xxkittyminexx · 6 months
my dealers keep leaving me on delivered or read. guess even the ones that go the hardest cant handle the cuntiest bitches
what dicks
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Drain x Quinn my heart meme
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prettylittlebabee · 2 years
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My iTunes library! (: xx
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acstation206 · 1 year
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A redraw of this screenshot I felt like doing cuz why not it looked so cool honestly (with some additional elements and frutiger aero aesthetics sneaked in throughout):
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man I miss this era of BFDI
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
do u consider ur style “indie sleaze” or something else?
hmm well i wouldnt classify it as such since thats kind of a new school thing but i see the correlation ! idrk what i would consider my style its kinda just Millenial Chick Who Has Lived thru a lot of diffrent trends and takes litle pieces from all of them to weave into my own~thing~. Like if i were to be "indie sleaze" and only referring back to my /hipster/ self of the late2000s (& i wouldve never referred to myself as such but u kno) , well, back then i would never wear most the stuff i wear now thats for sure.
my style is just thriftwh0re idk. Not much rhyme or reason to it except tht i adhere to a pretty consistent color palette. i dnt like labels that kinda oldschool mindset stuck w me xD
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babyawacs · 1 year
#mildest #snot #a #case #of #whatiswhatiswhat  .@judge .@judges @l aw @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_ de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@ berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #barricades #whoelse #gracious #right ... #sgerman #sgermany #lookatthetimeline #usually #hoogle # reframed #mildfacettes #of #what #themquell #ahbythewayididnothingwr ong #kanneskaumabwarten #bis #irgendwer #euch #noch #alibis #verscha fft #nachdem #ihr #euere #verbrechen #vertuscht #how #judge #judges #sy stem #ai #thetruth #and #the #ruleoflaw #bananarepublic #inthen #d onot #the #rubbertittts #simpler #usually #else #bad #biological #ger mansolutions #nowandhow #there #instead #compensation #oujaounorthko rea someof the soulbreak camp messes midlate2000s included sublimieru ng pohlwanderung spreizung and conflict themes like dirty hand tap teiler segragator themepart itisnothing but it is not nothing these ar e the m i l d e s t damamges harms on mindfuck backthen before burnou t doomish late2000s early2010s desperate resillience itis inthebook now
#mildest #snot #a #case #of #whatiswhatiswhat .@judge .@judges @law @all @world @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @bild .@bild @phoenix_de @dw .@dwnews .@law @deutschland .@deutschland @hamburg @berlin .@berlin .@hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart #barricades #whoelse #gracious #right … #sgerman #sgermany #lookatthetimeline #usually #hoogle #reframed #mildfacettes #of…
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fandom-oracle · 2 years
Why was incest bait so common in late2000s disney shows
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stinkygobbelin · 2 years
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a thursday - graveyard pregnancy, holey shoe, got myself a webcam for livestreaming, cutting mini zines (listening to meme tokyo)
I'm having urges (again) to go back to my late2000's/early2010's blogging but not sure where to even do that now so it's gonna be here I guess? if I even keep it up, am I just being nostalgic, I don't know, I miss taking daily photos and having a blog and not worrying about literally everything.
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mayfairprincess · 2 years
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doodlegabby · 3 years
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Something funny I thought up while watching old Warriors AMVs! What if your OCs met the old edgy versions of themselves? So this is Lavender with Brokenheart! Lavender was drawn in my current art style while Brokenheart was drawn with old MSPaint and baby's first Photoshop techniques. Enjoy!
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abbyquirt · 3 years
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and when you leave, just remember the sad girl, alone in the trailer park, who loved you.
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Lizzy Midford in a Lucky Star style
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acstation206 · 1 year
anyway umm, remember what I said about this store I run having music and stuff in it? well, this is proof.
for this, samples from actual fax machine sounds are primarily used as an instrument of its own. oh, and it took like an hour and a half to finish.
there’s actually another song that used the same technique before this one but that’ll get there went it does… at least on this site. I mean, you can actually listen to that and this newly published song now on SoundCloud by just clicking this link below or find it on my profile after you do that because I actually feel lazy right now to know how to upload songs of my own directly to tumblr on iphone sorry- ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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shibesky · 6 years
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happy 2 c u!
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babyawacs · 1 year
checkonmykids and persons of interest evenmore induressandorperil repair howbad arethe wounds all uncompensated ruptured guts shortened guts ba ckleg heart wounds experiment heartflap surgery kidneygraft genitals experiment transgender oeprati on anus fromrupturedguts experiment facebone teethboen operation groinmess sometimes cancers like b loodcancer late2000s e x p e r i m e n t drugs drugpallettes paletten damaged manythings but some m aybe damamged impulsecontrol : on g e r m an experiment drugs german intelcoma averted immunisatio n flatline killtrickery whatelse 12fingergutsimplant drenagebackleg stents backleg mess for stents and lovely c a n n i ba l i s m ? suffocations poisons fromjarmix to underway things headimpacts brainmelt and dmamges structuraldamamges whatelse
checkonmykids and persons of interest evenmore induressandorperil repair howbad arethe wounds all uncompensated ruptured guts shortened guts backleg heart wounds experiment heartflap surgery kidneygraft genitals experiment transgender oepration anus fromrupturedguts experiment facebone teethboen operation groinmess sometimes cancers like bloodcancer late2000s e x p e r i m e n t drugs…
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