#least i have georgie
fairycosmos · 2 years
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im listening to an assortment of amy winehouse Songs *stares at you* *fades into you*
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My hot take is that it should have been Rebecca, not Ted, who talked to Jamie about his father in 3x11. Here are my reasons:
1. So much of Rebecca's arc is about recovering from an abusive relationship while her abuser is still, somewhat unavoidably, part of her life. Her experience with Rupert and Jamie's experience with his father aren't identical, but she knows better than anyone else at Richmond how it feels to have someone like that turn up at her place of work, and how stressful their planned encounters are, even when they're just in the same large stadium and don't need to directly interact.
2. As the owner of the club, Rebecca almost certainly knows what happened at Wembley, and she's not only well-placed to make practical arrangements like getting James banned from the match (since none of them knew he wouldn't be there) but also, as of 3x10, has come to terms with with her relationship with Rupert — both the good parts and the many, many bad parts — in a way that enables her to interact with him when necessary without massive emotional distress, while also keeping very firm boundaries in place. Basically, she, unlike Ted, could offer advice based on relevant personal experience.
3. Jamie could finally find out that Ted didn't have him sent back to Man City — while it would be nice for Ted to say it, Rebecca is better placed to give the full story, and she and Jamie have a lot in common when it comes to expressing their hurt in a way that leaves a lot of collateral damage.
4. Explains why they're hugging in the finale.
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 2 months
oc smash or pass! Celia/Muro
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Bisexual & genderqueer [he/she] criminal who went from underdog to Capo in less than a decade. Had the glow up of the century but has a boatload of internalised issues as well as a family she would stab you in the back in a heartbeat to protect. Does respect women despite the internalised misogyny. Everyone thinks him and his two closest friends are in some kinda love triangle and despite the protests noone can be convinced otherwise, and he's still in love with his teenage crush. Will die at 26. But more importantly is 6 foot 4, buff as fuck and will cook you breakfast. Is also more than happy to scare off your shitty exes. Warning: has critical levels of mommy issues & oldest daughter syndrome.
Tyy for the tag @arendaes ! I have many ocs so I'll do one per tag, Cecio next
Take this as a free tag if you want I would love to see more of these!
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3584-tropical-fish · 2 months
Day three of @podcastgirlsweek :
WIP Wednesday! We all have art/fic/ meta we've been meaning to get to. This is your day to finally commit (as long as your WIP is about podcast women, of course.)
Opened up one of my AU planning documents for this, so: introducing (on my blog, at least) @the-zenith-calls' and my part-crack, part-fix-it, part genuine means of character analysis crossover AU! Possibly the worst way to introduce it, as this doesn't include any of the characters that actually make it a crossover, but it does mark a significant scene for the B-Plot.
(Luckily for me though, Lia has a more proper post about it! Go look at their art, it’s literally so so cool and I love it so much!)
Summary: Georgie had been expecting a fairly peaceful evening, but unfortunately for her, Melanie's post-work gossip session quickly turns into what feels a bit too much like an interrogation from one of their local vessels of horror.
Melanie has had a key to Georgie’s flat for a couple of months now, so Georgie isn’t all too surprised when she opens the door and immediately flops face-first into the couch of the main room with a groan. Georgie decides to let her lie there for a moment, but when a second groan comes from somewhere in the couch cushions, she decides it’s better that she bite the bullet now, rather than let Melanie stew in… whatever it is she’s stewing in.
“What’s wrong?”
Another groan from the couch. “Work.”
Georgie almost laughs at that, but instead says, “You’re going to have to be a little bit more specific than that. Was Jon being an arse?”
Melanie flips herself over on the couch and props herself up on its arm to look at Georgie. “Yeah– well, no. Not really. A bit? It’s more what he’s not doing. And what Martin is.”
“I thought you didn’t talk to Martin anymore.”
“I don’t. No one does, least of all Jon. And that’s just the problem.” She slumps back into the couch. “Jon doesn’t even try to talk to Martin anymore, and Martin decides to make it worse by holing up in his office and blasting music! And his taste is horrible, Georgie, I can’t stand it.”
Georgie stares at the back of the couch. Luckily for her, Melanie can’t see the face she’s making. “That is… not what I was expecting from your ‘everything is spooky’ job.”
“Me neither,” Melanie says, her voice filled with an agony that Georgie had expected to be reserved for “my boss and coworker just performed nonconsensual surgery on me” situations. Apparently, that voice has also been deemed suitable for… whatever this situation is turning out to be. 
“Have you tried to talk to him about it?”
“Yes, actually,” Melanie says, poking her head above the back of the couch again. “And somehow I’ve become his wingman.”
Georgie looks back at her. “I’m sorry?”
“I told him – like a fool – that I’d try and get Jon to talk to him again. Not because I particularly want them to get together! I mean, I do, because they tend to pine at truly unprecedented levels if they are anywhere near each other, but mainly because I need to stop being constantly bombarded with Martin’s music taste if I want to get out of the Archives.”
Georgie continues to stare.
“Of course,” Melanie continues, “I'd much rather Martin just get over him so I don’t have to talk to Jon. But I highly doubt that will happen anytime soon.”
“And why not?” 
“Have you seen the man?” Melanie asks incredulously, and then she tilts her head and reconsiders. “I mean, it’s kind of hard to see him anymore anyways. But you know what I mean.”
Georgie hums. “I suppose I do. Well, just let me know how that one works out for you, alright? I’m expecting updates on the workplace drama now.”
Melanie laughs at that. “As if you don’t get all the workplace drama already.”
Somewhere on a wall just out of Georgie’s line of sight, a door creaks open. She doesn’t notice it, but what she does notice is the voice that comes from just beyond its threshold. It makes her think of shattering glass.
“And do I get any of these workplace updates?”
Melanie almost falls off the couch with how fast she twists around to face whatever it is that has entered Georgie’s apartment uninvited. “Helen!” Her voice gets defensive. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Georgie steps out into the main room to see Helen leaning against the frame of a bright yellow door, her body – or what has to be her body, even if it twists more than a body should – blocking the view of what seems to be an endless corridor on the other side of the door. The colors of the hallway are unlike anything Georgie has ever seen, and there’s something else about it that just seems off-kilter. She can’t quite place it.
Helen herself seems off-kilter, but Georgie can at least point to what it is that makes her look the way she does. Her fingers, for one, are much too long, and her hair curls and twists into spirals that shouldn’t be possible. Her limbs are gangly and bend at awkward angles to fit inside the doorway, and her smile… Georgie isn’t quite certain how to describe it. 
She decides that perhaps it’s best not to try.
“I’m a little out of the loop when it comes to the Archives, these days,” Helen says, tilting her body in something of a shrug. “But I would rather like to have an idea as to what’s going on there, and I can only hope that you’d…” she tilts her head and folds herself around the doorframe, “humor me.”
Melanie crosses her arms and eyes Helen. “And why – exactly – don’t you know what’s going on there? Jon mentioned to me that he hasn’t seen you in a while, and I know that I certainly haven’t seen you recently. Where have you been? Why show up now?”
Helen sits down (where on earth did that chair come from?) and smiles sweetly. “Oh, no reason that matters to you. Now, you were updating us on workplace gossip?”
“I was updating Georgie, actually.”
“And now you’re updating me as well! So, get to it!” She grins. “I brought wine for your troubles.”
Melanie throws her hands up and turns toward Georgie again. “Do you see what I have to deal with? Every day?”
“Yes, hon, I see.”
Melanie stares at her. “You’re no help.”
“She’s not really doing anything, is she?” Georgie asks. “As long as she behaves” – she gives Helen a hard look – “I don’t see why she can’t stay.”
Helen laughs gleefully, and the glasses sitting out on Georgie’s table rattle. Georgie raises her eyebrow. Thankfully, Helen stops laughing, and Georgie takes her place at her kitchen table to listen more carefully to Melanie’s work updates. “Might as well get started now, Melanie, if you want her to leave sooner.”
Melanie groans and flops back onto the couch. “Fine. Fine! I guess she can just stay here, and loom ominously, and–”
“I did say that I brought wine.”
“And I don’t trust your wine!”
“That’s probably a fair judgment,” Helen says, and the wine bottle (which had appeared seemingly out of nowhere at some point during the conversation) disappears under equally befuddling circumstances. Or at the very least, circumstances that Georgie certainly doesn’t understand. “But tell me,” Helen continues, “what’s the whole kerfuffle with Jon and Martin now? I thought by this time those two would have figured themselves out.” She grins again, her teeth sparkling in a way that Georgie knows shouldn’t be possible. “Much like you two have!”
Melanie groans, but begins to explain anyway. “I’m sure you know how Martin is, what with your whole… everything. Poking your head into places where you’re not wanted. And I’ve told Georgie about my gripes about him enough. Take that – volatile already – and combine it with the fact that Jon has apparently made some new friends? Yeah, it’s not–”
“Jon has new friends?” Georgie asks, perking up in her seat.
“Haven’t I told you about them?”
“You might have, but if you did I thought you were joking.”
“Unfortunately for me, I’m not.”
“Who are these people?” Helen asks, with an edge to her voice that Georgie isn’t entirely certain that she likes. 
“You know, I don’t really know!” Melanie says. “Apparently they both came in to give a statement, one after the other, on a day I wasn’t there. And a week or so later, they were set up in the Archives and I’ve basically been avoiding them ever since. Jon’s been telling me ‘Oh, they don’t have anywhere to go right now,’” – this she says in an approximation of Jon’s voice, but doesn’t quite get anywhere close to anything accurate – “But Basira seems to trust them, at least! And Daisy’s out of that coffin now, so I suppose it doesn’t hurt having them around.
“Except, of course, for Martin getting pissy about it.”
Georgie begins to ask a question, but Helen beats her to the punch. “Do you know where they showed up from?”
Melanie shrugs. “I haven’t asked, and they haven’t cared enough to let me know. And really, I don’t care all too much.”
Georgie leans back in her chair. “Why do you want to know, Helen?”
The smile never once drops off her face as she answers, “I like to know what’s going on, is all. It’s good to be connected in this great, wide world of ours, and currently my connections are a little… lacking at the moment.” She stands suddenly and claps her hand, the echo bouncing strangely off the walls of Georgie’s flat. “Same time next week, then, girls? Sounds like a plan!”
Before either of them can say a word in protest, the door behind her swings open and she steps backwards through it with a polite wave. The click of the door as it closes leaves no room for any argument. 
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Me, watching Roy and Jamie on the screen and screaming "TOUCH THE BOY! HE NEEDS PHYSICAL AFFECTION, TOUCH THE BOY!!"
Well, nonny, you sent this before 3x11 aired and I’m sorry for not getting back to you sooner, but on the other hand – we really did go and get our wish in this episode, didn’t we? XD
Because all right, the hug in the boot room is something of a half-assed effort on Roy’s part, but he does stand there and let Jamie cling to him and pats his back and shows no intention of breaking away before Jamie is ready to let go. And then there’s the moment when Jamie walks off the pitch after scoring that glorious goal, with Roy deliberately seeking him out for a little cuddle, making sure Jamie gets a little bit of physical affection and some whispered praise. (Which really is the very least Roy can do at this point, considering Jamie’s absolutely outstanding performance, but let’s meet the man where he is.)
I have this tiny little idea that after seeing the level of physical affection between Jamie and Georgie, Roy has a new understanding of what exactly it is that Jamie is used to and after. I don’t think he’s fully grasped that before? He knows that Jamie is tactile, that’s hard to miss, but as someone far less into physical touch, Roy doesn’t necessarily get it on anything but a vaguely intellectual level (and it’s probably not something he’s thought much about either). Now he does, though, and that in combination with him having finally confronted the fact that yes, he does like Jamie and is concerned about Jamie, might leave him more inclined to put a little extra work into giving Jamie what he needs. Maybe he’s not prepared to cuddle quite as intensely as Jamie and his mum (or is he… ?), but he’ll make sure that there’s at least a basic  level of touching and physical affection from now on.
Also, Jamie has obviously decided that Roy will hug him when Jamie needs it, so yeah. Better just learn to love it, Roy-o.
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hephaestuscrew · 2 years
It seems like both of the Funn parents have been dead for a while when Wooden Overcoats starts; Rudyard and Antigone have gotten used to living at and running Funn Funerals on their own, and there's no indication that the absence of their parents is a recent development. But the Funn twins are only thirty-five at the beginning of the series, which suggests they were fairly young when their parents died.
And Georgie, who is younger than the Funns, seems to have been raised by her Nana and doesn't appear to have any other family. (In the flashback to their first meeting, Rudyard asks Georgie "You have family?" and she says "Just my Nana.") If she does have living parents or other relatives, she doesn't appear to feel connected to them.
And I think it adds to that undercurrent of loss and grief in the show that, although it isn't ever really talked about, three of the central characters have probably lost both their parents at a relatively young age. It also gives extra weight to the Funns becoming Georgie's found family too, if they've all experienced that specific kind of loss, and if they all start the series with limited familial (or even friendly) connections.
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dwtdog · 4 months
this is no shade to sapnap at all but not having dream or george in it was a crazy choice
sapnap becoming the least controversial dteam member in a roundabout way is so funny 😭 like before drituation i would have said it was him but then with the kick contract he became about as controversial as dream (within mcyttwt) for a bit but then the techno charity event and. everything else messed up george’s pr
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cpyclopse · 2 years
Uni era Jon ft. The Admiral
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My art (click for better quality)
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barrioghost · 2 years
why do none of us acknowledge that Antigone’s hair was matted and “looked like a hedge” up until season 3
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anyway i think that after s5 it takes a few years at most for georgie and melanie to have a horrendously messy breakup, which is not the start or end of the epic Internet Personality Drama surrounding both of them by that time
#i think some of the cult members try to defend either or both of them and that only makes it worse#bc at least one cultist has been disillusioned and gone very vocally ex-cultist and their posts about the cult are being cited in callouts#i think theres a schism and i think melanie and/or georgie being like 'guys we were not super comfortable with the cult in the first place'#does not help and i think theres video essays being made by at least one person whois making updates as more stuff comes out about the#magnus institute and why the fearpocalypse happened and that regardless of how much any one person could be blamed for any of it and the#fact that georgie didnt even work for the institute she and melanie are the ones with any real degree of internet presence that are#still around after the unfuckening happened. i dont even think what the ghost is a very popular podcast but Any social media presence is#now something to be mined by people looking to place blame on anyone even tangentially associated with The Fucking Apocalypse happening#this whole thing and the lack of other people (cough jon) around to use as a scapegoat anymore makes their respective#denial and blame-assignment algorithms clash and then having to actually reflect on their own behaviors including the fucking cult they#didnt ask for and couldnt disband yet benefitted from regardless and which put themat least nominally in a position of authority/power over#others also trapped in a supernatural torment nexus (sound familiar anyone) makes things A Little Uncomfy to say the least
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oaxleaf · 1 year
yeah i honestly don't think there's any promising future for the girls other than melanie. basira has like A LOT of unexpressed issues so I guess it's only a matter of time before it eventually comes back to bite her and georgie ends the podcast with an absurd sense of guilt. melanie is the only one i can see leading a remotely stable life although i doubt if she suddenly moves away from basira and breaks up with georgie she would be happy but she's hardly the kind of person who stop herself from moving on so at least there's that .
yup, i very much see that. i mean, we actually don't know a lot about any of them or what sort of support system any of them have. basira mentions her dad once, and seems to speak of him quite fondly, but if she truly had any close living connections elias probably wouldn't have wanted her around. all we really know about georgie's family is that she grew up poor. so yeah, i find it hard to see any of them having significant amounts of people to go back to afterwards, and even if they did, nobody could ever really understand what they went through
georgie and melanie, from what we see of their dynamic, do seem very open with each other. they talk about and support each other through their respective issues. most significantly this can be seen in mag 191. i think georgie has been, and continues to be, a large part of what does help melanie move on, and really i find it very unlikely that they'd break up. their relationship is built on a very different ground than all the others in the show, in that they actually knew each other and were friends before either of them got dragged into it all. georgie remained mostly outside of it until the apocalypse started. so i do think that melanie would stand by her side as she works through her issues and guilt. that being said, there's a lot of issues and a lot of guilt to be worked through. none of them will ever be able to completely escape the trauma they all went through
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hungerpunch · 2 years
about dinner stuff: i just can't understand why tf Val was sitting next to George, who decided "thats gonna be funny" (i mean they were probably nice and polite and all because Lewis was sitting on the other side of the table, buuuut still)
i mean, obviously this also boggled my mind, but i don't actually believe that these grown adults had assigned seating. i'm sure they sat where they were at least a little comfortable, so either: valtteri has decided to forgive george to forge a civil professional relationship (which is okay; i'll hold the grudge for valtteri), valtteri evaluated the situation and decided being across from lewis was worth the cost, or george was okay with getting a cold shoulder all evening. who am i to judge, i guess.
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muffingnf · 2 years
i only ever get super crazy insane when george is in mcc because my life depends on people acknowledging his minecraft ability so when he’s not playing i just get to look at sylvee for 2 hours
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chisatowo · 2 years
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Pov you made an unfunny joke and they're abt to kill you
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raycyel · 3 months
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This is Hadley Archer! My longest standing OC since 6th grade! She was originally for my friend's original work in middle school but since that was abandoned, she has been moved to a universe my GF made for her witch OCs.
Hadley is 1/4 shadow creature on her mom's side, which gives her the ability to travel through and manipulate shadows. She also has an alternate, monstrous form, that she only takes on the verge of death or when in great danger (so far in her life, never). She lives in a cabin in the forest with the shadow creatures and they take care of her.
Their forest is widely known for the amount of people that go missing in it, but that never stops people from investigating. Hadley is there to smugly warn them to leave before sundown or die to the forest. Its a rehearsed speech, given with the knowledge that no one ever listens. They all meet the same fate at the hands of the shadow creatures. And if some of their belongings end up on her door step, well, that's just a gift from her family.
Eventually Georgie (GF's character), a witch, enters the forest to investigate the disappearances and claims of strange figures in the forest. Hadley meets her, gives her usual speech, but is intrigued enough to let Georgie stay the night in her cabin so she'd live. She eventually leaves the forest with Georgie, stuff ensues, and they start dating.
Full ref sheet under the read more. It has her naked to show body markings, but its doll anatomy so there's no details
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kuiinncedes · 4 months
#bro i finally pirated y/oung sheIdon s7 after rewatching the first 6 seasons on netfIix like 3 times this year lmfao 💀#it's sucha like nice digestible show ya know idk lmao#anyway spoilers ahead lol#anyway i cried so much what the fuck#god fucking damn it missy and georgie at george's funeral fuck#i loveeeee missy and george's relationship ;-; when they showed her looking at the tiara i started crying sm#ugh ;-; love georgie sm too#it's a rly good show like thinking about it i'm just like wow#idk like the humor and the heartfelt stuff and everything#;-; and all the characters are so good i can't hate anyone#i love them all i just especially love missy georgie and george lol#and mandy but i feel like we don't get as much time w her#actually i do hate someone - mandy's mom idc fuck her#ig she was also undertssandable and stuff but . i hate her LOL#anyway do i stil work on this job app tn or just leave it for tmrw lmao#i feel like i've been pretty good at doing work for a few hours at least during the day this week#and then not doing shit at home at night#but today i didn't go do work somewhere else so i did not do anything LOL#it's so funny how consistent it is that i can't do work at my apartment 💀#and especially can't do work at home home so i better finish some stuff this week lmfao#jeanne talks#hm yeahhhhh i'm not doing any more work rn LMFAO maybe i find another show or whatever idk#lets keep the onslaught of media coming so i dont have to think about other things :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
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