#lena watches cherry magic
littencloud9 · 5 months
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natalievoncatte · 8 months
The storm was blinding. A white torrent fell from the sky in a raging tempest, the likes of which Lena had not seen since she left Metropolis for National City. This was no mere blizzard, but a genuine thundersnow- lighting flashed eerily in the strange pink-white night as thunder buffeted the windows. The Tower’s balcony door was sealed shut against the driving storm.
They were all out there and Lena was here. There was no supervillain this time, at least, not directly- the freak blizzards rolling through Southern California and wreaking havoc on the unprepared people and infrastructure were caused by some asshole calling himself the Weather Wizard, screwing around with the Flash three states away. Lena had seen him on TV; he was a few clicks above a Condiment King-tier villain. One of the joke guys that some cape would take care of on their way to a real fight.
Or he had been, until he got his hands on some tech he wasn’t supposed to have and started punching above his weight class. Lena didn’t care about that. She was thinking about only one thing right now: Kara.
They were all out there. Kara and the others. The city was a mess; people needed heated shelters, the power was out across two thirds of the city, and Kara had already prevent hundreds of deaths on a bridge that was about to collapse from the unexpected weight of snow and the intense cold. The blizzard had come on so fast that the rush our traffic was almost literally frozen right in place.
The city needed its heroes and Lena… Lena was stuck in the Tower. Literally; there was no way to get her home in this mess and she wasn’t going to leave, and she’d sworn off the idea of putting on silly clothes and picking a made up name to go cast spells and deploy gadgets with the others.
She had a feeling… more of a quiet understanding, really, that Kara was against that, even if she never quite said it.
Finally, she saw a shape in the whirling snow as a caped figure walked up to the balcony doors. As Kara stepped inside, a blast of arctic air followed her, chilling Lena to the bone.
Kara was *shivering*.
“Kara?” said Lena. “What’s wrong? I’ve never seen you get cold before.”
“J-just exerting myself,” said Kara. “Alex wants me in the sunbed for a few minutes to charge back up.”
She clearly needed it. Her cape was stiff and crusted with frost and there was snow everywhere, clinging to her hair and brows. She paused for a moment, as she descended the stairs, and looked at Lena. Really looked at her- despite the chill and the frost clinging to her, her eyes were warm, the warm blue of the sky on a summer day.
“Nothing, sorry,” she said.
Lena watched her pass, feeling a bit off kilter, then rushed to the kitchen. She whipped up some of Kara’s favorite hot chocolate and didn’t spare the whipped cream or a cherry on top, and piled up some donuts and cinnamon rolls beside.
Kara looked haggard, groaning as she laid down under the lamps. Her face lit up brighter than the false suns when she saw the tray Lena carried.
“Oh Rao, I could kiss you for that.”
Lena almost missed a step, smoothly recovering from her stumble instead of dumping it all on Supergirl’s crest. Kara looked at her intently, an unreadable but wide-eyed look on her face.
“I know you’re hungry. Come on, eat.”
“Can’t stay long,” Kara said, between eating entire donuts in two bites, “they need me.”
“I know,” said Lena. “They always do.”
Kara sat quietly for a while, eating, and it made Lena feel more at ease to see some color coming back into her cheeks, even if the snowmelt wetted her hair. Absently, Lena brushed a damp lock out of Kara’s eyes.
“Are you going back out?”
Kara nodded. “I have to. They need me in five places at once. The city is completely unprepared for something like this.”
“I wish I could help.”
“You are helping.”
Lena sighed. “I could do more, you know. I’m starting to master the magic, and now that the Foundation is going strong, I can whip up tech pretty fast.”
Kara sighed and sat up. “I know, but I need you here. I can’t be distracted by worrying about your safety all the time.”
“You wouldn’t say that to Alex. Or J’onn. Or Nia.”
Kara let out an exasperated sound, but her voice was very soft. “It’s different when it’s you.”
Lena tried to swallow but her throat clenched, and she fought down the sensation of her heart doing a backflip. Kara rose from the bed and stood to her full height, and Lena was once again taken aback by how dashing and heroic she looked in her suit, like a modern day knight. It made her feel strangely small in a way that she didn’t dislike.
Kara carefully took Lena’s hands in her own, tenderly rubbing the pads of her thumbs over Lena’s knuckles, sending chilling shocks up her arms.
“Stay here, okay? I’ll be right back.”
“I’ll be waiting for you.”
Kara nodded and departed, rushing out of the Tower and back into the storm.
She was gone for hours again. Everyone checked in with Lena periodically, and eventually, Lena found a couch to lay on and curled up under a cardigan as a blanket. J’onn made this place much more comfy than the DEO, she gave him that.
Kara breezed back in sometime after dawn, trudging back inside, ice-caked and frost-encrusted, pale and worn down. She headed right for the kitchen.
Lena padded after her in her stocking feet.
Kara sighed. “Alex, Nia, and Brainy at helping with the shelters. J’onn is out there… there’s roof collapses and accordion wrecks and fires and people trapped. It’s going to be days of this, cleaning it up. How does a blizzard start fires.”
Planting a hand on the fridge, Kara leaned on it and sighed.
“How much time do you have?”
“Now that the sun is up, I don’t need the bed. I can just pop up above the cloud cover if I need it. I just wanted to get warm for a minute.”
“Sit,” said Lena.
Kara sat. Lena made more hot chocolate. The donuts had run out, so Lena tore open more of the little powdered cocoa packets and kept on making more until Kara waved her off.
“Are you getting warmed up?” said Lena.
The way Kara looked at her spoke volumes, but Lena couldn’t read them.
“Yes. I have to go.”
“Okay, but after this is over, you owe me some alone time.”
Kara smiled. “It’s a date.”
They both froze. It was a common phrase, an ordinary idiom, but it felt like something had just… unveiled itself, like fog rolling back from an unknown, verdant country. Kara was blushing scarlet.
“I’ll be back.”
“Wait,” said Lena.
She had to do this before she lost the nerve. She rushed around the kitchen island and rushed to Kara’s side, pressing a hand on her shoulder, and rose up on her tippy toes to press a kiss to Kara’s cheek- or rather, the side of her mouth, just this side of a real kiss. Kara went stock still and Lena thought for a moment that she’d done something terrible, misread the moment, but she could roll it back, play it off as a friendly gesture.
A hand, soft as silk and warm as honey, cupped Lena’s cheek and tilted her chin up, so her gaze met the boundless depths of Kara’s eyes, so full of welling emotion that Lena could drown in them.
“Wait for me.”
“I will.”
Then she was gone, giving herself back to the tempest outside.
Lena waited for her. It was hours again. The snow finally slowed, the sky beginning to lighten as the artificial snow weather patterns shifted back to normal and nature reasserted itself. The city would be in for a shock- it was going to be in the seventies by the next day.
Kara looked utterly worn out when she came back, finally, trudging down from the balcony with her shoulders slumped and her hair hanging in ragged wet clumps from her head as her cape drooped with moisture.
“You waited,” she said.
“I did. Let’s get you dry, huh?”
Lena worked a towel over Kara’s head, more than a little jealous as the effortless way her golden hair formed those beautiful lose curls as the water was wrung out of them, giving her a salon perfect finish with absolutely no work.
One that was done, Kara merely had to remove her suit to shed the rest of the water in a puddle at her feet, leaving her standing there in sweats and a cute fluffy kitten shirt that she had first ironically gifted to Lena and then stolen back, but only after Lena had worn it a few times.
“I’m so tired,” said Kara.
“I know, darling,” said Lena. “Plenty of places to get some rest here. J’onn made his superhero hideout cosy.”
“I don’t want to rest,” said Kara.
Lena’s heart began to pound. She knew deep down that she wanted this, but it seemed so distant and remote that she’d nearly given up even fantasizing about it. Now that Kara had revealed her identity, she no longer changed her posture or body language around Lena and stood tall, shoulders reared back and her lithe, impressive physique on full display even in cheesy loungewear.
Kara took the first step, drawing up into Lena’s space and crossing an invisible boundary, once first laid out over a brunch that was both tense and pleasant, and had been pushed and stretched and nearly broken so many times it could hardly be said to exist at all, and yet the moment she did, it was clear what was happening.
Kara was not putting her arms around Lena’s waist in a platonic gesture. The embrace she pulled her into was not what friends are for. The natural way they slotted together and Kara brushed her lips against Lena’s to ask permission was in no way friendly.
Lena rose a little on the balls of her feet and turned whatever this was into a real kiss, and Kara kissed her back. Kara’s hands roamed down over Lena’s backside before she realized what she was doing and the shot back up to a chaste spot on Lena’s back, prompting her to giggle into Kara’s mouth.
“Miss Danvers,” said Lena, “did you just grab my ass?”
“I… umm…”
Lena grinned. “Yes. Just say yes.”
“I actually wanted to ask you out on a real date first.”
Lena snorted. “Kara, we’ve been on a date for five years. Now, pick me up and carry me somewhere private already.”
Grinning, Kara picked her right up off her feet.
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leighlew3 · 1 year
hey, what do you mean by "Supercorp was effectively endgame but also not technically endgame"? i stopped watching that sh*tshow after season 2. never thought i would be caring about how SG ended but i'm so confused rn help 😭😭
Well first of all the constant Clois parallels from Season 2-6 and all the queerbait throughout every season. But S5 and S6 especially had endless parallels being shown and made openly between Kara/Lena and romantic couples again and again, as well as most of the second half of S6 showing Kara and Lena acting VERY domestic, closer than ever, having dinners alone together at night at the end of the days/episodes while everyone else was paired up, etc. Ultimately though the real kicker was by the end of the show they'd removed any possible love interest options for Kara and Lena. They both ended the show single as a pringle at a lesbian wedding, in which Kara sang "We belong together" for the couple -- while repeatedly looking in the direction of Lena. They killed off William (weird choice though, coulda just had him leave...) and even had Mon-El stop by in the finale for the big final battle, only to afterwards tell Kara he'll literally NEVER be back again in her time. 😂
So they buried all "rival ships" forever by the end, and had Kara and Lena freed up and side-by-side, with them having a beautiful moment and declaring how much they care about and challenge each other, etc at the wedding and ultimately Kara deciding to be herself at the end after a deep talk with Lena that was an obvious metaphor for coming out. Lena even had a conversion therapy metaphor built into her part (a thing about her "magic" being stifled as a kid or whatever).
Anyway, so from her talk with Lena, Kara decided to be open to finally having a relationship with someone as her true self, no more secrets. Lena walks off to go clap and see off the newly married Alex/Kelly leaving in the car for their honeymoon. Kara looks in Lena's direction, takes off her glasses, smiles softly, and walks off towards Lena and the crowd. And in the montage at the end of the show showing everybody's futures shortly after, Kara was on stage at the relaunch of the DEO and smiled warmly to someone off screen. Then Lena was shown launching her Luthor charity organization -- and she looks up towards the sky with a proud smile. Further showing how they were side by side with each other from that moment on, ahem.
And the cherry on top: in some official DC/Arrowverse follow up comics they released for a couple of the shows after SG ended, one comic had Kara saying she had to get home / had something important to do or whatever to be so she couldn't stick around, and the other comic -- written by a Supercorp fan turned staff writer for Batwoman -- had Lena standing in front of a shop with a pride flag in the window behind her as she said to Ryan that she had a first date she had to get home to and didn't want to mess it up (no mention of with whom, nor the gender of the date -- all intentionally vague).
Sooo, yeah.
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multifandominfj · 11 months
A New Beginning: A Supergirl 6x20 Re-Write
Chapter Two: The Big Reveal
With a box of chocolates, wine and flowers, Kara flew home as fast as she could. “Lena?”
“Hey you.” That melodic Irish brogue of her carries through the apartment. “How was your day?”
“Good.” What was before Kara was Lena in her NCU sweatshirt, flannel bottoms and cupcake slipper socks.
“What’s all this for?” Curious of the meaning of the things Kara had in her hand, she first dragged her to the couch, then got back up to get a couple of wine glasses.
“I saw the second half of the text you sent me, and my mind went over everything. So…this is essentially an ‘I’m Sorry.”
“Kara, sweetheart, you have nothing to be sorry for.” A spritely chuckle was Lena’s response. “The gift, albeit very thoughtful, and yummy, that is not what my text was about. Did you even see the first part?”
Pulling out her phone again, she read the first sentence multiple times, before looking back up at Lena, feeling slightly embarrassed. “Ah…”
“Yeah, it was definitely quite the surprise, seeing you on TV. And I gotta say, you looked pretty smoakin’.” Her famous eyebrow arch accompanied with a heart melting smirk was the sure fire way to get Kara to relax.
“You sure flattery isn’t your superpower instead of Magic?” Kara jokingly asked as she opened the box of chocolates, kicking her shoes off before leaning back on the couch and accepting the wine.
“Cross my heart. And…Andrea was watching with me.” She revealed.
“Really? How did she process?” Intrigue was an understatement about how Kara felt about her former boss knowing.
“She looked like a cartoon that had gotten squished by an anvil at first, but then she felt really bad about all of the times she treated you horribly.”
“You know I’m over that now, Lena.” She dismisses.
“I know Kara, but she really did feel bad. I wouldn’t be surprised if she reached out to you. She really does want to make amends.”
“Then I appreciate the thought. Whenever she reaches out, I will gladly accept.” Kara sighs, sipping her drink.
“You really did look great on camera.” Not once had Lena taken her eyes off Kara. “I’m proud of you. Out of all of the years I’ve known you, seeing you on camera and how you handled yourself with grace and poise, you were practically radiating sunshine.”
Kara always did this thing where, whenever she was complimented, she would get the biggest smile while simultaneously biting her lip and bowing her head to hide the cherry red blush on her cheeks. “You always know what to say. And, to be honest, while I was answering, I was worried about stumbling over my words. Yet, with every second that passed by, there you were. In my head, like always. Pushing me through.” It had become second nature for Kara to reach for Lena’s hand whenever they sat on the couch together.
“Kara, there is actually something that has been weighing on my mind.” Sure to not spill a drop, Lena sets her glass on the table before her, and turns her attention back to her Kryptonian Adora.
“What is it?” Kara mimicked her actions, watching her face.
“Ever since your sister’s wedding, and that…..” Lena was now turning a shade of apple red, and with her skin tone, it was as clear as day. “Life changing, time stopping kiss of ours, I…”
“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it either.” Kara hadn’t let go of Lena’s hand saying this, in fact half way through Lena’s babbling, she started to gently massage the space between her thumb and index finger. “It was pretty great.” Like the human Golden Retriever she was, she raised both of her eyebrows to get Lena to smile.
“That, and it got me thinking…about us. And how I feel about you.” Taking a deep breath, Lena fiddles with her hands to keep some of her nerves in check. “Kara, you know you’re my best friend, but I don’t think that’s going to cut it anymore. I don’t like hiding the fact that we’re together from our family. I get that you want us to keep things private because we are a new item. Damn those consequences. I want to be able to show you off. I want to be able to declare to the world how lucky I am to be your girlfriend.
“Lena…” Kara had a sense of where this was going. She was listening to Lena’s heartbeat as she spoke, and with every word, it got faster. She knew of three reasons why this would happen: Anxiety, Stress…and she was about to say I love you.
“Please, let me finish?” Lena’s voice squeaked with how nervous she was. “I’ve never felt this was about someone before, in my life actually. And thinking back about all of the times you’ve saved me, and were willing to risk your life…Nobody has ever done that for me. Every time we shared a hug, I never wanted to let go. And when I found out all of the times you defended me to the others. It’s like…you’re my knight in shining armor. Even when I had hurt you, you still trusted me with your life. That day, I vowed to do everything in my power to be worthy of your trust again…”
As Lena was nervously babbling, rather adorably, Kara had slowly begun to scoot closer to Lena on the couch. Yes, she was paying attention to the words, but every other word, she would look at Lena’s lips. The dark red lipstick that was as crimson as a rose practically hypnotized her. But what Kara loved the most…was just listening to Lena talk. Whether it was the inflection in her voice, or the way she talked with her hands. Now was as good a time as ever.
“And, I guess what I’m trying to say is, Kara…I…”
Before Lena could even finish, Kara had gently cupped her face and closed the distance between their lips For Kara, kissing Lena just turned all of her senses up to 11. Her lips fit perfectly together like a puzzle piece with Lena’s. This kiss was just as passionate and fiery as the one at the wedding, but this one was also more intimate and gentle. Kara deliberately let it linger longer than the one at the wedding…because she was just as in love with Lena, as Lena was with her.
“I love you too, Lena.” That delicate whisper. The declaration of love accompanied with a soft forehand touch, it was definitely a moment out of a Hallmark movie. “I realized it when Mxy and I…tried to change the timeline to fix our relationship.” Not once did Kara’s hand leave Lena’s cheek.
“Okay…I’m definitely going to need a full story.” She wasn't surprised. At this point, she knew Kara would risk it all for her, no matter what.
Here’s Chapter 2, everyone. Hope you enjoy!
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thr3eguess3s · 2 years
Lmao several days late seeing this but better late than never I suppose
@belbeten tagged me so blame them for this
3 Ships: Ooh, okay, so I should probably go for the one I’m actually currently writing a fic for, which is Pansy x Hermione (Harry Potter, fuck jk rowling), and of course the one I used to write for; Kara x Lena (Supergirl), then idk really, probably Wednesday x Enid (Wednesday)? I’m not really involved much in fandom anymore so I barely have any ships at the moment, which is kinda strange.
First Ever Ship: KiGo (Kim Possible x Shego). We didn’t have Disney channel in my house when I was little so I only ever got to see snippets of shows at other people’s houses (we never sat down and actually watched anything because me and my friends were very weird children who hung out in graveyards and tried to commune with spirits instead of watching tv). But my family did go on holiday to somewhere with a telly that got Disney once, and I saw Kim Possible and Shego and there was absolutely no going back from there.
The first ship that ever lead me to fucking around on the internet actively looking for content for it though was Draco x Hermione, in that brief period of time where I was trying to convince myself I was straight. Never was really that into it, but I did read a hell of a lot of it.
Last Song: Dancing With Myself by Billy Idol. It’s an absolute banger.
Last Movie: I don’t remember. I really don’t watch much television; I don’t have the attention span for it. I think it might have been Spider Man; No Way Home, which I do enjoy very much, but I can’t be too sure.
Currently Reading: Book-wise, I’ve just finished Seven Wonders; The Colossus Rises by Peter Lerangis. I can’t say I recommend it. My mum got it for my brother nearly a decade ago and I’ve been meaning to read it pretty much ever since he finished with it, but just never got around to it. It was not worth the wait.
The next thing I’ve got lines up though is The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman, which is about a dimension-hopping librarian and is a lot of fun. It’s the 4th book in the Invisible Library series, and I’ve enjoyed all the others so I’m looking forward to this one.
Fic-wise, I’m ... okay so I really enjoy reading cringey, bad fanfiction, like My Immortal and ‘this is my OC, she’s Hiccup’s twin sister in HTTYD and she got taken away by dragons with her mum and now she’s a badass and is gonna save the world’ type stuff. Idk why, I just derive a lot of enjoyment from it. I like seeing people’s pure, unfiltered creativity on show. That being said to explain exactly why I’m reading something called ‘Weasley Magic’, in which Hermione Granger is magically married to all of the Weasley siblings and the poor story can’t decide if it wants to be a porno, or a serious breakdown and reconstruction of the magical world’s government and educational system. Every chapter gives you tonal whiplash. David Bowie is namedropped as a Muggleborn. Ginny and Harry manage to accidentally become ‘magcially bound as brother and sister’ (don’t ask, I can’t explain) and yet Ginny still ends up pregnant with his child. It’s a wild ride. I strongly recommend it.
Currently Watching: Again, I don’t really watch things. I mostly just stick youtube videos on in the background whilst I’m playing video games or doing housework. Last tv thing I watched was Vienna Blood, I think. It was pretty good.
Currently Consuming: Not currently consuming anything as I am between meals right now, but I did have a bagel with marmite for breakfast a few hours ago and am going to have a sausage roll for lunch.
Currently Craving: Cherries. God I love those things. Could consume them for days.
Uuuhh I’m supposed to tag people at this point but I’m not hopeless at doing that so... if you fancy doing this then consider yourself tagged? Sorry I’m so hopeless at this.
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v. red.
read on ao3
The sky turned to scarlet, and you were forced to watch the brother you loved, turn into a monster. There are screams and smoke, and you are tied here watching it all unfold.
Lena hates red.
Deep Mahogany.
All of sixteen, you walk into his study.
Your father is slumped over his desk. There is something wrong, you already know. After all, you are familiar with the sight of death. It has greeted you once before. Death even held your tiny hand, on the shoreline, as you dug your feet in the sand, listening to the waves that sound like screams, waiting and waiting for arms that never came back.
This time you wait as the EMT’s carry him out. This time Lex holds your hand. His hand is bigger, colder, and it should’ve scared you then; how eerily uncanny his resemblance to Death was.
Somebody needs to clean it up, or it will stain.
For some reason, that was the most dominant thought in your head. Even though most of the wine had soaked through your shirt, some still dripping down the side of your cheeks, an ocean of red on you, compared to the mere droplets on the expensive rug.
Lillian had only become more cruel through the years. The sting on your skin and the shock of the scene pushing the quiet thought into the surface.
You can’t even remember what you had said, what you did, you can only remember how numb you felt after it all.
Sweet Cherry.
Her lips are the sweetest thing you have ever tasted. How you lived without the flavor of her on your tongue all these years is something you will never know.
She drips between your fingers and you lap it all up. She is cursing in Spanish under her breath, and love, you think, are the lasting deep red lines down your back.
She will mark you for forever.
“You spoil her,” Sam accuses.
You answer back with a scoff. “Be thankful I didn’t buy Disneyland for the day.”
You didn’t even know if the little girl would like it, but jewelry was what you got when you were her age. Shiny trinkets and precious lockets from wherever it is that Lionel hailed from. Even now, his old golden watch is still ticking steadily against your wrist.
It just so happened that Sam had agreed to get the girl’s ears pierced, and suddenly it was the perfect gift.
You never even knew there was something missing, till these two walked into your life, till Sam wrapped you up in her warmth.
And you’ve never been good with kids, but Ruby looks up to you with shining eyes, and you know no golden luxury you can buy her will ever convey just how much she means to you.
Yet, you still try anyway.
“Your earrings look very beautiful, young lady.”
“Thank you! They’re a gift. Rubies for Ruby, my aunt said!”
Twenty-two and new to the city, and almost killed. Twice.
There is so much blood between you and Supergirl, between you and Metropolis, between you and your mother and your brother.
And so,
Lena Luthor hates red.
It’s too loud.
Too flashy.
Screams danger.
Reminds her too much of the day she lost everything, once again.
Fate had bigger plans it seems.
Because Merlot is what got you loose-limbed and loose-lipped, an ‘I love you’ stumbling out. Before you know it, her lips are pressed to yours, and oh, oh, this is sweeter than cherries.
Sweeter than anything you’ve ever thought you deserve.
And after-
After the drunken confessions and the shy sleepovers, ruby red boots take residence in your closet, along with a cape of the same shade.
The sacred piece of cloth you wrap around you whenever she’s away.
Because deep mahogany is the shade of the bench you two are sitting on when she asks for your hand. And the waves in Midvale sound like laughter. There are tears streaming down your face, and her bright blue eyes can’t quite believe you said yes.
As if there was ever going to be another answer.
-and blood.
Because it should’ve been impossible, but it wasn’t.
And now there is a little girl with black hair but blue-eyes. The blood running in her veins, something stronger, and just a tad bit magical, something alien and human all at the same time.
A miracle, really.
Because scarlet are the sunsets in Argo City, and the light plays softly and so beautiful in Kara’s eyes.
God, you think, this is love.
This is Love.
Because red is Kara’s sun, and Kara’s cape, and Kara’s robe when she said her vows.
Red is Kara's love.
And Lena Luthor hated red, but everything changed when she saw the color of the thread that connected her to Kara Zor-El.
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
My Version of Morgana Mcawber in the DT '17 Universe
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Full Name: Morgana Azazel Mcawber
Alias(es): Morg, Mcawber, Witch, Demon Spawn, Big Sis, and Gana
Birthday: October 31
Age: 27
Nationality: European
Species: Half-Duck/Demigorgonian
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Neutral(formerly), Good
Occupation: Hero, Mental Institution Patient(formerly), Enchantress-for-Hire
Affiliation(s): Justice Ducks, part-time S.H.U.S.H Agent
Relatives: Cephas Mcawber(brother), Hector Mcawber(uncle)
Voice Claim: Laura Bailey (Black Widow, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDDnQQt2Auk&t=110s)
Morgana’s Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Aq6bmQg7ccKLXM3Z5f4vf?si=njcKMXxpQBqH6rZ4gISUtg
Allies: Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck, Launchpad McQuack, Gosalyn Waddlemeyer, Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera, Jim Starling/Negaduck(formerly), Lena Sabrewing, Neptunia, Stegmutt
Undecided: Hector Mcawber
Enemies: F.O.W.L, Helios Mental Asylum, Jim Starling/Negaduck, Fearsome Four
Morgana is a taller than average, black-haired duck. She wears a cherry red sleeveless jumpsuit under a blood red jacket pinned by a gold button. One jacket sleeve covers her right arm, wrapping around her middle finger, while the other sleeve is elbow length. Attached to her hips is a long dark red cape that drags on the floor. A tattered drape connects to her forefinger. To match her elegant heels, Morgana wears shiny, black lipstick. On the small of her back is the symbol of Demogorgana, her birthmark. The gray streaks in her hair are pinned back.
Morgana is a quiet, solemn sorceress. Due to the constant bullying in her childhood, she has a pessimistic view in life and has trust issues. But, once you’ve gained it, she’ll be kinder and more open. Around strangers, she is quiet and willing to give them the cold shoulder. Lover of horror, Morgana enjoys scaring people-sneaky up on people was her favorite- and prefers to make a spooky entrance. She can be aggressive and will usually not hesitate to attack, especially if she is judged for her magic. Her anger can lead her to be vengeful; an example being her wish to hurt the bullies who hurt her brother.
Since joining the Justice Ducks and being somewhat part of the Mallard-Mcquack family, Morgana became more level-headed and playful. Smiles came easier and she finally felt loved. Although passive, she is not afraid to be sassy, though it’s more playful towards her friends. Patience is Morgana’s strong point; she was willing to build her magic prowess enough to escape from the asylum.
Born from an affair with her mom and Demogorgon, Morgana is cursed with chaos magic and the Demogorgon symbol as a birthmark. She was bullied for her uncontrollable magic and weird hobbies for a child like her love for witchcraft and horror. The bullying got worse once she and her brother moved with her uncle to his heavily conservative county. It grew from verbal to physical abuse quickly. Her normal brother was bullied as well for being associated with her, something that hurts her more than being harassed herself. The abuse and her uncle’s unconcerned behavior convinced her to run away. But, before she could leave, a horrifying event occurred. This left Morgana to be sentenced to an asylum for the rest of her life.
Horror movies
Gothic Culture
Reading fictional books
The color red
Helping others
Quiet nights
Bright colors
Innocent people getting hurt
Arrogant people
Human experimentation
Loud noises
Her impulsive anger
Skills & Abilities:
-Chaos Magic: This type of magic allows her to absorb the chaotic forces in the universe and warp reality. Morgana has enough power to destroy the cosmos, though the energy needed would leave her coma.
-Superhuman Strength: Being half-Demogorgon makes her more durable and stronger than a regular person.
-Psionics: this ability allows her to project her energy as attacks like energy blasts, create forcefields, and fly.
-Mental Manipulation: Morgana can manipulate her victim’s minds to see their worst fears, control their actions, and read minds.
-Spellcasting: she used to cast spells in her own magic language but grew out of the more she practiced. Now able to cast spells without help.
Cephas Mcawber:
Being her baby brother, Morgana is very protective of him. Her protectiveness grew once her bullies started terrorizing him as well. She was there to comfort him when their parents were killed and promised to be there for him.
Wanting to keep her promise, Morgana asked Cephas if he wanted to run away with her. Though he decided to stay.
Hector Mcawber:
Morgana and her uncle weren’t close. He seemed unconcerned about the bullying she endured. Hector openly favored Cephas since, unlike Morg, he was related by blood. Most of the time, Morgana was left to take care of herself. The treatment was similar to the kind she got from her stepfather.
Her neutrality towards her uncle soon turned to disdain when he left her in the asylum’s care.
Mr. Mcawber:
Her stepfather tried to love Morgana but could only see her as a reminder of his wife’s betrayal. He didn’t treat her badly nor show much love for her. He died alongside his wife in a car crash.
Mrs. Mcawber:
Although she loves her mom, Morgana is bitter towards her mom for getting into an affair with a Demogorgon. They didn’t have much of a relationship since her mom died when she was seven.
Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck:
Drake is Morgana’s good friend and teammate.
At first, due to a huge misunderstanding and DW’s ego blinding him, they viewed each other as enemies. Drake’s arrogance annoyed Morgana to no-end and would respond to him with sassy quips. His view of Morgana was of a criminal and danger to society because his first S.H.U.S.H was to recapture her for the asylum.
Once they got to know each other, Drake and Morgana grew to respect and sympathize one another for their strength and hard pasts. In the end, Drake let her go into hiding and advocated for her innocence.
Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera/Gizmoduck:
Fenton and Morgana are friends and teammates.
Alongside Darkwing, Gizmoduck was assigned to recapture Morgana. He was more sympathetic towards her when noticing her unwillingness to fight. There were many times he suggested talking to Morgana. He also advocated for her innocence once learning the truth.
Morgana didn’t think much of Fenton in the beginning, though finding him quite cute. She was grateful towards him and DW for believing her and saw them as her first true friends.
Launchpad Mcquack:
Launchpad didn’t meet Morgana until after DW and Fenton’s mission. He liked her and found her magic fun to see.
Morgana found LP’s naivety and sweet nature comforting because of how much he reminded her of Cephas. Whenever visiting the Mallard-Mcquack household, Morgana would occasionally scare Launchpad-his easy to scare attitude was funny to her. Though she would always make up for it by offering her delicious brownies.
Gosalyn Waddlemeyer:
Like LP, Gos met Morgana later on. They clicked instantly due to their love of horror movies and Gos’ fascination with magic. It didn’t take much time for Morg to be appointed as Gosalyn’s babysitter. They would watch horror movies and plan scary pranks to frighten Drake and LP. The girls would also scheme ideas on how to get Gos’ fathers to confess their feelings. They usually pep talk Drake into confessing his feelings-with no avail. Their Drake’s wingwomen.
Lena Sabrewing/de Spell:
Wanting to train her magic, Lena asked Morgana to teach her.
They have a healthy teacher-student relationship with Morg helping to grow Lena’s power enough, so she didn’t have to cast some spells with incantations. There are times the girls use their magic to have fun and play pranks. Gos usually joins them, and is the mastermind of their schemes.
Morgana holds a lot of respect for Lena based on her strength to move on from the past. There are moments when she sees herself in Lena-something that comforts, yet scares her.
-She was inspired by Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff, Alphaba from Wicked, and Morticia Addams.
-Her VA, Laura Bailey, starred in a dark fantasy anime called Soul Eater.
-Unlike her previous incarnation, Morgana’s feet are shown.
-Her power is strong enough to rival Magica.
-She is one of the tallest characters in the ’17 universe.
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Hitch Me To The One I Love (Supercorp Hitch AU), part 1
Supercorp Hitch AU where Kara is a dating "consultant" who helps her clients, mostly useless gays, get the girl. She's got a little bit of a chip on her shoulder, because her ex-girlfriend, Siobhan cheated on her when she was still a gullible and vulnerable kid in college (I'm imagining a scene where Siobhan derides her by saying that she's "out of Kara's league").
Since then, Kara's kind of made it her mission to help her fellow gays avoid the same heartbreak she experienced. She's a hopeless romantic, who believes that everyone should have a chance to get the person of their dreams, even if they're "out of their league". She's clever about it so no one ever traces anything back to her, and her dorky charm and sunny demeanor keeps people from connecting her with this "Supergirl" matchmaker that everyone keeps talking about. She's made a lot of successful matches, and all her clients are grateful to her, and they pass her business along by word of mouth.
Enter Veronica Sinclair. 
Kara goes to meet her, thinking she's another ordinary client, but when Kara sees her, she immediately knows something's off, because Veronica is stunning, sultry and confident in an eat-you-alive kind of way. There's no way she needs help getting a girl - any girl, or anyone for that matter. Then Veronica starts telling her about this woman she wants to pursue.
"She's.... something else. There's always been something elusive about her. We were at boarding school together, briefly. We never got along then. But now.... Now, things are different. The stakes are higher. She never returns my calls, won't even look my way. It's infuriating! I've been trying to fuck her for years--"
Kara chokes. "Excuse me??"
"Fuck her," Veronica says with a catty smile at Kara's spluttering. "Rail her until she can't walk the next day. Bend her over her desk and break her in half. Have her on her knees with my fingers in her mouth. I really don't know why I need to explain this to you. You're supposed to be the professional."
"I think you may have misunderstood what I do." Kara tries to storm off, but Veronica catches her by the arm.
"I think you may have misunderstood who you're talking to." Veronica murmurs, low and dangerous. "I'm not the sort of person people say no to. People can wince, cry or beg, but eventually, they do what I want. "
Before she can finish her threat, Kara has her in an armlock, and Veronica's face is pushed up against a wall. "And I'm not really the sort of person who likes to touch or be touched without permission. I'm all about consent, y'know."
Kara lets her go with a forced cheery smile before storming out.
Lena, on the other hand, is the reclusive CEO of L-Corp. Her dating life is nonexistent, because she's married to her work, and trying to repair the shambles of the company her brother almost bankrupted with his schemes.
She had her gay awakening in boarding school, secretly staring at Veronica Sinclair's profile in biology class, and watching her smoke under the bleachers from afar. Lena as a schoolgirl was much too focused on escaping everyone else's radar that she and Veronica didn't interact much, but when they did, they didn't get along. Veronica was too much like a snake for Lena's liking - beautiful to look at, but venomous and deadly.
So when Veronica begins displaying an interest in her, Lena avoids her as much as she can. It's not that difficult, she's the CEO of a multinational conglomerate after all.
Things change when Veronica begins to.... court her. Or whatever version of it Veronica is capable of - which, coming from Veronica, feels more like coercion than courtship.
Veronica keeps sending gifts to L-Corp, and when Lena ignores or returns them, she begins making donations to Lena's various charities and sends her extensive (and admittedly sometimes dubious) contacts Lena's way whenever she gets wind that Lena has need of them for whatever innovation she plans to develop next. 
She conveniently runs into Lena, at galas and fundraisers, and other various events that Lena mostly goes to just to keep up appearances. Every time, Veronica is there, scorching Lena with dark, heavy-lidded eyes.
And Lena is only human.
It's nice to have all this positive attention when all her life she's lived under the shadow of her family's infamy, especially when she's been dragged by everyone recently after what Lex did. 
And she will admit, it.... it feels nice to be desired after being scorned for years, especially by someone she had stared at and wanted for years as a girl.
She gives in and agrees to a drink. One drink. That ends up with her bent over her kitchen counter, panting against the marble while Veronica fucks her from behind.
Veronica doesn't stay the night. Nor does she answer any phone calls the next day. When Lena finds out that one of the contacts Veronica had sent her way backed out from an important project at Veronica's insistence, she deletes Veronica's number from her phone. 
When scandalous pictures of Lena and Veronica in a very clearly compromised position are released by the tabloids, she grits her teeth and takes the hit from the board of investors. Then she downs two glasses of her heaviest scotch in quick succession before drinking it straight from the bottle.
Jess, ever the efficient assistant, gathers as much information as she can on Veronica for retaliation. That’s when she first hears about “Supergirl”, this elusive dating consultant who, from what Jess gleaned from Veronica’s circles, supposedly connects people with women they want to sleep with.
She almost doesn’t tell Lena. But Jess knows her well, and she knows Lena would rather know the truth. So Jess tells her, and hands her the nondescript little blue and red business card with an anonymous phone number on it.
Lena looks down at it, the muscles of her jaw twitching even if the rest of her face is still. When Jess leaves, she throws it in the trash, and throws herself back into work.
Fast forward a year later, Kara meets Lena when she acquires tickets to an L-Corp event for one of her clients. She’s there mostly for surveillance and as back-up for her client, in case she’s needed, but she spots Lena drinking alone at the bar.
Kara sits down next to her with a smile. Lena politely nods back before she goes back to nursing her own drink.
Kara keeps studying her, even though Lena pointedly ignores her, and out of the blue, Kara tips her glass at her and grins. “I bet you a date I can make you laugh.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You look like you could use a laugh right now. I bet you one date that I can make you laugh.”
“Excuse me--”
“Hear me out. My terms are simple. If I can make you laugh, I get to take you out on a date. Preferably somewhere as far away as we can get from this stuffy shindig. It’s a win-win for you. Your mood gets better, and you get to see me out of my suit.” Kara leans in with a conspiratorial grin. “‘Cause if you think I look good in a suit and tie, trust me, I look much better in jeans and a t-shirt. ”
“Oh, really?” Lena’s expression morphs from one of surprise to amusement. “And what do I get if I win?”
“Well...” Kara’s grin goes wider, and she intentionally drops her eyes to Lena’s lips. Lena’s mouth parts a little, but instead of moving forward, Kara plops the small tub of maraschino cherries from the bar in front of her. “I’ll share these with you. And if you knew me, you would know what a big deal it is that I’m even offering to share food with you.”
The corner of Lena’s lips lifts into a small smile. “Deal.”
She offers a hand out for Kara’s to shake, and Kara takes it in hers. Kara’s hand is warm, calloused and long-fingered. Lena quite likes the feel of it, but she’d rather die than admit it. Just like she’d rather die than give Kara a laugh.
The next half-hour is spent with Kara using the worst pick-up lines on her, each progressively worse than the next, in an effort to make Lena laugh.
“Do you believe in love at first sight—or should I walk by again?”
“I'm no photographer, but I can picture us together.“
Lena shakes her head. “God, you are bad at this.”
“Well, can you blame me? You’re so beautiful you made me forget my pickup line." Kara winks, and Lena bites her lip to keep from smiling too much.
“Here’s another one -- Is this the Hogwarts Express? Because it feels like you and I are headed somewhere magical.”
Lena rolls her eyes. “Oh God, and you’re a nerd.” She neglects to mention that she’s probably a bigger nerd than this girl.
“Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda only one for me!” Lena almost grins too widely at that one, but she schools her expression.
“Are you the SAT? Because I’d do you for 3 hours and 45 minutes with a ten minute break in the middle for snacks.”
Lena takes a sip of her whiskey to hide her smile. “I finished mine in under two hours, so...”
“Well, I’m no mathematician, but I’m pretty good with numbers. Tell you what, give me yours and watch what I can do with it.”
“Can I follow you where you’re going right now? Because I was always told to follow my dreams.”
By now, Lena’s struggling not to smile too much. Her mood has definitely improved, thanks to this nosy yet attractive blonde with the sparkling blue eyes and the irrepressible grin. 
When Kara tries her next pick-up line “Didn’t I see you on the cover of CatCo magazine?” Lena finally laughs. Kara’s face lights up and she does a fist-pump.
“You probably did, I was on the cover last January.” Lena holds out her hand again. “Lena Luthor.”
The other woman grins widely, irresistibly. “Kara Danvers.”
“I guess I owe you a date, Kara Danvers.” Lena smiles as she rises from her seat. Just before she leaves, she slides the tub of cherries back toward Kara.
“Just so you know, I’m allergic to cherries.”
Their first date is a disaster. 
Hordes of paparazzi attempt to follow them, all eager for the scoop on “Lena Luthor’s new lady love”, and Lena’s security team deems it unsafe for them to go to the gallery Kara knows Lena would have loved. 
Instead, they stay holed up in Lena’s office, and Kara orders in Big Belly Burger while she pulls up pictures of the art made by the trans street artist that the gallery was featuring. One of her old clients, though she doesn’t mention it to Lena.
But Lena sits beside her on the white couch, heels off, feet tucked under her, humming in appreciation as the two of them pore over the young artist’s work. They spend hours on the couch, talking and laughing, shoulders barely touching. The date ends with Lena enthusiastically purchasing many of the artist’s pieces, while Kara studies her with a small smile on her face.
The next date is no better. 
To avoid the paparazzi, Kara decides that they should stay in again. She painstakingly sets up a private dinner at the rooftop of L-Corp -- with the help of Jess, who has now been recruited into her operations -- complete with Lena’s favorite food, a trail of candles, and Lena’s favorite flowers. 
Unfortunately, the weather report that morning betrays Kara, and the skies suddenly open up in a heavy downpour, leaving her drenched like a drowned rat with nothing but doused candles and a water-logged meal.
Kara sulks, frustrated and disappointed, looking at the mess that was half a day’s efforts. The small bouquet of plumerias she had been planning to give Lena wilts, sodden in her hand. She’s a little startled when an umbrella suddenly appears over her head, and she turns to see Lena surveying the mess on her rooftop.
Instead of being annoyed, Lena smiles at the whole soaked wreckage, then at Kara, who sheepishly holds up the sodden white flowers and offers it to her with a defeated shrug. Lena takes it with a small laugh.
“Thank you.” Lena takes the flowers with one hand, the one holding the umbrella, and slips the other into Kara’s slippery hand. It makes Kara smile, and she lets Lena pull her back into the building.
In her office, Jess -- bless her, she would do wonders for Kara’s business if Kara could ever steal her away from Lena -- has laid out fluffy white towels and a blanket. Lena takes a towel and drapes it over Kara’s shoulders, rubbing lightly to dry her as much as she can.
Kara stays very still. She could insist that she can do it herself, but there’s something almost... entrancing about the way Lena bites her lip as she rubs Kara’s back and shoulders in wide, gentle circles.
When she reaches up to dry off Kara’s hair, Kara finds herself leaning forward. Lena studiously avoids her gaze for a moment, toweling off the ends of Kara’s hair. Kara’s hand gently encloses her wrist in a loose grip, giving Lena enough time to pull away if she wants to. Lena looks up, fragile, glass-green eyes finally meeting Kara’s mesmerized stare.
Lena’s hand stops moving, and Kara slips her hand from Lena’s wrist to her chin, fingers slowly tracing from her jaw to her neck until she can slip her fingers right under her head. Lena’s eyelashes flutter, and her pulse beats rapidly under Kara’s palm. She pulls Lena just a little bit closer, and she feels Lena’s breath stutter. 
“Kara, I...” Lena’s lips part to form words, and Kara’s gaze is immediately drawn to her mouth, full and red and tempting.
Before Kara can lean forward, Lena is pulling away. Kara feels disappointment crash over her like the downpour of rain on the rooftop, but she lets Lena go, lets her clear her throat and straighten herself. “I-I asked Jess to get you some dry clothes. You can change in the bathroom.”
Kara dutifully accepts the clothes, taking one last moment to study Lena, before closing the door behind her. When she’s done changing, she returns to find Lena on their couch, surrounded by food from Kara’s favorite Chinese restaurant. 
Lena looks up at her with wide eyes and an appreciative smile. “Well, you were right. You do look good in jeans and a t-shirt.”
Kara grins. Despite the earlier awkward moment, she thinks they’re okay. “You should see me in flannel.”
Their third date is at a dive bar. 
Not exactly common date fare for a multi-billionaire, but Kara thinks Lena will like the change. They’re soon joined by Kara’s friends, and Kara chuckles a little at Lena’s deer-in-the-headlights expression. She runs her hands up and down Lena’s arms to reassure her.
“Don’t worry, they’ll love you.”
She’s already drilled into her friends to be on their best behavior around Lena, but of course, her sister is the first to break that rule.
Alex smirks as she shakes Lena’s hand. “So... you’re the Lena I’ve been hearing so much about. Kara hasn’t shut up about you for weeks. Every sister night, it’s ‘Lena this’, ‘Lena that’, ‘Alex she’s just so pretty’, ‘Alex, she’s so smart, like you would not believe’, ‘God, Alex, I just wanna--- mmphff!”
Alex’s voice is muffled by Kara’s hand slapping over her mouth. “Sorry! This is my sister Alex, and she is going to be silent for the rest of the night, and -- Ew! Did you just lick my hand?? Gross!”
The rest of the night progresses smoothly. Lena manages to beat Kara soundly at pool (”It’s basic geometry”) -- and Kara’s definitely not gonna complain, because holy crap, the view she gets whenever Lena bends over to take a shot almost makes her pass out several times. Lena, however, loses spectacularly to Alex at darts (”Excuse you, I have great aim. I’ve just never played darts before.” ”Yeah, yeah, sure. Pay up, Miss CEO”). At one point, Kara hears her offering Kelly a position in her VR department, so it’s safe for Kara to assume that Lena’s having a good time.
The only tiny baby hiccup of the night is when Kara offers to get her another drink from the bar, and Lena’s eyes tighten a little before she refuses with a polite smile. Throughout the night, Lena carefully sticks to one glass of wine and no more.
When the group disperses for the night, Lena offers Kara a ride home. A few blocks in, Kara asks her the question niggling at the back of her mind.
“Why didn’t you drink anything tonight? I mean -- you don’t have to answer that, I-I was just curious. I know you have a bar in your office, and I’ve seen your collection of scotches that probably cost more than my yearly rent. But you barely touched your wine tonight.”
Lena is quiet at first, fiddling with her purse. Kara lays a soft, gentle hand on top of hers to still her nervous fingers. “It’s okay, you don’t have to tell me anything--”
“The last time I got drunk at a bar with a beautiful woman, it almost ended up ruining my life.”
The story slowly unfolds, and Lena shows Kara the tabloid pictures of her and Veronica. Kara merely sits and listens, even after Lena’s driver has parked the car in front of her apartment.
She’d known Veronica was bad news from their first and only meeting, but she hadn’t known how truly atrocious she was. Kara is acutely aware that there’s a high probability Lena was the woman Veronica had been talking about when they met. She finds herself vacillating between the need to tell Lena the truth, and the need to keep her own anonymity.
No one outside of her friends and clients knows what she does. And she had refused Veronica outright as a client. Exposing Kara’s part in this, however small and non-existential it was, would mean exposing herself as “Supergirl” to someone who’s not a client. 
Besides, telling Lena would only add another complication to an already complicated mess. Lena has moved on, she’s recovering from the fallout Veronica left on her life, and telling her this will only set her back, open wounds that are probably better off left alone to heal.
Kara takes Lena’s fluttering hands in a gentle grip. She meets Lena’s eyes with a warm, steadfast gaze. “ I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of this, Lena. That woman, she doesn’t deserve someone as amazing as you.”
Lena doesn’t speak, just looks at her with soft, heart-hurt eyes. Kara feels her chest constrict, robbing her of breath, and she knows that she would do anything to make sure this woman is never hurt again.
She doesn’t realize she’s spoken it out loud, breathed it into the space between them, until Lena drifts forward and presses their lips together. 
Kara’s mouth is still half-parted, and she tastes the wine from Lena’s mouth. She feels a tingling that starts from where their mouths are pressed together, soft lips meeting soft lips, spreading through the rest of her body.
It’s like being wired alive, and Kara’s hands move of their own accord, settling firm and greedy on Lena’s hips, urging her closer. Her fingers slide under Lena’s expensive top, finding warm skin there and making Lena gasp into her mouth. Kara shifts, and Lena shifts with her, hauling herself onto Kara’s lap. Her tongue sweeps over Kara’s lower lip, filling her mouth with the taste of wine and Lena, and Kara moans into the kiss.
Eventually, Kara knows they have to stop. They’ve been parked in front of her apartment for more than half an hour with the engine running. She won’t be able to look Lena’s driver in the eye for a few weeks. Her nosy old neighbor is likely peering at them through the curtains, and who knows if there are any reporters following Lena. Despite every cell in her body protesting, she pulls away from Lena slowly, trying to catch her breath.
Lena doesn’t look like she’s faring much better. She rests her forehead against Kara’s and her possessive grip on the collar of Kara’s button-down pulls her forward. Her eyes are closed, her breathing heavy, and her lipstick is smeared in the most delicious way that almost makes Kara kiss her again.
When Lena’s eyes open, Kara can see the crystal green of them. Her heart squeezes at the brilliance and tenderness of Lena’s eyes and oh, Kara’s in trouble. Lena’s fingertips gently stroke Kara’s cheek. “You’re amazing, Kara Danvers.”
Lena lets her go, and Kara somehow manages to stumble out of the car. She stands on the sidewalk in front of her apartment building, waves like an idiot with a silly grin on her face, as Lena’s smiling face disappears from her view.
Well, shit. She’s fucked.
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twistednuns · 3 years
October 2021
My new Shiatsu massage belt. It's relly good; I don't know why I waited so long to get it.
Discussing book ideas with Anika.
Mushrooms. Always.
Meeting a new therapist who instantly gave me two very interesting theories for diagnoses.
Pizza and vegan pho with Lena one Sunday evening - the day before my surgery.
Well, obviously a stay at the hospital isn't really nice. But there were a few bright spots: I got to know my 83-year-old neighbour who's in a civil union with a friend because they bought an apartment together and it just made everything so much easier (and makes her a lesbian on paper but she's totally cool about it) / I started to get into elderly care and helped her whenever I could - it felt really good to discover my social streak and be helpful; also I have to admit that I'm such a granny's girl / nice staff at the station - Anna and Norbert; talking about Hinduism with Sita from Nepal / starting to read the newspaper every morning; solving all the sudokus, crosswords and str8s / visits from Lena, Sash and Raphael / eating proper food again after a week of baby food, soup and yoghurt / the "therapy cat" I met in the hospital park / waking up laughing,  dreaming of penguin photo bomb and a zebra selfie / being back home after 12 days in the clinic
A ladybug landing on my sleeve one afternoon.
Cherry-flavoured Capri-Sun.
Being asked for help by random strangers. Apparently my aura is less hostile than usual at the moment.
Freebies at the bakery.
A single ascending helium balloon.
A spontaneous breakfast date with Raphael in the sunshine one morning. I picked him up from work after my appointment and we decided to walk over to Café Glückskind.
Retail therapy (But also: getting it over with. I needed to order quite a few things but somehow shopping feels so exhausting these days. Too many choices and decisions...)
The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik! The Scholomance series is absolutely amazing, I even pre-ordered the sequel and could hardly stop reading.
Little leaf tornados on a stormy day.
An osteopathy appointment with Laura. I always feel better afterwards.
Tweaking my pumpkin lasagna recipe.
Less pain, getting healthier and stronger after my surgery.
Robin Sloan and his neverending list of niche interests. He just invented his own alphabet for an upcoming novel (also: there is an upcoming novel!!) and recommended a book about Indian ghosts and demons. I love people with this level of diverse curiosity.
Dinner with some colleages at Nage&Sauge. Their salad dishes are the bomb.
Being back at school. Even though the kids are mostly crazy exhausting they're also really lovely. Distance makes the heart grow fonder...
My favourite doctor. He reminds me of John Green. He's so funny and he definitely speaks my language. I really wish we could be friends!
Lots of gorgeous cheap jewellery.
Wearing turtleneck sweaters for the first time in my life.
Less greasy hair. I don't know if it's the new Olaplex hair care or a change in my diet or meds I had to take after the surgery, but my hair hasn't been greasy all week! How is that possible? I usually have to wash it every second day. Amazing!
Peel off masks.
Buying a Capri Sun 10-pack - possibly for the first time in my life. Cherry flavour, of course!
Dinner and movie date with Raphael. We saw The French Dispatch!
Unfortunately I didn't do anything special for Halloween this year (which is super sad because it's one of my top 5 favourite days) but the kids' costumes at school were pretty rad and at least I watched Hocus Pocus and Practical Magic for the umpteenth time.
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tysabrewing-s · 5 years
Thoughts on Lena?
Wow anon u rlly just asked my number one actual fave™ as always prepare for one big post hhvhvhjvn 
Like ive always liked edgy teen characters I think they have a nice charm to them and I like the conflict they cause for other characters ( best example for this is besides Lena is needletail from warriors tbh!! Theyre rlly similar in cool ways) 
Lenas like different for me tho she isnt just some dumbass teen messing shit up and everybody be like "broooo stop being so immature :\\" I mean she is that but she means more to me as a character again abt to get super personal ( what can i say my favs are my favs cuz I relate to them personally or wish I was like them lmao) but I relate to her like a lot haha I dont have anybody in my life like magica is to her in all but I can relate in a very toned down way of how controlling she is and how she doesnt get a bit of space ik that isnt the main aspect of it but god I still felt that u know I also relate how magicas keeps being like "u cant have friends lmao its only to get scrooges dime stop getting attached" again not exactly the same but a certain person in my life is always telling me friendships are dumb they never last blah blah blah shouldnt bother to pursue any for this reason and its just annoying okay anyways tho enough abt me im srry this is so long its basically me just venting :') 
One of the best things abt her tho?? How she sasses pack at magica and isnt shown to be in the wrong pretty sure everybody and their mom has talked abt this but like srsly not all victims of abuse are super nice wouldnt hurt anybody type of person hell most arent its just such a breath of fresh air for once to see a character go thru this shit especially one of those edgy™ characters ( srry to describe her as edgy like 5 times but idk other ways my vocabulary sucks fhchcjvhv) and isnt shown as just being rebellious or whatever magicas literally treating her like dried up cat piss and audience KNOWS this we literally cant deny it and when beakley apologized to her for being rude I wanted to explode from happiness??? Ive never seen a show do that have an adult admit they were wrong okay I dont watch a bunch of cartoons but even when i think abt other stuff i like like books movies games etc ive still NEVER seen this 
Basically lena is an absolutely AMAZING representation of abuse victims is what im trying to get at ( btw if im in any way wrong abt this pls someone dm me!! Ive never been abused so I get I can never get it like know how that experience feels if im wrong pls educate me on this!!) 
Also I adore her dynamic w webby like my short answer is im a big old softy for nice bubbly girl\emo gal trope and I eat it up like somebody who found a bit of water in a desert 😔👊 
But like its also rlly heccing epic cuz most likely before her nobody ever treated her as like a person so just an extra cherry on top with it 
I see their dynamic as like finding comfort in each other and helping each other with it and idk its very endearing and sweet to me to think abt 
And on top of this?? Shes still a dumb as FUCK teenager!! Like beagle day massacre is basically just her taking a 12 yearold to crash a party lmao and forget the eps name but when her huey and webby just went underground for whatever reason?? Absolute horrible inlfuence and im all for it babey 
Anyways even tho ive written a book by now heres some headcannons djvjvjvjb
She likes an ironic shitposter basically just think of those cant see the haters thru my tears or is crying until 4 am badass stuff haha 
Cusses like theres no tomorrow 
When she gets older ( if she like ever ages that is lol) her and louie get rlly close like their buds and do dumb stuff like stealing a police car 
I hc her as a non binary lesbian!! She goes by she\they but mostly she 
She makes a tik tok ironically but then it actually got popular 
She used to steal a lot while living on the streets so shes rlly particular on what she spends her money on and she rarely shares anything 
Everyday she needs at least a while to herself to listen to some music and stuff like that she hates being around ppl all the time 
Idk if this even counts as a headcannon cuz ik everybody agrees with but shes touch starved af she rlly only accepts hugs and stuff from webby tho 
She actually doesn't think violets is a knock off of her or anything like that shes just a jealous bitch haha like shes actually rlly impressed that shes good at controlling magic 
She wouldnt tell anybody this but she actually kinda likes how she looks she isnt super confident abt it but she doesnt think shes ugly and is like "huh u know what my dyed hair is kinda dope" 
Shes like totally in love with lemon demon 
Alrighty pretty much done with this post!! Srry if im rude or its to long I just can never shut up abt my fav characters once u ask me yknow jghfjfghj
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summerseachild · 5 years
I also powerwatched GoT Season 2...
I stopped pretending I was only going to have three things to say about each episode.  
1. Sandor backing Sansa’s “it’s bad luck to kill someone on your birthday” play is SMOOTH. He has her back and I kind of love it????
2. BRAN WARGING! Back when this show cared about magical/fantasy elements that weren’t the dragons.
3. Ugh Theon’s idealism when he offers to go to his family for Robb stabs me right through the heart. (Also he likes calling Robb “Your Grace” A LOT and it makes me cackle and then want to go read fic.)
1. Cersei asking after Jaime while everyone else looks awkward gives me joy.
2. Gilly!!!! She’s so darling. And so is Sam. And Jon’s “Hello Gilly. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” makes me giggle. What stellar delivery.
3. Theon returning to Pyke is so sad and the castle on Pyke looks SO COOL. (And Yarra keeping a straight face during that horse ride makes me smile just as much as Balon Greyjoy makes me furious.)
4. Bonus: Gendry telling Arya he knows she’s a girl is precious. In fact every second they are on screen are so cute it should be illegal.
5. Bonus bonus: John saw a white walker (Or was that a wight?) Pick up a baby at Craster’s in SEASON FUCKING TWO. How did they so thoroughly fuck up that arc?
1. This episode was written by Bryan Cogman and directed by Alik Sakharov; which means I was going to love it because Cogman cared a lot about the story and the books, and Sakharov did one of my favorite director commentaries I’ve ever listened to.
2. Brienne’s intro is so great. She is such SERIOUS BUSINESS. Renly genuinely smiling and being happy to have her around :....( he would have been a good king.
4. Bonus: I remember how cute Gethin and Loras’s actor were about Loras and Renly and it gives me warm fuzzies
5. Bonus bonus: Yoren giving Arya the idea that will become her list is a nice moment and A GIRL IS CLEVER telling them Gendry was the dead boy!
2x04: one of the only episodes written by a woman!
1. Ok I love Lannister soldiers playing “who is GOAT?” before Greywind attacks.
2. I’m sorry all the blood just rushed to my eyes because I saw red during the scene with Joffrey having Sansa beaten in front of EVERYONE.
3. Catelyn Stark angrily brandishing a knife at Littlefinger when he’s all “I’ve always loved yoooooouuu” is A Big Mood.
4. Davos “WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE” Seaworth, ladies, gentlemen, and honored folk....
1. Catelyn keeping her cool and being smart under pressure and keeping Brienne alive is some A++ women helping women stuff.
2. The room with all the latticework where Cersei and Tyrion talk is SO PRETTY. And Tyrion is... actually trying to do right by the city and his family. It’s sad, really.
3. I’d forgotten how much I liked Dagmer for actually helping Theon rather than just making fun of him for a lack of knowledge that isn’t his fault.
4. I remember there was some debate having Arya as Tywin’s cupbearer since it was a pretty major change to the books, but it gave us some great interactions between two super talented actors, and those scenes are... mostly(??) in character and reveal interesting things about them, so I’m on the side of “I love it.”
5. Wow, but the Fist of the First Men is beautiful. And I love Sam’s love of history and how it lets him do world building in an endearing way.
6. Brienne swearing to Catelyn literally just brought tears to my eyes.
1. Bran’s “Did you hate us the whole time?” to Theon is a moment that will have me in tears every time I hear it. Let’s just pretend I’ve flailed about every upsetting second Theon is on screen and how many awards Alfie deserves and call it a day.
2. Arya’s OH SHIT face when she hears that Littlefinger is about to come into the room... priceless.
3. Sandor Clegane is an Incredibly Useful Person.
4. I know he’s really different from the books, but Xaro Xhoan Daxos is so handsome and INTERESTING in the show, and Qarth is SO PRETTY. Like the clothes the sets... everything.
5. Probably Dyslexic Jaime is one of my favorite little touches the show added, and Tywin’s reaction to it was... very him.
6. Ygritte’s Wildling flirting is... both hilarious and adorable. Jon never knew what hit him.
1. Dany’s WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS? Iconic, and understandable given that they are three of the rarest things on earth.
2. Shae being willing to knife a girl to keep Sansa’s secret. Friendship goals. Also the following conversation between Cersei and Sansa is nuanced and breaks my heart. Anyone who says Cersei is 100% evil didn’t watch this scene carefully enough.
3. Jaime talking about squiring for Barristan Selmy and how much he loves fighting is a good way to show us that when we can’t be in his head. (Also is this the same fight he was talking about in season 1 in Robert’s office with Barristan? I think it is...)
4. Quaithe was super cool and mysterious and I wish we knew more about her, and Pyatt Pree was CREEPY AS FUCK how did I forget that he killed the 13?
5. Oh right because there’s a Jaime scene next and somehow Brienne makes “Man” the worst insult ever and she is magical.
6. Also that Cersei and Tyrion scene at the end KILLS ME. “I always hoped he’d be like Jaime...” also she voices doubts in the show WAY MORE than book!Cersei does. But... Lena and Peter make it real and complicated.
7. SO MANY VOWS. I still love everything about this. And Jaime trying to press EVERY ONE of Catelyn’s buttons is... amusing as always.
1. Wherever Robb and Talisa are walking on the way back from the Crag is SO PRETTY I just want to pitch a tent and camp there for a week.
2. Jaime falling off a horse and introducing himself to Brienne like she doesn’t know who he is WHAT AN ASSHOLE I LOVE HIM. This is the beginning of a BEAUTIFUL ROAD TRIP.... Canoe trip?
3. I want to eat a pie with sour cherries like Hot Pie is describing....
4. Bronn and Tyrion trying and failing to pronounce that historian’s name is SO FUNNY to me right now. This show used to be good at balancing little character moments and Serious Business.
5. Jacqen H’Ghar is clearly asking himself how a man got himself into this situation with this strange girl.
6. Robb and Roose Bolton talking about hunting Theon down gives me the stomach lurches.
7. Robb Stark makes ROmanTiC BuT pooR LiFE ChOIceS
2x09: it’s BLACKWATER TIME! Huzzah for ships and sea battles!
1. Cersei getting the poison from Pycelle stops my heart a bit.
2. We get to hear a bit of “The Rains of Castamere” for the first time!
3. Nearly died laughing at Varys’ “I’ve always hated the bells.” ME AND YOU AND THE WHOLE FANDOM, MY FRIEND.
4. I still LOVE THE CLEVERNESS OF TYRION’S PLAN. And the suspense... so good. “There’s only one ship...” Bronn firing the arrow and it hitting the water ALL OF IT.
5. Increasingly drunk Cersei is cruel and tragic and funny and I love her so much my heart doesn’t know what to do.
6. “Awwww pooR Sandor” is a reaction I NEVER thought I’d have about his little moment of paralysis after seeing the burning soldier but we never step in the same river twice and all that, and this time around I def had that reaction. And cheered at “fuck the King” for SANDOR’s sake.
7. I’ve said this before but PODRICK PAYNE FOR SQUIRE OF THE CENTURY
8. oh hai Renly’s ghost and dad Lannister (Daddister?)
2x10: Valar Morghulis, BITCHES
1. Tywin’s horse shitting just outside the throne room because Tywin needed to ride it in for some reason is the line of Lannister Extra (tm) that makes me love this awful family.
2. Show Margaery Tyrell is a devious Player of the Game, and I am enjoying that this time around. (Also I see shades of Anne Boleyn in the Tudors, and that was a performance I enjoyed.)
3. Jaime WATCHES Brienne all the time, like he’s trying to figure her out, and then making up that story on a DIME, and the two of them trying to sell it... FRENEMY GOALS.
4. If people watch the scene with Theon and Maester Luwin and think Theon deserved what he got, they are dumb. My poor identity crisis in kraken from... (Also thank you subtitles for telling me WEX IS THERE? I love him in the books but I’m sure they just used that name without attaching it to someone.)
5. So in the books the House of the Undying was SO CREEPY I had to stop reading because it was too late at night and I was too freaked out and I WAS IN MY 30S! So the way they did it here was just so underwhelming. Yet more proof that the producers didn’t buy into or value the parts of the story that were too “fantasy.” Did Pyatt Pree just... not know dragons breathed fire? Or did he thing they were too little? Idk that seemed a stupid plan he had.
6. I’m fine just crying over Maester Luwin like I didn’t know he died.
7. In the final episode, if we get a shot of the throne room in the red keep looking like Dany’s vision... but with ash instead of snow... at least it’ll be a bit of continuity.
8. That third horn blast still gave me chills on a warm day. Well done, season 2.
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littencloud9 · 5 months
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peace-coast-island · 6 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Flowers, flowers, and more flowers!
Roses Over the weekend I went home for Mom’s birthday. She didn’t want a big celebration, just a night out with her family. Overall it was a low-key weekend, which was nice.
On Sunday I stopped by the cemetery to visit Serena’s grave. Before coming there I stopped by the flower shop to get some roses. Pink China roses specifically, her favorite. From what I can see, her grave was recently cleaned, either by her family or friends. One of them - I think her name’s Lena - visits often and would leave a red rose behind. We probably just missed each other.
To be honest, I always feel awkward in cemeteries. But when I saw Robin I made a promise to myself to go there. I needed to be there, to say goodbye. Because Serena’s death is a harsh reminder that you’ll never know when it’s gonna be the last time. I can hardly remember when Serena and I last spoke.
Robin and I promised each other to keep in touch more often. Whenever I come home, I’m making a note to myself to bring flowers to Serena’s grave.
Tulips When I moved to Wizpire, I has a bit of an obsession with tulips. I’ve never seen so many tulips in a place that wasn’t a giant garden so that was a nice surprise.
It wasn’t until I came to Wizpire was when I got into cross-pollination. The flowers in Wizpire are unlike anything I’ve seen before, which is probably why I’m fascinated with them. I’ve experimented with all kinds of hybrids, some which worked out well and some which were not so successful. By the end of the year I think I planted a rainbow garden!
To this day, the black tulip is my biggest accomplishment in terms of cross-pollination!
Buttercups Three years ago, we lost an old friend. She was a golden retriever and corgi hybrid named Buttercup. Lilac has known her since she was a little pup and they grew up together. Buttercup loved catching frisbees, looking at flowers - which is I think how she got her name - and following Lilac everywhere. 
Whenever I came to visit, Buttercup would greet me enthusiastically by jumping around and giving me a toy. I miss her cute stubby legs and how they move when she walks.
Buttercup lived a long and happy life. Even when it was hard for her to walk she always waited by the door until Lilac came home. The last time I saw Buttercup was about three days before she passed. Although she couldn’t jump she still handed me a squeaky toy and we played for a few minutes. Lilac later told me that Buttercup must’ve been waiting for me as she mostly napped throughout the day. 
I wonder if Buttercup knew the end was near.
Three days later Buttercup dragged her leash to Lilac’s bed, something she used to do before the morning walks stopped. She begged and begged until Lilac got up and decided to go on a short walk to one of their favorite spots that wasn’t too far. For the last time Lilac and Buttercup watched the sunrise together. After the short walk Buttercup took a nap and never woke up.
A few days later we buried her in the backyard and planted a tree as a memorial.
Cherry blossom For the past few years I’ve been attending the cherry blossom festival in Corentine, which is coming up in a few months. There’s something so magical about the flowers there compared to other places. I never get tired of looking at them.
The last time I was over there, I hung out with Rika, Elowyn, Alma, Miliana, and Beatrice. We somehow managed to visit every stand, which is a rare accomplishment! The festival takes place around the Maebro Shrine, which is owned by Alma and her father. That area is basically the center of the town and a few blocks away is the town hall, which is where the council usually hangs out. 
After visiting all the stands and trying out everything, we spent the rest of the day at the town hall. It’s a bit of a tradition for us to make flower crowns, which is a lot of fun. We made a lot and gave a bunch to various people so by the end of the night about half the town had a lovely cherry blossom crown. We even had some of the town council join us for a bit. The highlight of the night was a flower crown contest between us and some of the town council. Beatrice’s mother had the best flower crown design that puts all of us to shame! 
I can’t wait to come back for this year’s festival!
Sunflower Over the weekend I went to the mall and got a bunch of sunflower things. I don’t know why though, maybe I was just really into sunflowers in an unconscious level. Most of them were on sale, which was great, and I’m really happy about my purchases.
First item I got is a simple dress with sunflowers all over it. Right now it’s a bit too cold to wear it but once the weather warms up, I’ll be wearing this regularly. There was a half off sale so it was a win-win!
At the same store I also got a couple shirts, one which has a sunflower graphic in the middle. I’m in need of long sleeve shirts and there were a lot of nice ones to choose from. Also those were on sale, buy three get one free kind of deal. Of course I took advantage of that. The other shirts I got were coffees, cactuses, and donuts. I love the cute little graphics and the pastel colors!
Then I bought a garden themed set of enamel pins, which had sunflowers in them. I also bought another set that’s video game themed. And then I got a journal decorated with watercolor sunflowers and rose gold accents. I also got a set of earbuds with little sunflowers on them. When they stop working - let’s be real, I go through them quite fast and these were less than $5 - I can repurpose the sunflowers into something else like earrings. And finally a cute bracelet with a charm that happens to be a sunflower.
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down-in-dixie · 6 years
{ Lena }
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte.royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat .tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. words.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. brass. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel.glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers.river. meadow. lake. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. rice. ambrosia. soup. blood.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. meditation. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theatre. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electric guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. percussion. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. mahjong. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. sports. horse back riding.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers .jeans. skirt. jewellery. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. robes. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. family crest.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. grief. happiness. optimism. pessimism. legacy. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
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Christmas Daughter Series - McCree
Just a little belated Christmas sweetness between McCree and his Juniper! Inspired by Jesse’s Christmas sweater spray that is FANTASIC!!! Relatively short. Hope you like it! 
More Daughter Series: Hanzo, Roadhog, Reaper, Soldier 76, Genji
McCree installments: part 2
Halloween Daughter Series: Roadhog, McCree, Genji,  Reaper
Daughter Series AU: McCree - Monster Hunter
Christmas Daughter Series: Reaper, Roadhog, Hanzo
Christmas at Gibraltar was usually pretty quiet – just a few people left behind who didn’t have plans. Mercy went to her hometown to volunteer, Lucio went home to see his siblings and Mama, Torbjorn and Reinhardt went to see the engineer’s massive family, even Genji and Zenyatta had somewhere to be. Tracer had flown Emily to the base, though, so they were here, snuggled up on the couch. Winston was sitting by the small fake tree, drinking cocoa with a smile on. The chipper young woman, Mei, had arrived a week ago and seemed thoroughly happy to be with everyone, smiling warmly as McCree came into the room.
“Merry Christmas, McCree,” she sang, offering him a steaming mug topped with marshmallows.
“Thank you kindly, Mei,” he replied taking the drink with a chuckle. “Aren’t you sweet, making us hot chocolate like this.”
She flushed and giggled, “It’s my specialty!”
“Well we are mighty lucky to have you here,” the cowboy said tipping his hat and taking a sip.
Winston raised his mug to McCree as he took a seat.
“Morin,’ Winston.”
“Good morning, McCree,” the scientist replied. “Is Juniper with you?”
“Nah, I thought I’d let her sleep in while she could,” Jesse said with a stretch.
“Has she been sleeping better,” Tracer asked.
“Yeah, better, but not great. Not yet,” McCree said dejectedly.
He looked over to the couple as Lena put her hand on the cowboy's arm reassuringly. Then he frowned. “Emily, are you in a . . . poop emoji onesie?”
“You bet your chaps I am,” the redhead smirked. “Lena’s is a mermaid!”
The brunette Brit flopped on a hood with a plush seashell crown, making McCree burst out laughing. “I see why our speed demon here is a mermaid, but why’d you get stuck bein’ the foul end of a meal, Em?”
“Because, according to my dad, ‘I’m a little shit for not coming home for the holidays,’ not that he’s actually mad. Just being a troublemaker,” Emily explained.
McCree chuckled, “Sounds like a good man.”
“One of the best,” Tracer said fondly. “We’re video chatting around 3, right?” Emily nodded.
“Juniper, Hanzo,” Mei was suddenly chiming, “Merry Christmas!”
The archer and Juni came through the door one after another, one looking cheerful, the other . . . not so much.
“Merry Christmas Mei,” the youngest member of the team said brightly. Hanzo only nodded, bypassing the hot chocolate and standing by an end table, slightly removed from the others. As usual.
“Well I’ll be,” McCree said smirking at the eldest Shimada. “Gotta admit, I’m pretty surprised you decided to join us, Hanzo.”
He shrugged. “Your daughter caught me in the hall and all but dragged me here.”
“I did not,” Juniper retorted pretending to kick Hanzo as she passed him, “you came of your own volition.”
Hanzo scoffed and gave her a look.
“Okay, maybe I did a bit of convincing, but it didn’t take much,” Juni admitted, sitting next to her father. McCree instantly wrapped his arm around her and pecked her forehead.
“Either way, we are very glad to have you, Hanzo,” Winton said graciously, warranting a slight nod from the archer.
“Maybe you shoulda left him in the hall,” McCree whispered in Juniper’s ear. “He doesn’t seem to have much holiday spirit.”
“Can you blame him? The guy probably spent a whole bunch of Christmases alone since . . . ya know. And now, he has his brother back, but still doesn’t get to be with him today,” Juniper murmured back. “I just didn’t want him to be stuck in his room all day all by his lonesome.”
“Aw, sweetpea,” McCree laughed, “you’re our very own Cindy Lou-Hoo.”
She giggled, “Someone’s gotta keep the peace ‘round here.”
“Should we do presents now,” Mei asked, joining the other Overwatch members around the holographic tree.
“Everyone’s here,” Tracer said stretching under her girlfriend’s snuggles, “let’s do it!”
There was a small exchanging of gifts – Winston, being the one in the leader role, had bought everyone a little something. Mei had got each person on the base a pair of incredibly warm mittens and a matching hat. Tracer and Emily had designed and programmed a cute little ornament for each team member that popped up on the fake fir. Juniper hand made a stack of Christmas cards, and McCree had bought all of them a bottle of their favorite booze – except for Winston who preferred some strange imported cherry drink. And Juni of course. She was too young and too special to just get a jug of liquor.
“And one more for you, my little lady,” McCree grinned, pulling a package from behind the couch.
“McCree,” she squealed excitedly, pushing her long brunette hair behind her ears. She had the best toothy smile. “This box is too big! I told you not to get me anything over the top.”
“Why would you tell your dad not to spoil you,” Emily joked.
“Because he was going to bury me in gifts,” Juniper sputtered. “What did you say? Ten gifts for every year you missed and ten for this year, too?”
The cowboy snickered, “Fifteen, honeydew, fifteen.”
“Which is ridiculous,” Juni reeled as everyone else laughed. Even Hanzo had a small smirk.
“What?! I got a lot of making up to do,” McCree chuckled.
“I’ve told you before you don’t have any making up to do,” she insisted.
“Maybe I just feel like smothering you then!” He wrangled her into a tight hug, planting about a hundred kisses on her as she squirmed half-heartedly to get away.
“Lemme go, McCree,” she gasped through her laughter.
“Only if you let me get ya as many presents as I want for yer birthday!”
“Okay, okay, you win!” McCree relented and let Juniper catch her breath before putting the gift back in her lap. “Now open it! Suspense is killin’ me.”
She bit her lip in excitedly and tore the paper from the box, whipping out her pocket knife to slice open the tape.
“You didn’t!”
“I sure did.”
“You gonna teach me how to keep it on all the time like you do? Through training simulations and combat practice?”
“Of course, my sweetpea.”
“What is it,” Lena shrieked impatiently.
McCree beamed as Juniper lifted up a cowgirl hat of her very own, less tattered and worn than her father’s, but otherwise very similar. Shiny buckle in the middle and all. Her face was just as thrilled as he felt.
The room was filled with a collective ‘aww’ as the young woman put the wide-brimmed hat on her head. “Perfect fit,” she grinned at McCree.
“There’s somthin’ else, too,” he said with a nod to the present.
“I told you one,” she snapped playfully.
“An’ I didn’t listen! Shoot me,” he said shoving her shoulder. “Just open the damn gift.”
Juniper adjusted her hat before digging through the white tissue paper. She gasped and burst out in giggles. With one quick hop, she was on her feet and holding a dress over her body.
“Jesse McCree, where on Earth did you find a dress that looks like a serape? And not just any serape, but your tattered old red one,” Lena gaped.
“The internet is a magical place,” he chuckled in response, watching as Juni swayed with a giant grin on. “You like it then,” he asked.
“I love it, McCree, I absolutely love it!” She flopped back into her seat and threw her arms around him, sighing contentedly into him. For once there wasn’t a ball of tension knotted between her shoulders.
“And I love you, sweetpea,” he murmured, holding her as long as he could, but Juniper pulled away quickly.
“Now you open yours,” she chimed, grabbing a red and green bag.
McCree was grinning ear to ear – it had been years since he’d had a Christmas present like this, not a generic one bought out of coworker obligation. And it was glorious. A puffy red and yellow sweater unfolded as he opened his present. Within 30 seconds he was laughing so hard he was crying. There were all the traditional ugly sweater adornments on it: stout little trees and triangles pieced together in a row and a chunky line pattern, but there was a little extra McCree flare, too. Bright gold Peacekeepers, a row of bullets, and a big ol’ ‘BAMF’ right in the middle made this knitted monstrosity one of a kind.
“Ah, honey,” he said trying to catch his breath, “this is the single best piece of clothing I’ve ever seen! How did you – ”
“Specialty order,” she answered before he could ask. “One of a kind, just like you.”
“Aren’t you just the sweetest,” he gushed, taking off his serape and slipping on the sweater.
“Is it comfy,” she asked tentatively.
“Damn! Is this fleece lined,” the cowboy marveled, rubbing his arms. Juniper nodded. “This thing is magical!”
“I’m glad you like it,” she said biting her lip and looking delighted, “and I’m glad it’s cozy, because it might not 100% one of a kind, but close.” McCree frowned in confusion and Juniper smirked. “Look, I may have loved yours so much I got myself a matching one.”
The entire room laughed again as Jesse pulled his daughter into a glomp saying, “That is the only way you could make this sweater better, honeybun!”
For the rest of the day, Juni and McCree were sporting matching tops and wide smiles. Juniper wore her dress at least once a week for the next few months while her hat ended up being more of a special occasion sort of thing, but the Overwatch members all knew she often wore it when she needed a pick me up and always wore it when her father was away. “To keep him close, no matter what.”
Tags: @watch-your-grammer @winchester-sonsandcastiel @envy-kitty
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deathtouch · 8 years
⋆ femfeb day 5 // my femfeb masterpost ⋆ xposted to ao3 ⋆ mei/symmetra // 3k // general audience ⋆ adventure, holding hands, kissing ⋆ mei and satya scale a cliffside to retrieve some valuable data (thanks to @5idestuff for the suggestion!!)
To The Top
“It’s a little scary.” Mei said softly. “Like a ghost story.”
Lena burst into a sharp fit of laughter. “Mei-Ling! That’s not a ghost story!”
Satya was glad they were facing each other and speaking to one another. She was a few seats down from them at the table and from her vantage point she could listen to the conversation unfold perfectly without necessarily needing to be part of it. She liked listening to Mei speak. Her voice was gentle and sweet.
Though Mei often spoke about her work, it wasn’t a constant stream of climatology. Some other teammates could use a lesson in diverse topics of conversation. It was nice when Mei brought up the things she was passionate about, though. The timbre of her voice changed. It was like a little buzz of excitement running through her. Satya could sense it when it happened. It was charming to see her get lost in the intricacies of her profession.
“A little!” She insisted, not backing down in the face of Lena’s laughter. “Think of all the research that could be sitting up there, just waiting for someone to find it. The work site might be abandoned, but the work itself shouldn’t be lost.”
Mei had regaled them with the tale of a nearby research facility located on one of the many islands that dotted Ilios’ shores. Apparently years back there had been a team of researchers busily collecting weather pattern data when a tsunami crashed through. Boats were wrecked, lives were lost, and a great rock structure that had been standing on the little island for years had crumbled away in the relentless waves. Now the half wrecked research site sat atop a lonely peak with no path up.
Mei had gone out for a long walk along the harbor just last night to look for the island in the distance. It was clear how badly she wanted to go. From Satya’s understanding there really was no way to scale the rocky hillside that the research facility was located on. Even if Mei was an experienced mountain climber, which she wasn't, it was still dangerous terrain. It’s not like there was a magic set of stairs that could take her straight to the top… not yet, at least.
“You’re right.” Satya spoke up.
Mei and Lena both glanced at her. They had probably forgotten she was there at all with how quiet she’d been until now.
“I would be happy to accompany you in order to retrieve the data.” She added, straightening her back a little as she spoke.
Mei blinked at her for a second before smiling sadly. “There’s no way up the hillside.” She said.
Satya offered up her open palm. The tech of her arm whirred as she created a perfect model of a staircase in glowing blue hard-light. It was tiny in comparison to what they would need to climb an island peak, but it was a clear indication of what she had in mind. In truth a set of stairs might not even work, and she would have to build something else to help create a path up to the research facility. It was worth it to try, though. Wasn’t it?
Mei gasped. “Satya!” She rose from her chair and bounded towards Satya in big strides. At once her arms were around Satya’s slender shoulders, pulling her in for a hug. “You’re brilliant!” +++
Satya regretted her decision not to bring sunglasses. The mid-morning sun was sparkling over the cool blue ocean. Everywhere she looked bright light glinted up at her. Even Mei herself was a glitter of light, in a completely different way. She didn’t have much in the way of warm weather clothing. She looked a little silly in her blue pants and pale tank top. Satya herself had opted for athletic leggings and a nice tunic, a switch up from her usual sari. They certainly didn’t look like two women about to scale a dangerous island cliff but that was precisely what they intended to do.
Their team knew where they were headed. Lena offered to follow them to the shore and watch for them across the water. Mei and Satya decided against it. They didn’t know how long it would take to reach the summit and it was unnecessary to keep someone waiting for them. If they needed help they would contact the base. Angela packed up a medkit for them, just in case of an accident, and sent them off with plenty of warnings about being safe.
A fisherman down at the harbor offered to take them over to the island in his boat. He didn’t even ask for anything in return. He had nets to check in that area and he was happy to ferry them along. It took some of circling of the small island before he found a good place to dock the boat. There were some craggy rocks to navigate in the water but eventually they found a flat topped rock that the fisherman could pull up to. Satya held Mei’s hand and helped her step atop the rock. It was just big enough for the two of them and when Mei had her footing she helped Satya up as well. They waved the fisherman off with their thanks and both turned to stare at the rising peak. It wasn’t so tall, maybe six or seven stories at its highest. The island itself was about as big around as a soccer pitch or two. Up at the very top a precarious looking building, no bigger than a one room house, sat among the ridged peaks of rock.
It was easy to see which parts of island had been knocked away by the tsunami. Satya could imagine a slope with natural footholds to climb, making it a pleasure hike up to the top building and then back down to the sea. It must have been easy to come and go to the research center. Now it would be a challenge. A challenge she was happy to face. She took in the entire shape of the rising landmass with a critical eye, looking for the best places to ascend.
The very first thing she did was create a footbridge with a wave of her fingers. It connected the flat topped rock they stood on to the base of the island. It was a simple, glowing blue plank. She could have finessed something architecturally beautiful, a miniature version of the Golden Gate or Sydney Harbor bridge. She didn’t bother. It would take a little longer, require more effort, and needed more concentration. Getting to the top was their goal, not creating art.
Satya held Mei’s hand and they walked across together, helping one another to balance. The hard-light tech was sturdy and stable under their feet. If they fell here, it would only mean a dip in the water. Not pleasant, no, but not fatal. It was when they started climbing up high that they would need to be especially careful. At the end of the bridge Satya squinted around, trying to find the next place to step. If they could find a stable rock with a good platform surface, she wouldn’t even need to create a foothold for them. It not, she would improvise.
“This way.” Mei said happily, cherry picking her steps as she found a path among the rocks. +++
Mei didn’t seem particularly athletic. She was a scientist after all. Not to mention she had a thick layer of adorable fat that likely kept her warm in all the frozen places she used to travel to for research. That being said, she held her own. In battle she could keep step with even the fastest member of Overwatch. She never lagged behind or held anyone up. She often used ice walls to elevate herself to dangerous rooftops and she never seemed to have trouble navigating those. Satya knew she wasn’t weak or inept. Seeing her fearlessly lead the way up a mountain side was incredible though. Mei was always surprising her in little ways.
Satya actually enjoyed the work of it herself. It was a fantastic mental exercise. It reminded her of some of the harder training she’d been put through back at Vishkar. None of the simulated tests or civil engineering she’d done under the watchful eyes of her instructors were quite as complicated or complex as this. It was hard, but rewarding. Every time she looked back and saw how high they were climbing, Satya felt even more proud of herself. Blue chunks of hard light dotted the cliff side. Some parts were bluer than others. They often found natural stepping places which made their patchwork path all the more interesting.
The sun was hot overhead but neither of them minded. Their minds were busy elsewhere. Mei’s dark bangs were sticking to her forehead but she didn’t seem to notice. If Satya wasn’t using her hands to create a new bridge or platform to walk on, she was holding onto Mei. They had no illusions about their safety. They took their time, slowly making their way, careful not to miss a step or fall.
They were close to reaching their goal. The building was more near than ever. The terrain actually seemed a little more stable up near the top of the peak. There were still sharp spires of rock that jutted towards the sky but there was also plenty of flat surface at the top of the ridge too. Enough flat surface for a building to be built up here, and enough for Mei and Satya to walk with a little ease.
Even with the ground steady they held on to one another, hand in hand. +++
The little research building was made of wood. It reminded Satya of the squat life guard offices she had seen built on wooden stilts that dotted the shorelines in America. There was no wooden stilt frame here, but the texture of the wood was the same. The outer walls had been battered by wind and rain and maybe even lapped at by especially large waves. The paint had chipped away. This place certainly was abandoned.
Sun bleached tech sat on the flat roof of the structure. Little satellite dishes pointed in different directions, a massive circular Doppler radar, other things Satya couldn't properly recognize. Some of the tech seemed to be holding up better than others.
Mei went for the front door. It was locked, but the wood frame was rotten and moldering. All it took was a good push and the frame splintered open. There were no windows to the structure and so when the door fell open, it showed a single room of darkness.
'It's a little scary,' Mei had said at the table the other night. 'Like a ghost story'. Well, she was right. Either she wasn't afraid of ghosts or she really wanted that data because she entered fearlessly. Satya followed.
Being out of the sun provided an instant coolness. It took a long moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim light of the room. It was musty and stank of rotting wood inside but it bearable. The one room building was surprisingly cramped inside, packed full to the brim with different computers and monitoring equipment. All of it was decades old, it would be a miracle if any of it still worked.
"All this stuff." Mei said sadly. "Just left behind."
She went to a nearby computer and tried to switch it on. It didn't work. Her disappointment was so palpable it made Satya's heart ache.
Satya glanced around in the darkened room. She spotted a generator in a back corner on the bottom rung for a sturdy metal shelving unit. She went over to it and knelt down curiously. It took a moment for her to make sense of the controls but she found out how to turn it on easily enough. As soon as she did the room came to life, computers turning on, screens lighting up, different monitoring equipment whirring.
Mei lit up. "Ah! Satya! Thank you!" Her glasses began to glow with the light of the screen in front of her. She made an excited noise and began clacking away at the keyboard as soon as the computer had finished booting up.
Satya went to stand by her side. She too peered at the screen. The operating system was foreign ancient to her. Mei seemed to be in the same boat. She clicked around somewhat cluelessly. She didn't seem to know what she was doing or what she was looking for.
It was only a lucky guess but Satya pointed to a curious looking icon on the screen. "Try this." She suggested.
Mei clicked on it.
Different windows began to populate, one after the other after the other. They were marked with dates and times in the upper corner. The rest of the information was a mess to Satya. Mei, however, cried out with delight.
"It's here!" She said happily. "It's all here!"
Before she could stop herself she turned to Satya and grabbed her by the cheeks. Mei pulled her in close and planted a kiss right on her mouth. It was full of excitement and gratefulness. A congratulations and a thank you at the same time. Mei didn't even seem to notice what she'd done. She went right back to the computer, clicking through the unearthed data. She babbled on about how long the equipment had gone on recording after the tsunami, how long the generator must have lasted before kicking it, how much information they had.
Satya blinked slow, the words washing over her. She still could taste Mei's lips, rich and delicious like cherries. She couldn't believe that had just happened. Her heart was thudding happily her chest. She wished they were still outside because then she could blame the hot sun for the way her face flushed.
Satya watched as Mei stuck a trusty thumb drive into the port and began copying the information she wanted. She was buzzing with excitement, a glitter of energy in the dark of the room. She was so beautiful when it came to the thing she was most passionate about. +++
The trip down the hillside was a little quicker than going up. They didn't need to carve of create a path out of the rocks, they need only retrace their footsteps. This was a little easier said than done. In the places where there were no hard-light bridges or footholds they had to refind natural stepping places.
Mei was a bundle of energy. She had checked every computer and every device for any information they could find before leaving. They probably spent more time in that stuffy little room than they had climbing to get up there. Satya wasn't complaining, though. It had been nice to retire from the hot sun for a little while.
Their fisherman friend had seen them making their way back down the side of the island peak. He had sailed over to meet them when they finally reached sea level. His little boat was filled with his catch for the day. Satya tried not to be too obvious about holding her nose but the smell wasn't particularly nice. Mei beamed and regaled the fisherman with the heroic story of their ascent. She talked about starting up the computer like it was uncovering a treasure chest. It made the short trip to the harbor bearable to hear her happy speaking voice.
Back at the base she scurried off to find Winston. She had hopes that he could help parse through the raw data she had found. Satya wished her good luck before departing to find a shower.
It was almost three days until she saw Mei again. By then the entire team had heard the fantastic story of their adventure. It probably sounded much more exciting than it actually had been. Mei had a way of talking about these things and becoming utterly captivating with her storytelling. Either that, or Satya was just easily captivated by Mei. It was hard to tell.
Everyone around the base was talking about it. Mei had managed to sweep them up in the whirlwind of her excitement. Everyone was curious about what the uncovered data could mean and how it would help working scientists today. It was all anyone seemed to be thinking about.  Everyone except for Satya. She was curious too, no doubt, but there was one part of a Mei's story she had left out; their kiss. Satya couldn't stop thinking about it; those warm hands on her cheek, the taste of cherries, over before it began. She wondered if Mei even remembered doing it.
They ran into each other again in the hallway. Mei was clearly on her way back from Winston's unofficial office, where she had been squirreled away working tirelessly. She didn't look tired though. She was still buzzing with excitement.
"Satya!" Mei stopped in her tracks. "Oh, I'm so glad to see you."
Satya stopped too, standing in front of Mei. She tucked a long strand of her hair behind her ear, not quite sure what to say.
"I, uh-" a slight blush crossed Mei's face. "I wanted to tell you; I don't know what I would have done without your assistance. Not only did you help me reach the research facility but you knew to turn on the generator and where to click for information."
"Oh." Satya considered for a moment. "It was nothing."
"No!" Mei insisted. "It wasn't nothing. You've done so much for me. I don't know how to thank you."
Satya didn't know either. She didn't feel like she needed any thanks. Making Mei happy, seeing her beam with pride and buzz with excitement was enough. She couldn't think of anything more she wanted. Well, except... maybe...
"How about another kiss?" Satya suggested innocently.
Mei looked up at her, the blush on her face burning brighter.
"If you'd like, that is." Satya quickly added.
Mei's words seem to stick in her throat. Instead she nodded her head gently up and down. Excitement blossomed in Satya's chest. She waited a beat before leaning in and gently pressing their lips together. Mei stood up on the tips of her toes to kiss back. Her lips were just as soft as before, and they still tasted sweet like cherries. There was no urgency now. No underlying messages or themes. Just a kiss, simple and sweet and gentle.
When Satya pulled away her heart was beating faster. Mei's eyes fluttered open and she smiled. "I've been thinking of kissing you ever since it last happened." She admitted sheepishly. "Would you allow me to take you to dinner too? As a thank you?"
Satya smiled and shook her head. "No. But you can take me out to dinner as a date."
That was a much better idea.
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