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Leverage 3x8 - "The Boost Job"
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bestqprshipbracket · 6 months
Best Polyamorous Ship Group 3 Round 2
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Simple question- who's your favorite badass couple/polycule?
Propaganda for Perc'ahlia: "The gal is queer, the guy is probably queer, they’re so edgy separately but together he’s the most pathetic simp and she’s a badass Queen. Iconic, they are"
Propaganda for the Leverage trio: "Parker/Hardison is canon since S4/5, Elliot fell for them later. OT3 confirmed via word of God. Eliot is the one most suited for literal battle but the other two can kick ass when required and the three of them battle capitalism via crime 24/7."
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oh to be peter de jersey and to be known by david tennant fans everywhere as both the latter half the most tender, loving hamlet and horatio pairing, and as *grumpy scottish accent* “dirty brian”
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kj7895 · 4 months
Some of my favorite queer ships are Malec, Malex, BuckTommy or Tevan, Marina, Avalance, Stef and Lena, Henren, Rayalla, Choni, and the list goes on.
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loki-nightfire · 3 months
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A big full cover to the new urban fantasy AU series.
Urban Legend, series one: The Bus. Read: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56833660
Full art on http://boosty.to/grizzlyhare
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nancylou444 · 3 months
Hey dude if you were to pick the top five fave LGBT characters, who would be your faves?
Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood (Malec)
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Sara Lance
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Omar White
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Lucifer Morningstar
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John Constantine
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HeeHee, I couldn't choose between Lucifer and Constantine, so I put both.
Hmm, looks like I have a type. Badass all the way.
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lavender95 · 3 months
I’m pairing fanfiction’s with Reiki healing so recommend me your favorite fanfiction and I will do a Reiki healing based off it.
The hunger games, the dragon prince,  supernatural, avatar the last Airbender, the legend of Korra, miraculous ladybug,  shadowhunters, twilight, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, and the rest of that universe.
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fallloverfic · 1 month
Alec & Ryurik (Ayashi no Ceres)
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I just wanna know what the story is behind this panel. Like... what was the plan here? Emphasizing the hand-holding, the hopeful look in Ryurik's eyes, the surprised look in Alec's? This panel made me do a double-take, and I feel like it would to other folks, too.
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They were work colleagues, with Alec specifically assisting Ryurik, and they show up a bit in the story together, mostly talking to Kagami rather than each other... and then that panel in volume 13, shaking hands before the climax, is their last shot together.
Kind of extra sad Ryurik was written out of the anime adaptation. If nothing else, Alec seemingly had a friend who wasn't Kagami (if they were ever friends), who cared about him. But only in the manga. He feels so isolated otherwise, with his attachment to Toya being kind of random. Alec often seems to be just barely tolerated by Kagami, mostly valued for his brains than as a person, but here's Ryurik getting up close to him and promising to see each other again, possibly about nothing to do with their work.
(I know Alec shows up in the sequel novels, so maybe there's more expansion there, but those were never translated, and this was just... so pointedly framed)
I also think it's funny Ryurik kind of looks like Toya. I imagine that's just sort of like... Watase's art style, but given Alec's relationship with Toya is one of the few he has, it's kind of funny he gets his own sort of Toya for a boyfriend, given real Toya is taken.
Anyway that's part of why I wrote a post-canon fic about them.
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sirbogarde · 3 months
Tunes of Glory is like. How do you insert yourself into a group of men who have fought together and are familiar with each other and don't really want you here but are too proper to just come out and say that which makes it worse actually. All you want are some friends because you don't have any and you were in a POW camp during the war where they tortured you and you refuse to talk about it with anyone but it's why you're so jumpy and hate loud noises and you just want to belong somewhere. The only thing that got you through the torture was the thought of leading the regiment your father and grandfather led and now you've arrived and the officers all despise you. And then you decide to cut the popular major a break because he promises he'll be your friend and help you be liked by the men and he will really change if you give him a second change and he won't be mean to you anymore and then he goes and doesn't keep his promise. Like what then!
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ufonaut · 2 years
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I was going to turn you, for old times’ sake, but you’ve cost me a lot of good soldiers and good cattle today. So I will simply ask you... any last words?
Carter & Ollie in DC vs. Vampires (2021) #12
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Leverage 3x11 - "The Rashomon Job"
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bestqprshipbracket · 6 months
Best Polyamorous Ship Group 3 Round 3
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r0-boat · 6 months
@anaoryx commission for an OC X Canon
Thank you so much for commissioning me and I hope you enjoy this and thank you for being so patient!!
OC Zoey x Alec in...
We will be reunited
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Sfw cut for length
Zoey begged and pleaded for Kamado to open the gates to the village.
He stood on the watchtower, arms crossed, glaring down at her as she tried to explain what she had been through. Holding up the red chain in her hands. With this material, she needs better tools to craft a poké Ball with, and only one person can do so.
On the other side, Alec, a friend she had known for a long time now, someone very dear to her. Heard her voice from the other side of the wall. Alec, His heart pounding hearing that familiar voice, looked up at his boss.
Alec knew Zoey's innocence, And she was only trying to help the village even now. But Kamado did not trust her; since she did not belong here, he thought that she was the sole cause of not only the time-space distortions, but the reason why the pokémon were going crazy.
Somehow, She got through to him.
"Open the gates!" His voice booms, ordering the galactic members to turn the cranks. The wooden gate creaks as it opens. His eyes widened at Kamado's decision. He wanted to run towards Zoey and tackle her in a hug. But Kamado had already separated the two as the red-haired heroine approached.
The red chain in her hand, she presented it to Kamado.
"Please, there's a way to fix this, Commander-!" Zoey sounded weak and tired; she hadn't had a good night's sleep in so long.
"Do not call me Commander outsider."
Zoey knew Kamado's disdain for her, but it still hurt after everything she did. She saw the town as a family!
Kamado glanced back, glaring at Alec. Alec, not wanting to make an enemy of the commander, stood down. He knew that Zoey wouldn't want him to get in trouble, even though it hurt him to see her like this. She was being treated like a dangerous animal rather than a human being.
Zoey took a while to speak; She was shaking, whether it be from rage or being scared, Alec could tell.
"Com-Kamado, I need to see Professor Laventon; I need him to turn this red chain into a Pokeball. Please, He's the only one who can do this."
Kamado snatches the red chain from her hand. "I will give this to him. It will be done by tomorrow, but you are not allowed in the village. I'll find someone to hand it over to you, and you will get out of my sight. Is that clear?"
Zoey stayed silent, only nodding her head.
With that, Kamado leaves, signaling the people to close the gates. The last thing she saw was Alec with a look of worry on his face. As the gates close behind her, Kamado drags the red chain to the ground, demanding Alec to his side.
Zoey slept in the forest just outside the village. She still had some supplies for camping out after just a tent. She was stoking the makeshift fire. Flygon was by her side. She had noticed the sadness of her dear trainer and rubbed against her to comfort her.
Zoey smiled, patting the dragon-type pokémon on the head. Flygon trilled at the attention, licking her trainer's cheek. Zoey giggled, wrapping her arms around her pokémon partner.
"Thank you for cheering me up, bud. I'm okay. I just want this all to be over."
Flygon chirped in agreement.
Suddenly, her head perked up, hearing The bushes that surrounded their humble camp rushling. Flygon, ready to protect her friend, bears her teeth snarling at the unknown sound. A Braviary hopped out of the bushes, playfully tackling the ground-type pokémon to the ground. Flygon, with a sniff, immediately knew who it was growling happily, her tail thumping the ground. Zoey noticed her pokémon's reaction confused because, to her knowledge, they'd never met this pokémon before.
"Braviary! Come back!" A familiar voice!
Appearing out from the bushes was a person, brandishing his Zoroark mask.
Zoey immediately knew that mask. Before Alec could even take off the mask, Zoey tackled him. The masked man let out a laugh, holding Zoey in his arms. "I knew you'd be here!"
She carefully held the wooden Zoroark mask, lifting it, uncovering his face. It has been so long since she had seen those eyes. Shimmering purple.
"How did you find me? I thought the gates to the village closed." Zoey asked.
Alec smiled and nodded his head over at his newly evolved bird pokémon.
"So Rufflet evolved! I almost didn't recognize him; He was so small and cute before. Now look at him!" Zoey gushed at Braviary, who was now play-wrestling with Flygon. To the dragon pokémon's surprise, the bird pokémon had gotten significantly stronger now and was putting up a good fight.
"I'm sorry, Zoey, I should have been with you," Alec said.
Without Zoey, The village is quiet, almost dead. Professor Laventon, Rei, and Akari were worried sick; not just them but everyone in Team Galaxy was concerned. Nearly questioning the commander's decisions because of how much she helped them. But, of course, Commander Kamado banned anyone from speaking about Zoey. If anyone were to speak anything about her and her weird green dragon bug, their job would be on the line.
However, unbeknownst to Alec, since Zoey's banishment, no one has changed more than Alec himself; he would always stare off into space whenever the commander was not around, and the only thing that would come out of his mouth was Zoey 'Was she okay? Where is she? Can I find her?' And they can't blame him. Their feelings for each other were very noticeable. Kamado especially knew how attached he was to Zoey, so he kept an extra eye on him.
Zoey shook her head. "No, Alec, I wanted you to stay. I needed you to protect the village. Since that day when the sky got weird, pokémon have been acting more violent; I've seen it for myself!"
Zoey had been okay with the help of Cogita and Volo, as well as behind the scenes help from Iridia, Adaman, and Cyllene. She was OK. But of course, every day for the last couple of months, she missed Alec terribly. Oh, how she wanted to fly back to the village, scream at Kamado, and run back into Alec's arms.
Hearing that Zoey needed him made his heart flutter; as much as he was so worried about her, he trusted her. "So…what have you been doing? Everyone else in the Galaxy Team has been worried sick."
The red-haired trainer had no idea where to start! With the riddles and the lake trio. The violent alpha guardian standing in her way. And the more frequent time-space portals.
But now that she finally had someone to talk to!
"There's a way to fix this!" Zoey said with a bright smile.
But when Alec gave her a happy yet confused look. Zoey giggled, apologized, and started from the beginning.
Alec, in awe, listened when Zoey told him about the red chain, as foretold in ancient scriptures about its power to control The God Almighty Sinnoh.
The spirits of the lake, and they're puzzling riddles with their alpha guardians protecting them.
How the God Sinnoh was neither Palkia or Dialga, as they spoke and announced themselves in the heads of the two clan leaders. That shocked Alec the most. If the Lord of Space and the Lord of Time weren't Almighty Sinnoh, then who was?! When was it possible Almighty Sinnoh was something even higher than them, a god that even those two must answer to?
This was all…a lot, and Zoey was doing this all alone…
A thought that Alec could not stand.
While Zoey was risking her life for all of Hisui, Alec was under house arrest.
Alec, or any of The Galaxy team that were on Zoey's side, couldn't go on excursions out of fear that they would try to reach out to her or find her…and all for what? The Commander's ego?
Alec grabbed Zoey's hands, making the trainer flush.
"Take me with you…tomorrow when you get that red chain Pokeball. Please take me with you!"
To distort what the commander says or what the commander does to him, being by her side was all that mattered. Doing what was right and saving the world was all that mattered! Zoey was more important to him than the skewed code of honor and ethics that the commander followed.
Zoey stared into Alec's determined eyes; she did not want Alec to lose his position in the Galaxy team. But, She didn't want to be alone again. And now that she is sure that she had found a way to stop this and save all of Hisui. She needed all the help she could get!
Zoey's pondering face turned into a confident one; that confident smile he fell in love with.
Alec smiled, letting go of her hands. He crawled out of her tent.
"All right, I have to go home- I'll meet you here tomorrow try and get some-"
"W-wait!” Zoey shouted, cutting him off. Her cheeks burned red, summoning the courage to ask him as Alec stood there waiting for her to respond.
"C-can you stay? J-just for the night, I mean."
Alec inhaled, his heart beating thumping fast, hard in his chest, His eyes widening. How could he say no? He would be a fool if he did!
Without a word, he crawled back into the tent, and the two stayed together that night.
The morning came upon the pair slowly.
The two could not sleep last night. All they did was talk- Small talk, silly things- Anything to distract them from the looming threat of facing whatever lies beyond. All they had to do was summon the red chain and stand face-to-face to whatever lies beyond. It could be Almighty Sinnoh…or it could be something else, something far beyond their imaginations.
But one thing was sure: they were going to do it together.
Packing up camp silently, they headed back to the village only for Laventon to come running out of the giant wooden gates as they loudly creaked open.
The professor was a wreck, eye bags with no sleep, possibly for working on the origin ball with the red chain bunched up in his hand. He yelled out, looking for Alec.
And when he saw Zoey, his eyes widened in disbelief
"ALEC!" The professor screamed before smiling at Zoey ."Good morning. He's-"
"Have you seen Commander Kamado?!"
Alec shook his head. "I've been with Zoey all night."
Laventon gave him a concerned look before continuing, "I was looking for the Commander to deliver the red chain and the ball to you, Zoey! Commander Kamado never leaves his office, but to my surprise,e I couldn't find him anywhere, and when I tried to ask, the Galaxy team would not give me a straight answer…"
The two trainers just looked at each other. Zoey broke the silence.
"You don't think…"
Their answer was confirmed when a galaxy member rushed up to the three, out of breath. "Sorry, the commander threatened us not to tell you, but He made a rant about taking matters into his own hands, and when we asked him, he told us that he was going to deal with the threat by himself without in his words 'Zoey's stupid rocks'"
Her eyes widened, putting her palms into her hands. "Over the love of…The commander doesn't know what he's doing. He's going to get himself killed!"
There was no time to waste; Laventon put the ball and the red chain in Zoey's hands. "Talk to Cyllene before you leave. She wanted to see you soon after Kamado rushed out."
They walked to the village. The village people stared at Zoey as they made their way to the Galaxy building. Cyllene at her desk, pinching the bridge of her nose. When she sees the red-haired trainer, she turns her chair. Zoey could almost make out the faintest hint of a smile. Before the lady sighs, "After what you've been through, we have no right to ask you for help again, but please—kicking you out was not a unanimous decision. But please, the commander was a fool. Go up there and stop that idiot from riling up whatever the hell you saw." Her voice shook. Cyllene normally was a calm woman, but now, as our colleague and boss makes a rash decision, potentially getting himself and everyone else killed, She could not stay calm.
Even though the past few months have been hell, she lived out in the ancient retreat alone. Zoey could not abandon those in danger even though they treated her like outsiders. She loved the Pokémon and the villagers she had made friends with.
"I'll do it, Captain Cyllene."
The Captain smiled. She knew Kamado would blow his top over her decision, but she'd handle him. She was sure the stubborn commander would change his mind. I ife red-haired outsider saved his life.
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cannibalcoyote · 2 years
*Imagines that aren’t linked means that they aren’t published yet*
Original Stories:
Senseless Reality
Die Hard(Movies):
Simon Gruber Pt.1: A Stranger
Simon Gruber Pt.2: A Savior
Simon Gruber: Escape
Simon/Hans Gruber Pt.1: Alone
Simon Gruber Pt.2: I Will Protect You
Simon Gruber: Am I Worth Anything?
Simon Gruber: Vengeance
Simon Gruber: Lost
Simon Gruber: Fear
DH3 Cast: Anxiety
Star Trek:
Christopher Pike: You Saved Me
Christopher Pike: Arguments
Seven of Nine: Effigy
War Games(1983):
Dr. Stephen Falken: Enough Games
Dr. Stephen Falken: Living in the Past
David Lightman: Escape
David Bowie/Characters:
David Bowie: Sun Rays to Rainy Days
David Bowie: The Actress
David Bowie: Kid Sister
David Bowie: Confrontations
David Bowie: Determination
David Bowie: Don't Go
David Bowie: Security
Jack Celliers: Beautiful Eyes
Jack Celliers: Sadie
Jack Celliers: Alive
Rockstar: Your Story(Interview)
I Can't Stay Here Anymore
Jareth: Quelled Fear
Jareth: Twin Souls
Jareth: Lost Child
Jareth: Lost Queen
Jareth: Back Away
Mick Ronson:
Rockstar: Your Story(Interview)
I Can't Stay Here Anymore
Hannibal Lecter Pt.1: Antisocial
Hannibal Lecter Pt.2:Antisocial
Hannibal Lecter: New Patient
Hannibal Lecter: Protector
Alfred Pennyworth: Alone
The Elder Maximoff(Series)
Beastars- Pina: Leave My Lioness Alone
Beastars- L/Rouis: Scars
SpyxFamily- Loid Forger: Ease Up Old Man
TLOK- Kuvira: Safe
TLOK- Kuvira: A Friendly Face
TLOK- Kuvira: Prison Break
TLOK- Kuvira: Freedom
TLOK- Kuvira: An Uncertain Future
TLOK- Kuvira: Fury
TLOK- Kuvira: Ambush
TLOK- Kuvira: Sisters
TLOK- Kuvira: Bandits
TLOK- Kuvira: The Abused
TLOK- Kuvira: Fear
TLOK- Kuvira: Regret
TLOK- Kuvira: Sergeant
TLOK- Kuvira: Gone Astray
TLOK- Kuvira: Critical
TLOK- Lin Beifong: Family
TLOK- Lin Beifong: Lost
Black Butler- Sebastian Michaelis: Reaper
The Lion King:
Scar: What Did I Do?
Scar: Betrayal
Scar's Adopted Brother(Series)
Munkustrap: The Beast He Made
Munkustrap: Why?
Alec Hardy: A Messed Up Situation
Alec Hardy: Correlation Does Not Equal Causation
Unraveled (Series)
Harry Potter:
Severus Snape: Siblings
Doctor Who- 10th Doctor: Reunited
Doctor Who- 11th Doctor: I Didn't Mean To
Johnny Depp:
Johnny Depp: Bodyguard Bestfriend
Tom Hanson: Where is Y/N?
Sweeney Todd: Feeling Fatherly
John Dillinger: I Loved You
Jack Sparrow: Too Far
George Jung: Dangerous Affair
House MD:
Gregory House: Consequences
Benjamin 'Hawkeye' Pierce: Decisions
Margaret ‘Hot Lips’Houlihan: Friends
NCIS/Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner: Found Out
Aaron Hotchner: First and Last Phone Call
BAU: Team Member to Murderer
Jethro Gibbs: The Dangers of Pride
Peaky Blinders:
Thomas Shelby: The Blind Woman
The Dressmaker:
Tilly Dunnage: I'll Be Here
LOTR/The Hobbit:
Thranduil: Why Did You Run?
Thranduil: Abandoned
Thranduil: Nin Naur
Woodland Princess (Series)
House of the Dragon:
Daemon Targaryen: Daughter
Daemon Targaryen: Bastard
Daemon Targaryen: Unexpected
Daemon Targaryen/Matt Smith: Two Face
Aemond Targaryen: Blood Debt
Hazbin Hotel:
In progress
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cam-ryt · 2 years
I'm here to end the discussion about Alec's fat/flat ass. We all now Magnus loves Alec's heart most and foremost. And heart's shape reminds ass shape. Alec has the biggest heart after Magnus in existence. So you can say his heart is whole ass big. The end.
Yeah yeah, of course 😌
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