#legal bindings
deimosatellite · 7 months
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nuh uh
8K notes · View notes
beepbopitsgt · 2 years
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Reblog to make him lose another 200 billion, like to make him lose 1 billion
87K notes · View notes
reblog to reblog
2K notes · View notes
2deadboys · 2 months
just thinking about that one concept of Charles telling Edwin they should get married so they have a claim on each others souls (so Hell can't have Edwin)
but early on in their friendship
Charles is all like hey so you know how you escaped hell and youre running from it bc it still owns your soul...... what if we got married so your soul technically belongs to me?? -- and mine is yours of course.
Edwin is just "... you want to marry me?"
"As best mates of course :))) I'll do anything to keep you safe."
and they lowkey forget about it till Hell nabs Edwin again. But this time Charles argues to the Night Nurse that actually Edwins soul belongs to him. And whips out their marriage certificate.
And shes like 😐 "I'm going to have to file this officially.... but technically your claim is stronger than Hells."
Hell had Edwins soul because of a technicality. But Charles has his soul because Edwin willingly gives himself to him.
928 notes · View notes
house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - 9
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | series mast. | prev. part | next part
Chapter 9 : Grand Prix and Grand Gestures
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: famous!reader, actress!reader, mentions of substances, intoxication, mature language, real people. (do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: sorry for the long wait for this new chapter, just enjoying my summer yk! anyways, thanks for your guys' continued support and patience! much love!!
Word Count: 5.6k+
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When Jenna stepped out of her room at precisely 4:45 AM, with the early morning sun yet to rise, the last thing she expected to find was the shared kitchen to be a mess. 
Courtesy of you, of course. ‘Cause who else?
“What the hell are you doing to our kitchen?” Jenna croaked out, running a hand against the plastered wall as a guide as she tiredly rubbed her sleep-filled eyes with the other. When the blurring in her vision goes away, they settle on you looking… wired, like you’d had three cups of espresso already. 
“Good morning!” You whispered, admiring her messy bedhead with a large toothy smile. “I’m making you breakfast.”
“Why?” She asked, voice hoarse. You rolled your eyes as you passed her a steaming mug of coffee without a word causing her to flick a brow up, opting to take a sip instead of questioning it. 
“I’m making you breakfast so you don’t go to work hungry, again.” You explained matter-of-factly, turning your back to check on the stove. The younger actress couldn’t stave off her surprise that you’ve noticed her skipping the most important meal of the day. “Now I’m not the best cook. But, I learned a thing or two about making a mean avocado toast, and since you’re vegetarian… it’s really the only thing I can make you.”
Jenna didn’t expect her heart to be racing so early in the morning. Since your talk, the two of you have been more at ease around the other; falling back into that natural banter, every once in a while. But she can’t lie… the friends' agreement has been difficult to follow through with, especially since you’ve started with gestures such as this. 
The younger actress finds she’s started to… allow herself to enjoy these domestic moments with you, knowing that now, feelings are very much reciprocated — just, without a label yet. 
Placing the steaming mug down on the kitchen island, she chose not to comment on how her coffee was made exactly how she liked it. “I appreciate the gesture, Y/N. I hope you didn’t wake up early just to make me breakfast.”
You turned off the stove, took the pan off the burner, and rolled your eyes. “Get off your high horse, I was already up.” Turning around with the pan still in your hand. 
“You were already up or you didn’t go to sleep?” She countered, expression flat.
You smiled sheepishly, “Jet lag is kicking my ass.”
Jenna snorted and watched as you plated the perfectly-browned toast on a dish and spread some avocados on top; garnishing it with the utmost (adorable) concentration on your face before sliding the plate across the island with a small but proud grin. 
“Consider it compliments of the chef,” you send her a playful wink, glancing down. Jenna follows your line of sight, reading the printed words on the apron. 
Kiss the Chef.
She tried to fight the smile creeping on her face but it proved futile when she felt the familiar warmth enveloping her pale morning cheeks. 
“You’re not as smooth as you think you are…” Was the best response the younger actress could trust herself to utter. “When did you even buy that?”
You laughed, picking up your own cup of coffee. “I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
Jenna ignored you, electing to take a bite of the toast. She almost felt bad for eating something that you put so much effort towards. But when she takes a bite, she finds herself letting out a muffled moan, making you flush red at the sound. “Holy shit, what did you put in this?”
Plastering a smile, you teased, “it’s a secret.”
“You’re annoying…” Jenna covered her mouth, as she ate. 
“Finish eating or you’ll be late.” You reminded, taking off the apron. The time zone change still messed with your internal body clock, meaning at times, you’d still be up when Jenna awoke for a day of work.
You noted the times she got up and at which of those mornings she managed to eat. After the third day of her waking up late, you decided that the next day you’d be kind and make her a healthy breakfast, knowing it’s often difficult to find time to eat during a busy day of filming. 
“Wait…” Jenna called out before you could leave the kitchen. “What are you doing today?”
You racked your brain; thinking for a moment. “I gotta start packing for Monaco, I leave this Wednesday.”
Jenna remembered you telling her that you’ve been invited to the F1 Grand Prix. She doesn’t really understand the race, but she found your childlike glee over a bunch of cars… endearing. It’s slightly childish that she feels a bit upset by you leaving so suddenly, but these last few weeks have felt blissful ever since your confession. She finds herself wanting to stay in this bubble the two of you have created for as long as she can. “Oh, right…”
“Why, what’s up?”
“Nothing… just wondering ‘cause my family’s actually flying in this weekend,” Jenna admitted, gauging your reaction, noting the way you stood straighter on your feet.
“They are?” 
Jenna hummed. “Yeah, they’re here for a week. They were gonna stay at a hotel but if you’re going to Monaco then…”
You blinked, unsure if you should ask why she didn’t tell you her family was flying in sooner. “Oh yeah, no problem. Listen, it’s your apartment.” 
Jenna rolled her eyes, correcting you, “It’s our apartment. You’re living here too.”
Chuckling, you averted your eyes. “Well, in that case. Mi casa es su casa.”
“Your Spanish needs a bit of work...” But Jenna can’t fight her smile.
“Rude,” laughing, you added, “it’s probably best to skip town though— your family’s probably still mad at me.”
Jenna immediately rounds the counter to stand in front of you, shaking her head in denial. “They’re not mad, Y/N. I already told you.”
You shoot her a grimaced smile, “I know, I’m just joking, but I’m still scared of your sisters… Also, your mom may or may not have texted me about that paparazzi pic of you smoking cigarettes.”
Her brows raised, as her jaw dropped, “she did?”
You hummed in response.
“Fuck…” She grumbled, causing you to laugh. “What did she say?”
“Nothing you haven’t already heard from her Instagram stories…” You smirked, enjoying her annoyed scowl. 
“Shut up.”
“Hey, it’ll be alright.” You placed a hand on her shoulder, lightly rubbing it. Ignoring the way she straightened her posture at your touch. “A scolding is probably the most you’ll get out of her.”
“I’m 20 years old, I can do whatever I want.” Dropping your hand, you laughed again.
“You may think you’re grown but she’s always going to be your mom. She’s just looking out for you. Not to mention, she’s a nurse, what'd you expect?” You jest but she rolled her eyes, staring up at you with a slight pout in her frown causing your heart to stop dead in its tracks; desperately trying to stare at her lips for too long. 
Maybe it was the confession, or the ‘clearing the air’ that you two have done. But every touch and look from Jenna feels weighted — in a pleasant way, this time.
She sighed heavily, leaning her hip on the kitchen island. “I know… it’s just embarrassing.”
“At least you know she cares.” You chuckled, patting her shoulder reassuringly before walking off to the living room. 
She ignored the possible meaning behind your words. Although she’d love to dive into the story of your mom and hear it from your account, maybe having that conversation at five o’clock in the morning isn’t the best idea.
“Come on, finish up and go shower. You’re gonna be late.” You called out behind you before plopping on the couch.
“You better wash those dishes…”
“Ugh, later.” You groaned. “I need a nap.”
Jenna (2:35 PM): hope you’re having a great time in Monaco 🖤
“Get off your phone…” Tom said before snatching the device right from your hand. 
“You’re in Monaco with the best cars and drivers in the entire world and you’re glued to your phone – what’re you looking at anyway.” the Brit commented, reading the text before you could stop him. “Aw… how cute, she sent a heart.”
“Shut up. You literally made us late ‘cause you spent all night talking to Z.” Attempting to grab your phone back was futile when he held it out of reach, tossing it to Link who was enjoying this interaction judging by the large grin smacked on his face. 
“She’s my girlfriend.” Tom defended but it fell on deaf ears as soon as you saw Link begin to scroll through your past messages with Jenna.
“Link… give it back, I need to respond!” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll text her back.” Link winked before typing a response. You immediately leapt out of your seat, plucking your phone out of his grasp but it was too late, he’d already sent the message.
“Thinking about you? Really?” You deadpanned despite the warmth coursing fervently through your cheeks. “You’re such an ass…”
“You’re just mad that I finally said what you were really thinking.” He called out as you walked away, fingers slightly trembling as you hit the call button. You wait a few (agonizingly long) seconds, listening to the line ring.
“Oh, hey,” there was some shuffling on the other line, “I was just about to text you back.” 
“About that… sorry about that text, Link was being an asshole and took my phone.” You muttered sheepishly; trembling fingers picking at your trousers to counter the nerves that suddenly overcame you.
“Oh? So you weren’t thinking about me?” Her tone is light and teasing. You paint a mental image of her bright, wide smile that usually accompanied her playful taunts; it sent a flurry of butterflies swarming around in your belly.
You pass it off as a stomach ache from your breakfast this morning.
“Come on…” You trail off, not wanting to admit it.
“Wow, I see how it is…”
“Jenna…” You sighed, dropping your fiddling fingers. “Of course, I was thinking about you.”
The line is silent as Jenna doesn’t respond and suddenly you feel embarrassed at your school-girl-like confession. Though it’s technically only been two days since you left London for Monaco, you’d be lying straight through your teeth if you were to deny the fact that you’ve been thinking about the younger actress since the moment you stepped out of the shared apartment.
“I’ve been thinking about you too.” Jenna replied in a small voice. Her admittance causes your heart to stop momentarily but what you couldn’t stop, however, was the satisfied smile creeping on your lips.
Was it pathetic that all Jenna had to do was say a simple, cliché sentence to you and you were practically a puddle on the floor? Maybe, but you couldn’t care less about that right now.
“Glad we’re on the same page then…” You uttered, glancing around, hoping no one could see your Cheshire grin. Immediately catching Tom and Link at the other end of the balcony making kissing faces at you. You stick up the not-so-nice finger at them before turning your back on the two men, ignoring their blatant and obnoxious laughter, “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything when I called.”
Jenna was supposed to be on set working today, you’d hate to interrupt a busy day’s work…. That’s a lie, this phone call was totally worth it.
“Oh no, you didn’t. I’m actually at the apartment.”
“I thought you’d still be on set?”
“Um, about that…” She trails off in a sheepish tone.
“Jen? What’s wrong?” You asked, panic evident.
“I might’ve—uh—injured myself at work today.” She admitted.
“What?! Are you okay? How? Do you need me to come ba—“
“Y/N… breathe.” She interjects your nervous questioning but it merely goes over your head. Your nerves sky-rocketing the longer she doesn’t answer your questions.
“Are you okay?” You repeated what you really needed to know first.
“I’m fine, I promise,” she chuckled, “just a sprained ankle. I twisted it during rehearsal. It’s not a big deal but they sent me home early to rest.”
“Are you icing it? Keeping it elevated? You know what, send me a picture I wanna see if the swelling is bad.” 
Jenna’s laughter doubles. “I’m okay. I promise. Yes, I'm icing it and yes I’m keeping it elevated. You don't have to play doctor. I’ll even send you a picture, just relax.”
“I’m just worried.”
“I know you are.” She said, almost like she was endeared. “But like I said, it’s just a sprained ankle. They gave me crutches, so I’m good.”
“Crutches?! Do I need to come back home?”
Jenna ignored how her heart swooped at the word: home.
“No,” she laughed, “enjoy your time with the boys and your cars. You looked good on that racetrack, you sure being an actress is your calling?”
You rolled your eyes at her choice of timing for a joke, “You know I’ll leave them in a heartbeat. Just say the word and I’ll be on the first flight back.”
On the other end of the line, Jenna is torn between swooning and mentally cursing you for being so sweet. She bit her lip to subdue the smile creeping in, “that’s very sweet, Y/N, but I promise. I’ll be okay, my family’s flying in on Sunday anyway. I’ll be fine until then.”
You sighed unsurely, “Are you sure?” That’s still a few days where she’d have to be alone until someone could help her around the house.
“Yes! Now go, enjoy Monaco. Maybe I’ll even turn on the racing channel or whatever and get a glimpse of you.”
“You did not just say the racing channel…”
“Go!” She laughed and this time, you relent at her assured tone. 
“Fine… but if anything else happens, call me, please?”
“You’ll be the first one to know, I promise.”
“Okay…” You take a deep breath hoping to calm your nerves. If Jenna says she’s okay, then you have no reason to go against her wishes. “I’ll text you?”
“Mhmm. Bye, be safe.”
“Bye…” You hang up, dropping the phone from your ear, anxiously tapping it against your other hand as you contemplate your options.
“That was a long call,” Link swung his arm over your shoulder, leaning into your side. “You already miss your girl? It’s only been a day.”
“Quit it. She’s not my girl.” You back-hand him squarely on the stomach causing him to heave out a rough, pained puff. The satisfaction of seeing your best friend in pain was a dull noise in the background of your restless thoughts. “She injured herself on set, I was just making sure she’s okay.”
You chewed on your lip nervously, ignoring Link’s probing eyes as he scanned your faraway look.
“Is it serious?”
“No, just a sprained ankle.”
Link continued to observe you; seeing straight through you. An amused smile painted itself squarely on his lips. “... you’re gonna leave, aren’t you?” 
“What the— I told you to stay. What are you doing here?”
“And I told you to send me a picture of your sprain.”
Jenna frowned, closely watching as you slipped the duffle bag off your shoulders; landing on the hardwood with a loud thud. 
“Get back on the couch. You shouldn’t be walking.” You ordered, briefly scanning her head-to-toe and letting out a concealed sigh of relief that her ankle didn’t seem too bad. 
“I’m injured, not crippled.” She replied unamused. You meet her eyes, mimicking her expression until the brunette realized you’re not backing down. “Fine…”
“Let me help you.” You stepped forward, taking a closer look at her injury. Her left ankle was covered in a compression wrap as she hobbled around with a single crutch. 
“I’m fine.”
“Jenna, let me help.” You said in a serious tone, not backing down.
She rolled her eyes, slowly turning around with her crutch to walk back to the living room, hoping you missed her rosy cheeks. She ignored the intense thudding in her chest as you walked together. The thought of you leaving a trip that obviously meant a lot to you, sent the younger actress’ heart into a frenzy. 
“What are you doing here?” The younger actress asked again once she was comfortably seated on the sofa.
You took a seat beside her, “I was worried.”
“I told you I was fine, you’re acting like I’m on my deathbed.”
Rolling your eyes, you grabbed the pillow behind you and placed it between you and Jenna. Scooting back to gesture for her to rest the injured ankle on the pillow. “I wouldn’t have enjoyed the race knowing that you’re back in London with an injury… so, I left.”
Jenna stayed silent, not trusting herself to say what she was really feeling. So she opted to stare as you examined her wrapped ankle, seemingly satisfied that her injury wasn’t as bad as you had thought.
“I’m just trying to be a good friend… and roommate.” You joked, grabbing the discarded remote off the coffee table. Ignoring the way your skin burned the longer she stared at you unspeaking.
Jenna snorted at your words, grabbing the pillow behind her and playfully lunging it at you. You caught the feeble attempt. “Right, roommate.”
You laughed at the tone that accompanied her words, “how did you hurt yourself anyway?”
If Jenna’s cheeks turned any rosier, she’d be the human embodiment of a tomato. It was embarrassing, really and she blames Aliyah for sending that video. 
She might’ve been too distracted watching a clip of you and Tom walking along the racetrack, waving to the crowd. As luck would have it, she was supposed to be rehearsing for a scene, walking over to her next marking. However, one misstep over a wire sent her ankle twisting in an abnormal way. “I wasn’t paying attention to the marking on the floor and I tripped over a loose wire.”
Jenna was definitely not going to tell you the truth. You’d never let her hear the end of it.
You sent her a questioning look, “I don’t know whether to laugh or feel bad.”
“Is it too late for you to go back to Monaco?” She joked, straight-faced.
“I’m kidding, of course, I feel bad.“ You settled back into a comfortable position.
“How did you get back so fast?” She inquired.
“It’s only a two-hour flight.”
Glancing at the clock on the wall, Jenna noted that you were on the phone merely two and a half hours ago. “You got through security that fast?”
You blush red.
As soon as the jet landed on the tarmac and the seatbelt lights turned off, you were posted by the doors; impatiently tapping your foot on the floor.
“Miss L/N, your driver is waiting just outside.” The flight attendant alerted you. You nodded, sending a tight-lipped smile.
“Thank you.”
When the doors opened and the stairs hit the pavement, you were already rushing down the steps, making eye contact with the driver.
“Miss, I can take your bags.”
“That’s alright.” You tossed them in the back seat before shutting the doors. “How fast can you get back to the apartment?”
“GPS says 45 minutes but there is heavy traffic on the highway.” 
“I’ll drive.” You held your hand out. He looked unsure before seeing that you were not playing around, swiftly handing the keys over.
“Yes, ma’am.”
You made sure to tip the man handsomely after noticing his white-knuckle grip on the grab handles as you maneuvered through said traffic.
“Uh yeah and I got lucky, no traffic. Anyways….wanna watch Breaking Bad? Unless you finished it already, in that case, we can watch something else.” You changed the subject, Jenna didn’t need to know how you drove that SUV like it was a race car and broke multiple speeding laws just to get here.
“No, Breaking Bad is good. I haven’t watched it since we were at my parents' house.”
You turn, evidently surprised that she kept your unspoken promise. Trying to hide your growing smile, you face the TV again before the staring becomes too obvious.
“Me too.”
“Are you sure you’re fine to go to work today? It’s only been like, a day.”
It’s Sunday morning, too early for anyone to be awake. With the sky still covered in a blanket of darkness, you tiredly lean against the wall, trying your best to string coherent words together as you reason with Jenna, who lightly limped around the large room as she gets ready for work.
“Technically, it’s been two.” She glanced at you momentarily. “I don’t want to delay production.” 
“Jenna, you're injured. They can get a stand-in or just not film your scenes today.” You argued. Having had your fair share of on-set injuries, you knew that a major film could afford to delay filming for the sake of an injury. This was merely Jenna’s workaholic tendencies making her feel that she couldn’t stop working. “They can and should accommodate for you, Jenna.”
At your gruffed tone, Jenna dropped what she was looking for, walking over to stand in front of you. “Hey…”
You glanced at your hands, ignoring her soft tone. “Look at me, please?”
Jenna grabbed your hand, drawing your attention to her. “I’ll be okay. If my ankle starts to bother me, I’ll let the director know.”
“You promise?” You asked, glancing down when she started rubbing soft lines against your skin.
“I promise.” She squeezed for good measure.
You studied her soft gaze, attentive to the assured glimmer behind them. Letting out a sigh, you pushed your worries aside. “Okay.”
She smiled at your obvious concern, dropping your hand to walk back to the living room. 
You try not to draw attention to the way your fingers twitched at the loss of contact. “By the way, my family will be here at noon. Are you good to be alone with them while I’m at work?”
“Yeah… I think I’ll be fine.” To distract yourself, you walked off to the kitchen, grabbing a mug for your morning coffee; allowing a gentle silence to envelop the room as Jenna hobbled around and gathered her things.
“Crap!” Jenna suddenly said, emerging out of her room.
“What?” You turned, slightly startled. “What’s wrong?”
“I forgot to set up the guest bedroom for them.”
“Oh.” Your shoulders dropped. “I already did it, don’t worry.”
Her brows raised, “you called the housekeeper already?”
“No. I did it myself. We don’t need him.”
Jenna seemed surprised if the raised brows were anything to go by. It was amusing truly, but you elected to stay silent, turning back to make your coffee.
“Thank you…” She finally said.
“Don’t mention it.” You shrugged, “If you want, I can pick up your family at the airport too. Heathrow is a bitch to navigate.”
Jenna didn’t respond, just staring at your back from her spot in the living room. You were unaware of her internal turmoil.
“Jen?” You turned around when you realized she didn’t reply; just staring at you with an unwavering intensity. “Jenna?”
“What?” She blinked a couple of times. “What did you say?”
“I said I can pick up your family from the airport.” You sipped on the steaming mug, a single brow flicking upright in question.
“Oh–uh, no. T-That’s alright, I’m sending a car over to pick them up.” She stuttered pathetically; grateful that the dim lights from the lamp in the corner of the room did well to hide the crimson rising over her neck. “You shouldn’t be seen at Heathrow. You might get spotted.”
“I can wear a disguise.” You thought out loud.
Jenna snorted, pushing away her inner strife. “Oh yeah? Like what, a baseball hat and sunglasses?”
“Hey, it works!” You defended. “Not everyone can just blend in with their height.”
“Was that a short joke?” Jenna arched a sharp brow.
“Nope.” You stood wide-eyed. “Oh hey, I just remembered I left something in my room. Okay. Bye. Have a good day at work.”
Jenna laughed as you scurried off to your bedroom, glad that she hasn’t lost her edge with you.
“I can’t believe you cancelled on the driver.” 
The younger actress said as soon as you swung the front door open. Faintly, she can hear the familiar sounds of laughter farther into the apartment. “You’re so stubborn.”
“You act like that’s a new fact.” You snicker, a pleased smile plastered on your lips. “I’d like an apology by the way. The disguise worked perfectly — just like I said it would.”
“You’re too much sometimes.” She shook her head, stepping into the hall. 
“In the best way, though. Right?” You asked, letting her in.
“If it helps you sleep better.” Jenna shrugged, chucking her work bag on the side table.
“Now look who’s being stubborn.” You replied with a knowing smile.  “Go say hi and then wash up. Natalie and I are making dinner.”
She raised her brows in surprise as you walked away. Her footsteps faltering when she walks into the living room. Gaze instantly landing on her sisters and Dad lounging on the couch, in the corner of her eyes she finds her mom who was chopping up vegetables on the kitchen island. 
“Hey, guys…” She said slowly, still taking the scene in front of her.
“Jen!” Mia sprung up from her seat and tugged her sister into a tight hug. 
One by one, Aliyah, her dad and her mom sauntered over to greet and fret over her. Sentiments of I miss you, echoing in the vast apartment.
“It’s good to see you, honey.” Her mom said with a smile. “I hope you’ve been taking care of that ankle.”
Jenna rolled her eyes at her Mom’s fretting but nodded reassuringly. “I’m okay, Mom. Y/N’s been helping me.”
“So I’ve heard.” She winked, walking away.
“Uh– you guys made yourselves comfortable…” Jenna cleared her throat as she watched how her mom swiftly walked back to the kitchen where you were leaning against the island, observing her family with a small smile.
“Y/N said to make yourselves at home. Blame her.” Aliyah said, tugging her onto the couch. “How’s filming been? How’s working with Winona Ryder, tell me everything!”
“Great uh–what’s for dinner?” Was the first question the actress asked, too distracted by watching your concentrated expression. The slight scrunch in your forehead as you closely listened to her mom’s instructions was more interesting than what her sister was asking her.
“Mom’s teaching her how to make frijoles.” Mia smirked at her sister’s doe-eyed look. 
“Oh…” Jenna replied with a vacant tone. “Sounds good.”
“Do you have any pictures in your wardrobe—“
“Why frijoles?” She added, interrupting Aliyah when she tried to spark another series of questions.
“Y/N heard it was one of your favourites, said she wanted to learn how to make it for you.” Mia replied, her tone smug.
“She did?” Jenna’s brow raised, still unable to look away from you. 
“I think we lost her,” Aliyah sighed to Mia, giving up on having her questions answered.
Jenna rolled her eyes when her sisters burst into laughter, blinking back to reality. “Shut up. What were you saying?” 
She forced herself to look away and give her undivided attention to her sisters. Pretending not to notice as you kept glancing at her from the kitchen.
“Wow this looks amazing, are you sure you helped, Y/N?” Aliyah teased from the dining table.
“Ha-ha, you’re hilarious.” You mocked, walking over with a bowl of guacamole, placing it at the centre of the table. “Wait ‘till you try my guac.”
“I always make the that.” Jenna trailed off, sneaking a peek at the bowl.
“I know.” You took your seat beside her. “Your mom showed me how you like to make it. I hope it’s close.”
“I think I’ll be the judge of that…” She reached for a chip and dipped a large chunk into the green goodness. You watched intently for a reaction but she gave you none; continuing to chew on. 
“It’s good.” She finally says.
“That’s it?”
“What? I said it’s good.” Jenna laughed at your sullen expression; almost feeling bad. Once your bottom lip popped out in disappointment, she dropped her act, reaching for your arm and squeezing it. “I’m kidding. It’s great, it tastes exactly how I make it back home… but you know, you can’t beat the original.”
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “I think I’ll be the judge of that.” You repeated her words.
Before Jenna can reply with a quip, her mom walked over with the last bowl of food, disrupting your conversation. But it was all forgotten when the younger actress’ nose welcomed the familiar scent of all of her favourite dishes. She enthusiastically eyed the various dishes scattered on the table, not having had her family’s cooking in what felt like forever. Living with you wasn’t bad – actually, it’s been more than great, but you were serious when you said you lacked skills in the kitchen. That resulted in dinners mostly being take-out these days.
“Have you tried frijoles before?” Jenna asked you. 
“Uh–no.” You blushed. “I actually didn’t even know they were beans until today.”
“You’ll love it.” She grinned, reaching over to plate you a generous helping. You refused to tell her that you didn’t necessarily love beans because her excited expression overpowered any dislike you had for the legume.
“You’re still up?” You called out after a brief glance, the pitter-patter of light footsteps coming down the hall, alerting you of her presence.
“Mhm, I heard the clanking of dishes from my room.” She replied, leaning against the counter, watching as you dried off the dishes one by one. “What’re you doing?”
“Sorry. I’ll keep it down.” You grimaced apologetically. “I couldn’t sleep so I figured I’d unload the dishes.”
“It’s okay, I’m actually not too tired too.” She stepped forward, only an arm’s length away from you. “Can I help?”
Wordlessly, you passed her a dry cloth and a bowl from the dishwasher. For a while, silence enveloped the room. You were grateful that you and the brunette can exist in silence, sometimes. Her mere presence provided a certain level of comfort that you’re still trying to get used to.
“So…” She spoke up after a few minutes, gaining your attention. “You’re really pulling out all the stops, huh.”
You raise an amused brow at the baiting look in her eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Jenna would’ve believed that statement if it weren’t for the small smile at the corner of your lips telling her otherwise.
“Right… so, you just pick up all your friends’ parents from the airport and do chores, willingly.”
“I’m turning over a new leaf.” You shrugged, continuing to wipe away remnants of water from the plate. Hoping the mundane action hid your trembling fingers well.
“Oh, are you?”
“So this isn’t you trying to win me over?”
“Me try to win you over? Whaaat?” You puffed out an airy scoff, “that’s ridiculous. I would never. I wholeheartedly respect your decision.” 
But the crinkle in your eyes told her that you were enjoying this way too much.
“Sure…” Jenna rolled her eyes, “even if you are just doing this out of the kindness of your own heart—“
“Which, I am.”
Jenna sends a playful glower at your interruption. 
“Just wanted to put that on record.” You added.
“Thank you.” Jenna declared, her tone soft yet serious. “You’ve been incredible these last few days.”
“Oh.” You blink, a pleased smile plastered on your face. “You’re welcome, Jen. It’s no big deal.”
“It’s a big deal to me.” The bowl and cloth in her hands were long forgotten on the counter as she closed the distance between you. “No one’s ever done any of… this, for me—thank you.”
The air feels charged as she suddenly looks at you with that doe-eyed stare. Feeling like your heart rate instantly doubles, the longer she stares at you like that.
“What? Be nice?” You said evenly, “You need to set your standards higher.”
She huffed at your antics. “I’m being serious.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” you laughed shakily, trying to gather some semblance of control over your racing pulse. “Like I said, it’s not a big deal, Jen… cause I’d do anything for you.”
She blinked, voice caught in her throat she took in the serious glint in your eyes; voice dripping with conviction 
“And this isn’t me trying to win you over. You’ll know when I do.”
The younger actress’ body feels like it’s on fire the longer she listens to your words. 
“Uh, sorry, too much?” You said apologetically when she remained unspeaking. 
But Jenna was already shaking her head, a faraway look in her eyes that you couldn’t quite decipher. 
“No…” She murmured, her sight drifting down to your lips before they flicker back up to your eyes. “Not at all.”
“Okay…” Your gaze bore intently into hers, waiting to see if she’ll make the first move. “Good.”
For a brief moment, her eyes flicker back down for a second time but then she’s blinking out of her self-induced stupor, “um–I should go to sleep. I need to be up early.” Jenna hoped her ogling on your soft lips wasn’t too obvious. 
She steps back and almost instantaneously, the tension in the room dissipates with each movement she takes. 
You nod, smiling softly despite the slight tinge of disappointment you felt; knowing that you shouldn’t rush into this with her. “Good idea, you should rest your ankle… good night, Jenna.”
Just before you turned back to grab the discarded dry cloth, Jenna takes a hesitant step—before she can lose her nerve and leaned up to plant her lips on the pad of your cheek.
Your brain felt like it short-circuited; not having felt her lips in forever as your skin burned against the delicate contact.
“Good night, Y/N.” She whispered, her soft lips grazing your cheek in a way that drove you crazy.
Before your brain could rewire itself well enough to form a response, Jenna was already turning around to retreat back to her room.
Biting your lip to contain the growing smile, you couldn’t look away from her figure until she disappeared behind the door.
You’re in deeper than you thought.
if there was any mistakes… look away (i tried my best 🧍‍♀️)
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sporesgalaxy · 2 months
i havw time tonight so im going to do it. im going to draw fursona friday on my big boy tablet and not my phone. god give me strength
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xx-k1tsun3-k1d-xx · 1 year
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happy splatfest everyone <3
822 notes · View notes
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'Miguel is cold and angry and-'
That is the face of a man dedicating all of his mental energy to not caving into the catastrophic cuteness he is enduring.
He can't even look at her. Hes stopped speaking. Lost his train of thought. SO FOCUSED ON NOT GIVING IN CAUSE SHE'S SO CUTE
she's trying sooo hard to get him to look at her cause she's like 'He won't be able to resist playtime LOOK AT ME MIGUEL'
She came right to him even before she came to Hobie. She sees her dad going to Miguel's lair and she comes swinging him towards him cause it's TIME TO PLAY OMG
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Like look at this!!!
Mayday swings in and starts climbing on the ceiling (in Miguels direction). Peter follows her up there, puts her in the carrier, and she falls out.
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He catches her - but remembers the photos. So he puts her down to go show Gwen & Miles -
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She's already up there, chilling, all comfortable
He's not even trying to take her off he's like I NEED to focus.
She wanted to play with Miguel the second they walked in and as soon as her dad put her down she was like IM CLIMBING ON THE GIANT ISNT THAT CUTE
he probably plays with her all the time but this one time he's like MAYDAY PLEASE JUST LET ME DO THIS trying to keep it together in front of Miles
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Look at how she's looking at him as he walks away even after everything she doesn't see him as scary🥺 She likes being around him
More Migs and Mayday please
487 notes · View notes
mangoloversblog · 7 months
bobby: so what do you guys have planned for valentine's day?
eddie, staring at buck talking to taylor: murder.
chim: thats the spirit!
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start0uched · 2 months
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sharing this piece from january in celebration of reki’s birthday ……. i miss them your honor
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What about your situation ship, Solstice? with ruin?
I'm sorry... My-?
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No..... Surely not-?....
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You have no idea what you're talking about... it's utter nonsense!... I don't have a-... situationship.... let alone with Ruin!
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slavhew · 2 years
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Wippy of the besties
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angryshortstacks · 4 months
See guys it’s not that Aaron’s homophobic, it’s that Neil violated the bro code. You can’t just fuck a man’s brother and get away with it.
95 notes · View notes
completeoveranalysis · 4 months
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Oh oh oh here we go, introducing the thread of The Things That Watanuki Doesn’t Remember. Because he made a wish. 
I can’t remember if he knows that yet, but at the very least it came up twice in Tsubasa. 
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It means what I said. With a smile.
File this under: Things that Clow Reed would say
I love when Watanuki so clearly has the influence of his family coming through, especially since he's so incredibly disconnected from them that he doesn't even know who they are - but the traces are there! He'll still be connected even if he doesn't know it.
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And we love to see the growth! The shared lesson that all the Tsubasa Family and Watanuki are all learning at the same time - that you matter actually, even if you don’t value yourself, because other people care for you. And diminishing yourself is just hurting them. 
But here we have Watanuki who has concluded that even if he wasn’t supposed to be here, and even if he doesn’t remember why, he wants to stay now because he has people he cares for. And we love that for him! 
Complete with spooky Yuuko smoke stream creeping through his fingers!
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OH AND EVEN BETTER. Watanuki starts to get self conscious about how his true feelings might sound to Doumeki and immediately gets defensive, but Doumeki ignores that immediately just doubles down on the sentiment. 
He wants him to commit to what he just said. 
79 notes · View notes
merverelli · 10 months
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dec 2023 - jan 2019 - sept 2017
its a redraw of a redraw!
(psst: here's a speedpaint if you're interested! https://youtu.be/9nn73oxU7eg)
190 notes · View notes
house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - 8
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | series mast. | prev. part | next part
Chapter 8: Beetlejuice and London Blues
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual!pov, famous!reader, actress!reader, mentions of substances, intoxication, mature language, real people. (do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: hey y’all. I’m gonna be taking a break from this series for a bit after I post this. I’m gonna be real busy this summer, so LB updates probably won’t be weekly for a while. thanks for understanding!
Word Count: 8.2k+ (these are getting longer)
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“Fuck me.”
A mistake.
You made a mistake.
Was your first thought when you woke up with the sun shining directly into your eyelids; the throbbing pain deep in your skull was the first symptom of your grave oversight. 
“Fuck you is right…” A loud voice pierces through the silence in the room and the pounding in your head worsened immediately. 
Turning over at a snails pace, you find Link leaning against the doorframe, with a bitter frown on his face. 
“What did I do?” You moaned, holding your head in your hands.
“Other than be a massive asshole? Drink yourself stupid.” He says bluntly, walking into the room and placing a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin on the bedside table.
Pushing yourself up, you continue to loudly groan despite the pounding in your skull and desperately reached for the medicine bottle. After popping two in and washing it down it some water, you leaned against the headboard with a heavy sigh.
Being ran over by an 18-wheeler and somehow managing to survive would be a fair comparison to your current condition.
“I don’t remember how I got back.” 
“We don’t know either, you just opened the door…”
“Right.” Hazy memories of last night’s escapades we’re starting to come back.
“What the hell, Y/N, we were looking for your ass for almost four hours.” He crossed his arms, staring you down as his nose flared in anger.
“Sorry…” You mumbled, closing your eyes. The familiar feeling of guilt rumbled in your chest the longer you met his judging eyes.
After sneaking off to the bathroom, you knew you had to take the opportunity to escape that after-party. You thought drinking your problems away and partying would help distract you from your argument with Jenna. But your efforts proved fruitless. The longer you stood in that loud room, the more suffocating it felt; Jenna’s words echoing mercilessly in your head. 
So you slipped out without letting anyone know. Dumb idea, I know.
You had full intentions of going for a walk to clear your head, thinking of what to say to Jenna and then making your way back to the hotel to wait for her so you could talk, but before that could happen…
“Well, well, well… look who it is.” 
Dropping your hand that was holding your phone limply by your side, you perk up. All thoughts of calling an Uber back to the hotel were forgotten as you turned; feeling your blood run cold immediately at the familiar voice.
“Damon.” You greet flatly. 
“Aw, come on, that’s how you greet an old friend?” He held a hand to his chest, walking forward. “Vegas was so long ago, don’t you miss my company?” 
“Not particularly no.” You cross your arms, standing your ground.
“You don’t mean that, baby…” He stood in your space, leaning into you. You held your head up, not intimidated by his presence.
“What are you even doing here? Last time I checked, you weren’t invited to the Met.” You grit. There’s no way his C-list ass was invited to one of the biggest social events of the year. 
“I was someone’s plus one.” He answered, shrugging.
You roll your eyes because of course he wasn't even invited. He was always sliming his way into events.
“Come on, we used to have so much fun…” He leaned closer.
“Get out of my face.” You grit, standing your ground.
“You don’t really blame me for Vegas, do you?” He stepped back, annoyance growing as his brows furrowed.
You bit back a laugh, spatting out. “Of course I do! You had coke on you – snorting that shit in a fucking strip club with me beside you. The hell were you thinking?”
He crossed his arms, anger steadily masking over his features. “You weren’t complaining about wanting to get fucked up before that. Actually, you were the one that begged me to leave L.A.”
You glare at him as you’re reminded of that weekend three months ago. “Clearly that was a mistake. The press thinks it was mine, Damon.”
He shrugged, smirking.  “Beats me.”
Your glare hardens as you clenched your jaw. “You’re an asshole.”
“Oh baby, you just found out?” His smug smile widens and you wanted nothing more than to punch it clean off his face. 
“Stay the fuck away from me if you know what's good for you.” You bark, eyes never leaving his.
His gaze twinkled in amusement at the challenge, paying no heed to it. Then he leans in close to your ear, whispering. “You’ll be back soon when you realize no one wants you.”
Your heart drops as his words ring in your ears. You keep your face impassive, not giving him the satisfaction of knowing his words affect you.
“Your little PR relationship with Jenna is cute. You guys almost have everyone convinced, but I know the truth. You’ll be back when Jenna realizes that you’re too broken to love.” He taunts, smiling widely. 
Your heart thrums so loudly against your chest that it makes your entire body throb in tandem.
“Fuck you.” You shove his chest firmly as he stumbled back a couple steps from the sheer force.
You don’t wait for a response as you leg it down the sidewalk, ignoring people’s questioning looks. You weren’t sure if they recognized you or if they were questioning why you were in a fancy suit on the streets of New York City but you didn’t care either way; just stomping off in no particular direction. Not giving anyone who may have recognized you, time to stop you.
You kept walking even as your legs begged for reprieve, taking sidestreets and alleyways to hide from prying eyes, hiding in the shadows. You lived in the Big Apple for a year for a role and in that time, you had gotten to know the city well; preferring to walk to familiarize yourself with new locations. 
“Where the hell were you?” Link questioned. You can hear the agitated tone in his words even as your eyes were closed. 
“I went for a walk.”
“You came back drunk.”
“I stopped by the liquor store.”
“You were gone for three hours.”
“It was a big bottle.”
He huffed. 
You crack an eyelid open, already noting his firmly-set jaw. “Okay, I’m sorry, truce?”
Even you know when you’re being an asshole. You note the dark circles and heavy bags under his eyes and it reminded you of the first time you came home after meeting Jenna. The moment Link opened the front door, he had the same expression on his face.
His jaw tightly clenched but his brows pulled in a way that showed his concern. 
Before you could spew any apology you had saved, he pulled you in for a hug, muttering on about how worried he was about your arrest. It made your throat close up and tears build in your eyes at how distressed he sounded. Even when you’ve fucked up, he was still worried about you. 
That familiar pang of guilt comes crawling back the longer he stared at you now with that same look.
Instead, he sighed, dropping his head in surrender and muttering, “truce.”
That makes you open your eyes fully, nodding. “Okay.”
He sat on the foot of the bed, posture more relaxed. “Seriously though, what were you thinking?”
Picking at the loose thread of the duvet, you couldn’t meet his inquiring gaze. “I really did just need some air at first. Then I was gonna go back to the hotel to wait for Jenna, to apologize… but then I saw Damon.”
His sharp intake of breath reaches your ears. “Did you–”
“No!” You were quick to answer. “No… but he was an asshole, said something that pissed me off and I just couldn’t go back to that party or see Jenna. So I kept walking, I think I ended up in Central Park.”
“What did he say?” His nostrils flared.
“Nothing important, I walked away.” You omit.
He conceded but you could see his reluctance anyway.
“And then what — you were walking around, drinking in the middle of Central Park?” He asked bewildered, like you were stupid. Which, hearing it out loud now, is a very stupid decision. It was a miracle you made it back safely.
“Yes…” You muttered, ashamed. “I know I fucked up.”
His laugh is loud and taunting. “Fucked up? We’re way past that. Jenna’s pissed at you and Jake and Sarah found out you two didn’t go to the same after-party. They’re expecting it to be a headline.”
You bang your head against the headboard, ignoring the worsening ache. You deserved it, anyway. “Shit, Jenna… where is she?”
He scoffed, “gone.”
You whipped your head to find his eyes, ignoring the queasiness it caused in your stomach or maybe it was news of Jenna’s departure. “What?”
“She got out of New York first thing in the morning.” He explained.
“Fuck…” You close your eyes again, sliding down the bed. Flashes of your anger bubbling over, reaching a boiling point and exploding on Jenna. You remember your harsh words and the hurt expression that takes over the other actress’ face as you spoke with unabated hatred. “What did I do?”
“Don’t know, I left the room – but whatever you said, it must’ve been pretty bad 'cause it looked like she was about to cry when she came out of your room.” He recounted; not bothering to sugar-coat it. There seems to be nothing and no one that can get to you other than Jenna. 
Maybe realizing that you’ve hurt her, will be the wake-up call that you needed.
“I fucked up.” You repeated, staring at the ceiling.
“I know, buddy.” He sighed, patting your leg. “But you’ll fix it. You always do…”
“I don’t know about this one man.”
Telling Jenna that you wanted to end this PR relationship with her? You just wanted to be mean and hurt her back and that makes Jenna right, you are an asshole.
“What did you even say?” 
You recounted the anger-filled words that you spewed through your drunken stupor, avoiding Link’s angry expression when you finished.
“Are you fucking serious? How could you say that?”
“It was a mistake… I didn’t mean it.” 
“You need to get your head out of your ass and apologize to that girl.” He huffed, getting off the bed. “Get up, our flight leaves in an hour… stupid idiot.” He muttered, walking off as he shook his head in disappointment. 
This time, you couldn’t even blame him. You are an idiot.
“Where’s Jenna?”
“She’s busy but she’s been briefed, we can start now..” Liv pursed her lips, leaning back in her seat. 
The tips of your hands start sweating at her words, not knowing what they could mean.
As soon as you landed back in Los Angeles, you had the day to yourself to recuperate after a long week in New York. You sent the other actress a text before the plane took off, asking if she made it back to L.A. safely but you never got a message back. 
You might’ve deserved that one.
There was no other proof of life from the actress other than when you asked if you could pick up your dog from her since she was looking after the pup before the Met. The only response you received was a text from her assistant saying Jenna’s driver would drop him off at your house later in the day.
Again, you might’ve deserved that one. 
As promised, her driver pulled up in a sleek blacked-out SUV with a dog cage in hand. Upon releasing the pup, you noted the new toy he refused to let go of.
Other than her team obviously playing the middleman between you and her, the only other sign that she was well was the Instagram post on her account of her night at the Met Gala; a variety by herself, showing off her Thom Browne gown, some at the after-party with Enrique and other celebrities.
You'd be lying if you said you didn’t feel the slight emptiness in your chest that she didn’t post you. In the late hours of your stalking, you failed to realize that she did in fact, post the two of you, just a couple of hours later.
As a solo picture, was the two of you kissing on the red carpet. You don’t know why the black heart emoji captioning the photo sends your own heart to a frenzy. If you stared at the photo long enough, it was almost like you can feel phantom sensations of her lips pressed against your own again.
You’re ashamed to admit how long it took for you to decide on a response before eventually settling on a white heart to comment back. 
You thank the heavens that Liv barely sleeps because you got a message from her at that exact moment about a meeting the following morning; distracting you from Jenna and that stupid black heart. 
So that’s where you found yourself, in the dark, clutching the armrests of the stiff office chair in nervousness, the longer Liv and Jake waited to explain why you’re here. 
“It’s an update about Vegas,” Jake explained, leaning on the desk, and staring down at you.
“What about Vegas?” Your brows furrowed in confusion.
“Sarah found out who leaked the coke…” Liv chimed in. “The source comes from a Twitter account, claims she’s one of the girls in the club, and said she saw you taking a bump, as well. Gossip sites got a hold of it and spread it like wildfire.”
“That’s a lie, I was passed out.” Not the best argument, but it’s the truth.
“She claimed that it came from you.”
“Of course, it’s bullshit. But we’re in damage control now... The police still hasn’t made a comment about pursuing a possible case against you ‘cause there’s nothing there. We’re just dealing with rumours, at this point but I don’t want you to worry about that.” Liv reassured, holding a hand out. She could see the frustration etched on your face.
You rolled your eyes, slumping against the seat. “So, what do we do?”
“The PR with Jenna is going well. It did a good job at covering up headlines about your initial arrest – but now that Vegas headlines are back, we need to work on overtime.”
Immediately, you shake your head, brows furrowing. “I thought the relationship was only meant to last three months?” 
It’ll be three months by the end of this week and Jenna has yet to talk to you since your drunken night after the Met Gala. 
“Yes… and I also said less the faster people forget your night at the county jail, clearly, they haven’t forgotten.” She raised a brow in challenge, and you opted to bite your tongue 'cause she did say that.
“Even then, how would you get Jenna to agree? She’s not exactly my biggest fan, right now.” You muttered, looking down at your hands. Jenna’s probably rejoicing at the fact that this agreement was almost over. After the disaster that was the Met, she’s probably laughing at the proposition of extending this agreement longer.
“Is that why you two didn’t go to the same after-party?” Jake flicked a brow, more so curious. You’re surprised he doesn’t too mad about it.
“You don’t even wanna know.” You closed your eyes in exhaustion at the thought of that night, missing Liv and Jake’s silent conversation, debating if it was time for a parently intervention. But you caught on to their silence.
“Please don’t lecture me on my dating life,” you grumbled, “it’s the last thing I want to hear.”
“Dating life?” Jake piped up, eyes lighting up.
“Did you and Jenna actually catch feelings?” Liv asked, a small smile on her lips.
“I literally said don’t.” You glared and the bite in your tone seemed to get them to relent; dropping the conversation. “And don‘t say catch feelings, it sounds wrong coming from you.”
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that, for your sake.” Liv glares before looking at her business partner.
You don’t comment on the weighted glances they keep sending each other.
“Anyways…” Jake cleared his throat, “Lucky for you, Jenna already signed the updated contract—we just need your signature, that’s why you’re here.”
You to sit up straight, unsure if you heard your manager correctly. “What? She did?”
Maybe she wasn’t laughing at the proposition of extending this agreement. But why would she sign it? After what you said to her in New York, you figured she’d be on her merry way out the door and your life.
Liv reached over to the side, cracking open a thick document, and flipped to a page before sliding it over to you; a pen on top.
Beside Jenna’s ink-printed name on the paper, is the same neat handwritten signature that you noticed all those months ago. Your sight flickers down; the empty line with your name just below waiting to be signed seemed menacing this time. As you continue to scan the page and you settle on a certain line causing your heart to stop momentarily.
“A year?” 
Liv nodded, lips thinly pressed. “People are invested. Your names are selling headlines and getting clicks, it’s working. But not well enough to cover Vegas. We need to build you two as a brand, together.”
Suddenly the decision felt weighted.
“A brand?” You drawl, the words feeling wrong on your lips.
Liv sighed, “I know how it sounds… but we need Vegas to go away. After your guys’ appearance at the Met Gala, brands have been calling Jake and Sarah about potential deals featuring you two. You and Jenna sell.” 
You don’t answer, electing to look away to ignore their probing eyes. 
“There’s talk that they want to exclude you from the Dune 2 press run,” Jake admitted after a beat, his heavy-set eyes staring at you unapologetically. 
A knife to the gut is equivalent to how you feel. “What?”
Jake nodded, propping one hand on his desk to hold him up as leaned on it. “I’ve been going back and forth with the producers – reassuring them that you’re not what the press have saying. But like we said, we’re in damage control. SNL, Coachella, the Met Gala, those were good attempts at covering things up to get good press, but it’s not enough.”
Glancing down at the document again, a part of you still hesitates to pick up the pen.
“Did you not hear what I just said?” Jake asked.
“I–I need some time, to think about it.” 
“What’s there to think about?” Liv asked, equally confused. “Jenna already signed it.”
“It’s another year, Liv.” You raised your head to meet her eyes, in shock. Ignoring her reassurances. It doesn’t matter if Jenna signed it. There’s no way you’re letting this go on any longer. “That’s a long time.”
Flicking a brow, she answered, “Yes, it’s a long time, but we need to do this. There’s no other way..” She glanced at Jake, standing beside her, sending him a look.
You shake your head.  Mind already made up the moment you saw just how much longer this needed to continue.
“Well, find another way. I’m not dragging Jenna into my mess any longer.”
“What?” Jake dropped his crossed arms, watching as you frantically stood from the seat. “You wanna throw away the last three months?”
“Yes.” You stood your ground, crossing your arms.
Liv rolled her eyes, uncrossing her legs as she stands. You track her confusedly before you realize she’s walking off to Jake’s alcohol collection.
“That was a gift, Olivia.” Jake chided, as he watched the woman pour a hefty shot of the brown liquid from an expensive-looking bottle. 
You roll your eyes at her dramatics. 
“Are we dealing with the same thing right now?” She hissed in pain, placing the shot glass on the table as she gestured to you.
You shake your head, regaining their attention. “I have a career — movies and events lined up. I can’t play someone’s girlfriend for a year on top of that.”
“Y/N, there’s no other way… we’ll find a way to make it work with both your schedules but right now, we need to capitalize on the all of the attention.”
You huffed, annoyed that they were ignoring you. “I don’t care. Find another way. I’m not signing this.” Then you smack a firm hand on the document before turning to walk out of the office.
This has gone on long enough. You refuse to drag Jenna down any more than you already have. She’s better off without you anyway.
“I’m coming, I’m coming! Can you wait?!”
With haste, you stumble on your flip-flops when they tangle on your feet as you walked toward your front gate. The buzzing kept ringing out in the dark, quiet air. You desperately wished you bought a house with see-through gates so you could tell off whoever was repeatedly banging on your buzzer.
You lived in a gated neighbourhood, so you weren’t too worried about a random stranger roaming around. You assumed it was just one of your neighbours ringing the bell. 
“What?” You yank the door open, stepping out. The street lamps on the sidewalk don’t do well to light the figure standing across from you. But even in the dark, you instantly recognize her smaller stature.
She stepped back as you close the door behind you, now standing on the sidewalk. Your house was situated on a cul-de-sac and rarely anyone roamed the streets at this time. 
“What are you doing here?”  You squint, walking closer. 
“Who the hell do you think you are?” Was her answer, words practically dripping in anger.
You stand straighter at her tone, brows knotting together. “What?”
“Who the hell do you think you are, trying to make decisions for me.” She bit back, face contorting in fury. Glancing down, you note her white-knuckled grip on a manila folder.
“We shouldn’t talk about this here.” You sighed, scanning the street. It was empty and quiet but you never know who was lurking around. 
Walking over to the gate, you held it open, “let’s talk inside.”
She stood her ground, feet firmly planted on the concrete. You can see the sharp edges from her jaw clenching even in the poorly-lit street.
“Jenna.” You said knowingly, titling your head to the side.
You hear her huff loudly before stomping past you and walking up the path to your front door. Choosing not to comment on the fact that she’s never been to your house but she’s walking like she has been. Following closely behind, you can’t help but let your eyes wander down, taking note of her outfit.
As always, no matter what she wore, it hung off her expertly, like it was made just for her. You were so distracted looking at her… outfit, that you failed to realize you made it to the front door. 
“Are you gonna open the door or what?’ She raised a brow, not commenting on how quickly you averted your eyes as soon as she turned around.
“Yeah…” You muttered, sliding past her to open the double doors. 
When you make it to the foyer, Jenna is already confronting you before the door even closes. “Sign the contract.”
“Demanding much?” You raised a brow, shutting the door.
“Sign the damn contract, Y/N.” She said firmly, leaving no room for argument.
“What are you doing, Jenna? This is your chance to get out of this.” You wave a hand, gesturing between you and her.
She laughed unamused, “Get out of this? If you think I can leave this PR relationship in the middle of rumours of your arrest and there’s a way I won’t be painted like the bad guy, then you’re really dumber than I thought.”
You clenched your jaw, not answering. 
“Sign the contract.” She repeated, taking your silence as a win.
“Why not?” 
“I’m not dragging you into this mess.”
She laughed again, this time it was plainly mocking. “I’m already in this mess. I’m deep in it if you haven’t noticed. Maybe if you pulled your head out of your ass every once in a while you’d realize everything we do is attached to each other, now. There isn’t anywhere I can go without being asked about you or our relationship. So no, I’m not letting you make this decision for me. ‘Cause I’m making it for us.”
You stared at her. The fury in her eyes and tension in her shoulders were noticeable even from where you stood; it didn’t aid in easing the mellowing guilt in your chest.
“It’s all from a business standpoint, don’t look into it.” She glared.
This time, you were certain you deserved that. 
Jenna walked up to you, pushing the manila folder against your chest aggressively. You meet her narrowed eyes staring up at you. “Sign it.”
Then she walked off, slamming the door shut behind her.
“How’s the missus?”
“How’s yours?” Tom joked back, handing over a steaming coffee cup. Graciously grabbing it with both hands, you eagerly sip on the bitter drink as the London native settles on the patio chair across you.
Although it was considered a warm day in London, there was a cool breeze that wafted through the air penetrating through your jacket. 
“Very funny.” You muttered, ignoring the heat rising up your neck.
“I’m just fuckin with ya.” He chuckled, cheeks crinkling in amusement. 
“She actually has day off from filming, right now.” You placed the paper cup on the table, fiddling with the cover. “So, at home.”
“Beetlejuice 2, right? Insane gig, you must be proud of her.” He smiled, gauging your reaction.
The smile that creeps up on your face is genuine, “Yeah, I am. They just started filming last week, I know she’s killing it.”
“Have you visited her on set?”
You blushed, not even considering that a possibility. “No uh– not yet.”
“Either way, it’s great. I’m happy for you guys.” He said sincerely, but he sees through you. “But, what’s with the long face?”
You sighed, leaning back. Taking a moment to glance around at the quiet street, it was still early morning and the hustle of the Brit actor’s town was still non-existent.
You’ve known Tom for a long time, meeting him during your stint in the MCU. He’s become a brother of sorts, as you two navigated the Marvel fame throughout all those years. As soon as you landed in England, he was the first person you texted.
“It’s complicated– with Jenna.”
“How so?” He flicked a brow, sipping on his drink.
That prompted a long retelling of how you met the other actress (definitely breaching your contract, but hey, you’ll send over an NDA) the events of SNL, Coachella, the Met, and recently, how you’ve been forced to follow her to London as she films Beetlejuice 2 to support her as she films the follow-up to the iconic horror-classic.
“Wow…” His brows raised in shock, mouth hanging wide open. 
You raise an expectant brow. “Well? What should I do?”
“You asking me?” He pointed to himself and if he wasn’t one of your closest friends and Hollywood’s biggest faces, you’d punched him straight.
You huffed, brows knitting together. “Yes, I’m asking you. You and Z are the epitome of a healthy relationship. Tell me what to do.”
Tom rubbed his stubbled jaw, relaxing in his seat as he thought of what to say. “It’s not that easy. Z and I actually want to make it work.”
“What does that mean?” You sat up straighter, a bit defensive.
“Mate, throughout that whole story, you kept talking about this relationship like it was the worst thing in the world. Making up excuses for your actions as to why you can’t open up to Jenna— running away. You guys haven’t talked about anything. She doesn’t know about Vegas, or how you felt about Coachella… You also have yet to apologize for how you disappeared for hours and then acted like an asshole in New York. You just followed her to London, expecting to live under one roof like everything’s alright. It’s a bomb waiting to explode.”
You… couldn’t say anything to that.
He bit back a laugh at your wide-eyed reaction, “Listen, I’m no expert on relationships – I’m still trying to find my way. But one thing I’ve learned, is that when two people want to make it work they will, but that only happens with honest communication. She doesn’t even know how you feel about her… maybe start there.”
“What if it’s too late? What if too much has happened for us to fix things?” You questioned, meeting his kind eyes and allowing him to see the vulnerability in yours.
“Then you start over, build from the ground up.”
You knew his relationship has also seen its fair share of rocky moments. Noting his slew of ex-girlfriends before eventually finding his way back to the Euphoria actress. That made you feel a bit better about your situation.
“Let me ask you this,” He piques up, leaning his elbows on the table, fingers cupping his chin, “what are you so scared of?”
You already know your answer. “I don't want to break her heart.”
He hums, pondering your response, “It sounds like you don’t want her to break yours, mate.”
This time, you’re the one humming as a response, unsure of what to say because he’s right. There’s never been anyone you’ve allowed to get close enough to even break your heart. 
The thought that someone could take your heart and stomp on it whenever they wanted is terrifying concept.
“Look,” he speaks up when you don’t answer, “it sounds like you really care about Jenna. I’ve seen pictures of you two, even if you say it’s just for the cameras. I’ve never seen you look so smitten. Talk to her, you never know what could happen if you stop getting in your own way.”
You flushed, choosing not to comment on his words. “Ho-how you’d see the pictures?”
“You two are everywhere and Z sent me that picture of the two of you with her niece. Very cute,” He winked cheekily.
You rolled your eyes. “Alright, I get it. I’ll talk to her.”
“Finally, Link owes me a drink.” He settled back into his seat, sipping on his drink.
You rolled your eyes, shooting the Brit a glare. “You two are annoying.”
But he just chuckled, trying to hide it with a sip of coffee before speaking up again. “Hey, once you get settled here in London, why don’t you come to Monaco with me for the F1 Grand Prix?”
Your gaped at the offer, “You serious?”
“Yeah, it’ll do you some good. Forget about Vegas, the press and Jenna, for a bit?” He leaned in, raising his brows at the proposition, a grin smacked on his teeth. “Me, you, a couple of friends and some cars. What’d ya say?”
You’d take a moment to think over your options but you were already sold.
“I’m in.” You grinned.
It’s been three days since you landed in London, following Jenna across the Atlantic Ocean as she filmed Beetlejuice 2. You're still trying to adjust to the time zone difference but that’s really the least of your worries because it’s been terribly awkward living under the same roof as Jenna.
You were seriously considering paying for a hotel during your time here but maybe spending thousands of dollars, or pounds… on a hotel room every night in London for a month straight isn’t the best business decision.
Clearly Jake and Sarah agreed because when you called Jake he said and I quote ‘there’s no other way for you to live anywhere other than with Jenna’ — yeah right.
At least she’s speaking to you — which is a step. Jenna had to fly over to the UK a week earlier and in that time it seems the tensions between you have simmered down. But, her responses are restrained, overly polite, like she didn’t know how to talk to you anymore.
You ignored how your heart clenched at her snipped, cold responses.
“Hi,” She greeted, as soon as you made it down the hallway then living room. Eyes tracking your every move as you shuffled to the kitchen, placing a paper bag atop the counter.
“Hey, how was your day off?” You greeted, glancing up at her momentarily.
“It was alright, I just walked around; got to know the neighbourhood. What about you? You were gone by the time I woke up...” Jenna asked, hating how you averted your gaze from her so quickly these days.
“I met up with a friend over at Kingston.” You replied, opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water. 
“Tom Holland?”
Turning, surprised she knew that but she answered before you could even ask. “I saw some pictures on Instagram.”
You purse your lips, nodding; not really surprised the paparazzi discovered your outing with the Brit actor. The press never sleeps, even when you’re in another continent.  “Oh, I see… well, he says hello, by the way.”
Jenna perked up surprised. “He did?”
You nodded but said nothing else. 
“You were gone for a while, though.” She added.
“We also grabbed dinner.” You’d usually make an annoyed quip about the sudden interrogation but at this point, you were just glad she’s talking to you.
“Did you have fun?” She asked. You don’t miss the slow, drawled tone that accompanied the question like she was unsure if she should keep the conversation afloat or let it fizzle out.
“Yes, I did actually.” You find yourself saying. A day away from the tenseness in this apartment was a nice change.
Jenna wanted to interject and ask why you looked peeved in the photos and videos she saw. She’s familiar with the tightly wound brows and flared nostrils that you create when you’ve gone off on a rant. 
She couldn’t help but wonder what you two were talking about. Instead, she kept her mouth shut and nodded. “That’s nice...”
Sighing under your breath, you try not to make a reaction and set off an argument with the other actress but the awkward responses were getting old and it’s only your third day here. There’s no way you can handle walking on eggshells around her for another minute.
Shufflling closer to the couch where Jenna sat; gaze still tracking you. You send her a timid smile, placing a paper cup atop the table across from her.
A peace offering, of sorts.
“The coffee shop I was at this morning is known for their hot chocolate, so I got you one on the way back.”
She blinked, evidently surprised at the gesture. You take her silence as a chance to sit on the armchair just across.
“Call it a truce?” You added, sending a sheepish smile. 
Other than the episode of Breaking Bad playing in the background, it’s dead silent in the apartment.
You didn’t comment on how she rewatching an episode that the two of you had already seen.
Jenna stayed mute, just watching you but reached out for the hot chocolate on the coffee table then leaned back on the couch, pulling her legs up to her chest. 
You considered it as an olive branch.
“I’m sorry for how I acted in New York — I know I worried you.” You gauged her reaction but she averted her gaze to the coffee table, on the cup she was fiddling with — anywhere but your own eyes. “You’re right, I am an asshole and I am so, so sorry Jenna. How can I make it up to you?”
Your question finally has her meeting your eyes, voice cold. “You can’t.”
You sighed, “come on, Jen. There has to be something.”
“You can’t because I’m not ready to forgive you yet.” She reiterated and you slumped back against the cushion, defeated.
“Okay…” You accepted. With a slow nod, you stood up about to walk off to your bedroom and lock yourself inside for the remainder of the night.
Maybe you can try again tomorrow.
Jenna huffed, “where are you going?”
Spinning around, confused; you pointed to the closed door down the hall, “my room? I’m giving you space.”
She stands up, agitation etched on her face and placed the paper cup on the wooden table with force. “No, Y/N, that’s not what I want.”
You flick a brow up, still bemused at her sudden hostility. “So, then what do you want, Jenna?”
Probably like her, you were growing tired of the constant fighting and miscommunication that seems to occur every time a serious talk needed to happen.
Her forehead created lines as she raised both brows, “to talk! I want you to talk to me. Open up to me — I never know what you’re actually thinking. You say I’m leading you on but do you even realize that you're doing the same to me?!”
She finished off with a sharp breath and widened eyes like she didn’t expect to reveal all of that.
You take a deep breath, forcing yourself to remember the countless advice you’ve been receiving from everyone. Reminding yourself of the unpleasantness that took home in your chest from being away and fighting with the other actress. You didn’t enjoy receiving the cold shoulder from her.
“That’s not what I was trying to do, I swear.” You tried to say calmly despite your heart hammering widly in your chest; fight or flight instincts begging for you to flee.
She studied you with a cautious gaze, you don’t blame her for not believing you. “I like you, a lot – more than I ever expected.”
Your confession has her brows raising in surprise. Not expecting you to say that. You take her stunned silence as a chance to keep talking.
 “I think we both can say that the way we came into each other’s life was less than… conventional.” You chuckled to fill the tense silence, “I’m not exactly sure when or where, but along the way that I started to fall for you.”
You sit back down on the armchair prompting Jenna to perch on the couch, across from you. The space in between you and the other actress feels like a million miles away. Feeling like your nerves are shot from her indecipherable look, alone.
“I really care about you, Jenna and you’re right. I haven’t been honest with you, about anything but especially over Vegas and that’s not fair… so I guess I should start there.”
Jenna can’t even hide her surprise that you’re actually opening up. Never mind confessing how you feel about her. Instead, she keeps her mouth shut and allows you to speak.
“Vegas was just a bad decision. I think I was overwhelmed— I had a busy year last year and nothing was letting up. I begged this… friend that I had to skip town, go to Vegas and fuck shit up. Well, we did. When the cops got to the strip club, I was passed out drunk and Damon—uh the friend, was doing coke beside me. Uh, I'm not really sure what happened next but they took me to jail and next thing I knew I was waking up to someone telling me I’d been bailed out… Jake said they tried to pick us both up for drug charges but when they realized it wasn’t mine, they charged me with a drunken disorderly, instead.”
Somewhere along the way, your gaze dropped in shame, unable to match Jenna’s intense stare. You felt mortified as you recounted the tales of your criminal escapade. It’s not a night you choose to relive or retell for a reason, and definitely not a story that you want Jenna knowing. 
But she’s right, she is as deep in this mess as you are. She deserves to know the whole story if you two had to keep this PR stunt going for another year. And if this relationship had any real chance of surviving.
“I heard about it… when it first happened. Sarah was the one to tell me about the coke, that’s why I called you a drug user when we first met…” Jenna admitted, “she said it wasn’t yours but then that headline claimed it was dropped before the Met and you didn’t say anything—“
“I know, I know and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have waited until the last minute to say something.” You hesitated. You’ve never done well at being confronted with the repercussions of your bad decisions, much less having to explain them. “I was scared—“
Your voice cracked, cursing inwardly you fought through the unpleasant thickness in your throat. That makes Jenna meet your eyes, watching as you blinked away the tears beginning to cloud your vision.
Her gaze softens… never seeing you so vulnerable. Continuing to observe you for a few seconds before giving in, “come here.”
You look up at her extended hand and how she patted the open space next to her. Your legs work against you, already standing to walk over and sit.
When you do, she’s turning her whole body to find your eyes. This time her body language is open and inviting rather than the reserved, tense stature you’ve grown accustomed to.
“Sorry…” You wiped the corner of your eyes.
She shakes her head, “don’t be.”
You clear your throat, forcing yourself to meet her kind eyes. She waits for you to patiently speak.
“I was scared.” You repeated.
“I was scared of my feelings for you. That week at your parents' house… was the first time I felt welcomed in a long time. It’s just been me and Link and L.A. for so long, I-I forgot what it was like to have a village around you. I’m sorry if your family sees me differently now.” 
You felt a pang of shame wash over you. But Jenna’s shaking her head, scooting closer — knees touching. “They don’t. My dad and sisters are a little mad but they actually pushed me to talk to you — even when I was mad. They know how the media loves to twist things, they’ve seen it with me, so they try to not pay attention to it.”
She doesn’t know how you did it but you have somehow won her overprotective family over. 
Jenna’s week away from you was needed yet miserable at the same time. After your drunken rant, Jenna was the one who found herself running away. Knowing that this time, she was the one who couldn’t be around you. 
Your words hurt, for lack of a better explanation. The way you spewed them so easily, so surely, was a memory that she replayed over and over again while she was giving you the cold shoulder.
It almost made her give in… to cut the tie with you. Give you what you want — be left alone. But then she remembers her conversation with Hailee, with her mom, with her sisters, with everybody who’s been around you.
It’s comical how everyone can see it but you two.
As if it were written in the stars, a divine intervention seems to always save you two just before the brink of no return. When Jenna found out you were being forced to live with her in London for a month while she films Beetlejuice 2 and you — well she doesn’t know what work you’re doing here yet because she can’t get herself to say more than two words to you — she didn’t know if she should be happy or dreading it.
But then you landed and it’s been a tense weekend since your arrival. You and her seem to share the sentiment of not knowing how to act or speak around the other. Jenna started leaning on dreading it the longer the awkward conversations occurred.
But now you’re here, opening up.
“Are you sure?” You asked a bit croaky; throat a bit tight.
You stare into the other actress’ dark orbs and for the first time ever, it feels like you can finally read her. Hesitantly, she reached out to grasp your hand, firmly clasping it. “I’m sure.”
Clenching your jaw, you try to keep the clouding in your vision at a minimum. Inhaling a sharp stuttered breath, you nodded, “g-good.”
“I’m sorry for how I’ve handled everything since meeting you. It was a lot… dealing with the hate, the arrest and then suddenly realizing how I feel about you. So I ran — like I always do, and that makes me an asshole ‘cause I hurt you. I can deal with everyone being angry with me, I'm used to it. But I can’t stand it coming from you… So you can be mad, but I won’t stop trying to make it up to you.”
Jenna sees nothing but honesty in your fierce, unblinking gaze. It has her heart thudding rudely in her rib cage. She blinked, trying to control her wavering voice, “You’re right… you never talked about Vegas until the last minute and that wasn’t fair of you. But I also never asked you about it either, even though I knew some of the story. I thought we’d do this PR stunt and then go on with our lives….”
You sniffled, eyes feeling scratchy as you listened to her side. You couldn’t keep the stray tear that ran down your cheek at bay. Looking down, you missed Jenna’s softening eyes.
Moving to wipe away the tear, embarrassment ran through you instantly. You tried to pull away from Jenna’s grasp to wipe it but she grabbed it back, tightening her grip. Then she bring her free hand up, swiping the wetness away with a gentle touch that you didn’t feel deserving of.
She squeezed your hand, as she feels you freeze at her ministrations. Your cheek burns against her soft palm. “But, then you met my family and spent time with us and… suddenly you weren’t so bad. Y/N, I like you too.”
This felt like a breakthrough or a light at the very end of a long, dark tunnel in your relationship. 
“So do I.” You repeated timidly, allowing your cheek to rest against her steady hand. Granting the grounding touch despite your racing nerves.
“I’m sorry about what I said in New York,” she swipes her thumb across your cheek, averting her eyes to glance at her actions. You watch her as she does so. 
“You're not an asshole. You’re actually one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met… when you want to be.” Her eyes flicker back to you, a hint of a smile playing on her lips as she gauges your reaction. You couldn’t help the laugh that escapes; easing the slight tension that’s built in the room. “I was just so angry about being left out that I decided to lash out at you. I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean any of it.”
“I forgive you.” You decided to be brave and placed a reassuring hand on her knee. Jenna watches your eyes, not saying anything. Only removing her hand from your cheek to brush some hair away from your sight. Then she drops her palm to rest atop your still-conjoined hands.
“I really, really like you.” She confesses just above a whisper.
“So do I.” You chimed in quickly. She sends you an amused smile before clearing her throat. That’s when you realized it, “but I’m sensing a but...”
You watch as her grin contorts sadly, as she sighed heavily, “it’s not the right time.”
Feeling a pang of disappointment, you nodded nevertheless, averting your eyes. “Oh.”
If somehow there was space between the two of you, there certainly isn’t any, now, as she moved closer, feeling like skin pressing against one another is the only thing that can ground the younger actress. 
“I feel like we went from hating each other to being thrown in New York – SNL.” Jenna tilts her head down, hoping to meet your gaze again, it proves fruitful when she grabs your glance. “Us.. in that dressing room, I know you felt it too.”
Breathing out carefully, you confessed. “I did.”
Jenna sent you a pleased smile, “Then you left for Coachella and I was mad at you again… I even made your driver take you to my parents just so I could see you again cause even when I was mad –  I couldn’t stop thinking about almost kissing you.”
Your heart thumped as she confessed everything.
“My mom set us up with the single bed thing, though.” Jenna laughed as joined. The thought of her family secretly rooting for you two had your stomach in a twist. “The way you were with my family that week… I don’t know. I started seeing you differently and I couldn’t help but kiss you before your performance…”
“I wasn’t complaining.” You shook your head.
“Shut up.” She smacked your arm, making you smile. “We skipped so many steps and just jumped into the relationship part.”
“Yeah… we did.” 
“I want to make this work but I think—“
“I got a lot of shit to figure out.” You chuckled, cutting her off.
“We got a lot of shit to figure out.” She corrected. “And in between filming Beetlejuice–”
“I understand, Jen.” You squeezed her hand.
“I need some time, to figure all of this out because I wanna do it right – with you.” Her voice drops to a whisper. You try to disregard how her gaze fell lower, finding your lips. 
Mentally wishing the other actress can’t hear how loudly your heart is thumping.
“I’ll be here waiting.” 
It wasn’t the conclusion you expected but it felt like a step in the right decision. She’s right, there is a lot that you two need to figure out. Separately and together. Her eyes snap back to you, looking relieved, like it was exactly what she needed to hear.
“I’m not saying I’m not open to never, possibly– you know.” Jenna blushed, as she stumbled over her words. “But I’d like us to be friends first, get to know each other before we pursue that. I-Is that okay?”
You felt bolder at her confession, finally knowing how she feels about you. Bringing your entwined hands up, you place a delicate kiss on her the top of her hands. “That’s okay, I’ll be here when you’re ready for me.”
“You’re already breaking the rules…” She jokes but her tone sounded wispy as she stared down at the way your lips ghosted over her hand. 
You flick a brow, “we have rules?”
She sends you a pointed look, calling your name flatly.
Rolling your eyes, you lean back, dropping her hands. “Right, sorry… friends definitely don’t do that.”
“You’re an idiot.” You didn’t know an insult could sound better than any piece of music you’ve ever listened to. She hasn’t called you that since Coachella. You think, the term of endearment is starting to grow on you, having missed her reciprocated banter more than anything.
“Yeah… I am.” You respond, fondly memorizing every speckle in her kind, dark orbs staring back into yours. It sends a shiver down your spine.
How could you ever think of letting her go?
it only took eight fucking chapters but I did say slow burn…😭
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