myreygn · 1 year
tkltober day 10: Ghost
Sk8 the Infinity - ler!Kojiro, lee!Kaoru
His breathing was the only noise around. Every rustle of his clothes echoed back at him and Kojiro felt a cold shiver run down his spine - no wonder Kaoru was such a jackass, living all alone in this huge house would drive anyone insane. Good thing he had Carla, although Carla was not as loyal of a companion as he probably thought her to be. Her master would be home soon and the AI wouldnʼt say a single word about the intrusion. Kojiro smirked. Giving him the password to order Carla around was the biggest mistake Kaoru had ever made in his entire life.
The rattling of the key in the door was the only warning he got before the robotic voice started booming through the hallway. “Welcome home, master.”
“How are things going?”
God, he sounded so smug. He knew exactly how much of a pain he had been today and he was relishing it.
“Everything is as usual, Master.”
If Kojiro couldʼve snickered without immediately giving his location away, he would have. That would change in a minute.
He waited patiently until Kaoru had taken off his shoes and walked past the niche he was hiding in before he turned off the lights. Kaoru stood still immediately and in the dimmed light falling through the windows, Kojiro could see him tilt his head up to look at the ceiling. “Carla, turn the light back on.”
As soon as the lights were back on and Kaoru had went on into the kitchen, Kojiro snuck down the hallway and turned off the light once more before hiding in between Kaoruʼs fancy coats.
“Carla! The lights!” Kaoru sounded irritated. Time for the next step. When Kojiro loudly opened and closed the storage room door across from him, the kitchen went dead silent for a moment. Jackpot.
“Carla, whoʼs in here?” There was now a slight edge to Kaoruʼs voice and Kojiro felt a giddy excitement bubble in his chest when the AI confirmed that there was indeed no one here. Heh. He was like a ghost. Or a ninja. A ninja-ghost!
Footsteps approached the hallway and Kojiro grinned at the sound of Kaoru angrily muttering under his breath. “Damn computer… what the hell… that's what I need, a fucking haunted house!” The perfect cue.
Kaoru screamed and nearly jumped out of his skin, whipping around to him. “Kojiro- hehehey!”
“Surprise.” Kojiro smirked, wrapping his arms around Kaoru even tighter and wiggling his fingers into his sides. “You didnʼt really think I would just let you off after you got on my nerves all day, hm?”
“I- ghahaha, hohow dihihid yohou-” Kaoru squealed and doubled over, but there was no escaping the tickling. “Gehehet ohoff of mehehehe yohou stuhupid mohohonkey!”
“Carla let me in.” He squeezed his friendʼs hips, just to hear him squeal. “Itʼs two against one here, so if I were you Iʼd watch my tone. The only thing I wanna hear from you is Sorry.”
“Nope, thatʼs not the word.” Kojiro chuckled softly as he squeezed Kaoruʼs thigh with one hand while holding him upright with the other. Knowing Kaoru, theyʼd be here for a while.
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
can you believe i almost missed this event?! 😱 hi squiggily, long time no see 😊
if it's okay, could i request babydoll and me + you for teenagers matchablossom? lee!kaoru would be cool if it works for you ❤️
- 🐼non
{Candy Heart Prompts: OFFICIALLY CLOSED!}
Panda! :D It's great to hear from you again, friend! I hope you're doing alright! :3 God this prompt is so good- any chance to write for matchablossom, be it teens or adults makes me happy! I've gotcha covered, friend!
Me + You: "I didn't know you were ticklish"
“How many of these things do you have?” Kojiro leaned in to get a better look, staring at the glittering piercings decorating Kaoru’s ear.
“More than the amount of brain cells you have living in that thick skull of yours.” The pink haired teen huffed, twitching when Kojiro ran a finger against them. “Watch your hands!”
“Sorry-wait; what the hell do you mean by that braincell remark?” The finger shifted places, jabbing him in the ribs instead. “Are you calling me-”
His question never came- distracted at the jerk and hiss Kaoru let out at the touch. “Whoa, you good? Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m not- what are you doing?” Said teen yelped when Kojiro began tugging at his shirt, shoving it up to look at the skin. “Get your hands off me, you damn gorilla!”
“Please- like we haven’t seen each other naked before.” The green haired teen rolled his eyes as he stared at the skin. No bruises, no marks- nothing sticking out. So why did he-
A lightbulb went off. Ah. Maybe Kaoru was onto something about those brain cells..
“Kojiro, what are you-Ah! Dohohohn’t!” The pink haired teen leaned away when Kojiro prodded at the skin once more, starting to smile. “Lehehehet me gohohohooho!”
“I’m not holding you down, bud. Man- I didn’t know you were ticklish!” Feeling a bit bold, he switched from gentle prodding to proper squeezing, laughing when Kaoru all but flailed backwards at the feeling. “I’m barely touching you and you’re laughing so much!”
“Shuhuhuhuht uhuuhuhuhp! Aheahhahhaahha, yohohoohohu soohohohn of a-Gehahahhah nohohohohohono nohohohot thehehheheere!” He arched with an embarrassing squeal when Kojiro shoved his hands up his shirt, drilling into his highest ribs. “Yoohohohur hahahhahds are cohohohohold, yoohohohu behehahhahast!”
“Damn, first a gorilla, then a beast- what’s next in the animal kingdom you’re gonna call me?” Kojiro tsked, softening the entire time as his friend kicked and howled beneath him. “I know- a tickle monster! That sounds about right- get ready, cause I’m gonna eat you whole!”
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cyberabbit · 10 months
I have a headcanon that cherry is extremely ticklish which joe found out about.
kaoru is so stoic and acts like nothing phases him on the daily, but we all know he's actually very easy to rile up- especially if it's kojiro, who knows how to press all his buttons.
kojiro just decides to sneak attack one day- i'm assuming this is in their DK era but it works in their current life as well- and jumps to tickle him on his sides. he does NOT expect the reaction he gets; it ends with kaoru almost screeching while he laughs and threatens to end kojiro if he doesn't stop.
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tickly-trashcan · 2 years
Hi! Since your headcanons are open, do you think you could please do the rest of the host club? Love your writing btw!
A/N: yippee!! the host club is reunited!! lol thank you for the request, i hope you enjoy these!! the headcanons for haruhi, mori, and honey are right here!!
Tamaki -
he is stupidly ticklish actually like save him
he's ticklish pretty much everywhere but under his arms and his tummy are probably his best spots they have him absolutely REELING
he has a normal like. "princely" laugh whenever he's hosting or trying to be his typical Tamaki self but he is such a frantic giggler when he's tickled its so funny
also totally stealing from one of my favorite artists on tumblr dot com but RIGHT HERE is evidence that Tamaki snorts. he is so silly i hope he gets obliterated
also relating to that art he is constantly tickled by the twins in inconvenient situations lol
Haruhi will tickle him sometimes to try and make him stop doing something and most of the time it works lol
he also sometimes gets tickled by Kyoya or Honey but it's moooostly the twins bc those guys are absolute tickle monsters
he's got like. no ler bones in his body but only because he's so scared of getting tickled back that he just avoids it LOL
hes kind of funny because when he does tickle someone else like Kyoya he runs away almost immediately afterward
Kyoya -
URGH Kyoya is so hard for me to make headcanons for HELP HES SO GOOFY
okay he's definitely tickly. probably on his ribs, hips, and his back
HIS BACK IS A FUNNY SPOT bc people can just swipe one finger down his back and he'll do like a full body shudder and then give them an evil glare
he's probably tickled the least out of everyone in the host club and he is NOT USED TO IT whenever he is tickled because he's so out of practice being tickled lol
he's not super ticklish either but when you catch him by surprise he's more reactive to tickling
he doesn't normally engage in tickling because he's just sooooo serious LOL but when there's a good moment he'll definitely poke people or give them a small tickle
i feel like hes more of a ler but in general he just ignores whatevers going on unless he has to step in and break people up because the tickling is getting too intense
he has gotten tickled during one of those break ups before (it was Tamaki and the twins OF COURSE) and then both the twins tried to gang up on him. lol
they regretted it later! Kyoya may not tickle people often but when he does he should be feared
Hikaru -
okay i think it's so funny bc you'd think Kaoru is the more ticklish twin but UR WRONG it's Hikaru
he's like. stupid ticklish. ALMOST AS MUCH AS TAMAKI but he's better at hiding it because he's not as dramatic when he gets tickled
like he'll jump but he tries to hide his reactions so sometimes it takes a bit to make him even giggle
he's really ticklish on his hips and sides which are super easy to get too hehe just grab him by the hips and SQUEEZE
he's much more of a ler especially when he's tickling someone with his brother but if anyone was able to get him bad he would never get to live it down
the only person who's come close to tickling him really good aside from his brother is Haruhi and that's just because she's sick of their nonsense LOL
she also makes a point to tell the twins apart by where they're ticklish so she uses tickling to her advantage all the time
like she can easily tell them apart without tickling them but she thinks its funny because they are both so tickly
Kaoru -
he's such a goofball sorry i actually really loved Kaoru so much when i watched this show LOL
he's not as ticklish as Hikaru and he's tickly in other spots but he doesn't try to hide his reactions as much as Hikaru so people often assume that Kaoru is the more ticklish twin
He's very giggly and tickling him under his arms or his ribs especially get him really good
he's actually kind of silly because he will almost always be the one to initiate tickle fights with the other hosts or his brother, and then Hikaru normally joins in
I think Kaoru doesn't mind tickling others or being tickled, he's like... very in the middle on his preference LOL it just depends on his mood at the time
he and Hikaru will normally switch off on like. who's holding and who's tickling when they're ganging up on someone but Kaoru actually prefers to do the tickling most of the time
his argument is that Hikaru is too ticklish to be good at tickling but he never tells anyone else that because he knows Hikaru is a lil embarrassed about how ticklish he is lol
that's all i got for now!! thanks for the request~!
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tklpilled · 1 year
Cherry and Joe
Chuuya and Dazai
who's more ticklish
cherry + chuuya i think
their roles in a tk fight
hmmm. matchablossom are very switchy but with skk it's Mostly ler dazai lee chuuya with some exceptions
how often they tickle each other
all the time. for both. literally all the time
their worst spots
what if i said hips for all of them. what then (except dazai he has to be special)
an extra headcanon i have for them
kaoru doesn't even like italian food that much he just constantly needs to annoy kojiro
idk where the hc came from that dazai breaks into chuuya's place all the time but i fully believe it
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happyandticklish · 2 years
well, what about T, W, I, N and S for Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin ?
(I didn't actually look up what the letters mean, I just liked the idea of the abbreviation… 'x>)
Hell yeah, and the acronym game continues~
No worries! It will be a surprise for both of us lol.
T: Teasing | Their most favorite methods of teasing their lee/ler?
You cannot convince me that the twins would not make evil fucking lers based off of everything about them. Veryyyy observant when they're tickling, and they'll definitely take their time to draw it out to see which areas get the best reaction. Every yelp or stifled noise gets pointed out, and when they find a good spot they hone in on it for just a second too long to drive the lee up the fucking wall (the lee usually being Tamaki; they've tried to use this tactic on Haruhi but she is Not Having It). If they themselves want to get tickled, their antics go through the fucking roof and the whole day descends into annoying chaos until someone decides to deal with them.
W: Word | What is their reaction to the T-word? Can they say it out loud or do they get embarrassed?
They can both say it! Though it's slightly embarrassing that they themselves are ticklish, they're completely fine with the concept itself. That being said, Hikaru gets hella flustered if it's used against him, even outside of actually getting tickled, and blushes up a storm. I feel like of the two, Kaoru's more comfortable with his sensitivity because he already has to play that more "submissive" role for the host club, so he's used to it. Hikaru on the other hand will guard that information like it's his fucking job because he cannot handle the teasing that would come out of it.
I: Interrogation | How well would they handle a tickle interrogation?
They would break so fucking fast, they have no loyalties to anyone and would for sure save their own skin before trying to hold out. I think if it came down to it, Kaoru would hold out a little longer, because Hikaru cannot fucking handle getting tickled and will give up so fast.
N: Nights | Their tickle behavior during nights?
Ahhh I don't know if they have any really? Kind of a boring answer, but they're not really around anyone during the night, so there's not a lot of opportunity for it.
S: Safeword | If they were to suggest the safeword for a tickle session, which word will it be?
I feel like they would mock the concept of a safeword and not fully understood its necessity, so it would most likely end up being something really stupid, like "banana" or "your mom", all the way until they're shrieking with laughter and have to embarrass themselves further by actually saying it.
[Send a Character + Letter and I’ll answer with my headcannons]
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sunlit-tickles · 2 years
Shh, don't wake him up!
Yuuta / Nagisa / Kaoru
Ensemble Stars
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Summary: Yuuta accidentally hugged Nagisa in his sleep and doesn't seem to be aware of it, but Nagisa doesn't mind. That is until Yuuta starts absent mindedly tickling him, Kaoru isn't exactly...helpful.
This was... awkward.
So far, their dorm was fairly...quiet. It wasn't the 'awkward' quiet kind, but rather the kind where in everyone rarely talked since they're all stuck in their own little worlds. Yuta was usually playing games by himself, sometimes inviting Kaoru if he had the time; Nagisa was mostly out for work or practice; and Kaoru was doing something similar. Everyone was so used to them just talking a bit or just greeting, but a real hangout? That was out of the picture so they're not that close to each other. That just...makes this dilemma worse, if it was a dilemma, it was just an uncommon situation.
Yuta was very tired from work today, unable to even think of anything but 'go home, go home, go home'. The moment he got to his dorm he went straight for the couch, hugging his brother and dozing off completely. What he failed to realize is that... that's not his brother. Nagisa was the one on the couch, reading his book when Yuta came home and hugged his torso and fell asleep on his lap. He didn't really mind but how would he feel about it when he woke up...? They weren't particularly close so he was worried that Yuta might get mad at him for not waking him up to move, but he didn't want to disturb his rest! He looked exhausted and burnt out that he just wanted him to take a break even if he'll hate him when he wakes up.
Nagisa decided to just let him sleep the night here, not like he was going to get up anyway as he was still reading and didn't plan to rest himself anytime soon. It was all so peaceful and honestly pretty sweet, sweet enough that it made the leader of Eden slightly feel happy himself from this. He was already pleased reading his book, but felt even happier that he could somehow be of comfort in a way.
However, that peace was somehow disturbed when Yuta started shifted positions and buried his face into Nagisa's tummy, hugging him but he also decided to try and get comfortable by moving his head side-to-side, not realizing he was accidentally nuzzling the other. The white haired one jolted and immediately closed his book while biting his lip, oh dear, it tickled.
Gently, he placed his book aside and then used both hands to cover his mouth, but Yuta remained by his tummy and his little breaths still tickled. This went on for a few minutes until Nagisa heard the door creak open "I'm back~!" Announced Kaoru, and he really wanted to greet him back but giggles were threatening to spill and he stayed quiet. "Hm? Ran-kun? Are you ignoring me?" He asked, approaching the couch to check if he was asleep or if he was actually ignoring him, and Kaoru just got something ten times better. "Aww that's so cute~! You two were bonding huh? That's so sw-- eh? Why is your mouth covered?" He tried to pry his hands off his mouth but Nagisa was persistent. He really refused to let go until Yuta started to nuzzle his tummy again and he let go immediately as he held onto the couch instead "he- ehehehe...! Hehe's tickling me...!" Nagisa whispered, trying his hardest to keep his mouth shut to not wake up the younger on his lap. Kaoru suddenly had the biggest smile on his face, chuckling realizing the predicament Nagisa was in "then why not just move him to his bed or wake him up now?" "Hehehe's tihired-! Hehelp...!" He begged, he really didn't want to wake Yuta but the ticklish feeling never went away. Instead of actually helping, the blonde had other ideas.
Kaoru gently wormed one hand under Nagisa's chin, causing him to scrunch his neck up. He fell right into Kaoru's trap! The other started to wiggle his hand while it's trapped under his neck and his reactions suddenly flared up as he squeaked, covering his mouth again but his chest was heaving trying to stop his laughter. Since he refused to be loud, he just whispered to the best of his abilities as giggles didn't stop from bubbling from his throat "Kahahaoru-kuhun..! Wahait...! You're gonna wahake him uhup....!" He said fully keeping his eyes shut as Kaoru smiled "Y'know, I didn't actually think you'd be ticklish Nagisa-kun. Come on, let me have a bit of fun...!" He said as his other hand gently poked and prodded his ribs, making Nagisa fold but not entirely as he was so confused on not even touching Yuta to not wake him up. He was really trying but Kaoru was making it so much worse for him! "Ee-p! Stohop that ...! You're mahaking it hahaharder...! Kahaoru-kun plehehease…!” He begged “please what, Nagisa-kun?” He replied, no way he's falling for this. “Ehe-p!! Dohohon’t!” Oh no…he was definitely falling for it. Nagisa doesn't even notice that the silly little prank he was pulling, he was so embarrassed by being tickled already and he can't even retaliate because of the risk it would bring. “Tihihihickle m- ah…! Wahahait-!! NonONO-!” And the dam broke.
He couldn't keep his voice down no more and started laughing genuinely the moment Kaoru started squeezing his thighs. He was shaking a LOT. It was one of his worst spots and he couldn't move so he just threw his head back trying to push the blonde away “KAHAHAHAORUHUHU— WAHAIT-!! NOT NOHOW-!! DOHOHON'T-!! YOU'LL WAKE HIM UHUHUP-!” and right on cue, Yuta did. “H-Hey what's going on…? I hea- GYAH!?” he sat right up when he realized he was laying down on Nagisa’s lap, blushing furiously as he watched the scene in front of him where he hasn't exactly stopped tickling him. Even if he was laughing his head off, Nagisa still tried to apologize for waking him up “EEK- KAORU STOHOP I- IHIM SORRY-!!” “Oh you're awake?” And he stopped “oh my bad, I had too much fun with Ran-kun over here I think I got carried away” he said looking over at the flustered man just across the couch. “I'm so sorry it was my fault for disturbing you!! I really thought I slept on my brother not you!!” Yuta cried, how shameful to do this to his roommates…! He was about to leave the dorm to sleep somewhere else out of embarrassment but then a hand was placed on his head, giving him a small yet comforting pat “Ihit’s okay…you can hug me anytime. Besides you looked tired, I'm sorry for disturbing you.”
And from that point onward, the three of them became a little closer by just snuggling all up in the couch from being drained from energy. It was eventful in comparison to other days and they were all grateful for it.
A/N: I just wanted to say that...I think their dorm dynamic is super cute? Kaoru best big bro!! This dorm is just him adopting these two tbh AHSHJDJE also sorry for my fics being short! These are mostly ficlets since I'm still celebrating the holidays. I love these three so much though so I'll probably write for them again next time!
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xsezzie · 1 year
Hey! Do you have any hcs for Kaoru/Rei from Ensemble Stars? I saw that you shipped them and I’ve been so obsessed with Enstars lately! Thanks!
Hello! I’m so sorry this took so long to answer 🥺
It’s been a very long time since I’ve consumed EnStars content so I hope this is to your liking! I actually don’t play the new ES, I was an avid player of the old one 😢
- Seeing as Rei has that “vampire” persona, he enjoys tickle biting Kaoru to get him all flustered.
- I like to think they brush each others hair~ And Kaoru has a canonically ticklish neck so he’s going to get all jumpy when Rei is getting too sneaky with the brush
- Rei doesn’t feel soft tickles, but he certainly feels the firmer ones. His ribs and back are really ticklish and when Kaoru gets fed up with his bs he’s gonna start clawing at him.
- Kaoru on the other hand dies from the softer tickles. He is the more ticklish of the two overall~
- Kaoru’s spots are his neck, armpits and hips 💕
- Rei’s are his back, forearms and sides 😌👌
Agdhsjdhaj I hope these are good enough!!! ❤️
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Heart Overgrown
by Whispering_Sumire
Kaoru has always had ink-stained hands. In the first memory Kojiro has of him, his fingers walk and play across the edge of a school desk, splashed and dotted in some sweetly native-creasing aftermath.
Ink is washed away by the Onsen before they are startled half-to-death by the locals' "blessings".
Ink is dried and dark beneath neat shell-pink fingernails when Kaoru is laid low by Adam.
Ink dances across the ticklish knit of his palm when he laughs in the rain.
(Ink will, eventually, inevitably, be a taste Kojiro gets used to.)
[Or: matchablossom's first kiss, first relationshippy talk, and first time, in that order. meanwhile, our boy joe is ridiculously, ridiculously in love and the author is (accidentally, haha) super self-indulgent.]
Words: 12214, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English
Fandoms: SK8 the Infinity (Anime)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom, Background & Cameo Characters
Relationships: Nanjo Kojiro | Joe/Sakurayashiki Kaoru | Cherry Blossom
Additional Tags: attempt at character study, idk how well i did at that tho lol, Soft Nanjo Kojiro | Joe, Schmoop, Friendship/Love, Getting Together, Childhood Friends, pining?, puppy play vibes, Service Submission Vibes, Soft BDSM Dynamics, Domestic, carla lowkey ships it, small objectification kink, Hand & Finger Kink, Explicit Consent, Subspace, Dom/sub Undertones, Love Confessions, Deepthroating, Somnophilia Vibes, Overstimulation, Come Eating, Rimming, Insomnia
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42670449
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veryblushyswitch · 3 years
I have a Ouran highschool host club request, can u do Lee Tamaki and Lers Hikaru and Kaoru?👀
Ouran High School High School Host Club ~ (tickle fic) 🍰
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Summary: The twins are bored and decide to entertain themselves.
Lee: Tamaki
Lers: Hikaru & Kaoru
Author’s Note: The twins are so teasy and would be the perfect ler duo! Thank you so much for the request! I’m not gonna be taking anymore Ouran requests after this one because I’m not into anymore but I still wanted to fill this request. Hope you enjoy! 💖
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“You two ahare so ahannoying leave me alohone!” Tamaki whined batting at the four hands that we’re trying to poke his sides.
The three were sitting on the couch waiting for the others to arrive. Seeing as they were all early and bored, they decided to have a little fun to pass the time.
“What’s wrong? You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish would you boss?” Hikaru teased landing a poke to his lower ribs.
Tamaki squealed and slapped a hand over his mouth. The other hand failing to keep their antics at bay.
“Nohohohohoho! Stohohohohop!” Tamaki squeezed his arms to his sides as the two troublemakers beside him pinched up and down his sides.
“Nope. This is way too fun. Who knew you were so ticklish.” Kaoru chuckled.
“Soho mehehehehean!”
Hikaru smirked and sneaked a hand behind Tamaki before digging under his arms.
“NAHAHAHAHAHA! HIKAHAHARU! STAHAHAHAHAP!” Tamaki’s hand came crashing down, pulling desperately at the attackers hands.
“Awww no fair! I wanna make him laugh too!” Hikaru pouted.
“Then why don’t you get his neck. It’s another hot spot. Remember when he got that dog and he couldn’t stand being licked by it?” Kaoru explained out loud as Tamaki laughed in the background.
“Oh yeah! Oh Tamaki~ I’m gonna tickle your neck~” Hikaru slowly wiggled his fingers towards Tamaki’s neck.
Tamaki squealed and sinked into the couch. Kaoru removed his hands out from under his arms and pinned Tamaki against his chest. He held him in a behind hug and had his hands pinned against himself. Hikaru took Tamaki’s legs and sat himself on his thighs. Leaving Tamaki completely immobile.
“N-Noho guhuys plehehease!”
They attacked. Hikaru going after Tamaki’s neck and ears while Kaoru wiggled his fingers against Tamaki’s sides where he had his arms pinned.
The twins cooed and giggled at the their boss’s predicament. Making it even worse when Kaoru blew a raspberry on his neck as the other kneaded circles into the blondes inner thighs.
They eventually let up when they saw a single tear fall down his cheek. Watching as Tamaki fell onto his side in a giggly ball.
“Did we kill him?” Hikaru asked poking his side making Tamaki squeal and curl up even more.
“Nope he’s fine. Just tickled out for today.”
The twins walked away after ruffling his hair, waiting for when the other members will show up.
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Sk8: The Sleepover
Author: GA!babe
Summary: The gang’s all here for a sleepover at Reki’s! In a discussion of skate names, Reki finds himself the center of attention after getting flustered by the mere mention of the word “tickle” (2,842 words)
“Langa! Glad you came!” Reki exclaimed as he opened the door to find his best friend standing there. 
And then he looked behind the boy and saw…four other people right behind him.
“Uh, what are they doing here?” Reki asked, trying not to sound too rude, but it’s not like he wanted to invite two grown men, a clown, and a literal child over to his house as well. It was just supposed to be him and Langa tonight.
“Oh, well when you told me that your mom and sister were out of town for some mother-daughter bonding, I thought it would be nice if everyone came along.” Langa said with a smile. It made Reki wonder again why that smile made his heart flip flop. This boy? The one with a pile of snow in place of a brain?
“That’s not a problem, right, Reki?” Miya asked, snaking himself around Langa’s legs and looking up at the red head with his big puppy-dog eyes. 
Reki took a deep breath.
“No, of course not. Come on in,” Reki sighed and took a small step aside so everyone could walk into his house. The house that he wasn’t supposed to have anyone else in while his mother and sister were away. That one. 
“Nice place you have here, Reki. I’m sure the ladies love a humble man who lives with his mom,” Joe teased on his way in, ruffling the kid’s hair.
“Just so you know, Carla said there was a 95% chance that we were seen by one of your neighbors. I hope you aren’t grounded for too long after your mother finds out,” Cherry said as he slid by.
“Thanks for telling me,” Reki whined, his shoulders slumping. Great. Now it was almost guaranteed that he would be grounded when his mom got back.
“Wait, you’re not allowed to have people over? Why didn’t you say so?” Shadow hissed, looking over his shoulder to see if anyone was outside looking at him.
“Well, that’s not exactly–” Langa began.
“What kind of flowers does your mom like? I can get her a vase before she even gets home,” Shadow continued. taking out a little notepad from his pocket and waiting for a response.
“Uh, she likes lillies I think?” Reki said with a dry chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Shadow scribbled it down with a frown.
“Not exactly the best of apology flowers, but I’ll see what I can do,” the older man grumbled as he stepped into the house.
“Sorry for ruining your date night, Reki. Sleepovers are fun though. Do you think we should braid each other’s hair?” Miya said, popping a bubblegum bubble as he also walked into the house.
“Date?” Reki squeaked, his face turning a rather nice shade of pink. Miya just laughed as he skipped towards the couch.
“You will not get your little claws on my hair!” Cherry snapped from the other room.
And then he was alone with Langa. The guy he had wanted here…alone in the house. 
“Sorry, was I not supposed to invite them over?” Langa asked, smiling awkwardly. Reki couldn’t help but melt just a little. How could he say no to that face?
“Ah, no, you’re fine. I just forgot to ask for them over too. I just got, uh, busy with a new…new board! Yeah! Thanks. You saved me the trouble.” Reki stammered awkwardly, shuffling on his feet. Langa smiled softly and their shoulders bumped as he stepped in. 
Reki closed the door with a sigh.
This was going to be a long night.
~ ~ ~
“Alright, what are we going to watch?” Miya asked, jumping onto the couch, quickly getting comfortable against the pillow in the corner.
“Watch? This is a party, right? We drink and play games until dawn!” Joe announced, sitting down on the couch and stretching his arms high over his head. 
“You’re an idiot,” Cherry huffed, looking around with a barely concealed look of disgust. He looked between the couch, chair, and love-seat, before deciding that he was perfectly fine standing right here thank you very much. 
“I’m an idiot? I’m just trying to make things fun around here!” Joe exclaimed, looking around to see if anyone agreed with him. 
“Did you forget how old he was? He’d get in more trouble if his mom found empty sake bodies around the house,” Shadow huffed as he took his spot next to Joe. The burly man scowled at being sat next to a clown, but he didn’t protest too much. 
“Well, there’s only so long she can ground me.” Reki chuckled before plopping down on the nearby love-seat. Langa sat down next to him, not at all bothered by how incredibly close they were.
“I’m sure she won’t be too mad, Reki,” Langa said and pat his friend on the back. 
“Well, if we can’t drink, then why exactly are we here? What are we going to do?” Joe groaned, dragging a hand down his face dramatically.
“What were you expecting? He was probably going to play spin the bottle with his new boyfriend, right Reki?” Miya teased, a shit eating grin on his little face. “Maybe swap spit and make babies?”
“Miya, do you know how–?” Joe began before Shadow smacked him in the face with a heavy pillow.
“I will not be explaining that on my night off,” Shadow grumbled with a shake of his head. Reki and Langa stifled their giggles, giving each other matching looks.
“What? What’s so funny?” Miya hissed, his face turning pink as he realized that there was something that the adults knew that he definitely wasn’t aware of.
“You’ll know when you’re older,” Cherry said with a sigh and a shake of his head.
Reki laughed even harder at that. 
“Stop it, guys! What is it? What did I say?” Miya whined, crossing his arms over his chest and just outright pouting. He had been bullied in school before, but this felt different. Sure, they were laughing, but there was no real malice behind it.
“We are not doing this tonight,” Shadow groaned, “Why can’t we just find monopoly or something?”
Reki laughed harder, leaning back against the back of the love-seat. Langa looked up and down the red-head.
“Really tickled over there, aren’t you Gearhead?” Cherry mused. 
Reki’s laughter dissolved into a coughing fit.
“Wh-what?” Reki spluttered, his face turning an even brighter shade of bright red. 
“What? Not Gearhead? Gears? Sunshine?” Cherry mused, finally sitting down, but on the arm of the couch. 
“Those are all terrible skate names. How about Mech? TechDeck?” Joe chimed in.
“Oh, and Joe is such a cool skating name?” Cherry scoffed.
“With all this going on? Keeping it simple is how the ladies don’t get too overwhelmed by my awesomeness,” Joe shot back, flexing his arms for everyone to see.
“We could call him Fire? Opposite of Snow there?” Shadow said with a wink in Langa’s direction. This was the type of teasing that he could get behind because it wasn’t some complicated nonsense that he would have to explain to a child.
“How about Red? Like his face when you said that word?” Miya said, getting up off of the couch and sauntering over to where the two teenagers were sitting. 
“Gearhead?” Langa asked, looking between Reki and the sly cat-like boy who was stalking his way over to them.
“Tickle.” Miya said plainly. Reki went an even brighter shade of red, closely resembling his own hair at the moment.
“Wh-What? I was just…thinking that Gearhead was such a stupid name that-uh…I dunno. It was ridiculous,” Reki said with a dismissive wave of his hand. 
“I am insulted by that, Reki. Nicknames are incredibly important on the S. You’ll need to figure something out so that you’re not in Snow’s shadow every time to you step on a board.” Cherry said. Now he was the one pouting.
“I-I didn’t mean it like that, Cherry. It was just–” Reki continued, glancing between Miya and Cherry. 
“He’s just too shy to admit that the word tickle got him all bothered like this,” Miya said smugly and jumped onto the arm of the love-seat.
“Why would something like that bother you, Reki?” Langa asked, all innocent, but Reki could swear he could see evil behind those bright blue eyes. 
“It doesn’t bother me. I think Miya is just upset that we teased him a little.” Reki insisted, feeling like he was just a piece of red juicy meat and his friends just all turned into starving lions. 
He could practically feel his skin buzzing.
“You sound really defensive, kid.” Joe said, leaning forward with a smirk on his face. “Are you that ticklish?”
“There’s only one way to find out!” Miya said and jumped forward–
Only to be stopped by Langa. Reki cowered with a squeak, pressed hard against the back of the love-seat.
“As much I would love to see Reki tickled to pieces, it’s not very fair if we all gang up against him like this, don’t you guys think so?” Langa asked, looking around. Reki sighed in relief at first before realizing what exactly the former snowboarder had said.
“Hey!” He exclaimed, shaking his head frantically.
“And how do you propose we do that, Snow?” Cherry asked, now definitely intrigued as to how exactly the blue-haired boy planned to get Reki in a puddle of giggles. 
“Without killing him of course,” Shadow added with a pointed look. Sure, he liked to cause chaos and make people laugh (especially as his clown skater persona) but five against one was a bit much. 
“Sure, we can play a regular party game.” Langa said with a shrug and turned to his friend and a pouting cat-boy. “Reki, truth or dare?”
Reki looked around and huffed.
“Truth.” He said with a small nod. No way he would say dare after all that nonsense about the damn t-word.
“Alright, where’s your most ticklish spot?” Langa asked calmly.
How the hell could Langa say shit like that without blushing?
“I don’t want to play this game. It’s rigged.” Reki grumbled. Now he was red from the tips of his ears to the base of his neck. After he let all of these hooligans into his house when he knew he would be grounded later… they treat him like this? Totally uncool.
“Alright, how many of us do you think you could handle tickling you? Surely you’re not that ticklish, Red.” Miya teased and stuck out his tongue.
“And what about you, Miya? You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish, would you?” Shadow asked, looking between Miya and Reki.
“You never answered the question, Reki.” Langa said with a smirk on his face. 
“Alright, fine. You guys are bullies.” Reki huffed. “I don’t have any. You all are just wasting your time. Why don’t we pop a movie or something in the–”
And just like that, Langa was on top of him. He was shoved to the very corner of the love-seat with Langa practically straddling his waist.
“You can’t lie during the game, Reki. That’s not how you play,” Langa said with a shake of his head. “Where should we test out first?”
“Langa, come on, don’t do this. I’ll teach you a new skateboarding trick if you let me go right now. Maybe even make you some of my special ramen,” Reki rambled, kicking his feet out on the couch as he scrambled to get away. Langa snatched both of Reki’s wrists and pulled them above his head.
“Miya, would you be so kind to hold onto these for me?” Langa asked sweetly. 
“With pleasure,” Miya hummed, grabbing Reki’s wrists and holding them as tight as he could. 
“I would also like to join in on the fun!” Joe said, jumping up from the couch and running over to where the others were getting ready to tear Reki apart.
“Alright, you guys have five minutes, and then you have to let him go.” Shadow said, laying down on the now empty couch and getting comfortable. He took out his phone and pulled up the timer app.
“Five minutes?” The four said in unison, though Reki was more upset with how long time seemed to pass when he was getting tickled to all hell. 
Not that it happened often, mind you, but before he had skateboarding, he had more friends and those friends definitely took advantage of how ticklish he was time and time again. 
It had really been a while since he had been tickled to pieces and a part of him was…excited? Maybe?
No, that couldn’t be right.
“Time starts now,” Shadow said as he pressed the start button.
Langa went first, poking and prodding at the exposed belly of his best friend. Reki grit his teeth, refusing to let them get the satisfaction of hearing him break right away. Maybe if he doesn’t laugh, they’ll get bored.
Was Reki sure that he wanted them to get bored?
Joe snatched up the red-head’s legs and put his ankles into an armlock.
“Trying the tough-guy act, huh, Red-Mech?” Joe asked, swiping a finger down Reki’s foot. 
Reki yelped, jerking his legs. His heart sank as he realized that he could barely move as they all held onto him.
Then came the pinches up his ribs.
“How many ribs do you think you have, Sunshine?” Langa asked as he pinched up and down Reki’s ribs. 
“I-ACK! Stop! Lahahnga! Quit!” Reki gasped, a laugh managing to escape as he pleaded for his ticklish life. 
“Was that a laugh I heard, Ticklee?” Miya asked from his perch on the arm of the love-seat.
“What’s that nickname?” Langa asked as he continued to squeeze up and down Reki’s ribs as if he weren’t completely tormenting him right now.
“Oh you know, like how you’re the tickl-er, that must mean he’s the tickl-ee, right?” Miya asked sweetly.
“Shuhuhut up!” Reki exclaimed. He didn’t know what was worse. Was it the teasing with the actual word, or the fact that Langa seemed to not care about all of this? 
And Joe decided to chime in again, but this time lightly scratching his fingernails up an down Reki’s arches. Just as Langa decided to zero in on his other weak spot too. Well, weaker. 
Now that the truth was out, they would all know that Reki was just one big walking tickle spot.
However, Langa just found that Reki’s underarms were insanely ticklish, just like the bottoms of his feet. Just as Joe had started on his arches, Langa decided to lightly scratch under his arms too, one finger under each as if he were testing the waters.
“AH! OHOHOHOHOKAY! Okay!” Reki barked, his whole body jerking and his head thrown back.
“Wow, okay what?” Langa asked teasingly, stopping his tickling as he realized the hefty reaction from his friend was because of what he and Joe had done.
“Alright, you got mehehe,” Reki said and tugged on his arms.
“You still have four minutes, Firetop,” Shadow chimed in from his spot on the couch.
“How about just one more minute, Shadow? I think we found the answers we were looking for,” Langa said smugly. Shadow nodded and changed the timer. If they were going for the death spots, it would only be fair to Reki for them to shave off a few minutes.
“You’re no fun, Snow.” Miya huffed.
“And you are definitely next, kitty,” Langa said with a pointed look at Miya. He then turned to Joe. “You ready?”
“Of course. I’m waiting for you kids to finish with whatever. ” Joe said before getting back into it.
For one full minute, Reki was in ticklish heaven hell. Langa altered between digging his thumbs into Reki’s armpits and lightly tickling around Reki’s neck and ears while Joe tickled and scratched up and down Reki’s poor defenseless feet.
When the timer ran out, Shadow snatched Miya up and tossed him playfully onto the couch. Cherry snatched Joe by the ear and pulled him away from a giggling mess of a skateboarder. Langa pulled himself off too, but Reki grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled himself closer. 
“Alright, your turn,” Shadow said as he began tickling little Miya to pieces, mainly clawing at and around the little monster’s belly button, getting him cackling in no-time.
“Now I’m in a tickle monster mood, what do you think, Cherry? Like old times?” Joe asked before diving on top of him and digging into the pink-haired man’s hips. Soon, Cherry and Miya’s laughter and giggles filled the living room as Reki curled up in Langa’s lap and watched the scene unfold. Langa ran his fingers through the red hair of his tickled out best friend.
“Thanks for inviting everyone, Langa,” Reki hummed sleepily. “But I’m definitely going to get you back for this one.”
“Alright, Sunshine,” Langa said and fluttered his fingers by Reki’s ear. The red-head squeaked and scrunched his shoulders up protectively.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
oh i love this event! 😍
i have a headcannon for sk8 the infinity if it's okay? i think when kojiro and kaoru were teenagers they used to have movie nights and kojiro always cried but kaoru never did, so kojiro ended up wrecking him every time because he found it quote unquote "unfair" that he was the only one crying 😅
i hope you're doing great!
- 🐼non
MY GUYS!!! I love this oh my god akljrekajrkjaejk This was really fun to write! I've gotcha covered, panda!
“Well, that was something…are you crying?”
“N-No. Shut up!” Kojiro looked away, wiping at his face harshly to hide his tears.
“Heh, seems like some things haven’t changed.” Karou laughed softly, noting all the balled up tissues around his boyfriend. “You’ve always so quick to tears when it comes to movies.”
“Oh shut up- it’s not like you didn’t tear up during the opening of UP!” Kojiro threw one of his tissues at the other, making Karou reel back in disgust. “Besides, you’re partially to blame; you picked this movie!”
“True. But come now, Kojiro- it’s the Little Engine That Could.” The pink haired man knocked away the offending tissue, shaking his head. “Did him getting up that hill really get you that bad?”
“Yes!” Kojiro, who had managed to pull himself together, got to work cleaning up his mess. “And the part where everyone cheered and was proud of them- come on; you know that was a sweet scene!”
“Sweet, yes, but not tear-worthy.” Karou couldn’t help but smile at his husband, equal parts amused and endeared. He reached for the remote resting on the table when fingers jabbed his side, making him spasm. “Gah! Kojiro!”
“Speaking of sweet- I just remembered something from our last movie night.” The green haired man grinned, closing the distance with ease as he loomed over Karou. “I tickled you until you until you were as teary eyed as me. Think that’s changed?”
“Of course it has- I’m not ticklish-Ah! Ahehahahhhahhahhaha!” Karou arched when Kojiro’s hands found his belly, scribbling relentlessly against the thin material of his t-shirt. “Yohohohhoohhou dahahhahahamn ahahahahhape, gehehhehehet ohoohohoohohff!”
“Aww, what’s the matter? Does it still tickle?” Kojiro cooed, his other hand coming in to squeeze his side, pinching and massaging- making the pink haired man below him squeal. “I thought you weren’t ticklish anymore? Liars get got, babe~”
“Shuhuhuhuhuht your trap, you crihihihihiihihybahahahhahaby!”
“Crybaby? Oh now you’re really gonna get it!” Kojiro reached back, wasting no time squeezing his husband’s thighs. “Who’s a crybaby?”
“That’s what I thought!” Kojiro grinned, releasing the other as he watched Karou gasp for breath, tears of mirth dotting his eyes. “Come now, Karou- surely that wasn’t tear-worthy, was it?”
He got a twisted pinch to the nipple in response.
Worth it.
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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saltedriceball · 2 years
OHSHC- Their s/o finds out they’re ticklish (HC)
(According to moi)
(This au assumes they are all indeed ticklish)
Tamaki Suoh
Of course this guy is ticklish. It just becomes a playful battle. Because his s/o is too, and if they’re not, he’ll keep trying.
Haruhi Fujioka
Would lowkey get annoyed. Like, she’s ticklish, but she’d just stop laughing after a few seconds. She is smol, so she can’t pull a Mori and just hold your arms down in a hug, but she’s get obviously annoyed and s/o would stop.
Kyoya Ootori
You’d think the s/o tried to murder him the way he defends himself. The first time when they find out, they’re hugging and they start tickling him and they see him blush and make a slight smile. So with that information they try to tickle him again to get that reaction, but now his guard is always up. I can see it happening that it’s his s/o’s goal to tickle him for a while, so it’s a bit of a battle. He’ll at first just push their hands away and smirk, then he’ll start making them verbally swear not to tickle him, until a few days later it has escalated into bodyguards surrounding him and when they ask for a word with him they’re just handed a contract to sign on not tickling him. This boy is serious about no tickling.
But in my opinion, that’s only, like, in public? Because he’s Embarrassed™️. But he’d never say that. In private, idk, he’ll get into a quick tickle battle with them and it’s kind of cute. It’d end with him just pulling them into a tight hug or something.
Hikaru Hitachiin
It just becomes a prank battle. I actually think he’d do it first, then his s/o does it back and is just surprised by how he laughs at being tickled. It just becomes a thing they do idk.
Kaoru Hitachiin
Loves it. Like they just do it one day when they’re cuddling or something and s/o realizes how he reacts with giggles. S/o will literally come up behind him and tickle him and he’ll immediately realize who it is. Like Hikaru, it just becomes a thing they do. And btw Kaoru is not embarrassed at all.
Takashi Morinozuka
Realistically I don’t think he’s all that ticklish, but let’s just pretend for a minute: I think he’d be cute about it. He’d be a little like Kyoya, because he’d be all cute and giggle in private, but he’d lowkey get embarrassed in public. But the difference is that Mori is kind of a big dude so he’d undoubtedly be stronger/bigger than his s/o, so he’d just pull them into a hug and smile. And of course his s/o would realize like «ok, yeah, he’s not gonna let that happen» and they’d stop.
Mitskuni Haninozuka
Not embarrassed at all. Highly ticklish. Would giggle and be like “Stahhhpp”.
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shotthemessenger · 2 years
Paantu Visit~
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au: Miniseries(?) continued off from this commission~ Disclaimer: This was a requested harem (possible) series, so there will be a love square/triangle thing. Reader is fem black; some grammar mistakes are there for a reason. Mentions of nudity, nothing really suggestive.
You have been warned~
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"Haaah! The road is so smooth! So easy to skate on!" Reki exclaimed, with Langa following behind him. "Excuse me, I need an adult!!!" Shadow screamed from in the car, not wanting to be driving the car. That's when you sneak around. Appearing out of nowhere once again. Cherry and Joe start bickering, leading to Joe speeding up and doing his little thangy thang. Which made Reki want to do it.
"No Reki. We are here to let your wounds heal, remember?" You chuckle, scaring them. "Indeed Reki, Langa's right. And you can't race me if you're still all bruised up, can you? I mean, I'm sure you'd try, but I'd never." Everyone's eyes widened at the sound of your voice. Reki grew excited. "Really?! You're willing to race with me?!" When you nod his body was set at ease, a soft smile placed on his lips. Now this was how he was supposed to feel. Excited and warm, not anxious and worried. Langa pointed out the beach, catching everyone's attention. It was beautiful indeed. You turn your head to Cherry and lock eyes with him.
You slip your mask off and catch the boys, and Shadow off guard. Of course, you were as stunning as always, which wasn’t what was expected to be under that mask. A sweet smile danced on your lips as you looked at the pink haired male. "I missed you Kaoru." His eyes soften at your words, and for the first time, he smiles as well. "I missed you too [Reader]. You left me with this ape." You giggled while Joe shouted back at the two of you for making sly jokes. Things we're turning out great.
You had your sundress on over your bikini so for the most part you played in the sand or watched the boys in the water. When you were ready to get in the water, you pulled a seat up next to Kaoru and poked him. "Hey, you think you could put some sunscreen on my back? I'd ask Joe but he looks to be sulking after what Miya just pulled." Kaoru sits up and offers to switch seats, which you gladly take, laying on your stomach. Right before he started Joe popped in to see what the two of you were up to. Totally not because you were with Kaoru and not him.
"Oh Kojiro? I thought you were sulking." You giggled, looking over to him. "Well, I was, but what are you two doing?" He asked, looking at your not so kid friendly bikini and Kaoru's hands. "Mm? Well I asked Kaoru here if he could put my sunscreen on my back. If you want you could do my back legs. I haven't started yet so they still need to be covered." He excitedly agreed to it, taking that opportunity to get a good feel on your legs, and he realized they were much bigger than he anticipated. This sunscreen did wonders for your skin though. Throughout it, you could feel the difference in size and length between their hands, however...
It was ticklish, very ticklish. You didn't have anything to worry about because you had Cherry to watch Joe if he got too handsy.
After getting all covered up you ran out to enjoy the water, like a little kid again. You got a little too far out and got hit with a humongous wave. And then, attempted, to run all the way back to shore with your eyes closed. Of course, you run right into Joe, almost falling over. He's quick with his hands and cradles you in his arms. "Hey [Reader]. What happened?" You move away from him and snorted some water out of your nose. "I can't see I need my beach towel." He was so lucky you had your eyes closed because he had to stop himself from laughing at the situation, that was too funny.
His hand was steady on your back as he guided you to the towels. You wipe your face off and blink a couple of times. "Thanks! I'mma go grab a drink from the bar, don't wait up!" With that you dipped, Joe leaving you to your own activities. While waiting by the bar, two men approached you from behind, coughing to get you attention. You turn around in disgust, looking at the person that just coughed on you. "Uh, 6 feet if you're gonna be coughin' on folks." You back up and they come forward. not respecting your boundaries. They start trying to flirt with you, but it makes you uncomfortable, so you just take you drink and leave.
But these dudes don't understand what no means. Joe and Cherry were actually sitting and having a serious conversation when they heard you shout. "Dude, I said I don't wanna give you my number, what's your issue?!" Joe hopped up from his seat and stalked over to you, sliding a hand on your waist and pulling you into a back hug. "Hey babe, are these guys causing you problems." You wanted to laugh at his terrible acting, but you were still irritated. "Yes, they won't leave me alone." You exaggerate a little, crossing your arms and leaning on one foot.
They made up a fake excuse to get out of there, seeing as they are very out matched. Once they were out of sight you gave him a high five. "Let's go, randoms - 0 Kojiro - 1!" He flexed to your silly voice, acting like an idiot with you. Kaoru scoffs with a smile, going back to relaxing.
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Later that day, the guys were ready to go to the hot springs, of course since you were the only woman, you'd have to go to it alone, but you were amused at the joy they found in skating even at this time. On a count of three they were off, leaving Reki behind. "Oh, why me!" You chuckle and tap his shoulder. "Come ride with me, we can see if we can catch up to Langa or Miya." He really didn't want to, but you were super nice and pretty, so he must of course. Your conversation was mainly you listening to him ramble about skating and about how he makes and improves boards and such. He was embarrassed when he realized what he was doing, but you waved him off. Oh, so humble.
You put a hand on his shoulder and put your fan up to hide your lips. "I think we are being followed, you got straight, and I'll go back that way to distract them." He was creeped out but nodded, going ahead while you turned around. You just passed your destination.
On Cherry and Joe's end, it seemed as though they were waiting for the longest. "They are really late, man. Do you think that something happened to them?" Cherry scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I did hear you were into haunted houses, if I'm not mistaken." Joe shrugged his shoulders and clicked his tongue. "Yeah, I dig women clinging onto me." Cherry scoffed again, sharing a usual insult. They bickered a little until the sound of footsteps approaching caught them off guard.
"You guys are late!" Joe announces, which makes the footsteps stop. It was eerily silent, even with them questioning who it was. You coughed and appeared from the steam, a towel hugging your body. "Hey, it's just me. It was really quiet and lonely over on the woman's side, I hope you don't mind if I join the two of you. I would've stayed over there but I noticed that the others haven't made it back yet." The both of them relax seeing you. It wasn't common you saw them close enough like that, well it wasn't common that you saw them at all. You round the hot spring to join them in the spot that was empty and in between them.
You lowered yourself in & sat comfortably next to them. "Haaah, this reminds me of old times. You know, when Adam wasn't such a bitch." The two of them shared a laugh to your comment, easing up on the tension. You lower yourself all the way to where half your head was visible. You thought to yourself for a moment while the other two started arguing again. You looked over to Kaoru and stared at him, almost through him. He's gotten really pretty over time.
You look over to Kojiro and analyze his features, and then you sit up and look down at yourself. "Damn. You guys are so well built. And Kaoru you've gotten prettier..." You mumbled the last part, but they definitely heard it. And obviously, Kojiro started teasing you, making you shrink into the water again. It should be right about now that they should be coming. You quickly move away from the two of them, hiding at the opposite side of the pool. Confused, they were about to call out to you when squelching noises caught their attention. "Now you guys wanna come?" Joe huffs at them.
"That smell is offensive!" Cherry exclaims to them. Then two hands held onto their shoulders. Into the mud they go.
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The next day, back on the ferry that you decided to join them on this time, Shadow complained about the smell. Miya retorted only to get slammed back down by Shadow's profession. Joe piped up as well, stating something about ghosts and shit. You weren't really paying attention because you were lost in your own world.  You had this really big ice cream cone and you were watching out the ocean before going to sit next to Reki. "What the? Where the heck did you get that from?!" Reki exclaimed, looking at how big it was.
"I got it from the kitchen. Also, it was Paantu. Didn't you read the flier?" You asked and they all paused for a moment. "What flier?!" Joe and Shadow shouted at the same time. You reach into your purse and pull out the flier that was literally everywhere and they passed it around. Looks like someone didn't do their homework. "If you guys knew ahead of time you probably wouldn't have gotten mudded." You say while licking your ice cream. Joe tried to snatch your ice cream but failed. You switch seats over next to Cherry, playfully saying "Kaoru, protect me from that beast!"
He rolls his eyes and continues reading on his tablet when he realizes something. "Did you get covered in mud like the rest of us?" You cringe slightly. "No, uhm, I think because of my skin they probably thought I was already mudded..." You mumbled. A vein popped on Joe's face, raising a brow. "What...?" Uh ohhhh. "We are never coming back here." Kaoru announced, to which Joe agreed, for once. Welp!
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"Tadashi, I have decided. We will hold a tournament. That way I'll regain her love again! [Reader] is my Eve and I need to keep her raw talent by my side. Forever." Tadashi cringed internally but stayed neutral on the outside. This guy is obsessed with her.
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au: I hope you liked itttttttttt @simpingforwakasa04
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
hi! if requests are open, can you do a fic w/ lee kaoru? i would be very grateful
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That's cheating!
Y'all really wanna see this dude getting wrecked lmao (I don't blame y'all 'cause same aifhskdhjw). Anyways hope y'all like what I wrote~
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Chiaki x Kaoru (interpret as you wish)
Lee: Kaoru
Ler: Chiaki
Warnings: Tickles!
It was late into the night, the guys had decided to meet up to hang out at the downtown area where they stumbled upon an arcade machine. They both played at it for a little while, Chiaki was pretty ass at it while Kaoru seemed to be naturally talented at it. And of course Kaoru had to rub it in. "This is so easy!".
"Oh yeah? Bet you can't beat this upcoming boss fight".
"Watch and learn~" Kaoru sent him a teasy smirk as he glued his eyes back to the arcade machine, passing the level with ease so far. "See? Piece of cake!".
"Not bad... but you still haven't beaten it~".
"Don't rush me".
As Kaoru became more and more focused on the game, Chiaki decided to mess with him a bit. He positioned himself behind the blonde and started to playfully walk his fingers up his sides.
"HNGH!" Kaoru instantly tried to arch away from the tickly touch, a strangled gasp making it's way out of his lips. "C-Chiaki s-stahap thaHAt!".
"Whaaaat? I'm just giving you a little challenge, I'm sure you can handle it~" the brunnette giggled as he gave a squeeze to the blonde's hips.
"GYAH!" an embarrassing shriek escaped him as his face errupted like a tomato. And yet he still managed to keep playing, even if a bit more messily. "T-thahaHAt's cheheHEATING!".
"Cheating?! I wouldn't call it that..." Chiaki trailed off as his hands made their way up to Kaoru's ribs, poking and pinching at the ticklish bones.
"Pfft-! Mhmhmhm...!" Kaoru bit down on his lip to try to surpress his laughter, all while his hands shook from how badly it tickled. He didn't want to give Chiaki the satisfaction of watching him lose. All hope was lost when Chiaki slipped his hands under his arms and... "EHEEK! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Kaoru instantly clamped his arms down, completely letting go of the game. As he got lost in his loud laughter, the game over screen flashed across, signaling that he haf lost the round. Once that popped up, Chiaki stopped his tickly torment.
"Awe... better luck next time" he tried to sound innocent, but his goofy smile quickly gave him away.
"Y-you mahade me lose!" Kaoru tried to sound angry but his flushed cheeks and occassional giggles made it hard for him to sound threatening.
"Well there's always next time~ Anyways, I didn't know you were so ticklish~".
Kaoru groaned at the comment "S-shut up...", starting to walk away from how embarrassed he felt.
"And all those sounds you made were so adorable~!" Chiaki kept teasing him, happily following behind.
"Omg shut up!!" the blonde let out a whine as Chiaki only giggled at him in endearment. Kaoru definitely considered getting revenge on Chiaki, just have to wait for the perfect opportunity to strike...
Look at me writing two fics in a day :D
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writertothemaximum · 3 years
Kaoru Hakaze x Reader
Summary: Kaoru opens up about his fetish.
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings/Content: nsfw/smut (18+), sub!Kaoru, dom!reader, foot massage, foot licking, kaoru being a cutesy dope
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/24045316/chapters/62456755
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It was dark outside and you were tired. It was a long day at work and considering how much stress you had on you, it was just relaxing to sit on the couch with Kaoru and not have to think about much until tomorrow. You were considering getting your own place, but you practically slept over there every night anyways. It’s not like Kaoru ever minded, of course. Anyways, then you could help pitch in for the rent and it would be easier on him. It’s not like his father agreed to help pay for anything. Even though he obviously had the means to.
Kaoru leaned forward and glanced at you. He smiled, full of teeth, hair sticking to the sides of his neck.
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk past you again?”
Frustrated and annoyed, you twisted your body and outstretched your legs, shoving your feet in his face. You chuckled, expecting him to shove you off and complain about how dirty they were, but he didn’t. He looked more like he was trying to ignore them somehow, but you kept them on his collarbone and he didn’t move an inch. His eyes kept flirting back and forth between your feet and your eyes, almost as if he was trying to force himself between one, completely incapable of a decision.
“Hey, do you want a foot massage?” he asked, eyes skirting around back to you.
It was a little bit of an odd question, but you weren’t opposed. Anyways, you had been working all day, they were getting sore.
You held out your left foot and curled your toe down at him, resting your right heel on his shoulder. Kaoru opened his palms and welcomed it into his hands like he was accepting a wedding ring. You could feel his heart pounding through the meat of his palms, as if he was anxious beyond belief. Was he nervous? Why would he be nervous?
He started to push very gently into your joints. He first started by sweeping his fingers over the balls of your feet, almost as if he was brushing off any dirt that might have been there. Like he was taking care of them like a butler, maintaining them in top condition. There was honestly nothing harsh about his movements, almost as if he was waiting patiently, admiring their texture and shape.
Honestly, it was a little ticklish.
“You can go a little harder than that, you know?” you said, reassuring him.
“Oh, okay.”
The feeling shot through you as soon as his thumbs tore into you. Sheer mixture of pain and pleasure was not exactly what you were expecting from this, but such an intense feeling was exactly what you were getting. It was hard to stop your body from squirming all over the place and accidentally kick him in the face. But you couldn’t bear to have him stop, it was absolutely relaxing, a sheer wash of tension released at each touch, each time he dug his fingers into a knot of flesh. His face looked so peaceful, too. He was so focused, his eyes trained down at you, trained down at his fingers, nails stained white with pressure and love.
He started to slow down, settling for a nice circular motion. It was nice and relaxing after all that.
“You uh, you’ve got really pretty feet, you know?” he said, staring at your toes.
You wondered where all his swagger went.
“Th-Thanks,” you said, unconfidently.
He smiled back at you hesitantly, as if the stagnant air in the room was the sole thing causing tension.
He grabbed your foot delicately around the ankle and settled it across his other shoulder. He fluttered his eyelids, asking permission to take your other foot. After getting a nod, he picked it up and set it in his hands, just as the one before. It was as if all his anxiety from before dissipated into thin air, gone with the gust of a cool night’s air.
He started gently again, fingers soft and graceful against your skin. His eyes flashed up at you for just a second, the softest smile a man could give.
A part of you wondered why this didn’t revolt him. It didn’t really bother you, but Kaoru was so particular when it came to these kinds of things. He’d want it to be romantic in a way, waiting for the right moment, it was never quite like this. A part of you wondered if he was opening up to you. That he was realizing that there were other ways to be affectionate. He kept the base close to his face. You could feel each brush of his breath sweep across you, so delicately, so close.
“Don’t they smell?” you asked.
Kaoru looked a little taken aback. Like he wasn’t quite sure how to answer that question. Compliment or tell the truth? Kaoru really wasn’t sure.
“Well,” he started, chuckling. “Yeah, but it doesn’t bother me.”
Honesty. You liked it.
He pushed deep into the arch of your right foot, rolling over a knot. Instantly, a singing pain came about and all the muscles began to clench back at his fingers, beating with heat. A little groan escaped your mouth unexpectedly, but it felt good, so you didn’t really care too much. Kaoru looked at you a little confused, but you smiled at him and he had no choice but to smile back. His face lied flushed red, and he nuzzled it gently on your instep. His cheeks were burning, his pulse slow but his heart beating so hard, red hot with sheer heat. He looked so comfortable, so absolutely peaceful like this.
Ah, this was a problem. He was too cute. You wanted to step on him.
“Lick it.”
Kaoru froze, the peacefulness leaving him.
You lifted your left foot off of his shoulder and traced it down his thick sweater, down his belly, and down to his groin. You pushed in, feeling pressure in his dark khakis.
Ah, he was hard. You weren’t particularly surprised.
You pushed your right foot back in his face.
“Suck on my toes. I know you're hard.”
You felt him twitch as your words registered in his mind. It seems he liked to get a little humiliated, too.
He took your right foot back into his hands and rested his lips against the top of your toes, breathing gentle warm fumes onto them, smelling them very effortlessly. He opened his mouth slightly, letting his silky tongue drift between his lips. Squished out, you felt the thick heat of his saliva worm between your thumb and index toes. A warm feeling rushed through you, tingling through your chest as he made that salacious expression, mouth open, tongue slipping between your toes. He was so desperate, begging at you, assuring that each part of your toe was attended to. He was under your foot, it would be so easy to just push down, step on his face. He’d probably even like it.
You pushed down on his erection, feeling his body sway as you increased pressure. His tongue completely occupied, he couldn’t help but let out a groan, feeling the heat deep in his groin. His hips undulated against you in a wide circular motion, trying to get as large a swath of friction as possible.
Placing immediate tension in your toes, you squeezed down on his tongue as strongly as you possibly could. His tongue completely restrained outside his mouth, he whimpered, unable to do anything about it, save let the saliva act as the lubricant to slide out. Completely unfazed, he wrapped his lips around your thumb toe, the tip of his lips gummy and slick from his previous licking. As he started to suck, you felt all the tension around your toe, a fully powered vacuum lavishing, lapping it up. You matched the pace of your left foot jerking him off to the pace he sucked on your toe.
The pressure on his dick maintained at a strong consistent pace. Completely disheveled, Kaoru’s lips popped off and he took a huge gasp of air. The entire weight of his head slid across your foot as his mouth found its way to your ankle. He rubbed your ankles with his two free hands, sending tingles down your legs and up your spine.
“Anzu…I’m close…”
Kaoru started to hump your foot, hands and mouth occupied by attending to your ankle. You shook your foot around, forcibly pushing him off of you, swinging your foot up from his grasp and kicked it into his face, dragging wet saliva all over his cheeks. As you stepped on his face, he groaned loudly, letting all the pressure swamping his mind dump out in a second. His thrusting started to get weaker and more pathetic as he came into his pants, coming high off his orgasm.
You took your feet off of him and curled them up close to your body, doing your best not to get too much saliva on you.
“Th-That was super intense,” he said, the words slipping out of his mouth. He fell back onto the couch, catching his breath.
“So you have a foot fetish, huh,” you said.
His face shot red, full of concern and worry. He shuffled in his seat, adjusting to get used to the feeling of creaming himself.
“Is…Is it weird?”
You started cracking up. Of course that’s his first concern. Right after you just jacked him off. It was kinda funny, you had to admit.
“Kaoru, how could I say no to free foot massages?”
The concern gone, the embarrassment fully taken over.
“Well—Well, you’re just the first person I’ve told about it, I’m just kinda…” He took a huge breath, letting the pressure rise up in his chest. With an exhale, all the tension released itself, moving deliberately like a machine. “Thanks.”
He said it with a the warmest smile a man could give.
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