#Blossoms of Love
forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
El's Master list
Hi, call me El. I post cod shit, and occasionally fics. I talk to my mutuals a lot. like A LOT a lot. I don't post anything spicier than suggestive, go to mt sideblog @what-in-the-gloobie-glob for that, but don't expect much
Um I'm hard to offend, so if you wanna send me hatemail at least be creative :) if you send anyone else hatemail you're not allowed on my blog
a few rules before we start:
homophobes, transphobes, racists, pedophiles, ableists, zoophiles, and zionists are not welcome here. you are not welcome if you are just being an asshole in general, not saying you have to be nice, but don't be mean. Additionally I DO NOT support the use of AI in any art from including writing and audio. Here is the list
now that the necessary info is out of they way. feel free to make any request, my askbox is always open and anon is left on (dangerous I know), I cannot guarantee that any ask will be answered with any efficiency, but it will be answered eventually.
while I mentioned all the people who are not allowed on my blog, please know that the only problem I actively talk about is homophobia and transphobia. this DOES NOT diminish any of the other problematic topics, they are simply the ones that apply most to my blog. PLEASE DO NOT FORGET ABOUT ANY OF THESE PROBLEMS!!!
I do have a link to a bunch of downloaded Ao3 fics, fics that I have personally read, in the event that the website goes down for an extended period of time again (DDoS of 2023). there IS a link to give me suggestions for fics to download, only taking completed fics.
My Ao3: PotatoBeanFestival
My Fics and WiPs
Blossoms of Love - Master list Perched Unlikely - Master list I.S.B.T.P.K.F.T.S - Master list (on hiatus) WiPs and AUs drabbles
Linguistics and Other
Scottish phonetics Sensitivity writing
Fight AI w/ Glaze and Nightshade
Mental health and other tips
Genuine depression tips some of these help me
Gross does not mean moral failing
Half-assed is better than no-assed (do it the "wrong" way) Aggie-Jean says you ARE hot shit!! And to drink responsibly
Driving tips part 2
Just in case the worst scenario
Downloaded ao3 fics
Heavily recommended reading on ao3 if/when you can though. be sure to leave a Kudos and a Comment! link to give suggestions/recs here!
tossing my blog specific tags down in the tags section
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animusrox · 17 days
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[90's Sitcoms]
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
just had an absolutely sickening conversation with a 20 year old I work with wherein I had to impress upon her that her and her friends need to be extremely cautious going to the gay clubs right now with increasing attacks happening. make sure any very young, very newly adult queer people in your life know that we're a family and community and part of that is being willing to fight for your siblings lives if they're under attack. even if it's a person you despise, you stick up for your family and they will stick up for you. we are all we have. the cops refuse to help, and so do most people outside the community. we cannot survive without each other
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ruporas · 9 months
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captain's warm hugs! (id in alt)
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spud-soup · 10 months
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New tumblr banner ✨✨✨ I love these two
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emptyhead57 · 4 months
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Cherry Blossom Monster - Silent Hill: The Short Message (Masahiro Ito)
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k-worlddd · 1 year
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budgieflitter · 1 month
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mean girls
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psykopaths · 4 months
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uglygirlstatus · 10 months
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at least we’ll always have Archie: The Musical
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forestshadow-wolf · 1 year
Blossoms of love
Spit and Blood Pairing: Soap/Ghost Important tags: angst, hurt/comfort, hanahaki
Ao3 link for those who wanted it || Chapter 2
Ghost barked another formation to run the recruits through, ignoring the rough scratchiness in his throat that he’s woken up with early that morning, as some nameless private approached him. They stopped a respectable distance away from him, and stood a parade rest, waiting for his acknowledgement to start speaking. His mouth opened to do just that but a shocking wave of pain tore through his throat before a sound could escape.
“What is it private?”, he finally managed to grind out, his voice rougher than intended. The kid jumped at that, probably assuming he wasn’t in a good mood today. Granted he wasn’t, but that didn’t mean he was gonna bite their head off.
“Captain Price is requesting your presence in the briefing room, sir.”, they spoke in a firm voice. He blew out a silent breath through his nose. He really wasn’t in the mood for a new mission.
“Thank you, private…”
“Junesped, sir, private junesped.” they seemed surprised to be asked such a question, as if it wasn’t normal protocol.
“Thank you, private junesped. Dismissed.'' The private gave him a hasty salute before wandering off to do his other tasks.
He called the recruits back up into formation before dismissing them for a final time, before he turned to make his way into the building. Soap joined him in the halls, chatting animatedly about whatever came across his mind. Ghost kept quiet, focusing on the intense flare of pain razing his throat. He had a nasty inkling that he knew this kind of pain before, an inkling which he pointedly ignored as he tried to focus on the scot beside him.
It wasn’t long before the pair reached his destination. It wasn’t much of a surprise when Soap stayed by his side, seeing how he hadn’t requested to go on any solo missions recently. Gaz was already sat at a chair near the head of the table, so Ghost made his way to one a few chairs back on the opposing side. Soap was just settling into the seat in front of him when Price walked in, papers and documents in hand.
“‘Right, listen up boys. Laswell says she’s gotten intel that’s picking up suspicious readings here, here, and here.” he gestured to three respective spots on a map he’d spread across the table. “Now, it could be local crime pushing up, but we think it’s more likely that…” Price’s voice becomes non-important as claws began tearing at his throat from the inside. Ghost has to fight to clamp down on the hacking cough he could feel trying to escape him.
“We leave at 0600 tomorrow morning, review the files, pack what you need. You’re relieved of your duties for the rest of the day.” the man said, as he tossed three files onto the table. Shit. He’d been too focused on trying to control his body, and had missed all the information. Oh well, he’ll just have to go over the file when he gets to his room.
Soap was first to get up, saying he was going to grab lunch, Gaz was quick to join him. The scot walked over to the door, before pausing a moment and giving Ghost that show-stopping smile. Another harsh stabbing of pain flung the breath from his body.
“Ya wanna join, L.T.?” he asked, as cheery as ever.
“Not today, Johnny, got work to do.” he barely managed to force out, in a voice that he hoped only sounded wet to his own ears.
“Aye, see ya later then, yea?” he said, nodding, as he opened the door for Gaz. Ghost made a sound of agreement, as he got up to follow the sergeant out of the room; file in hand.
As soon as the two sergeants were out of sight he booked it to his room, at a speed that could just barely be considered walking if you were Usain bolt. The door shut just as fast as it opened, he discarded the file onto his desk. He pulled his mask halfway up his face as he B-lined for the jointed bathroom, flicking on the light as soon as he could reach.
He barely reached the sink before he was doubled over, his body wracked with the hacking cough from earlier, his eyes shut tight against his movements. It only let up when he was starved for breath and tears broke his waterline. His lips were wet, and his throat stung an almost similar, yet unfamiliar sting.
He forced himself straight again, the image that reflected back at him in the mirror was anything but pretty. Blood gathered in the cracks and crevices in his lips, and dark bags lined his - now red-rimmed eyes, as he looked into the mirror. He didn’t allow himself to look in the sink as he blindly turned on the faucet. Or as he cupped water in his hand to wash away the red he knew spotted the white porcelain. Or as he wiped the wet debris down the drain with his hand. Only after he was sure that it was back to spotless white did he look away from the mirror. Only then did he wash his lips of the now flaking red on his lips.
As he was taking a mouthful of water to cleanse the tang from his mouth, he was hit with a sense of deja vu. He’s been through this before, in a time long past, when the pain was so through it strangled the breath from his lungs. He spit the pink water down the drain, and turned off the faucet, and drew a steadying breath as he dried off his face. He pulled the mask back over his face, looked in the mirror one last time, and left.
@checkerscharlie @halb-nichts @heyitsropi @trekkie-in-space
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cewwart · 2 months
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‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. cherry blossom season ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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perotovar · 10 months
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geopsych · 1 month
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Earth Day morning sights from my walk this morning. <3 (I would say the Earth is my beloved but you have to watch what you say around here or you could end up in a Tingler. haha)
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dollya-robinprotector · 3 months
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we’ve talked about how tommy could be buck’s greatest love but have we talk about how buck is tommy’s forever love how buck is his whole heart and there’s nothing tommy wouldn’t do for him
and i can’t stop thinking about buck hesitating to jump head first whenever he’s on call because now he got someone who’s waiting for him to come home he has someone whose entire world would crash if he’s hurt 😭
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