supfag · 6 days
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kald-dal-art · 7 months
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Part 2 of TMA Episode posters, been procrastinating a bit on this series, but hey got the perfect excuse to work on it again so why not.
Hope you like these ones as well :^)
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mndvx · 8 months
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QUANTUM LEAP (2022) — Off The Cuff (S02E09) ››› Raymond Lee as Ben Song / Nick Peterson
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A Guiding Hand 7
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, parental neglect, depression, inference of self harm, violence, abuse, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: your online academics are affected by your personal struggles but your professor won’t let you give up so easy.
Characters: Raymond Smith, Lee Bodecker in the background
Note: Happy Friday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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The grocery store is a panoply of colours and sounds. You feel hollow as you lean on the cart and trawl the aisles. You won't fill it, you got it for support. Your legs are weaker by the minute.  
You balance out every credit in your shop. You can't go a dollar over the allotment. It isn't very much at the end. Better for you, you're worried about carrying it all. 
You swipe the card and crumple the list. You had to leave a few things off. You hook the bags over your shoulders, the effort further sending your burnt hand to pulse. As you come out onto the beaming light, you examine the tortured flesh peeking out. You unwind the fraying bandage and gasp, tears springing free as you peel it away from the sticky, stinky flesh. 
It stings in the open air. You keep it up against your chest and walk on. It's more of a lumber as your feet drag and your body moves stiffly. The sun beats down mercilessly and has you sweating despite the constant shiver rolling through you. 
You slow as you come in sight of your building. You look around cautiously, searching for the glasses and blond beard. Did he listen? Did he go away or is he lurking? Just like Lee, always waiting... 
You don't see him. The edges of your vision are so blurry, you can't be sure. You don't have the energy to worry about him. You just want to go back to bed. 
You cross the street and clumsily aim the keys at the slot. Through one door, then the next. You don't hear them catch behind you but you can only hear the echoing impact of each step. 
You stagger into the apartment and leave the chain to dangle, the latch flipped the wrong way. You trod into the kitchen but don't have the length to lift the bags onto the counter. You drop them on the floor and stare. You're so tired and you can't stop shaking. 
As you stand there, time and space pinpoints on you. You look around, the silence setting in. It's so quiet. You can't hear your mom. Or him.  
"Now aren't ya gon put that all away?" Lee drawls as his weight creaks in the floor. 
You nod without looking back and make a noise. You can't muster a single word. You bend to reach into a bag and take out the box of generic macaroni and cheese. You hobble to the counter and set it down, using your good hand to open the cupboard. You put it on the shelf and grasp the door. 
You're so dizzy. You lean on the counter and suddenly, the doors swinging shut. The edge hits your cheek and you yelp. You're crushed against the drawers as Lee pens you in from behind. 
"You're startin' to really tee me off. Takin' your time and all. Like you ain't good for nothin'," he snarls as you fold over the counter top. "Whatsa matter with you? You not gonna fight, huh?" 
He grabs a fistful of hair and wrenches your head back. You heave as your hand slaps painfully on the stained linoleum, the flesh radiating with flame. You whimper as his other hand creeps around your stomach. He pushes on your pelvis until his crotch is flush to your ass. 
"Let me show you what you're good for, huh?" He sneers and shoves his hand down the front of your pants. You whimper as he touches the coil patch of hair beneath, "mm, feel that? You want this. Ain't even got no panties." 
"Stop," you murmur as your head lolls from his grasp. 
"You'll be beggin' me not to in a minute," he snorts and forces his fingers between your thighs. 
"Sto-sto-stop!" You stammer out helplessly. 
"Now, you keep quiet. It won't be long," he leans into you until your hips ache, "teach ya to be disrespectful." 
He curls his fingers and scratches between your folds. You whine and gulp through your dry throat. Panic surges through your delirium as you reach back to claw with your injured hand. A shriek erupts at the the vibrant agony. 
"Ahhhhhh!" You wail, "mom! Mom! Help!" 
"She drank herself stupid already," he growls and nips at your ear, "just us, girl." 
"Mom!" You yelp as his fingers dip towards your entrance, his rough palm scraping against your soft flesh, "mom!" Your heart throbs and your head rings, "mom!" He pushes his fingertips through your tight slit and you erupt, "MOMMY!” 
Your knee hit the wood as you wriggle against him. You’re so weak. The walls close in as you feel yourself losing your grasp, not just on the counter but on the world. His fingers sink in deep, the callouses rough against your delicate walls. 
Suddenly, you’re jarred and the room tips over. You hit the tile in a heap and groan. Your fiery hand rests against the cool squares as your vision swirls and you hear huffing and puffing, grunts intermingled and the crack of violence. Thwack, thwack, thwack. 
Lee’s heavy figure hits the wall and his legs go out from under him as he slides onto his ass. You blink through the silty haze and shake your head. It’s all foggy and senseless. It wasn’t you who pushed him off. It can’t have been. 
“Mom,” you mutter as you try to sit up only to fall back as your hand burns with acid. Your blood is hot but your skin is ice. “Mom, what’s going on?” 
A dark shape bounces off of Lee’s jaw and red dribbles down his chin as he leans against the wall, slumping down onto his shoulder. You drone mindlessly as you bring your hand over your stomach and whine. It hurts so bad. The shadow moves to stand over you and you close your eyes. 
“Please...” you beg. It’s definitely not your mom; they’re too big, too strong. 
“Come on, sweetheart,” the grizzly timbre tickles in your ears as something firm slips beneath you; one arm around your shoulders, the other under your knees. 
You float in the air, eyes threatening to roll back as you fight through the clouds, your form jittering uncontrollably against the blaze that surrounds you. The man is hotter than fire. You tilt your head up and see the tufts of his short blond beard. 
It’s him. It’s Professor Smith but why is he there? Where is he taking you? All those questions merely stir in your slanted consciousness as your head falls against his shoulder. You’re too tired to think and you’re done fighting. It never you any good anyhow. 
You feel the motion of his steps and how he angles you through the door. Down the stairs and outside back into the unbearable light. You squeeze your eyes tight. He continues on, laying you into something soft. You look at him between your eyelids and garble. 
“Sweetheart, just stay here,” he bids in his lilt, pulling a lever to recline the car seat. The vinyl smells brand new and the upholstery looks just as pristine. It stamps your vision before you once more hide inside your head. “I’ll be back.” 
You don’t protest. Why is he doing all this? For you? He’s your professor... it doesn’t make much sense. Nothing does right now. Everything is just messy. 
He puts the engine on. The low whir is comforting. He adjusts the vents to blow air, though it feels hot to you. He stands and removes his jacket, spreading it over your quivering shoulders and chest. He huffs and cranes to see behind him. 
The door shuts and locks at his back as he leaves you. You stay as you are. It’s as comfortable as you’ve been in days. Time stretches on, crackling in your ears. You drift off into a void, brought back only by the hollow thunk of the electric locks. 
Professor Smith tosses something in the backseat and snaps the door closed, moving to the driver’s. He sits beside you and lets the car idle. He reaches over to touch your forehead as your lashes flutter at him. He hums as he appears as a ghostly smear. 
“Very well,” he says and the car rolls into motion. 
You jolt up, a splash of water flying up across your face and chest as you rip your hand away from the electrifying pain. You’re caught by the shoulder and hushed. You blink tightly and lean back, looking over at the man on the other side of the porcelain. Professor Smith reaches over to take your hand out of the water, the ripples scalding on the tormented skin. 
“It’s already infected,” he says, “you’ll make it worse. I’m trying to dress it so be still.” 
Your confusion nips at your ears as you look down at yourself. You’re naked, in a tub of steaming water, the scent of lilies roiling up with the wisps. He sighs and you hiss as he presses a wet swab to the burnt patches of skin. Some of it even looks green. 
His sleeves are rolled to his elbows and there are cuts and scrapes on his own knuckles. Even so, his nails are cut and tidy and his skin is clean. He is diligent in his attention to your own mottled skin. 
You put your hand over your lap, trying to hide but all modesty is spent. You’re too dazed to care that much. There’s bigger questions. Where are you? Why? 
“I couldn’t let you to wallow in such a horrid place,” he speaks as he works, his touch gentle despite the thickness and firmness of his hand. “And after our last interaction, I could not just tuck my tail. It isn’t of my nature.” He tuts as he wets a new swab with alcohol, “and the filth--” 
“Professor...” you slur. “What... why?” 
“There are many details, yes, I had to jump through hoops but you needn’t worry for all that. What’s more important is we get you clean. The state of it,” he shakes his head, “a day or two more and you might’ve died.” He stills his hands and looks at you. You dare to meet his gaze, shame scalding as hot as the fever, “it wouldn’t do.” 
You frown, “I didn’t ask for help--” 
“Well, you are getting it,” he scoffs and sets back to disinfecting. “And a mother like that. Neglectful...” 
“She’s... lost.” 
“It doesn’t matter, does it? She’s still a mother. Bringing that man around. Certainly, he isn’t the first, either.” 
You lower your head. You wince and whimper as he carries on but you do not pull away. He works methodically. 
“We’ll get some antibiotics in you and tuck in,” he speaks to himself, “perhaps they can have some broth brought up to the room. Never fear, I’ve brought my own sheets and sanitized ever speck.” 
You cough and shake your head. You can’t keep up. 
“When you’re up to it, we’ll leave town. I do fear I will have to be back in office, at least my home office, within the week,” he takes out a roll of gauze and you wince. 
“I’m... what’s going on?” You ask. 
“Naturally, when you start something you need to follow through,” he says, “I’ve done and started this, haven’t I?” 
“Started what?” You utter. 
“Can’t take you back now,” he secures the bandage and lets your arm rest over the porcelain. “Don’t get that wet.” 
“Sir, professor,” you sit up, another spiraling sensation overcoming you. You look down and fold up to hide yourself, your exposure tingling over you, “what... please tell me what’s going on.” 
“Would you need help? Cleaning, I mean. Purely practical,” he offers, “I wouldn’t mind. Of course, I did wipe your face already, did my best with the hair...” he sits back on the low cushioned stool he’s on and puts his elbows on his knees, “there is soap and a fresh scrubber there.” 
“Can you please just--” you bluster and a faintness blows through you, sending you back against the porcelain. You slip down dangerously, your arm sticking up against the side of the tub. He catches your elbow, heaving you back up as he bends over you.  
“Yes, feverish still,” he says, “perhaps a hot bath is not the best for it.” He hauls you up and sits you on the ledge of the great basin, “hang onto me then, I will get you washed up.” 
You have no other choice but to obey. The humiliation cannot feed the strength you need to resist. You cling to him with your uninjured arm and lean your head on his shoulder. He pauses before he can grab the scrubbie and instead rubs your back. 
“It’s alright, sweetheart,” he coos, “yes, right then.”  
His hand lingers before he reaches once more and swipes up the bottle and sponge, moving his arms around you. You collapse into him and groan. At least he isn’t hurting you. Not like Lee. 
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fightclubgayporn · 5 months
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scarlet pilgrim's precious little life (more under the cut)
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anyway. not pictured are wanda wells, steph stills, young nora, jules powers, steve pilgrim, lysander guycott, harris hawkes, sammy & monroe and mobile. her name is the same <3
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broadwaybohemians · 7 months
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Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
Raymond J. Lee as Adolfo Pirelli
🎥: @angelofmusicishere
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sometimesraven · 2 years
the fact that tumblr, the social justice fandom blogging website, has been almost completely silent about the Quantum Leap reboot which has not only given us a nonbinary MAIN CHARACTER played by a nonbinary actor but also:
commentary on how blindly rejecting other people’s beliefs and experiences hinders progress towards the truth
commentary on corruption in healthcare systems and how healthcare workers are heroes for carrying on and saving lives in spite of the big companies trying to stop them
commentary on the abuse and neglect of mentally ill, abused and neglected children
an extremely bold and pro trans-joy story
and that’s just so far in season one. They seemed to be playing the slow game to begin with for sure, having a few regular unspecial episodes to establish the story and characters (and draw in viewers before they SLAPPED US with social commentary) but this show is SO important and it’s so disappointing that people aren’t picking it up
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rainbowpopeworld · 2 months
I just watched the second (and final) season of Quantum Leap. As a nonbinary person, this scene really got me in the feels. It's really hokey and showing what should be basic human behavior. And I'm really glad it exists and it made me cry both times I've watched it.
Context for those who don't know, Mason Alexander Park plays Ian Wright, a nonbinary character in the main cast of the show. So they are reacting to this conversation among siblings, which is taking place in 1953.
And as a fan of the original QL in the early 90's, this is definitely a far cry from the overtly homophobic and transphobic aspects of some episodes back then. So, I guess it is nice to see specific evidence of some progress. Even as the backlash continues and we fight for actual liberation.
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
The complete lack of a black protagonist in Life is Strange is disappointing
We've got 5 games and not a single game has gotten a single black protagonist.
I do love the series, but even I can see  a problem. A complete lack of black characters in the franchise. 
Found these two great articles that delves into the problem
Link 1
Link 2
None of the main characters are black. None of the secondary characters are black and the only black characters they have are side characters or background characters.
Like there was no reason whatsoever why Rachel, Warren, Kate, Steph, Ryan, Cassidy, Finn, Jacob, Sarah Lee or Chris couldn't have been black. Hell, there is no reason why Max, Chloe or Rachel couldn’t have been black.(although personally I would've loved it if Rachel was Indigenous)
And the black characters we do have is really bad in terms of representation.
Wells, a drunk and crooked  principal.
Hayden, a stoner and member of the Vortex Club
Drew North, a bully jock who got in the drug trade
Charlotte, a likable character, but who's anger is consuming her and blaming others around her, tho I understand where she is coming from, but her characterization tends to be reminiscent of the unfortunate angry black woman stereotype. And just so happens to own a pot shop...
Ms Grant, Mikey, Penny, and Joey the Nurse seem to be the only positive black characters in the series.
And we still have not gotten a single black protagonist in the franchise.
I find it weird that we seemingly have little good black representation that isn't just associated with drugs.
Like I’m not trying to say DONTNOD, D9 or Square Enix are racist or anything, but I’m saying they need to do better when it comes to representation. 
We were robbed of a black main character for Life Is Strange and are instead getting a cash grab sequel with Max who might as well be a completely new character seeing as how they’re throwing away everything that Max experienced and learned and everything we loved from LIS 1 to make it.
But considering how the fandom treated Sean and Daniel and their story, I can only imagine the disgusting hate a black protagonist would get in an extremely white franchise.
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westwingwolf · 10 months
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It's my theory. Electromagnetism between two polarities. I'm moving forward in time, and you're moving backward. Creating a magnetic field that brings us...
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just-a-pole-sir · 1 year
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mannyblacque · 1 year
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Reference to this scene from Brooklyn Nine Nine.
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mndvx · 10 months
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Well? Does he love you or love you not? QUANTUM LEAP (2022) — A Kind of Magic (S02E07) ››› Raymond Lee as Ben Song / Elizabeth Bleeker ››› Michael Provost as William Bloodborne
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heartbellamy · 1 year
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magazinewankersworld · 5 months
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Escort, Volume 10, Number 11
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