#legacies 2x06
bittersweetremains · 1 year
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hizzieheadquarters · 10 months
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elcnasxltzman · 2 years
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k-pepp · 4 months
With the final season of YR coming up, I’ve been thinking about Wille’s journey again. Because he’s 16, we won’t know if he actually chooses to renounce his title or remain in his role as future king, but I have a feeling this season will give us an indication which way it will go. So, before we get any type of confirmation, I want to get my current thoughts out. I’m aware that a lot of YR Tumblr skews toward King Wilhelm so my pro-renounce post might not resonate with anyone and that’s ok. I just want to put all my thoughts together before S3 comes along with something that totally blows all my opinions and assumptions out of the water 🙂 I understand the idea of wanting Wille to be King because he could be such a great leader. He is kind and compassionate and can be good at taking charge. BUT just because a person could be good at something, doesn’t mean they should be forced to do it. My number one reason for being in favor of Renouncing his Title is the sheer fact that Wille doesn’t want to be King. He doesn’t want the title. He doesn’t want that life. Wille has been shown a multitude of times talking about how he struggles with the duties that come with being a prince. Whether it’s with Erik:
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Or August:
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Or Boris:
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(honestly, this boy will spill his guts to anyone who is willing to even half listen to him. My god. I’m so glad they gave this poor kid a therapist) He's also talked about how he feels trapped in this position. For him, to renounce the throne would be freedom. Freedom to live a life he actually wants.
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Even the mere idea of staying in his current position makes him physically ill.
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Some people take the end of episode 2x06 to mean he’s moved beyond all that and accepted his role as the future king. I didn’t personally see it that way. I saw it as a combination of a few things. 1) When come face-to-face with it, he just couldn’t let August give the speech (But the fact that he was initially willing to let someone who distributed revenge porn against him become king really speaks to how much he definitely doesn’t want that position) 2) He didn’t want Simon to have to compromise his happiness and give in to a situation he didn’t actually want 3) He didn’t want to hide anymore. He wanted to be himself. Wille is a person who craves authenticity. Which brings me to a bigger point… Life as the Crown Prince / King is inherently inauthentic. One of the main pro-King arguments is that he would blaze his own trail and do things his way. But how? Being a member of the royal family is a job. The basic responsibilities of that job are to do things like diplomatic visits, hosting events, being part of photo ops, schmoozing with people… pretty much all things having to do with putting on a public persona. It’s great that he could be himself in the sense that he would be the first queer Crown Prince / King, but the baseline duties he would have to fulfill are still inherently inauthentic. And I don’t know how he would “do it his way” aside from just not doing it. He hates putting on fake smiles
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the photo ops
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the schmoozing with people
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Erik even told Wille, the way to get through that stuff is to just pretend to be someone else.
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We know he’s capable of doing it. We saw how charming he could be at Parents Day weekend. But that was because he wanted to sit with Simon and impress Simon’s mom. Other than that lunch, he mostly hid in his room. And it goes back to my original point. Just because someone may be good at something doesn’t mean they should be forced to do it. (And yes, even if he walked away from the line of succession, he could still have familial obligations, but it wouldn’t be anywhere near the level of what is expected now) At this point, Wille is only continuing as Crown Prince because of a commitment to his family. Mainly Erik.
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He doesn’t want to let him down or feel like he’s betraying his legacy. To Wille, Erik was perfect. We only saw two full conversations between them and in both conversations, Erik was telling Wille to get his act together because “it’s not that hard”.
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That quote is probably something he told Wille a lot. So much that Wille later regurgitates it to Boris. Three different times.  
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Going on to say that Erik could handle everything easily.  
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Based on the fact that Erik was going to Boris, he probably wasn’t managing everything with ease. But in Wille’s perception, he was. Wille is basically chasing a ghost. Self-imposed pressure of unattainable perfection. He bears a guilt that pushes him to want to be someone he thinks Erik would be proud of.   The problem with that is, Erik was a monarchist. Maybe he struggled a bit (which is why he went to Boris), but based on the things he would say to Wille, he backed the monarchy / family completely.
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Ultimately, I just want Wille to be happy. Maybe S3 will completely change my outlook and I’ll root for him to become king because that’s what he wants. But right now, I think he only wants it out of a sense of obligation to Erik. And honestly…maybe my most controversial opinion…if he did stay in his position because of Erik, he probably wouldn’t change that much within the institution. I mean, he couldn’t change much even if he wanted to. He wouldn’t be allowed to do big things without the consent of the Swedish parliament and maybe a public referendum. And I doubt he’d even have the capability to make small changes. As already pointed out by @piebingo in this great post, Kristina didn’t actually want August to be next in line. But she was overruled. The Royal Court has a lot of power and making any sort of reforms or independent decisions is not that simple. Especially within an establishment that relies on keeping everything exactly the same. But even if that weren’t true. Even if Wille could snap his fingers and make all these huge changes… part of me doesn’t think he would. I know a lot of the folks who are pro-King Wilhelm want him to become the king just so he can completely destroy it from within. But to me, in Wille’s eyes there would be no bigger betrayal to Erik’s legacy than Wille burning the institution to the ground. And if he wants to live up to Erik’s legacy. Not betray him. Not let him down. He will act as he thinks Erik would act. If Wille becomes king because of Erik, he’ll maintain the establishment because of Erik. And he would be miserable doing it. Miserable and without Simon. Yes, my other controversial opinion. If Wille stayed as king, Wilmon wouldn’t make it. Simon is described to us as a socialist. One of his introductory scenes is him calling the monarchy the country’s biggest welfare scammers. I can’t imagine Simon giving up his musical dreams to join an institution that he hates. I also can’t imagine Wille letting him do that. That was such a big part of Wille’s growth in Season 2. Wille wouldn’t let Simon sacrifice his happiness for the sake of his own happiness (being with Simon). Even if Simon didn’t end up pursuing something in music, he made it clear in his talk with Rosh and Ayub that he wants to work hard to make something of himself.
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I mean, look at him. Look at this sweet baby angel’s face when he’s told he has an opportunity that will open doors to his future. I can’t imagine him giving up his ambitions or autonomy to become prince consort. Having to live every day under royal rules and protocols. Maybe he would. I personally can’t see it. And finally, I know a main reason people like the idea of King Wille is because we like the idea of a queer king. But as much as we all want queer representation; I don’t think it should be anybody’s responsibility to be the political representation that people want to see. Wille shouldn’t be in a position he hates because he’s queer. A queer person living their life and getting out of a toxic situation is also good representation. A person can’t fix the problem by becoming part of it. Having him be the face of an institution that’s been about exploitation and oppression isn’t going to solve it. It's always been said by Lisa and Edvin that Wille’s problem is not that he’s queer. It’s that he’s a prince. Everything about what’s making him unhappy is about him being prince / the future king. Him walking away from his title would be about him escaping a future that would make him miserable. Personally, that’s what I’m hoping for.
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raayllum · 1 month
Anyway time to talk about the 6x03 poem:
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As many others have speculated judging by the map, Captain Skall made her way to Hook named after her, and then "as east she sailed into waters so deadly and cold" in the Frozen Shards, her ship eventually being stuck and meeting her doom there.
With that out of the way, I want to talk about other pieces of info, why this might be the poem for 6x03 specifically, and where I think Skall may fit timeline wise:
"From the isles without name" makes me think of the Independent Isles in between Evenere and Katolis.
"sailing north, she called herself free" makes me feel feral with Callum (and Rayla) doing the same in hopes of freeing Callum from Aaravos' grasp by destroying the prison
"Through forests and flowers, past the uneven towers" clearly symbolizes Katolis, indicating that Skall lived once most of the human kingdoms had been established, and thereby post-Exile/Exodus.
"Skall hungered for glory, she wanted a story / they’d tell it long after she died". Routinely we see a desire for glory / worthiness / power described as hunger ("Hungry for knowledge and power" / "But that small taste left some humans hungry—starved, even—for a better path. An easier path. And thus Elarion became the birthplace of a new form of magic, a shortcut to primal power: dark magic"). This also comes into seeking a legacy.
"So with winter wind’s blowing / she sailed north, forgoing / a man who’d have made her his bride". This is where we see the poem take a more negative slant in a few ways. The first is winter, wind, and north, setting up a future unfortunate turn of events. This is also the first mention of Skall having something else in her life other than adventure and something she had to subsequently abandon. While the end of the poem is much more on her side of feelings, "forgoing" does mean "renouncing; sacrificing or giving up" something that is more positive.
"Alone in the cold, yet ever so bold" again adds to the more negative feeling the poem is building, as boldness is in the contrast with "alone in the cold" that's overall negative and maintaining a bit more of an upkeep. Likewise, we see the return of the wind with an even more negative connotation in wailing in the following stanza: "And oh, winter wailed / as east she sailed / into waters so deadly and cold". We see the return of cold but also the change into things being 'deadly' (although there were still hints of danger earlier, as 'bold' indicates).
"Then came the ice, and trapped in its vise" The cold finally catches up to her, and we see ice return as a form of entrapment (2x06, 3x08, 3x09, 5x04, 5x06, 5x08). Most interestingly, "vise" is a tool with closable jaws for clamping things. Maybe the ice is magical, or the jaw of a great (the dragon we've seen in the trailer) creature?
"And while she found peace / she wished that, at least / she’d told him she loved him, always". While the poem ends on a somewhat bittersweet end (at death but at peace), we do see that Skall died with a final regret to the man she could've wed but left instead.
Or you could say, a last wish.
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Either way, the poem paints a rather grim journey: going North didn't hold the same freedom and achievements that Skall hoped for, and instead led to entrapment, separation, and death.
That said: there's a few Rayllum-y things I think we can glean from this poem, for starters:
1) The episode will likely have a strong focus on Callum and Rayla sailing to and/or through the Frozen Sea on whatever ship they're planning to use to get there. This leaves 6x02 "Love, War, and Mushrooms" more open to either explore other plot lines or another pit stop in their journey (like say, the Silvergrove)
2) The poem itself has pretty clear Rayllum parallels, specifically in TDP's continual gender subversion of the women who puts other things above her romantic relationship, even if it's likewise seen as a sacrifice. Rayla left Callum in order to protect him/the world from Viren, even if that meant damaging their relationship, and Skall puts her desire for glory and adventure over presumably a more settled married life at home. (Excuse me while I scream over "forgoing a man who'd have made her his bride.")
3) The poem likewise has some parallels to Rayla's "Dear Callum" letter specifically. There are wishes expressed of the leaving party, a desire to have made feelings more plain that Callum reiterates in 5x04 when they think they're about to die ("I hope you know—" "I know"), and most notably, a parallel to the always mention:
she wished that, at least she’d told him she loved him, always.
But, if it does—if you feel that soft aching—know that that piece of your heart isn’t missing. It’s not missing at all, Callum: I’m carrying it with me! Always. I love you. I love you so much.
4) All this bodes quite well for 6x03 being an episode with a big Rayllum moment in it — perhaps even their Big "You Finally Came Back" Talk — especially since there's not much else to (presumably) happen on a ship if they're just travelling somewhere (and not being pursued this time).
Episode Speculation (a summary / misc thoughts)
Callum and Rayla travelling to the Frozen Sea
Big Talk happens
+ potential love confession / reaffirmation?
They reach the other end of the Frozen Sea
Maybe fight the big dragon from the video game teaser we see with Rayla (like Skall, she has literal hooks = blades) whose guarding or in their way to the Starscraper? Could account for the jaws and maybe the ice
One of them is worried and/or has a moment of thinking the other person is hurt/injured bc of said dragon fight?
Maybe some Aaravos backstory in his lost love (although like I said, I don't think it's Skall exactly — I still think the likeliest names are Elara-adjacent or Kalik)
Episode Title Speculation (in about this order):
The Frozen Sea
By River and Sea
Always (this would be my personal favourite and i would never stop screaming)
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goodwhump-temp · 8 months
Ezra Bridger Whump | Star Wars Rebels
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"Wait! Who's roger?" - The Great Jabba
1x02 Spark of Rebellion Pt.2 - Captured/imprisoned, abandoned, punched 1x03 Droids in Distress - Freaked out 1x05 Rise of the Old Masters - Annoyed, falls from the ghost, angry/neglected, thrown 1x08 Empire Day - Depressed/heartbroken 1x09 Gathering Forces - Emotional, scared/angry, passes out, carried/comforted 1x10 Path of the Jedi - Terrified, knocked down, manipulated, witnesses horrible deaths, angry 1x12 Vision of Hope - Blacks out, manipulated, scared 1x14 Rebel Resolve - Worried 1x15 Fire Across the Galaxy - Pushed, hit by lightsaber, falls, unconscious ---------------------------
2x01 Siege of Lothal Pt.1 - Crashlanding 2x02 Siege of Lothal Pt.2 - Pinned, heartbroken (Tarkin Town) 2x05 Always Two There Are - Pinned, captured 2x06 Brothers of the Broken Horn - Frustrated, restrained, pushed 2x09 Stealth Strike - Captured/imprisoned, frustrated, nearly falls, fingers smushed (Chopper) 2x10 The Future of The Force - Scared, knocked back, 2x11 Legacy - Vision, frustrated/desperate, crying 2x12 Princess on Lothal - Heartbroken, knocked out, dragged 2x14 Legends of Lasat - Briefly unconscious 2x15 The Call - Knocked down, suffocating, weak 2x16 Homecoming - Shocked unconscious 2x21 Twilight of the Apprentice Pt.1 - Falls x3, manipulated 2x22 Twilight of the Apprentice Pt.2 - Manipulated, almost falls, knocked back, knocked down ---------------------------
3x01 Steps Into Shadow Pt.1 - Confronted, emotionally abandoned, angry 3x02 Steps Into Shadow Pt.2 - Scared, reprimanded 3x03 Holocrons of Fate - Scared, angry, manipulated, knocked unconscious, unconscious, headache 3x04 Antilles Extraction - Anxious 3x05 Hera's Heroes - Shocked unconscious, carried 3x06 Last Battle - Shocked unconscious 3x07 Imperial Supercommandos - Shocked unconscious, captured 3x09 Wynkahthu Job - Fall (caught) 3x11 Visions and Voices - Schizophrenic, jumpscared x3, knocked unconscious, confused panic, manipulated 3x16 Legacy of Mandalore - Betrayed, worried 3x17 Through Imperial Eyes - "Captured" 3x19 Double Agent Droid - Airlock opened 3x20 Twin Suns - Extreme exhaustion, worried, scared, hallucinating, collapses unconscious ---------------------------
4x01 Heroes of Mandalore Pt.1 - Unhinged jetpack flying the whole episode, almost falls from cliff/sacrifice 4x02 Heroes of Mandalore Pt.2 - Clumsy, helmet shocked (17:35), pain 4x03 In the Name of the Rebellion Pt.1 - Frustrated 4x04 In the Name of the Rebellion Pt.2 - Shocked unconscious, restrained 4x05 The Occupation - Heartbroken (Lothal) 4x06 Flight of the Defender - Clumsy, 'hallucinating', crash landing, hunted 4x07 Kindred - Tackled, manhandled, hunted 4x08 Crawler Commandeers - Manhandled 4x11 Dume - Grieving, comforted, guilt, freaked out, lost, eerily interrogated 4x13 A World Between Worlds - Briefly unconscious x2, guilt/heartbroken, knocked down, collapses, held, exhausted 4x15/16 Family Reunion & Farewell - Shot, sacrifice
forced myself to make this better than my (now deleted) og post
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thunderbirds-showdown · 3 months
Round 3 came and went and took with it some fan favourites. We're halfway through the tournament now, and there are only a handful of episodes left! It's time to get your bets in as to which one you think will win!
The episodes that have been eliminated this round are:
1x02: Ring of Fire - Part 2
1x09: Slingshot
1x21: Comet Chasers
1x23: Chain of Command
2x02: Ghost Ship
2x06: Up from the Depths - Part 1
2x23: Long Haul
2x25: Hyperspeed
3x24: Firebreak
3x26: The Long Reach - Part 2
Previous eliminated episodes:
1x03: Space Race
1x04: Crosscut
1x05: Fireflash
1x06: Unplugged
1x07: Runaway
1x10: Tunnels of Time
1x11: Skyhook
1x12: Under Pressure
1x13: Heavy Metal
1x14: Falling Skies
1x15: Relic
1x17: Heist Society
1x19: Extraction
1x20: The Hexpert
1x22: Designated Driver
1x24: Touch and Go
1x25: Undercover
1x26: Legacy
2x01: Earthbreaker
2x03: Deep Search
2x04: City Under the Sea
2x07: Up from the Depths - Part 2
2x08: Lost Kingdom
2x09: Impact
2x10: High Strung
2x11: Weather or Not
2x12: Fight or Flight
2x13: Escape Proof
2x14: Volcano!
2x15: Power Play
2x16: Bolt from the Blue
2x17: Attack of the Reptiles
2x18: Grandma Tourismo
2x19: Clean Sweep
2x21: Inferno
2x24: Rigged for Disaster
2x26: Brains vs. Brawn
3x01: Chaos - Part 1
3x02: Chaos - Part 2
3x03: Path of Destruction
3x04: Night and Day
3x05: Growing Pains
3x06: Life Signs
3x07: Rally Raid
3x08: Crash Course
3x09: Flame Out
3x10: Deep Water
3x11: Endgame
3x12: SOS - Part 1
3x14: Signals - Part 1
3x15: Signals - Part 2
3x16: Chain Reaction
3x17: Getaway
3x18: Avalanche
3x19: Upside Down
3x21: Break Out
3x22: Buried Treasure
3x23: Venom
3x25: The Long Reach - Part 1
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Hi there! So, I don't know if you’re in the mood to have your brain chemistry altered by the silly little lego show once more, or if you’ve just already done this, but I have a suggestion. Try watching the S4 special (specifically A Lifetime of Mistakes) for the millionth time, and then take that knowledge, along with the Wukong-Macaque/MK-Mei Hero and Warrior parallels we’ve been getting, and THEN go rewatch S1E6 AKA The Great Wall Race. Specifically through that particular lens.  
And just… enjoy watching the decisions they, especially MK, make during a situation where an immortality-granting object is on the line. Have no major thoughts about how this is the first real fight we see Mei and MK have. Experience absolutely zero strong emotions as you watch MK’s pursuit of that object lead to him destroying things that both of them love. Just… have a lovely, peaceful rewatch. 
But seriously, if you’re in the mood to let the silly little monkey show do its silly little monkey show thing, try rewatching that episode because it legitimately ruined my night. 
Like… it’s not a perfect, one-to-one comparison. There’s a lot of differences, both nuanced and obvious, that differentiate the two situations. 
But there’s something there and it’s been driving me insane, so feel free to come join me on the precipice of madness if you want.
But anyways *puts on sunglasses* I always have zero emotions when it comes to the lego show. Me? Completely calm and collected. I totally didn't have a breakdown while rewatching 1x06 to write this post.
But, just to meander on by the precipice of madness...
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Mei: "*gasp* My bike! What is wrong with you! I thought you were my friend!" MK: "Okay! I did bad! I just- I really wanted that peach and I guess I got carried away! You know how much I love stone fruit. *sigh* I was never gonna win though—you're the racer, not me. I'm sorry." Mei: "Yeah I know—just, don't be dumb next time, okay?" MK: "All I can do is try!"
(1x06 The Great Wall Race)
Even without the added context of s4, it's easy to put together that the whole reason MK wants the peach to begin with is to become more like Monkey King. Case in point, 1x09:
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MK: "I just wanted to be good enough..."
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"...like you."
(1x09 Macaque)
MK in seasons 1-2 is pushed by his motivation to live up to Monkey King's legacy—to become stronger. He wants to have the power to protect and help his friends, but this often causes more trouble than it fixes (1x01, 1x02, 1x06, 1x09, 2x03, 2x06, 2x10).
And so, MK reaching for immortality and wanting to be "good enough", instead harming the relationships he's trying to help?
Macaque: "No that's YOU! You're the one always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality—you're the one who wouldn't quit while were were ahead! Not the great sage, he's got to drag EVERYONE else into his mess!"
MK: "Why didn't he just stop, right here? He was already so much stronger than anyone ever needed to be!" Macaque: "Wukong didn't think so. He always felt he had to be stronger—more immortal."
Sun Wukong: "I just wanted to protect the people I cared about—to be strong enough. I lost sight of why I was doing any of it."
It's like history is repeating itself.
Which, this all obviously has a strong connection to 1x06, but it also is a strong connection to 2x06:
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MK: "It means I need to be stronger! Be so powerful, that it'd be certain defeat to fight me!" Sandy: "Maybe you need a break little man, just kick back for a bit." MK: "Uh, did Monkey King ever take breaks?"
(2x06 Game On)
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Sun Wukong: "Daw, don't be like that! Eat some fruit, soak up the sun—that's why I've been training so hard! Macaque: "What, so you can be the strongest?" Sun Wukong: "No! Well...maybe a little bit—but that's not the point! It's so that we don't have to worry about anything or anyone ever again! Just live a lazy life sittin' in the sun and eatin' fruit, and doing whatever we want!"
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
Did Monkey King ever take breaks?—well, he did. It's here we start to see both the similarities and the differences between SWK and MK. AND IT DRIVES ME INSANE. They both reach after power in paranoia. They both try to protect the people they care about (and sometimes they do that through lying/leaving). They both want things to stay the same. Yet, SWK is arrogant where MK is self conscious. SWK goes off alone where MK tries to do it together. SWK can't plan for shit where MK is the designated plan man.
Sun Wukong VS MK and Monkey King VS Monkey Kid. How are they similar and how are they different?
And then if you throw Wukong-Macaque/MK-Mei Hero and Warrior parallels into all of it?
Peng: "The six-eared Macaque fighting side by side with his own replacements! Is there anything Wukong could do that would break his hold over you?" (4x13 Rip and Tear)
Is there anything MK could do that would turn Mei against him? I feel that it's SO telling that Mei wasn't included in this conversation:
Yellow Tusk: "I know full well what would happen should Azure fail. But- but he is my brother. I owe him my life." Sandy: "We get it! I'd do anything to help my friends. But at the cost of the world?" Pigsy: "I'm sorry pal, but NOTHING worth that price!"
(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
And here's why Mei is going to be the one to calm MK down like MK calmed her down during 3x10—
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aloe-parallels · 10 months
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Legacies 2x06 x Legacies 4x09
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hedgiwithapen · 8 months
Stargirl Barb: “I’m not cut out for this.”
set during 2x06
The machines beeped quietly, a constant alert that Pat's heart was beating, that his lungs were filling, that at least he was alive. Barb took a moment to press her face into the cool white sheets of the hospital bed, struggling to breathe herself.  She hadn't allowed herself to fall apart with Courtney there, though she'd wanted to the moment her work phone had rang, and she'd heard the awful sob  on the other end of the line-- "Mom, Pat--Pat's--oh, god, there's blood--"
She'd thought he was dead. Bridget Chapel had assured her and Courtney and the voicemail running on Mike's unanswered phone, that he'd be ok. Weak and maybe dizzy for a few days, but nothing that wouldn't heal in time.
Barb wasn't sure they had time.  "I'm not cut out for this," she told Pat, still asleep, his chest rising and falling awkwardly around the ribs that were at best bruised. This wasn't supposed to be her life. A year ago, she'd been preparing for a move here, envisioning the best parts of her childhood. That was what Courtney and Mike should have had; drive in movies, homecoming dances, family dinners. Not monsters trying to kill them in their own home. 
Courtney had the Staff. It would protect her, and Mike, Barb knew, but that hadn't been enough to save Pat's old friend. She wanted to stand and pace. She didn't want to let go of Pat's hand. 
"I'm not cut out for this," she said again. Sitting, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting, and hoping... she hated every minute of it. But what was there she could actually do? She didn't have a mech, or a legacy to carry. 
She had a phone, though. And a business card tucked into her pocket. 
Carefully, she pulled her hand free, wincing at the tiny noise that escaped Pat's throat when she did. 
The Shade. Pat had said he was a villain. He'd been nothing but ominous. But he could have hurt her, in that storage room. He could have taken all of Zarrick's things, and surely more of them had to be real magic. He had found where she worked. He could have found her home as easily as asking anyone on the sidewalk.
She walked to the window, squinting in the direction of the school. There was no sign of a fight, yet. She hoped that was good. closing her eyes, she hoped that she was doing the right thing, because she had to do something.
The Shade answered before the first ring of the phone had finished.  
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Shadow & Bone 2x06 - “Ni Weh Sesh” (I Have No Heart) : Quotes
"- You will not know what price id demands until it is too late." (Baghra)
"- Hope is a lie. And illusion. All in good time. Eliminate hope. You gain clarity." (Aleksander)
"- A legacy of wrongdoing never made right." (Baghra)
"- She always told me I was one of my father's abominations. (Baghra) - She was wrong. (Alina) - She was right. Have you not been paying attention ?" (Baghra)
"- You can't hear the frequency because it's you. (Baghra) - You're lying. I'm not a Morozova. (Mal) - We are the cursed progeny of a madman and you, Malyen Oretsev, are the Firebird. You have to accept what you are. You must sacrifice yourself upon her blade or the Fold remains. And the girl dies trying to save everyone." (Baghra)
"- Know that I loved you, Aleksander. Know that it wasn't enough." (Baghra)
"- Three days and nights she fought the unstoppable soldiers. And when the last soldier fell, she laid down the weapon. And it was named Neshyenyer. "Relentless". We are honored to be in your presence, Sankta Neyar." (Tolya)
"- You're just a child, really. (Sankta Neyar) - A child who understood your weakness. (Kaz) - "Weakness." Four hundred years I've been alive. I've seen them all die. My family. All my loved ones. Taken away from me by time. Hundreds of years I closed my heart, as if that was the solution to ending all pain. What a safe way to live. What a small way, as well. You guard against pain. You guard against joy. But when you allow yourself to be blindsided by love.. two worlds make a universe. He's not my weakness. He's my universe. And I will see him through his days. Shading every moment.... until he is part of the night sky." (Sankta Neyar)
"- You are too old to be a terrible Durast." (Sankta Neyar) "- Maybe I did see something through the haze of the poison. There are those who drown us, and those who pull us out. (Kaz) - Maybe I saw something too. (Inej) - What di your toxin trip reveal to you? (Kaz) - Hope is dangerous. Clouds your judgement." (Inej)
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bittersweetremains · 1 year
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Danielle Rose Russell as Hope Mikaelson on Legacies season 2 episode 6
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allamericansbitch · 2 years
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Hey everyone! Here’s this weeks addition to my Creator Shoutout Series (july 24 - july 31) ! For info about the series, I explained it in the first post here, but generally, it’s to show appreciate to editors and their creations that i love from the past week. To track this series or look at previous shoutouts, please check out the tag on my blog *creatorshoutouts. Have a great week everyone!
keke palmer + memes gifset by @nessa007
the bear: sydney adamu in season one gifset by @trueloveistreacherous
stranger things: will byers gifset by @mayfields-max
hasley: darling gifset by @demonzplay
breakfast at tiffanys gifset by @isabelladjanis
stranger things: chrissy cunningham gifset by @redbelles
taylor swift: seven graphic by @tsthearcher
stranger things: steve harrington + tv tropes gifset by @kieumy-vu
the bear: sydney adamu in season one gifset by @lousolversons
only murders in the building: mabel mora in 2x06 gifset by @trueloveistreacherous
disney: favorite animals in the disney renaissance gifset by @dewandawise
stranger things: eddie munson in the background gifset by @corrodedcoffins
90s pop culture and legacy gifset by @antoniosvivaldi
taylor swift: style/love story/you belong with me gifset by @thatwasthenightthingschanged
stranger things: robin buckley gifset by @yellenabelova
favorite songs from the 90s gifset by @daenerys-targaryen
taylor swift: lyrics + gold gifset by @littletonpace
the emperor’s new groove gifset by @nikita-mearss​
the bear: ‘family’s up’ gifset by @anderwater​
stranger things: max mayfield gifset by @a-hologramgalaxy
parks and recreation: leslie knope gifset by @jakeyp
spider-man: into the spider-verse gifset by @brucebanners
stranger things: robin and steve gifset by @worldoffeelings
only murders in the building: mabel mora in 2x06 gifset by @ferrisbuellers
taylor swift gifset by @treacherous
barry: noho hank in season three gifset by @twobabkas​​
fear street: 1996 gifset by @florencipugh
stranger things: eddie munson gifset by @viktorcreel
scream 1996: classic horror tropes gifset by @chrissy-cunningham
killing eve: villanelle in season one gifset by @villenelle
stranger things: lucas sinclair gifset by @simon-eriksson​
ethel cain: ​​‘god’s country’ racing jacket design by @flavferreira96
​euphoria: maddie perez in season two gifset by @twerkforambrose
stranger things: mike wheeler + character profile gifset by @padmaemidala​
the parent trap + letterboxd reviews gifset by @userskywalkers
succession: kendall roy gifset by @orla-mcool
stranger things:​​​ eddie and mike gifset by @hellshee
beyonce: renaissance gifset by @beyonce-knowles-carter​​
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thesnowfelled · 2 years
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𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄:  Landon Reese Kirby
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄:  April 2nd, 2012
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐒:  8 pounds, 11 ounces   &  19 inches long  &  1:00 pm
𝐀𝐆𝐄:  21 years old
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑:  cis male
𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐄𝐒:   phoenix
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒:  he/him
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐒:  Aria Shahghasemi
𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃:  right handed
𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌:  unsteady by x ambassadors
𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: Highly selective. There must be plotting here for me to write him. He is open for interactions and shipping though.
I stop canon at 2x06 for all of my legacies characters.
Landon stays a phoenix.
Never melted into goo after sex with Hope Mikaelson nor would he if they went that way.
Didn’t get back together with Hope or Josie. This can be changed based off of the person I’m writing with.
Becomes a bartender at Rousseau's but only after 20 years of being out of college.
To  request to be a main or exclusive, please message me what muse interests you for this. We must either plot first or have been writing together on this blog or even a single muse blog that I ran in this past. We don’t have to have had anything written with our muses regarding the character though. The mains and exclusives on my carrd are  blog wide. This is a section per character.
Currently there are no mains or exclusives for this character.
From the moment that Landon Kirby was born he was wishing for a anchor and a place to call home. Left on a doorstep of a local church with only a single image of the woman that gave birth to him and a name there wasn’t much connection there. Foster family after family came and left with a few promising hits but none never stayed past a few years if he was lucky at best. Landon can’t remember anything remarkable about his life until he was an adult.
Landon ages out of the system without a family besides a boy named Rafael Waithe. The two of them are the best of friends. The two of them get jobs and start to work to keep food on the table and the lights on. Life is tough but Rafael manages to get himself a girlfriend that he enjoys. Things are great for them even if it was mundane until Rafael is an accident and Landon has to give the news that Cassie didn’t make it. The unknown wolf spends the next month angry and things hit a head on the full moon.
Rafael’s former foster family, the ones that kept in contact with him and called him son,   suggest getting the help from a priest and thus Landon is there when the Salvatore College comes to the rescue. Landon finds a home with them after many ups and downs. Finding out where he came from and that he was just as special, the young male is now on a roll with immortality and the abilities of a phoenix
Add a few wishlist ideas here.
𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐬.
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥.
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deanstudies101 · 2 months
2x06, No Exit
Critical theory: Fathers and legacies. Emotional intelligence. Female characters?
Discussion question(s): Was Dean right to lie to Ellen? Should Ellen get a say in whether Jo hunts or not? 
Key quotes: Dean, “My dad started me on this when I was so young, I wish I could do something else.”
Discussion: Dean’s memory about his dad (being taken shooting at 6 or 7) is supposed to be a positive/happy memory, but yikes. Does Dean know he was too young for that? Is he repressing that? Iga and Kai think yes, he’s starting to see John’s flaws. The moment when Dean tried to talk to Jo, as soon as Jo says ‘no’ he apologises and walks away. Dean sees and understands boundaries, even non-verbal ones (like when he swaps Jo’s knife). John forcing Dean to hunt vs. Ellen worrying so much about losing Jo that she won’t let her—is that hard for Dean to watch? Is he wondering if John ever felt protective of him? Jo insists on being used as bait, Dean eventually agrees and then takes the blame for it. John used Dean as bait when he was a kid. Dean respects women. ‘Women do the job just fine. Amateurs don’t.’ Dean knows when to trust people to do what they need to do, and when to not—he reads people well. 
Notes: Kai says all the women dress the same? 
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spnwin-reader · 4 months
Feeling closer to my father through work
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JO HARVELLE: “I was still in pigtails when my dad died but, I remember him coming home from a hunt. He’d burst through that door like he was Steve McQueen or something. And he’d sweep me up in his arms, and I’d breathe in that old leather jacket of his. And my mom who was sour and pissed from the minute he left she started smiling again…we were a family. You wanna know why I want to do the job? For him. It's my way of being close to him. Now tell me, what's wrong with that? SPN prime 2x06
John is giddy to find out more about his dad's legacy.
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He remembers that Henry was a sweet papa ("Pops") who tucked him in at night, who told him not to be afraid of monsters under the bed, and bought him a music box that played "As Time Goes By" from Casablanca (1942). I would venture that this is probably a Millie-Henry song, too.
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John and Henry are united by music, the way that John and Dean are united by music, and John and Mary are united by music. There's also the fact that Dean communicates his personal feelings to Cas through the John-Mary music selection Led Zeppelin (SPNprime The Future 12x19), and how Dean and Jack are united by "old" music (SPNprime Byzantium 14x08, and Don't Go Into the Woods 14x16).
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In SPN prime, John kept Henry's old journal with his initials, using it as his own journal in order to feel closer to him.
John misses him so.
Look how excited he is at the prospect of hunting and learning more about him:
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JOHN: H.E.W. Henry Eric Winchester. This is my dad's locker. We had a lock just like it on our shed. The combination's my birthday.
Henry's old coat hangs here:
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Symbolically, it feels like a "working class" Millie-and-John-Dean-coded jacket on the right...and a "mid-level work" Henry-Cas-coded coat on the left.
(We also see the WATCH AND READING GLASSES for Henry, because he's a "loremaster/reader" and he's untethered and lost to time.)
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Indeed, the photograph is set up this way, too, with Millie on the left and Henry on the right.
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And the loss is still painful for John, but knowing that Henry loved him helps John see more clearly, feel more firmly rooted in place: the truth was right here.
It's like the first stitches over an open wound.
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