#learn bigdata
xpc-web-dev · 1 year
Updates: I was self-sabotaging and in the end I almost missed two good opportunities.
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How are you? I hope well.
I've had more instabilities in the last few days (if you follow me around here, you already know that this seems to be routine HEHUEHEH)
But things are improving and I've set some goals that have helped me feel more confident about where to go next.
Now I wanted to share news, what I learned in this process and what I will share from now on.
The prints above are from processes/scholarships that I was accepted.
The first is the Big data Engineer training proposed by a startup in the state where I live.
The second is training focused on the front-end (from Html to React.js and other soft skills)
The second one I applied for in February and I didn't even expect to be accepted, I took a simple question test and sent it on. This month I received acceptance and I was like "look how cool, I think I can learn well and the bank that sponsors it is famous in my country, so it will be nice to have it on my resume".
This is just a training, no possibility of hiring.
The first is precisely the point of self sabotage that I want to talk about.
Everything involving Data/AI is complex and a hell of a responsibility for me, so it's for everyone, but you have to put in a lot of effort. First I did the test there was SQL (I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW ANYTHING UHEUHEUE, Only with google searches and logic I got it) . And then there were issues with Matrix and Vectors AND I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO GRATEFUL TO NOVEMBER/DECEMBER BEA.
Thanks to all those exercises I managed to do (I just don't know how many I got right and how many I got wrong).
BUT here comes the self-sabotage I applied or signed up for this vacancy more than 3 times (the good and bad thing is that the platform kept the test, so it was only the first one I took) I was ALWAYS like: "I won't make it." "It's going to be too long for me", "I don't even have a background in math (they don't ask for math as a requirement, just a language and sql)", "I won't be approved", " I'm horrible at logic, even if I pass it will go wrong."
And so this week, before they reveal who passed, I wrote to myself again, with the feeling of "Whatever happens and that's it".
The result was yesterday but as nothing appeared in my email I thought,"I didn't pass and it's ok, let's continue with java"
-Yes, I started Java because I signed up for a Kotlin bootcamp sponsored by a good company. The best of this bootcamp could participate in their selection process. They don't pay well, but it would be enough to keep me going, so I just went.-
When I saw the notification in the email today I was in shock for many minutes, before and after HUEUEHUUE. "Did I really pass?"
In this program you can also have access to participate in the company's selection process. But no guarantee 100% work at the end.
I will try to focus more on the issue of doing my best in training and having it on my curriculum. (Strategy to regulate my anxiety). I want to work there, but I don't control the future, so I'll just focus on doing my best.
And this is where I wanted to encourage anyone reading this to try even if they don't think they can.
If I hadn't written myself again for the 4th time this week I wouldn't be in this training that will be good for my CV since I want to go to Artificial Intelligence.
Is afraid? Go scared! You can cross good doors and achieve things you never imagined. So for your future and also past versions, always try to believe or pretend to believe in yourself.I'm still trying, believe me
I will post my routine with each of the classes.
First I'll need to level up my Python and SQL. So even though the big data training starts this week (it will be every day) the first week along with that I'm finishing that python course and practicing SQL.
While Big data will be every day from 19:00 2 hours each class, but I don't know how many classes a day yet. The Front-end are recorded classes and only 1 day a week we have live meetings and I'll probably have to reconcile both, but that's a problem for the future UHEHUEUE.
Maybe I'll separate it into 2 posts so I don't get so confused since they are different things.
I'm excited and wish those of you who are reading and trying to learn code to get good learning opportunities or jobs in the midst of everything that's going on.
Drink water and have a great weekend.
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alphatree · 7 months
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The Atlas of Human Settlements (AHS) v4.0 is just out!
AHS is built-up basemap of global extent, delivered at 10m spatial resolution and updated annually, with legacy layers going back to 2016. Version 4.0 features many quality improvements and additional raster and vector layers. Check it out in the official Atlas AI website at https://www.atlasai.co/ .
The images show the Built-up Index layer of major cities across the world.
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jeffrystat30 · 6 months
Quieres conocer al Edge computing?, te presentamos 6 preguntas importantes e interesantes para conocer esta herramienta tecnológica
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brangomedici · 11 months
La IA es un “monstruo” que luce familiar
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mobio-solutions · 8 months
Embracing the synergy of Cloud & DaaS revolutionizes data analytics! Instant access, supreme scalability, & cost-effectiveness drive data-driven decisions. We're at a new horizon, unbound by limits, ready to soar with informed strategies. Join the journey towards boundless innovation!
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onlinetrainingusa · 8 months
5 Ways Big Data is Transforming Industries and Decision-Making:
Big Data has transitioned from a simple, trendy phrase to a fundamental catalyst for transformation across various industries in today's information-driven landscape. Organizations can carefully inspect it to draw out priceless insights and update their decision-making processes because it provides an enormous layup of organized and unstructured data. Choose the best Big Data online training that helps organizations adapts, build up, and achieve something in a complicated and increasingly competitive global economy.
Here are top 5 ways Big Data is transforming industries and decision-making are listed below:
Data-driven Decision Making:
The ability of big data to affect decision-making is one of its most evident benefits. Decision-making in the past has been largely influenced by instinct and previous experiences. Due to the development of big data analytics, businesses can now support their choices with factual data.
By examining large datasets, businesses can learn more about consumer performance, market trends, and operational efficiency. Organizations become more agile and approachable due to data-driven decision-making, increasing accuracy and speed.
Improved Operational Efficiency:
Big Data is an effective tool for improving interior procedures and raising operational effectiveness within businesses. Companies can establish bottlenecks, find inefficiencies, and spot areas that can be enhanced by carefully monitoring and analyzing data collected from many aspects of their operations.
For instance, data analytics can be used in manufacturing to optimize production processes, avoiding waste and downtime. Businesses may streamline their supply chains using data-driven insights to ensure customers get products at the ideal time and location.
In addition to lowering operational costs, this enlarged efficiency enables businesses to offer goods and services faster, improving them competitively in their particular marketplaces.
Enhanced Customer Insights:
Big Data is crucial for a thorough insight into the consumer behavior required for any business to flourish. Companies can gather and analyze data from a variety of sources, such as social media, online transactions, and customer feedback, to create a comprehensive and nuanced picture of their client.
With these priceless insights, companies can modify their offers to correspond with client preferences, proactively anticipate their needs, and produce a more unique and enjoyable experience. This higher level of client results in enhanced customer satisfaction and loyalty and drives more profits since customers feel acknowledged, valued, and consistently given offerings that connect with them.
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Competitive Advantage:
Securing a competitive advantage is crucial for success in today's highly competitive corporate world. Through the discovery of complex insights online, big data proves to be a powerful instrument for gaining this edge. Businesses are skilled at utilizing big data analytics can identify developing industry trends, identify altering consumer preferences, and predict possible disruptors before their rivals.
Due to their early insight, their ability to adapt and improve their methods places them at the forefront of the industry. In addition, the organization may maintain its competitive edge over time by continuously analyzing and optimizing its operations with Big Data, assuring long-term success in a constantly changing environment.
Predictive Analytics: 
Big data has enabled businesses to benefit from the potent capabilities of predictive analytics.For this, sophisticated machine learning algorithms are used to examine past data in order to produce accurate predictions of present and potential future trends and events. Predictive analytics is crucial in the financial sector for determining credit risk and quickly spotting fraudulent transactions in real time, protecting assets, and preserving financial stability.
Healthcare providers use predictive analytics to anticipate patient outcomes and disease outbreaks, enabling proactive and timely interventions. Predictive analytics has a strategic foresight that enables businesses to take proactive measures, reducing risks and seizing new possibilities, eventually improving operational effectiveness and competitiveness.
Summing it up:
Big Data is a technological improvement that alters entire sectors and ways of making decisions. Organizations can improve operational efficiency, forecast future trends, maintain a competitive edge, and make better decisions using Big Data analytics. Big Data online course helps to know the top strategies that help reshape industries and decision-making as technology develops and data volumes rise. Businesses that use big data today will be well-positioned to prosper in the data-driven society of the future.
Tags: Big Data Hadoop Online Trainings, Big Data Hadoop at H2k infosys, Big Data Hadoop, big data analysis courses, online big data courses, Big Data Hadoop Online Training and 100% job guarantee courses, H2K Infosys, Big Data Fundamentals, Hadoop Architecture, HDFS Setup and Configuration, Programming,Management,HBase Database, Hive Data Warehousing, Pig Scripting, Apache Spark, Kafka Streaming, Data Ingestion and Processing, Data Transformation
#BigDataHadoop #BigDataHadoopCourseOnline #BigDataHadoopTraining #BigDataHadoopCourse, #H2KInfosys, #ClusterComputing, #RealTimeProcessing, #MachineLearning, #AI, #DataScience, #CloudComputing#BigDataAnalytics, #DataEngineering 
Contact:  +1-770-777-1269 Mail: [email protected]
Location: Atlanta, GA - USA, 5450 McGinnis Village Place, # 103 Alpharetta, GA 30005, USA.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/H2KInfosysLLC
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/h2kinfosysllc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxIG2VoC70c
Visit: https://www.h2kinfosys.com/courses/hadoop-bigdata-online-training-course-details
BigData Hadoop Course: bit.ly/3KJClRy
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techasoft-pvt-ltd · 1 year
✔️ AI And ML Trends That Will Transform The Way People Work And Live ✔️
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have already started to revolutionize the way people work and live, and the next decade will witness even more transformative advancements. Here are some AI and ML trends that will reshape various aspects of our lives. Read Here 🌐 - https://bit.ly/3qgKndw
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Threat of the Deep State Big Data Extermination Faction/Group/Criminals
The Western Government(s) are already carrying out Orwellian experiments (rivaling those in the Holocaust) on the public and we have to do everything we can to remove this corrupt, criminal faction in the government that intends on murdering whatever they see as "undesirables" through big data prediction. Here's an essential depiction of Western Governments and the deep state (including its network of perverse, corrupt, criminal individuals) hiding from the public; this is their true form/mask/shadow
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trashyunicorn · 2 years
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Just a moment of "selvironi" on air 🤦🏻‍♀️
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xpc-web-dev · 1 year
Program updates
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I want to create a banner that I'll use when I talk about the big data program, but I'll try to do that only on the weekend.Or maybe keep this one, after all data science is statistics and analysis of standard/past data and then it makes sense.
Anyway .
Today was just the introductory class, meeting the teacher, talking about the platform and everything.
I have to study 2 hours a day and he said we can either switch or do both (but then it would have to be 4 hours a day of study, which is ok for me, but I don't know if I wouldn't get confused.. at least yet I still have 3 weeks to decide )
I started thinking about data science before engineering and I wonder if I shouldn't stay in data science.
Why do I have such great energy to explore data science, precisely because I find machine learning very cool, doing analysis, working with statistics.
BUT my math sucks. And their engineering track does not go to mathematics .... But again we'll see what I'm going to get into HUEHEHUEHU. I'm excited and happy.
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Remember I said I was going to have to manage the meetings at the same time? Well, today was the first UHEHUEUEUHE day.
The bright side is that both are only once a week.
The downside is that both are on the same day. But I'm calm that I'll be able to manage, because the front ones leave the classes recorded, so it's easier to follow.
And now they are in soft skills (about emotional, what you want for your life and etc. And I think it's important, I just don't think it's relevant to me because I already work on it constantly)
Tomorrow I want to try to erase the classes that were already available last week to start this week's classes on Wednesday.
We'll see.
I wish you have a great week, good opportunities and take care
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probabs · 22 days
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Get to grips with deep reinforcement learning in Probabs' advanced course. Learn how to tackle complex decision-making problems in AI and robotics like a pro.
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jeffrystat30 · 6 months
Aprendiendo sobre biotecnología, te presento las 10 creaciones más importantes y cómo han influido en nuestra vida.
Coméntame que otra creación conoces, gracias
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brangomedici · 11 months
AI is a familiar-looking “monster”
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24678--577to · 1 month
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