#let akari be feral
blueisquitetired · 2 years
Chapter five (Fears and Expectations) of Everyone Goes Feral in Hisui is out now!
Summary: Zorua gets a haircut. Ingo gets a responsibility.
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lostwysteria · 2 months
How Ingo, Emmet, Elesa, and Volo take care of Akari
SubwayTrainer: Hey, Boss Ingo, the others are curious. How do you take care of your feral hybrid child?
Ingo: *sips quadruple shot espresso iced coffee. Raises arm. Akari is attached, biting and clawing playfully, little growls and purrs can be heard.*
ST: BOSS?!?!
Ingo: I know where she’s at, at least.
ST: Boss Emmet! I’m doing a survey. How do you watch your niece?
Emmet: I am Emmet. I have a SAFE playroom for her. It’s full of enrichment. *eye twitches*. She can't cause chaos in there.
ST: are you okay?
Emmet: nope!
ST: Miss Elesa! How do you watch your niece?
Elesa: I take her to the woods and let her hunt shit. Look what she gave me! *holds up dead Patrat*
ST: oh my god.
Volo: I give her a whole bag of catnip, put her in a child harness and leash and put on fish and bird videos on the TV.
ST: …
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blackout-galaxy · 4 months
ok so i said submas blast so im giving you submas blast.
unfortunately for everyone involved, including the characters, i have thunked up an au. it has ended up being named Warden, Navigator, Madman. will the fic i inevitably write be named this? who knows! probably not but it will end up in there somewhere.
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Behold my shitty little timeline where I was trying to figure out what to do with them. C is Akari, A is Ingo, and B is Emmet!
But oh, you say, that means ingo and emmet are no longer twins! Fret not, dear reader! For I have this funny little thing called time dilation!
Now, I am absolutely not going to use the word again, because I’m afraid of using it incorrectly (I did so many times rambling to my friends.) so just keep that concept in your brain, okay?
What’s important is that to the people of hisui, Ingo has been Lady Sneasler’s warden since she herself was young. He’s spent the past decade there by the time the sky opens up a third time. Akari has spent two before she’s deemed prepared enough to go out on her own.
Neither of them have aged much at all in these time spans. By Irida’s best logic, her warden’s aged maybe three years.
Emmet arrives two years after akari and ten after ingo. And is experiencing double time in the woods. What is six months to hisui is a year to him and Unova in the future.
Anyways! All that out of the way, let’s get to the meat and bones!
A major part of the effects from this is the fact that *i* think that humans are able to end up typed like Pokémon. The last time the twins were in for a checkup, they were both registering as majority steel-typed, with minor typing in electric, poison, and dragon, for a variety of reasons. When they get back, a feral thirteen year old in tow, they register as dark-ghost, with moderate dragon typing and minor poison and ice typing. For somewhat obvious reasons I’ll get into. Akari registers as normal and dragon and always has, thank her lucky stars.
Ingo, as he’s experiencing time in a very strange manner, doesn’t realize that spending… more than what he thinks is three quarters of his time in the woods is closer to disappearing for months at a time. This has effects on him, including the fact that spending all your time barely interacting with any human can and will substantially fuck with your typing and the severity of its effects on you.
Emmet, who has been kidnapped by zorua and has begun going insane, is also contemplating just how hard it would be to convince his brother to be feral in the woods with him. (His typing is shifting faster than he can mentally adjust to it)
Unfortunately (or fortunately) for them both, they never run into one another properly until Akari gets let loose on the mountains.
Which means that the supposedly worsening hallucinations that have brought ingo into town more often aren’t just hallucinations, and that the zorua screaming on the mountainside aren’t just zorua.
I have quite a few incidents in store for all three of them, with varying levels of involvement from the other wardens and the people of jubilife, but this is all you get for certain for now!
And a good look at my ideas for them of course.
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salsa-di-pomodoro · 2 years
Emmet breaks spacetime to find his brother this, Emmet goes feral without his brother that (which you shouldn't take too far btw), where are the Ingo goes apeshit fics. Where are the fics where Ingo single handedly corrals the gods into getting him (and Akari, if she's tired of being in charge after having to save the world) home. This man is depressed one day about his memories and then his unovan religion socialization kicks in subconsciously and he goes 'no fuck this. I am going to get my memories back whether they comply or not' and that escalates into 'i am going home no matter what' and also 'i am going to be happy. I will make it so'. This man didn't get raised with the values of TRUTH and IDEALS for nothing. That shit sticks in your mind so much even if you don't personally think about it much. Have you seen how many times unovans mention truth or ideals in the games. They're important to them. And they're important to him.
I don't even mean that Ingo becomes a villain or anything. I just mean to say he sees a child befriending gods and goes 'hey what the fuck. If they can do that i can do something about my own situation as well for sure' and don't try to tell me the gods wouldn't listen to him. First off i believe Arceus and everyone else do love their creation, they just sometimes don't understand it. Second of all even if that wasn't true not all the gods agree with each other. If Arceus couldn't or didn't want to do anything he could just ask giratina. Or dialga and palkia. How would palkia help? They bring him to celebi. There's no way he wouldn't get celebis approval especially with palkias help.
What? The Pearl clan wouldn't let him go? Lmao what are you even talking about. Even if they didn't want him to leave the position of warden they value space very much. They'd want him to find his own before all else, and even if they didn't Irida would and her judgement is the most important one in the clan. I'm pretty sure she mentions wanting to travel, too, so she might join Ingo for a time as well.
Something is wrong in Unova upon his arrival? Impossible. Unova loves their Subway bosses and Emmet loves and trusts Ingo enough for that not to be a problem. Even if he didn't Chandelure would be proof enough of something off. i don't think she would just feel her trainer's soul disappear in a split second and not cause a commotion, she'd immediatly begin to freak out. Even without that you know what always fixes shit? Communication baby. This man will not let something go until they've properly discussed it. If the other's opinion is still the same after they've all explained themselves, then fine. But i guarantee you it won't be. If communication is difficult for some reason there is nothing that stops him from making it easier or doing it anyway. He can also go to a god again and have them help out of it's something he can't do anything about himself. Grudge? Gone. Death? Xerneas'd. Legal trouble? Over.
There is nothing that can't be fixed, especially in the pokemon world. It's going to be exausting, and probably very taxing on the mind, but it would be worth it so much. And there is no way Ingo and Emmet aren't both going to go to therapy anyway in the end.
Even if the gods couldn't fix it and send him home, they'd at least grant them both peace of mind. A letter, a picture, sent back or forward in time. With proof that it's real, obviously, and that yes it is god that brought this to you, so there's no misunderstandings. And don't tell me they can't do that, you've seen the arc phone. A space time distortion, conveniently timed on both sides, courtesy of dialga and palkia. They're going to get to be happy eventually, whether that means moving on or being reunited. Though there's like no way they don't get reunited lol
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harveybwabbit92 · 6 months
{Akari comes out of the UFG base washroom, dressed to the nines for Nayaka's charity concert/ball she working as a disguised body guard, her brother (who is also acting as a guard) was waiting with the tri-squad he looked up and saw in her dress and whistles.]
Shin (Zero): Wow, sis. Now I can't deny it when dad calls you princess.
Akari, looks at him oddly: He's never called me that!
Shin: He definitely would if he saw you now.
Akari: Well, don't get used to it, I only volunteered for this gig c'os Nayaka's regular body guards are on their honeymoon. When the clock strikes 1 this Cinderella goin' feral.
Taiga: I thought that happens at midnight?
Akari: Yeah, but the job officially ends at 1 am.
Titas: Well you look lovely, Asahi is gonna be jealous when she finds out you got dressed up...um, May I take photo?
Akari: Go nuts.
(Titas takes a photo and sends it to Asahi who responded back immediately.]
Titas: She says: "Bestie you look gorgeous!💖😘", and "Wish I could've gone shopping with you😟", but "my exams come first. 👓✏️🎓!" P.S.: Get her Nayaka's autograph! pls!! (yes he reads the emojis out loud.)
Taiga: You look good, Ari, but isn't your lipstick on a bit thick?
Akari: I know, I just wanted to do this.
Fuma, who was drooling over her: Do wha- (Akari kisses Fuma in the cheek, leaving a lipstick mark.)
Akari, smirks: There, all fixed.~
Fuma, blue screening: Ah....
Akari, to Shin: Shall we go meet up with Nayaka?
Shin: Yeah, Let's go before Zoffy shows, cos once her dad's there getting alone time with Naya will be near impossible for me.
(The siblings walk away.)
Fuma, dazed: I'm never washing my face again.~
(Taiga slingshots some pudding at Fuma's face.]
Fuma, looks at Taiga aghast: Dude!
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blaiddraws · 1 year
So... I read the fic about the Ingo and Zisu poll (rly good btw) but what if when Akari made Ingo go shirtless (or well threatened him to and somehow convinces Ingo like the feral gremlin they are), somehow someone who was peeping saw it, had a portable camera like the one Laventon has with him, and decides to take a pic. But in the future, Emmet is looking through random shitposts online and comes across a "fun-fact" history post and just sees an ancient and blurry photo of his brother shirtless and just has so many questions abt it.
oh yes. he will never let ingo live it down, either
ingo goes back to unova just to escape hisui and everyone knowing what he did. only to find that it survived through history and he will never actually be free
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cutekittenlady · 2 years
I think Ingo showing up when he does really saves Eelektross.
Like at this point in the concept Eelektross has been muzzled, collared, and caged by people who are both terrified of him and know nothing about him. Especially not his needs. So he ends up with food he doesn't like or even can't eat. Water in a recepticle he can't use, and trapped in a dry place with no place to moisturize his skin.
Being a smart, modern day, electric land eel, he's able escape but is very weakened and dried out. He's able to moisturize in the stream that runs through the village, but it's not long til it's discovered he's escaped and the whole village is put on lockdown.
Hungry, tired, scared, cornered, maybe even injured, Eelektross finally starts going feral.
He's been fighting it the whole time he's been in Hisui. But having all his attempts to make peace thrown in his face, being treated like a monster, and having no comfort of knowing where his trainer is and having no ally whos strong enough to protect him he starts hissing and lashing out more at the people hunting him.
But they keep chasing. And chasing. And chasing.
Hes nearly to the point of letting out a massive fully powered discharge in the middle of town!
Then Ingo arrives and takes charge. Eelektross has managed to hide in the stream. Maybe under the bridge? Meanwhile Ingos loud voice is able to attract attention helping the galaxy Team get things more organized and stop the rabid hunt.
There are still people watching along the stream, waiting to see if eelektross emerges and raise the alarm, but they're not jabbing in sharp farm tools to drive him out or anything.
Ingo, known as one of the only trainers to tame an alpha, wants to give handling eelektross a go. Kamado is hesitant to agree given that Akari has already tried and failed to capture it and he's been given to understand from Laventon that the creature can't be caught with a pokeball. However, the warden still wants to give it a try as there's a chance it could pose a risk to the Pearl Clan if left alone, and given it's an unknown species there's little to show what would happen if any of the villagers actually hurt it. For all they know it could blow up the whole village like a voltorb!
Eventually, with Laventon's help, they're able to draw Eelektross out from under the bridge with food he'd actually like to eat and up the small stream and into the training grounds. It's there that he winds up cornered in the walls of the training grounds by the Security and Survey Corps. Electricity zapping off him in fear and stress.
That's when Ingo jumps him. He has Gliscor (immune to electric) hold Eelektross down as he orders Probopass to use Earth Power (super effective) on the clear electric type. Hoping to distract him before having Tangrowth try and put him asleep with sleep power. (Neutralize the threat)
He's shocked when Eelektross manages to draw no damage from the attack (levitation FTW) and actually dodges Tangrowth's sleep powder.
That's when Eelektross's training really kicks in.
Eelekross might be used to having a partner in multi-battles, but he knows how to fight multiple opponenets. It helps that Ingo's pokemon were trained with a similar method Eelektross was.
All the same he manages to knock Gliscor off and knock over Tangrowth before turning on Magnezone.
Ingo's legitimately startled. Most wild pokemon he fights tend to focus on a singular opponent, but this ones strategically picking out opponents based on his perception of their threat. Plus, yknow, he's a levitating eel monster.
He gives the group orders as best he can. Following Eelektross beat for beat with neither really overcoming the other.
Eventually though, Eelektross winds up breaking the rules.
The first time he's ever done it.
And turns on the one giving the orders.
He's jumped on him before he really recognizes him, which is good because he was about the shoot a massive Discharge and, hopefully, knock out the trainer so the pokemon would get confused giving him an opportunity to escape.
But then he sees his face.
All of this happens in a few seconds and the moment Ingo is tackled everyone is ready to attack the 'monster' that seems to be mauling Ingo. But when they get there, pokemon at the ready and sharp implements raised Ingo tells them to STOP.
And they all look down to see Eelektross's floppy eel arms around Ingo in a hug, sucking on his face, and crying uncontrollably.
Feel free to send an Ask
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hanakihan · 9 months
I’m kinda annoyed in fanfics Ingo is usually allowed to adopt only one Hisui kid
You know what screw it let Ingo adopt both because I live for Rei and Akari’s sibling dynamic (and because they can in future take roles of next Subway Masters) and also because Emmet is also allowed to have a chaotic adopted kid in family (Rei and Ingo being on more coolheaded spectrum while Emmet with Akari going fully feral battle maniacs)
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cderiva · 1 month
( sleep )  -  for our muses to have sex as a goodbye . / riz but like, they'll be back on their bs in a couple days 💀
other ways to say goodbye.  (accepting)
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The bed feels like a luxury tonight.
Not that the kitchen table or the sofa had ever been less than thrilling, each creak of wood or groan of leather was a testament to their own kind of feral poetry. But tonight, he’s tired in a way that seeps into his bones, the kind of fatigue that softens the sharpness he wields like a second skin. He doesn't even push back when she starts taking control, just sprawls back against the sheets, lazy and languid, like a lion basking in the last stretch of sunlight before the night falls.
Akari’s weight settles atop him like a familiar pressure - her silhouette is outlined by the faint amber of the city filtering through the blinds - sharp lines, tension in her posture, all that fire. Her thighs are hot against his sides, pressing down with enough dominance to make him smirk through his fatigue. Cute, he thinks, even if the humor barely cracks through the haze of his thoughts.
Her nails press into his chest, and he swears he can feel the bite of each crescent moon she leaves behind. There’s something in the way her fingers curl, like a question mark waiting for him to stumble, to falter, to laugh at his own surprise. But he doesn’t. He just smiles, sharp, because he’s felt those nails enough times to know they’re more bark than bite. Besides, he likes it, delights in it even - that edge between them.
His hands trace her body lazily, savoring the unhurried indulgence of someone who knows there’s no rush - fingers glide over the dip of her waist and the slope of her ribs, not out of necessity but for the thrill of the moment. There’s a rhythm now, one they’ve shared times over, yet it still knots something warm and reckless in his chest. The mattress dips beneath them as she moves. Riz lets his gaze wander, noticing the small ridges of muscle in her arms and the the way her breasts sway.
It's a sight, and he's taking it in when a flicker of motion catches his eye - the way her hair tangles in her earrings. It looks uncomfortable. “Hold on,” his hand moving deftly to untangle the strands from the delicate metal. “There, you’re welcome,” he says with a smirk, catching the brief flicker of surprise (or maybe annoyance) in her expression. “Wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself trying to look good for me.”
She might take it as a jab (she usually does) but he enjoys these small moments where her need for control clashes with his effortless nonchalance.
His hand traces the sharp line of her jaw until it finds her lips. His thumb brushes the curve of the bottom one, slow and deliberate, savoring the give beneath the pad of his finger. The way it yields, just slightly, under that pressure - it’s a kind of softness that hums quietly through him, an echo of want that starts deep in his chest and winds down to his hips, making them jerk forward, pressing his need into hers.
He lets his touch drift down, tracing the line of her throat, the curve of her breast, the soft plane of her stomach, before pressing his palm flat against her abdomen - just enough pressure to draw out a pause, a breath.
Then, in a sudden motion, he pushes her back, carving out a fraction more space.
His hand slips lower, fingers dipping between her thighs - seeking, finding the pulse of heat. The first brush of his fingers against the sensitive nub is unhurried, almost gentle, but there’s no pretense in it, no tease. It’s a kind of indulgence, a slow unraveling. He presses his index and middle fingers against that tender spot, circling with just enough pressure to feel her body tense and then melt under his touch, to feel her flutter and squeeze around him.
He savors the slow build, the way her body responds in these tiny, involuntary flinches and just as she starts to lean into it, her breath quickening, he lets a chuckle slip, low and teasing. “Tired already?” The edge of his smirk is as sharp as her nails on his skin. “Maybe I should take over, seems you’re starting to lose your stamina.”
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porta-decumana · 1 month
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New Fic Excerpt - Daughter of the Silent Waves
Men whispered of the paradise beneath the sea, a veritable Atlantis amid dark, cruel depths where few dared to tread.  It was where the waves ran silent, where the sapphire blue turned a velvety indigo.  The surface world would not have dared to call it a metropolis, but in the cold of the ocean, it was as glorious of a city as could be built under the salt and water.  The god of the feral ocean had sheltered them here for centuries now, protected under a divine blessing that came in the shape of a dome.  It kept the crushing waters out and the refugees inside.  And thus had they lived, a micro-world in a snowglobe—their City of Silent Waves. When war had come to their ancestral lands, the waters had welcomed them.  In a world marred by sin and violence, it was the final bastion hope and sanctuary.   Or so they believed.
A song of blades clashing echoed the halls of the Water God’s temple.  It was not the usual hymns of reverence that so often filled those ancient corridors but it was, in its own way, a sacred thing.  In the main hall stood a lonely stone monument to their savior, the great Dragon God.  Beneath his gaze, two Au Ra fought, a blade in each hand.  Cunning and strength, calm and chaos—he had long taught her that they were both aspects of the same coin, no different than how the sun and moon in the world beyond their dome both reigned the sky in tandem. But in their duel, she felt nothing but chaos rushing inside of her.  Her twin blades collided with his and she threw her power behind it in desperation.  These spars had been a common practice since she could hold a blade.  At first, he had gone easy on her and she suspected he still was.  Each time their swords clashed, she felt the blows ring through her body.  His eyes pressed upon her in scrutiny.  Her heart leapt and she lashed out wildly, foolishly.  It was met with her own downfall; a half-second later saw his foot hooking her ankle.  She fell and a cold edge was at once at the back of her nape. Her mentor gave a disdained tch as he stepped back and sheathed both of his swords.  She heard him step away, disappointment in his breath. “Rise,” came his command, voice deep as the rolling waves outside. She pulled herself off the cold of the stone floor, feeling embarrassment burn across her neck and face like wildfire.  “You are reckless.  You let your fear ignite a pyre in your heart when you fight,” he said to her.  “And then you let it consume you.  You know better.” Her head lowered.  She did know better. “To tell you to never fear would be folly.  So I will not tell you that.  I will tell you instead to make them fear you far more than you could fear them,” he continued.  “And if something is to burn, let it be them, Akari.  Never yourself.” “Yes, Father,” she replied, head lifting to watch him.  Daishiro Asagiri looked over his blades carefully, their blue-steel hue glinting in the faint firelight from nearby torches.  He tested both swords with the flicks of his wrist then he turned to face his daughter once more.  A permanent frown had carved its way onto his face over the years but she was used to his lack of warmth.  Such was his way.  He had always strived to mold her into something better than she was.  A rightful prodigy to the General of the Blue Valley.  “There may be a day when the dome is threatened,” Daishiro said to her.  “And all we know could be crushed by the waters around us.  What will your fear be worth in a fight for your life?” A silence.  And he had his answer.  A satisfied light shone in his magenta eyes. “Nothing.” It was a harsh truth but that was only language Daishiro Asagiri spoke.  And Akari knew that.  She nodded.  He pointed at her fallen weapons on the ground with one of his swords.   “Fetch your blades.  And then, again, we shall fight.  But this time, do not be afraid.  Be cunning, Akari.  And be strong.”
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kingarmorking · 2 years
pokemon legends arceus au where rei (ill be using rei just cause thats who i played as but it works with akari too) was transported back to hisui Much Younger and, seeing as how he gets along so easily with pokemon right from the start, is seen as an ominous omen for jubilife village (let alone the whole falling from the sky bit dont ask me how baby rei got outta that unscathed)
cyllene and laventon end up watching over him but theyre both super busy with their own work that he ends up getting ostracized from the village. at some point baby rei is left unsupervised and wanders away and ends up getting lost and ends up befriending a hisuian zorua
h!zorua is super confused by this child who has no issue with it and hisuian zoroark comes up for its kid and sees the strange human child with it
h!zoroark is obvs wary at first but h!zorua is pretty attached so him plus he doesnt have the same fear / malice / etc that most humans have towards not only its kind but also pokemon in general so it lets the two play
when no one comes to find rei then h!zoroark gets suspicious and lets them play, disguises themselves as a human and goes into the village, finds out that rei’s really treated like shit by all the superstitious people! it makes the decision right then and there that rei is now its kit and adopts him
yes this is all for feral rei, once hes about 15 he wears the baneful fox mask whenever hes out on his own and at one point runs into akari which is where the plot of the game would start about
all of his pokemon arent in pokeballs, theyre just ones hes befriended and earned the trust of with the exception of the starter youre given but even then he barely keeps that in its ball either
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klonoadreams · 1 year
I'll be honest, you have so many characters that I forgot about Mako.
Which makes me feel bad because I even remember Brie, though it may as well be because I adore the little fairy troll, or Akari, the spooky feral.
Even Andou, the demonic cat.
Damn, I met your fanfic because of Choko, and i can remember her!
I don't blame you tbh, since Mako's been the one I've talked about the least compared to everyone else.
I've neglected my sharky daughter, but no more. One Piece Live Action grabbed me by the throat, with the way it went.
But also the music is SO good, that it effectively gave me more ideas.
Especially in regard's to Mako's mama, since she was always meant to be from Amazon Lily, but more to it, she was part of the Kuja Pirates - more specifically, their navigator. She was part of Boa Hancock's group when they got sold and stuff.
Currently going through stuff and I made a big mistake of sorts and by that, i did the math wrong. Mako is actually 15 going on 16 by the start of the main story, shortly after Luffy leaves since he leaves as soon as he is 17, and his birthday is in May. Mako is a June baby, so what up, theres a year difference in actuality so i gotta change stuff up lmaooo.
Anyways expect me to start going through Gone Fishing as soon as i catch up to one piece, I last left off at the start of Wano lmaooo.
Anyways glad you know my other si ocs!! Let's give it up again for Mako woooo
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asks you about your aus. any of them. all of them
I have fics about her actually!! They come out on my Ao3 every Wednesday!!
(info under the cut bc LONG)
She's technically meant to be a changeling! She was supposed to replace Dawn by possessing her body(courtesy of Zoroark mother) until Dawn's soul collapsed under the weight of Akari's Zorua soul, but that didn't end up happening because Akari ended up being aware of the nature of her existence way too early(woke up while Zoroark mother was putting her in Dawn's body), started hopping out of Dawn's body and letting her take the reigns again, and then shapeshifting into a copy of her, and they ended up living as twins! Johanna was surprisingly chill about this because I like when characters are nice to each other
So Dawn took the champion title at the age of 12, Akari(named after the Hero of Hisui, which she then ironically became) never was much of a battler so she mostly hung out on the sidelines and cheered her sister on
Then when the two of them were 15, Akari gets eeby deebied to Hisui and Dawn has an entire breakdown in every possible way, does everything she can to try and get her back(and fails) and eventually gives up the Champion title back to Cynthia so she doesn't just completely lose her mind
She goes out across the Highlands to look for someone or something to help, mistakenly believing that because she is now baby, wild Pokemon will not try to attack her
We all know the story of PLA(i think), Akari still gets amnesia but she's still in her human disguise which becomes her default, so she doesn't remember that she's a Zorua until the Red Sky, when a Hisuian Zoroark confronts her about her still being alive when the rest of them had to die first to even get a chance, and she doesn't know what it's talking about for a while. Then she decides "if i can't become something else, it means i'm human and they were wrong"
But then she becomes a Zorua. And can't figure out how to turn back because she hasn't shapeshifted or known she could shapeshift for months
She gets beat up three different times and almost swept off the side of a cliff by a Gligar
Eventually Ingo finds her! And that's how he learns she's a Zorua, and subsequently helps her figure out her shapeshifting again! While they were practicing, she takes a form that mimics Ingo, then reverses it to look like "the man in white" which triggers Emmemories!!! Hooray!!! But then they have to go fight Dialga and Palkia at the Temple of Sinnoh so the joy is short-lived
Only a few people personally learn that Akari is a Zorua! Those people are Ingo, Rei, Mai, Lian, and Melli(I'm not counting Volo because it's in the middle of the Giratina fight and it's during his religious insanity so he's not paying that much attention)
The whole of Jubilife sort of vaguely knows Akari is a Fox due to an incident where she forgot to put her human disguise back up after sleeping in her quarters for once and answered the door for someone, complete Zoroark(she evolved sometime during or immediately after the Red Sky), but they've all kind of agreed not to tell Kamado due to the exile incident
Cyllene knows though! She's pretty chill with it as long as Akari doesn't suddenly go feral, which, she doesn't think she will. So it's sort of an open secret in Jubilife
Now from here on out, there are technically four ways the Zoroakari AU can go:
1.) Akari gets sent home by Arceus as normal, eventually reunites with her twin and her old friends, and with Ingo(and subsequently meets Emmet and Elesa in the process)
3.) Akari is not sent home, ends up wandering the Alabaster Icelands and runs into a pack of wild Zoroark. She ends up becoming their Noble Lady Zoroark(and she is motherfucking H U G E), and that's a whole nother story that I've actually written a fanfic about
2.) Akari is not sent home, whether by malice on Arceus's part for her being a Zoroark instead of human, or because she still has a role to fill. Either way, Ingo is sent home at her request, but she has to stay in Hisui. Three ways go from here. The first is that Akari goes back to the life she wasn't expecting to continue living, and exists in Hisui-and-then-Sinnoh for around 50 years. Then she fakes her death and starts region-hopping to hide her immortality(which she has due to ✨️divine intervention✨️) and brings her Hisuian team with her(mainly a Typhlosion and an alpha H-Zoroark, since both are ghosts and therefore don't die to age)
4.) Akari is not sent home, doesn't leave Hisui, and doesn't become a Noble. Instead, after a while, she notices Hisuian variants are starting to die out, and becomes a specialized breeder for them. She hides away in a forest near a coast at the very edge of the region, and sets up some pastures of her own to make a sanctuary where Hisuian variants still live to this day
One more thing before I'm done here: I subscribe to the Uncle Ingo headcanon <<<<<3
Okay that's all from me tonight probably
Unless I decide I want to talk about a bunch of scenarios
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thescribblings · 8 months
Welcome to my blog! Where i mainly post about my future leo; Orion! (Even though that's a nickname, lol)
I also have a future donnie design, who has been named (with the very generous help of @sinestrosmind) Akari! Or Aki for short :]
(I have a patreon if you're interested)
So, due to some unfortunate events, i am currently unemployed and struggling financially. I can't pay rent and due to mental illness, including cptsd, i am not currently able to get a job. As of right now, i am lucky enough to get to stay with a friend of a friend for free until i can start paying rent, the savings i have are just enough to keep me fed for a few months, tops. I hate to bring this to my own safe space, but the reality of the situation is that i need help. If you can and are interested, then please join my patreon. Anything would be infinitely appreciated, and that includes just sharing or liking this post. Have an amazing day, you beautiful creatures<3
As a patron, you get to see what I'm working on! I post wips, abandoned projects, and occasional writing, you also get to suggest my next piece or a prompt (although i can't promise that it'll catch my eye!), if I'm not sure what to draw next i might make a post and let you help me decide, you can make requests but I'm very driven by what personally interests me when i draw, basically I'm not able to draw something that i don't enjoy drawing. I also might just be burnt out, as i get burnout periods rather often
In the future i hope I'll post short comics that i myself draw, and gifs, animatics, anything really :] i just want to create, but i only started seriously learning to draw about a year ago, so it'll take a while before i do the things i need actual patience for lmao <3
I also occasionally post some Semi-Feral Polaroids content! It's a lovely shared AU @so-called-yokai and i put together where Orion and their gorgeous oc Eshra are romantically involved :]
I'm rather socially awkward due to ADHD, Autism, and social anxiety, so i can't promise that I'll respond to comments
Just know that i appreciate it a whole lot when you take time out of your day to tell me something!
I'm new to Tumblr ( I have only had it since the summer of 2023 ish). So bear with me as i learn how to use it!
I will post here very rarely (i can disappear for like 6 months at a time, that is a promise) but the rise fandom has motivated me to get better and draw again (hyperfixations go brr)
(i basically only draw Orion and Eshra but y'know-) oh, and i don't fuck with t-cest, that's nasty. I'm also not very invested in ships other than Semi-Feral Polaroids, so don't expect that from me
I made my own au a while back! I'm still fleshing it out and all, but i named it "slightly feral future leo (with ghosts)" or "sffl(wg)" for short. It's a very self indulgent "peepaw ended up in the past for no specific reason" au and it doesn't really have much plot yet, but i just like drawing cute turtle scenarios (a lot of the Leo's snoozing since they deserve a nap) or sometimes I'll draw some angst, (I'm very into angst, but I'm bad at drawing it lol)
Keep in mind that I've been very inspired by other creators and their au's when i created this one, most of it is cherry picked from others creations but i still like it. Even if some very well thought out and emotional concepts have been plucked and haphazardly shoved into my mess of an au, i just want to avoid as much confusion as possible by writing this long ass post ngl
I've decided to let people ask me things now. However, if you have any art requests whatsoever, just know that i only draw when I'm inspired and really, REALLY feel like it! I do still appreciate asks about my au if you're interested, though! (Art requests that i don't draw or can't draw might be saved for later and drawn in the future, btw. though it's not guaranteed)
If you couldn't already tell, i write a lot! I love describing things and telling some stories with drawings, so be prepared for some wordy and long ass posts, lol!
I also have a uh, rather neglected side blog (@a-variety-of-scribbles), it consists of literally anything except my scribblings
Now, have an amazing day you wonderful creature! (whatever you may be)
❤️ 🧡 💛 💚 💙 🩵 💜 🤎
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harveybwabbit92 · 6 months
[Dan sits with Akari while getting her field agent license renewed.]
Head Agent: Well, let's see here Miss Yuri. On the driving portion you totaled every car but the one you were driving. On the pistol range you refused to use a gun, and — heh heh, here's my favorite — on the written you drew the little guy with wings from the Led Zeppelin records.
Akari: Icarus. So, uh, what are trying to tell me here, little man, that you don't like Zep?
(The agent stands and rips the written portion in half)
Agent: You probably don't remember me. But you saved my life when I was a kid. You gave me a new way to see things and taught me not everyone in the outskirts is a selfish menace.
Dan, looks surprise: When was this?
Agent: 15 years ago... My family's farm was ransacked and we were chased out into the wilderness. the bandits were closing in and I thought for sure we were dead... When this girl who look no older then I was back then appeared. She fought like feral beast with nothing to lose and when it was over turned her sights on us...
Agent: My family thought we were next, instead she calmly wiped the blood off her face told us gather what we could and to follow her. That girl escorted us through the monster infested wasteland for almost a week before safely leaving us at a UFG outpost, then she was gone before we could even thank her...
Akari, nods: Oh yeah. I remember now, you grew up!
Agent: And you still look the same age as we met...Guess the rumors about you being an alien were true.
Dan, as his expression darkens: So what if she is?
Agent, coughs and averts his eyes:
Akari: Dad... he had a crush on me.
Dan: ....Oh. I see, sorry.
Agent: It's fine, it probably wouldn't worked out anyways, especially now.
Akari: Yeah...That's why I'm always iffy about dating, I don't want any of my potential partners to be labeled as a creep or thrown into jail.
Agent: Yes, An-anyway, back to you're results. You passed. I just need you to sign these forms and expect your new badge and license to be ready in two weeks... and Akari? Thank you.
[Akari nods.]
[Despite being raised by bandits Akari has very strong sense of justice, she despises when people abuse power and use it to bully the weak, she acted kind of like a watchdog out in the wastelands.]
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kennyswiferay · 1 year
Idea for a Lo’ak Sully x Reader AU where the Sullys never fled because my brain is flooding rn,
CW - SFW, angst, soulmate sort of thing, misogyny/sexism, original clan, original characters
TITLE - Trade Lines [Lo’ak Sully x Reader]
“The Tsu’ayla are one of the greatest clans, raised alongside Palulukans,” Lonal hummed to her daughter. She danced around her home, the tarp strung up around the base of the tree a gift from her closest friend’s Sky Demon lover. “We are strong, powerful and we are resilient. We started our legend of Palulukan Makto, and we are the legend embodied.” As Lonal finished speaking, near black skin a stark contrast to the blue of her only child, a Palulukan as dark as the unlit forest slinked through the open tarp. Lonal smiled easily as a familiar body followed it.
"Ma Lonal," the Olo'eyktan hummed to his mate. Her smile stretched to a feral grin, the dark woman holding a hand out for her husband. "How is our little txeptsìp?" The Olo'eyktan ran his thumb down the little girl's cheek bone.
"Stubborn, like her father. How is the clan, Ma Jakar?"Lonal answered. She pressed her back into a solid chest, Jakar’s arms snaking around her waist as she sagged. Relief flooded her body that Jakar was with her, no matter what, and not fighting a war he has no part in.
"They are fine, yawne, I promise. Vo’kuri keeps clawing at the entrance so I bought him here to see you." As Jackal spoke, the dark Palulukan from earlier stuck it's head up and yawned at them. Lonal sat near him, curling up in the space between Ra'vi's strong legs as he headbutt her arm gently. He was demanding to see his fkew 'evi, mighty child of his rider. Lonal giggled as she tilted a young Niri'te towards the thanator.
"Your cub and her will love each other greatly, my trusted one," Lonal whispered as Jackal left the tent to announce the birth of the first Daughter of Palulukans, Child of the Ioang. Lonely walked out besides her mate, Vo’kuri and another Palulukan bounding over to them - Gi’atri, Vo’kuri’s mate and mother to Akari.
“Ewya has granted us this blessing, giving us a child to usher us into a unity with others! Praise Ewya, for giving us Y/N!” Lonal yelled, her position as Tsahik giving her the right to interpret Ewya’s will. As the people cheered, hollered and yelped, the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik smiled as they stared lovingly at their daughter.
15 years later,
“Skawng! Screw you!” Y/N yelled. She was chasing her best friend and guard, Raika, through the high tree tops. He’d stolen her blade, and she was determined to get it back. “Raika that’s my mothers!” Raika did nothing but roll his eyes, dangling the knife from his loincloth precariously.
“Then get it, Little Syawn,” Raika taunted. He turned, jumping from a cliff face and his Ikran J’ta shot upwards, collecting him like a prize. Y/N growled, seething.
“I will skin you!” She screamed, catching herself before she went over. She had not yet tamed an Ikran, and did not trust Raika to catch her in his playful mood. Scowling, she turned to an albino Palulukan and a black one with red tainting her muzzle. “Don’t look at me like I’m stupid Vo’kuri, Gi’atri. He stole Mother’s knife.” Gi’atri, being more maternal, headbutt Y/N before bowing, allowing the teenage girl to swing onto her back and turn towards the village. Y/N muttered, listening to Raika laugh callously as he swung J’ta back towards camp and took off. Gi’atri and Vo’kuri followed, keeping the girl company.
“There you are, woman! The others are waiting!” A’laia was the caretaker of the young around the village, be it Na’vi like her son Ra’i or the Palulukan cubs. “The Olo’eyktan requests your presence in the main tent, go. See them. I will care for them. It is urgent.” Nodding slowly, Y/N rushed towards her father and mother’s tent. It was unusually quiet, the flap open and letting a draft in. Y/N was suspicious, her family never left the flap open. No matter the weather. As Y/N stepped inside, her foot fell on something and she shuddered, movements freezing.
“Father? Mother? I am home,” she called. Jakar, a man in his prime, looked up. His eyes were bloodshot, tears staining his face. He had been crying for hours, that much was clear to her. Y/N fell to her knees before him, grasping at his wrists. “Father? What happened? Where is mother?!” Jakar could not, would not answer his only child, his eldest daughter, his little txeptsìp.
“Little txeptsip, your mother… sh-she had an illness, neither our medicinals or Ewya could save her… Snake’s remedies could not save her…” Jakar broke down crying again. Then Y/N noticed the body hidden beneath a blanket, her mother's garments littering the ground around it. Y/N shook her head, denying.
“No. No, mother is fine. She has to be, she said she would weave my clothes and help Ewya find my perfect match a-and,” Y/N couldn’t get her words out, stammering and choking back on her own sobs so as not to lose her control. Jakar reached out to his child, his thumbs just grazing her wrists before Y/N yanked herself away, pushing herself to her knees and spinning to walk out.
“Y/N!” Jakar yelled, scrambling after her, “yawne please, do not!” Y/N ignored the man’s pleas as she reached Vo’kuri. He sensed her mood and lifted her onto his back with ease. "Y/N!"
“Get me out of here, ma txe’lan,” she sobbed. The albino creature hunched his shoulders before launching. He went a familiar route, Lonal having pleaded him to learn it in case her child ever needed to get away from the Tsu’ayla. Y/N made tsaheylu itch Vo’kuri, images flooding her mind of the clan they were fleeing to. Her eyes widened as she realised who it was.
The Omatikaya.
shahaylu - bond/neural connection
txe’lan - heart
txeptsip - fire
syawn - blessing
skxawng - moron
fkew 'evi - mighty child
yawne - darling/beloved/loved one
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