#latest things meme
kuwdora · 1 year
latest things meme - tagged by @crushcandles
last song: devil in paradise by cruel youth
currently watching: season 2 of Foundation, Strange New Worlds season 2 and Only Murders in the Building season 2.
currently reading: The Thief's Journal by Jean Genet and The Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski.
current obsession: I am in my Hot Vilgefortz Summer, no way around that, flailing around with my witcher season 3 feelings. Forever thinking about Ciri. Also still obsessing about Strange New World’s crossover episode with Lower Decks and the MUSICAL EPISODEEEEEEEE. 🎤🎶 And my renewed love/obsession with Only Murders in the Building. The show is coming back this week! I will also be falling back into the Star Wars vortex when Ahoska starts this month. My god I'll be losing it over Thrawn and Vilgefortz at the same time. Oh, my season of villainy love.
tagging @kiriele @danegen @trelkez and hey @such-heights i see you back on tumblr again, wanna meme? ❤️
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rubberhosededede · 5 months
posting this out of spite because of that one person the put hazbin memes in the norbit tag
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laz-262 · 5 months
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a continuation of my acnh brain rot
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dreamofcamelot · 1 day
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what do you mean this is a fan art I made while in the dentist waiting room and not a real piece one of their servants made on a parchment back in the 12th century
(meme under the cut)
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lesbicosmos · 2 years
gay people my beloveds
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aisatsana441 · 1 year
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chalkrub · 2 years
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svanhildr through the years - 2019 things, which are the earliest svans i can find, 2021, which was the blessed svanhildr revival during my first art fight, and 2023, the latest svan. roughly two years between each drawing! insane and crazy
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
Thinking about my darling girl Aiura on her special day... She deserves everything she wants and more <3
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utilitycaster · 5 months
💖 & ❤ for the ask game?
What is your biggest unpopular opinion about the series?
Honestly it's hard to figure out an unpopular opinion about the series as a whole; I have a decent bead on like, unpopular opinions about specific things or even campaigns but like, overall? that's a lot.
I think the best overarching opinion that might not be unpopular but is at minimum largely unstated is that like. ultimately, this is middlebrow, and while it frequently sets the standard for the genre, and while the cast is extremely talented, it does not per se transcend the genre. This is not a bad thing! And I get that I tend not to be particularly hyperbolic and some people are, but like. The acting is often great, and impressive given that it's improv, but I am a little tired of "Emmy!" over a lot of solid but not spectacular performances. It's not terribly intelligent to bring in expectations that heroic fantasy rarely transcends for a show that has always been true to heroic fantasy roots. I love CR deeply, I spend tons of time in this fandom, and loathe as I am to say it because I don't agree with the premise but do with the outcome, there is a kernel of truth in the idea that too elegant a structure prohibits such a robust fandom. Reasonable expectations: unsexy, but also, ultimately, less likely to leave you bitter in weird and unpleasant ways.
Which character is not as morally good as everyone else seems to think?
The player character answer is Molly though I think the fandom tide has finally turned on that one; I don't think he was a bad person, but he was hardly the moral center. There's a bunch to unpack re: Molly and honestly how we think of dead people in general but just on a personal level, I think loveable rogues [the broader archetype not the D&D class] are really popular just, generally, and as someone who thinks abrasive and brutally pragmatic knights with a heart of gold are the vastly superior archetype this was just Yet Another Case Of Loveable Rogue Favoritism At Play. On the other hand for that exact reason I am more likely to run into the opposite problem, the "which character does everyone else think is definitely evil and terrible and you think is far more morally upstanding than they're given credit for, they're just kind of an asshole." This isn't so much an issue with CR right now but the Jonas Spahr/Fjord Stone/Suvi Kedberiket/Wizard Steel trenches are always open and accepting new members.
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ohhcinnybuns · 4 months
Hi. It's me. I'm back at it again.
Today I'm thinking about a singer! Dazai and 'only there against his will to end his situationship' concertgoer Chuuya au.
For one song, be my Evangeline
Chuuya, a classic rock listener who prefers to stay at home and read books after a long day, receives a text from his situationship, Yuan, who pleads to him to attend an up-and-coming rockabilly concert with her and the rest of the sheep on Saturday night.
Chuuya doesn’t have to. He's not obligated to. Whatever he and Yuan have going on, he’s not putting his all into a half-made relationship. He hasn't shown much interest in her hobbies or likes after their initial flirty phase months ago, and he's starting to think he should run.
Situationships are just so confusing, and he can't tell if he likes her in the same way that she likes him anymore. She's clingy and bossy, thinking she has him under her clutches all the time when Chuuya is on the precipice of jumping ship.
Besides, the music doesn't fit his style. Why go to something that doesn't pique his interest? With a sigh, he mulls it over. This would be the perfect time to know if he and Yuan have anything in common or if their situationship is based on attraction. If it's not his scene, and she's not what he's looking for, he's high-tailing out of there. End of situationship.
Chuuya agrees to meet with Yuan and the rest of the Sheep, and Saturday arrives quickly.
Walking up to the venue, he is immediately pounced on by Yuan, and she gives Chuuya a VIP badge while the rest of the Sheep move to enter the venue.
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Chuuya can feel a pit in his stomach because Yuan looks beautiful in her polka dot dress and retro pin-up bobbed hair. Chuuya looks like the most basic man possible with his plain white tee, black jeans, leather jacket, fedora, and Converse. They are on different pages, even in style, and it is clear to him that their relationship won't work immediately. Though for the slightest second, he's scared he will change his mind about her. He can appreciate beauty when he sees it.
That thought flies out the window when she opens her mouth to fangirl and squeal about the artist they'll see tonight, though. She twirls and gushes about the new up-and-coming artist Osamu Dazai and says that Chuuya should be jealous; he is all she can think about. She also mentioned that the VIP badge would let them meet Osamu later and is looking forward to it. She yaps about how sometimes, during the song "Evangeline," the spotlight will find someone from the VIP section, and he'll dedicate the song to them and how she wishes it was her, and yadda, yadda, yadda.
Chuuya zones her out the rest of the way to their booth, thinking of how to tell her he's not interested in whatever they are and to go home.
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After several smaller artists and bands perform, the curtains rise for Osamu Dazai, who sits in a chair with a microphone, playing with it idly. His black suspenders dangle lazily from his dark denim jeans, and his white tee, tucked in, captures the ripples of his toned, bandaged body beneath. His bandages stop at the base of his neck and biceps, which make them nearly unseeable, but even in his drunken stupor, Chuuya can see through the mouthwatering tight-fitting shirt. Dazai's hair has been slicked back with a loose, wavy strand to frame his face, and his white and black sneakers complete his outfit.
Chuuya is slightly impressed by him because he looks a little pretty. Okay, maybe Dazai is a lot pretty. He'd never hidden his curiosity towards other men from anyone, and he wasn't about to now that there was a handsome, talented man before him, making him raise a brow.
Chuuya has had a couple of drinks and finally relaxed enough to enjoy the show. He'll worry about Yuan later. He’s stuck here, after all. He hasn’t had a moment with Yuan to let her down gently. So, he'll make the most of things.
The crowd cheers wildly, and Osamu takes a moment to talk and settle the crowd. At any sudden movement he makes, his fans roar intensely. Osamu laughs into the microphone, teasing his fans with a simple devilish smirk asking, "Did you miss me, Yokohama? I’ve been out searching for my Evangeline, are they here tonight?”
The crowd immediately goes wild as the music starts through the speakers. A spotlight comes on in an otherwise dark venue, and Chuuya can feel his muscles tense. What was that thing Yuan had mentioned that he zoned out again? Something, something spotlight, something, something song...
The spotlight looms over their booth, and Chuuya can feel himself internally hoping and praying it goes away. It doesn’t.
The bright beam rains down on him, his face shielded by his hat to hide his dumbstruck look. He can hear the gasps and wild screams of the girls around him.
He attempts to trade places with Yuan, but the light follows him, and he growls in annoyance, yelling profanities that are long lost in the sea of screams at the spotlight operator. He thought he heard Yuan scream into the crowd, "Wow, this has never happened before, Chuuya! You're so lucky!"
With a growl and defeated sigh, now that all eyes are on him, Chuuya finally looks back at the stage and locks gazes with Dazai, who is blinking at him stupidly. Wasn’t this part of the moron’s act? Why did he look shocked, too? That only made Chuuya want to start picking fights because the look on Dazai’s face annoyed him.
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Suddenly, the simple idea of being serenaded by a man to a man hits them, and they just give each other a “never speak about this again, so get on with it” look even though it's being witnessed and recorded by thousands of fangirls. It’s not like things can get worse, right? Chuuya was too tipsy for this.
As Osamu Dazai begins his song, he motions his head to his bodyguard, Hirotsu, in Chuuya’s direction. He did have an act he followed. Hirotsu nods and makes his way to the booth, where he takes an animated Chuuya (against his will) to the stage. Chuuya hoped Hirotsu was there to toss him out of the venue and save him from embarrassment, but as he expected, it’s always a 'no' to wishful thinking.
Chuuya just about throws a fist at the old man in his drunken stupor but stops when he’s shoved on the stage next to Dazai, who leans down to him during the chorus with a warm smile,
So don't go to sleep, don't rest your head, I'll be the pillow, and I'll be the bed, holding your dreams as you lie to rest, Evangeline.
Chuuya was never one to be speechless, but even he couldn't fight the flutter of his heart at the tenderness behind the words, or the gentle way Osamu picked him up and pulled him close to sway to the ballad, a hand sliding into Chuuya’s hair to guide his head to rest against Osamu's broad shoulders. Dazai sings the rest of the song into Chuuya’s ear, making him flustered and struggle against the hold.
Anybody call a doctor, I'm a thousand degrees in love Oh, and I'm sick of all the guessing, between the two of us.
When he can’t break free, Chuuya groans in defeat and watches the way Osamu smirks down at him, and his legs turn to jelly. Was it the Osamu Dazai effect, or was it the alcohol speaking? He couldn't tell. Not that he was complaining. All the fight in him was gone, so he just listened to the soothing voice from above and held on to Osamu's white shirt so he wouldn't stumble while they swayed, the lyrics echoing back to them from the ocean of fans.
During the final chorus, Osamu finally lets go of Chuuya, bends down to one knee, and places a chaste kiss on his hand. Chuuya blushes and hurriedly uses his hat to cover his flushed cheeks from the crowd. He grumbles a clear "loser, don't do that again" to Dazai, who only laughs and finally lets him go.
Osamu leans into Chuuya's ear and tells him he'll see him later, which only makes Chuuya's heartbeat quicken in his ears. His brain was clearly not keeping up, and it took him a minute to realize that Osamu was playing with his VIP badge. Yeah, he forgot all about that, and yuan, the screaming fans, and everything else that wasn't Osamu Dazai.
As Chuuya is escorted off the stage, he glances back at Osamu, who keeps his eyes on his figure, making Chuuya shudder. There is a moment when Osamu looks down at his hands, thoughts running so quickly that no one can tell, but Chuuya can see it through his tipsy haze.
Osamu gives Chuuya a final innocent smile. He watches as Osamu lifts the microphone to his lips, and with a chuckle, he says, "My Evangeline sure is a handsome one tonight. A true inspiration for this next song..."
Chuuya walks away faster than ever before, realizing the next song is a love ballad, and he settles back in his seat, ignoring the jealous eyes of fans on him. He tips his fedora over his face and sinks into his spot, listening to the Sheep go on about how it was all caught on video and this moment will forever be memorable.
Chuuya groans and ignores them for the rest of the performance. When he goes backstage later, he's 100% going to kick Osamu Dazai's ass for the embarrassment and let him have it (in what way, he's not quite sure yet). Perhaps he'll also ask him for an autograph too because, above being fine, Osamu showed great talent, and Chuuya appreciated that.
In the meantime, though, he'll casually flip Osamu off anytime the singer so much as mentions anything to do with Evangeline and sends him flying glares from his seat every time they make eye contact as payback. Osamu's laugh echoes through the speakers each time, and Chuuya can't help but smirk back at their silly interaction. That'll show Osamu to pick Chuuya as his Evangeline.
Note: Wow, this got out of control really quickly. It was only supposed to be an idea...It's not what I had planned at all, but sure. LOL. Something a little stupid, fluffy, and sweet.
Update: Gave it a title. :)
Chuuya does kick Dazai Osamu's ass backstage, but at video games. They drink, hang out, nearly kiss in their drunken haze, and decide this is the time to go HOME.
Chuuya asks for his autograph and a picture, to which Dazai agrees and writes his number on the back of a Polaroid. You know... Just in case.
Chuuya breaks up with his situationship because he's over it and much more interested in the butthead of a singer whose voice will haunt his dreams at night.
Dazai's song
Yuan's hairstyle
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Dazai's fit (ish) - this was the closest representation I could find. I have 0 drawing skills, otherwise I would.
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The closest representation of their pose when they take a picture backstage later.
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It sucks seeing people being dicks to the admins, but it's especially embarrassing when I see that the majority of (the most recent) comments are coming from fellow Spanish fans. C'mon guys...
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kuwdora · 1 year
Latest things meme... (Two posts in one day? Wonders never cease. Enjoy the ADHD flavor rambling below.)
Anyway, thank you always for the tag @kiriele!
Last song:
I have to again preface that most of my music consumption is for vid-related purposes these days.
I came across this hilarious meme that gave me my latest vid idea. It’s a photo of Paris Hilton picking out some ice cream treats, and overlaid on the treats are one Cassian Andor from Star Wars and John Silver from Black Sails. The captain reads “Actually, can I have five more of these [can’t escape the narrative] bitches?” And the OP writes “finally figured out why these two makes me so feral.”
I saw that and I felt like my third eye opened. Like. 🤯 Because there is a perfect thematic vid there showcasing these two’s specific struggles. Especially in the context of resisting an encroaching empire and and and... they really got sucked into the narrative and can't! fucking get out!! And then they end up believing in the cause (in their own ways) and ah ah ah...ahhhhh..
Okay that context being given, I went and spent all 5 minutes going “I need a song. I need a song for these two. Two sources, two voices? Maybe, maybe not. Male vocalist? Raging against the authority is punk, but I love mash-ups and pitting parallels and contrasts of with multiple musical sources. Wait, I already had a DJ artist who made this other mash-up I loved am going to use for a vid…surely he has something that could be… interesting or great for Cassian Andor and John Silver. Surely??”
Friends. Friends. Even those of you who don't know or care about vidding, this is just a sort of beautiful mini-nirvana moment when you discover the perfect song (especially so quickly).
BEHOLD. My Cassian Andor and John Silver vidsong that I may or may not make but you hear it first:
I can see the whole vid unfolding before my eyes. Frantically trying to download Black Sails and searching my 3 hard drives to make sure I had in fact nabbed Andor earlier for a different vid idea. Yet…I have so many other vid things in my queue and only so much hard drive space and brainRAM.
Currently watching:
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. I want to like it more than I do. I like elements of the characters, (La’An and Chapel are extremely compelling, Ethan Peck is bringing a great human cheekiness to his portrayal of Spock, Pike remains a great Space Dad) but there’s still something that’s not gelling fully with me. Which is sad because I am so on board with the more episodic angle again and some of the classic themes and motifs from TOS but it’s just…idk, I think I need a whole post to think aloud on it.
Currently reading:
Ahsoka by EK Johnston, Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski. Almost done with Spin State by Chris Moriarty.
Currently obsessed with: Oh, I’m burbling with obsession…
In my reading I’m still losing my mind over how much I love Baptism of Fire. Milva sucker punching a peasant. Regis’ entrance to the narrative. ZOLTAN, sloppy drunk. Geralt dreaming of Ciri…Ciri dreaming of Geralt. 😭
Ahsoka learning how to pretend to be a Normal Twice-Orphaned Teenager. How do people interact outside wartime situations and executing battle strategy?? Honey… (I need to go look for some post-O66 Ahoska fic novels…)
ALSO!!! @dragneto has also infected me witcher fic idea that’s got me foaming at the mouth. I want to tackle the idea but I’m also dying to finish my WIP chapter first before I can play. I’m so obsessed with this ridiculously horny and sad idea.
I also have 4 vid ideas I’m chewing on like a rabid gremlin and it is definitely to the point of obsession. Mad that I won’t be able to follow through in the short or medium term…too much on the brain, lack of focus, stress from life stuff, other WIPs eating away at me.
Two Witcher ones vid ideas: my Phil vid…she’s so bad, I love her. Sexy song, lots of bad. And I am revisiting an old pan-canon humor/thirst/thematic vid about Geralt… Which is more about how the characters see him.
Then I got my Star Wars Rebels idea which I’m having technical problems that’s keeping me from starting.
…And then this Andor/Black Sails thing…
tagging @deerna and @danegen and @shetiger and @simuran and @whatkindofnameisvolta ...and anyone else who wants to go.
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seoafin · 1 year
what role would stsg take in a hunger games au with ripmc
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. god. hm. gojo is a capital citizen and geto is the traumatized victor that gets sold to him after his game. rip!mc is the newest tribute that geto is made to mentor but is extremely difficult to work with for the simple fact that she would literally rather just die
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i really dislike how modern day social media feminism revolves around (the hatred of) men and dating men. we really are walking back like 20 years of social progression and it drives me up the fucking wall
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comet-wire · 2 years
Every Christmas year I loose my mind because I see that one photo of mine being reposted constantly
It's the "tits now" wrapping paper
I'm so serious
It's on my old phone, my very first one so if I ever get it to work and find it I WILL show it lmao
But basically I sent it to a now ex friend who sent it to his boy scout troop and I think one of them posted it without me really knowing so now every year I'm cursed with the knowledge that I accidentally became a meme without my face being in it. I remember I was wearing jeans and had my brown slippers on and I was helping my mom wrap. I was 13. 💀💀💀💀
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alchemistdetective · 1 year
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((My favourite character list for DBZ are as follows:
Trunks (Future)
Chi Chi
Everyone else is around the same rank because everyone is equal and I don't know the show well enough, but I am usually kind of alright with the rest
I know nothing else about DBZ past the Cell Games :D))
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