sleepysheepytea · 2 years
Day 1 - Anticipation @/august-anon
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myreygn · 8 months
tkltober day 10: Ghost
Sk8 the Infinity - ler!Kojiro, lee!Kaoru
His breathing was the only noise around. Every rustle of his clothes echoed back at him and Kojiro felt a cold shiver run down his spine - no wonder Kaoru was such a jackass, living all alone in this huge house would drive anyone insane. Good thing he had Carla, although Carla was not as loyal of a companion as he probably thought her to be. Her master would be home soon and the AI wouldnʼt say a single word about the intrusion. Kojiro smirked. Giving him the password to order Carla around was the biggest mistake Kaoru had ever made in his entire life.
The rattling of the key in the door was the only warning he got before the robotic voice started booming through the hallway. “Welcome home, master.”
“How are things going?”
God, he sounded so smug. He knew exactly how much of a pain he had been today and he was relishing it.
“Everything is as usual, Master.”
If Kojiro couldʼve snickered without immediately giving his location away, he would have. That would change in a minute.
He waited patiently until Kaoru had taken off his shoes and walked past the niche he was hiding in before he turned off the lights. Kaoru stood still immediately and in the dimmed light falling through the windows, Kojiro could see him tilt his head up to look at the ceiling. “Carla, turn the light back on.”
As soon as the lights were back on and Kaoru had went on into the kitchen, Kojiro snuck down the hallway and turned off the light once more before hiding in between Kaoruʼs fancy coats.
“Carla! The lights!” Kaoru sounded irritated. Time for the next step. When Kojiro loudly opened and closed the storage room door across from him, the kitchen went dead silent for a moment. Jackpot.
“Carla, whoʼs in here?” There was now a slight edge to Kaoruʼs voice and Kojiro felt a giddy excitement bubble in his chest when the AI confirmed that there was indeed no one here. Heh. He was like a ghost. Or a ninja. A ninja-ghost!
Footsteps approached the hallway and Kojiro grinned at the sound of Kaoru angrily muttering under his breath. “Damn computer… what the hell… that's what I need, a fucking haunted house!” The perfect cue.
Kaoru screamed and nearly jumped out of his skin, whipping around to him. “Kojiro- hehehey!”
“Surprise.” Kojiro smirked, wrapping his arms around Kaoru even tighter and wiggling his fingers into his sides. “You didnʼt really think I would just let you off after you got on my nerves all day, hm?”
“I- ghahaha, hohow dihihid yohou-” Kaoru squealed and doubled over, but there was no escaping the tickling. “Gehehet ohoff of mehehehe yohou stuhupid mohohonkey!”
“Carla let me in.” He squeezed his friendʼs hips, just to hear him squeal. “Itʼs two against one here, so if I were you Iʼd watch my tone. The only thing I wanna hear from you is Sorry.”
“Nope, thatʼs not the word.” Kojiro chuckled softly as he squeezed Kaoruʼs thigh with one hand while holding him upright with the other. Knowing Kaoru, theyʼd be here for a while.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
hi! if requests are open, can you do a fic w/ lee kaoru? i would be very grateful
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That's cheating!
Y'all really wanna see this dude getting wrecked lmao (I don't blame y'all 'cause same aifhskdhjw). Anyways hope y'all like what I wrote~
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Chiaki x Kaoru (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Kaoru
Ler: Chiaki
Warnings: Tickles!
It was late into the night, the guys had decided to meet up to hang out at the downtown area where they stumbled upon an arcade machine. They both played at it for a little while, Chiaki was pretty ass at it while Kaoru seemed to be naturally talented at it. And of course Kaoru had to rub it in. "This is so easy!".
"Oh yeah? Bet you can't beat this upcoming boss fight".
"Watch and learn~" Kaoru sent him a teasy smirk as he glued his eyes back to the arcade machine, passing the level with ease so far. "See? Piece of cake!".
"Not bad... but you still haven't beaten it~".
"Don't rush me".
As Kaoru became more and more focused on the game, Chiaki decided to mess with him a bit. He positioned himself behind the blonde and started to playfully walk his fingers up his sides.
"HNGH!" Kaoru instantly tried to arch away from the tickly touch, a strangled gasp making it's way out of his lips. "C-Chiaki s-stahap thaHAt!".
"Whaaaat? I'm just giving you a little challenge, I'm sure you can handle it~" the brunnette giggled as he gave a squeeze to the blonde's hips.
"GYAH!" an embarrassing shriek escaped him as his face errupted like a tomato. And yet he still managed to keep playing, even if a bit more messily. "T-thahaHAt's cheheHEATING!".
"Cheating?! I wouldn't call it that..." Chiaki trailed off as his hands made their way up to Kaoru's ribs, poking and pinching at the ticklish bones.
"Pfft-! Mhmhmhm...!" Kaoru bit down on his lip to try to surpress his laughter, all while his hands shook from how badly it tickled. He didn't want to give Chiaki the satisfaction of watching him lose. All hope was lost when Chiaki slipped his hands under his arms and... "EHEEK! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Kaoru instantly clamped his arms down, completely letting go of the game. As he got lost in his loud laughter, the game over screen flashed across, signaling that he haf lost the round. Once that popped up, Chiaki stopped his tickly torment.
"Awe... better luck next time" he tried to sound innocent, but his goofy smile quickly gave him away.
"Y-you mahade me lose!" Kaoru tried to sound angry but his flushed cheeks and occassional giggles made it hard for him to sound threatening.
"Well there's always next time~ Anyways, I didn't know you were so ticklish~".
Kaoru groaned at the comment "S-shut up...", starting to walk away from how embarrassed he felt.
"And all those sounds you made were so adorable~!" Chiaki kept teasing him, happily following behind.
"Omg shut up!!" the blonde let out a whine as Chiaki only giggled at him in endearment. Kaoru definitely considered getting revenge on Chiaki, just have to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike...
Look at me writing two fics in a day :D
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tickly-trashcan · 1 year
Hi! Since your headcanons are open, do you think you could please do the rest of the host club? Love your writing btw!
A/N: yippee!! the host club is reunited!! lol thank you for the request, i hope you enjoy these!! the headcanons for haruhi, mori, and honey are right here!!
Tamaki -
he is stupidly ticklish actually like save him
he's ticklish pretty much everywhere but under his arms and his tummy are probably his best spots they have him absolutely REELING
he has a normal like. "princely" laugh whenever he's hosting or trying to be his typical Tamaki self but he is such a frantic giggler when he's tickled its so funny
also totally stealing from one of my favorite artists on tumblr dot com but RIGHT HERE is evidence that Tamaki snorts. he is so silly i hope he gets obliterated
also relating to that art he is constantly tickled by the twins in inconvenient situations lol
Haruhi will tickle him sometimes to try and make him stop doing something and most of the time it works lol
he also sometimes gets tickled by Kyoya or Honey but it's moooostly the twins bc those guys are absolute tickle monsters
he's got like. no ler bones in his body but only because he's so scared of getting tickled back that he just avoids it LOL
hes kind of funny because when he does tickle someone else like Kyoya he runs away almost immediately afterward
Kyoya -
URGH Kyoya is so hard for me to make headcanons for HELP HES SO GOOFY
okay he's definitely tickly. probably on his ribs, hips, and his back
HIS BACK IS A FUNNY SPOT bc people can just swipe one finger down his back and he'll do like a full body shudder and then give them an evil glare
he's probably tickled the least out of everyone in the host club and he is NOT USED TO IT whenever he is tickled because he's so out of practice being tickled lol
he's not super ticklish either but when you catch him by surprise he's more reactive to tickling
he doesn't normally engage in tickling because he's just sooooo serious LOL but when there's a good moment he'll definitely poke people or give them a small tickle
i feel like hes more of a ler but in general he just ignores whatevers going on unless he has to step in and break people up because the tickling is getting too intense
he has gotten tickled during one of those break ups before (it was Tamaki and the twins OF COURSE) and then both the twins tried to gang up on him. lol
they regretted it later! Kyoya may not tickle people often but when he does he should be feared
Hikaru -
okay i think it's so funny bc you'd think Kaoru is the more ticklish twin but UR WRONG it's Hikaru
he's like. stupid ticklish. ALMOST AS MUCH AS TAMAKI but he's better at hiding it because he's not as dramatic when he gets tickled
like he'll jump but he tries to hide his reactions so sometimes it takes a bit to make him even giggle
he's really ticklish on his hips and sides which are super easy to get too hehe just grab him by the hips and SQUEEZE
he's much more of a ler especially when he's tickling someone with his brother but if anyone was able to get him bad he would never get to live it down
the only person who's come close to tickling him really good aside from his brother is Haruhi and that's just because she's sick of their nonsense LOL
she also makes a point to tell the twins apart by where they're ticklish so she uses tickling to her advantage all the time
like she can easily tell them apart without tickling them but she thinks its funny because they are both so tickly
Kaoru -
he's such a goofball sorry i actually really loved Kaoru so much when i watched this show LOL
he's not as ticklish as Hikaru and he's tickly in other spots but he doesn't try to hide his reactions as much as Hikaru so people often assume that Kaoru is the more ticklish twin
He's very giggly and tickling him under his arms or his ribs especially get him really good
he's actually kind of silly because he will almost always be the one to initiate tickle fights with the other hosts or his brother, and then Hikaru normally joins in
I think Kaoru doesn't mind tickling others or being tickled, he's like... very in the middle on his preference LOL it just depends on his mood at the time
he and Hikaru will normally switch off on like. who's holding and who's tickling when they're ganging up on someone but Kaoru actually prefers to do the tickling most of the time
his argument is that Hikaru is too ticklish to be good at tickling but he never tells anyone else that because he knows Hikaru is a lil embarrassed about how ticklish he is lol
that's all i got for now!! thanks for the request~!
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
oh damn i'm really late on this... hii 💕 if it's okay with you i would like to send a last minute valentine's request 😇 could you maybe do bestie ("you know, i really missed this") with ler kojiro and lee kaoru from sk8 the infinity? have a great valentine's! 🥰
Heyo! You're fine, anon :D I absolutely love this prompt- it makes my heart swell five times it's size! and Matchablossom! I've gotcha covered!
Light angst at the end!
Bestie: "You know, I really missed this."
“You know, I really missed this.” Joe mused as he walked into their bedroom, the gears in his head already spinning a plan.
“Miss what?” The pink haired man looked up from his book, raising a brow. “What are you- whoa!” Cherry yelped when Joe tackled him, bringing them both down in the bed. His book and bookmark went flying across the room. “Kojiro what the-Ah!”
“Shhh, I’m sleeping.” Joe murmured against his husband’s shoulder, even as his fingers began worming against the other’s waist. “Don’t squirm so much, I’m getting comfortable.”
“Screhehehehhehew yoohohohohohu!! Pfft-gorihihihiihiihihlla, aheahhahahhaha!” The pink haired man yelped, twisting in Joe’s embrace as he tried swatting off the hand massaging his lower ribs. “Kohohohohohohoroji, pleahhahhhahase!”
“Man you’re chatty tonight.” Joe grinned, bringing his other hand into the mix as he hovered over the other, going for all the sensitive spots along his torso. “Normally I’m the one you have to shut up. Looks like the roles have switched, huh?”
“Oohohohohohoh shuuhuhuhuut it, pfft-gehahhhahhahhahha! Noohohoohohot thehehehehhehehre!” Cherry squawked with a cackle when Joe focused his attack against his husband’s hips, drilling relentless circles into the joint. “Kohohohoohoohohoho!”
“Still so sassy even while I tickle you? Damn, you really haven’t changed at all.” Joe laughed, dropping a hand to Cherry’s thigh. “How about here? Is this still ticklish?”
“Yep! Still very much so.” Joe laughed along with him.
Hair was pulled, clothes were nearly ripped. The pillows of their once immaculate bed were all over the room, and the sheets were disheveled. By the end of their tickle war, Cherry was a flushed mess and Joe was laughing like a child, proud of his chaos.
“Gohoohohhd…whahhaht the hehehehell was thahahahat for?” Cherry growled, unable to hold a glare as his husband pig-snorted.
“I just…ehehehehe..I just really missed seeing you smile.” He sobered some, leaning into his hand. “Since Adam…you haven’t really done so.”
Sharp eyes softened, something sad yet warm entered Cherry’s gaze as he took in Joe’s words. Then he reached out and pinched his arm, earning a yelp. “You know- there’s other ways of making me smile that don’t include trying to kill me.” He rolled his eyes fondly, scooting up and resting his head against Joe’s chest. “But thank you…I appreciate it.”
“Heh, anytime babe.” Joe smiled, kissing his forehead.
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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teasinterests · 1 year
In need of a break.
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I wrote this extremely fast tbh since i’m not ready to be pumping out masterpieces yet.. but this was still fun and gave me a bit of motivation!! 🥹
Ler! Rei x Lee! Chiaki
( interpret as you wish )
No CW’s or TW’s apply other than tickles ❤️
Quickly gobbling down the food before him, Chiaki practically slammed the fork onto his plate before getting up. The hero had been running back ‘n forth for the past few days between jobs and live shows. Finally having time, some time, to quickly grab some lunch back at ES. Within a matter of minutes he downed his food and drink, prepared to rush back out and continue to the next job. Hopefully he looked good, it was a part in a movie after all!
Cleaning up his plates and silverware, Chiaki turned to run back outside, only to slam face first right into someone's chest. Stumbling backwards with a yelp of surprise emitting from him.
“AH-!! I’m sorry! I’m in a rush right now– …Sakuma?”
The brunette questioned in surprise to see Rei up at such an hour. Nonetheless standing so close. The ravenette before him has his mouth covered, though judging by trembling shoulders, he was stifling a bout of laughter from Chiaki’s previous reaction.
“Fufu~ Indeed.. Where are you running off to in such a rush? Another job offer?”
The self proclaimed vampire questioned as Chiaki gave a quick nod. Moving to brush past Rei shortly afterwards.
“Yes! And, it's an important one too! So I really must get goi– Hey!?”
Chiaki exclaimed as Rei swiftly grabbed onto the shorter idol's arm. Pulling the hero back and wrapping his arms around the other's torso from behind. Sighing heavily as he rests his chin atop one of Chiaki's shoulders. The brunette growing a tad flustered, he turned his head.
“My dearest friend Kanata has been mentioning how you have been working yourself to the bone recently. Even Kaoru has spoken up on such a thing, and I know those two are quite close friends to you.”
Rei pointed out as Chiaki remained silent for once.
“If those two are concerned, then I am as well~ You should take a break for the rest of the day, Morisawa. I can easily have it arranged for your work to be moved to the next day, or a day later.”
The undead leader explained as Chiaki gave a small huff, wiggling a little as he tried slipping out of the others arms.
“Sakuma! I have to get going! I’m usually all for games but I'm fine! If I don’t get through these jobs then how else am I going to keep supporting Ryuseitai, HUH??”
Chiaki questioned in turn as Rei gave a small huff. His grip around the hero is surprisingly firm.
“There are five members in Ryuseitai, Morisawa. Not all of the workload has to be dumped onto you. Kanata can take care of his own, and surely those kids are more than capable.”
Rei pointed out as Chiaki tried ducking down to slip out of the others arms. The sight was rather amusing as Rei practically hoisted Chiaki back up. The brunette practically yelled in frustration.
“Those kids don't deserve such a burden though! They're only kids, and I know how much they enjoy spending their hard earned funds to afford the things they enjoy! Kanata can take care of his own, but if I can bear most of the burden then I will!”
Chiaki exclaimed before nearly crumbling as Rei squeezed at his sides. Just so suddenly out of the blue..
“Do we have to do things the hard way then, Morisawa? You have fallen into the demon king’s clutches after all~ I will inform Tenshouin to take care of your workload for the day.”
Rei stated as Chiaki grabbed onto the others arms. Struggling to push Rei back against the counter behind them
“No, no! I can finish it all and take a break tomorrow– AH!?”
The hero yelped once again as the vampire's fingers slowly began wiggling against his captives' sides. Chuckling in turn as he listened to Chiaki begin to frantically giggle and wiggle around within his hold.
“If you don't agree then I guess I'll have to convince you another way. After all, the hero couldn't break free from my hold before. How on earth will he do so now that i’ve discovered such a weakness?~”
Rei teased as he dug his fingers in a bit harder. Alternating between scratching along Chiaki’s sides, and squeezing them. The brunette was rather quick to begin laughing,despite his struggle to keep the giggles in earlier, face burning as red as his typical Ryuseitai color. He struggled to push Rei’s arms away, or slip from his grasp. But, in all honesty, he was already completely exhausted from working so frequently. Not to mention struggling with his low blood pressure more than normal. Rei of course knew this, not from Kanata, nor Kaoru, but because he could tell how weak Chiaki seemed from the start. And, compared to Rei, Chiaki should have easily been able to break free from such a grasp.
“S-Stop Sahahakuma l-let gohoho!”
The hero laughed and stomped his foot against the floor a few times. A few snorts even escaped him from how hard the giggles were bursting out. Rei of course couldn't help but laugh at this. Chiaki truly was adorable. He could very much see the appeal.
“Oh? Is the hero admitting defeat then?”
Rei questioned before Chiaki quickly shook his head in turn.
“Kuku~ I was hoping you’d say that. Guess you’ll have to endure it some more, won’t you? Let's see… Perhaps a different spot will change your mind.~”
Rei practically hummed against the other ear as he moved his arms up a bit higher. Just enough so he could begin attacking at the hero’s ribcage. That was practically flipping a switch within Chiaki. Bursting into a loud laugh and lurching forward, he shook his head a little before pressing back against Rei’s chest.
The brunette practically squealed as Rei whistled with surprise. What a far different reaction than before!
“Oho!~ Did I find a weak spot? Hm? Can’t the hero take a little tickling? Surely he can since he wants to break his bones working so hard.”
The vampire chuckled as Chiaki shoved at Rei’s hands, only for the other to grab Chiaki’s wrists in turn. Pulling them behind the hero’s back, and gripping them within one hand. Moving his free hand back around to continue his work.
Chiaki couldn’t believe how easily this was working in Rei’s favor, and he could feel himself growing more, and more, tired by the minute. At this rate, he’d end up collapsing before even returning to work! Though he knew that wouldn’t be happening. He’s basically screwed.
Chiaki exclaimed through his bubbly laughter, only to yelp with his knees giving out below him as Rei’s hand had worked its way upwards. Slipping just beneath the hero’s arm..
“Whoops-!” Rei gasped as he quickly caught Chiaki before the other had hit the floor. Scooping the brunette up into his arms, Chiaki panted as he lay limp against the taller idol. For a moment he hadn't even cared.. Only until Rei laughed and cradled Chiaki within his arms.
“Look at you! All red faced and exhausted like that! You shouldnt be showing such weakness around villains like me, Morisawa.~”
The vampire teased as he moved a hand to skitter his fingers across Chiaki’s stomach teasingly. The hero was quick to jolt and grab at the other's wrist.
“GAH-! Stop! I’ll take a break! Just enough..” The tired idol huffed as he dropped his head against Rei’s shoulder. The ravenette gave an amused smile in response.
“Good, I'll take you back to your dorm then and inform Tenshouin about your break. You truly should take care of yourself more, Morisawa. It wasn’t hard to tell how exhausted you are from the start.”
Rei pointed out as Chiaki gave a small huff in complaint. Eyes closed as he allowed Rei to carry him with a surprising amount of ease.
“I know.. I’ll try to focus on it more. Kanata and Hakaze are allowed to wack me on the head if they so wish..”
“Or they could simply tickle you til you agree.~” Rei commented with a grin, just for Chiaki to quickly glare in turn. “Don’t start giving them ideas or anything!!”
Not that they don’t already know..
Chiaki was a bit grateful despite the embarrassment received. He felt exhausted, and was really looking forward to getting some well deserved rest. Though he was positive he’d be hearing about this from both Kanata and Kaoru sooner or later..
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tklpilled · 9 months
Cherry and Joe
Chuuya and Dazai
who's more ticklish
cherry + chuuya i think
their roles in a tk fight
hmmm. matchablossom are very switchy but with skk it's Mostly ler dazai lee chuuya with some exceptions
how often they tickle each other
all the time. for both. literally all the time
their worst spots
what if i said hips for all of them. what then (except dazai he has to be special)
an extra headcanon i have for them
kaoru doesn't even like italian food that much he just constantly needs to annoy kojiro
idk where the hc came from that dazai breaks into chuuya's place all the time but i fully believe it
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years
✨ Anime Tickle Fics ✨
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Hunter x Hunter Masterlist
My Hero Academia Masterlists
Ouran High School Host Club
The Promised Neverland
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Yuri On Ice
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happyandticklish · 2 years
well, what about T, W, I, N and S for Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin ?
(I didn't actually look up what the letters mean, I just liked the idea of the abbreviation… 'x>)
Hell yeah, and the acronym game continues~
No worries! It will be a surprise for both of us lol.
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
You cannot convince me that the twins would not make evil fucking lers based off of everything about them. Veryyyy observant when they're tickling, and they'll definitely take their time to draw it out to see which areas get the best reaction. Every yelp or stifled noise gets pointed out, and when they find a good spot they hone in on it for just a second too long to drive the lee up the fucking wall (the lee usually being Tamaki; they've tried to use this tactic on Haruhi but she is Not Having It). If they themselves want to get tickled, their antics go through the fucking roof and the whole day descends into annoying chaos until someone decides to deal with them.
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
They can both say it! Though it's slightly embarrassing that they themselves are ticklish, they're completely fine with the concept itself. That being said, Hikaru gets hella flustered if it's used against him, even outside of actually getting tickled, and blushes up a storm. I feel like of the two, Kaoru's more comfortable with his sensitivity because he already has to play that more "submissive" role for the host club, so he's used to it. Hikaru on the other hand will guard that information like it's his fucking job because he cannot handle the teasing that would come out of it.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
They would break so fucking fast, they have no loyalties to anyone and would for sure save their own skin before trying to hold out. I think if it came down to it, Kaoru would hold out a little longer, because Hikaru cannot fucking handle getting tickled and will give up so fast.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
Ahhh I don't know if they have any really? Kind of a boring answer, but they're not really around anyone during the night, so there's not a lot of opportunity for it.
S: Safeword | If they were to suggest the safeword for a tickle session, which word will it be?
I feel like they would mock the concept of a safeword and not fully understood its necessity, so it would most likely end up being something really stupid, like "banana" or "your mom", all the way until they're shrieking with laughter and have to embarrass themselves further by actually saying it.
[Send a Character + Letter and I’ll answer with my headcannons]
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yamszaki · 1 year
👶🏻 (daianna, pode ser a megu ou o segundo filhote).
name: megumi hirata e ryuji hirata birthdate: 25/12 e 06/03
personality headcanon: megumi - ela é uma neném tranquila e que raramente incomoda, ela tem um jeito bem calmo e silencioso, adora carinho e andar nos ombros dos adultos. ela come literalmente de tudo e gosta de aprontar subindo em lugares que não pode, se pendurando em móveis e etc porque não tem muita noção de perigo. imagino que quando criança ela era mais rosa, brilhinhos e vestidos, mas conforme ela fique mais velha ela se torne uma mulher bem prática e de um look mais neutro. é apaixonada e não suporta o irmãozinho, mas se sente muito feliz de não ser filha única ryuji - a personalidade imagino que seja mais da anna, mais explosivo e vaidoso. ele é um bebê assim 0 tranquilo, ele grita e esperneia horrores e é meio birrento também, mas se ganhar um colinho resolve 90% dos problemas dele. imagino que ele e a megumi briguem de puxar o cabelo e riscarem a cara um do outro, algo que provavelmente deixa o daichi maluco porque ele não sabe lidar muito bem de início. mas imagino que ele seja um ótimo cozinheiro igual o pai e esforçado igual a mãe.
what was their first word and how old were they when they said it: megumi - obviamente foi ‘papa’, provavelmente com uns 9 meses ryuji - ‘wanwan’ que é cachorrinho, com 8 meses
did they get in trouble in school: CARA eu queria dizer que não, mas são filhos da anna, provavelmente devem aprontar, principalmente o ryuji e a megumi é pega junto tentando passar pano pro irmão which parent were they more attached to: acho que os dois são muito apegados no daichi, mas o ryuji é filhinho de mamãe sim what was their favorite toy: megumi - o cachorrinho que pula do tio kaoru ryuji - um dragão de pelúcia que era do daichi e ficou pra ele
did they cry a lot as a baby: megumi - acho que não, ela é uma bebê sem noção, bate a cabeça e dá risada ryuji - esse aqui é chorão sim, 0 momentos de paz com ele
movie they watched over and over: PONYO what was their favorite subject in school: a megumi é muito boa em química, e o ryuji gosta de geografia were they social growing up or quiet: por alguma razão acho que os dois são quietinhos mas o ryuji é mais sociável, a megu é popular mas tem poucos amigos
which parent do they take after: megumi - obviamente a cópia cuspida e escarrada do daichi com alguns traços de personalidade da anna ryuji - ele tem feições bem delicadas iguais as da anna, mas o sorriso é do daichi e tem a mesma pintinha dele.
what do they grow up to be: megumi - acho ela meio girl boss fazendo algo tipo publicidade e propaganda porque une a profissão do daichi com a da anna de certa forma ryuji - ele daria um ótimo modelo na adolescência/juventude, mas ele quer muito ser dublador!
three random headcanons: 1) o ryuji tem tdah e dislexia, então a megumi lê livrinhos pra ele antes de dormir junto com ele pra ajudar; 2) eles passam as férias com os avós do daichi no japão e é literalmente um paraíso porque são altamente mimados e convivem com os vários gatinhos que moram no quintal; 3) o ryuji só foi descobrir que anna era uma celebridade quando era maiorzinho e chorou muito porque não queria dividir ela com ninguém
likes & dislikes: megumi - comida, pintar e desenhar, jogar vôlei, meias coloridas e gatos; não gosta de dias chuvosos, perder, água com gás, colocar casaco quando tá frio e acordar cedo ryuji - gosta de cachorros, cozinhar, colo dos pais, bandeiras e bolo de chocolate; não gosta de ler livros, ficar sentado em um mesmo lugar por muito tempo, lagartixas, do escuro e de dividir coisas..
do they get along with their parents: mas óbvio, o lar mais amoroso possível, e eles são super apegados nos avós/bisavós paternos também, sem contar os titios
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Emojis: 🐭/👓/🫧
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Pronomes: Elu/Delu
Emojis: 🕷️/💸/🫐
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hinadan · 1 year
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nome completo: aoi kouki. idade: 30 anos. data de nascimento: 04 de abril de 1993. signo: áries. local de nascimento: osaka, japão. residência atual: seul, coreia do sul. sexualidade: pansexual. ocupação: vocalista e guitarrista da banda mania. hobbies: ler mangás e assistir animes. faceclaim: nakamoto yuta, nct.
altura: 1,76m. cabelo: muda com bastante frequência devido à natureza da sua profissão; atualmente está em tamanho médio e com a cor natural, castanho escuro. olhos: castanhos. marcas/cicatrizes: diversas cicatrizes nos pulsos devido a cortes e algumas espalhadas pelo corpo devido a pequenos acidentes. piercings/tatuagens: piercings em ambos os mamilos, na língua, no umbigo, no pênis e no períneo, além de três furos no lóbulo da orelha direita + dois no lóbulo, hélix e conch na orelha esquerda. de tatuagens, possui uma borboleta no quadril esquerdo, além da frase "no apologies" logo abaixo; uma pena em aquarela com pássaros voando do lado direito; uma corrente envolvendo o braço esquerdo.
cor: preto. comida: gyoza. bebida: cerveja. música: the war is on, coldrain. cantor/banda: SiM. animais: gatos.
opposite: tsukasa kaoru. partner: max. verse: idols/celebrity. família: aoi risa (mãe), pai desconhecido. personalidade/visão de mundo: kou é o puro suco do caos - não que alguém pudesse esperar algo diferente, considerando a infância que ele teve. se qualquer coisa, podia bater no peito e afirmar que era positivo demais para alguém que passou por tantas loucuras. não é exagero dizer que lhe faltam uns parafusos, um lado seu que ele enche de floreios e mostra como sua personalidade artística - o compositor, vocalista e guitarrista de uma banda de rock de sucesso. no entanto, o que quase ninguém sabe é que, no fim do dia, tudo isso não passa de uma máscara bem feita para esconder os horrores em sua cabeça. um homem depressivo, que desconta toda a grandeza do que sente em dor, machucados contra seu corpo que, por vezes, são trocados por novos piercings ou tatuagens. mas, bem... não é uma pessoa totalmente triste. mas não é feliz, também. o que sente sobre o relacionamento com kaoru: sorte. segunda chance. felicidade. luz. existem muitas palavras que kou usaria para descrever a existência de kaoru em sua vida, muitas delas autodepreciativas, porque volta e meia acaba pensando como não merece alguém tão bom, mas no fim nada parece suficiente. o garotinho que admirava na tv, tão talentoso mesmo tão jovem, entrou em sua vida após anos como a maior e melhor surpresa que o fim dos seus 20 anos poderia lhe trazer. kaoru é o responsável por fazer o mulherengo kou desistir da vida promíscua e tentar ser alguém melhor, digno de tê-lo ao seu lado.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
I'm gonna put all my enstars fics here before it gets out of control lmao. This'll be linked in my pinned post
Entranced (Wataru x Eichi)
Ice breaker (Mayoi x Hiiro)
Challenge time (Switch)
Big sister magic (Arashi x Tsukasa)
Tickly punishment (Hiiro x Aira)
Let me help (Hiiro x Aira)
Wake up tickles (Arashi x Ritsu)
Relaxing date (Arashi x Mika)
Nickname (Natsume x Tsumugi)
Distracted (Leo x Tsukasa x Arashi)
Tickle fight (Ra*bits)
Cheer up (Mayoi x Hiiro)
That's cheating! (Kaoru x Chiaki)
Shut up (Rei x Eichi)
Loosen up (Leo x Tsukasa)
Wake up (Mao x Ritsu)
Don't be so grumpy (Hiyori x Jun)
Ghost hunting (Crazy:B)
The hyena's revenge (Hiyori x Jun)
Wake up! (Leo x Natsume)
Rumors (Aira x Koga)
Let it out (NagiBara)
Happy birthday Tsukasa! (Tsukasa x Izumi)
My turn! (IbaYuzu)
Ler!Izumi x gn!reader
Persuasive methods (Rei x Eichi)
Squishhh (Tsukasa x Izumi)
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
Hi!! First I wanted to say that I love your blog and I always get a little burst of happiness whenever I get a notification that you posted!
I saw that requests were open, and I was wondering if you'd be willing to do something with Tamaki from OHSHC, maybe where the twins have ganged up on him, or something along those lines? No worries if not!
Hope you have a lovely day!! ^^
thank you so much! ^-^ <3
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teasinterests · 1 year
Spoiler alert!
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I was requested to actually write out my last ChiaKaoIzu idea soo… now that I work long shifts on Saturdays I have a bit of time to throw out some short fics.. I hope you enjoy anon! 🥹
Lers! Kaoru & Izumi - Lee! Chiaki
No CW or TW’s apply (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Gripping his pillow tightly, Chiaki’s eyes were wide, and shining with excitement as he stared towards the television in front of them. Jolting forward, he grins and punches the air excitedly.
“This is the part where he destroys all those robots within one take! They didn't make cuts or anything! And, then he jumps off the bridge and–”
“Are you going to let us /WATCH/ the movie, or are you gonna tell us every other scene?”
Izumi suddenly snapped towards the brunette to his right. Giving Chiaki a little glare as the hero smiled sheepishly. Leaning back against the blonde on their other side, who simply laughed and wrapped his arm around Chiaki.
“Don’t be so harsh, Sena-kun.~ Moricchi is just excited…”
Kaoru pointed out as Chiaki gave a grin towards Izumi, only to immediately deflate from Kaoru’s next set of words.
“Though it would be nice if you did quit spoiling the movie.”
The taller of the three pointed out, giving Chiaki a gentle shake as the brunette leaned up against him.
“Uuu… sorry.. I’ll quit..”
He whined a little before he’s squished between the duo. Giggling a bit with amusement before their attention was returned back to the movie in front of them.
After about an hour near the end of the movie with the big fight scene Chiaki fidgeted in his seat. Beaming with excitement, blissfully unaware of the side glances received by Kaoru and Izumi.
“AH! Yeah! I’m so glad the hero wins this fight right at the last second when the– WAH!?”
Chiaki yelped as Izumi jabbed him in the side with a look of frustration.
“Morisawa! What did we say previously, huh? Do you ever listen!?”
The silver haired idol exclaimed as Kaoru gently rubbed along the brunettes side, earning a few giggles from Chiaki as he toppled over.
“Sorry, Sorry!! I didn’t mean it!”
The brunette exclaimed as the duo above him exchanged mischievous glances.
“You said that last time, Moricchi. I can only contain Sena-kun so much y’know.~”
Kaoru pointed out with a laugh as Izumi gave a small huff in response. Shuffling between the brunette's legs as they adjusted their positions on the couch.
“Why am I being made out as the mean one here?”
“Probably because you are.”
Kaoru teased in return with a grin. The two practically ignored the panicking Chiaki for a split second.
“H-Hey I did apologize though! The movie is almost over guys! You’re gonna miss it-!”
Chiaki frantically pointed out before Izumi’s fingers grabbed onto his sides. Practically kneading them like dough, which earned a sudden squeal of surprise from the brunette beneath them.
“There's no point since you already ruined the final battle scene, Morisawa.”
Izumi smirked with amusement as Chiaki giggled and sloppily grabbed at his friends wrists, only to yelp once more as Kaoru’s hands wormed their way beneath the hero’s arms. Targeting the brunettes armpits to earn an even louder squeal than before.
“I can tell this isn't your first rodeo..”
Izumi comments as Kaoru laughs in response.
“It tires him out.~”
With Chiaki’s arms snapped against his sides he wiggled about and kicked his legs against the couch. Trying to be cautious at least to avoid accidentally kicking Izumi.
The hero exclaimed as Kaoru laughed and held Chiaki up a bit further against his chest. Moving his hands to poke and wiggle his fingers around Chiaki’s ribs as Izumi squeezed around the brunette's sides and hips.
“It wasn’t fair of you to spoil the movie either, was it? Take your punishment like a man, Morisawa!”
Izumi exclaimed as the brunette frantically tried twisting and wiggling out of his friend's grasp. Hands practically flailing to push at Kaoru’s, then Izumi’s. It was hard to focus when four hands were squeezing and tickling all over your torso!!
“Calling it a punishment is a bit cruel isn’t it? We’re simply.. Helping you relieve some of that energy, Moricchi.~”
Kaoru hums as his fingers alternate between the brunette's ribs and armpits. With Chiaki throwing his head back and squealing each time the blonde's fingers dug back beneath his arms. He would have flopped off the couch already if it weren't for Izumi sitting between his legs, or Kaoru holding him up against his chest. The position had Chiaki’s face burning red.. Though the laughing and squealing probably aided in that aspect well.
Chiaki exclaimed between his hysteria, finally grabbing at Kaoru’s wrists and shakily holding them up within a tight grip.
“Is it really?~”
Izumi questioned with a smirk before shooting his hands up to dig into the idol’s exposed pits. Chiaki immediately burst into a loud squeal and jerked his arms down. Releasing Kaoru’s wrists, earning a chuckle of amusement from the blonde as he watched Chiaki squeal and laugh, frantically wiggling and pushing at Izumi’s arms. Though from how flustered the brunette appeared, he figured it’d be best to wrap things up.
“Alright, alright.. Look at how red his poor face is, Sena-kun. Have some mercy now.~”
Kaoru teased with a laugh, in which Izumi smirked faintly in turn as his hands parted. The duo staring down towards a shaky, flustered, and panting Chiaki.
“Fufu~ The poor Hero’s weakness was discovered all too easily, hm? Don’t worry Moricchi. Your secret is safe with us.”
The blonde mused as he helped Chiaki sit back up. Snuggling close to the exhausted brunette with a smile.
“Don’t be too upset.~”
He said, with Izumi shuffling a bit to lean in against the small snuggle pile.
“Mhm.. You’re surprisingly cute all flustered like that. But, that's the only time I'll admit it.”
Izumi huffed, with Kaoru laughing a little in response. Chiaki held a sheepish smile upon his expression as his friends teased and cuddled up to him all reassuringly.
“Mnn… Yeah, yeah..!! Whatever- shouldn't we put another movie on?!”
The brunette exclaimed, handling flustering situations was horrible for him. Izumi and Kaoru obviously seemed amused by it, but they’ll agree..
“As long as you don’t start spoiling the film again..”
Izumi added in after Chiaki practically jumped off the couch to go pick out another movie.
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kazuimoto · 3 years
hi bby !! could i please request a fic of big brother figure joe and lee langa please ??? maybe something where langa's been feeling down and usually reki cheers him up by tickling him but his bestie is out of town and he tries asking joe but then gets too embarrassed about it ??? thanksies !!
big brother tickles
chars: ler!joe, lee!langa [platonic]
a/n: dani dani dani !! thank you for sending this in agjakgjhfd i love this prompt so much you have no idea . ghjfkdgfhs you're sendinG me into orbit || pls like/rb if you liked this ! tumblr isn't being too friendly bc i'm a new account sigh . all reblogs / comments are appreciated !! thank you hehe
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reki was known as many things: langa's best friend, sunshine kid, and resident tickle-monster. numerous years of fighting (tickle) war after war with his siblings made him pretty experienced in the area of tickles, and was no doubt very physically affectionate with his friends. hugs, squeezes, tickles – all these were 100% common in his relationships with langa (and miya).
tickling was not uncommon whenever the duo were together. soft squeezes to langa's hips (otherwise known as death spot 1), raspberries on his tummy (also known as death spot 2), and spidering up and down his sides (commonly referred to as death spot 3) were fairly common as well! needless to say, reki was langa's cheer-upper.
unfortunately, the redhead was out of town just on the day when langa had an extremely no-good, terrible, bad day. he had overslept, then was so disorientated that he ended up skating the wrong route to school – causing him to be late for class, which his teacher had scolded him in front of the entire class for. couple that with a failing grade in japanese literature, langa's day was the worst it had ever been for a while.
"kid? langa? you there?" the muscular man raised an eyebrow and waved, catching langa's attention and making him jump back to reality.
"huh? yeah.. sorry about that." his gaze shifted down to his untouched spaghetti, joe frowning in confusion.
"are you sure you're alright? you don't look fine. remember what kaoru said? to voice out what you need?" the older man looked at langa in the eye, the bluenette nodding.
damnit. he wanted.. he wanted the thing. the thing he always did with reki. the starting-with-the-letter-t-but-i'm-too-embarrassed-to-say-it-out-loud thing.
"...langa? are you going to tell me what happened?" joe asked, slightly amused by how spaced out the boy was.
what would reki do to get what he wanted?
"make me." langa stuck out his tongue uncharacteristically, the older man chuckling at his reaction.
"alright then."
twenty fingers scribbled up and down the blue-haired teen's sides, making him shriek and giggle and the offending fingers. joe laughed along with him, spidering his fingers on langa's knees and straddling him.
"nahaha- nohot my knehehes!"
"well, wasn't that what you wanted? i swear, you and reki are on the same wavelength." the greenette smiled, eyebrows raised at the teen lying on the floor in front of him.
"i- wha- joehehehe!" langa screamed with laughter as the older man started to blow raspberries on his tum, the tickly vibrating sensations forcing giggles and squeals from him.
'joehehehe' was the best tickler he had seen in a while – next to reki, of course. and kaoru.
"nahahaha- joehehe! stohohop!" langa wheezed, giggly shrieks dissipating into breathy giggles.
"alright, alright. are you feeling better?" joe smiled, looking at a panting, tickled out langa.
"mhm. thanks joe." langa mumbled, moving closer to the older man.
sure, reki might not have been there all the time to cheer him up, but at least he had others to take care of him and make sure that he was loved. and that was more than enough for langa.
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