#legit almost started crying!!!! this is fine
dustofthedailylife · 6 months
I legit thought my Camellia didn't survive the sudden late frost this year.
The leaves started yellowing and falling off and the flower buds dried up and died too 😭
I removed all dead leaves and buds and began fertilizing it carefully again. It's looks a bit bald now but I can see new leaf sprouts at the stems and THE BUDS ARE REGROWING and they're beginning to open too. I didn't expect anything to bloom anymore this year.
I think I might've actually saved my precious pink girl 🥹🩷
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valleynix · 1 year
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i just have to go back through and edit everything (and make sure everything flows), but i will (hopefully) see you all with the final version in about two-three hours :3
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gardenstateofmind · 7 months
genuinely don't realize how much my adhd meds do for me until i run out bc i can still be functional without them, but i was talking with my psych today and was like. oh yeah i guess i have been having a harder time at work bc even though i'm still doing everything i need to, it feels super overwhelming and i'm having a breakdown every shift lol
and she was like "your job is super stressful even in the best of times so we gotta find you something else in the mean time" so she's wrote me a script for fast acting ritalin bc it's the cheapest and probably in stock lol ty dr. burns
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cherriegyuu · 6 months
Can u plssss make a husband mingyu fic of his daughter absolutely hating his haircut go from long to extremely short causing him to sulk and hate his own hair then y/n having to comfort him😭😭 this video legit reminded me of this instantly idek how
i'm not supposed to be taking requests but this was just something that stuck to my mind ever since i read it. so here it is! i hope you like it! i'm also just in time for his birthday
when he cuts his hair
pairing: mingyu x fem!reader genre: fluff word count: 769 warnings: slightly suggestive not proofread
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You did your best to contain your smile, or at least tried to hide it, as your daughter cried into your shoulder, her small tears soaking your shirt and her hands balled into tiny fists in your hair. Under normal circumstances, you’d have taken her hand away but in that moment, it seemed like the only option to have her calm down. 
Your husband sat on the couch, the blanket you kept on the back of it wrapped around his head and shoulder, as his eyes were two full moons in his face. Mingyu was a mixture of laughter and unwashed tears as he watched your daughter cry into you. 
“I didn’t know” his voice came out in a whine, his hold on the blanket tightening “I thought it would be okay”
Mingyu had left the house that morning saying “I’m going to cut hair, I’ll be right back”. He had kept his hair longer for almost a year and it was probably one of your daughter’s favorite things about him — that and also the fact that Mingyu even existed. “Not only does she look like you the most but she also loves you the most” you’d half-heartily complain sometimes. 
It became some sort of routine, if she fell asleep with Mingyu around, she’d most definitely have her hand in his hair. Logically and rationally you knew that Hanna wouldn't like the new haircut, but you also didn’t think that it would be that much of a big deal. What you also didn’t expect was for Mingyu to come back with the shortest hair you have ever seen on him. 
You had known Mingyu for roughly twelve years and he always kept his hair on the longer side. While the sight was a fantastic one, Hanna didn’t seem to share the same idea. 
She ran to the door excitedly the second she heard the sound of keys on the lock to greet her dad. She had the biggest smile on her face and then it just disappeared as she took in her dad’s new look. Her small features contorted and her eyes filled with tears and she ran back to you, hiding behind your legs.
Like he usually did, Mingyu kneeled to welcome the hug that always came but this time there was none. 
You wished you had recorded the whole thing, the way Hanna started to scream her lungs out because “not daddy” and Mingyu was a few seconds away from crying. 
“Hanna” you cooed “you don’t want to say hi to daddy? He missed while he was away”
She shook her head.
“Not daddy,” she said again, the new tears coming down her face.
It took you a good hour to get her to settle down and sleep. Her body still shook with sobs when you put her in bed. 
Mingyu was in the living room, in the same exact position as before, the blanket still wrapped around his head. His eyes were sort of lost until he finally seemed to notice you were back. Once again his eyes were filled with tears. 
“Babe, no, it’s fine,” you said, approaching him. 
When you were close enough he pulled you to him, hands around your waist and his head resting on your stomach. Slowly you pulled the blanket away from him and ran your hand over his hair. There wasn't a lot to hold onto, there was barely any hair in between your fingers, just a little more at the top for a quiff.
“She hates me now,” he complained.
There were these moments when it was hard to tell who was actually the 2 year old and who was the grown man.
“She doesn't, she just needs to get used to it. You're her favorite person” you assure him “She's just surprised. When you left there was hair in your head”
Mingyu groaned at your laugh.
“I just wanted to try something different”
You held his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. Mingyu rested his chin on your stomach, beautiful dark eyes looking back at you.
“Do you like it, at least?”
You bit your lips, trying to keep yourself from saying that maybe you didn’t like it as much, that your favorite hair was that middle ground between short and longer. 
“You look younger” your words were slow, a little careful.
He groaned, pretending to cry, his arms getting even tighter around you. 
“Both of you hate it”
You bent forward and placed a kiss on his nose and then his lips until his pout was replaced by a smile. 
“At least there’s a little bit to hold on to”
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @mirtaspace, @feat-sun, @belladaises, @immabecreepin, @miriamxsworld, @aaniag, @byunparklimchoi, @k-drama-adict, @maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr, @roguesthetic, @sofix-hc7, @moonlightgrleric, @mixling-blog, @haowonbins, @valgracia, @slut4donghyuck, @muantuankim, @shuabby1994, @sukiscones, @plumings, @aaa-sia, @bouclesdefeu, @hyangg11, @sea-moon-star, @writingbarnes, @strawberryroseee, @lovely-ficsfor-me, @lixisoul99, @jjeongddol, @whoa-jo, @poiibbtt, @seokqt, @palmsugr
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penkura · 4 months
A Baby Sister
Note: I didn't realize it until I was writing this, but I legit gave all these men a daughter for their second child (or first or third for two of them on this). I can't believe I didn't notice, lol, I would've moved things around a little but, this is fine honestly. I tried to make it really cute and fluff, but the bonus turned a little angsty. :') The bonus is also what led to me wanting to write this. Enjoy!
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Rogue is three when you and Ace have your second child, another little girl you name Ann. She’s just as tiny as her big sister was, and while Rogue has your hair, Ann looks exactly like Ace, all the way down her freckles. Ace definitely cried again when he got to hold her, hell he was crying as soon as she was born, you totally expected it though.
Rogue hated the two days she wasn’t with you, both you and Ace deciding to give her some time before you introduced her to her newborn sister, she stayed with Luffy and Sabo during the time you were in the hospital. After you’ve gone home, Ace picked her up and she refused to let him go until he got her home, when she sees you she hurries over to the couch and hugs you so tightly that you really do feel bad for having not seen her the last two days.
“Mama, I missed you!”
“I missed you too, Rogue! We’ve got a surprise for you, sweetheart.”
She brightens up hearing that, excitedly trying to ask what the surprise was while Ace brings Ann over, handing her to you before he picks up Rogue and sets her in his lap so she can see better.
“Rogue, this is your little sister, Ann.”
Rogue is beyond excited, she wants nothing more the rest of the day than to hold her sister, to the point she starts crying and Ace has to calm her down when you have to take your newborn to feed and change her. Once she has her back, Ace starts to feel a little jealous simply because he also wants to hold Ann for a while. The whole thing just makes you laugh and appreciate that you have others who want to hold her.
“At least she’s not mad about having a sister.”
Ace just pouts a bit in return. “I want to hold her too…”
Law brings your son, six-year-old Rosinante, to see and meet his baby sister the day she was born. He takes him by your hospital room first, so your son can get some time with you before seeing his new little sister, even though he’s excited to meet her. He starts getting antsy and almost begging to meet her, before you finally laugh and look at Law.
“Why don’t you take him by the nursery? I’ll be fine for a bit.”
Agreeing with your suggestion, Law gives you a quick kiss on the forehead before taking Rosi’s hand and leading him down the hall to the nursery, stopping at the window and trying to find where your daughter was in the room. Once he finds her, he picks up Rosi and points where your newborn’s nursery bed is.
“See right there? That’s your sister, she’s got the bear you picked out for her.”
Rosi’s eyes light up once he sees where she is, seeing Law is correct, the little polar bear plush he’d picked out months ago was in the corner of the bed. She’s so small! He didn’t think she’d ever be so little, even after he met some of your friends babies, they were all a few months old.
“What’s her name, dad?”
“Cora. She’s got a hat on, but she has the same hair color you and I do.”
Rosi nods while Law watches him for a minute, smiling just a bit. He had been a little concerned about how your son would react when you decided to have another child, but you were able to convince him that Rosi would be a wonderful big brother, he had Law as an example, after all. Watching Rosi over the last several months, from when he grinned and hugged you when you told him you were pregnant, to when he was happy to hear he was getting a sister, you were proven right over and over again.
After watching him for a few moments, Law presses a kiss to the top of your son’s head and looks back to your daughter.
“Cora’s going to be depending on you, all right? My sister relied on me for somethings while she was little, so do your best, and your mom and I will help you both.”
“Okay, dad,” Rosi nods, before looking back to Law, “Can I hold her?”
“Yeah, of course. We’ll go back to mom’s room and get them to bring her in.”
Having been an only child, Penguin wasn’t sure how your four-year-old daughter Wren was going to react to meeting her little sister, Ivy. Wren had seemed a bit concerned at the beginning of your pregnancy when you were sick, and didn’t have much of a reaction when you told her the baby was a girl. She barely had any interest in meeting Law’s newborn daughter a few weeks prior, running off to play with Rosi instead.
Once your second child was born, Penguin brought Wren to meet her, but after finally seeing her new sister, she refused to hold her, instead holding onto Penguin and hiding her face in his shoulder. After you bring Ivy home, Wren still isn’t interested in seeing her much, attaching herself to whichever one of you isn’t holding the new baby at the time.
Eventually, when Ivy is sleeping in her bassinet one day, Wren stands up on her tiptoes to watch her baby sister sleep. She’s still not sure about this, having a little sibling so suddenly, but she’s starting to think it’s okay, after watching you and Penguin with her the last few weeks. Wren reaches out and barely touches Ivy’s tiny hand, almost beaming when her baby sister grabs onto her finger.
You and Penguin had been watching Wren while she stared at Ivy, just making sure everything was all right, and it makes him smile at the same time when she starts to accept her new baby sister. When you lean into him, Penguin hugs you close and kisses your temple.
“I told you everything would be fine. She just needed some time.”
“Yeah, I know…you’re always right in the end.”
Having twins was a trip already, you still don’t know how Sanji convinced you to have another child. Sora and Angel were a handful at times, but now that they were five-years-old, they could do more on their own, and Sanji used that as a reason for you to go ahead and have your next baby, which ended up happening immediately. You figured it would be a few months of trying before you got a positive test but nope, first try out the gate and here comes baby number three.
You don’t mind so much once your second daughter is born, a blonde little girl you choose to name Grace, she seems so much smaller than either of the twins were despite being born full term. She’s a perfect addition to your family though, and your twins think the same when they get to meet her.
Both are pushing the other away from the nursery bed, standing on the side facing out from your hospital bed, trying to get a good look at their sister. Angel is beyond thrilled at having a baby sister, while Sora just wants to see what she looks like.
Sanji eventually goes over and lifts up Angel, telling the two to be quiet because you were sleeping, and so was baby Grace. Angel quiets when she’s able to see her little sister better, Sora following suit as he can actually see her now. The two just watch her sleep, Sanji wonders if they’re actually happy or worried about having a new baby sibling until Angel looks at him.
“Can I hold her?”
“I wanna hold her!”
“I asked first!”
“I’m older!!”
Sighing, Sanji smiles in relief, glad your twins are excited about the new baby, until she starts to cry because they’ve disturbed her with their argument about who gets to hold her first.
Keitaro has just barely turned two when you have your daughter. You never expected to have two in two, but it happened and truthfully, you weren’t upset about it when you found out you had a little girl. She’s so tiny when Zoro holds her, he's completely in love the moment he sees her. Your children were both unplanned, but you don’t think you’d change anything about how your life is going, and Zoro is the same, he's told you that multiple times.
When Keitaro properly meets her, it’s a few days after she’s born, some rule the midwives in Shimotsuki Village still follow, they wouldn’t even let Zoro be with you when you gave birth, you really had wished you were still on the Sunny this time. It’s not really a formal meeting for the two, but you think it works just fine.
Keitaro sits up on the floor by your daughter laying on a pink baby blanket that Robin had given you for her, she just somehow knew you were having a girl. Your son just stares at her for a long time, a pacifier in his mouth that doesn’t let you see what he’s really thinking. He reaches over to touch her cheek after a few minutes, a small giggle leaving his mouth when she scrunches her face and pouts in her sleep. Zoro stops him before he does it too much, placing his hand in front of your toddler’s to keep him from making her cry.
“That’s enough, you don’t want her to cry.”
Keitaro whines before pouting himself, until he squeals when Zoro lifts him up and sets him in his lap.
“Her name’s Kuina. What do you think, buddy?”
He tries to sound it out, but he’s still too little to say it correctly, the name mostly coming out as ‘Koo-na’, which makes you smile even as he starts to get frustrated and nearly cries before you gently shush him.
“Shh, it’s okay. You can just call her baby until you’re ready.”
Rubbing at his eyes, Keitaro yawns and snuggles against Zoro, part of his frustration being from needing a nap. You both watch as your children sleep quietly, glad their first meeting went well, anxious to see how the two grow up now.
Your and Corazon’s first child, a baby girl, comes along just two months after you’ve taken in and formally adopted ten-year-old Trafalgar Law, when you’re both just twenty-three yourselves. Almost overnight you have two children to take care of, though Law isn’t that interested in your daughter at first. You get it, he’s still working through the sudden loss of his parents and little sister, he calls you and your husband by nicknames, not viewing you as his parents yet but that’s fine, you don’t want to rush anything with him.
It’s why you tell Corazon not to force Law to see your daughter right away, when the boy refuses to have anything to do with her and leaves your hospital room. You’re not upset at all, you know this must be hard for him. To lose and regain a family in a matter of weeks, then have a new sister so quickly as well, it’s a lot to take in at such a young age. You know he hasn’t gone too far, probably just sitting by your door, he’s just overwhelmed, you reason to Corazon, who nearly dragged Law back when he turned to leave before running out.
“He needs time, we need to give him that.”
It’s later that day, when Corazon has left to get something for him and Law to eat, that he leaves the three of you alone, finally convincing Law to at least sit in your room instead of outside the door. You have been holding your daughter for a while, noticing that Law is quietly looking over every now and then, and it makes you smile.
“You wanna come see her? It’s okay if you don’t. I won’t force you, Law.”
He doesn’t say anything, but eventually comes over, sitting beside you to get a look at your newborn while you adjust her blanket so he can see her face better. It’s hard for you to get a read on Law sometimes, he’s already good at masking his emotions, so you give him a few minutes of watching her before you say anything.
“Her name is Evangeline. What do you think?”
“…she’s small.”
“She is! She’s got her daddy’s hair too!”
“I was hoping she’d look like you.”
That makes you laugh lightly, nodding. It probably has to do with his sister having looked like his mother, you’ve seen the few pictures he has of his family. They were both lovely, Law looks just like his father. After another moment or so, you’re surprised but happy to see him reach over and let Evangeline hold his hand, the slightest smile on his face.
“Can you do me a favor, Law? Evie is my first baby, and I know you’ve had a bit of experience with your sister…can you help me and Rosinante take care of her? She’s going to need a great big brother to watch over her.”
There’s no response for a bit, but when he nods, you’re happily relieved. You were worried that he wasn’t going to accept another change so quickly, even though you knew it would likely take a long time for him to get used to this.
When Corazon comes back, he can’t fight the smile on his face to see the three of you sleeping, Evangeline still in your arms while Law is attached to your side, holding onto your arm.
Everything is going to be fine.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
it’s so interesting that with previous love interests, it was normal and fine to not ship them and to still want buddie in the future, but now, we have to sit down and shut up and accept that it’s never happening and B/T are forever
oh no wait, it’s not interesting, it’s annoying and confusing and frankly just weird. misogynistic and borderline fetishistic
shipping non-canon couples, especially ones with 6 years of history and love and shared experiences, is the norm in literally every fandom, but now suddenly it’s wrong and how dare we
a fair few of the people saying this are also, conveniently, the ones implying that B’s bisexuality is tied to T and T alone and if we don’t ship them, we don’t support bi!B
how. very. interesting! /annoying/confusing/weird
So interesting. Dude, I got called homophobic because I didn't immediately look at them in 703 and decided they were true love. In 703. Because I didn't look at the shoulder touch and immediately started shipping them. Homophobic with all the letters. I got yelled at. After 703. Legit almost deleted this whole blog over some of the things that got sent. I was legitimately crying with friends who are not in the fandom if I was being unreasonable or insane or whatever else I got called for not jumping in instantly and to ask if I was actually doing something wrong. People were saying we were being weird about queer storylines. That we needed to shut the fuck up and enjoy the way Oliver Stark was gonna make out with a hot guy. That not being on board the ship meant that we had an unreasonable and ridiculous necessity of making sure Eddie was the only guy for Buck. Literally every single person in this fandom hc Buck 1.0 also hooked up with guys. Most people never acted as if Buck needs to be guided through his queerness by this hot older guy. Oh, wait, no, they did. With T. People automatically decided that Buck needed a queer Yoda. That he needed someone to hold his hand and be a guide. They added a fucked up power dynamic from the get go. With no information, Buck was already a baby that needed his hand held through his own sexuality. And let me tell you one thing, I know for a FACT that if it was Eddie, the automatic reaction wouldn't be putting T in this idealized experienced gay guide position when that would've made more sense (not that I think any of them needs a guide) because Eddie is the one with the body count you can count with one hand and a weird relationship with sex. But somehow I'm the one who's weird about Buck's sexuality. I don't want Buck to explore. I need Buck to only have loved Eddie. Sure. Look, I don't wanna multiship. The same way everyone is allowed to ship whatever the fuck they want, I'm allowed to not ship whatever the fuck I want. If it was a woman no one would've been in my inbox basically demanding I make the same level of analysis I make for buddie for them (let me tell you one thing too, if I made the level of analysis I do with buddie with bt, no one would like what I have to say ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯) but I'm still getting asked for it for some reason when I never indicated I ship the two.
But I'm not allowed to have any critical thoughts about anything involving bt or else I'm being weird and that's the mild term that's being used. I can't point out the fact that T left Buck in a curb and failed to communicate shit properly even though it happened in canon. I can't say that I think it felt kinda callous for him to say "they had henleys in the 80s" to Buck being upset T didn't dress on theme (also, the job requires them to change into a uniform by nature, he could've put a colorful shirt and indulged Buck a little bit there without it interfering with the way he was on standby but I can't say that or else I'm a hater). There is no criticism allowed in the ship but somehow I'm the one being weird. I don't think Buck should be in a relationship. I think Buck is still exhibiting the same patterns when it comes to love interests. And yes, I would feel the same way if it was Eddie. Buck doesn't know how to be happy alone and he will never be happy in a relationship until he learns that. I was saying that when it was Natalia and getting praised for my understanding of Buck's character. Now I'm locking Buck onto Eddie. Buck's bisexuality is only valid if he's actively kissing a guy for some people but I'm the one being weird. BT have so many visual parallels to bucktaylor, but if I say that's a bad sign I'm being a hater. I need to sit my ass down, ignore six seasons of buildup, accept that it's over, and that now making Eddie queer and getting buddie together would suck because it would destroy the friendship they built so bt are endgame and gonna get married and somehow I'm the one who's being weird about queer relationships and attaching Buck bisexuality to a person. The fandom lost its fucking mind when they saw Oliver kiss a guy and, yeah, it does feel misogynistic and borderline fetishizing. But somehow I'm the one getting blocked by half the fandom when I'm not even pointing everything I want out. I lose at least one mutual every time I even suggest maybe we should look at things a bit more critically. I have to sit here and justify things to an insane degree while people's reaction to any of the criticism is "uH BuT T Is hOt aNd hE Is a gUy sO It iS DiFfErEnT oKaY?" Critical thinking skills went out the window because now there's a guy involved and that's fucking weird. People are straight up erasing Eddie, the actual main character of the show, Buck's established partner of years, Buck's best friend, the only person in canon who never left Buck in any capacity, because some guy kissed Buck and, he, uh *check notes* treats Buck as an actual human being? so that means he's perfect. It's nuts. The bar is hell.
Yes, I know this is not everyone in the fandom and I know this is not everyone who ships them but if what I'm saying feels like a personal attack to you maybe you should do some thinking. Anyone can ship anything, you want to ship them go off, power to you, the weird part here is the way some people are demanding other people ship it too. We could all be coexisting if people didn't get weirdly comfortable demanding shit from other people in the fandom and deciding their opinion is the only one that matters so they need to call out anyone who thinks differently, but alas, that's too much to ask.
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Can you do bill kaulitz x gf!reader who is in the band and at the concert where bill lost his voice?
(Hello! Sure I can and so sorry for the delay as I was camping and didn't have time! I hope you enjoy!)
Bill Kaulitz Loses His Voice
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You could tell immediately something was wrong
You had told Bill to see a doctor or take any type of break because you could tell something was up with his voice
He refused because he didn't want to let people down or any fans down
You got sorta annoyed with his insistence but let him have his way
Which soon proved to be a major mistake
You guys were all on stage and you kept watching Bill, thinking he would be okay as you played your guitar with Tom
You could feel your heart drop as soon as you heard Bill start struggling
His voice was patchy, hoarse and he seemed to be struggling
You and Tom kept looking at each other confused and soon concerned while fans became restless
Bill was panicking and looking around and staring at you
You kept mouthing to him if he was okay and what was wrong
Bill kept gesturing to his neck, trying to say something but nothing came out
You went to him as fast as you could, abandoning your guitar by Tom
You went over to him and he kept trying to talk to you, legit nothing coming out like he never had a voice in the first place
You were holding his hand and trying to get him to calm down before the music cut completely
You could hear fans yelling and restless as Bill got off stage and the concert stopped
Bill got off stage so fast because you could see the panic and embarrassment on his face
You tried to go after him but hands backstage kept you guys sorta separate and you lost him in a small crowd as they swept him away
You, Tom, Gustav and Georg were all left standing around and asking each other what happened
Like thirty minutes passed before a woman called you and Tom over like
"Tom, Tom, come here! (Name), you too, come here!"
You guys asked what was wrong and you could feel your heart beating before it dropped
She told you Bill had lost his voice
You didn't need to hear anymore as she kept going, leaving both her and Tom before hurrying to find Bill
You found him in the dressing room
He was a complete mess, crying as he seemed to almost be having a panic attack and breaking down
Once he saw you it got worse because you could tell he just wanted you in that moment
He seemed so embarrassed and sad when you got to him and just kept crying
You comforted him of course as he just couldn't talk
You were scared yourself, knowing this was a problem and sorta blaming yourself
But a question of if Bill would talk again, if your careers were on the line or if he did talk would it ever be the same
You blamed yourself a lot and Bill just needed you then
"Hey, Hey, it's okay. Nobody's blaming you." You tried to comfort a crying Bill, cupping both his cheeks in your hand.
Bill tried to talk, looking at you while holding his throat as you frowned at him.
"It's gonna be okay. It'll come back." You tried to reassure Bill, the boy now hiding his face in your shoulder as you felt his body rack from the cries.
"You'll be fine…it'll be good as new when you see a doctor." You whispered into his ear, ignoring your own doubts as you stroked his hair.
Bill clung his arm around your waist, trying to hide from the embarrassment and worry by feeling safe and okay with you.
Bill didn't know what would happen to your careers or his voice, feeling like a failure all around.
But he just knew it would be okay, even if he doubted it, because at least you were there to be with him.
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yawn-junn · 11 months
Can you do a yandere quackity alphabet pls chupapi mew manure 😍😍😍❤️
♚Quackity yandere alphabet♚
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♚Special thanks too: the dumb ass who requested this, Quackity
♚Note: legit my first time ever writing for quackity....
♚TW: yandere themes : toxic relationship : mentally ill Quackity : obsession : possessiveness : death : mentions of murder : cursing : dark themes : brief mention of suicide :
♚DISCLAIMER: do not read this if you are uncomfortable with yandere themes I have other works you can read or if your into kpop/kdramas don't hate on this no one is forcing you to read this if you are sensitive don't read this THIS IS ALL A WORK OF FICTION DO NOT ATTEMPT ANYTHING YOU READ IN THIS POST if someone is doing some of this stuff to you contact the police immediately DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 16!!!
A - allowing (how allowing are they?)
I feel like he's not as though as others would be, so he'll allow you to go outside, but he has to be there as well.
B - blackmail (did they blackmail there s/o?)
No he didn't, in his eyes your fragile, almost baby like, he didn't wanna do anything to harm you.
C - carving (do they carve there name into you? And where?)
No he doesn't, no matter how pissed he is at you, he refuses to harm you in anyway.
D - Dangerous (how dangerous are they?)
On the danger scale Quackity is about a 6, he's not super dangerous but he can be.
E - Exposed (How vulnerable are they when it comes to their s/o?)
Once he knows you're not going anywhere, he'll be more sensitive and, talk about personal things and, seek comfort in you.
F - favorite (there favorite place on there s/o)
Probably your hair....he loves playing with your hair.
G - Game (are they using there s/o as a pass time?)
Absolutely not, you're too fragile for that.
H - Hell (what's the worse they've done to there s/o?)
even tho, not as extreme as other yandere's would do, the worst he's done is lock you in a room for a week.
I - Ideals (what's there future plans with there s/o?)
Probably to keep you with him as long as possible, he doesn't want kids, he feels you won't be able to make it through child birth.
J - Jealousy (how jealous are they?)
On the jealousy scale he's about a 7, like he gets jealous and will kill the other person but once he sees you he forgets everything.
K - Killing (how many times will they kill for there s/o)
As many times as it takes.
L - Love (how in love are they?)
Head over heels in love with you, he fell in love with you the first time he saw you.
M - (how messy are they?)
He's very clean when he does his killings, he doesn't want you to find old blood.
N - No (what will they not allow there s/o to do?)
Go anywhere without him, it's his main rule.
O - Obsession (how obsessed are they?)
On the obsession scale he's about a 9, he does have pictures of you all over his walls. (not just the bedroom)
P - Possession (how possessive are they of there s/o?)
He'll let you wear what you want and, hang out with whoever, just don't break a rule and you'll be fine.
Q - Quit (if there s/o dies would they find someone else?)
If you die he dies.
R - Regret (do they feel guilty for the things they've done?)
When he sees you cry over something he's done, then he will remorse for the things he's done, but other than that nope.
S - Stamina (how long will they put up with there s/o acting up?)
Not long at all, the second you start acting up he'll put you in your place.
T - Tears (how do they feel about seeing their s/o scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?)
He hurts more than you, once he sees you doing anything of the sorts, he'll stop everything immediately.
U - Unique (would they do anything different from the classic yandere?)
Other than letting you actually have a life that's not revolved around him, not really.
V - Vice (what weakness do they have for there s/o?)
When you get emotional, he can't stand it, unless its a good kind of emotional.
W - Wit’s end (would they ever hurt their s/o?)
Physically? No, Mentally? Absolutely.
X - Xoanon (To what length would they go to win their s/o over)
He'll go as far to change himself, physical appearance included.
Y - Yandere (what kind of Yandere are they?)
He's laid back, he allows you freedom, but as I mentioned, he always has to be around you.
Z - Zzz (Do they sleep around there s/o?)
Of course! He wanted to prove to you, he's completely normal and nothing wrong or messed up is going on in his head.
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straykidsmoonlight · 2 years
SKZ react- they take their kids to work.
Please send any requests!!
I’m also now writing personalised stories for small tips… unemployment is real in my country… please message or ask (anons more than welcome) for more info!
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Definitely wakes up lonely knowing your on a business trip, pouting without his morning cuddles
Slowly, pulls himself out of bed, tired after a late night at the studio and worries about how to get all three kids in the car simultaneously
Once they arrive at the JYP building, Brandi and Karl immediately run to their favourite uncle, Jisung and clamber on his lap, while Chan carries your youngest baby in a carrier attached to his front.
Being so young, Libby still has lots of people to meet, so many of Chans colleagues stroll in and out as 3racha work, to cuddle with the newborn.
Chan keeps a watchful eye the whole time, always wary when it comes to his precious baby, can only fully concentrate when one of the members is holding her, knowing what amazing dads and uncles they were.
Lee Know:
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Another one who hates starting the day without you
Sleepily drives Jeni to work, while you are staying overnight at the hospital with Byeol.
Carefully places Jeni on a sofa in the practice room, surrounded by blankets
100% bet none of the members can focus on the choreography all day… as the coo over Jeni, complimenting Lee Know on her cuteness as he goes all shy and blushy.
Just turns into a massive hugging session as the members pass round the little one for cuddles, as Minho captures the sweet moments on his phone.
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Gets really nervous taking both kids out on his own.
Almost cried when you told him the kids would have to go to work with him.
As he tries to work on music, Jimin starts to fuss, and won’t stop crying no matter what Changbin does, while Hyungsik keeps getting bored.
Luckily Jeongin brought one of his kids, so Hyungsik and Jihae could play together
Ends up holding Jimin against his chest with one hand, while typing with the other, every so often looking down to check on her
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Practically has a mental breakdown the second Cheon-Sa wakes up as he “literally cannot” find anything for his son to wear
Once he’s finally dressed, he gets to the studio where him and the guys are filming SKZ code.
All his uncles can be seen with huge smiles as Hyunjin walks in cradling his only baby.
Carefully hides Cheon-Sa’s face when the cameras are on, as he’s one of the members who doesn’t show his kids face.
All the comments on the video end up being about how adorable Cheon-sa is, and all Stays find watching him with his uncles and dad adorable 🤧
Han Jisung:
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This is a perfect example of a child with children
Is completely lost without you while you’re spending time with your friends
Tumbled through the building’s doors with his daughters missing shoes 😭
Literally barley got anything recorded because he was so distracted by his girls. One moment he was racing Mae down the hallways, and the next he was falling asleep with Seol-a and Dani on the sofa
Cries tears of joy when you get home, exhausted from spending all day with his girls.
Lee Felix:
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(This gif legit shows how I think he would talk to his kids😭)
Surprisingly really capable without you there, but this sunshine literally pines after you all day
Gets the kids to the JYP building just fine before he realises he’s forgot Milo’s Wolfchan 😭
Milo’s a quiet child, but you forget his his stuffie chan and he will lose it. Felix tries his very best to calm Milo while keeping a watchful eye on his younger baby Hanuel.
Physically cannot calm his son down, and has to call chan in to bring wolfchannie from felixs apartment, just for Milo to cling on to his uncle for the next three hours.
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You leave this man with your girls for two damn hours
He just lets his twins do whatever
Is so much of a pushover😭
The girls literally run around babbling away driving chan half insane (he loves his neices dont worry)
Seungmin just laughs away until one of the girls hits her head and he has to rush her to A and E. feels so bad
All is well, and you return home to Seungmin pretending nothing ever happened
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You are quite scared leaving Jeongin to take all five kids to work
This guy is a great dad though
Somehow managed to juggle a ton of hyper kids, all while recording music
In the end had to record the new song with Seom in his arms, meaning you can hear tiny teeny baby noises in the background of the new song.
Hyungs definitely stare proudly at the scene in front of them, and take tons of photos of their Maknae on top.
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thedragonqueen1998 · 9 months
I just got this AU idea, like legit, it just hit me so hard. XD But yeah, what if: neing an Assassin wasn't the only secret Giovanni hid? He also kept it secret that the Auditore line is cursed.
Basically, werewolves. I know, cliché, but werewolves are fun! :D
But yeah, Giovanni thought his family was free of the curse as both his father, brother and himself didn't suffer it like their grandfather. That is, until Federico suffered his first transformation. Hearing his eldest sons screams of pain and seeing flesh tear and bones break broke his heart.
'God, why did you curse Federico? Why did you lull me into the false hope of living free of this curse?' He couldn't help but think, watching his son finish the gruesome transformation. He knew he should have struck the beast down while it was incapacitated, but it was Federico, his son. He couldn't do it, even if it would save the rest of his family. He should have had the cages that he and his brother used to sleep in before they knew for certain that they wouldn't transform. Now it's too late. His eldest son would murder them all and if he survived the guards until the morning, he would wake up without his family, covered in their blood.
Any minute now, the beast that was covering in the corner- wait. Werewolves never show fear. And the beassts eyes.. they shine with intelligence. With fear. Could it be? That there is no dumb beast, just his son?
The beast flinches with the sound of his voice and whimpers. It is truly his son! Federico is not a mindless beast, so unlike his grandfather. So unlike any other beast before him. Maybe the curse has weakened after being absent for 2 generations? No matter how it happened, he will take this blessing.
"Federico, everything will be alright. May i come near you?"
He wants nothing more than to run and hug his son, but even without the madness, Federico will be much stronger than before and his claws are long and sharp. He could easily scratch his father to death in a hug. But his son nods to his request and he cautiously holds his sons featsome face in his hands. The fur is soft, warm and has the same colour as his hair, a dark brown, almost black shade. His dark brown eyes shine with tears, showing how distressed he is. A beast rarely cries and only does so when in great despair. He has heard tales of beasts slaughtering their families while crying, showing that despite not being in control, they are aware. He has not heard of crueler curse and probably never will.
"Federico, i promise you, this transformation is temporary. In the morning you will be back to your human self and i will explain everything. For now, rest. I will stay snd watch over you."
Giovanni watches his son curl up to him, seeking comfort. Usually, Federico would be too old for such things, but being a family of Assassins, they rarely give much thought to what society deems acceptable and in this circumstance, comfort is needed. Everything will be fine by morning. Their lives are irrevocably changed, but it's still a good life.
Man, the words just came flowing out of me. XD So, i imagine this takes place when Federico is around 18. So he knows about the Assassins and has been training for a while(i headcannon he started sround 16-17, unless it's stated somewhere when he started?). Both Giovanni and him decide to keep training him as an Assassin, but they both know that Federico likely won't be trusted or sent away on missions, due to the curse. Renato was a great Assassin, but he very rarely travelled far from Monteriggioni due to not risking being away from the Dungeon. The Dungeon is basically a bunch of deep holes with heavy metal grates ontop. This design ensures that the werewolf can't get out and won't hurt snyone as long as the keep away from the grate.
In this AU, this is why Giovanni waits to tell Ezio about the Assassins. If Ezio turns out to be cursed too, they need to know if he will be like Federico or if he will be a mindless beast. Ezio's room is right next to Federico's, so if Ezio transforms and goes berserk, Federico can try to hold him while everyone gets to the secret tunnel. If Ezio retains his sanity, he can be informed of all the family secrets and start his training. Though it is risky, having a werewolf as an Assassin has some very obvious perks. The increased strenght, agillity and senses bleed into their human form, so they always make great Assassins as long as they ensure there is a cell strong enough to keep them contained.
But yeah. Big brainstorm info dump. XD Was gonna say idk what else to do with this, but then: What if? The day Giovanni and his sons get captured is a fullmoon and Federico transforms? Giovanni tries to explain to Petruccio why his big brother suddenly turned into a monster when they hear the howl of another werewolf. Federico and Giovanni share a sad look and both know that this has to be Ezio. The curse rarely affect women and Claudia is still too young to transform. Ezio is scared and confused and he originaly planned to talk to his father, but now he can't talk and would his father even recognise the monster he's become? Should he even try to see his father? No, he should wait this out, maybe this is a temporary thing and tomorrow everything will be alright.
Duh duh duuuu! XD But yeah, now i'm done. 🤣
Hope it's okay to tag you @teecupangel? This seems like an idea you would like. 💜 I at least had fun writing and coming up with this idea. ^^
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simpforfandoms · 2 years
The long-awaited part 3. Ima be honest I legit forgot the plot so I had to reread it and I found so many spelling mistakes and plot holes. I'll re-edit them once I have time anyways hope you like it!
word count: 4444 (wow it's an angel number)
pairing: yj!dick grayson x fem!reader
summary: Robin and reader wake up in a dessert without memories of the last 6 months. Feelings emerge.
warnings: probably a few spelling errors and maybe a slight description of feeling overwhelmed
series masterlist
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Bialya, September 4, 00:16 EEST
They say there are two things that bring people closer together. The first is marriage, for obvious reasons. The second is death. But has anyone ever taken into consideration waking up in a desert, god knows where next to the boy wonder? Yeah. That is your current predicament.
Groaning, you sit up, a splitting headache consumes you, what happened? You hear words coming from beside you but your to out of it to fully intake them.
Suddenly your being shaken and a face comes into your view. You squint, trying to make out their features but can only see tan skin and black hair.
“Dick?” You question.
The figure stops and moves back almost in shock.
“…What?” The figure murmurs
As your eyes finally adjust, you regain your vision.
“Oh you’re Robin.” He lets out a silent groan of relief, weird,. You intake your surroundings, seeing a desert and some soldiers in the distance. “Where are we?”
“Bialya.” He says
“What is the last thing you remember?”
You think. You were eating lunch with your best friend, Dick, then you woke up in Bialya.
“I was eating lunch at school”
“What date was that?”
“Like March 7th or something, I don’t know” You question.
“It's September." He states.
That can't be.
"No, no, no," You shake your head in disbelief. You had so many things you wanted to do. A million thoughts flood your head. If this is what it’s like being a hero maybe you weren’t cut out for it. Time travel was not on your agenda. You never thought that would happen. You become overwhelmed.
Robin seems to notice this, and puts a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Hey It’s okay, I’m gonna figure this out. Okay?” He says in a gentle manner.
You nod your head in agreement. He stands up and offers you a hand. You gratefully take it and dust off all the sand from your uniform. Whatever emotion robin had shown previously is gone now. He is now determined to figure what the hell is going on. He pulls out his wrist watch thingy and starts pushing a lot of buttons.
“I have this place” he points towards it on his map looking back to make sure you see it, “marked on my gps. I think I should go there while you stay here. It could be dangerous.”
You laugh in disbelief, “no way. I’m going with you. It’s probably more dangerous for me to stay here,” you point to the soldiers in the distance.
“You have a canary cry though. You can protect yourself.” He says.
“No I don’t.”
“Seriously?” He raises an eyebrow.
You roll your eyes, “dead.”
“Oh..” he pauses trying to find the words, “come with me.”
You scoff, crossing your arms, “no.”
“You’d rather stay all alone, for good knows how long, then just go with me?”
You groan, “fine I’ll go. But only because I have a fear of missing out.”
He chuckles at this. He mutters a ‘c’mon’ and you gladly follow. Walking to god knows where.
After a little while, you get bored. No talking has happened and your feet ache.
You decide to break the silence, “What’s your secret identity?”
He turns his head to look you in the face, to see if your serious, once he got his answer he turned back continuing the journey.
“I can’t tell you that.”
You sigh, “C’mon I promise I won’t tell anyone, it will be our little secret.” You pick up your pace so you can be side by side with him.
“No.” He states.
“Fine, I’ll just use my amazing detective skills to figure it out.”
He laughs, “by all means, try.”
You stop him and turn him towards you, getting a good look at his face. You put your hand to your chin, in order to let him know that you’re thinking. Dark hair, tan skin, a dimple on the right side of his face.
“What are you doing?”
“Seeing what you look like”
Though you can’t see his eyes, you know he rolls his eyes. He then turns back and continues walking.
“You look like a Tim. Is that your name?”
A moment of silence.
“Ok that isnt gonna work, so how about I cut you a deal?”
He hums.
“I tell you mine and then you tell me yours.”
He laughs again, “you have to see the fault in that. What if I just let you tell me yours but I don’t tell you mine.”
You shrug, “that’s a chance I’m willing to take.”
He turns his head to you to raid an eyebrow, “you’re gonna tell a random stranger, you barley know, you’re most sacred secret?”
“Ehhh the truth always gets out eventually. No point in trying to prolong that.”
He turns his head back, and mumbles a “I guess”
“So we have a deal then?”
He stays silent.
“I take that as a yes.”
“Whatever you want Kid Canary.”
You roll your eyes.
“Okay prepare to be absolutely catastrophicly stunned.”
He chuckles.
“My name is Y/n Lance.”
He stops dead in his tracks.
“Wow I was joking about the being stunned part.” You laugh.
How could he not piece it together before? You were his best friend but yet he didn’t know that you were kid canary. He has spent almost every waking minute with you. What a friend he is. He’d expect you not to know he was Robin, but him? He’s the protege of the worlds greatest detective. He should’ve known. He’s suddenly over come by urge to protect you more than he ever has before. To keep you safe at any cost. He’s worried. This life isn’t for you. He doesn’t want this for you
“Robin!” You yell.
He grunts in pain.
“Did you just slap me?!?!”
“Yeah you weren’t responding. You had like a hundred mile stare. I didn’t think telling you my name would effect you THAT much.” You explain as you step back.
He pauses trying to find what to say. That he knows you? That you’re his best friend? No that would comprise his identity. Bruce would kill him. “No it’s not that” he notices it beginning to get dark, “it’s uh about to be night we should probably get some rest.”
“You sure that’s a good idea, because once it’s night in the desert temperatures dramatically drop and when you sleep your body temperature drops so we could like die?”
He sighs, “either that or we can continue walking and be to exhausted to fight any bad guys we might encounter.”
You contemplate it. “Ok. We’ll take turns sleeping, if one of us starts shaking the other one wakes them.”
“Sounds like a plan. You sleep first.” He states.
“No way I have a fear of sleeping on sand.”
He scoffs.
“You have a fear of everything don’t you?”
“Oh my god oh my god oh my god, I’m gonna die” you whisper into Robin’s chest. “Oh calm down Kid Canary you’re fine, look we’re safe on an edge,” Kid Flash says.  But you’re still holding onto Robin for dear life trying not to fall off the edge. “I swear to god if we don’t get out of this elevator soon-“. Robin laughs, interrupting you, “I’ve never meant a sidekick who’s afraid of heights”. “I’m not afraid of heights I’m afraid of falling” you respond. “I figured that, as you are literally giving me a bruise by holding on to me” You mumble a quiet ‘shut up’.
You laugh.
“You’re afraid of heights.” He states, almost like a question.
“No I’m afraid of falling.” You yawn. “How did you know?”
“I don’t know. I think I just remembered something”
You sit down, patting the sand beside you as to signal him to sit down, “do tell boy wonder.”
Instinctively he sits down beside you.
“We were in a elevator shaft”
“Ooooo romantic”
He tries not to notice the blush creeping up.
“No not like that. Kid flash was there.”
“I haven’t seen that guy in forever. Miss him. Love that dude.”
He doesn’t miss the pinge of jealousy that erupts in him. “Will you just let me finish?”
“Oh yeah sorry. I’m just tired and when I’m tired I get like really talkative and bold. My friend, actually best friend, Dick, I know his name is kinda misleading because he’s not a dick he’s actually really nice, his parents kinda set him up for failure by naming him that but to be fair his full name is Richard but his parents nicknamed him Dick cause they’re old timey. But it’s okay he embraces it. anyways he always tells me how I do that when I'm tired but he doesn't know that I know that he finds it funny.” you rant
He laughs. “How about you just go to sleep and I’ll tell you later?”
You yawn, once again, and move your body to where your head is on his lap and the rest of your body is in the sand, “no I want to hear.”
“You were holding on to me for dear life because you didn’t want to fall, and I said that I never met a sidekick that’s afraid of heights. Then you said” he paused to mimic your voice, “I’m not afraid of heights I’m afraid of falling."
You sit up, appalled, "I do not sound like that!"
“Yeah yeah, just go to sleep.”
“Fine. but only because I want to not because you told me to.” You say as you lay back down.
He was about to say a snarky reply but you’re already asleep. For a girl who is afraid of falling asleep on sand you sure do fall asleep quickly. He laughs to himself.
You awake to someone gently calling your name. You sit up from your position and let out a grumble.
“Y/n, we gotta keep moving.”
You rub your eyes and let them adjust. Its day time, you suddenly recall the night before.
“Oh no, I’m sorry we were supposed to take turns.” You say as you stand up.
“It’s fine, I run on no sleep all the time. The only problem is that I can’t feel my legs.”
You laugh, “You could’ve moved me.” you reach out your hand.
He gratefully takes it, “Yeah but you looked peaceful.”
You roll your eyes, “Ok boy wonder lead the way.”
After a couple of minutes of walking you break the silence, “So you still haven’t told me your name.”
Robin laughs, “I never said I would.”
You huff, “Fine lets play truth or dare expect no dare just truth.”
He chuckles, “Thats makes no sense.”
“C’mon we got plenty of time. No follow up questions you have one ask per round”
“I’ll ask first,” You pause for a moment trying to think of what to ask, “Oooo I have a juicy one.”
“Do tell”
“Alright, have you ever had a girlfriend?”
His face erupted with shock but as quickly as it came it disappeared.
“I don’t know.”
“How do you not know if you’ve ever been a relationship with someone?”
“You said no follow up question, my turn.”
You grumble, you suppose you di say that.
“Have you ever had a boyfriend?” Dick already knew the answer but robin didn’t.
“Yeah like a hundred.” You say.
His scoffs in disbelief, “That’s a lie.”
“Nuh uh, I will name them all.” You affirm.
He puts his hands up, “Alright I believe you.”
“What’s your deepest darkest secret? Other than your identity.”
He thinks, “I knew that my parents were in danger and didn’t say anything and then they died.” he says in monotone.
“It’s not your fault, their deaths” You shrug, “shit happens, no ones fault but god’s.”
“You believe in god?” He asks you.
“Sometimes I do. Sometimes I don’t. It brings me comfort knowing that there is someone looking out for you, but at the same time time if there is one they sure have a funny way of showing it.” You shrug, “I’m on the verge of creating my own religion where we worship Dr.Fate.” You laugh.
“I’d join that religion.”
“How about you?”
“What about me?” He asks.
“Do you believe in god?”
“Fair enough.” You shrug
“How do you know black canary,” Again Dick knew how, but Robin didn’t.
“She’s my older sister, adopted me after our parents died.” You laugh and playfully hit his shoulder, “Look at us a couple of orphans.”
He laughs then looks down at his watch, “We’re almost there.”
You two walk up sandy hill, where his GPS is going off.
“Wish I could remember why I put GPS marker here,” He says.
As you come to the top of the hill you peer over the edge to find a weird box-looking thing.
“Guessing that’s why,” You say as you jump down.
“wait!” He yells as he jumps down next to you.
Soldiers rise from the sand. Oh crap. Robin begins to smirk and pulls out a smoke bomb. You two begin fighting the soldiers. Then Kid Flash appears and takes their guns. Two soldiers are about to attack Robin but then a green girl appears and seems to push them away with her mind. Martian Manhunter but in woman form? You raise an eyebrow at this but continue fighting. A soldier starts running from you, and you start to chase after him but then an arrow appears then explodes in a robe and ties him up. You look to where it came from and see a girl with blonde hair and a green outfit. Then all the soldiers are taken down.
Robin walks over to Kid Flash and gives a bro hug, “KF! Man, it’s good to see a familiar face.”
You yell from behind him, “Hey!”
Robin just shrugs and Wally laughs, “Hey Rob, memory loss?”
“Both of us, six months! Let’s hog-tie these creeps and compare notes.”
“So we’re a team?” Robin asks
The green lady, who you’ve come to known as Megan, nods, “The five of us and superboy.”
You pull out the piece of fabric from earlier, “This must be his then.” You hand it to her.
“Yes! Did you see him?”
“I think we did,” Artemis says.
Wally rubs his chin, trying to remember, “Feral boy? Some teammate. He attacked us.”
“He didn’t know who we are. I don’t know who we are!” Artemis, the voice of reason, reminds him
Robin interrupts, “I remember Batman ordering radio silence, our team must work for him!”
“You remembered that but you didn’t tell me?” You ask
He shrugs
“And how do you know we don’t work for my mentor?” Kid Flash says as he touches his chest, causing it to change colors, “Wow this is so cool”
The rest of the team starts touching their suits to see if it can do the same.
“We look ridiculous!” Artemis says, then turns to Wally, “Quit touching yourself!”
You scoff, for some reason, she’s kind of getting on your nerves. She seems to have a quick temper.
“We need our memories back!” She yells.
You roll your eyes at her outburst. She notices this and turns to you, her rage now directed toward you, “You have a problem with that?”
“I just don’t think whining is going to get us anywhere,” You say.
“You have a better idea then?”
Suddenly you, robin, wally, and artemis are taken into a weird place with shards of memories everywhere.
Megan appears, “I brought you into my mind to show you what I remember so far, but I need your help.Together our broken memories can form a whole if you open your minds to mine.”
Artemis freaks outs and backs away, “You wanna pry through our private thoughts?”
Megan defensly says, “I don’t wish to intrude but-”
Robin interrupts, “You need to hack our minds to grok what happened to us. Got it. Go.”
“My minds all yours, try not to let it’s brilliance overwhelm you,” KF says cheekily.
“Or underwhelm you. Hey, why isnt anyone just whelmed?” Robin realizes.
You laugh at that. Artemis seems hesitant, and so are you. Having someone you barely just meant go through your mind? That does not sound safe. Wally grabs her hand and she sighs.
“Last six months only. And only what you need.”
Megan nods, and everyone looks toward you. You scratch at your arm and gulp.
“I don’t know guys, doesn’t this seem a bit sketchy? I mean what is she scrabbles my brain and I’m never the same?” You let put.
Robin nudges your shoulder, “C’mon it will be fun, trust me.” He says.
You look into his face for any hint of worry but you see none, so you reluctantly nod. And so the brain voodoo begins.
“Aqualad!” You all yell once brought out of the trance.
“Where is he?” Robin asks
“What happened next?” You ask.
“I don’t know that’s the last thing I-we remember,” Megan explains
“We landed 24 hours ago if Kaldur’s been wandering the desert that long, well that’s not good for a guy with gils.” Wally explains.
You huff, “And here I was thinking that you were the optimistic one.” You tell him
“Aww you flatter me, but the optimism is all you babe,” Wally winks
You roll your eyes at him. Wasn’t he just buddy-buddy with Artemis? You catch the look Robin sends Wally and raise your eyebrow at it. Weird. Before you can ponder on it, Robin is pulling out his wristwatch and finds Aqualad. 
“He’s close! But he’s not moving.” Robin states.
You all follow him as he runs over to Aqualad. You find him on the ground unconscious, muttering his language. Miss Martian leans down trying to restore his memories.
“I can’t restore his memories in this condition.”
Robin takes charge, “He needs immediate rehydration. Call the bioship”
“It’s out of range but you can get him there fast.” She replies looking to Kid Flash.
“He’s too heavy, and I’m too low on fuel. Right now I couldn’t even carry her” He points to Artemis.
She scoffs, “Why not just levitate him back?”
“I can’t. I have to find superboy. Six months ago he didn’t even exist, he has no memories, only animal impulses. I’m the only one that can help him.”
“He’s indescribable, just ask those tanks. It’s Aqualad that needs your help. Like now.” Wally pleads.
M’gann holds her hand in pain and screams, “No superboy’s in pain!” Then she flies off.
“M’gann wait” Artemis calls
“We still don’t know what erased our memory, It could happen again!” Robin yells as she outs at sight. 
You turn around and start spitting on Aqualad. Everyone turns around at the sound of you spitting.
“Wow wow wow, what are you doing?” Robin asks.
“What does it look like? I’m trying to rehydrate him!” You scream continuing to spit. 
You look back at them just staring.
“You’re just gonna stand there and start? Help!” You yell.
“There’s a better way than doing that.” Artemis says.
“Oh, you’re right. Wally, Robin get over here and start peeing in him!” You yell then turn to continue spitting.
“There’s a better way,” Robin tells you.
“Oh yeah like letting him die! I’m not letting someone I care for die! Not again!” You scream
Wally walks over to you and pulls you away from Kaldur. 
“You need to calm down, he’s not gonna die.” Wally states.
Wally sets you down and walks back over to Kaldur. Surprisingly you stay put. They talk about solutions but you can’t bother to hear them, stuck in your own thoughts. Without you noticing Robin walks over and sits down.
“You okay?” He asks.
“Look he’s gonna be ok, we’re gonna make a cot and take him to the bioship. I admire your quick thinking though.” He chuckles.
You don’t wanna talk about that so you change the subject, “look at them,” you say pointing to Artemis and Wally arguing, “they definitely like each other. 5 bucks to it. I can feel the romantic tension from here.” You laugh
“There’s definitely something going on. Did you see the way they were holding hands?” He asks.
You gasp and turn your head to face him, “I thought I was the only one that noticed that!” 
“I also saw how she got mad when Wally tried to flirt with you!” 
You scoff, “that doesn’t mean anything, you got mad too, and you don’t like me.”
A moment of silence. He never thought about liking you, well maybe once or twice but he just chalked it up to teenage hormones and nothing more. You were his friend. Nothing more. But then why did his heart stop for a minute when you said that?
“Yeah you’re right, but it’s still worth noting.” He says as he stands.
“C’mon let’s go.”
You hear an engine ruffling in the distance.
“Quick over there,” Robin says as he points to a rock a couple of feet in front.
You all hid behind the rock just barely making it in time. Kaldur starts speaking again but Artemis quickly shushes him. Robin assets the situation. 
“We can’t risk a firefight with Aqualad KO’d like this” Robin states.
Wally takes a breath, “It’s not just him, I’m way out of juice.”
“And I’m almost out of arrows,” Just as Artemis finishes you notice that Robin is gone.
“God I forgot how much I hate it when he does the ninja thing,” He pauses and turns to Artemis, “Hey you never said why your dad would want you to–” he pauses to make a noise,”-me”.
Artemis visibly is uncomfortable, “I got confused by, uh, some old movie I saw the other night about a ninja girl whose ninja dad ordered her to kill her ninja boyfriend because he was from a rival ninja clan.” She quickly explains.
You could tell she was hiding something. But what?
Wally swoons, “Oh so I’m your ninja boyfriend”
“Hey amnesia remember, completely forgot how truly annoying you are.”
You tune out as Robin reappears beside you.
He interrupts them, “Yeesh, Get a room.”
“Dude where were you?”
Robin smirks, “Breaking radio silence”
Birdarangs go off with Robin’s laugh then explode, signaling your escape. When you finally make it to the bioship you, robin, and Artemis had to carry Aqualad up and to the med bay. Artemis prepares IV for him and you and robin walk away. You let out a sigh and sit in a chair.
“Man I am so tired.” You say to partially no one.
“You’re tired? At least you got some sleep.” Robin says as he sits next to you.
“Hey!” You say suddenly becoming more awake, “You said it was okay.”
“Yeah but still,” He laughs.
Hey, everybody, I've got Superboy. He’s back to normal and we’re on our way  M’gann says in the mind link. You jump, Robin turns to you concerned. 
“Never gonna get used to that” You utter
You hear Aqualad from the medbay yelling about who is everyone and where is he.
Hello, Megan. Aqualad's memories. I knew I forgot something.
Oh, man, me too. I didn’t get a souvenir. Wally says in the mind link. You roll your eyes.
Don’t worry, I got it covered M’gann says
Then they show up with a weird circle thing, you spare a glance then look out the window, and for once you can’t wait to get back home to Gotham. You don’t bother to listen to anything they say. It seems Robin doesn’t either.
“You still need to tell me your identity Robin,” You yawn and rest your head against his shoulder and doze off. He laughs to himself.
“Who needs to get a room now?” Wally yells to Robin from across the ship.
“Shut up”
When you finally land back at Happy Harbour your mentors are waiting for you. You spot Black Canary and run up to give her a quick hug.
She chuckles, “I missed you too”
“Being stuck in a desert with boy wonder makes you realize how much you miss home.” You say
She laughs
Batman coughs to get everyone’s attention, “We’ll debrief in five days, in the meantime go home and get some rest. You all have school tomorrow.”
You and Dinah head to the zeta pods, too tired to bid goodbyes. By the time you get home, take a shower, and get in bed its like 2 am. You check your phone for any messages, you find one from dick.
Dick Are you awake?
You reply back quickly.
Yeah Whats up?
You see three dots appear then reappear for what seems like forever.
Dick If you had like a really huge secret would you tell your best friend?
Depends on what it is Why? Dick are you gay? I’ll support you no matter what
Dick No I’m not gay It’s just that idk if I should tell someone something
Gasp You have another best friend?
Dick Yeah you’re just my side best friend
I'm offended who is he?
Dick Her It’s a her
Now you are way more interested. Dick has another girl best friend? You bet its Barbara. What is he keeping from her then? You feel kinda happy that he came to you first, it shows that you’re still his number one best friend. With your heart thumping you start to type a reply. 
Ok What are you keeping from her?
Dick That I like like her
Your heart drops. Dick likes someone and its not you. Your lifelong crush. The dude you’ve spent your whole school years pinning from. Likes someone else. You let it sink in for a minute. You try to think of a reply. You honestly don’t know what to say. But you send a reply anyways.
Wow. The Dick Grayson has a crush On who?
Dick A person I just dont know if I should tell her
Well, are you 110% sure she likes you back? If you’re not then don’t tell her You don’t want to ruin a friendship
You tell him in hopes that she doesn’t like him back so you can still have Dick to yourself. A selfish reason. He deserves to be happy. You tell him the reason you don’t tell him you like him. The friendship. It’s to pure and sweet to ruin. You know that.
Dick You’re right. Alright goodnight, love you
Goodnight, love you too
You fear that his love for you will never be anything more platonic. But for now, you were fine with that fact.
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
Hello there mate!
Can I please request more Adopted!Spider Human AU hc?
I really enjoyed the first part you write btw!
It's hella amazing!
Thanks so much! Here're some random ass ideas I had last night, lol. (Also, because I legit forgot that I decided this, he's twelve).
Back to the whole 'confrontation on the sinking boat thing', I think that it would be one of the hardest moments of Spider's life. Because, he has this family— a father —who raised him his entire life. Taught him to hunt, watched his first steps, kept track of his height. They'd done everything for him. Beyond a few wayward thoughts when it came to genetics, he'd barely even thought about his birth father before he was taken.
With Quaritch (and the recoms), he was treated differently. Sure, he still slept next to his birth father at night and the man prepared all of his MRE's using the little water-activated heater so Spider didn't burn himself. And he wasn't allowed any weapons, because he was still technically a prisoner.
But, he wasn't babied. With the Sully's, he was always the little brother, the fragile child. Everyone got worried when he got the tiniest scrapes or bruises. Anytime he climbed the big trees to get fruit like his siblings, someone was waiting at the bottom with a nervously lashing tail. It didn't matter how many times he proved he was capable, he was treated like he was Tuk's age, even though he was already twelve. At twelve, Neteyam was allowed to go into the forest by himself until sunset every day. Spider was barely allowed to use a knife (after an incident with almost losing a thumb).
He loved his family, but it was nice to be treated like he was capable. Sometimes, he was scared that he'd never be treated like an adult in the clan, since he'd be unable to bond with an Ikran, unable to prove he'd become a man.
It was kind of like a Na'vi equivalent of summer camp, at first. When they were making their way through the forest, away from the RDA and the mean general (and the truth). When they got their Ikrans, Spider watched it with a jealous pang. And then, he was sat in front of Quaritch, flying through the air.
And all he could think about was his mama. Taking him for long flights, just the two of them, whenever Spider was feeling down. When he had a nightmare that night, he woke up crying. Because, all he wanted was to be squished between his parents, safe and warm.
I think that after the whole village burnings, Spider would probably feel even worse. Because, he had started to actually believe Quaritch when he said he didn't want to hurt anyone, that he wouldn't hurt Spider.
In this version, Quaritch works to try and mend the sudden rift (caused by him being a complete asshole and trying to mass murder and shit). He lets Spider watch old Earth cartoons on his tablet until the battery is completely drained, he gives him candy for dinner (more than once) and even goes so far as to let Spider play in the sand of one of the empty beaches they fly past.
And, because Spider is twelve, it kind of works for a while. Until the next awful thing, the Tulkun hunt. This time, Quaritch actually makes an effort to keep Spider oblivious to it all. He lets Spider stay up late the night before they go hunting, then leaves him to sleep in. Of course, Spider wakes up and goes looking for someone he knows and finds his way above ground just as the chaos starts.
He sees two of his siblings and a Metkayina girl cuffed to the railing, sees Quaritch as the one leading the charge. I think instead of a casual conversation, Lo'ak would probably flip out. In this, that's not his friend, that's his younger brother,
"Spider? Spider! Are you hurt?" Lo'ak screamed, thrashing around even pinned to the ground.
Was Spider hurt? "I'm fine, bro. What— "
He tried to take a step forward, but two human soldiers grabbed him as Quaritch waved a hand. "Take him to the bridge."
"No, no— Lo'ak!" He yelped, straining as he was lifted up by the duo, dragged up the stairs.
Blah, blah, blah
Instead of Neteyam and Lo'ak rescuing Spider, they leave with out him. Ik they normally wouldn't, so maybe Neteyam did get shot, or Lo'ak did, just not fatally. So, they had to leave. The Sully family (minus Spider) meet up again and Lo'ak tells Jake that Spider's on board the ship.
Cue Neytiri and Jake going all 'crazy fight scene' intense and leaving to rescue Spider from the sinking ship. Neytiri goes one way, Jake goes the other, because they have no clue where he could be and limited time to search.
Jake ends up tracking down Spider just as Quaritch finds him too. This is where we get that little scene I wrote before, Imma clip it in rn and then add onto it.
“Spider, baby, it’s okay. It’s okay, just take a breath.” Dad soothed, reaching towards him. Spider had missed his dad so much, had missed his voice and his hugs and—
“He said you lied.” Spider cried, all of the confusion of the past few months rushing to the surface. “He— he said Paz was a part of the RDA. That you killed her! He . . . he said he’s my real dad.”
“I’m your dad. I’m the one who taught you to walk and hunt and fish— “
“Because I never got the chance!” Quaritch shouted from Spider’s other side. Both of them were a mere arms length away, but neither made a move. “Your mother never got the chance.”
“Spider, we can talk about everything tomorrow, I promise. But, ‘Teyam’s hurt and your Mama needs you— I need you. You need to come home.”
“You left me.” He whimpered. “You left the forest.”
“We were always going to come for you— “
“They didn’t.” Quaritch snapped. “I was the one who protected you from the general. I was the one who took care of you— “
“He stole you. Tuk and your mama haven’t stopped crying since that day.” He insisted. "Your brother have been making you new arrows and we brought all of your things with. Norm and Max have barely even slept, they've been searching nonstop."
"I— " Spider blinked away tears, cheeks itchy and hot. "I don't know what to do."
"Come with me, Spider. We— we can ride the Ikrans as much as you want and you can have your own tablet— whatever you want, son."
"Baby, Spider-baby, come to me. Come to Dad, please." Dad's voice was gruff, but his eyes were wide the same way they were when Spider broke his arm two years ago. He was scared.
He lunged towards his dad, latching onto his leg. Quaritch roared behind them and suddenly his mama was there, pulling him from Dad and into the water. She pressed on the back of his head, making him hide his masked face in her shoulder as she latched onto a sea creature he had only seen in passing. She was whispering a million things in his ear, but none of it was loud enough to drown out the fighting behind them.
Spider is taken to safety, reunites (properly) with his siblings and meets Tsireya, who Lo'ak swears he does not like when Spider asks him later. And it's so good to be back with his family that it takes him a couple days to realize that Quaritch is dead. That his dad killed his father.
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harry-sussex · 1 year
Okay guys, as promised, another long post! Day 2, another one of the craziest days of my life - brace yourselves. This is a wild ride from start to finish - I put my blood, sweat, and tears (literally) into this one.
On Friday, I did a lot - I headed to the National Gallery (where I cried, like a lot, you know how much I love art), and then I went to BP and the mall to scope out locations and check out the vibe for the coronation, and then I met @duchessofostergotlands for dinner (she’s as fun, hilarious, and sweet as you’d expect, we had a blast).
After dinner, I decided I’d head on over to Parliament / Big Ben / the London Eye / etc. just to do the touristy thing, because why not?
I spent about an hour just roaming about, basking, doing whatever when I decided to head on over to the Abbey, just to check it out, see with my own two eyes the place where William and Catherine got married, where the coronation was going to happen, all that.
So I’m just roaming about, staring at the Abbey (which is massive and beautiful, by the way), chatting with some policemen and also texting @claireofluxembourg and @cambridgemadness about how crazy it all was and how it didn’t seem real and just how different things are now, you know?
In the middle of our conversation, I get this absolutely PANICKED text from Vanessa:
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So I immediately freak out and call them both and they’re like SOS RED ALERT THIS IS NOT A DRILL GO GO GO GO GO so all three of us are at the same time looking at the fastest route from the Abbey to Oswald’s while on the phone and I’m sprinting in whichever direction I saw first and it’s no joke 23 minutes on foot and not worth waiting for the tube. So I start booking it, and I mean BOOKING it while V and Ara are on the phone trying to find a route while I’m just going going going. And they’re telling me who was spotted going in and what time the royals got there and when they think they’d leave, the whole conversation was just a rapid, frenzied SOS THIS IS NOT A DRILL SOUND THE ALARMS RED ALERT GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO. So I’m on the phone with two people and it’s pitch black minus the (very occasional) street lamp and I am not even looking at anything other than Google Maps on my phone. Before I knew it, I was crossing the bridge at St. James’ Park and as I’m getting to the other side I am still booking it SO quickly and I’m not paying attention to anything other than my phone and I am most definitely NOT watching where I was walking and it was so dark that I literally SLAMMED myself, full force, RIGHT into one of those black metal bollards at 100mph. I didn’t stand a chance of catching myself so I go flying, my bag goes flying, and I land on my hands and knees (but like, my knuckles, which are still scratched to hell btw). The whole thing hurt like hell (my right knee is legit purple lmao) but I somehow managed to hang onto my phone. So without hesitating for even a second I IMMEDIATELY got up, completely ignored my battle wounds, and frantically started grabbing my stuff while shouting “YES I’M FINE IT’S FINE EVERYTHING IS FINE” to the 5 million people yelling “ARE YOU OKAY??” from every corner of the park. I legit didn’t even stop - this woman almost had to chase me down because my wallet (!!) went flying and I didn’t even notice amid the chaos.
Unfortunately (but hilariously), I am still on the phone with Vanessa and Arantxa while the commotion is happening and they heard the whole thing, including my body slamming into first the bollard and then the pavement and my “oof” as I’m going down and then the groan once I’d landed and of course they are both crying laughing, which is where this post came from (I am also laughing out loud reading this as I’m writing lmao):
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So at this point I’m bleeding, I’m half limping, I’m breathing heavy and sweating because I’m booking it, I almost lost my wallet, I’m still more than 10mins from Oswald’s, and I’m crying laughing at myself while Vanessa and Arantxa are dying laughing at me and honestly that part alone, battle wounds and all, was one of the highlights of my entire trip because let me tell you, it was HILARIOUS - nothing like uncontrollably cracking up with your friends even when they’re thousands of miles away.
Anyway, so I eventually make it to Albemarle Street and get to Oswald’s in one piece and relatively okay considering the earlier incident - I was still bleeding, though. I saw a few paps, some Range Rovers and Audis, plenty of protection officers and security, and maybe 5 regular people like me taking iPhone pictures on the sidewalk. So I found my spot and flung myself in between these two fancy cars across the street and slightly to the left of the entrance. I had my phone in my hand still (I literally did not put it down for a single second in more than 24 hours lmao) so I immediately start snapping pics while Arantxa and I are yelling about God only knows what. Vanessa had to hang up (I was so sad) but Arantxa stayed on the phone with me the entire time - poor thing had to listen to the whole commotion for more than an hour.
So I’m frantically snapping pictures without looking and when I finally get situated I look up I see Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko of Japan just like… standing there. Less than 20 feet away from me. Right across the street, on the sidewalk, like the world had decided “this is really not a big deal.” So naturally I’m completely starstruck and I couldn’t find any words so I’m just yelling “JAPAN!!! JAPAN!!! to Arantxa on the phone while she was also yelling into the abyss. Honestly I wish I could see security footage of this because the vision of me yelling on the sidewalk and her yelling on the phone was probably the comedy show of the century.
So eventually it occurs to me that they’re, like, literal people, who actually exist, who can hear and see and communicate just like I can, standing right in front of me, so I just start bellowing “HIIIIII!!!!” from across the street, waving so enthusiastically, and they looked at me and made eye contact and smiled! The Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan smiled at me! Acknowledged my presence! Communicated with me! Knew I existed, for even just a moment, can you believe it?
I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why nobody else on the street was saying hi - even after I said hi and waved, I figured somebody else would get the idea too, but nope - it was just me in an absolute tizzy, frantically waving and saying hi and using their names and telling them to have fun at the coronation and whatnot. I found out later that the women next to me were only there for the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (lol), so they had no clue who these other people were (fun fact, he never came out). They weren’t even fun about it - they were kind of judgmental about it. “Oh, you run a royal blog? I don’t care about any of these people.” They tried to be a buzzkill, but not on my weekend - no way.
Before I knew it, the royals just kept coming, and I just kept yelling and saying hi and waving, because why not, you know? Once in a lifetime, what was I going to do? Play coy? Act shy? Act like I didn’t know who they were even though I’ve known for years? Please. Literally - you only live once. When was I ever going to get the chance to see them again? Much less all at once?
And seriously, they just kept coming. At one point I was begging Arantxa to write it all down and I was also frantically trying to write in my little notebook and snap photos and pay attention without missing anything important (more on that last part later). All of the pictures are awful because I wasn’t looking at my phone while snapping them, I was just looking at the door, but you’ll see.
After Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko:
Prince and Princess Michael of Kent - I didn’t say anything to Princess Michael, of course (she got in on the other side of the car anyway), but I did say hi to Prince Michael and told him to enjoy the coronation and he waved and smiled at me!
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Then came King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck and Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan. I said hi and waved at first and they both honestly seemed quite shy, but then I bellowed YOU LOOK SO PRETTY!! at the Queen and she smiled at me!! She really is so stunningly beautiful. Like, so beautiful.
And after that… came Prince Andrew, The Duke of York. I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting that, but I wasn’t, and it took me a minute to figure it out and once I did, I literally gasped out loud and said “it’s Andrew” to nobody in particular (except Arantxa I guess lol), but yeah. I didn’t say a thing to him of course, just took pictures. He didn’t look up at anyone or make a single expression or anything - he and his team booked it to his car at the far end of the road which was in the complete opposite direction of the paparazzi. I didn’t think a 60 year old man could move that fast without breaking a sweat (lol) - top right is him keeping his head down and bottom right is the best shot I could get of his team absolutely sprinting to the car on the far end of the street:
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I will forever, forever, forever, FOREVER be furious at myself about this next one. 2 days later and I am still absolutely dumbfounded and so, so, so pissed at myself. I saw this guy and I thought it was Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg - I couldn’t tell though, so I was absolutely fixated on it. He went right, and I was snapping pictures so I could figure it out later, and I didn’t look left. Didn’t even think of it again until later when I was scrolling through my pictures. Spoiler alert, it was not Grand Duke Henri. Not only that, but even worse - leaving to the left at the same time were King Carl XIV Gustaf and Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden - aka half the reason why I booked it over there (wounds and all), because Victoria is, of course, one of my favorites. I’m absolutely furious at myself - I cannot believe I wasted my eyesight on a random guy who I thought was Grand Duke Henri when CROWN PRINCESS VICTORIA was RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FACE!!!
So of course I didn’t get to wave or say hi to her because I didn’t even SEE HER because I am an IDIOT and I cannot stop thinking about the idea that she may have seen me waving to all of these people and saying hi and that she might think I have no idea who she is because I DO and I am so SAD that I didn’t get to say hi to her. AND I booked it all the way across London and fell and got bruised and bloodied specifically for her (see Arantxa’s post lol), and I didn’t even realize because I was looking at someone who wasn’t even the person I thought he was! And I’m far less interested in him! But here she is, with her father, proof that she was in front of me, which doesn’t really matter a lot in the grand scheme of my weekend, but I guess it’s something.
After, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway came out. I was SO excited to see them - the Norwegians are my next favorite royal family after the Brits, so my excited “HI HAAKON!! HI METTE-MARIT!!!” plus my frantic waving maybe have been a little too much for the average person, but Mette-Marit was totally unbothered by my nonsense! She made eye contact, smiled, laughed, AND waved back!! She was so sweet I can’t stand it. I always thought she seemed like a sweetheart but her reaction was one of the best parts of my night. They both got in the car on the other side of the street so I didn’t get to see her too closely in person but her hair is so pretty! So blonde and shiny!! Side note - have no idea if I pronounced either of their names right - ‘Met-tee Marie’? ‘Met-eh Marie’? ‘Met Mur-it’? ‘Hay-con’? Hah-con?’ - who knows, but I tried. I said “Hah-con” and “Met Marie”.
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Then came (in this order) Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence and Princess Anne, The Princess Royal. I about fell over when I saw Tim - the guy is HUGE! We knew this, it’s not news, but he’s about 10 feet taller than Anne. He came out solo at first and I literally gasped and yelled “TIM!! VICE ADMIRAL, HI!!!” It was definitely too much for dignified, stoic Tim lol but he did say hi out loud, didn’t really smile or nod but he did look in my general direction, no eye contact. He went back inside I guess to fetch Anne because they both came out and I absolutely lost it with Anne! “HI ANNE!! ENJOY TOMORROW!!!” She absolutely ignored me in the most Anne way possible, didn’t even flinch, I might as well have not been there at all. The most typical Anne response to a frantic American yelling her name from across the street - I’m not even upset that she outright ignored me, I almost would’ve been disappointed if she did anything more. It wouldn’t have matched the vision of her personality that’s in my head - happy we’ve been right all these years. No-nonsense Anne (and trust me, I was giving nothing but nonsense). Anne - the biggest badass on earth.
Afterwards came Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark. Mary is PRETTY, like so so so pretty. Her hair is absolutely stunning. I completely forgot that we usually call Frederik “Fred” and I totally butchered his name when I said hi, so it came out “HI FRED-*stutter*-RICK!” which didn’t make any sense at all, it came out as jumbled, gargled nonsense. I got it together with Mary though because I was like “MARY!!! HI!! YOU’RE SO PRETTY!! ENJOY TOMORROW!!!!!” Mary looked genuinely delighted to see me, almost like she couldn’t believe that anyone on the sidewalk had any clue who she was. Their car was a bit closer to my side of the road - more in the middle lane than the left lane - so I got such a good look at her face and we made such direct eye contact and her face like lit up!! She waved and smiled and said hello out loud and I could hear her plain as day and she was just such a bright ray of sunshine, it made my night! What an absolute sweetheart! I was so happy to see her and wave to her and have such an interaction that I literally blacked out and forgot about the pics until they got in the car and drove off so I only have the picture of the car below - you can kind of see Fred’s head through the rear window, but that’s about it.
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And then The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, The Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor, and James, Earl of Wessex. I saw James through the door first and he’s just so adorable. After a few ins and outs of the door by security, Edward came out first, and at this point, I didn’t care how I looked because they’d all been so nice so far! Edward smiled, that made me happy, I feel like crowds probably don’t go crazy for him too often. And then Sophie - she outright WAVED and smiled and made eye contact, and I caught it on camera!! I told her to enjoy tomorrow and she is the only one of the bunch I remembered to call “Your Royal Highness.” She’s also so pretty. Like smiley! Happy! I didn’t say anything to James because he is a child, but I waved just in case - he kept his head down though, definitely a shy little thing. I also gently said hi to Louise (not as frantically as I did to her parents and everyone else) and she gave me like a half not-smile but that’s okay because it must have been so weird to see someone like me across the street from her.
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The last group to come out with security was Princess Beatrice, Edoardo Mapelli-Mozzi, Princess Eugenie, and Jack Brooksbank. I was… mildly surprised and definitely bummed with this group. I wasn’t expecting much from Jack but I thought I’d get something out of the rest of them, some kind of smile or nod or something, but nope. I know they don’t owe me anything, but I was kind of bummed that they didn’t acknowledge anything. I even yelled my congratulations to Eugenie and Jack on their pregnancy and they didn’t flinch, but not in a fun way (like Anne). Not sure what I was expecting - maybe my expectations were different because everyone else generally seemed mildly happy to acknowledge a fan? I don’t know, but it bummed me out. As an aside, Beatrice’s hair is just as pretty in person - if not more - than it is in the photos.
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So after the York princesses and their husbands left, security and the paparazzi scattered pretty quickly. I stuck around for quite a while, but when the restaurant’s security started getting into a van to leave, I went and asked one of them if Crown Princess Victoria was still in there (because, at the time, I had no clue she had already left because I am dumb). He told me nobody was left in there, so I sat down on a stoop and rambled to Arantxa about how that was the most badass day and just hung out outside for a while. I was out there for I don’t know, 15 minutes after security left? I just sat on the stoop looking at my phone and then out of nowhere I looked up and saw Mike and Zara Tindall walking out of Oswald’s! No security! And not only that, they didn’t even get into a car! They just walked down the street like it was absolutely no big deal! I was so surprised to see them - I wasn’t expecting anyone else because the security guard said nobody was left inside. So I jumped up and yelled “ZARA!! MIKE!! HI!!!” and they both waved and smiled! They then posed for a picture for someone across the street (I got the back end of it, so sweet) and just went on their merry way.
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So all in all, I saw TWENTY-FIVE (25!!!!!!!) royals and royal adjacents on Friday:
Crown Prince Akishino of Japan
Crown Princess Kiko of Japan
Prince Michael of Kent
Princess Michael of Kent
King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck of Bhutan
Queen Jetsun Pema of Bhutan
Prince Andrew, The Duke of York
King Carl XIV Gustaf of Sweden
Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden
Crown Prince Haakon of Norway
Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway
Princess Anne, The Princess Royal
Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence
Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark
Crown Princess Mary of Denmark
Prince Edward, The Duke of Edinburgh
The Duchess of Edinburgh
The Lady Louise Mountbatten-Windsor
James, The Earl of Wessex
Princess Beatrice, Mrs. Mapelli-Mozzi
Edoardo Mapelli-Mozzi
Princess Eugenie, Mrs. Brooksbank
Jack Brooksbank
Zara Tindall
Mike Tindall
That doesn’t include the coronation or any of the other incredible things and people I got to see this weekend. Just Friday night, on the side of the road, among a whopping 10 people looking to see and greet royalty from all over the world. What a wild ride. I will never see this many of them in one place ever again. It is likely I never will see any of them ever again. It is also likely that I never would have seen most of them in my lifetime. Even if I did see them at another time in this life, I never would have gotten the chance to greet them and say hi and have some form of non-verbal communication with most of them without Vanessa and Arantxa’s tip-off to head to Oswald’s and without that now-infamous sprint through St. James’ Park. I didn’t leave until midnight, with the coronation the next day, and I don’t regret it a bit. That’s a story for another time, though.
Blood, sweat, and tears, baby. Blood, sweat, and tears. I still cannot believe how lucky I was and how lucky I am. Worth it? Absolutely - worth every second. Battle wounds and all.
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
Eren is going to let slip to his family about Timothy but neglects to mention that he's a cat and now they think you've had an actual baby.
Context: —> Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Omlll the way he’d describe him like that’s his LEGIT son shsjdj his family would be so confused too because zeke’s always saying shit to his parents like “you think im a bad son?! well im telling you, one day eren’s gonna come home with a grown child we don’t know about!!” AND NOW LOOK
“Babe! Babe, hi. Hi. Look, I forgot that I was getting a delivery today for Timothy’s shoes. Is it possible if you could just hear out for the delivery person at the front door for me?”
The Jaeger familiy’s ears popped up at the franticness of Eren’s call to you. They were already on high alert seeing as he suddenly pulled away from their somewhat peaceful dinner but this seemed even more concerning than they originally thought.
Pacing the room, Eren held a hand on his head as he seemed to be in current distress.
“You’re not home?! Shit, babe, I really needed those shoes for him. You know how he gets all cold in the night and starts crying and shit. And I know you said he’s gotta learn not to be in the bed with us but I can’t just leave him in his own bed, it’s torture!”
Immediately dropping his fork down, Zeke looked between his parents in shock.
“Oh my God, he’s got a kid.” He whispered.
Carla and Grisha looked towards Zeke with a face of worry. Even they could have deducted that from the information themselves but hearing Zeke say that out loud made them panic just a bit more.
“Yeah but—…” Eren bit his lip as he was momentarily quiet and most probably letting you speak. “No! You can’t say that! That’s our child you’re talking about! How can you expect me to just let him ‘wean it out’, he’s a baby!”
“He’s got a fucking kid!” Zeke whispered even harder. He seemed happy at the prospect of a supposed nephew but anyone could tell that it was in fact elation that his conspiracy theory was proved right.
“Zeke, Shut up!”
Grisha growled, although he seemed invested in the call just as much.
Groaning, Eren flung his hand in the air before letting it slap against his thigh.
“Fine! Fine! Okay! I’ll quickly go home now to intercept it. I’ll see you later okay? Okay. Okay. Love you, bye.”
Ending the call and turning back to his engrossingly concerned family with a sigh, Eren picked up his unfinished plate of food from the table.
“Alright, guys I’m gonna have to go and come back. I gotta go pick something up.”
“What, for your son?” Zeke snickered.
As if light had seeped into his eyes, Eren nodded proudly.
“Yeah! It’s for Timothy. He’s literally like, the quietest and best baby anyone could ask for I’m genuinely so blessed to have him as a son.”
Eren was almost about to go into a soft rant but there was a bang at the table that stopped him in his wake.
“Why didn’t you tell us you had a son?!” Carla burst out, clearly the most distressed of them all.
With a blank expression, Eren had to think for two seconds before he could answer her. He hadn’t a clue what got her so worked up.
“Oh, well I’ve been meaning to tell you lot but I guess it slipped my mind.”
“Slipped your mind?!” Grisha yelped in reply.
“Uh…Okay, you guys are acting weird but I’ve gotta go but I’ll be back in a bit.”
Already making his way into the kitchen, the rest of the Jaeger’s looked between each other in shock. However, Zeke only found this more amusing.
“Ah, I told you guys I was the better son.”
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carolmunson · 2 years
vacation diaries - entry four
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eddie keeps a journal while at the inn with you in northern indiana. a blurb series starting from the first morning after ’before there was a before’.
entries: one,two,three read steve's journal: here.
warnings: minors dni, 18+, adult themes, mentions of sex
what a fuckin minx.
jesus, i forgot for a minute what a solid fuck she is. i know that sounds gross but i am fucking reeling right now. she's in the shower and i just got the life fucked out of me. holy shit. i thought i came hard last night but holy god almighty. i'm never gonna get over this.
we didn't mean to fuck. i didn't mean to let it go that far, i didn't want this trip to be about that. but when she gave me that face when we got back upstairs how could i not? she's such a little tease. she was a little tease all day. the cutest tease i ever met.
she wanted to go to the dunes even though it's snowy and out to the piers and the light house. she swears she packed a warm enough coat but i can guarantee you that she's gonna have a cold tomorrow and then i'm gonna get a cold two days later. i can't even be mad at her about it though, her little frost bitten nose? i don't think i've ever met anyone i want to marry more than her.
we brought some kodak cameras with us to take pictures of everything, went to some tourist spots since we haven't been getting around as much as we want. gas is cheap out here which is nice. we saw some more christmas lights and went back to the diner. the waitress knows my name now so now i feel like i have to come here every couple of months so i don't lose the friendship. her name's marge. she reminds me of my grandma. she has a friend that lives at the women's shelter by the record store named sara-lynn but i don't think i've met her. i'll have to ask around and send marge's regards. she thinks it's cool that i play in a band and her nephew wants to learn how to play guitar but doesn't want him to get any tattoos.
but anyway, we got home after seeing the sights (she called them 'the seven wonders of northern indiana' because she's annoying) and dropping the cameras off to get the film developed, we were sitting in the common area again and she starts tracing my tatts on my arm and she knows how i love that. she's all 'don't listen to marge, your tattoos are unique' and i would obviously never listen to marge because my tattoos are metal as fuck but she can't be tracing them on my arm like that in front of the nice old people we played checkers with two nights ago. so i ask if she's tired and she wants to go upstairs and she basically runs so fast that the lady who runs the inn had to come yell at us for being too loud.
we weren't too loud when we fooled around but if i had it my way, they would've been able to hear her in canada.
i haven't really had her solo in a long time. solo like, not playing a game or a roleplay. just me as eddie and her as her. she tried to slip into calling me daddy at first and any other day i would've went along with it, especially since steve wouldn't hear, but i just wanted it to be us tonight. i told her i wanted to give it to her nice. i don't even think either of us could breathe while we were going at it. i hadn't felt more connected to her in my life. i kept telling her how much i loved her and it kept making her cry so we had to keep stopping and starting which is fine because i kept almost busting way too quick for it to be okay.
we came at the same time and both had to shove our faces in the pillows so we wouldn't get in trouble again. can't believe we didn't break the bed.
she just got out of the shower and came out with my t-shirt on. i think she wants to go again and i'm gonna fuck her brains out. she already fucked my brains out.
sorry i didn't talk about anything legit today but i'm only a man, diary. i'm only a dumb fucking man who loves his girl.
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julemmaes · 1 year
Re prompts - Number 6 for the Nessian! Please ❤️
6. “Here, take me blanket/jacket.” - “I told you, I’m not cold.” *shivering*
Nesta knew she could be petty sometimes. It was a personality trait that all three Archeron sisters had received from their mother, and certainly none of them had ever tried to hide it or pretended otherwise.
Archeron Pettiness, that was how their group of friends had also coined it. Needless to say, the first time the sisters had heard someone use that term, they had sulked for a good hour, proving just how true it was. Nesta had been particularly hurt to learn that it was Azriel who had come up with the expression, but the fact that it had been her best friend had somewhat softened the blow. Somewhat.
Now, in front of the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen, Nesta sat on the shoreline, waiting for her friends to finish playing their game of beach volley so they could go back to the hostel and shower before heading out again for the evening. She could have joined them, kicked everyone's ass and then called it a day, but she wasn't in the right mood at all.
She just wanted to go home, relax in the silence of her room and hope that the night would be better than the last three hours they had spent at the beach. It wasn't a single detail that had unnerved her, more of a series of things that had piled up and now she felt like she was going to snap at any second. But she knew the second she’d voice her uneasiness, someone would bring up the Archeron Pettiness, blaming some stupid joke someone had made or something else entirely to the real reasons she felt like she was going through hell right now.
She closed her eyes, leaning her head back and pretending to bask in the last moments of light before the sun disappeared below the horizon. A particularly stronger wave than the others swept over her, wetting her legs and part of her stomach, and Nesta felt legit tears well up in her eyes. God, how stupid she could be, crying at almost 30 years old on a tropical beach, with a sky like that, surrounded by friends and family, just because a wave had washed over her.
As she was trying not to burst into a full cry, she didn't realise that the others had stopped playing and had jumped into the water. She hadn't even noticed that someone was approaching her until Cassian plopped down next to her, startling her.
He leaned over to kiss her shoulder and she fought her instinct to bend her head to the side.
Cassian was smiling so broadly Nesta wondered what kind of drugs he was on, but as he glanced at her and frowned, the life in his eyes seemed to flicker. Her stomach knotted with guilt as concern shaped his features and he leaned in, brushing a strand of hair from her face, to take a better look at her. 
“Sweetheart,” he whispered, “are you okay?” 
Nesta nodded tightly, looking at their friends splashing each other and laughing loudly as they tried to drown their respective partners. She wanted to join them, she just didn’t think her brain would let her calm down enough for her to be able to.
Cassian scooted closer, running a hand down her back and stopping right above her bottom. When he started massaging her skin with his thumb, Nesta arched her back, really needing him to stop touching her like that. She grimaced and turned her head the other way, avoiding his look.
“Right,” he said, clearing his throat. “Are you sure everything’s fine?” 
Nesta lifted her shoulders, croaking out, “Yes, a hundred percent.”
Cassian hummed. They kept silent for a little while, just enjoying each other’s company, when another wave hit them and Nesta’s legs were covered in goosebumps. 
“Are you cold?” He asked, passing a finger along her thigh. 
He’d once told her he always needed to be touching her when they were together. He said he reminded her they were actually in a relationship, the fact that he could freely hold her hand, put an arm around her shoulder, bump his hip into hers, whenever he wanted to. 
That, unfortunately for the two of them, didn’t really go hand in hand with her need to be left alone when feeling overwhelmed. 
“No, don’t worry,” she tried to lie, willing her body to stop freezing, but he was already up and running to their things. 
When he came back, he handed her his hoodie with a kind, tentative smile on his face.
“Here, take my shirt.”
Nesta didn’t want his shirt, she just wanted to leave. She got up, cracking her wrists and trying not to cringe at the wet sand sticking to her legs, “I told you, I’m not cold.”
And then she shivered, her body betraying her like never before. Cassian arched an eyebrow, thrusting the hoodie towards her, but Nesta raised her hands and stepped back.
“Cassian, I really don’t need it.” She might have been a little too harsh on him, but her brain was going on overdrive. He looked hurt and frowned, letting his arm fall to his side.
“I’m sorry, I’m just trying to help.” 
A loud barking laugh came from the water and before Cassian could ask her what he could do to make it better, they were both drenched in sea water. Nesta gasped, her hair dripping water in her eyes and she resisted the urge to scream. 
Emerie and Rhysand were standing right next to them, splashing each other in a war to the death, laughing like kids on the first day of summer. Mindless that they’d just pushed Nesta over the edge, they ran back to the others, but she didn’t care anymore. 
She looked Cassian straight in the eye and whispered, “I wanna go home.”
Cassian only nodded, shouting to the others that they’d rejoin them later and jogged after her. 
He helped her dry off and clean her body of the sand, all the while she tried hard not to cry. She stood there in silence after she’d gotten dressed, waiting for him to be done himself. He moved with hurried steps, clearly trying to be faster for her.
They were almost at the edge of the beach, on the small pathway that led to their hostel, when Nesta’s breath caught and her vision blurred. She was crying before she knew it.
“Baby,” Cassian breathed with a pained voice, stopping her by the elbow and putting down their bags. She let him pull her in, holding her close to his chest. Nesta hid her face in her hands as he rubbed her back soothingly, trying to calm her down. 
“I’m sorry,” she sobbed. 
Cassian tightened her grip on her, “You don’t have to apologise, Nes.” 
She shook her head, clearly disagreeing. She shouldn’t have let it get this far. 
“What set you off?” He asked. “Apart from Rhys and Em, obviously.” 
Nesta wiped her cheeks, sliding her arms around his waist and putting her ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths as her boyfriend just held her, grounding her. 
“I don’t know,” she said with a weak voice. “I guess the sun, the heat, the children screaming. Staying the entire day at the beach with so many people for a whole week isn’t my favourite thing.” Cassian simply hummed again, giving her the time and space to elaborate more. “I think I’ll just stay in tonight. It’s for the best anyway, I wouldn’t be much company.” 
“I’ll stay with you then,” he added, placing a kiss on her hair. 
She looked up at him, putting her chin on his chest, “You don’t have to. I’d rather you go out and have fun with the others if that’s what you want to do.” 
Cassian’s features softened even more and he kissed the tip of her nose, her cheeks, “I don’t care about the others, I wanna stay in with you.” 
She managed a small smile, rising on her tiptoes to properly kiss him on the lips. 
“I love you,” she whispered against his mouth. 
He simply replied by kissing her again.
acotar taglist (if you wanna be added or removed just dm me or send me an ask)
@my-fan-side @superspiritfestival @simpingfornestaarcheron @the-regal-warrior @live-the-fangirl-life @sayosdreams @rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @bookstantrash @lordof-bloodshed @nahthanks @sannelovesreading @courtofjurdan @imagine-me @moodymelanist @dread3r @sv0430 @mariamuses @leiawritesstories @thewayshedreamed @duskandstarlight @letstakethedawn @perseusannabeth
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