#leland and donna
birchblood · 10 months
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Laura, Maddy, Donna, and Leland /Jean Baudrillard, Symbolic Exchange and Death
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behindthescreamz · 8 months
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behind the scenes of the finale of “twin peaks” (1991)
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helbrides · 2 months
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twin peaks: fire walk with me dir. david lynch / the secret dairy of laura palmer by jennifer lynch / house of the dragon (2022-)
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thebirdpro · 9 months
TCM crew as a SS from That 70s Show
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It’s only Connie, Leland, and Sonny
Not a WORD about the hands ik they’re bad
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OG photo
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moviesycho · 1 year
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TWIN PEAKS: SEASON TWO (1990-1991) "Laura's Secret Diary"
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istg if Leland hadn't interrupted they would've kissed right here.
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The way Donna gets so startled...
Truly the worst of Leland's crimes.
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marsycat · 9 months
twin peaks 2x09 ……
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birchblood · 1 year
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Leland and Donna
Twin Peaks ; Fire Walk With Me ; Simone de Beauvoir, from Diary of a Philosophy Student, Volume 1, 1926-1927, September 14, 1926 ; Amal El-Mohtar, This is How You Lose The Time War ; Isobel by Flower Face ; Anais Nin, Mirages: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin, 1939-1947; Isobel by Flower Face cont.
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laurapalmerz · 4 months
i love maddy so much honestly, such an underrated character that i grew to adore on my rewatch. i didn't think much about her when she was initially introduced as laura's cousin, who drove in to mourn with the family and attend her funeral. but now? i see her as laura's unfortunate second half, the flip side of the same coin. she's constantly compared to her, so much so that she proclaims to leland, "all i did was come to a funeral, and it's like i fell into a dream. it's like people think i'm laura, and i'm not! i'm nothing like laura!" which is true, maddy's rebellious in her youth, giving laura and donna their first cigarettes when they were 12. the cool older cousin who's in high school and giggles at cute boys. she's kind, comforting, giving, and determined. yet, she can't escape the comparisons. she's not her own person when she's in twin peaks, she's relegated to being the shadow of her cousin and it eats away at her. yes, she'll help try to solve laura's murder no matter what, but deep down, she hates the idea of all the eyes that stare at her think she's just her cousin with glasses and deep brown hair, risen from the dead. i think the most disturbing aspect to maddy's story is how she becomes entangled with leland like laura did. he sees the similarities too, and because of this, he latches onto her. she begins to see BOB like laura did, she has weird dreams like laura did, and she dies by the hands of the same man laura did (though not by the same means). her body wrapped in plastic is a deja vu for everyone. laura has died again. but it's not laura, it's maddy ferguson, and she fell into the same cycle of abuse her cousin did. leland palmer did not see maddy as her own autonomous person, instead, just a mirror of his daughter. such a tragic end to a character who did nothing but love her family and sought out the truth. maddy couldn't escape that dream she fell into and leland made sure she wouldn't.
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whoslaurapalmer · 5 months
twin peaks but it happens in 2010. laura palmer have iphone etc etc
this ask has been haunting me since i saw it last night oh my god okay okay so
i wanted to lead with laura being an influencer but no one was quite influencing in 2010 yet. but the point here being that i think she posts a lot online and cultivates her online image very carefully (very soft, carefree, excited teenager) and has a LOT of followers on everything and always gets a ton of likes. bc it's laura, she's so beautiful and special and popular, of course everyone is following her, of course everyone is liking all her posts to get a piece of her
she has a twitter (laurapalmer93) where she posts a lot of pictures with little captions like.......'morning donuts at the diner!!' with a picture of the donuts and a milkshake or a Coffee To Be An Adult, 'can you believe this guy? <3' with a picture of bobby making a face (or even.........dare i say it...........doing the dougie), a picture of donna and james with '<33333333' (modern emojis were just getting really big then but i myself was not a big emoji user in 2010 yet, so neither is laura), 'don't tell ;)' with a picture of her holding a cigarette (of course everyone still smokes in the high school bathrooms).
one time she gets away with posting the lyrics to if i die young by the band perry (IF I DIE YOUNG! BURY ME IN SATIN! LAY ME DOWN ON A BED OF ROSES!) (FUNNY WHEN YOU'RE DEAD HOW PEOPLE START LISTENING!) bc it's a popular song. it raises a few eyebrows but it's a song and it's laura. how seriously do you take teen angst, even among your friends? that's just what laura does. what's there to really worry about, huh? (the song was released in may 2010 but let's say the lead up to her death is in 2010)
on facebook she posts a lot of volunteer stuff. school dance photos, which she helps organize. buy some cookies to support the french club!! she's very involved with student council, and she organizes the group halloween costume. her facebook is filled with photos of her with other people, but not really any of just her. she doesn't post a lot of statuses, but they're usually about homework or tests or 'feels like summer!' towards the end of the school year. she's friends with her parents. she definitely takes ap classes.
she has a private vent twitter (lostinthewoods) with zero followers that she uses as a diary bc she thinks it'll be safer than having it physically written down. her childhood lisa frank diary with the tiny lock and glitter gel pens that she kept in her bed post went missing, after all. her vent twitter is filled with sooooooo many tweets bc this was still the 160 character limit days and she would just post and post and post especially late at night. (she definitely has string lights in her room.) she is a MASTER of using her phone with no one seeing -- she has the layout absolutely memorized. she was only caught texting in class once and of course the teacher let it go.
bob/leland finds her passwords and breaks into the vent twitter and leaves her horrifying tweets she sees later, instead of the back and forth they have in the diary and leland ripping the pages out.
i think she has a third twitter, for sex, but i'm not sure if that tracks for the time period? (snapchat wasn't a thing until fall 2011.) or like a forum sort of thing? i think it's still super easy for laura to sneak out, even in an increased security camera world. there's still a lot of stress on the, yknow, ~secret unexposed underbelly of the world especially in a time of more eyes on everything~ in the 2010s.
meanwhile, james posts music a lot on facebook, and also acoustic covers of songs. like. yknow. HEY SOUL SISTER. donna loves the original pusheen stickers. they record the picnic video on her flip video camera. mike loves icanhascheezburger, and he jailbreaks his phone. audrey gets really into audrey hepburn quote posting, Aesthetic France, black and white photos, berets, has a photography phase and carries and actual camera bc it's Vintage. she's an early tumblr user. no one else in school has a tumblr yet, so she feels very cool but also very lonely about it.
harry has very little understanding of social media, however cooper is very into all social media, he finds it delightful. he enjoys a good cat video. he looks through all of laura's photos, her tweets, facebook videos, and i think there's, honestly even more of a feeling of tragedy bc of how much more physical evidence there is available of laura's life, lingering fingerprints, last tweets, last posts, passwords to put in and information to see, cold blue computer light, the even worse voyeurism in people expecting so much of your life to be online, in watching it play out online, in the image laura created for herself online to be the person people expected
donna rereads laura's twitter in the dead of night, just over and over again. goes back through their texts. so much of grief has become so much more public with social media and using it as a teenager, and there's this back and forth in donna of not posting anything and then posting the most miserable statuses about losing her best friend.
i know i should get deeper into the investigation but i keep thinking instead of how laura definitely gets a 20/20 special. it's probably definitely called 'the secret life of the american teenager.' (bc there was that show on at the time with the same name) elizabeth vargas visits twin peaks, is appropriately grim, there's a lot of b roll of the town and the woods but without the grace of twin peaks' cinematography. they play up the creation of a narrative big, as they always do on 20/20. the revelation of her 'double life' is at the halfway mark and simultaneously not discussed enough and overestimated. 'laura palmer was your average, everyday teenager -- she liked horses. cats. she got good grades, was homecoming queen, had a boyfriend on the football team. she volunteered on weekends. she had her whole life ahead of her. or was there more to the story than anyone knew? was there a dark side to the all-american girl?' oh, it's agonizing. the trailers play up a lot of potential spooky woods stuff that isn't followed through on in the actual episode.
now 20/20 prides itself on getting the story right, so i feel like it's.........i feel like they have to say it's leland at the end (and they definitely never get into anything about bob). but i also think, for some reason, it could easily have a 'we never found the killer' ending. especially re: s3........the thing is, i feel like laura's death particularly is the kind of thing that shows up on 20/20, but the rest of the circumstances would've ended up on like the unsolved mysteries website (the last revival ended in 2010, before the netflix reboot in 2019) (especially with WELL OUR FBI AGENT WENT MISSING). and there's so much online to put together in a website about it, there's so much for people online to dig into who have never even been to twin peaks, to think they know a town and the people in it and the girl who died even if it's just literally THE MOST DISGUSTING VOYEURISM IN THE WHOLE WORLD i just think there's such a. horror in that. people have the most, just, enraging takes when they get involved in a Murder That Happened Somewhere Else. people thinking they alone can figure out a mystery they've never seen, they can of course see something no one else has. and it's different than the people in the town ignoring it -- i think a lot of the secrets in twin peaks stay the same, no matter the time period, so of course it's still, a terrible dying town killing the people in it, maybe even quieter than it is in the original, some new infrastructure but old buildings, not all of them occupied anymore, ANYWAY -- like of course yes people in the town ignore the same amount they did in the original, all small towns bury things. but just bc the town itself isn't paying attention doesn't mean that some rando online is going to know more, no matter how much they think they will. there's like an entitlement to details of a murder, an I Must Be The Hero, The Savior, bc i'm on a fucking reddit thread about it
now i have zero (0) idea of how medical science and forensics work, but i have to assume there have been some advancements in the field between 1989/1990 and 2010/2011. the town still rushes the funeral, but would albert have been able to find anything else sooner? what is it he would have found to point to leland sooner? oh........dna testing, maybe? would he be able to find out about leland right away? there's more of a sense of urgency, maybe less of a slowness between events, even more of a shattering horror. maybe leland goes missing in an attempt to cover things up. hmmmmmm.
final note -- cooper gets called mulder as a nickname bc the x files happened as a show in this universe.
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ekat-fandom-blog · 10 months
Something happened that made it necessary for Danny, Dani, Jazz, Sam, and Tucker to be reincarnated into the DC universe. They don't remember a single thing about their past lives (or even feel a vague recollection of each other) until they get sucked into a ridiculous situation involving magic, alternate versions of themselves, and a ghost from an alternate dimension with a grudge.
(my ideas for who they reincarnate as under the cut)
Tucker as Michael Holt, aka Mr Terrific. Or Victor Stone, aka Cyborg, if you prefer. Both work pretty well personality wise and tech wise. (yes they were the first two that popped into my head that wasn't lex, bruce, or barbara how did you know? but now that i'm thinking about it maybe toyman would work too personality wise.)
Sam as Pamela Isley, aka Poison Ivy. I was toying with the idea of Mari McCabe, aka Vixen, but decided against it because their ideologies don't match as well and Mari is more level headed in my opinion.
Jazz as Harleen Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn. Although, I did want to make her Joan Leland because she did successfully rehabilitate an arkham inmate and wasn't an inmate herself, but there's not much info I can find on her.
Dani as M'gann M'orzz, aka Miss Martian or Megan Morse. Although, it could make sense to make her either of the Wonder Girls (Donna or Cassie) or Supergirl (Kara) or Mary Marvel (Mary Bromfeild).
Danny as Hal Jordan. I was tempted to make him Clark, but personality and goal wise, it doesn't make sense. Hal on the other hand makes a lot of sense once you think about it.
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faggotwalkwithme · 2 months
here are the pictures from when i visited twin peaks!!!!!!!! (part 1)
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explanations for if u dont recognise the places or what im referencing LOLS:
1: the exterior of the laura palmer house (as seen in the pilot, the return, and fire walk with me) 2: the table and couch with accurate crochet blanket as seen in fire walk with me and the return (for the scene in the return where laura's homecoming picture gets smashed, they used mary reber's framed copy so they gave her a new one and she got sheryl lee to sign it!!! she keeps the cigarettes and stuff :) ) 3: laura's bedroom from the pilot, mary reber put the This Would Look Nice on Your Wall and also has a lot of laura stuff in there 4: laura's bedroom from the pilot, she keeps a BOB mannequin in there and it jumpscared me like 3 times 5: the bathroom that laura washes her hands in and cries into when leland tells her to go wash her hands (scariest scene ever imo) 6 and 7: the ceiling fan... need i say more 8: the kitchen from the pilot, mary reber also keeps a very similar phone to the one sarah uses in that scene. her daughter also made biscuits and they were really good :) 9 and 10: the living room from fire walk with me, the return and the pilot. i tried to recreate that one shot of laura smoking in fire walk with me but i stood on the wrong side of the room lmao 11: my parents and i recreated that one pic of sarah, laura and leland :) 12: took a pic with mary reber!!! shes super sweet!(and she let me get a print for free :3) 13: my mum just took this picture of me taking a picture of the ceiling frame but i thought it looked a bit like one of the shots in fwwm. this is the front hall :3 14: donna's house exterior!!!! 15: mary reber answering the door for my dad hehe 16: just me in front of the house lol 17: the roadhouse exterior as seen in the pilot and fwwm!!! (maybe the return too i dont remember lol) 18: i'm being sheriff cable bending steel in the back of the deer meadow sheriff station and where the shed was in fire walk with me 19: this is where teresa banks' body was found and where leland pushed laura into the water after he killed her. i was collecting water for my science experiment lols :p 20: jack rabbit's palace from the return!! 21: my mum and me where donna and james were when they hid the other half of laura's heart necklace 22: the other half of laura's heart necklace (the tour guide put it there and it hasn't been removed for 8 years lol) 23: this is the area of the motel thingie where leland saw teresa, ronette and laura together (apparently if you stay in room 9, they've made it all creepy and burnt up and stuff and they call it the david lynch room) 24: same motel, but its room 8 which is where mr c like knocks on the door to go meet phillip jeffries 25, 26, 27, 28: the double r diner!!! i think we sat in the same booth that bobby, shelly and betty were sitting in the return, and i sat on the same (or like at least very close to) the stool bobby sits on in the pilot!! it was super cool, they had all the signs up and the menu and stuff and i bought an audrey magnet and laura sticker and we had coffee and cherry pie :) 29: nadine's silent drapes shop!!! the shop keeps a golden shovel and the drapes!!!! 30: me at carl rodd's bench with the titular twin peaks in the background :3 the tour guide provided a prop RR2GO cup for pictures lol
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alyssacat013 · 2 months
I’ve now watched the first episode of Season 2 of Twin Peaks and omg that ending scene is one of the scariest things I’ve seen in a bit. I definitely feel like they’re ramping up the creep factor for this season. Like I see now why some people said this show scared them. Like so now we know for sure that the grey, long-haired man is Laura’s killer and I’m curious who this man is. Is he this “Bob” guy that James said Laura was talking about in her song or no. Like I’m assuming he’s supernatural of some kind and not entirely human or maybe not idk.
Speaking of supernatural, we’ve now got this strange tall man who’s helping Agent Cooper solve this crime. Also, the beginning scene of this season is peak comedy and stress, haha. Like the casualness of the old man and Cooper’s conversation while he’s lying there bleeding was great. I also just love how polite Cooper is even when he’s literally bleeding to death.
Also, this season we have a few new mysteries to solve like the three riddles from the tall man: the man in a smiling bag, the owls aren’t what they seem, and without chemicals he points. We already had the first one happen so we’ll see what the next two mean. Also, there seems to be something going on at the hospital with the food, like it’s poisoned or something. Also, we had the one-armed man come back where he acted weird and had a strange interaction with Lucy. Then, we have the strange vision that Laura’s cousin had of blood on the carpet and Leland’s hair seems to have have gone completely white overnight in response to him killing Jacques I guess.
Another big thing I noticed is that Donna had a huge personality change overnight and now she’s acting kinda like Laura or something. Like does this mean she’s being influenced by some outside force, does this mean that she’s going to be “Bob’s” next victim.
Also, poor Audrey is being held hostage at one-eyed jacks without anybody knowing where she is. I really hope Agent Cooper finds her note soon and comes to save her. Her praying and begging to him to come find her was so sad, and I don’t know why that tall man couldn’t have just told Cooper that Audrey needed his help instead of being vague and saying you forgot something.
Lastly, Ronette is now awake and I’m worried about her, I’m scared someone is going to try and kill her to stop her from saying what happened.
Anyway, this first episode got off to a very exciting start and I’m excited to see what comes next.
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qomrades · 4 months
welcome to season 2 of twin peaks
"you alright down there?" he is visibly bleeding out
"warm milk" THANKS MAN
first 5 minutes of this season the longest of my life oh my fucking god. Is That A Ghost.?
thank you for the omens ominous french man. are you an alien of some sort or perhaps a mason
"you will require medical attention" yeah man i think he fuckin noticed
what thr fuck jerry did u kill blackie or something
"i would like to make love to a beautiful woman who i feel genuine affection for" implying you haven't before 🤔 curious
dale my goofster how i missed you and your autistic cadence
oooh please don't kill ronette poor ronette
why the fuck is his hair grey. leland palmer is an insane man i am a little bit obsessed with his mental decline
and Maddy's too hello?
really beginning this season with the kookiest shit they could imagine
intense and insane tension between dale and albert. i don't think they've known each other carnally but i do think a part of them has wanted to
james look different this season idk why
donna and her insane winona ryder slay. why is she seducing her boyfriend in prison. i feel like donna and james are going through thr craziest teen nancy drew light spice drama investigation novel ever and everyone else is doing whatever the fuck theyre doing in twin peaks.
what the fuck is up with the jazzy ass music. "Is it not okay for me to want you" WHAT ARE THEY ON. WHY DID SHE BITE HIM
ive become so lost these last few days without the show i need to be put back in thr boiling pot
why are dale's lower eyelashes so long and luscious
why are there so many pointed shots at the terrible hospital food
why are bobby and shelly genuinely cute. all i got is questions
loving the nadine/ed/norma/hank backstory. just the kind of drama im looking for
daddy issues conversation slightly messed around by bobby's crazy eyes. no hate to the guy but his overt facial expressions and large eyes scare me on occasion
hank did you just poison bobbys dad or some shit
andy's sweethearted nature makes its return. i missed your tears king
beginning to doubt that manslaughter of hanks was quite as manslaughter as he was saying it was
what the fuck are ben and jerry's deals
love the beautiful presentation put on by the hayward sisters. and then we pan across the table and the doctor looks disquieted, leland looks like the fucking godfather, Sarah looks as depressed as possible and donna and Maddy are just sitting there ominously.
leland there is something so fucking wrong w you babygirl
is audrey praying to dale? girl me too
ronette is getting possessed like the girl from thr exorcist. why is some guy there. what the fuck is happeningggggg
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filmfirecr4cker · 1 year
twin peaks notes!!!
okay so these are all my notes and thoughts on the pilot and the first episode :3 enjoy.
“it (the story) encompasses the all. it is beyond the fire, though few would know that meaning” 
“laura is the one” 
god josie is actually so beautiful 
sarah's paranoid has everyone caught off guard. i wonder if she knows something we dont
i love the choice they made having pete’s pov of finding laura be shot handheld. it makes it so much more off-putting and found-footagey
sheriff harry truman you are so beautiful to me <3 
poor andy :(
the shot of the palmer’s stairwell is so off-putting i love it 
AUDREYYYYY god shes so cunty 
the way leland holds onto harry’s jacket was such a good character choice 
goddd shelly is so gorgeous 
all the ladies are so beautiful lets be real 
shelly and bobby are linking 
bobby and laura were dating 
laura was 17 when she died 
i like the detail of aurdey changing from her oxfords to red heels when she gets to school 
james’s goofy ass haircut.. like girl whatever
the last time mrs. palmer saw laura was 9pm 
she had just come from bobby’s 
laura’s phone rang sometime that night 
the wide shot of the pulaski girl walking across the bridge is so fucking good 
james said “laura was the one” which is probably referencing the fact that she was the one for him but its also an echo of the log lady said in the intro as well sooo
oh my god i love him so so much actually 
i like how harry and coop meet at the end of the hallway and walk towards the camera and then the camera starts moving with them 
coop is actually so funny i love him. him and his trees 
you can tell harry fell for him right when he asked about the firs BWHAHAHA
while they were in the elevator, there was a man with one arm 
ronette repeated “dont go there” 
laura was dr jacoby’s patient 
laura’s parents didn’t know she was seeing him.. i wonder why?
i dont know if this was intentional or not but while dr. jacoby was talking to coop and harry, he was touching the hula girl on his tie under her skirt. idk i just noticed it and it weirded me out. fucking freak 
laura had a letter "r" under her nail on her ring finger. it seems like the killer is leaving a clue maybe??
apparently this is something coop has seen before 
snake and donna are dating 
laura’s last diary entry was “asparagus for dinner again. i hate asparagus. does this mean ill never grow up? nervous about meeting j tonight.” 
i love how lynch creates the atmosphere of twin peaks. it feels wet and cold 
“tell harry i didn’t cry.” oh andyyyyyy he’s so sweet. poor thing 
the video tape of donna and laura is so cute 
coop is so good at his job. thats my man
“you didn’t love her anyway” YEAH GET HIS ASS GET HIM 
audrey loves to cause problems on purpose and i support her 
snake and that gayass pose he does up against the wall 
laura was cheating on bobby with james 
donna definitely had feelings for laura and she fell into the trap of being in love with her best friend then hooking up with the boy she was with to feel close to her “i wanna kiss his lips bc they taste like you” kind of vibe yk?
love all the shots of the woods 
did ronette escape or was she let go?
the found laura’s half heart necklace and a note that says “fire walk with me” written in blood
james has the other half  
in the deposit box they found a flesh world magazine with ronette’s picture circled inside it and about $10,000 cash 
and there’s a pic of leo’s truck in the mag as well 
leo is shelly’s abusive ugly fucking husband. i hope he dies 
shelly is cheating on him with bobby 
the actor that plays leo is so bad LMAOOO 
the snowshoe rabbit :((((
coop is so fascinated by the flora and fauna of twin peaks and i love how he tells harry all about it (asking him questions and stuff). its so sweet
andrew packard was josie’s late husband who died in a boating accident a little over a year prior and he was katherine's brother. josie ended up inheriting everything that katherine would have so i guess that explains why she has a stick up her ass...
log lady is here!!! love her 
harry and coop are literally “me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic” LMAOOOO
i love harry sm. he's always looking out for everyone; hes such a good sheriff <3
teresa banks was the case that coop had mentioned earlier that made him think that laura’s death was connected somehow 
donna’s sister harriet is so cute. her being a poet and everything 
bobby is so annoying smhhhh 
“oh we’ll find her. dont you worry about that.” now why would you say it like that TO HER DAD YOU FREAK oh my god boys are so fucking stupid and creepy 
i wonder why snake and bobby are called “mutt” and “jeff” by joey and scotty????
ed and norma are having an affair and it seems like they’ve had feelings for each other for a while 
norma’s husband is in jail for manslaughter (yikes bitch)
oh coop is whittling i love him :(( 
he’s by best friend guys like actually 
“you think they spotted us?” “gimme a donut.” LMAOOOOO LIKE???
laura was wrapped up in some fucked up stuff apparently 
“i knew her more that she thought i did.” ughhhhhhhhh kms
bobby killed somebody!! 
OOOOO THEY KISSED DONNA AND JAMES KISSED!! god it kinda was gross like they were literally eating each other’s faces BWHAHHA 
they buried their half of the necklace 
bobby is such a punk bitch 
james looks like a cornered dog 
awww doc hayward and donna’s relationship is so sweet smhhh
lucy is such an angel with her little donut buffet 
josie and harry are so so cuteeeeeeee i love them 
harry literally pulled the baddest bitches in the entire show 
katherine is plotting evilly in her armchair WITH MR HORNE
god i love how foreboding the shot of the palmers stairwell is 
someone found the necklace donna and james buried and it looks like mrs. palmer had a vision about that or something??
lots of cheaters in this town LMAOOO
"it's beyond the fire" and "fire walk with me" what is the fire???
episode 1:
“behind all things are reasons. reasons can even explain the absurd.”  
his fucking sock garters COME ON
“diane, it struck me again earlier this morning. there are two things that continue to trouble me and im speaking now not only as an agent of the bureau but also as a human being. what really went on between marilyn monroe and the kennedys? and who really pulled the trigger on jfk?” LIKE BITCH!!! I HATE HIM (affectionately)
coop is so real for being transfixed with audrey bc me too
laura tutored audrey’s brother johnny 
johnny is said to have “emotional problems” bc he’s 27 and in the third grade. im assuming its some mental disability 
audrey said that “emotional problems” run in the family 
audrey you are so strange girl. love you tho
i love how everybody in the station has donuts in their mouths LMAOOOO 
i also love how coop says "three for three" after he sees andy, lucy, and harry all eating donuts
laura’s cause of death was blood loss
leo has a big old blood stain on one of his shirts :0
his nasty ass ponytail fucking barf
laura was doing cocaine 
james has been the only one who seems to have been the most honest whilst being interrogated (yk excluding the part about the locket) 
laura, bobby, and snake have been in cahoots with leo. im guessing it has to do with drugs 
laura’s video played again and it stopped on a frame of her face and her voice whispered “help me” 
big ed is james’s uncle 
harry knows about ed and norma
someone drugged ed at the roadhouse 
coop has some of his FBI guys coming down to examine laura’s body 
ed gave a little gesture to hawk when he returned james back to him, which hawk mirrored back to him. they seem to be touching the side of their eyes/temples? and wiping down, like a tear maybe??? what’s up with that?
james’s mom is out of town 
pete and josie have a sweet relationship too :((
pete kind of reminds me of my dad a little bit 
laura helped josie with her english 
she aid that the last time she saw laura, she was upset about something but they didn’t talk about it. laura then told josie “i think i now understand how you feel about your husbands death.” whatever that means
katherine is such a cunt i hate her so much
of course cooper would know what shenanigans means 
katherine is cheating on pete with benjamin horne. gross. 
she and mr. horne are trying to bankrupt the mill. he also suggests that they burn it down
so donna went over to the palmer’s house, and sarah suddenly hallucinated and thought donna was laura. then she saw a creepy guy crouching and looking up at her from a bed? and promptly started freaking out
rosette worked at the horne’s department store as a salesgirl at the perfume counter and joked it was “the sweet job she ever had”
the one armed man is back!!!
“laura died two days ago. i lost you years ago.” mr. horne said this to audrey and it gives us some insight into their relationship (i hope they elaborate on this more in the future)
okay so it looks like bobby comes from a religious and military home
his father is def the dominant head of the family. he has a strong presence and his wife seems to be more meek compared to him. very “good christian wife” core. thats not a dig at her, she seems sweet enough, but when general briggs slaps bobby for putting a cigarette in his mouth at dinner, she does nothing about it 
laura helped norma with the “meals on wheels program” that laura helped organize. she really does seem like such a golden child
the log apparently saw something the night laura died  
god, the way shelly’s face dropped when leo asked about his shirt gave me chills
laura recorded tapes for dr. jacoby
“i just know im gonna get lost in those woods again tonight. i just know it.” (laura on one of her tapes)
she also mentioned a  “mystery man”. i wonder if its the creepy guy sarah hallucinated or something
ohhhhh so it was dr. jacoby who found the other half of the necklace 
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lovetogether · 1 month
We should post our animal assessments for twin peaks uhhm laa 🎶
Laura - grey wolf
Leland - grey wolf
Sarah - grey wolf
Maddy - black wolf
Shelly - white tailed deer
Bobby - bobcat
Leo - cougar
Mike but like the one that’s Bobby’s friend - yellow house cat
Major Briggs - rhino
Donna - Pygmy rabbit
James - Newfoundland
Norma - cocker spaniel
Big ed - Newfoundland
Nadine - red fox
Andy - river otter
Harry - northern raccoon
Lucy - eastern cottontail
Hawk - Wolverine
Dale - piebald squirrel
Ben - brown tortie
Jerry - orange tabby
Audrey - mixed tortie
Cathrine - Persian cat
Pete - yellow bellied marmot
Josie - golden pheasant
The arm - teacup big
Giant - giant sloth
Mike - owl
Bob - coyote
Gordon - David lynch dog OR parakeet. Have these two fight to the death
Albert - ant (lemon suggestion)
Denise - maned wolf
Sam - duck
That other agent from movie we forgot his name - idk lol
Log lady - beaver
Annie - cocker spaniel
Harold - bearded lizard
Dr jacoby - brown bear
Phillip Jeffries - davidbowie huntsman spider
Da freaking Return
JaneyE - long eared chipmunk
Sonny Jim - chipmunk squirrel hybrid
Blow job brothers - desert bighorn sheep
Diane - poodle
British guy - feild mouse
Other sherif Truman - northern raccoon
Wally - weird hybrid of what Andy and Lucy were because that’s funny
Richard - bushy tailed cat
The woodsman - black bear
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