#leo birthday 2023
princepsumbra · 1 year
"Hark, milord! On this day did darkness descend, giving birth to the heroic spirit within my stygian master..." Odin stops the professor on his walk to class with one of his dramatic poses. An hand falls over his face, fingers opening just a crack for an ashen eye to peek through. He gives pause, as if letting an imaginary twinkle live its short life. "...And unleashing a storm of retribution against the forces of evil! I've heard the legends: they say that a shadow was cast upon the moon, and your cradle came crashing into the castle!"
At least, that's what the ones he started say.
"So behold! As your retainer I take this day very seriously. 'Tis a matter of life and death!" With his spare hand, he reaches behind his back. Some rummaging around happens--probably more than Odin would have liked or had been sufficiently dramatic--and with a little flair he presents a carefully-wrapped costume box. "Happy birthday, Lord Leo! Greatness and power shall find you, lest I am not an Avenger of Righteous Justice!"
He drops the edgy facade and pushes the gift to the prince's chest with both hands, his smiling face eager to see it opened. "So go on! Shout your sacred name into the heavens, and let them know that none may stand in your way with your ultimate birthday powers! This gift shall amplify them, too, for it is the twin of the artifact I draw my power from."
Another pause. This time, to create gravity. He waggles his finger, and the line on his brow darkens with the rise of excitement.
"That's right... I've given you... Your very own Wings of Darkness!"
Sort of. They aren't quite the same--scaled instead of feathered--but the idea was for them to not be a complete match. These ones are the black and pointed wings of a gargoyle, inspiring fear and terror in equal measure... That is to say, not a lot of either, since, at the end of the day, they are still just a prop.
But Odin's face looks so excited. He can't wait to see what wicked spells Leo would cast whilst wearing them.
Odin's shadow gave him away.
Leo saw a flash of blond just peeking around the corner on his route to class. It was about time he changed which pathways he walked, anyway. Predictability only led to situations like this (and a knife in the back, though such a threat is low here at Garreg Mach).
Now he stands patiently waiting for his every-loyal retainer to finish whatever grand speech he'd no doubt been practicing for hours. While flashy, the colorful rumors and tales did add another layer of mystique to Leo's reputation, and he does appreciate the unintended affect.
A matter of life and death is a touch dramatic, even for Odin. Leo won't begrudge the mage for forgetting a birthday; Leo himself holds no plans other than a quiet dinner with his sisters. But he keeps talking...and talking...and talking while shoving the gift further into Leo's personal space.
He accepts the box with his free hand--the other currently occupied with freshly graded papers ready for return--while doing his best to look properly impressed. This stuff matters to Odin; ruining his enthusiasm on the grounds of not understanding why it holds so much weight is ignorant at best and baselessly cruel at worst. Odin thrives on flamboyance, on the power of stories and make-believe talismans.
"Wings of Darkness?" Leo repeats, curious despite himself. It takes some shuffling, but he manages to maneuver everything properly in his arms so he can open the box without dropping it all.
A costume prop greets him once he finally pops the lid off. The name wasn't a misnomer after all; the cloth is of the deepest black, textured to shimmer like scales in the shifting light. If not for the impressive amount of detail (and backstory), Leo would think this a joke.
But judging by the look on his retainer's face, he considers this as serious as Leo would a battle strategy.
"I...thank you, Odin, for this artifact," Leo replies with true sincerity. He replaces the lid with all the studiousness such a gift deserves. "I will guard them jealously."
(And if they remain in their box, unworn not out of distaste but sheer embarrassment, that's between him and the shadow-casted moon.)
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
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prosekaipng · 11 months
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sekaitransparents · 3 months
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birthday cards 2023 ~ leo/need (submitted by @/k0if1shyyyy)
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morsmoon · 1 year
I am Greek and the Greek hosts just told us that the dude from Cyprus is a Leo and therefore a walking red flag. Do not vote for him.
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krasivaa · 11 months
Leonor Week 2023
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some of those photos are from wonderful @royal-hair blog🎀🎀
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rallentando1011 · 11 months
Risetober 2023: Day 25 - Vampire
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An excellent snag from the dollar store had landed the four turtles and the human an exciting assortment of vampiric costumes, and they had retreated to the lair to try them on.
Mikey decided to alter the blouse that the costume he had selected from the store into more of a vest situation. The youngest was steadily at work on that, humming an upbeat tune while at it.
“Come on!” Raph grumbled. The alligator snapping turtle was trying and failing to place a set of plastic vampire teeth into his mouth, the odd sight making April tilt her head.
“You’ve already got a sharp tooth,” April observed with a raise of her eyebrow. “Why are you trying to put those in?”
“Because,” Leo interjected with a slight lisp due wearing his own set of plastic fangs, “dressing up in suits alone doesn’t make you a vampire.”
“Just how addressing something diegetically in a meta attempt doesn’t excuse lazy writing, but here we are,” Donnie commented to some invisible camera, confusing the rest of his family. His shoulders dropped. “Sigh, let’s just get this photo shoot on the road.”
The road was just the atrium of the lair, which provided the brightest and best lighting in the sewers. The siblings took turns snapping photos of their undead brethren, making sure Donnie wasn’t just taking photos of himself again, laughing and messing around with each other all the while.
(@sariphantom @risetober-art-challenge
did I break the fourth wall? perchance
but it’s my birthday so I’ll let it slide)
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owldiurno · 2 years
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The Shiho Hinomori
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hjbirthdaywishes · 9 months
December 29, 2023
Happy 36 Birthday to Iain De Caestecker.
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princess-unipeg · 10 months
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Jayda’s birthday party
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princepsumbra · 1 year
Ever since she realized the approaching date far later than she would’ve liked after finally looking at a calendar for once, Elise has been all over the place in search of a gift. After what he had gotten her for her birthday, she was determined to find something absolutely perfect! Or at least good enough considering the time constraint that was totally not entirely her own fault!
Nothing in the market really felt right though. Sure, she sees plenty of stuff she thinks he’d probably like, but it’s too generic! He’s probably gonna get a million books or something! It’s not sentimental enough in her mind. It may be a bit childish, but… The only logical conclusion was obviously to spend three days trying to make something. Obviously. 
Her efforts resulted in the small and delicate box she now had, forcing her to slow her movements so she doesn’t accidentally break it or spill its contents everywhere. Which did make jumping out at him from behind a corner once she finally tracked him down kind of a struggle, but it was absolutely a necessity and she will not be taking notes at this time. 
“BOO! Hehe, happy birthday big brother!” Elise held up the box she made for him with pride, the variety of hand folded and colorful paper flowers poking out of the top shifting around as she did so, messing up her already pretty messy arrangement slightly, to her embarrassment. “…I, uh, hope you like it. It was harder to make them then it looked like, hehe…” 
For all that he does sometimes miss home, Leo's more than pleased not having to endure a birthday feat while in Fòdlan. He planned on eating a quiet dinner with his siblings before retiring to his room and sinking his teeth into the book Camilla gave him earlier.
But he still should have expected a surprise of some sort. Leo steps back, crumpling the folio of papers in his hands. That's what he gets for letting his guard down for one moment.
"Elise," he scolds immediately, voice overlapping her childish giggle. Sneaking up on people isn't polite, after all. But the annoyance fades upon seeing the offering clutched carefully in her hands, the hopeful innocence etched clearly on her face.
Leo peers closer at the flowers. Some of the petals are folded a little unevenly, with one or two marred by superficial tears. The arrangement shifts alarmingly in her unsteady grip.
He's never loved a present more.
Papers shuffle as he tucks the folio underneath one arm. Gentle hands delicately accept her paper bouquet, holding it closer so he can pretend to sniff them.
"These are beautiful, Elise. Thank you. I can tell you worked incredibly hard." Leo lowers the box with a smile, ensuring no more of the paper petals get accidentally crushed. "I love them. Let's celebrate over a cup of tea together."
That afternoon, he clears off a corner of his desk for the box of paper flowers, where they sit proudly in his office for all to see.
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callmebrycelee · 1 year
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prosekaipng · 1 year
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Insomnia | Bed Sharing / I'll Protect You / Fear
Yes, we're combining prompts now A piece I made for @theeeveetamer's birthday a few days back, but I also got some inspiration from my Inktober prompts because... Vee's birthday is in October, so why the hell not? I had a lot of fun making this too 😊
The scene is inspired by Vee's Leokumi fanfics, as well as my own headcanon that Leo is a light sleeper / insomniac due to being a constant target during the concubine wars. So whenever he can't sleep, he watches Takumi, making sure they're both safe.
As always, please reblog on Tumblr instead of reposting. I'm fine with having my work reposted on other social media sites that I'm not on, as long as I'm credited (ideally by linking my blog or my main). Do not claim my creative work as your own! Thank you 💜
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shinigami-striker · 1 year
Townsend Coleman | Sunday, 05.28.2023
Here's Townsend Coleman (happy birthday) as the one & only Michelangelo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)! Cowabunga!
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