#late (again)
disasteraleks · 2 months
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Vamos Carlos! ¡Vamos!
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ghoulgeists · 1 year
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omg happy tdov from me!! :)
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legiterallylunar · 2 months
late for dinner late again late for dinner late again late for dinner late again late for dinner late late late late!!
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bethanythebogwitch · 11 months
There are some animals that, if they didn't exist and somebody made them up, we would say they had an overactive imagination. The bobbit worm is one of those creatures, the closest we have to a real-life Mongolian death worm. So for this Wet Beast Wednesday, I'll tell you about just how weird it is.
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(image: a rare full-body shot of a bobbit worm)
Before we start, I want to go on a brief tangent. What exactly is a worm? Well it turns out that like fish, worms aren't real. At least they aren't from a taxonomist's perspective. In common parlance, we refer to any long, skinny, and (usually) legless invertebrate as a worm. In taxonomy, that is far too broad of a category, especially as lots of animal lineages would have started out as something a lot like a worm and you can't stop being what your evolutionary ancestors were. Instead, taxonomists classify worms into multiple distinct phyla that independently converged onto the worm body plan, including the platyhelminths, nematodes, nemerteans, and annelids. The bobbit worm (Eunice aphroditos) is an annelid, which are known for their multiple body segments. More specifically, it is a polychaete or bristle worm, which are known for having a pair of fleshy protrusions called parapodia on each body segment, which have chitinous bristles called chaetae growing from them. There is some debate that the bobbit worm may actually be a species complex, which is when multiple related species are mistakenly classified as a single species.
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(image: a bobbit worm found in an aquarium)
Bobbit worms are the largest of the polychaetes, with the largest known specimen being 299 cm (9.81 ft) long. They are also rather skinny, usually reaching no more than 2.5 cm (1 in) wide. Bobbit worms have a wide range of coloration, ranging from brown to black and often with a rainbow of other colors going down their bodies. You might not notice this, however, because they spend most of their time burrowing under the sand in their Indo-Pacific coral reef habitats. This provides protection from predators and is important to their hunting strategy. Bobbit worms will stick their heads out of the sand and wait while their 5 antennae use chemosensitive and light-sensing cells to detect when fish pass by. When a fish comes too close, the worm strikes. They use a set of retractable jaws that are razor sharp and come together like scissors to bite the fish. This bit is strong enough to cut small fish in half. It is rumored that this is the source of their name, from the Lorena Bobbit case. I will not elaborate further, google it if you don't know. Those fish that are not killed immediately will find themselves bleeding out and paralyzed from venom injected through the jaws as they are dragged into the worm's burrow to be eaten. There are some reports that the wom's chaetae are also venomous and that handling them barehanded can cause permenent numbness, but this does not appear to be the scientific consensus. The worms will also feed on seaweed and other algae, making them omnivorous.
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(gif: a bobbit worm catching a fish)
The borrows made by bobbit worms are dug out of the sediment and coated with mucus. The worm uses its chaetae to move in and out of the burrow. The mucus if filled with nutrients that bacteria, particularly sulfate-reducing bacteria, absolutely love. This allows iron sulfides to accumulate in the mucus. When exposed to oxygen in the water, usually at the opening of the burrow, the sulfides will become iron hydroxides. These help reinforce the burrow's opening. Bobbit worms rarely leave their burrows and will retreat at the first sign of danger, making it very hard to spot them in the wild. Several fossilized burrows have been found, one dating to 20 million years ago. Another burrow of a similar animal, possibly an ancient relative of the bobbits, was found dating to 400 millions years ago.
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(image: a bobbit worm head with jaws extended)
Bobbit worms reproduce externally. At night, a female will emerge from her burrow and release pheromones that attract males. She will then release her eggs into the water. The males will follow by releasing sperm, allowing for fertilizations. The majority of larvae will die before reaching adulthood. There are rumors that females withh bite off the male's genitals to feed to her young, but this is not true. Bobbit worms can also reproduce asexually by splitting. When handles, a bobbit worm can split itself into multiple sections, each of which can grow into another identical worm. This is a common adaptation in polychaetes as it allows them to survive if a part of them is eaten.
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(image: a bobbit worm just sitting there, menacingly)
Bobbit worms have become a nuisance species in aquariums. They are usually introduced as tiny larvae clinging to rocks brought in for decoration or shelter. Once in an aquarium, the worms can grow rapidly and will eat any fish in the tank. Removing them can be very difficult due to their size, regenerative abilities, and reclusive nature. One famous case that introduced a lot of the internet to the worms was that of the Newquay aquarium in England. Aquarium staff were confused when a lot of the fish were vanishing from one tank and the coral was damaged. They tried laying traps, but the intruder ate the fishhooks they used and could bite through 20 lb fishing line. Finally, they lured it out with food, finding a 4 foot long bobbit worm that they named Barry. Barry became a hit online and was moved to his own tank. There apparently were plans to put him on exhibit, but I can't find confirmation that this ever happened. Given that this happened in 2009 and the bobbit worm lifespan is 3-5 years, I am sorry to tell you that Barry has passed away. RIP, king.
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(image: Barry after being removed from the tank. His drab color is thought to be the result of poor nutrition)
Because of how reclusive they are, bobbit worms are an understudied species. Attempts to raise them in laboratories have mostly failed, so there is a lot we don't know about their reproduction, development, and behavior. We also don't know if they need any conservation efforts.
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How many times in this series am I going to be able to use cards from this series? (image: the bobbit worm card from Weird n' Wild Creatures)
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bottle-of-allay · 2 months
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localcryingb · 19 days
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Mf is almost 19ft long and WILL eat people
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mel0njoo · 8 months
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Phone wallpaper 🧡
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scary-lasagna · 3 months
Can we get more request board things?
Requests of the Manor Info Board
Duct tape
Hulu plus
Disney plus
Pokemon card TCG booster pack
Sewing supplies
Variety Pack nail polish
ASMR ear tingles set
Melting wax
Waxing tape
Numbing cream
DIY tattoo kit from Shein
Bald-Shine for men
Bruh who just ordered bald people wax
The person who’s gonna fuck your mother
Crossed that out bc it’s unprofessional. Regain from fighting on the Info-Board, please! - Trender
It was totally Trender he’s not sneaky like that.
Bluetooth headphones (2)
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theghostwithin5591 · 2 years
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".....and this one?" "Bullet. Passed right through. Werewolf case somewhere outside Nebraska."
Suptober- Day 2- Pillow Talk
I'll show you mine, you show me yours.
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Hi hi friends!! I wanted to post today but I have been working on not one but TWO snippets- one hero x villain (songbird part threeeeee anyone?!? 😈😇) and one urban fantasy (dragons and wolves and mages, oh my!) to post and neither of them are quite where I want them to be yet.
But fear not! I will be posting them as soon as possible:) In the meantime, here is a short snippet I wrote AGES ago based on this prompt by @gingerly-writing:
Prompt #2784
“You can’t give me to [villain]! You can’t! You’re supposed to be my friends!”
“We’re also supposed to save the city. And right now, that’s more important than saving you.”
Sidekick couldn’t keep the panic out of her voice nor the trembling out of her bound hands as she was led, well, dragged, out of the car towards where three men in black suits stood waiting next to a black SUV parked beside the pier. 
“Please! Please don’t—" Her voice cracked as those she had once called friends pulled her to a stop a safe distance from the men. Hero and Hero’s Soulmate gripped her arms, stopping her futile attempts of escape. 
“Her, in exchange for the city’s safety?” Hero’s question sounded more like skepticism than confirmation, and if terror wasn’t pounding in her veins, Sidekick would have been offended. 
The figure in the middle, the man who’d been wreaking havoc on the city for years, nodded, his deep voice smooth and certain. “You have my word.” 
That must have been reassurance enough, for in a flash, Hero and his team—the team she’d been a part of—were back in their car and speeding away. 
She cast a quick glance around the deserted pier, the gentle glow of the fading sun staining the calm water with soft streaks of pink light, a far more appealing picture than the sharp lines and harsh blacks of the supervillain and his men.  
She could try to make it to the water. 
But her hands were bound. She wouldn’t last long. 
They would pull her out, and most likely be furious with the delay. 
She swallowed her fear and turned towards the three men. They hadn’t made any move to come closer. 
Dark sunglasses blocked out their eyes despite the fading light, and a shiver ran through her. 
She closed her eyes as her mind filled her head with all the things that could happen now that she was here, defenseless, sold to buy freedom for everyone else. 
The quiet word from the man in the middle carried across the distance between them, and she instinctively took a step back before lurching forward, terrified she’d displeased the one whose mercy she was now at. 
It took an eternity and no time at all for her to reach the front of the SUV. She stopped, unable to bring herself any closer to the man who had the power to bring the city to its knees with a flick of his fingers, who had instead demanded her. 
Her breaths were loud in the stillness of twilight, and she kept her head down, as though memorizing each inch of her shoes was the most important thing in the world. 
“They taught you to fear me.” It wasn’t a question, and it was filled with displeasure.
She flinched. 
Then flinched again at the angry noise he made at her flinching. 
The gravel crunched until she could feel his presence before her. 
Warm hands caught her bound ones, lifting them. She hardly registered that the bindings had been cut as he turned her left arm to expose the dark swirling mark on her inner wrist. 
And in turn revealing the matching mark on his. 
(this is my general taglist for all my posts containing my writing, if you'd like to be added, pls lmk by asking to be on the general taglist! If you prefer to only be tagged in certain snippets, you can specify:)
@im-a-wonderling @shieldmaiden-of-gondor @watercolorfreckles @distance-does-not-matter @onestopheroxvillain @lolafaiy @chaoticgoodandi @1becky1 @tobeornottobeateacher @himynameisorla @superherosweet @brekker-by-brekkerr @crazytwentythrees @great-day-today @sunflower1000@selectivegeekwithstandards @chibicelloking @trantolette @sapphiques @jinpanman @genesissane @wish1bone1 @amongtheonedaisy @distractedlydistracted @kitsunesakii @glitterythief @jinx1365 @cherrychewingbrat @in-patient-princess @thepenultimateword @sorrow-and-bliss @technikerin23 @deflated-bouncingball @talesofurbania1 @rivalriotrenegade
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dailyghostpics · 5 months
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day 307
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mintnrainbow · 5 months
50 days of drawing parappa charectors n stuff like that!
( Late ) Day 10: Paula
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muujedesigns · 1 year
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happy birthday to our 2.18 twins
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scammydoesstuff · 2 years
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Huntlow Week 2022 Day 2: Training/Flower crown
Still getting used to drawing them, so I opted for a little softness.
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@eternally-smitten and @bioexorcizm Drabblecember day 4: Learning traditions-the one where Sasha teaches Blitzø how to make rum balls
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"-And then you just roll the dough around your palms a bit until you get a nice, little rum ball."
"Like this?"
These days Blitzø's apartment was way more tidier and colorful than it ever was before, in part due to Sasha's enthusiasm for the holidays, but also because these were their first holidays as a married couple, so Blitzø wanted to make them as special as possible.
So here they were, making rum balls. Sasha insisted on them, saying it was a tradition in her family. Blitzø didn't know much about holiday traditions. His own family didn't have them, though his late mother tried her hardest to make their holidays special every year. So when Sasha insisted on making them together, he couldn't say no.
"And now that you've done that, you roll them around in coconut powder, like this!" She showed him how, and he followed suit. It was easy enough, thought Blitzø, before accidentally pressing too hard and squashing the little ball flat.
"Shit! I'm so sorry, Sasha."
"It's okay! Theres more than enough dough. Try again." Encouraged him Sasha.
He tried to do as she showed him to: a clump of dough, roll it around your palms till you get a ball, then roll the ball around in coconut powder.
"I did it!" And in his palm, was a small, misshapen thing covered in coconut.
"It's perfect! Good job, honey!" Sasha then kissed him on the cheek, as a reward for a job well done.
Blitzø didn't appreciate holidays enough before, but with Sasha at his side, he just might start to.
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Peter, Paul & Mary - Late Again (Songbook) - Warner Bros. - 1968
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