#lemme clarify
People who only view the Singularity as some robot animal pet
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Read the tags before you come at me
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alexbutrandomthoughts · 5 months
"Can't two guys be just friends?" If they stop looking at each other like that then sure
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daily-odile · 2 months
sorry i was gone for a while i just got back from the mountains
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peachie5000 · 11 months
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okay so the news about the series possibly having a future is huge but I also do really need to emphasize queerplatonic/aroace lapidot real
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la-ro-ki · 1 year
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their dynamic will never not be hilarious to me
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acuar-io · 17 days
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New oc! New Oc! This is Benny! Hes French-Canadian & Seph's ex!
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smovs · 2 years
Notes to make Clip Studio Paint's 3D model posing tools a little less overwhelming
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first thing to do is to set keyboard shortcuts. To interact with the 3D models you need the Operation > Object tool.
(I'd also recommend the Move Layer tool if you haven't already hotkeyed it)
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grab a default model from the 3D Materials window, drop it onto your canvas, & set the scale to your liking.
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TIP: you're gonna wanna use the MOVE LAYER tool to adjust the model's position on your canvas. If you start dragging it around with the Object selection tools, it'll move the model relative to its own ground plane & camera. Recipe for a headache.
Move Layer tool = no more tears
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You can adjust the model's body proportions on the fly by opening up the sub tool window as shown below.
I recommend this 60 second video by Iron Circus for more detail: youtu.be/zrtAyY3Qqmo
As they suggest, start at the feet & work your way up.
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and you're ready to start posing!
...don't know dick-all about 3D software? it works like this:
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translation / rotation are often shortened to trans / rot, which is coincidentally the name of my new band.
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it doesn't matter which mode you use, and you'll be bouncing back n' forth most of the time. don't even worry about remembering what they're called.
just let it wash over you 🌊☮️
it's so easy to do this that you're probably gonna do it on accident constantly. 
Click once on the model for IK, click again for FK.
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now we're ready to pose. generally, I start from the center of the body and work outward. 
1 Pelvis
2 Torso
3 Neck & Head tilt
4 Clavicles
5 Upper arm > Forearm > Wrist > Fingers // Thigh > Shin > Ankle > Foot Arch
[my posing timelapse gif is too big for tumblr- you can see it on my website if you’re so compelled. or this tweet]
Now it's blocked in, you can go back in for tweaks. I find it's good practice to click away & deselect the previous joint before going in to select the next one. Helps avoid misclicks.
[yeah, same thing]
for more camera angles.
Good for when you're struggling to select a control cause it's hiding behind the other body parts.
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The arm range is a bit limited, it can be tough gettin the hands/elbows to reach behind the body. don't sweat it too hard, these models are just for reference after all.
But if you've hit a wall, I got one last cheat for ya tonight:
when you've posed as best as you can and it's still not close enough, flatten the layer (right click > rasterize) and hit it with the liquify tool.
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Good luck out there!
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agrebel18 · 1 year
Seeing several people GENUINELY think that Raeda and Huntlow aren’t canon PURELY because neither of them kissed like Luz and Amity did is REALLY SHOWING that people’s media analysis skills are getting worse 😐
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That lil bit between Bill and Pok, the one about their monthly meetings? That's their routine conspiratorial checkin on how they're going to get their sons together.
Bill Seacaster's "Darling Boy" and Pok Gukgak's "Little Angel"? (I know that bit is from The Bad Kids but c'mon Riz has literally been to heaven) They heard their sons talk about the other's, got in contact, and upon exchanging parental insight went "oh those boys are in it and they don't even know".
Cue Heaven and Hell shenanigans to get those boys together!!!
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kathiel0l · 7 months
Alright, so, I’ve been thinking about this for quite awhile, so I’ll just get this off my chest and lay it to rest-
So awhile ago, I was listening to that latest Y!Finn audio (again, and out of boredom lol) where we try to get the truth out of him (in a very.. interesting way lmao), and in the beginning he had this dream about..a rabbit (He talked in his sleep and basically he said something along the lines of “Come little rabbit, don’t be scared, I just wanna talk.”).
At first I wasn’t really paying attention to that line, but then later on it got me thinking..
Do you guys think that he was (maybe) dreaming about trying to get his hands on Bunny!Finn? Like, was he chasing him down or something and was he trying to assure him that he (Bunny!Finn) shouldn’t be scared and that Y!Finn just wants to ‘talk’ to him??
(I like to think that he was probably trying to take Bunny!Finn down, and that he is planning to do that to the other Finns as well, so that he’s the only Finn left 👀)
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spitblaze · 5 months
Therapy is great. You ramble to someone for half an hour and then they tell you some basic shit like 'being mad at things all the time isn't good for your mental health or self-control' and it's like a genuine revelation. Wow. Being mad isn't good for me. Huge if true
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salora-rainriver · 7 months
Alright look.
You don’t need to be famous!
You don’t need to be a content creator.
You don’t need to have a hundred thousand followers.
You don’t need to make a massive impact on the world.
It’s okay to fucking EXIST in the world. To make a small impact. To have normal friends and a normal obscure life, like everyone else on this planet.
I get it if you’re lonely, I get it if you feel like there’s no point to life, but fame isn’t the answer to that problem.
Yes I am talking about James fucking Somerton. Hell, I am talking TO James Somerton, motherfucker if you’re reading this, somehow, despite me literally being a nobody on tumblr, then- wow! What are the odds! What the fuck is wrong with you. Also don’t fucking do it. Please log off and live a happy normal mediocre life. Please.
But I’m also talking to every 20-something (me included) who thinks “gee i want to be like those fancy content creators and filmmakers and artists who make stuff and everyone looks at it.”
And I’m not saying don’t dream big. “Dream big” can mean all sorts of things, and none of them have to be about fame. Entertainment and academia are like 10% of the full breadth of human experience.
You can garden. Knit. Raise animals. Go scuba diving. Join a book club. Play sportsball. Dance at a club. Dance at a park. Learn tango! Paint pictures for small local galleries and people who want something crazy on their walls. Have sex. Go to concerts. Volunteer. Write poetry. Learn an instrument. Learn a language. Go hiking! Biking! Run a marathon! Collect coins, collect shells, collect bones. Find god (any god). Be the guy who hands put water bottles at protests. Join a tabletop gaming group. Play trading card games.
I’ve been saying for a real long time that someone like James Somerton is just not fit to write video essays, he’s not fit to be a content creator - James if you’re still here, we all saw your ‘measured response’, if you were telling the truth about those memory issues and ADHD and they genuinely are so bad that you can’t properly cite your sources- you can’t be a video essayist. I’m sorry. It’s part of the job description.
and look. that’s okay. because there’s so much other stuff he can do with his life. Stuff that doesn’t require him to, you know, make proper citations. Write creatively. Manage a film production company. Those things. The things he evidently can’t do competently.
The idea that he’d rather die than have a normal life, a peaceful life out of the public eye, working a job that he can actually be good at, having his hobbies and his real life friends and maybe even a family… there’s no other word for it than “sad”. That’s so fucking sad, and I don’t even mean that in an insulting way. I know I hate the dude, but jesus.
And I just. If you’re reading this post and the idea of someone absolutely who’d rather die than be normal resonated with you - first of all, do you need a hug, second of all,
This post is for you.
Please take care of yourself and just find joy doing what you want to do. Don’t try to Be Famous. Please.
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tayloralison · 13 days
Thoughts on Chappell’s comments re: still loving her Republican friends and family?
you can't always choose your family and at times, it's not safe for someone to speak up and argue back. some times, it is what it is. love is extremely complicated
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friedoats · 3 months
So i just started t just a few days ago and i wanted to clarify something for other people that i was a little confused about myself before my first appointment.
Basically i didnt know when i would be able to start because i had heared about people getting hrt on their first appointment and i had also heard about people having to wait till after their blood tests. (This post is just for shots i don't know about gell)
What happened during my appointment (idk if this works the same outside of where i live in the midwest), i was given two options, one, they would do the blood test first and then prescribe testosterone a few days later. Or two, i could get my first shot right then and get my blood test right after.
I chose option two, cause then i had a nurse telling me how to take the shot by myself and wouldn't necessarily need to go back to learn how to do it. They also gave me my own little kit with a sharps container, wipes, the syringes, and the two needle sizes i needed. :)
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micamicster · 9 months
Need the blond men die a miserable hamster-like death post. Sam Reid king of characters who need slammed in a door like my friends hamster when we were six
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daz4i · 11 months
Ppl who make Chuuya solely the bottom imho also tend to make him more outwardly emotional and “good” I’ve noticed. Like they have him crying or talking about his feelings, sometimes with like therapy speak, and they sort of act like he’s a more moral person than he is? Like they focus more on the fact that he’s generally an amiable person, esp off the clock, than the fact that actually he’s a workaholic who doesn’t really lose sleep over killing ppl and like, very much would have let Dazai kill Q. Like he’s not an innocent secret do-gooder who craves life in the light most ardently?? He’s been an executive in the mafia since he was 18 and he’s the second in command. He’s a badass who is comfortable in his own skin and secure in his skills, and he’s never cried in canon, and imho he would rather chew glass than talk about his feelings openly
honestly that's a common ooc thing i see in top chuuya stuff (or non-smutty fics) too unfortunately 😩 BUT i do think there's a connection between the fandom perception of top/bottom "personalities" (in fanon. on god this whole discussion is gonna be in my future callout post if i don't clarify that) and this type of characterization but it's more like. a chicken and egg situation
as in, people who write bottom chuuya don't necessarily make him ooc. but the ppl who do write him in this ooc way, tend to make him a bottom in their fics, bc these are traits that are commonly associated with bottoms in fanon (in every fandom, like as a general concensus thing many ppl tend to fall into without thinking. you know those people who look for the same ship dynamic in every fandom they join? these guys)
all that being said the same is true abt dazai too (and making him more mysterious and suave), in both directions actually (like making him more whiny and spoiled and have less of a backbone or agency). this sort of thing happens to all characters in all fandoms i think, where one thing feeds into the other, it's just. ig. louder with skk bc they really really /don't/ fit those common character traits you see in many generic popular ships
hope that made sense 🙏
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