tianasficrecs168 · 3 months
Random Naruto Fic recs
Most of these are going to be general fic recs, ones without a ship, just focused on family/friendship and whatnot.
Also I'm obsessed with time travel, so like. There's a lot of that here.
A whole bunch of abandoned works, as well, sadly. This doesn't mean they aren't worth reading just bc they're unfinished!!! Please give 'em a chance.
Edit: some fics from here have been moved to a different list (yes I figured out how to categorize stuff just now, shut up), you can find them on my Warring States Era Naruto Fics
Here's the sitch:
A black dot • means it’s a one-shot
Brackets (…) means it's still being updated/not done/WIP – and I'm paying close attention to it
(000) -> disappeared off the internet (don't worry I have a copy shh)
(general+) -> Time travel or dimension hopping – something along those lines
100demons: "Ten Years Gone" (general+) a series, one of three Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self. (It gets a lot more complicated.)
Chica Blanca: - "One Chance" (...) (general+) last update: 2020 Revenge never tasted so bitter. It never was supposed to be this useless waste of life. Now Sasuke has a chance to go back and change everything.
Frozen Shattered Roses: - “Loop” (...) (general+)                       last update: 2009 My name is Naruto and I'm cursed. I'm trapped in a loop of time, reliving the final fourteen years of my life for the third time. Only this time things will be different, because this time I have a plan to escape.
Phoenyxx: - “Unofficial adoption” (general) • A bed-ridden, sickly Kakashi receives a tiny unexpected visitor late at night, which causes a few interesting discoveries. Another moment to add to an alternate universe.
Jedi Honor Bound Ninja: - “To Be Cared For” (general) • Naruto doesn't often get sick, but when he does he knows his routine: hunker down and be miserable. But this time around maybe he can finally have a taste of what others normally have.
Laurelsblue: - “Summer Grass” (general) • There are many misconceptions about her. 20 Truths about Fuu, the Nanabi Jinchuuriki.
Blackkat: “Sweet baby, I need fresh blood” (general+) • Shukaku fixes the timeline. Grumpily. And with a lot of bloodshed.
Blackkat: “With friends like these” (general) • If she isn’t utterly mistaken, there's a flush rising in Orochimaru’s pale cheeks, one she only ever used to see when Jiraiya was being especially handsy during their genin days. It’s been a long time since Orochimaru got over that particular crush, and Tsunade stares at him now, at the averted eyes and rising color and aggrieved slant to his mouth, and feels glee bubbling up inside of her. “Really?” she says, delighted. “Who?”
Blackkat: “This is the passing of all shining things” (general) • There's a monster whispering in Minato's head, curled around his soul. It’s vast and hungry and full of fury, radiates it and basks in it and lets it spill over through the bars that cage it. If Minato had one ounce more energy, he would rage too, but— Anger is a luxury right now, an indulgence. He can't afford it.
Blackkat: “Switch It Up” (general) • Yamato is assigned to Team 7 as their jounin sensei. He may or may not be an evil mastermind, but it all works out for the better.
QuoteMyFoot: - “In The Name Of” (general) • Slowly, Sasuke forgets what 'living' is. (Post-massacre)
Searching.For.Enadi: “If the shoe fits“ (...) (general+)                     last update: 2020 Time travel. Technically, she could consider this the greatest mission she has ever undertaken, or a brilliant opportunity to finally hit the hot springs. (Or, the one where Haruno Sakura really, really needs a vacation).
Whispering Darkness: - “The life and times of Hatake Kakashi: nukenin” (...) (general+) In the sealed scroll he finds a Bingo Book – his own page marking him as an S-class nukenin with flee-on-sight orders. “Ok. That is definitely different.” In his head he blames Naruto – even if his number one unpredictable student had been nowhere near him on this mission. When things go this stupidly impossibly wrong it must somehow be the future Hokage’s fault. *it's marked as completed but the story's not done in my heart. so i live in delusional hope that it'll be updated one day
Narf—for-the-Garthoc: “Beautiful Day” (general) • Naruto focuses on his last day as Hokage and the people who mean so much to him.
Agent Malkere: - „What You Knead“ (...) (general) last update: 2022 It started, as most things did in Kakashi's life, with a mission gone wrong. (In which Kakashi accidentally acquires an emotionally healthy coping technique.)
Katlou303: - „Time Flies Like An Arrow“ (...) (general+) last update: 2021 Sakura traveled back in time with the intent of changing everything, but something went wrong, and now she's a four-year-old civilian having nightmares about impossible monsters and losing friends she has yet to meet.
Deletrear: - „Kick The Habit“ (...) (general+)                              last update: 2020 Yes, Itachi's emotional and physical well-being is his first and only priority. No, Sasuke does not have anything remotely resembling a plan to ensure this. It's fine, honestly.
Wroth_and_ruin: - „About Face“ (...) (general)                                      last update: 2017 A little yellow-haired boy saves Sakura from the bullies. And everything changes.
Elumish: - „Adoption by Defenestration; or, A Family Can Be A Fox Demon, Its Jinchuriki, and Three Dozen Highly-Trained Assassins” (general) • He will not be the ANBU who let the jinchuuriki plummet to his death out a fourth story window. Let that be another ANBU’s legacy.
Elesrea: - “Anachronistic Drift” (...) (general+) last updated: 2021                                    Her plan was flawless. Save Shisui. Save the world.
Cyan96: - “Kurama” (...) (general)                                        last update: 2018 Namikaze Minato makes a mistake. Uzumaki Kushina makes a choice. Naruto ends up growing up with a red haired, foul tempered older brother who wants Konoha to be atomized, preferably yesterday.
Dragonpyre: - “Time Travel? What the Fuck?” (...) (general+)                                                       last update: 2020 Basically, Team 7 vs. Kaguya, final smack down. Then suddenly POOF they’re twelve again and waiting to meet their sensei on team assignment day. With no way to get back they decide to stop the war before it begins, and maybe save some people along the way. But they’re twelve, how are they supposed to do that? Starring: Naruto Everyone's-My-Friend Uzumaki, Sasuke Maybe-I-Won't-Destroy-Konoha Uchiha, and Sakura Better-Than-This Haruno; with a guest appearance from Kakashi's guilt complex. We'll be in for a ride folks.
Tozette: - “Strike A Match” (general+) • Sasuke could have reversed time to save the world. He could have done it for his mother and his father, he could have done it for his clan or his village. That's... Those are sweet ideas. They're sort of like what might happen if you let Naruto imagine a motive for Sasuke to return to his hellish childhood. Save the village. Save the world. Be a hero. Sasuke makes a terrible hero.
YumeMadarame: - “I’ll fix it for you” (general+) Kurama wakes up in the dark, trapped inside a human body. The memory loss doesn't help. The Uchiha body either. When he finally understands he’s been sent years in the past, – decades, even – before Kaguya’s revival, before the devastation that had come with it, and before Naruto’s birth… he realizes he’s been given a chance to start anew. An opportunity to make things right, this time around.
Microgeek: - “Fox and Son” (...) (general) last update: 2021 Kurama has little love for humans and even less for his jailors, those Uzumaki with wind and tide in their blood, audacious enough to trap a god beneath their skins. But there is enough love left in him for his newest host, who had as little say in this life as Kurama did, and asked Kurama for friendship anyway. (In which Kurama raises a child out of love, hope, and spite, Naruto grows up to be terrifying, and Konoha collectively regrets that an ancient chakra-beast is better at parenting than they are.)
AvocadoLove: “Teach Your Children Well” (...) (general+)                    last update: 2010 What difference can one man make? After Madara and Sasuke's final attack on the village, Rokudaime Kakashi finds a time-travel scroll. Now he's Team Seven's sensei again. And this time, he's going to do things differently. 
Lolistar92: “Kit and kin” (general+) a series, one of 8 (no this isn't a typo. 8) The Sandaime is resolute when he shakes his head. “No, Kakashi. Naruto is safe where he is. Return to your post, as ordered.” Kakashi doesn’t move. “I’ll give you time to reconsider,” he says, jovial tone chilling with how juxtaposed it is from his previous killing intent. ~~~~ Or, former Rokudaime Kakashi wakes up in the body of his 14 year old self, fresh from the Kyuubi attack. He may not have been allowed to save his first pack, but he sure as hell is going to save Naruto.
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squirrelwrangler · 4 years
laurelsblue replied to your post “crocordile replied to your post “fuc- if there’s one pet peeve I...”
you can always do hovertext translation on ao3
I think my final plans for the scene is to just write out the actual conversation dialogue in English but italicize it and maybe hide it as the hovertext or place it down in the author’s note, because I’ve looked at it and aesthetically I find actual lines of quenya, be it sentences or poetry, to be ugly to look at; it’s not the type of fan content I find enjoyable, and honestly for 99% of readers who will be hovertext or looking down at footnotes for the translation, it makes no practical difference if the non-translated text is translated quenya or a mash of wingdings except for the author to show their work. So I should stop fretting over translating and just do the footnote coding
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LLA Roundup #9 (Final 2018)
At long last and quite belated, the final 2018 roundup of LLA, containing works from the final prompts of LLA and the Amnesty Week, as well as some that managed to slip past my radar while the event was running. Make sure to check out the shinies under the cut, but most of all, thank you for your enthusiasm, creativity and joy, for being a beautiful, talented fandom full of amazing participants, and see you in 2019! ♥♥♥
Rings by @erisofimladris: A look into the dreams and ambitions of Curufin’s wife. 
Shadows and Whispers by @starspray​: Annatar comes to Eregion. Celebrían living in the shadow of her mother.
History and Conspiracy by @hhimring​: In the Fourth Age, young Barahir comes up with a conspiracy theory about a Numenorean queen and explains his theory to Ivriniel of Dol Amroth.
LLA Gift Ficlets by @naryaflame​: Gift ficlets for LLA.
things fade, but not I with them by @alkarinqque​: Women of her family had been blessed with power and miracles and fortune, but they were gone now and none was left for Elwing.
The Sleep of Flowers by @vefanyar​: Melian teaches Galadriel to wake the spring flowers of Doriath.
Leave Me Restless, Leave Me Hung by @kimaracretak​: Light dies, and the web endures
Calling Out (in Vain) by @ncfan-1​: Míriel assumes a responsibility of the House of Elros. She knows she is being watched, but whether she is being listened to is less clear. 
When the Waves Came by @the-artifice-of-eternity: Vardamírë has lost her home, her friend, and her faith. Year after year, she returns to the sea that took it all away, and remembers.
Short of Comfort by @ncfan-1: Almáriel had heard tales of the Exile, of course; there wasn’t a child of the Andustar (born in the east though they might have been or not been) who hadn’t.
Angmar's Bane by @feltelures: Prompt fills for 2018’s Legendarium Ladies’ April, focusing on the women of Tolkien’s legendarium, their lives, and their relationships.
Princesses of Dol Amroth III (dolls) by @laurelsblue
Mrs. Artaxerxes (art) by @avoyagetoarcturus​
The Witch’s Daughter (art) by @croclock​
Arien (art) by @wolffyluna​
The Queen of Gondor by @ooops-i-arted​
Ilmarë (edit) by @the-wavesinger​
I’ll see you again soon (art) by @alackofghosts​
Princesses of Dol Amroth IV (dolls) by @laurelsblue​
Eowyn (art) by @eravee​
Arien (art) by @tumblerislovetumblerislife​ 
Aredhel (art) by @tumblerislovetumblerislife​
Princesses of Dol Amroth V (dolls) by @laurelsblue​
Princesses of Dol Amroth VI (dolls) by @laurelsblue​
Rosie’s Secret Still by @nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui​
Celebrían holding the Elessar by @ooops-i-arted​
Shelob re-design by @ooops-i-arted​
Princesses of Dol Amroth, Final by @laurelsblue
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theserpentsadvocate · 8 years
Beldis, Aerin and/or Finrod for the meme? (Sorry if you get this twice, my internet is dodgy.)
I’ll start with him and put the other two in a separate post, I think, so it doesn’t get too long.
1-3 things I enjoy about them
-obligatory mention of the rap battle with Sauron
-basically, Finrod is to the Edain as Arthur Weasley is to Muggles and that’s usually hilarious instead of depressing
-I feel like Amarie was pretty sweet and smart and stuff, so he probably has good taste in women
Something interesting about them based on tenuous circumstantial evidence
-Isn’t there a fan theory about him fighting with Galadriel over who’s prettier? I could go for that.
A question I have about them
-Speaking of which, what did he think of Celeborn?
A random relevant line I like
-I don’t so much like it as hate it, but /And Felagund fell before the throne/ has a way of going around and around in my head - specifically with a significant pause after ‘fell’ for some reason.
My preferred version, if there is more than one version of their story (or part of their story)
-I haven’t read so much as skimmed the Lay of Leithian, and I appreciate the Silm version being more coherent and whatnot, so probably yeah, the Silm stuff. Yes, this means I like to excise Tevildo, Prince of Cats. I refuse to apologize.
Favorite relationship(s)
-With Beor, Beren\Barahir, and Amarie.
How would they react to Tom Bombadil
-I feel like Finrod would think he was the best thing that ever Tom-Bom-Badilloed.
Optional: Something about them that I think people forget
-Finrod has a better track record with the Edain than most Elves, even/especially (depending on how you’re looking at it) than most Noldor, but… he’s really not perfect. Like I said, he’s the Arthur Weasley to our Muggle, which is great for lolarious posts and comics and stuff, but actually a pretty freaking big issue when you dissect it. Like, we’re people, not trained monkeys. You caught me right before my big Silm reread, or I’d have more material here, but yeah. I’ll find it or dredge it up from the depths of my mind later.
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kibayuuji-blog · 9 years
Where do you recommend starting with GARO? (I've already watched Goldstorm but I'm not sure where to begin with the main continuity.)
my first advice to anyone looking to watch garo would be: don’t. spare yourself tbh
but if you’re really interested in watching it... i guess it would be most logical to start with the original? with the warning that it’s... not particularly good. it has some redeeming qualities (there were some rly well-designed horrors, the kaoru & kouga relationship is actually pretty interesting/cute for het) but man, there is just. a LOT of unpleasant shit too. it’s also garo at its most ~edgy.
so i’d recommend starting with the original, but if it’s too bad to handle, just skip it and move on to makai senki. you won’t miss too much. makai senki u should definitely watch tho, if you’re dedicated to this whole garo thing. that’s the best season by far.
there’s also some movies n such. the demon beast special & red requiem take place between the original and makai senki, and both of them are fairly plot-important and just overall “okay” movies, so i’d probably recommend those. soukoku no maryuu takes place after makai senki, and is genuinely really good, so i’d def give that one a thumbs up. and there’s nothing plot-important about the tougen flute movie but it is pretty gay, so that’s something. (don’t bother with black blood unless u really love rei. it’s mostly pointless)
i hope that was somewhat helpful! (and don’t say i didn’t warn u about garo :^) it is terrible and yet you won’t be able to stop watching)
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kathillards · 9 years
what about justin and trini?
thank you! 
1: sexuality headcanon: super duper bi, but i’m open to other headcanons since...we only see him....when he’s twelve2: otp: he’s twelve...that said i could dig him w/ a disney era ranger who’d be close in age to him and i’m not picky w/ my crossover crackships3: brotp: carlos, my sweet boys4: notp: justin x any of the zordon era because...that would be weird lmao5: first headcanon that pops into my head: he grew up really hot (i mean...have u seen blake foster) but his old teammates are still lowkey overprotective whenever he starts flirting w/ one of the younger rangers6: favorite line from this character: GUYS, I’M THE NEW BLUE RANGER #iconic7: one way in which I relate to this character: i too would have loved being a power ranger when i was twelve8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: that bowlcut good god....also his entire existence is kinda embarrassing....who greenlit that....9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? very tiny cinnamon roll, must be protected
1: sexuality headcanon: demisexual lesbian 4 sure2: otp: trini/kim obviously 3: brotp: trini/zack was pure and good4: notp: trini/jason and rly any boy but...that one really bugs me for some reason5: first headcanon that pops into my head: becomes a world peace ambassador for the united nations or something cool and awesome like that because trini is cool and awesome6: favorite line from this character: shit man i haven’t watched mmpr in ages but that scene where she beats jason in arm-wrestling has always stuck in my memory because i love it7: one way in which I relate to this character: i can’t relate bc trini is Too Cool for me tbh...maybe how gay she is for kimberly, i can relate to that for sure8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: nothing i love her she was perfect9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? beautiful cinnamon roll
send me more characters!
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houseofhaleth · 11 years
36. Precious Treasure, Hador and Gildis
Let me love you for this prompt oh my gosh
 Gildis leaned her head on Hador’s shoulder. Normally she’d punch him, but she couldn’t just now…‘You think you’ll give anyone else a turn to hold their first grandchild, or…?’
  ‘Of course you can,’ said Hador. ‘Just ask him if he wants you to hold him, and if he says yes, no problem, I’ll hand him right-’
  ‘I would hit you, Hador, if you weren’t cradling the babe.’
  With a sigh, Hador carefully transferred the sleeping boy to Gildis’ arms. She almost felt guilty. ‘You’ll have plenty of chance to carry him on your shoulders when he’s bigger, teach him to fight, teach him to answer back cheekily…’ she told him.
  ‘Doesn’t mean I can’t like him fine now,’ Hador protested.
  Many men would ignore all children under the age of seven, by which time they were old enough to be slightly useful. If caught talking with one – let alone cuddling a baby – they’d be highly embarrassed. But Hador just didn’t get embarrassed.
  He reached out a huge hand to stroke Húrin’s head. He had hair finer than any gold, Gildis thought, proudly. Like her Galdor, his father had.
  ‘All our work on Dor-lómin’s been for this, though,’ said Hador, uncharacteristically wistful. ‘For our children and grandchildren…and here he is. He’ll be lord of Dor-lómin one day…’
  ‘And he’ll be beyond proud to be of the house of Hador,’ said Gildis.
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lintamande · 11 years
Findis, elves have equal primogeniture (if only this wasn't an AU...)
The two women emerge from the palace to bid the king farewell, tall and blond and beautiful, and the people of Tirion whisper that the girl is like her mother, that the Noldor have a Vanyar Queen.
But when the world is shattered and the light ended they look to her, tall and blond and shining like a beacon in the night, and when she returns to Tirion they follow, saying that the Darkening has revealed her father’s steel.
She sits in council with her sister and her brothers, and then she walks through the streets of Tirion and knocks on every door and gives commands. Lampstones are placed, markets reopened, forges lit again, until the city glitters with artificial light and roars with the sounds of a people at work.
The host of the north arrives when the darkened days have blurred into darkened months and years, and the Queen meets her half-brother outside the walls. 
They speak of wars, and gods, and plans.
“I will not leave,” she tells Fëanáro, “not if there is a single man or woman or child who chooses to stay. But those I love will – I know them – go with you, and I want you to promise me you will not spend their lives rashly or in vain.”
“They can choose thralldom here if it pleases them. I have made no pretense that this fight will be safe, and I will not promise you anything.” 
“Then I won’t open the gates of Tirion, and you can give your speech out here.”
“She is insufferable,” says Fëanáro, but there is respect mingled with the anger – respect, maybe, for the light in his half-sister’s eyes, or the lights she set about her city. The creations of the Noldor, not of the gods.
“Perhaps you were afraid of the wrong person,” says Nolofinwë, and Fëanáro's lips form the shape of a long-overdue apology, even if he cannot quite will himself to give it voice. 
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squirrelwrangler · 7 years
I was looking at that embroidery reference picture you just posted and remembering your Edain craze in Second Age Valinor. Do you think that part of it might have been a fashion for basing your personal sigils on Edain patterns? (Because that sort of embroidery would be pretty easy to do that with for women at least.)
Oh yes! And I made the connection between those circular patterns and the sigils right away (lol of course). If they didn’t have a sigil yet, I would imagine young elves using Edain patterns as a fad/starting point. And if they did, especially women as they had round sigils already, hemming their ‘Edain-style’ garments with their sigils. (Which, I figured those elven heraldic symbols were more like kamons sewn on court garments instead of painted on shields)
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kabutoraiger · 7 years
laurelsblue replied to your post “you should watch deka instead”
Actually XIG's done Fiveman now.
oh worm?? man i didn’t even know they’d started it much less finished it. XIG is super fast as always.
for anyone who’d like to watch fiveman: https://twitter.com/XIGFansubs
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squirrelwrangler · 7 years
laurelsblue replied to your post: I was looking at that embroidery reference picture...
Honestly now any time I see a pretty symmetrical circular pattern I think about sigils.
Sits atop this mountain and feels this to my bones.
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squirrelwrangler · 7 years
laurelsblue replied to your post: 23, 34, 37!
That whole blank state issue is why I haven’t written anything with the Unbegotten yet (despite having plenty of headcanons for Iminye and Enelye in particular). It’s so weird and bizarre and just *complicated* to wrap my head around.
It is such a weird thing when given even a smidgen of critical thought, which is why I love Erikwa so much. Just the fact that the contrast of waking in pairs versus having parents on what constitutes what their ideas of inate connections to others should be.
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kabutoraiger · 7 years
laurelsblue replied to your photo: the geed cast are all so cute but what in the...
makai priest
ghgfhfh yeah i think we might in fact have a garo escapee on our hands
Tumblr media
a few more tassels and weird accessories and he would fit right in over in metal furry world
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kabutoraiger · 8 years
laurelsblue replied to your post: me tryna come up with 2 toku ladies who’re...
Miki and Ran in Gekiranger? More of a mentor-type relationship but maybe it still counts?
never seen geki but i will pencil it in as option nonetheless. via osmosis i always thought miki was more like. their adopted mom figure? but i suppose you can be friends with your mom if she’s cool enough
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kabutoraiger · 8 years
laurelsblue replied to your post: ralphrius: kamen-apple: so the plot of ex aid i...
Does this mean the chances of getting a female rider have increased from non-existent to slim?
well i mean. poppy is already #confirmed to be getting a rider form, isn’t she? though i suppose it’s still up in the air whether she’ll actually get to do much of anything with it
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kabutoraiger · 8 years
laurelsblue replied to your post: i’m trying to figure out the logic behind brave,...
I’m pretty sure that’s how most toei toku is made nowadays and any time it works it’s probably luck (or someone moving the darts behind his back).
“alright here’s the pitch, lads. they’re [thunk] doctors but they’re also [thunk] gamers?? who the fuck put gamers up there none of our middle-aged writers know anything about that shit -- nevermind, whatever, meeting adjourned”
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