#le letter fics
louvay · 7 months
Lord Arthur Friege 420 Silezha Complex, Thove Silesse
My lord,
I am writing you in agony as there's no other choice left for me to consider. As your family's faithful butler, Lady Ishtar has confessed to me experiencing some grating phenomena, of which, after further investigations by myself and Duchess Hilda, can be traced back to you.
Among the complaints raised to me include: you opening the gas valve and nearly made the duke hallucinate, posing as a vengeful apparition under Her Ladyship's window, and sent an illustration of Lord Ishtore wearing a bespoke, damning fiery-red knickerbockers to Miss Liza Knight in an effort to break her betrothal to Lord Ishtore.
We have also discovered that by the time you took Lady Tinni away with you per your last visit, you buried grenades in Her Ladyship's former room, now converted into a powder and lavatory room by the duchess.
I kindly ask you to cease and desist.
Reinhardt Schutaeze.
Sir Reinhardt Schutaeze
360 Nifl Palace, Friege Grannvale
My good man,
I believe you may have mistakened me for none other than my own Lord Cousin and your lady’s betrothed, Prince Julius. A common mistake really, as though he is shorter than I am and whose hair color matches the preposterous illustration General Liza had received, we do share the same preferred barbershop.
Opening the gas valve of the house? Playing scary tricks on others? Could be nothing more than my dear cousin Julius reliving his childhood days from when he and my uncle’s family lived in Castle Velthomer. I am sure you are familiar with the gossip that goes around at the royal court, no? Of how mischievous the future emperor was back then, whose to say he isn’t now too? I would reckon these maledictions are simply part of a test so to speak, to ensure that the dukedoms my Lord Cousin will lead do not falter to the whims of royal tomfoolery.
As for the incident in my aunt’s room, I suppose the Prince wanted to renovate it to his own liking. It was too grand of a room compared to the others and what came after the event you described was simply the right call of the Prince. The only event which I had taken part in was relocating Lady Tinni to Silesse, something that had consequentially been easier to achieve thanks to Prince Julius’ antics. Although I’m sure she would not be missed by my aunt nor be of any use to my uncle anyways.
I ask that you revaluate your investigations again, lest the whole family mistakes the Prince’s visits to that of a scoundrel’s. Treachery of any sort will not be tolerated by our house, afterall.
Arthur Von Friege
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secretmellowblog · 6 months
I love how Javert has this deep emotional overwrought emotional breakdown over letting Jean Valjean go, like it’s the most important thing that’s ever happened to him in his life and it’s shattered his entire philosophy and view on the world and etc etc
But Jean Valjean’s response is just an indifferent “huh I guess Javert went crazy. Weird. But this might as well happen. Anyway moving on—“
Moreover, Jean Valjean knew that he was delivered from Javert. The story had been told in his presence, and he had verified the fact in the Moniteur, how a police inspector named Javert had been found drowned under a boat belonging to some laundresses, between the Pont au Change and the Pont-Neuf, and that a writing left by this man, otherwise irreproachable and highly esteemed by his superiors, pointed to a fit of mental aberration and a suicide.—“In fact,” thought Jean Valjean, “since he left me at liberty, once having got me in his power, he must have been already mad.”
It’s also fascinating how Javert is acting “sane” for the first time in his life— making decisions that he actually thinks through deeply, having empathy for people— but he gets labeled as insane by both his superiors and by Jean Valjean. The moment he stops obeying orders and writ
Though it’s also fascinating, as I mentioned before, how this is both a parallel to Javert’s reaction at Jean Valjean’s supposed “drowning” earlier on and a reflection of the way Hugo learned about the drowning of his own daughter via reading a newspaper.
Neither Jean Valjean or Javert express any grief when they learn the other has drowned—-but it’s compelling that “learning someone you know has drowned via the newspaper” was actually taken from such a deeply horrible emotional painful moment in Hugo’s life. There’s a deep poignant grief there, but it’s not one that Jean Valjean or Javert ever actually feel.
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syrupsyche · 8 months
Another favourite quote day! I can't write anything better than what cliozaur and dolphin has written but I'll throw in my meager two cents:
All of Enjolras' "named" kills are always done in response to the death(s) of the men around him, thus embodying the whole concept of Justice; only killing when he has to. And every time he does it, it pains him more.
"He might be your brother" / "He is" line can be talked about forever and ever til the end of time; a direct reference to Hugo's previous mention of:
Civil war—what does that mean? Is there a foreign war? Is not all war between men, war between brothers? (4.13.3)
I don't think I have to point out the similarities in the language comparing the artillery sergeant to Enjolras: blond, mid-20s, a "charming young man" who are both capable of violence. He is practically shooting himself then; an even bigger foreshadowing of his fate. And Combeferre trying to dissuade him; I'm not entirely sure why he puts Enjolras through such a sad moral dilemma- perhaps he's facing the same one himself and is just trying to convince both of them that it did not be done? (After all, "the good must be innocent".) Alas, what is necessary must be done, and only Enjolras has the strength to do it, even when it (literally) kills him to.
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past-the-dawn · 1 year
So glad to see that "punish me m. le maire" is already an ao3 tag. fantastic work everyone
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ace-trainer-risu · 7 months
okay I get Enjolras/Grantaire as a ship now. I Understand.
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badassindistress · 1 year
Psst hey #lesmisletters friends... Are you Sad about Fantine?
Don’t you wish she could be happy? Don’t you wish someone would punch Tholomyès in the face? Don’t you want to turn the narrative around before it gets (so so much) worse?
I do! So allow me to introduce you to:
She needs a friend who’ll respect her, he’s ever ready to punch assholes in the face (for Justice) and Hugolian math sort of allows them to be in Paris at the same time. What more do you need? (For baby Cosette to get a happy healthy childhood growing up with her mother, that’s what we need).
Have some delightful fix-it-fics:
Liberty and Libertines by @amarguerite
Canon era | T | 3 | Bahorel/Fantine | 3k (unfinished but delightful)
Bahorel meets Fantine in 1816 and is conscious of two things: how much better it would be if Fantine was his mistress, and how much Tholomyès needs to be punched. Things change dramatically as a result. 
 Une Liaison Dangereuse by   @badassindistress (me)
1700s AU | G | Bahorel/Fantine | 13k (complete)
Felix Tholomyès, like any self-satisfied 18th century gentleman, thinks it only natural he hides his mistress away at his hunting lodge. Bahorel, who stumbles upon Fantine and her adorable daughter on his way home to see his family, disagrees entirely. He thinks Fantine should be free to make friends and enjoy herself, preferably far away from Tholomyès. Fantine just wants a safe place for her daughter to grow up and make friends. Cosette just wants to find worms with the chickens…
A mid-1700s adventure of wigs, silk dresses, respectful friendships and daring flights to freedom.
Under a Moonlit Sky by @badassindistress (me again)
Canon era | G | Bahorel/Fantine | 19k (complete)
The year is 1817. After Félix Tholomyès' little suprise, a despairing Fantine thinks she might go to her hometown of M-sur-M to find work. Instead, she decides to find Tholomyès and make him acknowledge Cosette. Enter a young man who would love to have an excuse to travel South (as far away from the law faculty as possible) and is uniquely suited to hunting down terrible men...
And lastly, some delightful art of the True OTP by @everyonewasabird
And another wonderful one on the same excellent theme by @pilferingapples (who opened my eyes to this excellent ship)
EDIT: I found the other fic I was looking for:
Angels and Devils by Bobbiewickham
Canon era | G | Bahorel &Fantine |2k
Fantine goes out to a dance with Tholomyès, and meets an angry young man.
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owlinaminor · 9 months
one thing i am really enjoying about reading thru the barricade chapters in les mis letters is that hugo clearly understands how protest movements operate. like, since the last time i read this book, i've gotten really involved in organizing (in my protest band and NYC's BLM movement), and so much of this section reads true to me. the different roles that all of les amis take on... the quick way they build a barricade... corinthe as a home base and a site of revolution... the conversations as they try to get other working class people to understand that this is "their fight too" ....
and this from today's chapter, especially:
"One would have pronounced them brothers, but they did not know each other’s names."
like!!! i could say this about so many people i've known through actions over the last couple of years. nothing has changed in the protest movements in 200 years, really -- the issues aren't that different, and the tactics aren't that different either. <3
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kvothes · 8 months
word game: spent ! ^-^
Dear Éponine,
And I got over it within a month, and then spent seven years not being able to tell you that. So let me say it now with my entire chest: I DON’T CARE THAT YOU STOLE MY BOYFRIEND WHEN WE WERE TEENAGERS. WE HAD BARELY BEEN DATING A MONTH AND I WAS MOVING OUT OF TOWN ANYWAY ALSO HIS PALMS WERE ALWAYS SWEATY.
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“I can only tell your lordship the facts as disclosed to me. She is under charter to a French general, Count Cambronne.” “Cambronne? Cambronne? The man who commanded the Imperial Guard at Waterloo?” “That’s the man, my lord.” “The man who said, ‘The Old Guard dies, but does not surrender’?” “Yes, my lord, although report says he actually used a ruder expression.”
C.S. Forester, Admiral Hornblower in the West Indies
Today’s Les Mis has a tie-in to the Hornblower novels!
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dreamingmappist · 1 year
I got into Les Mis Letters as a motivation tool to get me to actually pick up this brick of a book (metaphorically since I mostly read the Thirlwell ebook) so I can get into the fandom.
After the Les Mis movie came out I saw all these works coming out on ao3 but they referenced things I had no idea about so I kept telling myself: someday I’ll read the book and it will all make sense.
Anyway I did actually get a print copy but it’s a Denny translation (which I heard bad things about) and I tried a few chapters thinking I’d annotate it by hand—and I didn’t like it as much. On the other hand, I am surprisingly enjoying Thirlwell’s version.
I have honestly failed out of all of Victor Hugo’s books I’ve tried before but I think I’ll try again. Reading it slowly and serially is interesting—it makes me imagine myself as a reader of that time period where most stories are serialized. (I mean I do the same with the fanfics or webnovels or webtoons I follow, and that’s what we do with daily soaps and other currently airing tv so it’s not as out-of-date a reading mode as you’d think)
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akallabeth-joie · 1 year
Happy Les Miserables 1.6.2. to all those who celebrate.
[ie, Valvert shippers]
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i'm so mad I never finished d'Espoirs en Aurores because i'm still so proud of that first chapter, and I KNOW it was supposed to be filled with Marius and Cosette growing outside of each other only to be reunited and gently fall in love again as more mature adults (and also kiss Courfeyrac) but now I don't remember enough and so every now and then i reread that first chapter and I just yearn fjfjddk
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secretmellowblog · 4 months
Update: I will finally post the third chapter of Annoyances (my deeply bizarre tragicomedic post-seine fic) soon! And the fourth chapter should be ready not too long after that.
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luceracastro · 4 months
(Enzo Vogrincic x Reader)
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Summary: Rumors circulate both Enzo and famous singer Aitana, you who is his costar, friend, and also the girl who has the hugest crush on him doesn't take too kindly to the rumors and distances yourself from him and he is beyond clueless as to why his favorite girl doesn't speak to him anymore.
Warnings: Some angst and fluff, little makeout sesh, jealousy on reader's part and Enzo's, slight Blas x reader, no hate towards the beautiful Aitana in this nor to Male (Matia's girlfriend) it's a Spanglish fic!
you must have thought your phone was practically playing tricks on you but it wasn't, there it was in bold letters "¿aitana y enzo?" the huge bold letters and a whole passionate article on the topic were enough to ruin your day.
"Que pasa contigo nena?" Male had asked as she sat down beside you, she and Mati were kind enough to let you stay at their place for a while since you lived in Spain but just found your apartment too saddening and empty especially after filming and being in a full hotel for months and always being around people.
"Nada, la verdad" you smiled with a small look in your eye that she knew way too well "Que pasa?" she asked once more and you flipped your phone down on her leg, she put her cup down to look through it and her eyes widened "Aye linda, por esto estas triste?" her small smile made you frown "Enzo no es nada amor mio, obvio le tengo cariño pero mami tu mereces mejor créeme," she said with a small smile
you chuckled a little and shook your head "Ven vamos por algo de comer," she pulled you up trying to wipe the small frown off your face and it worked, between her and Mati making you laugh and the food set on the table you found yourself laughing and having fun.
however, what you didn't expect was for there to be a knock on the door and for Enzo to walk in like nothing was wrong, and in reality, nothing was wrong because he was clueless about the whole situation "Hola hermosa," he bent down a small hug which you returned uninterested and he furrowed his brows slightly confused but nonetheless thought nothing of it
him and Mati went into the kitchen and he nodded his head towards the table where you and Male spoke "Que pasa con la nena?" Enzo asked as Mati turned to look at you and he did notice your off attitude but he also was a nosy one who listened to you and Male's conversation and he knew all too well why "Piensa por un Minuto Enzo," he said and Enzo tried to think but to no avail "Dime," he pleaded and Mati laughed
"Que?" Enzo asked and Mati shook his head "Nada, Nada vamos," after that Enzo noticed when he asked you something you answered with short uninterested answers, and when he was talking you were fixed on your phone and it was kinda bothering him, he hated being ignored and by you, it's like a kick to the gut. "Oye casi haces que Enzo llora," Mati said with a small smile as he sat beside you and you shrugged "Pues que vaya con la tal Aitana," you said a small snarky remark which you instantly regretted, the poor girl was sweet like sugar and Enzo didn't even know you liked him
"¿Ahora te das cuenta de lo mal que suenas?" Mati asked "Si, Si ya lo se," you shook your head sighing, "Entonces porque no le dices a Enzo lo que sientes," Mati asked and you laughed a bit too loud "No no, eso seria muy vergonzoso," you shook your head and he sighed "Eres una pelotuda la verdad nena, si no te mueves asi" he snapped his fingers "A lo mejor la Aitana te lo gana" he said a small smirk on his lips making you smack his arm as he laughed "Callate Boludo," you however couldn't help but smile at Mati
"Oye vamos por unas cervesas?, esta preguntando el Pipe," Mati asked with phone in hand and you nodded a small smile on your lips "Pero una cosa linda, Enzo va estar eh," he warned and you rolled you eyes "Sólo porque él esté ahí no significa que no quiera estar con mis amigos" you said and he nodded "Bueno, perdon," he left the doorway of the borrowed room he was allowing you to stay in and you got up getting ready for the night
"Lista, aye nena que linda," Male looked at you a smile on her lips as she reached her hand out for yours "Tu mas, bueno vamos vamos," you both laughed the whole way there Mati following close and as soon as you enter the restaurant/bar you are met with the boys and even Enzo which of course you understood he was obviously going to be there but it would be ten times harder to ignore him now
hugs went all around but reaching Enzo all you did was smile a small hello escaping your lips but he didn't let it slide "Y mi abrazo?" he asked a small smirk displayed on his lips, you gave him a quick side hug but everyone noticed the sort of small tension and you moved to sit beside Blas, "Hola bonita," he rested his arm behind the top of your chair "Hola, que ordenaste tu de tomar?' you asked looking through the small menu of many drinks
Enzo however watched from afar, you and Blas were friends but you always sat beside him what was different now? he subtly rolled his eyes drinking his beer and looking anywhere else while sometimes catching glimpses of you touching Blas's curls or just laughing and joking around with him in general until he was full on staring at you both and even growing an attitude with the others.
"Y tu que?" Fran asked looking at Enzo "Se ve que te vas a tragar al Blas vivo," Juani said a small giggle escaping his lips already slightly tipsy "Nada, Nada para que me molestaria que le habla a T/n?" he said taking another long swig of beer and Fran smiled "Nunca dijimos que eso era la razon," and Enzo looked at Fran "Voy al baño" Enzo got up and left the table "Oye linda, habla con Enzito porque esta amargando la noche con su actitud" Pipe said in your ear his breath smelling like beer and tequila "Yo por que?" you asked with a bit of attitude in your voice and a shrug of your shoulders "porque obviamente está enojado porque le estás dando más atención a Blas que a él" Pipe said as you furrowed your brows "Estas loco," you said shaking your head
"Nena andale, quiero disfrutar no cuidar de un enojon y unos borrachos," Male said with a small frown and you sighed hands on the table trying to balance yourself "Bueno Bueno ya voy," you groaned and left the table but not before apologizing to Blas and walking around looking for Enzo, you checked outside the bathrooms and around the restaurant "Perdon has visto un chico alto, pelo negro y con ojos cafes, tambien tiene el pelo medio largito?" you asked a waiter who shook his head "perdon" he said and you sighed looking around and asking but yet no one had seen him
your last resorts were to go and look outside in both front and back but you were closer to the back so you exited through the back door looking around and he was there more farther down the side of the backdoor smoking a cigarette "Oye, que te pasa?" you asked arms crossed since the harsh wind hit you and he looked down at you his face blank but you could tell something was bothering him "nada, Vuelve adentro, hace mucho frío" he said as he turned to look away and blew out a puff of smoke and you put all your weight on one foot rolling your eyes "Vamos, todos estan preguntado por ti," he chuckled bitterly "Vuelve adrento con Blas querida, los dos sabemos que eso prefieres aser," he said and you furrowed your brows a hurt look on your face
"Eres una mierda sabes," he turned to see the tears rimming your eyes and he sighed his eyes closing for a moment and the regret was written all over his face "perdon, perdon," but you shook your head "Y no prefieres estar con la Aitana? o sea eso dicen por ahi" you shot back and he shook his head "Tu crees eso? nomas tuvimos un vuelo y una noche con amigos y conocidos juntos, eso era todo no somos nada," he said but you shook your head "Oh pero yo estoy pasandola bien con un amigo y eso significa que quiero con el no seas pendejo Enzo" you yourself laughed bitterly and he sighed grabbing you
"No soy un pendejo, que quieres que yo piensa cuando le haces esos sonrisas, caricias, y juegas con su pelo eh?" he said he was in your face and you both were only inches apart "Eso no significa nada, yo te hice esos cosas tambien" you shrugged "Si eso es lo que me molesta, Solo hacias esas cosas a mi, no a Fran, Mati, Juani, Pipe, ni a Esteban, nomas a mi!" you looked at him like he was crazy but then again it sunk in your brain that he was jealous, Enzo was jealous, you both looked into each others eyes, then his eyes flickered to your lips but you beat him to it as you pulled his face in for a kiss
you both pulled away after a moment and you both looked at each other before he pulled you in once more, bodies pressed together as you both kissed the other with force and need but it didn't last long "Enzo! T/n! Enzo! T/n!" Juani's voice was heard and you both pulled away quickly and Enzo groaned a face of annoyance "Que!" he yelled out "Donde estan?" Juani asked and you grabbed Enzo's hand pulling him with you "Lo encontre, nos distraimos hablando perdon" you laughed nervously but noticed Juani's red eyes which were also watery "Que paso querido?" you asked and he sighed "Pensé que los perdi, y no quiero perder los" he was drunk and it was evident with his slurred words and the scent of beer radiating off of him
Enzo stifled a laugh as you smacked his arm and wrapped your arm around Juani "No ya, ya no llores, aqui estamos amor ya," he dug his face into the crook of your neck as you smiled and you three entered the bar, Enzo watching you both from the back.
at the end of the night you all made it to a food truck that had the best food (According to Fran) and you all ordered your food and ate little by little but you and Enzo took some stolen glances at one another, "¿Tengo que dar un paseo, Enzo?" he knew that was your way of asking him to come along and he stood up walking closer to you, everyone looked either relieved or gave you teasing smiles before returning to their meal
you two at first walked in pure silence, "Debemos de hablar, de el beso" Enzo said and you turned your head to look at him "No te gusto?" you asked with no emotion yet he caught the almost not visible smile on your face "al contrario, me encanto pero quiero saber que significa eso?" he asked his hands dug into the pockets of his jacket and you stopped in your tracks turning to face him "Significa que me gustas Enzo," you told him straight up and he looked down at you "Me gustas y hasta puedo decir que estoy enamorada de ti pero entiendo si no sientes lo miso" you said and he chuckled "Boluda estuve enamorado de ti desde que te conoci" he told you giving you a kiss on your forehead pulling you in for a hug as you sighed his chin resting on the top of your head and his arms around you engulfing you entirely "Y porque no me dijiste nada?" you asked and he smiled "Porque cuando te conoci pense que eras muy chica para mi, una niña," he said "Enzo tenia 21 años," you told him
"Y yo los 27" he said and you giggled "Eso no es mucho" you smiled up at him "Bueno, si no te da molestia que voy estar usando un baston antes que ti, quieres ser mi novia?" he asked and you froze "En serio?" you asked and he nodded and you grinned "Me encantaria," and the walk was ended, coming back hand in hand Fran smiled "Salieron de malas y regresan de novios, quien los entienden" Fran laughed as did the others
"Aye callate estupido" you smiled sitting down "Tu boluda" that was the end of the night, all of you enjoying a night out and you going back to Enzo's at the end ;)
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vinelark · 1 month
what r some fics that shaped your psyche? you have so many good recs im currently rereading the to an athlete dying young series
hello! you sent me this ask ages ago and i've been meaning to get to it ever since. (it took me so long to answer that i'm sure you've reread to an athlete dying young by @sonosvegliato many times over by now but hell yeah, what a good one.)
these are a few fics--dc and beyond--that have been in my "in case of emergency" epub folder (aka fics i want to have on hand immediately to reread on bad days, or good days, or even average days) for a few years now. so here is an extremely incomplete list of fics that have shaped my psyche!
for dc specifically--if i tried to list all of them i would just end up repeating my whole fic rec tag, so these are just a few of the ones i read when i was getting into this fandom that stayed with me/made me want to seek out more for these characters:
📸 surveillance series by @smilebackwards
this series located the tim drake center of my brain and lit it up like the vegas strip.
🎒 like a hinge, like a wing by @bonesbuckleup
one of my go-to rereads for pangs; chapter one is a masterclass in tension. also, one of my favorite pre-robin tim pov fics of all time.
💻 nominal by @unpretty
"you don't get it, batman is a comedy" --conversation i've had with multiple people using this fic as my thesis statement.
🌃 the jingle jangle morning by @audreycritter
the moment somebody in my vicinity says "i love dick grayson" i'm on their doorstep with this fic url.
🚉 a meditation on railroading by @eggmacguffin
there's a moment in this fic known among my friends as "baby wipes jason" and it has successfully converted no less than three people to the fandom.
and then for non-dc fic:
🌌 atlas by @megafaunatic (mdzs & tgcf)
did i read this before i had a single clue who the characters were? yes. did i return to it once i did and lose my mind a little? yes. lore etymologyplayground writes that “so so so in love and pining so hard the lines between us are blurring and we haven’t made a move yet but it’s inevitable” flavor with such a deft hand; it is in fact called the lorezone. if any friends-to-lovers pining i write can achieve even 50% of a lorezone i will have done my job.
🪿 If they caught you by @feyburner (tgcf)
i go back to this when i think about setup and payoff, when i think about subtle misdirects, when i think about the monumental task of creating whole compelling new characters in 6k words.
🧪 away childish things by lettered (hp)
one of the best de-aging trope stories i've ever read; i think of this when i want to take a trope to its maximum potential and then go: no wait, there's even more.
(another fav de-aging fic is grow by @cafecliche; shorter plot but no less pangs 🌱)
🏡 in defiance of all geometry by @idiopath-fic-smile (les mis)
a fic that's a perfect reread when i need something cozy and full of character, and a perfect touchstone when i'm pondering something where the world may not hang in the balance but the stakes still matter.
📔 The Absolutely True Story of the Yiling Patriarch: A Manifesto in Many Parts by aubreyli (cql/mdzs)
paragon of metahumor, basically. i think of this when i want to write something that's funny in both text and form.
🍚 and his wanting grows teeth by @yuebings (cql/mdzs)
masterclass in pangy backstory reveal; the way the first scene loops back around to punch you in the gut long after you've forgotten it will forever be seared into my brain.
also, most answers on this list fit the bill!
(apologies again that this answer is so belated; it took me ages to write up partially because i kept stopping to reread these fics every time i tried.)
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fayes-fics · 4 months
When The World Is Free: Chapter 9 - Partance
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, WW2 AU.
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Warnings: A tiny touch of spice... some making out, celebrations and some more late-night confessions.
Word Count: 3.4k
Author’s Note: Multi-chapter fic based on a request by the lovely @amillcitygirl. Please see the masterpost for a synopsis of this story. This is when we find out if their whole gamble pays off... Happy Valentine’s Day! This is my gift to you 🫶 Also, be warned that the rating will increase in the next chapter. 😉 Thanks to @colettebronte for beta reading. Enjoy!
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Montivilliers (just outside Le Havre), September 1939
You awaken early to the smell of fresh coffee brewing. A glance into the living room, as you wander downstairs towards the enticing scent, shows the sofa is already rearranged and blankets neatly stowed, as if not slept on at all - a little twinge behind your ribs at Benedict’s forethought around the ruse you shared a bed last night.
Almost reluctant, you enter the kitchen, and there he is, pouring two cups from the cafetière, the sunlight catching the ring on his finger as he does so. Your husband. Benedict Bridgerton. He twists, and you see he is wearing glasses, taking you by surprise. On the table, you spy a newspaper open. You are momentarily embarrassed that you are married to a man you know so little about; you didn't even know he wore reading glasses.
“Good morning,” his greeting is soft but apprehensive. 
“Good morning,” you mumble back, taking the proffered cup from him without quite letting your fingers touch.
Guilt eats at your soul as you take a seat, the creak of the old chair as you sit down seeming so loud in the otherwise silent room - guilt about pushing him too far with kissing, guilt about your confession, as if you burdened his sleeping subconscious with an unfair weight. It makes the need to talk about anything else bubble up within you.
“I had an idea,” you break the silence as he takes a seat. He says nothing in response, just looks at you expectantly. “We could pretend our relationship developed long distance. Say that we met through Eloise a few years ago? But were both with other people at the time. Perhaps we wrote to each other and, over time, grew close? I thought we could write some ‘fake’ love letters this morning. Fold them up, make them look a little old and creased, you know, and then exchange? Carry the letters as if we truly sent them to each other. It doesn't have to be many. Maybe 3 or 4? Backdated, of course.”
As you talk, his face lights up. “It’s brilliant!” he enthuses quietly, whipping off his glasses. “It's the perfect explanation! Then it makes sense I rush to Paris to rescue you! And my sister. The outbreak of war made me realise what you truly mean to me,” he spitballs, talking fast, gesturing animatedly. “It would explain our whirlwind marriage too - that we couldn't live another day apart without…. without being together with the looming uncertainty of war.”
His chair drags loudly across the tile as he stands up rapidly, grabs your hands, and hauls you up and into an embrace, lifting you off the ground and twirling around—a spontaneous celebration.
“You are brilliant!” he exclaims fervently, and then your lips find each other impromptu. A kiss that starts as a mere brush to seal the pact rapidly morphs into something else. Before you know it, your mouths are open, tongues tangled, and he is hoisting you higher in his arms, his hands grabbing your thighs, wrapping your legs around his waist so your nightgown rides up to your hips, the heat of his pelvis crushed against yours through thin cotton pyjamas….
And that is the sight which greets the returning homeowners and Eloise. 
A loud squeak from Marie has you rocketing apart, sliding down his torso back to your feet, cheeks aflame. But it's too late. There is no way to deny what they walked in upon-–you wrapped around Benedict’s body as you kiss fiercely.
“Wow… I miss that passion,” Jerome wisecracks in a bid to break the tension.
Although she is silent, the look on Eloise’s face is one you won't soon forget—shock, abhorrence but a streak of inquisition, as if taking on new information and filing it away. 
You and Benedict both mutter apologies in unison, which seems to charm your hosts even more into good-natured joshing as they unpack croissants and jams from a wicker basket.
“A breakfast for our newlyweds,” Marie chimes with a wink. “I’m sure you need sustenance after a night like yours.”
In some ways, although mortifying, you cannot deny the cinch they caught you in does not exactly hurt the illusion of you being a real couple.
And so you all take a seat and begin breakfast together. Each treat on the table is delicious, and the conversation flows easily.
“You do know Solene will be mad she was not invited to the wedding,” Eloise remarks offhand at one point.
“Pssh! Let me deal with my sister,” Marie counters with an almost stereotypical Gallic shrug and a dismissive chuckle. 
With a couple of hours until your sailing, you pack the few things you unpacked in the last couple of days and then turn to letter writing as Eloise reads. You sit outside, a delicate breeze over your sleeves as Benedict joins you. You agree on some dates and then fall silent as you pick up pen and paper and compose letters. 
Yours don't feel sophisticated, but they feel honest - writing about actual events back home and more recently in Paris to lend an air of believability, interspersed with words of affection, longing, and hope to be reunited. Your final letter is dated the day war was declared, expressing a need to see him as soon as possible.
You have no idea what Benedict is writing, but his intensity and speed impress you, pages seeming to pile up around his elbows as you see glimpses of his elegant, looped script.
“I just have much to say, that’s all,” he responds, somewhat enigmatic when you express your concern that his letters appear much longer than yours.
Before you know it, Jerome and Marie are dropping you off at the port in Le Havre, hugging you all so tightly with promises of letters, telegrams, and phone calls. You will certainly miss them and Solene; they have been so welcoming to you, even for such a short period.
Benedict wraps an arm around your shoulder as a porter loads your cases onto a trolley and accompanies you to the boarding queue.
“Just like we practised,” he turns his head and murmurs into your ear so only you hear. 
And then he sweeps you into his arms and kisses you, instantly opening your mouth under his, your pulse racing even among the crowd.
“Do you mind?” Eloises hisses, disgust evident on her face.
Breaking the kiss, you giggle and bury your face in Benedict's shoulder as he shoots her his trademark elder brother look of derision.
“Do you want your best friend to come with us to England or not, sister? Because we have to look married and madly in love,” he points out, his arm stroking your back.
“You don't have to swallow her face,” Eloise grouses, folding her arms and narrowing her eyes as she pouts, looking aside.
“The more convincing, the better,” he counters, but their dispute is interrupted by your being called forward to the desk.
After asking for your tickets and passport, the surly young man looks at your passport and frowns.
“Are you planning to remain in the UK?” His ask is terse.
“Yes,” you reply, clear but polite.
“She is my wife,” Benedict cuts in, that arm back across your shoulders.
“Do you have proof?” the man looks sceptical.
Benedict produces the marriage certificate from a folio in his case. 
The man scans the document, his frown deepening. “You got married yesterday?” His questioning tone raises the attention of others nearby.
Your heart leaps into your mouth as a face you recognise materialises from behind a glass office. It's Theo Sharpe - the young soldier Eloise met in the bistro a few days ago.
“Is there a problem here, Jones?” he asks with an official tone.
“These two just got married. I have concerns…”
Theo peers at Benedict and you as if assessing you as a couple.
“What sort of concerns? They look in love to me…”
“We have letters!” you pipe up, nerves jangling.
“Love letters we have written to each other over the months.” Benedict takes over. “When war broke out, I had to come and rescue the woman I loved. And then I could not resist proposing. And yes, we married yesterday. Sirs, you likely know better than anyone - war brings clarity to a man’s heart like nothing else. I could not go another day without her being my wife…” his speech is reserved but impassioned, and when he is done, he tucks you under his arm, kissing your forehead. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eloise frown as he hands over your letters, and you do the same with his from your handbag. Theo takes the pile and unfolds them, his eyebrow rising at something in one from Benedict’s pile.
“Jones, tell me that is not the sign of a man in love,” he tilts the page to his fellow soldier, seemingly pointing to a particular line.
The man coughs and runs a finger into his collar.  “Oh… well… yes…” he seems to stumble, his cheeks heating.
What on earth did Benedict write?
“I think we can safely say they are a real couple, can't we?” Theo argues, refolding the letters and handing them back to you.
“Yes, yes, I think so…” the man agrees hesitantly.
“Well then, please issue the lady with the paperwork for residency,” Theo prompts, almost impatient.
You can barely contain the furl of excitement as the man dutifully grabs an official certificate and transfers your details, passing it under an embossing stamp and placing it inside your passport.
“Welcome to the United Kingdom, Mrs Bridgerton,” he smiles tightly as you see Theo shoot Eloise the briefest of winks behind the man’s back.
“Thank you, sir,” you breathe, almost stunned into a quiet silence, as again you are in Benedict's strong embrace. 
“Well done, you were perfect,” he assures a few moments later as you walk up the ramp onto the ferry, his arms never having left your shoulders since. 
With reality finally setting in, relief and elation radiate from inside - like the sunny day seeping into your being, making you feel the lightest you have felt in weeks. You can't help the grin you shoot him and drop a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“All thanks to you,” you demure as you cross onto the deck, “I owe you my life.”
“You owe me no such thing,” he counters immediately and sincerely. “Your idea - the letters - that is what sealed your future. You are much smarter and stronger than you give yourself credit for,” he adds, his tone ardent, a hand tenderly cupping your jaw as his thumb strokes your cheek. 
Again, you find yourself lost in his eyes.
“God’s sake, you can quit the mooning now, you idiots,” Eloise gripes and elbows Benedict unceremoniously out of the way, drawing you into a bear hug. “I’m so happy!” she chimes into your ear.
“Me too,” you reply, laughing joyously, hugging her back as fiercely.
“I may have planned for this,” she winks, withdrawing to pull a bottle of champagne from her bag with a flourish. 
And so, as the ferry pulls out of port and enters the English Channel, the three of you raise a toast to France as you watch the shoreline slip away. A kaleidoscope of emotions washing over you - a bittersweet farewell to your all-too-short French adventure, but also excitement and apprehension for the start of something new. A stay in England. And a new husband, well, sort of. For the first time, the future feels completely unwritten in a way that is freeing.
When you arrive in Portsmouth that evening, you immediately head for the stately Royal Maritime Hotel by the port. But there is a snag when you get to the check-in desk. The late hour and no reservation means only one room is left—with one double bed. 
“I will sleep on the floor,” Benedict offers, ever the gentleman, as you all accept the room, knowing it's likely a similar story in all the other hotels with this many people escaping mainland Europe.
After dropping your luggage, you all head to dinner, which becomes drinks in a local bar, all of you wanting the celebratory mood to last a little longer. You nurse just one drink while Eloise seems determined to drain the port city dry, tipsily wandering off to the little dancefloor in the back room. 
At some later point, while Benedict is at the bar paying the tab, Eloise returns, sidling up to your seat and loops her arms around you.
“You know how much I love you…?” 
“What do you want, Eloise?” you chuckle, patting her elbow as you let her sway you with her hug.
“I've met someone,” she whispers excitedly, her breath sweetened by brandy, “and I realllllly like him. His name is Phillip. He’s lovellllyyy,” she singsongs.
“That's nice. But what does that have to do with me?” you ask, amused.
“If I were to spend the evening with him, would that be okay? With you?” 
“You've never asked my permission to enjoy your previous dalliances, El; why now?” You are finding her thoroughly entertaining.
“Becaaaaause it means you will be stuck alone in a room with my brother,” she spells out. “And no woman should have to endure that,” she counsels with faux gravity, only mildly undermined by her comedic look of horror.
Your stomach vaults at the idea of a night alone with Benedict in a hotel room, but you must school your face to one of casual indifference.
“El, I shared a cottage with him last night; I think I can handle it.”
“Oh yes… and what in God's name was this morning all about?” she suddenly shifts the topic, raising an eyebrow pointedly.
You do your best not to choke on your sip of cocktail. “We saw you all coming up the path. Benedict thought it best for the ruse if we were caught in a compromising situation,” you bluff, waving your hand dismissively, even as you feel your cheeks glowing at the mere memory.
She side-eyes you momentarily but seems to accept it, giving you one more squeeze before bidding you goodnight. Her farewell to Benedict at the bar appears to be a smack on the arm and a warning with a pointed finger—ever the loving siblings. Then, with a flutter of butterflies under your ribs about the night ahead, you and Benedict head back to the hotel.
“Thank you again,” your tone is sincere as he unlocks the room. “If we had only known Theo would be at the port, maybe we wouldn't have had to go through all we did,” you point out wincingly, still apologetic, as he secures the door closed.
“We did what we had to. We were very fortunate he was there today; it was a wonderful coincidence, but we had to prepare for any circumstance. Besides, it is all water under the bridge now. You have your paperwork. You have your residency,” he points out brightly.
“But you had to marry me….” you point out, unable to let it go, guilt still shadowing your heart. “That was a huge sacrifice.”
“I am not the one who had to break a promise to another,” he counters softly. “You had to be the brave one here. You should not think of yourself as selfish. And you should feel free to pursue whatever you want in this world, y/n.”
Something in the choice of words in his heartfelt petition seems oddly reminiscent, but you cannot pinpoint it.
“I will still sleep on the floor,” he adds reassuringly, removing his coat.
“We… we could share…?” you feel your heart pound as you extend the tentative offer. 
The look on his face is indecipherable, but you don't miss how his pupils dilate a fraction. “I promise not to kick…” his response is a genial callback to your discussion days ago.
You giggle, feeling that lightness in your being again. “And if you do, I’m sure I could find plenty of rope to remedy that. We are right by a port after all,” you can't help but banter back, gesturing to the harbour outside the window.
His responding warm laugh is like a balm.
He excuses himself to shower, and while he is gone, you unpack some basics. As you are delving in your bag for your hairbrush, the pile of letters Benedict handed you spills out. 
Intrigued, you unfold them—curious to know what Theo had seen. The letters are a thing of beauty; you find yourself crawling onto the bed to read them properly. Pages of lyrically crafted praise that make your correspondence seem entirely lacking, more akin to a boring newsletter. You find yourself swept up in reading - lines of poetry, yearning sentiments and a few racier epithets that make your breath catch and your blood run hot.
‘Every night since we met, my love, I dream of nothing but you. Endlessly. I dream of your laugh, your smile, that wonderful little crease on your forehead when you think I am being foolish. You captivate me - body and soul. I dream of that delectable noise you make when I kiss you. I dream of tasting your skin. I dream of you coming apart in my arms, grasping me so tight you leave finger marks on my body. One day, my love, one day…’
You almost jump out of your skin when Benedict reenters the room, freshly showered, his hair in damp curls, sporting a distractingly fitted white t-shirt. You attempt to conceal what you are reading, embarrassed somehow, but it’s too late.
“I was wondering if you would,” he laughs softly when he realises.
“I’m sorry,” you utter, feeling as if you have snooped somewhere you should not have.
“Don't be,” he cuts in, smiling gently.
“How did you think up such poetic stuff?” you query, fingertips tracing almost reverentially over the words. A wistful ache in your being, hoping anyone would ever be inspired to write such an elegy to you one day.
“I just told the truth,” he shrugs.
“You must’ve been in love with whoever has made you feel like this in the past,” you sigh, standing up to put the letters aside on a table, feeling as if they definitely do not belong to you. Conscious of the slim band around your left ring finger, like a guilty weight stopping him from that possible life.
There is a long pause, making you look up at him. He is drawing near, something profound burning in his expression.
“You,” he breathes finally. “You inspired this in me.”
The confession knocks the breath from your very lungs, almost a need to bend double.
“Wh….” you cannot even find enough voice to finish a simple word.
He moves closer until you are almost touching.
“I heard you…” he admits softly, his fingers encircling your wrist, then bringing your hand close to his face. “Last night, when you thought I was asleep…” a plunge of utter dread in your stomach as you realise what he means. Your confession.
Oh no.
“Benedict, I….” but you can't finish. There is no end to that sentence, even in your quick mind.
“So I thought it was only fair you have mine,” he continues, a flicker of a modest but charming smile as he tilts his head to the pile of letters. 
Your eyes cut briefly to them before darting back to him.
“Y… you dream of nothing but me…?” you stutter, parroting one of the many memorable lines, a flicker of desire and hope and yearning so strong you can't help but ask.
His smile turns crooked. “Every night…” he confirms, eyes glittering.
“A-all of it?” you can barely utter it, your cheeks heating as you recall precisely what he wrote that he dreams about.
“Every word,” he asserts before his warm lips brush the back of your knuckles. 
It's like you are thrown into a hurricane, a hundred thoughts and feelings tumbling, making your breath catch hard in your lungs. But it all converges into one singularity as you stare up into those hypnotic eyes. An overwhelming need coursing through you. For him. A longing that is tart on your tongue and deep in your core. And you are powerless to do anything but grab his neck and pull him down into a searing kiss. 
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Benedict taglist: @foreverlonginguniverse @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spitt @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @amygdtjhddzvb @sya-skies @balladynaaa
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