Dark Forest Resident: Sleetnose
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Aliases / Nicknames: Slimy No good Rat ( by Brokencry)
Gender: tom
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: Lavenderstem (mother), Gorsepounce (father), Maplesap (sister),  Burrpelt, Freckleshade (brothers), Mintnettle (mate in life, broke up, back together in Dark Forest), Cocodust, Snowkit, Pebblekit (adopted daughters),  Barleyseed, Sleekkit (adopted sons), Spottedfur (aunt), Hawthornkit (uncle),  Mossythicket (great-uncle),  Meadowlight (grandmother),  Snakescale (grandfather), Moonfreckle (great-grandmother), Leaftuft (great-grandfather)
Other Relations: Juniperwhisker (mentor)
Clan: Darkclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: gray siamese tom with ginger flecks and blue eyes
Number of Victims: 0
Number of Murders: 0
Murder Method: N/A
Known Victims: none
Victim Profile: N/A
Cause of Death: accidentally killed by Burrpelt protecting Freckleshade
Cautionary Tale: never favour one kit over the others
Sleetnose was never his mother's favourite son.
She didn't really care for him or his sister. Their father died when they were all half a moon old, so they had no fatherly love. Sleetnose resented his mother and brother, Burrpelt. Freckleshade at least dragged him along and spent time with him, despite being much more popular.
Perhaps his resentment is what ended him in the Dark Forest, perhaps it was Starclan's cruel mockery of anything they deemed "undesirable.”  One night, he was walking by the lake when he heard a commotion.
He ran towards it and found Burrpelt going after Freckleshade. He intervened and ended up with his head bashed in and his throat slit.
Additional Information:
--Submission by @jackisbored​
--He would be voiced by Jason Ritter (Dipper Pines)
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had a Thought a couple nights ago to just. combine my blorbos into one big fan Warriors Clan 'cuz i keep drawing them as Warrior cats.
Lavenderstem is Professor Laventon. i love him. i want his hat.
Skygaze is Steven from In the Mines of Veingadd. he is. so shaped. 💖
More cats & lore to come.
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
Blossoms of Love (chapter 7)
skies and slumber
pairing: soap/ghost
tags: angst, hurt/comfort, hanahaki
Ao3 link || chapter 1 || chapter 6
After another hour of  teaching soap sign, the time read 1342, which meant there was only another 3 hours. So far soap had learned ‘RETREAT’, ‘HOSTAGE’, ‘HELP’ and a whole plethora of curses, because of course he would. Ghost’s throat never stopped searing in pain throughout the entire time, though nor did his smile waver either. At some point during the hour his eyes dried out, and he struggled more and more to keep them open. Soap seemed to notice not too long after.
“ ‘ave ye had ah kip recently, L.T.?”
“A what?”
“A kip.”, ghost looked at him with an unamused expression. “Ghost, When’s tha last time ye slept?” soap clarified. The plane rumbled under foot just slightly.
Ghost had to take control of his breathing when his claws raked down his esophagus and squeezed his lungs, had to remind himself that soap was just making sure he was at the of his game. He sucked in a breath, trying not to choke on red-pink lavender spindles. He grimaced for a moment, forgetting his lack of face covering.
“Slept like a baby last night, thanks for asking.” the lie came almost too easily with a ready-made smile, even if the bags under his eyes felt like a million tons; he was glad for the opaque eye black that he applied ritualistically every day. Soap frowned, opened his mouth to say something, but the intercom crackled to life before he could make a sound.
“We’re hitting just a bit of turbulence, strap in just to be safe. We’ll hit drop point ina few hours.” nik’s voice carried throughout the cabin. Everyone moved as advised, checking to make sure they were buckled in properly. Soap hit him with another dissatisfied look.
“Yer lyin’.” it was a blunt statement.
“When have I ever lied to you, Johnny?”
“Last week ye tried to convince meh eggs wernae real!” he exasperated.
“Well yeah, the word “gullible” was written on your forehead and i wanted to see if it was true.” ghost smiled.
“Ah had wha on mah heild?” soap blinked at him, successfully distracted. Ghost snickered at the scot. “Ya bastard.” he shook his head.
“Dunno how you fell for that one.” ghost laughed.
“Ach, bugger off” he looked a away for a moment before turning back, “ah ken yer still lyin’ aboot the whole sleep thing. how long’s it been?” that sobered them up a bit.
“‘Ts nothing I can’t handle, johnny.”
“But ye dinnae have ta. Ah c’n wake ya an hoor before land. That should be enough time to get to the first stage of rem.”
“I’m fine.”
“I’ll tell price. He’ll rack ya from all the heavy liftin’ for a couple days, ye ken he will.” soap threatened. Ghost couldn’t hold the wet cough, and red once again tanged on his lips before he licked it away, he ignored the look soap’s face morphed into. He sighed, and nodded his head.
The cabin turbulated again, and their thighs bumped together with their proximity. The barest hint of a shadowy feeling whispered in his gut, a feeling for a time long since past, one that his did his best to ignore.
“How d’ya know ‘bout rem sleep?” a distraction for his own mind, as he settled deeper into his seat. Soap hummed.
“Ah was a curious kid, who had trouble fallin’ ta sleep. Google became mah best friend at night.” ghost hummed as he closed his eyes, then he did something unwise.
“Keep talking.” he said despite the fact that it set his throat on fire. Despite the fact that hearing that hearing his voice felt like swallowing sand paper. As much as he ribbed on the scot for his accent, he found it to be quite lovely. Not that he’d ever say that out loud to his face. That voice was the most pleasant sound to his ears, and if he had to be a bit uncomfortable to listen to it, then so be it.
@checkerscharlie @halb-nichts @heyitsropi @trekkie-in-space @lavenderstem
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the-exiled-comic · 4 years
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heres pages 1-5! this is the prologue
previous < > next
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goodieghosty · 2 years
Well good thing I checked then. I always forget what I have and haven't sent in.
We start with a cute little scene. Roman is hugging Virgil and pulls back, handing him a lavender bouquet. “There are tons of good folk out there who care about you, who worry for you. You are allowed to lean on us. Okay?” He says with a friendly super platonic kiss to the cheek which is totally normal for gods who are friends to do. But Roman can’t help a little blush and is so busy with leaving before Virgil can notice that he doesn’t catch Virgil holding a hand to his cheek with a blush that’s at least as bad. Roman leaves and Virgil summons a side table with a vase to put the flowers in, a smitten smile on his face as he carefully situates the new flowers. Smelling them again.
Then a flash of Orpheus’ smile going from alive and well to dead and at peace in his arms and Virgil recoils. He shakes his head.
“What is the matter with me?” he wonders with sad/angry eyes. “You’d think a god would learn?”
He walks away from the flowers his arms wrapped around himself in an attempt to seek comfort.
“If there's a prize for rotten judgement,” he sings as he takes out the rings he always carries around his neck, looking at them with sorrow.
“I guess I've already won that
No man is worth the aggravation”
A flashback, this time of himself holding Orpheus on the battlefield and letting out a mournful scream of agony that covers the world in darkness.
Virgil drops the rings again, marching on, determined. “That's ancient history, been there, done that”
Black shadowcreatures appear (Virgil’s brothers? His underlings?) and snatch one of the lavenderstems with them as they start a chorus. Trying to catch Virgil’s attention and make him see what’s obvious to everyone.
“Who d'you think you're kidding He's the earth and heaven to you Try to keep it hidden Honey we can see right through you Boy, you can't conceal it We know how you're feeling Who you thinking of” collectively form a silhouette of Roman reaching out to him, Virgil just waves them away making the image disperse.
“Oh, No chance, no way, I won't say it, no, no
(You swoon you sigh why deny it oh, oh)
It's too cliche, I won't say I'm in love” Virgil enters his private chambers and lets himself drop on the bed he hasn’t really used since Remy outgrew nursing. He looks to his side and finds the book with Orpheus’ poems. He picks it up and flips through it with a fond but sad smile.
“I thought my heart had learned it's lesson
It feels so good when you start out” He catches sight of some trinket Roman gave him back when he was still figuring out that he didn’t need to bribe Virgil to maintain the friendship they’d established, he’d never had the heart to toss any away. He reaches out but changes his mind, sits up looking frustrated.
“My head is screaming: Get a grip man
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out"
Virgil gets up leaving both the trinket and the book behind as he moves on through his palace followed by the shadows once more.
“Dude, you can't deny it Who you are is how you're feeling Highness, we're not buying Man we saw you hit the ceiling Face it like a grown-up When you gonna own up that you got, got, got it bad
No chance no way, I won't say it, no no”
Virgil catches sight of the garden outside the castle, something he never had until Roman decided to provide some thematicly appropriate vegetation with Remus’ help. He recalls how proud Roman had looked when he showed the fruits of their labor and can’t help but smile fondly.
“(Give up, give in, check the grin you're in love)” Virgil blinks out of the memory and turns away stubbornly.
“This scene won't play, I won't say I'm in love
(We'll do it until you admit you're in love)
You're way off base, I won't say it
Get off my case, I won't say it
(Man, don't be proud, it's okay you're in love)” Finally Virgil fails to avoid the lavender and picks it up smiling fondly as he situates himself on a windowsill.
“Oh, at least out loud I won't say I'm in love”
Zoom out to see he’s in his offering room with a clay statue once given to him by a certain demigod on display right next to him
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crow-meander · 4 years
‘Ight, time to actually start a story.
I’m gonna make a Warrior Cats fanfic even if it kills me.
I created an allegiance and I’m gonna try and draw every cat in it. Wish me luck-
Leader Goosestar - small white she-cat with a bushy tail
Deputy Swiftcreek - large blue-grey she-cat with a missing foot
Medicine Cat Witheredwillow - black she-cat with a withered foot
Warriors Blazefall - bulky ginger tabby tom Apprentice, Snailpaw Honeysky - pale ginger tabby she-cat Apprentice, Flowerpaw Silverlight - silver tabby she-cat Redsnow - tall russet-red and white tabby she-cat Nettleback - slim dark grey tom with tufty fur Apprentice, Cardinalpaw Condortalon - tall, lean black tom with long claws
Apprentices Cardinalpaw - large red tom Snailpaw - black and white tom Flowerpaw - black she-cat with pretty green eyes
Queens Tinypond - very small grey tabby she-cat Petalcloud - soft pink, grey and white calico she-cat Featherstep - massive light grey she-cat with long, silky fur (Caring for Firekit, Cloverkit and Blossomkit)
Elders Hollowtail - tortoiseshell she-cat with a limp tail, the oldest she-cat in Riverclan Foxnose - blind, dark ginger tom with thick fur, former medicine cat, the oldest tom in Riverclan Crookedclaw - golden brown tabby tom with a broken paw Noclaws - light ginger tabby she-cat with no claws, former kittypet
Kits Firekit - energetic ginger tabby she-cat Cloverkit - black she-cat with green eyes Blossomkit - calico she-cat
Leader Spiderstar - tortoiseshell tabby tom
Deputy Wildstrike - tortoiseshell she-cat
Medicine Cat Gullsong - white she-cat
Warriors Thorntooth - dark tabby she-cat with exposed fangs Apprentice, Brushpaw Rapidstep - tabby she-cat Cheerydance - lean calico tom Apprentice, Flurrypaw Mantiseyes - silver-grey tabby tom with green eyes Apprentice, Flintpaw
Apprentices Brushpaw - dark tabby she-cat Flintpaw - black tom Flurrypaw - energetic cream and grey calico she-cat
Queens Nimbleflight - black and white tom (Caring for Branblekit, Brackenkit and Boarkit) Squirreltail - dark ginger she-cat with a bushy tail (Caring for Furzekit)
Elders Duststorm - dusky brown tabby tom with shredded ear, retired leader of Shadowclan Mushroomspots - blind, deaf, white she-cat with cream spots, the youngest elder in the clans Duskstalker - jet black tom with violet eyes
Kits Bramblekit - brown tabby she-cat Brackenkit - brown tabby she-cat Boarkit - large black and white tom Furzekit - golden tabby tom
Leader Twostar - beautiful golden she-cat with two tails
Deputy Crocodile - strange dirty black tom from a far away land Apprentice, Antpaw
Medicine Cat Spiceberry - large ginger she-cat Apprentice, Copperpaw
Warriors Stalkwhisker - reddish-brown tabby tom with thick whiskers Mothchaser - dilute calico she-cat Soaringbird - white tabby tom Flyingswipe - lean tabby she-cat Specklednose - small white tom with black and ginger speckles Larktalon - black and white she-cat Apprentice, Batpaw Windwhisper - white she-cat Apprentice, Parrotpaw Bearheart - bulky light brown tom Apprentice, Cinderpaw
Apprentices Cinderpaw - fluffy ginger tabby she-cat with a bushy tail Parrotpaw - thin silver tabby she-cat with a spotted belly and brown nose Batpaw - small black tom with large ears Copperpaw - light ginger she-cat Antpaw - small reddish-brown tom
Queens Gentlebreeze - light grey she-cat with a white belly Eaglesoar - bulky cream tabby she-cat (Caring for Eelkit, Heatherkit, Pearlkit and Palekit) Mousescurry - pale brown and white tom with a slim body (Caring for Twigkit, Elmkit and Acornkit) Sparkfire - fiery ginger she-cat
Elders Lavenderstem - small grey she-cat Raytuft - golden tabby tom Flickertail - white she-cat with a ginger tail Smogsky - smoky black she-cat with blue eyes Eveningmist - ginger and white tom Fernfrost - grey she-cat with ice-blue eyes
Kits Eelkit - cream and white she-cat Heatherkit - light brown tabby tom with violet eyes Pearlkit - white she-cat with red eyes Palekit - cream tabby she-cat Twigkit - lean light brown tabby tom Elmkit - pale brown-grey tabby she-cat Acornkit - brown tabby she-cat
Leader Missingstar - golden tabby tom with no tail
Deputy Thawedlake - blue-grey tabby she-cat with striking blue eyes
Medicine Cat Cootsong - black tom with orange spots Birchspeckle - cream she-cat with white speckles and thick fur Apprentice, Sagepaw
Warriors Darkbelly - dark grey she-cat with a darker belly Silentwatcher - mute white tom with grey spots Beecloud - small, fluffy golden she-cat with a short tail Tallstem - Tall golden-brown tom Fungustuft - black and white tom with messy fur Apprentice, Rookpaw Spottedfoot - reddish-brown tom with a spotted white foot Apprentice, Maplepaw Glowdawn - golden and white tabby she-cat with a long tail Apprentice, Jaypaw Beetlelegs - light grey she-cat with long limbs
Apprentices Maplepaw - tortoiseshell tom Sagepaw - calico she-cat Jaypaw - blue-grey tabby she-cat Rookpaw - small black tom
Queens Mistyback - dark grey she-cat with a white back (Caring for Hailkit) Adderroar - black she-cat with a brown belly (Caring for Sootkit and Shroomkit)
Elders Lightgust - grey and white she-cat Littlebite - tiny dark tabby tom Flashflood - large, muscular blue-grey she-cat Bushfire - large ginger tabby she-cat
Kits Hailkit - grey and white tom Sootkit - black she-cat Shroomkit - white and black she-cat
Cats Outside Clans
Ace - black tabby tom Howler - white she-cat Wallace - light brown and white tabby tom with a purple collar Ebony - dark grey-brown she-cat with a brown belly and white freckles
All characters belong to mwah.
I used this website to create the allegiance. Highly recommend.
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sneak peek of a longer scene i'm writing for another SunClan Lore Bit™. i'm still trying to think of blorbos i can add to the Clan, & there are some names i'm not happy with yet, but i am super excited about how Eda/Owltooth's design turned out!
originally this would've been a separate thing, but this scene fits in the fic-bit i'm working on for Skygaze's dream, so i'm gonna polish it & add it in. :3
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witchlikedarcy · 4 years
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@adelzr​ @diablasgarden​ @aelfcosmic​ @galaxymar​ @thehealingenergywitch​ @bigbellyloverrr​ @froggiefog​ @celestialxtrash​ @whitewitchofash​ @merda-com-milho​ @waywardgay14​ @oliverxisxneckxdeep​ @ktt666k​ @falconloverxxxxx7​ @themuseskilledbythemoon​ @cosmadh​ @spirituallonelyness​ @past-3-l​ @meii​ @lavenderstems​ @diablas-love​ @aithusafawkes​ @corpsesnare​ @bexcft​ @lightpinkbobatea​ @brickdrvr​ @awitchesjourney96​ @cranky-clairvoyant​ @itsgeminiwitchling​ @devoted-to-my-goddess​
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witchlikedarcy · 4 years
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@adelzr​ @diablasgarden​ @aelfcosmic​ @galaxymar​ @thehealingenergywitch​ @bigbellyloverrr​ @froggiefog​ @celestialxtrash​ @whitewitchofash​ @merda-com-milho​ @waywardgay14​ @oliverxisxneckxdeep​ @ktt666k​ @falconloverxxxxx7​ @themuseskilledbythemoon​ @cosmadh​ @spirituallonelyness​ @past-3-l​ @meii​ @lavenderstems​ @diablas-love​ @aithusafawkes​ @corpsesnare​ @bexcft​ @lightpinkbobatea​ @brickdrvr​ @awitchesjourney96​ @cranky-clairvoyant​ @itsgeminiwitchling​ @devoted-to-my-goddess​
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