#leader leo
turtlesaus · 10 months
Leader Leonardo - TurtleDuck AU
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(Most of the design choices were inspired form Pinterest, IDK who drew them cause literally noone cited their sources x-x) (Art Updated!)
I said that I would write more on each character, so here we are! I will be starting off strong with;
Leonardo Hamato
Nicknames: Leon, Nardo, Leader Lero Race/Species: Turtle Mutant/Yokai Age: XXX (Changes though time lol) Height: XXX (Same as age) Gender/Pronouns: He/Him/They Job: Eldest Child/Leader/Medic
Leonardo's personality, and really whole existance, is probably the most different thing in the whole AU. Unlike his cannon counterpart, in this AU Leonardo has been the Leader from childhood. After a random comment from their father pointing out the fact that he was the eldest, he's taken his role very seriously.
After a particularly bad day, he wrote out a list of what he didn't want to experience, how he wanted to be treated, and how he wished others treated him, they applied it to his leadership style.
This created a very present, informative, flexable, ideal leader, shaped around what his brothers would need in their lives. Using that style, he has lead his brothers until this day.
Outside of his role as Leader, Leo is also the Team Medic. Because Donnie couldn't handle the textures, Raph's anxiety was too high, and Mikey's ADHD made it hard for him to learn the fine parts, Leo stood forwards and learned as much as possible, so his brothers would be safe.
When he's not the medic or the leader, Leo loves to cook, and is the main chef in the household. (I know that cannonically its Mikey, but when we get to him, you'll see why I did this)
He's a tea person, and takes naps on his off days. He's his brother's main trainer, so he is proficient in many different weapons and styles, as well as his brothers different learning styles. He keeps a notebook filled with every fact possibble about his loved ones, so he can remember exactly what they like and dislike.
Since childhood he's become sore and achey, nothing severe, most days, but enough that he already act like a dad when he stands up. In the opposite of that fact, he is extremely agile, and stretches every morning and evening.
He meditates during training as well, and was the first to unlock his ninpo powers.
As mentioned, Leo was the first to activate his Ninpo. After that, he made sure to completely master his skills before teaching his brothers, that way he could know exactly what to expect before teaching them.
His skill is still primarily portals, but instead of needing the sword, he first learned how to portal without them, then found using a weapon made it easier to focus his power. He is able to teleport without any focus item, but it takes a lot out of him, and he can only do it about two or three times before he's completely exhausted.
His primary weapon/focus items are twin Katana's, unlike his cannon version, but he is proficient in most of his sibling's weapons and a whole manner of fighting style and jutsu's, as he was his family's trainer, and it was neccesary.
I'm not going to say all the new developments that are coming in the future, but once I post those chapters, i'll add them in here.
After splinter escaped, he went to attack who he thought was the mastermind of these 'evil mutated monsters' (He wasn't the most wonderful man, and he was very xenophobic). In the process, he got mutated, along with Leo and his brothers. Directly after they were mutated, the lab exploded, and Draxum was unable to save any of them, believing them to of all died.
After he dragged the turtle children and himself down into the sewers, Splinter attempted to make the best of his situation, and built a small shelter where the now-lair is, but soon fell into a deep deppression, leaving the turtle-tots to fend for themselves.
In the sudden absence of a parental figure, Leo stood forwards as the eldest child, single handedly taking caring of his brothers and his father, and continued to build the swers into a comfortable place for his family.
He soon began climbing to the surface to get food and other neccesary household items, qickly adapting to the surface. At some point he discovered the HIDDEN WORLD and began using that as a main source of food and items. Because the Hidden World uses mostly a trade-based lifestyle, Leo and his brother's began growing veggies and produce in one of the sewer chambers, thanks to Donnie's tech-genius, and began trading them for other food and items.
With sudden access to books and knowledge, Leo began soaking in info like a sponge, deciding to teach himself and his brothers ninjutsu after a particularly vivid dream (cough cough hamato clan cough cough). He quickly learned, then began teaching his brothers their own speficic weapons and skills, the Hamato Ninpo Skills coming soo after.On top of the ninjutsu, he also learned and taught his family different Japanese traditions, manners, and other things, as well as the Japanese language.
When Leo was 9 he met a boy named Casey Jones who had been kicked out of his house for the day (Casey's Father was a particularly abusive and neglective person) and Leo decided to take him home. After that, Casey almost always stays with the boys, instead of going home.
When Leo was 10 he met a girl named April O'Neil, who had an awesome mother (thank you very much) and quickly she adopted the Hamato's into her family. Claire, April's badass single mother, had seen crazier, and also adopted the adorable (abandoned) children into her extended family. In crisis, the boys go to Mrs. O'Neil's.
When Leo was 14, he ran into Draxum and Big Mama, whom both were estatic to know that their joint effort of trying to understand how Yokai happened was in fact, still alive.
Both oathed that they wished no harm, and would be there to back the kids up if needed. Behind the scenes the two fight over custody, but Leo has told them that they are perfectly fine by themselves, and woud rather not be officially adopted. They still try though.
At 15 Leo was gifted a dream of the Hamato clan backstory and goal, and thus learned of the shredder's existance, as well as the foot clan. After that ordeal, they boys have been activley tracking them down, and trying to find a way to end the Foot clan/Shredder's reign.
Also Leo was accepted as the new Hamato Clan Head, after the souls of the clan decided that Splinter was no longer fit to be the head.
Family Dynamics
Leo & Donnie
Leo and Donnie are twins, and Donnie reluctanly accepts the fact. The two are the eldest, but are able to act like kids around each other. Donnie would be considered Leo's closest corespondant, and is the second-in-command.
Leo & Raph
Raph has some serious anxiety, and has trouble understanding big thought processes and plan, but Leo has always slowed down and simplified it for him. Because of the support he's gottne from Leo, Raph is very dependant on him to help him understand some things.
Leo & Mikey
Mikey had the hyperactive side of ADHD, and has trouble sitting still to do anything, eg cooking; he is very fast and haphazard, and usually it turns out good, but it usually can never be created again because he guestimates his measurements. Leo patiently teaches him things, even if he forgets the smaller details, and helps him focus of things he's passionate about.
Leo & Casey
Casey's dad sucks, and Leo really became that missing father figure/big brother figure in his life.
Leo & April
April and Leo are pretty close (She and Donnie are more linked) and is usually the 'Leeeroy Jeeeenkinszz!!' one of the three eldest children. Her badass-instictual style is a perfect pari for Leo's Badass-i-got-the-squills style.
To Be Added (Mirai and Cassandra)
Sorry for posting all character stuff and no chapters, im trying to get my writing juices flowing T-T
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tangerine-brooks · 6 months
each one of the seven secretly thinks "i'm the most useless person on this ship. everyone is doing smth cool fighting stuff and all and i'm just here. like an idiot"
exept for annabeth
she always thinks she's the most competent person in the room and it's usually true
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gejnialnie · 3 months
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hi I don't think this duo gets enough love, so here are my fave screenshots of Raph and Leo mirroring each other! :D
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look at this frame! don't their poses look similar, even though they're in totally different places?? well, there's a simple reason for it! we can see raph in the driver seat, his left hand on the wheel, while the other one's searching for someting, it's symbolising his active role as leader, while leo stands alongside him, his left hand on a handhold while he gestures with the other, showing him being less active and more of a passive presence, but he's ready on his feet, it's symbolising his potential as raph's co-leader but also him not yet being ready, still gripping the safety rails instead of the driving wheel-
(nah i'm kidding- like, was it just artists drawing similar poses in one scene? oh yeah most definitively! will that stop me from over-analysing? nope! :D this basically wrote itself!)
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sweeneydino · 2 months
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Leos are banned, except for '87.
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spectra-bear · 1 year
history repeats itself
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
I love Raph and haven’t said that enough so to be more specific I love that Raph is a soft boy who loves bear plushies, a gross boy who eats an assortment of things that are definitely better left alone, a smart boy who is more than capable of taking down villains through planning and fortitude alike, a strong boy who is dedicated to training his muscles and fighting prowess, a teenage boy who loves his brothers but is more than happy to tease and roughhouse with them, an angry boy who sometimes lets his anger take a hold of him to cover the fear, a gentle boy who is generous with hugs and affirmations to those he loves, a capable boy who takes on more than should ever be expected of a teenager, a good boy who just wants to be a hero and slowly comes to realize the cost of that duty, a good boy who has no reservations about putting himself in the way of harm coming to his family, a good boy who’s a great brother and son and person and deserves only the best the world has to offer.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt raph#rise raph#he’s so wonderful frfr#my poor boy is traumatized but still so proud of what they accomplished because they’re HEROES#what started as something fun - Saturday morning cartoon-like heroes vs villains esque - soon becomes his calling#and he loses himself a little along the way#because the world is TERRIFYING now#if they don’t do something about the bad things in the world then worse things will come#and Raph CARES too much to let it happen#even at the expense of his own happiness and youth#and he luckily reigns back that fear - knowing his family is there to keep an eye out with him#and he finally lets himself be a kid again#he’s very well rounded and his flaws are so good because (like the others) they are ALSO his strengths#I like how it’s softly implied that bears are his fav animal too bc that’s cute af#headcanon that he likes them so much because a stuffed bear was the first toy splinter managed to get Raph#but yeah one of my favorite things about tmnt is that the characters are well rounded and rottmnt exemplifies that immensely#with raph being no exception!!#amazing big brother and character#there’s a REASON in my tmnt main character tierlist he’s S tier!!!!#hot take but in terms of who should be leader I think it should be less who’s the better leader-#-and more who’s the better leader FOR THIS SPECIFIC MISSION#bc all four can be great leaders fight me on that#APRIL can as well 100%#doesn’t need a designated leader for them to succeed#they just need ~communication~#one of my favorite things tying Raph and Leo together is that they both *hide*#I’ve talked about Leo’s many masks a lot but Raph has one too#and it’s the mask of a hero - the mask of the protector
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circusinarun · 2 months
Our fav grandpa!
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luxtoony · 1 year
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Post movie hugs! 🙃 Part 2
You know that feeling you got like two months ago, where you craved hugs for all the possible combinations of the babies so you draw portal duo and suddenly everything gests angsty and oh God are those tears in my eyes?!
No text bubbles under the cut
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ilk-insolence · 6 months
Raph Is A Great Strategist
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Numerous times in the show Raph has shown to have a preference for straightforwardly punching his problems away rather than think up a more complex solution. Like how his immediate fix to getting Mayhem out of the mirror in Mystic Library was to punch everything in the bathroom but the mirror. However, when Raph understands the situation requires more in depth strategy, he’s shown to be an incredibly capable tactician.
(long post ahead!)
In nearly all the plot heavy episodes like Shadow of Evil, Many Unhappy Returns, and the season finales, Raph gets moments where he’s highlighted for his strategic thinking. In Insane in the Mama Train, he’s the one who figures out which eyeball-button goes to the front car with the dark armor, because “‘it was the only button [the Foot Clan] didn’t want me to press!’” [21:05]. He’s also the one who came up with the scheme to defeat all the (known) combatants in the train, with Leo specifically attributing Raph as the deviser during their mind meld [19:46]. In Many Unhappy Returns, after spending a single night waylaying the Shredder, Raph formulated a plan using all the tricks the team learned, seamlessly transitioning the mystic collar Leo acquired into it [19:53], to defeating the Shredder. Additionally, he’s repeatedly called for a retreat during fights, like in Shadow of Evil, Shreddy or Not (Finale pt 2), and the movie, when he can tactically recognize that a battle couldn’t be won. Each time, the show/movie implied that that was the right call, for the family to lose the fight but win the war.
And it’s not just that Raph is good at strategy when he’s pushed to be more serious; the show characterizes him as passionate about creating plans, he enjoys doing it. Literally in the first episode, Mystic Mayhem, after the turtles’ initial plan failed of getting Splinter out of the living room to touch his Do-Not-Touch Cabinet, Raph immediately started devising a new plan that involved “ten chickens [and] a gallon of rubber cement” [9:35]. It was convoluted, sure, and they didn’t end up using it, but it was inventive and the opposite of reluctant. This is also shown in Bug Busters, where Raph planned out dousing Mikey in honey to attract the oozequitoes [2:52]; Snow Day, with the idea to freeze Ghost Bear like in Jupiter Jim Pluto Vacation 4; and Raph’s Ride-Along (and also Bad Hair Day), where Mind Raph created multiple schemes to get the criminals arrested. The show wouldn’t have made Raph be so creative with his plans if they were trying to characterize him as someone who didn’t like strategizing.
So does why Raph do stupid shit sometimes where he doesn’t think things through at all? Well, even though Raph is good at strategy and enjoys doing it, it’s clear his immediate impulse is still “punch the problem in the face”. In fact, all the turtle boys contain the fascinating dichotomy of being incredibly smart in some areas, and the dumbest teenagers alive in others. Just look at Donnie. It’s also how Raph is a loving protective older brother, and the guy who shoved Leo into a wall so hard he disappeared in one frame for shits and giggles (The Mutant Menace x). None of this means that Raph is bad at strategy though.
tldr: Yeah, Raph has a lot of dumb and, frankly, insane moments in the show, but he’s still an incredible tactician who’s plans consistently saved his family and sometimes the world. He's a great strategist.
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at-what-cost · 1 year
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hcs and more drarngs below the cut:
basically they first met during the early days of the revolution, when Raph was still there. He even encourage him saying "there's no way he's str8 with a v-neck that low" (it was a sleeveless hakama...) to which leo responds with "were at war, I don't think his sexual orientation is on our need to know basis" "JUST GET OVER THERE"
Sagi thought he's cute, duh its Leo. But he wasn't struck with the idea of romance at first glance. they become friends, competitive in developing their skills and leading their separate groups of the same rebellion. Usagi picked up the nickname fearless for Leo from the rebellion soldiers, He uses it (both for teasing and as an endearment).
Sagi's group had to separate in order to help other colonies prosper but before he leaves there was a vague confession of Leo's feelings. Sagi, (the ahole) only smiles and says that he "admires him equally".
they don't see each other for several years, but when they got back together they grow closer than ever. Thus, old married couple behavior...
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thas all thank you<33
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pinetreevillain · 1 year
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Broke: they would hate eachothers
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turtlesaus · 11 months
A Proper Leadership Style
My headcanon on how Leo leads in my AU.
In my au Leo became the unofficial Leader when he was much younger, but it was officially decided that he was the leader when they discovered he was the eldest. As soon as he was officially declared the leader, he ran straight to the internet to read up on how to be a good leader to his little brothers.
Using the tips and tricks he found online, he slowly developed his leadership style, which has several levels to it.
First, Communication. Leo holds a daily brother-meeting/hangout, ranging anywhere from ten minutes to two hours, in the mornings and nights where he gathers the whole team to talk about dreams, experiences, issues, and overall team well being. If there's something happening, he tells them during the meetings.
When there's a mission, even if only one person knows about it, by the end of the day the entire team knows of the issue, and what needs to happen to fix it.
Second is Delegation. Instead of deciding what happens all on his own, Leo gathers his team together and starts a plan. Depending on the available timeline, this can be a quick, five minute idea, or a highly fleshed out two-days-of-planning plan, but he (nearly) always makes sure his brothers know what's up, and that they are okay with the plan. (Exceptions include the Kraang sacrifice and some other small things.)
When planning, Leo usually first outlines the end-goal. He updates the team on what they want to happen in the end, so that they have something to build on.
He'll bounce ideas off his brothers, letting the whole team pitch in about their thoughts and ideas, and using that creates a map, or plan of what their plan of action is.
Then, he delegates what each person will be doing, giving each member a job.
Third is Leo's trust. He completely trusts his team to do exactly what they need to do, when they need to do it. He doesn't mind particularly how they do it, he isn't one to clamp down on their creative geniuses, but he has his preferences.
On top of all that, he has weekly training sessions, where the team is fine-tuned on their skills, taught new skills, and shown practical medical skills that Leo has deemed necessary.
Now, you may be asking 'but that means he's too OOC!'
buzz off, my au, my rules.
But on that note, personality wise he really isn't too different. He has an occasional inspiring speech, but usually he's an absolute disaster when it comes to speeches. He's still the face-man, does the talking and the other face man things... IDK u get me
He knows that he can't get too cocky or the team could suffer, and his love and devotion to his brothers overpowers his mild inferiority complex. His place in the team isn't a question, but he does have some anxiety over if he's leading right, like any leonardo ever.
He's learned to weaponize his anxiety and faux confidence, using it to fake out his enemies and give his team confidence.
He still has his terrible puns, and has some problems with showing his true emotions, but overall he's really the same dumbass. Pls don't be too mad at me lol
A Quick look into the rest of the teams feeling;
Donnie trusts his brother completely, and if he smells bullshit he says it straight up. With the communication within the team, and the training, he's much more comfortable sharing his feeling about something, and has become a lot more confident in his role extending from just tech.
Raph's anxiety makes him worry a lot, and he gets confused on what needs to happen sometimes, but with open lines of communication and clear plans/delegation, his anxiety has been at an all time low.
Mikey is the one who has been flourishing the most within the team. With the emotional open-ness, the daily meetups, and the weekly training he has been learning new things and has been allowed to explore whatever he wants to.
April is decidedly happy with the way that things are. While she came in a little later, she quickly found her place in the team and found the leadership style very nice and easy to understand. She has no complaints.
Casey is much more happy about the leadership than April is. His family isn't the best about communication, and every team he's been in has had trashy leaders, so when he joined the team he was pleasantly surprised to find how awesome the leadership style was, and due to the way the team functions, would much rather stay with the team than go home.
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kathaynesart · 2 months
You wanted parallels, understandable
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Now all I can think is "he got this from Raph he got this from Raph he gotthisfromrap-"
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Yes! I love making parallels to anything I can from the movie and I'm going to wring out that 4 minute opening like a wet rag by the time Replica is done, hahaha!
Body language is such an important part of communication and I believe Leo picked up Raph's habits of shrinking down to the level of those around him when showing support or giving advice. It's a subtle, but poignant way of putting them on equal terms and allows for open communication between both parties. They speak but also listen.
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wormspoodle · 1 year
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03 sillies bc they are my favorites
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sweeneydino · 1 month
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Part 1, Seething.
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turtleblogatlast · 7 months
Something I love to think about is every iteration of Leo’s relationship with Splinter and how Splinter’s interests always define how a Leo presents himself.
I used to abide by the idea that a Leo will simply emulate his Splinter directly, and to an extent I still believe that to be the case, but moreso I think Leos have a tendency to mold themselves into what they believe is their Splinter’s ideal son - someone who embodies all the traits Splinter has explicitly shown to admire or value in a person.
Most of the time, they try to be a dutiful and honorable boy abiding by the full extent of ninjitsu teachings. Then you have Rise Splinter, who very much still has undeniable prowess in the art of fighting and being a ninja, but when it comes to how he shows his interests to his boys…one thing reigns supreme.
Acting. Shows. One liners. Flamboyance in the name of gaining an audience’s attention.
He showcases Lou Jitsu movies on repeat for the boys, passing down the morals and words from those movies to them with no small amount of pride. All while fully expecting them to respect these teachings.
So, of course, Rise Leo picks up on this. He’s a Leo, after all, as much a daddy’s boy as any other variation of him, only he clocked his father’s interests to be different than most others. He picks up on the art of showmanship, of keeping things to himself so as to be a more exciting twist later, of treating the world as a set to act in.
He’s an actor, not just because Splinter himself was one, but because Splinter likes acting and showed one particular actor (unknowingly to the boys, it was himself) as the pinnacle of all his teachings. As someone to value and admire. And even more than that - Splinter focuses on the character the actor is portraying rather than just the man himself.
And I think this is all even more interesting when taking the turtle tot short into consideration, because very, very briefly, just as with many times else throughout the series, we see how easily Rise Leo aligns with his other selves, seeming to pick up the sword easier than his brothers do their own weapons - after quoting Lou Jitsu of course. After emulating his idol - the person who his father seems to admire so much.
Point being, it’s so interesting to see how Leos tend to mold themselves in one particular way throughout every variation - that being, what their father is shown to value most in people.
#rottmnt#rottmnt leo#tmnt leonardo#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt#this is mostly a rottmnt post but it aligns with others as well#idk I just think it’s so interesting#because at his core rise leo is the SAME as the other Leos#they’re all goofy they’re all natural leaders they’re all quiet wanderers they’re all daddy’s boys#but these inherent traits take second to what they believe is valued more#specifically what their splinter values more#and sometimes what is valued allows them to more commonly broadcast themselves as who they actually are#but other times their core personalities directly go against what they think they NEED to be#so they stifle it#and soon enough their emulated selves become so tangled into their real selves that it’s a struggle to tell who they are without it#god I love Leo#and this is not to say that the other bros don’t do a similar thing#they just tend to be much more separate about it in terms of what they admire and who they are#whereas Leo blurs that line#don’t mind me just once again overanalyzing a fictional turtle boy#edit: AND ANOTHER THING#but Splinters value placed on Lou Jitsu ALSO helps push Leo into being someone who does things on his own#sure he loves his brothers and they’re everything to him#but he pre invasion he often does things himself or just expects to handle things on his own#y’know#like Lou Jitsu who notoriously does NOT have a team#so this Leo doesn’t care about being a leader - because who he’s emulating isn’t one#he’s like ‘okay we’re just a group of Lou Jitsus’#and there’s something so painfully childlike about this
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