#lena does masterposts
clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal, Part 15
WC 1133, Masterpost
“Lena, no,” Danny groaned. He let his bag slump off his shoulder as he turned to face them. “Lena. It’s Friday. I have been in meetings for the last three days. I have plans. I am actively leaving the building. Lena. Why are you stopping me, Lena?”
Lena held their tablet up, covering up the lower half of their face. Their dangerously large doe eyes looked over the top of it. “I just have one last thing!”
“Is it an emergency?”
They rolled their eyes. “Do you hear any alarms?”
“If I don’t deal with it until Monday and an emergency happens, are people going to be out of supplies they need to deal with said emergency?”
“No,” Lena huffed.
“Then can it please wait until Monday, Lena? Please? I’m begging you. I don’t want to have to get down on my knees, but I will,” Danny said. “Oh great now more of you are here. Please tell me you don’t all have things you need from me? Why are you smiling like that? If this is a mind control thing just thrown me tied up in my office and let me at least sleep under my desk.”
“You’ve been hanging out with the heroes too much Danny,” Greg said with a laugh from where he leaned on the bright green partition of his cubical. “You’ve picked up on their dramatics.”
“No, I’m just used to the crazy now and this,” he said, motioning to his gathering underlings (HR wouldn’t let him call them minions anymore), “is suspicious.”
“Well if you feel that way, we don’t have to give your gift,” Lena said.
Danny perked up a little. “Gift? Wait, gift?”
Hamid snorted. “Of course he pays attention when gift is mentioned. Danny, someone could catch you with a piece of cake under a cardboard box.”
Danny flapped a hand in Hamid’s direction. “Hush. But why gift? You all don’t have to get me anything.”
“Of course we did!” Lena said. “It’s your one year being the boss man, Boss!”
That made Danny pause. It couldn’t be, could it? Had he really been working as leadership in the Justice League Response Team for a year now? It felt like yesterday still when he had been moving to Central City.
“I think we broke him,” Hamid whispered loudly.
“I just can’t believe it’s been that long,” Danny said honestly.
“Well it has been, so here,” Lena said. They grabbed a tissue wrapped bundle and handed it over.
Danny unwrapped it carefully, aware he was grinning stupidly and not carrying to stop it. It was really sweet of his team. “I couldn’t have made a year without you all.”
“We know,” Greg said, which made Danny laugh.
When the paper was finally discarded, Danny was holding a mug that said ‘You’re the Best Boss’ with the word ‘best’ scratched out. Stuffed inside the mug were floppy Titan figures wrapped with fake bandages. “You’re all jerks, I love it. I’m taking a picture and sending it to the Titans. Nightwing’s little broken leg is inspired.”
“Thank you,” Lena said proudly. They waited for Danny to snap the picture before taking the mug away. “Now you go. I’ll put this on your desk for you.”
“Thank you, really, you’re all the best.”
“We know,” all three of the coursed as Danny headed out the door with a wave.
“I can’t believe they broke mini me’s leg!” Dick wined when Danny got back to his and Wally’s department.
“Of course they broken your leg with all the stunts you pull,” Victor said as he flicked the cap off a beer with his thumb. “Wait, that sounded wrong. It’s not like those were voodoo dolls or anything. Right…?”
Danny laughed hung up his work bag and keys on the hooks by the door. “Greg is right, you’re all paranoid and I’m around you way too much for it to be rubbing off on me.”
“Really only Wally rubs off on y—” Garfield started only to get a face full of pillow tossed by Donna. It sent Gar right over the couch back he had been perched on.
“No one needs to hear that,” she said.
“You’re just jealous Wally has a hot boyfriend,” Gar said.
The couch shifted a little before a green cat popped out from under the front of it. Danny picked Gar up as he passed, setting him back on the couch.
“I am not the hot boyfriend,” Danny said.
“Yes you are.”
Victor just snorted.
“Wally,” Danny called out. “Our friends are being weird. Did you all get a collective head injury or something?”
“Our friends are always weird, babe,” Wally called back from either the bedroom or the office.
“Yes, but this is extra weird.”
There was a pause then Wally appeared with the monstrosity that was the current Uno set up. It now included a board and six different dice. “Okay, what’s extra weird?”
“That they think I’m the hot boyfriend.”
“Danny, babe,” Wally said. He leveled Danny with a look. “You are the hot boyfriend.”
“Collective head injury, all of you!” Danny said, throwing his hands up.
Wally just laughed, the bastard, and set the game box down so that he could pull Danny into his arms. “Accept it, you’re hot.”
“No,” Danny said, purposefully pouting.
“So hot,” Wally insisted before leaning in to kiss Danny.
Gar whistled while Victor made a fake gagging sound. The kiss broke as Danny laughed at being hit with a pillow.
“Okay, okay. I’m going to go change out of my work clothes. Is food ordered?” Danny asked as he dragged himself out of Wally’s arms.
“Indian. An absolute feast too,” Wally said, reluctantly letting Danny go.
“Good, I’m starving.” Danny headed for their bedroom, shucking off his clothing as soon as the door was closed. He hated meetings where people expected him to wear suits. It was a relief to change into jeans and a comfortable t-shirt.
“…wait till the others are here?” Dick was saying to Wally when Danny opened the door.
“I know we should, just…”
“Wait for what?” Danny asked.
It was a little startling how both their heads jerked up to look at Danny.
“Um, just explaining the Uno rules! You know?” Wally said with a nervous laugh. “Not all of them have played this version, yeah?”
Danny raised a brow, spotting the lie easily but not knowing what it was about. It was usually safer to not get between Wally and Dick plotting something though. “Right… pass me a cider?”
“Sure, babe!” Wally said with far too much perkiness.
Danny had just accepted the uncapped cider when suddenly the room was filled with a screaming alert. From the volume that wasn’t just one communicator.
That was everyone’s.
AN: I managed to shake out some words! I'm not actually sure of the pacing of this one, but I won't know till I write the next part! There's a chance this might get more added to it. We'll see! I wonder what Dick and Wally were talking about??
Stay delightful, darlings!
I no longer tag, instead you can subscribe to the masterpost.
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latibvles · 2 months
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A collection of stories surrounding an all-female bomber crew, primarily derived from @hboww2rewatch ’s weekly prompt list + individual prompt requests. a special thanks to @basilone for letting me take inspiration from their masterpost for their own stories: the earth is run by mothers.
[Read all the works in chronological order on Archive of Our Own]
And click the Read More to meet the crew.
Friends ( March, 1943 )
Crews ( May, 1943 )
Kinship ( May, 1943 )
Recuperation ( June, 1943 )
Injured ( October, 1943 )
Reunion ( October, 1943 )
Typewriter ( October, 1943 )
Wedding ( August, 1946 )
Bonding ( February, 1943 )
Dress Uniform ( December, 1942 )
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Vivian “Viv” Savorre | Pilot, 26, Detroit, MI
Responds primarily to Viv — magazines love her, as do most reporters. Has an easy smile and a certain allure that leads people to believe that she was maybe a socialite or some type of high society girl before she joined the Army. Gives very little of herself, somehow manages to make you feel like her best friend regardless. Can throw a mean punch when prompted.
Wilhelmina “Willie” Neumann | Co-Pilot, 25, Stroudsburg, PA
Never introduces herself as anything but Willie. The “mouse” living in the bomber, a woman of very few words. Has good eyes and is very diligent about writing letters home to mom. Only ever speaks when she has something to say, a bit cold if you don’t know her well enough.
Inez Eckley | Navigator, 21, Nashville, TN
Too humble to function. Refuses to admit that she is in fact near-sighted. Her brother’s a minor league baseball player (do not ask her about it) and her mom just had another kid. First in her family to get a college degree — does not brag about this.
Fern Carmine | Radio Operator, 21, Racine, WI
Silver-spoon baby, part-time swindler. Will occasionally save the 100th from Bucky’s impromptu performances with a song of her own — unless they duet, which is tolerable. Don’t play her in darts unless you plan to lose. Loves to dance and loves when she can get the girls dancing with her.
Lena Connolly | Flight Engineer, 23, The Bronx, NY
Accepting any and all stupid nicknames derived from the fact that she is very Irish. Prides herself on being a fixer and being damn good at it. Strongly opinionated. Pretty much down for anything. Good at getting people out of trouble before the fists start flying.
Josephine “Jo” Alden | Tail Gunner, 24, Boston, MA
Also responds to Josie, Josie-Posie, and whatever other rhymes can be surmised from that. The Mom Friend. Suffers from middle kid syndrome and lived to tell the tale. Carries around a library in her footlocker and will hold your hair back when you throw up (after a mission or after a night at the bar).
Harriet “Harrie” Morgan | Ball Turret Gunner, 22, Montgomery, AL
A quintessential ray of pure sunshine. Loves a good sweet treat and lacks a knack for picking up lot of social cues. Very loud, very optimistic, undeniably and admirably fearless. Will scrunch her nose if you call her Harriet.
Carrie Hughes | Waist Gunner, 18, Denver, CO
Baby of the group. Nervous energy personified. A little bit naive and maybe not the bravest of the bunch but she’s getting there. Likes feeling pretty and getting compliments from the people she looks up to. Still finding her own bite.
Lorraine Ivanova | Waist Gunner, 20, Brooklyn, NY
Likes winning and being number one. Does not indulge in the antics unless hard-pressed to do so. Gonna get shit done no matter the cost. Doesn’t talk about herself all that much, makes it hard to know her.
June Cielinski | Bombadier, 21, Chicago, IL
Angry more often than not. Throws a mean punch. Doesn’t look like she can in fact throw that mean punch. Has two older brothers and it shows. Mouthy, opinionated, and downright degrading when you get on her bad side. An overly protective girls’ girl first and foremost.
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revenancy · 1 year
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There are worse things to fear than death and magic.
Ophélie is a Spicer Decadent, a glorified guild assassin brought to the Grand Palaces by a mysterious benefactor who wants to keep the royals on their toes. Everett was the crown prince—now, he's nothing more than a tutor, baring his teeth at the children who were supposed to replace him. When he finds the Spicer with blood on her hands, he won't miss a chance to watch his mother's empire crumble.
→ adult · high fantasy · 3rd person present tense · dual pov → the holy quinity: gore, alcoholism, sex, violence, and family trauma
A rotten taste settles on the back of her tongue. Is it still cruelty if he can’t feel it?
→ in which a murderer steels herself against a court that would see her dissected for their amusement, and a dead prince wishes he could be the one underneath her hacksaw · (but this way he gets to watch as she breaks down the bodies in his bathtub)
“You think you’ve suffered, don’t you?” Every syllable is forced out through gritted teeth. His breath smells bitter as rot and stronger than absinthe.
→ in which two brothers would skin each other if it got them anything but blood on their hands, and neither will come out of this wearing that silver crown · (and both of them know it, but to a royal son, hatred is sweeter than sugar)
“Does a knife mourn? Does a spade cry? You’re a Spicer. Act like one.”
→ in which the itty bitty introduction turns to a masterpost of links to posts not yet made. to be fleshed out over the coming weeks as I find free time.
· CHARACTERS → Ophie Lourens – Everett Altenwald – Renard Constans – Alaisine & Andrie – Matthias Altenwald & his daughter Letanie – Helaire d'Argent & other royals – Noé Lieur – Sevestre d'Argent – Quillon de Ruy-Minor – Catelot & her ladies –
· SETTING → Argent & Grisencourt – Corant, l' Carillón, & the annexation – Clarin & Loënztornhold – Emblesse & Stila – The Cour d'Empire – Magic in the Empire –
· MORE FUN POSTS → On the Spicers
· TAGLIST → @socialmediasocrates @lena-rambles @space-writes // ask to be added and I'll tag you for future tgoed content ♥
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this-is-lightning · 1 year
Supercorp FicRec P. 28
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The next part in my ongoing ficrec series. I go through my bookmarks on AO3 and select the ones I like the best and add a little commentary on why. 5 fics per part. (under the cut)
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give me mercy no more by searidings
kara and lena would go, have been, to hell and back for one another. but heaven? that's a whole different ball game.
w: 23,195
r: general audiences
S6 black mercy AU. Lex is there and plotting, they foil the plan of course and finally their feelings come to light. Short, intense, happy ending! Looots of feelings.
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We Deserve Only Good Things by ThornedRose44
“Are you Lena?” The girl jolted in her spot on the sofa, hugging the bear closer to her chest. “Yes.” Even though Kara had known it from the second she had laid eyes on the child, the confirmation still managed to take her by surprise. “Who are you?” Lena asked, trying to sound as confident as she could. “Oh, my name’s Kara.” Kara replied warmly, taking a step forward, eager to move closer to offer reassurance before halting the second she saw the younger version of her once best friend flinch. “It’s okay,” Kara quickly soothed, “It’s okay. I won’t hurt you.” Lena peered over the top of her bear’s fuzzy head, “Promise?” Kara knelt down and smiled brightly, “Promise.”
Following Lex’s defeat, Kara and Lena are struggling to rebuild their friendship and let go of the hurt caused on both sides when Kara and Lena work together to help an alien return home. To show their gratitude for being saved the alien provides the two of them a chance to close the rift still between them. How? By getting them to meet each other's younger selves.
w: 28,678
r: mature
S6. Reconciliation is hard but they get help. Hits you right in the feels - and hard. SO well done, truly its a gem. Meeting little Kara and Lena was a real treat, wish we'd had more of that in the show. She writes them both so well and just knows how to cut them to the core. Brilliant!
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something so precious about this (oh what a sin) by Just_As_Sane
Small folded pieces of paper begin to gather in her wallet. There’s swans, cute puppy faces with tiny noses drawn on them, various sized stars and there’s fish, frogs even a dinosaur.
But mostly there’s hearts.
She tries not to read too much into it.
Kara makes little origami creations and gives them to Lena, and Lena being the complete and utter sap that she is, loves them with all her heart.
w: 4,399
r: mature
I adore this one. Its so soft and sweet and comforting. All fluff, no angst. Definitely one of my go-to comfort fics. (and i am absolutely like this Lena when im in love lol)
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What's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it? by ThornedRose44
If Lena didn’t know any better she would say she was being haunted. By an actual ghost. But Lena knew better. She had one of the highest IQ’s in the country. So Lena knew better.
w: 83,635
r: teen and up
This ones a lot funnier than it might sound. It gets a bit sad and sappy later, but that makes the story even better. Very happy ending (Kara is not actually dead). Also if you haven't already do check out all her fics. (tho i probably recd them all by now)
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i love that i know you (like no one does) by robie
“Help me understand,” Kara says. “Are you saying everyone falls in love with their best friend?”
“I’m saying that queer women have a special affinity for it,” Lena repeats, fishing the cherry out of the bottom of her drink. “The whole ‘falling for your straight best friend’ is basically a rite of passage.”
“Says who?”
“Everyone.” She puts the cherry in her mouth, bites it off the stem. “The L Word was like, built on the premise that a friend group of queer woman in LA dated each other in some sort of terrible repeating circle for, god, however many seasons that went on. And it’s been my experience that when two people are attracted to each other, and they’re close, feelings are likely to develop.”
“That’s just, I mean, come on.” Kara’s cheeks are a little pink. “A trope and a tv show? That’s your evidence?”
“So you’ve never been in love with your best friend?” Lena looks down at her empty glass.
“No!” Kara sounds affronted. “No, I have never been in love with my best friend.”
A love story, told in three acts.
w: 47,367
r: mature
Sooo they totally fall in love of course, it just takes a while - cue jUsT fRiEndS shenanigans. Like so so many of them. Lots of pinging, a little angsty but eventually they stop being dumb. So so so well written.
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Don't forget to leave some love for the writers! Happy reading!
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Round 1 Group 4 Masterpost
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(masterposts for Group 1 Group 2 Group 3)
Section A is now live!
Jenny Calendar vs. 13th Doctor
Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) vs. Helena "H.G." Wells
Camina Drummer vs. Philippa Georgiou (Prime)
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker vs. Jane Doe
Eda Clawthorne vs. Olivia Dunham
Daisy Johnson vs. Anne Lister
Anna Mill vs. Sophie Devereaux
Dr. Temperance Brennan vs. Ahsoka Tano
Section B is here! That's everyone now!
Catherine Willows vs. Lara Croft
Holga Kilgore vs. Sameen Shaw
Inej Ghafa vs. Evie Frye
Jadzia Dax vs. Lena Luthor
Annabeth Chase vs. Mildred Ratched
Laura Roslin vs. Shuri
Jo Lupo vs. Samantha "Sam" Carter
Claudia Donovan vs. Willow Rosenberg
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spacepiratenemo · 1 year
The Jackpot Space Pirate Crew MASTERPOST
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#charactersheet Lunaliel Nemo & B.E.N (Bionically-Engineered-Neomachine)
Lunaliel refers to “from the moon” : whereas Nemo refers to a Nobody. No man. No One. This name was given to her by her father who had fallen to the sickness of “madness”, an incurable illness that corrupts body and mind. Inside his gone-crazy brain, Nemo was nothing but a parasyte. A mutant. Too weak to live. Too small to fight. A tragic backstory resulting in her brother killing his own father to protect his sister. 
Nemo is a Convection-Class rare lunarian Mutant. A complete mystery to science and known physics. C-Classes are born only once in a billion, each time it happened technological advancement skyrocketed. For some reason, these mutants are born fully space-bound. Despite their bodies being incredibly weak, their brains work on a lightspeed level. The last C-Class managed to achieve a Kardashev-Scale Type I level. Nemo developed to Type III, bordering Type IV. 
Her personality is like her heterochromatic eyes. She is loud, ill-tempered, fiery, cheeky, has an attitude, is full of joy, just golden like the sun. But Nemo is also kindhearted, soft, friendly and soothing as the blue sea. Despite being the possibly smartest being in the universe, she is silly, laughs a lot, uses slang. Despite knowing the secrets of the galaxies, she loves pranks, shenanigans and a chillaxing time. 
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Ben is not only Nemo’s assistant, it also is a self-maintaining, self-advancing and self-developing droid with incomprehensible abilities and a falsely-programmed artificial intelligence suffering from a “personality-disorder” (Drama-Queen). Ben used to be Nemo’s babysitter when she was a small child and didn’t want to be left alone by her brother when he had work to do. Ben also can become a perfect protector if the Broski-Mode is activated, in which Ben replaces Alliqui to take care of the Mouse-Sister. Ben demands to be paid for his services. It’s quantum-system decided it wants vacation. Nemo, as its’ Boss, is not going to file any holidays nor salaries. 
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#charactersheet Lunaliel Alliqui
☠ Lunaliel refers to “from the moon” : Alliqui refers to the latin word “aliquis/aliqui” which describes a person of importance. A someone, a somebody! A real flex! Alliqui is four years older than his little sister Nemo, for which he cares deeply. He shows his care like most big brothers do. He bullies her in a friendly way, ruffles her hair, throws her across the room or calls her a “mouse” to provoke her. He also is the only person who is allowed to do that! If someone touches Nemo, they’re dead!
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👾 Alliqui is a fan of rock and metal music, he does love soft underpants and he is completely irresponsible. But he also is the most fun person to be around! Somehow, hanging out with Alliqui always ends up in disastrous adventures.
💀 Alliqui had a huge crush on Lena. The medic of the Crew was not interested at all, since Alli was a jerk! Tough luck! This silly guy also frequently challenged his adoptive father and Capt’n, delusionally thinking he’d stand a chance. He never learned his lesson. However, he was very famous on “Spacegram”. Not for his character, but girls did like his packs.
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Venaros comes from Latin “Venator” meaning “Hunter”. Since Zekka is a #onepieceoc the meaning of D is classified! 舌禍 Zekka = Careless Remark/Slip of Tongue// Also refers to Zekka from the GUNNM Universe. His alias is “the Starhunter” as he is a most legendary pirate in outer space, famous for his strength, bravery and recklessness.
😈 He is a committed anarchist, there is no god beside yourself, you yourself make the rules, do whatever, you only live once - so have some goddamn fun! Despite being a hero to many, he also is a menace to some. A hero that swears too much, uses slurs and slang, has a questionable morale and couldn’t be more celebrated for the most insanely impossible accomplishments.
🌠There are true stories and lies about this legendary alpha lunarian. He ventured to the Blue World, which is true. He met Gol D. Roger, which also is true. He allegedly beat the Pirateking in a fist fight, which is a total lie. Both got way too drunk to fight anything! A loss he openly admits is his loss against Whitebeard, a man Zekka deeply respected. Otherwise, Zekka also was responsible for the annihilation of the Tyranid-Swarmfleet, the destruction of the Ivstvaan-Plague, the end of the rule of Tau’vis, the conquering of the asteroid-belt and the creator of 223 craters on the surface of the moon.
☠ Zekka is loud, fiery, has a loose tongue and an even more loose temper. He is unhinged, full of joy, a completely gone mad nuthead. He is a loving adoptive father to his “children” in the Crew, a bad idol, but an idol with wonderful lessons to teach regardless. He is the hero that teaches you to fight, to do no harm but take no shit, to always bring a towel. The man was known to be too cool for this universe, and for some reason, this fact was true - A proletarian legend from the moon. A winged warrior who earned his bragging rights!
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#charactersheet Seras Mace
Mace refers to the bludgeoning weapon carrying the very same name. Seras is the family name. Per Martian custom, all children carry the name of the mother, honouring the person who has given birth to them this way.
True Martian tribal warrior from Olympus Mons. His cabal was one of the strongest inhabiting the planet. Per Martian Custom, it's common to let the hair grow to a long braid. The hair is never cut and when it has to be cut, it indicates that a warrior lost a fight, a shame on their pride. Mace has a very, very long braid, indicating that he never lost a single fight.
However, Mace did lose one single battle. Being a former bounty-hunter, he overestimated himself by challenging Zekka the Starhunter, wanting to gain more glory for his tribe. The Martian lost this fight quickly and with a cracked ego, he was about to cut off his hair. Zekka stopped this motion, telling this fine warrior that this fight wasn’t fair, while also wondering why Mace appeared to have fought with both hands tied behind his back.
Taken to the camp of the Jackpot Crew, Lena and Jango treated his wounds. Shortly after his recovery, he realised that these were not filthy pirates without morale nor honour. They lived by specific, delightful rules, being a crazy family. The more Mace stuck around, the more he could see how mistaken he had been about these people.
Ultimately, he grew a heart on the Crew, joining their ranks to perform heroic acts with them together. They carried the title of pirates, yet they were much more than that. Mace was a new addition in battle, their musician and friend.
Mace identifies as a male. When Mace told his mother about this he said: “I’m sorry, mother. You don’t have a beautiful daughter. I know this must be disappointing for you.” His mother however replied with wonderful words of kindness, hugging her son lovingly. “I don’t have a beautiful daughter. You’re right. I have the most beautiful and most honourable son in the universe and I am so, so endlessly proud of you”.
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#charactersheet Maluga Jax 
According to Urban Dictionary - Jax is just a very hot, nice guy with a lot of friends and a sexy ass! In Spanish Jax comes from Greek and refers to the male hyacinth, which has a nice correspondence to his eye colour.
A master-pilot; an expert of explosives; the man who's got the grooves; roguish; charming and courageous but also a bit of a Softie; had exceptional navigation-skills and a very good technological knowledge.
Jax came from another planet in another solar system with no resource-scarcity, compared to the moon where he met his #crew later on. He came from the planet Malagas-Sevenius-Nix near the Beteigeuze System. A habitable desert planet orbiting three suns, of which two were main-sequence stars and one red dwarf. His old home also was known to be a mining-planet, where he and other kids were forced to work. Ofc these kids were exploited. Cheap workers were always a blessing for the greedy mining companies and capitalism sucked like a vortex of rapaciousness! However, the kids also had their hands on the goodies,in secret they built a spaceship to escape their horrible lives. Since no one of them was a Mecha, an Engineer or similar, their spaceship was deemed to fall apart and it did so, when it reached one of Jupiter’s Moons in the One Piece Solar System. Unfortunately for them all, there also was the Jupiter-Nation, a race made of corrupted machines, that was about to annihilate them all for their trespassing. Fighting for his life, Jax couldn’t save his friends and it looked like he wouldn’t survive the day either…
Jax was saved by Zekka the Starhunter and Kid-Nemo! He joined the ranks of the Jackpot Crew later on. He became their pilot and one of their musicians, jammin’ in the garage with Mace, Ghyst and Alliqui. 
His Voice-Claim would be Starlord of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Their personalities are quite similar. His Zodiac is Leo. He loves good chillout vibes and psychedelic cacti juices. 
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#charactersheet ! Tenebris Ghyslain - “Ghyst” 👽
☠ Plutonian Assassin from the icy outpost of Charon. Former “Khan” of the Guild of the Silent Suns. Survivor of the plague of Istvaan. Night-Watch, Rogue.
☠ Plutonians never talk, they shall only speak if their words carry value. In their belief it states, the less you say, the more weight your words will carry.
☠ The plague of Istvaan also refers to the “night of a thousand tears” that had befallen Pluto a few years prior. A swarm-fleet of an alien-parasyte made contact with the population of the Charonian Outpost, infected and infested these folks and nearly caused the extinction of the plutonian species. The infestation was contained before the entire race got extinct, thanks to the advanced medical knowledge of Lena and Jango from the Jackpot Space Pirate Crew. As per plutonian custom, the strongest warrior of Charon was given to the Crew as a pledge. This pledge was Ghyslain. The name Ghyslain also refers to a “pledge”. However, Ghyslain calls himself Ghyst, which is a word play and refers to “ghost”. (Ghyst sounds like Geist, which is the German word for Ghost)
☠ Per custom of the Jackpot Space Pirate Crew, Pluto had nothing to thank for and Ghyst was a free man, however, Ghyst wished to be a part of the Crew. He became their Night-Watch later on, given the fact that Plutonians do not require to rest, therefore he’s always awake, ensuring his new family can sleep peacefully.
☠ He also found his love for music thanks to the Crew, learning how to play guitar from Mace and admiring the old tunes he listens to in Jax’s garage.
☠ Plutonian Race-Specifics: Charonians like Ghyslain contain a heat-source within their bodies to keep warm in their cold world. Their biology only requires water which is collected from ice. They do not have ears, they “listen” through “vibrations” that their brains turn into “sounds”.
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#charactersheet Stellato Lena - Skypiean Refugee/Medical Professional
❤️The Name Stellato has its origin in the Italian language and means “starry” referring to “starry skies” and also to the past where navigators used the stars to find their way across the seas.
🌙She was born and lived in Skypiea till her early twenties, serving a royal family as a personal nurse and doctor. Lena has a very advanced knowledge about medicines and treatments for illnesses. She is very intelligent and always extremely kindhearted.
💫Lena dreamed of the star-sea (space) for a long while, often spending her free time at night to observe the stars, and more precisely the moon, always feeling a certain connection to this celestial object. She also wished to find out where her kind truly came from and what brought them to the Blue-World (OnePieceWorld) in the first place.
✨After she had gotten framed for a severe crime she didn’t commit, her escape led her to Vegapunk, with whom she spent roughly a year. Vegapunk revealed some of the world’s secrets to Lena. However, it didn’t take too long until the government noticed this, threatened to kill Vegapunks temporary “assistant”. This led to yet another chase. After making a plan, it was Vegapunk who gave Lena the option to escape to the moon.
❤️Later on Lena connected with the Starhunter Zekka and joined his Crew: The Jackpot Space Pirates. She became their official medic as well as a researcher for specific illnesses. She also started to study the old carvings of the ancient lost knowledge that can be found on the moons’ surface. Lena also quickly became Nemo’s best friend, a big sister guiding her and helping to nurture her. Nemo’s brother Alliqui suffered a heavy crush on the new crewmember, eventually resulting in “accidentally” hurting himself so she had to treat him.
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#charactersheet Cato Jango! 👽
👾Cato comes from Latin and refers to “all-knowing”, conjuring up the figure of someone with deep-thinking capabilities. Jango obviously is a reference to another favourite fandom of mine, #starwars ! But Jango also means “brave warrior”.
👾Jango is a Beteigeuzian Green-Alien! It’s neither girl, nor boy, nor any gender. In fact, its species never had a concept of such, as they “reproduce via cell-division”. This ultimately means that, if Jango ever wanted a child, it just would make a clone of itself, dividing its cells and therefore ensuring its species will thrive.
👾It's a scientist with highly advanced knowledge. Type III civilisation, which is halfway to entering the phase of a Type IV civilisation according to the Kardashev-Scale. Its species unlocked interstellar travel thousands of years ago.
👾Its scientific research brought it to the One Piece Solar System, where it eventually encountered the Jackpot Space Pirate Crew. As a very curious scientist, Jango stuck around to find out more about Nemo’s rare mutation, study her brain, teach her more knowledge, help Lena to find a cure for a certain illness and study alternative medicines.
👾Jango’s research is extremely valuable and beneficial to everyone in the Crew.
👾It’s a pothead! Yes! Jango grows space-weed that can grow without water, oxygen or nutrients. It only needs sunlight! It also smokes one helluva lot!
👾Its favourite music is Reggae!
👾Its vision is that of thermo-vision. Its skin is extremely elastic and with its antennas it can communicate through telepathy. (Only short distances of maximum one kilo-parsec!)
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#charactersheet 👾 Finally, the first one of the re-do is done! As mentioned on my instagram story, I'm re-working all the charactersheets of the Jackpot Space Pirate Crew and create a new, bigger, better group picture when the sheets are finished. Here's the first Sheet done! 
www.instagram.com/r0tt3n_rabbi… //Follow my IG Story for work in progress pictures, process pictures and more additional content. 
❤️Cimpi & Cimpa❤️
Adopted by Capt’n Zekka at a young age; it was the Starhunter, who helped them to seek for someone who’d help them to become who they truly wished to be. This mysterious journey led them to the Blue World, where Zekka introduced the twins to Ivankov, who understood their struggles and helped them to change to: The most kawaii princesses in space! Shortly after they joined Zekka on his ventures as his Crewmates, causing entertainment for the entire galaxy by beautiful dancing shows and cheerful songs, as well as absolutely stylish fashion-designs!
The brand “Jackpot Couture is lit!” was created by them and their fashion-label used to be the most famous ones in the galaxy. People literally stood in line to get their hands on their newest designs! Gucci? Nah! F*ck Gucci! Cimpi and Cimpa’s fashion is out of this world!
Cimpi and Cimpa are too kawaii to die, which also is their special power! You can’t beat them! They’re just too cute! Seriously, they just love, love, love the decora-kei style!
Totally not interested in anything that is not kawaii (according to their opinion, ofc!) And if someone were to be rude towards them or their friends, they’d just say something like: “That was so NOT kawaii of you, meanie!”
They’re also quite skilled infiltrators! No one would ever suspect such cuties to be a culprit!
B-Class Lunarians (check my own story-lore!) B-Class (Brawler Class) is shown by not having wings but still being able to conjure fire, they’re smaller and a little weaker than the winged Lunarians you know from the original OP story, but they’re also a little faster and are known to be incredibly resilient. Constantly play the “twin-game”! You’ll never know who is who, and I, as the author, can't tell you for sure either. They change hairstyles, clothes, jewellery and even colours within less than one light-second!
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Please visit my Instagram for more Art, WIPs, StoryContent and much more <3
You can view the Jackpot Space Pirare Crew Story and additional information in the first chapter of the artbook:
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asht0ns-world · 5 years
Ashton’s Thighs
Request: hi can we talk about ashtons fuckin THIGHS PLS ☠️
and to that I say: G L A D L Y .
look at my other Masterposts HERE
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in the words of Nicole ( @lockthisheartinchains ) when I sent this pic in the gc earlier : “holy fucking thighs” and I think that says everything about this picture
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let’s do a little throwback bc why not
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and let’s do a direct comparison to PRESENT DAY !!!!!! like .... exCUSE ME SIR
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can he like ? crush me ? pls ?
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the concept of thigh riding has never seemed more appealing
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I just ?! I’m clearly struggling here. what a whole ass M A N
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911 ? Hello yes ? I’d like to report a large case of DISRESPECT
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I mean we all thought the same thing when this pic surfaced, am I right ? Unholy thoughts everywhere
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Hello Sir, I’d like to request one (1) Ashton Irwin’s lap to sit on thank u
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yeah another throwback. sue me. those skinny jeans though. Fuck me UP
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on the topic of throwback ..... have a side by side to ruin your day. you’re welcome
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I’m running out of words to form coherent sentences
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Coachella, or as I like to call it Thighfest I hate myself
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yeah when I first saw this pic I let out a noise that is absolutely NOT human
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yeah Ashton in a suit is a concept I will NEVER get over. Like .... my brain cannot process the information it’s getting properly
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you thought I was done with the throwbacks ? well I’m not. Bc this picture exists and it fucks me up... soooooooo that’s that
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on the topic of concerts.... ugh .... WOW. not just his thighs but those BICEPS. Like WHERE DO I EVEN LOOK ?!?!!?
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yes, hello ? badboy!Ash reporting for duty
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SUIT.PANTS. and that top. ugh. he’s out to kill ME
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ok 1. RIP chest hair 2. RIP unbuttoned shirt 3. RIP brown hair which you can’t see 4. THOSE THIGHS !!!!! I WANT TO  S I T !!!!
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let’s take a moment of silence for everyone at the show yesterday who got to see this in person.
A SUIT ?!!!?!?!?!? MR. IRWIN !!!!!! AND A GRAY SUIT!?!!?!?!!??
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some Cashton bc Thigh Kings
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ignoring the dumbassery that is Ashton wearing ripped jeans in the snow, LOOK AT THOSE THICC THIGHS
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and finally I’m just gonna leave y’all with this
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cap-ironman · 3 years
Announcing the Small Universe Stony Bingo Mini-Challenge
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It’s soon to be Small Universes Month, the final but not least month of the Cap-IM Universe Medley Fest, here at @cap-ironman​.
In honor of that month, here’s a challenge for those wanting to try out new universes for SteveTony.
What's the Small Universe Bingo?
The Small Universe Bingo (or SUB for short ;D) is a challenge put together by Agron (jetblackfeeling), Holly (hollyandvice), and Lena (welcomingdisaster) in conjunction with the Cap-IM community. It is intended to focus attention on some of the less popular small universes our favorite heroes appear in. It's a team event where you work together to get bingo (or blackout!) on a specially-generated bingo card filled with different small universes. It's a great way to learn more about our two favorite superheroes in universes where we as a fandom may not usually focus. The only question is, are you up for the challenge?
Schedule and Guidelines under the cut!
Team Formation and Sign-up period: Now - Feb 13 10:00 AM EST
Cards sent out: Feb 15
Late Sign-ups Period: Feb 13 - Feb 20 10:00 AM EST
Late Sign-up cards sent out: within 72 hours of sign-up
Fill Creation period: Feb 15 - March 13
Fills due: March 13 10:00 AM EDT
Masterpost published: March 15
Mini-Challenge Guidelines
Steve and Tony's relationship—whether it is romantic, platonic, pre-slash or otherwise—should be the main focus of your work and the “endgame” relationship, if applicable. Fanworks need to be set in the universe given on the bingo square being filled and/or feature at least one of Steve or Tony from that universe. If you are including only one, please make sure that the fanwork focuses on Steve and Tony's relationship.
Fanworks must be previously unpublished and created specifically for this challenge. Works must be standalone and complete, as well as meet the minimum requirements listed below:
Fanfic: 300 words
Fanart: sketch on an unlined surface
Fanvids: 10 seconds
Podfics: 300 words or 3 minutes long
Gifsets: 2 gifs
Meta: 300 words
Playlists: 5 songs and cover art
Please abide by the General Cap-IM Event Guidelines.
How does it work?
Create a team!
Teams can have between one (1) and five (5) members. You must have a team name for the organizers to put on the card. It need not be catchy… though we love us some catchy team names!
Sign up!
Fill out the Google Form to sign your team up. You will need to include one team member's email for the organizer team to send the card to.
Receive a card!
The organizer team will generate a card for you and your team to fill out and send it to the email submitted on the form.
Plan your bingo!
The objective is for your team to collaborate to get a bingo using your card. Accepted bingos include: horizontal line, vertical line, diagonal line, or a "4 corners" bingo (i.e. the four corners and the "free" square in the middle).
Complete fanworks for your given universes!
You can mark off squares by creating a fanwork for the universe in that square. Work as a team to get a bingo, multiple bingos, or even a blackout!
Submit your bingos/blackouts!
First, post the fanwork to the Ao3 collection. Then use the Google Form to submit the links to the works you've completed to achieve your bingo! You can also submit additional fills that didn't make it to a bingo using this Google Form.
What kinds of fanworks are eligible?
Because this is a semi-competitive event, we want to make sure all submitted fanworks have a more-or-less comparable degree of difficulty. Therefore, we are limiting worktypes to include: fanfic, fanart, fanvids, podfics, gifsets, meta, and playlists.
What universes are included?
Here is a list of the universes the organizers have collected for the mini-challenge.
What if we REALLY don't like some of the universes on the list?
Teams are allowed up to three (3) vetoes. Those universes will be removed from the list before the team's card is generated. However, if the team elects to veto universes, that team may NOT choose a universe (see below).
What if there's a universe on the list that we REALLY want to create for?
Teams are allowed to pre-select one (1) universe that they really want to create for and have that placed on the card in the spot of their choosing. The remainder of the card will be filled in around that position. However, if the team elects to pre-select a specific universe, that team may NOT choose to veto universes (see above).
What if there's a small universe we want to create for that isn't on the list?
We tried to catch lots of universes with our list. However, it is inevitable that we'll miss some. If there's a universe your team really wants to create for that's not on our list, you can add it using the universe pre-selection option above. If you go this route, please try to include a universe number so that the organizers can include it on the card.
What if I want to do a crossover of two (or more) of the universes in a single work?
That would be super cool! Just note that if you want to get credit for multiple universes in a single work, the requirements will scale according to the number of universes. For example, a crossover with two universes would need to be a fic of 600 words, a fanvid of 20 seconds, a playlist of 10 songs, etc. Three universes would be a fic of 900 words, a fanvid of 30 seconds, and so on. Want to write 7500 words of crossover or design a piece of artwork featuring the Steves and Tonys from all your universes? Go for it! There's a special award waiting for you if you do! ;D
What if we get a universe that doesn't have a Steve or Tony?
Some universe options on the cards only feature one of the boys. In that case, you can feel free to write in the other in any way you desire! The Noir stevetony fandom provides many good examples — only Tony exists in universe, but fanworks have imagined Steve in many different roles, including fellow explorer, soldier, and artist. If you can’t think of any ideas, consider brainstorming on discord, and remember that multiverses crossovers (and multiverse shipping!) are welcome.
What if I want to be part of a team but I don't have anyone to form a team with?
Our first recommendation is to join the Cap-IM Challenges Discord server. We are hopeful that there will be other people searching out a team there! If Discord servers aren't your jam, you can contact Holly by email ([email protected]) and they will be happy to try to connect you with a team!
What if I have other questions that aren't answered here?
Feel free to contact Holly by email ([email protected]) and they will be happy to help you!
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 4 years
Buddie Fic Masterpost
Prompt😂Updated 06/13/2021!
I can’t believe I’ve written enough for this fandom that this actually seems warranted but here we are!! For those who want to keep track, here are all the Buddie fic I’ve written in one spot, and I’ll update as I add more: 
NEW! All My Buddie Drabbles In One Places
This is where I put my short buddie drabbles for when you need just a quick Buddie bite, no commitment, no long stories :) Enjoy! <3
The Best Wingman
Summary:  In Josh’s first date since being attacked, Buck and Albert come along, each bringing a date of their own for a big old triple date of mutual support and fun. Of course, now that they've offered, they both need to go find dates...
I wrote this as part of a larger idea and also to indulge my deep love of Shy!Buck. 
Summary: A glimpse into Hen, Eddie, and Buck’s 20-hour road trip to Texas in the fire truck during the crossover.
This moment had such potential for fluff and funny road trip hijinks, so glad I got to give it a fic treatment :) Contains season 4A spoilers
The Way To A Man’s Heart
Prompt from @agentmarymargaretskitz​ and @justsmilestuffhappens​: Eddie & Christopher move across the hall from Buck and Buck is smitten. The 118 tell him to bring over baked goods.
This was pure fluff. Tooth-rotting cotton candy. 
Have You Ever Heard of Scrabble?
Prompt: Can someone write me a Buddie with Christopher fic continuation of them having a family night while playing Scrabble? With fluff. I believe that would be an adorable fic.
You were 100% percent right, it does make an adorable fic! Contains season 4A spoilers
Prompt from @the-wardrobeintocamelot​: ABO-verse, Chris snuggling and scenting omega!Buck whenever possible because he smells like love/home/family. ❤️❤️
My very first ever ABO fic ever, also first for the Buddie fandom. I’m so happy with how it came out and I’m even more happy with how many people love it! Y’all are the best!
A Good Friend
Summary:  The missing scene when Eddie comes to pick up Chris from Buck's place in 4x08 because we were so robbed!
I renamed this “Missing Scene--Eddie Comes To Pick Up Christopher” on AO3 so don’t be confused when a different title comes up. It gave me a cathartic chance to fill in this missing scene as well as air a bit of grief for how harshly Taylor dealt with Buck, telling him he’s a shit friend, despite teh fact that three seconds later she calls him for help which is something we all do to shit friends, right...? Contains season 4A spoilers
The Damned Disgrace
Summary: When Maddie is kidnapped by the infamous Commodore Douglas of the Royal Navy, Evan Buckley and her lover Chimney Han enlist the help of the only crew that dares to go against him: The Damned Disgrace, led by the fearless and terrifying Captain Robert Nash.First impressions are leery though. Captain Nash's first mate, Eddie Diaz, takes an instant dislike to Buck, doubting his motives and his ability to be of any use to the Disgrace's crew.
There aren’t a huge amount of us Buddie Pirate AU lovers, but this is still my indulgent fic for that AU because it works really well, and I truly believe that the firefam and buddie fits well in most scenarios like a ship (lolz). It also gives me a place to indulge my love for an au where Sharon hasn’t died, where Lena is still around and they are both in love with each other. I’ll update this one as often as I can!
Prompt: ABO-verse: Omega Buck not having his safe space at his loft, starts hanging at eddies more, nesting there. Eddie buying softer blankets, etc for buck. But doesnt comment on ti, not to freak or embarrass buck.
My second Buddie abo fic! I started to write this and then writing did that thing it does where the story spirals out of control and it deviated ever so slightly from the prompt. So glad to see how many people enjoyed it!  Contains season 4A spoilers
Eye of The Tiger
Prompt from @agentmarymargaretskitz: Buddie + “Your hair is really soft.”
Eddie Diaz realizes that Buck is the exception to yet one more rule... This one kind of popped out of my head onto the keyboard in a big PLOP. One moment I was looking at the prompt and the next I was looking at the fic, just like that! Please enjoy! Contains season 4A spoilers
Prompt from @justsmilestuffhappens :  But- but what happens when Buck or Eddie say I love you to the other and not realize what they said until the conversation is over or they're in another room or leave huh?
This is what happens 😂 Enjoy!
The Other Two Halves of My Heart
Prompt: Okay but that surfing gifset is so goddamn cute... any thoughts on a sweet buddie + christopher ocean outing??
I loved this prompt! And I decided to write a fic where Ana and Taylor do exist, but aren’t dating buddie. Seriously when they aren’t trying to be shoehorned into romances that just don’t work they can breathe so much more as characters. It also gives them the leverage they need to shove these two oblivious assholes together. Featuring surfing and Soft Eddie Diaz. Enjoy!  Contains season 4A spoilers
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Fanfiction Masterpost (All posted to A03)
Doctor Who (2005):
Echoes of Time: A Christmas Miracle
Pairing: River Song/Thirteenth Doctor
Multichapter - Complete 3/3
In a whirlwind of time-traveling adventures, the Doctor and her companions find themselves unexpectedly invited to a mysterious reunion. The TARDIS takes them to a familiar place with unforeseen consequences, forcing the Doctor to confront ghosts from her past. Will the Doctor navigate the complexities of time, friendship, and love, or will the reunion lead to a cascade of unforeseen challenges?
Doctor Who (Big Finish Productions):
Best Laid Plans
Pairing: Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair
One shot - Complete
Helen gets fed up waiting for Liv to make a move and decides to take matters into her own hands.
Featuring: A healthy dose of smut, Helen being bold as fuck, Liv being both a stuttering idiot and a confident top, feelings peppered throughout.
TW: Smut (involves strap ons), Some internalised homophobia - time period specific
Motherland Fort Salem:
Brick by Brick
Pairing: Raelle Collar/Scylla Ramshorn
One shot - Complete
Trauma is a funny thing. Experiences that we go through shape us into the people that we become.
Scylla Ramshorn is no different, over the years she had experienced trauma after trauma and has learnt how to protect herself from anymore hurt.
A backstory/character study to explain how Scylla became who she is.
TW: Sexual Assault, Parent Death in Detail
Open Roads and New Beginnings
Pairing: Raelle Collar/Scylla Ramshorn, Adil/Abigail Bellweather, Tally Craven & Scylla Ramshorn
One shot - Complete (may turn into multichapter)
While on the bus escaping the army, Tally and Scylla have a conversation.
Includes: Scylla being a lovestruck idiot, Tally being adorable, sleepy Raelle and 'hangry' Abigail.
Beneath The Surface
Pairing: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor
Multichapter - Completed 17/17
In the wake of a harrowing ordeal that leaves her forcibly augmented, Alex Danvers grapples with her new reality and the profound changes within herself. As she navigates this uncharted territory, a looming threat casts a shadow over her journey, challenging her to redefine what it means to be a hero. With Kara and Lena by her side, Alex must confront not only the external forces that seek to exploit her newfound abilities but also the internal struggle of accepting who she has become. Together, they embark on a perilous quest to thwart a sinister plot that threatens their bond and the very fabric of their world.
Lunch Break
Pairing: Lena Luthor/Reader
One shot - Complete
The reader surprises Lena on her lunch break. Cue cuteness, fluffy and a bit of making out.
Dark Thoughts
Pairing: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
One shot - Complete
Maggie's knows she's not good enough for anybody, certainly not Alex. Why does she always hurt the people who care about her.
Or why Maggie rejected Alex.
Legends of Tomorrow:
Date Nights Interruptus
Pairing: Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe
Sara and Ava keep trying to have date nights but unfortunately for them their 'children' keep interrupting them.
TW: Smut (Various types)
Wynonna Earp:
The Past Comes Back to Bite You
Pairing: Nicole Haught/Waverly Earp
Multichapter - Still in progress
What happens when Nicole's past catches up with her? Bulshars cult kidnap Waverly. Will the group manage to rescue her?
Girls Night
Pairing: Miss Audrey/Bess Till, Alexandra Cavill/Carly Roche mentioned
One shot - Complete
Girls night takes an interesting turn during an innocent drinking game. Or in other words, everybody loves Till.
Coronation Street:
Pairing: Lisa Swain/Carla Connor
Multi Chapter - In progress 14/?
Detective Lisa Swain and Carla Connor are two strong-willed women used to calling the shots. But since their paths crossed during a high-profile missing person case, they've found themselves navigating unexpected territory.
As they become increasingly involved in each other's lives, Lisa and Carla discover a connection that catches them both off guard. Will they be able to let down their carefully constructed walls and let each other in?
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clexylexymain · 3 years
Welcome to my page!
Follow @clexylexy for different fandom stuff I’m into, as well as just anything that I find interesting/worth sharing. This account will be used for my writing!
Below you’ll find a masterpost of all of the works I’ve posted on AO3. They’re categorized by fandom, then again in order of most to least recent. Fandoms you’ll find below are: Warrior Nun, Legacies, Supergirl, and Legends of Korra.
(This post was last updated: 7/15/23)
Warrior Nun
what can i do? (you feel it too?)
(Posted 1/27/23, 11/14 Chapters, Updated 7/15/23) - Ava/Beatrice Story
Desc: Ava Silva’s life in Switzerland has taken on a bit of a routine in the past year—granted, it’s the least reliable routine ever, with a lot of cracks and unexpected twists, but the system has worked thus far, and by that definition is impenetrable and completely sustainable. At least... until Beatrice shows up and starts poking at the foundation until it crumbles.
should we just keep driving?
(Posted 5/22/22) - Hope/Josie One Shot
Desc: A glimpse into a road trip with Josie and Hope.
i think i might explode
(Posted 12/21/21) - Hope/Josie One Shot
Desc: Josie goes outside to get some air. Hope follows her.
a daydreamer and a mind-reader
(Posted 12/9/21) - Hope/Josie One Shot
Desc: Josie is convinced that Hope Mikaelson can read minds.
santa’s secrets, or whatever it’s called
(Posted 12/8/21) - Hope/Josie One Shot
Desc: Hope drew Lizzie for secret santa, and is now convinced that if she doesn’t get Lizzie the perfect gift, Lizzie will suddenly disapprove of Hope and Josie’s relationship.
i had a marvelous time (ruining everything)
(Posted 5/25/21, Completed 1/4/22) - Lena/Kara Short 
Desc: Based on the song “the last great american dynasty” by Taylor Swift.
kiss me in the moonlight
(Posted 4/25/21) - Lena/Kara One-Shot
Desc: Lena and Kara are both strongly encouraged to take a break and wind up in the same Bed and Breakfast.
i need you (when i try to say i’m fine)
(Posted 4/17/21) - Lena/Kara One-Shot
Desc: Kara can’t always match the energy of the sun. Lena never expects her to. (Based off the song “I’m Fine” by Ashe.)
waking up inside a dream
(Posted 3/2/21) - Lena/Kara One-Shot
Desc: Lena just thinks Kara is kind of perfect. (Based on the song “Angel” by FINNEAS.)
you’re a cowboy like me
(Posted 2/2/21, Completed 2/11/21) - Lena/Kara Short
Desc: Lena is one of the most powerful people in the city. Kara is an escort with a knack for swindling rich people. They quickly begin to realize that they’re more alike than they think. (Based on the song “cowboy like me” by Taylor Swift.)
Foxgloves for Insincerity
(Posted 1/23/21, Completed 1/28/21) - Lena/Kara Short
Desc: “How do I passive-aggressively say ‘fuck you’ in flower?” (Based on a post I saw on Tumblr.)
Motorcycles and Ice Cream
(Posted 11/23/19) - Lena/Kara One-Shot
Desc: Lena lets her friend, Sam, drag her to a house party. It does not go well for her. (Until the beautiful, charming, and rather adorable Kara Danvers makes an appearance.)
Pour Me a Drink
(Posted 6/9/19) - Lena/Kara One-Shot
Desc: Lena Luthor stumbles into Al’s Dive Bar late one night looking to get drunk. Kara Danvers happens to be on duty.
Legends of Korra
First Class
(Posted 11/27/19) - Korra/Asami One-Shot
Desc: Korra and Asami wind up sitting next to each other on a plane to Ba Sing Se. Korra doesn’t know how to sit still. Asami doesn’t know how to keep up. Chaos ensues.
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myfavoriteficss · 4 years
DC Masterlist
This Masterlist includes all of the DC fan fiction I have reblogged. Enjoy.
Updated: 02/19/2021
1. Kara Danvers
Written by: @thewitchandtheassassin
One of a Kind
Red Eyes, Dark Hearts
Drunken Apologies
Confessions in the Rain
Love Never Does
Color Me Jealous
She Deserves Everything
The Whole Package
Calling to Me
Of Haircuts and Crushes
Our Love Story Deserves a Happy Ending
Written by: @wokeupinawalnut
Running Late
Cuddly Cookie Monster
2. Lena Luthor
Written by: @super66legends87
Hey Pretty Stranger
She’s Home
Written by: @imagine-lcorp
My Love, Don’t Stop Burning
Written by: @thewitchandtheassassin
Gold Digger
A Hero’s Suit
3. Harley Quinn
Written by: @thewitchandtheassassin
Don’t Mind
Written by: @a-simple-imagine
Until Breakfast
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snowdice · 4 years
Finding the Time to Study Fic 2 [Day 25]
Here is my starting post for today’s study break stories session. See this post for more details and feel free to send me asks to keep me going! It’s been a lot of fun so far! I will reblog this post with the story as I write them today. I’ll be constantly looking for ideas of times and places for Janus to have missions, so feel free to send in any you can think of at any point!
If you are a new follower or just don’t want all of these posts clogging your dash, please feel free to block the tag “study break stories” as all posts and voting about it will go there. You can still see the finished product of the story even if you are blocking that tag as I will not tag the edited chapters with “study break stories” but with the tag “folds in paper.” See edited chapters below. Chapters 3-8 and what I have of Chapter 9 are under the cut.
My Masterpost Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
I also have a playlist on youtube (because Spotify didn’t have one of the songs I wanted). It’s short, and not really for serious listening, but I had fun with it.
Alright. I have a midterm that is due in 24 hours so we’re going to be going quite a while today. I’ll probably even stay up late since that class is canceled in the morning and I’ll sleep better if I go to bed at 2am with it done then I will if I go to bed at 10pm with it not done. I have a lot of water, tea, and snacks. Feel free to send me Lo-fi playlists because I’m not sure what vibe I want today and took 15 minutes to pick out my first one. XD
Chapter 7
“Him,” was the only thing Janus said before taking off after the figure who had just disappeared into the game area.
“What?” Remus’s voice followed after him. “Janus! What?!”
Janus did not pause, just continuing to run after Pat, hopping over two barricades as a shortcut. Janus cursed when he lost sight of the man for just a moment near the prize table filled with colorful goldfish, but he was able to spot him once again walking into one of the tents. Janus blasted into the tent. It was a game where they raced rats, and when Janus entered, Pat was cooing at one of them.
 “Who’s a tiny little squishy precious baby?” he was asking one of them, wiggling his pointer finger at it.
“You,” Janus growled stepping up to him.
He turned and tilted his head at Janus with a frown. “Um, me?” he asked, pointing to his chest, all sorts of innocent, but Janus could see a spot of hidden amusement in his eyes.
“Where is it?”
His eyebrows drew together, but it was an act. It was clearly an act! “Where is what?”
“The…” he glanced around them at the people surrounding them. “Thing you just took.”
“I didn’t take anything,” Pat said with a frown.
 “Oh, no,” Janus said. “Fool me once, shame on you. Fooling me twice is not an option.”
“I’m sorry sir,” Pat said. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Bull. Shit.”
Just then, Remus jogged into the tent. “What’s going on?” he asked.
“It’s him,” Janus said pointing. “He took it. He has it.”
“I… don’t know what you’re talking about,” Pat said. He looked over to Remus with a confused frown.
Remus looked at Janus. “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” Janus said. “It’s him. It has to be him. He’s the mask guy.”
Remus squinted at Pat. “He is?”
“Whoever you think I am, I’m not. I haven’t worn a mask all night. I just did the face paint,” he pointed to his cheeks.
 Remus raised his wrist and his timepiece lit up green. He looked at Janus.
“I lost sight of him for five seconds. He must have stashed it somewhere,” Janus said. He turned on Pat. “Where did you put it?”
“…Are you,” Pat asked, his eyes going back and forth between Janus and Remus, “… the police?”
“We are, actually,” Khalid said as she stepped into the tent. Remus must have called her. She inserted herself between Janus and Pat. “Agent Khalid,” she said, offering a hand with a smile. Pat looked at it in surprise and then smiled back hesitantly as he took it. “Apologizes, one of the big game prizes was stolen by someone matching your description. Would you mind coming down to security for questioning? Just to clear it up.”
 “Oh,” Pat said, hesitant. Janus expected him to refuse outright, but then he said. “Uh, sure.”
“Thank you very much, Mr…”
“Jonas,” Pat told her earnestly. “Do I need to be handcuffed?”
“No,” Khalid said. Janus frowned at her, but she ignored him. “It’s just a talk for now.” She gestured to the tent entrance. “Come with us.”
He did without argument, and Remus and Janus followed behind the both of them. Khalid did not lead them back to the base, but to a little spot that said “security” near the center of the event. Remy was already there waiting for them at a desk.
 “Remy, would you please take Mr. Jonas to go sit down?” she asked.
“Sure, boss,” Remy said, standing up. He led Pat away.
Khalid turned to Janus and Remus once they were out of earshot. “What is going on?”
“It’s the mask man,” Janus said, “the one from 1923, and my scanner said the time bomb was on the Millenia Bird outside the games entrance, but then it was gone the next second, and I saw him, and then he ran away.”
“So, does he have it on him?”
“No. I lost sight of him, and he must have stored it somewhere, but I know he took it.”
“He’s the man from 1923?” she asked.
“Yes! Remus, that’s him, right? You recognize him.”
“Well,” Remus said thoughtfully. “He was in a mask, and it was dark in the room with the necklace. Other than that, I only really saw his back, and he was wearing pants. Mr. Jonas is wearing a dress, so I can’t really tell if their asses match.”
“Okay, but I was with him for hours. I swear it’s him, and I swear he took it,” Janus just about shouted.
“We’ll question him,” Khalid placated, “and Fred and Lena will keep looking in the meantime.”
 “He knows where it is,” Janus insisted. “I swear.”
“Okay,” Khalid said, before leaving to follow where Remy and Pat had gone. She stopped Janus with a hand on his shoulder. “I think Remus and I will do the interrogation.” He opened his mouth to argue. “You know the most about him, so observe from the sidelines and see if he makes any mistakes that indicate you’re right.”
“That’s just to placate me and you know it.”
“Observation’s over there,” she said pointing.
He got a thumbs up from Remus as he walked by, and Janus glared at his back before walking off to the indicated location.
 He watched as Remus and Khalid entered the room, and Remy left it. Remy joined him in the observation room after leaving and leaned against the wall.
Pat was sitting at a table and watched Remus and Khalid with that same rubbish placid confusion that he had before. “So,” Khalid said, “Mr. Jonas.”
“You can call me Nick,” Pat interrupted.
“Lia,” Khalid replied. He smiled at her happily. “So, are you enjoying your day?” she asked.
“I am!” he replied. “It’s a big day. You only get to see the turn of a millennia once in your life.”
“Ah, yes,” Khalid said. “Doing anything special for it?”
 “Um, not really,” he said. “Other than the party. I’m going to meet up with my roommates after dinner. Kevin doesn’t like this sort of thing, and Joe couldn’t come.”
“Your roommates,” Khalid said, considering him. “Do you live around here?”
“Uh huh,” Pat replied.
“Do you have any ID?”
“I do, want me to get it?”
“If you wouldn’t mind.”
Pat unzipped one of the bubbles on his waist and handed her a chip. “Remus, would you mind going out and getting the ID scanner?” she asked, even though her timepiece would be able to read it.
“Ah, shit,” Remy said. “Props. What do those things even look like?”
 As Remy scrambled to find something that would pass for an ID reader so “Nick” didn’t get suspicious of Khalid using her timepiece, Janus watched the two alone in the room like a hawk.
“I see you’re wearing a dress inspired by the 2770s,” Khalid noted, as Remus came to stand next to him.
“Yeah!” Pat replied. “Joe made it for me. He’s really good at fashion design!”
“Can I see?” she asked.
With a happy smile, he reached over the table to let her get a look of the sleeves. Janus saw her subtly scan the fabric, probably to make sure it was from the 2990s and not actually from the 2770s. Considering she didn’t mention it, Janus assumed it checked out.
 Remy came back with some sort of device then and handed it to Remus who saluted and wandered back into the interrogation room. Khalid pretended to scan the ID in her hand. She handed it back to him without comment. “So, you said you live with your roommates: Joe and Kevin?” she asked.
“Yep!” he replied. “We’re practically like brothers.”
“Would you mind calling them?”
“Erm,” he titled his head like he was confused by the question. “Well, like I said, Joe is a bit busy, but I could definitely call Kevin.
“Here,” Khalid said, “use my phone.”
“I have my own,” he said with a frown.
“Humor me,” she requested.
“Uh, okay,” Pat agreed. He took the offered 2999 phone and dialed a number on it. Khalid reached over to put it on speaker.
“Hello?” a voice asked after a few seconds.
“Um, hey Kevin, it’s Nick.”
There was a sigh on the other end. “Hello Nick, is something wrong? Why are you calling me from someone else’s phone?”
“I’m fine, I think.” He looked up at Khalid. “Why am I calling him exactly?”
“Hello, I’m Officer Khalid,” Khalid said. “I just wanted to confirm that you are Nick Jonas’s roommate, and he does live in Manaus.”
“Yes, we live together with our other roommate,” the man replied flippantly. “Officer? Is something wrong?”
“I believe there was just a case of mistaken identity,” Khalid said.
“Bullshit there was!” Janus hissed, though she could not hear him.
“No need to worry,” Khalid continued.
“I’m good Kevin,” Pat said.
“Are you absolutely sure?” Kevin asked.
“Don’t be Paranoid, Kevin. I’ll see you Tonight for the New Years Celebration. You know I Live to Party.”
“I am hanging up now,” Kevin said.
“No! Comeback.” The line went dead. Pat handed the device back to Khalid.
She took it and smiled at him. “Give us just a couple of minutes,” she requested. He nodded easily, and she and Remus exited the interrogation room. “I… think we’re done here,” Khalid said.
“No, he’s lying,” Janus insisted, and got a dubious look in return. “I know he is! Remus!”
“The alibi is pretty solid…” Remus said, “and he doesn’t have the bomb on him.”
“Oh, come on,” Janus said. “You can’t say there is nothing fishy going on here.”
Khalid and Remus shared a look. “Janus,” Khalid said. “I respect your intuition. It is usually very good, but you have been a bit intense about the man from the 1920s, and I think that may be blinding you a bit...”
“I am not imagining this!” Janus said. “That’s him and he took it.”
“You only met him once while he was wearing a mask,” Khalid pointed out with a frown, “and you didn’t see him take the bomb, did you?”
“No, but he looked at me and I knew,” Janus argued. They both gave him a skeptical look. “Oh, come on!”
“You know that’s a little weak, Jan,” Remus said.
“Let me talk to him,” Janus requested. “Just give me five minutes to talk with him.”
Khalid raised one eyebrow. “Fine,” she agreed. “You have five minutes, but after that, you have to let it go. We can’t waste any more time.”
 Chapter 8
Pat looked up as Janus stepped into the interrogation room. “Hi,” he said with an innocent smile that could cut steal.
Janus didn’t say a word as he took a seat; he just watched him intently. He leaned slightly over the table and steepled his fingers in front of his chin. “So, your name is Nick this time?” Janus asked.
“Nicholas Jonas,” he said. “Always has been.”
“Stop it,” Janus said.
“Stop what?”
“Cut the crap. I know.”
Pat leaned forward, mirroring Janus as he leaned closer, interlocking his fingers and laying his chin on top of his knuckles. “What did you say your name was again?” he asked, pleasantly.
 “Janus,” Janus replied.
“No, I’m Jonas,” he said, pointing to his chest.
“Not Jonas,” Janus spat. “Janus.”
“Um,” Pat said, eyes alight with amusement. The bastard. “Those are the same words.”
“No, they’re not. It’s Janus. J-A-N-U.-S.”
“Well, that’s confusing,” Pat said with a frown, but his nose was crinkling. “It’s close to my name. You should go by a nickname instead.”
“What?” Janus said. “No.”
Pat hummed. “How about Love Bug?”
“What! No!” Janus sputtered, almost flipping the table, as Pat winked at him.
“BB Good?”
“What does that even mean?!”
“Okay, okay, how about Macy Misa.”
Janus stared at him for a moment. “Fine. Whatever. What was I even talking about?”
“Hmm. I Believe we were talking about my name and how you think it’s not my name.”
“Right,” Janus said. “So, Nick. That was your roommate, Kevin on the phone, right? He seemed a bit unhappy with you. Any reason?”
“Nah, we’re Cool” said Pat. “That’s Just the Way We Roll.”
“Not because you’re messing up a mission right now?”
Pat’s eyes crinkled together. “A mission?” he parroted. “I’m not messing up a mission.”
“Oh, really?” Janus growled. “Because you’ve been captured by the TPI, and I know who you are and what you’ve been doing.”
“I have no idea what the TPI is,” he claimed.
“Yes, you do!” Janus said, standing up. “You obviously do! Or you wouldn’t be playing this game!”
 “Game?” Pat asked. “Macy I ask you what you’re talking about.”
“This is all just a game to you isn’t it!” Janus said, slamming his hands down on the table in front of them.
“Whoa,” Pat said, putting his hands up. “Calm down. Your face is getting all red. You must be Burnin’ Up.”
“I’m not sure what, but something about what you just said pisses me off.”
“And that is five minutes,” Khalid said, bursting into the room. He felt a tug on the back of his shirt and glared back at Remus who was putting his own body between Janus and Pat.
 “There was no way that was five minutes,” Janus growled.
“It was five minutes,” Khalid gritted out. “Remus, get him out of here.”
“Come on Jay,” Remus said, dragging him back towards the door.
“Remus, I swear to god.”
“Just chill, Janus,” Remus said, slamming the door closed behind them.
Janus shrugged him off. “You chill!” he snapped. “He’s playing you all for the fool.”
“Wow, Macy,” Remy drawled like an asshole. “I’ve never seen you so fired up.”
“Oh, my gosh. No one is going to believe me, and he’s going to get away with this.”
“You’re not really helping your case, babe,” Remy said.
 Remus grabbed him by the shoulders again. “Here, let’s go get some water.”
“I don’t want water,” he said even as he let Remus lead him to another room to get a glass of water.
“Look,” Remus said. “I know the Mask Guy thing really sucked, but you have to look at the facts.
“I am looking at the facts,” Janus insisted, “and the facts are, he’s fucking with me.”
“You don’t know what mask guy looks like,” Remus said. “You didn’t see Nick take the time bomb, he has an ID from this time period and a roommate in this time he called on the phone, and he legitimately seems to not know what any of us are talking about.”
 “Did you even listen to our conversation?” Janus asked. “He was screwing with me the entire time!”
“Janus…” Remus said.
“What?” Janus said, narrowing his eyes at Remus’s tone.
“I know you recently had a bad experience, but not everyone who flirts with you is doing it out of evil.”
Janus’s mouth hung open for a few seconds. “That’s what you got out of our conversation?”
“He called you Love Bug.”
Janus felt his face heat a bit at the reminder. “That’s not… I. I’m stealing your cat and then never speaking to you again.”
Remus laughed. “Ah,” he said. “Young lust.”
Janus elbowed him roughly in the side. “No!”
“Yes!” he crooned, pleased.
 “You are the worst partner,” Janus hissed. “When I’m right you owe me 10 loafs of your fresh bread.”
“Branching out from poptarts?” Remus asked.
Janus shook his head. He still wasn’t happy about the state of things, but he could feel himself cooling down a bit.
Khalid came out of the integration room after a few minutes, leaving Pat with Remy. “What was that?” she asked him.
“He got under my skin,” Janus said.
“We’ll talk about it later,” she said. “For now, we’re letting him go and then going back to looking for the bomb like we’re meant to be.”
 “Fine,” Janus relented. “Just do me the favor of tagging him before he leaves. Just that. I beg of you.”
“Sure,” she agreed. “If it will calm you down.”
He nodded.
“Then, let’s go,” she said. When they met back up with Remy and Pat, he saw Khalid make the subtle gesture that would tag Pat like they would have for the Millennium Birds. Pat sent him what could pass as a sweet smile if Janus didn’t know better. Then, they walked him outside, leaving Remy on clean-up duty for the make-shift security office.
“So, I’m free to go?” Pat asked. His bemused expression edged far too much on the side of amused verses confused for Janus’s taste.
 “You are,” Khalid said. “Have fun at the festivities.”
His hands went flapping about. “Oh, you too!” he said. “Well, I guess you’re working, but you can have fun anyway, I’m sure.”
“We’ll do our best,” she said.
He gave her a blinding smile and reached forward to shake her hand enthusiastically. Janus rolled his eyes and looked up at the heavens. “It was nice to meet you!” he said, “and you too, Remus!” He turned to meet Janus’s eyes. “Macy Misa.”
Janus pressed his lips together.
Then, Pat turned and walked away.
“Well, now that we’re done with that,” Khalid said, turning to them. “We have only a few more hours before midnight and we really need to find the time bomb.
 “Oh,” Pat called. He’d paused a few yards away and turned back to them. “Thanks for letting me go so easily by the way,” he said, “and just in the Nick,” he winked, “of time too.” Janus narrowed his eyes at him. He smiled back. “Wrist check,” he said holding up his arm to show off the timepiece there. Khalid immediately looked down at her own wrist just to see that the one timepiece that could move through the time lock was no longer there. Pat made a gesture and disappeared.
All three of them stared at the spot he’d been for a long moment.
Janus was the one to speak first. “I want. The yellow. To be erased. From my record.”
 Chapter 9
Khalid immediately called everyone back to base.
“What happened?” asked Fred when he and Lena arrived. The tech people were already scrambling to get through to the TPI and get the time lock broken from the outside.
“Remus, Remy, and Khalid got played by Pat or whatever his name is. It certainly isn’t Nick. He was just setting up a joke,” Janus told him.
“Stop being smug,” Remy said. “It’s not a good look for you.”
“Pat is…?” Lena asked.
“They guy who fucked me over in 1923,” Janus said, “and is currently in the middle of fucking us all over because he stole the pin timepiece, and by extrapolation, probably the time bomb too.”
 “It will be fine,” said Khalid, “because what he doesn’t know is that timepiece has a tracker on it. Wherever and whenever he went, we’ll have his coordinates.”
“Speaking of,” one of the techies said. “It’s about to break. You might want to hold onto something.” Janus grabbed for a support beam next to him as the techie put a device on the ground in the center of the base. It blinked once, twice, and on the third blink the ground rumbled. There were sounds of panicked yelps outside. The fail safe for the time lock was not nearly as gentle as ending it correctly.
 Everything settled after a few moments, and they all straightened themselves out. Janus’s timepiece buzzed to indicate it was now functioning normally. Khalid had returned her usual timepiece to her wrist and now used it to open a display they could all see. “The pin timepiece’s closest time/space coordinates are…” she trailed off. “Right outside?” She frowned. “That’s strange. Why would he still be here?” She turned to march outside, following the coordinates to a trash can. She pulled the pin timepiece out and stared at it. “Fuck,” she said.
“What just happened?” Remy asked.
“He ticked us,” Janus said. “Again.”
 “He was stuck in the time lock,” Khalid said. “That’s why he got our attention. He couldn’t leave with the time bomb unless he had the pin timepiece or we broke the time lock. Apparently, he’s smart enough to know that if he took the pin timepiece away from here, we’d probably be able to find him, but he knew we’d break the lock as soon as the pin went missing. So, he must have stashed his own timepiece and went back in time within the time lock to grab it while we were distracted with the past version of him. As soon as the time lock went down, I imagine he left.”
 “Probably with the time bomb,” Janus said.
“Probably with the time bomb,” she confirmed.
And everyone knew the only thing worse than a time bomb was a time bomb you didn’t know the location of.
They evacuated after that, of course, and time locked the location once they were out just in case they were wrong, but midnight 3000 struck without thousands of people dying in Brazil, so the time bomb had defiantly been removed from then.
The, they initiated a time travel lockdown for all nonessentials, not willing to let random history students get caught up in an explosion if Pat decided to set the thing off somewhere.
 Then, it was a matter of figuring out everything they could about ‘Pat.’ First, they checked the tracker data as Khalid had tagged him with one of the Millennium Bird trackers. It wouldn’t work outside of the zone they’d set up that day, but the record would show his behavior during the time lock after he’d escaped with the pin timepiece.
There had been many little green dots on the map that day as Fred and Lena had actually been doing the job they’d set out to do, but most of those were running around in the south. There had been one green dot, however, that appeared suddenly in the game area about 10 minutes before the time bomb had been stolen.
 They could see Janus’s yellow dot almost brush his when he’d been chasing the earlier Pat down, around when he’d lost him briefly. The earlier Pat must have all but handed it off to his future self.
“He doubled back,” Remus commented when they watched the recorded data. It was a ballsy move and one that most people balked at, because there were inherent dangers any time you interacted with yourself from a different point in the timestream. It was ripe for paradoxes. It made everyone at the agency even more worried, because if he was willing to risk that, then what else was he willing to do?
 Because of the lockdown of all nonessential time travel, people working for the TPI were not allowed to go home for the night. They were allowed to pick up anyone or anything dependent on them for care like kids and pets if there wasn’t someone in their home time to care for them, but other than that, they were unfortunately all sleeping in their offices for the foreseeable future.
“You are the only tolerable one,” Janus told the cat who upon being let loose in the office by Remus, immediately jumped on Janus’s lap.
“I have literally done nothing to you,” Lena said, but then added. “Yet.”
 “You exist. In my space.”
“Can’t we just all get along?” asked Fred. “It’s only been an hour past when we’d usually go home. I went and grabbed milk and I have my giant thing of different flavored hot chocolate under my desk. We can try them all and vote on which is better.”
“Fuck your hot chocolate, Fred,” Janus growled, having been one of the three who had chipped in to buy it for him on his last birthday.
“Don’t go after Fred, jackass,” Lena spat.
“He’s just testy because his boyfriend escaped,” Remus contributed.
Janus’s lips turned down into a frown and he cupped Diesel Fuel’s face. “We agree we’re eating him first, right?” he asked her.
 She purred her agreement.
“I’d have it no other way,” Remus replied.
“There is plenty of food,” Fred said, sounding stressed. “In fact, I was thinking we should all chip in on ordering take-out soon. “What does everyone like on pizza?”
“This is not a slumber party, Fred,” Janus pointed out.
“Shut it,” Lena snapped and turned to Fred. “I’m fine with almost everything, except…”
“Bananas and tuna salad!” Remus interrupted.
“…whatever Remus is about to say.”
Janus rolled his eyes as that started a debate about whether or not fruit and/or fish belonged on pizza. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, which was when there was a knock on the door.
 He froze when he heard the familiar voice. “Hello, hello,” said Emile, cheerfully. Janus looked up to see Emile standing at the open office door. Shit. Apparently, the man had decided to give up on sending lackeys to come fetch him and had decided to track him down himself when Janus couldn’t even escape without breaking a time lockdown. They met eyes briefly and Janus could see irritation if not anger in his eyes despite his otherwise cheerful expression and tone.
“Janus,” he said when he’d gotten their attention. “I’d like to have dinner with you.” The word choice told Janus everything he needed to know. Usually Emile was careful with how he said things to make sure people knew they had a choice. Typically he’d say something like, “I was wondering if you’d have time to have dinner with me tonight,” or “I’m about to go get food, would you like to come?” Today, there was no choice in the statement.
 Janus still dried to dodge anyway. “Uh,” he said. “We were actually about to order pizza.”
“Go ahead,” said Fred kindly. Janus wanted to strangle him. “We can order pizza with olives if you’re not here.”
“I…” said Janus. “Guess, I’ll be going with you.”
“Great!” Emile said. “Let’s go.”
“Oh,” Janus said. “Uh, now?”
“Now,” Emile said a bit of uncharacteristic steel to his tone.
 Well, Janus was screwed. He swallowed his nervousness and got to his feet, taking Diesel Fuel with him. He turned to hand her off to Remus with a plea in his eye, but he just got an eyebrow raise in return. Traitor.
Then, he followed Emile out of the office door. “What would you like to eat?” asked Emile.
“Uh,” Janus said. “I don’t know. You asked me to eat, don’t you have any ideas?”
“I don’t actually,” Emile replied. Right.
“…Noddle Bar?” Janus threw out the nearest restaurant he knew.
“The one noodle restaurant? Sure,” Emile answered simply. They walked side by side out of the front doors of the TPI building. Janus actually couldn’t remember the last time he’d taken these stairs. He usually used his timepiece to get in and out.
 The noodle bar was only moderately busy at this time. They were quickly able to find a table near the back and Emile pulled his menu up in front of him. Emile hummed as he flipped through the different displays. “What are you having?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” Janus said, only then pulling up the menu himself, but still not quite looking at it.
“What about the fortune noodles,” Emile suggested.
Janus shook his head. “I don’t like those,” he said.
Emile glanced at him through the menu displays. “You used to.” Fortune noodles were a bit cheekily named. They didn’t actually indicate anything about your future. They were just supposed to taste like what you wanted from your future. A grad student might experience a feeling like they’d just aced a paper. A child that they got to stay up an hour later that night. Janus had liked the experience when he was younger, but in recent years, he’d begun to taste the underlying chemicals in the dish until that’s all he could.
 “Well,” Emile said lightly, eyes on his menu. “That makes me even more worried for your mental health than I already was because of the almost three years of you avoiding talking to me.”
“No small talk, huh?” Janus asked.
“Forgive me,” Emile said, eyes now focused on Janus, and tone much darker. “How has your life been since I last saw your face 5 months ago during a business meeting and you refused to look me in the eye? Anything interesting happen? Shave your head and let it all regrow? Develop an allergy to peanuts? Join a convent and take an oath of silence that you only just broke today?”
“No,” said Janus quietly into the table.
 “Great,” Emile said clipped. “Small talk over. Order your food.” Janus reached up blindly to select the first thing that came up on the food and drink menu as Emile punched something into his own and both menu displays disappeared, meaning there was nothing between their faces anymore. “You know, I was willing to give you a year,” Emile said. “I was willing to let you deal with it on your own because I thought eventually, you’d come talk to me about it, but apparently I was mistaken. The next year, I thought maybe you thought I didn’t want to talk to you, so I subtly made myself available, and you never took me up on the offer. I thought maybe I was just not being clear, and I should make my desire to talk to you more explicit, but as you have been routinely, clearly avoiding me at every single turn, I’ve decided I’ve had enough. So, let’s lay it all on the table. Is it me or do you need help?”
 Janus closed his eyes. “It’s not you.”
“Then you need help,” Emile concluded.
Janus shook his head.
“Yes,” Emile snapped. “Whatever this is has gone on far too long.”
Janus stood up and slammed his hand down on the table. “And it’s going to keep going on!” he said. The food popped up at that moment. It appeared Janus had ordered lasagna and bubble tea, and Emile had ordered something with spaghetti and a fizzy drink.
“So, you’re just planning to go on being miserable then?” Emile asked, and Janus wasn’t sure if it was worse or better that he didn’t sound angry anymore.
Janus slapped his hand down on the “To Go” button and his dinner was insta-wrapped by the table. “Yes,” he said.
“What exactly do you think you’re paying penance for, Janus?” Emile asked.
“You wouldn’t understand,” Janus said, paying for both of their meals with his fingerprint.
“That’s a cop out and you know it,” Emile said. “All you’d have to do is talk to me. Or even just talk to someone else. Please.”
“Just…” Janus said, grabbing his bag of food to avoid looking at him. “Just, leave me be.” He walked out of the noodle shop without another word.
 Chapter 10
“And I thought Remus was going to be the most disgusting roommate in this equation,” Lena grumbled. Janus and Lena were apparently the earlier risers in the group as Fred was still curled up around a pillow and Remus was sprawled out under his desk.
Janus flipped her off.
“Protein infused Poptarts and caffeinated orange juice for breakfast?” she asked. “Just eat an energy bar and have a cup of coffee like a normal person.”
He took another pointed bite of his Poptart.
“You’re a horrible roommate. This is why they gave us different partners.”
“Yeah, well you snore, asshole,” Janus said after finishing off his meal.
 “I’d tell you to go eat shit, but you already did that once this morning.”
A pillow flew across the room and somehow managed to hit the both of them. “S’op fighting,” Fred mumbled. “It’s sleep time.”
“It’s morning Fred,” Lena said.
“No,” Fred mumbled.
Janus ignored them, turning back to his integration port to continue to keep plugging in phrases of interest, but he kept getting nothing.
“What are you doing?” Lena asked after a few moments of him huffing at his screen reader.
“Trying to do anything that may change our current living arrangements.”
She puffed out an amused breath. “Can I help?”
 “Can you see any connection between these words and phrases?” he asked, pulling away his screen reader and tapping at the words he’d typed out.
“Paranoid, tonight, I live to party, comeback, love Bug, BB good, Mandy, Macy Misa, I believe, cool, that’s just the way we roll, burnin’ up,” she said. “What are these?”
“They’re things Pat said when we interrogated that struck me funny,” Janus explained. “I feel like he was saying something more than what he said.”
“Hmm,” she said. “PTI for the first three?”
“Maybe,” Janus agreed, “but what about the rest of it? I feel like I’m missing something.”
“Millennia,” Remus mumbled from under his desk. Janus hadn’t been aware he was awake. “He said something something about it being the only time he could see the change of the millennia.” He turned his head to look at Janus. “Considering he’s a time traveler, that’s definitely a weird thing to say.”
“Millennia,” Janus contemplated. “A different turn of the millennia. Oh no.”
“What?” Lena asked.
Janus sighed, and rubbed his temple. “I know someone who studied the 1700-2200s.”
“Isn’t that good?”
“No,” Janus groaned, “because now I have to go talk to him.” He stood with a sigh and then paused. “How do I even get to Silver Mountains University without my timepiece?”
 Luckily Sliver Mountains ended up only being about an hour away from the TPI by time adherent travel, but considering Janus was used to his travel being instantaneous, it was an aggravating trip. He had to show ID and be buzzed up to the fourth floor since it was usually locked to everyone not traveling by timepiece or who worked in the office.
The receptionist was the same man as before. “I’m here to speak to Professor Eran,” Janus said.
The receptionist nodded. “He mentioned you asked to meet him but didn’t know when you’d arrive. He’ll be done teaching his class in about 5 minutes. You can wait over there.”
 Janus nodded and sat, waiting for time to slowly tick by. Virgil arrived after a few minutes, lugging a giant bag with him. He caught sight of Janus and wordlessly jerked his head towards the hallway. Janus followed him.
“What’s in the bag?” Janus asked.
“Early 21st century cell phones,” Virgil said, dropping it on his desk. “I let my students mess around with them for their lab.”
“I see,” Janus said.
“What did you need?” Virgil asked. “You said it was official business.”
“You’ve heard about the lockdown, I presume,” Janus said.
“Yeah, it really screws up my research schedule for the summer,” Virgil said.
“Do you know why the lockdown was instituted?” Janus asked. Virgil shook his head, so Janus explained briefly that they had been trying to find a timebomb on the eve of the year 3000, but it had been swiped by a free agent time traveler. “Some of the things seemed to be references to things that I couldn’t place, and I was wondering if you would recognize any.”
“Shoot,” Virgil requested, seeming intrigued by the prospect.
“Okay,” Janus said. “First, the alias he was using was Nick Jonas.” A weird expression crossed Virgil’s face immediately and Janus paused.
“You said the year 3000?” Virgil asked.
 “Er. Yes.”
“Nick Jonas. Year 3000,” Virgil repeated with a snort. “Were Joe and Kevin a part of this too?”
Janus blinked. “Yes, how did you know that?”
“Yo-you’re going to have,” his sentence was broken by a giggle, and actual full-fledged giggle, “have to give me a minute.” With that, he sort of listed to the side and seemed to purposefully fall off his chair onto the floor under his desk.
Janus blinked and when he didn’t surface after a moment, he stood up to lean over the desk and look down at him. Virgil had his arm thrown over his beat red face, as he shook from what Janus thought was suppressed laughter.
 “What?” Janus asked. “What’s wrong?”
“Just…” Virgil said, sobbing through his laughter. “Just tell me the things he said.”
“Er, mostly he just had weird inflections on words and phrases. There was ‘paranoid, tonight, I live to party, comeback…’”
“Wait, stop,” Virgil said. “Let me guess a few. That’s Just the Way We Roll, Burnin’ Up, Sucker.”
“The first two were, but not the last one.”
Virgil laughed. “Maybe the last one was just implied.”
Janus frowned down. “What are you talking about? What does this all mean?”
Virgil pulled himself out from under his desk and grabbed his bag of phones. He dug through it for a few seconds before pulling one out and handing it to Janus. “I have a lab for my students where they get preloaded phones from the early 21st century and are supposed to guess the demographics of the person who owns it. This one is an iPhone 3 meant to belong to a pre-teen to teenage girl from the year 2009. Look under music artists starting with the letter ‘J.’”
Confused, Janus scrolled through the old style phone, finding the music app and opening it easily. Upon getting to the ‘J’s, he immediately paused on an artist called the ‘Jonas Brothers.’ He clicked on it and read a few of the song titles. They weren’t all there, but…
“That rat bastard,” Janus said.
“Scroll to the bottom,” Virgil said. Janus did and found a song titled ‘Year 3000.’
“You’re kidding me.”
“Click on it,” Virgil requested.
Janus did, listening to the fairly standard pop like intro from the time period. It wasn’t until he got to the lyrics saying, ‘He told me he built a time machine’ that he cursed, understanding exactly what Pat had been doing. When the singer a few lines latter proclaimed that his neighbor said ‘I’ve been to the year 3000’ he almost smashed the artifact to pieces right then and there.
“I have no idea who this guy is,” Virgil said, “but he’s a comedic genius.”
 Chapter 11
Khalid caught him on his way back into the TPI building. “I heard you went to Silver Mountains to follow up on a lead,” she said.
“Yeah, but it was garbage,” he seethed. “All I learned was ‘Pat’ knows early 2000s popular culture and likes to fuck with us.”
She hummed. “I’d still like a report about whatever you found. Who knows what we might end up getting from seemingly inconsequential data.”
“Sure,” he said.
“Anyway,” she continued. “I have a mission for you.”
“We’re on lockdown,” Janus pointed out with a frown.
“For nonessentials,” she said. “This is essential.”
 “What happened?” Janus asked.
“We picked up a small time distortion in France 2027. At the moment, it is small enough not to cause any disruptions, but it is slowly growing, and we don’t know what caused it. Usually we’d just send surveillance agents at this stage, but considering what’s going on, I think it would be best to send a field agent. And it would just be you, because we don’t want to send too many people out at once.”
“Is this related to the time bomb?” Janus asked.
“I’m not sure,” she said. “At the very least, it’s not it being set off as it was in 2999, but if it’s been altered for some other purpose…”
 “I’ll go,” Janus said.
“I’ll send over the mission directive to everyone who needs it. You’ll go in around 3 hours.”
He nodded. “I’ll be ready,” he agreed.
In less then 3 hours, he was dressed for 2027 France and in decontamination. “Well,” he said out loud when he was given the all clear sign, “I hope I don’t explode.” He selected the coordinates on the timepiece and the next moment he was in a small alleyway in the city of Montpellier, France in 2027.
It was a little bit warm, but not stifling even in the mid-afternoon and he could faintly smell the sea on the breeze.
 After a moment to get his bearings, Janus made his way out of the alleyway and onto a small street. The street was lined with restaurants and shops as people went about their daily lives. He carefully integrated himself into the crowd and began weaving his way through them. He needed to find the source of the distortion but doing a quick scan with his timepiece told him there wasn’t any sign of it yet. He’d have to wait for it to act up.
For now, he decided to get slightly away from people by heading towards the river. He found a park that had benches along water.
 As he walked towards the river, he noticed a man on the bench, angled slightly away from Janus and looking out at the water. He immediately recognized the man. “You!” he exclaimed.
Pat’s head shot around to look at him, and he gave a slight head tilt. Then, he smiled, amused. “You are not the person I’m here for,” he said.
“Well, I am now,” Janus snapped. “Where’s the time bomb?”
“Time bomb?” Pat asked, eyebrows drawing together, but amusement on his lips. “Oh sweetie, the time bomb happened a long time ago for me.”
“What?” Janus asked.
“Oh, you’re just a baby,” Pat laughed. “Don’t you get it yet? The two of us are out of sync timeline wise. You’ve been apparently running around with a much younger version of me, but all of that happened quite a while ago for me. Don’t worry though, it gets better.”
“What are you talking about?”
“The time bomb has been long deactivated. Here,” he reached into his pocket and tossed him something. Janus caught it on instinct. “Proof. Don’t worry, we took all of the dangerous bits out years ago from my perspective.” It was the core of a time bomb, the time bomb Pat had stolen if he was to be believed. “You can tell your people it’s safe to remove the lockdown.”
Janus curled his fingers around it. “I don’t get it.”
Something on Pat’s wrist beeped and he looked at it curiously before he stood from the bench, “and I don’t have time to explain it.”
Janus jerked forward to grab his wrist. “Don’t you dare.”
Pat reached up to pat his face. “Don’t worry honey, you’ll be seeing me later.” He twisted his wrist and a small electric current sparked between them. Janus jerked his hand away, and Pat smiled at him. “Or… earlier.” He winked, and then he was gone.
Janus cursed, but he didn’t have more than a moment to be angry because in the next second there was a yelp, and something landed on top of him. He was bowled over into a tangle of limbs and pained noises.
“Oh my god, we need to figure out the height thing,” a familiar voice groaned, just as Janus managed to pull himself away. Pat blinked up at him and his eyes narrowed. “You,” he hissed.
 Pat jumped to his feet, leaving Janus on the ground in front of him. “What are you doing here?” he spat, his tone much different then the one he’d been using a moment earlier. His hair was longer than it had been before, and if Janus looked closely, he did seem like he was a couple of years younger suddenly. Out of sync timelines. I’ll see you earlier. Holy shit.
He was suddenly very glad he’d been forced to let the other Pat (the older Pat?) go, else they’d have a whole thing on their hands.
“What are you doing here?” was Janus’s retort as he stood up and dusted himself off.
 “It’s none of your business,” Pat told him.
“It is my business,” Janus said, “because for all I know, you are the cause of the time distortions I’m after. Considering that I doubt you have a license for that,” he waved at the odd looking timepiece of Pat’s wrist, “it’s very possible.”
“What are you?” Pat asked, “the time police.”
Pat dared to roll his eyes, but then he tilted his head slightly. “Time distortions?” he asked.
“Yes, that’s why I’m here.”
He still had a confused frown on his face. Did… did he not know what a time distortion was?
 Just then there was a sudden flash of lightening through the sky despite the absolutely lack of clouds. He and Pat both looked up.
“Is that the time distortion?” Pat asked.
“It’s probably the beginning of it,” Janus said.
“That doesn’t look good,” Pat said as he squinted at the sky.
“Just wait,” Janus answered grimly. He looked at Pat. “Usually I’d arrest you on the spot,” he said, “but I’m alone for this one, and that is far more important at the moment. So, have a nice day doing whatever bullshit you are doing.” He glanced at his timepiece.
 Janus turned to walk away from him.
“Wait!” Pat exclaimed, and Janus turned back to him to see that his eyes were wide. Janus raised an eyebrow. “So, this time distortion thing is dangerous, right?”
“Depending on the severity, it could cause time to fracture around this place and time, basically erasing it from existence and killing everyone in it.”
“Well, in that case, I should go with you. To help.”
Janus looked him up and down. “You… have no idea what’s happening, do you? You’re an amateur.”
“I’m not,” he claimed. “I just. Pooling resources. You know?”
Janus sighed. “Well, you going around mucking about this time period without knowing what you’re doing could just exasperate the situation, so fine, you can tag along.”
“I know what I’m doing,” he grumbled even as he rushed to Janus’s side at the permission.
“Sure,” Janus said with an eyeroll. He guessed he was a babysitter now. “I believe you.”
 Chapter 12
There was something off about his readings. Clearly the time distortion was starting to pull at this place with the way the weather was flickering between storming and sunny, but he still couldn’t quite pinpoint the exact location of the source of it. He could, however, get that it must be somewhere on this side of the river more into the downtown area, so that’s the way he was walking, Pat close on his heels.
“What’s your name, by the way?” he asked.
Janus shot him a glare. “Elvis Presley,” he said.
Pat frowned, clearly knowing who that was. “There’s no reason to be mean.”
 “You did it to me first.”
“…Introduced myself as a famous musician?” he asked. Janus didn’t respond, and after a moment, Pat laughed lightly. “You really don’t understand time travel, do you?”
“Oh, yeah,” Janus said. “Name the three types of time distortions.”
“Just because I don’t know the names of things doesn’t mean I don’t understand them.” He stuck out his tongue. Janus was dealing with an actual toddler. “Unlike you who has a bunch of fancy words, but just caused a time loop.”
Janus scoffed. “I did not just cause a time loop.”
“Maybe not a big one,” Pat agreed, “but you did.”
 Janus raised an eyebrow. “I’ve never introduced myself to you with a musician’s name, but now you’ve told me that I will. So, at some point in the future I will have to, thereby making you think to say that now. Time loop.”
“That’s not… that doesn’t count.”
“Does too,” Pat claimed. “Like I have said once before and you may or may not have heard me say before, anything you do to me to get back at me for something I haven’t done yet, just causes whatever that is to happen in the first place.”
“But you’re still going to do it.”
 “Then take it up with future me. I haven’t done anything to you.” Then he paused and sighed. “…Which I guess means you’ve done nothing to me.” He seemed to mull this concept over for a long moment. “Well you were a bit crabby about me not knowing what a time distortion was, but I can forgive you for that.”
“And I’m supposed to forgive you?”
“Like I said,” Pat said. “I haven’t done anything yet.”
“You also haven’t done anything to endear yourself to me either,” Janus grumbled.
“Hmm,” Pat said. “Fine.” He pulled something out of his pocket. “You’re obviously not having much luck finding whatever you’re looking for. Tell me what it is and I’ll help.”
Janus squinted at what was in his hand. “Is that… an iPhone 5?”
“No!” he said. “It’s super-secret time travel tech disguised as an iPhone 5!”
“We’re in 2027,” Janus said. “Not a great disguise. Those things have been obsolete for a decade.”
“Well I’ll keep in mind to have my tech disguised as phones from the right year next time,” Pat said, sticking out his tongue. “Now what are we looking for?”
“If my timepiece can’t find it, I’m certain yours can’t.”
 Pat rolled his eyes and tapped on the device’s screen a couple of times. “I’m going to guess it’s that,” he said proudly.
Janus leaned over to look at the screen. “Are you using google maps?” he sputtered.
“It integrates time relevant data like traffic conditions and local weather warnings with time travel technology,” Pat explained. “Something seems to be going on in a museum a couple of blocks that way.”
“I…” Janus said. That was actually a really good idea, usually unnecessary with scouts observing that data beforehand, and Janus wasn’t sure how good the accuracy would be considering whatever was taking it into account was automated, but still a good idea. “Well, I guess since we have no other leads, we can check it out.”
 Pat looked far too proud for having only used a piece of tech that hadn’t even been confirmed as accurate. “Then, let’s go,” he said right as a chilly wind started to pick up and a couple of snowflakes began to fall around them. “Before that gets worse…”
Janus let Pat lead with his iPhone. Janus’s timepiece still wasn’t picking up a clear signal for some reason, but it seemed to point in the same general direction as Pat’s. Strangely though, as they got closer to their destination, the signal started to get fuzzier. Pat’s tech seemed unaffected leading them closer to the museum.
 When they got to the Musée Fabre museum, Janus stopped. “What?” Pat asked. He was shivering slightly in the cold and holding his arms around himself.
“My timepiece stopped working completely,” he said.
“I’m assuming that’s weird?” Pat said.
“It is,” Janus confirmed, turning to squint at him suspiciously. “How do I know you’re not the one doing it?”
“If I was doing it, wouldn’t I have just knocked it out from the get go?” Pat questioned.
Janus pursed his lips. “I don’t know,” he said. “Would you have? Maybe it’s a trick.”
Pat’s eyes narrowed a bit on him. “Think what you want, but I’m freezing. Come in with me if you want.”
 He dithered from a few moments before following Pat inside. Pat had already struck up a conversation with the woman charging admission into art museum. She was looking at him, her brow knit as he spoke. Janus nudged him away from her getting a confused glance from him in return. He shot a smile at the woman.
“Two adult passes for the museum and the Hotel Sabatier d’Espevran, please,” he said, placing down 14 euro.
“Ah,” she said, still looking at Pat oddly. “Yes sir.” She gave them the passes and Janus quickly shuffled Pat away.
“What is wrong with your French?” he hissed once they were out of earshot.
 “What?” he asked, bewildered.
“You sound like you’re reading Le Comte de Monte-Cristo. No one talks like that anymore.”
“I’m a little rusty,” Pat defended himself.
“Two centuries?” Janus asked. Pat stuck his tongue out like a child once again. “Is that your only way to respond to legitimate criticism?”
“What does it even matter anyway? No one ever expects time travel, at least not for something so silly.”
“It’s not silly,” Janus said. “It’s a legitimate issue. The wrong person who’s watched too much science fiction notices and you’re putting the timeline at risk. Not to mention if there are other time travelers around that aren’t as nice as me.”
 “Are there a lot of time travelers around?” Pat asked, sounding intrigued.
“There are plenty, both legal and not.”
“Huh,” he said, “but what are the chances we’ll run into another one?”
“Considering the time distortion? There could be many. Opportunists wanting to capitalize off the chaos, people trying to stop it, like me, and not to mention the person who caused it.”
“Wait, someone made it happen?” Pat asked.
“These things don’t just happen naturally.”
“Huh. So, something like this has to be caused by a person?”
“Yes,” Janus said. “…Why?”
Pat smiled. “No reason. I think we should head upstairs. Whatever I’m picking up says it’s around here, but I don’t see anything. Maybe it’s a floor or two above us.”
“Which is why it’s ridiculous to use Google Maps.”
 “Would you rather use yours?” he asked sweetly.
“I’m still not convinced it’s not your doing,” Janus growled. “Why does your tech still work when mine doesn’t?”
“Probably the same reason the ring did,” he muttered.
“You may be the most aggravating being in the universe.”
Pat glanced at him with a bit of a smirk. “I can’t tell you,” he said. “It would be a much bigger risk to the timeline than me speaking in French from the 1830s. But, I’m pretty sure the reason mine still works is just a software difference.”
“What the hell do you mean a software difference?”
 Pat opened his mouth, doubtlessly to supply him with yet another frustratingly cheeky and unhelpful answer. Yet, Pat did not have a chance to do so as, just as Janus stepped onto the second floor of the museum, the ground started to violently shake. Janus tried to turn to catch Pat as the other man’s foot slipped on the last step, but he couldn’t do so in time. Pat fell onto his hands and knees, sliding back a few steps and smacking his face into the stairs hard once and then a couple of times more after that as he slid.
 Chapter 13
The room stopped shaking after a moment. “Ow,” Pat said. He seemed a bit stunned but was still moving at least. He carefully maneuvered himself into a seating position. “Ouch. Owie.” He reached up to poke his own nose. “Ow!” Janus slapped his hand away when he got there. A bit of blood was already trickling from his nose and there was a small cut over his eye, but it wasn’t bleeding too much.
Janus pushed him so he was leaning slightly forward and produced a pack of time appropriate tissues from his pocket. He pulled one out of the package and offered it to him.
 He took it and pressed it up against his nose to try to stop the bleeding. He seemed mostly alright though Janus imagined he’d have plenty of bruises down the line. The power in the museum flickered and Janus looked up. Now that he was listening, he could hear people panicking in and out of the museum.
“We should probably get off of the stairs,” he suggested.
“Yeah,” Pat agreed. Janus helped him to his feet, and they climbed back up the steps. Janus looked around and found an employees only sign a few feet away. Usually he’d not risk that as it could get him into trouble he didn’t want to be in, but considering the earthquake that had just happened, he could probably play it off as panic.
 He ushered Pat into a small room and found a chair and table. He had Pat sit in the chair and pulled out another one of the tissues to dab at the blood coming from the cut over his eyes. “Here,” he said. “Hold that there. I’m going to go see if there are any bandages about.”
Pat took the tissue with the hand not already holding one to his nose. “Thanks,” he said.
Janus nodded and got to his feet. The lights flickered once again but didn’t stay off for now. He didn’t know how long that would last.
 He couldn’t see anything that might hold bandages in this room, but there was a second door. “I’ll be right back,” he told Pat, exiting through it.
The lights flickered once more as the door closed behind him and he cursed. When they came back up Janus’s eyes immediately fell on a man. They both froze.
“Remus!” Janus hissed the second their eyes met. “What are you doing here?”
Remus blinked at him for a moment. “Hi. Janus,” he said. “I… come to France for… tea sometimes?”
“There isn’t any tea back here.”
“So, there isn’t…” he said. There was a moment of silence. “Uh, so I actually cannot talk to you right now.”
 “What do you mean?” Janus asked. Remus grimaced in a way Janus had never seen from him before. It immediately set off alarm bells in Janus’s head. “Oh my god,” Janus said. “Oh my god. You’re not from the same time as me.”
“Oh, you have no idea,” Remus mumbled.
“Holy shit, you’re looping?!”
“It’s… not looping if I wasn’t here the first time.”
“Remus, we spend more than 12 hours a day together most of the time. The only thing worse than this is if I looped back to this time myself.”
“…Yeah. Anyway, I need to leave now.”
“Please do.”
 He turned to go, but then stopped. “Oh, and,” he reached into his pocket and tossed something at Janus. Janus caught it.
It was Band-Aids.
“Oh, shit,” Janus spat at the clear use of foreknowledge. “I hate this. I hate you. I’m going to kill you the next time you see me.”
“Sure, Jan.”
He did, slipping into the next room while Janus took a deep breath and then turned back to the door behind him. He schooled his face before Pat looked up. “I found some Band-Aids.”
Pat nodded and Janus came over to squat next to him.
 Janus opened the box and Pat looked down. His eyes lit up with sudden joy so intense that Janus felt like he’d just gotten a punch to the gut. “Kitty Band-Aids!” he exclaimed. Janus bothered to actually look at the design on the container, only to note the cartoon cats on the front. Pat was almost vibrating off his seat. “Look they’re all so cute!” He grabbed the container from him to inspect the different designs printed on the back with glee even as a bit of blood was still trickling from his nose.
Janus took the box back gently and guided the wad of bloody Kleenexes back to his nose.
 “Which would you like?” Janus asked.
“Oh, they are all so cute,” Pat cooed. “Um, how about that one!” he pointed. “Or that one! Or that one!”
“Pat you only have one cut.”
“But they’re all so cute!” Pat said, tongue tucking into his cheek. He contemplated the box again. “Let’s do the black one,” he finally settled on.
Janus selected one of the Band-Aids with a black cat wrapped around a pink ball of yarn and staring back at them with wide green eyes. The think looked like it had partaken in one two many doses of catnip, but Janus didn’t mention that.
 Instead, he just carefully unstuck the backing from the Band-Aid and motioned for Pat to remove the tissue from his forehead. He smiled at Janus as he drew back.
Janus cleared his throat. “How’s the nose.”
“It’s slowing down,” Pat replied. “Thanks.”
“No problem,” Janus replied. They met eyes for a second before Pat looked away back at the box of Band-Aids.
“Oh,” Pat said. “There’s a grey one. I didn’t notice.” He pointed to it. “I should have used that one.”
“Do you like grey cats?” Janus asked.
“I like all kitties,” he said, “but one of my roommates loves grey cats. He had one when he was a kid and thinks of them as good omens. Seeing one always brightens up his day.”
“A friend of mine has a grey cat,” Janus said. “She’s much more tolerable than him.”
Pat laughed a bit. “Don’t be mean,” he said.
“Oh, he deserves it, don’t worry.” Janus considered him for a moment. “Here,” he said, pulling out one of the Band-Aids with the grey cat on it. It did, actually, look a lot like Diesel Fuel.
“But I don’t…”
Janus just shrugged and stuck it on his cheek where there was no wound. Pat giggled and touched it with a finger. Janus stood back up.
“Can I have another tissue?” Pat asked.
“Sure.” Janus handed a tissue over to him and he crumpled up the bloody ones in his hand.
“I think I’m good to keep going,” Pat said, putting the new tissue under his nose. “The nose will stop soon.”
 Pat got out his iPhone and directed him back out of the room. They checked the second floor and didn’t find anything and so went to the third floor. The second they arrived in the room that Patton’s phone was directing them too, Janus knew that it must be right. There was a strange, distorted whirling sound and the entire room was shaking slightly like they were standing next to a railroad track.
“I’m guessing this is it,” Pat said.
Janus nodded and looked over his shoulder at the screen. They both cautiously walked towards where the little dot was on the phone.
 “Is that it?” Pat asked, pointing at a small device on the center column in the room. Janus reached forward to flip the switch on it. The whirling stopped and the room settled. Janus’s time piece vibrated as it came back online. They waited for a few moments. “I assumed… time distortions would be more…”
“They are,” Janus said. “This one is artificial.”
“What does that mean?”
“It’s a simulation,” Janus said. “It causes similar symptoms to a time distortion, but it’s not actually fracturing time at all.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?” Pat asked.
“I don’t know,” Janus said. He took the piece of tech of the wall and carefully stored it in his pocket, “but someone’s trying to get our attention.”
 Chapter 14
Janus didn’t feel comfortable leaving France 2027 just yet, still weirded out by the strange turn of events. So, he and Pat ended up sticking around for a couple of hours. They looked through the art museum for a bit, but Janus was having trouble focusing on the pieces, and Pat eventually suggested they get some air. Janus agreed considering the museum would close for the night soon anyway.
They wandered around the downtown for a bit. The people seemed to jump back from the strange weather and earthquake that afternoon rather quickly, and there were plenty still about to blend into.
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‘You Are in Love’ is About Haylor (Part One)
One look, dark room
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Meant just for you
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Time moved, too fast
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You play it back
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Buttons on a coat
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Light-hearted joke
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No proof, not much, but you felt enough
Small talk, he drives
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Coffee at midnight,
The light reflects, the chain on your neck
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He says, ‘look up’
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And your shoulders brush
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No proof. One touch. But it said enough
The first time Harry saw Taylor, she was dancing to WMYB, so his eyes searched for her at Jingle Ball when he played that song. The boat is obvious (their break-up), then she’s writing about their relationship, which ended too fast. Buttons on a coat would be her wearing his coat; lighthearted joke and driving etc. documents moments in their relationship, some prominent because we saw them in Central Park. The photographical evidence would be proving some specific lyrics are definitely about them. Like the chain around her neck (paper airplane necklace), and the shoulders brush reference being him telling her to look up at the birds and their shoulders brushing then. I actually discovered that while I went digging and before I used to think she was talking about stars
Estrella ( @hayloraddiction ) also pointed out that while they were both on a date in Central Park, they progressively walked closer to each other until their shoulders brushed. This is true, and I’d provide pictures if Tumblr’s photo limit wasn’t ten. Along with that, I have a tweet of Taylor from October, 2012 saying she was going out at midnight for donuts/coffee. Haylor got back together in October of 2012, as we know from the date This Love was written.
I’d also like to clear up that Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff could definitely have inspired parts of this song lyrically, but as you can see, Taylor co-wrote this song as well and there’s no correlation with her own lyrics and their relationship: there’s no way she could’ve magically known everything about Lena & Jack’s relationship while she was writing. The necklace reference just does it for me. I think she’s using their relationship to cover it up.
Stay tuned for more parts on why YAIL is about Haylor, with specific photographical and lyrical evidence on my Haylor Masterpost.
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this-is-lightning · 4 years
Supercorp FicRec P. 1
After realizing I have too many bookmarks with Kara/Lena I felt it was time to make a list of the cream of the crop. This is gonna be a series, 5 fics at a time.
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Transcendent Interactions by IHaveTheWrongGlass
They don't know how it started.
Kara Zor-El and Lena Luthor share a special, secret bond that traverses any distance. When tragedy forces Lena to take over the family company, she seeks assurance and help in the one person that knows her the best. However, the two have never met before. 
w: 208,444
r: explicit
Lovely soulmates AU kind of. Nice investigative journalism/mystery storyline, very nice and organic relationship development, dealing with a plethora of topics in a wonderful way, lots of kryptonian lore. Not finished, but worth it. Also check out the rest of their work.
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Sunlit Honey and Lavender Sunsets by wtfoctagon
Jessica Hoang takes her job very seriously. It’s odd, or uncommon, as she’s learned- people are always so surprised when she seems more loyal to Lena Luthor than the advancement of her own career. She used to think that the whole trope of secretaries selling out their bosses for personal gain existed only in bad TV shows, but, as always, she overestimates the human race.
So when Kara Danvers the reporter starts showing up more often, she’s wary and a little irritated. Yes, Lena said to let her in at any time, so she does so dutifully, but she’s seen her share of reporters and she’s not impressed with the bunch. Words are their trade, and it wouldn’t take much to motivate a reporter to twist Lena’s image around for a pretty buck. 
w: 17,089
r: general audiences
Wonderfully written (everything by this author is really). Jess gets a girlfriend and is simply very cool. Kara and Lena pine for a little while. Very cute with occasional reality checks that nicely expand on the Supergirl universe.
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hold me, my dear (and don't let go) by potstickermaster
“So… How is this done?” She asks seriously, to which she replies, quite simply, “We get on the bed and we cuddle."
Lena Luthor is the last person to admit she's touch-starved, but after one hour of service from Kara Danvers, professional cuddler, she finds herself craving it. 
w: 119,415
r: teen and up
A fandom classic. Check out the rest of her work! Slowburn. Just so much fluff and cuteness. Veronica is nice in this one. There is a cute dog. And general badassery of all characters that you wish to see in canon. 
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stay the night by lynnearlington
"The National City Lakehawks," Jack says. He flips the cover of the binder over. "Who is this?"
“Kara Danvers,” Lena answers. It’s the only player she can name off the team at this point and that’s only because any sort of research into the Lakehawks seems to start and end with the same girl.
The fic where Lena inherits the National City Lakehawks from her wayward brother and meets Kara Danvers, star player.
w: 222,939
r: explicit
THE fandom classic. For good reason. Sports AU, no powers. They pine and are horny for each other, big time, but take a loong time to get together, so prepare for a real good slowburn. Lots of good smut.
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an animal within an animal by mooosicaldreamz
Lena is on her fifth sleepless night in a row when her dear friend Jess suggests she visit a doctor for her troubles. Her suggestion is given slyly, a smirk painted on Jess’s face. This smirk has not always ended well for Lena, but she is desperate, overcome with shocking thoughts and tossing and turning, and so she accepts a recommendation: a Dr. Danvers, of Marylebone.
This moment is one she will spend her life looking back on, at times rueing and others thanking a giving and kind God for.
or, Lena is a Victorian woman with hysteria, and Kara is a kind Doctor with just the help she needs.
w: 23,994
r: explicit
This is a victorian era smut fic. Very smutty but good. But also a lot of pining and general cuteness. Lena is horny lol. 
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Round 1 Roundup!
or, one post to find them all...
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All four groups of Round 1 are now live! Find each group's masterpost with all respective links here:
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Plus, all 64 individual polls are linked below the readmore.
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Group 1
Sarah Jane Smith vs. Leia Organa
Deanna Troi vs. Florence (Gunpowder Milkshake)
Jody Mills vs. Andromache the Scythian
Kim Wexler vs. Villanelle
Paris Geller vs. Dr. Maura Isles
Delenn of the Religious Cast and Chosen of Dukat vs. Sister Beatrice
Lisa Cuddy vs. Seven of Nine
Ziva David vs. Michael Burnham
Una Chin-Riley (Number One) vs. Evelyn Wang
Nyota Uhura vs. Moana
Alex Danvers vs. Olivier Armstrong
Barbara Howard vs. Joan Watson
Barbara Gordon vs. Dr. Helen Magnus
B'Elanna Torres vs. Esmeralda "Granny" Weatherwax
Raelle Collar vs. Parker
Lwaxana Troi vs. Sidney Fox
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Group 2
Xena vs. Bad Wolf
Lindsey Boxer vs. Anna May
Siuan Sanche vs. Jules Callaghan
Ally McBeal vs. Eve Baird
Sidney Prescott vs. Kira Nerys
Jill Valentine vs. Susan Ivanova
Chrisjen Avasarala vs. Cameron Howe
Hermione Granger vs. Henrietta Wilson
Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman vs. Susan Sto Helit
Fujiko Mine vs. Naomi Nagata
Yu Shu Lien vs. Melinda May
Jane Rizzoli vs. Dr. Bernie Wolfe
Dana Scully vs. Death of the Endless
Erza Scarlet vs. Rhaenys Targaryen
Root vs. Anissa Pierce aka Thunder
Kara Thrace vs. Dr. Addison Montgomery
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Group 3
Buffy Summers vs. Jocelyn "Joss" Carter
Scarlet (Gunpowder Milkshake) vs. Modesty Blaise
Moiraine Damodred vs. Margaret Houlihan
Elizabeth Swann vs. Laris (Star Trek)
Aeryn Sun vs. River Song
Dr. Beverly Crusher vs. Kathryn Janeway
Gabrielle of Poteidaea vs. Breanna Casey
Phryne Fisher vs. Shauna Sadecki
Ava Silva vs. Miranda Priestly
Galadriel vs. Yalena "Dutch" Yardeen
Regina Mills vs. Abigail Carmichael
Sara Lance vs. Nomi Marks
Mulan vs. Hera Syndulla
Myka Bering vs. Donna Noble
Philippa Georgiou (Mirror) vs. Éowyn
Cosima Niehaus vs. Violet Baudelaire
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Group 4
Jenny Calendar vs. 13th Doctor
Madeleine (Gunpowder Milkshake) vs. Helena "H.G." Wells
Camina Drummer vs. Philippa Georgiou (Prime)
Raffaela "Raffi" Musiker vs. Jane Doe
Eda Clawthorne vs. Olivia Dunham
Daisy Johnson vs. Anne Lister
Anna Mill vs. Sophie Devereaux
Dr. Temperance Brennan vs. Ahsoka Tano
Catherine Willows vs. Lara Croft
Holga Kilgore vs. Sameen Shaw
Inej Ghafa vs. Evie Frye
Jadzia Dax vs. Lena Luthor
Annabeth Chase vs. Mildred Ratched
Laura Roslin vs. Shuri
Jo Lupo vs. Samantha "Sam" Carter
Claudia Donovan vs. Willow Rosenberg
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