#lenny the binocular
ftvs-cm45 · 1 month
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Lenny Cameo in Inside Out 2
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darlingsfandom · 2 months
stalker lenny miller x neighbour younger reader PLEASEE
You got it friend ✨
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tw: stalking, stealing, he’s a creepy pervert!
not proofread.
“Hi Mr. Miller!” Rang in his ears making him turn around to see you standing there waving with your mail in your hand.
“Hi sweetheart, how are you?” He gave you a small smile. You walked across the yard in your little slippers since it was early morning.
“Pretty good! Love that we’re having colder morning again.” You smiled at him which made his heart skip a beat. “I wanted to give you your mail last night but you must’ve been asleep.” You had a few pieces of junk mail in your hand. Lenny’s job kept him busy and gone for days at a time so he had asked you to collect it for him.
“Thank you, I can always count on you!” He took the mail out of your hand making sure lightly brush his finger tips against your fingers. To say Lenny enjoyed you was an understatement. He watched you, everything you did he knew about it. Lenny had access to you 24/7 and you had no clue about.
“Do you want to come in for some coffee? I just made a fresh pot.” Lenny asked.
“That would be lovely.” He put out his arm for you to loop around. Once he had you inside he couldn’t help but think about how he could just keep you here, but he knew now was now the time. He helped you sit on the stool in front of the island in his kitchen.
“Sugar?” Lenny put a mug in front of you that looked similar to the one you had in your own kitchen. It was a simple red mug with black polka dots, what was even funnier is the fact that his mug had a chip in the handle just like yours!
“Yes please !” You put your hands in your lap as he poured the coffee for you. A small smile appeared on your lips before a quiet “thank you” left your lips. Lenny leaned on the opposite side of the island sipping his own coffee watching how you drank your coffee.
“So anything new ? How’s grandma doing over there? Better ?” Lenny asked.
“Eh nothing new. Grandma is grandma you know. We do our afternoon walks, she still does her bird watching from the porch but you won’t believe this… we went for the early bird special last week and she got flirty with another old man!” You giggled making Lenny laugh with you.
“Grandma still has it going on eh?” He laughed before the both of you made that face that said “ew” .
“Well at least one of us does.” You sighed into your coffee.
“Oh please, you’re beautiful Y/N, you could get anyone you wanted. You’re also smart, caring, funny and a very polite young lady.” Lenny spoke up making you stiffen as he moved closer with each word.
“Oh! Umm thank you… for everything , I gotta get going.” You jumped off your stool and quickly made your way back into your shared home with your grandma. Lenny watched carefully how you went back inside. He knew what he was doing. He didn’t care , he found it funny that you didn’t question why he had your coffee cup in his home, you didn’t notice that he had picked flowers out of your garden and put them in his kitchen.
That moment in the kitchen played in his head over and over as the days passed. You still smiled and waved at him when you crossed paths that you knew of. Lenny had taken some time off work to relax after his last mission with Anna or so he told his boss but it meant he could watch you more. He’d do normal things like take out his trash, check the mail, went for runs shortly after or shortly before you’d go on your walks, he’d even take up bird watching or so everyone thought! Why else would he have binoculars ?
It was the night you had just taken your grandma over to stay at her friends house because even in your eighties you still stay with your friends and to be fair she was just around the corner and Lenny caught out to this. He watched you pull into the driveway, lock the car and settle in for the night. He always thanked his lucky stars that his bedroom faced your bedroom window, well it was your grandmas storage room until you moved in with her to help her out seven months ago also known as when Lenny started stalking you.
You were mindlessly undressing in your room, tossing the dirty clothes into your hamper and walking into the bathroom to shower . Lenny had about twenty minutes to spare before you’d be done. He toyed with the idea for about thirty seconds before he was walking over to your home. The extra key was under the painted rock , of course he knew that! He let himself in quietly tip toeing along the carpet towards the stairs that for his sake were also carpeted , but he was still going to be smart about it.
The running water filled his ears when he passed your bedroom. He had to be quick , Lenny snuck into your bedroom and went straight for the hamper to steal another pair of your panties. He couldn’t take the ones you just had, that would be too obvious so he dug until he found an emerald colored pair and quickly ran off after making sure nothing else looked different. Once he was back downstairs Lenny took a deep inhale of your panties before he looked around your living room to see you had a magazine spread open , he arched an eyebrow and grabbed that too. It was a porn magazine but he didn’t care! It had your scent on it. The water had turned off and that was his signal to leave so he did, put the key back where it was and made his way back to his own house to his room and looked to see you standing there drying off completely clueless that he was just in there.
You finished drying off and turned to face to the window completely unaware that Lenny was watching you. You grabbed the lotion , put some in your hands and rubbed it slowly onto your tits which Lenny rubbed his dick through his pants watching you do your nighttime routine. He didn’t care that he watched you , stole your stuff or sent you some gifts. He sent you flowers at home and work, but the funny thing is… you never told him where you work just what you did! Lenny also sent little stuffed animals and he could tell you liked those because he seen them sitting on your dresser and what is even funnier is that he put a little bit of his cologne on the toys, so how you never made the connection ? You were as naive as he hoped.
Watching you day after day, week after week, month after month , Lenny was more than invested in you. He loved you. The gifts kept on coming, but he was careful not to send the same type of flowers or chocolates. He would watch from his kitchen window in the mornings to see you grab the paper from the porch and hoped you were in a tank top but it didn’t always happen.
“Mr. miller !” You waved at him with that same pretty smile he’s grown to love.
“Hello Y/N! How are you?” He asked throwing his trash into the trash can just like what were you doing.
“Good good, hey I know this is a long shot but have you seen anyone around ?”
“You’ll have to explain a little more my dear.” Lenny raised an eyebrow.
“Well you see I’ve been having these gifts dropped off on my porch and I just… I’m confused. There’s no notes or anything just a vase of pretty flowers!” You crossed your arms before looking at him with a sigh.
“I wish I had an answer for you dear but you know I’m not always home and when I do get home it’s pretty late, anyone crazy enough to deliver flowers that late.. “
“Yeah you’re right but it’s just strange because it’s always my favorite things like they’ve studied my brain or something.” A dry laugh left your lips .
“Maybe an ex lover ?” He shrugged .
“No no, haven’t had a boyfriend or girlfriend since high school! Hard to date these days.” You scratched your head before shrugging.
“Tell you what, I’ll keep my eyes open from now on and if I see anything I’ll tell you soon as I see it.” Lenny gave you smile that made you smile back before saying goodnight and heading back in. He had to run back in and double check the order for the newest gift he had.
His collection of you had grown full of your panties, magazines, only two coffee cups because those were too big to play off, some of your chapsticks, he even bought the same lotion you used on your boobs so he could have your scent on his hands at all times. You were his! But only he knew that and he liked it that way for now!
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omgwhatchloe · 4 months
i am haunted by your sean's accurate recovery post how do you think it would have impacted how the gang treated him like how would they react to fun lovable sean macguire actually being so injured and weak to the point he couldn't keep that face up and needed help
ok so at first, when we have charles, javier and arthur, shock and denial. they would comment on his condition as they stared through the binoculars but not fully process yet what this means. when they cut him down and hes just laying there, it starts to dawn on them. something fucking awful has happened here. arthur would drag him up, only for him to crumble like dead weight with a few groans, then face the inevitable that that boy is not okay and they have a huge problem. cue them emptying their satchels for food and water asap. also theres the lingering, unspoken thought in their heads that he absolutely stinks but it would be super inappropriate to point it out.
back at camp, theyre so excited for seans return party. that he doesnt get. because when they see him, weak and slumped on the back of arthurs horse, bruised and bloody and stained, they begin to wonder…why did they expect something else? why did they expect a bouncy, happy, healthy and ready-to-party sean to return after weeks of torture? in what universe (the canon one lol) would that happen and make sense? theres no hugs and reunion. theres the yell of “i need some help over here.”
so seans in recovery, after finally being bathed (by who up to u), and hes not happy. theres no smiles. theres only pained groans and noises and people being ushered away from him, and the party is kind of a pity party. arthurs thinking about the fact he debated leaving him there, even journalling it, because he feels so guilty. lenny is wondering why the universe took jenny away from him and if theyre taking sean away from him too. karen feels lost, like she doesnt know how to help. everytime they hear miss grimshaw going to check on him, see lenny and hosea trying to help him walk on his burnt feet, see mr pearson cooking him separate meals so he can maybe attempt to eat as best he could, hear his panicked yelling as he wakes up from another nightmare, they are reminded about how low on their priority list he was during and after colter.
it feels like hes a different person, and they dont know if they’ll get old sean back. i mean, he needs help to walk, hes bruised all over from literally being beat and stamped on and needs help to sit up, he cannot eat what they eat, they hear him crying to lenny, and the majority of them do feel guilty.
however, there is one good night where he sits up and drinks with bill around the fire, who is so happy to see him up and able to drink with him that he isn’t snarky or rude. hes questioning and sympathetic..in his own way of course.
so yeah hope that little ramble does it for you!
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rozzi-splatter · 1 year
rolling eyes and say something smart x reader for arthur <3
Well, not what I was expecting but sure I'll give it a go for you whoever the fuck you are
Shit Day - Arthur Morgan x GNS!Reader because you didn't specify a gender
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"God damn... I'm burning up, what kinda plan was this?" You removed your hat and stood up straight beginning to fan yourself as you looked around the yellow hued swamp. "He ain't been quite right since Blackwater, why are we followin' him again, mister Morgan?" you turned to your partner in crime, watching him drop down from his horse.
Arthur as man as ever, held an unlit cigarette between gloved fingers. "Quit ya' talkin' and pass me the binoculars" he slipped it between his lips and snapped a match across his glove. It lift up like a firefly. A dying one.
"What good is going to look at a little town? Its got like four houses" You stood next to him, yanking your foot from the sludge. You held up your binoculars and let out a heavy sigh continuing to fan yourself as much as possible.
"God knows, bud, he ain't been righ' since Blackwater"
You paused your fanning and slowly turned your head. "Didn't I just say that?" you questioned, raising a brow. You fought the shiver threatening to run down your spin when sweat dripped unexpectedly on your neck.
"Didn't I tell you to quit talkin'?" Arthur replied, eyes pressed to the binoculars. He could practically hear you rolling your eyes. "Keep rollin' ya' eyes at me, maybe you'll find a brain back there... Highly unlikely though but at least ya' tryin'" he spoke loudly then slowly broke into a murmur as he leaned forward slightly to look at a specific target.
"Excuse me? You wanna say that again?" you glared at him and then looked back to the little village, smacking his chest with the back of your hand. "What are we even here for besides giving Dutch more time to think of a new plan speech?" you grumbled.
"Not any longer so yer can stop complainin' now" Arthur smacked the binoculars into your chest.
"Oof!" you grunted, grabbing the equipment. "Damn meat head, we coulda' gone for a drink, ya' know, Morgan,, eaten something other than blown to bits rabbit or left over stew..." you grumbled, stomping lightly in the swampy sludge as you walked back to your horse. "Sweatin' like a sinner in church too"
"Keep talkin', ya'll say something smart eventually" Arthur replied, hoisting himself up on to the saddle. "There's my good boah"
"I will shit in your cot, Arthur, I swear to God" You tapped your ankle against your horse's side, turning it and followed after Arthur in a light trot. Both of you soon broke into a canter down the now more dusty, dry road into the trees.
"Makes a change from Micah spouting shit"
"One drink!"
"But you drank with Lenny!"
"You ain't Lenny"
"I don't face plant in a pig pen tryin' to out run the law..."
"Don't make me come back there!"
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gxbbyhoneybadger · 2 years
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Richer than Gold
Pairing: !HH!Arthur Morgan x !F!Reader
Summary: Dutch has done it again, finding the jackpot for more money. He tells his gang about a rich man who spoils and loves his only child, hatching the perfect plan to kidnap the child for ransom. He sent his best men out to catch the victim, but what they got in return was something Arthur did not expect to meet, or better yet, fall for. But no one knew yet, just how dark the truth was behind the perfect dollhouse.
Warnings: adult language, guns, angst, tension, over-controlling parents, deception, abuse if you squint, forced arranged marriage, mutual pining, flirting.
This was just a drabble I thought of after I watched one of my favorite Pixar movies (Brave), I also added a twist to it, this was a winner at the polls!
The picture was edited by me.
Part 2, Part 3
Minors DNI 🔞 18 below the cut
Dutch had called everyone over, Tilly, Susan, Bill, Sean, Micah, Javier, Charles, John, Sadie, Mary-Beth, Molly, Lenny, Karen, Abigail, and the rest. Arthur approached after getting off his horse and listened to what Dutch was saying. "I've got a plan, this'll be our biggest and greatest heist there'll ever be!" Dutch said with a sly grin, "Just over in Saint Denis, a man named Richardson Jones, has just paid a visit to one of his many homes. And what's better than that! He has decided to bring along his greatest possession."
"Money?" Karen suggested. "Nope, his own youth." Dutch said. "A kid?" Bill chuckled. "Now, I know it sounds rather odd, but trust me when I tell you this. His child is his only weak spot, he'd do anything for his young'un to be happy! Spoiled to no end! We get our hands on his child and take it, he'll give us whatever we want! And trust me, Richardson is Richer than Gold itself." Dutch said.
"You want us to kidnap a child for ransom?" John questioned. "You won't even have to force the kid to follow, just use some damn candy." Micah snickered. John rolled his eyes as Jack wandered up to his mom's legs. "Arthur, John, Bill, Javier, Charles, Hosea, and I will leave to find Richardson's heir and bring it here for a day or two, afterwards, we get the money and book it to Tahiti!" Dutch said.
"But a child, Dutch?" Arthur finally said. "Yes, Arthur, a kid. It ain't going to be so terrible, we're not gonna hurt 'em." Hosea rubbed the back of his head as he listened, "It'll be a quick babysitting gig before we return the child, right, Dutch?" Charles questioned. "Yes, my boy." Dutch confirmed.
"He should be arriving pretty soon, we needa go and find out what our target'll look like. C'mon!" Micah yelled as he ran to his horse.
John, Arthur, Charles, and Javier, were set on catching the child as Dutch, Hosea, and Bill were gonna distract Richardson and his friends. "So he's the one richer than gold?" Javier asked as he looked through the binoculars at a handsome wealthy dressed man with a trimmed beard and silver eyes. The four men were hiding near the building which was close to the docks where the ship had been stationary for a while.
"Guess so." Charles said before looking himself. "You got candy, right?" John whispered to Arthur. "I got the damn candy, now I owe Jack." Arthur muttered. "Look! Look! Someone's coming out!" Javier warned the men. Richardson was speaking to a well dressed Dutch and Hosea.
"Gentleman, please meet my beautiful daughter, Y/n Jones L/n, she has her mother's last name." Richardson introduced as he raised his arm to point to a beautiful lady walking down the plank set on the dock. She had to be in her youthful years, beautiful jewelry, gorgeous dress, her hair done up in a stunning braid.
"Oh shit." Bill muttered, "I don't think he has a child, that has to be his wife."
"Hello, Gentlemen. It's an honor to meet my father's dearest companions." She smiled while bowing her head out of respect. Arthur held his face with on hand as he tried to contemplate a different way to get the girl. "Dammit, what are we gonna do now?" Javier asked. "Y'all keep an eye on her, I'll run to Dutch and Hosea, see what they think and I'll come back to you. Follow her." Bill said before running off.
John and Javier made their way towards an alley in the town while Arthur made his way closer to the docks to listen in on any conversation. "Oh. . . My." Hosea muttered when he and Dutch saw the young girl. "Mr. Matthews." Y/n smiled as she shook his hand, "Pleasure to meet you."
Arthur shook his head as he started to watch the girl, making sure she didn't take off. "Y/N!" A woman screamed as she ran towards her with excitement, holding her dress so she didn't fall and into Y/n's open embrace. "It's been so long!" The woman with red hair said.
"It has indeed, Kimberly! My goodness, look at you!" Y/n gasped as Kimberly spun around to show off her new purple dress. "It's beautiful, ain't it? Just got it yesterday from my daddy!", "Kimberly, my girl, you've grown up!" Richardson greeted as he hugged her. "I have, indeed, Mr!"
The two girls walked towards a small shop and sat down by a table, Arthur had quietly and discreetly made his way towards the corner and hid behind it to listen to the girls. "So! How old are ya, now?" Kimberly asked Y/n. "Can't you guess?", "Twenty-one!", "Nuh uh!", "Twenty-two?", "No.", "I don't know!"
Y/n let out a sigh and shook her head, "I'm twenty-four, Kim. It's only been five years since we last saw each other!" Y/n giggled, "It's strange to be here again, I forgot if it was nice here in Saint Denis?"
"Oh, absolutely! Except for the random robberies and such." Kimberly sighed. ". . . Robberies?" Y/n muttered with am inquisitive tone. Arthur rolled his eyes, already knowing what was going to come. The spoiled daddy's girl was about to complain and whine about the dirty old outlaws who take what they want.
"Where they really outlaws?!" Y/n gasped. Kimberly scoffed and crossed her arms, "I forgot you're a total freak when outlaws come up in a conversation. You don't even act like a lady!" Y/n laughed and pulled off her white gloves, "You know I hate wearing these dumb dresses, wearing this annoyin' heels, having my hair done in this tight and uncomfortable way! I despise it, Kimberly!" She whined.
That's a new one. Thought Arthur as he listened, Kimberly giggled and held Y/n's hands. "Thinking about sneakin' out tonight with me?" Kimberly asked. Y/n gasped and shook her head, "My daddy'll kill me!" Kimberly snickered and slapped Y/n's hand. "Ow-!", "Like you cared if he did. All you gotta do is cry and say that it was a mistake, then he'll just let you go as always. C'mon, I know you wanna. Maybe finally you'll find a man."
Y/n groaned and stood, "C'mon, my daddy already told me where our manor is. Let's go and have some fun before I roll my eyes outta my own skull." Arthur watched where they went and followed along. Soon, he and the two other men found Y/n at the large manor. This time she was wearing an entirely different attire.
She wore jeans with a button up red shirt, a cowgirl hat with some boots and a belt, her hair was down and hung beautifully down her back, and she was riding a large Shire Horse. All black with white cuffs around it's hooves and shins, it's mane was a beautiful raven color that shined off the sun. Y/n looked so small compared to the beast she was on top of. "Oh my goodness! Y/n's he's a big monster!" Kimberly gasped, still wearing her blue dress.
"He ain't no monster. He's big but really he's a big soft boy, ain't you Buckley!" Y/n cooed as she brushed Buckley's mane, his tail swished as he huffed out a thank you. "He likes it when you compliment him! Ugh! I've been waiting to get somewhere big and open for him to run in!" Y/n laughed.
"That a horse or a giant?" Javier asked with wide eyes. "My momma got 'em for me when I was just nine years old! Big boy here was still just a colt!" Y/n smiled as she clicked her tongue, Buckley's ears twitched before he started to walk forward slowly, each step he took, Y/n slightly bounced. "He's beautiful, ain't he?" She asked her friend. "A-Absolutely!", "Mother knows best! I've always wanted a horse and she got me the biggest one, daddy always said I'd never be able to handle one, but look at me now. She'd be proud. . ." Her smile faded as she held onto Buckley's reins.
"What's wrong, Y/n?" Kimberly asked. Y/n covered her eyes with one hand as she started to tear up. "Y/n!", "No, no. . . It's just my mother. . . I miss her. . . Ever since my uncle and my mother's death, daddy has been so different. . . He seems more cold to me, not in front of guests like you of course, but. . . With me, it's like he doesn't care. He sends me to all these classes, fencing, Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian and more but. . . He's never there for me, y'know. He doesn't like it when I take Buckley out, or even wear clothes like this. . . My mother always supported me, and so did Daddy, until she. . ." Y/n let out a stuttering sigh as she relaxed.
"Buckley and my bow are the only things my mother left me before she was taken away. . ." She whispered.
". . . Wait here." Kimberly said before running into the manor and coming out ten minutes later, dressed in a skirt and a shirt before jumping onto her own horse, a brown Thoroughbred with a black mane. "Kimberly!" Y/n said with a small smile. "I wanna see those talents put to work, here!" She said before tossing Y/n her signature bow and a quiver of arrows. She attached the quiver to her saddle and held onto her bow, "You really wanna see?" Y/n giggled while cleaning her tears.
"Course I do, I may be a Lady. But I always wanna see a good time." Kimberly smiled.
The girls laughed before their horses took off running down the large land of grass and towards the trees. "Keep an eye on them both." Javier warned the two before sneaking off to spy on any incoming guests. Arthur and John both found their horses and began to trail after the girls.
That was when the men saw the hidden talent that Y/n was hiding. Buckley ran and jumped over a fallen tree—Y/n had her bowstring pulled back before she released an arrow straight into an apple hanging from a tree. Buckley landed and kept running as Y/n reloaded another shot, she whistled and a flock of birds flew from the trees before she shot two with one arrow.
Buckley was quicker than the men's horses as he continued to pick up his speed. Kimberly was smiling at Y/n's joy as she leapt through the air with Buckley. Her hair flowed as she rode on through the woods, "Throw something!" Y/n shouted to Kimberly. Kim grabbed her old hat and threw it in the air, no longer than two seconds had passed before it was nailed straight into a tree by a sudden arrow.
"You're amazing at this Y/n!" Kimberly laughed. "Thank my momma!" Y/n smiled.
The men remained hidden til the girls rode him. They stayed hiding when a carriage came, carrying Richardson, another man and a woman, Dutch, Hosea, and even Bill who looked more cleaned up. "Gentlemen, let me bring you into our lovely home for a drink!" Y/n and Kimberly saw their parents exit the carriages.
"Oh no." Kimberly muttered before looking at Y/n, "Your dad doesn't like you wearing those clothes, don't he?" Kimberly whispered. ". . . No, no, he doesn't." Y/n hopped off Buckley and tapped his rear, "Go to the barn, boy. Put this back where you found it please, Kim?", "Okay. . ." She whispered.
She approached her father and looked at the men who finally saw her without the beautiful jewelry or the dazzling feminity she once carried in the morning. When Richard laid his eyes on his daughter, he practically gasped. "What do you think you're wearing?" He questioned her. "Daddy, don't get mad. It's just clothing-", "Excuse us, gentlemen, Antonio, please escort these men to the manor. Apparently, I must have a talk with my daughter about mannerisms and proper attire for a young lady." Richardson held her back before leading her to the side of the manor.
Arthur watched and listened nearby as Richard sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What did I say to you the moment we got on that ship?" Richardson asked her. "Daddy, I-", "Don't you "daddy" me, young lady! You are not to be wearing such demeaning outfits such as this! You look like a street rat or worse, one of them outlaws! I send you to the best of schools, just like you need, I get you your own personal trainer in fencing, a degree, money, everything a woman would want!" He said.
"B-But daddy, I don't want-", "Enough!"
"I am not going to kid around with this. Get those clothes off and put on a proper dress. You look ridiculous. I shouldn't have let you keep that damn horse, he's the reason why you're acting up like this." He snarled to her, she grew tears as she looked down at the ground in shame. Arthur felt sorry for the girl, her fists were clenched as she steadied her breathing.
"I ain't a little girl no more, daddy." She whispered. "What?" Richard scoffed. "You can't control me and tell me what I want or need anymore." Richardson laughed and brushed his hair back. "You ain't gonna leave any time soon. I'm selling Buckley-"
"I don't want that damn horse around anymore. Your witch of a mother bought that thing in spite of me." He growled. "Buckley didn't do nothing to deserve this! Mother got him for me as a gift-!" Arthur's eyes grew big when Richard slapped her. His hand slowly snaking down towards his holster as he glared at the rich man
"I am your damn father. If I say I'm going to sell a damn horse, I'm selling it. I'll buy you a pony instead, now, you are going to walk up those steps, change out of your clothes and into a proper outfit. Mr. Jameson is coming over later with his son, Damon, who'll be your fiancee."
Y/n looked straight at her father with wide eyes while she held the side of her face from the pain. "Daddy-", "He has asked for your hand in marriage, and I had agreed. It's about time I find you a husband, we'll receive more money and land afterwards. Don't worry, Damon will treat you well."
Y/n shook her head as she started to back away from her father. "Get up those steps, right now. I'm right behind you." He growled, ". . . You know what." He grabbed her arm and started to pull her into the manor, she didn't fight back but obeyed his directions.
He made her go up the steps and had the maids help her get dressed. She wore a dark teal cotton dress, with white tights then a tight corset underneath it, her hair was braided back into a French braid. She was then sent downstairs, and stood by her father who was laughing with Dutch and Hosea.
"Yes, yes, exactly!" Hosea chuckled, "Your daughter looks lovely, you must adore her." Richardson laughed and covered his mouth. "She's too much to handle, that's why I'm going to marry her off." Hosea was taken by surprise as he looked to Dutch who arched his brow. Y/n simply looked away before breaking out into a run, getting away from the room.
"Y/n!" Richardson shouted.
"Y/n?" Kimberly said when she ran past her. Y/n didn't stop when she ran through the door and towards the barn, unlocking the stall, quickly slipping on the reins, snatching her quiver and bow, before jumping onto Buckley's wide body. She kicked her feet and he took off running. Richardson made it outside only for Buckley to brush past him with such speed—the wind knocked him backwards onto his back. "Y/n!!" He shouted.
Y/n didn't listen, she kept running. Tears falling from her face as she started to cry, holding onto Buckley's mane as he charged forward. Unwilling to stop or rest, even being a horse, he understood her emotions better than any person could. He was indeed a special gift from her mother. He ran and continued to go wherever he intended to go, and he knew just the place.
But what they didn't know was that Arthur was chasing them close behind.
When Dutch and Hosea ran out after Richard, Y/n had blown by them. Arthur came running with John and Dutch spoke: "Don't worry, Mr. Jones, I'll send my best men to go and fetch your daughter. Callaghan, go and get his daughter! Right now!"
Arthur tipped his head and called his horse before jumping on and chasing after the girl. One hand, after to catch her, and on the other, to comfort the poor thing. He listened to the heavy running from Buckley, he saw her soon enough as the horse zoomed through the trees and branches. For a giant beast, he sure was agile.
Buckley whined when he approached stone pillars that were placed around in a large circle, grass was everywhere as the forest provided a large open space. Y/n opened her eyes and wiped her tears to see clearly. When she did, she saw the tall stones. "Buckley. . . You. . . You remember this place?" She muttered, slowly she got off her horse, sliding off her shoes and letting her feet touch the bare grass—entering the large circle. Looking at the stones.
She sniffled and stood in the grass, beside one of the pillars, a heavy puff of air was blown into her hair as Buckley slowly and gently knelt down on his knees before slumping against the pillar and lying down. Y/n knew that position he always made, she knelt and sat down. Leaning her back against his hefty shoulders before he rested his large head in her lap. Letting her brush his mane.
Her tears fell as she kissed his head, "He doesn't want me to have you. . ." She whispered with closed eyes, "I want to love him, Buckley, I really do. . . But he just makes things so much more difficult. . . First, he takes away my dreams to become an archer. Then my goal to become a seamstress, now the only two things my mother left me."
Buckley huffed and nudged his face closer into her chest, she hugged his neck and rested her head on his. Before hearing a crunch from afar, she stood and pulled out her bow. Aiming the arrow straight as Arthur who raised his hands.
"Hey now, easy there." He said while slowly walking towards her. Buckley stood and protectively walked up besides Y/n as he watched the strange man approaching. "I'm just here to bring you back home." He said. Y/n shook her head as she pulled the bowstring even tighter, "I'm not going back. . . Not without my horse." She muttered.
"I understand. What if we went somewhere, jus' for a day or two. You and me?" Arthur asked. "Why would I trust a stranger like yourself? You're just gonna be paid off by my father to drag me back!" She accused him, he kept his hands up and reached up for his hat before it was shot clean off his head and pinned into one of the stone pillars.
Arthur looked at her with shock as she instantly grabbed another arrow, "Don't move." She warned him. He simply nodded his head. "Want me to tell you somethin'?" He questioned, "I heard you chattin' with your friend, Kimberly her name? Said you was interested in outlaws robbin' Saint Denis. Lemme show you somethin'." Quicker than a blink of an eye, Arthur shot Y/n's quiver off her hip and placed his gun back in his holster.
She gasped and almost tripped as she jumped to the side. Still holding her bow as arrows spilled on the grass, she looked back at him and growled. "You owe me for that!" She hissed. "You come with me, and I'll pay you back. Buy a whole new case for yer." He offered.
"How do I know that you won't drag me back?" She questioned. "Lady, I'm not the type to force a woman to do what she doesn't want to do, but I am one to listen. And you can trust me when I tell you, I ain't takin' you back to your daddy." Arthur said.
Y/n was hesitant, but she glanced at Buckley who let out a soft huff from his large nostrils. She eased the tension on her bowstring and lowered her weapon, removing the arrow from the string as she let it drop onto the fallen pile of arrows. ". . . You swear?" She asked. "I swear, ma'am."
Y/n rolled her shoulder before strapping her bow into her chest then grabbing the quiver which now had a broken strap. ". . . Where to?" She muttered. "I know a place. Just, take your time getting on that horse." Arthur backed away and let her have alone time with Buckley.
Out of sight for a moment, he walked towards the tree and spotted Javier and John walking towards him. He stopped them before telling them his plan, saying to tell Dutch where he was going to be. "Yer goin' to Horseshoe Overlook?" John muttered. "Hosea said it was a good place to lie low, I'll be there with the girl. Holding her there for 'bout a day or two before I come back-", "About that, Arthur. . ." Javier cut in, "Dutch said we might need to keep her for a week instead."
"What?" Arthur mumbled. "Dutch said that he and Hosea could possibly raise the price to whoever finds her, from money to solid gold bars!" Javier whispered. "Where'd you go, Mr?" Y/n asked. John and Javier both ran off quickly as Arthur turned around, "Just about to grab my horse." He said. Y/n arched her brow and looked at his horse.
". . . She's beautiful." She muttered, Buckley following right behind her. "Thank you." Arthur said as he walked to his ride, he grabbed his hat first before setting it on his head. "Ma'am." He added before jumping into the saddle. Y/n climbed onto Buckley bareback and looked at Arthur. "I never got your name." She said.
"Arthur Callaghan." He replied, "Now, Y/n, follow me."
"Little brat just ups and decides to run off!" Richardson cursed, Dutch approached him and held his shoulder. "Callaghan is an amazing hunter, although he ain't exactly cheap for his type of service. He expects payment from me, which I can only get from someone else paying me." Dutch sighed.
Richardson groaned as he looked back at Hosea, "How much are you asking for?" Dutch just smirked.
Y/n rode close beside Arthur, he gave her a small cloak for her to wear and cover her head just in case it started to rain. "May I ask why you ran off so suddenly?" Arthur questioned. ". . . My father was plannin' on marrying me off to some random man I've never met. Selling my horse, and who knows what else." She said, "I wanted an out. . . So I left. I didn't expect this to happen."
Arthur shook his head and looked at Buckley, "What's his name?", "Buckley. . . Sometimes I call him Buck for short." Y/n answered. Buckley bowed his head and kept walking, "I taught him that trick." Y/n smirked.
Arthur chuckled at the small gesture. "C'mon, we needa speed up and get there before dark."
~Y/n pov~
The breeze was gentle, and the crickets chirping from the distance was calming to hear. I set Buckley by a tree and let him eat the grass, I looked over my shoulder and saw Arthur Callaghan fixing up a tent. I don't know where he got it from, but it's something. I've never slept in a tent before, or a cot.
I'm used to a large king sized bed, multiple blankets. Now it was just a small cot, a blanket, and probably campfire, one side of me was excited that I was camping, but another was terrified that I left my home with a stranger and I'm also staying with him. "So what's your plan?" I said. "What plan?" Arthur replied.
"When my father sends his men after me? He's going to send the entire town to find me.", "Trust me, ma'am, I don't plan on bein' caught." His southern drawl sounded rough but also sexy at the same time. I turned away from Buckley and slowly stepped closer as he tied something up, "You've done this before, I see?"
"Plenty of times, ma'am. Sometimes I travel with a group." He said. "Is it always this quiet?" I asked. "Rarely if I'm with a group." I sat on a log and sighed when my dress snagged on a twig, "Dammit." I scowled as I tugged it off. "You alright, there, Ma'am?"
"I'm okay, it's just, excuse my language but, it's my damn dress. It gets stuck on everything!" I sighed. I was looking at the sky when I heard Arthur approaching me, I turned my head and finally saw just how handsome he looked up close. "Do ya wanna buy somethin' else to wear?" He asked me. "I. . . Um, if you don't mind. I don't really care." I stuttered before looking away.
Were men's eyes always that blue? They look like pools of the ocean! "I can stop by a shop." He knelt down and started to stack a few sticks together for a fire later tonight, "I just needa know yer size and I'll be back, y'know, so people won't catch you sneakin' around." I just nodded my head while clenching my dress, I felt something tingling in my stomach but I didn't know what it was.
"Y-Yes, that'll be wonderful, Mr. Callaghan." I muttered, "I'd very much appreciate it." He set a small fire and wrote down my size for shirts and pants. "Thank you, really, Mr. Callaghan."
"No problem, ma'am. All you need to do is stay here. I'll be back." He said, he left soon after and I looked back at Buckley. "You like it here buddy?" I asked him. He flapped his ears and continued to graze the grass as he slowly found his way towards me.
The sun was close to setting, I could see the darkness coming as the crickets started to grow louder. It was beautiful outside, I stood and walked towards the cot and saw the lamps inside the tent. He has done this many times.
It was odd being outside after dark like this. I was used to a curfew; I reached up and undid my hair and let it down, undoing the braids completely as I sighed with relief. The tension was undone. I believe thirty minutes or so had passed before Arthur came back, I looked and saw that he carried a few boxes and set them on a table he left behind. "I don't have much of a fashion sense but. . ." I approached the boxes and lifted the tops off each one, seeing a different outfit in each of them.
Red flannel with jeans, another set with a blue shirt and a beautiful belt, another with a black shirt and two different hats, each one had a spare white shirt to wear underneath, different set of undergarments. "I didn't know which one you'd like, so I bought the best three they had-", "Thank you so much, Mr. Callaghan!" I smiled while hugging him. Never has a man or even a boy bought me clothing that I always wanted to wear and feel comfortable in. "You don't needa thank me, ma'am. Oh, and here. . . Thought you might needa few pairs." He grabbed one more box and placed it in my hands.
When I opened it, I felt my eyes shimmer with joy as I overlooked a beautiful pair of boots. ". . . Arthur. . ." I mumbled as I let my finger trace over the delicate pattern of golden roses that blended beautifully with the rich tan and black color. "I sorta measured your shoe size when I was fixin' the fire." My smile was bigger than ever before when I grabbed the clothing. "Thank you!" I said again before running into the tent with two boxes.
~3rd pov~
Arthur didn't know how to react when she hugged him, or even thanked him for simply buying a few outfits. Never had he had a woman almost tear up over some clothes, even though he had Sadie and Tilly help him with the clothing choices at the shop. He brushed his hair and slipped his hat back on, he kept thinking how he was going to keep a woman inside a camp for an entire week without scaring her off.
He tended to the fire and walked to his horse which carried two hares that he had hunted down on his way back. "You won't last long." He muttered. "Mr. Callaghan?" Y/n said. "Yes?", "Can you help me with something?"
Arthur approached the tent and stood by the flaps, "Anything, ma'am." He replied. Y/n exited the tent and was only wearing her corset with her undergarments covering her legs. "Do you mind undoing this corset for me? I can't reach it, those maids tied it up in a way I couldn't undo it without someone's help." She awkwardly said.
"Oh. . . Of course, here. Turn around." He said, when she did, he felt a small smile tug at the corner of his lips. Her bashful face and her sweet voice made him smile. He pulled the strings loose and undid the different knots and ties before it came undone. "There you go.", "Thank you." She said before entering the tent once more.
"Was your daddy always this. . . Demanding?" Arthur asked her. "Uhm, no actually. When I was nine he wasn't like this at all. He liked it when I wore jeans and boots, supported me about my talents with my bow, but. . . Then his twin brother, or my uncle, and my mother were killed. That's when he changed. Ever since, he's never wanted me to shoot another arrow, dress the same, or even ride Buckley anymore." Y/n answered.
"Wait, how do you know that he was demanding? I never told you all of that." Arthur chuckled and let his thumbs hook onto his belt, "I sorta overheard your conversation by the side of your mansion, I heard him hit you. I was tempted to shoot him right there and then." He confessed.
Y/n was silent, Arthur thought he made her uncomfortable but inside of the tent. She was grinning as she slid the belt into the loops of her jeans. "Well, I appreciate the thought, Mr. Callaghan. Your wife must be lucky to have found such a good man like yourself." She complimented him.
"Nah, I ain't married. I was, but it didn't work out." He said. "Oh, I'm sorry.", "It's alright."
Y/n slid on her boots and sighed when she stretched her arms, she opened the flaps of the tent and walked out. "What do you think?" She asked. Arthur could feel his heart leap out of his chest when he saw her dressed. The jeans brought out her hips, the shirt fitted around her waist and chest so well. The hat on her head and her boots tied it all together along with two regular braids hanging off both her shoulders as she leaned on her leg and crossed her arms.
"Beautiful. . ."
"What was that?" Y/n smiled as she looked at Arthur's dumbfounded expression. "I. . . You look good." He said. Bringing a brighter smile to her lips as she spun around in her new attire, "This feels amazing! It's all brand new! I love these boots, the hat, everything!" She said.
"What do you think we can do tomorrow?" She asked him while looking at the sky. "Whatever you wanna do." He answered. Y/n giggled and took in a deep breath, "I think I like it here." She sighed, "Let's go hunting tomorrow! We can find a deer—oh! Or a bear!"
"A bear?" Arthur said. "I've always wanted to hunt a bear. Especially Mor'du." She muttered. "Who the hell is Mor'du?" Arthur questioned. "You never heard the legend of Mor'du?"
Arthur shook his head and Y/n grinned, "I'll tell you if you take me hunting." She said. Arthur hung his head and sighed, "Sure, we can go hunting tomorrow." He replied
"Yes!" She smiled before hugging him again, "This is going to be the best few days of my life!"
Part 2 coming soon!
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Estimated $100m second weekend for INSIDE OUT 2... Really out here breaking some records, eh? Rare for a movie, and the first time for an animated movie, should the estimates be on the low end. Very possible the actual is like $98-99m, which is still very impressive, and only an approx. 35% drop.
If it gets over $100m over the three-day, it'll sit with all-timers THE FORCE AWAKENS, ENDGAME, INFINITY WAR, BLACK PANTHER, JURASSIC WORLD, and THE AVENGERS...
Really shows that the original INSIDE OUT is beloved after its blockbuster run in 2015, and it shows that audiences quite like this movie and are back for more. Might even make a play for INCREDIBLES 2's $608m domestic total, unadjusted of course. (The actual total in today's ticket prices is around $720m, per The-Numbers.) That would make it the highest-earning animated movie domestically, but right now, Pixar's Supers hold that title. Adjusted, it will always belong to SNOW WHITE AND THE SEVEN DWARFS.
But if anybody was gonna beat Pixar, it was gonna be Pixar. I don't see another studio getting a shot at this, maybe except cousin studio Disney Animation and their MOANA 2... Or DreamWorks if SHREK 5 really lands like a meteor in a few years from now.
Worldwide, INSIDE OUT 2 sits at $724m. Again, within two weeks of release. Already circling the original's $857m take. (Before anyone says it, the film saw a small re-release in July 2020 that pushed the take to... $858m. Know that I refer to original release grosses, lol.)
And with this movie doing so well, I see all the Chicken Little-ing... Over the wrong problem.
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"We're NEVER getting an original movie from this studio again"
Okay... Let me try to debunk this.
I don't think an animation studio of this size can feasibly ONLY make sequels, because eventually... Wells run dry. Also, the people who yell this often online... Are they aware that ELIO exists and will be released next summer? Are they aware that Domee Shi, director of TURNING RED, has a new movie in the works at Pixar? (It's not ELIO, she is likely just doing story/script on that one.) Are they aware that Pixar has a movie slotted for release in late winter 2026 between ELIO and TOY STORY 5?
I'll tell you something funny... There was a fellow who insisted to me in December 2015 that Pixar was going to be done with original movies after THE GOOD DINOSAUR became the studio's first money-loser. That they'd put COCO on hold, and that would be it... LOL. This person also claimed to be a shareholder... That speaks volumes.
But no, really... You need to keep making untested or original movies in order to have things to make sequels to in the first place. And one of Pixar's recent losses was... A spin-off of TOY STORY featuring a version of one of their most recognizable, practically synonymous-with-their-name characters. Yeah, that epic movie about Lenny the binoculars!
So, please... Never making originals again? That's just a bad business plan and completely not feasible.
When originals/non-sequels don't meet the corporations' expectations (because I refuse to call SOUL, LUCA, TURNING RED and ELEMENTAL "flops" in any way, shape, or form... *Especially* the first three), the studios don't stop making them... They stop making them in a specific way.
Hence, Pete Docter - likely with Bob Iger pointing a gun at his head - saying Pixar won't make "autobiographical" movies anymore. Basically no more TURNING REDs, and more... Well, whatever the early 2026 movie is going to be. (Which is not this "Ducks" thing people keep insisting it is, as far as I know.)
The other studios do that, too. Off the top of my head... DreamWorks had a bunch of these fantasy movie in the works circa 2011. Stuff like THE GRIMM LEGACY, RUMBLEWICK, ALMA, fantastical stories with something of a darker bent to them. They were also considering adapting GIL'S ALL FRIGHT DINER... They had all these really cool movies in the works that would've redefined what a DreamWorks movie could be, post-SHREK. And then after a movie called RISE OF THE GUARDIANS lost money (even though it had good legs and became a cult hit thereafter), all of it never happened. ME AND MY SHADOW, which was in some form of production and was HOTLY anticipated by the animation community, got canceled. They proceeded to finish TURBO and MR. PEABODY & SHERMAN.
Both of which also "flopped"... I remember Jeffrey Katzenberg, when he was still running that place, saying something to the tune of: "Well those failed because we tried to aim at preteens and teenagers." Really? TURBO and PEABODY, which were overpriced to begin with, were aiming for that age group? The plan going forward was "We're going to make movies for kids and their parents." Whatever the hell that meant. Eventually, Comcast bought DreamWorks, a little over a year later. And the flightplan constantly changed after that.
Studios don't give up on movies that aren't sequels, they just re-route them. They find "reasons" for previous movie failures, and usually it's the fault of the filmmakers and the stories they chose to tell. It's never any outside circumstances, which are actually often the case with money-losing movies. The very movies that go on to be big on home video and streaming, and attain cult followings. With today's line of thinking, Walt Disney wouldn't have even gotten past PINOCCHIO's disastrous original release results.
So instead of yelling "we'll never get original movies again", I direct my energy elsewhere... And I say "Well, hopefully the future movies - both original and sequel - don't fall flat because of needless executive interference that attempts to *correct* a perceived problem." That to me is the issue, not the fantasy of Pixar completely stopping making original movies altogether.
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nizzysam · 2 years
Them Bones
A huge thank you to the lovely @the--end-is--nigh for beta-reading this fic <3
This fanfiction was inspired by @i-can-even-burn-salad who wrote this prompt.
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Rating: Mature (for blood and injury)
Pairing: Micah Bell/Arthur Morgan
Tags: Soft Micah Bell, Micah Bell Whump, Medium Honor Arthur Morgan, Bickering, Vulnerable Micah Bell, Dialogue Heavy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Feelings, POV Arthur Morgan, Fever Dreams, Men Crying, Feelings Realization, First Kiss, Just a kissy kiss, Fluff
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Fear of Death, Emotional Hurt, Crying
Summary: Micah nearly bleeds out at Clemens Point after returning from an ill-fated scouting trip. That night he tells Arthur about a dream he had and about a fear he has.
Snippet: "Talk to me. What happened?" Micah didn't answer. This was concerning in more ways than one. Micah always had something to say. His silence, coupled with his current condition, did not bode well for him. Micah's eyes wandered restlessly from one point to another and never again met Arthur's. It was a matter of waiting for the cure to kick in.
AO3 LINK - or read under the cut!
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Arthur loved the mornings at Clemens Point. Except for the guards on duty, he always woke up before everyone else, poured his coffee, and walked along the shore of the Lake. The birds sang, the water swayed, and no one spoke. In front of the camp, on the other side of Flat Iron Lake, Blackwater loomed menacingly, reminding him of the failure and all those lives lost.
He stood sipping his lukewarm coffee and gazing at the small islands stretching out in front of him, inhabited by critters he enjoyed watching with his binoculars. Arthur loved animals, quiet mornings, and the first sunshine that shone on his face without burning him. In those moments, he had time to breathe, close his eyes and try to think about something other than money. It was difficult, but sometimes he managed to get Dutch's voice and the memory of Blackwater out of his head.
He could not make out the outline of Blackwater, but he knew that in that direction, behind trees and water, someone was looking for them. The Van Der Linde gang, dead or alive. Preferably alive, at worst dead.
He breathed deeply and took a sip of coffee. The others would soon wake up, and the time would come to work.
After emptying his cup and placing it back in the wash bin for whoever handled the dishes, he decided to feed the horses. He greeted Lenny, who was on guard just ahead. That boy would go far, Arthur knew it.
Arthur laid the hay down among the spare horses at the very beginning of camp. Old Belle was also hanging around there. He watched the horses eat for a few minutes, sitting on the rock beside the fire. The sunlight hit their coats just the right way for him to draw them. The light was great, the others were asleep, and he was in no hurry. It was time to take out the journal and draw. And so he did, focusing on Old Belle in particular. He had always found her uniquely beautiful.
He was adding the final touches to the page when suddenly he heard a neighing in the distance. He looked up from the journal and saw Baylock trotting toward him. As he joined the other horses, Arthur saw a streak of blood on the side of the saddle. The horse looked healthy. Micah left camp the day before to go scouting, but there was no sign of him.
Arthur put the journal back in the satchel and stood on the rock. Something shimmered in the trees. He checked more carefully with his binoculars before heading toward the suspicious area. There he saw the side silhouette of a man sitting on the ground, back against the tree. The gleaming was his holstered gun. White hat, blond hair, black jacket. Micah. He looked closer; he was moving his hand.
A bloody sight lay before him when he finally reached the man. He had expected it given the blood on Baylock's saddle, but he did not expect Micah to be in such a sorry shape. Arthur crouched in front of him and quickly assessed the other man's injuries.
A bullet in his arm with an exit wound, given the blood dripping down his hand. Micah had bandaged the wound with what looked like a torn shirt. Torn off of whom didn't matter. He had a black eye and a cut on his cheekbone that no longer bled, a gash on his lower lip, and a bruise on his jaw that extended to his neck.
Arthur pulled out an open health cure from the satchel and helped Micah drink it by bringing the bottle to his lips. The two had not yet exchanged a word, not even when their eyes met. Arthur held the vial tilted to Micah's lips until it was empty. Then Arthur gently took the injured arm and lifted it to slow down the bleeding. Micah groaned briefly but didn't object.
"Talk to me. What happened?"
Micah didn't answer. This was concerning in more ways than one. Micah always had something to say. His silence, coupled with his current condition, did not bode well for him. Micah's eyes wandered restlessly from one point to another and never again met Arthur's. It was a matter of waiting for the cure to kick in.
Arthur called out to Lenny, and together they carried Micah into the camp. The commotion woke up the others, and they rushed over to see what was happening.
"What is it now?" the sleepy, annoyed voice of Dutch broke out from the tent. When he realized what was happening, he ordered to put Micah on Arthur's bed. "He can't stay on the floor now, can he?"
So Arthur and Lenny laid Micah on Arthur's cot, and Micah lost consciousness as soon as he touched the soft surface of the mat.
“What happened?”
“He ain’t tell me nothing, Dutch. Didn’t speak at all.”
“That’s concerning.”
“Search the area in case he was followed.”
As instructed, Arthur mounted his bay horse and searched the area around camp. He made several rounds and went into the trees to scout out possible campsites. He found no signs of life. Three corpses were scattered in the underbrush a few miles away from camp. O'Driscolls. Judging by the accuracy of the shots, it looked like Micah's work.
"Dead O'Driscolls far ahead. Guess that's it."
"Good job, Arthur," said Dutch.
"How's he doing?"
"Miss Grimshaw says he's going to be fine. He's breathing."
Miss Grimshaw and Swanson had already cauterized the wound on Micah's arm and were now talking at the foot of the bed. Arthur could not make out the words.
That evening, around the fire, Karen took to drinking and singing as usual. Suddenly, she stopped and in a serious tone said: “Y’know what? Good riddance. He deserves to die.”
“The cheek on you, girl,” said Susan who was walking past the fire just then.
“Why? ‘Cause I say what everyone’s thinking?”
“Everyone here thinks you’re a drunk, Miss.”
“And everyone’s saying it alright. It’s a free country.”
Arthur turned his head back toward his tent where Micah had been sleeping for hours now.
“Ain’t that right, Arthur?”
“It’s a free country, Karen,” he said as he stood up.
“That’s right!”
He wouldn't be sleeping in his bed that night, and he was fine with it. It wasn't the first time he had slept in a sleeping bag. So he lit a cigarette and smoked it on the dock. Watching the horizon darken and the trees become increasingly blurred. The water below him had a gloomy charm. It looked like a black hole ready to swallow him. Yet Arthur knew that the water would not even reach his chest at that distance from the shore. The mind plays funny tricks at night.
He stood contemplating his thoughts in the midnight landscape for a few minutes and got the urge to have another cigarette. He searched his satchel and his trouser pockets but found only the empty pack he had finished earlier. Eventually, he remembered he had two packs on the table near his tent.
There was no one there to check on Micah, who still seemed to be asleep. It was the first time he had seen him sleeping. His face had no expression; it was relaxed and almost smiling. At least that was how it seemed to Arthur. He could not be sure of it because of that thick blond mustache. He caught himself observing the man's features and found them to be soft in their sharpness. The curve of the forehead descending to outline a straight nose dappled with occasional sunspots. As did the cheeks, the high cheekbones, and the tired skin under the eyes. The scar cutting down his chin would find company in the one that would grow on his cheekbone.
Arthur realized too late that Micah had opened his eyes and was looking at him. He pretended nothing had happened and grabbed the pack of cigarettes on the table.
“I came to take this. Go back to sleep.”
“I stole your bed.”
“It’s alright.”
“Is Dutch mad?”
“He ain’t.”
“You should go back to sleep, Micah.”
“I had a dream.”
Arthur opened the pack of cigarettes and pulled one out. He lit it and took a long puff. He did not move, Micah's tone suggested that he wanted to talk about that dream he had. He didn't know if it was a good idea to let him talk, but he knew it was a good sign he wanted to. With a cigarette between his lips, Arthur took the chair and sat down next to Micah.
“I dreamed you gave me a health cure and picked me up.”
“That happened for real.”
“Did it?”
“Sure did.”
“Then I was in this black hole. Down in this pit. I looked up and no one was there. I called for my daddy and he looked down at me and left. Called for Dutch, looked down at me. Left. Tried to climb up, get out for myself. The damn walls crumbled on me.”
Micah's voice was slow and sounded distant. He was still lost in that dream. Arthur could tell by the way Micah was recounting it and by the slight swaying of his head. Now Micah was staring at something above him. Arthur realized he was becoming agitated.
“You’re here now. Wasn’t but a dream.”
“I guess. Baylock?”
“He’s here, he’s alright.”
“What happened?”
Micah coughed. “O’Driscolls got me real good this time.”
“Saw a few dead O’Driscolls up ahead. Guessed that was you.”
“How many?”
“A bastard got away, then.”
“Ain’t a problem. You scared him off real good.”
There was a moment of silence. Arthur finished his cigarette and seeing Micah was settling down, he decided to stand up. “I’ll leave you to rest.”
“Don’t,” he said quickly. “Please, Arthur.”
There was a tremor in Micah's voice. A vulnerability he had never before heard in his voice. Arthur looked at him, and even his blue eyes begged not to be left alone. Arthur simply couldn't leave. He cleared his throat and sat back down, unsure of how to react to that plea.
The cut on his cheekbone had started bleeding again. Without a second thought, Arthur took the piece of cloth Miss Grimshaw had left nearby and brought it close to Micah's cheek. The cloth quickly soaked up the blood. Below him, Micah avoided his gaze by looking to the side. Arthur applied more pressure to the wound, just enough to buffer the bleeding. He noticed that a strand of hair was trapped between the cloth and Micah's cheek, creeping into the wound. This couldn't be good for the healing process. With his other hand, Arthur moved the strand of hair away from the cut and brushed his fingers against Micah’s forehead. Micah gasped at the touch so much so that Arthur feared he had unintentionally hurt him.
"Didn't mean to."
Micah didn't answer. His head turned even further.
Micah's chest was not moving. Arthur had to lean forward in search of his gaze. Concerned by the absence of breathing, he immediately brought a hand to his chest. Micah's heart was pounding erratically. In leaning forward, he noticed that Micah's eyes were closed. He lightly shook him, hand still on his chest. Then Micah exhaled at length. He was holding his breath.
Arthur tried to find something to say but couldn't come up with anything worth saying. Micah broke into sobs, his head still turned. Arthur felt something hard and sharp in his stomach. He tried to lift his hand from Micah's chest, but Micah blocked him and squeezed his hand tightly.
“I feel so alone.”
Arthur could fully understand that feeling. He squeezed Micah's hand back. It was then that Micah looked up at him. His eyes were red and full of tears. Arthur shook his head in disbelief. That weight in his stomach spread to his chest, crushing him under a boulder of misery. He wondered what Micah had been through. He still did not know what to answer. He couldn't tell Micah that he was lonely, too; it didn't seem right. He merely looked at him with a furrowed brow, powerless.
“I’m gonna end up in the pit. Gonna be a big pile of bones.”
“Ain’t your time to die.”
“Should’ve called for you.”
“What you mean?”
“In the dream. Should’ve called for you. You’d come, help me out.”
Arthur wasn't sure about it. That realization made him shut his eyes and lower his head. Micah started sobbing again. Arthur felt terrible. Then Micah let go of his hand. Arthur squeezed tighter.
“I feel alone too.”
“Then we’re both down the pit.”
“I guess so.”
Micah's cheek started bleeding again. With the free hand, Arthur took the cloth and held it on the cut. Micah pushed his cheek on Arthur's hand and closed his eyes.
It was sweet and innocent. Micah started holding his hand again. That weight Arthur felt on his chest grew warmer. He looked at Micah as he did while he was sleeping earlier. But now his face was streaked with tears, and Arthur realized that all he wanted was to ease his pain. If holding him like that was the way to do it, he would do it.
Then Micah opened his eyes and immediately met Arthur's. And Micah smiled slightly, perhaps without realizing it. This time his blond mustache couldn’t hide what was in all respects a smile.
With one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest, Arthur couldn't have been closer to Micah. Yet he pictured himself closer. Arthur shifted his gaze between Micah's eyes, unable to focus. He slightly moved his face forward, and Micah did the same. Arthur paused to take in the other's reaction. And he smiled. Their noses brushed and Arthur placed a kiss on Micah's broken lips.
“I ain’t going nowhere.”
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theaveragemvmplayer · 10 months
if i got rich beyond my wildest dreams, i would absolutely waste it all on collecting rare hotwheels like the 2011 toy story lenny the binoculars car
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bluepoodle7 · 2 years
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#Disney #ToyStory2LennyTheBinocularsPlush #Plushies
Thinking about Disney Plush Toy Story 2 Lenny The Binoculars plush is very cute and I didn't know this little friend exists.
Image not mine and link is there. https://ebluejay.com/ads/item/5015075
0 notes
hmvw2015 · 2 years
Guess which movie is getting a Reanimated Collab treatment?
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lu9 · 3 years
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funky toys
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calochortus · 3 years
I spy with my little eye something that begins with “I don't care.” by Bugsuperstar
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toystoryconfessions · 5 years
i love lenny so much and he is my favorite character in toy story and i love their duckyness and voice. ALL MY LENNY STANS, REPRESENT
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“i love lenny so much and he is my favorite character in toy story and i love their duckyness and voice. ALL MY LENNY STANS, REPRESENT”
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hunty627 · 5 years
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dlVAEaE6Ds0 Here’s a Toy Story 2 deleted scene where the toys were playing a game when things got a little out of hand when Woody finds himself in peril.
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tamsin-moon · 4 years
Home With You
Notes: Charles Smith x GN Reader. Warnings of capture, injuries, cursing, but overall is happy. Reader and Charles got together about two months after he joined the gang. Reader joined the gang at about the same time as Javier so is quite close with everyone. Reader got captured in Blackwater by Ike Skelding, but taken separately from Sean.
How long had you been tied up? That was the question most prominent in your mind most days. At first you had been able to keep track, but after a couple of weeks now at least, you had no idea. The memory of what had happened was as fresh in your mind as it was blurry with how much of a mess Blackwater had turned into. You know the job had started well and things were going to plan, but then as if a switch had been flipped everything was hell. You remember being with Sean when more then just the Pinkertons had shown up. You then remembered a searing pain in your side as a bullet hit you, followed by a couple men grabbing you and tying you up.
From there between the pain, adrenaline and blood loss everything had gone dark. Eventually you had woken up in a shack, still tied and gagged with your wound patched up and things gone. Angry and scared you had tried to get free, but it hadn’t worked. Eventually you learned who had you, Ike Skelding and his gang, but you did not know much more then that they were big and nasty. As days passed you would be barely fed, but kept alive and your wound cleaned up till it eventually healed. The gang debating what to do with you as the Pinketons bounty was good, but the O’Driscolls were paying for information as well. At least that is what you gathered when the men slipped up and talked around you.
Overall you had gotten thinner and weak, just wishing they would make up their minds already on what to do with you. As much as you still hoped for a rescue by your family it was looking less and less likely by the day and as much as it hurt to think about they probably thought you were dead. Your mind drifting to Charles in the end, as it always did, you would cry if you had any tears left as you once again realized you may never see him again.
Unknown to you, though, your hope for a rescue should actually be much higher as the day after Sean’s welcome home party the Irishman was going to find Arthur. Though he was quite hungover and his head was pounding it had sparked a memory in him. Just tidbits of stuff he had heard during his own capture, but if it was correct then someone needed to look into it fast. He would make sure, though, that Charles was not around as it was about you and he did not want to get his hopes up if he were to end up being wrong. Luckily it seemed the man was out of camp so when Sean found Arthur he was speaking plainly, “Hey Arthur, need to talk to ya’ about something”
At first Arthur would let out a sigh as he was settled at one of the tables and nursing his own hangover, but looking up and seeing Sean’s face he knew when the man was actually serious. Motioning for him to sit he would nod, “What is it? Can’t wait till my head stops pounding?” he asks a bit gruffly, but was rubbing a hand over his face when Sean shook his head and started speaking. “Was my own pounding head that had me remembering, when Skeldings boys had me tied up now and again I heard ‘em talking about someone else. Was busy trying to keep my own hide alive so it never really sunk in, but I heard ‘em mention grabbing the person from Blackwater. It might be Y/n.”
This would have Arthurs attention real quick and he was glad they were talking low, looking around to see most of the camp still asleep or just coming around as he did not want them overhearing such a sensitive topic. “Any idea where they are? Even if it isn’t them it needs to be looked into” he say after a moment and Sean would be scratching the side of his face, “Hoping I heard right but someplace called Widow Rock. Sounds like a spot they like to keep supplies more than folk so might be easy to search, but that’s all I really know”
It was a bit vague, but Arthur had been by the spot once, but not close enough to really see what was there. Eventually nodding he would get up, “Let’s go talk to Dutch about this.” Not even letting the man respond before he was heading for the tent in the middle of camp to do just that. Once everything was explained Dutch would be looking between the two of them, eventually nodding. “Arthur, take Lenny and go check it out. Try to keep it quiet cause we do not need to fight these boys again if it’s nothing” he instruct and it was easily agreed upon, Lenny looked the least threatening so if they were spotted it would be easier to play it off.
Sean did want to protest it had been his tip, but just being rescued himself he was not in right enough shape to really be useful. He would go and see the two off once they were ready and Lenny was in the loop, giving them both a nod before they were off, “Hope I am actually right about this” being all he said, the pair just nodding in return before turning and heading off at a trot. It would be a bit of a trip to get there and it was fairly quiet one once Lenny had asked all the questions he could think of, evening falling by the time they got into the vicinity.
Hitching their horses to a couple trees they would go the rest of the way on foot, guards up of course and soon reaching a vantage point. Looking over at what seemed to be a cabin, a few tents around and a couple wagons it actually seemed very quiet, definitely more of a supply hub. “So what’s the plan,” Lenny ask quietly once they put down their binoculars and Arthur would think, “Seems everyone is asleep or gone, you keep watch from here while I check out the cabin. If Y/n is here that’s where I’d keep a hostage. Whistle if someone starts coming to it.” It was a simple plan, really, but sometimes those worked the best and putting up his mask he would move.
Slow and steady he would keep low and to any bushes, hand ready to go to his gun, but for once things seemed to be on their side as he got to the door. Pushing inside quietly he would almost gasp as he came to the sight of you tied up on the bed, though asleep at the moment. Steadying himself he would creep close and gave your shoulder a shake, finger over his masked lips as you jolted awake, but the gag kept you from making any sound as it was. Your eyes widening as your senses came back to you, you would recognize him easily as he pulled his mask down a moment, “Just keep quiet, getting you out of here” he assure and once you nodded he was removing the gag.
From there he would cut your bonds and was returning your hug when you wrapped your arms around him tightly before you were hearing a whistle, “I got ya’, but we gotta move” he speak quietly before helping you up. Your legs wanting to give out on you as you did he pull your arm over his shoulder to keep you up. Getting back out the cabin he would have you both in the bushes as a man round the corner, but luckily he would not go inside giving you time to get back to Lenny. Hugging the younger man just as tightly as you had Arthur it would not be until you were back to the horses that you finally found your voice again, “Thank you, both of you”
It was hoarse, your throat dry from the damn rag near constantly in your mouth and never getting much to drink, but it was steady. “Just sorry we didn’t know where you were sooner” Arthur say as he help you up behind Lenny once he had mounted, “You’re safe now, let’s get back” the younger would add. Both spurring their horses into a trot once you were ready as a shout got your attention. Seemed they noticed you were gone, but you had a good enough lead they wouldn’t find you and the ride settled easily enough.
The trip back they would get you caught up on everything that had happened, who had survived, the train robbery and rescuing Sean. Letting you know it was said Irishman who got them to you as well and you would hum, “Will have to make sure to thank him” you agree before asking the question most on your mind, “How is Charles?” They had assured he was alive, but had he given up on you? Did he still want you? You were worried and Arthur would just give you a look, “He misses you, a lot, been even quieter than usual and does anything to keep himself busy” he tell you in a firm tone, all of them having been starting to worry about the man and if he was heading towards a breaking point.
As morning began to dawn again would be when the three of you were finally getting back and you could feel your heart pounding. You were eager to see everyone again of course, yet oddly nervous, so much had happened, but as you heard Javier calling out to you the happiness was winning out. Nearly falling as you slip from the saddle you were nearly tackling the surprised man in a hug, just needing the contact to know all of this wasn’t some dream. Feeling him hug you back tightly you would hear him say something in Spanish before repeating himself so you understood, “Y/n, you feel like a stick, but it is so good to see you”
Giving you a squeeze he push you along gently, though your legs were wobbly still with how weak you were, but you were determined to walk back to camp on your own, “Have Grimshaw look you over and Charles should be back tonight, think he went hunting boars on Pearsons request” he explain to you and you thank him, at least you would be able to clean up a bit then. Taking a deep breath as you head up the path with the others you could feel tears forming as you saw the wagons and everything turning into a blur as Tilly spot you first.
Your name shouted you would be pulled into different hugs and embraces before Grimshaw was getting hold of you. Being ushered into a tent she would be checking you over, fussing over every bruise and bump. Your wrists would be wrapped where the rope had rubbed them raw and any other cut would be patched up before she was letting you go, reminding you to eat slowly till your body could handle food fully again before she was hugging you tight herself. From there you would make your way to you and Charles tent, Tilly showing you where it was, and you felt your heart nearly in your throat as you enter.
Your trunk and bedroll were in a corner of it, though clearly there and taken care of, and when you open the trunk you would feel fresh tears. Inside would be a new gunbelt, looking to be trapper made, a clean knife and revolver settled inside, but it would make it clear your love had faith you would return. Moving the items carefully you would find fresh pants and a shirt to change into and for the first time in weeks you felt as clean as you could without a bath. Coming back out you would take the dirty clothes to be used for rags, they were torn up anyways and you weren’t sure if you could wear them again.
Heading to talk to Dutch and Hosea next you would tell them everything you could, though it really was not much, about what had happened to you. Both of them encouraging you to get your strength back up you thank them, eventually just settling by the main campfire and talking with any who came by. Mary-Beth bringing you water now and again along with a can of fruit to start getting you healthy. You would be sitting in front of the log, leaning against it and drifting into a nap now and again, the noise and bustle soothing over all.
Eventually evening would begin to fall again and you would have a little bit of stew. Looking up as Javier came to you once more he would be smiling, nodding towards Pearsons area, “Just saw Charles bringing stuff over there” he tell you and it had your heart clenching a moment as you look over. Getting to your feet you would not care what happened to the bowl as you made your way over, but once you were close you could not even find your voice.
Charles, meanwhile, was a bit confused. Was the camp really still in such a good mood from Sean coming back? He supposed it could be true, but yet at the same time everyone had just been giving him almost knowing looks and like they had something to say. It had him a bit frustrated as he brought over the pork, boar tusks and hides he had gathered. Honestly he had not cared why the man wanted the stuff in particular, he would take any distraction to keep his mind off of you. He did not want to forget you, no not that at all, just it hurt to think about as by now if you had not been found you were most likely dead.
He just couldn’t accept that, though, and could feel his thoughts wandering again before he realized Pearson was talking to him, “Mr. Smith I said you may want to turn around.” The cook would have that same knowing look and it had Charles arching a brow, just what was going on, but he would do as told. When he did it would be as if the world stopped, eyes widening as they fell on you, and he realized he was frozen as when a deep first sees a cougar. Had he died suddenly? He couldn’t even breathe and could feel his vision starting to go dark.
You would see him freeze and at first would stop moving yourself, but as you saw him starting to almost shake you were closing the distance. Hands cupping his cheeks quickly, “Charles? Sweetheart you need to breathe” you tell him firmly, worry beginning to build until you saw him take a breath. For him the world would seem to move again at your touch and your voice, his body reacting before his mind even could. Arms wrapping around you tightly he would be pulling you into his chest as his face buried into your shoulder, “Y/n?” It would come out almost as a whisper, but you heard it clearly.
Wrapping him tight in your arms in return you would be pressing kisses to his head, one hand coming up to run your fingers through his hair gently, “I’m here, I’m alive” you assure as you could feel him shaking and hot tears soaking into the shoulder of your shirt. Around you the others would be giving you space, but you would gently coax him over to a log in the tree line for a little privacy. You were almost surprised as he pulled you onto his lap, but would relish the closeness. His embrace what you had missed most of all and as your eyes met you could see all the emotion in them.
It matched your own in the fear and loneliness you had been feeling while captured, changing to the immense relief and happiness you felt now in his arms. Cupping his cheeks again to brush his tears away you did not miss as he leaned into your touch, asking slowly what had happened. Of course you would tell him what you remembered and then being rescued by Arthur and Lenny. The silence following a serene one as his forehead came to rest against your own, though he soon spoke, “I was just about to give up, when we found Sean and not you it was another blow and it seemed hopeless” he admit and it just had you softening.
You could understand, though, you had heard about them losing a bounty when it had happened. They had been so mad and it was where some of your recent bruises were from, but you would just lean in and kiss him slowly. Assuring you both you were together again, “I’m here, I am home.” Being all you said before his lips were on yours again in a deeper kiss, his hands finding your waist to pull you closer. You would feel him pause, though, breaking the kiss as he looked at you closely. He could see the thinness of your face and it had his worry spiking.
“I will get you healthy again” he say, his tone serious and it would have a chuckle coming from your lips, the first in so long. You would kiss his nose lightly, “I am sure you will and I am not going anywhere” you promise in return before he was wrapping you in his arms again. You could hear Javier begin to play his guitar, the others getting louder as they were celebrating another good thing, but right now you just stayed where you were, relishing the embrace of your love. You were home.
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reddeadreference · 2 years
Colter: Old Friends
Full Transcript below ([...] placed where a gap of silence is for the same person speaking.)
[Arthur enters the small cabin where Bill, Lenny, Micah, and Javier (Who is outside) are staying.]
Micah Bell: …up with you boys, because I thought you liked action. Couple of days on the lam… and you lot have all turned yella. (to Lenny) Apart from you, of course.
Lenny: Shut up, Micah.
Micah: I ain’t never seen so many long faces.
Bill: I guess… I guess folks miss them… that fell.
Micah: Well, when I fall, I don’t want no fuss.
Lenny: When you fall… there’ll be a party.
[Everyone laughs]
Bill: A party… probably.
[Micah stands and takes a step towards Bill]
Micah: That funny, huh? 
Bill: Sure.
[Micah hits him in the face and walks towards the exit. The others grab Bill to keep him from fighting back.]
Micah: Maybe I don’t feel like being laughed at by the likes of you two.
[Dutch enters.]
Dutch: Stop it! Now! You fools punching each other… when Colm O’Driscoll’s needing punching, hard. You wanna sit around waiting for him to come find us? All of you, we got work to do. Come on.
Arthur: (with cigarette in his mouth) Are you sure about this, Dutch?
Dutch: Yes.
Arthur: Folks been through a lot recently… we hardly back on our feet yet.
Dutch: And the last thing we need is to get bushwhacked by Colm O’Driscoll. Let’s go.
Arthur: I know you hate him, Dutch.
Dutch: He’s here for us.
Arthur: I doubt that.
Dutch: No, you’re just doubting me.
Arthur Morgan: I would never doubt you, Dutch, you… you always said revenge is a luxury we can’t afford.
Dutch: This is the right call, Arthur. Take this.
[He gives Arthur a rifle.]
Dutch: And this is about more than revenge for business long ago. They were talking about trains and detonators. Here. Colm always had good information. Come on.
Arthur: And you think now is the right time to hit a train?
Dutch: Now you might fancy living on deer piss and rabbit shit… I’m getting too old for that life. Mr. Matthews, Mr. Smith, Mr. Pearson… would you please look after the place… there are O’Driscolls about. H’yah!
[Dutch, Arthur, Micah, Bill, Lenny, and Javier leave the camp on horseback.]
Dutch: Southwest, right, Arthur?
Arthur: Yeah, he said follow the main trail southwest. They’re camped near some lake.
Dutch: Okay, let’s go find these bastards before they find us, and rob this score they’re planning.
Dutch: What’s that? Tracks… horses, quite a few of ‘em. Far as I can tell, the only fools out here are us and them… they must be this way.
Arthur: You good, Dutch?
Dutch: Of course. Listen, I know you don’t think much of my ideas recently, but this is the right move.
Arthur: Okay… you know I got your back.
Dutch: I learned a long time ago that you hit Colm O’Driscoll, wait for him and people you love will die.
Arthur: *sighs* This feud between you and him… needs to be put to rest, one way or another.
Bill: It will be.
Dutch : Some things I can forgive, others I can forget. What he did to Annabelle, I can’t do neither.
Arthur: You killed his brother, Dutch.
Dutch: (harshly) Yes, I did. And I hope the bastards’ll be reunited soon enough. That’s how this’ll end.
Micah: Damn right, boss.
Dutch: See that smoke? Let’s cut up here and take a look. They said it was near the lake, so we must be close.Hold up here. Alright, gentlemen, this is it. Are we goddamn ready?
Javier: Ready, Dutch.
Lenny: Ready.
Dutch: Good. Now, Mr. Morgan and I, we’re going to head up here a little, see if we can’t get a sense of the layout of the camp. Mr. Williamson, Mr. Bell, you two take up a hidden position just outside the camp. Mr. Summers, Mr. Escuella, you two hold position here. Let’s go.
[Arthur follows Dutch on foot. Having climbed higher, they look at the camp through binoculars.]
Dutch: There they are… That’s definitely them.
Arthur: Colm?
Dutch: I think…
Arthur: Yeah… that’s him.
[They watch as Colm waves Kieran over before mounting his horse. Kieran speaks to him, using arm gestures.]
Dutch: Who’s he talking to? He don’t seem very happy.
Arthur: No…
[They watch as Colm slaps Kieran before Kieran goes to his own horse, mounts, and leaves]
Dutch: Are they leaving?
Arthur: Seem to be. Should we go get ‘em?
Dutch: No. Colm can wait. Best to get some of them outta there. And much less fun to rob him and his score if he never finds out about it. 
[They two stand and head back to where Lenny and Javier wait with the horses.]
Dutch: Alright, let’s go pay our old friends a visit. Don’t forget to grab that rifle from your horse. You boys be ready to pick them off from up there.
Lenny: Sure thing.
Dutch: Good. Come on, let’s go. Seems easiest to take the same path down as Bill and Micah. Like you said, revenge is a luxury we can’t afford.
Arthur: Yeah, I just wasn’t sure you agreed with me.
Dutch: Arthur, Arthur, have you completely lost faith in me? Our needs right now are supplies, equipment and a way out of here. Everything else, including Colm, can wait.
Arthur: Okay.
Dutch: There’s enough of those bastards down there to deal with as it is. Now come on. It’s steep here, careful.
Arthur: Maybe I should take the lead on this. They’re going to be gunning for you.
Dutch: They ain’t got me yet.
Arthur: No, but the way our luck’s been running…
Dutch: Hush, let’s just get down there first. Down through these trees, quick. Stay low. Come on, follow me. Get in cover, Arthur.
[They sneak into O’Driscolls’ camp.]
Arthur Morgan: (whispering) So what are we doing, Dutch? I can take this if you want.
Dutch: Just make the call. You wanna take the lead? Go.
=Take the Lead=
Arthur: Okay, I’ll go first. (shouting) O’Driscolls! You’re dead, you sons of bitches! I’m moving up, put some fire behind me!
Dutch: With Arthur, let’s go! There’s one up on the water tower! 
=Send the gang=
Arthur: Okay, fine, you make the move. 
Dutch: Alright, on me. Good luck.
[Dutch fires first]
Dutch: Kill every last one of these bastards! [...] Keep pushing forward
Dutch: Look out! We got more in those cabins to the right. [...] Oh, dammit! They’re still hiding in those cabins.
Bill: I think that’s all of them!
Dutch: Search the bodies, strip everything we can from them!
Bill: You recognize any of them, Dutch?
Dutch: Of course not. Colm doesn’t give a damn about his men. All he cares about is numbers. If you can shoot a gun, and ride a horse, and kill without thought, you’re in. Think how long some of you have been with me? I imagine Colm doesn’t even know half the names of these fools. 
=Take too long to loot bodies=
Dutch: Keep looking! We need everything we can get off of these bastards! [...] Keep searching the bodies, Arthur!
[After looting two bodies gunshots are heard]
Dutch: Heads up, boys! We got more of the bastards coming in from the forest! [...] Shit, there’s a lot of ‘em. What do you think, Arthur? Should we hold ground here, or go at them?
Arthur: I say we go at the bastards!
Dutch: Come on then. Everyone with me! [...] There must be more of them in the forest. Let’s go.
[After the fight]
Dutch: The cowards are running away. Good work, boys.
Arthur: Reckon we’re better holding here.
Dutch: Alright, pick ‘em off as they come outta the trees!
Bill: Don’t lose them in the trees!
[After the fight]
Dutch:The cowards are running away. Good work, boys.
Dutch: Back to the camp. We’ll get what we need and clear out. 
=Get there before Javier and Lenny=
(Take a bit too long and Dutch says: We don’t have time to mess around.)
Dutch: Okay, let’s wait for Javier and Lenny… they’re coming down with the horses.
[The two lead the others horses down to the group.]
Bill: Keep an eye out for any more of the bastards.
[Dutch whistles for his horse]
=Take too long=
Dutch: Arthur, get over here. [...] We don’t have time to mess around. [...] We’re waiting on you, Arthur.
[Once Arthur finally joins the others, Dutch whistles for his horse.]
Dutch:  Good work, boys. Now, let’s tear this place apart. [He mounts his horse] Bill, you go search that wagon there. Arthur, you take that building to the left. Alright men, quick! Find those detonators, explosives, anything you can. Let’s go.
[Micah finds a rolled up map and opens it on the table inside the cabin he was searching.]
Micah: What have we got here? [He unrolls the map.] Perfect… their plans…
[Bill says no dialogue and finds nothing in the cabin he’s searching.]
[Arthur opens up a crate labeled “Samson Bros - Saint Denis - Dynamite”]
Arthur: Here… this looks good… [He turns to Bill who enters] what you think Bill?
Bill: Looks fine… smells good.
[Arthur hands a crate to Bill who puts the dynamite he was holding on top.]
Arthur: Come on.
[The two leave the building to rejoin the others.
Dutch: Did we get everything?
Micah: Think so, Boss. Found this on one of them.
[Micah hands the map up to Dutch who unrolls it.]
Dutch: Thank you.
Bill: (about the dynamite) This is perfect.
Dutch: Oh yeah, interesting… this is something about the train they was gonna rob. A Mr. Leviticus Cornwall. Mount back up, let’s keep moving. 
[They mount up and headout.] 
Dutch: Alright, let’s get outta here. Proud of you boys! All of you. Not a man down.
Bill: Good work, fellers.
Dutch: Not bad for some starving down-and-outs. They can pummel us as hard as they like, but we will always get back up and fight. That’s who we are. Outlaws for life, fellers. Wait until we have John, Mac, Charles and Sean back riding with us, and I believe I know… they will all be back.
Arthur: You didn’t get Colm, but this hit will hurt him a lot more than any bullet in the head.
Dutch: Especially when we rob this train, too.
Arthur: *laughs* Yeah, I guess we’ll see about that.
Dutch: Oh, indeed we will.
Arthur: You know… he’ll come after us.
Dutch: Oh, of course he will, just like all the rest. But we’re going stay a step ahead of them, make sure we always know where they are before they know where we are. We allowed ourselves to get a step behind in Blackwater. That won’t happen again. Alright, dig in, fellers. Let’s make some ground. 
[They ride for a bit until they see a man and a horse in the distance.
Dutch: Hey, you see that feller? Wasn’t he at the camp with Colm?
[In the distance you can hear the man making panicked noises as he quickly mounts his horse upon spotting the group.]
Arthur: Leave him to me.
Dutch: Alright, we’re heading back. Just bring him back alive. He could be useful.
Arthur: Okay, you got it.
[Arthur chases after the man.]
[Arthur catches up with Colm’s hired gun galloping on a horse. He prepares his lasso.]
O’Driscoll: You got the wrong feller!
[Arthur lassos the man.]
Arthur: (unsubtitled - upon lassoing) Not so fast there.
O’Driscoll: Shit, no!
[Arthur hogties him]
Arthur: You’re coming with me.
O’Driscoll: Please, please, you don’t need to do this.
Arthur: (unsubtitled - looting) Just isn’t your day is it?
O’Driscoll: You got me mixed up with someone else.
Arthur picks him up and stows him on his horse.
O’Driscoll: Come on. I-I’m nobody, mister.
[Arthur mounts up and heads back to camp.]
Arthur: What’s your name, boy?
O’Driscoll: I don’t know!
Arthur: You don’t know your name?
O’Driscoll: It’s Kieran.
Arthur: Kieran what?
O’Driscoll: Duffy. Kieran Duffy.
Arthur: Well, I ain’t gonna lie to you… this is a real bad day for you, Kieran Duffy.
Kieran: Where are you taking me?
Arthur: Somewhere you ain’t gonna like.
Kieran: Why? What are you gonna do to me?
Arthur: Something you ain’t gonna like. So I’d advise you to save your breath for screaming.
Kieran: No, please!
(dialogue is random but I got two versions in the video)
=Version 1=
Kieran: Ah, you’re hurting me!
Kieran: Please, mister!
Arthur: You better shut your mouth, you little shit, or I will shut it for you.
Kieran: Just let me go, please? They don’t tell me nothing, I swear. I don’t wanna die, mister.
Arthur: Are you trying to test me, is that it? 
=Version 2=
Kieran: Come on, mister, p-please!
Kieran: I hardly know’em.
Arthur: You better shut your mouth, you little shit, or I will shut it for you.
Kieran: *groans* I think I’m gonna puke. Just let me go, please? I don’t know nothing real about them, honest!
Arthur: Are you trying to test me, is that it? 
Arthur: Because I will break every bone in your body.
Kieran: I’m sorry, I’m sorry… okay?
Arthur: Not one more goddamn word, am I clear?
Kieran: Okay, okay!
Arthur: That’s two bones, right there.
[Arthur returns to camp and hitches his horse]
Arthur: Here we are, you sack of shit. Let’s introduce you to the boys.
[Arthur removes Kieran from the horse, carrying him over his shoulder.]
Kieran: Don’t hurt me, please.
Arthur: Oh, don’t worry, they’re real nice.
[Arthur brings him closer to the main cabin and Dutch comes outside.]
Dutch: You found the little shit, did you?
Arthur: Yep. I got him.
[Arthur tosses Kieran into the snow before cutting his feet free and pulling him to stand. 
Dutch: Very good. Welcome to your new home… hope you’re real happy here.
Arthur: You want me to make him talk?
Dutch: Oh no, now all we’ll get is lies. Uncle. Mr. Williamson. [He waves them over and they take over holding Kieran still.] Tie this maggot up someplace safe. We get him hungry first. I got a saying, my friend… we shoot fellers as need shooting… save fellers as need saving… and feed ‘em as need feeding. We’re gonna find out what you need. I can’t believe it… an O’Driscoll in my camp.
Kieran: No, I ain’t an O’Driscoll, mister. I hate that feller.
[Bill and Uncle walk him towards the stables]
Dutch: (to Kieran) Oh, whatever you say, son. (to Arthur) Well done, Arthur.
Arthur: I’m just sorry we missed out on Colm.
Dutch: Oh, there’s time enough for that. Now, I gotta figure out if we can hit that train.
Arthur: Okay.
[The screen fades to black as Arthur walks to the smaller cabin.]
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