#leave suggestions or dm me ! i dont bite
sugahbunnies · 1 year
Your feet are aching from the previous day, all that standing up from baking and talking while pacing back and forth in Saiki's living room got to you. You're currently passing out cookies to your friends, as you have been wanting to do this for them for the past two months.
Kaidou and Nendou are shoving as much as they can into their mouths, their muffled thank you's coming out. Aren broke half of his and offered a piece to you which you hesitate at first, because well you already had about two yesterday. Well, what's the harm?
You thank him and force the cookie into your mouth, while Aiura and Teruhashi compliment you on your baking skills. You hold your hands out and shake them to show your humbleness.
"I can't take all the credit, Saiki helped me out".
Once you said that, you lock eyes with Saiki, who mouths the words "Don't mention it" in a snappy manner. Your cheeks turn red, your attention on shoving more cookies into Mera's hands. She gladly chomps on them, thanking you for feeding her as she hadn't had a real meal for the past two weeks.
You rub her shoulder in a way to soothe her, your guilt intensifying when you realize you should've made a meal for her. You're not too bad of a cook so making something for her shouldn't be too much of a hassle.
You get lost in your pondering, your empty container only consisting of crumbs as your friends devour your homemade cookies.
Saiki looks over, overhearing your thoughts about how you could help Mera. His mouth twitches, a small smile threatening to form on his face. He hates how you're actually nice well, not hate but he's confused as how you never lose your cool.
Especially when ..
Teruhashi gives you a bitter smile as she asks how your project with Saiki is going. You answer that you're excited to spend time with him and that he's not as distant as you thought he was.
Good grief, Saiki turns his body towards the window to avoid the awkwardness between you and the blue haired girl.
Teruhashi is not so subtle about her crush on me, hopefully Y/n knows how to handle her.
Before Teruhashi could torment you more with questions, you place the container on your desk. You go on your knees next to Saiki and place your arms on his desk, resting your head.
Saiki could sense your presence, he's just waiting if you have the guts to get his attention..
Of course you do, how could he think you don't ?
You tug at his short sleeve, whispering his name in a lullaby way. Which would have made a baby knock out in about a minute, but it irks Saiki. He finally directs his body to you, jerking back when he comes face to face with you. You give him pesky smile, your phone screen showing the time.
"Eight pm, remember, I'll pick you up" You confirm. Saiki goes "No" almost instantly.
"I'll pick you up".
Your face turns ghostly white, mumbling something about how your parents would flip at the sight of a boy. Saiki leans back on his chair, waving you off as you protest.
"I'll pick you up! Okay, got it?" You make an ok sign with your hand, stepping back and hoping he will accept it.
He just nods.
Relief washes over you, dropping dead on your assigned chair.
Really hope this goes well, Saiki chants to himself.
It's like the universe is trying to kill you and your chances of being close friends with Saiki. Nendou had called you up and asked if you were going to the drive in movie. You answer honestly which was your first mistake. Second was how you told him you were going with Saiki. Then bam, he invites himself along with Kaidou and Aren. Including the girls, which didn't bother you except for the fact he nagged about how you should all hop onto his truck.
You still decide to pick up Saiki, who has his phone in a tight clutch when he opens the front door. His eyes thunder with frustration as you try to explain what had happened. He still lets you in, surprisingly.
He strides down the hallway, then back to the couch where you're resting.
You give two thumbs up, trying to relieve the tension that is lingering in the air. Saiki whistles, checking his phone and seeing that Nendou and the others are on their way.
Not even five minutes later, a ding is heard throughout the house. You spring up from the cozy couch, playing with the straps of your tote bag. Saiki looks back at you with disapproval and you all you can do is flash him a grin. He opens the door once again, and there they are. Nendou and Kaidou have the sillist expressions on, exhibiting how excited they are. Teruhashi and Aiura give their brightest greetings to Saiki then to you. You struggle to stifle a laugh, waving at them.
Wow they really like Saiki, I mean he's nothing special so why ..
Saiki pushes past you, brushing your shoulder roughly with his. You stumble a bit to the side, Kaidou yelps and comes forward to your side. He places a hand on your shoulder and rubs his thumb on it.
"Did that hurt? Saiki, be careful next time!" He wails, he grabs your tote bag and slings it over his shoulder. Chiyo, who is behind the other girls, turns red. Not out of embarrassment, but out of anger?
Jeez, how many more girls can get upset at me for being close to their men?
You hear Saiki come to your side, noticing his eyes on your tote bag hung over Kaidou. He stares a bit, probably wondering why you're not the one carrying your own stuff. He goes "Huh" then follows the others who are making their way to the truck.
What's his deal?
In order to avoid being questioned by authority, you and the boys except for Nendou are laying down in the back of the truck. Along with Teruhashi, who is definitely not too happy about how she has to deal with the bumpy road.
"This isn't illegal right? I can't go back to being a delinquent" Aren says, side eyeing Kaidou who appears nervous. Maybe because Nendou is the one driving, and boy is he terrible at it.
You glance at Saiki, whose arms are crossed and he seems to be ignoring you this whole time. You frown, copying him and crossing your arms as well.
The truck slows down and parks backwards to where the screen would be playing. Nendou comes out and starts collecting the money from everybody to pay the movie upfront.
"Keep it coming, hehe" He creepily mumbles, grasping the money and counting it off. You offer to pass Saiki's money to Nendou and he declines.
It stings a bit but you brush it off by helping Aiura and Chiyo smoothen out the blankets across the truck bed. You plop down next to Aren who hands you a bag of hot chips.
"Oooh, the double hot ones?" You munch on a handful of chips, the cheeto dust powdering your hands in redness. Aren snaps his fingers, nodding.
"Yup those are the ones!".
The movie begins and the sunset is already setting in the background. You grab a pillow and hug it, your head resting Aren's shoulder.
And there's Saiki, watching this whole scene occur.
He sucks air through his teeth in annoyance, obviously not used to seeing you close with his friends as well. Kaidou is in a trance next to him, watching the movie scenes fly in front of him. Aiura and Teruhashi are not exactly focusing on the film, but instead are painting their nails and whispering to each other.
Chiyo's fighting with Nendou on who gets the sour strings, which really seems like its getting intense as they point at each other with menacing meaning.
His observations are interrupted when he hears your angel laugh. Okay, he doesn't think its angel-like but its how your classmates described it! Don't get the wrong idea, Saiki would never say your laugh sounds lovely.
He tilts in head in irritation, watching you share a bag of chips with Aren is ticking him off. He doesn't know why but he has an idea itching his brain. And he has to relieve that itch.
He shuffles out of the truck bed, and makes his way behind the projector. With a whistle or two, he uses pyrokinesis to lit it on fire. He immediately turns invisible, using the advantage to get back to the truck quietly. Now he knows he shouldn't cause harm, but he made sure to use forced telepathy to let the nearby firefighters know there's a fire occuring.
Surely enough, screams and yelps fill up the air, and firefighers in bright uniforms come to the rescue. Saiki smirks, coming to the side and seeing you're still in the truck's behind. He holds his hand out, a mischievous look playing on his expressions. You stare at him in confusion, the light of the fire reflecting off his glasses and brightening up his face.
"Grab my hand" He finally speaks up, and you clasp your hand onto his. He pulls you out and carries you bridal style to safety. Which is on the other side of the park where your friends are.
"Aren, why did you leave Y/n?!" Kaidou glares at Aren who is nervously scratching the back of his head. Saiki carefully puts you down and you're glad the sunset isn't hitting your face because he would be able to see the pink tinted on your cheeks.
"Sorry Y/n, panicked" He awkwardly grabs your hand and bows to you. You ruffle his hair, not noticing Saiki shooting daggers at Aren. He sighs, fixing his glasses and dusting of his cardigan.
What a pain , why am I acting this way?
Nendou insists that you all go to a ramen restaurant, and after that incident you all think that it's best to relieve the stress.
Saiki pinches Kaidou when he realizes that the blueberry boy is going to sit next to you. He rubs his arm in pain and scurries off to sit next to Chiyo. Who is failing to hide her excitement about it.
Once the waiter comes, he takes all your orders and you go last. You take a deep breath and recite your order.
"Large ramen, extra beef and sliced meatballs, put the vegetables to the side and make sure you give me lots of lime" You ramble, gathering the menus from everyone and handing it to the waiter with sparkling eyes.
The waiter just nods, making his way into the kitchen quickly as if hes afraid he'll forget your order.
You smile contently, everyone looking at you like you squashed a squirrel with your foot.
"What?" You ask in pure confusion, your face softening and your friends laugh lightly at you. Not Saiki, of course, but he manages to cover his mouth and smile discreetly underneath.
Once the ramen is served, the sounds of chopsticks clanging together fills the restaurant. You add tons of sriracha onto your noodles, slurping them up loudly.
Saiki blinks, wondering if you have any social awareness at all. He digs into his own food, ignoring your messy eating and slippery fingers squeezing the limes to juice up your ramen.
You nudge him tenderly, he turns to you and sees you holding up a sliced meatball in between your chopsticks.
"Want one?" You offer, your muffled voice being due to the stuffed noodles and vegetables in your mouth. He nods reluctantly.
He picks up the meatball once you set it in his swirl of noodles and eats it. Saiki tries not to watch when you slurp up the broth too.The night falls and Nendou begs everyone to let him drop them off at their house safely.
"Can I stay at your house for a bit ?" You chime in as others speak upon themselves. You're sitting next to Saiki at the back of the car and he knows he cannot say no to you.
He gives you a thumbs up and you perk up even more than you were a moment ago. As you hop off the back, Aren helps you by holding your hand the way down.
Saiki gives a side look to you both, but decides to open the door soon after you get on your feet.
You say hello to his parents and they try to reel you in with a bunch of questions but you assume Saiki gives them a death glare. They back off and tell you to go on ahead.
"So.. erm Saiki can I ask you something?" You crack your knuckles to calm yourself down. The pink haired boy nods, he seems too at ease despite you ruining his peaceful night.
"Why did you set the projector on fire?"
Saiki's eyes slightly widen, his actions pausing and rubbing his right temple to think up of an excuse to use.
There's no way Y/n could've seen that!
"I.." He trails off, obviously not aware that you might have been watching.
"And why did you hit my shoulder so hard before we left to the movie?" You demand with puppy eyes, upset and all.
Saiki tries to arrange his thoughts, thinking that yes he purposely nudged you with his shoulder but that's because he knew what you were thinking. You said to yourself that Saiki isn't special so why do Aiura and Teruhashi like him? Saiki had read your thoughts, that's why he bumped into you, out of frustration. He sighs, dismissing his thinking and coming to the conclusion to just confuse you with his words.
"Huhhh" He drags, narrowing his eyes at you because he knows so well that makes you nervous. You choke up a bit, clearly its working.
"The eraser incident! When we met! You have powers don't you? You set that thing on fire with nothing but your bare finger-" You keep rapidly spitting out incidents where Saiki was acting suspicious.
He sucks his teeth in aggravation, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall. He knows he cannot tell you the reason why he caused a fire. Its all because he felt a bit jealous that you are close to his friends.
Nothing to do with you, he just actually likes his friends.
"Yeah, okay, I do and what about it ?" He asks, walking closer to you and stopping right in front of you. You stop blabbering and look up at him, he is still waiting for your answer.
"Powers? Really?" You laugh in his face but not in a rude way, more in a terrified manner.
"I have to go-" You begin, turning over to the door until you are met with your bunny drawing.
Floating in the air inches from your face.
You grab it and crumble it, throwing it at Saiki's chest but hes not too worried about your rude actions right now.
"Keep it a secret?".
"You do babble alot".
"Do not".
"Do too".
You scowl at him, wondering why he trusts you with this confidential information. Your eyes fall to the torn paper on the floor.
Jeez, that drawing was really good too.
"You can leave now, I just wanted to tell you" He says, sitting down on his desk and smoothing out the drawing against the wood.
You stand there, balling up your hands in fists but you can't really do anything at this point.
"Whatever" You mumble, leaving his room and making your way out.
Saiki looks back and sees his door is slammed shut. With a sigh, he restores your drawing of a bunny and tapes it above his desk.
"They're so annoying" He mumbles, his finger tracing the pencil lines. He hangs his head low, wondering why you won't tell him what's wrong. How your eyes look sunken and how your bruises fade so slowly. Plus, how your hair is thinning and why your nails look brittle.
He'll just have to pry the details from you later.
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snekxyy · 3 months
*Pinned post...will change something if ever needed 😭*
(I think it was needed to be done )
Names you can call me: noodle, snekxy, kizzu, raccoon or bleeeh (yee, people call me these shits & also noodle is my usernake on insta so yee 🫶🏻💙)
Irl name will be shared only with hella close frens !!!!
Im a 18 y.o fucker (bday is on 10 january just to be clear) (female but can go by any pronouns, i honestly dont care about that 😭😭😭) im romanian so i aint too perfect when it comes to other languages 😨
Im a goddamn artist, can draw multiple things
Fandoms im in (but not really when it comes to some)
SONIC 2nd main fandom (doing just 🌽 art)
Furry (art only)
WHB 1st main fandom (doing both art & writing)
obey me (both art & writing 💙)
MK (oc art & oc x canon fc art)
Honkai star rail & genshin impact (art & writing MAYBE)
Twisted wonderland ( art & writing MAYBE )
Any other shit ? Idk just ask, i got a short ass memory 😭😭😭 who knows if we got anything in common and might become frens 👀
*i dont bite, i like talking witb people 😭💙 its nice having nee moots from other fandoms other than the sonic & mk fandom 💀*
Art requests & other stuff
Requests : S U R E, depending on what you want drawn i wouldnt mind to do so 😭 (im not too great with humans so u might end up with some shit)
Comms: (i only do 🌽 comms )
Trades: YES PLIS, Its a great opportunity for me to make frens 😭💙💙💙
Normal shit: Y E S
Writing stuff:
Requests: I CAN TRY !!!! Im starting learning how to write cute shit these days 😭💙
I used to do poetry & small stories at some point when i was younger but gave up for art and now i feel cringe about it 🥹
Will let yall know in the future when imma change it 🥹💙💙💙
Suggestions: will listen to anon requests at any time of the day !!! I cant promise that ill do them but i can try 😭💙
Shit i wont write about: nsfw orias or glas and MAYBE naberius stuff (im sorry but i feel uncomfy doing anyhing about him when it comes to these 3) but i wouldnt mind doing fluffy romantic shit with glas & naberius (i wont do shit with orias since he looks like a child and all i can say is EWW same shit applies to luke !!! Except that OM!Luke is really a child and instead of writing friendly stuff or draw him i wont do anything 😭😭😭😭
Weird ass kinks (will let yall know in the future since rn i really cant think about anything 😭)
This is pretty much it, im sorry for making this so long...i tend to talk alot 🥹
Thanks to everyone who took their time to read all this shit 🫶🏻💙
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sunsinrinn · 4 years
Secrets Part 5.
Bakugo x reader, Bakugo x Uraraka, Kirishima x Reader
Fluff- ish, language, little angst
Word Count: 1,401
Idea: Y/n has a secret to share with bakugo not expecting a secret from him. She leaves heart broken and attempts to move on. But how will she move on if her secret can no longer be hidden? She fakes a relationship hoping its enough to not expose the true origin of the secret. (This is a terrible summary but I cant say much without spoiling future parts. 🙃)
“I feel scared but excited” Kirishima says nervously, “I am ready to be the best dad our baby could ever have”
Izuku and Shoto smile at his enthusiasm and nod, “I’m glad Y/n has you.. also now that I think about it. Does Bakugo now about the two of you?”
You nod, “Yeah.. He found out that day I twisted my ankle... Let’s just say he was furious”
They look at each other before Shoto speaking up, “So what are you both going to do with the rumor going around?”
You bite your lip as Kirishima answers, “Both of us are going to make a joint statement to clarify and take down the rumors.” You nod in agreement.
“I just wish I fucking knew who gave them the anonymous tip.” You say thinking of who could knowingly try to stain your reputation. It wouldn’t be Bakugo, right?
During that silence you check your phone and see that you have different notifications from your friends. You read over some and laugh at Kaminari’s string of incoherent texts,
“Kiri, did you also receive a fuck load of messages from our friends?”
He looks confused but checks his phone and notices that, he did in fact have a lot of messages and they kept coming.
“This anonymous bitch really left us in a pickle, I cant even relax in peace because someone decided to start a rumor, that by the way, is the opposite of what happened. To make things worse Ground Zero’s bitch ass didn’t even comment making me and Kiri look bad-”
“What do you mean its the opposite of what happened?” Izuku interrupts your rant.
‘Well shet.’
“Yeah soooo... um... He was the one that cheated on me... I caught him the day I was going to- to the store. I found him at his house with- with some skank and I stayed with Kirishima until I moved out which coincidentally was right beside him and you, Izuku.”
Shoto and Izuku look shocked and feel anger towards Bakugo. They both wonder why the hell he would cheat on someone as kind and loving as you.
“But I don’t care... I have Kiri now” you smile and look over at Kirishima who smiles and blushes.
“Well,,, Y/N sorry for bursting in here, we just wanted to know from you instead of believing the news.” Shoto says softly as he begins to walk towards the door.
“That’s fine shoto.” You pause before continuing, “Have fun boning. But dont be to fucking loud!” Izuku blushes and stutters but Shoto rolls his eyes and grabs Izuku practically dragging him out because Izuku stopped working You and Kirishima laugh as you see them leave.
“Well, that was something.” You nod and try and muffle a yawn.
“Y/N, lets go to sleep. We have an early day tomorrow as we will have to deal with the press and the announcement.”
You nod in agreements and walk to your bedroom to get ready for bed.
When you’re done Kirishima walks in to say good night but you pat the empty side of your bed, inviting him to sleep with you. He smiles and lays down beside you and instantly is tangled in between your limbs.
You awake the next day to find yourself alone, confused, you get up and and look for Kirishima. You find him all dressed up in his hero outfit and smile.
“Sorry Kiri but looks like you’re going to be the only one wearing a hero suit. There will be no way I will fit into my hero outfit. Not with this belly” You watch him laugh and reach out for your belly. He pulls you closer and puts his face right on your belly “I can’t wait until your born- uh... what are we going to call the baby?” He pulls away and looks at you.
“I- I don’t know... Do you have any suggestions?”
He shakes his head, “We should start thinking of some names”
You nod and lean down to kiss his forehead. “Let me go change into something and we can head out to your agency so we can get this announcement over with.” You lull away and change into a an outfit that accentuates your belly making it obvious. ‘No need to hide it anymore’ you think and walk out to find Kirishima had made a breakfast for both of you. You sit beside him and eat in a comfortable silence.
As it nears time for you to go you both rush to get everything and head out the door.
You both walk to his agency, where there is a crowd of paparazzi waiting and a Podium in front of them which you guess is for the both of you. Once they spot you they begin to bombard both of you with questions but you ignore them as you make your way up. You feel nervous but calm down when Kirishima holds your hand.
You both stand side by side behind the podium and the paparazzi begin quieting down so they can hear you speak.
You stand there silent making them wait in suspense because you’re feeling like a little shit rn. You take a deep breath and speak.
“As you all may know, we are having to stand here in front of you all because the news, got an anonymous tip. That tip was false. I never did cheat on Ground Zero with his best friend. Ground Zero and I were split long before Red Riot and I got together. Red Riot helped me heal and we fell in love. Yes, I will always love Ground Zero, but there was” You pause, “One thing he did that hurt me so much. I Hope to maybe forgive him in the future, but for now? Forgiveness is off the tables for Ground Zero.”
You look at Kirishima and he squeezes your hand giving you a proud grin.
You let the press and paps take in the informations before continuing, “I will confirm that the news only got half of the information right. I am pregnant. And yes I will be taking an indefinite leave in hero work. I will return when I find the right time after my- mine and Kirishima’s baby is born. I hope this clears shit up because I am so tired of-“ Your cut off by Kirishima. You back away from the podium and take a seat as he speaks
“Yes thank you for being here and I hope Y/n here was able to clear things up.” He turns his back to the podium and walks over to you. As you see him walk over to you you stand up and walk along side him to enter the building.
You ignore the press and pap as they shout out questions and make your way up to Kirishima’s office. You sit in his chair as he enters and pouts,
“Babe- you’re in my seat”
You make him feel guilty with your words, “oh...okay then,,, I’ll just stand here... pregnant.... without a seat.” You look at him and watch him stutter out, “OH MY GOD y/n, I’m so sorry baby no- no don’t get up. Stay seated. I forgot you were pregnant.” You laugh at him and speak, “Kiri how the hell can you forget I’m growing huge as the days go by? Anyways I have to go now, Mina wants to meet up to talk about the baby shower” You get up and kiss him goodbye, “I’ll see you soon kiri-babe”
“See you soon babe”
You walk out and head to the cafe you’re supposed to meet up with mina. When you arrive you see her waving at you excitedly.
“Y/N!” You smile at her and walk towards her. Before you can even sit down she begins talking about the baby shower and how it will take place during mid day. She had everything ready to go. How she planned it in less than 24 hours is shocking. But hey, its mina we are talking about. She tells you the day it will be on, which is a week from today. She even made a virtual invitation and a group chat for the invited. You thank her so many times and all she does is say
“If you want to show your gratitude, just make me the god mother of your baby!”
You chuckle nervously, ‘Oh crap-‘
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A/N- ANOTHER CHAPTER!!! I Hope you guys enjoys this! Also what should the baby’s name be? Im thinking of something gender neutral that works for both genders:)
If you’d like to be tagged in future parts or future works dont hesitate to dm, ask, or comment! I hope you guys had a lovely day today! Also if you asked to be tagged and I didnt tag you send me a dm so I can fix it :) also any tags in italics and bold, I couldn’t tag you :/ I’m sorry </3
Secrets taglist: @hero-ink-pillar , @silentw-lkr , @ushiwakatrash , @purple-rabanito , @chaelysian , @puppycat714 , @fake-id-69, @adaydreaminganon , @jessie9008
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coralstudiies · 5 years
Is it possible to be practically alone during O level yr n succeed? like w very few friends but assuming no one cus I dont rlly trust anyone anym aft sth v traumatic hppnd to me in S3. ive heard that in o lvl yr, frnds r very impt. What if u pretty much have none? What if u were hurt n betrayed, n u can't trust anyone? Is it possible to succeed when few walk with u? i need advice :(
yup duh. i only had 2 rly good friends (i.e. can trust and hang out sometimes) throughout sec 3 and 4 because ppl didn't like my LOUD AND RUDE (read: speaking up because no one was speaking up) personality. like duh i get headstrong but honestly if people wanna hate then just let them.
i mean i pretty much still did well for O levels! because these 2 friends were there when i needed them. i never rly went out w them but in that one month leading up to o levels we would study together and help each other w our weaker subjects. i guess ppl call us muggers and try to mugger-shame us but HEY its a national exam dudeeee if you're not mugging you should be ashamed.
honestly this trust thing is like hard to regain. in a sense i feel like its also about trusting yourself to trust others. i get this is confusing but sometimes you trick yourself into thinking that you cant trust others and neither can they. it's hard to resolve this problem but just rmb you dont have to approach the whole world to find a trustworthy and genuine friend. he or she could be like one seat away from you in class or even right beside you! so don't fret about finding friends because they come when they're meant to.
regarding the success part , YES it is completely possible. Its hard, but on the bright side you have lesser distractions:^) may i suggest, find friends who are SUPPORTIVE and PRESENT instead of those who just wanna hang out with you and play around and have fun. i mean you can have both in a package but if someone doesnt fulfill the first 2 qualities, he or she probably isn't the kind of friend that's 'important' for o level year. if you're looking for a study buddy kind of friend, these are the best kind! as of your current friends who you don't trust, just don't confide in them or relay any personal information if you feel that it will leave you vulnerable.
(also if you rly rly rly need a study buddy/friend/confidant, drop me a dm and i'll see what i can do to help you. i don't bite ! and i won't expose your identity haha you don't even have to tell me that you sent an ask and i wouldn't know)
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asking-jude · 5 years
hey so i have a huge problem in my life right now. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 years, and the love (on my end) is fading. im falling for someone else. my boyfriend doesnt really do much around the house, doesnt clean up after himself or take care of himself really, and he's just not the same person he was when we got together. The only things that have stayed the same are not great qualities (laziness, bad hygiene, can't save money, etc) I've been trying to help him (1 of ?)♥
(ask continued) ...in any way i can, but he always shrugs me off and doesnt take my advice, does what he wants, and it comes back to bite him. only then will he tell me that i was right, but still doesnt change. do i leave him and pursue my own happiness? or stick it out and try to help him still? im just so tired and frustrated. i just dont want to see the years we've spent together go to waste. theres a lot more to the story, i really need help and can dm if you have more questions
I think you’ve outgrown this guy and this relationship. It’s okay; we are all allowed to grow and change as we see fit. I have a feeling that there are at least two things happening here: you are seeing your bf’s true colors or he is dealing with depression.
If it’s the former, I would say that this guy isn’t going to change because he ultimately doesn’t see a need to; you’re still there. He feels complacent in the relationship, not comfortable. Comfortable is farting in front of you or talking to you about difficult topics, even if he’s nervous about it. Complacency is refusing to change the status quo and not taking your concerns or feelings seriously. He tells you you’re right afterwards, but doesn’t make the effort to change. How many of these conversations are you going to have with him until something changes? What sorts of consequences will you have to enforce to get him to do something? I think he’s giving you lip service so you’ll drop the subject.
If it’s depression, I want to remind you that you still have the choice to stay or leave. Supporting someone through depression is never easy and not everyone can do it. You’re only human. As for what you can do, I say that it would be a good idea to sit him down and discuss his behavior but make it clear that it’s out of concern. Tell him that you notice his behavior has changed and you’re worried about him. Ask him if there’s anything going on at work/school, in his family or friend group, anything stressful happening, etc. He may just say he feels like crap but can’t find a concrete reason for it or he might have one. Tell him that you want him to get better and that you’ll help him, but that he has to be willing to put the work in himself. This is not sustainable. Help him by suggesting therapy, chore charts, anything that will allow him to work towards recovery. Keep the lines of communication open with him and be as patient as you can, but if you sense he’s not putting in any effort, you are justified in calling him out on it.
I don’t want you to fall into the sunk cost fallacy; this is the idea that we’ve spent a lot of time doing something, so stopping it would mean we wasted all the time we spent. It’s a fallacy because it counters the idea of cutting one’s losses; sometimes, this is the best you can do. So IF things don’t get better, you are justified in leaving because you’ve done all you could. You don’t have to stay just because you’ve stayed for so long already.
Angelica Barile
Asking Jude needs YOUR help! Donate pocket change here and save our safe space. 
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akira-ran · 6 years
Hey fellas
Please read this until the end, and more than once if you didn't understand.
With the recent influx of ridiculous events happening around my dash, I would like to let it as clear as a crystal that my main blog is probably not a safe space for minors.
"BUT WHY?" - You ask
I usually share of many exalted and angry reactions toward problems that i reblog, so i dont want any minor (or anyone at all) saying later that i am apologizing any kind of shit, indulging them to commit of same angry reactions or to take my rants as serious suggestions of what to do in real life if they face of the same issue. I am an "all bark no bite" type of person IRL so thinking i am indulging people to do shit would be ridiculous.
If you are a minor, other alternatives of blogs free of random anger & rants by me are
My birblr @akira-birds which contains nothing but cute birds, bird facts and bird care tips
My art blog @akira-arts that has only the wholesome safe content
And my aesthetic deposit blog, @wolf-reisenden which has only pictures of beautiful places & animals
Now, please, if you are a minor, never lie your fucking age to get into adult spaces. And if you are following this main blog of mine, this is probably a good time to leave. Do it by yourself and return if you want when you get +18, i will be glad to have you around again by that time, if tumblr dont die first.
I will care to put on my own description a warning later, but this should work for a while now.
And if i ever find anyone around lying their age to keep around me and/or to follow my nsfw blogs, i will smack the block button in you like the hand of god.
If I wasnt clear enough, feel free to hmu thru DM and ask. I won't bite. I just hate this whole shit show.
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bigbrothermonopoly · 5 years
Tumblr media
My first Diary Room, I'm really loving the cast right now. Haven't talked to Dem, Chris, Andrew, Rheder, Silence, Madison or Kristine yet since they have yet to be on. Hoping this was more of a some people were kindof busy or just couldn't stay up for Cast Reveal and NOT a Oh we're all gonna be a bunch of inactive bitches. Emma talked about being UTR with our relationship and actually work together this ORG for the first time after 2 times failing to do so. Dunno if that's gonna work out, but hey third time's the charm maybe. Eve and Jess are icons as per usual I'm excited to finally be playing a game with them. Eve is suggesting a possible Jackbox Alliance, we'll see if that's like an actual thing I feel like that's the easy thing though and I don't know if that's what I actually want. I definitely plan to ride with that for a little while though. Gwen is sweetheart, she seems like a Discord noob, hoping that's not like a face personality to make her seem more endearing. I'm hoping to get good with Tawni and Mackenzie, meanwhile Brien, Austin, and Nicky I'm pretty medium with so far. I'm HOPING I can like develop good relationships with all of them. But like the female side of this cast is stacked, and the men kindof leave a lot to be desired so far. Hopefully when the other half wakes up I'll get a feel for them some more.
So, it's been not even 5 hours, I'm now in 2 alliances, one which is like not even remotely serious because Nicky just put everyone in the VC in an alliance... which is wild. Chris and Kristine came on, Chris is... interesting, for some reason I don't get good vibes from him. Something about his tone or the way he talks. He isn't really saying anything wrong, but at least on VC I don't get good vibes at all. Kristine seems like a sweetie, she's from MI too so I feel like we COULD have tons to talk about. Who knows though. Maybe she's a fake betch, only time will tell. (But hopefully she's a real one.) Still waiting on those others to get online at some point though, I need to feel EVERYONE out and so far there's still too many people that I have like no fucking clue on.
i honestly don’t know anyone and i’m paranoid to not be on call cuz they probably talking shit about me
Question of the day: Why are there so many straight white males here?!
I’m super excited to be in this season of board game big brother! I’m trying to have conversations with every houseguest and make a good first impression but it’s hard to keep 17 conversations going at the same time. Also the first head of household competition has begun! I don’t want to win the first HOH because I don’t want a target on my back this early.
**DIARY ROOM THINGAMAJIG**: I feel that I could definitely make my move. My experience with survivor definitely suits good here. Kori, Eve, and Andrew were quick to contact me and negotiate. I feel like I could definitely use my age as an advantage ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Only one I’m not liking rn is eve she just comes on too hard but nothing really too bad yet.
So... hmmm.. this game is.. interesting? so far? I've already been attacked by the hosts and the majority of this cast. Don't @ me but... pineapple does NOT belong on pizza! In all seriousness... this is a WEIRD group of people. Some new faces, old faces, and a bunch of unknowns. My game plan in all honesty as of right now is to let Eve think she can control me. She is one of the few people I know in this game so I kind of have no choice but to work with her while I put in the ground work with others. I want her to think I'm one of her "minions" so she thinks I'm useful and I'll do whatever she wants for now... Big personalities are sinking ships in Big Brother so gotta come up with that plan B for when Eve (probably) falls. BUT i'm kind of just trying to take this a bit slow and trying to talk to everyone right now so no brain power required. PS: I refuse to touch that HOH with a 10 foot poll. Let's do a mini little trust list? 1. Jess 100. Everyone else I don't trust any of these hoes.
So happy that Chris got HOH we came into this game together hoping one of us would win HOH and that’s exactly what happened. I’m 100% confident that I’m not going to be nominated!!! We worked together and I gave him as much information as I could. We both did. It worked perfectly. And he made himself the bigger target anyways.
I’m a LIIIIITLE mad i came close to winning and didn’t but it’s okay bc i Kinda didn’t want too idk hxjsjzjz does chris exist though? i swear i haven’t seen him online HHHH
How did I win the HOH. Not only do I have power but I also have no idea what I am doing. I am a dog trying to mix chemicals or trying to use a computer while being blindfolded and having one arm tied to my leg. I am more than happy and excited to be the first HOH but I know that brings a gigantic target on my back when I have to nominate two people. I want to make a huge move and take out any big bodies there are earlyBut I have learned that that isn’t a good scenario to start with. Hopefully I’ll have a better idea of who I want to vote for tomorrow when I talk to my closest allies which is just me and myself so looks like I’m talking to myself everyone. Well I want to go figure this out now hope y’all have a good time
Chris is apparently VERY lucky somehow snagging the first HoH despite seeming to not really talk with anyone. So I'm honestly kindof annoyed would've preferred a Mackenzie or Eve win but not much I can really do but shut my trap and suck up in a way that doesn't seem blatantly fake. He's currently talking to me about wanting to target big and talkative people. "Fuck the VL as it were." So RIP Eve probably. I won $20 in that little task which is fun. I'm HOPING telling the Jackbox Crew wasn't a mistake, I hope the $20 isn't going to be a major reason for anyone to want me to go, especially since it's like, such a minor amount of money I feel like especially when you look towards the long term. I want to trust that group for right now though. Overall this HoH situation kinda sucks since we're probably going to lose a personality, and even more likely it'll turn out to be someone I like. Guuuhhh.
omg it’s joshua bassett birthday!!! periodt!! me remaining unbothered in jail because my mentions are off heheheheh
So.... nominations are tonight. I’m feeling pretty good because I’ve been chatting with Chris and we seem to be getting along. We are going to try to get a group of seven people together so we have numbers for the following weeks, but anything can happen, after all this is big brother!
So obviously I'm pissed that I am nominated.... Like wtf did I ever do you, but in a way it is my fault... I have been sick the last few days and have just been laying in bed. Also I love how out of everyone in the game Chris was the one person I did not talk to before the HoH. 
literally these people are so fucking annoying- i’ll just hop online for like 5 seconds and say nothing and all of sudden half of the cast is my dms like hey hi good morning
Fuck Cheatham This is my first official DR. I am at my mom’s house and I left my computer at home, so this will probably be shorter than usual. Yay for phones. Looks like Rehder will be the evictee tonight. Unfortunately, he did not reach out to me until like a day after the veto comp. Can I put emojis here? If I could it would be rolling eyes emoji. The uuuuuuhhliance is...it exists. Will stay loyal until I can’t I guess. The Mandela Monocles is where it is at. I feel bad that Silence got roped in my Rehder and Will for another alliance...he didn’t ask for it. I hope it doesn’t come back and bite him. Me and Kori are Left Phalanges. We will win. K thanks byyyeee
I’m sick. I have no energy. I probably should have done this earlier but I wasn’t planning on being sick. I honestly don’t even know who is nominated. Neither one has messaged me soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. 
I’m doing not too good. William and Silence are confirmed and they are branching out, everyone else I’ve talked too is going with the house and I’m currently trying to convince them that the house is with me but idk. Probably exiting after tonight. It was a good run but I guess I’m only good at survivors. Anyways, I hope I get to stay in
i’m concerned about a couple things 1. everyone telling me i’m safe 2. everyone acting like they are in an alliance with everyone and everyone knows the plan so even if i’m safe- it feels like everyone in some big alliance and that doesn’t work well with me
I've got 2 things to say!!! IM SO PUMPED THAT I HAVE WON VETO!!! WOOOOOO. I do trust alot of people in the house but I feel much better being able to save myself and be here another week.... Also I dont know what Rehder's strategy is but it ain't working 😂😂 Hes texting me all these people who's votes he has and doesnt and another list of those who I have to text for him! What!!!!! Also I dont know if he knows but half of his list he gave plan on voting him out tonight ☠
Well as it currently stands Rehder SHOULD be going home. Which is a shame in some ways he seemed like a nice kid... messy, but still nice. I've tried pulling back a bit since Kristine mentioned that someone views me as a social threat. Not sure that's totally accurate, but if someone is viewing me that way I need to carefully and meticulously figure out who that person is, and kick their ass to the curb. As it currently stands I think the 2 3 people I'm struggling with the most as far as conversation is Dem, Tawni, and Chris. Eve seems to think Chris is under their mist, which I mean go off, like its gonna be funny when Chris wins HoH 6 weeks from now and is ready for that #Chaos he wanted for this week. My #2 right now is probably Gwen. While I do love Eve and value their partnership, I can't help but feel like I'm replaceable for the whole Jackbox Crew. I'm still not looking to make a move any of the next couple of weeks, we'll have to see how the game progresses to know where exactly I'll go. It's also still just the first week, so my opinion on everything may very well change, the game is just starting and I'm raring to pop anyone who crosses me.
watching the cast videos now im going to give you my thoughts 1. i wanted to barf watching nickys 2. gwen is a bad bitch i hope she wins 3. omg i feel so dumb cuz i was talking to austin like we was 13 cuz i thought he was honestly .... and hes not.. hopefully i can recover. but idc. hes a little boring but sweet. 4. i hope mackenzie is nice to me. 5. fuck yeah jess lets chug a beer together 6. WILLIAM....Bowling With Buddies....Im going to nominate him if I win. 7. Kristine is the second prettiest here, next to me. Hope she wins too :heart: Shes adorbs :heart: 8. silence is cool i want to work with him 9. SHUT THE FUCK UP BRIEN actually nvm i kinda like him i wanna work with him I've talked to Chris a decent amount prior to him winning hoh so im feeling kind of good that i wont be nominated but i dont want to get comfortable because bitches are wild around here. My HoH performance.....FUcking embarrasing. Especially since people were asking me if i wanted to win and i was like yeah why not Austin proposed an alliance with me yesterday and i was just kinda like yeah i mean i’m open to anything that has safety involved and then today he told me he also talked to chris prior to hoh about creating an alliance with me and him called the gents, which is a fuckin hideous name i had no idea that he was going to ask ppl to join in on shit i thought it was kinda just gonna be a low-key u got my back i got urs but i mean chris is in a position of power so it’s definitely not the worst thing for my game, i just hope austin isn’t making himself look like a fool in the process of trying to make these connections because he is also saying my name to chris and i just don’t want to be openly associated with anybody yet if chris isn’t on the same page yknow But right now i’m just going to ride the waves i don’t really want to challenge anyone or anything just yet
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