#check point software
ipcommunications · 1 year
What Is More Beneficial – On-Premises VoIP Or Hosted VoIP?
All the strategies related to maximising the investment in business communication will be successful only when you decide whether to manage your own VoIP system or allow a host to do this on your behalf. Businesses across the globe have realised the advantages of VoIP technology and VoIP phone handsets. Now there is chaos among enterprises to switch to this technology, and more than 35% of businesses across the globe have already adopted it. The question is whether to host and manage your VoIP system on your own or rely upon a hosted VoIP, where a service provider does everything for you.
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On Premises Voip Vs Hosted Voip – What Is The Difference?
Both options will allow you to take advantage of the benefits of the VoIP phone systems. To get the most out of it, you will have to decide whether to self-host or enjoy the services of the hosted VoIP technology.
What Is A Premise-Based Voip?
In this arrangement, the whole system will be present at your office, like the equipment and the software needed to run the system will be there at your office. You will be responsible for its maintenance, security, upgrading and upkeep. This is easy if you have a well-established IT infrastructure and a dedicated team to manage the entire business communication scenario at your office.
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What Is Hosted Voip Technology?
A service provider will be hired and responsible for meeting all your VoIP-related requirements in this arrangement. This system is also called the cloud and is managed with the help of virtual servers that these hosting companies have.
What Are The Pros Of Premise-Based Voip Technology?
•          No risk of price hikes from the service provider
•          Complete control over your VoIP system and VoIP phone handsets
•          Customisation of the system’s features is completely in your hands
•          No additional cost of scalability
Cons of On-Premises Voip System
•          Higher installation and set-up cost
•          Long-term commitment to maintenance and security is required
•          You will need a dedicated staff for constant service, maintenance and support
•          Extensive investment and resources for proper management
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Advantages of Hosted Voip Systems
•          No stress related to maintenance, management and security
•          Incredibly low set-up cost
•          Fast implementation
•          Easily scalable depending on your needs
•          You can focus on your business and revenue generation
Disadvantages of Hosted Voip Technology
•          The system control is in the hands of the service provider
•          There is a vendor locking period
•          Network connection fluctuation will be experienced
Whether To Choose Hosted Or On-Premises Voip?
The answer to this question depends entirely on your organisation’s current capability, resources and funds. You can review your current circumstances and goals, and since every business is unique, it is ideal that the solutions tailored to fit your specific needs are selected.
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jcmarchi · 28 days
Yariv Fishman, Chief Product Officer at Deep Instinct – Interview Series
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/yariv-fishman-chief-product-officer-at-deep-instinct-interview-series/
Yariv Fishman, Chief Product Officer at Deep Instinct – Interview Series
Yariv Fishman is Chief Product Officer (CPO) at Deep Instinct, he is a seasoned product management executive with more than 20 years of leadership experience across notable global B2B brands. Fishman has held several prominent roles, including leadership positions with Microsoft where he led the Cloud App Security product portfolio and initiated the MSSP and security partner program, and Head of Product Management, Cloud Security & IoT Security at CheckPoint. He holds a B.Sc in Information Systems Engineering from Ben Gurion University and an MBA from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
Deep Instinct is a cybersecurity company that applies deep learning to cybersecurity. The company implements AI to the task of preventing and detecting malware.
Can you tell us about your journey in the cybersecurity industry and how it has shaped your approach to product management?
Throughout my 20 year career, I’ve worked at several global B2B organizations, including Check Point Software Technologies and Microsoft, where I led product management and strategy and built my cybersecurity experience across public cloud, endpoint, network, and SaaS application security.
Along the way, I’ve learned different best practices – from how to manage a team to how to inform the proper strategy – that have shaped how I lead at Deep Instinct. Working for numerous cybersecurity companies of various sizes has allowed me to get a holistic view of management styles and learn how to best create processes that support fast-moving teams. I’ve also seen first-hand how to release products and plan for product-market fit, which is critical to business success.
What drew you to join Deep Instinct, and how has your role evolved since you started as Chief Product Officer?
As an industry veteran, I rarely get excited about new technology. I first heard about Deep Instinct while working at Microsoft. As I learned about the possibilities of predictive prevention technology, I quickly realized that Deep Instinct was the real deal and doing something unique. I joined the company to help productize its deep learning framework, creating market fit and use cases for this first-of-its-kind zero-day data security solution.
Since joining the team three years ago, my role has changed and evolved alongside our business. Initially, I focused on building our product management team and relevant processes. Now, we’re heavily focused on strategy and how we market our zero-day data security capabilities in today’s fast-moving and ever-more-treacherous market.
Deep Instinct uses a unique deep learning framework for its cybersecurity solutions. Can you discuss the advantages of deep learning over traditional machine learning in threat prevention?
The term “AI” is broadly used as a panacea to equip organizations in the battle against zero-day threats. However, while many cyber vendors claim to bring AI to the fight, machine learning (ML) – a less sophisticated form of AI – remains a core part of their products. ML is unfit for the task. ML solutions are trained on limited subsets of available data (typically 2-5%), offer only 50-70% accuracy with unknown threats, and introduce false positives. They also require human intervention because they are trained on smaller data sets, increasing the chances of human bias and error.
Not all AI is equal. Deep learning (DL), the most advanced form of AI, is the only technology capable of preventing and explaining known and unknown zero-day threats. The distinction between ML and DL-based solutions becomes evident when examining their ability to identify and prevent known and unknown threats. Unlike ML, DL is built on neural networks, enabling it to self-learn and train on raw data. This autonomy allows DL to identify, detect, and prevent complex threats. With its understanding of the fundamental components of malicious files, DL empowers teams to quickly establish and maintain a robust data security posture, thwarting the next threat before it even materializes.
Deep Instinct recently launched DIANNA, the first generative AI-powered cybersecurity assistant. Can you explain the inspiration behind DIANNA and its key functionalities?
Deep Instinct is the only provider on the market that can predict and prevent zero-day attacks. Enterprise zero-day vulnerabilities are on the rise. We saw a 64% increase in zero-day attacks in 2023 compared to 2022, and we released Deep Instinct’s Artificial Neural Network Assistant (DIANNA) to combat this growing trend. DIANNA is the first and only generative AI-powered cybersecurity assistant to provide expert-level malware analysis and explainability for zero-day attacks and unknown threats.
What sets DIANNA apart from other traditional AI tools that leverage LLMs is its ability to provide insights into why unknown attacks are malicious. Today, if someone wants to explain a zero-day attack, they have to run it through a sandbox, which can take days and, in the end, won’t provide an elaborate or focused explanation. While valuable, this approach only offers retrospective analysis with limited context. DIANNA doesn’t just analyze the code; it understands the intent, potential actions, and explains what the code is designed to do: why it is malicious, and how it might impact systems. This process allows SOC teams time to focus on alerts and threats that truly matter.
How does DIANNA’s ability to provide expert-level malware analysis differ from traditional AI tools in the cybersecurity market?
DIANNA is like having a virtual team of malware analysts and incident response experts at your fingertips to provide deep analysis into known and unknown attacks, explaining the techniques of attackers and the behaviors of malicious files.
Other AI tools can only identify known threats and existing attack vectors. DIANNA goes beyond traditional AI tools, offering organizations an unprecedented level of expertise and insight into unknown scripts, documents, and raw binaries to prepare for zero-day attacks. Additionally, DIANNA provides enhanced visibility into the decision-making process of Deep Instinct’s prevention models, allowing organizations to fine-tune their security posture for maximum effectiveness.
What are the primary challenges DIANNA addresses in the current cybersecurity landscape, particularly regarding unknown threats?
The problem with zero-day attacks today is the lack of information about why an incident was stopped and deemed malicious. Threat analysts must spend significant time determining if it was a malicious attack or a false positive. Unlike other cybersecurity solutions, Deep Instinct was routinely blocking zero-day attacks with our unique DL solution. However, customers were asking for detailed explanations to better understand the nature of these attacks. We developed DIANNA to enhance Deep Instinct’s deep learning capabilities, reduce the strain on overworked SecOps teams, and provide real-time explainability into unknown, sophisticated threats. Our ability to focus the GenAI models on specific artifacts allows us to provide a comprehensive, yet focused, response to address the market gap.
DIANNA is a significant advancement for the industry and a tangible example of AI’s ability to solve real-world problems. It leverages solely static analysis to identify the behavior and intent of various file formats, including binaries, scripts, documents, shortcut files, and other threat delivery file types. DIANNA is more than just a technological advancement; it’s a strategic shift towards a more intuitive, efficient, and effective cybersecurity environment.
Can you elaborate on how DIANNA translates binary code and scripts into natural language reports and the benefits this brings to security teams?
That process is part of our secret sauce. At a high level, we can detect malware that the deep learning framework tags within an attack and then feed it as metadata into the LLM model. By extracting metadata without exposing sensitive information, DIANNA provides the zero-day explainability and focused answers that customers are seeking.
With the rise of AI-generated attacks, how do you see AI evolving to counteract these threats more effectively?
As AI-based threats rise, staying ahead of increasingly sophisticated attackers requires moving beyond traditional AI tools and innovating with better AI, specifically deep learning. Deep Instinct is the first and only cybersecurity company to use deep learning in its data security technology to prevent threats before they cause a breach and predict future threats. The Deep Instinct zero-day data security solution can predict and prevent known, unknown, and zero-day threats in <20 milliseconds, 750x faster than the fastest ransomware can encrypt – making it an essential addition to every security stack, providing complete, multi-layered protection against threats across hybrid environments.
Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Deep Instinct.
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arielmcorg · 2 months
#Ciberseguridad - 7 consejos para prevenir las inyecciones de frames HTML
Los ataques de inyección de frames son un subconjunto de los ataques de inyección de código en los que los ciberdelincuentes inyectan frames HTML maliciosos en una página web legítima. Check Point® Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHKP), proveedor líder en soluciones de ciberseguridad en la nube basadas en IA, advierte que un ataque de inyección de frames puede causar un tiempo de inactividad…
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roseverdict · 8 months
when you've been rotating the Perfect birthday gift for somebody in your mind for Literal Years but you can't bring yourself to make it bc you know that this person's temper will end up making them break it if it doesn't act perfectly 100% of the time, then blame it for not being sturdy enough to take it. regardless of how much heart and soul you put into it.
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good-beans · 1 year
I had a ton of fun with a little editing experiment using @astarryserenade 's English covers of Undercover and Harrow along with the Megamix track! I really love the jailbreak mix, and thought it'd be cool to put something together since she just released all the T1 covers and not one of them misses 👏👏👏
It'll take me a while to put together more of it, so I wanted to share the bit that I have for now :)
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whoify · 5 months
making gifs is actually so fun i wish there wasn’t this notion on here that it’s this incredibly difficult thing that only select people are capable of
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aropride · 1 year
im going to have to buy cellphones for the rest of my life and if things dont change itll be every 3-5 years forever IF things dont get worse and im so sick of it!!!!!!!!!!! and like yeah my next phone wont be apple cuz fuck apple but even other phones seem to have the same lifespan when it comes to software and im SICK OF IT. im sick of it!!!!!! i wish my next phone could be a small brick that i can fix myself with a youtube video or a zoom call with my dad i want to know that an item im pouring $500+ into will fucking LAST !!!!!
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diseasedcube · 2 years
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I just learned how to download fonts and use them in SAI2
so here's a test page with the generic manga font :D
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ipcommunications · 1 year
Mitigate Cyber Threats and Enhance Cyber Security With These Practices
If you belong to the technology sector and work in a company mainly dealing in computers, data sciences and so on, believe me, you are on the front lines of information security. Even the most robustly secure companies and those releasing their anti-virus software are always under the threat of hacking or data and information getting compromised. Check point software can be immensely helpful in preventing any breach, but apart from this, there are some best practices also recommended by experts to keep your data and company server secure. Let us educate ourselves with these best practices related to cyber security.
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Data Protection Should Be Prioritised
In any case, you should have a 'no compromise' approach related to data protection. You should avoid sharing personal identification information everywhere on the Internet, particularly when answering unsolicited emails, phone calls, text messages or instant messages. This information could include social security number, credit card number and most importantly, any one-time password.
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Avoid Pop-Ups, Unknown Emails and Links
Pop-up messages, unknown emails and links are game changers as far as phishing attacks and hacking is concerned. Phishers send a pop-up hoping that the user will open the pop-up window and, somehow, reach the page where the data breach is most straightforward for them. These pop-ups and malicious links could have viruses and malware embedded in them. Hence, it is recommended to be very cautious during opening links or attachments in emails from senders whom you don't recognise. Here also, the golden rule should be followed of not disclosing any personal information on any email from an unidentified source.
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Use Strong Password Protection and Authentication
Checkpoint software is undoubtedly the best practice, but for better security, your password is also very instrumental. A strong and complex password can prevent any breach from cyber thieves who are always searching for your personal information. A strong password is needed, and it should have at least ten characters, including number capital and lowercase and special symbols. Your password manager can help with this, and nothing is better than your company server reminding you about changing passwords every month.
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Enabling firewall protection at home and office is another very impressive defence against cyber threats. Apart from this, as mentioned above, check point software is beneficial, and you should not mind investing in software and security systems. You must also ensure that the software is always updated and works flawlessly to protect your data and personal information. 
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Generative AI adoption: Strategic implications & security concerns - CyberTalk
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/generative-ai-adoption-strategic-implications-security-concerns-cybertalk/
Generative AI adoption: Strategic implications & security concerns - CyberTalk
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By Manuel Rodriguez. With more than 15 years of experience in cyber security, Manuel Rodriguez is currently the Security Engineering Manager for the North of Latin America at Check Point Software Technologies, where he leads a team of high-level professionals whose objective is to help organizations and businesses meet cyber security needs. Manuel joined Check Point in 2015 and initially worked as a Security Engineer, covering Central America, where he participated in the development of important projects for multiple clients in the region. He had previously served in leadership roles for various cyber security solution providers in Colombia.
Technology evolves very quickly. We often see innovations that are groundbreaking and have the potential to change the way we live and do business. Although artificial intelligence is not necessarily new, in November of 2022 ChatGPT was released, giving the general public access to a technology we know as Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI). It was in a short time from then to the point where people and organizations realized it could help them gain a competitive advantage.
Over the past year, organizational adoption of GenAI has nearly doubled, showing the growing interest in embracing this kind of technology. This surge isn’t a temporary trend; it is a clear indication of the impact GenAI is already having and that it will continue to have in the coming years across various industry sectors.
The surge in adoption
Recent data reveals that 65% of organizations are now regularly using generative AI, with overall AI adoption jumping to 72% this year. This rapid increase shows the growing recognition of GenAI’s potential to drive innovation and efficiency. One analyst firm predicts that by 2026, over 80% of enterprises will be utilizing GenAI APIs or applications, highlighting the importance that businesses are giving to integrating this technology into their strategic frameworks.
Building trust and addressing concerns
Although adoption is increasing very fast in organizations, the percentage of the workforce with access to this kind of technology still relatively low. In a recent survey by Deloitte, it was found that 46% of organizations provide approved Generative AI access to 20% or less of their workforce. When asked for the reason behind this, the main answer was around risk and reward. Aligned with that, 92% of business leaders see moderate to high-risk concerns with GenAI.
As organizations scale their GenAI deployments, concerns increase around data security, quality, and explainability. Addressing these issues is essential to generate confidence among stakeholders and ensure the responsible use of AI technologies.
Data security
The adoption of Generative AI (GenAI) in organizations comes with various data security risks. One of the primary concerns is the unauthorized use of GenAI tools, which can lead to data integrity issues and potential breaches. Shadow GenAI, where employees use unapproved GenAI applications, can lead to data leaks, privacy issues and compliance violations.
Clearly defining the GenAI policy in the organization and having appropriate visibility and control over the shared information through these applications will help organizations mitigate this risk and maintain compliance with security regulations. Additionally, real-time user coaching and training has proven effective in altering user actions and reducing data risks.
Compliance and regulations
Compliance with data privacy regulations is a critical aspect of GenAI adoption. Non-compliance can lead to significant legal and financial repercussions. Organizations must ensure that their GenAI tools and practices adhere to relevant regulations, such as GDPR, HIPPA, CCPA and others.
Visibility, monitoring and reporting are essential for compliance, as they provide the necessary oversight to ensure that GenAI applications are used appropriately. Unauthorized or improper use of GenAI tools can lead to regulatory breaches, making it imperative to have clear policies and governance structures in place. Intellectual property challenges also arise from generating infringing content, which can further complicate compliance efforts.
To address these challenges, organizations should establish a robust framework for GenAI governance. This includes developing a comprehensive AI ethics policy that defines acceptable use cases and categorizes data usage based on organizational roles and functions. Monitoring systems are essential for detecting unauthorized GenAI activities and ensuring compliance with regulations.
Specific regulations for GenAI
Several specific regulations and guidelines have been developed or are in the works to address the unique challenges posed by GenAI. Some of those are more focused on the development of new AI tools while others as the California GenAI Guidelines focused on purchase and use. Examples include:
EU AI Act: This landmark regulation aims to ensure the safe and trustworthy use of AI, including GenAI. It includes provisions for risk assessments, technical documentation standards, and bans on certain high-risk AI applications.
U.S. Executive Order on AI: Issued in October of 2023, this order focuses on the safe, secure, and trustworthy development and use of AI technologies. It mandates that federal agencies implement robust risk management and governance frameworks for AI.
California GenAI Guidelines: The state of California has issued guidelines for the public sector’s procurement and use of GenAI. These guidelines emphasize the importance of training, risk assessment, and compliance with existing data privacy laws.
Department of Energy GenAI Reference Guide: This guide provides best practices for the responsible development and use of GenAI, reflecting the latest federal guidance and executive orders.
To effectively manage the risks associated with GenAI adoption, organizations should consider the following recommendations:
Establish clear policies and training: Develop and enforce clear policies on the approved use of GenAI. Provide comprehensive training sessions on ethical considerations and data protection to ensure that all employees understand the importance of responsible AI usage.
Continuously reassess strategies: Regularly reassess strategies and practices to keep up with technological advancements. This includes updating security measures, conducting comprehensive risk assessments, and evaluating third-party vendors.
Implement advanced GenAI security solutions: Deploy advanced GenAI solutions to ensure data security while maintaining comprehensive visibility into GenAI usage. Traditional DLP solutions based on keywords and patterns are not enough. GenAI solutions should give proper visibility by understanding the context without the need to define complicated data-types. This approach not only protects sensitive information, but also allows for real-time monitoring and control, ensuring that all GenAI activities are transparent and compliant with organizational and regulatory requirements.
Foster a culture of responsible AI usage: Encourage a culture that prioritizes ethical AI practices. Promote cross-department collaboration between IT, legal, and compliance teams to ensure a unified approach to GenAI governance.
Maintain transparency and compliance: Ensure transparency in AI processes and maintain compliance with data privacy regulations. This involves continuous monitoring and reporting, as well as developing incident response plans that account for AI-specific challenges.
By following these recommendations, organizations can make good use and take advantage of the benefits of GenAI while effectively managing the associated data security and compliance risks.
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theskoomacat · 2 years
i'm confused, how is this manual flagging equal to the legality of mature content? it's not like everyone is actually going to flag it, and if we believe the stories about Apple Store henchmen dutifully sniffing out porn in every tag, they will find it yet again. it doesn't seem to me like this problem is actually solved by this
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monsterfactoryfanfic · 2 months
if I've learned anything from grad school it's to check your sources, and this has proven invaluable in the dozens of instances when I've had an MBA-type try to tell me something about finances or leadership. Case in point:
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Firefox serves me clickbaity articles through Pocket, which is fine because I like Firefox. But sometimes an article makes me curious. I'm pretty anal about my finances, and I wondered if this article was, as I suspected, total horseshit, or could potentially benefit me and help me get my spending under control. So let's check the article in question.
It mostly seems like common sense. "...track expenses and income for at least a month before setting a budget...How much money do I have or earn? How much do I want to save?" Basic shit like that. But then I get to this section:
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This sounds fucking made up to me. And thankfully, they've provided a source to their claim that "research has repeatedly shown" that writing things down changes behavior. First mistake. What research is this?
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Forbes, naturally, my #1 source for absolute dogshit fart-sniffing financial schlock. Forbes is the type of website that guy from high school who constantly posts on linkedin trawls daily for little articles like this that make him feel better about refusing to pay for a decent package for his employees' healthcare (I'm from the United States, a barbaric, conflict-ridden country in the throes of civil unrest, so obsessed with violence that its warlords prioritize weapons over universal medical coverage. I digress). Forbes constantly posts shit like this, and I constantly spend my time at leadership seminars debunking poor consultants who get paid to read these claims credulously. Look at this highlighted text. Does it make sense to you that simply writing your financial goals down would result in a 10x increase in your income? Because if it does, let me make you an offer on this sick ass bridge.
Thankfully, Forbes also makes the mistake of citing their sources. Let's check to see where this hyperlink goes:
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SidSavara. I've never heard of this site, but the About section tells me that Sid is "a technology leader who empowers teams to grow into their best selves. He is a life-long learner enjoys developing software, leading teams in delivering mission critical projects, playing guitar and watching football and basketball."
That doesn't mean anything. What are his LinkedIn credentials? With the caveat that anyone can lie on Linkedin, Mr. Savara appears to be a Software Engineer. Which is fine! I'm glad software engineers exist! But Sid's got nothing in his professional history which suggests he knows shit about finance. So I'm already pretty skeptical of his website, which is increasingly looking like a personal fart-huffing blog.
The article itself repeats the credulous claim made in the Forbes story earlier, but this time, provides no link for the 3% story. Mr. Savara is smarter than his colleages at Forbes, it's much wiser to just make shit up.
HOWEVER. I am not the first person to have followed this rabbit hole. Because at the very top of this article, there is a disclaimer.
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Uh oh!
Sid's been called out before, and in the follow up to this article, he reveals the truth.
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You can guess where this is going.
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So to go back to the VERY beginning of this post, both Pocket/Good Housekeeping and Forbes failed to do even the most basic of research, taking the wild claim that writing down your budget may increase your income by 10x on good faith and the word of a(n admittedly honest about his shortcomings) software engineer.
Why did I spend 30 minutes to make a tumblr post about this? Mostly to show off how smart I am, but also to remind folks of just how flimsy any claim on the internet can be. Click those links, follow those sources, and when the sources stop linking, ask why.
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timestechnow · 12 days
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.'s Global Threat Index for August 2024 highlights ransomware dominance, with RansomHub as the leading threat. This Ransomware-as-a-Service (RaaS) group, formerly Knight ransomware, has breached over 210 victims globally. Meow ransomware now sells stolen data on leak marketplaces. In India, healthcare is the most targeted sector, with organizations facing an average of 3244 attacks per week, compared to 1657 globally. RansomHub's aggressive tactics impact multiple systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and VMware ESXi.
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s0dabeach · 2 months
I should make another animal crossing new leaf town
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sohaibsmart · 2 months
Amazon Prime Day occasion begins, gross sales up 12% in first 7 hours: Report | Firm Information
Prime Day can function a bellwether for the vacation procuring season. 3 min learn Final Up to date : Jul 17 2024 | 12:10 AM IST Amazon.com Inc.’s Prime Day gross sales rose virtually 12 per cent within the first seven hours of the occasion in contrast with the identical interval final 12 months, based on Momentum Commerce, which manages 50 manufacturers in a wide range of product…
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