#lee is also her poor little meow meow she is so me
sheriffmannix · 4 months
i finished watching vp with my mom and im just as feral as i was on my first watch through probably more because we have the same thoughts on like everything about it jsut about 😭 she Gets It fr
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the-banana-0verlord · 10 months
Bear with me cause I'm gonna go on a rant that will probably be a bit incoherent but I'm brainrotting rn
so this concerns the webtoon community(although it's probably a widespread phenomenon in fandom) but
Y'all love complex and morally gray female characters(or even just characters of every gender) until they are complex and morally gray
I've seen a lot about this especially for Annabel Lee from Nevermore so I won't touch upon her case in this rant but the point still stands for her go read analysises.
so today i'm gonna be discussing Rastha, also known as Trashta:
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I haven't read up to much after the remarrying of Navier but I feel like my point still stands. Also spoilers
Imo, Rashta is a complex and sympathetic villain. She grew up as a slave and believed her child was dead (child who was a also later used as leverage to blackmail her.) It's logical she tries to up the ranks to never live as miserably like this. She's a product of unfortunate circumstances. I do not think she's in the right, but that's kind of the whole point of her character to be the antagonist.
Also, she didn't want to be Navier's ennemy at first??? She wanted to live in a world where she was happy and that's valid. (Navier's reaction was also valid mind you.) She acted like she was indifferent to her first baby's fate yet she let herself be blackmailed because she DID care for it. She goes throught emotions and layers and that makes her complex.
Yet despite being sympathetic and half of the bad things in the webtoon happening not being her fault, she's the most hated character.
I hate Sovieshit and her blackmailer much more. Sovieshit was really using double standard against Navier like "oh yeah i'm allowed to have a mistress and divorce you just cause I feel like it and i'm using you for my own benefit but don't you go remarrying yourself or having a lover you're mine >:((((". Sovieshit is borderline a mysogynist (he only wants a delicate woman he can control to do as he pleases) but no Rashta is the real horrible villain we must demonize her.
Now her blackmailer(i forgot his name but if you read the webtoon you know who he is). Most of it his fault. He is using and ataking advantage of Rastha who wnats nothing else than to be free. Sovieshit is painted as a bit sympathetic(wrongly might i add) but this guy is just plain evil. But he's not more hated than Rastha????
I'm not defending her actions I just want people to see further than their noses and realize that characters can be good without being good people.
Now even if i see it more for female characters this is real for male characters too but kinda in the opposite route? Like in twisted wonderland, the characters are MADE to be villains yet people smooth them over as poor little meows meows and babygirls. It's funny as a joke but it erases their entire personnality and complexity, while morally gray female characters get demonized for having the same grayness.(Also i'd like to add that Vil schoenheit, a feminine male characters gets also demonized like female characters so i'm starting to see a pattern here.) So double standard much?
in short, don't say you like complex and morally grey characters if you can't handle them correctly. They deserve better than you
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likesomekindofcheese · 11 months
Hey! Just recently finished The Great and frankly I’m also upset about Grigor’s relationship between Georgina and Marial, of which I haven’t liked her character since the beginning of the show and can’t seem to fathom why he loves her. Anyways, I can’t seem to find the post where you explain why you don’t like it, and if you haven’t written/posted it, I’d love to see why!
*cracks knuckles*
Hi there! I don't think I made a whole official post about why I don't like it outside of jokes. So let me explain why here. To get one thing over with, it was a personal thing. Gwilym Lee was my celebrity number one husband-boyfriend crush for ages. I began watching The Great for him. And of course I wrote lots of Grigor x reader fics to channel my imagination and lust. So when he became a cheater in season 2, out of nowhere, without any warning...it was a shock. I tried to think through it, justify it, but it never did. It felt like even in my fantasies, I wasn't safe. I wasn't good enough. The minute I slipped up in a romantic relationship, I would be cheated on as punishment. I had panic attacks and couldn't sleep and cried for days. I couldn't even look at the show or images or of Grigor for without crying. It was as if...I was the one cheated on. I literally had to get therapy because it bothered me so much.
Okay, now that this is done, here is my personal take of why Grigor/Marial is bad as a pairing. Also, this is just me being biased and my personal take, so if you ship the pairing...eh, good for you, all the more power to ya. This post isn't for you.
Let's move onto the foundation. I've discussed it a lot with the Queen and legend @ladystrallan but here it is for all y'all. The Big reasons why. Starting with the most important one.
Reason #1) Marial does not actually give a shit about Grigor's well-being and happiness.
Often in fanfics, when Grigor cheats on George, it's because he is sad about George and the OC or Reader or whoever is worried about him. They want him to be happy, wanted, loved, and valued, and chosen. Marial does none of those things. It's never about "how can I help this poor little meow meow feel better?" It's about "what can he do for me" like she's the damn rat from Charlotte's Web.
Reason #2) Marial does not respect Grigor
If Marial did respect Grigor, she would listen to what he says. She would not blab to Catherine about Peter having sex with and accidentally killing her mother. In season 3, when Peter dies- Grigor is sobbing and in a grieving state for his best friend. Marial on the other hand is celebrating his death like the munchkins celebrating a house dropping on the wicked witch in The Wizard of Oz. Let's put it this way- if someone who you loved, someone you were very close to dropped dead out of nowhere, would you want to date someone who celebrated the death as good thing? No. If she did respect him, she would support him in his grief. She would keep her trap shut. Even if she personally didn't like Peter...she would still be there for Grigor's struggle of losing his friend. At the end of the day...Marial will betray her bestie to become a lady again. She is only on her own side and no one else's. She gets some Pet The Dog moments with the serfs...but not with anyone else she has interpersonal connections with at court.
Reason #3) The Affair is selfish.
Marial does none of these things. She starts the affair not because she is worried about his well-being, or happiness, or respect or selflessly genuinely loves him...she starts it because 1) he was a former fling, 2) she is rich again and she can, and 3) to spite Georgiana. Grigor kind of wants to feel happy and alive again- but it's bc George is away from him!
I understand that fiction is not reality. We can use fiction to discuss taboo things. Or even admit that we fantasize about things we know are ethically wrong. It says nothing about us. Just because we fantasize it or like it in fiction doesn't mean we like it in real life. But...
Reason #4) The Writers paint Georgiana's affair as bad and Grigor's affair as good.
We have all of season one to see how much it hurts Grigor to see his wife be Peter's mistress. And I'm not going to pretend it is entirely good. But Georgiana does get a few lines in season 1 after the poisoning that she kind of...HAS to be Peter's mistress. That their high social standing and wealth comes from their close friendship with Peter that in no ways should be tampered with. And this includes the complete lack of boundaries with Georgiana, because he is the absolute ruler emperor. Like that line in Six The Musical- If Peter says it's you, it's you. As far as I know, Peter and Georgiana is consensual other than the implied power balance and she's lucky she likes Peter and he's a good lover. In fact, back in the day, men WOULD offer their wives as missteress to the king because you could get a huge castle and lots of lands and money from it! That's what Mary Boleyn's husband thought when Henry VIII made her his mistress. You don't technically have a choice- might as well make the most out of it.
Yet the writer(s) paint Georgiana as bad and frame Marial as good, as something that Grigor needs to heal (it ain't), that she is his true love (blech) all without taking a big look in the mirror. They don't know how to handle a complex woman as Georgiana but they think framing Marial as a girlboss makes it better (yuck).
On a related note...imagine if we switched the genders? If Grigor was Georgette and Marial was Mark, we have Georgette being lonely and swept up in her exes charms. Giving everything to Mark, even when he crosses her personal boundaries. Despite this, she keeps running back to him, swearing she'll marry him even though he hates her recently dead bestie and doesn't comfort or support her mourning.
If that was the case, there would be riots! People would be all "omg you deserve better! My poor baby! Dump his ass, queen!" But...no. Since we have Miss GirlBoss (tm) Marial, this toxicity is apparently okay.
Reason #5) Grigor's love and loyalty to his wife was part of what made his character so endearing in the first place.
It's like if Peter said "fudge" instead of "fuck," but we all fell in love with Count Dymov because he loved his wife so much. That is why there are so many Grigor fics out there. Becuase the depth of love he has not only for Peter...but for Georgiana. It's not the issue that his honor as a man is insulted to have his wife sleep around...it's because he is genuinely heartbroken and sad about it. That he loves her that much. And that he loves Peter that much too. He's crying when he tries to put a pillow over Peter's face to suffocate him. In fact, Georgiana does care about his well being despite the whole mistress stuff. When he gets scruff out of rebellion, she knocks him out and tenderly gives him a shave. They tease and flirt with each other. She sits on his lap. Who wouldn't want a relationship where you are that wanted, adored, and unconditionally loved? In fact, their only conflict was Peter. If it wasn't for Peter, they would have an idyllic, wonderful marriage. Look up The Great on TV Tropes- they are listed as "Happily Married."
So him having an affair on Georgiana, to where he is given an option to KILL GEORGIANA and abandon her for Marial felt egregiously out of character.
This is not why i signed up. I wanted him and Georgiana to heal and grow and triumph in their love, especially as the series went on and Peter focused more on his romantic relationship with Catherine to where that WAS the show.
So yeah...those are my two cents.
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thenugking · 1 month
🌤️🌪️🪐 please!
🌤️How do you interpret the game mechanics in your fic?
I try to avoid going into a lot of detail about game mechanics, because they can make things really clunky and unnatural. I can’t use the phrase “spell slots”, it sounds far too gamified to me, so I stick with a more general “using magic takes energy”. From First Rest we have:
Wyll’s able to convince Shadowheart to use the last of tonight’s spellpower on summoning up a bucket of clean water,
Because I’m not going to fucking say “Wyll gets Shadowheart to use her last available Level One Spell Slot on casting Create Water, and then she needs to have a Long Rest to get some more back.”
Some things that are clearly just there for game balance I ignore. Like, sure, it’s useful in game to be able to pay Withers 200 gold to bring back your party members whenever they drop dead, but in fic, it really cheapens the emotional weight of death to have Withers be doing that all the time. That said, as much as I hate when fics feel beholden to the “only four party members” rule, I do kind of want Gortash telling Lee that nope, sorry, Orin can’t come on this mission, we already have four people, it’s just not possible to bring any more because of Reasons, sorry, I’d love to bring your freak of a sister along but everyone knows adventurers can’t hang out in groups of five.
(Lee: Well that’s all right, Orin’s basically just an extension of me so she’s a Summon actually--)
🌪️Is there a nugget of game lore that fascinates you, but you haven’t written about yet?
Hmm. If something fascinates me enough, I usually have to write something, just to get it out of my head. Although I would at some point like to write pre-game fic about Astarion’s siblings. Astarion too ofc, but there’s six other people here being horrifically abused and developing their own relationships and issues with each other and having their own terrible trauma responses. I want to dig into that and make things horrible for everyone.
🪐Who’s your favourite non-companion character, and why?
Orin Orin Orin my beloved baby girl who has done nothing wrong in her life, except for all the horrifying atrocities.
I will hold up my hands and admit that the reason I started liking her was aghsj Hot Evil Lady. But then I started really getting into exploring Durge, and Lee specifically, and goddd this girl is tragic. She’s my poor little meow meow who’s been groomed and abused by every family member she has, and honestly what fucking chance did she ever have to be a good person, or even a normal person? She’s tragic, and sympathetic, but has also, yknow, hurt so many people, and done shit that’s way too fucking evil to just be excused with, “well she’s an abuse victim.” Which ofc is a big theme of BG3 generally, but the game never fucking explored that fully with Orin, so now I get to do that. 
I’m loving writing her in No Highly Esteemed Deed, having her be very clearly Lee’s victim and, I hope, entirely sympathetic for her eventual decision to stab them right in the brain, but, well. She’s still clearly utterly fucked, she was obviously intending to rape Lee before they raped her, and it’s not exactly a spoiler to say that getting rid of her abuser isn’t going to suddenly fix her. Like, I’m currently writing Ketheric seeing an Innocent Victim and looking out for her, and you might notice that this is very much not the dynamic we see with them at the end of Act 2!! I love writing Orin destroying any positive relationship she has because she doesn’t know how to have a healthy friendship and is too disdainful and afraid of the whole idea to try.
I love putting her in Situations and have her fucking maim her way out of them and then voluntarily go back in them because she maimed everything outside her Situation too and now there’s nothing else left <3
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fembutchboygirl · 2 years
unsleeping city for the fandom ask game, or mayhaps fantasy high?
Oh you know I'm gonna do both baby
Unsleeping City (s1 only, I haven't yet seen s2)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Sofia Lee I love you with all my heart I would marry you but your heart belongs to another
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Ricky!!! My heart goes out to all the himbos in the world but specifically to Mr. March he's so cute
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): I would kill and die for Esther Sinclair. That is all
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Okay listen I know David is a total ball buster but if I start thinking about him I will explode. Wally too but he's more beloved by the fanbase and has more appearances in the show so I don't count him for this one. Oh also La Gran Gata
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Did Pete sell cocaine to children? Maybe. But he's trans and funny so it all cancels out (also all of his character development ofc I'm not going to ignore that)
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Don Confetti. I think he'd make squeaky toy noises as I beat him with a baseball bat it would be funny
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Robert Moses is the easy answer but yeah. Robert Moses
Fantasy High (both seasons and specials)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): Oh man the bad kids are in constant rotation for this one, but rn? I gotta give it to Adaine I can't stop thinking about her
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Bogariel Frogariel AKA Boggy the Froggy. He is literally so shaped. For a character with speaking lines please refer to Alistair Ash
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): Ragh Barkrock FOR SURE. He needs more love!!!! Please!!!!!!!! ALSO Ayda Aguefort I love her so much it's unreal
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Listen to me. He's a guest character. He appears in one episode alone. He doesn't even have a last name. But I would die for Hargis okay
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): If I can't stop thinking about Adaine then you KNOW I'm obsessed with murderous-cokehead-golden-child- turned-loving-sister Aelwyn Abernant. Oughhh complicated sibling relationships my beloved. Traumatized characters who have been taught not to realize the magnitude of the abuse they're going through my beloved. Characters realizing they've never been treated with love and choosing to repay kindness when it's offered to them for the first time my beloved
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): I wanna beat Angwyn Abernant with a shovel so so so bad please let me at him. Also coach Daybreak. I'd tie him to a chair and force him to listen as I explain neogenders to him
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): She's not enough of a hate sink for me to wanna torture her directly but enough of an asshole for me to want her dead and suffering. The title goes to (you guessed it!) Arianwen Abernant
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
ok I'm also going to ask you about some atla rare pairs and maybe potential happenstance hookups? ;)
Zuko / Yue
Katara / Ty Lee
Azula / June
yayy :)
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
There isn't a specific reason I've just never read a fic with this ship
What would have made you like it?
IDK I'm sure someone could give some compelling meta or write an interesting fic & I could be down, I'm not opposed or anything
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Well, I do like the whole sun/moon aesthetic & they're both kinda poor little meow meow rich kids so that could be fun
Katara/Ty Lee
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
Sorry, these are boring answers lol but like above I've just never really read any fics or meta for it
What would have made you like it?
Again, someone could probably convince me I've just never thought about it before lol
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
I mean they are both cute & I love both characters so I'm sure it could be fun! I usually don't write them as two characters who interact all that much but maybe that will be different in Happenstance since all the girls are living together! I like the idea of Katara & Ty Lee having a fling & staying friends even if I'm not sold on a lasting romance between them
Ship It
What made you ship it?
There are no characters I don't ship Azula with. Nah lol I'm jk...kind of. Um, I've read a few fics for this pairing I think & I like it :) You'll get to see more of them interacting in Happenstance for sure, but not necessarily as a romantic pairing.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
I mean, I just like that June is a cool slightly older girl & I think any of the younger atla girls with her can be fun. I have definitely written Azula having a crush on June or thinking she's hot before, I just think that would happen
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Eh not that I can think of lol
Thank you for asking! <33
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jinxiaobao · 2 years
I mean... If you're enabling me to talk to you, I'll do it :)
So BE was my first ever K-Drama, so I'm not too sure what fascinates me about it is bc the storytelling is influenced by a culture I don't understand and what is specific to BE.
One of those things is that my ear isn't used to the language, so I'm very sure I'm missing a lot of the subtleties that can't be conveied in translation and it's driving me crazy. I have come to understand through Tumblr posts the name suffix -ah is apparently very important.
Joo Won is my favorite especially in all his sniffling, screaming, crying glory and I was shocked to find out the actor is actually younger than the character. Like he's not what I would call mature in the series, but at the same time I 100% thought the actor could be even older. Dong Sik is so good too, when he smiles and laughs I'm just as lovestruck as Joo Won, but i didn't miss whole passages of dialogue looking at him like I did with Joo Won, I was gasping and telling my Laptop 'he's so pretty, beautiful, oh my god' multiple times.
I usually don't like crime series, it's just never interested me, so I avoid them, but i never had that feeling with BE. Like it wasn't about the crime if that makes sense. I felt like it was about the relationships, how each character would shape the happenings, who valued what and broke their secrets when. The scene where Dong Sik is like 'does it even matter who killed them' replays in my mind on an endless loop. Because it doesn't. It feels utterly irrelevant and that is fantastic!
Also honorable mention to the scene where Joo Won first grabs Dong Sik by his collar. I think my squeak at that was way too loud. He forgot his aversion for touch and reached out aaaaaah I'm still so giddy when I think about it
Okay I think I'm done ... For now. Though I have told my friend she should liveblog to me while she watches so maybe I'll return screaming if she tells me smth I can't comment on to her bc it'd be spoilers.
*kicking my feet and twirling my hair*
unintelligible rambling under the cut. no thoughts, just vibes.
i'd watched a few kdramas before BE, and i've enjoyed them to varying degrees but this one has me in a chokehold. i'm not super familiar with sk culture, and i'm veeerrrrry slooooowly learning the language, so i'm sure i'm missing a lot of the nuances but i think the story is told in such a way that it's kind of universal.
(i've been told that the -ah [or -ya] suffix is reserved for people one considers good friends, but i could have that wrong. i took dong sik calling him 'joo won-ah' to mean that he's important to him, and that he cares about him. growth.)
i adore joo won and all his issues, my poor little meow meow. and he's so SO PRETTY (i recommend watching more stuff with yeo jin goo--he's honestly one of the best actors i've ever seen, and he's only 24.) and dong sik.........he. fuck. i love dong sik so much (maybe too much but so be it). he's funny and flirty and everyone loves him, but he's also solitary and sad and haunted by his demons. i don't know if i kin any characters, but i feel super connected to lee dong sik. he's burdened with so much, and he wears his bright smile and sense of humor like armor. *shakes fist* i love him. and of course, he is really really REALLY hot.
i love crime series; i usually prefer them to series with overtly romantic themes, so BE was right up my street. and yeah, i totally agree--the crime part is important, but it's secondary to the characters, the way they're developed, and relationships that are happening throughout the series. i love when women write and direct characters.
and jwds. JWDS has changed my life, full stop.
that scene you mentioned when joo won grabs his collar is so!!!
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the intense hold, the way joo won's eyes quickly flick down dong sik's face, how close they are to each other. *vibrates* hnnngh it's so delicious. had me flailing on the couch the first time i watched it.
and The Scene at han ki hwan's house after the climax of the show (YOU KNOW THE ONE) fucking UNMADE me. stripped me down to my essence. changed the trajectory of my life. ugh. the tears! the tenderness! these men are in love with each other, your honor!
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i hope your friend screams her thoughts at you as she watches it. it's so fun to get other people's views and takeaways.
i didn't have any points to make or anything intelligent (or intelligible) to say. i just enjoy flailing with other people about this show that's changed my life.
i'm so happy you've watched it and enjoyed it! 💕
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nagipops · 3 years
hii I love your blogs sooo much you're really talented (I just needed to say it sorry) so straight to the point, I already made 2 requests to you and I really enjoyed your writing so I would like to make another again. As I'm clueless about what to request I'll just ask for random hcs for konoha 11, idk if it's too much but if so then you can do with Neji (I love him so much), Kakashi and Naruto. Thank you in advance and sorry anything ^^
FEATURING: naruto, sakura, shikamaru, ino, choji, neji, rock lee, tenten, kiba, hinata, and shino
WARNINGS: mentions alcohol, drugs, food, bugs, and the tiniest nsfw mention if you get the joke. hehe
A/N: AHHHH ANONN this seriously made my day, im so so glad you enjoy my work!! 💖
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you know how we all have “the chair”, where we throw all of our dirty clothes onto?
yeah, imagine that, but from the seat to the fricking ceiling
its just a GINORMOUS MOUND of clothes, you wonder how he even goes through that many clothes so quickly???
definitely shoves it under his bed whenever guests come over (somehow)
holds chopsticks really weirdly. but it works.
asked tenten to put his hair into space buns to mimic his sexy jutsu and went around flirting with the village
jiraiya was so proud of him T-T
comes up with the WORST pickup lines
they’re so bad, its almost charming. almost
has gone AWOL multiple times, disappearing from everywhere, just everywhere
it scared you a little, so you searched the entire village for him
you finally found him sitting on the ledge of a cliff, gazing out at the vast sea
concerned and panicked, you cried out to ask him what was wrong
he turned to you with a crestfallen, devastated look on his face and said,
“i bought shrimp ramen instead of chicken ramen.”
you’ve never searched for him after his disappearance ever again.
100% makes origami shurikens and chucks them at you
they are deathly precise and deathly sharp. seriously, how are these not illegal weapons yet???
writes threatening motivational notes to herself on the mirror
“u got this!” “make sure to smack naruto today!” “ino sucks!”
her backpack would always be way too high up on her back. idk why but. it would
does her hair all nice and pretty before she goes out but once she arrives to her destination SHE KEEP. TAKING. IT OUT. and redoing it over and over and over again
like it’s impossible to make eye contact with her because she’s holding a bobby pin between her teeth while braiding her hair
her guilty pleasure would be hostess treats
ding dongs are her favorite. don’t ask me how i know, i just know.
eats the yellow starbursts just to spite naruto and all her haters
loves small lap dogs, she think’s they’re so cute and cuddly
but she especially loves chihuahuas
they’re so feisty and naruto HATES them, so of course she had to go and get one for herself
dresses the poor dog up in little bonnets and jackets and ties its tiny fuzzy hairs into pigtails
she and the chihuahua are not that much unlike <3
this man is a god at shogi but he absolutely SUCKSSSS at cup pong.
is this an ick? idk. but he is absolute trash at this game.
it gets even worse when he’s got a couple drinks in him
tries to calculate the velocity and acceleration and angle and shit but his shot is always a good two feet off BYE 😭
just mutters an “aw, shit” before awaiting his turn again
hates checkers, loves chess
“checkers is for WUSSIES” - shikamaru nara
i said this in another post, but he is Very Good at whistling
like that’s his hidden talent
can copy any tune with the perfect pitch and rhythm
speaking of, he can do really cool tricks with his tongue
like making a four leaf clover, touching the bridge of his nose with it, flipping it upside down, you name it
he has slanted, scrawled handwriting, to the point where it’s almost illegible
wbk he cheats in school SO OFTEN. but he never gets caught. he’s not stupid, he just couldn’t care less about his classes.
thinks weed and e-cigs are stupid, cigarettes are where it’s at
you just can’t replicate the feeling of taking a drag from a cig after a long, tiring day
plus he looks hella cool while doing it B)
teaches the boyz™️ how to braid their hair
like they all gather in a circle around this feisty fashionista and fail attempt to braid their hair
sakura was just fuming in the sidelines
yeah, ino 🙄
the only one that can actually do it is neji because a) this man is talented af and b) he’s got the long hairrr
ino probably envies his thick, sleek hair because hE’S a bOy
also asks everyone for their blood type and zodiac signs and tells them if they’re compatible with her or not
and definitely judges you for your sign 😣
“oh, you’re a gemini? hmm, what a shame...”
makes bouquets for her favorite people and kin assigns everyone a flower
only assigns the pretty nice ones to the people she likes (sorry sakura, you’re out of luck)
one of her favorite hobbies is crafting! she’s really good with details and small things so she loves making those miniature dollhouses and stuff
also really good at watercoloring. especially painting flowers and landscapes
also i feel like she would be really good at playing any instrument because of her skilled hands
can play a badass flute solo. period.
would honestly rather die than get anywhere NEAR an asparagus
he just thinks they’re so gross and bitter and NOT SALTY
he always eats his yakiniku a little bit undercooked because he’s way too impatient to wait for it to cook fully. who do you think he is??
whenever he cloud gazes with shikamaru, when asked what he thinks a cloud looks like, he just says some sort of food
“oi, choji, what does that one look like to you?”
“a... yakiniku grill... with... pineapple rings on it! ooh, and a wagyu steak right there!”
he thinks pringles are an abomination to society. where’s the crisp? where’s the grease? where’s the saltiness?!!!
asks ino to teach him how to do his hair all fancy and the two of them devote an entire day learning different hairstyles
it’s his new favorite thing to do now :D
he really likes crayons!!!!
like he’ll write with them, draw with them, color with them, do everything with them
he’s even tried to eat them. he said they tasted good.
definitely had the 128 crayon pack WITH THE BUILT-IN SHARPENER, and everyone thought he was the coolest kid in town
he ate it UP, he even scored some bbq dates with the ladies
i also feel like he loves basketball, and he has a MEAN slam dunk
like his vertical isn’t that high, but the man can REACH
he loves when people laugh at him when he challenges them to a 1v1 and then proceeds to absolutely destroy them <3
he seems like a cucumber kind of guy.
just cucumber
like i feel like he puts it in everything; soba, salads, sandwiches, his face, yeah
it’s mellow and cool, just like him!
speaking of, i feel like he lives for spa days and facials
it just lets him be alone in his little cucumber scented world for an hour or two and he gets damn clear skin from it as well
seriously he has PERFECT skin. flawless. not a single blemish. his cheeks feel like baby butts they’re so smooth.
i feel like he’d be a god at solving rubik’s cubes, don’t ask me why
like if anyone scrambled theirs on accident they would just take it to neji and he’d solve it in the blink of an eye
CAT PERSON!!! loves the little meow meows
who are we kidding, neji basically is a cat; agile, aloof, does silly things without trying to, very cute
he just feels akin to the little fuzzballs and he thinks petting cats are extremely therapeutic. good for the soul
he is a golf man. he would take his juniors golfing and everyone thinks he’s uncool. cmon neji let them go to the skate park at least T-T
also very good at karaoke, definitely surprised everyone once he got a few drinks in him since he started serenading you
LIGHTWEIGHT!!! do not get more than one shot of alcohol in him. he will go berserk.
i also feel like he’d really love photography; not taking pictures of people, but of nature
he loves taking a quiet stroll through a pretty forest and snapping pictures of all the unique flora and fauna
it’s so serene ︶ ‿ ︶
100% milly rocks everywhere
gai got in on it too once he asked what lee was doing
“is that what all the youthful cool kids do these days!”
they also dab together. a lot
DO NOT BE SEEN WITH THESE TWO!!! you are not associated with them.
definitely is the one breakdancing in the middle of the dance circle at a high school party
he’s mad skilled at it too
headspins and windmills galore
challenged naruto to a dance-off and completely OBLITERATED him
lee then asked if naruto wanted a rematch, this time with one hand tied behind lee’s back
naruto obliged, and he STILL lost
RIP naruto and his fangirls, they all scrambled to lee afterwards T-T
i feel like his favorite subject is science
not the boring physics equations and laws and theories but the fun EXPERIMENTS
definitely has singed all of his hair off one time and he went to gai blubbering to help him grow back his precious hair
but he loves experimenting with different combinations and chemicals to get different reactions each time
created a potent love potion and carried it around with him all day one day
and it was actually working
girls were flocking to him left and right, staring at his lips and his face
he was so abashed at the sudden attention
heck, it even worked on sakura
“oi, lee-san!”
“hehe, yes, sakura-san?”
her eyes shifted downwards to his lips and his heart thumped harder
“hey... lee-san?”
“what is it?”
“you have something on your lip. we’ve been trying to tell you all day but you just winked and blew kisses at us.”
legend has it lee has still not recovered to this day.
has THE prettiest handwriting. and she can write SUPER fast
it’s like a superpower
like she transcribed five pages of a report in less than two minutes with perfect handwriting
naruto is so jealous.
she is also super good at origami! those diligent, accurate hands aren’t just for throwing things
taught sakura how to make shurikens but does NOT endorse any violent uses of them
she can replicate all of her weapons with paper and they can actually function, it’s so cool
made paper kunai knives one day and the wholeee village wanted to get their hands on them
i feel like she’d listen to mitski. idk i just get those vibes
LOVES BIG DOGS!! especially fluffy wuffy samoyeds
like man’s best friend?? no, GIRL’S BEST FRIEND!!
hugs and cuddles and squishes all the big dogs
she thinks small dogs are spawns of satan
sakura and her have definitely quarreled over this
but at the end of the day, all dogs are adorable fur babies, so she lets it slide :,)
kiba always looks SO GOOD in photos you take of him, candid or not
like you could just whip out a camera and snap a photo of him at any given moment and he would look perfect
you framed a picture of him yelling at akamaru for peeing inside the house
it’s pure artwork
i feel like he tries to swagger around with his hands shoved in his pockets but it fails MISERABLY and the girls are wondering if he broke his leg or something 😭
kiba just walk normally. for the love of god please just walk normally.
he tries to slump back in his chair really low but one time he slouched way too low so he slipped off of his chair and onto the ground LMFAOOOO
he just wallowed there... in shame...
also.. he LOVES when the girls put makeup on him!!
he tries to act like he hates it. but it secretly gives him so much confidence
not to mention the girls hyping him up are a huge ego boost
okay the inside of his jacket hood is the warmest. thing. EVER!!!
seriously, no wonder this dude is so happy-go-lucky all the time, he’s living in literal heaven 24/7
it’s like you’re sleeping on a cloud inside a warm, cozy bed during a cold winter morning
10/10 would recommend letting him give you his sweatshirt when you’re chillin with a hair tie ❤️
always smells like lavender soap. always
also has the cutest pencil pouches with little puppy faces and kawaii things
oH and she has those mini yoobi highlighters, she thinks they’re so cute (and functional!)
everyone flocks to her to try them out and marvel at the cute tiny highlighters
and they try to steal them from her but she doesn’t even stop them because she’s too timid to 😭
naruto goes BALLISTIC over them
she lets him have all of them <3
tennis girl!!! tennis girl.
all of her opponents always underestimate her because she’s so timid and shy and quiet
but she has a KILLER serve
and then she takes her opponents to the slaughterhouse with a complete shutout ;)
she’s really athletic believe it or not, she can beat most of the boys in a mile run and she has incredible endurance
i feel like she really loves velvet scrunchies
she just thinks they’re so pretty and they keep her hair soft so they’re cute and functional
also takes the PRETTIEST notes!!
color codes, dividers, headers, you name it, it’s all super readable too its insane
everyone asks her for her notes, not to study but just to appreciate the pure artwork that it is ^w^
shino is SO easy to prank
“how do you catch an eyemaster?” *cue naruto and kiba snickering*
“eyemaster bait. that is because—”
even when everyone’s laughing their asses off, he still continues to explain his answer since he does NOT GET THE JOKE
tried his hand at writing haikus
here’s his best one so far:
“Bugs are amazing. That is because they are bugs. Bugs are very nice.” - Shino Aburame
VERY proud of it, since it took him weeks to perfect
praise it, pls
had one of those ant farms and bug-catching kits as a kid
he loves the little chitters of the different bugs
he had jars of different bugs all lined up on a wall shelf in his room
collects silkworms off of trees and sticks them into his pockets (no i definitely did not do this as a kid...)
HELP I FEEL LIKE he would record a timelapse of his ant farm growing and upload it to youtube with a movie maker title screen that says
“my ants”
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if you enjoyed this post, likes and reblogs are much appreciated :) feel free to request here, and make sure to read the rules first! have a lovely day everyone <3
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lady-lessobian · 2 years
tell me about your dnd characters
Mwah mesh kissing u proposing for this!!!! 💖💖💖
My main dnd character is miss Severance Lee, my poor little meow meow. Gods poor little meow meow. Tiefling arcane trickster rogue/cleric of life and death. She grew up as the messiah in a murder cult for the goddess Lilybell, meant to lead them to greatness. Before the ritual on her 18th birthday, she found out she was supposed to kill the love of her life, so instead, she fled. Ran out of no man's land.
Eventually, she found a new city and started a life with a firbolg, Petrichor, who ran a halfway house. At first she was staying with Just Them because she was too shy around people after the whole cult thing, but they ended up falling in love. Unfortunately, Petrichor was very sick for a fair bit of their time together, and they managed to get married before they passed. The members of the halfway house supported her in her grieving, but staying there was too painful, so she traveled off to Karna in search of A 3rd chance. That's where the campaign began!
She got some jobs from a Faceless Friend to try and catch a master thief, and after various adventures, she (and the other playeres) ended up in the underground city or Rozm- a city at the crossing of two key lines and supported mostly by a giant magic orb. Which is starting to fail btw that's the plot of the campaign. And its revealed that all of the pcs are a champion chosen by one of the gods. Recently, Lilybell has shown up to bless Severance Lily personally so you can imagine that's soso good for her mental health. Shes doing. Great <3
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My other characters aren't as detailed lol
After that, I have a character who I LOVE but has never gotten a proper chance to be played. Mezzatier's an aasimar bard of eloquence. Her parents were busy so she was kinda raised by a village. Grew up to be a hard worker and a runner of information for local revolutionaries. Worked mostly with a news stand when one day they were ambushed and gunned down. She was one of the deaths.
Come 20 years later, she wakes up in an alleyway, slightly different than she remembers, and with one goal in mind- to pull herself up by her bootstraps and hunt down the descendant of the tycoon who ruined her beloved community. The campaign was pirate stuff so shes a cowboy pirate bard lol. Her big thing was whether or not she'd become the full on god of revolution or pass as she got what she set out for.
Also shes not Technically the original Mezzatier, just made in her image. She could technically find her own grave and skeleton because I love it when my characters are mentally healthy. She's based off a broad wing hawk and the halo on her hat becomes the head of her cello banjo, and the dips on her wings are eyes. Also sorry this art is old and sucks ass she needs a new ref (plus a shitty animation)
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One of of my more recent ones is Ginnel Abettor, or Gin! She's the god of the alleyway and in between spaces! A minor god, she exists with no witches on a planet where the more belief there is in you, the stronger a god you are. She exists, instead, out of necessity, getting power from the people and witches of other gods who travel through her domain. She's rather impartial, helping anyone who comes through regardless of who as long as they have the right offerings (a note and a trinket). Doesn't mean she doesn't have opinions though.
Because she's a much smaller god, she interacts more closely with humans, to the point where sometimes she isnt recognized as a god but a local myth. Can guide you or trap you. She loves tight spaces and is agoraphobic. Big supporter of the hole in the wall businesses of the alleys and will lead people to them. Always has a lighter for the workers on breaks. Patron saint of stragglers and vagabonds. I hope to do more with her soon!!
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All of these characters are in @goosejeans 's world Lux, they DM!
I have some other characters too! Like Candette, the Night Mare, a unicorn tiefling death cleric. She was held captive by a royal family because unicorn blood is supposed to be healing, but hers is corrupted so it appears to work at first but then Rots you. She is a Haver of Visions and gives nightmares to those who sleep around her :(
Or Sickle, an Aaismar Forge Cleric who was raised on a small farm but believes herself to Actually Be a war forged after Traumatic Events, and is setting out to become more machine and also a victim of her hubris. Shes a parrot and is based off an old belief that a parrots caw sounded like "Ave Maria", so there were Angel's painted with parrot wings!
Or Solstice who I wanna play sosososoososososo bad you don't even know! A human way of the sun soul monk who has an intense fear of fire so they focus on the other elements of the sun (light, gravity, nuclear fusion.) Basically a starmaker but as a dnd character.
I only have sketches of the last two (I've been toiling over Solstice's design,,,). Not gonna bother getting into my characters from other games like Kitty in MOTW and Ruby Reprise in Blood and Bone. I also dm my own game with my own lore in Traveler!
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Thanks to anyone who's made it this far and sorry that it's so long! My ocs are my biggest passion and I'm hoping to make some big stuff with them soon 👀
But fr tho, people have been so untalkative while I've been feeling super social along with me feeling kinda down on my art lately so it means a lot to be asked about them! All I'm doing here tho is revealing how much I like god themes lol. Also btw every character mentioned here is a lesbian
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spaceyflowers · 2 years
stuff about latest lookism chapters (390-398)
ok i finally caught up. originally i was just planning to read along with the webtoon but its kinda behind from the latest updates and i am.. so tired of trying to avoid spoilers 😭😭😭
here are some thoughts i wanna say !
-magami is my poor little meow meow and i love him with all my heart (more thoughts on him here <3)
-doo's character development 💪 his bromance with ryuhei was pretty sweet too <3
-i thought yall were joking when yall said ryuhei's backstory for liking mitsuki was "my dick dont work but when youre around it does [lip bite]" but it was real. holy shit.
-his romance with mitsuki was ok btw. im glad it was somewhat expanded outside of "you make my dick not broken ❤️" but i still dont think he had enough of a reason to like mitsuki so much he'd lay his life down for her. all he liked were little surface level details about her ?? 😭 ("she smiles at even little things you do for her" ok bro..)
-but idk maybe surface level attraction is all he needs to feel ready to do Anything for someone which is... just sad. either way he and mitsuki should not become a couple 💀
-w.... why is cap guy obsessed with strong guys
-i hate tom lee. seriously. i dont want to see anymore of him and his creepy ass "danglers" thing.
-i just want more family agendas to sob over ok. cheongliang fam looks like a tragedy story i want to know what happened
-gun is such a freak <3 and i still wonder what the hell went thru his mind when he put on that hideous fit
-i pray for little and big daniel's survivals from their own personal hells
-also praying for zack and whatever the hell he's gonna go thru with that "crazy monk" 😭 ??? i also really hope this is the last act in his inferiority complex character arc thing bc i feel like it's been dragging on for too long 💔
-for zack's part, too; was absolutely wild seeing characters (cho ma and daegong ji) we havent seen since lookism was actually about lookism and not gang wars lmao
-what did eugene mean by hes gonna bring xiaolung back. my mans got his legs broken by jake. whatre yall gonna do, give him some batshit leg surgery to fix him up????? (im pretty sure its implied jake broke his legs beyond repair ?? or like. are u telling me a few months have passed and xiaolung is perfectly healed and ready to fight ?)
-jinyoung is a freak but him crying over that flashback with him and gapryong arm wrestling as they had fun bantering... i guess they did have a genuine bromance? what were gapryong's goals exactly?
-wonder how the mystery (?) with gapryong's death and jake's older bro is gonna all unfold
-lua im is ...... something! (more thoughts on my post about her here)
-i still hate johan's new haircut
-ALSO I HOPE ELI AND HOSTEL/RUNAWAY FAM STAY SAFE...... cool to see manager kim again tho 😭
-will crystal be relevant anytime soon. what about her two bodies.
-i still miss jay 😭 his dad is way more involved than him???? youd think maybe jay would be more involved, too, then, but nope hes just gonna stay queer bait ig... no hope for ptj but i still wish jay got to do more with the story than be devoted to daniel bc he has an interesting design/vague backstory to be expanded upon and his dad is literally someone the main character daniel is teaming up with to take down the antagonist like ????!
-sobs.... j high gang... i miss the girls and burn knuckles 💔
-i dont know how to feel about daniel's current character arc. i understand his feelings but i honestly dislike seeing characters say "i dont want to depend on people anymore so im gonna get stronger on my own" 😭😭😭 like sure, hun, but dont leave all your friends behind to go ask an insane person like gun for help ?!
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katierosefun · 3 years
For the fandom asks (about your faves): Beyond evil?
thank you for the ask!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): lee dong sik, the love of my life! but also i think too much about him in the i think too much about what he’s been through.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): is it weird for me to say han joo won? he’s so stupid but also he’s like. my child. that’s my brat boy.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave):  kwon hyuk! listen to me, he’s for all the eldest sibling children who came from nowhere / was born with zero connections and so had to present themselves as humble nobodies all to protect themselves from being used, and i think that’s very neat of him. he deserves more love both as a character and as a person. i could write a whole essay on him.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): weirdly enough, probably joo won’s mom? we literally only knew her for like 2 minutes but i just looked at her and was like “i love you” bc yes, she was an alcoholic and a disaster and she should have been a better mother, but also, she was in han ki hwan’s clutches, and she did somehow fall for him at some point (at least, from how joo won describes her) … and then she was bounced from institution to institution and y’know, i’ve had some people talk to me about how beyond evil has a lot of gothic elements to it, and i think the case of lee su yeon (han joo won’s mom) very much so fits with that atmosphere.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): i mean i call dong sik my poor meow meow, but if this is supposed to be an unpopular/controversial fave … idk, probably lee chang jin? he’s so delightfully slimy, but also, i kinda like him. like, he’s awful, but he’s also … i think unironically in love with ji hwa (although urgggggh he’s still gross for that, considering she was literally jeong je’s friend … ), but also … ? i found him oddly endearing. (esp. when he talks about jeong je? aren’t you guys supposed to be his friends? get him out of that hospital.) like, he’s still gross! but i’d probably be more willing to talk to him than any of the others in the big bad
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): can i say han joo won again? because han joo won. it’s the lee dong sik urge to make fun of this pathetic brat.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): han ki hwan. like, unironically i’m sending him to superhell bc he’s a) a terrible father, b) a terrible person.
send me a fandom!
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s1utspeare · 3 years
10 Characters I Fell in Love With in 2021
alighlaskdfjlaksdjf ok fuck. this is gonna be HARD because y’all know me you know i LOVE characters asdgihalsdkfjadslkjf. anyway THANK YOU @lasenbyphoenix​ for tagging me in this I love you!! and all your characters were so good! 
Alright I’m going to try and only choose one per show/actor otherwise they would all be from mystic nine or william characters and I can’t do that lmao
1. Fo-ye from The Mystic Nine
Is anyone even surprised? Cause I’m sure not. this man is the love of my life and my heart’s delight and FUCK i just love him so much. is it because he’s william? yes partially. but also just because fo-ye is SUCH a good character and SO tragic about it. like this mans is the embodiment of self-sacrifice and I’m never going to be over it. he wasn’t even my favorite character from m9 at first but he has slowly taken over my heart and soul and i would legitimately do anything for more Him npss pls give us season two PLEASE anyway i’m obsessed with him goodbye
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2. Choi Myung-hee from Vincenzo
I FUCKING LOVE HER and not because she’s nice because she is the WORST and MOST EVIL but because of how important she is as a character. everyone’s like “jang han-seok my poor little meow meow” and then are like “choi myung-hee >:(” like if she were a male character people would LOVE HER but she’s NOT but she’s my favorite because she is EVIL and fucked UP and absolutely UNAPOLOGETIC ABOUT IT and i genuinely love how she is written and acted and GUH. she’s stellar. everyone appreciate her NOW
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3. Saya from The Arthdal Chronicles
Sayaaaaaaaaa ok half of this i think is how good song joong-ki is at acting in this drama, cause he does like. two completely different characters with his choices i fucking love him (it’s mostly in his mouth too like GOSH when are actors going to stop Fucking Me Up with their acting choices surrounding their lips), but Saya is! feral! but like? elegant about it?? idk i hope there’s more of this show coming out bc i need to see him lose it just a little bit i think that would be great for me
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4. Nam Seon-ho from My Country: The New Age
hghghgnnghgngghgngnghgngn SEON-HO MY LITERAL ANGEL. BB. YOU DID NOTHING WRONG EVER. jk he absolutely did make mistakes but FUCK this character just hit every single Good Button in my book. for me, he is the perfect character. if i wrote a drama it would be like this i.e. every time someone should be angry at their Misunderstood Best Friend, the Misunderstood Best Friend just gets Covered in Blood instead. like I think that’s great. i love him i love this drama i love everything about it if you haven’t seen it yet YOU WON’T REGRET IT
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5. Ding Mao from Tientsin Mystic
he is. my baby. the love of my life. my son. i would die for him. i’ve talked a lot about tientsin mystic recently and I will keep talking about it because I literally adore him and i want to scream about it. he’s so so good. so well acted. trying his best, but also ultimately blinded by his privilege and seeing him work through that is just!!!! it’s really really good i love him and his curls
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6. Gu Xiang from Word of Honor
GOSH SHE FUCKS SO HARD???? damn. like. damn. i want her to kick my ass. she’s so badass and competent and feisty and i am cao weining, following her around with heart eyes. she’s so so so fun and amazing, and i want to be her when i grow up
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7. Lee Jae-sun from Meow! The Secret Boy
this drama was a blast and a half but lee jae-sun my gentle boy?? he’s so SOFT in this. just. he’s the softest. he’s got the type of background that could have made him angry and aggressive but instead he’s a cute shy introvert who has a combination coffee shop/leather working studio and he handmakes crafts and loves cats and wears soft sweaters and is just a really really good man all around. just his general aesthetic makes me 🥺
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8.  Tang Fan from The Sleuth of the Ming Dynasty
admittedly i have only seen two and a half episodes of this show but tang fan already owns my heart. i too want to be an eccentric gay foodie detective that writes erotica as my side hustle. he’s such a bitch. so high maintenance. rip his boyfriend he’s going to have his hands FULL with this one. 
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9. Han Ho-yeol from D.P.
i saw this actor first in Train to Busan: Peninsula, and he was great and crazy! his face is so interestingly structured! anyway i think i really like ho-yeol bc he treats his work as a job. like it’s a fun job for him, and he takes it seriously, but at the end of the day, he’s doing it because he has to, not because he feels like he’s being a hero or trying to save people. He’s just working, and would step away from the work in a second if given the opportunity, i think, which is very refreshing honestly. also he’s a little unhinged but in a good way, and i just think he’s neat
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10. The Main Trio from 3 Will Be Free
3 WILL BE FREE MY BELOVED!!!! thanks to @mejomonster who clued me in on this one and finally made me watch it bc ghghghghghghh i loved it so much?? if you haven’t seen 3WBF yet, it’s free on youtube, PLEASE watch it. Anyway i went into this one expecting Shin to be my favorite and I loved him but Neo and Miw also own my heart? they’re all such different characters and so multi-faceted but so well written and acted and they break my heart and put it back together again, and I don’t think any of them are nearly as good without the other two. like??? shit. find me a better canon polycule (you can’t bc they don’t exist ahahahahahahahahaha :/) anyway i couldn’t choose just one of them bc i love them all and they are inseparable :)
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ONCE AGAIN THANKS TO LASEN!!! THIS WAS SO FUN AND I LOVED IT! I am tagging @highpriestessofjogan, @pissmeoffanddie, @psychic-waffles, @bimingjue, and @rose-nebulijia, cause I wanna see what your favorite characters were!!! <3
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lycanthrology · 3 years
and another for hdm :]
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did you know hdm was voted the uk’s third favourite book after lord of the rings and pride and prejudice
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Will Parry <3 He’s so so special to me. His arc is all about love and care and protection. His name is literally Will Parry… like he will parry, he has the will to parry. His dæmon is a kitty cat :). Also he’s SO transgender i have this huge theory that I can back up with textual evidence about trans will parry
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Pantalaimon! I know technically he and Lyra are the same entity but I prefer Pan to Lyra a little bit. I could totally analyse that if I wanted to. I think dæmons are fascinating. From La Belle Sauvage, I might’ve said Malcolm (and Asta) but not in the second book, I really don’t like him when he’s an adult and his relationship to Lyra is.. not good
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Boreal! I can’t remember exactly what he’s like in the books I think I hated him but I love Lord Boreal in the show. Ariyon Bakare does such a good job at being calm and menacing but also deeply pathetic (and he’s very handsome too)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Adèle Starminster omg. She’s the journalist that sneaks into Coulter’s party to spy on them but is asked to leave and goes into this weird stupor like trance and sleepwalks out of there. She has a butterfly-dæmon and in the show Boreal straight up grabs him out of the air and crushes her to death?? wack
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Lord Asriel of course. He has a moral compass less reliable than the alethiometer itself. This guy is bouncing all over the alignment grid. Brings his friend’s severed head to a work meeting, almost breaks his nieces arm, survives attempted murder, announces that he has evidence for parallel worlds and plans on killing god, then fucks off to the north pole for over 200 pages (where he gets imprisoned by anthropomorphic polar bears but that’s beside the point) he’s so funny and so dramatic all the time. Snow leopard-dæmon literally what else do you expect
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Lee Scoreby :( I genuinely love him but they cast lmm in the show and some crimes can never be forgiven. Also nobody ever brings up the fact that Lee’s best friend ate his body when he died? That’s so weird and no one ever talks about it. Yes the friend in question was an anthropomorphic polar bear but that’s beside the point
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
The golden monkey + Marisa Coulter. All the entire Magisterium. MALCOLM POLSTEAD!!!! Bonneville (i really like his dæmon lore implications but he gives a terrible name to hyena-dæmons) and Bonneville’s son Bonneville
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spookfished · 3 years
[kicks in your door] final fantasy 14 or orv i’m not picky
omg i never remember to answer asks. i have to take every opportunity to talk about orv though ok FFXIV: blorbo: obviously rocks scrunkly: also rocks. ummm i guess during hw aymeric to an extent in the sense that its like i want him to have a movie length rom com with emotional snowtime confessions ok. sorry about your ill fated friend man. also, zhloe aliapoh from crafting?? now that you mentioned the lalafell guys also those guys. anyways now that ive gotten into the  mindset of talking about ffxiv you should disregard all of these the answer is definitely alphinaud its like awww they gave the scrunkly a paramilitary organization or something. its like hes literally 15 years old... he cant swim and hes afraid of ghosts.. squishes his little face scrimblo bimblo: the moogles that beat up sid during drk. also alisaie during coils of bahamut . um guydelot? glup shitto: if fray appeared in the background of enw for .2 seconds i would not shut up about it. this will not happen though. im also really excited to get to yotsuyus reappearance in post stb poor little meow meow: fray again. what can i say honestly like i said i havent spent enough time thinking about/playing ffxiv to pull out characters....sorry ive been busy “with what” well hm ill have to get back to you on that one. graha tia will be here btw (scrimblo glup shitto and meow meow meow are all kinda similar..?) horse plinko: estinien eeby deeby: pipsykins ORV: (using the shitty romanizations bc idr the other ones. sorry) blorbo: kim dokja obviously. everybody blorbos kim dokja i rotate him in my mind every day and start bleeding from the ears scrunkly: lee gilyoung i feel like even though shin yoosung gets more frontloaded development (?) i liked some of his reveals at the end as well. his similarities with kim dokja and also the like. guilt? i guess kdj feels towards him and the way kdj projects onto him a bit are interesting. also the fact that hes one of the out-of-book characters makes you trust him a bit more. i guess some people have said the two kids characters should have been combined but honestly orv has a shitload of characters anyways. i think theyre distinct enough plus its like man just one kid would have so many more problems at least they have each other. coin flipping bits could not have happened also. also yjh *thinking about how he cooks with his giant godkilling sword* go yoo joonghyuk chop your veggies.. scrimblo bimblo: KIM DOKJAS MOMMM i think its kinda by necessity that we arent seen what happens with her because it is after all a story about kim dokja. scenes like where shes getting pieced back together really show that i think its like you cant really look that deeply into whatevers going on with your parents lol. but also like, i want to know? with her at least. i really like the similarities between how she and kim dokja try to take care of their loved ones. she and hsy probably fucked during the 3yr gap. i really liked hsy’s parts in the later parts of orv, but i wish she had been more prominent earlier on. the featherx 1863 heewon fic also made me appreciate her a lot more shes really funny glup shitto: during the earlier half hsy and during the later half ysa.. their fight during the epilogue was rlly cool i think. han sooyoung/jung heewon and yoohankim are both pretty cool but i still like soosangah poor little meow meow: umm. kim dokja again? yjh is also appealing in his pathetic moments as well. gap moe horse plinko: kim dokja again..? or hsy eeby deeby: kim nawoons already there. go build gundams gundam man
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bougiebutchbitch · 3 years
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you my:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
3 guesses
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Okay but Hoki Taketori... I wanna pick him up and cuddle him. His team being the future ANBU-squad??? That's so cool! I want more!
...Plus him and Sukea hanging out was hilarious and adorable and everything I have ever needed, bless this tiny fanboy
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
Gai Gai Gai!! My himbo man! My softe dad! My spandex-squeezed saviour! My eternal man of destiny!
And y’know what??? Sai and Lee too!! Sai deserves so much better than being treated as a Sauce replacement, and Lee is just. Baby. I cannot elaborate further
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Anko!! I always wanted more of her. She was such an interesting character. Tenten too, for that matter... And Temari... The women of Naruto deserved better, in this essay I will
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
:sweats: Hidan... Listen 13-yo me had a very edgy phase, and he fit right in... he is my nostalgia favourite, and I loaf him
And let's not forget Deidara, who I liked :checks notes: just because he has long hair
I also love Jiraiya, though he is terrible, and I will not apologise
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Kabuto... he was a butt, but I started giggling like a loon whenever he did that classic anime glasses-tilt+bright-reflection thing
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
D a n z o
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deadgrantaires · 3 years
sends YOU orv for the ask meme also. or oofuri
OOOOH hell yes thank u bestie <333
ok ORV
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
honeslty I'm with you here HAS TO BE kdj what a funny little blorbo what WRONG with him <33
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
hmm i wanna say like shin yoosung and also biyoo. biyoo IS so shape
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
LEE SOULHWA FOR SURE but im also gonna say jung heewon bc i can never get enough of her
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
MIN JIWON OUR GLUP SHITTO 🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕💕 how is she the best character i LOVE HER TRULY head empty full of love!!!
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
oh metatron ofc obviously <3 my evil little meow meow who is jsut. soooo hilarious to me what IS wrogn with him fr <3333
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
yoo joonghyuk i think its funny to bully him. also michael but like. derogatory bc its the only way i can tolerate him <3
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
MICHAEL alwyas michael
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
hmmmm this is actually quite hard espeiclaly since i havent watched it in a while but also bc the WHOLE TEAM DYNAMIC is so good but probably abe or mihashi
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
is it cheating to say kazue? probably but its true. the dog then
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
oooh man maybe junta i do SO LOVE tosei. also mizutani probably i mean i HAVE TO
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
ichihara my friend ichihara
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
idk bc anyone who would fit this category i just bhdfsv dont particularly like. momoe even tho shes violent sure!
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
HARUNA <33333
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
rios brothr i forgot his name <3 ALSO HARUNA <33333333333
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