#leander answers
there’s this weird fifth-year who always smells like mallowsweet and disappears all the time. what do you think of them?
Don't like that they hang out with Sebastian Sallow probably smoking the wacko backo to numb the shame of being seen in public with FAILURE Sebastian "Useless" Sallow
Can't keep a plant alive let alone a sister. Terrible Summoner's Court player xox
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pumpkinsouppe · 6 months
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FINALLY done with Ema's rendering practice fhjdskahfsjka;
When I do a bust render of Klavier I'll replace the bubble hehe
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
forgot to add but i did a hogwarts legacy uquiz some time ago he he har har
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winterwhisperz-blog · 6 months
Hey i just read your touchstarved headcanons and I LOVE IT!!!
And Here’s my request is that can you do a scenario of TS boys with MC who can speak different languages??? (like Italian or French)
Don’t worry i am a patient person and I won’t rush you. And i hope you’ll make more scenarios of the TS boys in be future.
YES HI HELLO !! I am, SO SO SORRY for taking two thousand centuries to respond to this—I’ve been pretty stressed over work so I haven’t been able to write headcanons as much— BUT TYSM FOR THE ASK !! IM SO HAPPY YOUVE ENJOYED MY HEADCANONS !
I do want to apologize in advance that these are going to be shorter and less one-shot like, than my others. These will be more like my Kuras Headcanons I made awhile ago—(Life has been kicking my butt lately so my motivation has been LOW)
But I hope you still enjoy them !!
Also huuuuge thanks to @danyvhell-writes
For helping me with these ideas !! You’re a saint 🙏
Note: gn reader! Fluff
So, one of my besties would do this A LOT where she would just switch into Spanish and I’d just be there like ???
So I thought it would be funny if you did that with Ais here
Imagine you’re in some kind of argument, a stupid, light one you know— and to annoy him
He’s completely stunned, red eyes wide as you just start rambling, (very passionately) in a language he doesn’t understand
As you go on though, he just becomes utterly impressed, watching your mouth as he studies the words coming out of it (and just because he’s flirty LMAOOOO)
After you’ve had your fun, he comments something like “Impressive, Sparrow.” And then asks you, ofc, if you can teach him what you said
To tease him a bit more, you don’t tell him for a bit until he BRINGS OUT THESE GIANT PUPPY EYES
So you do start teaching him, just long evenings hunched over books or a paper as you teach him different phrases and words, the candle light dancing on his focused gaze.
And one day, out of the blue, he starts calling you Sparrow in the language you were speaking(and you also hear him practice words while talking with Princess—AND ITS SO ADORABLE)
After he’s becoming pretty good at it, you then proceed to tease other people(Leander) by randomly switching mid-conversation into a different language <33
NOW WITH THIS ONE, it reminded me of this really cool video of a guy switching between loads of languages in one song
IMAGINE showing this off to Leander one rowdy night at the Wet Wick
Maybe it’s even one of his favorite songs ??? And hearing you sing it in so many languages would absolutely knock him off his feet.
Another thing I think he’d go CRAZY FOR
Pet names, in whatever language.
Like ?? You call him something like “Mi amor…” for Spanish, or “Tesoruccio.” For Italian ??
He’s done for. Doomed. Dead. Will beg you to repeat it over and over while he showers your hands or arms with kisses.
He’s also one that would definitely be okay with you calling these pet names in public—he wants to be all smug that HES the one called yours.
He probably also learns whatever language you speak as well, might already know it because bro probably had tutors that taught him so many languages man.
In return for the pet names, he probably calls you something like “λατρεία μου” or “latria mu” (My adored !!! 🥹 in greek)
I’m guessing since Kuras is an Angel, he knows like ??? Every language?
So when he finds out you speak others, he’s instantly curious, impressed, and now it’s quiz time.
You pass by a certain object, plant, anything, and he asks you how to say it in your language(s). Even if he may already know, he likes to hear it coming from you, enjoying the glint in your eyes as you explain things.
Another thing he’ll do, is when you’re having a library date, he’ll hand you a book and request you translate it. Either from your language to—whatever language people speak in Eridia ?? Or from that language to yours.
These will turn into nightly strolls with you translating a poem or book as he strides beside you, golden eyes locked on every word.
In return, he’ll translate whatever text into a language you don’t know. (I wonder if angels have a specific language??)
A name for him, I think it’d be cute if you called him 아름다운 천사 (Beautiful Angel in Korean !!)
Whether this is after or before you know he’s an Angel, he finds it both amusing and endearing. (Or painfully ironic if his life as an Angel is a tough subject)
OKAY SOSOSOSOSO !! Mhin evidently thirsts for knowledge, they’re a lil nerd and they’re rlly bad at hiding it (A mood really. one of the reasons I love them <3) and my friend mentioned they’re more of a listener? So like I can see them just—paying very close attention to every word you say
At times they may not seem to be listening to you as you ramble, or catch a few words of slang from your language(s). But they’re actually secretly a sponge and soak up every little detail.
And now this may be just me but Mhin gives off such I must impress you with all my random facts vibes.
They ask questions about the languages you speak, the slang, the meanings, how to pronounce things correctly, everything
And then they do their own research, soaking up all they can before appearing to you one day and just starting the conversation in your language(s)
When you show any sign of being impressed, they will look away blushing and try to act cool but nahhh buddy you aren’t fooling anyone we know you spent forever working on that
Similar to Ais, lots of late night lessons where you get to teach Mhin about your language(s)! Just you two looming over an open book, Mhin scribbling down notes, looking so concentrated and you even spot a smile starting to form as they start getting better and better. (I love themmmmm 😭)
Mhin asks you to quiz them a lot, and looks so !! !! Just proud of themself when they pass. (Before realizing it and their self loathing kicks in and they revert back to >:( ) You want to tell them that they don’t need to be quizzed but look at their face !! Let them impress you okay !! They’re top 1 student !!
If you want you can joke about them having to call you Professor(Mc) or something but ur just gonna get a deep frown and glare like 😒 nuh uh AHAHSHS
Ohhh vere my nemesis. (He’s the toughest for me to write i have to like mentally and physically ambush him in a fast food parking lot before I can get anything outta him)
(I love him so much though so here we go !! Thanks to my friend for giving me a lot of help in this one because otherwise I’d be a doomed woman)
My friend brought up since he’s a fox, he’s very sensitive to sound !! So when you’re speaking in your mother language, he notices how your tone might change, watches as your tongue moves against your teeth or the top of your mouth, idk but he makes it a sensual thing somehow 😭
Definitely flirts with you in your language(s), says the most outrageous thing and watches as you get stunned or flustered by it, absolutely delighted that no one but you (or anyone who’s unfortunately being nosy and can understand) knows what he’s saying.
Okay this may be dumb but it’s so funny to me imagine Vere like putting on his most smooth, seductive tone, convincing the people around that he’s gonna say like the most erotic thing but he ends up just saying something like 💀 “Avocados” in your language(s) or like “Leander looks like a chicken breast” he does it to see you laugh but also because Leander overhears and could tell his name was said and thinks Vere is like— finally coming around but only you two rlly know Vere is just sexily roasting him.
Due to recent lore being dropped, and in his lil character sheet, it says Vere has a huge love for the arts. I think it’d be really neat if you introduced him to things specifically written in your language(s) !! Like books that originated from your country, plays that are only acted in that language(s), just a tour of the language! And if he doesn’t know your languages(s) then teaching him is gonna be like 💀 somehow so flirty
Will definitely call you Professor(Mc) but he makes it sound absolutely horrendous and cringey and you will regret it you probably should turn back
Jokingly will ask if you’ll give him a golden sticker if he behaves—do it, just to humble him.
OKAY WE’VE REACHED THE END WOOOT WOOT !!!! I DIDNT THINK I’D MAKE IT !!! Been stuck in this endless void for ages !!
Hem hem, thanks so much for the ask !!! I’m so so sorry it took forever 😭 writer’s block nearly had my head this time uh oh
Thank you again to my bestie for helping me out !!
Now I hope you see the most beautiful sunset, eat your favorite dessert, learn something new, and have a happy spring !! 🫶🩷✨
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sparxyv · 2 months
About oc ask!
For Mousey 8, 10, 17
For Milena 1, 14, 20
Can you also add to them one random silly fact? Something no one expecting 🤭
YESS this is so fun, TY FOR THE ASK 🫶🫶
8. What does he like to eat?
Despite his cautious nature, Mousey will almost always eat anything at least slightly 'edible'.
(This landed him in the hospital wing in 3rd year after the Sallow twins convinced him Lacewing Flies were edible and tasted something of candy.)
BUT Mousey's favorite food would be cheese, any type of cheese. 😋🧀
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10. What is his fashion sense?
Outside of school uniforms, Mousey doesn't exactly have much of a choice but to wear any hand-me-down jumpers or patchy old trousers he can get his hands on.
The McGregors, despite being a long line of pureblood wizards, fall quite short in terms of income. Much like the Weasley's, the McGregors have a big family and lots of things like clothes are just reused.
It definitely wouldn't be until later in his adult life til Mousey gains any semblance of fashion sense.. and the experimental phase would be... interesting.
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17. What are his ambitions?
As a Ravenclaw, Mousey obviously has a love for learning and a general curiosity for just about anything. But above all else, he is very fascinated by wandcraft.
Mousey wants to learn everything he can about how wands work, which is a big part of why he hangs around Ominis so much! (He wants to know how Ominis' wand works SO BAD)
Mousey strives to be one of the most well-known wandmakers in Scotland.
Fun Facts about Mousey 😼
Cats/Kneazles hate him.
Best friends with Anne Sallow, but not Sebastian Sallow.
Fluent in Scottish Gaelic.
What does her voice sound like?
Despite French being Milena's native language, and growing up in France, Milena chooses to cover up her French accent when at Hogwarts because she feels like it's polite.
She's spoken English for about her whole life, and she has a strange ability to speak in different accents with comfort and ease, so she doesn't mind the little front she puts up with the British accent.
The only time she really lets her French accent come out is with close friends!
(Game clip for example 😽)
14. How does she react to burning her tongue on food?
Milena most likely would have zero outwardly reactions, even if it DID hurt. After so many battles and duels, you definitely harden up.
However, perhaps her high pain tolerance ceases when it comes to a burnt tongue..
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20. How would she react to a mystery love letter?
Milena would find it absolutely adorable - most likely read it multiple times just because..
Although, while finding it adorable, she'd also be VERY amused by it, because anonymous love letters are quite childish to her.
Milena would be much more curious as to why it was sent anonymously rather than up front, why they were interested in her in the first place, confused all around.. rather than wanting to know WHO sent it. But - she'd most likely forget about it completely after a few days.
Samantha Dale would be the first person to know.. and she'd be SO invested in it. Someone's smitten with her best friend? You best bet she's otw to crack the case.
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(I'm sorry this made me giggle it's so stupid)
Fun Facts About Milena 😋
LOVES birds of all kinds. She knows everything there is about any type of bird, even magical ones. (Because of her love for birds, she was very pleasantly surprised when sorted into Ravenclaw 🥰)
Grew up as a Muggle, despite her mother being a witch.
Most things don't scare Milena, but Mooncalves.. 🙁
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adastra121 · 1 year
Oh, I’m stupid. I know Vere can see into souls and I know Vere absolutely disdains Leander and I never connected the two together until just now. Like, OHHHH, maybe the reason why Vere disdains Leander is because he actually saw Leander’s soul! And whatever he saw, he isn’t impressed.
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toxintouch · 2 months
Touchstarved fandom, your opinions, please??
(It's a sliding scale of competency.)
He's rich = he's never tried. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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willgrahamscock · 1 year
Please can you link to the fic about Crowley and the Bentley?
of course!
Travel Sweet by WeCouldHaveBeenUs
"Crowley discovers the Bentley is more linked to him than he thought."
I was cracking up through this.
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anonymous-eggy · 1 month
did you see that new Leander thing ... i won't leave you and you won't leave me HELLO ??? EXCUSE ME ??? that was crazy
I DID I SAW IT IMMEDIATELY AND SENT IT TO ONE OF MY PARTNERS LOSING MY MIND. it's such a tasty little morsel. it made me giggle and kick my legs and foam at the mouth (─‿‿─)♡
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im absolutely loving the sneak peaks in general of leander, it helps me build my leander playlist bc im so picky ab what songs i put on there ( ̄~ ̄;)
what i cant wait for is when the voice actors are revealed. im literally going to lose my marbles. i must apologize in advance for the person i will become when that day arrives
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rypnami · 3 months
i’m gonna ramble because honestly i love this au so much and it’s so special to me
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i think i may have mentioned this before, but trans!leander isn’t really a headcanon and more of an au. i don’t think he was exactly intended to be transmasc but it’s an idea i love so i made it my own thing 😌
i started thinking about it because i noticed that aside from him and professor ronen, all the other summoner’s court opponents are girls. ronen makes sense as he invented the game, but i was wondering a lot about leander. i sorta landed on that perhaps it was originally a girls’ club, but after he transitioned they still let him play because he’s their friend. i also think they open the club to also be open to everyone (but still a bit exclusive) for m!mc or enby!mc to be included as well.
out of all the girls i hc samantha to have been his closest friend as you can see them chatting before charms class, and she’s often in the greenhouses. leander definitely loves herbology as well so it seems like they’d get on.
he first realised he was a trans man probably quite young, around second year, but didn’t actually transition until the summer between fourth and fifth year. the first person he properly came out to was his older sister in third year and she has been incredibly defensive/protective of him since.
also some quick facts:
- originally his deadname was gonna be lenora but then i remembered there’s an actual lenora in game so i changed it to louise. not that’s its especially relevant YET but in later chapters of MTA it probably will be
- he’s probably gay, that’s more the direction i lean with this au
- he likes frogs
- give this boy a cat pls i’m begging that voice line about cats gets my every time (he will get one 😌)
WOW sorry that was a lot of yapping soz. i just care him so much!!
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myopic-skull · 1 year
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LIs be like
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leanderballerprewett · 7 months
I want you and Seb at the same time 😈
Think you’re up for it?
No I am not. Sebastian will bite off my knob like a savage animal. He has said so many times. I think he would, too. I saw him try to jam Garreth's penis in a herbology book.
If he bit off my knob I would heroically beat him to death with it though. I wouldn't cry (at all) or be sick (no way). Also I am a very generous lover. I will stay there until you have one whole orgasm.
Then I will eat all the cheese in your house and pass out from exhaustion.
A big ball rolling with strong velocity,
Leander "No Sebastians" Prewett xox
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megustacat · 1 year
The LIs as the 5 Love Languages
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Ais – Quality Time
For someone as lonely as Ais there is nothing better than time spent well with a loved one. No matter how your time will be spent - as long as it is in each other’s company no second is wasted. Just because his main love language is quality time it doesn’t mean that the other ones won’t come into play. Ais will make sure to give you everything you need because he wants that so badly - he wants to make your time and his time worth the while. You can count on that.
Leander – Physical Touch
If there is something as clear as day then it is that Leander’s love language is physical touch. The way this man pressed his face into your hand or shivered under your touch of his scars - there is no one who will love the way you touch him like Leander does. No matter if it’s your hands on his skin, hugs or kisses, long cuddle sessions or entirely different sessions. The closer, the better. The less space there is between your bodies, the better. The more built-up heat there is between your physical chemistry, no matter in which way, the better. Leander loves to touch you and be touched and wishes for you to never stop doing that. But I believe there will be no reason for you to, or is there anything more beautiful to do?
Vere – Gifts
Material Bitch. He loves-loves-LOVES it when you get him expensive gifts, like pricey champagne, beautiful trinkets and accessories or high-value art supplies. It doesn’t need to be something everyday, and Vere knows the difference between smothering him in unnecessary gifts and genuine, thoughtful presents. But this man loves his little surprises here and there to ensure that you still know his worth. And he will make sure you won’t forget.
Kuras – Words of Affirmation
Kuras doesn’t talk much and might not even be the person to give many words of affirmation, but when he does, he makes them count. Also he will be the one who finds genuine appreciation in your words, that is for sure. As someone who values discretion as much as honesty, being genuine with the way you feel for him and around him feels like the master key to unlocking his heart in less than a heartbeat. An “I love you” may walk a thousand steps for him, but wearing your heart on your tongue will go a thousand miles for him.
Mhin – Acts of Services
We all know Mhin’s spiel of “I don’t need any help, I can do it on my own “, and even though it may be true, there is something so, so special for them when they see that you go out of your way to show them how much you actually care. Words can be meaningless and forgettable to them, and Mhin is a person of action; to deliver your evidence of love on a silver platter to them will melt this brooding loner’s heart. Independence is wonderful until they realize that you are no threat to it, but an addition to their already existing autonomy. Your help and your acts of services create a liberty of affection they weren’t aware of before. Keep it up, the price is high for this one.
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Babe you didn’t send me a character but since I just saw your “thinking about Leander being a pookie again” post I’ll give you one of my Leander HCs.
Leander Prewett would pass out during the birth of his first child.
•He would insist on being in the room with his wife the entire time, after all if his father could make it through witnessing the births of all his children Leander can too! Except he can’t. For the sweetest reasons too.
•All the stress and worry he feels for the baby and his wife combined with the agonizing looks on her face and the sounds she’s making from the pain would be too much for him.
•He would be pacing next to the bed, squeezing his hands into a fist, thinking he can’t believe he is the reason his incredible wife is going through all this when suddenly everything goes black.
•He would wake up to find his wife looking much happier and the newborn in her arms. Her looks of agony replaced with tears of joy and Leander can’t help but smile.
•He’s upset with himself for missing the most important part, but only for a few minutes, hours, days, weeks (Take your pick, I know nothing about parenthood) until his wife reassures him there will be a next time for him to try again.
•He would do better the second time, only passing out for a minute or two, waking up in time to see the actual birth. By the third kid he doesn’t even feel faint during the delivery.
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Hello!! I don't know if your TS head-canons still open (sorry if not) but can you make TS head-canons about MC almost dying? Like almost killed by souless, the curse is getting worse, almost died because someone stab them? Is your choice btw~ if you can't do it it's fine~ and sorry for my bad grammar, English is not my first language 🙂
(been craving come ANGST this day-)
Hi hi !!! They’re still open yes! I’ll have em open for awhile since I love doing these 😭 tysm for the ask !!
(I’m sorry for taking so long btw, writer’s block has been beating my butt)
I was only able to do three of the Li for now, since I was writing so much my tumblr was beginning to glitch so UHMMMM I’ll have to do a part two !! :,)
The Lis Reacting To Mc Almost dying (P1)
Warnings: Angst,mentions of death, blood, violence, please proceed carefully if any of these may trigger you !!
Notes: GN MC, creative liberty, not proofread
Let’s say you were out at night, just heading back after spending time with Ais. Your head still humming with thoughts of his smile, his voice, and how he always makes you feel.
You get lost in the thoughts for a bit, forgetting your surroundings as you pet Princess goodbye.
The streets are foggy and cold, masking anything in the dark as harmless silhouettes.
You don’t notice until it’s too late—
Hot breath on the back of your neck, the growl of some unearthly shadow
A soulless, large and already dripping with blood—you leap forward just as its jaws slam shut
You’ve been in this situation before, you know what to do— you run
But it’s dark, and the moon, as if she’s just as afraid, flees fully into the horizon. Freezing you in pitch black.
You don’t see the rock in front of you, and fall face first into the bloody swamp of the wasteland.
You reach out, trying to both get up, to escape— to fight.
But it’s pointless, you’re trapped. There is no way out.
There’s pain, a scream, and you drown in the dry, suffocating dark.
The last thing you hear is a blood-curdling roar before ice encases your body, forcing you still.
Hesitant red light splashes across the lids of your closed eyes, a dullness like a soaked blanket over your form.
A low hum reaches for your ears, sounding faintly familiar. Comforting in a way that urges your chest to loosen, for your mouth to release sharp breath after breath.
But while the hum sharpens into a voice, so does the dullness into pain
The ice that had been embracing your body bursts into scathing fire, burning through your skin and sending a scream from your lips.
Something soft envelopes your legs and sides, a warmth that slowly soothes the pain. Something smooth comes to rest over your brow, a palm—a thumb gently caressing your skin.
“You’re going to be alright, Sparrow, breathe.”
You know that voice, and something about it makes you rest. Allowing the pain to slowly be smothered.
Opening your eyes, your vision clears to see a pair of red eyes and horns. Ais.
He’s the one caressing your forehead, the other wiping blood and sweat from your neck. There’s another figure working beside him, tall with sparkling eyes. Kuras.
You can see he’s bandaging you up, a bucket of blood-touched water sitting on the faraway counter. You’re laying down on a table—the same table from your first time in Eridia.
When the pain has finally vanished completely, and you’re fully awake, Kuras checks up once more on you before leaving you with Ais.
“What happened?” You mutter, trying to sit up and having Ais’ arms hold your back as you stumble.
“You were attacked by a soulless. Princess tugged you back—and I brought you to Kuras.”
The way he’s speaking is a little odd. It’s stiff, like he’s holding something back. His eyes darker, skin pale with lingering fear. “Ais?”
At your words, he brings you into an embrace. Taking a deep breath as you fall against his chest. You wince a little, and he loosens his grip. Though refusing to let go.
He doesn’t say anything for a long time, and neither do you.
Next time you spend the day with Ais, you’re also spending the night. He’s never letting this happen again.
I like writing angst >:]
I wanted to make it a bit longer but I don’t want to make these too too long
Hehehehe okay okay >:) so so so
You’re out in the middle of the day, the streets bustling and loud
The Sun, surprisingly, is out and showering the city with light and heat
Your bandages mixed with sweat ??? Not good not good
You weren’t prepared for it being hot today, especially with how cold and dreary Eridia usually is. And seems like, no one else was either. But the vendors are not letting it go to waste
They reach out for passersby’s, shouting and presenting the catches of today, along with an array of different trinkets and materials
You can’t help be a little curious, but once you stop in the road, people crowd by, bumping into you and sending whirls of panic each time.
You don’t notice that one particular shove scrunches up the bandages on your left arm.
Annoyed at the contact, you huff, preparing to just forget it and come back tomorrow—
“Ah, you there!” One of the vendors have spotted you, and without a care, they reach for your hand. Your left hand.
“Care for a… a…” they trail off, eyes losing their energetic glow. You know that look—and you look down to see their hand clasped around your bandages, palm brushing a cut in the protection, skin on your curse.
Your whole body goes numb in panic, and you quickly wretch your hand away, hiding both under your cloak. But it’s too late, it always is.
The vendor ducks their head, bangs obscuring their eyes as they clench the sides of their booth— veins pulsing under the skin. Then they start to laugh.
Your world comes crashing down.
Strangers don’t notice anything amiss, even as the laughing becomes maniacal. Or if they do notice, they only walk along faster.
The Vender lunches for your neck, taking you to the ground in a puff of dust. You slam hard against the road, hands clawing your throat.
If you how to fight, you manage to get them off, if you don’t, you shout for help, slamming your hands against the vendor in an attempt to shove them off.
The heat of the day blares against your eyes as you struggle.
(If you got him off thanks to your ability to fight, you knock into a few others, accidentally brushing against enough that you UHHH get outnumbered by people inflicted by your curse)
Things start to blur, limbs begin to weaken, and no one dares to help.
Of course, until someone does.
“Hey, get off of them!”
Bursts of air flood back into your lungs, hands coming to lift you up and drag you away.
“Die, die, die die die die!”
(This is really creepy if you fought him off at first and got outnumbered- just a bunch of crazy people chanting at you like this what the heck 😭)
You want to cover your ears, to block out the noise, the familiar, gut-wrenching voices that have followed you everywhere and refuses to leave.
Tears stream down before you can stop them as you run, barely noticing it was Leander who saved you.
You don’t take in the comforting coolness of the Wet Wick as Leander leads you inside, closing the door behind you. You barely hear his voice as he guides you back into your room. You only distantly feel the brush of his hands wiping away your tears.
“Mc… Mc? Can you hear me?”
You don’t answer for a long time, and only do along with a weakened sob.
“I’m a monster.”
There’s a silence before Leander gently starts to unwrap your bandages— you pull back instinctively.
“No, no- I can’t. I can’t.”
He pauses momentarily, fingers lifting your chin so you can look at him. “Mc, you aren’t going to hurt me. I told you I would be there for you, and I am.”
Something about how he says it makes you nearly believe it. You stay still, allowing him to continue unwrapping your bandages. He lifts your palm to his cheek, leaning into you.
His free hand coming to softly caress the golden lines on your skin.
“You aren’t a monster, to me.”
Afterward, the crazed person(s) were silently taken care of. Those who witnessed too closely, bribed to turn the other way.
I think it’d fun going off of that Kuras tour thingy where we spot him coming back from the wastes
We know he goes there, and now you’re determined to find out exactly why
So one day, without his knowledge, you venture out there, following him.
He’s fast, even more so than usual since he thinks there’s no one he needs to keep pace with
The day is quickly fleeing, your energy slumping entirely on the boost of curiosity
Your feet are becoming heavy, eyes collecting the dust of the waste so you occasionally wipe at them. But the second time you do so, you look ahead— seeing nothing but emptiness in front of you. Only the thin line of the fading light falling on the horizon.
Kuras has disappeared.
You’re alone—too far from Eridia to make it home before night
The cold can sense fear, gripping onto your throat and making your heart shiver under the skin. Shadows are watching you, whether they be soulless or…something else
You don’t want to call out, not exactly ready to face Kuras’ disappointed stare.
And still…you came out here to find out where he was going. Why stop now?
Swallowing your nerves, you plow forward.
Kuras couldn’t have gotten too far—you would spot him again soon. And once you figure out what he’s doing, you’ll never venture out here again. You’ll go home and put your curiosity to bed.
But the more you stride, the more the stars look like eyes, the cold becoming bites of teeth on your face, the wind a voice warning you to go back.
You start running without meaning to, the wind becoming a howl on your back.
Before you can stop yourself— you shout.
Something morphs in front of you, something dark and wicked
A soulless, you think. A foul, horrible soulless that doesn’t scream like the others. It stares at you, watching. Knowing you can’t go back now.
You reach hurriedly for a weapon, you know well enough to bring one always, but something stops you from using it. There’s something about this soulless—it has a mind of its own.
You heard of these types before, the ones that weren’t just mindless monsters. But you weren’t prepared to come across one—alone.
Shivering with panic, you watch as it prowls closer—and opens its mouth to swallow you whole.
The cold wraps itself around you, and just then you snap out of your daze to use your weapon. You didn’t expect the beast to be stronger.
It takes you down, forcing you to stare up at the hollow, but knowing eyes.
It opens it’s mouth, and laughs.
It lowers to rip into your throat— but it never reaches you.
A flash of golden light shakes the night, a blaze of warmth that burns your eyes and forces you to turn away.
Waves of heat pulses like an army of heartbeats, the wind turns into the mighty flapping of wings. Fear, joy, terror, elation— it all floods into your veins as you’re bathed with holy light.
There’s a screech, then a bang
You turn your face to gaze into the glow, seeing only a silhouette of something large and ancient before it all fades into a man you know well.
“Kuras?” You weakly mutter as he kneels beside you, cradling your thrumming head onto his lap.
“Be still, MC.”
You expected those words from him, the polite comfort of a doctor. But what you don’t expect is a kiss on your forehead, the voice of someone so calm to shiver with slight fear, longing.
“I have you now.”
If it was said by anyone else, it would sound like a generic word of support, but said by Kuras, it was an oath. A prayer of a priest who promised themselves to God.
OKAY THAT WAS RLLY LONG- I apologize- I just love Kuras a lot
Anyway !! That’s the first batch :] ! I hope you enjoyed !!!
I hope you have an amazing day, see a butterfly, eat lots of good food and have your favorite song play first in shuffle !! 🫶
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bloofinntoona · 1 year
honestly folks who are lusting over leander prewett owe me a 5k essay with mla citation defending your choices. what happened and why
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