#leading communications supplier
ipcommunications · 1 year
What Is More Beneficial – On-Premises VoIP Or Hosted VoIP?
All the strategies related to maximising the investment in business communication will be successful only when you decide whether to manage your own VoIP system or allow a host to do this on your behalf. Businesses across the globe have realised the advantages of VoIP technology and VoIP phone handsets. Now there is chaos among enterprises to switch to this technology, and more than 35% of businesses across the globe have already adopted it. The question is whether to host and manage your VoIP system on your own or rely upon a hosted VoIP, where a service provider does everything for you.
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On Premises Voip Vs Hosted Voip – What Is The Difference?
Both options will allow you to take advantage of the benefits of the VoIP phone systems. To get the most out of it, you will have to decide whether to self-host or enjoy the services of the hosted VoIP technology.
What Is A Premise-Based Voip?
In this arrangement, the whole system will be present at your office, like the equipment and the software needed to run the system will be there at your office. You will be responsible for its maintenance, security, upgrading and upkeep. This is easy if you have a well-established IT infrastructure and a dedicated team to manage the entire business communication scenario at your office.
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What Is Hosted Voip Technology?
A service provider will be hired and responsible for meeting all your VoIP-related requirements in this arrangement. This system is also called the cloud and is managed with the help of virtual servers that these hosting companies have.
What Are The Pros Of Premise-Based Voip Technology?
•          No risk of price hikes from the service provider
•          Complete control over your VoIP system and VoIP phone handsets
•          Customisation of the system’s features is completely in your hands
•          No additional cost of scalability
Cons of On-Premises Voip System
•          Higher installation and set-up cost
•          Long-term commitment to maintenance and security is required
•          You will need a dedicated staff for constant service, maintenance and support
•          Extensive investment and resources for proper management
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Advantages of Hosted Voip Systems
•          No stress related to maintenance, management and security
•          Incredibly low set-up cost
•          Fast implementation
•          Easily scalable depending on your needs
•          You can focus on your business and revenue generation
Disadvantages of Hosted Voip Technology
•          The system control is in the hands of the service provider
•          There is a vendor locking period
•          Network connection fluctuation will be experienced
Whether To Choose Hosted Or On-Premises Voip?
The answer to this question depends entirely on your organisation’s current capability, resources and funds. You can review your current circumstances and goals, and since every business is unique, it is ideal that the solutions tailored to fit your specific needs are selected.
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Outdoor Pole/Wall mount Rack
Material : Galvanized steel with 1.2mm, 1.6mm, 2mm, 3mm and 4mm thickness as per requirement.
Dimensions : 320*280*225 mm (H*W*D)
Color : RAL 7035/Black
Mounting :  Pole / Wall Mountable
Thickness : 1.2mm – 1.6mm
Structure : Welded Constructions
Temperature Control : Cooling AC220V 90 CFM Dual Fan
Lighting : LED Lamp
Humidity : Relative Humidity 5% ~ 100%
Pressure : Air Pressure 62kpa ~ 101kpa
Radiation Intensity : Solar Radiation Intensity
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brainmuncher · 26 days
So I had another idea come at me while making lunch (I'm starting to sense a pattern with myself, lmao)
What if when Jazz sends out letters to the colleges she wants to get into, she gets sent rejection letters from every single one... except the local community college. She's absolutely devastated about it. She thought that she did everything she could to be chosen. How could every single one reject her?
Danny, of course, hears about it and asks Tucker to check and see if something happened digitally. Surely, Technus or Vlad or someone messed with something to sabotage her. But when Tucker checks, there's absolutely nothing wrong. She still has her perfect grades and attendance record all set with no marks. Her community service hours are all there. It's only when he looks at the letters themselves that he finds the problem...
After looking online to see what the letters look like, he comes to a puzzling realization... the letters were fake. It's a good fake, but it's not the real thing. The signatures were off, and the writing had been changed.
This is what leads him down the rabbit hole.
He tries to ask about it online to ask others who've also been rejected. Except nobody is answering him.
Sam tries to call the numbers listed on the websites of the colleges... but the person who answers is strangely unknowledgeable about the college they represent.
The only college that seems normal about it was the nearby community college. And that somehow feels the least normal about everything.
It was only when he heard his mom complaining that they never heard from family anymore after they moved to Amity that he figured it out.
Containment. Nothing is leaving Amity. No emails, texts, letters, or posts online. Everything was being blocked.
Of course, this sends him on a mission as to why and how. He spends weeks on it. Sam and Danny actually began to become concerned for him. No, this isn't a pride thing, Sam. And yes, he is taking care of himself, Danny.
Technus is the one who gives him the answer. It was just a passing comment about how he needed to funnel through the GIW in order to infect the world. It didn't make sense to any of them because surely that's the last place you would want to do that. But then it dawned on Tucker. That's who has the power needed to do it! That's where he needed to look!
So he hacks into the GIW and is astonished by what he finds.
The anti ecto acts aren't real. There's no laws even acknowledging ghosts.
There's a file on Phantom, marked as 'candidate for X'.
And all he can find on the containment is a name he's seen described as the creator of the GIW and the main supplier of funds.
Amanda Waller.
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
With immediate effect, the Republic of Niger under the leadership of General Abdourahamane Tchiani, and supported by the people of the Republic, announced the suspension of the export of uranium and gold to France on Sunday. In parallel to the decision, protestors were surrounding the French Embassy in Niger calling for the end of French colonial practices repeating the slogan “Down with France!” and reaffirming their support to the coup leader, Tchiani. Wazobia Reporters, a Nigeri[a]n news website, reported on protestor proclaiming “We have uranium, diamonds, gold, oil, and we live like slaves? We don’t need the French to keep us safe." Simultaneously the Nigerien coup leader has faced condemnations and threats from African governments that maintain ties with the European linked institutions such as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the EU as well as the African Union. In that regard, Tchiani said, "We want to once more remind ECOWAS or any other adventurer of our firm determination to defend our homeland.”[...]
Currently, uranium production in Niger occurs mostly through a French majority-owned company called Orano which owns 63.4% of Société des Mines de l’Aïr (SOMAÏR). The remaining 36.66% of this is owned by Niger's Société du Patrimoine des Mines du Niger, known as Sopamin. In 2021, the European Union utilities purchased 2905 tU of Niger-produced uranium making Niger the leading uranium supplier vis-a-vis the EU.
31 Jul 23
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trashpandato · 1 year
“Lena, this could really be good for the company. Think of the good publicity for L-Corp, sponsoring the biggest women’s cycling race in the world.”
“Sam,” Lena huffs and presses her fingers against the bridge of her nose, “L-Corp isn’t in the business of sponsoring sports events.”
“We’ve never done anything even remotely similar. Don’t you think it would look a little…desperate? Not to mention suspicious given the timing?”
Sam shifts a little in her seat. “Lena, —”
“Lex’s trial concluded less than six months ago. Any effort to get good press at this point is going to be suspicious. Especially something as blatantly outside of the scope of L-Corp’s usual activities as showing up at some bicycle event. This could actually do more harm than good.”
“You said yourself that you’re trying to move the company in a different direction. You could easily position this as giving back to the community, supporting causes that are, by design, the opposite of what LuthorCorp stood for.”
And Lena can’t really argue with that. She does want to do things differently, from re-naming the company to ending contracts with military suppliers to focussing primarily on research and development projects that would benefit previously underserved communities. But this is a step, or ten, outside of her comfort zone. She doesn’t want to be in the public eye more than she has to be, and she most definitely doesn’t want to be seen as taking advantage of a women’s sports event to bolster her company’s reputation.
“I don’t know.” 
“You don’t have to decide right now. Just, think about it. You’re sponsoring girls in STEM events all the time, and this could be along the same lines of supporting women in areas that are traditionally dominated by men.”
Lena sighs. As always, Sam makes a good point, and as always, she is exceptionally pushy about it.
“Fine. I’ll think about it.”
Later that evening, after Lena has sent off the last few emails dealing with a contract issue with a new subsidiary company in Japan, she clicks out of her email application and pulls up her search engine. If she is supposed to think about sponsoring a cycling event, she wants to know exactly what she would be getting herself into.
Three scotches and a considerable amount of time later, Lena has learned that women’s cycling is woefully underfunded, under promoted and clearly suffers from blatant misogyny of those in charge. She listens to multiple interviews of riders complaining that their races are intentionally shorter than the men’s races because the sport’s regulating body apparently thinks women can’t handle the extra distance. Other than that, the sport seems entertaining enough, and from what Lena can tell, most races are currently dominated by select riders from two or three teams, a fact that speaks to uneven support for equipment and development of new talent across the sport.
While an interview with a sweaty and strikingly good looking blonde cyclist is playing in the background, Lena rubs her eyes and fires off a quick text to Sam.
LL: I’ve thought about it. Go ahead and set up the sponsorship for that race.
On race day, Lena regrets every decision she has ever made that has led her to this point. She gets up extra early that day to deal with a number of important issues at L-Corp, but the morning quickly gets away from her. At noon, she is already so behind schedule that she is tempted to text Sam to cancel her appearance at the race. It’s only the knowledge that her friend would never let her hear the end of it that keeps Lena from hiding in her office for the rest of the day. She leaves L-Corp with barely a minute to spare, knowing full well that she is going to have to work late that evening to make up for the time she is going to spend showing her face at the race.
By the time Lena gets there, the medal presentation is just about to start. A race volunteer quickly leads her to the side of the stage, just out of view of the crowds, where Lena spots Sam.
“There you are,” Sam says, handing her a bottle of water to combat the truly ludicrous heat that has built up under the temporary structure surrounding the stage and podium. “I was beginning to worry that you wouldn’t show.”
“I told you I’d be here for this.”
“Yes, but you missed out on seeing the race action.”
“I'm a busy CEO of a multi-billion dollar international company. I don't have time to watch women in lycra pedal around the city for hours."
“Oh, but you did notice the lycra?”
“Sam,” Lena hisses as her attention drifts toward the woman stepping on the podium to accept the congratulations for the win. She grimaces when she sees Maxwell Lord and Morgan Edge hover near the cyclist, Edge shuffling closer and closer to the woman, sporting his usual sleazy smirk. He must say something offensive—not a big surprise, Lena thinks—because the woman accepting her medal suddenly stiffens and grimaces, clearly trying to remain polite and smile for the cameras while her body language conveys that she’d rather be anywhere else but here.
Lena takes a few swift steps toward them.
“Edge. I see you’ve learned nothing from your recent sexual harassment lawsuit. Do you want me to call your probation officer now or later?”
“Lena,” Edge sneers but he steps away from the woman nonetheless. “What a surprise. I didn’t think this event would want to associate themselves with family members of domestic terrorists. Then again, cycling doesn’t exactly have the best reputation for being a clean sport, so I suppose it fits.”
Lena crosses her arms across her chest and raises a challenging eyebrow. “You realize there are mics everywhere, yes? And that you just insulted the sport you’re supposedly here to champion, and everyone could hear it?”
She watches as a couple of official looking men in suits approach and whisper something into Morgan Edge’s ear. With a huff, he turns and retreats behind the stage to the soundtrack of shocked murmurs from the audience gathered in front of the podium.
Lena almost forgets why she is here when she hears an amused voice next to her ear.
“Thanks for that. Not entirely necessary, but I appreciate it.”
Lena’s head snaps toward the voice and all of a sudden she is looking into the bluest eyes she’s ever seen. The woman, Kara Danvers according to the information the race officials had handed her when she arrived for the medal presentation, looks flushed and a little disheveled, but is smiling brightly at Lena.
“Not necessary? He was practically grabbing your butt.”
Kara shrugs. “Not the first time that’s happened during a podium presentation, and won’t be the last. It’s part of the job, unfortunately.”
“It’s part of your job to be groped by men like Edge?”
Another shrug. “At least I usually also get kisses from the podium girls, so it evens out?”
Lena frowns. “What?”
But before she can get more information, one of the race officials hands her a bouquet of flowers and motions for her to hand it to today’s race winner, congratulate her and move on. Lena obliges. She steps in front of the podium, shakes Kara’s hand and ignores the way her stomach swoops when Kara thanks her and winks, fucking winks. Who does that? 
Lena briskly walks off the stage on the other side, where Sam is already waiting for her.
“You can never do things at a normal level of intensity, can you?”
“I told you I’ve never done anything like this before, so maybe don’t blame me for not knowing the proper etiquette here,” Lena snaps. “You could have warned me that Edge and his greasy buddy Lord would be here.”
“Relax,” Sam chuckles. “You did great. I thought we’d maybe get some decent headlines about L-Corp sponsoring the race, but now the media is going to have a field day with you taking on Morgan Edge in public and defending the reputation of women’s cycling.”
“I did no such thing. He spewed his vile nonsense all by himself.”
“He did, and you took him down a notch in front of one the sport’s biggest names. Who seemed pretty taken with you, by the way.”
“Right,” Lena scoffs. The heat behind the stage is unbearable and she can feel sweat trickling down her lower back, her shirt sticking to her skin uncomfortably under her suit jacket. “Are we done here? I need to get back to work.”
Sam looks like she’s about to say something, maybe to try and convince Lena to stay, but Lena is already five steps ahead of her, finding the most direct path to where her driver is waiting for her with her car. And maybe she’s walking faster than strictly necessary, desperate to get away from the cacophony of noises, people and media equipment surrounding the area, and maybe she should have paid closer attention to her surroundings because when she’s not even halfway to her car, she suddenly collides with a solid body. The force of it bumps her sideways and Lena half expects to fall, but then two warm hands hold her upright.
“Golly, I’m so sorry,” Lena hears and when she looks up, it’s the woman from the podium again. 
Kara Danvers.
She’s still holding Lena up, and they’re standing close, so close that Lena can see faint salt lines on her skin from where her sweat had dried off after the efforts of the race.
Lena blinks, too stunned to say anything for a moment.
“Are you okay? I totally didn’t see you and I barrelled right into you. I’m really sorry.”
Lena clears her throat. “It’s fine. I should be the one apologizing. I wasn’t paying attention.”
“You definitely looked like you’re in a hurry to get away,” Kara says, her voice teasing and light.
“I mean, I do have to get back to the office.”
“Of course. Time is money, and all that. Well, thank you for taking time out of your busy day for this, Ms Luthor.”
Lena is used to people commenting on her wealth and her business, and not always in friendly terms. She wears her professional demeanor and her last name like a shield; one that attracts a lot of unwanted attention, but a shield nonetheless. She doesn’t quite know why, but something about the woman in front of her makes her want things to be different.
“Please, just call me Lena.”
Lena can see the flash of surprise on the other woman’s face, but it is quickly replaced by another easy smile.
“Okay, Lena. I’m Kara.”
Lena nods. “Well, Kara, I should get going. Congratulations again on your win. Maybe I’ll see you around at some other races.”
“If you’re going to do the podium honors again, that’ll be more motivation for me to ride extra fast.”
Kara says this last bit with a laugh in her voice that makes Lena blush a little.
“Alright. You do that, but I really have to get back to work now. Bye, Kara.”
When Sam enters Lena’s office for a budget meeting a few days later, she finds Lena focused intensely on something on her laptop.
“Did you know that these so-called podium girls are almost all university graduates?”
Sam chuckles. “Are you looking for a side-gig?”
“What? No! I just mean, look at this woman, for example.” Lena turns her laptop toward Sam, the screen highlighting one of the blonde women usually tasked with handing over some stuffed animal to the race winner and giving them a kiss on the cheek. “This is Eve Tessmacher. She has two advanced degrees in biomedical science. She could easily work at L-Corp. Hell, she could probably even lead an entire department here, given her qualifications.”
“And?! She spends her time following around the race circuit, smiling for the cameras in a dress that’s entirely too short to comfortably walk up the rickety stairs of those podium stages.”
Sam sits down opposite Lena at her desk and sighs.
“I see you put on your judgy pants this morning. What if they made a conscious decision to work at a women’s sports event? What if representing the race organization is important to them? And who knows, maybe traveling around the country and being a part of this is fun?”
“Fun?” Lena pulls up a few videos and turns the laptop back to Sam. “Does this look like fun to you?”
Together they watch a compilation of footage from various podium presentations. The common theme is the presence of handsy middle-aged men who seem to have made it their mission to make any woman involved with the race event uncomfortable, and the “podium girls” seem to be taking the brunt of it. 
Sam winces as she watches one of the women trying to maneuver her body out of the grasp of a particularly persistent man.
“Okay, fine. That looks…unpleasant. But I assume their presence is part of tradition.”
“Mmh. Maybe it’s time to end this particular tradition.”
That gets Sam’s attention.
“And how exactly do you plan to do that? I thought you wanted nothing to do with sports?”
“You did tell me to sponsor this race. And right now, L-Corp is only one of many corporate partners, but we could easily become the headline sponsor for this race series, and then we could encourage some changes. Not to the racing itself, of course. But those ceremonial parts could do with less of the misogynistic bullshit.”
“Does this sudden interest in who gets to kiss the race winner have anything to do with a certain blonde cyclist?”
“What? No. You…why would you even say that?”
“Because I have eyes and I saw how she looked at you when you played the hero and saved her from Morgan Edge.”
“You’re delusional. I don’t, it’s not about that. It’s about making sure these women get highlighted for their actual talents, not just to be eye candy for men with a bottomless Viagra prescription.”
Sam rolls her eyes. “I see what you’re doing. But if you want to explore what it would take for L-Corp to become the main sponsor, leave it with me.”
It takes a few weeks of meetings and contract negotiations, but in the end, Lena gets exactly what she wants. The L-Corp logo is prominently displayed on banners, posters and race leader jerseys. The media has run a few mostly positive stories about Lena’s newfound interest in women’s cycling, complete with a few soundbites from prominent cyclists who seem pleased with seeing some extra funding and attention for their sport.
During a break in the race calendar, Lena asks her assistant to set up a few meetings with the women working for the race organization. With Sam’s words about being too judgy still echoing in her mind, she wants to get a feel for how much of their job is simply about carrying over traditions from the men’s races and how much wiggle room there is for making changes.
In the first three meetings, the women Lena speaks with are polite and careful. Lena doesn’t get much of an answer to her questions, but she does get the distinct impression that the women would welcome a different approach to some of their duties but are too afraid to rock the boat. It’s only when she meets with Eve Tessmacher that she gets a pretty blunt assessment of the current state of affairs.
“So, Miss Tessmacher, what would you say you enjoy most about your role?”
“Oh, you know, we do get to travel around a lot and it’s nice to see different parts of the country. The quirky small towns are the best, usually, even if the accommodations can be challenging there.”
Lena nods. “And if you could change anything about your tasks with the race, what would that be?”
Eve cocks her head to the side a little and hesitates. Lena can sense that all she needs is one more firm nudge.
“I want you to be honest with me, Miss Tessmacher. If there is anything I can do to change your work environment for the better, I will do that. This is important to me. And I promise I won’t tell anyone what you share here.”
Eve blinks a few times but then nods.
“Truthfully, we would all like to see more respect. I mean, you saw what happened when Morgan Edge was at the medal presentation last month. That’s a constant occurrence. I understand that we need to invite local dignitaries when we pretty much hijack their town for a few days. It’s photo op stuff for them, we all get that. But that could be done in a much more respectful way.”
Lena nods and motions for Eve to continue.
“The outfits are a little much. I always feel like a flight attendant from the 1960s. It would be nice to have some leeway there.”
Lena nods again and jots down a few thoughts on a notepad.
“What’s your long-term goal?” she asks. “Career-wise, where do you want to be in five years?”
At that, Eve lets out a small giggle.
“Is this a job interview?”
Lena looks up from her notepad and raises an eyebrow. “Well, I do know that you have the education to work in R&D here at L-Corp, so if you want this to be an interview, I can make that happen.”
There’s a shocked expression on Eve’s face that is enough to make Lena backtrack slightly.
“Or we can set up an interview for you another time. To give you more time to prepare.”
“Really?” Eve asks, her voice pitched higher than before.
“Absolutely. When you leave here, talk to my assistant, Jess, to set something up.”
“Thank you so much, Miss Luthor. I have to admit, this is not what I was expecting when you called me in for a meeting today.”
“I’m trying to change things for the better, Miss Tessmacher. Both here at L-Corp and at the races, though my influence is a bit more limited there. But I do see that the women representing the race organization are generally overqualified for the task and I’d be more than happy to facilitate a move to other opportunities for those who want that.”
Eve nods but lets Lena continue: “I also want to change things for those who want to stay with the race. Make it more comfortable. No more handsy old men. Better pay. A safer work environment. I really appreciate your candor. You’ve given me exactly what I need to get started.”
From there, Lena gets to work. Her legal department helps draft language that makes it clear to anyone who is part of the podium celebrations that any inappropriate behaviour will result in immediate legal action. She re-assigns two of the podium girls to observe and enforce the new rules if necessary. Several others, including Eve Tessmacher, line up interviews for part-time positions at L-Corp that still allow them to participate in race events if they so choose, and she removes most of the existing stipulations around work attire. Finally, Lena highlights that in order to set clear boundaries, no one should be touching or kissing the winning racers beyond a congratulatory handshake.
It takes a few weeks for all the changes to be implemented, but the impact is immediate. The race series makes waves not just in the sports media, but bigger outlets start featuring the changes and run headlines like “L-Corp race series moves away from outdated traditions” and “Is women’s cycling finally stepping out of the shadows of men’s racing?”
Lena thinks the coverage is a little overblown but it’s still nice to see articles about L-Corp that don’t even reference her brother at all.
Over dinner one evening with Sam, she takes a sip of her wine and sighs.
“You know I don’t admit this very often, but you were right.”
“About?” Sam probes with a smirk on her face.
“You know what I’m talking about. The race sponsorship. The media coverage for L-Corp has been great, stocks are up, the board is pleased with it all. Thank you for pushing me to do it.”
“You’re welcome. But also, I really only said you should do a small sponsorship. You turned that into practically taking over the race series in order to impress Kara Danvers.”
“I did no such thing,” Lena huffs.
Sam simply smiles and clinks her glass against Lena’s. “Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night. But you really should ask her out at some point.”
Thankfully, their waiter interrupts the conversation then, and Sam sticks to talking about Ruby and their weekend plans for the rest of their dinner.
It’s a few weeks later when Lena finds herself back on stage next to Kara Danvers, handing her another bouquet of flowers and a medal for sprinting to an impressive win at a race around National City’s harbourfront. It’s a bit of deja vu, but Lena is happy to see that the overall atmosphere on stage is that of respect and professionalism for all involved.
When she hovers near the edge of the stage after the ceremony is over, Kara walks over to her with determined steps.
“I hear that it’s you we have to thank for the much more relaxed vibes at the medal presentations now?”
“All I did was establish compliance with current labour laws. I don’t want L-Corp to get pulled into a lawsuit over one of these groping incidents.”
Kara nods. “Ah. Well, even if you only did it to protect your company, I appreciate it. Thank you!”
“You’re welcome.”
“I do miss getting a kiss on the cheek for winning, though.”
And maybe it’s the glass of champagne Lena had while she was waiting for the medal presentation to start, or maybe it’s the heat or a combination of both, but suddenly she has no control over the words that tumble out of her mouth.
“I can provide the kiss if you’re amenable to that.”
The laugh that bubbles out of Kara’s chest is loud and bright when she says: "You know, if you wanted to be the one to kiss me exclusively, you could have just asked me out on a date. No need to go to all that extra trouble of making changes to the races." 
Lena blushes. “Okay. This is me asking.”
There’s a moment where Kara only blinks, and it’s obvious to Lena that for all her teasing and bravado, she clearly didn’t expect Lena to play along. She’s about to backpedal when Kara stands up a little taller, smiles and holds out her hand.
“Then let’s go. Let me show you how many carbs I need to eat to fuel top performances. And if you’re into it, I might even show you my tan lines later.” And then she winks. Again. 
All Lena can do is laugh and loop her arm through Kara’s. “Alright. Show me.”
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tinydefector · 1 month
Hi Tiny! (First time I’ve asked to this blog, or any blog in general) Not really a request, feel free to not acknowledge this, these are simply some thoughts inspired by the Human effects series that I wanted to share with you!
For one, human doctors who are passionate about how the human body works finding cybertronian forums and trying to communicate info on how human bodies work like
- start of dialogue -
Ilovecatssupreme: no @/jewelsmoneygoldgalore(or whatever swindles username would be) that is NOT how the human body works!!
Don’t try (insert sex act here), you would KILL them!
And @/revuppowerup humans do NOT HAVE CLOACAS!! Guys please we aren’t birds we have two seperate holes
[insert fun fact about human anatomy that would probably scare the shit out of a cybertronian here]
- end of dialogue -
I just think it’d be hillarious to see a human doctor who is appalled going “guys, that’s not how that works!! It works like this-“ and proceeds to explain the human body and our parts
On a similar note, thought / scenario; a human doctor part of Y/n’s crew possibly being interested in learning more about cybertronian biology but not wanting to come off rude or overly personal with questions, especially with the cultural differences between the species they may not wanna ask things that come off weird or creepy, would possibly get along with brainstorm over wanting to know for research purposes!!
Another thought that comes to mind, cybertronians finding human forums with human monster fuckers goin: yeah sure I’d bang a cybertronian, some of their ambassadors are hot / Optimus prime kinda hot
It just seems funny, like I just imagine some people from different parts of the world like; “how do cybertronians flirt? I got this person who buys my supplies and i wanna get them to pay more” (swindle vs their supplier who can seduce who for more profit first/j I jest i jest)
But I think it’d be neat to see cybertronians figuring out that a portion of humanity is definitely interested and wants to know how to get with them safely(optional)
Also just me saying this, Nadia, mentioned on ‘Chaos on board’ is so far one of my favorite original(?) characters in the human effects series, I definitely wanna find out where her attempts at getting free drinks from swerve go
Either way loving the series so far! I can’t wait to see where it goes next, wether or not it continues considered,
Remember to take care of yourself, take breaks, the usual! <33
Oh the chaos that would insure. Both medical personnel from both sides having to sit down with their crew or people and go. " Please do not fuck/frag the cybertronian /human, we do not have the knowledge or resources to know if it's safe"
But also watching the scientists and medics working together to see what is actually possible and viable. Have to run fluid tests and samples to see if it's possible for a safe relationship between a human and cybertronian. But also the sheer shock when both sides find out that their 'equipment' is very similar.
And oh, the forums, there are so many. So are simple as just polls of 'would you frag a human?. Yes or no' then there's the secret polls shared between friends groups with a list of mech or human's to see who everyone seems to have a thing for.
It eventually leads to anonymous role play groups over fantasy, fanfiction sites, informational sites, and even rare hook up sites. Sharing information over their species. And God forbid when the hook up sites get around on both sides.
But can you imagine any medical staff getting a call for help and showing up to someone quarters to find a human and bot stuck together. Medics being baffled, shocked, impressed, horrified, and disappointed.
I'm planning on keeping human effects as the small series I've got going but if you guys want another spin off on it heading more in the horny direction I'm happy to make another. Probably call it Sites unknown or something like that.
Slowly working on the next part of human effects and I'm glad you guys like the crew had alot of fun writing them, and I might do a little spin off fic of Nadia and Swerve in the future in people really want it.
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beautifullache · 6 months
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🦄The Sims 4🦄
🍉Grocery Store Bundle🍍
Food Lion based in Salisbury, North Carolina since 1957. By leveraging its longstanding heritage of low prices and convenient locations, Food Lion is working to own the easiest full shop grocery experience in the southeast, anchored by a strong commitment to affordability, freshness and the communities it serves.We have more than 1,000 stores in 10 Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic States.We employ more than 60,000 associates.
Customer Lead
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Harris Teeter
Harris Teeter Supermarkets, LLC., also known as Harris Teeter Neighborhood Food & Pharmacy, is an American supermarket chain based in Matthews, North Carolina, a suburb of Charlotte. As of February 2024, the chain operates 259 stores in seven South Atlantic states and Washington, D.C.
Assistant Dairy/Frozen Manager
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Lowes Foods
Founded in 1954, Lowes Foods employs approximately 9,000 people and operates nearly 100 full-service supermarkets in North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Locally owned and operated, Lowes Foods is truly a homegrown company committed to bringing community back to the table, by providing customers with the freshest and most innovative local products from local suppliers. The company maintains a strong focus on exceptional attention to our guests, with services like Lowes Foods-To-Go personal shopping and gas rewards discounts. To learn more, visit lowesfoods.com or follow Lowes Foods on Facebook or Twitter. Lowes Foods, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alex Lee, Inc.
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Sam's Club
Sam’s Club is home to more than 100,000 associates in more than 660 locations all working together to provide great service and value to our members. By providing innovative products, a shopping experience infused with digital solutions such as Scan & Go and Club Pickup and support to the communities we serve, we truly differentiate our company in the marketplace. The constant pursuit to surprising and delight our members drives our business every day.
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Walmart store managers are the best leaders in retail, and we’re investing in them – simplifying their pay structure and redesigning their bonus program, giving them the opportunity to earn an annual bonus up to 200% of their base salary.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
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Lute: “Wait- your new name Vesper isn’t in DEFIANCE of your Morningstar hell family, but a MIRROR of it???”
Vesper Bill: (cocking the gun full of heavenly bullets that their uncle Pentious made for them)
Vesper Bill: “Always was.”
Vesper Bill: (shoots Lute’s halo off her head instead of killing her) (like mother like child)
XD this is so dumb i love
behold my version of the chaggie spear baby's full character profile!
NAME: (redacted)bil(redacted)s Morningstar -> Vesper Bill, one word, not ‘Vesper’ or ‘Bill, always ‘Vesper Bill’.
NATURE: Weapon-born demonic Exorcist angel. Mortal. Slow aging.
OCCUPATION: Overlord, supplier for Rosie’s Emporium and Carmilla Carmine’s weapons business, Exorcist slayer and rehabilitator, cowboy grim reaper cosplayer, garden weeder.     
TERRITORY: Hell’s first community garden.
THEIR “THING”: Soul savings accounts and debt forgiveness programs. Killing murderous Exorcists.   - Entrust your soul to them so you can’t be tempted / pressured into selling it to anyone else. They’ll give it back if you ask, but you do have to ask first, and they’re usually good at figuring out some other way of getting what you want.  - Checks in with other overlords to see which sinners owe stuff and pays the debt / kills / scares off the overlord if they can. Then gives an accidentally terrifying visit to the former indebted sinner so they can say their favorite line of: “I’m Vesper Bill, and yours is due…. Never. It’s been paid off. Congrats.” (hands over a flyer about their moms' Hazbin Hotel)   - Their less favorite line is when they only say the first part of the above, right before killing an Exorcist. All resulting bodies are sold to Rosie, the weapons to Carmilla, and the funds go towards the community garden.
RELATIONS: Their moms run a struggling hotel business, all the live-guests of which are their uncles/aunts/grandpa.
ENEMIES: Most of heaven and a good part of hell. Their full birth name. Flower pollen. Mint.
STRUGGLES: - “It’s not a phase, moms.” (about their goth cowboy theme) – (tips hat at a lady) (walks into car bc they weren’t watching where they were going) – (coughing and sneezing and voice often sounds rough and terrifying bc they have allergies but won’t stop weeding in the garden) - Having tiny stubby demon horns that won’t grow bigger (covers with hat) (hat was a gift and orinially came from Earth) – keeping their demon tail under control (hides it under their coat).
LOVES: - Their moms, the princess of hell and her former Exorcist angel girlfriend. - The hazbin hotel family crew. - Gardening. - Cowboy stuff. - Being annoying to heaven. - Women who could vaporize them physically or emotionally with a smile or a knife either way.
PROUDEST MOMENT: Successfully infiltrating heaven, tricking Lute with a pretend hatred of their moms, wrecking shit, getting a weapon’s upgrade from their uncle, and leading a handful of now former Exorcists back down to hell with them on the way out.
POWERS: - Angelic resilience. - Demonic strength. - Summoning or banishing anyone who’s soul they have in trust, from or to the place of their choice (within the Pride Ring) (mostly used as taxi service). - Skilled at cutting weeds and brush with a scythe. - Good dancer. - Responsible gun owner and operator. - Kids love them.    
Trivia: Got into their cowboy phase after a brief one-time visit to Earth where they played guardian angel for an actual cowgirl for a day. Thinks about her a lot. Ready to go be a nuisance to Heaven again if she ends up there and wants company- is also trying to grow her favorite flowers down here in Hell, just in case. (also puts on red cheek spots makeup everyday, bc they are Charlie's kid too and PROUD of it)
and that's it, that's my take on the chaggie spear baby idea thing, all grown up!
it's ridiculous. i had so much FUN with it
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It has been more than 24 hours since the last massacre of Palestinian civilians organized by the Americans and jewish zionists in Gaza, and Algeria has still not officially reacted to the crimes committed.
No declarations from the usual communication channels which are our Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the Algerian Press Agency which exclusively represents the voice of our President since last April (he "appropriated" it by decree because the war approaches our borders).
I wonder if this silence is a turning point. The final nail in the coffin on what has been a very turbulent journey to try to change our relationship with the United States.
The journey began with the war in Ukraine in 2022: like all Arab countries, we really angered the United States by refusing to side with the EU against Russia. And we reached the point of open conflict with the United States (they sent their deputy secretary of state in March 2022) when we terminated our energy contract with Spain (we are their main supplier of gas) after the Spanish Prime Minister began supporting Morocco's claims on Western Sahara's land.
But Algeria surprisingly backed down on many points and began to rapidly improve its relations with the United States - Blinken, the US Secretary of State came to Algeria several times, our Foreign Ministry was invited to Washington - to the point that our country, which has been a faithful ally of Russia for 60 years seemed on the verge of joining NATO last April (I think Algeria might become a Major Non Nato Ally but is hidding its true intention for various reasons linked to the international context in North Africa, more precisely in the Sahel where 3 countries have expelled, under the influence of Russia, the American and French military bases from their lands and are openly eyeing the Algerian borders to destabilize us, in addition to the conflict with Morocco).
A few decades ago, the genocide of the Palestinians would have stopped these efforts very quickly, probably leading to a further breakdown in diplomatic relations with the United States.
Not this time: Algeria was still signing massive contracts in fossil fuels and unconventional energy (shale gas) with major American companies like Exxon Mobile and Chevron (although at a slower pace than expected) in May 2024, and our president was invited to the G7 summit which will take place next week in Italy, an invitation designed as a reward for Algeria's support for Europe's energy security and for its fight against illegal immigration which largely benefits Europeans.
This is why the decision of the Algerian mission to the UN to oppose the very important vote scheduled for Friday, June 7 to transform Biden's plan for Gaza into a resolution at the UN Security Council, was the most stupid move ever taken.
Blinken, the US Secretary of State, made a very special call to our Department of Foreign Affairs to obtain our consent to the plan proposed by Biden. This call was heavily promoted as a turning point by the entire US diplomatic network on all social media platforms, including on X: from the US Embassy in Algiers to the US State Department account, and their X account in Arabic for the MENA region.
Algeria obviously adhered to this plan, there is no other way to explain our pure and simple abandonment of the resolution we wrote to implement the latest decision of the ICJ which ordered the end of all operations in Rafah.
It is therefore easy to measure the extent to which Algeria has been incoherent, senseless and dangerous for itself and for Palestine in this context where the United States show no mercy, approve of genocide and have repeatedly rejected our demands during the previous negotiations in the UN Security Council to save more lives - when through the voice of our ambassador to the UN, Algeria gave the feeling of thinking that it could once again stop the vote, and try to negotiate new demands regarding Palestinian prisoners.
This is not surprising when you consider who our ambassador to the UN is: an overly old diplomat who has been unable to include the American point of view in his analysis. His conviction of being right against the rest of the world, his romantic views on resistance and his desire to play the savior of Palestine lead him to demonstrate a lack of humility and a lack of relevance in his analysis (like in his speech on terrorism at the UN where he asked for compassion for terrorists as if we hadn't lost 100,000 people in a civil war because of terrorism (!).
However, I do not believe that it was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or by our President. We have experienced a lot of management problems in the last 15 days at the highest level of the state, due to keeping the wrong people in important positions for the wrong reasons, to the point that it has had disastrous consequences, with deadly human consequences. Last week, some civil servants were fired and others were forcibly transferred, but explaining that doesn't cover the extent of the problem.
But back to the UN, after a revised version of Biden's plan was presented, we were given a 48-hour period of silence to object. In the end, the vote was to take place on Friday June 7, 2024, but due to Algeria's intervention in the Security Council, it was postponed until next Monday. There is no doubt that Algeria is responsible for the breakdown of consensus on the plan, because China seems to have forgotten the issue and only reacted and opposed it after us, and Russia only followed China!
The next day, the massacre took place in the Nuseirat camp: the latest reports say that there were 274 deads, 814 injured.
I really wonder, given the timing, how it would be possible that Algeria's decision, which comes after a long period of tense disagreements with the United States in the UN Security Council, not only on Palestine but also Africa and the Arab world, might not have triggered the so-called rescue? The United States had known for weeks where the hostages were because English planes had been flying over the area to gather information for weeks as well, so the plan was set and ready to be executed in case it was needed.
Which to me is the decisive proof that this was an American operation from conception to execution, Netanyahu would not have waited a second to take the opportunity to increase his popularity, and could never have carried it out without American support (his genocidal zionist soldiers only know to drop bombs on civilians). On the same day of the Nuseirat massacre, Gantz, a member of Netanyahu's war cabinet and government, was expected to resign. A few weeks ago, at the request of the United States, he issued an ultimatum to Netanyahu to find a solution for Rafah, or to accept his (Gantz) resignation which would have led to new elections that Netanyahu was certain to lose. Yesterday, not knowing what to do after the rescue, Gantz asked the United States what they wanted and the United States' response was that they do not interfere with Israel's internal politics! Algeria probably also ruined this plan indirectly.
My impression is that the United States did not betray Algeria: it did not intend to carry out its rescue mission because it was more concerned about the potential support Algeria could provide in the war against Russia (the Algerian army has been training with live ammunition for weeks, and my theory is that a large Algerian contingent is going to be sent to Ukraine), than they cared about the zionist settlers and zionist soldiers being held hostage by Hamas.
But Algeria's inability to keep its word after Biden's plan was officially accepted by our officials made us truly unreliable, even to be sent to Russia, and even though Algeria is the best card the West has, given the Ukraine's lack of soldiers (Algeria has been Russia's main customer for all types of military contracts for decades and is very familiar with Russian aircraft and equipment, and has conducted joint military exercises with Russia even deep within Russian territory).
If our president decides to save Algeria's commitments to the West: he should really fire our ambassador to the UN, and completely review and change our internal process of opposition to resolutions at the UN (we have a status of non-permanent membership until the end of 2025, which the United States helped us gain).
If he doesn't save it, and doesn't go to the G7 summit, I don't know how we will survive future wars to come: Morocco has expansionist views, and its military capacity is currently being improved by the genocidal Israeli. who are building a drone factory on our borders and launching two satellites for Morocco; Russia, which threw us under the bus because we refused to help Putin in his plan to destroy the EU's energy security, entered Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso and Libya militarily, made them its vassals and now claims a percentage of our oil and gas resources!
I don't know what the future holds for us….
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neotrances · 9 months
You can really tell when someone hasn’t had contact with the average hand-to-mouth, gig-to-gig sex worker. “A sex worker’s client is half the fucking job” mhm and most sex workers do not like johns and wish they didn’t have to rely on them for money to live. Low contact, video only sex work is not the common denominator in this industry. A fraction of a percent of sex workers are wealthy enough to live well and not have to perform. And those tend to be the most popular ones who feed on and feed into sexual trends, which trickle down to effect struggling sex workers who have less agency. Because, again, 99% of sex workers aren’t Mia Khalifa and Belle Delphine. They are young, poor, and without any ability to dictate trends or their job outcome. Class consciousness means we must be conscious of how class stratification affects all forms of labor. The most visible, influential, and unaffected will continue to lead their respective industries until they are questioned. Despite this other side of this argument (from what I’ve seen) claiming communism there seems to be a strange Democracy of the Dollar undercurrent to this argument. That this arrangement and its machinations are just because there is a buyer continuing to supply demand, and if we criticize the “buyers” we are harming “suppliers”. In our current circumstances, sex work is stigmatized because it is seen as a criminal act that both the john and worker partake in. It is individualized as a social evil effecting only those who are involved. Pulling back the scope to show how this exchange is socially informed and how that can ultimately harm workers across multiple exchanges does not create the same stigma. It can, surprisingly, lead to beneficial changes for both parties. While I wish sex workers would not need to perform under coercion, I believe in harm reduction over prohibition and that doesn’t mean “no holds barred” on what can be considered ok and not. It means everyone has to change their mindset for the betterment of those who can’t choose, even if it means it’s a little harder for you to get your rocks off however and whenever you want.
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jbaileyfansite · 10 months
Interview with People (2023)
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Jonathan Bailey could have gone in any direction after his runaway success as the male romantic lead in Bridgerton'ssecond season.
But choosing to play a gay man opposite Matt Bomer in Showtime's Fellow Travelers, another romantic period drama — this one spanning the 1950s Joseph McCarthy communist trials to the 1980s AIDS crisis — was a "no-brainer" for the British actor.
"I had looked for these gay stories, a sweeping gay love story, and I hadn't really seen them," Bailey, 35, tells PEOPLE in this week's issue. "This ticked every single box, and it's something I know I'll be proud of for the rest of my career."
Bailey first grabbed the attention of TV viewers with his breakthrough performance as Anthony Bridgerton, the proud, surly viscount on Shonda Rhimes's sudsy Regency-era drama Bridgerton.
Starring in one of Netflix's most popular shows has been transformative for Bailey, who previously had mostly divided his time between British TV and theater roles.
"Having always waited for auditions and projects to come, I just have that footing now to have choices, which is incredible and so special, because it's not a very common thing," he says. "I have a responsibility therefore not to waste that."
Raised in Benson, England by his father Stuart, a managing director at a honey supplier, and his mother Carole, who worked several jobs to help make ends meet and pay for dance and music lessons for her son and his three older sisters, Bailey found school intimidating.
The actor was 11 when he realized he might be gay, and he sought refuge in his family, the theater and his best friend.
"It's a pretty common story that school is terrifying, especially in a world where people don't understand or the teachers and children don't understand LGBTQ+ identities and experiences," he shares. "But the superpower of being on the outside looking in means that when you're older, you are drawn to storytelling and creatives who are singular and exciting. And I think queer people have a real strength to them, which could be celebrated."
Fellow Travelers certainly celebrates the LGBTQ+ community through its ambitious, decades-long narrative and queer stars. The biggest, most exciting draw for Bailey was his character Tim Laughlin's "expansive arc," evolving from a closeted political staffer in the 1950s to an out-and-proud activist in the 1980s.
"It's explored more, his journey and the expanse of it, more than any other character," Bailey says. "But I think, with Tim, he's constantly searching within himself. He's constantly torn between his identity, the truth about his identity and the stories that he's been told, whether it be by religion, by the government, by his parents or society. So it's thrilling to be able to constantly be torn between two places."
Working alongside Bomer, 46, helped Bailey bring Fellow Travelers to life.
Bomer, who also served as an executive producer on Fellow Travelers, was "a total joy" to work with, recalls Bailey, who meshed well with the White Collar actor right from the start — from their Zoom screen test to their "pregame coffee" five days before they began shooting.
"We both had quite a lot of experience in our careers of intimacy and portraying intimacy, but there's also just so much we've experienced as gay men, as well. So naturally, we had a lot to explore," he says, adding, "To honor the canon of gay storytelling is totally what I set out to do. So if it [Fellow Travelers] is 'up there,' then I'm really happy."
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ipcommunications · 1 year
Mitigate Cyber Threats and Enhance Cyber Security With These Practices
If you belong to the technology sector and work in a company mainly dealing in computers, data sciences and so on, believe me, you are on the front lines of information security. Even the most robustly secure companies and those releasing their anti-virus software are always under the threat of hacking or data and information getting compromised. Check point software can be immensely helpful in preventing any breach, but apart from this, there are some best practices also recommended by experts to keep your data and company server secure. Let us educate ourselves with these best practices related to cyber security.
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Data Protection Should Be Prioritised
In any case, you should have a 'no compromise' approach related to data protection. You should avoid sharing personal identification information everywhere on the Internet, particularly when answering unsolicited emails, phone calls, text messages or instant messages. This information could include social security number, credit card number and most importantly, any one-time password.
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Avoid Pop-Ups, Unknown Emails and Links
Pop-up messages, unknown emails and links are game changers as far as phishing attacks and hacking is concerned. Phishers send a pop-up hoping that the user will open the pop-up window and, somehow, reach the page where the data breach is most straightforward for them. These pop-ups and malicious links could have viruses and malware embedded in them. Hence, it is recommended to be very cautious during opening links or attachments in emails from senders whom you don't recognise. Here also, the golden rule should be followed of not disclosing any personal information on any email from an unidentified source.
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Use Strong Password Protection and Authentication
Checkpoint software is undoubtedly the best practice, but for better security, your password is also very instrumental. A strong and complex password can prevent any breach from cyber thieves who are always searching for your personal information. A strong password is needed, and it should have at least ten characters, including number capital and lowercase and special symbols. Your password manager can help with this, and nothing is better than your company server reminding you about changing passwords every month.
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Enabling firewall protection at home and office is another very impressive defence against cyber threats. Apart from this, as mentioned above, check point software is beneficial, and you should not mind investing in software and security systems. You must also ensure that the software is always updated and works flawlessly to protect your data and personal information. 
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Hello. I'm wondering what do you think about Indra and his deprivation of heir status situation?
Hi there, nice person. Well, I think that Hagoromo was obviously a biased father with no parenting abilities and a clear, shameless favouritism for one if his children. He ruined their children's lives by seeding discord between them and acting in a blatantly unfair way. He had two sons who were perfectly complementary to each other and, instead of stetting them to cooperate, he left all the power to one hoping the other would just submit to him and serve him in exchange for nothing. This was his idea of "love and cooperation", favouring one part while the other just gives in and accepts whichever humiliation and dishonour. He claims to seek peace, but peace can't never be cemented on injustice and discrimination, something many heroes of the story never seem to grasp.
Indra was left with nothing but a rock, where his father even engraved warnings against power for his successors, a testimonial of how much he distrusted Indra and how he extended that distrust to all his bloodline, even those who were not even born yet. The stone tablet is a testimonial of Hagoromo's everlasting prejudice. It is extremely upsetting and, when Indra is portrayed as evil, jealous or unreasonable, I seriously can't believe people can't consider how betrayed and failed he must have felt.
As I was telling once to a mutual, imagine you own a farm and you have two children. One knows how to handle animals, grow crops, and manage all the work in the farm, but he is null with people. The other knows nothing about the work, but he excels at finding clients, suppliers, organises exchanges with the community... Would you leave the farm to the "people person" child and expect the other to just be ok with it and work for free under the lead of the child who knows nothing about how the business works? And when the excluded child gets angry as expected, you blame him for the farm not working properly? "Oh, my child does not want to be used and treated unfairly, so now the farm does not work and people go hungry, he is so mean!"
That is what Hagomoro did here. He gave the power solely to the dumb child, hoping that "power of friendship" would compensate for his lack of talent and knowledge. But the dumb child and his descendants could never make peace. And this was not only due to the fact that Indra and his descendants were angry at their unfair treatment and challenged their greedy relatives. When the "Asuras" are in charge of power, all they have is nice words and empty promises, but in reality they only create chaos and their only worry is to keep hoarding power and influence. They can't achieve anything because they don't know how to do it. They are simply not capable and they only care for themselves, despite their friendly façade. They are of course expert people pleasers, which makes them good manipulators and demagogues, but never good leaders.
In summary, Indra was treated unfairly and he is the victim in this story. (And, as his last living descendant, if I ever see Hagoromo again I will stuck that stone table up his ass)
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This is something I did look into a few years ago without any luck, but does anyone know of anywhere I could buy a Navajo floor spindle from a Native seller? I can find any amount of them for sale from various general spinning/weaving/etc. suppliers, but I am reluctant to buy a tool relating to an indigenous crafting tradition from Some Company (or even Some Etsy Shop run by a non-Native) that does not remotely benefit the (very marginalised) community that the tool originates from.
I am a hobbyist spinner who does not make any money from spinning, and would not try to exoticise the fact that I was doing a Navajo style of spinning or position myself as an expert in it. I am interested by using a large spindle supported on the floor to spin largely because it looks more ergonomic and I am interested in learning styles of spinning that are new to me.
Also though, if anyone is aware of if the general consensus among Navajo craftspeople is that they would rather that non-Natives do not try to learn this kind of spinning, and can point me in the way of any information along those lines, that would be appreciated, because I do not want try to take ownership of things that are not mine to take.
I am also unclear about whether "Navajo spindle" is a term that is being used by non-Native spinners as an umbrella to group together various traditions of spinning? I am (passingly) familiar with the spinning and weaving traditions in the Navajo community, but there is something on The Woolery's website called a Blackfoot Spindle, which, has the following in its product description:
These Blackfoot Spindles were produced in coordination with Marilyn Wright (featured in Summer 2013 Spin Off magazine). They are handmade with a notch cut into the shaft that helps facilitate this almost lost spinning technique. Includes illustrated instruction pamphlet. This technique of spinning was almost lost. At the turn of the last century the tribal elders of the Blackfoot Confederacy declared that all spindles should be burned and that there would be no more spinning. A very relaxed way to spin on a unique spindle. Order this Navajo style spindle for sale today.
Like... I am not saying that all members of the Blackfeet Nation would be like "Well, tribal elders said a century ago that there was to be no more spinning, so I'm glad that tradition is (almost?) gone, actually" or that they wouldn't want it to be revived (or that there aren't efforts within that community to revive it that I am not aware of), but it feels to me like it does not fall to non-Native spinners to revive or ~save~ this style of spinning the way that this ad copy seems to be suggesting and that it's kind of a patronizing thing to imply.
Also, given that many spinners refer to chain-plying as "Navajo-plying" when Navajo spinners say that it is not something that originates in their spinning tradition, this leads me to believe that the term "Navajo spindle" may be used in a way by non-Natives that is flattening out and equating diverse spinning cultures originating in the Americas.
Anyway, the last time I was exploring this I kind of lost steam and decided to make a one-off donatation to Adopt a Native Elder to send a yarn bundle to a traditional Navajo weaver instead, so that I was actively supporting a non-hypothetical Navajo craftsperson in making a living from their crafts instead of just indulging in navel gazing about whether making my own spindle was a more respectful way to engage in their crafting traditions than buying a "Navajo" spindle from Some Company would be, which may well be what I land on doing again, but if there is a Native spinner out there who sells spindles I would love to support their business.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Canadian families will pay $1,065 more for groceries in 2023, report says
Canadians won't escape food inflation any time soon.
Food prices in Canada will continue to escalate in the new year, with grocery costs forecast to rise up to seven per cent in 2023, new research predicts.
For a family of four, the total annual grocery bill is expected to be $16,288 -- $1,065 more than it was this year, the 13th edition of Canada's Food Price Report released Monday said.
A single woman in her 40s -- the average age in Canada -- will pay about $3,740 for groceries next year while a single man the same age would pay $4,168, according to the report and Statistics Canada.
Food inflation is set to remain stubbornly high in the first half of 2023 before it starts to ease, said Sylvain Charlebois, lead author of the report and Dalhousie University professor of food distribution and policy.
"When you look at the current food inflation cycle we're in right now, we're probably in the seventh-inning stretch," he said in an interview. "The first part of 2023 will remain challenging ... but we're starting to see the end of this."
Multiple factors could influence food prices next year, including climate change, geopolitical conflicts, rising energy costs and the lingering effects of COVID-19, the report said.
Currency fluctuations could also play a role in food prices. A weaker Canadian dollar could make importing goods like lettuce more expensive, for example.
Earlier this year the loonie was worth more than 80 cents US, but it then dropped to a low of 72.17 cents US in October amid a strengthening U.S. dollar. It has hovered near the 74 cent mark in recent weeks, ending Friday at 74.25 cents US.
"The produce section is going to be the wild card," Charlebois said. "Currency is one of the key things that could throw things off early in the winter and that's why produce is the highest category."
Vegetables could see the biggest price spikes, with estimates pegging cost increases will rise as high as eight per cent, the report said.
In addition to currency risks, much of the produce sold in Canada comes from the United States, which has been struggling with extremely dry conditions.
"The western U.S., particularly California, has seen strong El Nino weather patterns and droughts and bacterial contaminations, and that's impacted our fruit and vegetable suppliers and prices," said Simon Somogyi, campus lead at the University of Guelph and professor at the Gordon S. Lang School of Business and Economics.
"The drought is making the production of lettuce more expensive," he said. "It's reducing the crop size but it's also causing bacterial contamination, which is lessening the supply in the marketplace."
Prices in other key food categories like meat, dairy and bakery are predicted to soar up to seven per cent, the researchers found.
The Canadian Dairy Commission has approved a farm gate milk price increase of about 2.2 per cent, or just under two cents per litre, for Feb. 1, 2023.
"The increase for February is reasonable but it comes after the unprecedented increases in 2022, which are continuing to work their way through the supply chain," Charlebois said of the two price hikes of nearly 11 per cent combined in 2022.
Meanwhile, seafood is expected to increase up to six per cent, while fruit could increase up to five per cent, the report said.
Restaurant costs are expected to increase four to six per cent, less than supermarket prices, the report said.
Rising prices will push food security and affordability even further out of reach of Canadians a year after food bank use reached a record high, the report said.
The increasing reliance on food banks is expected to continue, with 20 per cent of Canadians reporting they will likely turn to community organizations in 2023 for help feeding their families, a survey included in the report found.
Use of weekly flyers, coupons, bulk buying and food rescuing apps also ticked up this year and is expected to continue growing in 2023, the report said.
"We're in the era now of the smart shopper," said Somogyi, also the Arrell Chair in the Business of Food.
"For certain generations, it's the first time that they've had to make a list, not impulse buy, read the weekly flyers, use coupons, buy in volume and freeze what they don't use."
Last year's report predicted food prices would increase five to seven per cent in 2022 -- the biggest jump ever predicted by the annual food price report.
Food costs actually far exceeded that forecast. Grocery prices were up 11 per cent in October compared with a year before while overall food costs were up 10.1 per cent, according to Statistics Canada.
"We were called alarmists," Charlebois said of the prediction that food prices could rise seven per cent in 2022. Critics called the report an "exaggeration," he said.
"You're always one crisis away from throwing everything out the window," Charlebois said. "We didn't predict the war in Ukraine, and that really affected markets."
This report by The Canadian Press was first published Dec. 5, 2022.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/276zLTk
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darlingpwease · 2 years
im in the car right now and it's zoomin through the highway like a sequoia seed fucking like a bullet train. but hrrrr HRRRR HRHRHRHRHR HRHRGRGRHRHRHR alpha w wolf yuuta :)))) who is sweet and tender and shy and takes diligent care of his friends with you, the first alpha of the group. naturally, you pair up for effeciency, and to learn from one another. only for you to grow far, far too close and like each other far too much. you take care of each other so devotedly it hurts. and sweet, dear yuuta sheds his meek disposition for an extremely aggressive one when you officially become mates; standing down anyone he perceives as a threat to you. even when he threatens to tear off the face of a stranger, he still quietly whines for your affection-- closely pressing his face into yours, kissing you till your lips bruise. he'll absent-mindedly fiddle with your hair and/or trace the skin along your nape and watch as you shiver from his touch, even make other rivals watch as you growl into his neck and squeeze his waist tightly. yuuta lets no one else touch you or love you like he does and applies the same to himself for you. so terribly possessive and obsessive and your sweet boy :))))!!!!
'zoomin through the highway like a sequoia seed fucking like a bullet train' darling<3 thank you for the soundtrack I love driving at high speeds so much hshshhs /srs; hope you get a good ride, don't forget to buckle up <33 [advice for the future, considering how much time has already passed]
*meme with cat & microphone* please tell us what it's like to be a rare supplier of alpha x alpha dynamic? /pos /hj
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cw hybrid au implied + omegaverse au elements; heavy unhealthy behaviour, animal behaviour, heavy petting, bloody biting
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When there are more than one alpha in groups, it is natural that a hierarchy of experience and strength is built; even if you often participate in puppy fuss and behave democratically, competition for the main role always remains an important part of any communication. After all, this is an internal struggle for a resource, an important part of any intraspecific selection, and even if society and years of evolution have made everything less bloody, these are instincts — something that has not yet been replaced by cold reason.
Yuuta is not interested in competition or the main role, and even when you pull him into a puppy romp, — allows you to easily win, anxiously clutching your clothes as you hover over him. Yuuta is just such a soft and gentle alpha, almost too timid and anxious for someone who has to take over the management and control of the future group and lead it. Maybe you wouldn't sincerely call yourself "the most skilled alpha", but definitely understood such things better than Yuuta — anyone understands such things better than Yuuta — and allow yourself to slip from original goals.
He's just looks like a puppy — both literally and figuratively — with this "eternally in need of help" face and anxious grabbing when something happens, looking for a smarter and stronger alpha in you, watching you to learn the same, and you can't resist when notice how he tries to repeat after you or uses the same methods (being without you) in order to be more like a "good" alpha. You know about it — and it's as damn charming as it is almost embarrassing, knowing that he's taking an example from you as another alpha. You're not that experienced or old, but he still looks with a twinkle in eyes, absorbing your every word or movement on the coordination of the group, and you, you can't say to yourself "don't pay attention" when you see his need to become a better alpha.
You don't say that he is under your care, or that you are teaching him, or that he is your protégé — everyone understands this anyway, looking at how carefully you study each other and with each other; when you start walking only together or spend a lot of time alone, getting along with each other so well, that you can't avoid playful attention and small innocent jokes (not everyone decides to mess with two alphas). You do not resist and do not try to dispel them — you are not exactly in search of a mate; any partner is building a new group, and you are not ready to create a joint nest. Yuuta only blushes at this, like an overripe poppy, but does not answer anything, mumbling something when you ask if everything is fine, shyly looking away, but convincing that he is fine.
Yuuta smells even too nice for an alpha; something calm, pleasant, making you feel warm and good, and he definitely shouldn't smell so good for an alpha like you, but he does it, without flinching even when you sit closer, nuzzling his neck from fatigue and exhaustion, not preventing him from continuing to do his business. However, he is polite and affectionate enough to pay attention to you, standing still for your convenience, obediently raising and lowering head whenever you want, purring as you wrap your arms around his thin waist, snuggling closer. It's not that you were interested in other alphas — their smells were too sharp, their behavior was too competitive, their aggression was too reflective — but if it was Yuuta, then, maybe, you would be interested in alpha. As an exception.
Just in theory — it's not that you think of him as a possible partner or, even more so, as a possible keeper of your nest. Even if he was almost plush, he was an alpha — not the best choice for another alpha. But the way Yuuta strokes you, touching your skin with his fingertips and gently caressing, as if seducing you, in a sensual silence, covered only by the sounds of your common breathing, is more than exciting, and this is definitely the reason why your heart beats as fast as his.
... When Yuuta clings to you, wrapping his long legs around your body, pressing into you, whispering, almost crying, that he can't replace you with the partner you should have, — the best partner you will definitely have, — but he loves you, and the only thing he wants is for you to keep him close with yourself until you find someone better, letting him be around and take care of you, and it's so awkward and strange and embarrassing,
and you don't understand why you feel so hot when he whines, hiding head in your neck, gently scratching you and trembling on your chest, depending on you and any of your words or movements. He is dependent on you,
too dependent on you,
and you are too excited about it.
You cannot reject him, even when he naively presses his face to your face, whining like a puppy from fear and delight, trying to kiss you.
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Yuuta is affectionate; so gentle and timid, putting chin on your outstretched palm and shamelessly exposing his neck when you leave your lovebites under loud purring, knowing that he will not hide them or deny that they are yours. He never denies or hides you.
(The shape of your teeth in the likeness of a marriage ring on his ring finger is more than eloquent about what you mean when call him your "mate".)
Even if Yuuta growls almost as shamelessly low, baring fangs when someone starts behaving wrong, too wrong, forcing him to wrap around you and almost bare claws, threatening to scratch anyone who moves too close to you — as a warning; no one even dares to violate your space, let alone find out what will happen after the 'warning'.
You are TAKEN.
He's purrs like a huge cat when holds the edge of his t-shirt in mouth, allowing you to touch him and slide your fingers down, treating him like a pet, massaging his stomach and squeezing thin waist, perfectly turning into hips and thighs, wrapping around you; his belly is cute, easily squeezing through when you lightly press on it, perfect for a knot, — but you don't respond to quiet whining when Yuuta watches you check something. His nest, the first joint nest, a small love nest for two, specially built for you according to your preferences, looks so good, but Yuuta is closely watching your every look at what's around to see your real opinion; you don't know if he's whining for you to tell him what you're doing or what you think about this nest, — you don't say anything, just leaning closer to him,
And Yuta gasps when you start humping, gently rubbing and making him bend in the back, allowing you to continue at a more comfortable angle, caressing even harder and faster through clothes, touching heated skin with your lips, forcing him to moan and whine while his body is pressed down, unable to move except to incoherently push his hips in an attempt to return the caress. Yuuta is flexible, agile, wriggling under you to grab your clothes, hiding face in your shoulder, hanging on to you tightly even when you lift him higher to continue pushing harder, hearing only a purr mixed with moans when he takes his face away from your neck to immediately snuggle back, looking for your smell and leaving bloody the marks on your neck — but you don't feel them at all, being intoxicated from everything that is happening, just feeling how Yuuta encourages you not to stop, everything is fine, he's fine, even when your smell becomes too much for an ordinary alpha in a nest of this size.
If he could, he would stay in this nest with you forever.
When Yuuta is almost hanging on you, sleepily purring, looking for a source of energy in you, behaving more than eloquently about your closeness, you are more than sure that no one else will approach you, even if you smell like another alpha. Yuuta just has this ability to intimidate others, although you would say that this does not come from biological reasons like smell (like yours), but from something more subconsciously social.
But even if he modestly and quietly intimidates others, you don't mind. In any case, he does it with the best of intentions.
(he doesn't need to know that you encourage him or know about it, however.)
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Your smell can become 'too' much only for strangers when you grab Yuuta by the waist, possessively wrapping your arm around it, digging your fingers into side, probably leaving a bruise, but Yuuta only purrs softly, not letting you realize it. A soft, almost weightless kiss on your cheek relaxes you — only to get even angrier, feeling an attempt to invade your space. You don't know how it happens; you don't like it when someone flirts with him, and that's okay, but it's not normal — you're abnormally obsessive with him, and you know it when Yuuta is completely pressed against you, even if he hasn't taken a step himself, and his neck is pressed to your lips.
It's wrong, but if you could... you don't know what you would do to him or them so that it wouldn't happen again. So that no one else flirts with him, no one perceives your smell as "friendly", no one ignores that he is clearly not free. He's yours.
Only yours.
“Love, it's good, it's all good...”
Your mate.
“They just wanted to ask me...”
Your alpha.
“if I had someone.”
An alpha that also smells like other alphas is more successful.
In the end, collectivism and mutual assistance — if an alpha is close to another alpha, then the pack is more likely to survive than if there is only one alpha in the pack. Sometimes it happens that alphas specifically call several alpha-like betas to create the illusion of other alphas.
The principle of mutual support.
“You're mine.”
Yuuta wants to answer something, but doesn't know what, panting and whining, grabbing for you when you kiss him again; whining even more pitifully when you leave a bloody mark on his lips; only to lift head and let you bite his neck, biting the skin until it bleeds under his attempts to be quiet. Maybe you didn't know how to intimidate others, it was something more than you could, but you know what you can do.
Perhaps making sure that your smell becomes his smell will be a fairly short cut if you can't do the same as him.
(maybe this is what Yuuta really wants — but you definitely don't need to know about it, even if he wants you to know about it.)
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