Add some almond milk and a sprinkle of cinnamon (which lowers blood sugar and fights infections) and enjoy a little extra boost in your morning routine.
2. Smoothies With Turmeric And Maca
Smoothies are my favorite go-to for a blast of nutrients when I’m on the go. I add either 1/4 teaspoon of grated turmeric or a dash of powdered turmeric to the smoothie along with maca root powder (an Incan superfood that provides energy, balance and vitality).
Ingredients 1 cup almond milk 1 banana 1 kiwi (peeled) 1 cup baby spinach 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder 1 teaspoon maca root powder
3. Turmeric Lemonade
This refreshing drink packed with vitamins and flavors combines turmeric with a spice that boosts its amazing properties and promotes its absorption:black pepper.Black pepper is composed of an active ingredient called piperine. When we usually consume turmeric, our liver metabolizes it and makes it water-soluble, which flushes it out of our system with only a portion of it going into our blood stream. Piperine inhibits this process and allows for maximum turmeric absorption.
Ingredients 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (peeled and grated) Juice from 2 oranges Juice from 1/2 lemon Pinch of freshly ground black pepper 1 cup filtered water (or 1/2 sparkling water, 1/2 filtered water)
Directions Squeeze juice from 2 oranges and into a glass. Add a dash of freshly ground black pepper. Top off with either 1 cup of water, or for extra oomph cup filtered water and cup sparkling mineral water.
4. Turmeric Eggs And Rice
This is my version of healthy fried rice. When I was growing up my mom used to always scramble some eggs into my pasta or rice, and I love the way it holds the dish together. Adding turmeric to this meal makes it have a warm glowing color, and it feels like my belly is getting a hug from all the nutritional benefits.
Ingredients 1.5 cups brown rice (or sprouted tri-color blend) cooked according to package directions. 1/4 cup finely chopped onion 1/2 tomato 2 eggs 1/2 teaspoonorganic turmeric powder Pinch of chili powder Salt and pepper to taste 1/2 tablespoon olive oil
Directions Heat olive oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Add onion, cook until translucent and just starting to brown. Add tomato and cook for 1 more minute. Add rice, eggs, turmeric powder, chili powder, salt and pepper. Mix well and cook for 4 minutes or until egg is fully cooked through.
5. Turmeric Toothpaste
What?! You heard me right. The newest craze is making your own toothpastes and deodorants. This intriguing homemade toothpaste claims to help with receding gums and gum inflammationand also whitens teeth. I was skeptical at firstbecause in my experience turmeric can stain anything it touches. I tried this out, and my teeth felt extremely smooth and sparkly. I bet if I made this a daily routine I would start noticing effects there too. I’m a converted believer! It did make my toothbrush yellow, but that came out after I washed it with soap. If the corners of your lips have turmeric residue wash with warm water and soap. It’s worth it, I promise. Here is the recipe.
I bet if I made this a daily routine I would start noticing effects there too. It did make my toothbrush yellow, but that came out after I washed it with soap. If the corners of your lips have turmeric residue, wash with warm water and soap. It’s worth it. I promise.
Ingredients 2 tablespoons coconut oil 1/4 teaspoonturmeric powder
Directions Mix the ingredients together and brush you teeth, allowing the paste to sit for 1-2 minutes after you’re done brushing. Rinse and follow with brushing with your regular toothpaste.
Turmeric has been around for centuries, and has been known in the health community for a while, but I think it’s making its mainstream media debut now, and you are the first to know.
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The post Why You Should Be Adding Turmeric To More Than Just Your Morning Latte appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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