#lazy goob
pjunicornart · 1 month
I WENT BACK AND READ ALL DA LAZY DAYS INFO STUFF AND WAS IMMEDIATELY CURIOUS BCUZ I SAW DOR-15... is goob in da lazy days au? if so what is he all up and about doing....... whats his schtick if u will.
and also while im here u mentioned helen in da lazy four info stuffs!1!1! dis makes me curious but along with goob, can we learn more about everyone else in da parrs, hamadas, maybe even the forresters (pennys fam)?
sorry for asking so many lazy days/lazy four questions in specific all da time.,.,.. 😓😓 i love ur other au's too but lazy days is the one im most fascinated with so its like "grgrgrgr i MUST EAT. ALL DA CONTENT."
Let's tackle the Dor-15 and Goob situation first! Dor-15 is a series of multiple little robots Cornelius made. They're the little maids! But they can also protect the family with their built in weapons. Don't worry, these weapons are non-lethal as per country laws. Think bb guns and sticky traps!
Michael (Goob) is a restaurant owner. He works mainly within the realm of kid's entertainment. In the OG canon, it's pretty much confirmed he's a brony... so, in Lazy Days, he owns a restaurant that's pony themed. It has a carousel, an ice cream bar, a playhouse... pretty much everything a kid could want from a cool restaurant!
The Parrs! Bob - Works under Cornelius' company. Bob owns his own construction company, which Neil's company often commissions. Helen - A silk ribbon dancer. Think along the likes of the performers for Cirque de Soleil. When she's not on tour, she's teaching classes! Dash - Aspires to be a runner in the olympics, but currently he's the track and field champion in his school district. Jack-Jack - The baby. He's a bit too young to have any notable traits yet!
The Hamadas! Aunt Cass - Runs the bakery. Honestly, besides an outfit change, I didn't alter much from her personality. I like Aunt Cass. Tadashi - He's going to school for engineering. Shh... don't tell him, but Neil is gonna offer him an internship at his company soon!
Unfortunately I don't know much about Bolt, so I'm not gonna do the Forresters here... not yet, anyway. If I find the time to refresh myself of Bolt, I'll make a post about it!
Also, don't worry about it! I like answering these questions!
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weirdofish · 8 months
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A tribute to one of my favorite Switch games Luigi's Mansion 3
This piece was a pain. First off, I wanted to get it done last week but life happened and I kinda put it off. Second, I couldn't figure out the background so I settled for a bunch of Goobs instead. Lastly, I not only had to redraw Gooigi twice but trying to recreate his liquid-like shading and lighting was a bitch.
Despite that, it was all worth it.
Seriously, I've played this game four times since it's release back in 2019.
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sanguith · 10 months
i'm glad i decided to try out a ketosis diet again (aka changing my metabolism to basically only use ketone bodies made from fatty acids for energy by reducing carb intake to max 20g/day) for a few weeks because it was a neat experiment but i'm also glad I decided to stop because now i get to enjoy life's greatest fucking simplest yet finest delicacy: mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes with melted butter and salt. i cannot understand how i could live without that. just. vegetables. keto has opened my eyes to new ways to cook foods and experiment with ingredients but i don't think i can live without carbs. i doubt that the majority of people could. also have you any idea how much good simple near-zero effort food there is out there like holy gosh darn in heaven. i don't have to spend hours cooking something to have a nice meal
#food mention#diets#actually anything carb with butter and salt. how can it be so good. call me a lazy goob but i once just microwaved corn and butter#added salt. and it was the most delicious fuckin thing ive ever eaten#i've done low-carb in the past and tried keto a few times and always it felt so great after the keto flu disappeared after a few days#but this time the keto flu did not go away. i felt so weak and awful but at the same time i had less brain fog. and never felt hungry.#but it was werid. i think it might have been because i've been kinda high carb for the last few years and the change was so strong & sudden#also electrolyte imbalances can happen on keto if you're not careful. it's complex.#anyway it got me to eat a bit healthier like (almost) completely avoiding processed foods and unnaturally high sugary stuff#which i just want to generally avoid for personal health reasons which is a whole can of worms but i just dont want to overindulge#sure i can eat an entire bag of candies or chips in an evening if i feel like it but I *feel* my body just being like “nooo” and sure enoug#the next morning i do feel a little bit extra like shit#and another thing: i think i benefit from abrupt diet changes now and then. it feels natural in a way. ye olde scavenger hunter genetics#ya know. our nomadic ancestors would probably have to do that a lot when things weren't year-round available#sometimes only meat for months on end in cold seasons/areas#sometimes basically only plants and nuts roots and seeds and stuff#it's actually remarkable how human metabolism can adapt so much depending on what's available to eat#sometimes fasting for days when food was just nowhere to be found.#i'm not saying ���stress your metabolic system it's good for you'” (it probably isnt) just idk. mixing it up a bit at least works for me#btw disclaimer i HATE the whole thing about diet-pressuring and some people claiming that certain diets will solve everything#it doesn't solve all health problems magically. ”"”superfoods“”“ are not a 100% faultless scientifically proven thing.#shit like ''the paleo diet is the number one key to optimal health without medications!!'' no. shut.#on the other hand i do believe diets can help a bit like a nudge. it's just one factor out of many that affects how we feel#ANYWAY conclusion: eat what you want. do what feels right for you. find your own ways to make the food you eat help your health a bit#or don't! be yourself! love yourself!#the chosen method is gonna be different for everybody#but from now on im gonna try and eat as close to natural unprocessed foods as I can in this day and age. it feels right for me somehow.#i think *my* preferred method/diet whatever is to mainly eat natural unprocessed foods and to mix it up a bit now and then with change#for that sweet ''METABOLIC ADAPTATION'' perk that feels good for me#(why did this post become so long. nobody cares. anyway i don't care if nobody cares. i care. *I* care!!! wooopp)
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zikadraws · 1 year
(you can ignore this if you want, because I think you're not focused on luigi's mansion anymore)
*holds up microphone*
Got any opinions on the goobs?
Cute little guys !
After playing Dark Moon, I was a little surprised they completely changed the ghosts again, but I guess that's fair. I thought the Greenies' (Dark Moon most common ghost)'s stumpy pseudo-legs were cute, but I understand getting rid of that design to keep a constant with the ghost tails.
The Goobs also have way more detailed hands, which is a good contrast with the simplicity of their body.
Their voices are similar to the Greenies, and sound very nice and ghostly (although a bit high-pitched to my ears' taste).
However, I'm REALLY glad they got rid of that design with the ghosts having pupils (when not controlled) because it just didn't fit them. Good call there !
Their shenanigans are cute, but, probably due to them being magically manipulated, can get really annoying. I especially hate those who get helmets and glasses, or think it's funny to lock Luigi into a cage with spiked trap walls. Little jerks. Also that whole thing with barricading the front door, not cool guys.
Overall pretty good design, pretty good basis ghost, not really anything negative to say that doesn't involve my own playing skills. I hope they apologized to Luigi though.
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norimiya · 2 years
Small psa but loverboy will now be updating every other day so prepared to get annoyed 👍
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goobthegoblin · 11 months
I'm in this weird pocket of nerd-dom where I'm into a lot of fandoms, and I know enough about each to interact with them and not seem an outsider, but I'm not lodged in a central ghetto of any specific fandom. It's like I know more about this thing than the average person, but I know less about this thing than an average member of the fandom. And my knowledge tends to be very specific, I can talk circles around any of my friends about RPG history but start talking about specific mechanics and I'm useless unless I read the glossary two minutes ago. This might be normal, I've seen more of it in recent times. I think it comes from a place of having these interests as a kid but never really being allowed to express them. This bible belt attitude of "it's ok as long as it's in privet." You can like these things but not publicly. Then there's the idea of "acceptable nerds," being a tabletop nerd is weird and gets you beaten up, but reframe it as "history" and you can skirt by. Really liking statistics makes you the crazy math lady, but being really into sports statistics makes you cool. This is all an attitude that has largely fallen away, at least in the circles I occupy. By the time I was in high school, it seemed that the culture of "clicks" was mostly gone. Yeah, there were groups of people but it wasn't segregated between interest groups, there weren't "the jocks," and "the nerds," and "the band kids." All those people still existed and would stick together but they were allowed and encouraged to mingle. I was in marching band for all four years, and Dumb Major for one, at least a quarter of our band was on the baseball team. Another chunk were on the robotics team, and many were in book club. In media these days it's almost depicted as if the different interest groups are societal class levels. I understand this is because all the writers who illustrate these events are Millennials and Gen-Xers who went to school at a time when all these things were, at least at first glance, true. Which gets me thinking about people who are home-schooled. Do they think this is what modern high school is like? Do child actors who haven't ever gone to a real school believe the images they create to be realistic? I've gotten way off-topic, what the fuck was I even talking about?
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hijackmac · 1 month
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sighs and throws my design of siffrin at you + the other goobs (HOPEFULLY if my brain operates I can also come up with fan designs for all the others RHAAGHH)
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pouringsprrkzezgutzz · 2 months
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sooooo very little art posting recently since I’ve got a bunch of art trades to work on,, this was my little break doodle for today!!! (+ color gradient variants because pretty colors are always nice)
the amaaaazing @chessman-protocol ‘s Mikey-not-Mikey, Mikhail!
(if you ever see this, HELLO!!!!)
i absolutely adore this goobs design and D’s artstyle so of course I was gonna make fanart (it was inevitable)
absolutelllyyyyy didn’t make mikey coming out of a portal cause i was too lazy to draw the body nooowaaayyyy,
tooooootallyyyy didn’t have to go back after this to fix my watermark because i forgot to write part of my username uhm,
*cough cough *
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dreadfulgentleman · 21 days
People keep mentioning interviews of Meet the Robinsons characters, but I have no idea where to find them. Do you know where I can find the interviews?
Without more info to go on, I can only assume what you're referring to, anon, so hopefully this answers your question. Feel free to message me again if this isn't what you're talking about. A few of the voice actors from Meet the Robinsons were given a fun task of answering interview questions while in character. There are interviews from Goob, Mr. Willerstein, Lewis, Wilbur, Mildred, Carl, Art/Gaston, Lazlo/Tallulah, and Franny. Some of these interviews were a mix between asking in-character questions while others were just casual questions for the actor. (For example, a lot of young Goob's first monologue in the opening of the film was taken from Director Stephen J. Anderson simply asking Matthew Josten how his real-life baseball activities were going. The resulting answer led to him saying, "We've lost every game. Yesterday, the score was 1-13... It's about having fun, really. I don't really care about winning... Well, like, now I do, 'cause, like, we've lost every game, I've gotten tired of it. Come on! Let's play some baseball, okay! Okay? Not the lazy game."**) **Despite the in-movie quote being taken from what Matthew Josten literally said, he still had to re-record the real lines later. At first, these interviews were just for fun. A way to get the actors in the groove and warm up. As time went on, some of these interviews were written on purpose to give the animators something to play with and a get a feel for the characters. It is possible that these could have become bonus content at some point, but they never went anywhere and so they remained shelved. The only time I've ever seen anything said online about this content was back when this blog used to be a Meet the Robinsons themed blog and I shared behind-the-scenes fun facts and trivia from the film. I believe I had once posted summarized text snippets from these interviews as part of the 10th anniversary celebration that the fandom was going through at the time. Since having changed my blog's theme since then, those old posts were deleted. As far as I'm aware, these interviews cannot be found online. But I haven't done an extensive search into what's available online these days with MTR content, so who knows!
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pjunicornart · 10 days
How would the au Lewises' first kiss would be with their respective bf/gfs? Tbh I can't really keep up with your aus I guess there's 3? Good work, keep it up!
For reference, here are all of my current important AUs that don't have anything to do with The Playground: - Discovery-Recovery - Little Lambs - The Polyam Ship - Lazy Days - Little Space - Agoraphobic
Discovery-Recovery Cornelius Unfortunately this one is under heavy spoilers so I can't give too much away. Just know he technically had two first kisses.
Little Lamb Lewis His first kiss wasn't until he was able to overcome his trauma. He actually ends up with Gaston in this AU (Franny and Lewis are 10 and Gaston is 12 when this AU takes place). Both of them needed to overcome some shit before they were able to find comfort in each other.
Poly Lewis He had three. With Goob, it was very much the cliche of nerd x jock. Lewis wasn't complaining about someone taller holding him, though. For both LIzzy and Franny it was surreal for him. Two pretty girls want to be with him? He must be dreaming!
Lazy Days Cornelius His first kiss with Franny came months after his initial healing process from bulimia. It was the first time in a while where he felt like how he looked didn't matter.
Little Neil This one is a little harder to pinpoint since his Caretaker, Franny, plants little kissies on him all the time. Outside of Little Space, Neil feels comfortable and accepted by Franny. Their first kiss probably happened before Neil felt that comfort around her, though. When they were young adults still in college for their future professions (Franny - Nurse, Neil - Teacher initially, but becomes an online Little Space educator later on).
Agoraphobic Lewis He's been cooped up in his home for four years after the incident at the science fair (no, it's not the disaster you see in the movie, it's a different incident). Sure, he has some online friends and an online presence via his art blog, but that's about it... It's probably gonna take a while for his first kiss to happen.
I know it's hard to keep up with my creative adventures, but regardless I'm glad you're enjoying them!
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the-lietuverse · 9 months
My version of 2p Lithuania: Tomas Milinskas!! (Belongs to: @stinky-baka)
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He probably doesn't look like his age, but he is 20 years old. He enjoys old-fashioned clothing or professional clothing - though tries to also take care of his hair, which he forgets about sometimes.
He is very laid-back and chill. He loves communicating with people, tending to be very social. He is actually pretty sweet to be around with. However, his problem is how lazy he can be... He likes everything clean, but he doesn't have the energy or time compacity to do anything for himself. (He is very ISTP.)
He likes making tea for others, and enjoys his tea! But according to everyone else, his tea is horrible... His cooking: even worse. Don't let him cook, not even make a drink.
Favorites: His favourites are caffeine, music and sleeping. Music tends to make him feel more relaxed and give him a nice feel - he likes classical music the best, but listens to them in a specific atmosphere (If it's a celebration or something to dance about). He is a silly goob :3
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milli0n-dollar-fool · 10 months
I kept a little list of things I noticed about Go2 and updated it every now and then. Please feel free to add
- the one time we see crowley in the elevator he goes back to aziraphale. The one time we see aziraphale in the elevator he leaves crowley
- aziraphale puts on his glasses immediately after saying 'that's what friends are for' in 1941 just how crowley puts his glasses on in ep*s*d* s*x
- after the is bookselling your bit on the side scene crowley gets drunk, invites aziraphale to join him, then goes and tries to get rid of Gabriel, the thing keeping them apart
- the metatron didn't seem fazed at first that goob disappeared. How long has he been planning for aziraphale to take his spot?
- plus, the metatron is absolutely bluffing. 'I can't think of a better angel' to lead the second coming? Please, the only time they ever interacted, aziraphale was going on about how there didn't need to be an end of the world.
- when Maggie and Nina confront crowley about not talking to aziraphale, Maggie calls Nina angel and just saying I stopped breathing
- When Maggie said that she's going to to back to her empty flat, have a good cry and drink herself to sleep, crowley immediately says don't do that. Talking from experience?
- both aziraphale and crowley want to return to the stars. Aziraphale because it was the time they were angels, crowley because he always wanted to go to Alpha centaur ii. When Beelzebub was implying goob was on earth, crowley said there's a whole universe for an angel to hide in and never be seen again. He never stopped wanting to hide in the stars with aziraphale. Back to the way they were, but as they are.
- you know how the Bentley is an extension of crowleys feelings? How it played a nightingale sang in Berkeley square after the divorce? How it refused to go above the speed limit because aziraphale didn't want it to? How it drove slowly past aziraphales bookshop one last time because it/crowley subconsciously missed aziraphale?
- everyone seems to be taking sides - they're either aziraphale defenders or crowley defenders or both. Isn't that the whole theme of good omens?
- the tubey thing that Gabriel goes through when he remembers his past is reminiscent of the tube in coraline
- the juke always playing everyday to 'comfort the afflicted' and crowleys car always playing queen - coincidence? The universe is rarely so lazy
- in s1 (Bar scene) crowley says that the food hadn't been good recently before he fell, meaning he did eat before he became a demon but not after. Cut to him 100% not tempting aziraphale in s2 to have an ox rib. The idea of food = being human, him liking food before he fell, him falling before he fell - I feel like God never meant him to be an angel. Maybe She knew him and aziraphale could never be together in heaven and he fell because of Her plans for him and aziraphale.
- Muriel asking to keep a book when they thought they were leaving the bookshop forever because they're like people only portable compared to crowley keeping the nice and accurate prophecies as a 'souvenir' I can't
- it's the way goob kind of represents crowley, or at least their relationship. After both goob and crowley left heaven, they met aziraphale with fondness (hugging him while naked lmao, the look in crowleys eyes in Eden). Aziraphale took them under his wing (with crowley quite literally) and was willing to forget who they were before and treat them as they are. Makes sense then, when crowley confesses to aziraphale, aziraphale doesn't say the right things. The same thing happened when goob said I love you.
- thinking more about the ending. Imagine being crowley - a confession, a kiss, his devotion to aziraphale were still not enough. Imagine thinking that so long as you were a demon, something you couldn't even control, you would never be enough for your angel to stay.
In conclusion, Neil gaiman is a genius
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valvure · 7 months
| Rodney Ref |
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A reference for my boy that is made for SOULY me to understand cause I am lazy to make a proper one [doubt he will do well compare to my other stuff but oh well]
He's a psychic for a RP I am in who during it somehow became a warlock for death itself even after he came back from the dead, and uhhh I love him he is my boy my lil goob, and he is really annoying for me to keep drawing WITH NO REFERENCE so y yeag this is the soul reason this exists :DDDDD
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Okey I am done now byeeee
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incarnateirony · 1 year
I wonder if my haters understand how freudian it was about their OWN lazy selfish horse shit that they heard jensen say "yeah we take fan pitches but it's really really long hard work so don't bother me/send to my agent" like. They took that as "AHHAH PROOF GOOB IS WRONG"
you realize the only way you could even read his statement like that is if you project your own laziness, or your own demands of public attention resulting, regardless of the reason for any contracts drawn or decisions made
like, that statement literally does not say what they wanted it to, and most realized after staring at it a few minutes and let the cold wave of dread sweep in as they realized. Yeah, jensen takes fanpitches, yeah, he's had control of the property like I said for a while and no, jared is nowhere in the authority line and never will be.
yeah guys guess what
I have literally told you for years. TV is hard work, and infinitely more complex than anyone here seems to get, even people like 2po that try SO HARD to pretend to the public he gets how any of this works. It all boils down to "well, *I* wouldn't put in real effort beyond talking on tumblr, so PROOF!" Like this is the same idiot I have told to his face could NEVER make it in media, so of course these slack jawed idiots project that at what Jensen said.
guys that was freudian as fuck, now go stare at that statement, accept and internalize the state of IP stewardship, influence, story direction, and move the fuck on, cuz you aint our problem anymore and nobody cares what you believe.
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zzleepywulf · 1 year
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Happy April Fool's ya goobs
(he doesn't wear a wig cuz he's lazy-)
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sunnsfighter · 2 years
Carmen sandeigo faves
(shorter post + ill add pics when im not lazy)
Ofc i like carmen herself .. Both ive really enjoyed
Earth carmen had a mysterious vibe and the end kinda hinted towards redemption??? She never really stopped being good
Ngl i was weary about 2019 carmen but it was its own type of cool
Fav part : Into the maelstrom saga, that one ep where they went to the future
I loved this chief SM ... He was a computer program who was lively and helpful to the agents and just a general goob lol
(Big reason the chief in charge AU exists)
90s zach was alright , BUT I LIKED THE DIRECTION ZACK TOOK ?!?! ;-;
chase devinaux- hes just trying his best ;-;
Shadowsan- a genuinally intresting i didnt even see coming, i liked the family vibe shown in later seasons.
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