#leonardo luciano
justplainwhump · 1 year
The wedding, chapter 1
[Dany’s story]
For no obvious reason, I’ve decided to write some wedding whump. This was mostly inspired by a prompt I couldn’t find again of a whumper commanding whumpee to smile, and includes an ask reply for @painful-pooch .
I borrowed @hackles-up 's mob boss Leo Luciano for this, because he’s perfect. As always, Ridley Lordin and B are hers as well.
Content / warning: mafia whump, intimate whumper, knife, forced marriage (m/f), threats, very graphic threats of noncon, misogynist language, implied pet whump, referenced dehumanisation.
An exclusive, secluded, and so wonderfully quiet wedding venue, I’ve heard Felicity gush about the chateau.
Wonderfully quiet.
I wish.
I haven’t had a moment of quiet in what feels like days. There’s been hordes of people around me, all the time. Felicity, master of ceremonies, everywhere, with clicking heels and fake glasses and a clipboard that holds absolutely no information but makes her feel in charge. A person, whose only job it was to get me into my dress and sew it close on my body. Two make up artists, to make me look "classy, natural!" and cover up the scars that couldn’t entirely be hidden underneath the exclusive white lace. Two more for the hair, even though Felicity decreed I was meant to wear it open not to draw too much attention to the thin lines in the back of my neck, where not long ago the collar had rested. Someone lady had rushed in to freshen up my nail polish, someone else delivered boxes of jewelry from the city’s most exclusive goldsmith and tried them all on me.
I’m sure I look fantastic. But all I see as I look into the mirror in front of me is defeat.
I never wanted to get married. And sure as hell, not even in my nightmares would I’ve imagined to get married to a man like Ridley. When this day is over, every last part of me will be signed over to him. I’ll become his, not only in the private, secluded shadow world where he can show me off as his pet, but in the most public way possible. Ridley is the richest man in the state, he’s running for mayor, he’s a celebrity in his own right. Behind the curtains only in the last half hour, I’ve seen more than two dozen limousines pull in, and twice as many sleek sports cars. The Lordin wedding is the societal event of the summer season.
"Don’t mess it up, princess," Ridley’s told me cheerfully, before he rushed off to meet someone important. "You’ll regret it."
As if I could. I’ve lost, each and every time I tried.
I reach for the white lace gloves on the cabinet in front of me and pull them over my scarred hands, swallow back the memories of what happened to them. That had the last time I’ve tried - we’ve tried - to be something more than what Ridley wants us to be. And we’ve paid the price.
I don't hear Leonardo Luciano step up behind me, but I feel him nonetheless. I don't know what it is, maybe a subtle draft of air on my skin, covered only by sheer white lace. Or maybe he does in fact exude a physical coldness all by himself. With what I've witnessed him do, I wouldn't be surprised.
I don't turn around, don't want to acknowledge his presence, but it's worthless of course. Just as I can sense him close in, he can sense my fear. And I know he savors it.
Topina, Leo calls me sometimes, little mouse. I hate how fitting it feels. A little mouse, nothing but prey, to be played around with, before the finishing strike. A trapped little mouse, heart racing uncontrollably at his presence. Playing along, because there's nothing else I can do. Because I’ve tried, and I’ve failed.
Something cool presses to the side of my neck and despite myself, I flinch. The flat side of a knife, all but caressing me.
"Stuart Hammond's precious daughter," Leo mumbles. He leans in over my shoulder, close enough for me to feel his steady heartbeat. His blue eyes meet mine in the mirror, shining with cold amusement. "Look at you now. All prettied up for your wedding. So quiet and obedient. His legacy. In my hands."
"Why are you here?" I whisper. Not that my words could make a difference. He was going to tell me anyway, or he wasn't. Nothing I do or say could change anything about his plan. I still try to keep up the illusion that I have a role in this, that I'm more than a mere prop.
"To be with my love on this special day of his life, of course." He smirks, and lets the blade wander closer to my throat. "And maybe to send a special message to my enemy."
I try to control my breathing. He can't kill me. Not like this, not on my wedding day, not under the eyes of everyone. He can't.
"Your Daddy won't be joining us today. Won't be here, to show off his principessa. But you're not his anymore, anyway."
I've never been, I think. I've always been my own. Dad has always let me be.
"I've taken the Hammond business. I've taken everything he ever had. Lots of it in the shadows. But the final step..." He places a kiss to my collarbone, and I freeze. Leo never did this. Never faked any affection. Leo is efficient and cold and brutal. This is new and it's frightening.
He chuckles, when he notices my shiver. "The final step will be in the light. I'll be the one to lead his treasured princess down the aisle. Show the world, who owns this city. Show the world who won."
No. No. He can’t do this to him. He can’t do this to me. After all he’s done to me, all he’s made Dad watch, this is… Too much. It’ll break him, if nothing else did.
"Please." My voice breaks, and I try to look away, but the tip of his knife bites in the skin underneath my chin, tilting my face up to look at him in the mirror. "Don’t… don’t do this."
Leo smirks. "Pathetic, how little fight is left in you. Pathetic you think you have any say in this. I enjoy watching my boyfriend play with you, but you're mine, Hammond."
He yanks at my hair and pulls me back hard, my spine bent painfully over the back of the chair. His face is blurry through the tears in my eyes. The knife is still there, blade resting against my throat, forcing me to stay in position.
"When will you learn that you're nothing? You're wrapped in pretty fabric now, but we all know underneath it you're nothing but your father's name with a tight little cunt attached to it. You-"
He's interrupted by a loud knock at the door, and a giggle that makes my stomach clench.
Leo enters a room just as he wants to be perceived, quiet and calm and efficient. Ridley however is loud and offensive, turning all eyes on him instantly. He looks like a picture cut out from a wedding magazine. Auburn hair styled to bring out his soft natural curls, white silk shirt, fitted tuxedo, dark red sash and cravat. His face is the slightest bit flushed, as from excitement, but from the way I see B behind him carefully wipe off his mouth, I am quite sure that the reason is another.
"It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding," someone else chides behind him.
"Not here for the bride," Ridley retorts. He's not looking at the speaker, nor at me. His eyes are sparkling, set on the man still pressing a knife to my skin.
Leo clicks his tongue and I feel him shake his head, before he lets go of my hair and lets me slump back into my seat. "Amore." There's a nauseating softness to his voice. "On a day like this, we should respect the traditions."
I can't stop a hard chuckle. "The fuck you honor-"
His hand flicks up and the knife presses against my throat. "I love tradition," Leo purrs into to my ear. "Like - the woman keeps quiet when her betters are talking." He presses down on the knife, and I gasp as I feel it nick skin, blood welling up.
"Danielle, no," Felicity gasps, hands raised, frozen in place. "The dress! The blood."
"Danielle, no," Leo echoes, mocking. His other hand is on my neck, too, pressing a handkerchief to the cut. "You'll be useless, if you ruin this wedding. But still stupid enough to risk it, aren't you? Hammond through and through."
I can hear Felicity's relieved sigh when the knife is pulled away and the blood catches in the fabric. I still don't dare breathing.
"Just a kiss?" Ridley pouts, ignoring me. "You can't look that hot and not let me kiss you."
"After," Leo says and shushes him away with the knife in his hand. There's a hint of my blood still shimmering on the blade. "Now, go, amore. I'll see you at the altar, when I hand you our principessa."
Ridley looks at me now, finally, a condescending smirk dancing on his lips, as he takes in my dress and body, and I find myself begging all higher powers that the superstitions are true, that bad luck will curse him until the end of his days.
"Good work," he says to Felicity appreciatively. "Dress really brings out that cute little ass of hers, doesn't it?"
Leo has stepped up to my side, clicking his tongue impatiently. "Leave," he repeats sternly. "All of you. I want to be alone with her."
Ridley rolls his eyes and blows him a kiss, before he retreats. "Two minutes," Felicity calls, before she follows at his heel.
One of Leo's men steps in to hand a small bottle to Leo, before he too leaves and draws the doors close, leaving me alone in the plushy hotel room with Leo.
He grabs my chin, tilts my head up and I gasp in surprise as something cool hits my neck. Spray bandage, to seal the little nick on my throat. They've prepared for everything.
"I could've cut deeper." Leo cleans his knife on the handkerchief, looks at it thoughtfully, before he tucks it away. "But you know, Hammond, with you, I wouldn't. Because right now, I don’t have a reason. Because if you did give me a reason, just the tiniest one, if you try and use that marriage to mess with my fidanzato, you're my enemy. And my enemies don't get the mercy of a knife to the throat."
I nod, clenching my teeth. The skin on my throat feels tight under the spray. It's just that, I tell myself. It's not dread pressing down on my chest, making it hard to breathe.
"I know," I mumble.
"Oh, no, piccolina. I don’t think you do." He checks his watch, and gets up, offering me his arm. "It’s time."
I steady myself on the cabinet, just for a moment, before I rest my arm on his.
As we step out, one of the hairdressers rushes in to fix my hair, fingers combing through it and adding another layer of hair spray. I don’t even see the person behind me, laying out the long train of the dress, just feel the short tugs at my hips.
Leo’s hand on mine is like a vise. "You need to understand," he says, as he starts walking down the opulent corridor. "What your Daddy did was, he fucked with my business. I don’t accept that. So I took everything he loves, and destroyed it, little by little, and I let him watch."
We turn around a corner, and two employees in grey suits step back to open the winged doors to the estate’s grand ballroom.
Faint music sounds from the back of the room, but I can’t hear it over the collective gasp of the crowd, hundreds of faces I barely remember, staring at us, walking down the aisle. With him by my side, it feels like walking the gauntlet. Leo nods towards a camera. "He’s watching right now. I’ve set up a live stream for him. Smile for Daddy, will you?"
The corners of my visions start to blur. I force my lips to curl upward, still.
"And mind you, this was because he messed with my business. Ridley - he is my personal interest. So let me make this abundantly clear to you, Hammond." His voice is all but a murmur in my hair, barely audible over the wedding march played on the ballroom’s huge organ. "If you mess this up, I'll throw you to my men and let them fuck you, over and over, until you’ve stopped moving, and then I'll let my dogs have another round with you."
He waves at someone in the crowd. I can’t make out any details any longer. I just stare forward.
From the end of the aisle, between too many camera lenses and too large bouquets of dark red roses, Ridley is looking at us. At Leo, me, my dress, my face. His smile is almost cruel, almost hateful, almost obvious, but not just yet.
I stumble over a fold in the carpet, and Leo catches me. The warmth of his skin is nothing compared to the icy cold in his blue eyes.
"And only when even they have no use for your sorry remains any longer, I'll chop those up into bite sized pieces and serve you to Ridley's dumb old guard dog in his dog bowl, for dinner."
A camera shutter rapidly clicks in front us, as the photographer dances backwards, all lenses on us.
"Got that?" Leo asks amicably.
"Yes," I whisper tonelessly. There’s still some meters left to walk. I don’t think I can make it.
"Good." His hold of me tightens. "Now smile. You look horrible."
I stagger forward. Leo's hand rests over mine lightly, underneath his thumb is digging into the freshly healed stab wound in my palm.
I swallow back a yelp.
"You heard me, Piccolina," he whispers into my hair. "Smile."
I straighten my shoulders, raise my gaze, focus on Ridley's face, closer now.
He smiles.
So do I.
The camera clicks again.
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garadinervi · 9 months
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«La Biennale di Venezia» – Rivista trimestrale dell'ente autonomo La Biennale di Venezia, No. 67-68, December 1971 [p_c_c_c]
Editor: Umbro Apollonio Cover: Attilio Marcolli Contributors: Max Bill, Paolo Bonaiuto, René Berger, Attilio Marcolli, Leonardo Mosso, Ugo La Pietra, Luciano Caramel
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aplausosbrasil · 1 year
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Jovens atores dos anos 1990:
Ademir Zanyor
Alexandre Lippiani
Alexandre Moreno
André Gonçalves
Ângelo Antonio
Ângelo Paes Leme
Danton Mello
Selton Mello
Eduardo Moscovis
Fábio Assunção
Felipe Folgosi
Fernando Alves Pinto
Fernando Almeida
Henrique Farias
Humberto Martins
Ilya São Paulo
Jorge Pontual
Leonardo Bricio
Leonardo Vieira
Luciano Quirino
Lui Mendes
Marcos Winter
Marcos Palmeira
Mauricio Branco
Mauricio Gonçalves
Norton Nascimento
Paulo Gorgulho
Pedro Vasconcelos
Rodrigo Santoro
Tuca Andrada
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cuartoretorno · 1 year
Attaque 77 - Perfección (Official Audio) 1998
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amorinarose · 7 months
Chilling with Books November 2023
Spotlight on obsession, passion, writing and a glutton – reflections on behaviours An Indie Author’s life is difficult no matter the passion for the art form, or should I say, obsession. The process is fraught with stumbling blocks allowing self-doubt to raise its ugly head constantly.  Thus, the question arises. Are Indie Authors gluttons for punishment? In fact, are authors in general gluttons…
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
documentazione di ricercabo 2022: i video delle due giornate di lettura, 3 e 4 dicembre
RicercaBO | Laboratorio di nuove scritture a cura di Renato Barilli, Niva Lorenzini, Gabriele Pedullà con la partecipazione di Cecilia Bello Minciacchi, Marco Giovenale, Mario Ugo Marchetti, Sergio Rotino Sala “Stefano Tassinari”, Bologna 3 dicembre | prima giornata Letture di Gabriele Stera Serena Dibiase Alberto Comparini Valentina Proietti Muzi Francesco Marangi Andrea Accardi Seconda…
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adrianomaini · 1 year
Il 1979, l'anno che porterà la Sicilia a fermarsi dalla sua estenuante fuga dalla realtà
La mafia non ha mai risparmiato alcun individuo, si è formata e si è incuneata all’interno della Sicilia senza abbandonare nessuno, anzi, accogliendo come figli tutti i siciliani. L’omertà era il denominatore comune, il costume che i siciliani – quasi convintamente e fieramente – indossavano, abbandonando la ragione e rinchiudendola in un sonno profondo. La mente del siciliano era ipnotizzata,…
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bagnabraghe · 1 year
Il 1979, l'anno che porterà la Sicilia a fermarsi dalla sua estenuante fuga dalla realtà
La mafia non ha mai risparmiato alcun individuo, si è formata e si è incuneata all’interno della Sicilia senza abbandonare nessuno, anzi, accogliendo come figli tutti i siciliani. L’omertà era il denominatore comune, il costume che i siciliani – quasi convintamente e fieramente – indossavano, abbandonando la ragione e rinchiudendola in un sonno profondo. La mente del siciliano era ipnotizzata,…
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humanaaa · 7 months
A coisa sobre desconjuração é que o destino da história já estava decidido antes mesmo de ele começar. O destino já foi decidido quando Beatrice foi curiosa, quando Kaiser pegou o ritual de Cineraria,
quando Erin perdeu seus primeiros pontos de sanidade,
quando Luciano amou Fernando tanto que ele faria qualquer coisa para salva-lo,
quando Dante salvou Leonardo Gomes.
O destino já estava decidido por tudo que aconteceu antes, e tudo que iria acontecer depois.
Se as coisas tivessem sido diferentes, será que o destino seria o mesmo? Mas, da mesma forma, alguém acabaria pegando o ritual, e ficaria para trás, Kian usaria alguém, Beatrice ainda sofreria.
O destino seria o mesmo, os detalhes eram diferentes. Eles não tinham escolha tinham? O destino decidido, será que os marcados tem tanta escolha assim?
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 days
Cars: el Campeonato Mate-nacional
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Playable characters
“El Rayo” McQueen
EN: Keith Ferguson
LA: Sergio Gutiérrez Coto
Tom Mate
EN: Larry the Cable Guy
LA: César Filio
Doc Hudson
EN: Corey Burton
LA: Héctor Lama Yazbek
EN: Cheech Marin
LA: Gabriel Pingarrón
EN: Jenifer Lewis
LA: Simone Brook
EN: Paul Dooley
LA: Héctor Lee Vargas
EN: Scott Wood
LA: Eduardo Tejedo
EN: Tony Shalhoub
LA: Salvador Nájar
EN: Ivar Brogger
LA: José Luis Orozco
Otto von Fassenbottom
EN: Dee Bradley Baker
LA: Pepe Vilchis
EN: Masi Oka
LA: Diego Becerril (una línea)
EN: Luciano Palermi
LA: Mauricio Pérez
EN: Cricket Leigh
LA: Leyla Rangel
James P. Sullivan
EN: John Goodman
LA: Gerardo Vásquez
Mike Wazowski
EN: Carlos Alazraqui
LA: Erick Salinas
Non-playable characters
EN: Katherine Helmond
LA: María Santander
EN: Audrey Wasilewski
LA: Yadira Aedo
EN: Anna Graves
LA: Romina Marroquín Payró
EN: Brian George
LA: Héctor Lee Vargas
EN: Joe Smith
LA: Luis Navarro
EN: Steve Purcell
LA: Gabriel Pingarrón
EN: Andrew Stanton
LA: Ricardo Tejedo
EN: Mark Ivanir
LA: Raúl Anaya
EN: Michael Wallis
LA: Francisco Colmenero
EN: Guido Quaroni
LA: Raúl Aldana
EN: Jerry DeCaupa
LA: Mario Filio
EN: Quinton Flynn
LA: Germán Fabregat
EN: Greg Baldwin
LA: Salvador Reyes
EN: Rob Izenberg
LA: Pedro Ruiz
EN: Lou Romano
LA: Héctor Alcaraz
EN: James Patrick Stuart
LA: Mark Pokora
El Lisiado
EN: Corey Burton
LA: Eduardo Garza
Conde Espátula
EN: Henry Dittman
LA: Héctor Estrada
EN: Bill Farmer
LA: Jorge Ornelas
EN: James Patrick Stuart
LA: Carlos Hernández
Tommy Joe
EN: Joel McCrary
LA: José Antonio Macías
EN: Greg Baldwin
EN: E.J. Holowicki
EN: Rob Izenberg
EN: Steve Purcell
Turistas (Minivans)
EN: Lou Romano
LA: César Garduza
Turistas (Sedánes de los años 70)
EN: Jerry DeCaupa
LA: Héctor Emmanuel Gómez
Turistas (Camionetas)
EN: Jennifer Hale
LA: Annie Rojas
Turistas (SUVs)
EN: Joel McCrary
LA: Eder La Barrera
Turistas (Hatchbacks)
EN: Jennifer Hale
LA: Karina Altamirano
Turistas (Sedánes modernos)
EN: Nolan North
LA: Luis Leonardo Suárez
Turistas (RVs)
EN: E.J. Holowicki
LA: Kevin Adrián
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byneddiedingo · 10 months
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Anna Magnani in Mamma Roma (Pier Paolo Pasolini, 1962)
Cast: Anna Magnani, Ettore Garofolo, Franco Citti, Silvana Corsini, Luisa Loiano, Paolo Volponi, Luciano Gonini, Vittorio La Paglia, Piero Morgia. Screenplay: Pier Paolo Pasolini. Cinematography: Toninio Delli Colli. Art direction: Flavio Mogherini. Film editing: Nino Baraghli.
Putting a force of nature like Anna Magnani in among the unknowns and non-professionals of the rest of the cast almost upends Pier Paolo Pasolini's Mamma Roma, and it reportedly caused some friction between actress and director during the filming. If Pasolini really wanted the naturalistic Magnani of Rome, Open City (Roberto Rossellini, 1948) it was much too late: By then, she had won an Oscar for The Rose Tattoo (Daniel Mann, 1955) and had become the flamboyant, histrionic Magnani who shows up on-screen in Mamma Roma. That said, Pasolini certainly gave her every opportunity to present herself that way, starting with the opening scene in which she herds pigs into the wedding dinner of her former pimp, Carmine (Franco Citti), and culminating in one of the greatest scenes (or rather, pair of scenes) of her career: the long-take tracking shots in which she walks down a Roman street at night, delivering a monologue on her life, as people appear out of the darkness and recede back into it, serving as interlocutors. It's stunning the first time Pasolini (aided by his cinematographer, Tonino Delli Colli) does it, and even more remarkable when he reprises it after a crisis in her life. I think Mamma Roma is some kind of great film, notwithstanding Pasolini's tendency to be somewhat heavy-handed in his symbolism: witness the staging of the wedding dinner as a parallel to Leonardo's The Last Supper and of Ettore (Ettore Garofalo) strapped to a restraining bed to echo Mantegna's painting of the dead Christ.
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Top: Ettore Garofalo in Mamma Roma. Below: Andrea Mantegna, Lamentation Over the Dead Christ, c. 1475-78
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justplainwhump · 1 year
@pigeonwhumps tagged me in a game to share my last seven sentences. And, for some odd reason, that tag reached me while I've just begun working on something. (Doesn't mean I'll finish it, but... who knows!)
It's eight sentences because context, and I borrowed @hackles-up perfect mean man Leo Luciano for this.
I don't hear Leo Luciano step up behind me, but I feel him nonetheless. I don't know what it is, maybe a subtle draft of air on my skin, covered only by sheer white lace. Or maybe he does in fact exude a physical coldness all by himself. With what I've witnessed him do, I wouldn't be surprised.
Topina, Leo calls me sometimes, little mouse. I hate how fitting it feels. A little mouse, nothing but prey, to be played around with, before the finishing strike. A trapped little mouse, heart racing uncontrollably at his presence. Playing along, because there's nothing else I can do.
With no pressure at all I tag @flowersarefreetherapy @angst-after-dark and @wildfaewhump if you have seven (or eight) sentences of a sneak peek to share - and also tag you right back, @pigeonwhumps!
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Luciano Caruso, Da Syn-scriv 17 (libro in copia unica), (collage), 1968 [© Archivio Luciano Caruso, Firenze. Photo: © Leonardo Morfini]
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pixiecapsalt · 16 days
okay so lets see if im getting this right
dante and leonardo are two ocultists/esoterrorists who were attempting to do a ritual on a child with terminal scoliosis to save their life. they both perhaps had some connection to this orphan child. this ritual required two unconscious volunteers. which happened to be luciano and fernando who were in that same hospital due to fernando seemingly also being terminally ill with something that left him with a week to live. fernando gets told by leonardo that he’d help his husband get better as a way to get him to take part in this ritual. fernando knew who leonardo was and that he shouldve arrested him but he still agreed as he was desperate to save fernando. so what i initially was confused about was how they got everyone there but turns out luciano abducts this sick child because leonardo had said this ritual would require a person to save his husband so he takes the child. leonardo knew fernando was also sick. supposedly luciano claims that dante also knew but dante claims he doesnt. this ritual fails in some way and the child, fernando, and leonardo die in the aftermath. fernando’s conscience goes into his husbands body and theyre able to sorta transform and switch between the two sharing the body. dante is the only one left, debatably, normal and intact. he is then arrested by erin when the ordo agents discovered what happened.
yeah thats a lot to take in
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cuartoretorno · 2 years
Attaque 77 - No me arrepiento de este amor 1998
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ComicList: Marvel Comics New Releases for July 11/12, 2023,
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Amazing Spider-Man #29 (Cover E Giada Perissinotto Disney100 Black & White Variant), AR
Daredevil And Echo #1 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Cover A Phil Noto), $4.99
Daredevil Epic Collection Volume 13 A Touch Of Typhoid TP, $44.99
Defenders Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Al Milgrom Book Market Cover), $100.00
Defenders Omnibus Volume 2 HC (Gil Kane Direct Market Cover), $100.00
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Edge Of Spider-Verse #2 (Of 4)(2nd Printing Cover A David Yardin), $4.99
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Moon Knight #25 (Cover E Frank Miller Virgin Variant), AR
Moon Knight #25 (Cover F Gary Frank), AR
Moon Knight #25 (Cover G Gary Frank Virgin Variant), AR
Moon Knight #25 (Cover H Jim Cheung), AR
Moon Knight #25 (Cover I Maria Wolf), AR
Moon Knight #25 (Cover J W. Scott Forbes Hellfire Gala Variant), AR
Moon Knight #25 (Cover K John Tyler Christopher Negative Space Variant), AR
Planet Of The Apes #4 (Cover A Joshua Cassara), $4.99
Planet Of The Apes #4 (Cover B John Giang), AR
Red Goblin #6 (Cover A Bjorn Barends), $3.99
Red Goblin #6 (Cover B Philip Tan Connecting Variant), AR
Red Goblin #6 (Cover C Ryan Stegman Venom The Other Variant), AR
Rogue And Gambit #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Steve Morris), $3.99
Scarlet Witch #6 (Cover A Russell Dauterman), $3.99
Scarlet Witch #6 (Cover B Lucas Werneck Homage Variant), AR
Scarlet Witch #6 (Cover C Peach Momoko), AR
Scarlet Witch #6 (Cover D Betsy Cola), AR
Spider-Man #7 (3rd Printing Cover A Luciano Vecchio), $3.99
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #36 (Cover A Marco Checchetto), $3.99
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #36 (Cover B Chris Sprouse Return Of The Jedi 40th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #36 (Cover C Jerry Ordway Classic Trade Dress Variant), AR
Star Wars Bounty Hunters #36 (Cover D Salvador Larroca Boba Fett & Death Stick Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #36 (Cover A Leinil Francis Yu), $3.99
Star Wars Darth Vader #36 (Cover B Chris Sprouse Return Of The Jedi 40th Anniversary Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #36 (Cover C Jerry Ordway Classic Trade Dress Variant), AR
Star Wars Darth Vader #36 (Cover D Luciano Vecchio), AR
Star Wars Legends Epic Collection Volume 3 Tales Of The Jedi TP, $44.99
Storm #1 (Of 5)(2nd Printing Cover A Alan Davis), $4.99
Superior Spider-Man Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Joe Quesada Direct Market Cover), $125.00
Superior Spider-Man Omnibus Volume 1 HC (Ryan Stegman Book Market Cover), $125.00
Warlock Rebirth #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Ron Lim), $3.99
Warlock Rebirth #4 (Of 5)(Cover B Dan Jurgens), AR
Web Of Carnage #1 (Cover A Kendrick Kunkka Lim), $5.99
Web Of Carnage #1 (Cover B Philip Tan Connecting Variant), AR
Web Of Carnage #1 (Cover C Kendrick Kunkka Lim), AR
Web Of Carnage #1 (Cover D Salvador Larroca), AR
What If Dark Loki #1 (Cover A Walter Simonson), $4.99
What If Dark Loki #1 (Cover B Gabriele Dell’Otto), AR
What If Dark Loki #1 (Cover C Emanuela Lupacchino), AR
X-Force #42 (Cover A Joshua Cassara), $3.99
X-Force #42 (Cover B James Stokoe), AR
X-Force #42 (Cover C Carlos E. Gomez Hellfire Gala Variant), AR
X-Force #42 (Cover D Nic Klein Stormbreakers Variant), AR
X-Men #101 (Facsimile Edition), $3.99
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Geoff Shaw), $4.99
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Chris Allen Stormbreakers Variant), AR
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Erica D’Urso Hellfire Gala Variant), AR
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Rob Liefeld Homager Variant), AR
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #1 (Of 4)(Cover E Mico Suayan), AR
X-Men Days Of Future Past Doomsday #1 (Of 4)(Cover F Sean Galloway Saturday Morning Variant), AR
Marvel Studios Be More Captain Marvel Embrace Your Power And Inspire Othes HC, $12.99
Marvel Sticker Anthology HC, $27.99
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