#let hosie happen
toriwritesstories · 5 months
No one tagged me in one of these but I saw the questions and wanted to participate hehe
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
53 total, technically 1 of those is under a different pseud because it's the only fic I ported from FF.net onto Ao3 and I used my FF username as the pseud for that reason.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
Just checked and apparently it is 2,416,967 .... sooo that's totally normal right?!?!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I struggle to write for more than 1 fandom at a time so right now I'm pretty much only writing Shadowzel from BG3.
BUT the others I've written for are, in order of recency:
Hosie from Legacies
Deanoru from The Runaways
Choni from Riverdale
Clexa from The 100
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
Pretty sure that they're all going to be Clexa but lemme go pull the list...
1) Pristine (Clexa)
2) Come With Me (Clexa)
3) Lift Me, Catch Me (Clexa)
4) Still Made of Gold (Clexa)
5) Online Lifeline (Clexa)
Yep, no surprises there. But actually my 6th is Choni: She Didn't Know It Then but seems like my older fics from the fandom that was probably the biggest I've been in have the most kudos, makes sense to me hehe!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to as many comments as I can while I'm posting. Unless I feel the urgent need to respond to a comment, I only respond when I'm at my desk about to update. So I don't usually respond once a fic is finished unless the comment really compels me to. This is simply a time and effort kinda situation, I read them in my email and they always make my day, and I'm always happy to respond on social media if anyone ever wants to chat about any of my fics!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The angstiest ending?! Uhhh I'm a happy ending girlie. I guess technically it's probably one of my Hosie oneshots in my A World Where I Was Yours series, just because it's my version of post canon of Legacies!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There are too many happy endings in my fics for me to decide aaahhhh. Ummmm. Maybe it's hard to breathe (when you're in the air) which is one of my favorite Hosie fics that I wrote?? but idk seriously they're all happy endings in terms of the pairing so it comes down to which characters in which fics had the happiest overall life situation and there are too many to think about it lol!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've gotten negative comments for sure but I dunno if I'd call it hate exactly. The negative comment that I remember the most was on a Choni fic and they complained that the characters were too OOC, and it was nooooot done constructively at all and someone else (possibly same person different guest user) piled on even more rudely... so that wasn't fun (and also yeah all my characters are kinda OOC because that's what happens when you write AU?)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, yes I do. I feel like it's fairly vanilla. I used to mark everything rated M before I was informed that perhaps I've been writing E smut without realizing it lmao. So now I rate new fics with smut as E.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't ever posted any crossovers, but I did start one that was a Legacies/The Runaways crossover because of an idea that seriously amused me, but once I wrote the premise I got bored and stopped lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not a whole fic but back in my FF days someone took a Halloween Party chapter (wow I write those a lot actually, I'm not even a Halloween party girlie) and used it as a flashback on their Wattpad fic and someone kindly let me know and I had to message them to take it down.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Yes! I had a few fics back on FF.net that were translated into French :) but the deal was that I wanted to post them because I wasn't comfy with someone else doing the posting of my ideas. And now I typically turn down offers of translation just because I'm less comfy with it now then I was when I was younger.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
I haven't, but I'd be open to doing so if it was for an idea I felt like me and the other author(s) were really vibing with!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
Impossible question. Whichever ship I'm currently obsessing over is my all-time favorite. Which would be Shadowzel rn. But probably in a few years I'll feel differently lol. I strongly feel that all the ships I've ever shipped are the best ever and I cannot choose a favorite.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Sooo many. I have a ton of Choni WIPs that I never finished, including one that got to like 20-30k words but just sits all dusty in its word folder. I once started a Part 3 to my Clexa travel fic (Come With Me linked earlier) that I couldn't get into but the vision was soooo cute. I also started a Part 3 to my Choni travel fic which also had a great vision but I'm just not as into Choni anymore so it feels hard to go back to now.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm good at dialogue and characterization, those are my favorite parts of my own writing at least!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
Dude. I apparently cannot get enough of adverbs. I have to prune so many when I'm editing fics. Ugh. And I have some repetitive phrases that I also end up having to prune out.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I've done it before with google translate and made modifications when people who spoke those languages corrected me haha. But it's not something I do often just because it hasn't really been super relevant to most of what I write.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Glee. It was Glee. I was 13. We don't need to talk about it.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
My favorite?!!? It's always my latest fic, I pretty much always feel like the latest thing I'm working on is the best and so it's my favorite right now for sure. And that would be Reignited (Shadowzel).
Anyone who sees this and wants to participate, feel free to copy the questions, I know this is a tagging game but I don't do that kind of thing, I just saw these questions in another post and felt like talking about my fanfic lmfao.
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evilpenguinrika · 5 months
Hosie Fankids: 2nd Iteration
I love making fankids I can't help it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This could be considered an AU to my main canon Hosie Fankids. Like, don't get me wrong. I LOVE how much I've developed Lana, Hayley, Jay, and Leo and I will continue to write their stories. But I also like the idea of exploring other avenues for my Hosie fankids, and that being "what if Hope and Josie only had twin boys instead". So ta-da, the 2nd iteration of my Hosie fankids that exists in their own little universe away from my main Hosie fankids canon.
You can read the first iteration Hosie fankids here
(note: Josie was the one who carried the twins!
second note: i'll try and see if I can't find some time and spoons to do a quick character design sketch for the 2nd iteration Hosie fankids as well!
edit: now with pictures!)
Elijah “Eli” Lukas Mikaelson (15) is the son of Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltzman, and the twin brother of Auggie. He takes after his Mom Hope because he’s more aloof and builds up heavy walls between him and anyone who is not family. He keeps to himself and prefers to observe other people than interact with them. He tends to go lone wolf a lot, doing his own thing and never bothers to let anyone know what he’s doing.
Eli is fiercely protective of his family to the point of it being near possessive. He hates when unfamiliar people interact with his family because he’s scared they will hurt the people he cares about. He’s also overbearingly protective with it comes to Auggie and his relationships because his twin wears his heart on his sleeve and willingly gives it away to whoever he’s with–which makes it easy for Auggie to be heartbroken. He hates seeing his twin brother hurt all the time, so anytime Auggie’s with someone new, Eli will hover around his twin or secretly threaten his brother’s new beau to treat him right or else.
The forest is his favourite place to go when he wants to clear his head and be attuned to his senses. He loves the smell of the woods and the way the soil dips beneath his weight. Eli especially loves going to the forest after it rains because the smell of wet soil always grounds him when he becomes too overwhelmed and oversensitive to things happening around him. Eli is also a huge bookworm and loves getting lost in the stories he reads. He dreamed of becoming a fantasy author when he was younger and has written a few stories–mostly short stories–and has entered them in a couple of story contests and won a couple of them.
Eli is a Tribrid, just like his Mom Hope. He’s not great at magic but he’s also not terrible, though he will sometimes avoid using it if possible. Eli feels more comfortable with his werewolf abilities despite having never activated his curse yet. Eli doesn’t have plans to actively do that since it does mean he has to take a life. He’s content if he never activates his curse or not.
Aside from that, Eli is a pretty good fighter from being trained by both his Mom and Grandpa Alaric. Eli has even taken a few martial classes after school. His fighting style is a mix of MMA, Kickboxing, Kung Fu, and Muay Thai. He can also fight with weapons, but he prefers not to because they often get in the way when he’s in the zone of battle, preferring to use his body as a weapon than anything else.
When he and Auggie were ten, Eli got kidnapped by a group of people who were after their Mom. They were trying to grab both twins, but Eli used magic to shield Auggie away so he ended up being the only hostage. Eli did his best to fight back and survive until his Mom and Momma found him. This event affected him badly and it’s the main reason why he’s distrustful of other people and so possessively protective of his family.
He and Auggie are aware of the Merge and are trying their best not to think about it–they’ve mostly compartmentalized it until they need to worry about it. Their Mom Hope and Momma Josie have been doing their best to figure out a way to stop the Merge without either of them becoming a Heretic or vampire.
[Physical description: 5’9” short dark chestnut brown hair and blue eyes]
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Augustus “Auggie” Joseph Mikaelson (15) is the son of Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltzman, and the twin brother of Eli. Auggie is more gregarious and the life of the party. He’s popular with everyone in school, not because of who his family is, but just because he’s an all-around awesome guy. He’s also a bit of a mischievous goof and loves a good prank or two. But other than that, Auggie is always the guy people go to when they need help.
Auggie is protective of his family, especially his twin, and always does his best to include Eli in anything even though he knows Eli will turn him down. He’s always worried about Eli because of how recluse he can get. But he also knows it’s because his twin prefers to be alone or with familiar people, and that’s fine! Auggie appreciates Eli a lot and will do whatever to protect him because of all the times Eli has comforted him after every heartbreak, Auggie feels like he owes it to Eli to give back.
He’s a huge nerd. The biggest, dorkiest nerd in existence. Auggie is in the school’s LARP and tabletop RPG club. He’s mostly the DM because he likes to be the one who tells the story and watches his club members have fun. He’s also in the theatre club but as crew. Despite being so beloved and enjoying the attention, he loves being the one who supports others a lot more. He finds way more joy in letting others shine through than taking their spotlight.
Auggie is a Tribrid, just like his Mom Hope, and a Siphoner like his Momma Josie. He loves magic, loves using magic, and loves being a Siphoner because it allows him to challenge himself. He will carry a manageable supply of small trinkets with magical essence stored inside so he can siphon if he finds himself in battle and is alone. He has an affinity for Elemental magic and Ancestral magic. Auggie avoids using Dark Magic if possible, mainly because he’s scared about what will happen to him if he does. When he has no choice and uses Dark Magic, he will secretly put all the negative side effects into a small coin that his Great-Aunt Freya gave him. Nobody knows about this except Eli. He has no plans on triggering his werewolf curse as he doesn’t like the idea of taking a life to do so, nor does he have plans to become a Heretic.
He’s not great at hand-to-hand combat, not like his twin brother, though his werewolf abilities do help him with his quick reflexes. But overall, he prefers to be long-distance when he’s in battle so he can have time to think about alternatives or find exits he can go to if he feels like he’s unable to win.
When he and Eli were ten, Auggie watched Eli be kidnapped by a group of people who were after their Mom. They were trying to grab both twins but Eli used magic to shield Auggie away from danger. Auggie was so distraught that when he ran back to his Mom and Momma for help, he was completely inconsolable. He had to be looked after at his Aunt Lizzie, Uncle MG and Uncle Ethan’s place while his Mom and Momma went to save Eli. When they came back with his twin in tow, Auggie refused to leave Eli’s side. This event is the reason why Auggie feels like he has to pay his twin back for protecting him.
He and Eli are aware of the Merge and are trying their best not to think about it–they’ve mostly compartmentalized it until they need to worry about it. Their Mom Hope and Momma Josie have been doing their best to figure out a way to stop the Merge without either of them becoming a Heretic or vampire.
[Physical description: 5’6.5”, shaggy cinnamon brown hair and brown eyes]
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linkspooky · 2 years
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Choujin X, Chapter 34 Part 4 Thoughts.
A lot happened and not only was this chapter the climactic end of a major arc, it also seems to be a major turning point in the story especially in regards to Tokio's character and what is coming next for him. Thoughts and predictions underneath the cut.
1. The Other Brother
Perhaps the biggest reveal this chapter was the face behind the Noh Mask, and as usual for Ishida he actually foreshadowed this reveal long in advance. Now let's play everyone's favorite game of spot the foreshadowing. It started with Batista taking a special interest in Azama when he was previously targeting Tokio as the Beast Choujin.
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A few chapters later Sendak mentions his reasons for taking an interest in Azama and even councilling him about his habit of losing control and his emotional outbursts is because he resembles his younger brother who fell away from him.
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One more thing of note before moving on, while several key characters constantly note how much potential that Tokio has as the beast Choujin, and take an interest in him as someone who has the potential to change the world, it's mentioned over and over again that Azama's powers despite taking a long time to awaken and being hard for him to control aren't really anything special.
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After being shown taken an interest in him a the end of Azama and Tokio's fight, Batista then goes out of his way once again to spare Azama and bring him along despite the fact he knows that his choujin ability doesn't really stand out in any way.
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He even goes out of his way to ask for the power of the iron choujin and Ely, and is fine with only getting Azama. Whether he was going to just take Azama's powers from him with what his usual method seems to be (my guess is sewing other people's body parts onto himself considering his face and arm) or actually try to mentor Azama is unknown but he's expressed the same interest in him over and over again other characters have not.
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We know nothing of Sendak and Batista's conflict as brothers, however, there is a ton of foreshadowing for the rift that's already begun to form between Azama and Tokio growing wider as the story progresses Just from the nature of the difference between Hosi and Sendak's powers, Sendak's choujin ability seems to be at the peak of strength a Choujin can have. Whereas, Batista as the "chimera" either doesn't have a choujin ability of his own and gains his powers by stealing the body parts of others and grafting them to him, or his power wasn't strong enough to ever face Sendak's which made him resort to alternative means. Or a third option his Choujin ability only works by gaining the powers from body parts of other people he grafts onto himself, he has no natural ability of his own just stolen ones.
This is also the center of the conflict between Azama and Tokio. Tokio is blessed with insane and unique power, and a potential that has everyone targetting him, and he doesn't want it, and doesn't want to decide how to use it either.
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From the moment their powers awakened, Azama who was used to practically being the "hero" of their friendship got slotted into a secondary position. At first Azama didn't experience any change at all and thought he remained a normal person whereas Tokio gained powers and saved him.
Then, even after Azama's powers finally awaken, not only do people constantly comment on how his powers are no good if he loses control of them with emotional outbursts and hurts people which is directly against his self image and ideal of using his powers to help people, but he also despite finally awakening as a choujin is shown time and time again his potential is way less than Tokio's, and everyone is interested in Tokio as some kind of chosen one as he's passed aside.
If the relationship between Azama and Tokio is set to parallel Sandek and Batista then they probably suffered from a similiar fallout, Batista's older brother was one of the strongest choujin in a generation, whereas Batista's chosen method of getting strong was done most likely by stealing from others.
2. The Parting of Ways
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The second biggest game-changer this chapter is Tokio's announcement that he is dropping out of school. Considering Azama, Ely and Tokio all attend school together this also probably means that Tokio's reason for quitting is to seperate himself from both of them so he can devote all of himself full time to being a Choujin.
Ishida has a tendency to reuse ideas from his previous works, and Tokio in many ways parallels Kaneki Ken, both of them being reluctant chosen ones, who were granted a great power mostly by mistake. This moment parallels Kaneki's decision at the end of the Aogiri arc in the original Tokyo Ghoul after being kidnapped and seeing Anteiku go to great lengths to try to bring him back, making the decision to not go home with them and instead go off on his own to try to get stronger. He even says it overlooking a body of water similiarly to Tokio.
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There's not just the Tokyo Ghoul parallel however, Tokio's seperation from Azama and Ely is set up within the story itself. Number one, the whole island arc in general has the setup of a shonen training arc with a twist. In regular shonen manga the trio of Azama, Ely and Tokio would train together, get stronger and then have their friendship solidified. Not only does none of the training any of the characters do pay off (they all just get captured anyway), but the already rocky friendship of Azama and Tokio seems like it's heading towards a seperation rather than bringing them closer together the island arc has even further driven them apart.
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Just when they were getting along and both training together as Choujin, Tokio's premonition that Azama would blame him for the destruction of Yamato, and their argument on whether or not Tokio should accept the divine mark only showed the issues of their friendship are still there despite their temporary truce.
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Not only that, but Tokio's newfound resolve to be strong enough to stop Azama if he goes out of control again was incredibly shaky to begin with. Almost immediately, an outsider is able to point out the flaw in his logic. That if he ties himself to Azama like that his self esteem isn't going to get any better, and he should find his own reason to fight rather than using someone else as an excuse.
On top of that Tokio is referred to as being shackled to Azama, because of his habit of constantly comparing himself to others, and wanting to be more like others rather than developing himself. His big moment of character development in this arc however comes from choosing to fly. Something he cannot do if he is shackled as flight = freedom.
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I did a previous meta on how Tokio's indecisiveness is a sign that unlike the two other members of his group, Ely and Azama who have pretty opposite ideals but have their motivations figured out, Tokio is someone who could go either way on Ely's path, or on Azama's.
In an interesting twist Tokio has taken a third option, rather than becoming closer to Ely or Azama he has made the decision to separate himself from both of them (or at least I'm guessing that is what's going to happen next). If you consider the traumatic series of events Tokio has just been through, this decision makes sense from his perspective. To begin with this training arc was a total loss for all of them, Ely, Azama and Tokio make significant breakthroughs in developing their abilities but it doesn't matter they still get their asses kicked hard.
Tokio is made helpless, kidnapped and dragged into an unsafe environment. Not only that he's reminded how because of his helplessness he couldn't do anything to help Azama or Ely who were kidnapped alongside him. He also learns right away that due to being the beast Choujin, he was the reason the entire island was targetted and Ely and Azama were put in danger. You know just to sprinkle some extra guilt and self-blame on top of the cake.
Tokio reaches a pretty major breakthrough where he realizes instead of worrying about everything, he has to just take a leap of faith and fly (This is a spiderverse reference btw) only to hear the prophecy of the Beast Choujin and to have all of this responsibility and destiny suddenly shunted onto his shoulders and his response is just to revert to his previous indecisiveness.
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Not only does his indecision cause all of his friends to get attacked once more, but even going berserk and using his choujin power to the absolute limit of his abilities, Tokio is completely useless in the fight once more.
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Tokio witnesses his friends being crushed to death, goes berserk, and it barely makes a difference in the fight. Yes, he is rescued by Sandek shortly afterwards, but Sandeks rescue reminds Tokio that despite being a chosen and being told by the people around him of his potential just how far he actually has to go in terms of mastering his power. He's shown strength on a completely different level from him.
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When he is finally rescued too, he is told to sit on a beach and wait, while a bloody battle is fought right in front of him, and his rescue comes at the expense of several choujin offering their lives.
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All the while Azama, Ely and Tokio are told to sit and wait because they'd be no help in the fight. Considering all of these circumstances, it's understandable that not only would Tokio blame himself for a lot of this by being so weak and indecisive of a person he needed to be rescued in the first place instead of being able to fight his way out of that situation, but he'd also think the only way to get stronger was to go off on his own and prove he could get stronger without relying on others. To become the kind of person who wouldn't need to be rescued so this kind of situation would never repeat itself again.
If you consider the survivor's guilt associated from surviving a long battle where you were mostly helpless, and even the cause of the battle needing to be fought in the first place, it would make sense Tokio would blame himself and think the only way to move forward is to be strong on his own. Which is why we see at the end of this arc, our three types of heroes, on three different paths, are probably going to drift even further away from each other rather than coming together.
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uncleasad · 3 months
Reading the (cliffhanger!) reveal of The Merge in jmozden11’s Friends Don't Look At Friends That Way this morning, I was randomly taken by the fact that we don’t really see any “far-future” Hosie fics. By which I mean fics that look at the lives of our favorite characters 100 or so years in the future post-canon(ish), when all the non-vampires now in their lives are long-dead.
(There’s the great When the Darkness Consumes You from poppyseed_x that I remembered this afternoon. Probably one or two more I’ve forgotten, but dunno if this genre exists generally or not…)
So, naturally, my brain then proceeded to start spinning a world and an end-of-canon(ish) scenario for getting to that world…Hope’s humanity didn’t get turned back on, The Merge happened, and Josie…well, let’s say it’s been a lonely century for Josie 😢
(In this general area, I also have my Post-Apocalyptic Hosie idea, though it is slightly more apocalypse AU than what I have in mind for far-future fics.)
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ateawithoney · 2 years
my diehard ships: in descending order of how canon they are
Laszlo & Nadja: (idk their ship name lol) married and endlessly horny and in love with each other, pls don’t ever change this relationship
Vauseman: Dated in the past and their whole love affair is a huge part of the show. They part ways in the end but Piper bucks up and moves to Ohio just to be with Alex so still canon and hopefully real married when Alex gets out
Janason: Had an on and off relationship due to Jason being rebooted hundreds of times but Janet always retained feelings for him. They eventually find each other again through the course of the series and finally get to spend endless bearimies together til Jason walked through the door 😭 Still in love til the end but it’s so sweet and sad
Harlivy: Literally is canon in the comics, was heavily implied since the 90s, also implied in other assorted animated medias, kinda only noticed as “canon” recently cause of the HQS (which I love) but it’s unfortunate people wouldn’t believe me till that episode and season came out. In media where they’re not together though they were either exes or I choose to believe they have a past together :)
BBRae: Depends on the universe whether they’re together or not but for the most part they’re dating or have mutal crushes on each other. If not, I choose to ship in any universe lol
Zadison: Had a canon threesome but should’ve been properly developed more as a relationship but Ryan Murphy hates sapphics >:((
Jori: Bade was the main ship throughout the run but if they were ever to reboot it, Jori would have to be canon now. Cause as we all rewatch it, we understand it was Jori all along.
Gelphie: Similar to Jori in we all thought it was the straight ship but you rewatch it and think, wait a minute..these bitches gay. Ofc you’re wrong but in my HEAD they ran off together
Hizzie: For a hot second, I legit thought these two were gonna be canon. I know it’s Hosie forever but like after Kaylee left, the development between these two took a weird turn and Lizzie kept rejecting MG and going to Hope. Plus their already established frenemy relationship and past episode developments focused on their friendship like..why didn’t this happen?
Amedot: I thought this was gonna happen back in 2016/17 because of weird subtext we got but that was probably just wishful thinking. My thoughts on it were “I know nothing is going to happen but I think there’s a less than 1% chance for something, or at least for subtext”. But then Lapidot took over the fandom so I was wrong lol. Ofc neither ship actually became canon and Peri was revealed to be an intended aro/ace, which slowed down some shipping but not all of it ofc. Side note: the artist who “confirmed” ace/aro peri also ships amedot sooo.. I guess you’re good in that aspect? Anyways, now I do still ship it but mostly nostalgically and I think prime 2016 amedot was the best.
Cassunzel: I like this purely hypothetically but I do think they had a canon crush on each other in the show which is gone by the ending but it’s only real in my heart ❤️
Reiusa: Literally never gonna happen but I like the what if of them together in the future and co-parenting Chibiusa while still giving jabs at each other and the whole Rei cares about Usagi more than she lets on. I’m wrong but it’s nice to dream
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floripire · 1 year
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@founderscouncil's jed is a big one, considering i came up with flori after reading about one of ace's wanted plots. i also like @d3adthings' pj and flori together because i think they'd be great. also, @ofvalor and i made flosie a thing - josie and flori - and i love everything about them. there is also @fatecrafted's werewolf, sylas priestly, who i love. sweet werewolf himbo who comes from a huge pack and has a lot on his shoulders. @loetise's allie is also someone that i very much adore and consider an otp for flori. platonically, flori loves the anti squad (mia, loren, faith) so fucking much. she'd fight, die and kill for them. they are her family. they're my platonic otp for sure.
flori's in her late teens, early to mid twenties. so i would prefer to ship with muses in that same age range.
when the clothes come off and stuff below the belt gets mentioned. i may rb nsfw posts on here but i mostly write it out on discord.
sorta kinda? i mean, ideally i would love for our muses to have chemistry but truthfully? if you're okay with it, i'm okay with it. so long as we keep each other in the loop about it. i've said it before and i'll say it again: i'm here to write and have a good time and i would like that to be the case for both/all of us.
bear in mind, this is me throwing characters out there that i would think go well with flori - this is not me saying this should happen asap: - xavier thorpe - scott mccall - kira yukimura - maybe even liam dunbar - tory from cobra kai - hawk from cobra kai - michelle jones-watson - mcu!peter parker - mcu!harley keener - across the spiderverse's hobie brown - any of the 1996!yellowjackets ladies - olive stone - season 4!cal stone - tj morrison - apollo burns - juan ruiz - tilda weber - jack morton - alyssa drake - lilith bathory - hamish duke - randall carpio - tally craven - abigail bellweather - scylla ramshorn - raelle collar - your oc(s) and i am forever patiently waiting for the day where someone picks up colton gobbo as a fc so we can ship together lmao. look at how he looks at her in the gif.
just let me know that you'd like a ship and we can get the ball rolling. see #4 for more information.
i'm ship obsessed! not just about my own but about your ships as well. if we're mutuals and you've got a ship going? chances are i will ask about them. prompted, unprompted. i will love them as much as you do, i can assure you that.
heck yeah!
tvd: bonnie x happiness, first and foremost because bonnie's my girl. bonora has always intrigued me. klaroline seems fun. steroline. forwood. i've also read a couple of tylena fics here and there. i could see bonnie x elena x caroline. also bonnie x caroline. i haven't read as much bonnie x elena stuff yet, i don't think. to: i've always been a huge fan of gia x elijah and i will mourn the fact that they weren't endgame forever. i also ship @witchfirst and @savagevillain's characters together. legacies: i shipped emma x alaric for a minute before i jumped ship to dorian x emma who are, imho, superior. when it comes to the students, these are my ships: josie x rafael, mizzie, mizziethan, hosie, hafael, handon (as written out on the dash by my mutuals, specifically because i'm not as much of a fan of them in the show), handosie (forever mourning the fact that they did not go there), i'd be cool with hizzie too. cleo x kaleb. kaleb x jed. i shipped both kaleb x alyssa and jed x alyssa. and also kaleb x alyssa x jed. i was also - and mind you, this was way before cleo was even introduced - a big lizzie x kaleb stan. josie x jed is also adorable. idk if jed x lizzie was ever a thing but i'm putting them on the list also. jed x hope. cleo x hope. ethan x hope. hope x maya. i wanted more for finsie to be honest. brock x wade has always been a beloved crackship of mine; they never talked in the show but in my head, they are in love. dana x sasha x connor; sasha x connor; dana x connor; dana x sasha.
stolen from @witchwrld & @seesgood
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ofvalor · 2 years
[  WALL  ]  *  your muse pins my muse against the closest wall. - batb!hosie + reverse
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The growl happens first, low and deep in her chest. Her anger flares before she can control it, tamp it down to just a low simmer. It's the first time she's been this angry around Josie - trying to make it obvious that she's not the monster they all say she is. And yet. Her fists tighten, her scarred face grows hot, and she can feel the fangs in her mouth breaking through the gums - leaving a metallic taste on the back of her tongue.
In reality, this was another normal day for her. This elevated anger, this rage was something she had grown to live with, to give into it and let it overtake her until it fizzled out long enough for her to crawl into bed and start the day over.
And she'd been so good.
Until the little witch kept pushing at her buttons. Hope bared her teeth through the growl, opening her mouth in warning. Before she could register what her body was doing, the woman was thrown into the stone wall, Hope's claws digging into it and scraping next to her head. With the beast overtaking her senses, she couldn't form words. Thoughts were few and far between as she panted against her, each breath a ragged growl.
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brionysea · 4 years
excuse me while i scream
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hosiess · 3 years
kaylee comparing handon to stelena and hosie to delena, they are not even trying to be subtle anymore jdjskdjdj
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I need y'all to promise not to be feral about benjed, we gotta be cool, we gotta be so cool about this
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filibusterphil · 3 years
Okay yeah I ship Hosie but I like Finch very much and I fully support Josie and Finch. Maybe people need to stop being so up their asses about Hosie (which frankly may never happen the way the writers are so goddamn “endgame” about Hope and Landon) and allow Josie to date other people. I’m sad that they sent Jade away for no reason, I liked her and Josie and now I like Finch and Josie. Some Hosie shippers really do too much and don’t seem to just want Josie to be happy in whatever actual relationship she’s in if it’s not Hosie. I just want her to be happy and queer whether that’s with Hope or not.
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pinkhysteria · 3 years
those people are talking about “mourning” as though someone died 🥴
they needed to have this “omg they’re not doing it :(” breakdown a handful of episodes back when they put hosie in timeout and everyone with a brain could see what was happening. instead they let the three amigos of stupidity tell them hosie 3b was happening based on absolutely nothing in 3a and harassed other stans on account of that made up reality. now it’s “this genuinely hurts so fucking much i can’t believe this??” well, i can! 🤣
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evilpenguinrika · 5 months
Help me pick which Hosie Candela Obscura AU idea to write because the brain bees refuse to let me pick just one
Summary of ideas:
Hope and Josie are from different Candela circles but are brought together to form a new circle (with a few others) to go on an assignment to figure out why there has been a leak in magick, and to deal with whoever or whatever is responsible for it.
Josie and her circle are tasked with hunting down Hope–someone who has been giving Candela Obscura trouble for as long as they can remember. They encounter Hope but things do not go well as most of Josie’s circle end up incapacitated when trying to subdue Hope.
Hope and Josie are from different Candela circles. Josie’s circle is tasked with investigating what happened to Hope’s circle after an assignment they were on goes wrong. Josie finds Hope–the sole survivor of her circle, and discovers that Hope killed the others.
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josettessaltzman · 4 years
hosies leaving the fandom after today be like being a clown, 1..2..3 times okay but the entire show is a bit too much...
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uncleasad · 1 month
It occurred to me today that I’m essentially at the point where I can start putting out chapters of this fic (at over 10K words already, I won’t post it as a one-shot). I’m a few, mostly short, scenes from the end, and there really isn’t anything in the beginning I feel like might still change or that has changed in quite some time (I did add something to the early exposition tonight, but it was simply an inside joke and the story could have gone fine without it)…
…Except for the scene with Cleo’s bad/ambiguous advice to Josie. I still have my doubts as to whether it makes sense properly, or if readers are going to go ‘WTF, how/why did that happen?!’
I don’t typically have a beta reader (mostly I’m really writing for myself, and I don’t usually have doubts about whether I’m making enough sense 😂)…but I wonder if maybe some of the other members of the tumblr Hosie Writers Group might be willing to take a look at that scene and let me know if it seems confusing/disjointed?
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glowinggayalien · 5 years
The fact that legacies hasn’t taken advantage of TVDs classic “siblings in love with the same person love triangle” trope with Hope Josie and Lizzie is a blasphemous! If they don’t go down that road eventually, it’ll be SUCH a wasted opportunity.
P.s this season has been so straight, like remember when Julie was like we’re gonna have a brother and sister both crushing in Hope but all we’ve gotten is Ethan flirting and Maya being around sometimes.
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