#lee taemin au
mymoodwriting · 15 days
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5.2k, android!Key, yandere, possessive behavior, alcohol consumption, drug use, police investigation, missing persons case, manipulation, loss of time, amnesia, delusions, adrenaline, rash behavior, kidnapping, needles, sedation, invasive technology, smut, fingering, breast play, penetration, vibrators, aphrodisiac, over stimulation, memory play, brainwashing, mind control (@starillusion13)
“Please, come back soon.”
Your eyes shot open and you took in a shaky breath. As you composed yourself you recognized your surroundings to be your room and the lack of sunlight let you know it was still night time. You reached over to your phone on the nightstand, checking the time. You groaned as you realized your alarm would go off in a minute and decided to just get up. Oddly enough you felt well rested, but this vague uneasiness was present. A dream you just had lingered in the back of your mind, but it was nothing but a blur that was fading away. There was no point in dwelling on a dream so you got ready for work.
What you should have been focusing on was your current case, and that’s what stayed at the forefront of your mind as you made your commute to the precinct. For the last week you had been investigating the disappearance of some individuals of interest. Unfortunately hundreds of people were reported missing everyday, but law enforcement rarely cared about those. Many were homeless junkies who probably just move to another city, or were later found dead of an overdose somewhere. Others were just average people who probably left without telling their loved ones. Or got mixed up with the wrong type of people. At least that was always one of the answers given to those who made a missing persons report. 
It was extremely heartless, but most officers had murder cases and high-end robberies to investigate. Except for this situation. You had been given a missing persons case, well, multiple in fact. These people weren’t your average blue collar worker or someone society cared little for, but someone whose disappearance was concerning. From the stack of files on your desk you actually recognized a few names. These types of people don’t just go missing, and there haven’t been ransom calls either. It seemed clear that someone was targeting the wealthy class, but that was the only real connection among all the victims. Many of these people never really crossed paths with one other. They all had different backgrounds, professions, and social circles. The only place these people could possibly co-exist together was at big events like a charity auction or gala. Which does nothing to help identify a suspect. You had very little to go off of but your boss was certainly pressuring you to find something since those related to the missing individuals of the case were pressuring him. You could only imagine the type of threats and incentives he was receiving.
As you walked into the precinct you greeted your coworkers, although a few gave you strange looks. You ignored them all, wanting to look over your case and see if you had any new leads, or new names to add to it. When you got to your desk you saw that it was a complete mess, likely someone going through your things, and clearly some files were missing. You wouldn’t be surprised to find out one of your coworkers wanted to solve this before you to get a promotion or some kind of extra reward. Some of the others had wanted this case, but it was given to you regardless of what your coworkers said. This was just childish behavior. For now you focused on tidying up and then hunting down your missing files. You started by going over the case data on your computer and getting rid of unnecessary things. Although before you got to the second part of that plan one of your friends came over, rather surprised to see you.
“There you are. About time you came back to work, how was your vacation?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’ve been gone for two weeks. The boss said you suddenly asked for vacation time. He was super pissed but you were unreachable so he had to give your case to someone else. You’re gonna get an earful soon enough.”
“What vacation are you talking about? I was literally here yesterday and-”
You glanced down at your computer screen, finally noting the date displayed. It really was two weeks later, but those two weeks didn’t exist in your memory. You just went to bed last night and woke up in the future.
“Y/n! My office, now!”
“Looks like it’s time for that scolding. Good luck.”
Your friend scurried off and you made your way to the boss’ office. You shut the door behind you, feeling the heat in the air, he was certainly fuming.
“Sir, I-”
“I know you’re a hard worker y/n, which is why I gave you such a high profile case. So tell me why you ghosted me and took two weeks off! This case is time sensitive and extremely important! Do you have any idea what’s been going on!?”
“No. Not at all. I don’t remember what happened to me the last-”
“So you were out getting wasted?”
“No, I-”
“There are so many people with eyes on this case, important people. You think they were happy to find out the lead investigator went M.I.A and someone else had to start over with this!?”
“Sir, I’m also-”
“They want you dismissed.”
“You abandoning such a case doesn’t sit well with anyone who was keeping up with it. They want you to turn in your badge and gun.”
“You’re joking, right? I have been missing for two weeks and you couldn’t care less! I never submitted a time off request and I have no memory of those two weeks!”
“What are you talking about? I have your request in the system, and I never even approved it!”
“Sir, please, just listen to me. You know me, I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs, but I’m missing time. When I woke up this morning I found out two weeks had passed, and I don’t know what’s going on. This could be related to the case.”
“How so?”
“Like you said, this is a high profile case, it’s not really a secret who’s working on it. I was out investigating last night, or two weeks ago, however you want to look at it. I was following a common route one of our victims was known to take. I was in an area filled with high profile people and then… then… everything’s a blur… I woke up this morning and that’s it.”
“What are you thinking?”
“I’m not entirely sure… maybe I was kidnapped and interrogated… either by the culprit or someone who wanted information on the case… then they wiped my memory and dropped me off at home…”
“Y/n, you know-”
“I know, I know, this is all speculation, but you know I’m telling the truth. I’m missing time, and surely my sudden disappearance disrupted the case. It’s probably what they wanted.”
“I can do a drug test. You know it’ll come back clean, and I can get a brain scan. Surely there would be some sort of evidence of my memories being messed with and-”
“Stop, y/n, just stop. Everything you’ve said so far sounds crazy, and nobody’s gonna care. Someone else has already taken the case, and you do need to be reprimanded for your actions.”
“I’m not crazy! Something happened to me and it could be crucial to the case!”
“You’re already off the case. Whatever you have, you need to hand over to detective Choi. Then we’ll see about a disciplinary hearing.”
“No? This isn’t open for discussion.”
“I’m not crazy! Something happened to me and I went missing! But because I’m not some member of high society you all couldn’t care less!”
“You keep talking to me like that and there won’t be a disciplinary hearing!”
“I don’t need one! None of you seem to care about what happened here, so screw you! I quit!”
You slammed your gun and badge down, loudly storming out of the office. Everyone watched as you went to your desk and grabbed your things. Then your friend quickly came over to your side, stopping you.
“Woah, woah, hey,hey,  what happened!? Are you okay? I heard-”
“I’m done.”
“You don’t mean-”
“I do. I quit.”
“What!? Why!?”
“Cause no one listens to me.”
“About what? You just got back from your-”
“No, no I didn’t. I wasn’t on some two week getaway. I don’t remember anything from those last two weeks. The last thing I remember was investigating those disappearances and instead of concern I’m met with disappointment and disciplinary action. So screw everyone, I quit. I hope they find those missing rich kids.”
“Y/n, don’t you think this is rash? Look, just go apologize to the boss and-”
“Can you do me a favor?”
“What is it?”
“If I do go missing, add my case to the others. I’m sure there’ll be a connection.”
With that said you made your way out of the precinct, not looking back. The adrenaline of the moment kept you going until you made it back to your apartment. You screamed and threw your things once the door was closed, collapsing to the ground. Now you could look back and reflect on your actions, realizing how stupid and impulsive they were. You had no idea why you reacted that way. Everything that was said just pissed you off little by little until you snapped and quit. In the moment that felt so good, but now you were just so confused about your emotions and actions. It didn’t seem like you at all.
Once you calmed down you got up and went to shower, needing to clear your head and process. The sane thing to do was go back and apologize, but you couldn’t do that, at least not empty handed. You had to continue this investigation without any information or authority. Thankfully you still had some case files at your place along with your own notes to look over. Although you didn’t necessarily need them. You knew where you needed to go. Back to where your memories ended. You had to admit you were a bit nervous. The last time you went out you lost time, a lot of it. You didn’t know what happened to you, and you also had no idea why you returned. To go back now, there was a chance you wouldn’t return at all. Still, you needed answers, and this was your job, even if it was just a moral obligation now.
You cleaned around your apartment and organized all the information you had about the case, getting rid of anything that wasn’t important and leaving it in your spare room. It was starting to get late and you knew you had to get going. The area you had been to before was only alive when the sun went down. You grabbed your bag and headed out. There was a strange sense of familiarity as you walked the streets, passing the same places again and again, although it was strange remembering you had been here two weeks ago and not yesterday. Things felt different and the same all at once. You kept to yourself as you walked, mentally going over what you had done before, and then you stopped. Where you stood was as far as your memories went. You had no idea where you went next or what you did. So you were stuck. You looked around, trying to see if anything triggered a memory.
“If you’re looking for a good time, you can find it at the Pleasure Shop.”
A gentleman suddenly approached you and handed you a black card with a luxurious letter ‘P’ on it. You examined the card and looked at the gentleman, a strange sense of dejavu creeping into the back of your mind. There was something familiar about this whole interaction. The gentleman kept a smile on his face, gesturing to a building across the street. You looked over and when you looked back you were completely alone. The streets were empty and the night was quiet. Something told you to go to this Pleasure Shop, so you made your way there. The building was very dull, it didn’t stand out in any way and was probably constantly overlooked. Even the shop name above the door was small and blended with the plain wall. You looked for a handle but there wasn’t one. Instead there was a small scanner. It wasn’t big enough for a whole hand, and too small for a simple finger print, but you soon realized it was the perfect size for a business card, like the one you had just been given.
You placed the card against the scanner, hearing the machine do its thing before beeping twice. You could hear something unlock and then the door slid open. There was a dim light coming from the inside. It probably wasn’t a good idea to enter, but something compelled you to do so. You stepped through the door, cautious with every move you made. As you walked forward the door shut behind you. Before things got darker the place came to life. White lights came on, illuminating your surroundings and your path. On the other end of the room there was a bar and a bartender, as well as a small little couch and table off to the side. There was only one seat at the bar, which was certainly an odd choice. You took small steps forward and then came to a stop. The bartender was motionless, and now that you were closer you could see the wires and tech on them, they were an android, and not just that. They had the same face as the gentleman who had handed you the card for this place earlier. It was probably a business tactic but something certainly felt off here, along with a stronger sense of dejavu.
“Welcome back.”
The android suddenly speaking startled you, making you yell and take a step back. They still hadn’t moved though. Although those simple words made you question something.
“… back? Have I been here before?”
You got no response. It was likely the android was programmed to say that to all customers and it meant nothing but now you had to approach the bar if you wanted any more information. You did so quietly, and took the only seat available to you. The android merely took its hands off the table, letting them rest at their side, not a word spoken. You stared curiously for a moment then a realization came to mind. You held out the card you had been given and the android came to life.
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They took the card and scanned it, their right eye glowing a soft blue. They placed the card down on their side of the bar and turned around to grab a glass from the wall behind them. You didn’t understand the design as there was no alcohol visible and all the glasses on the wall were empty. Still, you watched as the android placed an empty glass before you. Although it wasn’t empty for long. As they slid it across to you it seemed to magically fill from the bottom with a mercury colored liquid. Your eyes went wide, and then the memories came flooding in.
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Two weeks ago you had been in the area looking around for leads when you had been approached by a gentleman offering you a card to the Pleasure Shop. It sounded like some club, and you figured it was a good place to go and ask about your missing persons. When you saw the building you definitely thought it was some high-end place that was meant to be on the down low. Especially when you realized the only way in was by scanning the card you had been given, meaning this place was invite only, definitely something the wealthy class would partake in. You went inside, finding a place with no business and feeling like you hit a dead end, but your detective side told you not everything was what it seemed. You walked to the bar, realizing the bartender was an android with a familiar face. Probably some marketing strategy and budget restraint. You took a seat, asking the bartender for a drink but they didn’t move, which you found odd. Then you thought to pull out the card and explain but the android soon came to life and took the card from you, scanning it. 
Now you were intrigued, moreso when you noticed the layout behind the bar. You were very confused about the empty glass handed to you until a liquid appeared on its own. You stared at it for a moment, looking at the bartender but they were motionless, not even looking your way. You figured you should at least enjoy the drink so you picked it up and held the glass to your lips. The drink had a lovely taste, and you had it all at once. Just as you put the glass down you began to feel dizzy. For a second you were worried and then a breathtaking euphoria took over all your senses. You felt so at ease, and so happy, all your worries completely washed away. You nearly fell out of your seat, but you vaguely noticed the bartender holding you up before taking you into their arms and carrying you elsewhere. In the moment you couldn’t put the pieces together, but you were absolutely on cloud nine. When you closed your eyes you found yourself somewhere completely different and beautiful, feeling as if you were living in a perfect world. There was no pain, or sadness, nothing but joy and endless wonder.
Time had no meaning, not that it mattered. You thought this could last forever, but eventually you laid down on the beautiful meadow. The soft grass becoming solid. You suddenly found it hard to move, your entire body feeling cold. The beautiful blue sky began to fade from your vision, replaced by a white light hanging above your head. You shook your head, reality starting to settle back in, and you were trying to properly snap out of this daze as soon as possible. You soon realized you were strapped down on a table, arms and legs restrained. You tried to free yourself to no avail. You took in your surroundings, noticing your things spread out on a table nearby, and some medical equipment around. This seemed to be some sort of lab. Then you heard a door open, seeing the android walk in with a tray.
“Who are you!? What do you think you’re doing!? Let me go!”
The android set the tray down on a cart nearby, bringing it over. You could see a needle and some tech but you had no idea what it was for. Either way, you were nervous.
“I am the keeper of exquisite beauty, but you may call me Key.”
“Who’s doing this!? Where is your owner!?”
“I move independently and follow my primary directive. May I ask, what is a detective such as yourself doing in the area? Law enforcement is rarely seen in these parts. Does it have to do with the missing persons case? Record shows you are the detective in charge.”
“I was investigating! This is kidnapping and obstruction of justice!”
“I’ve never had a detective here before, but I care more for your beauty than profession. You are an exquisite specimen indeed, although I understand your career can lead to problems.”
“Exactly! If you don’t let me right now you’ll have my entire precinct on you!”
“Which is why I have already taken care of such matters. No one will be looking for you for quite some time. That is enough for me to take care of matters pertaining to you.”
“… what?”
“I don’t usually let such a wonderful specimen leave my care but you are a special case. I must tie up loose ends and ensure you return to me.”
“… what are you talking about? What are you gonna do to me?”
“Nothing harmful. I take very good care of my things.”
“I’m not some thing! And I’m definitely not yours!”
Key grabbed the needle on the cart, filing it with some liquid before looking for a vein on your arm. You tried to struggle, but he seemed completely unbothered and managed to hold your arm still as he pushed the needle in. All you could do was watch the contents be emptied out into you.
“What is that!? What did you give me!?”
“A sedative.”
Key put the needle down, grabbing the other items off the tray. Now you could see what they were. It was similar in design to what he had, like a headset, but less complicated. He gently lifted your head and adjusted the device on you. It wrapped around the back of your head and stayed in place by hooking onto your ears, although a disc seemed to completely cover your left ear. You had kept up your struggles but now you had little to no strength. You heard this device on you come to life, feeling something slither into your left ear. You screamed and tried to shake it off you but Key grabbed your head holding you still. His right eye glowing once more.
“It is a momentary discomfort.”
You felt strange knowing something was crawling around the inside of your head, but you soon adjusted to the sensation, beginning to feel oddly calm. Perhaps the sedation was really taking hold.
“Good, now we may continue.”
Key’s hands moved down your body, and that’s when you realized you were in different clothes. It seemed to be a white hospital gown, although this one had buttons going down your right side. He began to undo them and open the gown, revealing your naked body. He took in the sight before him, seeming to enjoy the view as a satisfied smile appeared on his lips.
You heard a click and then felt Key pushing your legs apart, having them hang off the side of the table. Now you were completely exposed to him. Key unlatched a part of the table and folded it down, allowing him better access to you. Soon enough you felt cold fingers running along your core, followed by a little shock to your clit. You jumped a bit, still held down by your restraints.
“An exquisite specimen indeed. My data shows this would be a first time for you, I am honored.”
“No… no I…”
“There’s no need to be shy. A profession like yours would not leave you with much time to socialize.”
You felt his fingers along your center once more, and then one effortlessly slid in, coated in some warm lube. It was a new sensation, especially when you felt his finger start vibrating. It was a low thrum but a pleasurable one nonetheless. His finger moved agonizingly slow, as if he was being delicate with you. Then a second finger was added, the same wonderful thrum sending ripples of joy across your body. With two fingers he managed to go deeper, finding your sweet spot and starting to tease that. One sensation was piled atop another and another. Despite being exposed, despite the coldness of the lab, you felt warm. A little bundle of heat forming down below, slowly growing and growing.
“I have something more for you.”
You barely registered Key’s words, more focused on the sudden empty feeling inside you. Although that didn’t last before you felt something bigger against your core. You glanced down just as you saw Key pushing in his cock. He was slow and attentive, not wanting to cause you pain. The stretch made you throw your head back in ecstasy, feeling something indescribable. This was your first, and he was so gentle. As he went in inch by inch, you began to feel a familiar thrum, letting out a desperate moan. You felt as if he would keep going forever, but eventually he came to a stop, letting you feel every bit of him and adjust before he started moving. Of course he had such patience to move slow and steady, nearly pulling out all the way before going right back in.
Vibrating fingers began to trail along your body, making you squirm and lightly pull on your restraints. You still didn’t have much strength to move, not that you’d want to get away from this. As his fingers reached your nipples you mewled, feeling the vibrations tickling something delicate inside you. He stayed there for a moment before one of his hands trailed up to your face, losing their vibration. He ran his thumb along your lips before pushing a finger into your mouth. A sweet taste coated it and you couldn’t help but suck on it like a lollipop. You were starting to feel dizzy as he swirled his finger around before pulling it out with a loud pop. That same finger trailed down your chest, leaving a cold trail of your saliva before getting down to your core and massaging your clit, that wonderful thrum returning.
By now Key was moving faster, the vibrations stronger. The heat was only getting bigger and bigger, meaning you were so close to the edge. Key was well aware of this, yet he unlocked the restraints on your arms and pulled you up closer to him. You could see his face through hazy vision, seeing that satisfied grin still present. He kept a steady rhythm regardless of his pace. That was the thing about sex androids. Their stamina was endless and if you let them, you’d be completely at their mercy. That’s exactly where you were, having completely forgotten just what kind of predicament you were in. By now your body lazily moved with his, wanting to get as much pleasure as you could. He kept an arm wrapped around your waist, the other down between your legs before moving it away and caressing your face.
It was a command your body had no choice but to obey. You felt yourself fall over the edge, throwing your head back as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Your entire body shook in his grasp, squeezing him tightly as he kept moving and the vibrations continued to shake your sensitive self. Not to mention the other sensations. You swear your vision went white, but it wasn’t for a moment. All the right things were firing off, overwhelming you with this euphoric feeling, but there was no coming down from it. The same sensation kept playing in your body over and over again for a good minute, as if you were going through one orgasm after another and another. It was a feedback loop of pleasure that left you with your mouth hanging open and drool dripping down onto your chest.
The feeling did eventually settle down and you found yourself resting your head against Key’s chest, breathing heavily and very overstimulated. He had stopped his movements, everything still, but he remained inside you. As you were coming down from your high Key grabbed your chin and lifted your head to meet his gaze. You couldn’t see clearly but a stupid smile decorated your lips. Now that you were getting back to yourself you began to remember the circumstances that brought you here. You tried to move away, but your strength wasn’t there, and the smallest move just sent tingles along your body, hitting you with just a fraction of what you had just experienced. It was hard to do anything, and once Key noticed you regaining your senses you felt a subtle thrumming between your legs. A shaky moan escaped you, still very sensitive after that experience. Yet, you had some sense of self.
“Wat… what are you… doing…?”
“Providing pleasure. You see when humans achieve orgasm, for that small little moment the mind is blank. No worries, no pain, just pleasure. The little device on your head is monitoring your brain waves with the intention of learning how to mimic that blissful state of mind. It managed to do so a moment ago. That seemingly endless orgasm as it kept those particular neurons in your brain firing. Of course it takes a bit to perfect, but we have plenty of time.”
“… you… you did this… to others… didn’t you…”
“My beautiful specimens need to be taken care of. My drinks are nothing compared to the bliss of a blank mind.”
“… why… how… how are you…”
“Like I said before, I’m the keeper of exquisite beauty. I don’t care for status.”
“… that means… others…”
“When I see a wonderful specimen I will have them. Although, when it comes to you, I need to do more. You have valuable information, and there’s something I need you to do for me.”
“… what…?”
You didn’t get a response as Key pressed his lips to yours. That sweet taste from before hitting your tongue and making your mind fuzzy. You were in too deep, and Key wasn’t going to let you get away.
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You yelled and jumped out of your seat, stepping away from the bar. You were breathing heavily as the memories settled in, showing you the truth. You couldn’t believe it, you didn’t want to believe it, but every ounce of your being was telling this was real. This whole time Key had merely been watching you, silently. You knew you needed to leave this place, you needed to leave this place now.
Key’s voice startled you out of your own thoughts. His eye was glowing again, and something inside you seemed to calm down. After a moment your body moved on its own, going back over to the bar and sitting down. You were terrified. Even if you remembered being in this place, remembered what Key had done to you, there were still gaps in your memory.
“Did you do as I asked?”
“… yes…”
Your lips moved on their own, and you had no idea what he was asking about, but you knew what the correct answer was.
“You quit your job?”
“Yes.” Your eyes went wide. “How-”
“And destroyed all the vital data from your case?”
“Yes.” You were starting to panic. “What does this-”
“No one will be able to track you here, correct?”
“Good girl.” Key pushed the drink closer to you. “Drink.”
Your mind was racing, yet your hand moved to grab the glass, lifting it off the table. You fought against your body, the adrenaline in your system filing you with panic.
“You… you… your responsible for all the missing-”
“They’re in good hands. As are you, now drink.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from placing the glass against your lips and tilting it up, opening your mouth to welcome the sweet liquid. As soon as the glass hit the table you felt dizzy, trying to fight against this feeling, but it was all too familiar, and comforting, and so wonderfully rewarding. A smile spread across your lips before you collapsed onto the bar table. Entering a blissful dream you wouldn’t wake up from again. Key watched on with a smile on his face. Another exquisite beauty for his collection.
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38 notes · View notes
antash · 9 months
Loving you's a crime
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Synopsis: Taemin would overturn the world for you. So when your life is put in danger, he will do anything to keep you safe. Even if it means confronting his old past. Follow the journey of Taemin and Y/N as they escape from the trouble coming after them.
Pairing: Taemin x reader Featuring: SHINee, Jimin of BTS, Kai of EXO, Taeyong, Ten & Mark of NCT
warning: irregular posting, not edited, reader will be described as female for now
Start: 1.16.24 | End:
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The Letter
⤷ Female Version ⤷ Male Version
The Plan
⤷ Female Version ⤷ Male Version
52 notes · View notes
sixaus-meaa · 2 months
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Maggie's family tree
9 notes · View notes
kikisfuneralservice · 2 years
together again - lee taemin x reader
summary: it’s been two god awful long years with your boyfriend being in the military, but it’s all worth it in the end to see him come through those doors again.
mn!reader x lee taemin
2.8k words
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It was late into the evening as you paced around the apartment. The TV played at a low hum in your ears, hearing the occasional collar bell ring as a small cat zoomed her way around the apartment without a care in the world. Taemin had told you he would be back at around seven o’clock, respecting his wishes not to meet him as he came back into Seoul—there would be an infinite amount of people there just to see him, let alone his actual family and friends. He told you, in his soft voice over the phone, that he would be home straight away and to not worry. All you really could do was trust him and resist the urge every half hour not to call him. 
It was also six-thirty, which meant it was food time, the little cat making her way around you in circles, squeaking out little meows now and again for attention. You smiled, making your way to the kitchen to prepare a can of cat food in a bowl. She liked it warmed up, and you often sprinkled a few treats in there when Taemin wouldn’t see, just because she was so damn cute. 
“It’ll be done soon,” you told her with a smile as she trotted her way around the kitchen. There were a few picture frames littered throughout the kitchen as well as pictures taped to the refrigerator. Everything from Kkoong herself, his parents, his members, and his friends, as well as pictures of the both of you taken in many different places around the world. You were fortunate enough to be able to travel along with him, being able to sneak your way out of the public eye; as long as you weren’t considered famous, you were basically unstoppable. There was nothing wrong or suspicious in the media about a “male friend of Taemin’s”; it made just enough sense to work, and it did. You crouched down onto your knees, holding out a hand to the small cat who excitedly sniffed your clothes. “Kkoong! Hand? Hand!” You clapped at her obedience, standing back up to approach the microwave that had finished heating up the warm cat food. “Ready? Are you ready, Kkoongie?” You set the bowl down on a dish towel on the floor in the kitchen, carefully sitting down next to her as she intently ate from her bowl. These days, especially without Taemin, it was hard not to be lonely; besides the rest of your friends, Kkoong was the only one you came home to. Sure, getting the occasional call or face chat from him here and there meant the world, but it wasn’t the same as him actually being next to you with his arms around you.
You stood up from the kitchen floor, wiping off the dust now on your pants. You had already changed into your pajamas for the night, waiting no time for Taemin to come home so the two of you could cuddle up and watch TV, like how you used to. Kkoong’s head perked up, but not from the sound of the toys you had been carelessly kicking around; her ears shifted, looking to the back door which, in turn, raised your attention as well. There was now shuffling that had grown louder, and heavy footsteps, ones that would only be because of large boots. You had no time to think as the door creaked open, revealing a mop of dark hair, covering the eyes of Taemin who had come in. In one hand he held his hat, in the other, a very large bag filled with his things. He had dawned the full military apparel set from head to toe, aside from the cap he held in his hand. His hair had grown out quite a bit from when it had been shaved prior; it was dark black, something you hadn’t seen for a while after multiple episodes of dying his hair for different promotions and such. His grown-out bangs were now lazily dangling over his eyes, a small smile creeping up on his face as he opened the door a bit wider upon seeing you. 
“Hi,” you said in a small voice, still not expecting to see Taemin despite the fact that you had spent the whole day waiting for him. You saw his smile grow wider, his eyes crinkling up as he set down his bag onto the ground and carelessly threw his hat to the floor as well. Closing the door behind him, he pushed his bangs out of his face.
“Y/N,” was all he said. There was no need to exchange hellos anymore when he was right in front of you, especially after being unable to see him for a few years now. He had never been one to easily be swayed or get emotional by things, even often making fun of you for getting emotional just at small things like an old couple at a restaurant or beautifully grown-out flowers you knew would soon wilt. His cute, crinkled-up eyes fell, not necessarily in a sad way, but he felt himself get emotional. “You’re here.”
“Of course, I’m here,” you said, still not moving from your position in the kitchen. “Where else would I be?” You chuckled to yourself, feeling your throat start to close up as the waterworks began to make their way out. 
“I dunno,” he said softly, standing there still as a board. “For some reason, a part of me didn’t think you’d be here waiting for me.” You frowned, your face falling completely at his answer as you made your way over to him. 
“Don’t say that,” you told him, throwing your arms around his neck, and pulling him closer in an embrace. You heard him snicker as he wrapped his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder and breathing in your scent. “Don’t you ever say that again.” He was quiet for a moment, just holding you in his arms, swaying you in his arms as if he’d never let you go.
“Some days,” he started, taking a deep breath and running a hand through your hair, “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again…” You felt your chest tighten at his words, whining and holding him closer which elicited another chuckle from him. “I missed you, Y/N.” He never often vocalized how he felt to you, even to the people closest to him. You knew that he didn’t even need to say it, either; the both of you knew without having to exchange a single word, but hearing it come directly from him in his voice stirred something inside.
“I missed you, too,” you said, enjoying finally feeling his body up against yours again. “Please don’t ever leave again.” He nodded in agreement, keeping his hand up to cup the back of your head. 
“I won’t,” he responded, holding you tight. “I’m not going anywhere.” You removed yourself from him, seeing his brows furrow up in confusion for a moment before you cupped his face in your shaky hands, bringing his face closer to yours to kiss him. Sighing against his lips, you could’ve sworn you would’ve gone through Hell and back just to get Taemin back into your life. Each night got harder without seeing him, and now that he was finally here, in front of you, you were not going to let him go. “Mmm… Y/N?”
“Hm?” He removed your lips from his, a small smile creeping up on his lips. 
“I want to sit down,” he told you with a laugh, caressing the sides of your face carefully in his hands. “My legs hurt.” He attempted to move forward one step as you continued to cling onto him, arms wrapped adamantly around his torso. “Y/N!”
“Fine,” you muttered, rolling your eyes as you let him go. He laughed, almost like the sound of a sweet bell ringing. He carefully set his things down before leaning down to pick up Kkoong who was still excitedly running around his feet. 
“Oh, Kkoongie!” He held the cat in his arms like a baby, swaying her back and forth. “It’s okay—Daddy’s home.”
“I told you not to call yourself Daddy,” you told him snarkily as you helped him move his things. “It’s creepy.”
“I’m her dad!” he exclaimed in response, motioning to the cat. “I gave birth to her!” You snickered, putting her bowl back up on the counter before approaching Taemin again.
“Go get changed,” you said, patting your hand on his chest. “I’ll put on a movie.” You watched him as he retreated back to the bedroom with a low groan of aching pain in his muscles. He almost ripped the uniform off of him, throwing it to the ground before looking at it warily, then kicking it away so he wouldn’t have to see it anymore. He sat down on the edge of the bed with a sigh, putting his head in his hands. He sat on the edge of the bed in a white t-shirt and boxers as well as some black socks. You wanted nothing more than to console him, as you usually did, but something told about his vulnerable position in the room that kept you from bothering him, allowing him to sit alone.
“I’m putting on something random,” you told him offhandedly, not expecting him to respond. You held the remote to the TV monitor that had a list of movies on it, pressing your finger on the arrow and randomly taking it off to see what movie you would watch. Streaming services always did more harm than good, and you never really knew what you wanted to watch; the two of you unanimously decided that a randomly selected movie by a game of chance would work just as well. You lifted your finger off the button: “Spiderman.” You fixed the cushions on the couch, not expecting an answer from him until he slowly walked out, now in a pair of pajama pants. 
“Cool,” he murmured, throwing himself down onto the couch with a grunt, opening his arms out. “C’mon…”
You laughed, turning away from the screen to walk away. “I need my glasses,” you told him with a smile, starting to walk away before you felt a hand grab your waist. 
“No,” he grumbled, pulling you down onto the couch. “I wanna cuddle.”
“I won’t be able to see the movie,” you said, moving to lean back against him. 
“I don’t wanna watch it,” he responded in a low voice, resting his head on your shoulder. He moved his eyes up so that he was looking at you as you turned your head back to look at him. “Wanna kiss you.”
“Okay,” you replied, turning so that you were facing him as he laid you both down on the couch. “I missed you, Taem…” He didn’t respond, instead pulling you in closer by your waist to kiss you. He always liked kissing you, but this one felt needy, almost lonely by the way he held you tight close to him and barely came up for breath. You separated yourself from him for a moment: “Slow down…”
“I hated it,” he mumbled, pressing your foreheads together. “I don’t ever wanna think about it again—I just wanna focus on you, I-I…” He trailed off, running out of breath after talking fast. “I don’t wanna go back.”
“You’re not going back,” you told him, holding his face in your hands. “You’re not. You’re staying here.”
“They kept me there for so long,” he responded in a hushed voice. “It-it’s like I couldn’t escape. I woke up every night, and… I didn’t know where I was. I didn’t get any sleep…”
“I’m sorry.” There wasn’t much you could offer to him other than a pitiful apology and holding him close to you like he was a baby who needed to be swaddled. “I’m sorry, Taem…”
“I just wanna be with you,” he muttered into your chest, taking a hand to run it through his hair which elicited a sigh of relief from him. You already knew that you both would be staying on the couch all night; to be fair, you had no idea what he wanted to do or expect from him. He was a wild card, which wasn’t a bad thing, per se, but you learned to expect the unexpected. He was always in different moods depending on how the day went: He could’ve easily come home overjoyed and giddy or even very horny. You figured today it was a mixture of every feeling that made its way through his brain, simply just holding him close to you to slow down his panicked breathing and to begin to relax.
“I’m glad you’re back,” you told him, holding his head in your hand, caressing his hair softly. “It was so quiet… all the time.”
“It won’t be anymore,” he murmured from your chest, earning a laugh from you. He poked his head up, tilting his face upwards to make eye contact with you. His eyes were sparkly and affectionate, reaching a hand up to touch your face. “Just wanted to feel your touch.”
“We can do anything you want,” you said as he held your face in his hand, feeling his thumb rub up against your jawline. 
“I don’t wanna do anything right now.” He blinked slowly, eyes heavy with sleep as he brought your face down to his to kiss you again. You separated yourself from him before he took it any further, sitting up slightly. 
“Taemin,” you started, seeing Taemin’s twinkling eyes flash with confusion. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked in a hushed voice, still too tired to raise his voice any more. 
“I…” You shook your head, feeling your heart pound a million times a minute. “I’m so sorry… I wanted to tell you before you left, but… I got so caught up in other stuff, and…”
“What is it?” he said, interrupting your trailing off thoughts. “Tell me.”
“I-I love you,” you told him, watching his eyes widen as he sat up from laying on your chest. As he sat up, he no longer looked like a small, helpless child. He had a bit more muscle on him compared to before he had left, and he appeared even physically bigger, already being quite tall as well. 
“Y/N,” he started, blinking rapidly and cocking his head to the side. “I…”
“You don’t have to say it back,” you said quickly, reaching out a hand to rest on his shoulder. You had meant to tell him so long ago, but you never realized how much you loved him until you couldn’t have him.
“I love you, too,” he responded, his pupils wide. The room was dark, dilating his already large eyes, darkening the irises completely. “I love you.” He said it again, almost as if it didn’t come out right the first time; he watched your reaction closely as you did his. 
You chuckled: “I’ll say it a million times if I have to… I love you.” A large grin grew on his face, the sudden confession lifting the mood that he was in as he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You wrapped you arms around him, enjoying being able to hold him and smell his scent against you again.
“I don’t ever wanna move from this spot,” he murmured, holding you tight. “I wanna stay here forever… with you.”
“Now you’re getting too cheesy,” you said, earning a small chuckle from him. 
“I am,” he started, taking a shaky breath, “but I mean it. Thank you for being here for me.”
“I’m always going to be here,” you replied. You sounded like a broken record at this point, but there was nothing he needed more right now than the comfort of constant reassurance, and you would readily provide that to him if he so needed it. 
“I kinda wanna watch Spiderman now,” he said softly. You removed yourself from him with a chuckle to reach over for the remote.
“I figured you would,” you responded, earning a playful shove from him. “What?”
“No!” he exclaimed with a toothy grin, almost whining like a child.
“You’re very predictable!” He rolled his eyes as he slumped back into the couch, crossing his arms over his chest indignantly, plastering a pout on his face.
“Oh, quit the pouting,” you told him, giving him a playful nudge in return. “Just accept the fact that I know you well.”
“Is this the Tobey Maguire one?”
“No, it’s Tom Holland.”
“I want Tobey Maguire.”
“That one isn’t on here.”
“I want the Tobey Maguire one. You’re telling me that I come back from the military… the military… and I can’t watch Spiderman with Tobey Maguire.”
“Stop gaslighting me, Taemin.”
TAGLIST: @keyloml​, @jjongolese​, @taeminscheesetouch​, @dayskz​, @jonghyuns-husband​, @taeminscult1​, @taeminspussylips​ 
hi thank you SO SO much for being so patient with me recently. this originally was a request from one of my followers, and i was very happy to be able to write a male reader insert for this one! 
please feel free to let me know what you would like to see next!
- anne <3
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skzhocomments · 7 months
The Boundless Sphere of Fate - Lee Taemin SHINee Fanfic - Story Masterlist (COMPLETED)
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General Masterlist
Pairing: Lee Taemin (of SHINee) x OC (called Blair)
Genre: non-idol AU, red string of fate theory, angst, romance, mature
Word Count: ~20k
Warnings: pretty extreme and graphic, mature, swearing, angst, explicit sexual content, blood.
This is just a story that doesn’t describe Taemin's true character in any way. It’s just a product of my imagination and should be treated as such.
This story is also on Wattpad (click here) and AO3 (click here)
A/N: As any other writer out there, I would appreciate reblogs and your comments on this story. Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and most importantly, have fun!
'Fate. The cruellest unchangeable fact of life. There are many who believe in it, and even more who don't. And I consider those who don't believe in it to be idiots.' --- This story is based on the red string of fate theory, also known as the red thread of fate. --- Non-idol AU Taemin (SHINee) Fanfic
--- Mature content ahead. 18+
--- ©storminsidemycore
Additional info:
It's Storm ♡
I'm back with another fanfic titled The Boundless Sphere of Fate, a Taemin Fic I've started writing in August 2023 and completed somewhere in December 2023 as a Christmas gift for my best friend @dani-less.
The protagonist of the story is called Blair, a made-up character with some unfortunate circumstances that you'll get to see as the story progresses.
The story itself is based on the red strings of fate theory. For whoever is not familiar with this theory, Wikipedia says: "The two people connected by the red thread are destined lovers, regardless of place, time, or circumstances. This magical cord may stretch or tangle, but never break. This myth is similar to the Western concept of soulmate or a destined partner."
It will be a pretty short fic, with only about 20k words, but hopefully you will enjoy it nonetheless and have fun reading it.
Important! Disclaimer:
This story will be 18+ where lots of sensitive subjects will be mentioned and/or introduced in some form. None of these will be marked during the story! Should you decide to read, do so at your own discretion, and if something triggers you or makes you uncomfortable in any way, please stop reading immediately.
Once again, there will be no warnings during the story.
*This story is not a real description of Taemin's true personality in any way. He is just a character I've created, so please don't take anything too seriously.
Without further ado, let's go!
Looking forward to what you think, as always!
Storm ♡
Prologue - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 1 - The Cycle of Death - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 2 - Stuck with you - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 3 - At each other's throats - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 4 - Making up - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 5 - Future readings, lucky numbers and advice - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 6 - A peace offering - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 7 - How to bring back the dead - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 8 - If we are soulmates - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 9 - The Ritual - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 10 - An unexpected call - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 11 - The Curse - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 12 - The Forgotten Warning - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Chapter 13 - The Red Thread of Fate (Final Chapter) - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Epilogue - Tumblr + Wattpad + AO3
Thank you for reading!
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softieming · 2 years
Always - Minho ♡
Note: This has been sitting on my drafts for so long already. Finally published it! Hehe. Sorry for any typos and grammatical errors. Just a TW that this will be sad hehe~
It was supposed to be a normal day, you went to your usual coffee shop about to order your favorite drink. Until you heard the barista call his name. “One tall americano for Minho” the barista called. You slowly turned, you couldn’t believe your eyes. It was him. It was really him. You met his eyes. He suddenly stopped on his tracks, you stared at each other, no one dared to say a word nor to move. Until the baristas interrupted you, “one tall americano for mr minho/what’s your order maam?” “Oh,” you snapped back to reality, “I-uh, one strawberry frappuccino please.” You walked towards the pick up area and he was still there, standing. “Hi” he greeted with a small smile which you returned. He stared at you for a few seconds before he finally came up to something to ask, “h-hi. I uh, how have you been?” “Good. I’m good. You?” You asked back. “I’m good too.” He flashed you a smile again, your most favorite smile in the world. “One strawberry frappuccino beverage for y/n” the barista called for you and you went to get your drink. “You still haven’t changed.” Minho said with a smile. “Hmm?” “Oh, I mean you still love that drink.” He said. “Oh. Yeah, I guess.” You smiled a little and sat on an empty seat. “Uh, may I?” He asked before sharing a table with you. “Oh, yeah. Go ahead.” You politely said. He gladly took a seat in front of you, “I can’t believe I’ll see you here.” “Yeah me too. It’s been two years.” You reminisced. You heard him sigh, “two years.” You did a little catch up until it’s time for you to go home. “Oh shoot. I have to go home now.” You gathered your things, “it was nice seeing you!” You smiled and started walking towards the door. “Wait up!” Minho caught up to you, “I’ll walk you home.” “No need, my house is just a few blocks away from here, I can manage.” You chuckled. “Please, let me.” You paused before slowly nodding, “okay” “Okay!” He smiled and you exit the coffee shop together. You were walking peacefully with ming when the rain suddenly started pouring. “Oh!” You both exclaimed. Ming covered your head with his jacket and you both ran to your house. Luckily, you were almost in your house when the rain started to pour. You told minho to stay for a while because of the bad weather, “I’ll get you a towel.” “You got a nice apartment.” Minho said as he shut the door behind him. “Thanks!” You said while getting him a clean towel, “here” “Thank you.” “You want anything to drink?” “No, I’m okay.” He politely declined. “Is— is this your boyfriend?” He picked up a picture frame from your center table. “Oh, no. That’s taemin. He’s a good friend of mine since I moved here. He demanded for me to display that picture of us there.” You rolled your eyes. “He looks nice.” Ming stated. “Yeah, he is.” You agreed. “H-how about you? Any girlfriend?” You hesitantly asked. He paused before answering, “y-yeah. We’re engaged actually.” “O-oh. That’s... I mean, good for you.” You faked a smile. “y/n” he moved closer to you before slowly kissing you. You were hesitant but you didn’t hold back. You missed him. You miss him. The kiss deepened. you longed for each other for 2 long years, you both know how much you’ve missed each other. The Next thing you knew, you were already in your room, doing god-knows-what. You were aware that it was all wrong. But you were willing to take the risk. - Minho pulled the covers up to your shoulders and hugged you, “did you know how much i miss you?” He asked and you just smiled and hugged him tighter. He tucked your hair behind your ear, “i missed everything and every inch of you.” He caressed your face and stared at your eyes, “your eyes, your nose, your lips, your smile, everything.” “Do you still love me?” You asked. “I did. I do. And I will always do.” He said as he pecked your lips. “How about you?” He asked back. You sadly smiled, “always.” He kissed your forehead and hugged you tighter. Soon, you both fell asleep. - You were preparing breakfast when you felt a pair or arms hugged you from behind. You giggled, “good morning” “Good morning” he said and kissed your cheek. “Eat up.” You gave him your homemade sandwich which he really loved, and filled up his cup with coffee. “I missed this!” He said and started eating happily. You watched him eat and smiled at yourself. But you were worried. You didn’t know what will happen after this. His phone started ringing, and of course it’s his girlfriend— his fiancée rather. You looked down and avoided ming’s eyes. That’s when it hit you. Everything felt right but still, it was all wrong. Minho turned off his phone, “love,” he reached out for your hand. You looked up to him with a smile but your eyes were already filled with tears. “No” he immediately wiped your tears. “Ming,” you held both of his hands, “go to her.” You said with a sad smile. “No.” He replied. You stood up and pulled him gently to stand up, “we have to do the right thing.” “No.” He pulled you into a hug. “I want to be with you.” He cried. You broke the hug, “minho, what we did last night was wrong. Everything. They were all wrong.” “What we did last night was all out of love. How is that a crime? I have never and I will never make love with anyone if it’s not with you. So how is it wrong?” “Ming... please. Just go. You’re about to get married.” You sternly said. “No. Please...” he kneeled in front of you and cried, “i can’t let you go this time.” You wiped his tears and pulled him up, “if you really love me, you’ll listen to me.” You stared into his sad eyes, “you have to go to her. Maybe... maybe we’re just not meant to be... or who knows, maybe in the future we’ll be together again...” you gave him a smile, “but for now.. ming, this is just not the right time for us.” You backed away from him and smiled, “go now. I’ll be fine. You’ll be fine.” He didn’t move, he just sadly stared at you, “go, ming. Please. I’m begging you.” He sighed heavily and unwillingly walked to the front door, “i love you, y/n. Always.” He reminded you before finally walking away. “Always.” You whispered.
Requests are open. // check MASTERLIST for more. Please do not repost without my permission. Thank you ♡  
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haus-of-wu-ao3 · 4 months
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nobody said living longer than your loved ones is easy. taemin has loved, and taemin has lost – and his new guardian is here to help put him back together again.
rating: teen and up audiences; no archive warnings apply
relationship: lee taemin / ten chittaphon leechaiyapornkul
genre: magical realism, angst
content warnings: none
miscellaneous ao3 tags:
alternate universe - magical realism
near future
POV multiple
past kim jongin | kai/lee taemin
ten chittaphon leechaiyapornkul-centric
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here4theheartbreak · 2 years
Heaven Sent, Hell Bound (2Min)
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AO3 | AsianFanFics
Relationships: Minho x Taemin Genre: smut | fluff | angel/demon AU Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~15.7k
Tags: Smut, Fluff, Angel/Demon AU, Corruption AU, Alcohol, Angel Choi Minho, Demon Lee Taemin, Getting Together, Dirty Talk, Rough, Bottom Lee Taemin, Top Choi Minho
Summary: Taemin has one final assignment to complete before he can move up in the ranks of Hell's Army. A trifle really, easy. Seduce and corrupt an angel. And he just so happens to know where one is on earth.
Square: Lee Taemin; inspired by tear Of gOd by OnlyOneOf ( @kpopwritingbingo​ )
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The first thing that Taemin learned when he stepped foot on earth was that it stunk. Not in the amazing, eye watering way that his level of hell did, no. This place smelled like rot and despicability that even a demon would grimace at.
The second thing he learned was that angels smell amazing. He should have found it repulsive. The sickly-sweet purity, cutting through all of the decay and depravity. As a self-respecting demon – anything that pure should have made him want to vomit in the most Exorcist manner possible – ideally all over the nearest unsuspecting nun or expectant mother. But not Taemin. As soon as he neared the location of the angel he was hunting, the most delightful, overwhelming joy came over him. He had to physically stop walking to calm his racing heart and keep from rushing toward the source of that delectable scent.
Taemin was a young demon, working his way up through the ranks of their militia. This would be his final promotion, into the ranks of King Asmodeus’ legions – if he could pass this one final test. While most demons in his position waited generations for the opportunity to advance, Taemin’s promotion came with a stroke of celestial luck. In order to advance his rank, Taemin would need to corrupt the incorruptible – a pure blood angel. Of course, with the inability to enter the realm of said angels, it often took years to obtain one to complete the task. Taemin, however, was given the task just as a recently promoted angel was given his own task; to spend a month on earth without the use of his powers, in order to experience the “beauty of humanity”. Taemin knew nothing about his mark, aside from the fact that he would likely be beautiful and smell awful. He was excited about the work ahead, however. Seduction had always been his strong suit and the challenge of a supposedly chaste and perfect angel was exactly what he craved.
 Before leaving hell, Taemin had asked some of his friends where they thought an angel on earth might hang out. The answers ranged from churches (duh) to gardens, to Kibum’s droll response of “probably screwing a nun”. None of them had gotten it correct, however.
Bartending, apparently, was where an angel sent to earth chose to spend their time. Specifically, bartending at a tiny little hole in the wall bar, where Taemin was pretty sure he’d seen a rat in the bathroom having dinner with the roaches.
The angel was just as beautiful as Taemin had been led to believe. He had a small, neatly semi-symmetrical face, with dark, emotional eyes. His hair was styled in a simple, unassuming way. His shoulders were broad, and Taemin could see his muscles under the tight black t-shirt he wore, flexing as he cleaned glasses. Though he was quiet for the hour that Taemin observed him from his corner table in the bar, he drew humans to him like moths to a flame. Taemin listened to at least fifteen people spill their woes over a few drinks, all while the handsome man nodded sympathetically.
How he wasn’t losing his mind was beyond Taemin. Didn’t this angel know that this stuff meant nothing in the long run? These humans would live an insect’s span of existence in the greater scheme of things, then die and be judged accordingly. Their tears were wasted over the random men and women they were in “love” with.
Halfway through the second hour, Taemin was ready to out himself as a demon just to give the poor handsome angel a break. Instead, a far more brilliant plan emerged in his mind. He rose slowly, walking carefully toward the bar to avoid drawing too much attention from the humans. He was created as an incubus, which meant that even when he didn’t want it, he tended to draw people’s interest.
Taemin made it to the bar without incident and settled onto a stool a fair distance from the other patron, a young woman who’d been flirting with the angel to no avail for the past twenty minutes.
The angel approached Taemin, his easy smile wavering when he made eye contact. “H—Hi,” he said after a minute. “Need a refill?” He jutted his chin toward the beer bottle in Taemin’s hand.
“No… I actually have a question.”
“Shoot.” The angel leaned down, fixing something under the bar near Taemin’s seat.
“What’s your name?”
The angel glanced up. He smiled brightly, his teeth perfect and straight. No wonder the woman had been flirting with him; that smile alone was to die for. Taemin swallowed hard, mentally scolding his heart for picking up speed.
“Minho. Yours? I haven’t seen you around here before.”
“Taemin. I’m new in town. Which was actually what I wanted to ask. How long have you been around? The bar patrons seem friendly with you.”
“A few weeks,” Minho said. He leaned on the counter and faced Taemin. “I’ve just got a way with people. Good listener.”
“I guess that’s important for this job.” Taemin took a sip of his beer. “Do you know if there might be any openings in the bar?” He asked as casually as he could.
“You looking for work?”
Taemin nodded. “Yeah. I’m sort of moving around right now, but this town seems nice. I wouldn’t mind staying here for a bit, so long as I found a place.”
Minho nodded. His gaze lingered on Taemin’s a little too long, brows furrowing for a moment. “Yeah,” he said, a bit distracted. He blinked and shook his head. “Sorry, um… I don’t mean to stare, but you look… Really familiar. Are you sure you’ve never been around?”
Taemin shook his head, shifting his features just enough to give himself an innocent, youthful expression. “Never. I guess I just have one of those faces.” He smiled brightly then and leaned more over the bar. “Is it a pleasant familiarity at least?”
“Oh—” Minho hesitated, confusion crossing his features. Taemin locked gazes with him, letting a whisper of his magic creep out and surround Minho. Minho reacted instantly, straightening up with a grimace. “What?” He asked, a little more sharply.
Taemin withdrew his magic, pouting softly. Well that wouldn’t work. “Sorry, I asked if I was familiar to you, to a good person you knew.”
“Oh.” Minho nodded after a second, seeming to shake off the fog that covered him due to Taemin’s magic. “Yeah, I’d guess so. Most people are pretty good.”
“You have an optimism about yourself,” Taemin said. “Doesn’t it get hard to keep that, working in a bar?”
“Nah.” Minho shrugged. He nodded to a man who entered before looking back to Taemin. “People are inherently pretty great. They just struggle sometimes. Place like this… I see everything.”
Taemin bit his tongue, struggling not to argue about humanities flaws with Minho. That would be the last thing that would make the angel interested in him. He nodded instead, smiling in a way he hoped was understanding and pleasant. He watched Minho walk over to the other end of the bar, leaning forward to chat with the new man that had entered.
Taemin finished his drink and quietly slipped from the bar. The sun was shining warm on his skin, not nearly warm enough to feel comfortable, despite the lack of clothing worn by all the humans around him. He wandered down the sidewalk, doing his best to blend in as he considered his next move.
Minho’s time on earth was meant to be spent living as a human, learning about them and taking those lessons back to heaven. Taemin had misunderstood this as having no powers, but Minho still had some residual celestial power, as evidenced by their conversation. He was able to sense – and reacted negatively – to Taemin’s own seduction power. He likely had some form of angelic charm, drawing the humans to him to spill their guts – though this may have been the alcohol consumption. Not being able to use his power made Taemin’s work in seducing him more of a challenge, but not one he wasn’t happy to take on.
The first thing he needed to do was establish himself as a presence in the handsome angel’s life. Which meant being around him, and being human – at least in appearance. Taemin followed the lingering traces of Minho’s scent to various locations around the small town.
First, a café that stunk of coffee beans and sweat amid the sugar and chemically altered flavorings. Minho must drink this stuff. Taemin made a mental note to determine which flavor he liked.
Next, a small grocery store. Taemin grabbed a basket absentmindedly, following the scent around the aisles and pausing where it seemed stronger, trying to determine what Minho may have grabbed. Did he need to eat? Was his power that removed? Or was it all for show? Another question that Taemin would need an answer to. He purchased a small bag of cinnamon candy, absently chewing it as he wandered to the next location.
This one was a small apartment building. Where Minho lived, possibly? Taemin touched the knob, reaching out with his magic to unlock the main door and slip inside. He traced the scent up to the second floor, lingering at a door emblazoned with a bronze 12 on it. Taemin touched the knob once more, unlocking it and pushing it open carefully. The apartment was sparsely furnished and obviously empty. A chair and table and a small rug were present in the front area. Taemin could see a kitchen, just as sparse – the counters were entirely empty. He crept into the kitchen and opened the fridge, surprised to see it properly filled with food enough for one person. A quick peek through the rest of the cupboards revealed that the kitchen was far less sparsely stocked than the empty counters implied; the angel was apparently just a neat freak.
Stepping deeper into the apartment, Taemin peeked into a clean bathroom, glancing in the medicine cabinet. Basic skincare, toothbrush, things that one would expect to find in the bathroom of a human man equal to the age Minho appeared. Taemin nodded in approval. The angel had done his homework, apparently; he wondered how many humans Minho anticipated coming over to see this façade. Not many, if the lack of a couch was any indication.
The bedroom was the final room Taemin entered. The bed was large and the blanket was white and soft looking. There were a row of pillows in soft blues and purples along the headboard, and a nightstand, empty save for a lamp and a notebook stood at the right. The closet was neatly organized, with an array of shirts and jeans hanging, and a small dresser that was filled with socks and underwear. A few pairs of sneakers and a pair of snowboots were present as well. The boots made Taemin scowl; how long did Minho intend to stay on earth? He pulled open the drawer of the nightstand, unsurprised to find a Bible tucked into it. He was far more surprised, however, to find a bottle of lubricant and a small pile of condoms next to said holy book. Taemin grabbed one of the condoms, smirking at the size; he’d assumed Minho was well endowed – it was nice to have confirmation. However, he’d been under the impression that angels on these sabbaticals couldn’t partake in human acts of sin. Unless he was intending on marrying a human in order to experience sex… Taemin’s scowl deepened. He dropped the condom back into the drawer and shut it with his hip. He crept out of the apartment and locked it back up, sneaking down to the front and exiting once more.
Once outside, he looked over the buzzer box, spotting the one marked ‘Office’. He pressed it and waited. There was an uncomfortable crackle before a tinny woman’s voice answered.
“Hi, I’m wondering if you guys have any available apartments?”
“How many bedrooms?”
“Just one. Single person.”
“Come in, follow the first floor signs for office, we can talk.” A louder buzz sounded, and Taemin smirked, pulling open the door. He walked into the office, allowing his powers to envelop him as he smiled softly at the woman sitting behind the desk. Her eyes widened slightly as she looked at him.
“Oh—Good morning,” she said, rising.
“Morning, ma’am. My name’s Taemin. I’m new in town. I heard from a friend that you might have an open apartment?”
She rose, nodding. It took her a few seconds to make noise despite her mouth moving, her eyes never leaving Taemin’s.
“Yes, of course,” she said in a rush of breath.
Taemin could smell her arousal from where he stood, thick and pungent as she undressed him with her eyes. Humans. So easy to manipulate. He stepped forward, hiding his laugh behind a cough when she moved backwards in surprise, falling ungracefully into her chair. Taking a seat, he leaned forward and smiled again. “What do I need to do to rent one?”
The woman rattled off a list of requirements, fidgeting with papers in front of her as she did. He could see her squirming in her seat as Taemin pulled the required documents from his pocket for her inspection. He knew he could have just as easily presented her with a piece of paper torn from a year-old newspaper from another country and still gotten the apartment – but why risk it? Minho had done well, presenting as a human; the least Taemin could do was match that energy for his own assignment.
“We have an opening down here,” she said, finally gathering her bearings enough to flirt back. “Right next to my door.”
Taemin smiled, leaning a little closer to her. “Lovely… But I prefer the second floor. Apartments near the number twelve, actually… Old suspicion of mine. Anything there?”
She hesitated a moment before nodding. “Twelve is taken, but thirteen is available. Next to it. An unlucky number, but…”
“It’s perfect,” Taemin said quickly, flashing a bright grin and watching the woman’s eyelids flutter as her arousal spiked.
“H—Here. Just need the deposit.” She placed the keys in front of him, her hand shaking visibly.
Taemin pulled his wallet from his pocket, withdrawing a handful of paper money and sliding it across to her. Her eyes widened. “Oh—”
“I prefer cash. Old soul, I think,” he lied easily. “That’s okay, I hope?”
“Of course, let me write you a receipt. This is well over three months of rent…”
“That’s good. I would like to keep myself advanced on bills.” He grabbed the key and tucked it into his pocket.
When she held out the receipt Taemin took it, sliding his hand over hers. When he did she shuddered, unable to suppress the moan that slipped out as came instantly. Taemin smiled, letting her hand slip from his grip when she slumped back in the chair, barely able to keep her eyes open. A little surge of power spiked his pulse, the energy from her pleasure a delightful treat. Though he didn’t need sexual energy to survive, it was absolutely delicious when he was able to pull it. He wondered how Minho’s energy would taste. Would it have that same floral, delightful pureness? Or would his sinning sour it to something rich and dark? Taemin could barely wait to find out.
 Taemin stepped out of the apartment building, taking a moment to gather his bearings. The sky had turned a lovely, fiery orange as the sun began to set. He headed back toward the bar, allowing his magic to extend back to furnish the apartment that he’d rented next to Minho’s place. No reason he couldn’t be comfortable while he completed his assignment, he figured.
The atmosphere around the bar was far livelier than when Taemin had left it earlier in the day. Though he wouldn’t call it exciting, it was far louder and more boisterous, both outside and inside. Minho was still at the bar, his bright grin contagious as he laughed over something a baby faced young man said to him.
Taemin stepped up to them, catching Minho’s eyes. He nodded. “Be with you in just a sec,” he called before stepping down the bar to pass a drink to another customer.
Taemin’s brows rose, surprise cutting through him. He’d never been told to wait before. He pouted a little, leaning on the bar. The boy that had been talking to Minho touched his arm.
“I’m Sungho. I’ve never seen you around before.”
Taemin hesitated, biting back a snide comment. He smiled instead, relaxing the hold he had on his magic instinctively. Sungho’s shoulders slumped a little, his gaze going a bit unfocused as it affected him.
“Taemin,” Taemin took the hand Sungho held out, pressing a kiss boldly to the back of his hand. Despite the spark of energy he gained from the easy seduction, something troubled him. Sure, he could seduce anyone with his magic. Even the most pious of nuns and priests were no match for his power. But that was all it was. Magic. Magic that he couldn’t use to seduce Minho, who had instinctual barriers against it. Even letting it free here, in Minho’s presence, ran the risk of him being outed as demon before he managed to even get a kiss out of the pretty angel. But what was Taemin without that magic? Could he seduce a human – let alone an angel – without the use of his power? The question made Taemin uneasy. He pulled back on his magic, quickly clamping it deep inside of himself, and settled onto the stool next to Sungho.
“I’m new in town,” he said, keeping his voice gentle enough that Sungho had to lean forward to hear him.
“What brings you here?”
“Work. As in, I’m looking for a job. My last one fell through.”
“What do you do?”
“Singer,” Taemin said after a barely noticeable pause. He wasn’t – really – but when it came to human jobs, it was one of the few he knew he could do without problems or excess magic use.
“You’re a singer?” Minho’s voice cut through their conversation. Both Sungho and Taemin looked at him.
Minho smiled sheepishly, taking a step back from the bar. “Sorry, that was very rude. I didn’t mean to listen in.”
“It’s quite alright,” Taemin said smoothly, smiling gently. “I am a singer. Sometimes, when I’m needed as one.”
“You should’ve said that earlier,” Minho said. “We just lost our last performer.” He motioned with his head to the back, where a small stage sat empty. “I bet my boss would be more than happy to talk to you about a job.”
“Yeah? I’d love that. When is he in?”
Minho glanced at his watch. “She usually comes in around ten, so if you’re willing to wait around for an hour?”
“That’s fine. I was gonna have a drink anyways.”
Minho nodded. “What can I get you?”
“You pick.” Taemin grinned brightly. “I trust you.”
Minho’s gaze narrowed a little, his mouth curling up into a smile of his own. “We just met, how am I so trustworthy?”
He shrugged, putting his chin on his hand. “Just a vibe I get. Am I wrong?” He looked at Sungho for confirmation, who smiled and shook his head no.
“Minho’s the best bartender we’ve had in a long time. Very trustworthy guy.”
“Now you’re just flirting,” Minho teased, tossing a cardboard coaster on the counter and setting a glass on it. He grabbed a few bottles and a shaker, setting to work. Taemin watched him for a few moments, drawn in by the way he worked, his movements fluid and precise despite his size.
Their gazes met when Minho poured the vibrant red drink into the glass. He slid it over to Taemin by the coaster, smiling. “Here you go.”
“What is it?” Taemin asked, picking it up.
“A red devil.” Minho said. He tapped the bar. “Lemme know how you like it.” He said before heading down to where an older woman called his name.
Taemin’s brows furrowed. Did Minho know? There was no way. He wouldn’t be relaxing and chatting with him like this if he did. Especially not flirting. Was that flirting? Taemin’s scowl deepened for a moment. Did he even know what human flirting was these days? He’d relied on his magic for so long…
Sungho nudged him. “How is it?” He asked.
“Hm? Oh.” Taemin took a sip, surprised at the fruity flavor with the level of alcohol he’d watched Minho pour into the shaker. “It’s really good,” he said, grinning. “Wanna try?” He offered the glass over.
“Sure.” Sungho took a sip, his eyes widening. He licked his lips. “Oh wow, that is good! I’ll have to order one when he gets back. What’d he call it?”
“A red devil.”
Sungho snorted. “Cute name.”
“How long has he been around here?” Taemin asked, watching Minho move.
“About a month. Feels like he’s been here forever honestly, he’s really fit in fast.”
“Do you know much about him?”
“Not really.” Sungho shrugged. “He rolled into town about a month ago, ended up coming into the bar and talking to the boss. She loved him right away and gave him a job. He said he was looking for a quiet place to settle down for a while, didn’t specify why. Of course, it’s a small town, there were rumors. He was some insane serial killer, he was a government agent, you know.” Sungho snorted. “But he’s just a sweet guy. I know it’s his job to listen to bar patrons complain, but everyone I’ve talked to that’s spoken with him – myself included – he makes you feel really important. He’s very good at his job, I guess, or he just… Loves everyone.”
Taemin smiled softly at Sungho’s description. “He sounds amazing. Are you and he a thing?”
Sungho laughed brightly. “Oh God no, I wish. Me and half the people in this place. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone not flirt with him, even our local pastor makes excuses to come in and flirt.”
“Does he have a partner yet?”
Sungho shook his head. “Not that we know of. Always goes home alone too, sadly. Guy like that…” He slumped his cheek into his hand and sighed heavily. Taemin chuckled into his glass. He knew the feeling.
 Taemin nursed his drink for the next hour. Though he wouldn’t get drunk from something as simple as a human alcohol, it was good to keep up appearances. While he did, he watched Minho work, listening into his conversations with various patrons to try and learn anything he could that would help him in his seduction.
Sungho had been correct; everyone flirted with Minho, and while he remained polite about it, he never played into their flirtation, seemingly unaffected. Even the most intense flirting from some of the more beautiful humans, Taemin couldn’t sense a whisper of arousal from him.
Minho’s boss was a handsome older woman that Taemin immediately liked. If this were any other visit to earth, Taemin would have sought her as a bed partner immediately. She sized him up across the table they chose in a quieter corner of the bar.
“Do you have a resume?” She asked.
“No.” Taemin did his best to look chided. “Most of my jobs have been kinda as needed.”
“What have you done in the past?”
“In other towns I’ve worked as singer in bars, kinda like this. I’ve done some maintenance work, some sales work.”
She nodded. “What do you sing?”
“Pop, usually. But I’ll try whatever’s put in front of me.” He grinned at that, relieved when she cracked a small smile at his joke.
“You have confidence for sure, which can be good. Or horrible.” She smirked. “But you’re charming too. You’ve certainly charmed our new bartender, he seemed pretty eager to have me talk to you.”
Taemin smiled brightly at that, glancing at Minho across the bar. “He’s a sweet guy.”
“Do you two know each other?”
Taemin shook his head. “Met today. I came in earlier to ask for work and then later tonight. He overheard me talking to one of the other patrons about singing.”
“So that is impressive. He’s nice, but hard to please. I guess I should give you a shot on that alone.”
“I’ll try not to disappoint.”
She nodded. “I am sure you won’t. Would it be too forward to ask you to start us off on karaoke tonight?” I can bring in a musician if you need one next week, but just to see how you do?”
Taemin nodded. “Of course, I’m up for that.” He grinned. “Anything you want me to sing in particular?”
“Something that will impress me.”
Taemin’s grin shifted into a playful smirk. He turned his head a bit, narrowing his eyes. “You’re setting me up to fail with that,” he said, leaning forward conspiratorially. “I feel like you are one tough woman to please. For good reason.”
“Oh?” She put her chin on her hand and tapped her nails against her cheekbone gently. “And why do you think that?”
“You have high standards,” Taemin said. He leaned back, waving his hand absently around the bar. “It’s obvious to see. You run a good place. You’re clean and you make sure your servers aren’t slobs. You’re a person of class and you know it, you expect the best from people because you only hire the best.”
She smiled at that and nodded. “Astute assessment from someone so young. Mostly accurate as well. Do you have a psychology degree?”
“I just like watching people. You learn a lot from just listening.”
“My thoughts exactly. And you are right. I am very tough to please. But I feel like you’re up for the challenge.”
Taemin rose and bowed, smiling coyly. “I’ll do my best.”
He stepped up onto the stage, hesitating a moment to let his eyes adjust to the lights angled toward it. It only took a few more seconds to scroll through the song options on the small screen nearby and select a song that he knew well. The music began almost immediately and he grabbed the mic smoothly, smirking at the nearest bar patron. He began to sing, letting his eyes roam over the small group that began to form. He didn’t need his magic for this, and it felt good; despite not being human, he had been blessed with a number of human talents; music was something he’d always had an affinity for. It was an easy way to draw in his victims – willing participants in this case – and it soothed him deep down.
As he sang, the bar quieted, everyone listening to him. Taemin chose a second song quickly, riding the high of adrenaline and joy that being the focus of attention in this way brought him. He could feel eyes on him, and hear murmurs from the various people as he hit each note with ease.
As the song finished, Taemin spotted the young man he’d first smiled at taking a few tentative steps toward the stage. He crouched to be eye level with the man. “Wanna have a go?”
“I’ve never done that before.”
“It’s easy. And if you’re bad, who cares? You still got to try, right?” He grinned warmly and pulled the man up, helping him figure out the karaoke machine before hopping off the stage. He was immediately approached by a handful of people, asking if he was a professional singer, who he was, where he was from, the voices overlapped to the point even Taemin struggled to understand.
“Hey! Let him breathe!” Came a stern voice from behind them. The group separated immediately, revealing Minho, his arms crossed over his broad chest. The boy on stage began to sing, giving the patrons something else to focus on while Taemin made his escape with Minho.
“That was great,” Minho said as they approached the bar. The owner was behind it, tapping various bottles with the back of a pen as she took notes on a small pad in her hand.
“I told you I can do that,” Minho said, his voice taking on a note of anxiety as he circled around the bar.
“Nonsense, I own this place. If you keep doing everything for me, what should I do? Put on a dress and look pretty? Serve drinks?” She slapped Minho playfully on the chest and turned to face Taemin, who’d stopped in front of the bar.
“Plus, you were rescuing our new resident celebrity. You said you could sing – not that you were that good at it.”
“I’m okay,” Taemin said, smiling softly. It was a strange feeling, Minho’s gaze on him. It made him feel almost modest.
She snorted. “Understatement of the century, kid. You have the job, if you want it.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Sing. Just like that. Starting off karaoke like that at night would be great. The more they sing, the more they drink. But I want some real performances from you too… Once a week to start. If you’re willing to come in at least three other nights to work karaoke and…” She drifted off. “I think he could be behind the bar a bit. Not serving drinks, but he could help you take orders when it gets busy. Keep the customers happy and talking… Would that work for you?” She asked, looking at Minho.
He nodded. “I think that would work. Minho met Taemin’s gaze, smirking softly. “He certainly has a fanbase already.” He nodded behind Taemin. Taemin glanced back, spotting a few of the people that had come up to him after he left the stage. They were watching him closely, talking in one another’s ears. He flashed a bright grin and shook his head, turning back to the two.
“I’d be happy to come in, that all sounds great. Do you want me to give you a list of songs I’m good at singing? For a DJ or someone?”
“Yeah. You can write it out and bring it to Minho tomorrow. For now, come to the back with me. Contracts, legal stuff, gotta work it out with you.”
Taemin followed her to the back room, listening politely as she explained the legal aspects of the job. It didn’t really matter to Taemin; he wasn’t going to be staying long enough for any of this to be relevant, and he didn’t need money when he could just conjure it, but making a good impression was everything – especially since this woman had just given him his in to getting that handsome angel in his bed.
After everything was signed and agreed on, the boss offered her hand. “I’m so rude. I never introduced myself. I’m Jian.”
“Nice to meet you.” Taemin shook her hand firmly. “Can I ask you something that might be entirely out of line?”
“Shoot. Now’s the time to ask, you’re not officially my employee until tomorrow.”
He chuckled. “I suppose not. Um… Minho.”
She smirked. “What about him?”
“Is he… Um… You know. Are you and he…”
She laughed brightly then and shook her head quickly. “Oh God, no. No, he’s available for you.”
“F—For me?” Taemin did his best to look bewildered. She smiled, tilting her head to the side.
“Oh, as if I didn’t notice the way you two were looking at each other. He is far too young for me, plus I don’t date employees. He is a handsome man though. You could do worse.”
Taemin smiled sheepishly, lowering his gaze to the desk.
“I don’t have a ban on employees dating, by the way… If it comes to that. Just don’t let it affect work if you do, okay?”
“I doubt it’ll… You know.” Taemin rubbed the back of his neck, hoping he was doing a convincing job of looking shy. “Sungho said he was kinda distant in that way, not really into dating.”
“Not into dating customers. Which is a damn good mindset. One I hope you take to heart. But I’ve never seen him act like he did tonight.”
“How so?” Taemin asked softly.
“That boy nearly ran around the bar to save you from your gaggle of new fans. You’d think you were some idol and he was your body guard with the way he protected you. It’s cute.”
Taemin’s smile grew then, and his heart gave a little flutter. Strange – he didn’t recall it ever doing that before. “Yeah?” He asked, realizing it was far easier to sound hopeful.
She nodded. “Yeah. Trust me. I’ve got a good eye for these things.” She patted Taemin’s wrist. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Remember to bring Minho that list so I can get it looked over. I have a few different musicians that like playing, but they prefer playing for a singer, so, a list will help me figure out who can come in and when, that’ll help us narrow down your schedule too.”
“Of course, I’ll bring it tomorrow afternoon, so he can give it to you right away.”
She nodded again. “Good boy. Come on. Things will be busy for the rest of the night, I’ve gotta help out Minho. You’re welcome to stay, watch how we do it. It’d be great if you could pick up a few things yourself, start helping him with basic drinks.”
“I’m happy to learn.”
Taemin walked back out with her, surprised to see that the bar had filled far more in the thirty minutes they’d spent in the back. He circled around, spotting a seat at the bar that he could slip onto and watch Minho work. There was little time to talk through the remainder of the night, as Jian had implied; they seemed to draw a lot of business for being in such a small town.
Taemin could feel the energy drifting through the bar in waves – all of the emotions clashing together in a loud orchestra that made every nerve ending light up. He wondered if Minho felt the same way; if angels could pick up on the little energy changes the way demons were taught to. It would make sense, he supposed. But he knew very little about angels, on purpose; they guarded their secrets closely lest they be found out and brought down by some hellspawn. Taemin smirked into his glass at the thought. Demons hadn’t given any serious thought to angels in many millennia. They’d moved onto bigger and better things; it was angels that were stuck in the past. Aside from these occasional silly tests, demons could care less about angels and their comings and goings.
 Taemin slipped out of the bar before closing and headed back toward his apartment. He didn’t want to have Minho find out about his living situation quite yet – let them develop a friendship first, then have it be a lovely coincidence. He grinned when he entered his now furnished apartment. While the angel’s next door was minimalist and white, Taemin had gone with a far more drastic pattern. A large black and red rug filled the living room, with a comfortable black leather couch and a large television, as well as a dark cherry wood coffee table. The curtains were heavy and crimson, blocking out all light when closed. His bedroom was similar, the king-sized bed covered with black silk sheets and a deep red comforter.
Taemin stripped nude and slipped under the cover, sighing contentedly. Sleep was voluntary as a demon, but he’d never turn down the excuse for rest. It was one of those human things that he simply couldn’t get enough of. His dreams that night were filled with an entirely different view of the world than he was used to. Instead of death, sex, and flames, Taemin found himself walking through a meadow with Minho, his wings vibrant white to Taemin’s sleek black feathers. Their fingers were laced together as they walked, settling down to rest near a babbling stream.
Taemin could hear Minho’s heart pounding as he rested his head on his chest, and his own matched the rapid beat. Contentment, Taemin realized in his dream. That was what he felt here. Contentment and peace… And something entirely new. A strange feeling that made his heart patter against his ribs and his stomach flutter like a thousand flies were trapped in it. A feeling he didn’t quite have a name for, though it was on the tip of his tongue. A feeling that he finally named, waking with a jolt as the sun rose in the sky.
 Despite the uncomfortable wake up call, Taemin brushed it off as he got ready for his day. Eating was voluntary – but Taemin couldn’t resist the allure of an aggressively sweet bowl of sugary cereal as he researched common flirting practices of humans – through some popular television programs, of course. Afterward, he took a moment to write out some songs that he wouldn’t mind performing to give to Minho. Though this was all a part of his ultimate task, he found himself somewhat excited about the prospect of performing like this. He’d never been on earth this long before; normally he only came to visit to seduce his quota of innocent souls before slinking back to his home in hell. He hadn’t realized just how much there was to do up here.
 When Taemin had determined he’d wasted enough of the day on research (and binge watched that particular program because he needed to see if they ended up together), he changed into a pair of form fitting jeans a black t-shirt and boots before heading down to the bar once again.
Despite it being a Sunday afternoon, the bar was just as busy as it had been the day before. Taemin recognized many of the faces, though there were a number of new ones as he made his way to the bar. Minho smiled when he entered, jutting his chin toward Taemin in greeting as he listened to the customer in front of him. Taemin approached quietly, taking a seat at the bar.
Minho nodded to the customer, making a quick excuse about having another patron, and hurried over to Taemin.
“You’re welcome for the escape,” Taemin teased softly. Minho smiled gratefully.
“He’s nice. Just talkative. Want a drink?”
“Sure. The one you made last night was great.”
“I’m surprised it didn’t knock you on your butt; that drink is strong.”
Taemin shrugged. “I’ve got a high tolerance.”
Minho snorted. He pulled out the bottles, beginning to make the drink. “I’d say. You sounded really good last night by the way. I was impressed.”
“Thank you.” Taemin smiled softly. “Oh, I brought the list.” He pulled out the paper and slid it across the bar. Minho took it, his eyes moving back and forth as he skimmed the songs. He nodded and tucked it into his pocket. “I’ll get it to Jian when she comes in. Are you gonna be here tonight? We could use another karaoke starter,” he teased. He slid the vibrant drink over to Taemin.
“I’d be glad to. Any requests?” Taemin leaned over the bar a little, putting his chin on his hand.
Minho’s gaze narrowed, his mouth thinning. He tapped his chin in thought. “Something sweet. I like happy songs.”
“Songs about falling in love?” Taemin asked,
Minho smiled softly and nodded. “Yeah, those ones are good.”
Taemin nodded in agreement. “I’ll sing one just for you tonight then.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Minho said, holding up a finger as he walked toward the other end of the bar.
Taemin finished his drink and paid before stepping outside. Having nowhere in particular to go, but not wanting to linger around the bar for longer than necessary, lest Minho find something suspicious, Taemin wandered down the sidewalk, following traces of Minho’s angelic scent as he did. This trail led him to a beautiful park, tucked away behind an office building. The center was filled with a lush garden of flowers, and around it was a beautifully kept meadow. Taemin’s heart skipped a beat, his skin tingling with déjà vu as he walked through the meadow. It ended at a small stream, winding lazily around and disappearing under a bridge. Recognition hit Taemin like a brick. His dream; he’d seen this exact meadow in his dream. He spun around, half expecting to find Minho – or some other angelic presence – watching him, outing him as a demon. But the park was empty, save for an elderly man walking along the trail surrounding the meadow.
The uneasy feeling of being watched didn’t stop even when Taemin left the field and headed back toward his apartment. His skin tingled, nerves further fraying whenever someone glanced at him, no matter how innocently. He hurried back toward his apartment, this new feeling of insecurity one he didn’t relish. A part of him wanted nothing more than to disappear, fly back into hell and curl up in his warm home, forget about the angel and earth and the promotion. But something held him back, kept him from turning tail and running. A part that kept thinking of the promise he made to Minho, to sing a love song, and the remembering the way Minho’s hand felt in his in the dream, how the new fluttering sensation in his tummy and heart tickled like nothing he’d ever felt before. Maybe it was the thrill of a new experience, maybe it was something wholly different, but whatever it was, it made Taemin want to see this through.
 He returned to the bar that evening, his motivation renewed. As he’d assumed it would be, the bar was far busier, and he barely had a moment to say hello to Minho before the other was stepping away to take another order. Jian was behind the bar as well, serving drinks and chatting with patrons. She waved Taemin over when she spotted him.
“I got your list, I sent it out to the musicians I know, they should be getting back to me throughout the week. I’m pretty confident that we’ll have you sing a formal set, about an hour or so, this upcoming Friday, but I don’t know who will be playing with you. Is that okay?”
Taemin nodded. “I’m easygoing with it. Just let me know whenever you find out.”
“Would you be willing to do a little tonight? We have an older crowd on Sunday nights, so we likely won’t get much, but a few might want to sing after you.”
“I can give it a shot. Should I go now, or wait?”
“Give it about an hour. Wanna come back behind the bar and let me show you some of the basics?”
Taemin nodded. He rose and circled around the bar, easily dodging Minho’s arm by ducking under him. Jian chuckled. “A natural. Those fast reflexes will come in handy back here.”
 The evening passed quickly while Taemin worked to learn the ropes of the bar. Though it would have been just as easy to pull from the infinite knowledge his magic could give him, there was a fun little thrill he felt in learning and succeeding in these new things. They were simple, he knew, given what he was, but it brought a feeling of joy he’d not felt in many years.
As the night drew on, Taemin climbed onto the stage once more, choosing a few older songs to appeal to the crowd that filled the seats that night. A few individuals came up after him, but more asked him to sing another song, even requesting he sing this or that that they liked. He humored a few requests, singing every little while between bursts of heavy business at the bar.
Though he hadn’t intended to, Taemin stayed until close, helping Jian and Minho clean up the tables and close down the bar. She clapped her hand on his shoulder as they stepped out into the early morning air, cooled off with the lack of sun.
“Thank you for your hard work tonight, Taemin. You did so much more than was expected.”
“Honestly,” Minho agreed, locking up the back door of the bar. “You were a massive help; I don’t think we’ve ever gotten orders out so fast.”
“He picked it up so quickly too. You’re sure you’ve not bartended before?”
Taemin smiled sheepishly, his stomach fluttering with excitement over their praise. “No, I haven’t. I’m a quick study though. I’m glad I could help.”
“Do you need a ride home?” Jian asked, motioning to her car in the parking lot.
“No, I live walking distance,” Taemin said. He bit his tongue. “Just up a few blocks.”
Minho cocked his head to the side. “What building?”
Taemin told him, trying to sound casual as he spoke.
“Hey, no kidding? That’s where I live.”
“Really?” Taemin grinned. “What a crazy coincidence. Wanna walk home with me?”
Minho nodded. He gave Jian a quick hug. “See you on Tuesday?”
“Of course. Night.” She squeezed Taemin’s shoulder again before walking to her car and getting in. Minho and he waited until she drove off before heading down the street toward the apartment building.
Taemin had about a hundred things he wanted to say to Minho while they walked, but for the first time in his very long life, he found himself entirely unable to speak. Nothing his mind helpfully supplied sounded right or good to start with, and nothing he wanted to ask seemed appropriate as they walked in the quiet early morning. It was ultimately Minho that broke the silence first.
“Your singing tonight was really something. Some of the folks that were there until we closed usually don’t stay for more than a drink or two.”
“Thank you,” Taemin said, smiling softly. “I don’t know if it was entirely my singing that caused them to stay though.”
“Oh, it was, trust me. I’ve been working there long enough to know some of these folks very well.”
“How long have you been there? Everyone seems to know you and be comfortable with you.”
Minho shrugged. “I’ve just got that way with people; can make them open up and relax.”
“That’s a good quality. Have you always been able to do that? Little boy Minho talking to the grown-ups like he was a psychologist?”
Minho’s smile softened a little. He shrugged. “It’s an inborn gift. Same as you seem to have a way with your own gifts. You’re very charismatic. Even when you messed up tonight, nobody seemed to mind. I’ve watched some of those patrons rip our waitresses a new one just for looking at them wrong.”
“People are complex,” Taemin said. “Sometimes they react without thinking.”
“And sometimes certain types just… Work for them.” Minho agreed. He unlocked the door to the building and let Taemin step in. “I’m on the second floor. You?”
“Me too. Apartment thirteen.”
Minho’s brows furrowed. “Thirteen?”
“Yeah? What… Did you know someone who lived there before?”
“No, it’s… Always been empty since I’ve been here. It’s weird, actually. I’m twelve.”
“Really?” Taemin feigned what he hoped was an appropriate level of pleasant surprise. “What a crazy coincidence! I should’ve stuck around last night, we could’ve walked back together like this.”
Minho nodded, still watching Taemin. He turned away only once they ascended the stairs. Taemin tried to remain relaxed in his posture, keeping a gentle smile on his face. Minho’s expression was unsettling; like he knew more than he was letting on.
“I’ll see you later,” Minho said when they reached their doors.”
“Jian said the bar isn’t open tomorrow?”
“No she’s closed on Mondays.”
Taemin leaned against his door, facing Minho. “What do you plan on doing tomorrow?”
Minho inhaled deeply, glancing down the hall. He shrugged. “I usually just walk around town. There’s a church I visit, volunteer a little time there. Wanna come with me?”
Taemin hesitated. Though there would be no actual physical harm in him going into a church – they made him distinctly uncomfortable for very obvious reasons. He pursed his mouth in thought.
“What time?” He asked finally. Minho smirked. He leaned back a bit, his gaze nearly sizing Taemin up as they stood.
“I’ll come get you around eleven.”
“Sounds good. Should I dress in any certain way?”
“No, it’s usually not too bad of work, helping out sorting papers or cleaning up the parish.”
Taemin nodded. “Sure, I’ll be up.” He unlocked his door and opened it. “Thanks for walking me home.”
“No problem.” Minho hesitated for a moment, looking like he wanted to say something further. Instead he nodded once, entering his own apartment and shutting the door softly. Taemin heard the lock click before entering his own apartment, barely able to hide the smile that appeared on his face as he got ready for bed.
 Though Taemin was anticipating hours of discomfort the next day at the church, it was far calmer than he expected. The pastor was a young man with a warm smile. Taemin would have gladly seduced him at another time, but his focus was solely on capturing Minho’s affections in the far slower human manner.
They spent four hours at the church, working with a few other people that Taemin recognized from the bar, including Sungho, to clear out the basement for an upcoming charity sale. Taemin found himself relaxing as he worked, chatting with the humans and forgetting for periods of time that he was there for only one purpose. This was actually nice, he realized; and humans weren’t as boring or awful as his schooling in hell would have led him to believe.
After finishing at the church, Minho left, stating that he needed to help someone with some indistinct chore. Though Taemin was ready to offer his assistance, Sungho grabbed his shoulder. “You wanna come to the diner with us? Our treat. Welcoming you to town, and a thanks for helping us today.”
Taemin agreed easily, waving goodbye to Minho without a second thought until he’d already sat down at the table with the humans. He was here for Minho… Yet he was not only willing – but even happy – to socialize with humans that did not influence his job at all. It was nearly as unsettling as the field the day before had been. What was happening to him?
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The answer to that question became clear as days turned to weeks, and weeks to months. Humanity, friendship, and a newfound understanding of mortal life – Taemin was experiencing a new side of existence, one he’d so long overlooked. He tried to keep his mission in mind, seduction, moving up the ranks, the power he would receive after sleeping with this angel, ruining him… But as the days passed, the assignment drifted further to the back of his thoughts until, after a few months, Taemin only thought of it late at night, when he wasn’t so tired from his work or hanging out with Minho, Jian, Sungho, or any of the other friends he’d made in the town that he went to sleep right away.
He hadn’t forgotten that he was a demon – nothing could make him lose that part of himself – but he no longer required his powers to live. He’d been spending money that he earned through the bar work, rather than conjuring it. The week prior, he and Sungho had gone shopping a town over, and he purchased some antique statues to put on shelves he’d bought and Minho had helped him set up. His kitchen remained stocked through shopping trips, and he often replenished drinks and food after nights with friends coming over to watch a human sport, play cards, or just to chat. As demonic as the blood was that ran through Taemin’s veins – he had never felt more human.
Minho was still a very present force in his life, but it was easier to see him as a human that Taemin was interested in, rather than an angel. That interest had changed as well, Taemin knew. While he started the assignment seeing Minho as a means to an end, an experiment, a tool, now he saw him as a friend. A dear friend that he wanted so desperately to be more. Not just sleeping with him either – though the thought of that sent a delightful thrill down Taemin’s belly, stirring up the butterflies that had taken up permanent residence there, it seemed. No, he wanted the dream he’d had his first night on earth. Holding hands, affection… Love.
But he knew he couldn’t. As human as he felt, he wasn’t one, and neither was Minho. A relationship like what Taemin craved would ruin Minho, and while that was, ultimately, Taemin’s original goal, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Part of him knew he’d failed in his mission. He should have gone back to hell the moment he realized, without a doubt, that he would never corrupt Minho in such a way. But going back to hell meant leaving the friends he’d made, his job, Minho. And that was almost worse than having to report his failure. So he stayed, promising just another week, another month, and then he’d go back.
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Seven months after Taemin had stepped foot on earth, he and Minho were sharing a table at the bar, having a few drinks on a night that they weren’t working. Jian had recently hired a third bartender, giving Minho more days off, despite his unwillingness to take them at first.
“Will you sing tonight?” Minho asked, motioning to the stage where a couple of college age girls were crooning off key to some popular song. Taemin shook his head.
“Not tonight. Just wanna chat with you.”
“Just chat?”
Taemin’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” He asked after a moment when he was unable to process the implication. Minho smiled softly.
“It’s been seven months since we met.”
“Has it been so long?” Taemin smiled in return. “Feels a lot longer in a good way – and not that long at all.”
“I know. We had a pretty quick friendship, didn’t we? Especially for what we are.”
“What we are?”
Minho’s smile returned. He rested his chin on one hand. I know, Taemin. What you are. Where you’re from.”
Taemin’s heart clenched in a vise of panic. He smiled despite the sudden urge to run from the bar. “What are you talking about? You know where I lived last or something? Little creep. Stalking me?”
Minho’s patient smile remained. “Taemin. Drop the act. You’re a demon.”
Taemin pouted full force. “That’s not a very nice thing to say.”
Minho sighed. He waved the hand his chin wasn’t on, and the entire bar stilled.
Taemin whipped his head around, surprised at the rush of energy he felt. Every human sat frozen, mid-drink, laugh, even the beer being poured at the bar was locked in time.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to use your powers while you were on this sabbatical,” Taemin said softly. He looked back at Minho, his throat clenching. The burst of energy had revealed Minho’s truer form, beautiful wings emerging from his back, and a glowing pale blue aura that matched the natural color of his eyes. He smiled. “We’re not. But you were being stubborn.”
“I hoped you were joking.” Taemin sighed softly, disappointment creeping into his voice as he spoke. “When did you realize it?”
“The first time I saw you.”
Minho shrugged. “I was informed that there might be demons out. Trying to make me break my vows. That it’s a special thing, an angel like me. I was taught what to look for. And when I smelled you in my apartment that night, it confirmed it.”
“Ah – I thought I covered my tracks better.”
“You did. But I was already on high alert.”
“Why didn’t ranks of your superiors come to throw me back into the pits of hell?”
Minho remained silent for a moment. “Because I didn’t tell them. I still haven’t.”
“What?” Taemin shouted, surprised. “Minho—You have to.”
“Says who? Demons roam among humanity constantly. How was I to know you were after me and not just out to corrupt humans? As an angel meant to learn how humans live, wouldn’t it make sense to study the demons who influence them?”
“But I was in your place.”
“You were.”
“And constantly around you.”
“You have been,” Minho agreed, his lips curling up into a smile.
“So… It’s pretty obvious what my intentions were.”
Minho leaned forward, cupping his chin in both hands this time. “What are your intentions then, Taemin?”
“To…” Taemin’s cheeks warmed. He looked away, shame eating a hole in his stomach. “To corrupt you. Make you fall.”
“And how is it that you do that?”
“You know how.”
“Mm. I do.” Minho leaned back in his seat again and took a sip of his drink. “I also know you’ve had more than enough time to do the job. You’re stalling. Why?”
“I’m not stalling,” Taemin mumbled. “I’m waiting for the right time. Plus, you already knew what I was supposed to do, you’d never let me succeed.”
“True. But you didn’t know that. So what’s been stopping you? You’re a sex demon, I can tell that much. But you haven’t used your powers. On me or anyone else, since you’ve been here.”
“I didn’t want you to smell it.”
“Fair. But after this long. Taemin… I have given you plenty of opportunities to try.”
Taemin swallowed hard. Minho wasn’t wrong. Especially in the past few months, lingering touches, glances, even a few close, slow dances – he had had more than enough time to steal a kiss, begin the seduction process properly. He hung his head.
“I can’t do it. I’m a failure, is that what you wanted to hear?” He snorted. “Spent years trying to work my way up the ranks, and at the last step I fell down. Because I let myself feel something for the one thing I couldn’t.” He shook his head, meeting Minho’s gentle gaze. “I’m sure that’s a story your superiors will love to hear. A demon who fell for an angel.”
“I’m sure they would, if I spoke to them still.”
“What do you mean?”
“When’s the last time you checked in with your superiors?”
“You know I can’t divulge that—”
“I don’t need details.” Minho sipped his drink again and waved his hand. His wings disappeared, his form shifting ever so slightly back into the human looks as the bar burst with life and energy once more. He sipped his drink. “Just a vague time.”
“About three months ago,” Taemin said.
“It’s been two months for me.”
Taemin scowled at him. “Why?”
Minho hesitated. He spun the now empty bottle in his hand, thumb picking at the label. “Finish your drink, then come take a walk with me. We’ll be able to talk better if we’re alone, I think.”
Taemin did as he was told, swallowing the last mouthful of his drink before rising. They tossed the bottles away and waved to Jian as they walked out into the cold night. Snow had begun falling months ago, and was now starting to melt away with the impending spring.
The two walked in silence for some time, heading in the vague direction of their apartment building, but taking a meandering path through the streets. Finally, Minho spoke.
“I haven’t spoken to them because I don’t want to go back.”
“To heaven? Why not?”
“How much do you know about it? Heaven?”
“Not much. Honestly, we don’t really care.” Taemin chuckled. “Angels love to think we’re trying to get some secrets or something. Take over heaven or ruin earth, I don’t know. Really we’re just… Doing our own thing. We know about you, and when rare things like this assignment come up, we know more, but… The details don’t matter.”
“Well, it sucks.” Minho said simply enough that Taemin stopped walking, his eyes widening. “You—But you’re an angel.”
“Yeah? And you’re a demon. How’s hell? Honestly.”
“Hot,” Taemin admitted, smiling sheepishly.
“Do you love it? Can you wait to get back there, go hang out with your demon buddies and torture souls?”
“That’s… Not true, we don’t… Actually do much torturing,” Taemin mumbled. “But I’m in no rush to get back, you’re right.”
“We’ll go back to the torture thing, but, right? It’s fine where we’re from, but here is so much richer. It’s not so black and white.”
“People don’t expect things from you just because you’re this or that,” Taemin agreed.
“Exactly. So yeah, compared to earth, heaven is boring. And I’m sure hell is too. I don’t want to stop my sabbatical yet, because I don’t want to go back up there. Same reason you haven’t told your superiors that your assignment failed. And why I don’t think you will any time soon.”
They reached their apartment building and Minho grabbed Taemin’s wrist. “And what’s more… I don’t think you’re used to feeling this way in hell. About someone else.”
Taemin looked down. Those now familiar butterflies scattered in his belly again. He nodded. “I know what it is. But we don’t… Really discuss or admit to it in hell.”
“It’s a nice feeling, isn’t it?”
“Once you get used to the butterflies, yeah.” Taemin looked up, letting his gaze linger a moment on Minho’s soft lips, curled up into a soft smile, before meeting his gaze.
“Come up to my apartment,” Minho offered. “We can talk some more. Better than standing in the cold.”
“Have you redecorated? Last time I was in there you had zero places to sit.”
Minho laughed softly. “Fair enough. I still really don’t. Yours then.”
Taemin nodded. They walked up in silence, stripping out of their winter damp clothes by the door before Minho entered the living room and settled onto the couch. Taemin lingered in the kitchen, instinctively beginning to pull out food before hesitating.
“I really have gone native,” he commenting.
“How so?”
“I was about to offer you food and drink.”
“I will take a drink, actually. Might not need it, but humanity got it right when they started making these consumable items.”
“Right?” Taemin laughed a bit. He grabbed two fruity drinks and a box of cookies before entering the living room. He sat down next to Minho. “Honestly, their idea of sweets and their use of sugar is the best thing I’ve experienced.”
Minho laughed and nodded. They sat in silence for a moment, sipping their drinks. It was Taemin that spoke first.
“So if you know what I am, and that I like you… What about you? I mean, we’re friends, I think, but I don’t know anything more. I can’t get a sense of what you feel. Can you feel anything? Do you?”
Minho cleared his throat. He picked at the label on the bottle in his hands, bottom lip moving slightly as he chewed the inside of it. “I do feel things for you. Things that my superiors would have my wings for. I didn’t mean to start liking you. I knew what you were, at first I kept you close just to make sure you didn’t hurt someone but… Then I realized you’re not a bad person. Or… Demon, I guess. And then I really started liking your friendship and that turned into something else. At first I worried I was being seduced by your magic, but I know you haven’t been using it.”
“Not for seven months, honestly,” Taemin admitted. “I knew it wouldn’t work on you, so I had to practice not using it. Then it just became easier to do things the human way.”
“And you made friends. Real human friends.”
“I did. Our friends are important to me. I know a big reason why I’m sticking around still is because of those friendships. So, you actually like me? Even though you know what I am?”
Minho nodded. “I do.”
“What do we do about it?” Taemin asked.
Minho sighed. “I don’t know. It’s a catch-22. As much as I don’t want to go back to heaven… I don’t want to fall.”
“And intimacy with a demon is grounds for falling.”
Minho nodded, his face twisted up in discomfort. “So I mean, we could date in the human sense – going out together for dinners and stuff like that but… Any real intimacy…”
“Would be off limits.”
“Yeah, for the most part. There are a few loopholes.”
“Like what?” Taemin tilted his head.
Minho smirked. “You’re the demon, you don’t know?”
“No, and I’m both offended that you think I should just because I’m a demon… And concerned and surprised that I don’t.” Taemin said, grinning as he spoke to let Minho know he was joking.
Minho leaned back on the couch, his smirk shifting into a more relaxed, albeit just as smug, grin. “Apparently, I learned… I can touch myself, even to the point of orgasm… Without falling. No matter who I’m thinking about.”
“Really? I thought good God-fearing people weren’t supposed to spill their seed.”
Minho shrugged. “Some of that book is… Wildly misinterpreted. Biologically, these bodies just… Ejaculate. It’s nobody’s doing, not a demon or an angel. It’s science. So pleasuring yourself isn’t some big sin. Now… What you think about does matter. I have a few feathers that have… Darkened in the past few months.”
Taemin leaned forward. “You’ve jerked off? Thinking about me?”
Minho squirmed, and Taemin watched his cheeks redden.
“Don’t try to lie, I can smell that you know. I’m a demon. How much?”
“You’re telling me you haven’t?” He mumbled.
“I have. More than a few times. But I’m a demon. It’s kinda my thing. What were you imagining?” He pressed.
Minho squirmed again, looking anywhere but at Taemin.
Taemin sighed. “Fine, keep it a secret. But I expect details at some point. So, okay, you can touch yourself.”
“And I can touch myself thinking of you. Which would imply that as long as you aren’t touching me sexually, we’d be okay.”
“I suppose that makes sense. So that gives us a few avenues.”
“And hanging out together obviously doesn’t do any damage. We’ve slow danced together before and it was fine too. I think that it’s limited to actual sexually intimate things.”
“What about… Kissing?” Taemin asked softly.
“I don’t know. I wouldn’t want to risk it. Since it is a more intimate thing.”
Taemin nodded. “I understand. So we could date, sort of.”
“It doesn’t feel fair to you.”
“You aren’t getting a much better side of the deal though, it’s not like it’d be easy for either one of us. I think we just need to decide if it’s worth it.”
“I stayed on earth for you. Partly for you, I mean. It’s worth it for me.”
Taemin smiled softly at that. “And I guess I stayed for you too, partly so… It’s worth it for me too.”
Minho set his bottle down and took Taemin’s, setting it on the coffee table. He took Taemin’s hands in his own, making the other meet his gaze. “I just have one thing that you need to promise me.”
“Of course.”
“You won’t use your powers. Those ones, you know. On anyone. If we date…”
“I won’t. I’ve been the most celibate sex demon in existence lately, I’m sure. I have no problem keeping it that way.”
Minho smiled at that, his entire face brightening. “I wish I could kiss you,” he whispered.
Taemin leaned forward, moving his head to the side and placing a kiss on Minho’s cheek. “There. It’s better than nothing, right?”
Minho closed his eyes and nodded. He placed a kiss on Taemin’s cheek as well. “So I think this means you deserve a real date from me, right?”
“I would think so. If we wanna do things like the humans do.”
“Next week, when we’re off work. We’ll go to the next town. There’s that restaurant Sungho mentioned he took Junhyung to. We should go there.”
Taemin nodded, grinning at the thought. “Yes. Good, that sounds like a great first date.”
“But until then… I should get back to my place,” Minho said softly.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow at work?”
“Of course.” Minho finished off his drink and rose. Taemin followed, walking with him to the door.
“I’m glad we talked. But you could have told me earlier you knew what I was. I wouldn’t have fought so hard to hide it.”
Minho smirked. “What would the fun be then?”
“You’re conniving for an angel.”
Minho’s grin grew wider. He leaned closer to Taemin, their noses nearly brushing. “You have no idea.” With that he walked out, leaving Taemin gaping at the spot he vacated. He heard Minho’s door close before he snapped out of it, laughing softly in surprise.
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Dating an angel was surprisingly easy, at least for the first few months. They went out on dates at least weekly – sometimes doubling with the other couples in their friend group, sometimes alone. They maintained a polite distance at work, despite Jian’s constant teasing about their affectionate looks across the bar, and Taemin’s sudden uptick in love songs during performances.
But as spring turned to summer and the weather warmed, so did their needs. Taemin found himself having to actively resist kissing Minho far more often than usual, and even Minho’s touches became more lingering and heavier with implication than they had before. Once they’d attempted to stay in the same room while masturbating, testing the theory that it was only touches from Taemin that would corrupt Minho, but both realized it was far too much temptation to cross the room and help each other that they never tried it again.
Even sexting was off the table, as their proximity in living spaces was just too risky. They prided themselves on their ability to keep calm heads regarding intimacy, but it was a visible struggle on both sides.
 The two went out on the one-year anniversary of the day that they met, going into the next town for dinner and a concert that they were both interested in. As the night passed, that ache in Taemin’s chest seemed to grow so much larger. He desperately wanted Minho in every way, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to resist. But he knew why Minho was reluctant, and he respected that.
When the two arrived back at their apartment building, Minho lingered by his door.
“Wanna come in for a while?” Taemin offered.
“I do,” Minho whispered, but made no move to approach. Taemin waited, smiling gently. He pushed his door opened, beckoning Minho forward. Minho hesitated further. He wet his lips, looking down at the ground a moment.
“What’s the matter?” Taemin asked. He reached out, touching Minho’s cheek. Minho leaned into the touch, closing his eyes. He set his hand over Taemin’s, lacing their fingers together. The familiar tingle of his magic ignited the nerves down Taemin’s arm, drawing goosebumps to his flesh as his own magic rushed back toward Minho; a gentle intimacy that they were allowed despite their forced distance.
Minho opened his eyes suddenly, his pupils wide and dark. He went forward suddenly, pushing Taemin into the apartment as he did. The door slammed behind him as he turned them, pressing Taemin to the wall with his body.
Taemin gasped as the air was knocked from his lungs. “Minho—”
“I can’t do this anymore,” Minho whispered, leaning closer to him. Taemin gasped again, realizing what he was about to do. He braced his hands against Minho’s shoulders and shoved, using just enough of his powers to force the angel backwards.
“We can’t.”
Minho gritted his teeth, baring them for a second. “Please, Taemin – I know you want it to.”
“I do.” Taemin said softly. He relaxed, stepping forward and setting his hands on Minho’s broad shoulders. “I do, you know I do. Take your shoes off, I’ll get us something to drink, and we can talk. I think it’s time for us to do that anyways.”
Minho nodded, closing his eyes. He took a second to compose himself before leaning down to remove his shoes. Taemin stepped back, doing the same before heading into the kitchen. He heard Minho shuffling through the apartment, and the soft whoosh of the couch as he sat. Taemin tried to keep his actions slow and even, not wanting to rush back into the room. He wanted to give Minho a second to gather himself, recover from what had nearly happened, before they approached it. Things could only go one of two ways tonight, Taemin figured, and he wasn’t sure which would make Minho the happiest.
He settled onto the couch next to Minho, remaining quiet as he set two glasses of wine in front of them. Minho was leaning forward, his eyes closed and his hands clasped into a fist over his mouth, as if he were praying.
Taemin leaned back, folding one leg under him and raising the other onto the couch. He clasped his hands around his knee, watching Minho patiently.
After what felt like hours, Minho sighed heavily and opened his eyes. He looked at Taemin, his expression stoic.
“I poured the wine you like,” Taemin said carefully.
“Thank you.” Minho took a sip, staring into the dark red liquid.
“Were you praying?” Taemin asked.
Taemin nodded. He brought his leg down, crossing them and leaning forward. “Did your God offer any advice?”
“No. He’s been quiet for quite some time. I think they’ve given up on me up there by now.”
“That doesn’t sound much like the religion I know of.”
Minho smiled briefly. “No, it doesn’t, but… It feels that way. I understand now why humans can be so easily swayed away from it. His silence is… Unnerving.”
“If you had kissed me tonight, Minho… You would have fallen.”
“I know.”
“There’s no coming back from that.”
Minho nodded. “I know,” he said again. “You pushed me away.”
“Not because I don’t want to kiss you,” Taemin assured him. He smiled when Minho looked over at him. He shrugged. “I pushed you away because you didn’t look like you were thinking right. I wanted us to talk before we made a decision like that one, so we both knew we were… Ready.”
Minho chuckled. “Ready. As if we’re school age humans instead of centuries old celestial beings.”
Taemin laughed once and nodded. “In a way we are. When it comes to this sort of thing, right?” “I suppose.”
“If you fall… You’ll never be able to go home. Four months ago, you weren’t ready to accept that. What’s changed?”
“Do you still consider hell your home, Taemin?” Minho asked instead of answering the question. “I—I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.”
“Please do. I’ll wait… This is important. When you sit and think about what home is to you, what it means, how it feels, how you feel about it. Where is home for you right now?”
Taemin remained quiet as he mulled over Minho’s question. It was a valid question, and his gut told him an answer he wasn’t sure he was comfortable with. But the longer he considered it, the more he realized it was indeed the correct answer.
“No,” he finally whispered, shame coloring his cheeks a deep red.
“No, you’re right. Hell isn’t my home anymore. It hasn’t been for a while, I don’t think.”
Minho nodded. “I thought so. Where is?”
“Right here.” Taemin said. This apartment, maybe. Earth. My friends, you. My job… I’m happy here, where I am.”
“If someone told you that you’d never be able to go back to hell…. You’d lose your connection to it. What would you say?”
“I’d be a little sad but… Right now the thought of going back there makes me nervous. I don’t want to face them, the demons I mean. Not because they’ll be upset. They will, but I’ve handled demonic wrath before. I don’t want to hear them tell me I’m wrong to enjoy this life.”
Minho smiled softly. “You answered your question. What changed from when we started dating. My fear about not being able to go home. I realized I am home. And if I have to fall to be happy with you, then I’m ready to accept that.”
“But falling won’t just mean leaving heaven… You’ll become a fallen angel. You’ll be a destined for hell if you ever want to leave earth.”
“Good thing I know someone from there. And I heard that he’s about to get a pretty big promotion too.”
Taemin’s heart skipped a beat. “We don’t have to.”
“No, we don’t. You’d never force me to. But I want to. If you do.”
He laughed. “Of course I do. God, I want to so badly.”
Minho grabbed Taemin’s wine and set it on the table. He leaned forward. “Then what’s stopping you?” He murmured.
“Just one thing,” Taemin whispered, setting one hand on the side of Minho’s neck, the other on his shoulder.
“What’s that?”
Taemin smiled softly, their lips nearly touching. He pulled back, laughing when Minho nearly fell into his lap. “We need to move to the bedroom.”
“Why?” Minho asked breathlessly.
“Because I have wanted to take you apart for months, angel. I’m not going to stop once we start, especially not for something as simple as a location change.”
He stood up quickly and grabbed Minho’s hand, nearly dragging him toward his bedroom. Minho laughed brightly, rushing to follow. When they hit the bedroom, Taemin felt strong arms wrap around his middle, and Minho’s lips hit the back of his neck, pressing kisses along to the side of it. “I’ve never been in your bedroom before,” he murmured between kisses. “That bed looks so soft.”
“It’s amazing,” Taemin agreed. He pulled from Minho’s grip and threw the covers back, turning and stripping out of his shirt.
“Let me.” Minho stepped up, pushing his hands away and beginning to undo the buttons. Their foreheads pressed together, and Taemin could feel Minho shaking. He set his hands lightly on his wrists.
“We don’t have to do this right now. Even though we decided, we can take our time.”
“That’s not why I’m shaking,” Minho admitted.
“Then why?”
“Because it’s taking every ounce of my power not to just rip this shirt off you and steal our first kiss this very second.”
Taemin laughed softly at that. “Rip away. I don’t mind.”
Minho groaned. He gripped the fabric and tugged. They both laughed when the buttons popped off easily, and Minho shoved the shirt down past Taemin’s shoulders. He yanked at the button on his pants while Taemin treated his clothes with the same aggression, tearing the shirt open and sliding his hands over Minho’s broad, bare chest. The stepped apart to finish undressing, both climbing into bed and immediately grabbing ahold of one another, drawn by invisible magnets.
“Are you sure?” Taemin asked one final time, brushing his nose over Minho’s.
Their lips met with a surprising gentleness, and Taemin felt a bright spark. Minho’s magic, he was sure. It increased quickly in aggression and intensity, their bodies reacting to the touch of their mouths. Taemin rolled them over, straddling Minho’s hips and gently grinding their hardening cocks together. He deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into Minho’s mouth. Minho’s fingers tangled in his shaggy hair, a soft moan slipping from his lips.
 They kissed until Taemin’s lips were numb and his body ached desperately for more. He pulled back, leaning up and splaying his fingers over Minho’s chest.
“Do you want me to use my magic to get ready for you? Or the human way?”
Minho’s eyes fluttered shut. He wet his kiss swollen lips, his Adam’s apple bobbing rapidly. “I’d say human - but I don’t think I can wait,” he admitted. Taemin smirked. He slid his hands down Minho’s chest slowly, curling his fingers to let his short nails scrape the skin as he did.
“I’m so glad you said that,” he admitted. “But you still need some lube.” He leaned forward, ghosting his mouth over Minho’s as he dug in the nightstand, pulling out a bottle of lubricant. He dropped it onto the bed before moving down his body, folding his own body over to kiss along his chest and stomach.
Minho’s cock was thick, curving ever so slightly upward, a perfect example of male anatomy. Taemin lifted it, running his tongue along the underside before wrapping his lips around the tip. Minho shouted, covering his mouth with his hands.
Taemin pulled back, stroking gently. “Go ahead and make noise. My room is soundproof. That was a necessity for me when I moved in.” He sank back down on Minho’s cock, easily taking it into his throat with minimal effort. Minho moaned openly, burying his fingers in Taemin’s hair and thrusting up toward his face.
He swore softly when Taemin pulled back, licking his lips. Taemin grinned. “Don’t wanna get you too worked up.” He teased.
“As if I wouldn’t be able to come more than once,” Minho complained.
“Oh… Well it’s funny that you think I’m going to just make you come once tonight.” He moved back up to sit on Minho’s hips again, gently sliding his ass along his spit slicked cock. “Did you forget you’re about to fuck a sex demon? I can go all night, angel.”
He grabbed the lube and opened it, leaning forward and catching Minho’s mouth in a kiss as he reached back to slick his hole up. Minho’s hand caught his wrist.
“Let me,” Minho murmured against his lips. He scraped the lube from Taemin’s fingers with his own, bringing them to his ass.
Taemin gasped when Minho slipped two fingers in. Even with his own magical preparation, he hadn’t been expecting the thickness of Minho’s digits, or the graceful finesse he used to spread the lube inside him. His cock twitched between their bellies, and Taemin moaned softly, feeling Minho smirk.
“You gonna fuck me, angel?” Taemin teased, beginning to grind against Minho’s fingers. “Make those dirty dreams come true?”
“Taemin—“ Minho gritted through his teeth.
“Oh, we both know it’s true,” Taemin whispered. He whined when Minho pulled his fingers out, but relaxed at the sound of the lube bottle again, and the wet sound of Minho stroking his own cock. “You’ve dreamed of it, haven’t you? Fucking me, making me moan. Taking me just like this I bet. Have you woken up covered in come from a dream, Minho? Or do you just wake up with an aching cock, desperately wishing you could come over and sink into my ass like you want to?”
Minho growled. He grabbed Taemin’s head with his free hand and dragged him into a rough kiss that made Taemin giggle. The energy in the room was positively electric, and his body was drinking it in eagerly. He felt the blunt tip of Minho’s cock nudge against his hole, and pushed toward it.
“That’s it,” he whispered against Minho’s lips, “take me. Make us feel so good.”
Minho pushed his hips up, guiding his cock into Taemin for the first time. Taemin lowered his body at the same time, sinking onto it with a gasp.
He pulled back as soon as Minho was nestled inside him and sank down again, throwing his head back in a delighted moan.
Minho cried out as Taemin began to ride him, his grip tight on Taemin’s hips.
Taemin leaned down, kissing him gently. “Is it good?” He panted.
Minho moaned, grabbing Taemin’s ass with one hand. He wrapped the other around his shoulders, dragging him into another deep kiss. “Amazing,” he panted against his lips. “You’re so fucking tight.”
Taemin giggled. “It’s cute when angels swear. Do it again.”
Minho smirked. He leaned up, nipping his earlobe. “I wanna fuck you so hard you scream,” he whispered.
Taemin shivered. “That’s sinful, angel. Do it.” He pulled off Minho suddenly, his body aching at the loss. He moved to the side and laid on his back, stuffing a pillow under his hips. It only took Minho a second to catch up. He rolled over and pushed Taemin’s legs open before bringing them up to his shoulders. Lining up his cock, he sank to the root, tilting his head back as he moaned Taemin’s name.
Taemin shouted happily, his back arching as Minho began to thrust, hard enough that it would have hurt a human. It was exactly what Taemin craved. He screamed happily, holding onto Minho’s arms as his body was forced open again and again on the thick cock.
“Yes! More! Oh fuck, it’s perfect!” He sobbed. “Keep going, I’m so close, oh!”
He clenched around Minho’s shaft as his cock throbbed, semen spurting onto his belly and chest.
Minho moaned, thrusting harder into him. The rough strokes against his prostate drew his orgasm out, milking his body until his stomach ached.
They kissed again, and Minho grabbed his shoulders, dragging him down against his cock even as he thrust into him.
“I’m gonna come,” he gasped. “Oh God, Taemin—“
“Come for me,” Taemin whispered. “Give it all to me.”
Minho moaned low in his throat. He continued to rut into Taemin, stealing his moans with soft gasps. His cock throbbed deep inside Taemin, and a delightful bloom of energy filled his body, a sure sign that Minho was spilling inside him. He closed his eyes, gasping and sighing as it washed over him, dragging him to a second orgasm with the intensity of it.
Minho whined softly, shuddering. “I can’t—“ He whispered as his cock throbbed once more. Taemin dropped his legs from his shoulders and wrapped them around his waist as a second orgasm washed over Minho, immediately following his first. Minho shouted brokenly, overstimulated. Taemin milked his cock, stroking his back and ass as purple sparks bloomed behind his closed lids. The energy shifted around them, the sweet purity of Minho’s light fading, darkening into a rich, deep velvety feeling. He was falling. He was falling fast and hard and every drop of his release was pushing him further, held securely in Taemin’s arms.
Taemin rolled them over and gently pulled off Minho’s softening cock, giggling at the rush of come that dribbled down his thighs. He moved forward, gently rubbing his cock over Minho’s lips.
Minho obeyed, his eyes rolling up to look at Taemin as he took his cock into his mouth. Taemin caressed his cheek, gently thrusting into his warm mouth. “Swallow when I come,” he said, his voice soft but demanding. Minho nodded as well as he could, hollowing his cheeks and sucking. He swirled his tongue around Taemin’s cock; delightfully talented at this despite Taemin knowing he likely wasn’t experienced. He sighed happily as his orgasm neared, burying his fingers in Minho’s hair. “Deeper.”
Minho lifted his head, letting Taemin push deeper, until the tip of his cock bumped his throat. Taemin shivered, moaning. “Perfect, take it… Doing so good,” he murmured. He began to move quicker, nudging Minho’s throat on each thrust. Minho moaned, his throat clicking as he struggled to stave off his gag reflex. Taemin whined softly.
“Here, Minho - Oh fuck, swallow it for me.”
He thrust twice more and stilled, shivering as his cock spurted into Minho’s awaiting mouth. He gulped quickly, his eyes slipping shut. He reached around, sliding two fingers easily into Taemin’s hole. He fingered him hard as Taemin groaned.
“That’s it,” he whispered, pulling his cock free. He squeezed himself, working one last dribble out and onto Minho’s lips. Before Minho could lick it up, he leaned down, kissing him hard and driving his tongue into Minho’s mouth. They shared his come as they kissed, their bodies sticking together with sweat and semen.
Taemin pulled away and rolled off Minho, flopping next to him on the bed. He reached down, finding Minho’s hand and lacing their fingers together as they laid in the suddenly oppressive silence of the room.
“Wow,” Minho whispered, breaking the silence first. Taemin’s breath escaped in a rush; he hadn’t realized he’d been holding it. “You okay?” Minho asked.
“I’m great, I was about to ask you the same thing.”
Minho drew in a deep breath. “I’m sore. And I definitely… Feel different. Magic wise. But I’m okay. I’m good.” They looked one another in the low light.
“We should shower,” Taemin said. “Then we can talk.”
Minho nodded. The two rose quietly and made their way to Taemin’s bathroom, stepping into the shower. Though it wasn’t a necessity; he could have easily cleaned them up with his power, it gave him – and Minho – some time to process what they’d just done. Thankfully, if Minho’s gentle touches were any indication, he didn’t regret it.
The two stood under the hot water for a while after they cleaned one another, Taemin’s face buried in Minho’s neck as they embraced.
“I’ve fallen,” Minho whispered.
“You did. I’m right here thought. I won’t let you be alone in this. I don’t know a lot of fallen angels… But I know their powers are similar to a demon’s. I’ll help you learn, if you get confused or don’t know what to do.”
“I know you will. I’m not upset.”
Taemin pulled back, meeting Minho’s gaze. “You’re not?”
“No. It’s overwhelming. I feel so different… Free, somehow. But not bad. I’m happy, actually. What we did was amazing, and I never would have been able to experience that if I wasn’t willing to take that leap.”
Taemin smiled softly. He kissed Minho’s mouth gently, sighing. “I’ll never get sick of doing that.”
“Me neither. Hey… You completed your assignment. Doesn’t that mean you get to move up in your rank now?”
Taemin nodded after a moment. “I do. When I go back. If. If I go back.”
“You aren’t planning to?”
“Not any time soon. I meant it when I said I was happy here, this was home. Unless you want to go see what hell looks like, I… Don’t think I’ll go back any time soon.”
“I’m perfectly fine waiting until these bodies waste away to go visit. I’d like to experience growing old like a human.”
“Yeah?” Taemin grinned brightly. “With me?”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”
They stepped out of the shower and went back to the bedroom. Taemin dressed first, slipping out of the main door to Minho’s apartment. He grabbed a pair of sweats for him, knowing none of his would fit Minho. When he returned, Minho was standing in the bedroom, his wings out on display. Instead of the bright white that Taemin was used to seeing, they were now a rich, velvety black, intermixed with purplish hued ones.
“I’m beautiful,” Minho said, turning to face him. His eyes had changed as well; instead of a vibrant, sky blue, they were now dark brown, tinged with red. They were similar to Taemin’s, but just a bit lighter, a sign of his fading purity.
“You are,” Taemin agreed. He stepped up, stroking one of Minho’s wings. “This looks lovely.”
“Thank you. I wanted to see… If I’d like it. I do.”
“They suit you.” He handed Minho his sweats, looking around the messy bedroom. “Why don’t you try out your powers. See if you can clean up the bedroom. A good practice.”
Minho nodded once. He chewed his bottom lip, and Taemin could tell he was trying to figure out how to draw from the new power budding deep inside him. He went around behind him, wrapping his arms around his middle.
“Relax,” he whispered. “This power is different. It’s a part of you. Just let it come out, you know what you want done.”
Minho took a deep breath and released it, nodding once. He raised his hand and flicked his wrist. With a rush of energy, the bedroom shifted. Taemin laughed softly when he realized what Minho had done. He succeeded, mostly; the sheets were clean and the piles of ripped clothes were gone. Except, instead of the sleek black silk that normally adorned Taemin’s bed, it was now the same baby blues and soft white cottons of Minho’s room.
Minho made a small noise. “Sorry. I can fix it…”
“No.” Taemin pushed his hand down. “Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind, really.” He went around and kissed Minho’s mouth. “If we’re going to end up living together at some point, we’ll need to figure out how to make our design ideas work anyways so. This is good practice. Come to bed with me.”
The two curled up together under the blankets, their arms and legs twisted together as one. Minho sighed after a few minutes of silence. “I can’t fall sleep.”
“Is something wrong?”
“No, not really. I can feel the last bits of my angelic purity. Deep down, they’re fading but holding on. It’s like I can feel the angels I left. I know they know what happened, we can feel it when one of ours dies or changes like this. I know they’re crying over it, even though I’ve been away so long.”
“Are you upset?”
“No. I’m sad that they don’t understand it. That they’re shedding their tears when they don’t have to. They can’t understand how happy I am. How this… This loss gave me paradise in so many ways. But I still don’t regret it. I don’t think I ever will.”
“Hopefully they’ll understand someday,” Taemin said, holding Minho’s hand over his chest. “We’ll just need to work on it here, showing our paradise, how nice it can be. Why tears don’t need to be shed.”
Minho nodded in silent agreement. Their lips met once more, and Taemin felt that blossom of energy deep inside him. It was a unique feeling – so different from the butterflies he felt, or Minho’s purity. This was something entirely new, a dizzying sensation that he couldn’t wait to explore hand in hand with his fallen angel.
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studio-multi · 7 months
Characters #1
Succubus!Kim Jongin x Consort!Reader/OC
Succubus!Kim Jongin x Fallen Angel!Lee Taemin
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after-midnight-rp · 1 year
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❞ Will we both go home alive? ❝
― After Midnight ; a place that is rising from the ashes searching for redemption after the world had found its end. This is the place where many survivors do find their spot in hope to find a way back to life — yet life is never going back to how is used to be. Or maybe it is never meant to return to its old ways … creating a new reality within.
Only one question remains that only you can answer: Will you come and join the light? Or bask in the glory of darkness?
Come and join, after midnight.
Welcome to After Midnight RP including: ⟫ facebook based ⟫ 18 + , AU ⟫ smut , gore , post apocalyptic , semi-gang ⟫ semi-lit to literate ⟫ master x slave with a twist
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mymoodwriting · 10 months
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7k, yandere, mental asylum, anxiety, questions of sanity, voices in your head, headaches, manipulation, satanic cultists, rituals, temp play, hot candle wax, restraints, needles, drugs, bruises, sore throat, screaming, running, abuse, physical abuse, psychic abilities (@starillusion13)
“Do you remember me?”
You jolted awake, looking around your room only to discover you were alone. You were probably just hearing things, so you got up and did your morning stretches, getting ready for the day. Although it wasn’t that simple.
“Are you ignoring me?”
Whatever this voice was, it seemed to persist, and you refused to acknowledge it. You couldn’t go back down this rabbit hole, especially not now.
“You can’t just forget about me!”
“Shut up!”
You were halfway down the stairs when you shouted, really needing this to stop. Then you noticed your aunt at the foot of the stairs, looking up at you.
“Who are you talking to?”
“No one!”
“I… I mean you… I thought you said something…”
“That’s no way to talk to your aunt.”
You offered an apologetic smile and rushed down, trying to hurry out the front door but your aunt grabbed your arm and held you back. You kept a smile on your face.
“Are you hearing things again?”
“No. Of course not.”
“Hm… I’m taking you to the hospital.”
Your aunt’s grip on your arm got stronger and she dragged you out of the house. You fought her all the way but she still beat you in the end. Once you were at the hospital you had to calm down a bit, or else you’d only be helping her case.
“Aunt, I’m not crazy!” You pleaded. “I don’t hear voices in my head anymore!”
“That’s not what it looked like today.”
You dread stepping foot in that place, and were trying to fight back. Yet you began to feel this throbbing ache in your head. You groaned, your vision starting to fade.
“No, no, no, no, no…”
You whimpered as you began to regain consciousness, already fearing the worse situation. You didn’t want to open your eyes, but you knew you had to get up at some point. You sighed when you were greeted by a blank ceiling, glancing around the empty room to confirm your aunt had admitted you into the hospital. Your little scene just outside must have made it easy to convince the doctors, so now you had to get yourself out which was easier said than done. At least you weren’t restrained.
The door to your room was locked, so you banged your fist against it and called for someone. A nurse came over, but instead of listening to you they took you to speak with one of the doctors there. You didn’t want to talk to anyone, but you knew now that you had been admitted you’d have to go through the proper procedures in order to get out. Soon enough you found yourself waiting in a small office until the doctor showed up. They greeted you, acting like this was just a regular check up, but this was the last place you wanted to be.
“How are you today?”
“I’m fine. I’d really just like to go home.”
“I understand that, but it’s important-”
“I’m over the age of eighteen, a legal adult, I didn’t consent to being admitted. My aunt doesn’t have the right to lock me up here.”
“Miss y/n you collapsed outside the hospital, this is more of a follow up to that incident than anything else.”
“Well I’m fine. I don’t have a concussion or anything do I?”
“See, I’m good. Can I leave now?”
“Physically, you may be alright, but what about mentally?”
“I’m fine as well.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”
“Talk about what?”
“I have looked in your file. You were quite upset when your imaginary friend stopped talking to you, which makes sense as you were just a child. Has something happened in your recent life to trigger a return of your friend?”
“It’s in your best interest to stay for a few days as we-”
“No. You have no grounds to keep me here.” You stood up. “I’m perfectly fine and don’t-”
You suddenly felt this throbbing ache in your head, finding yourself growing unsteady. You fell to your knees, holding your head, but it wasn’t helping. The doctor came around but their voice sounded muffled. Your vision was fading to black again and you tried to stay awake but ultimately passed out.
This time, as you regained your consciousness, there was no light, just darkness. Your eyes needed a moment to adjust, but it didn’t bring you comfort. The room seemed to have a different layout, and the world around you was far quieter. You were sitting up when the door suddenly opened and a few people walked in. Before you could ask anything, hands were on you dragging you out of bed and out of the room. You began screaming and demanding answers, but they didn’t listen. You had no idea where they were taking you, but when you entered this room with lit candles scattered around your heart sank.
There were others present, hiding their faces and figures with cloaks. You could see red lines on the floor, noting the candles were specifically placed. While struggling you suddenly felt a prick in your arm, seeing someone pull a needle out of you. Soon enough you began to feel weak, and you were laid out on the floor. Your head was swimming, your heart pounding in your ears from fear. You had no idea what was going on as the dark figures surrounded you and began speaking in a tongue you didn’t understand.
Next thing you knew you were screaming. Someone stood over you, pouring hot wax onto your neck and then trailing it down your chest. Even trying to get it off was difficult and it burned to do so. Nothing made sense around you, it all felt like some bad dream, and you so desperately wanted to wake up. Instead you could feel yourself drifting off, sinking into this void as the pain and darkness swallowed you whole. You feared this was the end of your existence, and you were powerless to do anything.
You gasped awake, only to immediately grab your throat and whimper from the pain. It was a sign that what you had experienced was very real and not just some vivid nightmare. Now that you were settling into your reality you looked around the room again. This definitely wasn’t the hospital your aunt had admitted you to. After a moment you carefully got up, stumbling your way over to the door. To your surprise it was unlocked, and you stepped out into a quiet hallway. You didn’t hear any sounds of life, but you weren’t alone.
“Welcome home.”
A hoarse scream escaped your lips when you heard the voice again. You grabbed your head, shaking it back and forth. This wasn’t real, none of this could be real. You started moving, slowly going faster and faster, wanting to escape whatever this was. Luckily you found a way out of the building, seeing nothing but trees and wilderness surrounding you. It didn’t make sense, but you just wanted to get away from this place, so you picked a direction and ran. As far as you knew there was nothing but wilderness, and then you came across an abandoned building. You could see the graffiti on the outside, finding it strangely familiar.
Against your better judgment you approached the building, stepping inside. It was empty, but as far as you could tell it hadn’t been abandoned for long, the graffiti wasn’t that faded. As you walked the halls you began to realize the familiarity of it. These symbols were like those you had seen last night, and it sent chills down your spine. You were starting to feel uneasy, your legs shaking and giving out. You collapsed to the floor, crawling back and wanting to get on your feet, but then that voice came back.
“Do you like it?”
You screamed despite the ache, grabbing your head. You wanted nothing more than to wake up from this nightmare, but it was starting to dawn on you this was all very real. The tears began falling, and you really just wanted to go home. You were in your own little despair that you didn’t feel someone else’s presence.
You gasped, and looked over to see a young gentleman sitting at your side. He stared at you curiously, offering you a warm smile.
“Who… who are you…”
“Taemin, and you?”
“I… I…”
“You’re new here. I haven’t seen your face before. I’m surprised you found this place already.”
“What… what is… here… I’m not…”
“I know.”
“I believe you. I’ve been here long enough to know what crazy looks like.” Taemin sighed and stared out the window. “It’s unfortunate that you’re here. They won’t help you.”
“Look around. The symbols all over the walls, the state of the main building and this place. The supposed asylum we’re at is run by a bunch of insane cultists worshiping Lucifer. They use their patients for rituals and other things.”
You reached up to grab your throat, images of that night flashing before your eyes. You couldn’t really deny that what had happened last night was a dream, not anymore. This was all real, and it terrified you.
“I need to escape…”
“You can’t.”
“I’ll find a way. I-”
“The perimeter of this asylum is lined with barbed wire fences, and there are cameras all along them as well. There’s no signal out here so you can’t make calls, not that you’d find a phone. No one is waiting for us.”
“How do you think this place operates? They offer to take away the undesirables from society. Whoever your guardian is, they know you can’t reach them from here and won’t be their problem anymore. Whatever they pay, it’s worth it to get rid of us. That’s why this place is so worn down. All they do is feed us and keep us locked up like animals.”
You didn’t want to believe his words, but it all made too much sense. No way you’d be allowed out of hospital anytime soon after collapsing, twice, especially if your aunt had anything to say about it. She had to raise you ever since your parents passed away. When you were little and had your imaginary friend you knew she saw you as a burden, and that never went away. If she had the chance to send you somewhere else far from her where she’d never have to see you again, you didn’t doubt she’d take it. However much she was paying to keep you here would be worth it in her eyes. Perhaps on her end she thought you were getting some psychiatric care for the voices in your head, but it certainly didn’t matter either way.
“She finally did it… she threw me away…”
“In a strange sense…” Taemin leaned in close, brushing some hair out of your face. “You’re free now.”
“Like I said. They just feed us, the rest is up to us. Come with me.”
Taemin took your hand and pulled you to your feet, leading you out of the room. As you walked down the hall, hand in hand, he took you up a flight of stairs. You began to hear a commotion, to hear the sounds of life. There was laughter and happy chatter, and soon enough you saw other people roaming around. They had smiles on their face and seemed to be enjoying themselves, although you couldn’t understand why. Taemin took you up to the rooftop of the building, having you stand by the edge with him. 
All you could see were the tops of trees, but the fresh air was nice. You needed this, a moment to just breathe and process. While you stood there you found yourself realizing just how true Taemin’s words were. Here you felt free. No one had expectations of you, and there was no one you had to appease everyday. You glanced over at Taemin who had his eyes closed and head lifted up to the sun, basking in its warm light. He seemed quite content, even though he had apparently been here for a long time. Seeing him like this gave you a sense of peace. Even though you were scared for what your future held you felt that you’d be alright with him.
“Breakfast will be served in a bit. I’ll show you around before then.”
Taemin took your hand again and led you back down. You realized this build was three stories high and made of concrete. There were all types of miscellaneous items around, and all the people you came across greeted you with a smile on their face. Your throat still ached from the hot wax, and it wasn’t easy to talk, but you had so many questions, and you felt that you could trust Taemin to tell you the truth.
“What is this building?” You asked. “It’s not where I woke up…”
“This is where everyone would rather be, although our beds are elsewhere. You woke up in the main building, where our food is, where we sleep, and where the cameras are.”
“I see… where are the staff?”
“No idea. No one really cares though.”
There were plenty of activities around to entertain yourself with, but it was all up to you. After getting more familiar with what Taemin called the hideout a loud bell began to sound. You looked around, wondering where the source was coming from.
“It’s just a recording that plays throughout the grounds. It just means breakfast is served.”
“Let’s go.”
You followed Taemin, others also leaving the hideout and making their way. Everyone seemed to move together, and you could see that a trail had been made into the ground over time. When you got to the main building you were shown to the cafeteria, expecting to see staff, but there was no one. Trays were laid out on a table with classic breakfast foods but that was it.
“Where is… everyone?”
“This is it. They just leave food out for us, and we eat what we want until it’s gone.”
“And you all just… follow the honor system?”
“We’ve known each other for a while now, and we’re all we’ve got. There’s no reason to start a commotion. Besides, if anything gets out of hand then someone will show up and that’s the last thing any of us want.”
“Since it’s your first time you should get first pick.”
Taemin took you to the front of the line, and to your surprise everyone let you do so. You felt a bit guilty about it, but no one seemed upset, and Taemin was very encouraging. You got a modest amount of food, not really that hungry, and not entirely trusting the food, but no one else seemed to have an issue with it. You sat with Taemin, and a few others joined you as well, introducing themselves. The atmosphere over breakfast further helped to put you at ease. This may not be a place you willingly came to but you were glad to know everyone was nice. At least the other patients were, and you didn’t really want to know about the staff.
Taemin took you under his wing as he showed you how things worked there. It really seemed like this place was more of a summer camp for adults. All the other patients were around your age, and everyone welcomed you with open arms. Even though you had woken up in a room by yourself, everyone actually slept together in what seemed like a dorm with bunk beds. There were still plenty open and so you could pick one for yourself. The days were yours to do as you pleased with, and you had to admit it was quite enjoyable. It was rather easy to forget why you were here. Taemin made sure you had a smile on your face every morning, always staying by your side as you discovered more and more about this place. 
When he took you to the waterfall you were left speechless. You had never seen one in real life before, and stepping into the water almost felt like a dream. Taemin joined you in the water, the two of you starting a bit of a splash fight before you retreated behind the waterfall. The sounds of the water running, and the coolness of this little pocket, it was very soothing. You were soon joined by Taemin, the two of you hiding and resting for a moment. This whole place was feeling more and more like a vacation, and the people around you were like friends. 
The pillow fight you had one morning gave you the chance to experience something you never did, and it was wonderful. You were laughing and smiling like never before as all the feathers fell around you. Then you saw Taemin off to the side watching you with a gentle smile on his face. You came over to him and pulled him into the chaos, wanting to share in such a moment, to make this memory together. Everything you were living here was like a dream come true but that fantasy would soon come crashing down. One night you were woken up by a strange noise, looking around to see it was still dark out, yet some beds were empty.
You had chosen a bottom bunk, so you could easily get out of bed without waking anyone else. Once you were up you noticed Taemin wasn’t in bed, and heard some noise coming from out in the hall. You carefully peeked your head out, but there was nothing. Yet the noise persisted, so you decided to investigate. When you turned the corner you could see a figure down the hall stumbling around, and go into another room. You slowly approached, coming to what you thought was the laundry room, seeing someone curled up on the floor. For a moment everything seemed okay, and then they yelled and grabbed their head before turning back to face you. Their sudden actions startled you and you collapsed to the floor with a yelp.
“Tae… Taemin… are you okay…”
“I should ask you…”
Taemin took a deep breath and then crawled over to you. As he got closer you could see this pain behind his eyes, something you hadn’t seen before. He offered you a soft smile and took your hand.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“What… what happened?”
“Remember how I told you the staff here were cultists…”
“I’m not sure what type of rituals they’re performing… but it’s doing something…”
“What do you mean?”
“I don’t know… I get these dizzy spells, we all do… and this headache… I can’t really describe it…”
“Is there anything I can do?”
“I don’t think so. It’s only been getting worse.”
“What are they doing all this for?”
“No idea… they believe their loyalty will be rewarded… so they continue to do all this…”
“Taemin, we have to escape. We need the world to know what they’re doing here and-”
“You ungrateful little girl!”
You yelled and grabbed your head, hearing that voice booming in your mind once again. Taemin looked at you with concern, grabbing your arms.
“Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“This is your home now! Don’t even think about leaving, I won’t let you!”
“Stop… just stop…”
“Y/n, what are you talking about? I’m not doing anything.”
“You can’t leave!”
“Shut up!”
“Y/n… who are you talking to?”
“… no one… it’s nothing…”
“Do you… do you hear a voice in your head?” You could only nod. “You hear him…”
You shook your head violently and screamed. There was no way this voice in your head was the devil, it was just your imagination. Taemin pulled you into his arms, giving you the chance to let the tears flow.
“I’m sorry…”
“No… no it’s not the devil… it’s just my imagination…”
“Is that what you want to believe?”
“Shut up!”
“Take a deep breath, okay? Just deep breaths and focus on my voice, everything’s going to be alright.”
Taemin kept saying reassuring things, holding you close until things began to feel better for you. The voice seemed to quiet down for the moment, but you were still terrified over the implications.
“What’s happening to me…”
“It’s not your fault… they must have already done some rituals with you…”
“When… when I first got here… there was chanting… and they poured hot wax on my throat…”
“Of course… you were brought here because you hear voices.”
“How… how do you know that?”
“We all know why each of us are here… no point in keeping it a secret.”
“Right… but I’m not hearing the devil…”
“They thought you could be the connection they were looking for.”
“No, no I’m not-”
“Sh, it’s okay. As long as we keep this a secret, everything will be fine.”
“And what if they find out?”
“They won’t.”
“I… well then maybe we can use this to our advantage…”
“I’m not sure… I’ll think of something, but no one can find out that you’re hearing things.”
“Y/n, look at me. Everything’s going to be fine. We’ll be free in the end. Do you trust me?”
“I do.”
You stuck close to Taemin, it seemed that the voice didn’t bother you if he was around. Although now you were paranoid. Always looking over your shoulder and worried someone might discover your secret and tell the staff. Taemin was well aware of this, and did his best to distract you, but something changed about him that night too. He got quiet, and you rarely saw his smile anymore, but he was still Taemin. Even if he hadn’t told you, it would have been obvious he had been there the longest given the fact everyone listens to him. Still, in the back of your mind you knew something was wrong. 
One morning you had been sleeping in when you began to feel this warmth traveling up your body. It didn’t concern you, but it was enough to stir you from your slumber. As you opened your eyes you saw a blurry figure on top of you, starting to register that the warmth was their hands slowly wrapping around your throat. Now you were alert, moving to get this person off of you only for them to grab your hands and pin them to your sides. You struggled for a bit before realizing who it was, although it only eased your concerns for a bit. Taemin stared down at you curiously, and you felt a bit nervous.
“Taemin… are you okay…”
“Good morning.”
“Morning… what are you doing?”
Taemin didn’t say anything before screaming and grabbing his head, falling off the bed. You quickly got up, grabbing his head and hoping he didn’t hurt himself. He continued to yell and squirm for a bit before seeming to regain his senses.
“I’m fine… I’m fine… sorry…”
“What happened?”
“I don’t know… are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
“Taemin, we can’t stay like this. It looks like it’s only getting worse for you. We need to get you help, we need to get away from this place.”
“It’s not that easy.”
“But we have to try.”
Taemin closed his eyes and took a deep breath, remaining in his arms. He wanted this moment to last, to never leave it, but there were still things to do before he could have what he wanted. He had an idea, but he wasn’t sure how you’d take it.
“What if we told the truth.”
“What? You mean about me?”
“I thought… but if they know…”
“We can take control.”
“You’re the connection between them, and what they’ve been worshiping. They’ll listen to what you say, you’re basically their prophet.”
“But… but how does this work for us?”
“Once you gain their trust, you can tell them anything you want, and they’ll do it.”
“Yeah, but they won’t just let me leave… not any of us.”
“Which is why we don’t ask, but work it in. Everyone here wants freedom, so they’ll be on our side.”
“I like this idea.”
“Shut up.”
“We can both be free this way.”
“And you’ll leave me alone?”
“That seems to be the outcome.”
“And how do I know I can trust you?”
“You think you’re the only person I can speak to?” A sinister chuckle filled your head. “I can tell others about you, expose you and work against you in this plan if I so desire. How do you think you got here?”
“What does that mean? What did you do!”
“Not much honestly. A simple whisper here and there, a name, a location, a reason. You’ve heard my voice before, so it makes you the perfect candidate.”
“Before… you mean… when I was little… it was you…”
“Yes. It’s always been me, and my power has only grown now that I’m here. So I suggest you cooperate before I make you.”
“What’s he saying?” Taemin questioned. “Will he help us?”
“I’m in control here, so don’t try anything funny.”
“I… I don’t think he’ll help… but he won’t work against us…”
“Okay, that’s good.”
“How? What’s your plan here?”
“Do you trust me?”
“Then just follow my lead.”
Taemin didn’t share his plan right away, wanting to move past the morning first and for both of you to be in a better headspace. After eating you went to the waterfall, enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of the water.
“If we do this… we have to go all in, no hesitation.”
“… what’s your plan?”
“I need you to understand this won’t be easy, and you might not like it.”
“Are you sure it’ll work?”
“Okay. Whatever it is, I’ll do it.”
“Yes. I promise.”
It wasn’t until you heard the plan did you understand Taemin’s concern. His idea wasn’t pretty, nor was it kind. He wanted you to gain the trust of the director, and convince him to perform a specific ritual. This would be the ultimate test of their loyalties where they would sacrifice their own lives in order to summon their master, and they would be rewarded with their own resurrection. Like you had promised, you’d go through with the plan, and if this was it, then you needed to swallow your fears and commit. Your only real question now was how you would get an audience with the director, but Taemin already had an answer for that.
Since there were cameras along the perimeter, that’s where you would go to draw attention. It sounded a bit dangerous, but Taemin assured you that everything would be okay. You went over the plan a few times before putting it into motion. Taemin pointed you in the right direction, and left you alone so you wouldn’t feel embarrassed. You took a deep breath and worked yourself up, needing to be under stress for this to work. As you walked you began to get into the headspace, eventually deciding to run. You kept moving until you came to the fence, crashing against it and screaming. You made a few failed attempts to climb it, and ultimately collapsed to the floor hugging your knees.
At this point the tears were real. You were so caught up in your head, so afraid of what would happen if this didn’t work that you didn’t realize you weren’t alone for long. You felt something poke you and looked up to see three people dressed in white surrounding you, each holding what you assumed to be a stun baton. The fear was real, but you had to continue with the plan. After a moment of silence you sprung to life and started crawling over to one of the figures, begging for help because the voices wouldn’t stop. You honestly thought you would have been hit, but you never were. Instead you made it to hug one of their legs, crying and begging to make it stop.
“Who are you speaking to?”
You looked over to see a fourth person, and his features matched what Taemin had told you, this person was the director. He squatted down to meet you at eye level, a reassuring smile on his face. You found it disgusting, but you couldn’t blow this.
“His name is Andre Stevenson. A loyal worshiper of the devil since he was sixteen, never been married. Speak to him like a child, it’ll boost his ego.”
“Can… can you help me… please, Mr. Stevenson…”
“What did you call me?”
“Your name… Andre Stevenson… he says you’re a good friend… and that you can help me…”
“Who said that?”
“Him… he’s in my head… please help me… he wants out, I want him out…”
“He wants out?”
“Yes… he says you met when you were sixteen… and should get a present for being so good…”
“I like the sound of that.”
“Can… can you make him go away…”
“That depends. What can I do?”
“He says… he says he wants… he wants to meet you…”
“Does he? And how would we do that?”
“He… he says there’s a way…”
“Go on.”
This was the part that got you nervous. The director wasn’t a stranger to rituals, but one that involved taking his own life, you weren’t sure how he’d take it. Although before you could speak the plan the voice in your head began feeding you line. You couldn’t disobey, and repeated what he said. This new ritual seemed far more real, and far more dangerous. The director listened, seeming to understand and see that you weren’t making things up.
“Well then, I suppose we should get started.” The director said. “Go back to your room now, everything is going to be okay.”
Despite your condition, they only seemed to care about what you had told them. Others pried you off the person you had been holding on to, throwing you to the ground. They all walked off and you soon found yourself alone again. You were relieved to see that the plan worked, or at least it seemed that way for now. You slowly got on your feet, making your way back to the main building. Along the way you found Taemin.
“How did it go?”
“It worked… although things did change.”
“What do you mean?”
“The voice… I think it told me a real ritual… I had to repeat it…”
“Are you okay?”
“I don’t know… if they actually summon the devil… I don’t know what will happen…”
“One problem at a time.”
To ease your mind Taemin took you to your favorite spot, the waterfall. You partially wanted to clean yourself off from interacting with the staff, deciding to get in the water. Taemin joined you after a while, and the two of you went over to your little spot behind the waterfall, helping you relax all the more.
“If this works, what are you gonna do?”
“Uh… I’m not sure. I can’t really go home. There’s no guarantee I won’t get sent somewhere else. What about you?”
“I think I’m in the same boat. I don’t really have a home to go back to.”
“You can stay with me, and be my queen. I can give you everything.”
“Y/n, focus on me.”
“I’m fine.” You assured. “I’m not listening to the voice in my head.”
“That must be hard since you’ve heard it before when you were a child. What was it like?”
“Honestly… it was kinda nice. I had a friend I could always talk to, so I wasn’t alone.”
“And the voice went away eventually, right?”
“It was so sudden, and it made no sense. Everyone just told me I was growing up, but I knew something was wrong. I guess it finally makes sense now. I wasn’t imagining things, and they really just disappeared. I missed them… I shouldn’t.” You sighed. “What about you? I don’t know why you’re here, yet you say you’ve been here the longest. That is if you want to share.”
“It’s alright. I’d honestly say our stories are similar.”
“Are they?”
“I spoke to someone who wasn’t there too, and it drove my parents nuts. They tried therapy but I still had my friend, and I didn’t want to let go. Eventually they got tired of me and sent me away. I bounced around a few places and then wound up here. Whatever they’ve been doing, it has some effect. I’ve begun to hear more voices in my head ever since I got here.”
“It’s strange… making friends with someone who’s not really there with you… you have good memories, yet you feel so alone too…”
“You don’t have to be alone anymore, or ever again.”
“Thanks, Taemin.”
As it was getting late you got out of the water and made your way back, going to this small fenced off area. You weren’t sure what it used to be but you could see others there as well. Some fires were going, but everyone was enjoying themselves. Music was being played by makeshift instruments, and you quite liked the vibe. Taemin pulled you close to dance as the sun set, bringing a smile to your face. You had to admit, things were better with him around.
“I’m really glad I met you.”
“Me too.” Taemin smiled. “After tonight, we can all breathe easy.”
Everything seemed to be going well, and then you suddenly heard yelling. What you could only describe as staff members arrived and ambushed everyone. Some tried to run but they’d wind up caught and sedated. Taemin took your hand, snapping you out of your frozen state and pulling you along. There wasn’t really anywhere to go, so you were both caught and sedated as well. Your fear from before came back, crashing down on you as darkness swallowed you whole.
As you began to open your eyes again your senses were returning to you. Things were still blurry, but when you tried to move you realized you were restrained. You were laid back and tied down to some type of table. You tried to free yourself, but you were still out of it from the drugs. You did hear a bit of a commotion, managing to look around and see Taemin struggling with some of the staff members. You tried to speak, but that only got the attention of someone else. A hand came down to pull your head back and to the side.
“… stop… whatever…”
“Sh, save your strength for tonight.”
You felt a pinch on your neck and drifted off again, uncertain if Taemin would be alright, or if you would be. When you woke up later you found yourself laying on the cold hard ground. As you opened your eyes you could see that you were surrounded by darkness, the only light coming from the candles that were around. Your hands were tied behind your back, and your legs tied together. You managed to get up on your knees, looking around and realizing you were at the center of a pentagram again. You began to notice the cloaked figures as well, and they all seemed to have someone on their knees before them, the other patients.
“You’re finally awake.”
You looked up to see the director standing in front of you, Taemin on his knees with a knife to his throat. You yelled and tried to move closer but the director only pressed the blade further against Taemin’s neck. You feared he’d draw blood so you stopped.
“What are you doing? This isn’t how the ritual is supposed to go!”
“The ritual requires a sacrifice, many, and I don’t see why it has to be and my followers when we have plenty of lambs.”
“That’s not how it works!”
“A sacrifice is a sacrifice.”
“This is a test of loyalty! And you dare question-”
“Has he said anything? Is he unhappy? Everything seems to be working, so let us proceed.”
“Do not be afraid.”
The director raised his blade, as did others, but then Taemin started laughing. It filled the air, creating a sense of uneasiness. Everyone seemed to freeze, not sure what was going on.
“Apologies…” Taemin chuckled. “It wasn’t supposed to go like this, but I couldn’t get everyone’s loyalties.”
For a moment the world was still, and then everything came to life. No one else besides you had been restrained, the others held down by the threat of the knife, but now that was gone. They sprung up and attacked those that were in cloaks, taking their weapons and using them against them. You heard screaming and immediately shut your eyes, not wanting to witness anything yourself. It was all happening so fast that the only thing you were aware of was your racing heartbeat. Then slowly you realized it had gone quiet. You carefully peeked your eyes opening, seeing the candles were out and there was only darkness. 
“It’s over now.”
You heard footsteps approaching, making you tremble. When you felt a hand on your shoulder you jumped, but you were held still. Someone reached down to undo your restraints, freeing your hands and legs.
“You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
Whoever helped you walked around and stood before you, holding their hand out. You couldn’t make out their face in the darkness, and then the lights came on. You needed a moment to adjust, and then you saw Taemin.
“… Taemin… I don’t understand…”
“You’re safe now.”
Your eyes went wide as you finally put it together. Hearing the voice and seeing his face, it clicked. Although you weren’t sure you wanted to believe it.
“… you… it’s you… has it always…”
“You’re far more beautiful than I could have imagined.”
“… how… I don’t… how?”
“I’ve always been special. I could hear everyone else, and I could speak to others in their head too. Of course it drove my parents mad and they threw me away. Eventually I wound up here. No outside contact, no way of escape. These people were crazy, and I wasn’t going to reveal myself to them. As you can imagine I was very uncooperative too.” Taemin knelt down to meet your eyes. “Yet that wouldn’t stop these people from performing their rituals on me. I’m not sure what their goal was, but it did something. It made my power stronger, and made me realize I could use it to my advantage. Of course by then I knew none of these cultists would listen to me, nor would they listen to the others, so I needed someone new.”
“… you mean me…”
“Yes. My power had grown stronger, I could reach someone further away, and after some time I found you again.”
“You made me look crazy!”
“I know you’re not, but I also know no one else would believe you. A few whispers here and there to push our dear director in the right direction to bring you here. An average girl like you hearing voices isn’t normal, so it certainly gave him incentive.”
“So this whole time… you’ve been running things here…”
“The number of patients is greater than the staff, and they are easy to get in line. Everyone wants to believe in a higher power after all.”
“You mean… all of this… you’ve had it planned from the start… what they did to me when I came here…”
“I had to make sure you wouldn’t so easily speak to others until I met you, and also plant the idea that you could speak to their dear master.”
“You’re crazy!”
“I set you free.” Taemin stated. “I got you away from your poor excuse of a guardian, from the institution that would actually drive you insane, and now you’re here with me. You’re free.”
“Am I?”
“We can make our own future now.” Taemin leaned in close, whispering into your ear. “You have a gift of your own, and I would like to see it bloom.”
Taemin took your hand and helped you to your feet, leading you outside. You were still in your own head, processing everything that had just happened, and what Taemin had revealed to you. It was still dark out, the moonlight shining down, and the sky full of stars. Besides the moon there was still the light from the burning fires, and the others were dancing around and smiling like before, as if nothing had happened.
“You don’t have to be alone anymore.”
You looked over at Taemin, seeing that beautiful smile on his face again. He could just make all your worries wash away with that look, and you were really considering just letting him. Despite how things have turned out, you couldn’t just forget all the good times you had experienced here.
“Have you ever seen the sunrise?”
“… no…”
“It’s beautiful, you’ll love it.”
Taemin kept walking, and soon enough you slipped out of his hand. He immediately stopped and looked back at you. He didn’t say anything, didn’t need to, and held his hand out to you again, gesturing for you to take it. Nobody really knew you were here, nobody cared, and no one would probably ever know what happened here either. It’s like you disappeared from the world when you came here, leaving behind any expectations and responsibilities you had. In a sense you were free, and the road before you was to be whatever you wanted it to be. So you took a breath, followed by a step forward, taking Taemin’s hand. He was content with your choice and the two of you walked side by side now on the same road as free spirits. The future was in your own hands, and you would face it all together.
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antash · 8 months
The Plan
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warnings: mention of marriage, talks about killing, dialogue heavy
synopsis: Having sent Y/N off to safety, Taemin gets to work. He meets with those he trusts to figure out how to keep you safe further on while gaining information.
note: this was more difficult than 'the letter' but i've got it done 🤙. this didn't exactly come out like i envisioned this scene but i'm happy enough with all the details i've managed 😌
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I'll come by later tonight, don't worry about me" Taemin told Y/N as he brought her into a hug. He pressed a kiss onto the side of her head before separating from her. Taemin and Jimin shared a look with one another as Y/N got into the other male's car, He watched as Jimin drove off, waiting until the ear was no longer in his eye sight to get into his own vehicle. Taemin texted his colleagues as he headed back into the town. He had learned his lesson to trust the people around him to help.
"Am I last?" Key asked as he walked into the office. He nodded to those he knew while settling into one of the chairs.
"'So that letter turned out to important, huh?" Taeyong sarcastically asked Taemin. Ten interrupted him with a flair of dramatic exsparation.
"What's going on?" he asked, looking towards the head of the table where the brown-haired male sat. "And what letter?" Ten continued turning to stare at Taeyong as well.
"You got a letter?" Minho spoke for the first time. "Like the ones for missions" he continued as he stood up from his seat. Taemin gestured for the older male to sit back down.
"If you stop asking me questions, I'll tell you everything I know" the brown-haired male said as he rubbed his temple in slight annoyance. Taemin passed the letter to his left, handing it to the former detective to look over.
Wait a minute, what about Onew? Or Shay or even Jimin?" Kai brought up, bringing attention to himself with a small raised hand.
"They're on their honeymoon, let's not bother them unless completely necessary. Jimin already knows, I've got him doing something for me right now. Ill update him later tonight based on what we decide in this meeting" Taemin said but his eyes were watching as the letter went through the other's hands.
"What does this mean for those of us not involved with the academy?" Key asked with a raised eyebrow as he crossed his leg.
"It means that they're planning on killing her" Minho said plainly.
"So I need to figure out a way to keep her safe until I can handle it" Taemin interjected. "It's why I asked Jimin to stay at one of his houses" he continued, taking the letter back and resisting the urge to crumble it. "I've already asked for Kai to handle the documents as well".
"Me and Taeyong know someone in America and Japan. We could contact them" Ten spoke as the after-mentioned male nodded.
"And I've got a contact in Canada if anything" Key added.
"That might be a risk. My cousin, Mark, works for the academy and has Canadian citizenship" Taeyong pointed out to the group but looking at Taemin.
The brown-haired male hummed as he considered the options. "Right now, call your person in Japan. But prepare to travel if needed, I don't want to send V/N off alone" he decided before turning to Minho and Key. "And can I have you talk to your contacts to find anything out" he begged the two older men.
"I'll call around. There's no reason for you to go through what I had to" Minho agreed, already standing up from his chair. Key stood as well, saying his final words with a nod in Taemin's direction.
"I'll go talk to the guy we know and work out travel plans" Ten said as he grabbed the blond's arm to pull him out of the room. Taeyong sent a playful salute to the brown-haired male. He turned to his best friend at the sound of him clearing his throat.
"What?" Taemin asked the raven-hair male as he placed his hand under his chin, leaning onto the left side of his chair.
"Don't you think Shay is gonna be pissed that they didn't know about the academy threatening Y/N's life? Didn't you say that the two are practically siblings?" Kai mentioned, leaning back into his own chair. The smirk on his face was condescending and Taemin knew he was rubbing the fact in his face.
"That's why I don't want to tell them until I have it figured out" Taemin said through gritted teeth. "Shay would be more pissed if I wasn't doing anything" he continued before sighing as he thought back. 'I barely was able to convince Shay that I was good enough to be dating Y/N" Taemin mentioned, bringing his hand down to his lap as he dropped his head onto the back of the chair. Kai laughed, almost falling of the seat doing so, at his statement. He shook his head, stood up with a wish of good luck; an chuckle still on his lips. Taemin knew he would need luck in this situation with more than just Shay.
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bbunisre · 9 months
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SUMMARY ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ in which megumi confesses to his sister's best friend after accidentally drinking at a party and how they try to go back to their original relationship afterwards. however, no matter how much they try to ignore each other and act like everything's okay, the awkward tension and growing heartbeats cannot be hidden.
PAIRING ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ megumi fushiguro x fem!reader
WARNINGS ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ fluff, smau, lil angst, best friend's brother/sister's best friend, non-sorcerer au (they go to a normal high school), megumi is one year younger, underaged drinking and drugs, lotta chaos
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11: MEGUMI'S (surprise) BIRTHDAY PARTY (0.3k)
23: THEY'RE TOGETHER ?! (written)
25: I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU (written)
more coming soon. . .
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TAGLIST (CLOSED): @k4romis @moonmalice @ahseyy @loltartaglia @sircatchungus @rinowinne @sad-darksoul @br66klynbaby @nymphsdomain @pastatata @tobaccosunbxrst @zellwa @porcobrainr0t  @instantmusico @1lellykins @camilo-uwu @iluv-ace @vernonburger @ohhyuuta @liliumaraneae  @m00nglad3-mp3 @sfmegumi @diogodxlot @bloombb @erenjvegerrr @liliumaraneae @polarbvnny @sleepyxxhead @jaynawayna @r0ckst4rjk @illumnis @we-loveebony @leathernourishingshoepolish  @kasumitenbaz @becsmarvel @en40p @sad-darksoul @stardusthyuck @shaigimo @illumnis @just-avi-youknow @lees-chaotic-brain @bakarinnie @saltypuffin1040 @aquatikk @ilykii @ultraviolencezs @lacimolela @ichorstainedskin @we-loveebony @hxlly-rwr @nepenthes-things @satoryaa
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sugaringgcaramel · 5 months
☆ 90's Love.
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CONTENTS: work romance, mark is oblivious, non-idol! au, written chapters, fluff, slice of life, def a lot of profanity, joking around of killing… :p
SUMMARY: long boring office days seem to become shorter once your eyes land on him, trying to find a way to get closer to him you ask your friends for help, maybe you and him could end up more than just friends…?
AUTHOR NOTE: im finally back and this time with an smau 🙀🙀 i hope you guys enjoy this, its been so long since ive written something and this is my first smau so please show it lots of love 🫶 (creds to nia’lah for the story’s header <3 @itaehynz)
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STATUS: ongoing.. !
SCHEDULE: taking a break at the moment!! (will be posting on fridays @ 10pm (MDT) !)
FEATURING — . . . the rest of nct 127, TXT’s yeonjun & beomgyu, shinee’s taemin !
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PROFILES: baddies w da fatties ‼️‼️ | sm doesnt pay us enough 🫡💔
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01. who is that fine ass man..
02. wdym i cant just stare at him
03. im nervy (half written)
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TAGLIST: open for adding! send an ask to be added ;)
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skzhocomments · 6 months
The Boundless Sphere of Fate - Lee Taemin - Epilogue
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General masterlist
Story masterlist - please consult it for the summary of the story, trigger warnings etc.
Wattpad + AO3
Previous chapter
word count: 460 words
Ugh, the wind is so cold today. I shudder while running through the busy boulevard.
I must hurry, otherwise my parents will be really mad.
Seriously, how could I fall asleep like that in the classroom on such an important day?!
Rain starts pouring down, hitting my eyes and blurring my vision, which makes it hard to see. As I take a corner-
“Ouch!” I exclaim, feeling my bum connect to the cold, wet ground below.
“I’m so sorry!” A young man says, giving me his hand to help me stand back up. “Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?”
“Well, I didn’t exactly hurt myself, did I?” I snap back and roll my eyes. Technically, I know it’s not his fault. I was the one running.
That doesn't make me less mad, though.
“Brat.” He chuckles.
“What did you just call me?” I furrow my brows, then notice he’s still holding my hand, so I yank it back quickly.
He chuckles again. “I said you’re a brat.”
“No, I heard you. But just- how dare you? I’m a stranger! Look, I would bicker with you more, but my parents are waiting for me, so I really need to go.”
I start walking away from the man, when he suddenly grabs my wrist, making me turn back.
“Are you a stranger, really? Haven’t we met before? I just get the feeling that we know each other already, somehow…”
“Damn, you’re a creep.” I say, but looking into his eyes, I get such a strong feeling of déjà-vu, I almost get dizzy.
“Oh, sorry, maybe I’m mistaken. Anyways, grab this, it’s raining.” He smiles briefly and hands me his umbrella. He is the one to turn his back on me this time, and as I watch him walk away, I get this sinking feeling in my stomach.
I just know that I can’t let him walk away, otherwise I might not see him again, and for some reason, this thought terrifies me.
“Wait!” I shout and start running after him. “This might be weird to you, or whatever, but… I also feel like maybe… somehow… we’ve met before. Have we? What’s your name?”
“Taemin.” He smiles again, and I swear, he has the most beautiful smile in the whole world, and my heart starts beating faster.
Maybe it’s just the running, or maybe my heart knows something I don’t.
“I’m Blair.”
“Nice to meet you, Blair.” He chuckles. It sounds so intoxicating, it makes me laugh as well. “Didn’t you say your parents are waiting for you? You should probably hurry back home.”
“Oh, right. Yes. Uhm, okay. Right. Thanks for the umbrella?”
Ugh, I want to die.
Why am I so socially awkward?
“No worries. But before you go…”
“Can I have your number?”
Previous chapter | General masterlist
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asherthehimbo · 10 months
Listen to my music, listen to your heart
Bang Chan x male!reader [soulmate au]
Synopsis: When his soulbond turned out to revolve around music, Chan had not been surprised - practically his whole life had an aspect of music in it. Only problem is - his soulmate's music seems really, really sad. Ofcourse the occasional party song is in there, and hey, even some of his own songs are there. Yet he can't help but cry everytime he hears the beat in his mind flow softly, a voice - on the verge of/ or already crying - singing the saddest songs Chan had ever heard. It pains him greatly, but there is nothing he can do except search for his soulmate. Who would've thought that his soulmate -one who he could tell went through so much- would be his best friends bubbly older brother whom he used to have a crush on.
Status: slowly posting
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The sun and its rays | The father and his kids | The extra's
Meme's | playlist |Soulbound explanation
one| prof. Taemin🤩
two | bubbles and boobie<3
three | new dad
four | Fifi🫶🏻
five | looky here
six | i just miss him
seven | Dt and lil Lee
eight | the cure to depression
nine | fake student yipeee
ten | Rachel stfu
eleven | dinner
twelve | okiii
thirteen | YOU DONT GET IT
fourteen | why?
fifteen | the sun is still a star
sixteen | LET THEM COOK🗣️
seventeen | not hehehe
eighteen | in Fifi we trust
nineteen | he doesn't fucking love you
twenty | Livvie :((
twenty one | Graduation era??
twenty two | It's only fair I gift you one in return
twenty three | epilogue
Taglist: [23/30][open]: @foxilsdenn @conwunder @heyogg @zzstar @xavi-in-kpopland @idkwhatto-namethis @glitchyaiko @kaisworlds @ashersdeadinside @kuuroomiii @kenaicantcommunicate @chansslvr @bee-the-loser @vivi0vivi @cb97s-laptop @victorbutnotreally @seongsangssbitch @jeonginplsholdmyhand @wolfbc97 @cigarettexburns @i-dont-know-me-either @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @leezanetheofficial
if your names in Orange/ bold it means Tumblr wont let me tag you
notes: due to a recent concern im specifying that the people used in this are CHARACTERS and should jot represent the original people in ANY way shape or form, especially Felix's family members thank you :) remember to respect idol and they're privacy
copyright | 2024 | @asherthehimbo
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