xtrasilliez · 21 days
why are y’all homophobic on here this is essentially the app of the queers and allies
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Y’all homophobes and transphobes better go back to twitter
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quaple-network · 4 years
Sage, I do like that you eat TicTacs like House eats Vicodin.
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scorpiofactsdaily · 4 years
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if you'd like to join an 18+ astrology group for LBGTQPIA people, send a request here or message me and i'll send you an invite!
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nemesis-nexus · 6 years
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If you are in a domestically abusive relationship or an abusive relationship generally speaking YOU DO NOT NEED TO SUFFER IN SILENCE, there is help out there! Below are the Outreach Numbers to various organizations regarding male on female violence, female on male violence, teen specific violence and LGBTPQIA specific violence! Do not be afraid to reach out, you deserve better than what is currently happening to you! - It is situations like this that compel me to say to Kirk Cameron, his sister Candice, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham and EVERYONE - regardless of religion or social status - who claims that a woman is PROPERTY and should not only let her husband make all the decision but SUBMIT to him in EVERY sense of the word - GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!! I am a WOMAN, I am NOT a piece of furniture or otherwise YOUR "poperty"! I am a FREE SPIRIT and I will NEVER submit unless I CHOOSE to! If I am feeling amorous then we will have sex IF I SAY NO AND YOU DON'T BACK OFF IT IS RAPE - MARITAL STATUS BE DAMNED! If I have to sacrifice my own safety and wellbeing to prevent my children from being harmed I will do so, however, that DOESN'T mean I WON'T rip your dick off and shove it up your ass when the children are out of harms way BECAUSE I WILL DO THAT AND A HELL OF A LOT MORE! REAL ABUSE oftentimes does NOT leave physical marks and sexual abuse does more damage internally - in more ways than one - and extremists want you to believe that it's "NORMAL BEHAVIOR"! Contrary to popular belief domestic violence is NOT always male-on-female it is a known fact that men UNDER REPORT being abused themselves for fear of being ridiculed, shamed or feeling like less of a man because he's not able to control his woman. If you are in a domestic violence situation and you need help PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO REACH OUT! YOU ARE AS WORTHY OF HELP AS ANY WOMAN IS IN THE SAME SITUATION!! Most of the numbers listed below will assist males as well as females, however, there are additional numbers at the bottom that are male specific. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! NO MORE protection of rapists including paedophiles by religious institutions! NO MORE turning a blind eye because "I don't want to get involved" or "what if I'm wrong" - if it were you you would want whoever to get involved to help you ESPECIALLY if you were too terrified to ask for help yourself AND it is ALWAYS better to speak up and be wrong than to NOT say anything and be right! NO MORE thinking if you are married then you are OBLIGATED to "make yourself available" whenever he wants "it" NO MORE allowing yourself to be used as a punching bag just because your partner - married or not - is upset about something that happened at work, your financial situation or whatever other kind of half-assed excuse as to why you pissed them off and you deserved it! NO MORE EXCUSES! http://nomore.org/ - Additional Domestic Violence help hotlines: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY). (Advocates who are deaf are available Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (PST) by videophone (855-812-1001), instant messenger (DeafHotline) or email ([email protected]) - Safe Horizon: 1-800-621-HOPE (4673) TDD machine for hearing impaired clients: 866-604-5350 - Domestic Violence Supportive Services Phone: (303) 463 - 6321 Fax: (303) 462-1315 Division Director: Deb Bittner https://www.thefamilytree.org/en/domestic-violence-services/235 - TEEN SPECIFIC HELP: Childhelp USA National Child Abuse Hotline 800-4-A-CHILD (422-4453) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week http://www.childhelpusa.org - Crisis Call Center 800-273-8255 or text ANSWER to 839863 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week http://crisiscallcenter.org/crisisservices.html - loveisrespect, National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline (866) 331-9474 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week http://www.loveisrespect.org - National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-SAFE (7233) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week http://www.ndvh.org - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network 800-656-HOPE (4673) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week http://www.rainn.org - Thursday’s Child National Youth Advocacy Hotline 800-USA-KIDS (800-872-5437) Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week http://www.thursdayschild.org - LGBTPQIA SPECIFIC HELP: http://www.corasupport.org/blog/2014/08/domestic-violence-in-the-lgbtq-community/ 1-800-300-1080 or e-mail us for help at [email protected] - This link goes to a very well written article with several contributors regarding the violence against the LBGTQPIA community as well as a long list of services available state-by-state: https://app.box.com/s/yjs1dhklhx8tt1g09z5fsznlonnzxdv3 - MALE SPECIFIC HELP: The National Domestic Violence Hotline UK: 01823 334244 U.S. and Canada: 1-800-799-7233 ManKind Initiative Ireland: 046 902 3710 - AMEN We are ONE even though we are MANY and we stand STRONGEST when we stand TOGETHER! Etiamsi MULTA Et Nos UNUM Sumus Nos Sto Validus Ut Nos Sto Una! Semper Veritas, Semper Fideles, In Diabolus Nomen Nos Fides! AVE SATANÍ! (We Are ONE Even Though We Are MANY And We Stand STRONGEST When We Stand TOGETHER! Always TRUTHFUL, Always FAITHFUL, In Satan's Name We Trust! HAIL SATAN!) Ave URURU! Ave ENKI/EA! Ave NINGIZHEDA! Ave AZIMUA! Ave DIMUZI! Ave ININNI! Ave ERESHKIGAL! Ave NERGAL! Ave GILGAMESH! Ave ENKIDU! Ave TIAMAT! Ave ABSU! Ave MARDUK! Ave SARPANITUM! Ave SATANÍ! HAIL SATAN!
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savageorcacaptain · 7 years
came for the gay. stayed for the gay! (ik I jut started following you but I couldn't resist)
((Lol, ty. Here on my blogs I like to keep the gay to the maximum. But in all seriousness, I am rather pro lbgtqpia, but a lot of the positivity posts for it go to my personal and I wish I could do up my Gou blog with some wlw but it's hard to find anything of her, let alone something of her with another woman. But you know I can always dream and pretend those arts of her with Chigusa are depicting them as more than just friends. But thank you for the feedback, new friend, Mako-chan and I will do our best to satisfy all your gay needs, have a good one!))
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kanashiba · 9 years
On the point of gay marriage being legalised, I’m glad that it’s becoming more accepted but I’m also worried, hell I’m scared, to see what will happen when it becomes legal everywhere.
I’m worried that a lot of “Allies” will decide their work is finished, they’ll start leaving their protest signs in their closets and burn their rainbow backpacks in their back garden. It’s like when women are told “You’ve got the vote, what else do you want?”. The right to vote and the right to marry are tangible things. They are easy to prove, you just have to point to dusty piece of legislation hanging on an expensive wall somewhere.
The lack or mishandling of such laws are clear to everyone. What’s not so clear is representation, and discrimination. Unfortunately this is were it gets difficult. As anyone who’s not white as a sack of flour will tell you, people will put you down and leave you to die (sometimes literally #blacklivesmatter) just for wanting to see characters and actors playing these characters who have the same skin colour as you or, you know, for owning a packet of cigarettes .
I personally think that the same thing is going to happen with LBGT+ folk. We’ll be shut down whenever we try to raise concerns about issues, and we’ll have less traction in political situations. Right now people view as as the under dog, and that makes them want to fight for us, but once we get marriage equality, we stop being the underdog in their eyes, and we loose their support, even though we still need it desperately.
We’ll start hearing things like “You've got marriage equality, isn't that enough, what more do you want?” and “Just because you can get married doesn't mean I want my kids to know about you”
It’s like we’re fighting a battle in the war for equality. We’re winning the battle, but I think people are getting careless, and when this battle is over we may find that our ranks are much emptier than we expected, and the prospects of winning the war may become bleaker.
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